The Beaver Arg os . stliliin,; 1.1 rs,•rwldllaa 2711/ICVl'ihnitrfea; /222 =I "{oleo or . • . 1 . . 1 1,11:. 1 ',',, 3v;:. 1 Cov• t Ern: t l Gm: ...,,, ,„",„:,:i is on 13.09 $5 00 6 7 00 `lOOO ~' , 0 ,',,, do . 510 5 IX/ .7 05 /11 15 OU ~pro., do I 51* 65511M1 18 18 MI , l o in do I, 11 IV 800 10 AU 15 60 11l M. ,„,,,n.....ji 0 Wll 55 15 115 10 on 59 115 * ,i , ... ... :. ~! li tkl, 15 115 9.) ou 91115 - 111 IN .01t1tim......11 11 00i ,5801/ 11$ 00 ow up ou ~..,..tretora' dna I:meet:ll6re' Moth . VI 00 1 1 uotkei, pet: Tyne, tell ee6iF. t',o mots to 110 outdo Qouteety, ercept o crieutp‘dveitleementa, hithimat bir.pald • - on. P. 00W18141,, 40 Plf ark Itow, .lork, ann • , e. rsrriNOILL er. Coilll.Tark noir, %,,, York, are the ach e{ inis tor Tea irati oil , . la that oho, fiad a 000 p 4 i untearist a m.artlag advarbemasta for ea oar aw• ~,,mh rater. Anweraloont to Out It; aro ear o,etea to keen that: Yvan with 0 fof OW ,t,.oe housos. • • I VitAITE TABLE. 4 'C' • • • • , .. ileieleted ik Pilteabaright IL ill.-Tralaa „,,.,.. Piet kart Deaver &Woe ea MOON: him , * .i. Arsotda 4, 3 3; Xl4l, in p:m ;,-ntgrgig 1.V . : ',ai w.t 1... haver jOkloa iiiioi , 0 4. ~, M•4l, .;•111 a. at.; AotxtutOodtiMß othe Si '74tlVNl''w. klittidgre:g.". 14; r ; t i„: . • ' ~,,e hocheater Station (at end oflahlge) iM to.. „,,,,: Beaver Falls Accost. 6.D3 arts: ` 1.; maw: • h i. to ; New Cagle acceto. 3.M a. M.; B. Flats ovin. t 0 a. ' Tula. eulat West leave Itotbesteritattos, tilt rttl vt bridgn as follaws: D.' P. amen. 10 *AM; • Jull IRCUIXI.I le p. m.; lido night captors 0.3 p. ...' h fr. 7.37 p. in. ._. • TreouNgolug Eat Immt Iteklawlerr (Cepa . ) De. ~01 4(0110 4 1 : D. F. smolt. 5.06 a. m : neon ae ~. 7.15 a. to.; New Caleb aeon& 5.40 a. In ,• :,..go e1p.70.31a.M; Dearer Path ammo. 11.16 o , Chicago Mall Luke. m; Erie esp. 4.10 p. IN; ~.Z.,IP. 4.,,,,,ini ta . ,tni,/kle tail tMIL" Val. ROMS . 0 ". IO•Ye R De A go Wilco/re I CaletamansllB.lll e. 11.; Itriea* s e; a. zu; et Dille 'axon. m.; Chicago „,. 11.3 u a. et.; ntegige.exp. 3.65'lleafihma e aceom. 4.30 p. tn.:lane exp. kilagron; Beaver The attention of the puhlic e .lis directe d . w the following New Adv rthsementil 'Lich appear fer the Drat. 4.1410 in the thorn tO-ally t . ' ' .' ' ' • ' ' I •r0..41 Of ottato--Nortost Sehtlui. 1t....4thh0r0. ..t,,-cial Notiato-ThonWon A.,t3M% . ~ ,cial Nottees-$. /J. lanelibealg. \, . Aelvertittement,-D• Zwick , it. Co. , \el Advertisement-Choc A. Mute. Notice - kucbooter and 1111111Mtbon; Nem Cu. tud Ilea CORI-J• C. Molter. vii - Sirup. a Wetzel. 4 .rd- -J. 11. Snead a ea. • • ..1--it.• A. CSIPOIIi. . • .._ • , tad S11:111.11& CO. - , . s o ,iss.Yrsrin Wann—We sell Wes bit trip. Ortr. 'need !or drawiuge and . C. 0. 11. if desired. Jolts bit names ih., 93 Market Wrest, Manures. leily in advasiee.—ln order to spend the s about work, the . 1 1:tutus is issued week, in wiriness .We enjoying the anniversary of .our S t tionakindependenee In the good old a .ry Mott, getting tipsy hoWever) and. hi. , everybody .idse will do likewise... so desire to put ourself beyond the . rorell of nil Intaximting hil)uonees on n,r day earned, we think . now of going w Sow •Castld; 'a little village some Isrnly-tive miles nortl3 , Or thin, whom dhions ttint hotels are unknown.and ur never 11tt1Ul kl. 4 Warcuite.—Belng hints fiW4e thrro Watches In the City at rittsb ..are confident of our ability to *law In Sty ea pro., SterM4con'•NW4 9331ar ~t on,t, rittrlturgh. ?My • .1 DINH easing Aleelidinsit;•-gA.I the rAking of a barn on tho farm of Mr. Hubert Sterling of Indopendenee• town ship, ibis county, on Wednesday' of last I,eek, it vireo of timber Toll. upon Mos s. S.llll uel Kane, Arthur W bit% jr.,atol Walker Shannon, Injuring the two find cry huverely, and the iattex.tainily. Walker dying within a few boars. Mr. Kane is still living, but his ease is look;' upon' as quite militia. Ildr ! White, it t. thought will recover. 2.1 r. Shangon's ne.waa; about 30 years; and' was highly .•teetuail by all who knew hair. 1 d Isguat everybody pil,'" Ii you damn want . to c . uuth . 4.74 , sub your 01100airp breath cure,yout _ give. !sward IA offered by the psi/praetor or Dr. t oarrb Remedy -tor a case be cannot cure. Is eod by Druggists. Cott get It (or sixty putts by od from Ur. R. V. Pierce. Buffalthlt. I. , Alec • :111d free. . _ A Pleasuint inidance of poetic jos. fiu• in ieportedlronla lewd. c Oregon. iMitnieg a young man called upon the editor of the only paper in the county, permission to look at the fl i es of Itha viper for 18439. It was granted/ While the editor was in bed waiting I, wife could wash his shirt, Hutt yonn~ non r . gridtl away -the tile, nor w as it eN•er eeu again until lila lawyer offertak.o%in .-titienitelluring the trial of an actOrtiof *5, 1 40 laiLagel for awalleged lible; Which text ydting limn brought against gratifying, to learn that the .Itatitf recovered 6,4 cents daningt.w, and arreded by the editor on a chaign of books, convicted and sentenced the pcnitchilary for seven years. ' Fe UNTilit Pvt.—Something new end 0,1 tae rem and read the advertisement it Our `' Greatest Invention of the Age." n. •••• Inir the Golden Fountain • Yen is moor. L , e-4 , A good pen is II 2141 . Cl silky to every Juan, ~ .111 mid child. Agent.. here to a chance to Nu. munry In Introducing a good and esleshle 's , • l ,puM;ly PithHeatless In Pennsylvania, ir.—l'onnayltania 611,1,684 newspapers pOtfoiliods printed within her tar ler4, 01 these, 61 aro daily, twti tri weekly, one Scud -weekly, 410 weekly. 71 •, Jai-monthly; 82 monthly, three bi-, monthly, and eight quarterly—making the total of 584. New York's total .)1$ Y. 94, Ohio's 411, Illit‘obi: 499, etc.; r all of which isziven to by 'Rowell drfec.'s New "fork, ltdtertisers• Gazette. %worthlog for Ifellool ntrertori aria 'frarllien.—All our beat 'teachers and most pntmtornt edir:ll/0111 unite to the opinion that, to Intehgeography with success and elliciesity.Wall Mao are essential; and that at least one Teat's In .tructioli should be given, to begt„ nnere, exelneiv• It with Map' befOr• tent books are place 4 in their 'Loot., Ni? school should be without a act of Rdal eopr. No gotal terrace will teach without thew, upo.itible to persuade Dlrectore to buy mope. , L Eberkart, of New Brighton can furnish the wane now published,' at the lowest eaten at .huh' they th.t bf prrebixd or any Ana tb the htates. 1C.11.3t Sneaking of the Beaver and Erie oanni,'the Lawrence Journal, of bud, Sksts", - ;;Sys: "The canal is not going to; dry up an soon an various couJecturists won.: We hare this from the highadj nahnrity. it will 1* run thislosiesott, , r.; and in all probability, for an 111- , 10114ns, nuusi*r of seasons yet to some, 41 1 drponding on the footing rtutext full. Thoitmet that a number , or - beaus were inuitiorred from this to the Ohio eanaL nothing in the pretnines. f heal dir r'rverrte transfers have occurred be and the Ohio canal still flows.. '.l,qt give up the ship.',. _ Ttij. Inte,t and best styles of Jewelry, In pll Ili brabchecto he found it John Strnenton• • c 0..% Market stnel.'?ittiburgh. Js: 17 i'reditable:—On Wednesday; nth ' ' 1 24 as engineer Neil Doefilierty. was, , raging clintoli bridge; on, the New cs4le branch of the 'Pittaburgh, Fort Wayne and ChiMgo nalliOadrtbeleilid ,)," noticed a little child playing on the_ !rick upon the bridge. Mier treveraing engine, thiCchild Bull remained On 1 4 track, whititlie brave engineer TIM Ita and jumP eikafr the pilot of Itla i eb= roe, and, at tba risk .or, lila own' life, , tv,el the child from sure death. Brace Greenwood.—Thegifted an, ti , oteis who is teittwu by the shove's°, Jr iNme to the outside world, but the of her . chlldbotti . of bbis /041 BY •a* tipphimut,, is Spending e fhW • ( 1 4 . . Afi- New , Brighton,. Visiting Aker brother, fir, Albert G. Clerk. 11111. L% a lady of attractive presence end fine; . coilveixational powers. She has been celled upon by' Ming of her neighbors and a cqnsdntauces of former plow!, who - are delighted to find her Is therSSJ9Yr nieut 'of exoellent health and spirits. Mre. Lippincott will ehortly . riturs, to her haute fn Witehingtem.:-Beessii ibunty Neu.- . zeroionag 'Teams Rohm from, home to school Will _And a good school at Ed- Lehoro. : w itunliZaTih_ L -41µ11111Arillt• /124W8M a t eitt=tPlttik.. or ^ lSlli"." AN" --- }nay • Nuys, Nattp,,Auitig..q,tpagt - vpit, tediee' White and Buff Dress Suits, at r 4 . ;30,1CC rep e 4, ietstw. alittemitted day of week bolero last, a respectable . and forehanded farmer, iiiimod James r& 4 , ll t4Le 6 0..1 6 ' 9 4t :Washington eimety, attemptou d - eot suit anloide., A depresiloirof spiritalTall noliVil.hy the fauilly_cmthe morning of .that day, but lie*foroisd/ila nrilatir . y• er work up to dirintinie, , ...Whitil be -win*, tOtheiltable.. titspicion that all was not right ' Intlneo a malt; member of the ginfily to go and look, after found the unhappy man banging bk a I , 4 t r ip t o n blirlaSsaiidu Jr) too stable, I#* feet touching the floor. IT, was Id Mice taken dowel, and asliro was uot .extipot, mesllealaid was ealletl,l4.Aio routalned unconscious until the following morn ing, when he went about his turnorneata potion, unconscious that hp,_,lttl bung himself;brO Ct1,450411.01Pc18111/024 IMPORTANT TO FABXEOL—In conle quenoe of tlxiiheoloot (kicked Nate *Ube Woopporket; woolen goods in the east ere rgpidly adult/I:lag l• In , ' ,• NA lydnid sugg est to - our friends in we 'ebetral wOold vitim s pa lair* pout of the wool this season, an bare, it male lOW 'Hoch • bl=r_99.lrhic. ' koru easslinerea, din doirVaarthey may.need for home use. lilulsoe to get such work. dolte'AcoP hearthelektory YRT.' l'oriteract, Falistoo,ver,o o , l 4l l 9 Any wool lett 'with every attention. • • ' [jets 4W. on 9gt2ta=iat,:ilZ;:flat47/7 7 .Situef worn returningfrom the , drii+lng .Pggik,..Lawrataco county, when they were ovftfaketi` by the Idettara..„llarvoy, of New Castle.who'wore driving *fractious enit, Thlch, aulteb.ifiVidiad party, jumped with Its ford feet right into 0 0 . 1 4 ( ligg; 1. 1 74-Vrill. i l nle lug out to take hold of hla own„lttirse, caught lila' &alit ihollnee and lelb. out; and afterward* ,wal run over by, the buggy, by 'Mil** irtiontilderiblY bruised,, .11*.lmiggy 4!1141.Y -aged, loaltig a hhol wheel, In whiCh "the eta got so badly tangled ..utt Abut:Abe, wheel had to be taken olf before It could be gitt + l . •:; r " ?The Normal &hoe! at Zodlutiot? liaa a good reputation. The State models those who Intend to tem+. ' • • .• On Satuiday last, Mr. Charles Dodge,: a bridge contructor, wlio has a force now working at the 'MnhonirigUiwn 'bridge, Lawronre Co., while taking mount tools hie* a haymow, in which kiwi Were stored, fell through the 101 l to the floor, breaking ills collar bone, and slitting one ear fairly in two. WriniAr Were properly treated, and ho Is now able to go ' round. AL. ,, llersons desiring a nomad and Eva teuntin namann, pro advised-t? the Normal' Velum', at gdirtborM Ya many respects its advantages aro unsnr pamsed. • The directors of, the . ellionsugo and Allegheny : It. IL Compay held a meet ing on Tuesday or week Wore budi and, lunatic other thinge n determined te com mence at linen The ex tenStear - point :In But er eounty at which their bloc coal gelds will be reached. A Corps of ingl -noorS 4111 be placed utiori,:he routaln a few days, - and the necessary means to carry on the Work; contemplated have mainly been provided. ; --) —ate--- good Institution. Tho State Normal ErVoid 'IS an eiieellent*4ool. For information address 'J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Erie Co., Pa. On Thurday last a man named Hart, [rout Petroleum Centre. corustderbly un der' the Influence of "Benzine," was roaming around the atreets of Franklin, Pa., and about:One o'clock, commenced &Inge revolver at a girl living with Bir: BickarOf family. • A gentleman named Hardeastio went to the rescue, when an attempt was made to shoot blin, when he clinched Hart, and In the struggle war shot twice lu the hand. Hait then cross ed to Llberty.strftet: when he . wan fw4upd by Themia Bell; who aucceitled iilltak4 ing the pistol from Ulm. Hart was taken before Jortice Daily who oon;m1t-, ted Mtn for trial at the August term of Court. CLOCK., CLOCK., CLOCKIL—AmerIcan Clock., full stock: newest styles; lowest prtres. Jona rksvenacm's Non. . Co., 113 Market street. Pitts burgh. • ' jeT•ly 'An Editorial Dan.—The following editorial appeal Nitre:May is not without humor AO_ "bounds in .truth. it ap peared in the Easton Ar gue about rorty two years ago, and Is not by any means out of date: "We have subscribers who kayo paid us nothing.' Do enoh people thigh we can liye ou birch bark, like a Cossack's horse,' or grow fetliihaling the .west wind? Do they ; Auppese the . Foinale Charitable Society field us with clothes? Do they kuppOse that paper, typo, Ink, fuel and many, other costly sod necessary articles are sent to us by au unknown and invisible hand? What ever Faustus might have done, the black art of tnodern itfinters has no such mag ic in It. When hungry: we have no time to Osltor ttett4 iglll4 to expect a shoot full Of goof pings to be miracttlously 'lot doWn from the hegira:is . by the fottt corners,,- as, in the cant of Peter, and, as being fed by ra vens, It in more likely :that ravene.srill feed Sanctity/ upon us, unless wo get . • , some money shortly'." Von the neweid and Weld novetherin Wateht;•• Jelyrlry and Silver Ware at the Indest telete., g to Join Stevenson's .bus d C0.,-141,./dritat Went Plttelmegh. • le7:ly The Eod or Dr. De hllvas.—The' Dr. Du Silva; who visited Beaver a year or two ago, and who represented hiunuill its a "Grecian by birth, a Spaniard by descent; :a - k'renetimati doctor by prtikesSiOti;e'CoNtilopolititi by taste and a lecturer by, sheer' neoxhity" has finally eifiletThis Caned.: Oneofour western exchanges givos K Ui /9 1 / 9 , 4 1 P1T account of his "taktueoff:" `•A singular felloW, stinted De Silva, was, recoutly shot/dead by a guard at Fort Sedirwiek .boofture, .irshof si soldier and drum, holofusod to movo on. .Do Mirk was edposited lultaly mid designod, for i Ji3stilt:priest ; ho . ratt aw/Ly, Vildied liuxiin, Egy p t,firatil and the Holy Laud, linpiovipg idunielf,.ollter hip beytashihh..ite 6eattloliff. ifeapoketianish,Folinerh Ital ii, uermau and English fluently. He, as once whatormeid to be garroted In a l% lia na, but escapod 1 ho was with Max luil lati , linMoxfool 'he Night - lajittti P oral army; from iddeh 'he deviated fon times. lie haWboeu ntairled atlna en time, and bad 'wives all ' twee the country, lits knowledge of history and geography WAS exiesiatve andialidublite I ho was a newspaper writer also, and his writings . anp NW to shim,, beep'"port' ; w4rr4'' terirphrox-el 10 *hell Rao/ err der, lend It to /otos Sterensotes Bons burgh- It will be . 1.1;w 1 led tee eitnrped3ree or exproot charges. Ailwotewaretated. • Ait old Owe% Ormalsetiom r -. Toe pittitOVitsi.AV M. ,71+1b? Wok= 'held Presbyterian Church, North Bar ver townihlp, tritivericeeoutity;presehg ed his tenth annual sermon on the 11th of June, and in it gave some interesting a&tistics, which we - herewith publish: Weettield church was organized in 1803. It consisted of z ridirbeinx' Rev: NlA °hie Pittinipsr was the lireOktinister, remained rive years; and the etruiChWai 'then withouVa pastor slippers \ In 1818, Rev. Juno, Wright became the pastor. Re served till 1842-41moatge years. \ lie died in 1843., Rev. A, 8. Meolltaster was installed pieter is 186. - seerial4f 1854-almostl2 years, ,ThereortgB4B.llett was then without a 'pastor for neirlY threw! years,:mben &NA took the pastorate and remained nearly, years. , ..The ,tlist ;dee*. er IrecT, chip of the cangmillon waive" imut frame stand .caged - a;tent. The Arit house of worship resembled the' private' dwellings of the people. The next was a Plain church ill me th e large brick church *ea bu i lt, -fte of best et that time in all that portion. Ten years IWO Ravi Mailer was Ordslasd sod installed'as Atm pastor la thli chureb. pfiratakor the Waif =la' The recent sear !Abrams France aroused ao Omit intareit - milhe part of ouroloMpa t , 11 , ro ly ji !gnurliZ . 4r vro nm be from the you o au American . author. The Nollisnai s phi444;l44 of Philado!plila, - haticjtintisatibil complete skid Naillaille - ,l ll Auriibeffkkg_ Ills above title. (it la •fron't pen or James D. 11ic2b0 ..... _ / ),Jr and Is 'a han44inely bound pages; ', illustrated ?WitMliiiparag traits, battle scenes, views' of prom neut . itios; Aid}46 l l '• h. billft Vibprouti style, and will, :in, take rank as the ati!nplarithiafogy of the struggle by an American writer. deeply, stittittlit subjec for he wrltela 111311 not as a politician, as 'oho who p)accs factson rocordforthe verdict of ftiture ages, and not as one who seeks to will the favor'iat either tlieGennanh'cir Ahig`tench of to-day . The_ great charm tif e workli lute fidelity to troth. Ma book hod natant-while, it limit:nets, •Ibr it In. graphic and eloquent language, the moat wonderful *Dry tyCYgiim a lk.vt Algioes the Cahoot rota' weir downto tee_ beginnii or hostili ties; setaf=lar the prelnda• rb• weft, wl and 'states , forcibly, iitub disian .. kbe• biases of the do of GerthitrY and the failumo vp of the OM, datillealgu, an hurl the nue back upon the interior of guar owp, oeuutry ; the effect of thaw reverses upon the French Nation; the frantic shorts 4e. • .14a the beaten army; and the terrible • . of Sedan.; the capturi of the Emperor Napoleon and an entire army ,• the Revolutlit n to s,• • the rise and foratatlo4ol 10; the Empress from ails; We Si4re and' aglorreader of Strasburg and 1110 fOril tieriOrtreasas OUFranCO; the, trium phal advance of the Getman armies to Purls; the Sieges of Metz and Paris iu detail; a full diary of events in Paris during the Siege: the campaigns on the Lire and ha other parts of France; the peace negotiations; the surrender of Paris and the treaty; the naval history = war ; the history of the formation great German Empire; the pro. claiming of King William emperor, and the 'realization of German unity; the civil war and second siege of Paris, with Jut Orrible scenes of bloodshed and van dalism ;—all these and other events of war are related with a graphicness and brilliancy which render this a work'. of unusual value. The authorgoes deep 'into the philosophy of the war, and lin presses his readers profoundly with the .gristiessonm. of the conillet. Tho low price at which the book is is sued, brings It within the reach of ell, and no ono wishing to keep abreast. of the times,. ail tp realiit. published in both 'mulish and German, sold by subscription only, and agents aro wanted In every county. Address Na- Publiilitingßo., F'hiladelphia;Da: 3:6-50,000 pounds wool wanted. at the Fitllgteit Woolen Failor,y, fur whiela the highest market 'price 'will be lead In etsli;Jo.eplf l'unftifrnet:: Deal4w. Wu wonkl like W know why temple Wald In getting that tibiae Info shape or ton' come fear their else..lf. S. lineSinabarg,lfrosSWay, New 11rIssIdon: can't SW you, they on! take ybnr measure and make you a suit that /Snooks. of New- York. would take a pattern from. ti t rUm o tar . . li t re, • My Conitnlenltmeni will =net et their uflea is the borougb of Beaver, un;y on Saturday of each week. , tuadttfj Joan *lump, CM*. Pereonar.—ltott. *Tn. litlClelltictd, kember of Congress for the • 24th Pa. Jatariet was in lawn 09 last ,Thursday night. on nit.lloticmk in tIM audylnco at tkeloso of the commencement exer eiscs of Dr. It. T. Taylor's seminary and trioititate, la' the fit. E.".lChureh, ho iras called out bind ii-few ipproprtate remarks. Later in llne evening ho at ' ulded tholmept4an at f ,Dr. Asiloectos- Menet) wheito Italtalostail fry wit a portion of his constituen ti.some of whom veto voters and others who aura soon ill) bit. Judging liain del Capt.% eating face, and thagroth laciest hekillok ikthe letter class ho evidently believes that fe male auirragn is near 14. bandeand 114- posed ,to govern .hltaiolf aciordingly. Ho seemed to be quite popular in that crowd, air suspect if a vote had been taken am g the 'dog 10 ladle., he *aid have distanced any married cottipethor `who could have been brought outagotinst him. We do no‘lanow , w4y Shia should be so, unleas hie :wellatnowa:bactielar ism might have something to do with it. EMI r--Dr. F. F. Davis, a wave o i f . this Ctaiiii- ty, ii ud edtatateCat ogr Aasilerni was ;•steently appointed Surgeon for th Al i fegttcny Valley Railroad. Dr. ~ 'is marries} to :I itinghtor tut „Ctipt. We t , Reed of Rochester, this county. The position to which helots just been as- Ilignett4.lo l o , 4 l vet tad hon9roble one,, and 14 pititiiiiitudaliitglikliktitAlt rejoice atile good luck. Dr. D., was a surgeon in the artn'Y darling:the warapd, there is no doubt but that he will fill the position refOrred to, with' et** to him self and tumefaction to the company. trial has beeiierdered blDr. I). L. I)empsey. In the case ofltev. John A. Gray of Pittsburgh, Pa., and It is re ported-it will comoodin Christ's Church about the middle of July. Mr. Limy, who is in Kansas, has been acquainted of the day, and as the witnesses for the , prosecution havO all been s 1111 l It is likely the trial will coma ow. • limiter, of the nearer Fe male Seminary and Institute, and Lydia way a tirst-class teacher of Jimmie Will , on or s about the 15th of July commence to devote ltwo I layqr eacl(week (Wed nesdays and Saturirays)o the teichlng 'cf his profession in New Brighton. The remaining four day will Lind him em ployed in his defies as usual, at the Seminary InAectv2r, Hero, whore al most eviyy, riorAon , 4ovitilFrottlleuter and hi . ...5347110nwe.(a tesetheriet rut, It is unnecessary to nay,inything in is behalf./4134 to our frlouo In New Br*ghleto.44 . ......wald;LOotithdbri-reciiM/: uir / d him to all who desire Instruction iu the use of time;phio.s 1 r • _ f Warctin, WaTcues.—The twat complete Mae In the cif at rpelllfini, and all the t 1 tachme4ito.e.4 Jana Sffra tp kitisberigh. t:ToOlio Saul, your , we • bra- 'l2 S. & J. Snellenbarg, Bros way, New Brighton Somebody tell us - ; • , ; ,Filuff-,CL#E4 Fnpui cpw FoA Inquire of Thbrnton A:Stithia, / of 14iit -4ngtont,W,Pc.,,ntY•PaXVl2.4)f f 751 4 1 Gifted Nonistreiris.htisii Clara *ekes, who , valig 1911 4 the wileiirt, was aged t` haditail ° W 'lng - on99ool43,alAfellianiections.. She ve Concone's song "Judith'l with so itch that the audiante ould have requested an encore, had It of i/841111billtbeVaet *Mks% jWa oat dent* titai;Shaididlig lady wail on a ' islt Sts , -Mrs. Bolder, and waif -bp-4C , iposset.;lvV Bind to . ptiPhijlblitAilli • ' le o* it 1, 4 1 -ot l o l ,lC r .#o l ".7( e n - M r • Sicai tasta atairwar re,OP to kin oft .thilsontatta wantailWi. Itimilitia Or iiiiiittiiitAillgt*Aridt*ler - .7" . Akti44 ,V 1 A1P 01 ,11, 6 *,, 11 0 1 .0 P rolge wigtanatilialif4.4o-041_ itttlitlAtißye lit =tasplhanliers larlitt loth . Ati iof indlo#4fiyAiittritifelmonlit ttia latter at nosptwee,atiny: kind. 4 l it t tfirktiiAtt.tb: Ofthrstintltitik Una are thus growing up in utter 'gin.: _ . ignorantr-ef the iML, A 4 19 5 6 . _ knOWit thienniemerow Let' Moo heed - rat weerizininiAli this, emi plime in tam banns wom t for. whom bell ingietedble 'l_ctinf owl Waring 0300 13 101. /toWledge, prthe movi_tig panorama in widetC. ten enact our different putiocalasse.! , To gibe perstou named. RuANYMltatilettritilt prat yoUtuhlipt &ft° tbtaofik,by iti - Noiiiltrighteit, on last Frtdity 094pAct4itif • oZ; an*of wed ' . , I u t pp rposp now la to ticffy the, putpo ' that Aid 84.4 it 949,?I v rbt.Ma%, a f. I K ployund has uo authority to rocetvo or receipt for utaserduattkbruorapo,;.. : Ns Wylie our Wends to mil and examine our keen before purchasing elsewhere. -orders lulls vromptly tilled. !ohm Memnon' Sous e 6..73 kinterstreo., ritutnusb., - - J. 7417. MEIJI= • , potatoes Is apparently ouopf the most simple cperitions of elementary cookery. N'stitig reirsititineeting littsin• don n gentleman had 149 eottrog, say that not one girlln" s:_veneeen; Of a parish lel knew, 'dankt ,, bott- it' potato. Others 44t0.11ast so great is the disregard or En- I gllsh konsetil yes )913 Or Alto mauersthatlthhilgiallterAeWis • of Was Mid vislia =Of the , iterfestlblrkir the EngliW rin, abbili. In Ito tatty tave. not e 9 v s , Alt. Kat. or GoMeniNalltlM Bieebanty. :. 32 ' . . bin•A IT ille a..' 'lnd i jr , l i n t artirEct d ion tha veil ecnltl. ' drogitlate. - Tan platiaiitteg Jk inis4vit ping :film o 4 the amount Invested. ' S. 1 J. Suellen. •barmlbe ;Brighton Clothit View the mot tatlunof Ohlthllitellein 01115111. • L name who, deal birli'llfralialt *stood Om atm have not yet ear there ehnil4' mai ti t = when In New Brighton to call on S. i J. frirecitiat 1 1 ).4 , 0 cal Pi. . ,. ,;" i. ~. % ~), II ‘. !Op COO Baiter Liaise. Botalaiari-4 1 : U. A. Mor .. ..eam D. D:; . Pt profeet;or V. fle Iltialk Teacher—C=B,off on Monday'evening; June 26th, at the United Presbyterian Church, in this - place. There war s large auditory, and the students acquit ted themselves Inn very creditable Man.' ner. The following 4api to Of tho concert: • . . Instrumental ~ Duete,From Ennui, (Gretze ••-••Nt Wall MeliCiriley•and Cunning ham, Beaver; Pa . - - . vecot Drio— `lleinne du. Soir„" (.1, ecniwnek.-bilnnen ..I.lcLenu r ,.4. and .14, Pile, Lea, Blake and Eberhart. ~ , . - instruusesitaLE4/0—" Etudellasurke,'.'. ( Tisloro;-/dins Della Otughey; Bearer s , • l'ocaLikar . ."libetel r.tAl.lo bert)—Hleses L. Poo and. Inrtrunientef Atite•-" , (Apeilii, .4.Ra ; bles," (Sydney l e' Nonit/i)—.Stbisßiddl Wil son, Beaver; Pa r.. Vocal Sqle—"•LaughlegSoligilßuber) . —Miss Amelia A. Poe, Georgetown, Pa. ; Justrioneetat,Bolo—" Jenne*. Deree—: °atop," (Sydney tintltA)—Hlan- Mary EL 16 4 1 Lim, Allegheny Cit , Pa. ' instrumental • "hientillonsLluen Midsummer .Ni ibibeint.' (69thiey /ginith) Mina Hera Williams, Pitts burgh, ra. - . '' " • • • .. instrumental itsett—!* Pearl et . , the- Bea," (Kart-Mcii)—lllasee Poe, George town. 'Pa. • ' - • _ ...." • • . • • • ..,,• • . .Chorus—"ThelluntreeQdl,"(rameP! son)—Vocal Chem. , • iitutrusnental Soto •••• " Last, . Hope, Irlottschatt)—Bllsatieondatui•Eberbart. 41 eiv Agighton, Pa. . • ~. . , r.... •1.....; ~,- ; ; Vocal .Sole--" The Bristliest Eyes,'' (Sligello-311ss Amelia A: Poe; Georgb: lawn. Pa. . -1- 5 t ; ; ; i . ' • - instrumental s,lo—" IL Trovatore," at. riosausiomp, !! Herne Love, Pitt*. burgh, Pa. - " ,__ . .. . - ' • Vocal DIAI." Lonely 81id,7.-(traercr) Hisses Blake. Bridgewater, and Eber t • • rt, .New.ME, Pe.. /Iona& 41a1040 1 Pi:2 ' ( kertlVAte rar d i d l lite B /0 fir - . rangodi r os 'Organ: ,' • ..... The audience were delighted with the exercises. Everistutlene(andonl acquitted 1 enicif4ritikeretlik..., , ~r , . ...1 .. (; Th o exihniaitliftrof Vitalise took tbsie• On Tues)l44.ftfiltildagliiki the students were taken over i the whole . range of sub :teal embraced in litifecodrier.erlitridy, 'id interrogated by visiton, thus, prov. ing that they bad not been specdaDy. trained tit set questions; but thoroughly instructed in their studies: 'The exam-' illation provederfaFtery in .evetz r 0 apect. iif I! :I-.. '., ~ ;;±. ! F.", On Wecineidiryi ' sang, Coinffieniteh meat exercises took place in the United Prelpyterifto Chatik, which , wait Alla& to its utmost capacity with , people from this end adjoining villages. The utmost attentiontms dianifiettid, and good .0r. , . der observed throughout the entire even lug. WM o:l3.bliggai D.. il:, operuidthe exercises with prayer.. i"r3i . e4 . luating lass read essayil as Ibliosilfr - - ' • Vas . Nannie 11. 7. ffibrio,. Deaver, , Pa., " rnife's Tapestry ;" . Mina. Mary S. lea, Allegheny City, Pa., " Every Sound bath its Echo;' Miss Amelia A. Poe, , 41'nitelortf.'.1141,54,..,NAtibi, 'nbt Italie.; I line' BAIA LorarEaffilifilde; Stever; dies:,' " The Fairy's , Quistiffitir,Mitis.GeOrili intlEbirritirbiatin;Pi.,.l*.ky paths," and V/desilletory. Conferring diplomas, and address to graduate% by D. I - L A. klatesHni" b. D. In his remarks to the graduallingslOss. Dr. McLean said, in substance; .We have now-come to the close of school! y oar: teal tti YOu who area te leave us , Ills plc/peed should' ad ?ft Sew words. 'the education of youth is not an easy thing-and yet all the inter 'bits of our rata demand that they be edu (med. Ea ti anany and peculiar a dc i uftpen Shut Jar o Iti Parents do not generally set such a tt on education is they should. Many re• gard it In a Mere Wolin:a light, and If their sons mid daughters are prepared to prcmeente ilonio- particular exiling With a view to the obtainhig of a livehood, ' they regard their attammenta - as alto- gether sufficient. It is well to bb trained with a epectai wow to ;fitness foptis partictft-Afteiti;put theMituti la 1 portanf atreasure to be atitttlfd an 1011 ' el by the value of a dollar. It needs en ; la email 1., and reflued,oouplied with 'rig a us cultivation.not only for its Tie b to At ,blikToi - t4e itettlie4 Regtt :0 1 e and to innart to otirahlviSiaticTo 1 the highest en joy . nt, unlTaa indeed we etabraLo. the Y :that • igneraoe lit Bibs." Won belief, well tbund od too, ii • that' ' a better world ' oar minds will be'gitidly enlarged beyond anything known to' us here; and that this enlargement will 'be l t:lly a cone turrpinesa-a ri l l' il igt e rbe true cnl c t l ivatlO ' n of the iftind brings a , h i l , lity=joyment than can be known to aft ..To. reach tine titan of. excellence here, must lutve.the kiloliter* and appro ve co-operation of remota, hot only in the training of their children In' the home circle, b,ur IP eitiniating the Value' of the immortal minds of %hear children !Orme the, ezpensti that neeemerily 'ate. tends 'the receiving of an education,t the bands (dottier& •-• *pother' difficulty in the way ls• the Orel estimate put on education. It cannot' .isintethatety < demonstrate • its power, and hence in this list age it is not readily appreciated. The man of money, would otters eilgindge : hilt; wealth for an txliication. he 'cannot 'pur view% wppl~W gm ipleddiss.multhode thirst atutialielnecbtieddlicitliewilftik*d, power. This IMpresalon deepenron the thiod of youth :and: satiaar Mien toilet too low an estimate on educational op portainitlfef., 1.• • • '• • Another, and by no means ttieleast rier in the wny, is the defective aist . lon of our educators. The'dbMands In . lyery de t f use o fillare lop prowl Tip, bellicW 0 W ' p brie ibtO =lotkvlSY. l l ;i 4 us ta grrned th != teives, Me Whir phicilibit• with thoothaii aagunesinemwary to make their poet ' don WM Martin( of eithetki Wft kirdeded if they canvisake( IS banister to Mar own advantage. Every calling in libiirtil 2 4 1 1"lea t Ukr i tlf ed. * men but - k Chi r .*irk Scarcely a trade that men will 'petiently learn ' but with . true Yankee bagenu il ity seek to e tbe time and labor trilfa „ , •71:1,p is of iptelle en ctual education ere not ek *tee geberadMilk.fienes the led :44 our , dar&inpierksiel. I. themselyekolarlsoevedy estlskedi with , course of alindron the part plla, but make tcr eniletdausainitutaletu TM* la on the principle tiu: itZta -Vs ii true -bobs 41 AY War 1112 pbyuloo liitais - i4diiiiist6'lintiiinisid Idtchlties you now leave this te aplaostu the world as dim ob wayho reetl us an Matsui urNiki, Ibla:lidrak think: loslaboroyints t=i t , nor 00's . Whilst In CoUega our ,htr i of Mathematic* used to say to us iii' BLO 4 Pfrit. )eenfliTirOnntPalOttuiet .1C Jou o not MOW tei Piroglecdteritit °Wi tt berelgtWoß Just know A. 'Cli or. ineig.,-_. we - IV/Ara "eallisr7 counts for young *Bei not in comp*: log but , as growing them to complete their atilebie iiis MYSMilisi Mit, kw. Untie to and upon. it k troldattleappe PllelitiOrt ea you MV rlitty:•Dep ,ac t Ihrget - that this com dingier your scan on does nuttagettp the imp& to text hooka that i nlYerf you, In ears whilst ( May a lniltles. • gplotV In your general reading, dud in your in- Iffeotitse with the world, yoto,will And War odatxttleit qualifying you to gather pearls anti rubies wheresaliara litultunh htirusoftd. • I , know • XIUM3 who, rower studiedEnglbfitlirantinar,"aud _TO:WeU versed in all'the prinelpbaroT Gratalltrut and n correct *rum simply by carefully istmolf ombaj i lu do even mdrottiartarel l nit, young ladies, _that you will not only And intellectual Rood wilereVer 'you , may ixr coiled 'to spend your Unte;• but althea food for your souls. Live like Christ, • man who tnew el that man could know, and yet lived as God. Hake his example your patiern„, wisdom, growklygatireirria You will meet, with 111 and trials in illev , belt ;Mt Illetfi dan...a illida at He endured. You maybe wan as defamed; bet, Uke Him, apes In looking after your reputation, d it in doing His will and form ng all your Argies 40 1 ho endildellellt 0 • you . .P.,1; a relief that we come to a vacation tnei but it bawd Mk this relluffebtW ed with the necessity of aeparatkat he e ve , the past,. It leosened, =LIZ; lime increased by the Mon ante all theclawaem I have grediukted .have never down down ott your a severer sensors than a word of .011140 u or enoomeimmeat; AO= duckdeserting higher bemire brought to %Wl t w,A, patt.„ Hay , the lid e li4u, an rr live to' rieileMe to`thetridleg of Bdc6 e4y; instrumental and voCaktuatelq, by,,grof. denten Millvenidand gratified the audiepoe. liequetsof cht: I** OM greeted the graduates and others who 'foie - Past la the exercises. Every one eeented happy and joyous. The next TOraiopens Siptemher 'gut; 1 0 H,, ' • ..,111144swer ksmae.plpsiiisr Nokii sauttiliateg—We T.lbmidehruuk Be eervedlykopular Seminary.--.ooneertAx -1414h44, awl g?" l , l ,neDfe i a, l '7' *fre tiih,ioOd. and (ORO a totilitoStottainjut tatiou as au institution ofl learning,. regard to the exercises we think we can do Ml' better teen :copy Mot:Me.' spondence of !'ltusticter to the Pitts burgh Ctunsicreide premising that 'We fuUy Puflorlte ,i 1 4)4# 1. : Mite of /kite ittithAisitiayai - A warm morning, relicreisoniewhat by • get 'le and any braes.; greeted. the students and. - friends add Onion dim crowded Die Memel 'on I .Tuesdas. .We were pleased to see so large an 'at. Madeline 'of the calms or Barer on tbe ectaiih tisanes of the Seminary. It maws an Appreets. • don AI tie worth to their community, and a cosy mendable Linnet Mita welfare. hat.. We lam, *Wry tudiMage, me too.straightened by the In:. ereeedng patronage of the school. ' MOM recite laden ZOOM per neerien, and especially la's larger chapel demanded. Twenty thousand dollars ea, penned In new Wallets would be an excellent , uptonatent un the part of the treaty's. , They am coed tit broad and generator views; and we watt to temeente the commencement Mlle enterprise. Mises „,,,,,,,-„,, .. • yeatenity . ,in Mental Art • ~,, I.Mos .. (. Dr encv! ?oh l• Lona with ' 1 0. ' 1 ' - plow Mir/ Mlle thrown la . pled the, . . Mimi Woedrolne a . • • clast eadsy desnialeennteclat Ineeltiap•threing till It ' • a thorough acquaintance ella Ws 05= t a u . the . altemoari ere had • elms la Awan==talltge l -...ti 'Mlartiougeon; another la Barna! Ursannu, by Miss Magee.. A pithy paper entitled tile "Secituiry Nilsen; was rend bcp u her . 3loille liempton, at Plus . !knits I, :Gin a to: the - • ~ r. • a/mane/el:an at' four ' o'clock' the bud • .., dismissed. . . The amnia! caticertlest evening was a USW( sands, tar exceeding anything ever given in Ws eoeunnnit6=leethre ll anof tn:r eecti • mho= f.=. ratbarolll.' oft lady IX ' Beaver, bet Um tee Meareetnenas et WlApe , Kocher ter, Itnghten and ltreadom,_wlth , a or mdterrand Eminence Rom Pllttablirgr% iota et the mule -as we monstliOrr. Among Uha Imatrintratalpleces we DWI. um names MA.heopla.,,A.M...lion-W • N. tiretseher, ie.. and amon si gite l•- g.mort„ Mcadalmotpk=MV.. ylizemi We could not me anything that we: l =y le untrottrYrkei, nasal nambientee=loF , Oared h72filla mool i sime.Adm . , ?whir yre Piece atzt . Yams C talk! mntg a clenuelm Are young ladle* er priests rant elas4: The Vi t ma e readered "nob. .Z4fi th e eloallag all . third c =ll l er Alpine Morn" ( bed by 'plait Only ass Mbs M. MM.?. erTi=ena. Pa. rim yontlithelyl band bratlermilMited te am. arcannot being OMNI gam* • • 11.14.1 e erettlka octave chords- ' The • .• • • • was the met welcome ••ilthat are the Wild *Weed tiayingigloyer,) and was sung, with Insch.cdo ' ,mime throe yousgladies of the atheneum:al clam. : Miller, of New Brighton, played K. NMI beeetiltd nocterno, "Sweet Bed "wltts very q iirc edeet. . The sixth piece wee 's . "La . min by NW 'S: Xaye vi Ttonests, which s rendered/1i her usual be . and - =- preen. meaner. Atter thiraune entree vale op lei, which was tuned in* credlabtr by Mho, L. MIA from thud. ennattlatag that thb was her r eflect i public. perftormanee. As closing bomber of th part Prot Beater played Mop Miii! an Polonaise in A mayor in a very sp . Man. no, bringing oat the MI power of th splendid Ctikkerleg grand with lee elect.' The audience called cur an encore In:iruch a vigorous - cleaner that Mr. Beater could - net poseibly yetuse,Mtdes encore pliyodosie MlD.ZetabeanUMlTattutallas: • Part slecauerned nUh Webe-ta •fluvinatiou to the Deuce,' played as a dant by Mr, entl.. Mts. neuter. Thlep delerressymialmeetten,boll as teasels the melt the compOsitkin and the nredestag. It la anima youtkinliOmpaultlan. We tale baud It e gregMairy timm. hit itMMISS. la r i II , ICOCO over 06 the same as 0= the mu. heir. • . it la ra Mil of Illatkilag hilarity sad joy th at it s destined to the beat insitation for yeas to come. This piece requires a surety of tad& and perfect mastery of • the mechanical 1 Mathias which Mallow thetneeplanist. It was rendered 'gladly. espocksils an Kn. Bauter'spart. There not a wrong sob; the avocado &the third was *Mack w mulantlag midrib pert with ts soh eartancetaras • meet teed tor teal _limner of made - We taestregy In tins connection, Meg Many sithelthe pimmoutemus iost ott the Mea. count of the noise Inedeby some of thiandreele. „Miss E. Pout t,leemai Methuen% ,inair vans '- larked* banntaLly: , She seemed to every wad ale • sail. As as sneers aga Maurd's "Abu • ear. ' As, number Wes Karl Mersa mod Peklealie tit C maim_ ,ansnred for plume made arm perfumes by Mimes tier. ter . Beacon and Mr. Beater. . I hie t compost .._ is beautiful and and, mid. deser=cial thm. 'Kati lkerlP It it 4111- artallo' high; Theron no io ns tore. CT tut flocs to to Mende las hed r tet rlgtt te. m ti e n dyl k a a hle ns p ieln eltera ble rent ;Metitorklus 'sada both eseredandt r enart-ray" - Anher hrillglM =IX Irk r et the anted ' it rm. • airee eesdered with eamliffect, end elicited great op. Abuse. ~ "Jddilb.". Meg by Mai Para Ickes; or ,Massil. lon, Ohio, we Won netts beard emended. ,The young lady ltei a rensartable roil* mend and powerful. We never Maeda mere effeettirorreci tabu thin thtlatesdatMer Mingle tb "MI ne : As an encore miss Ickes meg • Melia/se ” - ittesyr with toe egad. 'Albt's,"FlY, • Blfdther, Fly, was neat amber sang sa dna hy_ Misses Garter • and Weillearaki. 1t1414.411adr. andeppideeed. spited 3 Cams l Ler • 7 t. 41 1414, . :1 41 714. by M Mil NM tku , one 'or this slather . " o n, and mink .compost.'l lions. It was welt played, emedelty MI take the 'ming lady'. embarrassment Into considers don. . TOO itallith Helder was a 'Sled Peer. (Mrs: Klapp,) whiett was sang by Mier d, 14y— now atibPao by Mr. , 'innately, r u rshi h •gb. WM Miry _rendered this rely dimly. Into OA spirited It with a rink tier sty is ore and . saaooth.szaire think PM tide icing sated her In s every robed. : Miss sire" ee requested to alter ' "Way Demi DpoutheMirsaceltieer ".Which else resorgiOsasiot daft eTallthbliff,r ,w .-_. _il l ! ,i l !e it _t =on th..ilteseuesee was ....... Paae• . La 1 "eu eirl abed theme. with . asts by a new te;isposer, at considerable men This piece Is really tatentito . Mbis Darn . .from liay• min Oio. ''Neer Mus , has sNalled . ' etyltig= Irgi; otNacres and men et , remarks wt.' Mrs. A. F 152 1 , 1 Ti The i throng,. .. • • - kt&--- Zg busk adds ate or were' to **di tilentlsteri I tsl ll. !um audireed Soceeerfat the menthe 9f *envy It s binale. wee 110141111 to lay Ur taste, On _ Older * Iv-, AP M. Plant 43aildib amid bri. Theranini wa' . Argalmilleurit* Anges,7 by 4jtiv.Mshrik e S o wfoiN a Bra* , .. Th e Utah, • Enema: . 'by T il =7=27, ll a Linn l it lich • detqaO , tiigl, l `The e e by Mimi iianitii.Actiotarts; Tho sildress lo thq,grakttiatilig, FPO. by N . It. le &Cori Cliaine' FIFOFenv 'the geittlkitt':9Xictlded p .Oonlittiendstious otgis'.tesettentrunt)tho Mesa to amebae Of irgi ron?ind lcul thew ortho new aglow upon width 4y~ were at Wit iicalittnitoring, norilY onizeot9dOir!iFl.Fkb l Y 4° l l F et ita nsponsibilitiso find obiliplions. The awarding of diiiittnnntund the benedic tion, tor Tier.le:Ntk entertaining services at. We church. , • - . .. , The , .-, Of. thlac institution; •at gll/ ny • liinridaylasiV shin- . Muted triiiii - voiKs3hoo.Wirom4 , 4 twitoatioupp, m -The Preal6oo3l itt *Nand .44*irtiCiPli***** 'or. bulidlngtilWeast net niteseqng A friineronnjitiittOr 'AO Aisilnikr=t,. : mays lbreninatin weary gold wort; his nionditkinally promised $4OOO towaid the object, and Ida 'siar two at ' . 16406 we 'tiny exp e ct tii see- thine new-lotila-. 1 lallt (4 **Ni NA xitstillir 1 ' ' •• • ...) For ale Afr, -111anktsgt•st witi*.i tl- Inge.—One of thekan in eiYen,..astfi4t h ill**,_,, 1 $ O% leg! toes'p soe at ... regu... - . -. 1 , 1 410 01111" Un 1 4=01 11 4 1 A Mu) onitionapppbeilug As wro gener ally of a high' Allier. Motile nip , faVo &Aid* that iiiilendld liind7tlss Griot West=" 4 =tltunOf'3lpner was iiiiii,J 4,- 4eif .I,arge.nunibekifirenititatihriWe present... lii juntin''or tfori - 4;11600,' Was in the chair nail, kigit: the sudiwnielti a . roisr of laughter by his good hinnored and witty inaugural. The meeting was very enthoudutlq, Jefferson men and Wash- Jug* tneriTiA4vingirilletheli annelid' Tor their Atin,4forar. AlurunLAana aliens lipepiiMr- krjuied firhilakii ancl,PlUshingh4and . all ire putting shoulders to thinwhintair balgra along. .Thir Collsge In :An a highly flouting condition, and i very tamecondition, nun' .1 ' of new stut i 1)0 itii 6n6Sys a466lrhis4n, Wirt chl'al to e'itio ecii osiAtiolidist lloantirrite;Uturliltrielf Bugnerr Awes: That same old usur -4•l*. :tgiftf.; ItrAft hi* iNrea tamed depredating in ester will fib and' Pokier. On the pith utilities, the night NrsA tnn4ellideisus by the snouts of 'ttuus7 der" froal a colored wean= and her dill.' drew fleetnghlithrestelninisea-whife amm eter namettlienerititlevelteiiiiilisluts be .liffug• 4 1 4=4 o .4,irr a rioct saulted, , "Ind fartner in the'coal-digging—kirWall log binfi'down, breaking liw teeth tirid'at tempting to cut hi* thrust, in whiele he failed because - of the dullness of his knife. He is now . in Jail. - the same day, at Beaver, Bletkilts Alete was a terrible drunken row whicht malt stage bit). lair to,prcome, Tery,se- Wins. about - six ifelock, ten' or brgtve Enghsinuenfroes the New Bright tit Cutlery works..wheimdevidently re viled themselves with " tig,hting whisky hele".ltiet et' the Station - avid must necessarily Welt di pee.' horse prize tight. When the hineutimbo -tried to pacify and prevent a collision, re• Aarketito one of the party that this was' Adissuit of imbibing hint whisky, one, replied *, it as Eti"sifiiiiiierithat Vat! was f." ; enally stet t,inta ;alms& ant Inn et number 'et our "Ichunir„ erica" having been attracted, by r: a r v Er ,,•. as end in t ea beds R vie resoirted •t_the arrival of the police at this stage 'fifth° engagement pretreated, seriotui re anifrestored order.- Black eyes and Siklimetlete Muakr -- . It sultirftelsld result -Irtsei=-011 - - 4lf the whisky revenue of this county will be eutlicient tci_pay costs, Jailer'sß•es, ac. of their two disy'e rioting in Boehm• ter alone—not taking into account the •disturbance of community and demeraliz jdg effect ittionl SPonsible for all this evil? the respectable landlord, or,these respects/declaim:l who' 'rained his'Peltien; reaching for his in tegrity and the useful and happityltref fects 01 dealing outtldis liquid tin:. H. RELitaioars. tauntsMallon likerwlees.—The 14th of June, 1871, was an auspicloin day, for the Hopewell Chnrch, too:mice Co" Ag; At 11 o'clock a. large, congregation ,se; menbled to vritams the installation Of the Rev. J. B. Audi:soil as palter of the HopeWeil' Church: 'Rev. John 11. Augheyßreakied,preached the irratalla don sermon from eel: r2a, "Whom we preach." ; proposed • the constitutional ,tmestions and delivered thecharge tothe people.' 'Rev. Wm. 'lt. Taylor addressed the pastor. On the preceding day Mr. Anderson had Iseett ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry by the Pres bytery of Shenango mad installed for half 'his time as pastor of taPulaskiChurch. Mr.. Anderson has been received with : Agree t unanitillty 'turd cordiality by the Alereles over which he, madden as pan g. The members of the Hopewell ~.., ,u rch recently made* raid upon their :ton's house and in their hasty retreat ft valuables to the amount of several hundred dollars in value. Hopewell was °ire of the ierlrelit etturetta 4 oriPut , "- lied in Western' Pinticsylvanla The lbllowbigloluhderi.Sivribieb its pas;." tors: Rev. Wm, MTh*, Rev. Wm. Wood, Rev. Wm. Nesbit. Rev:- Ileury Webber, Heir. Janes. P. . Fulton, and Rev. T. IL - Anderson. The chards building is lo cated In a beautiful grove lu the subtirba ot the town of New Bedtord.' The sal ary definitely promised thepastor lothe call is $1,200, but they have also prowls. ed to give him whatever etre may pro,' matt hie comfort and usefulneal; and from present Indications. this -will 4iiipent to a very .00nsidsrableoddition at e01n . ...J* 1 / 0 1 IPSV PPotte 'mug 'My. much enamored - of each other. May their mutual - Mire be fervent and lasting, and nit; Mother gel Le and out before this peopl& and break le.thern the bread of life. _ !"Itt tot a eatiee of mall Import • Tee psalm's care demands. But what ml ht sn snort heart. And filled a Rotor's bkoaa. •WirANDoTry, • Pll/11170.—T40 ooucknerer of Peru..,.. D., 1 F 3,:, unahrething his sword,'' "Ae; id 'line with it on' the sand' from east 'to West and.polnting southward, eiclalan ed 3 This way leads to Peru atoll in gold= That to: womo end beggory. . Let aU good lit4tillsits ; make their 161 ear-- 'May My; that "the pea Is mfghtler than the sword." We know that a mightier goognetiir, lad mine righteous luting/s -ly,. than •Don Promise* Pizarro, has driwn, not with the itword,l nor upon nend. **via Neel), n 0404400 John ;ciy, 0 , of truth itself; on Indell de decistaskim with thew* of unerring `iiertainty, them matumoble • words and ,rittng , berressennd Ow the ' Bpentind!itr9d o , ibis line after tbeff leggin!". onth ci! *Va a4Tagifirii• • : Alta a wirier of battler; upott taw, fan. 'et the royal idtif of Moto, enormous op. He.eiaaf?ioduawiliolenas feik AprigbWoil. thole, h lora Of thija.fth#,vgezilligglibpse art t;6!t:cif AndPliiinVittitin: 010684 Ida career degraded by most tin ' boaltatinigiriun and rernotonsio windy. . Itqw, =erect with hey4i - MIM - ali of -J!orts ; they are mimed In • HOW= ;cause; under Art 11140(14 9 11 V4 ] [ieilPr; nernmilnitittetWhiantnetotittittal bide ; port of whom have already boon ' erownid , With ingsmiggit, iitid-eteralb 1181; and Riastfiew-4 talriecittacibilak istion, :Maori keg( MS Monktnied with Infainordir lb* 27 0 4 - Paved S tr eets of the urrir inroads= above. • ' • ~ • tem 411i.iiirttlekraCtiiiiiiithetico'A LL.—. I. ini-daillialling; Umbrae Twin, lenress: flew XdieleXir_ 4117 lo topkr,rlitit eke wed Wei mite we lawspee* aim 1 • s w„,,spENcER 3 t.Aillit k ek'Silkit;', , ganar Silks, ; • 1 1 , ` r u ittp..ui ,p I''oulard De Seie, ' ' ' '"P,ongee (4 6 / 1 241 )1 1 441', • tirimelle Poplin/4, 1111.4cip Cloths; • Plain and Faiwy: pizEt4o. , •Iropc)itys, ' Mounting Goals, Stripid Slum* .." lace Cur - tains: • P.Oierrisittag Plualrurgli aro nape* .1111¢la 1W loexamirur our sock, oba the bo!ttio Vluvr ielvMsT• itarth2ooY., ; , . • YU, -1 0 11 , . l i' l eij an bl) it . %Cowell lib viek'Prrre.4l.Mtairra, j • • v:!' Slostiat Inly 2,•1871.• J.:' ' I CREERS.' le in Air demand, :bet ces Ms:lower ;,-,pettne. Shehen. 4749 1 14 001=o u t:i fe LicvimM'yereithe Ina dement " '"M+ medlee, . denary' 11l EVII.- r itsiidensead , * Ilit mainly to smalliote wk prtees , ars rilgrbingo4 01111 8 i 1 .0 1 4. ff. l l' • I:o4Rficnilitee'vely'sbitiWVlo.l are lower, 1. 17-40 lkw' ts` weevil ClliC ' c ent lajt 'Mtge,' baribe / supply. • 1100686 toIlikl'ol''l ' nem Othe demand..: _.- .. : • ;• : . , . - VRULTS-Gresn apple; 'reaming-hi i may mainly lkent Waslo • bat then ut a wide range in prime, 13:0006.00 pee bbl for oommon hi chafes: Very fewer, be leg mold aboVe /3.00. `Turkey Trance 10e; French, 1241121 t Layer , Balskut, WOO per box; Vateiseim Mil 12 tis per lb. Cramps sad - •Lamona. $7.00(07.1e ,panbox-repteketh , Coenten,-10 Ma, I , - ,00114-7,141 quiet and unchanged; the lead ptatact/nue libeiatied;lho aniPP% in this sumkte is evidently Urger them has been ter Obnie 's past, parthelar 4 ly of spring wheat- WarensUnne 14 quota as , m.0)(4/143 foisted 'ping ea- Fraff/.110(e7.6 0 :fowl choke, )lilanosoto 'anew. and 174040740 for 11 0,31 1 to eke nUrringsF.P.4 l , 6 ' Pr e . riolF: ill sounall,wayald. UItAIX-Wheat ' is" dull. ' and' meth holwitiallxildintribti , tooelphe are light and prices , hare Mill farther detained ; fled mines one goatlike= to - 4L3604411 for rod, andlitahailLffnfor Width • ' , nese are towage'' as compared with nearly all of the western markets. but the mills eve reported as being well supplied, end repute to pay any murit-there•seeme to liti uo Inquiry for exporC Dettereptated quiet and •unchenged , --40061 . baying and 113(46;14 selliag.-amall 'l4lll .14 mum 61.465.„ nut ioniugle not as strung as it bas been recently as the luiprenuon 'Li gial l Ong strength that the coining crop will turn out much bettor than has hem we—pemed. Corn is in fair demand and 'llWteneupply bat unchanged; 67 Ibr enticed ear in 111- 69€1700 for mixed abated. and .7110 for prime yellow. 'Rye is very warm and in fair demand, at 61.00(9 1.05. GROCklitltW--The only new (enure we have to notlee.ira firmer feeling in Coffee, andirhile there's no advance re cent adviem Dom Ne wYark, report that importers refine .to sell only at. 1011 proms.. .Supra, moderately active 'bat unchanged.Alohureis anged and 13yrups dull, mater and unch.. Covecks-Fancy Rio. lei; Prime. 171;• CliiNd, 161; Fair; 16; Roasting, room. • lidrentles asp Dners;--White Honey, 72; rira7entyer at-Elden,' 72; , Meer Drips, ; :other grades, 4' :. I, : . :: :,:,:! y ritteuisa-Cholaie -Itaw:lodeinta.,ll/ i. nine,. /Mk imeav INV Smut Mure 'Ws i Rho; Itingars,..lol4l4 ; Cnua,'/tt all Demaratic Illakli. , - ... ',„ ' Raytown Eloosas-liar,d • Regard, left A coffee. 127 ; *"B,": 121 ; Heinle, 141 Motrainar-ANew Orleans, choice. 70; prlise,6B; good, 116. , . , • _ iIAY--Con tinned scarce and the recent advance ,be still maintained; sales ed baled en wbWtit;ip t 00: ~710atiott hat be q u otable at -wt. ma. . -.• .i • • PROV/SlONSLditinsa are fl sad :Mather; and angsrlsarel aluancleni In rinsard Midi -demand mai tending: 31 ; plain shmilderts andaidas amnia dull. Plain Shonider, Mae Wei stifle cured do 101allif eta; . Sidon, voile 'doled and /0 'for cities; Breakfast - Bacon,; Dalt i i liams,lslal6. Dried 8eef,111620. lard, twice, 11; in kegs and buckets 12.' Mess Pork, 517,00 J F,OTATOES-=;Aso . coming in pretty freely Mut 'dle are. the market s nut finly.supplied, thehulications it present are Rudibere will be a full supply wltli in the next few days and thumped will rule coieddbrably • loner. Good - Ohin. (new crop,) were offering to-day, at Ole per bbl. : ,-: - . . ' WHOLESALE -HOUSE JOSH lIORNII &, CO. 79, 77 avid 79 - • Market Street, prrx-rsutnafan. I' IlaTiv removed the RAW Iknotident s et Our Market Street noose, to the elegant c00ma..197 and NJ ,Pena Sweet, library HolklEn:,• we 'ate derpreiwred thaa acsnin Trietofeed to Meet the detaands of tk:..l6Mnink Trade. • • ' We would Weiteetfelly Wick a ea!! from ' Afillingri aid Dealentlatios recibir/Hawed that lie cm olha• as nu* if ma better Soaks and rrice,, itsan spy howl, Lot or Veit, In . . . ItAins Goo*.ASWrwMW.fWtoa7kia yyaa and . /Amp Shirls • (brads. l'hAmaWa„ Voir/ is Gads, Rpm. tattoos.BrahrhPes. • • • is-. 4044#0,,5 . Masii iwym ; Alan. envyttilaqt is MILLINERY•ANO STRAW GOODS, AT mwur Immix ripcts, ' 75.77 it, 79 Marke:ieStreet, PITTSBURGH. New " Goods Arriving Every 'Day mgreata .MARRIED. •M'CONNEfrGItEEU'—On the eadd Inst, at the realdencw'•of J. Morton Rocheater, Pa.. by theßev. Wm. 11. Locke. Mr.• A. C. .Mekinnel, of Lincoln, Nebreaka, to Max Sallie 11. Greer, of Allegheny City,Pa. - ANDERSON,TOWNSEND.—At New Brighton, Pa., June =4_1874 by the Rev. R. C. Crltehlcnr, ingeton Anderenn..of.lollnbarg, Root land; and Oltabeth A, daughter of _Wm, P. Tearneend. DIED. RICIIARDS.--Ou tho 28M or June, lif7l; al h 1 reside:me it:Morbid*, Pa.. Mr. Mohan* to the M9l r-year of his wa ft RED.--On the 29t0 New Cla lee, Beaver Co., d ropsy of die heart, M. WWI nalt l 7.o, Beaver, Pa. EMI Voeineig: NTOirialt.—Tbase will be a seir The Stoeldiokbro of IlisPlifilliptgui ter Sawa Fon Camop=rsiliy; . on Om? therf bort, lit 11. 7 110DOSAID • oria ittetelesit.• • • • t*w, NE*, wAIIIMEII,--A good ghl to tkt are low S to TIM rad trawl min Engem at thla 'alltter„ at aF..8111). Whit. lit. Bitatitta. • Ulll5llll ;WASHINGTON. ant -JEFFERSON • ;00X.A.41X;DEL Tho firifebursa. .okuricea4 attinsitiola liao rem Teist , Caralbe tO 11 . VDU galL • !Par lalbenittion. ebtria• riessumwr amis. • :Atioar - waisage.s. ciasex, • cifiatir .K,&-A. illteleade ad retell designs rreiere aa4 Ningr ejill W AT° CIT . 1r" CTISIMIC4I WElllllls4‘.tbe *s X*. ty airsti larrni.ol Ma IS Too.* err& Sinialidirsi, 4iliswy acwiA MN Wllit: C riabedit. shoooadO , Poovitati . =market !tallithim/hawSodium oalklaw Loather. Lao, eadn iv-, Tr. d . •-• ZEZ:2 lEtt ."llfatel. in all lands ofßinsiture, • MIRKA k PIOTUHE ME, • • • • or ALlAlitlig • lidabitta airee4 above IPlour Varieryt 'PKIVN'A.• I• r • taw hugest Mock In Etcnter'enan ' ly towdantly on hand. and idltag to tbattery.. tower; pokey, eneln* and Mane isorltlat at, tts apnea. so- Ilea: Motor a Urge stnen of all MOO of hap?! hta ao hand. andM, winkled In •roinn kir Min end winter mak' I: Inds tediend Le ,5 % ravoloott. 4ot - ammo. IL Jaaaerao loam Itscaault. • • V. Jetutrox. Estakitialyl;ftiaMl64lHl; =M T T I4SN"E kietitink,[64 57 and ropictso - 1 3 .17271ithRGAIVINN'AL ArWrit a i l lol : .:! BOgg SB IIII , r, S. New -Bittidi!! Cri)()l%S, M soil this season •t Ott as..' An - P e ktrtai Bargain White . Titorii ,Lawts,. FOR SOITII at cts, i;lxr11 nue Lalfllits fil • • . . . 1 m Om 'Genuine • „ Oripariie. at *hum amts., , SUlTfak . 'petaistt ?fI•D\Y. I"' Ne ft 'Black iferntinis,' ltre4iititil ' • ; 01 : 411i4itillts rocadvaird Eittitpbt Giessiditsea, ttmt 45. : mai* op 14 teed ' 'White Llama Lace Veins*, • Muck Ltsins Tape Puipb Ilavusg.imrcbased a..11n0 assortment of Lae Points. at a sacrifice, we neer tbe beat value to las found latbis inarket. Npw Bargain., for Departuieni, Opening Daily,. „ '5.31 , 41,21 .itt 'SIMSlies, Fr.DEIUL STREET, ALLEG EMMY CITY, PA. aprSly,Thilmylije2l., ATTENTION L_ alkd Co oar Came Nock of WALTHAM W ATEilli ElSffl=l o=l A ' Awl we Writ the iollowtiii-sesinks why they shank he, ineihrteir Ia wig tether Aintsican Watches , /new the Wellman Cos.w, is the Wow, nth faro tot was the ot sity oaken coped in the bestows in the WWI Stake: In the seetwd. plane. the Weeltiway . in ise a 4 ale %Om Omosw Cicisara Ameba sod *a a sewn in tbeWatehes ate Walser grids • tent et peaks misty, sad 'am ;awl IN dib =Mt. sit Nett 141mi e Ass l l4 aTi* in Übe ism pace, the weiChMetett Is new a. tad*win- Mk* he Itegonklikir• fay seninishoml. .a. consegsenee, it Is sold a ' kw Wit ' any damn is the witrket. "WI ' aewellms . _ _ 11 0 11TIMISTISKINN IPA, Homes Still Luger FOR THE MILLION! . Rain evportealtled are sent eased fbr seeuelar beads ha a odlei. /1444. and ceopnead Abuse, for aocahlrd et tbik• *no an pars grace. THE NATIONAL REAL ESTATE ACIENCT bola taal wads elameridelalydea. loan ed ta the 4014 ISts: Olalweeol stoat , petit Prue; efe4 mar _and eet. ran olastatleoe;.• Mew sad toifteno Lode; eily, eir4o4l.csitnirdl Ad iiim4•••• a n ode: owe aid 1411 Aga. 'Works. se.. Write Ito Lead Me/Wer deeerfptioa, - leoaties, 'dee dal IMMO 4C we Ana lee rae. • .11Aditesi W. 4, CO. • 27 4 / 1 14•14641 CAW 4447Kir. C 7 ad 419 - fterao. Weolladeoa D. Ct ...Mita Ag CoimttTalc. p etl c zy n gitr lvr ... Mb ta . ..12 . tee w ar raced n i s ;, , . tyste and_ahinty :faxes for tbq gstr .T lT, t . . MK hire: desighated ha. Chlpperia tp -;., Jai, 5 Wilson aiming ' [hate% A toms and Ohio . " a - Maas' More Ohio tp ,• - - "7_ 111. /1 DerrMm a -". 10 " 11 r otor tlooketosra Imo dot Gm*, tp. ' •• ".•• llt • - • Hoed Balloter& do ‘ • "..M Ulnae* Smith- . awn Yeankfort bare • ' , " 71 Whentawase D e No- D. 'Ilk A M .ra imi* tStore Raccoons ts, ' 17 JII Chrudey's lindependruce to " LI. _Jana Moines' dot Hopewilltp ~ ,• '" II • • 4 DarLis' Store lloperrell ip ' . " 'lir Mohr Iratott'a ... e , ‘ . 11 Mrs, gilliott's ymeids aid be Mabstattitablag unrol ls Wall Unease/ are doe by timidly Ist, Thome tit odd at that data will be collected with coats. sohyttLi R. ALLIMO2I.7.r. *aver u. .. Hanover $p . MATIOIth,I6 MINK 1111SPOIST. itepere or t the eatettlan of the Illationw Lin efileave twenty, New Pe- st the k dose tetbaetoess es the souk day °Chute. len : niBOURCI.B. Loans - ond Digoopets ' 88 1 8t 81 Uirerindb U. Boodes mous elseoloBoo. =UM SO 11. 8. Hoodamml &entitls as hand.. WOOD 00 Dae frog redragibis - sod mem 18.$ 0 /1 008 . ' 19 2se flow Other Natiosal Oaks ' 10 tit Thus tress frpes' caw auks 08/18•8- BialrAcliona Ilhirdtar• sad Ilzbare....: Carnet tapers! (808410x0... Buis of Xatinald Metier' Comm thielodJag akk• 144, cola legal Tender Notes, • EMI atpital Stick. Serpi*. land , Dloeoest ' , atetuotge. • ' 3252 totem: . 44 a. 3.324 21 Prott an d . mitre ttt Miami book etteattiloo.: 144.902 Dititkodo • 1.21114.1 14121daal .......... 6.1,312 11 Doe to Nittlotalbesolte MOW NI Dm to State batiks out Wawa • • 1411122 ToW. . , u e 1 Mita qf 11411 loops Cagier Oxinty airnaltor. otamtl22ll2/3/12talt or Dover 001Mr,dosdosoly Mite 11242222.20T0 It trio to *be bettor koaw=lll4l morn 1D goes,. Ilabiettbtd sad miasma belqmwi tam Hails 91 . awn* Ln.ann, 0.22222i-Atteott • • . 1114 " mr ghs axo. ualcumus. - - . liireelarr ..• - • • Jam 111, • J. D: AM EY OEM OPERit eat exist, .4-tori , ::-FURNISHINGt.; • EMPORIUM M" d4'', Filth jt'vepue, M t raßtrilka The Meet Gamin' Lomat slooodi meat tor say addresk on approval. DaY94'l7. j r .- 11tadir"& 'Co . AN . KERS . ,; .raiandat Alpasar q/ the rhatioimatrs, P6ll t I AVON III; IF w(4n. lintti 4 blirah, , l.O.. • neateri 'at: - WHOP el qarenntleal Se' eitritier,l(lohl, von.; !Iry awl it noNn(4, ("OLD, MOUTOMIVA, And first clan Akrialiks ge s ., • • latimi bawd m 4ervittoweit Isrigabr Diwt lM saykty PEILIMITOIIII. &ND WILLOW ' - ' , CAURIAAIIia. • ',it:6 . 'l6od liew'Yock. and Philadelphia' FMowew* atraweeable.prlai. Alm, • ' Sidahale., Ilarkiw..Weacy Geode, , Aim' Jet . Jewelry, . We, A* Wikihwitle,ead retail, et... . • , • • • IF. A .41191,1641.1e.11, let Peden.' Bt., II dents above *W. IIIII717;17 —h • • Al --' • , VIEW& ••• ALBUM, . • . CllßOAllatl, ' • , ~ . PIIAIIIA, _ . . m. &N. T. ANTI ornr Co., L!} ltriodtwiry. invite the attention or the trail.: to their extermlie ussorttnent of the :ttooe good., if, their urn publinstion, :naatiftect e port! jskpeeptijue.,, PIJOTO sLANTICIighitiLIDM YMI '6IIAPHOSCOir.-4. $4:141 VIEWS OF R. dr. U. T. Aultfilmy Attu., 'rat Mroaawn,y, New York, :• - , .Opponiiet Mr Amps:Mein Hotel , Importers wed ilantiAndirers of PIiOTOORAPIitt MATERIALS. ware:ll-1y BEAVER SEM IMARY.4 ifisurKE • Hill ...Cipst . iff geptembey • 'l2; 15371.. • it bsr li dittfo its Conicailmn, i Terichers' , Courfire Dealgued e,pecially for Cornmeal /*el Teaciiera, la whose interest upecial atten tion will henceforth be given. Also, • NORMAL- COURSE, Suitable for thaw who would make teach ins a profession; and Id themselves far the highest grade, -or Principalship, of onr Union Schools. Young men are given a liudikeir .Eignestion. or fitted for College. : Send to liter. -)t T. .TATILIDit fur the nevreatalo . ItfAirt •.MTD. W. P. IMUIAT. a. rolryiWClllll . Boyd, Murray Fawcett, lithOesale mad UMW" Dew la LOOKING Picture Frames, Mouldings, &c. Od PAIMIIWS& CHROIO3, Os tae Ifite of ,the old Ibrtre 71tradiv, NO. 58 rtrrn AvntuE, SONO t CO., ivisBURGH, PENNA. lip • • • QO L•NG Al ABEEMACA keeps me Mk e 7 the Bale will keep Aeterka. Tas ores . LILL. Au Important Book me !Ole Great queselos. AGENTS TC4NTED, OI? N 3314:11 14t. ,J:092.111 DUO, D.,D.. Aorthor.e The JeerUee; . CAnrh. en 4 fide, dPe. Third Edition Etntr•ReadT, REVISED AND SMARMY 130; Grn A V I PI Ck !Abend Cossuarsalons! Rapid Sales! Quick Pripa4. THE SORE ROAD TO RUES A WORD TO AGENTS dal re leer. *comity of boots to sett. Sal the FUof an eyent lies la his selecting tat wort which mote the waste a the tame, aid deals most.powatilly with the &tic bar et the day. The recent alias of the enemies of kaWartantleee to baba the 'Bilfefrate MI Pod* hthoels;ineftle late littempte ter die lattrataa of New Yak and Maas lo bashes Me outage apat any deft and rehears lianas, lave ammo Od in the minds of aflame Waialeale a Gala to pow and lave dreamed o more thoeseab knowledge of the intents and papaw* of thin yreat otpaisatioo, which Most they wilt pawns . ate canary before the close of the Yliaideeetli Coetitty. Tex Ora. Roux dale wile taws Mims, and the Mauer* with which the dna two edltlose have been sold is sallickat pada the *Menet felt to the bat. •Addias for descriptive clmalarA . a— J. B. FOSTBa I CO., at Fifth Avenue, Pitobaralt, kbe-ls-eke tors. New Trimming -Store, 'Car. 3d A Seminary Slreeta. M A. - 7 Mrs. F. D. Fitst. Ilea just opened choice lot of fiudiloaablis Millinery: Hata. Bonnet; Fames,. Rib. bons, Fine French Flower", Illosion, Re. Ladies', Misses' and ehi/drnia' Mendelians' -unbleached Cotton Rona-- extra quality. • • - KID GLOVES, CORSETS COLLARS RANDitEROMEK L " - 'EMBHOIDEIEUM TRODUNGS, BE SPOOV,COTTON.' lell#Mht#o , • 'V !V 3MTTit lII'S 0 PI 4d all artlcleansuaßY kept in Fifa-Clam , Store& sditlqo, ebe add keep a good aaliort• meat' of Toys, Lead Pencils, BodolDniri reaE rr ntres and Schwas; Fresh Mar Ind Gingersnap* reenstaistifini • (aPri"7" CIO IS 14,374 64 1,9341 . LIN Si :666: LOS OD rd 14 3.531/ 1/41 WIWI OD SIII2,ESI 111 tilellaD OD 191,9106 TI ..,i . igt) li3t4tonwtstait! J. STO , RX. • : , - 4 ... ',40a met'. - : NO. 2 .014.14040 rirrinnntaii, rs.v . : l • _Au Taw fee atom a larite ar4 ME Eine Tetua l Coffees. fivcAo4B2,'lttissi...:". " , tclti000;srlyis 1 i 1 4•••• 'Ail of which are offered at Mtie examination of moss visiting Pitiainirg is invited, tomicaMair r , . , Itobiga NO.; 2 ritii.MOND, masipa Pa• ME I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers