ADVERTISE Advertisementaare inserted atthe rate of4l,Qtt per square ll:wilrst insenton s and Aar mth knbaegneutthipattldn7iDbenill. A liberal dlsoount made ,ott . lssily ad vertisements. A spice equal to taxi llnlielatiti mamas &Square. 4 ossifies Notiosaset,tuAer &bead -by themselves lmmodLatety 'afbirr the loop news, will bo - ehuitecVterl oenta a llrui for each litsortion, Advertisements should be handed in before Monday noon to insure insertion' that week's BllB‘lo4.."i*cifirlh 111ELAVER. Jal A ce n oa 7.1.--:teiteit at illawritterty"oe! enpledh.y the-late Jong° ttistdagbam. 111 bane. catcalled to barn recette,prompe and rar furattention: • ' . • • •-• ieNat ri.,NB7JISU.STCTICtii 4 nay at Law. an 4 residence an Third itt"ilit of McCann MIMI. Iluilneep • • 113• t anamiselo. - • aptly J s 'L. beim/ On Mon qam... All bit& ne.s promptly atteanNulto. • "r , Jett, and n:equlnary OWL*. " 'Yu • lb. jal'll4l -- (•7CitYLE, practical Watchmaker mad 4•m kj. e'er, on Third et+ ent. seam, rig (tma opp knmlte Itoortoo Dog Store: •-• /931;/Y I:1, KUHN, Attalla . ) at %Law. Ofhee ehat / ei!d ofThfrd atm; Bawer. Iff"±500:14.: . Dieetre.P. Healdence and omen on Thud Mast. a few doom we tor the C.Autelloass. apnrtUly JOlll4 11001 M. Drwpgrat and drain in paws, eno, pan , ravens! WIG. ura 1,11n04c Glarf• were, Lampe and Fancy.o' ands; Math scrlptiona camfully comptmelled. acpanlY HEIN 1011.1t414 — anu4rturer and Dealer In Boots, brown and lialttre: Main •1.151 . t1y STORIS.. Lugo Andrtreeks' Druggiol S. Apothecary, Mau at. Prescrip , Dune candulLy compounded. .. S• O A lI N G i n le alit:i ler to the g In igrat i . W rl l e i : card In another column. • sep9Miy _ liEAC() Mrs E.. 1 Desteriiiiiliiinery 000 Q. S TrimiihnEE Third rt 13,hiver. 5A4,11 ja i lE s ldiV t illt6..Groee:) . 6 itettezpt Mae . fectieuery std Vieestahler.iirde rt. , 50p261) ME • iSislluTz. Dealer la - TUVellte, - 810iee. • Omer. rte. West end ad et. sepattly r 'Volt - kfimarance *gent ea.rer.• Ps. .17.‘ V. Call get your property &oared. ocalkly "PIITTSISCUGH. JORGA NSTERN,Desier In flout* G Shoes, Donn Market St. Pittsburgh, Ps. I sepl4;ty Pii7trerd riatant.. op k. puelte Post thlike. Pubdthens of the *ltem, Ls. tete Ite..tster,l; sent free. Pittsburgh. (seplizly 11ENDE11110.1 & — Ugni., Wholesale Dros. • . gists, DS Liberty ht. Plttstrargh. septinly J D It7I.IIAI.EY'S AT PASLOII.I4 AIM AC , enne, (neer Market St.) Pittiititugh. (serif it y c.l A CLAIMS S CO., Driotsed Stattoo. 13. ere, 113 Wood St.. Pittsburg(yept4;ly J0:1E111 CU, 77 Market StV Pah:harsh—lmporters and dealers in Notions; Trimmings, Closter", While Goods, Ce. , [014:1y • SYM EU & DROTIIERSPreneh end Arneri. XL can Confectioners. Desless i.I 114 t.. .ne.' 128, 13U Wood St. Pittsburgh, hiepttlY N. (DIT/RE, Dialer in choke res., Couece .h . Family Groceries. No Sr Fifth Asenne. Pitts twill. I's. ._ sepl4;ly liVirrEfiSitalif - LSON:Thisiers the New el Weed Family betting Machines. 1111Marcet Street, Pitteburgh„Pa. • ere-Car „ pets, OH Cloth.. &c. Special rates to Clem. .723 Firth Avenue. Pittabarph. Pa. : (septa; ty t v htVice - TisolTO - 1. fiClintrirtl — t, Dealer 113 -1,2 A• .Watttes, Jewelry Silver ware. No - 1.1 Firth Avenue. Pittehardh. '1 [aerie:ly A. LYONS. 800 w and di~u Painter, writes I' • to order Show Carle for every haelners.- ...., No. 7 Fifth Avenue, Pittabaryth, Pa. [perittly C. ruLeo. ,Manufacturer or and Dealerln A • PlMlltllft and Chain:— Rosewood. Walnut, Mahogany and (Ink. 4, SlTllthnnid at. [onts;ly ALLIIIIHENY CITY: i NAltS,Ell i'hystchin• ' Chron ic Fai=al ecirica goada a •petlalty. Mice, IM Werh I ligtonitvende, AllegbenY City, 4a. , iiirpl4;ly \., New ESEIGIITON. I '3ISTEAD..t WISNKB, Dealers In Boots •L. :,note et 01JIM, flair Sienaon'a Confeztlon rry, Broadway. _'_ IRS. L. 101 . N ,Sr M. UIISTEAU. Dealer, In .11 Notions. LadieglFundshing Goode , . Hmiery. Urge, making. Car. Apple a Broadway. JeA;y 1116 N TON RESTAURANT and EATINU So -1) LOON; mottles at all boars; tableful:Tiled with al the delica:ler of the rearm'. Pricewlow. Wm. stickland, cor. of Pant and Broadway.•mySCll•ly DitospEtrr - Altrt IstifSERIES. .gracna and email Fruits. Three miles I ast of (nuiSe) . • . 'E. THOMAS. I. 4 ItUBB.—UILLILAND .1. KERR, Dengglet4 and Apothccarle., cor.llroadway and Tells at.. New lingtdon, Pa. (Succevitom to I. U. No. Moo felf`-tly IEO. F., SLESION, Bakery & Couretlonery, Vf It. It. street. Sp:tie attention glvvntroved• dlop balls. (.epll;ly T.; & tINBL . E.NBEBO, Merchant Toni:lrv., k p Broadway, N.V.-Brighton. See adv D.pl4;ty .tl.. Brighton. • [Nepl.Bly NOSB,FiotogvaphT.r... Iffilmou's 131. wk, Broadway.H. Beet photognmlni from re-winch ed negatives. teep: lay l e N on T i E m lt i, t r Ull w l . S y oll,. il3wallwer.s.lll..eTpoil.;4,f; • T J. 110WITER, Groterhx, QueepaWare and tl lloanehold Goode. Broadway: itepll;ly 11VAN PUGII, Dealer In Wall Paper, Window 1 inlntiP. Bookl , ,Statloneery 8 NUOODP: BMA tray. New Brighton, Pa. fr i t:lllly CIIIFF da,STEINFELD,DeaIern In Dry Good., Faucy Good. t Notiolla; Itercbant tato. Cluiblers, Broadway. ; , . ,oc,112:ly BEAVEIR FALLS li r W. DUNK LE. Manufacturer and Denier fn Y • BMW and Shoes. Special nttentloh pia to mannfactory of Fino Call Bans of Went auk.. spr.MAlni %I\ 7 HOB HUTSON . : beam: eftiproir¢. V lior.c Sewing Machines. Malt) St.. Mclieet Fall,. wepl4:l‘.v }F•Cfr: SU Millinery, sumer urn& an Bakst stitch, llsaver Falls. 1, - "" ENDALL./ITANN EY. &Mete a Frercii - Karnt• eta:also, House and atir„n Painters, Ads tit Beaver Falls. avid .;ly k FLEMING. Dealer In Ikon.. and Shoe. I.f • every dercrlptlon. at low pneea. an. I a an. seri or Quaid!. Main St. Beaver Nallr Pa. JanIS:IY BIiIIID6EWATER A RS. HART PABRAGIII,t., Iron. Portrait . nod (iiiiiediribt°reTialfaltifiel'airantrar: Work promptmlyrg..." IEciRO E lIRIDEOGEIT,IIeand - i;lgef Pain. 1.7 ter. Bridge St.. Bridgewater, Pa. aprtlCTl:ly AA BREHM 'Bridge poem. Bridgewater, ic e Dealer i; 'Gold and Silver %Towhee. Clocki, Jewelry and Sliver.Ware,r/pecnicica.ite. Watch ' Cinch!. ind Jewelry repaired. e1t571:1 D .atcvicat. Tailor. None but ex.ertenced workman employed. Shop on ridge at.. Bridgewater, Pa. febSTI:Ip. AMID; PORTER. Tiuner,. Dealer in Tim Cop. el per and libeet•lron ware, and Iron CiAern Pump.. Bridge it, Bridgewater. teepl4:Ly • BLATTNER, Manufacturer and Dealer In • Room and Shoe.. Bridge St., Bridgewater. Pa. % lU il • Carpet.. Oil Moths and TOmmlnga. Bridge St., Bridgewater Pa. • senility I 11. brafERTY. Dealer In Boots and Shoes: 0 • Bridge Snivel, Bridgewater. se,pl:l;it • ifiNA VER. 111111nerr. frimminiait Button, • . 7. Bridge se, Bridgewater. eepltly : F. WEINMAN, "IlinufairnMOf Boon, nod Shoes. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. feepl4;ty BRUTES tCi Cl othi ng ter Ht. atreßric rro4:l . 1 015V.6i WOODRUFF r". .I,.,..Tontsonarer all deserptions made to order. Bt. Market and Water atteets...t . sepitily f • 'STILlth CO. tir - esi,grieensware. We. .t a ‘ dow Floor, Feed a Country Produce., Ounlan'a corner, Bridge -Mt. Bridgewater. prp2l:ly Dealer to Monongahela 1 Coal. ' Orders left at J. B. Clark's, In beal er. and at Smith's. Drug Store, In Bridgewater, will be promptly attended to Cash on delivery—Lowest VarddleDonald'a Point. sep9B.l nocussrms. 4 it'. HANKINS—DriIIer in Doots,Shoes • ten, and agents roetilnger's Sewing machine; ,ew York and R. R. Si,. Rochester. lfebit/Y. 1,2 IGMUN D GROW., Gunsmith. New work, of ill Ma best material. manic to order. All work watranted. Repairing neatly done. Prices Low. Artam tit.. Itoctiestar. Pa Janittly, 1 -7 i7 ILL SMITH a, CO., Fancy — Dry tkihito. NU TY lions and Millinery. Madison et., near,Dia. mond. !Rochester, Pc, ENRY LAPP, „Manufacturer ihiiDeaftTla, 1.1. Furniture of all lauds.. Brighton at., itatee Plow Factory. hoe adv't qertitly 'JOHN KARCHER, 'Baker and Cortfee c tloner.— C Water at., Rochester, Pa. • faeldkli INGRAHAM BOYD, Wagon & Carriage Maker, 1 Railroad 114 Rochester. Pa. ptertiy . 4AIIUEL C. lifiNKl.E,Biliggist. Preeirip.. t, lieu carefully Compounded. Water at., Ito-. cheater. (.1p1417 • 4,2 PEYEREIt SONS, V holesale *Retail Deal 1..) et. to Dry Goodsprocerles,_Flour,Foed,Unln boat storesaroo it Cdt.,WateraJsmer PREDERICE.,Baker and Conlnctloner. V • Weddlue Cakes and Ice Cream turniehed prortiptly. On Diamond. Rochester. (sepltly Fo lo lt SALE by A. SILVERMAN, llesclonarters r F oreign d JDonmetic Del Goode. Notions, Trimrulors and Fancy Goods generally. Wkter .trvet, Rod:water. Pa. (nt_t_.2l A f MILLER aCO outriders' and Bui ers lders. Ag• nur turera o "(Sash, Doors, Shatt AC' Drab In Lnin A lfer Latkkc.-Rochlater. BOY _ITV/ L'ITTY. 1.P.4 - SP NIA - 1101, tiireceesoli -) Lakin. I Co., Dealers In Sawed and Planed Vouther,. Lath 6 Shingles. Rochester. eptkl) 1 1)6WER'S LIVERY STABLE I COAL YARD, bet...l3lLX station and Ohio steer: Metkly 4,2 — i•ItROPP CHAR.. Mannhicinrer or arid Bab. 0 le Tio.Copper and nheet Iron Ware. Roofing. Spouting. dc.. attended to. E. York IL. °CORI/ EFPLER d CLARK, proprietors or Johnston 7 House. (loud scomnstaistions 'Lod good ara ble.. Near /t. R. pepOL 'oetlll4ly J 1). MILLER, dealer in Dome, ihoes,Caltersi • dc. R, string done neatly and promptly. Store on the Diamond Rochester Pa. I WALTER 4.: BROTUER, Ranaisciaren at II • W agons,'Coselles Reggaes: Speing-wagonii. Stair. de. Blicks . mlultes sa d laorieshostog done to the best manner. Rochester, Pa. salty am 6-i; O. iAKE eneNsici.—e general . oolortMent of rolt Amender, der,Atneenawan., Stoneware. Canard t_ tr. Car. ad • Broadway. taulYl7 • CO —Deana In DTP 4 “ooda. Clothing. Bore bloom, thus Cam L :erpete..‘4l.Cloßta. l anaeorware. Giwiewat. or - Broadway %A etc ILldaxg. 11. 1111V1417).6,DnligistItilidawnals" costrinunhoL tabUly i~Z ; ~! V0L!pp :777 ..!1!1,q;:,,,g7.,. : , 1 . : ,,. • 11111 8 CEMIANItelah TOW( THORlClLSTMeneinternof the °eat ' Rapnbale Codttat stole, and Patentor ad roe. table extend.= top and entre. A EBERT HUBBELL, Stoneware IlanateunteA .11. Ornate_ . pik anewded Leo. Vaapom Sew cane nsfte t or, HA. isepLAV Miseeltaneous. CMIRCHES I saLCONATITI AMA. 111 WALL PArEw ' flpsollows banks. sands New mouldi Dem an exklbitton for churches and ngs. w cot. • limns find centres, him, ENTIRELY NEW, AND' AT Greatly Iliediaood:Mrioes. aui5r....4 0 0 1 , 1[4 1 17=v0 i . 4.... *Near :TM Avante.: • • • Clued . ani Bank Nine mile:to Oilier. ••••• .1; I . • • taut eller For. Tame ALA*l2l:inatt.'i been antlatett with that tatiible nod . - plalnt—eompletely nubbin me for bastnese tat 'weeks at a t ime—tor the last twelveyears, ants* hat round a remedy mat gives Instant mid. Cbmplete have concluded to have It Co.tyarei for Tile. so that °Wore aiodlarly Wool to receive the hen *Aka a, uvulas chm Wet It rill (f,o'all, and more lltanallprom" at id, that Irma* c ace wing, will with. envit, AA numerous others who Aare useelit can 145 tjfY • CO. bo had at this Drug, auyn iftlliefiLll4lo, Rochester Pa..'ot" 111.1 iestb~ mall to say addresd oa receipt of nos .dallar. tea oats to pay Pottage. B. 11011 FIT, novitt,:itlyt • .:Itodmeter. Boma. county, Pa. Oft 51411111111: w Bridgq aitrevt; • • 'EftimiEW ATEIf,'PA.' IS WEEKLY REOEIVING A FRESH 'SUPPLY OF :GOODS IN RAM OF THE FOLLOWING 'DRYRTM ENTS: Co EP S. Steubenville Jenne, Cassinteres and Sattinets, t• • • White Woollen(deakets, • 1• White and Colored anti • Barred ,Flannels„ • Herm% I)elaines, • Plaids, t;l • Cohergs, Lawns; Water Proofs, • ' - Cloths, • Woollen Shawls firoOn and Black Muslim, Tickings, .Prints, Canton • •ti - Flannels, - ,J0001:10.!1, _Table Linen, Irish Linen, • Crash, Counterpanes : „ • Hosiery,: - • I Gloves Mita. G,ipderiesl, Coffee, Teas, begat; Molasses, White Sliver Drips, Golden and Cannon Syrups, Mackerel to bar rels and lilts, Star and Tallow Candid, blplces and Mince Meat. Alpo„ SALT. Hardware'Nails , Glass , Door Locka.Door Latches, Hinges, Screws. Table Cutlery, Table an 4 Tea Stoodlis. BIM& Bellai‘Nal Dozes, Flre Sborela and Pokers, 12111 s end Glass. Spades, Korea, 2, 2 and ForkA. l22 es. ,Scythes and Saabs, Corn and Garden Has. WOODEN WARE. Bucket,. Tub., Chums, Rutter Print.. and Ladles CARBON OIL, Litis66l - 01 &A frite'La. IL Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CIIILDRENS' SHOES, la great variety. Rifle - Powder aid Bleating Powdo • and Ft4e. Flour Ford Ifc (.1 1 aiteensovviare. 131 heavy goods delivered then eclairgm. By aloe* attention to begone,. and by keeping conatantly on hands well sweated .rock of geode of all the dlffiresit kinds-usually kept Ina nountry store. the undersigned hope* in ;Le fame s. In the Past to merit and receive a liberal a tare of the public patronage. rs. ItA.NOnIt. . lect:Mk Iy.--Jriebtid• NIEYBAN & SIEDLE, • • ' Sneremois to - HEINEMAN, MEYHAN S SIEDLE N0.4:2 FiitL Avenue. Pii.biburgb, GOLD ANDSILVERSMiTIIS And denier,: in FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES. DIAMONDS AND SILVEIC• PLATED WARE. Agency for all the beal makes of WALTCII.T.IO. SETH THOMAS CLOCKS. Special attentionpaid to the repairing and adjusting at' 'FINE WATCHES. 0ct5.'70-Iy. JJ.l.'ll NDIERSON• haring taken hold of • his old Fontidry again, in Rochester, Pa. 4 will be pleased In meet hls old castanets and friends who may went either the DIST COOK. ING STOVE, Renting Stove, or any other kind or'' Resting. oiliest material and workmanship. The briefness wilt be enndurted by Jett() J. J. ANDERSON &SONS. WOK. HERE. QP*INQ ANDSOIIIIICIIIII GOMM —The undersigned bens leave to talons his (i & and didpublie generally that he bee Just received a Dew stock of goods of the West atylee for Spring end Stunner weir ,which ha carers at very moderat rules. 0 ENTLEMENS FURNISIIING GOODS. CONSTANTLY ON lIAND. • • Clothing made to otter on the /hottest millet. Thankful to the public fur past farms, I_ hope by close attention to barmen to merit • eontkat. sore of the same. • DANIEL, MILLER,P 4 BRIPON BRIDGEWATER, mar 240 Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A, PR6*l3loi - mAarar„r4; ROOFING,' BAILING, - Itsrawarie 411 4 021, Straw. RAG AND CAILPET x7b ita 'Et as_ . AND AT -- - Wbeleistelk Retell by • Frazier, litter b 2 Third Akemote. _ eirbar. tabs* mama - rILLIA 314.4111174 . 441m k t. • T virr t . 4411.41.1. , . • Mani fttetis and Dears in Dt6oo,iiiiiber; MER, DOORS SHUTTERS, SIDER% FLOceING, MOULDINGS, &c., • dared dawlaig nad , Turmas; DONE 70 ORDER, . ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, AND PROMPTLY' ATTENDED TO. Mill Oe the Railroad Motion. ROMM)..: •PENPVA, s april 19 '7l; 1y • ' . . , . • . , . ... 4 . -sir — 7 ---:-._ -' • I t• i -1:"4 ,, . , • 1 , t ,!":•~ t• . 44/ 1. " ' ' -, 1. - ! i , ,A ** -. ''`‘ ' .• .'. ~ •Y: 4 7 . ~I.- .. '• .. ~. . f' : IFOI/t7 11 t:;.- • ....1! I: i,.:: •\ . .1" ii,• .", ,)- (I .i.t/.. - 1 a:.f 41 , Ji • 4, tlt: „-, ~ g :' . .: ''. .'. ' 1 " ' " 1 ." 1 '3‘: l'' •• • • ..." 'i 7807 , .. ~ r:„. ~ . 1 .A.. - . .. ,, i, • i• ..t- .•.if ...:1:1 "• , 1.1., ;I•;'/V •fi i::1' t • '.'• r •• dn ;-i ."..4! /.....) 'l,l' L7't: -'s . •.t •,.: a ~i ,.. - I ,1 1 , It 44 try ~. *.irj .141 ' " " 1 "" c ' ' '.l .t- 6 '••;' el''' .'f i 4 i .1 - .91.4.; '. • '‘' • 11 =-1 ' ' .../ ll /, ..q.: ..'' : ':1 4 .1:1"1 : ''. ,/,'•l7 :!! i ,/,';• • A 1.: - 0 . -.1..i, ;Iv i? , 1... ,• ' 4 ' l4 ' •-: - ''' 'iLl '''' '''''''''."/ ''''' 2 1 -':.- - :7-4; F-•>t ~ . ' s „;', :I 7 7; 4 1 i, ~r . ~,:„." :It' . , _•4. - - f ~..; ) 1 ,01. 1 . , • L.. . .„ f,...i. : 4, .;:,, '. , : -:-...! i.v. .i. ~ !:!-Y•f.f' ' • flt.ij : • iNi ',-.!'ta '•h[, 'II ;ja'Alf ...i.. 'L[;• itt ,~ ''' - .i t il'';"'l'i •':il ., :f: , ....: : : 4 - ,iH ' .::--- i ~-:: r . ,:, .: , ; .,1,, ; . -,.::: , la '4,11*! r ' .k....r Jou , •=e.;•-•-ii„ l ) :4:1 a 9: ] q:.; ....y . - 4 1 ~.1:, .ui., , t , ! ,....,..•. 4 .1 , .....,;. ,„...„-, . ~, , ... -, ~ , ~...,..., ,••• .: , );- ! ;,:r ;',..,.,! ; 1..n.1.;. ,, i, 'n',,, , 10-,.. I,,r t , 2 , :a ., ;. A B ~., ...i. ::,„ ,:„ ,:..„:. ~:. f.:,..,,..„:.,.. t[!• ....1, ..,,. -0::• •.: .., 0 !,' ,•1 tr '.. . ...... - --- ' ' , I ...... •,:,:‘ - j, .1, ', . ~.. ; ..i.4 .. .4 . ..., ! T. 7 .....: .t , I •1. , ' , ..,,--. IT - 1 - , -••— ' , aka ' Prriti..17.14273 cific.non on ate aftet,L5,7 4... 111%,,1811. rialle t kW* ly.) [Vali 1.11 gt, , 0 10101FUT:•••• 1 01 FUT:•••• • • -- reaireon. 1.; ....1141.....,.i......_,..•.':. , . • . ../ liatla jfiStlt'al Plttabersh. is Itt — Z - IttWartilleaar 410, - ; Rocha= il US- •: MOM W• • 4211.. Ode= AM nt ~MO* ...... ..:. 1 6 . 22 c. 'ilk fliiiii !lib Orrtill• oe , 11 di iti , iiiiras ail .r...,!+.121W , US Graisati;as .I L t ,....,..c.. - 4:; ,am . lin ... p a pj 7: ll , si iiiii.4 .. .l . , . re . .:11 . • 7:. , :,;...! -, Forest' - • 111114 I 'lit , • sihi 5 ..• iliaa i tillai i .1140 . : etti 'Mr. . Mart_ . ' • .-i .. . . - . Fart Mow,. ... .. illidrx, niii-Itio- .iilir C01maib1i5....:.:...!t....•.; ".i.... ,(.1..:: I - ..,., 41Imonth - I . ISM 1145• • 1115 , rx 'MS' Z . : I I g. li tgt "l" '''''''''''''' I' rie 60 I mop* • . TRACKS 001110 SMIT. etarroxe. . pitrieellir, Vliratc., Sirs Chicago.— i 920 ,ani 51.5 rat 650asti 260410 Italparateo. Plytooeth 1 ...... ... I .i Wallow iiii 1 iiti .1:94 • i liikaw Columbia Fort Van Warm. , 2151.n 1 7510 . ;1140,mi 511 • Wert. ~..-. Lima i Jae I 250 tatalt. SR • 111 Forut DS 417 633 Upperliandusky., 1.... .... I .. •%. '1...- • ' Bewail j ll ISIS CPO iii* : cnedin. /D ' ".7 MC • 431 MID 03j Mansfield . i . 705 -so? 153 9 4 3 Wooster ~„ ... - ... .... OrortUe , . ....'i 200 657 355 114E' Ilualllon '• Canton. 1... • ..!..•.,........... Ai11an00..... ...... 1,709 a. 850 1 .550 lees Smote. Rochester • !laftAss 1195 em I 4 t l pitestmuzb II rz3 If.l2rit, SD . I ism MEE Youngstown, New Mille and Zile Emmen lesser 30111041/11M111/1/0 p. ta: HIM Cline. kW Pan: anir ea at Pittsburgh, 11416 p. . Returning. letre• Fittsbanb T:(t0 a. m; arr. at New Castle. 910 a. m. Yoen.wMern, 1010. a. WU =town., Cie sad Pitinbargts Ac tkin learesfitoangstown.6:3o a. in; New Cestle.l/0 a. in: anted at Ptttsburb, IMIO a. in. Returning, levies Pittsburgh, IWO p.en: ar rives New Cas te 445 tt.m. • • F.ll. ICIIRRS, qmsrat liusinger and Vas) 41.11 a. cisian,AND'a PITTSBURG II RAILROAD. On and after 29th IRTI, Oates will leave Staten dilly (Sundays excepted) go follows. ss • 00/Xe SOUTH. • Cleveland .. 840** imply num 1 9 , Euclid 5tteet......., , I . .. I. • livolsoa i 610 lit l iio Itavetwa .'lar LW . Ilffl Mine. :.. ....... ' lino as i 710 m}505 ... 1.1202r* 715 I ~ Vl5 SW I 1 Li=Mi Ma. ,M.Tr's - Wellsville ........ 1 905A19 1 1035 Al/Vee .'1135 Ravenna 1•210sx 111253 Mslveti 130e11011treet ...... 1 .... Cleveland I %54) • 'TATUM.. , tAccolll MAIL 13ella/r ;! Mos IltOsa o . 4 Wi m d C art ville !11 thigrx Wellsville. 'DA . 165 Balite& fairy 1 - . • .... tearer r : • : ' . Pittsoargh , 910 • '4OO folio Wm.. . . Pttt•bttrgh Roeleiter. Beaver..:. . .. Smith', Ferry •, 1 Wellsville ilia titeetrenville '1 SUS Bridiepurt. 4:I062: BeUalr -- 0110 _ _ . TUSCAUAWA • I °avec ' N.Phllad i r Caila.m. • Ziassla: P. •Xrigliiig Oa ro as And Peteetokei &at. 1 9) rrto,a bi. A Lecture Ole the asture,treat ' • .• meet awl ~lied Cure of Spermatorrhata, or hinntrusl Wodknwrx, •lexohritary guatmlons, Sexual Debility and wdlnietits to Marriage generally; Ne Consumption, Noilepay and ; Mental tryeteal balindlll.rosulting hum Sell Atinteekt, by ltoncnx .7. Clmvgnwm.i., anthbr of the "Green nook," The world renowned leather In this admirable lecture. clearly prove, from his own experience wful consequences of Self Abase m y be cfremoved Menotti medicines. and with. tons surgical operilons, bcougles,,in. is, rings or cordials. notating a mode ri at once certain and effecleal which liv ery 'offerer, no matter what his eordlt on may be, may cure Me:weir cheaply. prlvidely. and radii:lli- V. 774 s Lecture will props o boon to Menem& tact thousands. Sent, uuderseal, to an) a ddress, to a plain seal ed envelops, on the rice of sin cents or two ports a cram ps . Dr . Colverweirs rings Guide,' prim ab cents. Address the Ptits. 11"herii, CHAR. J. C. KLINE et CO., ISt Nunnery, New York. P. O. 8ez.4.5816. aprs.l3:clijys. E3=321 MI-I.IILER. & CO. . Cent Meters and Builders; PLANING - MILL' i *PlittligniPeor • gi CPCOr a gli • Mash. AND SHINGLES Constantly on Itands,-nntl at. to onlet Orders by mail will reeeire pmtnpt at tenOon. - Mare:ll=-1Y FRIEDBERGER & STROUSE,: ' Na.lia sr. 113 3(ortli ' PILUADELPHL4. • Deo to inform the Trade that they bare ott mode complete Hoe of black and eolcred pas VIM, boiled and caper finality Ribbons, to all widtbs,i sad &dyable shades, af their own fm on.— also, a well selected Mahar Preneb„GeOltall and Domestic Planate, Straw Goods, and all other air- Odes rtalning to the Mllltnery Item Orden prampuy attended to. - Anailltana L MOORE DRUGGIST Pririptkou Cantully and 4 °curate. ! ' minPbulkied• MS DEBT mews Of ASSORTED WINESANDLIOIIit';‘ :~e~air.t■,.oi~:, writ situp's= ifE.l TES OF. mpg GLOS & . PUTTY; S or bro pecial Atlantis, giro T to seem mm qt ui*, w sod Limp einsigs. Lamm i A, large Assortment qf . ARTICLBs, SOAPS, Wee?. nOIL Yds Skeet. Baiter Pa. BM ;,.' I . ::- , ... : ilaariiios. RAIIIIIIO4IO/4 ME Y*t. Bzr • s. Aivw~ I:= 00INO 11011TH I= E:=l Eat! EIMMIIM32 l~r'm ocoa r.= = STATION,. 415iirx 695 I SOO .113E1 taw . 1 Maur i 7W Mils 9:0 a. ,45 a. m. ROULtlif t Agent. RE Miscellamous. =MEM MEM 121E=32 AND Itochester, 'Pa. EEEI BRUSHES & eie I.t •1; 1 ;'.-44W:74 ` 1 " 1 4 ( ;i 4 • A I eatver,.,PO 4 -,w _ MEM Medfoinca. oN 111/70LICOlgi 1. )i l, :•::=4A93lloDil It fletbe - of ibepitabirkaliblisete of Oils temptable age, net tbselso-berry perms art the -viesital of- dyspepsia .ns ' indigestion; lattiti eriUtiwysielimm- . Now, we would oat be-untrimprood,ia,aarshot any ode Isibids - dynityPia with Arson• of feeds digrosed to rank JP aanonl the lax price ct ble;•:Fer from U. Those,who data ersaMtsc tangible wooM icout. , such ,arr.fdp ft drobilt, ty:t fl wouldglediYAl rc iLla**l t iesalini lige); w jolly under's:ll t fig eireutfuttauM w filch' be - ,was 'pi ;merit aMck Of 'dyspepsia; or - wo id - hare speedily forsaken Nen and wonien sonietknea suffer its tortures tmeomplainz inglyibut whoever hestll t aca petsoirwho enjoyed them ? ,•• "!- •-, • • Wolf the mittfitticinsaisaaws to which the havtancctutm llublel thaw ' l2 l/ert hip's no uner,sei :grawatilr prevalent as dyspepsia. There Cm Tiremee aumacute and Mural, and lrbaeb , P9M prove fa I& I ; latt poput; gm Weals ot :which ate aq depresualrtY:the siladiunt so i - Ml 7 Abel, Warming Golialtody. If there h: a wretched being in the world it is Vosvlttkuktoopgrrip.' Built is .Itot our intentiou So discent on the herbals of !)3 4 Pv•Psisi, t To describe them truthfully is Mum C topomblity, but ills not ptpublep*out *remedy.. We have asal that 10 /baPo the moat - untiaisa o Oman rhseasea This is pmpitatteally,ti,igppip in the Uni ted states. Whether _this general pm. .valence laden to the • charachter of the food, the met ofits pre lion, or the baby rammer in _iv Web if winery swal lowed, to not out ptavioic to explain. Tau great fact with' which , wh are called 'tb drawl le this: _ ~r:r~l9 DYSPEPSIA . PREVAILS almost universality. Nearly every other ricomipen meet Is a r halm, an apparently willing Doe; for were this not the ease, whyao nutty suf ferers, when.a certain; speedy and safe remedy is within the May malt of all who desire to avail themselves of it! But the majority will nut. 'Blinded by preju dice, ur deterred by wane othe unetplain• cd Influence, they refuse to =opt the re. lielinolfered then!l They turn a deaf ear to the tistimonv Of the thousands whose 'aulTenngs have been allevlatesi, and 'with swangeinfatnation, appear to eking with desperate determination to their rutiders tormentor. But asys a tlyspeptitr: What is this remedy ?to which we reply. Thb great alleviator of Mauna suffering is al. most us widely known as the :English longtime. It has allayed the agonies of thousands, and hm to day carrying comfort and enco.imgentent to thousands of oth ers. The acknowledged panacea is none hiller than noonducp , s GERMAN DTITZREL• Would you kn'ow more of the merits of this wonderful medicinothan be canlearn 'en from the expdrience of others! Try It yourself, and when It has !hike to fulfil the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, than abandon faith in it. LET IT BE 11 , BM,EILIBERED, - first of - that HOOYLAND'fi ()Eft- MAN BITTERS is not a rum beverage, , They are not alcoholic in tiny sense of the term. They are composed wholly of tampon) Juice or vital principle of roots. This la nos a tooroassertion. The extracts front. whick they am dwlare pre pared; by one of the ablest of German, chemists. Unlike any other Bitters to the market, they are wholly free from spirit uous ingredients. The objections which hold with so much force against prepara tions ()Mils class, namely—that a dWre of intoxicating drinks is sftulated by use, are not valid in the case of Alec:QM-, man Bitters.. Solar frOmeaCOGSIBI inculcating a tasto or dent% mg. keYptiliA.l seated thattnerotenTike n a came rically opposite direction. Their effects cur be BENEFICIAL''ONVV iu ail clam of Wilsey sysitetn. tloodand's German tit viand without as Impel. attics promptly Sad Stgasaltd7- Wain the Liras I lacy mums tor tumidlty and, hesithfut sea orlon of bile theist, sepp tog the abrinach with • the mit eihnensabki ts MUNI Mr:WWII in proper propestleus. They givA :one to the etonasch— aim:hung its functions, and enabling it to pet , form it. Amino as nature designed it obnalCdo. Thar Impart viva and ittringth to an o therrs sui tes), miaow the patient to feel like bekii —to fact rising bun a new leave of itfe. 'THEY 'PURIFY TAB BLOOD. cleansing the'llial fluid of all brittle' Impunities curb slipplaMlSX them with the eklasSlS of genu ine hesitirfairiess. in • word. aim I. mutes a tibeium !amide!' they cannot be safely and bane Sadly employed; but la that oast gesenstirtient. Went Alarm lug and dliinted dhisnen. THEY AITAND .UNII IVA L L ED. , Now, there an certain awes of meow to whom ens. OM hitters are not mils nopalitable,. bat who find It Inipmetble to take them without positive dimension. For inch • 11. 11001 0 4AND'S GICRIIAN'TONIC' has been spechtliy peewee'. It ss Wended far nee where slight alcohottc alba Went b required In connettion with the well-known tonk proper nee oldie pure German Bitter*. We 'trate coo-, tarsi sit the Invwdleate of the Bitters, bat so As. sumo uto o LIU VC the extrema bitterness. This preparation is not ohly pat/Ptah*. hot combines In modified lona, - all the rinses of the German Bit ters. The road extracts of some *1 Nstare's choicest restore arcs _an held In tohnlon by a spiv. ittlOtlS agent of Ibo purest quallty. In cams of humour or excessive debWty. where the system apl care to hare ifeeenno exhausted of Its energies. 110oPle...ThiD15 TONIC . . arts with stmost marvelous egret. It not only stimulates the Ilagghig and wastiag energies, but lurtgorates and-ammently etrenittnens its gallon upon the Lire and Stomach thorough, perhaps lea prompt than the. Bitter,. when the same quantity is taken 4 nose the less certain. Ina gestios, gestic's, 131111otnnese, ur leerrourt hem trams', yiehl rowdily to tin potent logeerste. It gins tho laralkl a new and stronger hold span life, removes deprendon or spirits., and hum Mes rhea:Meese. It "suppl a nts the mita or - disease with the emu tod..analest ogperibet health. It , gime strength to weeloices,Aktorre despondency to the winds, and starts the restored invalid upon a new and gladsome Weer - -glut Dr. Hoothunts benefactions to the human rite are not confined to his celebrated GERMAN BITTERS; or, his Invaluable Tonic. He has prepared another medicine, which is tepidly winning its wep to r n o pnitr favor became of tb latttnelc nu fto ml. HOOPLAND'S PHDOPHYLLIN a perinatal:amain:de for nigtenty, without any of -raeminie nit qualities. The.. wonderful /NIL, which am intended to act upon the Liter. are mainly compooed of ' • • • • • Ills. or Itio firipAL PRINCIPLE OF TS MANDRAKE MID Now wo desire the reader to distlncity wader stand that flits extrsct of the Mandrake is many lllefeatrot powesful the alto the medlethal vlstaca et this hodthtleind p a nt In • perfect ly poroond highly concentrated -ftw: Mena it is that thro of the Podephyilla Pt/is eon 'Mote a full dam. while anywhere six to eight or a handful of other reparation of the Mandrake am regale sd4 The Patipehylith ' ACTS DIRECTLY OM TRH LITER, ' athoslathigits ranctions and thasthz it to make its Wary secretkata 111 reviler and Mice: The injurious molts mittlit a n= Mow the we of watery Is oatintlyAmolthal by *wpm. BUI L ft IS 00l Rpm tbe Lietwooly Mat Abelr postai see exerted. n• extract of Mu. drake contained In Wm Is skflthilly cowidned with tow What extracts, use of which sets , own the stomach, one. Upon • the upper bowels, OSII , now the lower bowels; and one 'any EWAN abet. thus Noduclag spill that .ille =WO Wirmtiveasealbstentszy spites. loon equal and barztonlous manner. an d kJ salon en. Orel, tree Dow =area, vomiting retell:linemen wmbeet to ail whet pariptivea . Posacaslng them t h em desirable Attalla', the yoduphyllotheohmes Invaluable u a • FAMILY MEDICINE. boureiold aboaai be Withaai Asia. 'Thel are portal 17 war, Froths bat two !or so ordinary, don, aro sad aldose taaatioa, sad Mara wed In kos Dr. llootrad'a Omura Q Tonle, may be regarded or Canal* nettles WWI roses or Lira, ayosi~, or. or ram at the dlaordna to aided tap system Ir ordinarily rattled. The • P9D9PHYLLINTIL4I net upon the same& and bentele, wrvYo of Improper onotrtletlona, whine Ito Merl dt 15ok = billetiaWs latexorata the Oar tone to to the !trawl, Intl thus halal intlbe In anew. • worldled bared raw dna, lor Mosenm tan item Sao nobly for external 41004,11 the repo Ina calm OIL Armsbriilogoroles Mot =V T s lid ooth. Vg1:11=1Ano. PM Is dot Book :id Loh* illiVitlinli A 4o.4 ad.. all IMO to to ozlonod iddlloadw ridinosbetof abet. i ty illa S•br.hibs, ne. s i l d : P.M I ' l ,, ii rrimial ft lo • con do liarlbano, It Ira oUt a"i n li k lisidad shulg i e t lel VI am, are; imbue, . . .-!, ezzl=uraweil la eammeeco=aoeL=l dled 0110. lbw aw pert Inaeoco: Ito ego:oi l i in tr d io of lei ors InstalafifoL Thooosado bore bood:Ool till7ll=y a o= atZ 6 s an I *k b t m 1 ,9 s I Theis remedhs Gill be tor oft , to 'on 0fft%..40/21MIN 114414 No. M. Oil MT. " • CHAD. EL prop fearer. Formerly C. N. JACKSON m CO. Mee Reasedies era for &do by Drug gists, Storekeeper/valid Medicine Doak/A .everywhere. 1 - janlB-17.4%476. OntAtandia . I •, • ta-ty, NM •• „I -; •L• 1'.P.1."! •ti ...•• Atvisw AND sapialyNT ilmocK OP a v ian& - ,Watass„., . . 3) • A FULLIG •!. 1111BOONTW as Mis t or T -• •• V. :zeal , • o,o atcl ‘•. 1:1: 1.. - Balibra : keid4fielboAkirs • TEIBWALTAANE , WAToat 1 •• •, , 4 , ,•„ THB STORIiGgaT .61 Batt- MADIA nose 00 1 6 96.11aii Awe% ..v.7t4.4 3.1 M.11...1 ./.1:•1 id to me thel4l.Wilthia just Ifeivialitt Veriplibsie)l;i ~.fl - EVFIBY W.44IAVIUD, 1. _ :okkt4l-Eki,=•••,410,4 • IWees the . 'Olds u, • , „foiltstwk, • --11—o41-gai.h;:a MEE • • ' ertiS NO.: if) VittliA.ivennei ,L IIITRGIC PA. .; ) atabgt..l , oteetryttliertim Rarer Mire. LAZARUS,MORRIS '& PO:S; PERFECTED 4-WPECT4CLES. adtalogtaloweletairia • UaliP#o: , o) , ol4 ) #l PLAIN WIGUAGE. MIT IMMAIMIZI,4#7g. • • Whtekl wish Yo Tefkiit: " And my lanstage ,• And In may* of !Malt, . • . . And ,te kicks tftW i deald, ' The •Kiltt of the P "la ' • Which Me we priihi Mee to emplaki, ' Vlll Wilke wit :•1 : ;Aid I need acte r , • In regard tdo taa* What Mat mad e y • it imply pndhapageokkodly may; And bee Jeatefled ber eye. Teas In Lent, third we*. , - Wltk mom SUM Wklek tt m • 1.1117 WMean . Yctahe kg Johannes, my lame. la aw ay desplae. Which eke had caned by engleklia met ; "Tram almadon. The edam, She thought .thill e ate d eek ; as * But aka angled Johannes, . • Wilh a agile dlllll4llllll4 . lntii and meek. - Yet the slate tt Iu a way I attes ei g und • . And Iny At the *tate othidded rut. Which barred Ilk* eirseeot the ocean, When the mixe bed a yerbaleat breast. But ktte tsteks thatlitipikra Ity.that of dd P., And ladsdl tei't 1 . wpa , _ , , • . • Tilt abe tett pa wl imed tan/intr. . &dr—ma:l76i.. Which Ls Wei I !vat, And ta3Qadittlege 1. Skin. That In nip et deceit.. • And In tricks that ore veto, The "Cittl alba Period" to livelY, . Which the same .1 am free to onsintiln. SELECT MISCELLANY. A TALE OF A PITh. A Ring Aseovered in a Cbqjtsh in Newfoundtenni is, Identified by ,an English "nniFy. - Theroireoier two hundred Amer-- Can fishing smacks engaged in the Newfoundland cod and herring .fish eries' this season, which is over twice the number everprerviously occupied in the trade of the colony. Large shoals-of mackerel have reacast the principal fishing stations,' along the adjacent coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, and an abundant catch is generally antiepated here. / It may be remembered / by our readers that a few mouths ago a story was,current In the New York journ als to the etlbet that a/signet ri flag, bearing the monogram; "P. B,"}had been dismvered . by/1 fisherman in the entralli of a/codfish caught in .the Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. The fishernum, John Potter, kept the prize in - his possession until the 12th lost., when he was requested in a letter from the Colonial ary to send or bring the ring to St. -Johns, as he had received letters nein a family named Burnam' In Poole, England, saying that the§ had reason to lbel certain that the ring ones be longed to Pauline Burnam, who was -one of the several hundred pawn hers of the Alien steamship Anglo Saxon. which was wrecked offeharce Cove (N. F.) in 1861, thesald Pauline Burnam being a relative of thelis. The fisherman In whose possession the ring was brought to 'St. Johns, and presented It at the Colonial See retarlevoftlee. Be was requested to take a seat and wait a while. After about half an hour's delay, The man of fish was Introduced to a gentleman, whom • the Wads! Secretary had sent 'for on the fisherman's arrival. The ring was immediately Identi fied by him, Mr. Burnam, who called It his mother's wedding ring which she bad alwaF i vorn since her mar riage in liedu eld,Engiand, in the yearlB46. ,• Thelftqr„was according* , given to Mr. - Burnam, who rewarded the fish erman with fifty pounds sterling. lif•tes are Thisrecent visit to the Penitenti ary in KI Y., intorviewingone of the eoniderfellera lately sentenced to that Institution we heaped from 'him Iwo counterfeit- money was made. 10 . geliversatke he inlinthed'us that alorry oftnen," say from tura t o - A donee, get twetbetuid hold fro. went meKogs, and act according to the_platilaid down .' One or twomill find - rxrt some cop to printer In the employ oftbe bank note m e ow ny—in -fact rdi such • t prirdets-kre kuoum ,by- the parry... Thme n *ID manage tolcueetoneer the'prial• w,,_ Then they offerhiox frame/A to MOO to:rocure a certain klistof im- This Impression is deirt till i r versel. The, printer Will lake in j imui ftn Opon tin Ad teens the piaU r from which he .16 'print*, W_hlch. can be done 111 . Inornetd. •Ebtikyou see every. Ilse and size is obtained, correctly. From this fin AM au electrotYPe plate' Is made. They then giund s hoo t scen pa tise w dty, have printer that a ,good time with him, and engage him at twenty dollars per day to do the owns. Ey this plan thousumbiot copies are struck off which defy de tection, except In the quality of the mom. which windier:ly disks from liti genuine. The Place of mannlke tare geoerally tome distance from New York, like Staten Island, Flat bush, or sometimes Baster stet, or 'immix. localities in that city. It Isis strange fart, in fwerY UM where a puty of this kind exists, that every member lacks confidence in his some. later. Every move made by one is MI - bai t - idlit id htdii'• - . of f deA esene did' hokLl wa n tab u'un, wmuismirrpti 'loMoun, c:. wmrnivemitthommi c " 4/- tht - Stit-P , Akeveettoefl , in let unit ikominate their aublichitk the Mins of the littrXtisideht sopfmlt teen to wiihington inereee. - The Deinotwacriketowne• noviat elleay. met matiVattepokkohe Cable 004 . 0 - Wp 4 m* 11 " fi ttilr'4, lifttli an( 0 " 74 'lapilli be re membesed, Wilkiluld tinge:election' An gust. thel/gmenracyst i t ic 44: 1 4 111 9.0 1 v• MVP Weide there ot theie t3 ,thk ,' the t• ' front tbetird' letter States-sleeks * liatteshnosi the Re: l o n •• • . y. • ' tnew eketionigreeteeer, the Rips& hams time have. but' Ilttiwoisat,af 4401,1..` •-• 'v. • Ac l 7.lWirf. , ..9!?Xig;t4 , .4 1 9 i ' km* - Gozahmitle4: 4 ast a l lu gitiqt r get r nrdnbt 4 9iiell he illdißtns _llV.ltboatiake- -Math , • *HIM MoU be e ‘ with •the to call tot every. means for, a thorough In Igation of the exist- Ing'Ku-Kluroatragee in theBeatb. hewer • kleott and' , •Reinumatnitvee Eltievatem and . Van ..Trump, have beessiconsdtuted such comMittee. n .lb thew:tem:intim: the main coMmitten will lenient het•' etuxi takelesthirony of mmesithirty -witnessed mho •are now here' item Arkansan, Georgia, AlainansLand)lfhaisalppl. The Sub-Committee will go Mist to Cblumbla; S. C. •, thence to tipartanso burg or Greenville, next to North Carouses. •` • FRO G t ALABAMA. Information is Just received at the White House from colored citizens of Donblin Alabama, , representing that .K.44Klux: roam at their will through that section of theirccaudry murdering indiscriminately and over-awe the civil authorities so that the latter are =powerless to execute thelaw: The colored citizens melt that unless three Hu-Klux organiza tions are broken up, personal safety Will beat an end in that county and Mb and property submitted to the mercy of organized mobs. . In. Choctaw county, Alabanni; while Governor Lindsay, and Gen. Clanton were on their way to Wash ington tO certify to the security of life and property in the State., a band of disgubed men visited the house of Alexander Lyon, a colored black smith, and shot him and afterward cut off his head. His wife makes affidavit to the facts. The alleged muse was the fact that his son, a hid of 'fourteem - taught colored children how to read. • CL.V4t I . 3 W/Cr• CO)IMU3tIIOY., The hoard of the Civil Sn;Vice Coniteission meet, in the Interior 12 &elect. • It will only or . committee to W. Curtis, ed feekly has :been id l'rof. E. B. a of Statisth* nnmittee. The ;nit their powers _Southern Claim; of ap„,g_ideisary trve. Net -in-e lacks proficien y In. anu of the dutlea of the clerks in thevarlous Government Departments, and it is therefore an ticipated.that they will recommend to the President a correct mode for promoting thereißciency of the civil service reform . . • OUR NEXT PRESIDENT. At Washington more than in any other city in'the country, are polities studied and 'discussed more freely. The study and diseussion of politics afford the bread and butter of Mom than one-hairof its citizens. Scarce- - ly does. a President become. elected and fairly seated In his Official Chair before speculations are rife in respect to his chances oaf being re-elected. ' To this - rule there has been no ex ception with tis present incumbent, General Gmnt His friends at the first instant were confident of his special fitness to control as the Head of -the Civil as Well as the Military Department, and his Administration thus far has been satisfactory at the National Capital. &steely one who has the-Interest of the great cause of the Republican party at heart and knowing the political alphabet, but appreciate the iniportance a moral and apolitical sense of retain ing him another four years, TIIUNDEF. STORNI. Washington was visited on tiatur day by the most violent thunder storm for years •past. In several parts of the city, so great was the storm, that the streets were covered with water .several inches deep. With iteeune`wind and bail; horses broke loose from their hitching poets and ran away. many of them, before being caught, leaving the vehicle 'to which they were • attached, In, smashed-up condition. A most vio lent gust took a wagon driven by a country gentleman of color, and whirled It "around and around" the horse oceupyinga central position of the circle it formed in its course. The colored man wheliad clung to the wagon, when the_ gust passed over And he found that no damage had been done his hbrse and but little to the waggon,exclaimed: "Oh, Massa! nothing b ut this nigger's prayer env-. ed us from going to de' place so hot where hall stones neber'am seen." STEAMBOAT EXCURSION. Every day In Washington, espec !ally the Sabbath, at Allis season of the year Is indeed very quiet. 'Asia New York, steamboat compounded of every Inducement for the laboring classei and others who ate confined 'to business In the eity, duke the six dap of the week, to tpetui the seventh oti.the water. The AfaJestle Potomac. alibrds the opportunity; For SI to. $1.50, a person call take boat ride of Any orsiny miles down the river and return;and feel refresh ed to commence another week's work. .. • NO COUNTERZEITti. Aie was anticipated in my last. the (=mitten appointed by Secretary Bantered to examine the genuineness of the Govenunentbonds,repurt that they have found no counterfeits. end endorse the opinion of Mr. licaurty. Superintendent at the Printing Bu. rem that duplicate copies of • all bonds and notes should be priserved by the Department for future refer• ' Covi.a..*narm * reward the close et Eitel% month, not a few of t t elerlui in the Van- Departmetds;_wilojteel that they bold theft 'otitottinder the simple tenure of eking and good behav ior. wony ove r Una poisibliUy (and perhaps_ probabaz seeing upon their desk a " kiver" - or in Angle Saw an envelope containing a letter from the head of their respective departments, nail:r ing them in, .a polite way that their lIKVIeeI are no longerrogabed. The &triune of a meet clerk in nine eases out of ten beings want and distress upon himself and bunny. Those of the clerks whoare the most able to live outsiide,py of Gov unmet office, are ususil their snow and Moods. suninsanY Torti- Sed to rennin in olllce without tear and trembling. ..! 't.t •i. • . I W A .O.WPie 4 J 4v7iiiT -stkrzti. !" -i• Whose kurringlassedinnase temp- . porton pi:l4as is- gasewdbrat= thaw th win Insisulirti up kw* Wu, 4.7 1 tandiy,thwolder, more 4121*sta:wed and osrnomieal-iwgiwendl,y.ihp•hewd or that badly. :ICA the stogie and the newly married tielid3; wbsw: la order to live la style, live beyond MAW intornetwing inopeyfronr nyonth,larnos toga a set of sharks al the hi . per :cent; r., pee math; .it . .- 1 0 , 601.1 . iinatted.*: use ry law more Shan 4t - YetWingoF d ing 40 per vet. per aranun cy,,, contact, turr thee' provTdin h g t It& Vaster' net tent: thlthlirtistre etattaW tor, the ioafterabout6 only beverdithdns the legal !rale whieh, remains SW r¢ti-s•net Peat. -ifut icaUtO 4 091:4W a muter ld lbe to toss rhe - iiiitnilAl and both: - Ydurreedew WIN %observe , that le opened does theastwanruit'snrelak ikt se hnit sat Abe} c i k almost lawn pc " , ns fer; Sur the botlonee ;Jai ashamed to drake ter amidst . I. ,Talkiniktfilear Tortirse../Iriatom jesisrsenste,Ssfeeenekeep . • - &Meant John Mott, ihe catty 0;4- c e r left, Lion. ,Cuabing's aetteti scouting expeditrontmakeism.lo4l , alting.inPad (4.(4,4 AghF betWeell the Atttle thx*Pr. 4l : o ?Plau4 ilso OM* °f Awboi, Pet. the wilfleomm• gime 044 944 th the march, tare .aoltnera came .011 the track of a squaw. .woman Was intended alinply is a decoy.' i The Sergeant says: : : . followed the Stick about three lolanda af mUs4.until it entered n own, WbiekkiESP simply WdeeP Mai Seeing tbattbe squaw, In wate r log along the sand, had taken great pains - to - make-a clear print or her foot at each step, and that she aeon avoided all stones-and reeks, In order to do this more efibetnally,l beam° convinced that we -were beieg.led Into a trap, and determined to leave the canon. Scarcely had I readheil the top of the left wall.when I fottnd my suspicions correct; as a party of Indians, about , .15 In number,- WOO hid In a side canon Joining the one / Mai Just left, and would have Inter cepted my retreat had I continued following the track. Being at the time well posted, 1 thought 1 could, with two men,- hold; them' In -check while the third man went off to sig nal Ljeut. Cushing back'• as we dis mounted to be ready Bar them,.lsaw a second and much' larger party on my left running toward my rear ; • 1 then 'deemed It expedient to 611 back; but, while in the act of mount ing, the Indians fired a volley, dint- Wing the horse of privaM.Green and severely wotruding private Pierce; these men started on foot for the reakciosely followed day the enemy, who ran so close on , Green as -to snatch his hat from -his head. The third man, who had signaled Lieut. Cushing, looking hack, saw how matters stooddend tired into the. In diens, who, ne doubt, thought that the main body had come up, as they paused,' giving' ns time to escape. The front line of the A i p (they adouseedbm two lines). It- fired off their rifles, did not pto reload, bet kept following us, thinking to capture us alive.: they could easily have killed us, tieing all around us with breech-loaders mid revolvers. Some of the Indiana in the second line kept up a >brisk but harmless fire. Lient. Cushing now coming up, having with him Mr. Simpson - (a citizen friend) and ',rivet° Chapman, I stated to the Lieutenant that 1 thought the Indians would capture Green If we did not go to his assist ance, but he managed to escape by himself.- Moving up at once, we at tacked them, the rest of tho men coming up now (we had about 11 men in line), when a brisk tighten sued, in which we succeeded-in driv ing the Indians to the hills, they leaving at this point five'dead in oar hands. • We had three homes killed. Sending beak time men to the pack train, Lieut. Cushing gave the mm mind "Forward." I, seeing the dis advantage it's we stood, advancing over open ground to attack an ene my under cover outnumbering us fifteen to one, mid to the Lieutenant, "Lieutenant, do yeti think it pro dent to go farther ?" Mr. Simpson, a gentleman of much experience, also counseled him to return;"but the Lieutenant seemed to think that tile Indians were completely routed: Counting our party, he said, "Eight —that ought to be enough." That was the Lieutenant, Mr. Simpson, myself, and five priVates. We ad mooed about 20,yaels, when the In dians opened fire, striking Dig. Simp son hr the ice, the bail passing out tack of the head. The Lieutenant sent one man to help him .out,.thus ' reducing our number to 'six. "The Indians, seeing our party so small, rushed down from all sides. It seemed as Revery rock and bush, be cantle an Indian. I was at the time about five -yards in advance of Lieut. Cushing,, and hearing the words. 11 Sergeant; Sergeant, take me out, take me out," turned and saw Lieut. Cushing, face toward the horses. clasp his hands acr.- his breast and fall to the ground. Calling to Fich ter to amid me, I seined the Lieuten ant by the right arm, Fichter taking the iekand started for the rear,- fol lowed by Green, who, I noticed was very Ilene. The other two men starred to-get out the horses. We carried the Lieutenant about ten or twelve paces when he wasagaiu shot through' the, head. and feliked in our'artns• we continued to nog" the body until we came up wi thYount -and. Mr. tsimpeon, when. the latter ,was again shot through the body, killing him instantly. Looking be hind me I save the enemy witn 30 or **yards of' me, firing as he ad =, -Dropping • the - body df Oohing, , Flebier, and myself turned to sell our, lives as dearly as possible, ciusing the Indians to pause tiros enabling privates 'Green and Yount to mount. Acting Corporal Kilmartin now opened lire with his tarty, thus enabling Fichte* and myself - to mount, bat scarcely tad .we done so when both hones were shot,- two: bails istriking FlChteee horse in .the think, a third mine in the fore leg, and a fourth kiM de :g a . vide Green. Int media -ley moan Lieat Gushing's bon*, I. fi part of my command (now reduced to 14 effective men) to tuoveout with the pack train, I keeping the -re. mainder with me tocover the retreat. Then commenced a running light fee about -a mile,- InitU finding I hod drawn the enemy from under owlet I halted to offer him battle (hoping-1 could Sank him , and mover - Me bodies); be halted also, bat dectised the m = evidway having - 10,1 en that kind of Di6quire /Pro. (erring to cut our and arnbmll me on the hail to Crittenden, which the lbot-hills within oaeand mile of hot posifft having: IT around the mo on e t in about lbw . miles. deem g through Melt design, I crossed the Rko Ram come, four miles above old limp Wailer and continued my retreat over tote mesas, thus placing the swampy bead of the Borbscoma and a half i mile of ground between me and the place of ambush and the trail; I had scarcely arrived opposite this place when the Indians uttered e& :1818. H of si •So; died' ctlestrriftoV mut; 144V/ere •Owtuistr-to-sosteat osui.:t; The Indlias went weiittatullad Ay their thief, a beavraet Pad wlick never dtM it ited'itoid; a t.brown horde the' Belt. welt dot advert bolitirods sit iailtdidally ate, but paid mat lAkellitiett kb their chie f . wboae der VaiitrtiCt n ans gu r; get li Ve l s ( ! ellYerM ' • • ' •JottN hforr, • liartgaint troop 44 1iV , ad Owalay. oimasiKtiiman billlie . Obli. *her. 'The intintring its; or Snags and ob. structli le the 'Ohio' river, from , .Pittibunch; o' . Cncinnati,' has been "erirefirily*priind'; lidnif - Variouri 're !Oa frirtaliel COMIC! W. E. lifer ; rill; gli*'o . !tpiriners of the, Ohio 'Over Imprer,ement. : by steamboat iltOdielatuf . idlote, Whose travel on Oratirkentibiteglreat thim' a thor wan fli , , utriedgeerjtechadrieli , .. ' Omit half ivait' - dri*ii the jarailbovethe heed 1 cdtLawareilkiple., -,_...,* ‘ 2 ,. .. AtggritSPA tile 1 !)* 9C4. 1 .9 . . , s ' "biiitiiiiii; bad' at . Bp* &taken . barge belele.tbefoot of illekver liankeo. beak* et the bead 'of shads. . mikegiberlieePPysite Little Reim ' Two ski ken barges et the head of ikuateit island. _: ~- . - • bar.: - . -, Snag at Little Ye 'r creek 'Xwo snagshelciw' the foot 'of the - - Treetrip and wreck lower end ofWellsburg fleet *tea! the sheet : opposite the water at the Twins. .. ..,. Sunken reeltaiet tielowMcifithon's meek bar. •-, -' '-. ' - .- b Harlin- the bend , below Putnam P) . . IA reck of a . coal barge above the Mouth of Ground Hog. 'Wreck - of a coal barge hall a mile above the -mouth of. (hound Hog, nearithe West Virginia shore. • ~tinag,just below Racine landing. , Logs at 'Sliding hill opposite Little rem - - - ,-. • 1 Old recta opposite the New Haven Salt Works railway. . I Hull of the old Duchene, just above Sargent's 'teal works. Snag Just' above Rice's landing Ohio. • ": Wreck of an old boat opposite the above snag. Log at the foot of Kanawha bar. Log about , two hundred yards above Jenidn's landing. Very bad log opposite Sculey's landing; makes no break.• Tewlvepole bar in the outside than nel very toga. Several bad logs one-half mile be low the month of the Big Sandy, clpws to the channel. Two very bad reeks one mile be. low I the mouth of the Big Sandy, nearly_ pposite where Seed's mill us ed to stand. , • Wreck of tho "Etna Just below the above rocks. Log near the channel opposite Is rael's coal grove. Log about one-third of the way from Ohio shore opposite Hecht land g. ta Two rocks about forty feet apart above widow Kemps. - Log in the right of the channel op posite the mouth of thecreek at Mar tin's, above Riverton.' A large number of rocks in the np• per crossing of Gceenup, and between there and the mouth of Little San dy, especially going into Greonup wharf boaL Wreck of a boat a short distance above James Warring's. Several snags - above and beloZir Bock's Point. Log which sunk the Mary Cook, opposite the second . cross fence below Doyel's Landing. • Snag In Pinecreek Landing. Two logs opposite Tiger creek, a short distance above. Wrecks of two flatboats at Big &i -ota. Two logs, half a mile below Tur key creek, near channel. Break with a buoy on- it opposite Bruce's. Wreck - opposiM Jame Stout's house. The old roots and some logs above Brush creek, and very loggy just be low. - Log near Wrightsville, above the creek, one-third of the way from the Ohio shore. Two logs below Pennyweight bar. No break visible.. • Log opposite Munchester island, near the middle of the river, about a quarter of a mile from the foot of the island. Wrecks of two flatboats nearly op posite the Manchester wharfboat. Coal barge opposite Dover. . Log at the upper. end of Higgins- Log one-third of the way from the Kentucky shore, about one mile be low Christian Well's. Log near the channel; two himdred yards below Rock Springs. Wreck at the foot of Inesqt Ohl root. just above Chilo. Root and snag a short distance be low Whitehouse. Log:at the head of New Richmond, (Kentucky) chu Log abreast the saw-mill at New Richmond, about in the middle of the river. Stoneboat in Nine Mile. Wreck In the upper—crossing at Four Mile, end also at the foot. Log opposite the run above Coal Haven. Wreck at the toot of Whetstone bar or Crawfish. ' - Death at &dank. From the Leavenworth. (Itamas). Commetelat, Jane 10.1 We meta day or two since a gen dement recently returned from the Texas border, who was at Fort Sill at the time of the capture of theAm pahoe chletir e 4igave us some de. tails in ref ' the death of Sa tank that 111 ed in a peculiar manner the stoicism of the Indian na ture. Satank felt certain that his fate wits settled, and that unless he weld otherwise ampere his destruction, a Judicial death at the end of a rope was his certain, lat. There Is no death BO dlstasteftel to the savage mind as ettangtilatlon—nothing so derradlnY or humiliating as to "die the dads of a dog," as they call It. &tank asked to be released and offered to bring in all the ponies possessed by his tribe. his grottiest yonngsquaws, Ike., an d eye otneml °derange as many of eachlss he chose to take. When thy tempting offer was ire n ix d. &dank folded his bl an ket at= and q and smilingly that , heguessed be wag "gone up." • &dank made no overtuenr ler his release, but mom ad a grim, comp:awe, asking "from time to time that he be taker* Old and shot at once. When the party that was tei^ convey the prisoners to Teas had prepared, they were taken out of the Itortelouble ironed, and a3n veyeil to the wagon in waiting. "Tell my people," says Satank, as the teamster wasplaking up his to start, "that I. died today." The wagon bad proceeded but a short dia. tance when the old savage, with a demoniacal skeim In his eyes, raised himself to blaTeet, drew a Mb that be had managed to wooed in his blanket, and stabbed one of the iterkensly wounding him ; at the iil 'une time seising the soldier's carbine and wresting It from him. A AIAW 211,11 - ItEAVEIIII rea l IY islnibilabed every. Wednesday In the old.Ariteis building on Third Street, floe. T'lly letsllpet year In edam% - Skineaussiestkisui on subjects of local or grossest taloned saw respect:hilly so licited. To leuittrersttention ilevore of this kind most invariably be socorcirs stet by the Mena of theautbor. ad Lottotsdressed onnimuninsiions should be to • J• WEICAND, Beaver, Pa. dozen'aar6lties were cocked in an he *ant and leveled at the cantankerous sewage.. Ho paid 130 attention to im pending death, but :busied himself trying to crick him weapon. A car bine ballet broke his right wrist, and two o r . three More tort, through his old red blanket. He grinned and denebesl teeth c and still Arled to rims takck the bxk with his wound ed hand, glaring on his tormentors. A. more .carefully aimed earhined I odged a bullet In his head, and with a ringiiirwhoop he MI hack In the wagon; covered- with his own blood. A messenge.r sent back to the fort met en hinter with a squad of men approaching, the Bring having been .heard. Inquiring what was the mat ter, the messenger replied that "Old &dank got on the rampage and they had to shoot him." "Well, throw him out of the wagon." said the offi cer, "you don't want to tote him to Tern" tietank was accordingly tweed out in the dusty' road and the train went on. Hardly a glimmer of life remained in the resolute old say- . agei but Mat spark he media pre. paring blood( for his reception into the "happy • hunting grounds." Writhing with patn,.covered with bloodied dust, be twisted his body same dietitians from the road, and a foltitYlreni, the fort fo u ndt t rieveTel'hotint afterwardst do. eently composed with heed and feet due east and west, according to the aboriginal idea of a decorous dissolu tion. Credit id the hailed State* Gov: ermaseisi—Jame. Js7l. 1 As the effort is now being made to put on the market at par Government stoCk,bearing respectively 5 per cent., 4) per cent, and 4 percent. interest, It is a matteronnotnent to determine the rates now 'actually realized- on Government securities as :indicated ' by the current market priois. It appears, on careflal that the rate of interest realised on the 3G-year Nellie' Railroad bonds of 1862 and 1861, and running remee tively'2l and 23yearefrom this time, . according' to thermarket quotations of the 2.2 d of May, 1871, Isalmoetex acUy 5 per cent.-4.98 per cent. In the One case and 5.03 per cent. In the other. It also appears from the mar icerpeice, on theft same date, of the 10-40 per cent. bonds of 1844, that-, The annual rate of interest realized, eau/ming that they yet have 30 years fo run, 15 5.19. • • The new 10-year 5' per cent. coin bonds, interests payable quarterly, which are now being put on the mar let, have certain advantages, certain elemenht of popularity, which are not atibrded by the 10-49 5 per cent. bonds of 1861, to wit: the quarterly of interest, I is payment by check, and The absolute freedom of these bonds from taxation. There can then be no reason for surprise that these 5 per cent. bonds so mdily find a market. In June, 1869, about two e ars ago, the rate of interest realized on Gov ernment securities, as indicated by market prim., wasnbout 7 4.loths per cent, Instead of from 5 .to 5 and a linction per cent. as new,` Passing by the period of the war, we find the rate realized in the first fdur months of 1861, (the first year of the war) to have been 8.14 per cent. The average rate realized on Govern ment securities in open market dur ing the year 1860 was, on 5 per cent. stock, 5.02 per cent. ' • in 1859 it was 4.59 per cent. In 1851 U. S. G per cent. stock having 8 yearn to run sold in open market at an average of 133.- 27, (or,deducting the accrued Interest, at 118.91,) indicating 3.29 per cent., the rate. of interest realized. The average rate realized on the U. S. 6 per cent. stock sold In 1855, one year later, was 3.27 per cent. In making the calculations, the market prices of bonds bearing gold Interest were reduced to a gold stand ntd. Fro:u the above it will be seen that whenj.he United States Government is fn its normal condition of prosperi ty,tree from war or the burden of a large debt, such is then its credit that its securities command . in the market rates of Interest realizing frdln 3.21 per cent. to about 5.02 per cent. This presentation, taken in connec tion with the fart that since the close of the war, and especially since the incoming of the present Administra tion, the raw at which Government can borrow in open market have gradually and rapidly diminished, assures us in the conviction that if the present policy of the Government continues unchanged, (as is probable, ] and if no foreign or domestic trouble of moment intervene, we may be able il , in a few months, successfully to place on the market the proposed transfer securities•of 4] and 4 per ce t. THE vessels sunk during the wnr In Charleston I larbor'are to be removed as soon as their condition can be as certained. %V 'reckers are •at work. and divers are constantly ,eiploring these wrecks. The Weehawkin about eight feet under water, and is considered - the most dangerous ob struction to navlgatiottin the harbor. Her interior is filled with mud gar bage, and human bonerare,vlslble. The Housatonic Iles In 86 feet of wa ter, Just over the bar; 16 miles from the city and about al feet south of the wreck of the ship lies the hull of her destroyer, the torpedo boat. Tho latter Is In good preservation, and eventually did her work effectually, for In the port quarter of the Housa tonic is a hole largd enough to_ drive a carriage and pair through. Her decks, 'masts and • rigging have all been eaten away by worms. Her propeller, shaft, chalus and anchors, and a portion of her machinery, have been hoisted fsona her, and also two of the smaller guns. The diver makes curious acquaintances while in the water. Sharks of various sizes offer their companionship, and do their hest to render his stay lively ?and agreeable. The swhat around hi into everyseciable ma y nner, and pry Into every available orifice In the subma rine armor with a truly human in quisitiveness. This is all very well, certaini t y, provided the armor is good ti -.-- -Now Sweden, the Scandinavian Colony In Aroost ook county,' Maine, consists of eight hundred souls, of whom four hundred were added to the number by compani that ar rived a few weeks ago. The State g ives to each faniiiy---overaging four -. persons each—a farm of 100 acres, on condition that within five years a hguseshall he erected and fifteen acres she phtced ander cultivation. When the conditions are compiled with a deed in Pe simple Is given' by the State to the colonist. - Arms, it is • stated, are now being laid out for the new - company ale:migrants is eh° Wirt allotted to the Sweden, Who have shown themselves to be hardy ener g~ettlic and industrious. The older Swedish immigrants are purchasing cultivated farms in the adjoining townships. Each member of thE kadinavian camp, It is estimated, Is worth one thousand dollars to the State of Mattress a settler in an un improved region. --430 the New Departi_ sre is not s success in—Tows. When the State Convention was held a few days since, a bl u r was made wing the new•fs Democratic notions by some of e ancient members, but they were put, down by a huge vote, and the platform was whitewashed. Now come LeVand lalnilton and sundry other bas ed Democrat" with a Call for a new.o:xlvention and an Old Departure, to meet at Ms Moines, August lb. N. Y. Tribune.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers