mm ta Local Department. BELLEFONTE, PA. Wednesday Morning, January 27 WII ~ os a —— Tur Drug Store of F. P. Green will be removed, April 1st, 1869, from Brocker- hoff’s row, to the new Hotel of Bush & MeLaio, over the creck. Jan, 20uf. hE IsvormMation Wasnrsp.—If Mr. Wm. Coyle, father of Theophilus Coyle, will oall at the office of the Rrrunricax he can obtain information of importance to him. Jons Mituer, of Curtin township, was severely out, accidentally, on Hays Run, on Monday of last week, while engaged ia pee'ing logs. The axe of David Wag- ner, a comrade, flew off the handle and struck bim on the knee, culling it open and making a very severe and painful wourd He under the carsof Dr. Hensyl, of Howard and, is doing well. New Baxeny.— The attention of our readers is ealled to the advertisement of 8 J McDowel's New Bakery and Eating House. Mr Mec —bakes excellent bread cakes and pies. He bas Wheat bread, Rye bread and bread of all kinds and in every For oysters fine and fresh cooked style. Be sure to cell andsee him. further information sce advertisement Carsrr.—We presented last week with a superior article of Tomato We say were Carsur, by C. W. Lambert Esq. superior article because it surpasscs anything of the kind we have ever seen It or purchased at any of the stores, prepared by Mrs. Leah Lambert at the | Sunny Side Garder near Roopsburg, Pa For sale hy Mr. C. W. sale or retail. others would do well to make a note this. Later. —Qur substantial and ase- commodating friend A. Sussman sdver tises a large lot of leather for sale. It Mr business man and We bought is good and chesp. first class an old citizen of Centre county. goods from him twenty-three years ago Found him right then and have never known him tojdepart from strict business | hones'y in his dealings with customers Give him a call. See advertisement, Mskr Marker. -Mr. B. V. Black, as | will be seen by our advertising columns, continues to sell, at the old meet market, on Bishop street, fine and tender be mutton, 88 reas ble as can be done in this market, Mr. Black is a gentleman in every senses of the word, attends to business closely, and pork, veal, &e. &c, is kind and obliging to customers. For | his benefit, if for no other hope the mest eaters will incr reason, ease in our borough. PF tising columns will be found, Ge Hamme, M. D.—<In ouradver this week, F. Har- although & young man, is the Professional card of Dr. G The Dr, the krowledge of ris. old in his profession, bas been exceedingly lucky in his prae tice, and has, therefore, gained for him- reif a reputation and 8 vame that men grey We wish bim success, who bave grown in the Profes sion, might envy and kope that be may continue to curs | is he invalid corps” all the pains and aches that flesh o, until the whole comes an army of sound, robust, able bodied and vigorous men and wom en Te « yor Crpa —Y exchanges that transy . pi ; ents for the uban y sail from Maorip Mel arrry keeps conetantly on hand a of bo Tery stock ts and f him. See adverts Terzoman — With plessure we call the attention of our resder to the Prospee- tus of the Harrisburg Weekly and Daily Telegraph. We agree with Mr. Bergner, when be asseria that every person should support their that, if they desire a paper published in cities, it is right and proper they should take it. The Daily Telegroph is a most excellent paper, containing all their is of interest of the proceedings of Congress and the State Legislature. It is a sound Republican paper, and advocates, with energy and ability, the dootrine of Pro- own county paper, after tection to American Industry, and “equal | snd exact justice to all men.” We ree omend it to our readers. See Prospeetus Ecas.—We understand that our bighly esteemed friend, Joseph Baker, Esq. of Linden Hall, this county, was in town on Tuesday, having brought with him to market 16 doz. of eggs. The Squire must feed his hens sand, lime and a little oil cake or mest, or they would not lay in winter. How is it Mr. Baker? We wish we knew some way by which we could induce all the Republicans and honest Democrats in Harris tp. to shell out and subscribe for the Republican. If buying wood and coal burnt Lime from J. BR. & G. T. Alexander, of the Bunny Side “Limo Kiln would have any effect, we would purchase their whole suppiy be- fore night. We know the subseribers wo: Id be good, and we know equally well that the Messrs. Alexander's Lime is a good article and hard to beat, Cows asp Catvis —We learn from our exchavges that there was more an tiviry in the New York Market within the last few days in regard to prices of enitle and especially cows and calves, Sales of Springers at $40 10 $65. and cows aud calves at . 50 to 885. This is reliable news. Farmers of Centre tvink of it, One cow and calf will pay all your tases twice over. By the way, spesking of esttle, re- miuds us that our very clever friend J M. Morgan at his meat market cn the Diamond is doing all in his power to roish bis customers with the best seal the market will afford, and as low 3 wiblo. is | Lambert whole- | lestaurant keepers and | of Sussman is a | , | must g down to be superceded by Pun a ———. - Wear Inia Istaxps.—We are inform- ed that Secretary Sxwanp has submitted to the U, 8. Senate, the correspondence in the negotiations for the purchase, by the United States, of the Danish Wost India Islands. Secretary Szwarp, it would seem, has a mania for scquring territory. He wants the American Eagle to spread himself, and civilization to ben- efit the whole world. Szwarp used to be right, but—well, no matter now, In win & Witson, of Hardware notoriety, are always right, and always to be found at the sign of the ‘ Big Anvil." Let Sewanrp buy Territory and Inwix & Wir. sox supply the country with Hardware, Stoves, &e., &¢, We have no objections Tne New Jain —The Watchman boasts of our new jail, and says it is the best jail in the country and has fewer prison. ers, than any jail in the State, We can tell the Watchman the cause. In the first place, our Democratic Commission- ers made the tax payers come down with the stamps in the shape of taxes to the tune of about $60,000 to build it. Good the fax They had { no business to vote for Democratic Com- for payers we say, | missioners, umm orb cials the press and the people alike seem to think, that, when they have buried him and left him, there is nothing else that requires either attention or action. So far ns he is concerned there naught that can affect him, but unless an example be ade of those, if any, who are guilty of such gross and fatal care lessness, other lives must, in time, be lost in similar ways. If the Railroad companies do not eanse strict inquiries to be made in such cases and either Cemonstrate that their employ ees are innocent, or that they bave taken measures to yjunish and prevent such wanton neglect, they will earn and re- ceive, justly, the condemnation of all right-minded men, and get only such patronage as the public necessities com- pel people to afford them. Our Western Letter. Cuicaao, Jan. 28, 1869, Dear Rerunricas: Please don’t accuse me of undue familiarity, on short acquain- tance, for I like you, and that's why I address you ss dear Rerunricas, It is] a clear case of love at firs: sight, for | have only seen you once. I like you be We account for the fact of the small | number of prisoners in it in this wise | The people ave ki! Becoming intelligent, have concluded to vote the Republican | | ticket. and to buy their Boots and Shoes | | from Graham & Son, st the Bellefonte | Shoe Store. Put a pair of Graham and Son's boots or shoes upon the feet of every man in Centre county, and then induce him to leave the Demoeratic par- | ty, as at present organized, and we will wager the price of a good pair of Calf { Boots to be mads by Grabam snd Son, | that he won't steal and will feel vo good It 18 a sure way to empty the jail and re- Try it { that he could not steal if he would form society. The theives will be all non eat. Mrsicar Coxvesmion.-A Musical Con | veation will be held in the German Re | formed Church at Jacksonville, commenae ing this (Wednesday) evening, to con- | tinue Thursday and Friday, and close { with a Concert on Saturday night, in the | | Presbyterian Church. We hope all the | , of good morals and | | christianity, will make it their business | to attend. The proceeds are to be ap | friends of the ebureh | { i | plied to the church, Since writing the above, we have learn- | { " {ed from the Democratic W ttchmar, that | | No 4 the Protestant religion is a failure. apd | v { theism or same other ism that will be | | more suitable to the character, taste and habits of the present infidel Skom cratic { party. If the Warchman is correct, what | is the nse of ristian friends * Protestant working to advance the cause wr oc | the formed and we | { churches, { of Christianity and { thiscon tard thro Thank God | ure, notwithetan oe world? , Protestantism is not a fail ling the erazy ravir o Therefore, ne of infidel and rebel writers let the Convention on, and again son who can pe a grand There is so much of a. bly May it} Tw the sou in the folluwing ver ane sch that will be intereiting to every mothers heart, and yet so much that tells of the bard fare of poor little | motheriess children everywhere, that we | cannot refrain from printing ir, with the 1 praver that all in ay lock after the father less, the widow and the orphan, know Ged d ng, as we do, tha es { help them tle fa or. ttle feet, sely entwining, Kisses tn meet, ble, the wall, ie pestied, riddle of joy reown darlings, each dear Three litt faces Little, bare, unwashed feet, fe tear stained ob zi ted Shrmymgiy tunidly stealing, est hlowa In terror, ihey meet Bare d*v bread on the table { I. hard bench by the wall iors blanket, ily cover them sil, un each litt'e brow; Etraw, and a seaniy, Theat wit No kisses t {| God pity now.’ har night Tux Emporium Independent, after copy { | | | ing our article, [Jas. A Parres, killed on the Railroad | near Lock Haven, says: | “The above which we elip from the | | Bellefonte Republican is worthy the atten | tion of the authorities of Clinton county { That somebody is to blame, there is not { 8 shadow of doubt, and such biunderning | #hould vot go unrebuked, and unpunish jed. Havieg wade some inquiries con- cerning this matter, we learn that the un- | fortunate brakeman met the Mail Train | somed or 4} miles east from his own train, and that there was no siding where trains could pase, between the two trains approaching each other. For what con- | eeivable purpose could they both be going forward, in that locality, as one ‘or the other would be compelled to byek up to a switch or siding. before they could pass each other?! If any calamity ever | demanded a thorough examination, we elsim that this one does. May we soon hear that the suthorities of Clinton county do not wink at such wanton care. Jesanens in the destroying of human ifs." We have not learned of any action hav- ing been taken by either the authorities of Clinton county, or the Railroad off. cials, in the matter. No explanation of the causes of the calamity has been vouchsafed by the company fo the pud- lie, so far as we can learn, We do not even know whether any inquest was held, or any inquiry made into the facts re- lating to the oceurrence, Bo far as we have observed, the press of Clinton county have been as silent as the company, and it is highly probable that the same employees who, by negli. gence, took the Tife of this man, are still daily sotrusted with the lives of hun dreds of others. Had this brakeman been tise son of for. tune instead of a Iaboring man, earning his living by hard work, no doubt we should bava had eslomns of discussions and inquiries into the accident thst took | printed { mountaing and plains, you { dom : | believe it, 1 was a little boy once! { ry the papers’ | guess I won't. | lines for you | thing » lid I ain't i there a man, vpity and | f nal is {gan s iw and help them! They remotherioss | s ; | beneath the ground, about which be has | i noticing the death of | cause you are a nea , clean looking she t Such white paper, clear type, and so well When I opened you, after bav travelled hundreds of miles Ing over | smelled no | fresh. There was just one breath of | pure, sweet mountain air confined a | your fo.ds, and I caught it. Yeu were nicely sprinkled with clear spring water | before you were printed, and as I sat be- | fore the fire reading, steam arose from | you, and in it I saw that great spring | from which that water came, and I fan cied I heard the thud of that water wheel, the vid wheel, you know, just down be- neath the hil. I like you because you have espoused the cause of human free because you are the champion of “equal and exact justice to all men” because you honor the men who saved the country—the men who fought for th Stand by your principles, | old flag! | stand by the nation’s defenders, and you | will not lack friends, for old Centre has regiments of heroes, aod they will stand by You i I wish I were a little boy, Would you | iri | were a little boy egam, I would like t | y og { take two bundred copies of you and “car- | to your patrons, I could { do it and not go amiss, for | cou'd name most of your patrons ip Bellefonte, but, But 1 can’t carry papers now, and must content myself with scribbling a few Don't say that my letter i in too gossipy, and don't conten any- I a “heavy weight,” | know Old Brains will do the “beavy a wel y put me down asamong the ‘light weights If Ifnilto “come kick me business’ for yom, and he bas trained and efficient “second You ma in the newspaper ring to time" in that capacity, side the ropes of { Have you ever hrard hicago | b. E woman or ohild is | domain who has mo! heard Weste Sein § Yast ran children are Chicago erying Chicago! All women are divorced in Chicago. Western old men lisp Chios go with their latest breath! And | have even seen Eastern men— Bellefunters surprised at Chicago! On your map Chiesgo is a little black dot Lake Michigs g gan 's shore away down along The dot ain't any larger than the Pe but | assure ¥ one that indicates the location of nie or Mileshurg; Chicago wh than Deliefonte, is a larger t and a trifle more lively than Mileshurg, unless you take Milesburg when the ca- pen on Lake Michigan Chicsgo is Many | nusiastie Chicagoans would te!l Michigan is located near Chicag ir to make you believe that lug tl iit B did mnt ie lake and f it let me whisper Lake Micki ber {Ary waves rolled and foamed and dashed before was killed or the fire: rea! entnte office was | opened in Chicag | dash and foam, and her waves will re | {ied 20 much, and the last Aog bas grunt ed his last grunt! { is bog barvest in this sectivn. When | | of hoge—don't think I sleep in a bog | pen, for I don’t. During the day 1 see i might I dream of hegs | brought me so far that when I get cross | | my bristles raise and I grunt; bot it don’t come natural, and 1 don't think I'm much of a hog after sll. I know tome men who would be ** in their eles ment” bere just now, and would bring they would hardly be in marketable con- condition. Chieago ia a lively town of some di- mensions. Three hundred thousand peo- ple live here. Thirty years ago there were not so many. Thirty years hence the population wil! have increased some- what, for it is a wonderfully productive whether children or dogs sre most nu- merous. 1 have never counted either, but I think it must be * nip and ruck.” If any difference, 1 think “nip” has it. Speaking of children always reminds me of the hundreds of dirty little news- boys and boot-blacks who infe:t Chicago. They are as numerous as weod-ticks in Virginia, and sharp aod saucy as bove ean be, itable institution—the other day one of the matrone sent one of thess little imps out to warh his face. Johuny soon re turned with the lower part of bis face clean and dry, while the upper portion was streaked and worse looking than be fore. ** Why did nt you wash your face,” said tho matron. I did wash it.” said Jobany.. “Then why did nt you wipe | Potat: | Shamokin | Run of MiDes.....coovcocninvnrinsinnnd 50 § | Fine ( iThisheq | breakers | the ir t bog | And her breakers | | MaCUMPSEY on when the last real esta‘e man dies | Speaking of bogs reminds me that this awake mornings, first thing I see is a lot i where he | Winter Goods at cost, | in which the fatal calamity cecurred. | nothing but hogs—hogs—hoge—and at | | Shall Mrs, Lincoln have a pension? | that question ve settled as it may 12} cents per pound, dressed— undressed | town io that line, | am at a loss to know | At the newshoys home—a ehar- f { cident, or death, or theft in stock. it clean all over.” “I did wipe it an high | as my shirt tail would reach,” was Jolin« i ny's aoswer, his ifs. But being only a brakeman, and 8 poor man's son, tho company, fhe off. Now, my new friend, I'm getting tired i of this talk, and as ap item of good news to your readers I will say, Tam go- ing to stop. I hope you'll be a good pa- per. Above all things, get up a spicy iocal department—the life of a country paper. A little fun makes it all the bet. ter, for people are not so old fogy-ish as they used to be, and they like fun that is, real fun—funny fun, Good-bye, now. Don't fail to come to me every week, you know, for to me you are news from home, Yours Truly, Ex Quan, - Grain and Flour Markets. Berreroste. Jan, 27, 1860, Flour per Darrel...cous coasssnsirass isin $0 00 White wheat per bushel - Red wheat Cura (new Oats o.oovieee io Rye per bushel Buck wheat per bus, .. Cloverseed * Provision Market, Apples, dried, per 1b Ponches, bo Cherries, Beans per quart Rutter per Ib, “ {| Beefstonk per | Real roasts. ....cor seoreen Chickens, each, live... Tarkeys, * PH Cheese per 1b.......... Hang, > *.... Bacon ....... cess Lard, per Ib......... . Bgge, * dx... Mutton and Lawb per Ih... Veal cutlets per ib 5a 3 10a 20 wor per bus Beef .. Dried - -— Coal by Shortlid kin Pea Coal ge & Co. sed Sham { Bham« Sham Bhamol VU per 80 ther to Ue per 80 per Wi kesbarre Nut. Wilkeabarre Sto Wilkesbarre Egg... Wilkesbarre, bs Anthracite coal at yard 8 80 per xen « 8 80 per Lo | Bituminus Coal at Snow Shoe Depot, | Serened Coal. $4.50 per ton " al. Lumber at Snow Shoe Depot, Pine Boards, Ron of Mill Milroy Markets, Corrected Weekiy by Ge Miteroy, Pa, White Wheat, 8 bushel { Barley.. i Flaxseed Cloverseed | Plaster ‘Fine Salt, American.... Coarse... G. ALE Lin Philadelphia Markets, ne Weosaspar, Jan. 27 EEED mand for | pg off in the de and 450 hinabe eald r. and #86 + 0 itr bald at $2 75 erasheora at £2, £ There is no fall veriend for rommon and fa good. Timothy od is taken by the OUR iat The Flour n and price are arke! is sxcend BheeL led wilh tendency | atonl £0 a fawneard by the home $600 sperfine TD bushel f r Vy rices drooping ellow at RAE 90 2000 % ssheis pow white at 82 $2 to $2.15, ey ranges from 34 2151822 Married. LUCAS Hi MMO Richard Miles, Kag Mise Amelia tinme SNYDER HOLT Rev. Thomas, Mr Lizzie Hult, both of Bogge township POORMAN-«MERKLE-—"n the same day, by Rev. J.T. Williams, Mr. James Poor man, of Benssr township. to Miss Eliza Merkle of Harrie township WARD On the 20'h inst H. C. Pardon, Mr. Frank Mc Miss Lettie Ward of Belle On the i Ww t Bog [enne On the 21et inst by the Henry Snyder, to Miss b5 Rer Compsay, t fonte Special Notices, F-Oreat Bargaing ean now be had at the store of George DD. Pifer the Post Office, in is selling off off his entire stock A very fine lot of FURS, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags., Woolen E Hose and Socks. Woolen Mittens, Blankets, Association ha | Hats & Caps, Clothing, snd Boots & Shoes F, oC io IAs The above will abrolutely be sold at cost in order to make room fur Spring Goods, Now ia the time for bargaine, t Liscors ~The question is now, Let is ies sail stock Mn stubborn fact, that Keller & Musser | goods cheaper. and gives better bargaine | than can be found on this side of Phil's. | They offer their fall stock at Eastern prices, in order ‘0 make room for Bpring Goods. Call and ses. After hearing the prices you ean’t leave the store without baying. + Take a Look Ar vax Brave. ~All men of business within the range of thie and adjoin. | ing counties, =5Hen they visit Bellefonte, | should not fail to inspest the splendid signs of the First National Bank, Reyncids & Co's Bank, and Zimmerman Bros. # Co; also the nuwerous smaller professional * shin. gles” shattered over the tows. Also the sign of the Brockerhoff House, all executed | by out friend, and late editor and publisher of the Usniral Press, Jonx G. Kvare: For work of thie description, call at bis office. Ja27°60.4, Tavera Srnavoen Tuan Froviox.—There war a time when it paid business man to ad. vertise, but since many have published flam. ing advertisements making statements to which they could av stand: and min. isters have procizimed from the pulpit that nearly all advertisements were so many lies Honest advertisers, and pablishers, have been discouraged. Nevertheless we are still running the Tie -Bhop and Stove Store, to gether with the Foundry and Machine Shops, at Milesburg. Teane Haupt, at Bellefonte, keeps up a stock of Etovesand Tin-ware, and is always oo hand when any one wants to make application for Insarance against ae. He also Tnsures property against loss or damage by fire, at usual ra es, They will not 58 undersold by any regu. lar dealer, and will sell at 10 per ceot. loss than the reguiar prices. If you want the | best Swoves, and want to pay for them, come to us. and you will be pleased and satisfied, [f you want goods without paying for them when you agree to, do not onll unless you have bills unpaid, All that kind of castow. ers we would be glad to see at our office + HAUPT # CO. 16¢x 20 | 25 | JANUARY COURT-—GRAND JURY Gregg—Joooh Bhowars, John Grove, jr. Patton Ab, Biddle, Bollefonte—W, A, Kerlin, J. Loncberger, MT. Milliken, Boggs Philip Autls, D. Furey, H. Hea- ton. Union—James Alexander. Bpring--John Furey, Ferguson—John Brett. Walker Mich, »hafor, Wm, Rodgers. Liberty—Christ. Bechdol, J. A. Btover. Benner—Joseph Mitchell, Marion—E. Zimmerman, Haines—Goorge Bolinger. Howard —John Liymen, Rush—~A. J, Greist, Peon—R. Hartman, C. Held. Harris—Michen! Hes. SESOND WEEK. Bellefonte—D. Rhoads, C. McCafferty, Gregg—Lamuel Herter, J, G. Evans. KR. H. Duncan, D. J. Musser, Harrig—~James Glenn, H, Keller, V. B. Hurst, Philipsburg—C. Munson, L. G. Kesslor. Potter-—G. Odenkirk, James Potter, J. Bweatwood, G, B. Jordan. 4 Boowshoe—D. Wolf, Walker—Jeff. Royer, J. Deitrich. Howard—J. N. Hall, J. Montgowmery, J. W. Packer. Miles—James Stover, Fetguron-~R. Garner, P. Kickline, Unlon—A. Calhoun, Joseph Alexandes. Hult Moon--A. Elder, Taylor—J. Emigh. Hustop-~H Harteock, Bogge-~J. Poorman. Milesburg—~ William Boggs. Rash—L. Hess. Haines H. Fiddler, Jacoh Condo. Penn Michael Kersteiter, Harris—~J. Mitchell, (@20 | wi \ EW GOODS L41] per on i that per ton | 0 per ton | 78 CROCKERY, next door to | the Drockerhoff Row, | of | DRY GOODS AND NEW PRI CES !! HIGH RATES RUBBED OUT! GOODS AT OLD FASHIPNED PRICES HOFFLR & BKO'S Would respectfully inform their old friends, they are daily receiving a large STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are offering at the very lowest | market price. DRY GOODS! Consisting of the latest styles ¢ Delnine Plaids, Black rish Pop unlerpanes Eheetings, Chocks, ks, Flannels, &e Piaid Balmorals, Caseitaeres, Velvetine, © Kentucky Jeans, Drills, Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cle Ww i b Silks, Summer White is Linen snd Cot. finghams, .. de. ne, Go ton Bedtic Bbey herd Cloth, rey. AND PLAID ¥ VARIOUS line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Bati A fall netts, and Vesting, all kinds and prices, | which will be sold cheap. We bave oom stantly on hand @ large and well selected stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, MACKEREL 8 Whiek ose of at the wo will Gis} at lowest cash Nkinds of fe oods, and the highest marke frices A ice taken in ox change F oes giiowrd antry prod FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTER EST For we feel satisfied that a8 Jour re we oan ruil your TARTRR As weil RES. Jab '00 Ty BOOTS & SHOES Tue BELLEFONTE AND SHOE ETORE GRAHAM & BON, GRAHAM & BON, GRAHAM & FON, BOOT 100 30 SHOE EHOE SHOE STORE HE STORE A A - i T RT( ALLEGHENY ALLEGHENY ALLEGHEXNY STRERT, STRENT, STREET, North Irwin & Wilson's Hard. ware Store GRAHAM & SON, MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS FINE CALY BOOTS, FINE CALF BOOTS, Kept constantly on band at the BELLEFOSTE BOOT & SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE BOOT & SHOB STOKER, BY GRAHAM & RON, BY GRAHAM & SON, AT $2.00 PER PAIR, AT $3,090 PER PIR, One Door { A large assortment of KIP BOOTS, War. | ranted, AT £5.00 PER PAIR, AT $500 PER PAIR, BY GRAHAM & BON, | BY GRAHAM & SOX, | We respestfully invite the attention of the | publio to our large selection of LADIES BOOTS A SHOES, LADIES BOOTS & SHOES, aad all kinds of MISSES" & CHILDRDX'S MISSES & CHILDREN'S BOOTS & SHOES, BOOTS & SHOES CALL AND EXAMINE of whieh be expects to purchase a large | CALL AND EXAMINE OUK CHEAP BOOTS 4 SHOES, OUR CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES, ja20°69 1y GRAHAM 4 SON, + HOTELS. (ARYAN 8 HOTEL. DAN'L GARMAN, Prop'r. This long established and well known Ho. tel, situated on the southeast corner of the Diamond, spporite the Court House, having been purchased by the undersigned, he an nounces to the former patrons of this estab. lishment and to the traveling public gener. { ally, that he has thoroughly refitted his house, and is prepared to render the most satisfactory accommodation to all who may favor bim with their patronage. No pains will be spared on his part to add to the eon venience of comfort of his guests. All whe stop with him will find His Taswe abundantly supplied with the most sumptaous fare the market will afford, dene op in style, by the most experienced cooks, His Ban will alwaye contain the choicest of liquors, His Sraprixg is best in town, and will al. ways be attendedbythemost trust worthy and attentive hostlerr, Give him a call, one and all, and be fesh esnfident that sll will be satisfied with their accommodation. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is attached to this establishment, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their ad vantage. jaded. dy. HE ANVIL ETOR Eis now ree large end well assorted stock of. Hardware stoves, nails, horre shoes, saddle 17. Slams, paint sheet, bar, and hoop iron buggy snd wagon stock of every des. etiption—onll and supply yourselves, at the lowert possible rates. IRWIN & WiLeaN, f rigtned | | ax reat atracas, Figured and plsio al ALT, &e | fo © GROCERIES. &e. (I PoCERY AND PROVISI ON TORE. TWENTY PLR CENT SAVED. IT 1s now an established fact that Grocer. fos of all kinds are now te be obtained st M. RUNKLE'S new GROCERY AND PROVISION BTORE, On Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Pa., twenty per cent, chesper than at any other establishment in town or country, Flour of the very best quality, kept eon. tantly on band. Bossding-house keepers, and Heads of families would do well to give him » call before purchasing elre- where. Do not forget the place. 1069.13.) M. RUNKLE. tr ma — Sp ———————— DRY GOODE, &>. - a —— — - nor ——_r EA Gro W. FAIRER & CO. No. 4, BUSH'S ARCADE. LADIES # OBNTLEMEN'S FURNISH. ING BTURE. Fue. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, Flanels, Musing, Calleoes, Coverlet, Delanes, Hoods, Gloves and Faney Work baskets for sale by Jaf'69.y) G. W. FAIRER & CO. IJ EPHYRS, Zephyr Patterns, Ger- 4 mantown Wool, Bhetland Wool, Faney Trimmings of all kinds f resale by G.W., FAIRER & CO. T ADIES' and Misses Shoes, Ladies’ nud Misses Uunder Cothing, for sale by G. W. FAIRER 4 CO. {OFFEE, Ten, Bugar, Molasses, in short J everything wiually kept at a Grocery Btore, for sala low, at M. RUNKLE'S, EAS, Beans, Boup Pons, Roup Beans, for sale cheap, at M. RUNKLE'S. YANNED Peaches, Caoned Tomatoes J Canned Apples, Canned Corn, Canned Fruits of all kinds kept constantly on hand at M. RUNKLE'S. [ CiasDins, Candies. A splendid variety of Candies and Nuts, fer sale low at RIED Peaches, Dried Apples, Dried Currants, Dried Fruits of sll kinds, at M. RUNKLE'S. Q A ( o———— Bm p— a—— - -" { [o24rc0, Tobaceo. Chewing Tobacco, } Enuff and Segars, the very best and of M. RUNKLE'S. M. RUNKLE'S, for male cheap, at FILLOW Baskets, and Willow Ware of all kinds and sizes, for sale cheap, at M.RUNKLE'S. RANGES, Lrmons, Fige and Nuts, for suie at M. RUNKLE'S. | oll kinds, at ( | at {UCUMBER und othor Pickles, Tomatoes J Catrup, Marmwalader Jellies of all kinds M. RUNKLE'S. { LASSWARE, Glase Fruit Jors ant X Dishes, a fine sssorimeat a M. RUNELRB DRUGS, &e FF § WILSON'S DRUG STORE. NEW LOCATION. Southwest Corcer of High and Alle- gheny Streets, Bellefonte, Pa, No.1 Prexenmores Row The subseriber respectfully announces to | bis numerous scquaintances a-d the pei lie | 6 g eneral that be nas removed bis DRI Gt & the ourmer eof Brokerhofs new d, where he nas tly on hand, a large stock of DRUGR, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY building on the Dis nats PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS INSTRU. MENTS, VARNISH, TURPENTINE, Linseed Of, Coal Oil Brushes, Hair Oil, Sonpe . Also mercus lo A Yariel went offers at | quelities of the arti Purchasers will pleare and examine the qualities bis goods before purchasing al rates, and warrants th cies ae represented fmember 1h asd prices of rire where Za Phvric y Bresipes ant’ Prescriptions and Fam carefully compounded at all or night. by eal] ng at his ide’ Punk Lhe most celebrated and popalry PATENT MEDICINES. bourse of the day store opposite Revs are kept constantly on band snd for mle I. 8. WI'SON $al’80 ty I P. GREEN, DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY One Door North of Main Entrance to Brock erhofl Houre, Dealer in Pure Drugs and Medicines, Bn glish and American Perfumery, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Pocket Books, Combe, and a ge ioral assortment of Faney Goods, {| such as are usually kept in Set classe Prug | | House | Oysters in every Style, Stores. He is aloo SOLE PROPRIETOR 0 the following articles, which bave already sttained a large sale, | SOLELY ON THEIR OWN MERITS, and which no family should be without GREENE CELEBRATED LIVER Pills | remedy in Liver Complaint and Female dis | eases, are unsurpassed. None Genuine with. | oul THE BIGNATURE OF F. P. GREEN, around the Box, GREEN'S VEGETABLE PAIN KILL er, as a reliever of pain, is a medicine for passed for the diseases for which it is recom. mended. Pat up in bottler, and retails at 25 ets, 50 and one dollar, COMA RESTITUTION is, ae its name indicates, A RESTORER OF THE HAIR, it is an elegant hair dresving. removes dan. drufl, cures all eruptions of the scalp, re stores gray bair to its original coler, and stimulates the growth of the hair and whis- kers. Price 81.00, Physicians Preseriptions, and family rec. ipes carefally compounded. Patent Medicines of all kinds kept con. stantly on hand or purchased to order. Jald’e.1y. N. W. Cor. Diamond, opposite Court House. BELLEFONTE, PENNA. JESSE MORGAN, Would respectlully call the attention of the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, t2 the su. perior quality of FRESH MEAT! FRESH MEAT! Constantly to be found on hand, BEEF, PORK MUTTON, POULTRY, de, always on band. PLLA RIA E XECUTORS NOTICE. 4 Letters Tertamenta. tary on the Eotate of the Jate Clewent Beck. log bin Sratind 1c ihe. Sodtoe act Br the ing to the w od by the Register of Wills, of Centre connty, 2 fs sons knowing ihemeelves indebrod to said Hetate are hervby notified to come Preard and sottle their asgouants, and these having elaime against wid are requested to present the same " 4 nathentioated for set. thement. A. KR. BARLOW, WM. V, BECKWITH. jala'ee. se Frecutors, D W MEDICINE STORE| CHEMICALS, | |THE GEM RESTAURANT Fried Eels, and everything to TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF ENTS Under Clothing & Ready- made Overzbirts for sale by Gd. W. FAIRER & CO. {URS From $3 to $75 per Sett, for sale by G. W. FPAIREK & CO, ADIES' and Misses Hoop Skirts, 4 Baimaral Ekirte of all grades, for sale eheap by G. W. FAIRER & CO, (5 ENTS' Home-made Wool Rocks, X tor saleby G.W. FAIRER & CO. T ADIES and Gents’ Searfs for sale Uy G. W. FAIKER & CO. forsale by GW. FAIRER & CO. E ARE selling off our present that persons wishing bargains should call on us before purchasing elsewhere. G.W., FAIRER & CO. lots of sll kirds, st BURNSIDE a THUMAS" NE W STORE. | HARPER BROTHERS Have opened up an ENTIRE NEW STOCK of GOODE of every description at their new store, room ou Spring street; which were purchased at | PANIC PRICES, and will be sold as low if not lower than ean be found elsewhere in this section. Their stock comprives in part, | Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Hoseries, Faney Goods, Clothing, Boots & Bhoes, Hats & Caps, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, Gentlemen and Ladle Fornishing Goods, Ladies Cloaks & Circulars | In Bilk and Cloth, Carpeting, Grorveries I Quesnrware &¢ ' BTATIONERY, and everything else that fe to be found in a well stocked & COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market price paid Sal'00 of try stove RESTAURANTS MEALS AT ALL BOURS, THE underrigoed avails bimeelf of this method of i~forming the citizens of Belle forte and vicinity, and the traveling com munity in general, that be bas opened a fret class GEM RESTAURANT, n the basement of Bosh & McLaine's pew hotel near the Pa. R. R. Depot. He keeps ernislantly on band Oysters in every style, Roast Chicken, Pork Eteak, Ham snd Eger, Fresh Fish, Vea! Cutiets, Cod Fish Bale, Baked Fish, Ros t Turkey, Beefiteak, Fried Eansage, Mutton Chaps, Tes snd Coffees, Clam Chowder, Lombs Fries, suit the taste Feeling assured that genera! satisfaction will be given, be invites : 11 to pay bim = visit, JOHX MALIPHANT, jaldé Bellefonte, Pa R ESTAL RANT. The undersigned would | inform the citizens of Bellefonte and com | monity in general, that they continue to ne- commodate their friends at the Restaurant North of the Diamond, opposite the Court Best Phil a. Lager Beer, Porter, Ale and Farsaparills, Pies, Cakes, Candies, dc. Also | FREE LUNCH EACH DAY. { Hours, 8 A. M. to 12 o'clock, M. Give ws a | n. are a mild and effectual cathariic, and as af i " RITE 1w, ROY & CO. LEATHER. LEATHER! The undersigned bas jurt received the most extensive lot of Leather, from the i : { New York, Baltimore and Wilmicgton mar- either internal or external use and is unsur. | kels, ever brought to this place Consisting { of Epanish Sole Upper, American Kip, French Kin, Baltimore Calf, OIL FINISH AXD BRUSH MOROCCO KiD GLOVE SKIN, Whang Leather, Linings and Shoe findings, of every discription, all of which will be #old cheaper than oan be bought at any oth. er establishment in Central Pennsylvania. ABRAHAM SUSEMAN. jal360.1y. Bellefonte, Pa. ————————— BAKERY. N EW BAKERY. The Vhdurigied respect. fully invites the attention of the citizens of Bellefinte and vicinity, to his NEY BAKERY, on Bishop Sirest, as the snly plave where the best quality of id BREAD, CAKES PIXS, CONFECTIONERIES, MINCE MEAT, of our own Manufacture. I'he best Norfolk Oysters by the Can or Quart. Also sooied in all styles, (“ y hin in Crumbs, Fried in Butter, Pan. oy Roasts, Btewed Seolloped Oy» tors, Oyster Pie sud owder. A prvath room neatly furnished and ear peted, for ladies or social « A special invitation is hereby extended to all. iNee1y B.J. McDOWELL, OLIS, of all kinds For Children | Block at exceedinly low prices, so | r{YHEDAl For 1862.9. Prepare for the Gubernatorial Cem- paign. Now is the Time to Seure a Cheap Newspaper for the coming Year, The Republicans of Penneylvanin schier- ef a glorious vietory in October apd No- vember, by electing their State and Netlon. sl candidates, notwithstanding the immense frauds committed by our political opponents. It now remain with the people to res thet the standard bearers of our glorious party are properly sustained in their eflorts to ee. tablish confidence in the stability of our In. stitutions, renewed activity in all branches of industry, snd the restoration of saity snd good fellowship with all the people of our common esuptry. That the TELmorarz hse contributed ite full dhare to the glorious vietories recently gained, will pot be denjed, even by our political opponents. Look st the result in our own county, where the edi. tor labored night and day during the cap- vase, through the paper and personal viKits to our Republican friends in the eousty-'bs unprecedented majority of twenty-one buns dred and ten was the result’ e pointal- so with pride to the result in our neighbor. ing counties of Perry, Lycoming, Calon, fuydersnd Northumberland, where wpwards of six thous nd copies of the Trimosars were weekly distributed. THE GUBERNATORIAL CONTEST. While personally we desire rest from po. litical turmoil, ct Jesst for = while, we con- | not close our eyes to the fact that our ever | vigilant opponents sre already prepariog for the Gubernatoriz] contest next year; snd ae we believe that in time of peace we show | prepare Jor war, we would exbort our po- | litical friends to make preparations fopeom- ! ing contingencies st once, snd | CIRCULATE THE NEWSPAPERS | among your neighbors. If you have = | Republican paper in your county that ie | true and reliable to the party, it should be | preferred “o those printed in other counties | After you have done this, and you and yoor | friends desire a true and reliable Bepublie- | am journal from abroad, we would recom- | mend to you either the WEEKLY OR DAILY TELEGRAPH. They are published st the teat of our | Plate Government, and will contain full re- | ports of the doings of the Navioxar and | Brave Lecistarrnes, They will sustain sur trivmphantly elected leaders in the of | tablishment of “ Peace” all over the lsd | with ail the power they can command. The Terronaru belongs to no cligee. It of course has its preferences before nomina- tions are made for office; but when once mude, the Trironars bas never failed since it has been under our control, to sustain the | eandidites presented with the same energy { and zeal as though its own personal friencs | were on the ticket, TEMS OF THE DAILY {1 copy, one year { 5 copies, copy, ! 19 copies, © | (per club wv | Teupy during the ses Legislature , o- TERMS OF TH , OTe year E WEEKLY wer rates These terms will hardly pay for the cost | of the white paper on which the Terronars is printed, and the CAE HUST ACOUNPANY Tae onven. Address ; GEO. BERGNEE, Harrisburg, Pa. ] i - N ASBY & PAPER. A THE TOLEDO BLADE GREAT ERLAEGEMEKT GREAT ENLARGENEXRT The proprietors of the Torzvo Base. ee couraged by the upparaiicled success mbich bas attended their efforts to cotablish a First Crass NATIONAL NEWSPAPER announce that they bave just enlarged the Brave to a Mammoth Sheet, of Eight Pogee, contnining fifty. six broad columns, and wiil | spare no eff furnish thelr resders the best snd cheapest paper in the world, THE NASBY LFTTERS The rich, racy, rollicking bumor of the Letters of “Rev. Permoreox V. Namsy, P M., wich is Postmaster,” —their quaint inony keen sarcarin, and cntting eatire, —iBeir werciless exporure of the heresies of politi. i eal demagogues of all parties, and, withal, their profound philosophy and unanswers- ble arguments, hare rendered them the most | popular political literature ever published, in this or eny other country. These Let. ters are written expressly for the Bride, | and will be continued regularly in its ocl- winne. Among the new atirsotions already ew. | gaged for 1800 is sn original story, by the | brillizzt and popular suthoress; Miss. OL. { IVE LOGAN, entitled, ! “NOWEDDING RING.” | Weshall also shortly commence the pub. ileation of ! A NEW STORY BY NASBY, | EXTITLRED | THE WHITE SLAVE'S STORY! Competent critios pronounce this one of | the best stories that has ever appesred in | the periodical press of the country, | We intend to continue during the yer | the publication of original stories from the | pens of the beat writers, and will also Save regular contributions on topiesn! generat in: { terest from writers of national fe In short, it Is our constant aim to make the Terevo Brave A Prerrecr, FaMiLy NEwspAPER. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single Copier, per year And at same rate for shorler time, Clubs of Five. ois viiiisisines 3 Then Clubs of Ten and over............ 1 50 esc With an extra copy to every person gel ois up a Club, PAY! PAT! PAY!!! PAY!" We proprose te pay liberally IN CASH every person who will assist us in exte ing the circulation of the Brave. Portman ers, Clergymen, Students, Tenobers, and « others having leisure time are invited send for our circular to agents. The names Sor a elub peed net all be soe i" at one time, snd the papers need not a be sent to one office. BPECIMEN COPIERS Will be sent free to any address. Send for % copy, and al the same time give us the ad dress of a dozen or #e of your I stowhos we will send copier free and postage paid. TRY THE BLADE A YEAR, and we are sure you will sever voneent to J without it. Address, MILLER, LOCKE, 4 CO, Toledo, Ohio. rt t ] DMINIETRATORE NOTICE. — Letter: AX of Administration onthe estate of Bosse F. Lucas Iste of Curtin township, dec'd {| having been granted to the wmedersigned all perecne knowing themselves indebted wo | Eaid estate are iequesied to make immediate (Late of Young, Moore & Co.,) wirn ISAAC I, CHALFANT, AUCTION JOBBERS HOISERY GOODS8, NOTIONS, fe. Ne. 57, NORTH THIRD ST, PHILA JA19°60.01, CREWS and Hinges of every variety and kind at RWIN & WILSON'®, IN L payment, and those haviog claims spnine the ramne, to present them duly authentios ted for vetiloment. JNO. 8. LUCAE | ja20°69.6¢ Adm's T 18 our intention to dispose of ou: entire took bef re the opening of the Spring Trade, G. W. FAIRER & CO had HUBBS, spokes and fo loos large and small, at IRWIN & WILSOX''S | AMPS, every variety and kindat i IRWIN & WILSON H orer SHOES, best make at IRVIN A WHEAN'G
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers