The Baaver Argus J. IN RYAN Strtron rum Paointrrozi &aver, Pi., July Mk 11971.• Repgiillean Stale Mickel, FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, DA VI D STANTON. FOR Hintykyon:GEkriaAL, ROBERT B.A3EATIT. . Itepnbltean County Ticket. ly.—WW. C. Shurloek.l 14torictic Judgc.—.losoph C. Wilson 2'rea.rurer.—Chou. P. Wallace. Pros. A ttorney:—J. R. Harrah. Onnnassioner;—llugh J. Marnhall. P. H. Director.—Samuol Ulbson. A utlitoi..—Ral ph Covert. Auditor (1 year. — Clark A. limiter. Surveyor.—Azarlan Wynn. Truatees of ..4mdcoly.—Hopry Wee, , John Murray. GoLD closed, 131@l81. • Pt. lll.lSlZDOtaternents baylett been made to thO effect that an dineunt exceeding x,,000,000 In cash vie dna the Govertunent from. ent-colleetOM of internal revenue, which ambtint Would never probably be eolleeterl, Commissioner Pleesenton has re cently caused an examination to be made ;.of the slooks of the internal revenue bureau, for the purpose of ascertaining the exact amount due In cash from these ex-odkers, and linda that it renehes a total of V.,818,i05.29. The ex•oMcena in Pennsylvania owe $217,(16.t.12 of the above ambunt. THE first linportant mse under the. enforcement or Ku-Klux bill, Is now On trial in the U. t. Court at Oxford, ). Twenty-eight names figure in the Indictment, which eharges the defendants, while In diii guise with forcibly taking one.Alox antler Sage, a colored man, from his home at midnight, in March last, and hanging him by the neck until he was dead. The Court House. and prisoners ate guarded by a detach- Meld of U. S. troops. The trial ex ! ei tes considerable lnterest,i'And. will p'ro bly last several . dej , s.t • P Tor: St. Paul Press of 'yesterday says a citizen of Stearns county, kin ttesetu, has arrived in that city fbr the purpose of seeking assistance front the Minnesota State authorities ht keeping certain bands of roving Uhippowa Indians upon their, reserv ations. Settlers in the northern por tion of Stearns county` have been ser louslY troubled bithem, and thefts have been frequently committed. Governor Austin being absent, no relief has been sent, but there probe -4)ly will be, when he returns, steps taken to remove the Indians from the wtt lenient. 'nit , . Commission appointed by the President to revise.the Civil Service ofthe Government met in Washing ton on Wednesday last,all the tnem- HIM being present. By virtue of pre eedent appointment O. W. Curtisits ;au evil the Chair,and E.B.Elliott was elected Secretary. Having effected an organiration,,in 'interchange, of views were had on the subject of the civil Service, but no definite mode of action determined upon. AU were agreeti us to the necessity of reform ; that their poivers were advisory and not executive ; that their duties are simply to recommend to the Pron.' dent rules and regulations to pro- Mote the efficiency of the civil 'see vice, and tffat they are in no sense a Marti for the recommendation of candidates. They would mil on the President immediately alter adjourn ment. TILE ruling prinelplett of the pemo eratie party or the present day amm to be of a negative chafaetPr. They opposed the war of , the Rebellion ; ''thex, opposed the amendments to the l eonstltutlon ; they opposed the ,eq fmuchlsement of the colarel Matt; thoyopposed the purchase of Alaska; they.opposed Mehl!! to protect citl- zens from Ku-Klux outrages In the Southern Stately they oppose the purchahe and admission of ,San Do ming° ; they oppose the aihninistm tion of Indian affairs; they opt used the ratification of the treatyx, of Wash ingtow ; they oppose a tarlydiscrifn i Mating for protect:Lytton' of home products and industry; they oppose the mi , euue laws by' which the pub lic faith is sustained and the national debt reduced; they oppose whole soine laws for protecting the sacred lIPAS of the ballotlin the several States from fraud. They iippdse every thing end propose. nothing. They will be defeated as usual. WE agree with •tt "Democratic" eoterupontry who reckons that "the time is rather early, perhatie, fur making arlculations with any great degree of certainty in regard to the electoral rotes for the next Pres!. deney." Early as the time is, it does nut preVent a Timber ingenious is front making auMslag_ctan• pututions. 2'heAlbarty Argusis kind enough wallow the ; Republicans 12 States, but it makes up for its um , ttattiluity by clainting 1S States for the "Demacrats," and puitifig down 7 lStaten us "doubtful." !Upon this The li'mlangfon Patti& \ bold oultiugh to elect u "DemoeMtle" RANl dent on taper, thus: "Tiemucrutle" 161 , ; itepublicitn, doubtful 91. We cannot discredit these predictions without fallin into tfie /rDentocrtit ie" fault of braggadocio, but w e w i s h, that we were as auto of figure Ins'ilth andhappiness as we are that' , Penn-. vanla ('I) and Ohio ('2l) v iH vote for a Republican Pmaident.l Ifowewer, the illusions of hope are very cheap and vie:mint; and we I advise the Dortoeracy touter° the most of them. Polar!clans holding pe Narioua and multitudinous office, within the gift of the Adinitd4ration, are urging a re-nomination of tiesU• Grant for the Presidency in 1872. !We submit that this action is prere 2 and. comes with color Or Olt tes t dyes an the part of arch Men. , ptln. Grant, matt probably will he re-semi- noted Induetime by the great Bepub- I lam party; but sensate° Ofthatques• ' tion now liuncaded for. Biz Mouths' hence it will be In Piece, when, by comparing.tbe claims ofi the candi dates, We doubt not those of General thauttwill be found litgely to pre pendent& Of his patriotlaui there can be no question—lt has hen tried ou the battle field slid lathe Cabinet —of his capability; hie ladminlstra7 Boa of the - Exasitive brans*of -the Government for the pail termgivo • ample mid satisfactoryr evidence.— ' The rapid flee:ease of the public itelati the reduction of to; llie4oote:, ruination to protest all claims of the citizens Id the eeditilly ;of their, per BOW and prOPPrVICaIn Lae 101 11 * 7 him acceptable to a ority of the people. But let us wai -----, J • THE French elections took place ..,- t , .i.:--- ' r..:. , .e si ESE AVID ItitERE: , ,:t on Sunday last, for members of .Att- ~, , :tA t , Eri ,e edneuttay in#lli,, _ 'F n ir I sembly; and, the partizans' of tdo tast,"while Lori ag foriis at *welt i Bourbons,' Orleanists, Napoleonlisis of e; Dtrninginear rt.() Unkiit D 4 4 and Republicanism, were.atitia:e.. - pst, , t iot iyt n bri m ti„k oil wsi,§trnar Out of the general hotch- P0 ich i nto at the depth of four hundred and lif which polltioz, 'la ' that - dotstractud,ty r tiFee feet. There is a gieat deal country torelossed,ittaitiO orfitea ofexcitement in consequence of thin correct Idea as to what form to goo- discovery: „ . . . , eminent will be evotred. , ,Ttie'Re. ' -An Alabama editor liiiiing - read publicans seem to be In the ascend- Di: liall's lecture advising that tilts ency ; but tloo Bourbons and' Orlean - band and wife should sleep in seper hits have united their •inierestui a nd ate apartments, he says'Dr. - 11all can it is thought may preponderate the sleep where ho choosey, but for him majority for a limited :monarchy. aelf,,he Intends to sleep where he can Napoleon's frientbi 'wero active In a dend his wi t s agai„t rata LOU' all distributing tracts in hia interest,, or in that of the Prince, his son. Be- other nocturnal foes, as lon i g at he has got onb to defend. ' • ' • • tarnaare anxiously looked for, and • —The cariboo deer of Nova Scotia hopes entertained Butt the 'Republic, 1 i s i ss tdi sappa i r i ng than the'COuntry, sus--not coantmunintawilibein the 'although . s un wine u me9 . seen,in 'aßcenfieueY.- But we dud!' mg* 4inverrita hundred.' Theirdtmto diaappolnted to hear i,lifa A'aeoileenle , . 4 .i pn i n w i ff i hi mr .ii uttribuied. lanrleit M4114 1 11 ' French Pe"trcli ' ',4** an. not tOhTiklMEHHe'the'aiticite l , ~ o, , . or u apotno.y ... , - . ; ~.,.. , - ild bettate,.bakto the gradual obits. • The French loaa r tbmwn upon the *Wird, a„short time since, , has all been • taken by, their Own . .citizens. 'l,ls Moks well for the thiaticas of the government:' .4 re. WE learn that the Treaty of Wash- Ington,betvieen the ljnlted Btatee and . Great lirittnin, was ratified and ex changed on the 17th ultiMic,, , Com missioners, on-part of the latter pow er, for the purpose of adjnsting Claims for Indondy, it is declared will shortly be mimed:: All British sub. Pets who have elaimsagalust tickeUn ted Rtates,have been officially request ed to walnut, them for adjudication within six rnentlie faun meeting of the. Commission. , tempt in the lifottss of Lords to cen sure the Crown for sanctioning the treaty way voted down .without . • de cision. d ' We presume, Cammission,ens for . 'tie Board of Claims, on the part. of the United States will soon be nettled: • 4 thorougl!&wit scholar; together with legal ability, will be an essen tial requisite for the aßpointment Francis Adams has been mentioned in this connection, but his politics are not in accord withthe PiesidP,nt..ltls not yet kniiwn who will receive tha appointment No doubt proper per sons will be selected. • Ir was understood In Witaishigton, on the 2:ith that . Sir pa lit n 1 Thornton, the British Minister has informed the Secretary of State that as fisr as her Majesty's netted officers or those of. the C. median Govern-, ment are concerned, there need be no Cause of anxiety to 'the . citizens of, the United Stotts 'engaged in the Fisheries in the neighborhood of the British Per/Ince-4 ,so long us they do not disregard the , laws upon the subject still in force ;• the-instruc tions to the officers by the Home and Colonial governments are of a very liberal character; that though they hold the opinion that United States Fisherman under the treaty 01'1818 are prohibited from frequenting colonial ports and harbors for other purposes than shelter, repairing damages, par phasing wood and obtaining water, such prohibition will not be enforced during the present sesson ; and that they will be allowed to enter. Canadi an Ports for the purposes of trade; transhipping fish, and • proctiring suppliei ; that they, will not be pre vented floes fishing outside ' the three-mila the mouths of: which , * more 'UMW biz miles wide. He hopes that our fish erman will contribute to the preven tion of collimioh With -the Canadian authorities by refraining from fishing In those waters from which. they are excluded by the treaty of 1818, until the privilege be greeted by legisla tion, in accordance with the treaty of May Bth 1871. W E published week before last, an, account of an engagement by . the boats crews of four different powere, inclialing those from a LT. M. Frigate, with a battery Atha lalandofCorean. Commander Rodgers had on board his vessel, at the time of the prime yoked attack, - many shipwrecked mariners belonging Ito that which he had picked up at Sca., and was about . to mitore them eta their homes. The combined fleet was preparing to make a survey of *dan gerous pass lathe river, untler4permit from the '.Proper autheritica. when their were fired upon from a Masked battery. The expedition was under command of an American officer. It will be remembered the boats crews silenced the batteries; aud 'awaited for au apology' or an explanation of the cause for the Tittack, which, it 'was then thought would be made en the macerating' day. This 'occurred ,on'the 10th of Jane, ult. The &cautery of the Navy retadved a dispatch from commander Rogers, dated Eticl, Inst., On Wednesday last, which gl‘ies the informationi , that no apology having been mad, by the Comm Government, . on the 11th . .inst., they landed at Kling Noe, a pelid ou thelsland, and took tind de strpytml the lower fort and In mltions ; after whiert they captured UM strong hold. Five forts, in • all, were cap tured. The Coreami engaged, were reported at 11,000. .A. desperate hand to hand tight orArred hi the citadel ; ISI pieetN Of ordnanee were destroy• ed, manir small. arms and 50 'lags were taken. Two hundred and . fifty. dead °weans were minted around the citadel. Three of. our thee were killed: Lieut. McKee, 11 inside the citadel—killed with a billet and spear; Marine, •Dennis LfutOldnie; and Latalonsut, Seth Allen. Nine were wounded, all doing well. • The President's Cabinet have the Matter under , oxisidenation, - and . no deibt ir-expreuied that the eoildusa of our i ollieers in reference to this Matter be appieved, and sus. tamed., , . A. Max fightss 41d, detipemdo„ named lAanky. , who' hie long beep a terror to the people of Central City, Erle i - and ether mining ,districts in. Coloradoi 4msalMt , 410 at XII?: 04`, Sunday last 'by mouse •tlnkneWP son. Loony and a Coninuaa named Jim Genry, on the daypieviont, hid brutally beaten and maittrated get}! Mr. Van Vaikenbergh and. anothek citizen na Satturday. , Looriy . entered a saloon with a hogilkulte and a re velVer, andeetzunewid violent deco ! onstrationtr aphid isre, other prisons present.. While thus, engaged a rifle. bull came whiralogthrOugh the open deer, entered his tilde. and 'he ,drup pot theljner.dcad., ;The man win,' tired..theihot brans Jusewn, but imputed lbeviaa onset the Vigliamm Minmittee raised al Oradder, tend the couutry of the ruffian: Is . general rejoicing over his taken traction of theft:range, owing to tbet , ; liierease and ' ; gratith of. - the 'sett/W- 4 1 maids. 1 ,- -. '. '• l '.. : s , ' .:::,'„ The refloat to -the Eintieror, at "-Austria to adopt: the .policy , of Abe! 'German party In the Reichsreth Milt Prodneed great i liallgnation . lii 3 O# Gertnan provinces ,ot the. E.intdreY and already, threats of secesdou are making thehiseivei lima `I . deitewl' Prussian papers publish an' address from the Germans ot. Bohemia, rip-, pealing to the German Government 1 to tnterven)a in their fever. ' • ' • 7 29,e lea - Wien (Texia) MAW** the ladiart:Witiell'AiTeir i e viiiiiki train; : near ,Fott , Richardson, some ft ineuldee, in Which M , ien nien were killed Mut 40' make Captatedoyas ile signed for tbe capture of pde. Slier hunt, of whose coming, the ,ludiaus had"knowledge. When the attack 'WO Matto-one Of the chiefs was heard to give an order to "take Capt. Sher -man alive." '. . —The British Foreign Office re ceived the: following dlitratchlfrom. Shanghai 'eitJane Zith: - . _The Airier-. limn expedition4um ottied a victory over the Moraine on Kifig Hop. le.; land. The 'Corean stronghold Otis 'captured and llestreyed. . The Cu rses made a desperate defence, los tug five hundred killed and .viotind eti. "The. loss of the Aineritans :was Mt 'Oqicer and two ,Wien, killed .and Nevem men wounded,: • ,- —Mrs.'Ellzabeth EititriCiitat burned' to "dtlt iu Cleveland by the .explee len of a coat oil lamp, Tuesday night inst. Sh blew down the chimney to extinguish the light, when - the Mune COM unietded to the gas getterated hilh lamp, and nu explosion resell* cdc• he was Instantly onyelopeil in a pia . f Her husband succeeded in patting out the fire; but not until she was totally burned. - Mrs. Stark leaves four children, the youngest seven weeks old. . —7Vte Robs City Republioan has an article from the pen Of LeGrand By ingttin, in Which he tisivises 'Western Dem:tee! to have nothlua (ode with the c ow doctrine ; of Vallandigletw. lie says: "The dodge has been GU annual recurrence in /Mira, strict Bit; IY• Merrit, Jim Tuttie,,andothersini- , pistons, conceived the brilliant idea of trying to win, under , their lead, . Pewee-nide:victories, with Reptibli can platfiwats ;" and that "It Is ficith er adirdaidtde nor dot/Whip ibr the Aieintieratle party to win its victories eugerian,y such pretences." -- ' ' —A - wan in Iktstini, who, closely Ireiembles General Giant, II been In Newport Rhode Island, for. a few days, and in several instances' sue--' misled in passing himself Off for the President.. He obtained a fine , boil: god by this means and' then drove about town,. bowing gracioUsly to persona whom ItemeL Oitixenswho personally knew Grant were deoelv ,ed by, the nian, and returned the 'w hite without its oxurlng to them that he was an Impostor.. At last ne moots he was confined : in the station house.. ' • r" ,- —A sad case of drukenness Owen . cl In Belleville, Ohio, on Tuesday even ing the 13th ult. A young man by the name of Bonn—'2l years .old-,a farm hand 'of Mr. Counetes; mine to town on art errand, and . with others contrived to draw whisky from 1 4 - barrel on therailroad _platform, and drank to intoxiention; in a short time after he'was' found dead in the Our 'hey Hotel stable. 'What an impres sive temperance lecture; but who will heed the warning? . It 1* the duty of every friend of suffering humanity to 1410 no; but will they? Would it not I be better to grapple with the monster iniquity now, thaw await the time when it assumes a more hideous and appalling form? Ahrivestou (Texas) News says that during a session of the med ical convention in that city, ono Mo. tiCH Hogan, colored, a root doctor; who says 1w studied medicine among the Indians, in'the India; territory, it asked s perinhnion to "in the as sembly of doctors." The President appointed two members to escort the root doctor into the room. Whenha arrived before the chair of the pnsid- Mg officer be said: "I studied med !clue aMong the Indians; am familiar with ell their ret i nedies, and um ewe any disease whici dash is heir to ;" And, as a preof; he cites some eases in Hempstead, which ho had cured after the doctor liad given them and they, "beau ling jealous of any HUCCWii, demanded I should retire from tlie State", —A letter from /Curl BLind- IU the Vienna , 'wk /Was contains the MI. lowing statemerit ii.fthtS'present situ-. ation lu Ent-164 "Bitted the reunion of the , two branches of the HotireOf Bourbon has , been announced, we may look forard to a rapid start cif •rtuction. Even nosythere are people who beilevehr the attkOre,,lteptibli-' can intentions of niers, placing hire in crinioattion'to Changarnierand en?!.. To me it seetnattutt:the differ.' el " /8, nleie l y aPen!tala 1€4;"e . .,* moat one of degree, as'was .feritlerlY the care,ufsder, Loafs Thillpie, be tween !lidera and Only*: '• Changer ;OFT am* Dikci°t•Ylaulitrata play the' krt. of Monk. Thiersiibly hesitator ; I r on?: toenail motives;: idt the esune• Mite kelbetnedeideelnhOttecuswei riYairf: : Xtenea*tiriOla l .th' keep Nirliti'lleit4el4;4l ol3 inmideelgot:lo4, Tinted lit*? I ,(.mewls of pit Awed royal Am*, too,l7l.oenitt4 have pla thrust - nt•the Republic, onIP :his m9de, of 41 4 #1. lit le sAlitlbpnit ,The,hight ; idux. pasktm*lstfikhaven**4 a makda.Pallits; Jaaaatahaa Aittipfik'd'ata4. *al* hi fe,Qvfarthrowhrg she itetkellie mad the,)mpyalie(e: logettsii; add iif teceSeffitteretiOna theliattelecine: Iu . unkorimitebi. exerPttibik . la at present possible and everYthleg impossible." IZIMIli! EMI!AM MEI DownrOit Ilardship. One of the *publican members of emerres3 frA6 South Carolina has just : been rill) m victim of a po litical pe ' ntion merciless and villainous as anything on record. ills name is C. (j. Bowen, and he hiiklust been tried, convicted and sen by a court in Washington, I),zeVoit two years' Imprisonment In tfie Al. buoy pentteritiaryPiacluugeatbigse. my. I II seems • Unit.he ,was lefts an orphan without relations or Olefictsi mal in his. early years Tell . lute the worst hen& in New ybrit' city'. ,'fq admits that his.m.-odAtes Were gam= biers and preatlintes,lint.lie says he bad no-ono. to Jo**, after' hlut or to teach him, bettep • Ili; dila 'terrible atinosphem cif Crime he teems b 3 have acquired pear sort OflmOwledge or, the World and : tphaiiiiiteOdble WAY along, getting rled here toti;Wq:, man, who however,, deserted him mid refused to haVA layt4elol 2 stie. v tato bhp? '., - - - , • i, • - . . Af.War arid: ett' • , hint pg . tO mkt, remoied 'liven' t' lZ i , .4414 he ineW4l.ilt ointr i e r l betttwiii °pile .. , were 4. ' 0 ~ ',OOO , what a career was °pee tti him S io NAI. I -7 ile 'slut intuit boldly • ari . a leadlog man ~in 13,Outh' an}griggitPeOubliesnt i O l e lieW74W the aWkwArdile4 3 :4 lllB ear-I 11? Pm 1 4 10 0 1 013 1 ( 4 ..- . l :euPW it by iendoivi 4 0 PtOi. .11M.t!ttlOas with, w e. - ::§heXel l eseelmeekv 11 , 0,440! HP 'KO 'ca.' a diF von% oqticobviously I t t bil'OutV lei Wray 00' 42.1aer .• Vantage. . Fallingle.britieter.V.Nriushe env. played ccainseli sueiliellt ,IC diVolve and obtainerit. Armed' with' this , he:went. back. - 40 South', Quelino ilia , ie.:Klett - int wPO 'thb' daughter. of ,J. L. - . , 'Pet! one of Om matting; ,10 R;i4alspcja , i , mat e . first. narratliiir.'benestb ' ..her iiii. "whote l proviona*, mark 004 W.-. yore°, VAipx were triairiett2dltVeit happlii higether; when'llieo pkineot: who A•onteits:„; frt. .ngrestil i reopeued,the attic aflitsliri,t Wife end, had' Votveti indigted Abe fish, Wife The court clerk,iti ISieni - Irdrk, who issued the wilt ": pr 'divorce bi - dead,' I and 00 . witnesies.' Can be Wand to proverhe 'documents. • The first wire not having consented, to; the' divorce Of course testified . agehiist hint," end helms been,convieteti. to' 2 • . His second Wife clung m ihhiro'• the whole trial,. and when ,be NM ;about :to be sentenced she demanded to be pent with hire, as .helvas no more guilty than herself, The CoUrt confessed to the hardshi of the,case, but hid no ,alternative. - No, case of equalturptitude on the'part of ,mere, politibal partizan-4 has.met our notice for many a day, mid -We do not for a moment hesitate toutpresisi,,orir un qualltiedSympathy..fer.this tnifortit-. nate man. - Weftankthe . whole • af fair as the most 'OI4O4OQUS iiireet:or, political 'untllgnitir sad ; O:nix:MIMI , of ,nicent. date. . Bat. ' "eitery,"'inan "-Or ' the , width wile takiii., an actlitt'afitt conspicuous part WitiCtigi D r epahlt"- - 'cans runs such are atithilii;"and . 'eV ery Democratic r4fwapripetniirth. o' south spurts out. with fiendish -joy' over the, trial mid' 6Miletlon, The second Wife; Mrs. pettigtu BotOeit, I is one of t he meat respectable' ladies ' in South Caroline and' her noble bearing throughottethLi till:0110a won for her the warmest syMpathles ,of 1 loyal people at the north., t 7 Dern= °vatic :brethren, hetVever,:iieem 'to 1 sympathies only, for rehels,,and our 1 ltepublican . lourmili, appftry to be afraid to, speak Out manfully i n fiiyor of this persecuted - carpet bagger. , If them he acme that peculiarly clad lenges the respect and esteem of &- I ery.chrlattan man iris that of a-wrong does soon as lie discOeers the right road trim' to follow It and to teed a new and better life."' Yet here is a ;mime( justice deliberately pun ishing a man for doing ill—German horn -Itivroph. IDE aimeirw WEDDING. -$44"-""I•0804 216VVI.Joinen. AI Chuieh or.t. thoi.Tinitt's,' ,the lady and gentletriarr . who.dally.add te the attractiveness of the ."Two-headed Nightingale" exhibition - at Wilits's Room= had' made a match of it; and weirs' about to .be :harried by special license. Nave Scotia, famous for the produe- Bon of tall persons, had produced not_ only . the bride.:3l.*.•Anna Mune" Swann, but the clergyman . detdined to unite, her in the holy beads of mat rimony with Cipt. Martin Van Berea • Bates, the. Kentucky giant. The reverned gentleman, who is not connected with the church in which he wa.s to Officiate ort Saturday, ' is a man or „extraordleary bight, measuring some three inchesoversix feet; . but he was coropletelydwerfed by proximity, to the happy pair. It was ea id that, his gen tiethan was cho sen' priest not ou arebunt - of any fan ciful titneas of statare, bat simply be cause.he bad been an acquaintance of i his countrywoman. the bride, before ' either of them left Novo Scotia. We may fairly say thitthere was Scotia.- nn due attempt to Mike an exhibition out of the ceremony St. Martin's , Church. t The bride 's s dress became her well:and there was something of stateliness and dignity . lit the skill' with which she managedjt.most im posing train—a train; Ind*. I, tbat, when she knelt .at 'the , alter steps, .seemed to finer fir .aWay . ent • of her , control or cosnieznce. • to ta le Bates. the bridegrbom;, may lie pardoned Ilk - having looked' rather less at his ease in a blue: emit, white .weiskoal, and . gray , , or tinted trousers. A mu may get used to being - el ght feet 'high, but hi be eight feet high be stared at by' a devout congregation of idlers on the occasion of marrying a lady Who Is eight feet high also is a trying , : con - Junction of matters. However, (Alp- Win Bates got through MS, diffidulty . tolerably well, being perhaps encour aged by the'example Of his amiable partner; Wad when the ceremony Was finished, and the register signed, the bridal party.made its way through the congratulatory crowd inside and outside the chureft--tlist td breakfiiSt iu Craven st.. with the enterprising )ins. rs. Ingalls, Smith, and - Bexby, and a select 'company of wedding guests, , end then to a couple of day's retirement aCltieluncind, in lieu of h regular honey-moon. The hypethinis that the phonons& nit of electricity depend upon the ex !dente of positive and negative Im ponderable -Mikis has served a par pose in speaking and writing upon the subject: In the absence of posi five knowledge, It is perhaps aokwell to speak of this mysterious force as a Auld, and as us such we shall deal with it io the present .article:' Iu this v1er4,41 conducting rod may be compared to a viaduct averor thro' which the current passes. Whether over or through has been a question upon Which theorists have widely differed, and the question- s of no practical . leitiortanee whatever •ea bearing loped the - construction. of flit or bitory—VallanttlAthset /Ithtning rods. The law that• the • pipit Jetta Brswri.„ • reddened of Conclude:ornery es the The Springfileld ilegui ( liccui says: areascit their due elections, is c how- Valbindlehimi will be longest re- ever, Well *Wished, and it follows uidaibered in history, perhaps, as that the resettles of rods toharm-. of the of slavery who lessly m'epasoiy lightning' dia.' rushed to 'Harper's Ferry in October, chrirgee aret4fmade of the mute ma-, - .1849” , to extort from John Brown, as terials—wilheireniirs sodium. • The: be lay there. wbueded; with the - boa shape' of 'led, If of -uniform .size dies of f& demi - Sons and' 'oomradoi throughodtith length, dues notaffeet• , about.hito;n, nuiifesSiOn of who his its dindwitiew pewee_ •%+ • . friends , were, !if the recitarkable ThiPqneNion as to• how large the, -convex:4ol,4M 'that. followed Vallati , 'rods ought to be, and at what dist dightmi was °neer the Chlefqiufstfon- Mee apart they onion: to ba placed,. ors, and It was td hint thatllttown re- :Imi:floats definite Irma:Mudge of ,the plied 1 tilnosfetit i tne pets ; it Was maxhinutaevatrunt of denblity , that my . own eromptirls and that of my. s ia• ever'dtectunfged he Or. from-the -mhW.t• 4110 , rtli Any oato Atattot• 1*M:I "IV Wider; übvlouid? *determinate: .:Tfr guide ,stupd, gestinMen; that f. 'retyped' the us,: therefoire, upon , this• pointi. righttiof On *ter an 4 Wettkitt: AltVo 001 t it he regain of actiunehltdi the colored peofiA' irressed extkirlaihi,..itnia , has ithownttibat the slave systernjost trigcletta torepiratiois sellity can boseetred by. do those elthe most Weidtty tied "-reds one hit* bfiliiwseter, hal/limn powerful., That is the idea putt' IMO. metallic connection' "with the s Litudli& moved me, and that atone. , ." kWh I.loltt eras to that "rpm" - Nor didlrallandlgham; Ignoble .ifs Vice protected, and that rods having Isis motive was in catechising Brown ., the atxivedimensdatia andlhe above Ertl to see, , what the man mist' he: theteille eositedirma with , the earth. whose answers he heard—and the may' be nntenapcin ,to rahleldi from DbiolD4unierat did not , fall into .tit's ‘flifgree: circular areas Wretched drivel Olin Itorth.,,of twtte ern Itefiutilissonc that- the old, hero • thehightibe conducted:ire eluvaied . Was demented, , ftetnrifini , to , tstliqe-thO.aftiOtures to 'Which tileM he bore teat iffy thus,,Wfide Mali are sttacbed. Ward Beedier 'wait telling 'Brown— It must also be.boree itrmled Abet we* sad the, kid gloved - Atlantic- the metal work upon the mildew, at Styled hint "an u r enonsin." • ono buildfuglidiotild.he_ connected , with; fa the flintiest ble' renewed from -the prinelpat-enndeator by lie& al the drilliuffY- ample Sheit.'.aad• farther, Abet Abe ,mall; he has dolmas, daring; 'per powOteVany wadoetorls: MU/ idatedW., ,the att ic faith anit *thence, pirafet of itirsomdlestlpart.:. and Imam+ of . wilt :anti - perpose laretY - demitelo , that, AMP raparAr iineoeqUerable." shotiletbe - nutintained at It maxi 'cleft' that •Vidtandigham, Ring Muni throngbota tbanYabetn: Richard, knew a man When he saw Leavinuto indtelduat. }wigwag him. the best method of fulfilling these '";drat 9 7 •• • F ;Oral. NNW .poken, -as have moittlof papers, soitebs tleirand mak ' tiOltte V Aidigbarn- Dea44 i us forget the animosi ties that we felt towiqd th .11 leg, and which once . :Tanked tonbeepeulk. it VAT' A skotikt W there is a danger tif, earrYiug this Wallandigth= must not Ix bekt upalian example the your men of America. A. eitl leen Of* .tioxtbern 4 fi c i t h3 ii which sent out ' 116110 and, many tif them, die for their contitr3f, hef gave his sympathies to Mauna who Were endeavoring to destroy - that country. lie stayed at home,: and, by hp, pi:mortal voice addlibmreat influence witlilhe - Defa .: nerlitiqOurtY;;ln4Pls l6 4the P1°9 44 .....t' mentin its endeavors sto suppreas sits Rebellion. Nitr.e,.do *hhjlleasued of Wlcitaltt feeling; but It is .not righltrat illietb Or: Vidiandliglion-• should,be, made , the occasion , no only of pads feemPcift him; bat Anne men Ettlifer li tr ib ri dp3nrot Itlicriatid4howshp survive him. It does not make a loyarman of a diti= 'loyal man; ta *le! -condone treat, tioa that a man a entalfy shodta hlinself. • The, proPe r r cite to to the Public vie* the Pet= bate virtues of the.. unfortunate man tuidlo condole. with those who are bereaved trj;Als eletah..-1 - It' *not, au ,ocessibn tevreraelliejddginentthat . Lira , been ;deliberately passed upon Ipublicncts. It is not an ocaSion tdaity that what t it was treasottahle for d'man to do while lie lived, la a Mattes to be praised when he is dead. Burnside never did a more _proper thing than when.he Amsted Vallan diglutn, whose whole line of conduct iwatt to encourage tbe4enetny.r.; f t. 13 ausietr ors Fr lemme , ,A s cde Baud - limir-41 Mrlderl r: stOilk 411 ay of plums killea-Inegbe pur. .. sew erase De propiat,iiy ••• i Wash I ngto tufa Mr.-'i l ittla •DefortmentAas received "dispatches tioni Camp Apac he Arists. tisans Terrl'. tor', dated ; 6-g dada Lourit:of an ittfric L teral a( Imitator : mu a L . herders, one herdsman _ • 1 and 10 horsetrandls mules • Major Green,. ebbiltialleat 1.1411:447 . immediately mounted all the men he could muster on the few ;mules mid horses at his disposal, and mut them In pursuit, under command orl i trart, - Brodie. He also sent (bpi... Fuller, with sonic infantry, to support Lieut.. Brodie, if possible. LAW: Brodie 'overtook the-Indians ia the moun tains, about twelve • tulles •• from the past, and a fighttook place, In which two Indians were killed,:but. the In diens were too numerous' for- hie entail force, espeeielly artwitire of his meat were so poorly rinsatta they were unable to kmp up with tlits -main body, and lid was cue:pelted-to :retire. Major Green wither eta ilsa ba knows' of no course to pursue toward these - Indians but extermination: - They. have always beert,trausidera friend)y, and after the 'kind treat roent. they havelokelved ho dOes not believe they can again be trltak i th . All Intercourse-with them has been . suspended. Owing to the mangy of horses, only 40 meu of Ittetme rep innnts , Ihutp, Apache Aso be mounted. Napa Mauve ll ' -Queen Theories warm Ofthe persons whooccupled thrones when Victoria's reign began. almost all are dead or in exile. • Nicholas . of Russia, Louis Philippeof PlittUce. Ferdinand of Austria,: Fretiethlit 'William of Prinsia,Eharies John .of . Sweden, Leopold of Belgium, VB.': 11am of Holland, Fertlimuid,OLthe. Two Sicilies,-Lortisof Bavaria, Mans • of Portugal. SultMaitithglYild, '4. 1 .91 0 P, Gregory and others all have gone beyond that river whit:buyetyhreath lug thing must crees,_ without the aid ofae or - WM, pr ; baMoow Dos Pedro of Brasil Is one of the. /AM 1901/ aorrive - but he that a rehild::of Admen years. Isabella ./1., the. Spanish Queen, "'still lives," but she does not relgn,beleg an exilq. Mr. Van Buren, who was Our President in 1533. hat; been dead for smile 4.41 Mt. li look at the great changes. that-have taken place since Victoria became queen,weilmnot fall tb be struck by. their number, for they include, the overthrow of the Papal temporal power, thetonversion in Italy front a number. of small countries[ and , Par dependencies ;into a . united ki oni, tho loss of the European lea ership by Russia, the destruction of the Germanic confederation, the. defeat of Austria by Pnissia, - the overthrow of three branches of the house, of Bourbons. the restoration of the Bonapartes in France, theme. Bon of two French Republics, the conquest of France, by theLiermans, the fall of Napoleon 111. the recrea tion of the German empire under the house of - - .llohenzollern, the -setting iris of a new dynasty in Spain, the. thsestabLishment of the Irish church, the &vend British reform bill, the Sepoy mutiny, the opening of China and Japan to western intercourse and influence, the gold discoveries of.Call fornia and• Australia, the establish ment of ocean steam navigation, the creation of the electric telegraph,l b e conquest :of , ..llexiooThy. the. United States, the Secession war, aud the overthrow of American fslaveocratic rule, and many other strangeevents. Perhaps not the least remarkable of these changes is that which placed Victory • himself on the lithssubnan throne of Akbar and The IVotainnan. II Lightning Rods. f"" — ditionkwe mathillthey • ' lom atipplied , andihat • y ton ; eking n v fins Avhere • yll • 'fling •. Su er lL u • e have so uc ;ex .lle •' 1 • ...‘ contingenciesare accepted rat er than .tiipeur thq" outlay. Thsonneetion lie d lettil i rig i Alts ki rodt t redly ti fi l turee of danger.. zettttreeti from I that:loads ; they only, .44; it when. it comes within sp • ere of Too t/utak wpispli n. The New'York:P , w e he following:. "It Is rdlatod orit promi nent merchant that a few days _since he was visaing. Wend who had Just received,aletter,ati‘Miniahme from suite), Whitt tianoec k r,Afteklooking atthem.skplat them In his Poeket in ! a_mi'dmi.'ikest , of. , way, not Ildidilag Inyires doh*, ,i'Thanext ing by sOmuids the lettzteheTtiir— =jot kniisia-sdentsici''Adieve Mar Aid siY daecwittia 00 1 4 r ;it' bar = 6l l an tilat;* I # 6ll W4 as ffist ambit will .hrat' nifgV - t hairnaffino4, a.yule Ihnnestle' temp* =plow Y ti Itt,4lMr7' rimne. Shatlng d i mMintiit tudkly until he awoiusr.ita.foinid.his. Wife standing:sorer. mirk.ditat. udniskuns inter hand and ademand. 'inaffid - Torark explanation. trembling ;on her liperi=illet took in. the situa tion at I slaw" and knew that .only le4P44@klii •tilapel de: Iwould•-:ANIVe him. dindlingaphoto her Awe with a sort i al.dellant look, be; mid "Somebotripui..theLletiM awl .pic ture into my poeket.i. , lssawir knew. it was therw.untilAbis moment." 'What letupr and: picture?" P!Mlby that you holdlnlyour hand.'. l, "Who sald., it wee`. lb' . your. pocket?". "Didn't yod then rdreatie4X" 'lt is useless to 'say the; exatie,Whdld hardly . pass mutter. , - ,Tbg:gentleViri• bits 'Worn quite a wuo'heirone air ever siakk4 - SA i Judge latiettllAL - -'- p. mie =1.12 1 4 4 .044 4 1 . 7 iii 07 4 7 ' Am- OW, of Alabaa, anuA ra his appearance-4d W ..•te testify Word the Kw/Qat mit-, mitten t inesePege•Weretakenteciteek any Innuenereddch the Jufte °this 1-friends liad tishieght forward to con. trol federal path:4ll6e of anyildnd hi the State of , _Altilalmit. Daring his stay in WashlllaiOn, Judge Heated confided to a Itertriends .ihe fact of his being bIIZI 'opposed to . negro suffrage and thienew amenduientatii the constittiOn Ala dote btsdePar" Auto forhis home flii Mobile; Ite has piibliciyardaitioced himaelfa Demo erat of theoldaeleol, Notwilhaleild• leg,tbeettepiehriaaeatedained rellard big his poittloid lath, this bold an. nouncernent of the Judge's has mused ?re at flatterlinfolditical eirchs4 be.. g *viewed, es nut beilcation. el. the uture comae of miltea number of so called : . them Republicans. Gov. 'Aid , , k:olf Georgia, is looked upon as the . !man likely to go over to the new departed° In order to save himself from , impeachment at the next sessimi of ;the I:hsti LleglOL, - ;tun. It Is expected that the nem tion of Bullock will kill the Republic an party 103=04 and flow Joshua Rill Georgia's-only Senator, into thebernocradc rinks.' Tbe political altmtb:si•in the South is viewed:rem I Washltigteami very critical just at the present time., . Th e appointment of ex-Senator Varner us Col elector of Custoina at Moldhi, In place of Dr. :Miller,-. remeyed, though only an idrunetta,ymterday afternoon • has al seedy eitutod a flood of indignation totters frtark the friends of the latter. BARON 68nOier. on Tuesday last, ' took formal leave of the President ea Eovoy EttracordWry and Minister • Plenipotentiary of the Emperor of 1 Germany. He made the following tomarkson the coos- ion: Mr. President: littler a reekience o 1 mare alien a qukier of a century ht ynur great country as repreeenta tlveiof my august soverelign, and of sot:ruing mutual intererts which have heenicievelop•W during that time bo- twat the United States anti Prussia, in Union with the other States of Ger- Many, it's a great satisfaction to me to leave the mission entrusted to Ine with' the conviction that the friendly relations between the governments and the 'people of the two nations have become more and more inti mate and durable, :to the benefit, of the national prosperity as well as to the &me of true liberty and civilize tiou, in both countries. Mr. Presi dent, In taking leave of , your Excel lency, I beg to tender my most re spectful thanks for the many proofs of kindness and good will / have re ceivcd - from yourself and from all the Executive Governments of.the Uni ted States in the performance of my official duties during my residence In Wa4hlngton4 and to exprets my sin cere wishes for your welfare and for the happiness of the, people and my friends m this country. where I have pass'ed the beat part of my life. The President replied as follows: Rama :.I need not assure you that your relinquishment of your position as the diplomatic ropmentative of your sovereign here will occasion general regret, in which I cordially dude. You have been so long ac credited to this Government that you have bail unusual opportunities of forming acquaintance, not only with ourpublie men, but with others "of my countrymen { Many of them • have become your personal Mends. They will lament that your proposed depatture may deprive them of fu ture intercourse with you. Your ex perience iu atta i n elsewhere us well wi here has int , - .ubtedly rendered 4 1 1 our suggettirms sometimes, (sped ' ly ou atom! .. nna s in a high degree useful. I ill add that, not withstanding • . , r absence, your sat tons and succealftti endeavors to strengthen the Mendly relations be tween our ive countries are not likely to bet warted or counter [ acted. It shall my endeavor true everything ifthi h may be in my t power toward t, nsolidating them. My,best wishes attend attend you. Tim settlement of all our dillichl ties with England by the fide Treaty will constitute, ili all titne to dome one of the most laudable and praise worthy acts of (letter! Grant's ad ministration. Theyeamprised gram& qnattions of iriundariellida! or Inter . andlosad illW which beep threatened tcrembroll in a bloody warthe two most powerful .nations in .Chritten '4loM. As the ,tratiers of chripekko `ell - Siltation a war bather' 'England and the United {State. would have bean followed hy the direst cense ghetto*,lo.lrrit onlyteonid there have been Awful bbolied sad sulerint telt the progress of chnistianity and civilization would have been ea; hack at least a reunify. . , The tirdtlettlla or Vie, ,vexed ',Fictitious, the srment of ear national debtruk - ra action riftaxescauktktof . - .tijiantßaVels be suiliciette terxerddentlidifil, to theialople hi Wet* them tut eieleet Gran(' for another term.:=Berflbed ra® • Hr. .facotildielfur, - the. - 'Repub.: Mal candidate , for Lieutenant Gov ernor of Ohio, barbers in Breads. Heat7l2B tAi the United States lb 1848, and has since lived In Cleveland, practking: law and holding thtofke .of _Fronde:et of the German Life, In- Company of that . city. He has not taken an active part, in poll. ties until, asbe declares, the tete war In Germany convinced him that the Democrats' .of the eoantry are not friendly to the Germans. On his re• bun lately from tririsit to. Europe he declared that he ihouldhuteefter sup port 'the 'Republican. pony ' ~ :In 0. sPeactiat. 104 Writ t)aa•ourg a l o • law that. his uomitudion,n* t personal compliment, but evi dence of the good wilt or the Repub. limns towards 41* Germans or the United States. zk i —The Chicago Post an !Wants big tug" of a paper. it i:"Tlie *loamy aro veryrdnekin by pa 41cm ot the eannibalancWoron, umwhom Barnum n in II& book on humbuga.PZAlter" debench. - ho ',waited up ono dayln great wonderment as to his exact lo• cality, and inquired of the dare 'Awl 'And amquesti I, or am I not Awl? , Tilsit is the on. Are the Thettitial*Con 6 nittllberptirtyfin y Ohio, lowa and Pennsylvanket'whero the new.departure has been Temp. nbitilrizy conventions, fully a thirdef the votefe are 'rubbing their oyes in utter beWildertoest. ,It the • old Democritlemmp, or hai= i getto seten.Y 2 After tWeiVe. mrs of &Mutat/ion, is It quite t t thing to own up point blank, and in-_ 1 dots° theoppealtesidet The Ohinate pun., he nothing compared with, such a dil;gmns. If they hokl on to the tuft arty. post ; MO wilt these; tad hey let go they are sure to fall te tO theditcli. Most of them agree IFere new pull owl, but it Is ,t apparent:they do not ban 4,er tinthaigeable' apostl' the _' unwashed, Henry Clay Destl, iithlai r. ar the village of Masestiria; leera t recently; and while thus af- Illeted ',/ih„ their public places, the - - . . , lifueratineairere also beset hY s ing af f , rebbaN, who rode 'gni ty I nto toarn.biMed thefr horses babre the National bank, entered, held a revol ves' at th 6 header ' the al a ofticial prreent, -despoiled the ofd available deposits and p y orris to, the place where Dean was speaking in the open air. Bern eoli ths oat that the bank had been rubb- I ed and with d chew for 'Wilkes Booth, tho robbers struck spurs to their horses,andgallopedout of town' before the crowd had fairly • realized what had taken place.' A party soon Started In pursuit, and, after riding a short distance, came within hailing distance of the robbers. who waved a defiance, darted off with Inenased Speed, and were not caught. --General Napoleori Bonaparte Fotrent has in4e - si; Clean breast of ,the - ,KtOSltir businesa.• -rambled , by theCOpgreniCOmmlttiegithotithi gar Outrages.idtorptbh-Pediling the. hol6sutgeet, he was 'oblig ili ed Oboe. knee/ledge that the Ku-ttx were in operation thrazgliouc the &nth dating the last Presidential election, gad that he :mans: a, member of, the gang. To be sure, tie quibbled about. _the title of the organization, and 'add that it was not Ku-Klux to which he belonged, but-White CarneUas ; after ward he "reckoned" it was the Pale . Faces to which he adhered. But What's in the name? Mr. Forrest has acknowledged that he belonged to a body of men, knows by various titles, l i_but well understood to tie tlfe Ku-Klux Klan. With this .forced confession we we not surprised to hear of the petition item over sixty residents of Fayette county. Ala., 'asking for protection from the Ku )lux, which such menas Forrest are ready to swear do not exist. After the unplemantexhibltion of this wit tiest before the Ku-Klux Committee, people war be i eltretant to accept any of his volun= c aporingsas truth., New York a—The Scranton Republierm says : Negotiations have been, or will at ADM be, opened between the Demo cratic State Central Committee and theW.,ll. Ausockillon for the sale _ of the latter tofthe Democratic partYat the:next election. BMW, Sealy and Pirker,who have always been Demo awls, expel, to make a handsome thing out of the trantactiolt. and we have the most reliable assurance that these fichuylkßl leaders will realize at least $20,000 each, and some of the local leaders of Hyde Park, will also come in for a small marVn, "Winging from 00 to 4200 awls. The hscredu lons maraltalre their heads r ,bot-wa. know whereof fee speak when wesay the Democratic patty places' its sole reliance for success at the next elec tion in this Rite ;upon the purchase of W. U. Adilatell through the three leaders of the organlmtlon. Siney, Sealy and Paelutr.,, bike path the W. B. A. is composed of the right kind of material for honer end sale, and the leaders have for the past years sold them la every suspension and the rank and file Nsve never yet discovered it. —A cable dispatch from St: Peters burg states that a notice .appeare d yesterday In the official column of the Journal de Se. Petersburg stating that when the Grand Duke Alexis has re turned from Ems. where he remains at present with the Empire, he Will at once repair to Cronstailt to super intend In person the preparations be ing made at the Imperial Navy Yard Ibr his voyage to Amerfet. The Grand Duke has 'stated that he in tends to carry to America due of the most perfect naval squadrons that ever left the European waters. in St. Petersburg the Grand Duke's voyage is the principal topic at the united service clubs, and those who have influence at Court area exerting it to the utmost tosectare assignment to his Highness' suite: Prince Gortschakoff states that the Grand Duke will certainly ein bark at Cron stadt the last of August forlAmerica. —The Memphis - Appeal, a fettling journal of the Southern Democracy, thus endorses the new departure : "To work together for the =out plishment of a common, end we may hope is still possible: But to support and adopt as our own these most in famousitsdical theoriesis impossible. Union of a Democratic people on that line is not to be expected either the aid of a National kfonvention or Otherwise.. , Nothing short clan him est reform platform will do. With ' out that, and fighting with no eaaen tial of principle between them and their advosaries, then tens of thousands of Democrats will fold their arms. Perhaps, if we are to adopt the religion of rogues,. It will , be best to - leave them in power. Be ing already. pretty well glutted with plunder, we doubt whether they will steal much faster thou a set of tam ishing,Ohio tricksters, who have de parted' from the political morality of their fathers, and enter on the spoils businesa with the zeal of new am verb.": ' - -In ttl e e*w t a plan hat been pro jected for celebrating, dext year, the two hundredth anniversary of Peter lbetireatlabirth day by a grand na tional nuusloaffestival, to be divided Into two principal parts. It is pro- posed that the first part shall consist ora competition between Russian composers sod tt* Perfortmusceef ot Cantonal pieces,d i pieces written ex pressly tor the on. The second part will be a kind of musico•ethno graphic exposition at which the dif ferent wim_ ng to the I= empireVilfexechtein -their tive national costumes e ya of pop ular to , • soft 'few gra in lend° .• 41 I II thousand roubles, (1576,006) towards the enterprise..., Neev A""""7 "an F. 4 B O in sad 113 w Ask". ,2'14 1, Be .beet, it, W j gri A. BIZUR,MA PIM foplarie*. COAL*I k e n COAL ' ,tet dits ,1 I iCaiatika o.lloWarr="lartM r' between Ito delta, we iloisnWa. abet, be alit be_ sled to melee lades Er 1 _looker aitt tad. omen esa abo be kit AM 111Milre,talb ee St Joke Penis'. at st W Amos oleos at at Mt res. bleed of the naleeststsaieet , MOM et, Itrldte. aster. Cost delletteptt seen melba Teriw eibb ea &Uteri. Moo as low as the lowest. 171r1y) ~ ) ITAVING Sal r ethM == load l e = d fa 4 :1 erices eatho seid name kr. In leetleeet4=4 ,l = w ffl a at will receive lim ma mette and prosoeletlealloe. A. V. CUNNINGII lePecn;l7l S$ S • :4 7 ,VaconaTnriktinziaP 35 !1,1 iriSPEn. ndekneVirekrta nowoderldbillun for tho mho. and banks. Now rsoaldlnca. etches, col umns and twain*, • ENTIRELY - N.EIV, AND AT 41 ro uiti y likidmoe = AP. DK 20111011 E r CO., 110 Wood 6t. t Plitainargh t Psi • " AW.FffIIV Areittre; Church and .B iger ßlids lade Ito *--- i XElip 'I N . ;""---- ---- TO . a lf • MN. .4 ' ... Asti teillskof fa a f ''-- ''.. ' oi-isrioyst. itia. G as. -- A . Leanne on 11'7ostpio,ltreat eari ;, : ti a , ie jous. 'C. iv the. mad . of AWING .11 .1 = 1 H; tioritst DebtUty gel Lek. lotok, r ff= piwu Ihmim= aroma lislf illge.lll4 4 amsa . elettrilf.lX.M lll F oCft, o e. , - -,. - 1111 natotast astliot hi p die= laeOloceOlitriono 1 " aredfnligas il k °lig ti abet4ni== m eadow. silokii• cat vos Anita ort hnn . VW; somas dugs or alai. =et . ii 4 thirv. dem at goat certain ad sesy l".lllErer eero am " se n"ligr it ehesp w" ly. po -Ill i. ssit o.o.l. " := Die Lichen trill prove • ems 'Illis& - =;esi, to say 'Gehl'., Is a platss/W• ollearel4pe. on the receipt of six. caste . or too pi: Abp. I lk.. Colrarsell • rt ~ b. ,Willldell_p- doe WI cents. Address Mt CANAL S. C. ALINE & CO iff ilipMcgio Xllll, Teets P. 0. BOlipZ. Chas. B. Hurst's N - t331.1-teANcE AND General Agency Office N 4 AB TEE. DEPOT ROCHESTER, PENNA Notary Paine oaf Vasorayaiarai FIRE. LIVE; and.ACLIDEHT - INSUR. AMOR; 'Anchor" and "Natitrnar Lbws Or Ocean Stomas; " Adams " and "Un ion" Eaproia Agent. AU lands or inamance at fair rates and liberal tem,. Real Estate bought, and acad. Deeds, Mortgaies; ArtteW, written; Depositiont and Acknowledge ments taken, kr., ak. Goods and Money forwarded to all party or the Matted States and Canada. Pasaengers• booked to and from England, Irelaud, Scotland, Franca find Germany. JETNA FIRE IX& CO., 01 llnrtford, Conn., Club Ansel. ........ ..... „IKON/POO " Hy their fruits ye know thuot." L 031123 ;laid to Jan. 1, 1$11....$:.03,000,0 00 One of the oldest And wealthiest Compa tiles In the world. NIAGARA Insuraoce Co., of New York Cush us.scti,, ANDES F. IRE TlirS;. tiq Cash uv...• 11.+,. ENTERPRISE INS. CO.. 1.)( kthilatli 'Rhin Cash assetts ovcr . LANCASTER Fire Ins. Cu. LlLL:tut-4Mer, Pa. Quit ALPS INSURANCE CO.; IA Eric, I'Cllllll. Cash capital $24 . 0" ,000 HOME LIFE INS.ICO, Of \ern• York. Cash r145e15,..... Travelers' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Of Ourtfiinl, Conn. Cavil assetts over 81010,000. lkapresentimg the above lint class lasuracce Wu:psalm. acknowledged to be amongst the best and meat reliable In the world, and i'momting • gnm• takeo of nearly fikarkooo, I am en abled tWiesesace to any 'Mount - desired. Applications promptly attended io. and Poi erntrenb Idiom delay, seal at lair rates and liberal tenth. Looses liberally mOurfed sad promptly yak:. INSUMM TO DAY I By one day'. delay you may ktme the savings or years. Wiry* are dasgeroes, and lire imeeriala; therefore. Insure to. day! Jae Co-day, It wore two I oortommeo."— Quality, also, Is or the almost haportemm ' The low priced. worthies. article. always pewees the dearest. The above companies are known to be amongst tea beat sod wealttdert In the world.— .. As ye row that 'hall you reap. - Grateful for the very II •WWal patronage already bestowed, I hope—by a MOM attention to a legit. !mato hyalite's—not only to merit a coutinneuee of the Name, but a large increase the present year. Mr. IsTKPIULN A. CRAW is duly antharized to take applications for Insurance and metro the premium for the same In adjoining kiernshlp.. CHAS. B. HURST, Near Depot, Dochester, l'a. Del.11:1). FRIEDBERGER . & STROUSE, N 05.113 It 115 North. Elghtla • PHILADELPHIA, PA., sag to Worm dm Trade Mit they hare on band a complete line ot black and eoleried Vol fndu. boiled and sayer quality Ribbona. In all w Mho, and deetrable shade., of their own importation.— A lick a wall Wooed stank of I Tienels, German sad Domestk Thmiers. Straw Goods, and all other ar• Mies pertalniaz to the ,Xillinery line. Order* promptly attended to. maySldlut AGFENTIO VirAFIVTE (tea -Iml Ault walled In thin coast, to procure lumen= re torn net Clare Fire Insurance Cum pony of Pluladelphla. Inquire at thin °Moe. 31A.ZIEUVACTIJIZal. rzoN - timinmwrs . , • ' We beep Oa band le our Imo roma, the largest sediedia k dolman Weeelier weeks In the deed. • added-gless.ipirresodis eltbeg_to .a , Illoantin,t or jleied te titer dep~ Mint* a beder 1 DOPOrtlittl select a 'addible litonument or Heed - Stones than eheewbere. ~slaw **the mieldba . a: leb, add dee denied b4lo l b Wei would Peed'ullitittre pert.= lashing Ilbebb Wort. wadi arid see one wort before perebeidag elseaftle; astddi Also, Okla - Stones, Of / Cfni 1,4 41111 i PPP* and all the new aille llstprecto deadritowea. at rwrottable deka*: • nentillMh GREAT MORAL MIMI Dr. wAzzzirs CU. 1A If TV-Igs, Ag o a a . , % " n. 4 Ism 't• 2 • a 1%1 V xi 3 . . ! I ; i ii iii A 11 2 .1101 AWU ill "is FANCY DRINK. Anis el row xis. widow. Prow gond. sea Mew Lionorodoomood• West memo moil so Sono• the called "Tosloo,""Aopoti WA" -11kmacin.''' tmt td o.m so Inalamas sad au, Oat see • teas Nedlelhe, cab tin be Solna Seen sad Haft of Cannes. fan ?rasa all A .b UM Innsulants. t Tbn m MIA? 111,001 1 19)111111/111111 Ind A LIVE 01 WM FILIMIIICLX • perinot rnanonwr tivororow of the flystam, cornice off Al potsone., mita mad nowt Ing tto blood so a le...ltty omfan Sa puma saes take Mese WWI “Con.-.; Iv. . is. sad/moan boor o 11. nee Milks ghat fan-, torozable nee 1.. Ls beam an not destroyed by Mama to•t. attar neon sad ISO. NUM minas tromed Mat of tosele. rat Talisman ory sad Moan is. aid Coals IniMaratea'sm ladialessttoo. 11111 fame Ideadteemt sad listatliatlealt Fem. '5l/leasea sin Ilload. Minn Madan. Illndan, inn Innen lass Dem rad sm... LI. tlatels Dlasomme on tamed tJ V Intl, Bleed. animals reactibny pnented by Mew:, t„, rttS. illessilv• Omni% nverarsia. IlfinciatTlaN. t i Kin, ran in McMoolden. Comiass.'llaUaea - .Sad. 111miness, boar Ersetatteta of IS. Ind but. tba Monk. Skims Attacks. rali/mou tw -o of Ike Warr. 11111o=o10 21, Of Ms Luis. Pan regloM of the £ 5 mil latadrat otter bwlor..l symptoms, an the Mrspftade of DYPIPPILd pry LarlipMllo tke lama* sad UMW. a... pldltver sad bow,* Lida nadenkemelmmdamlet offamseg ta clasaltag IM blood of aftaikaffMor. Winn; on llts ad sins le lbs viSslaanan. ISILLIf 11111111811:1LInpflosa.Tenrr. r litheals.llleldess.ll.ool.llarpdak Tssatkla,lkedt. Ismedualtaa•Worais. Seeldaald., Son Ifes, ktre, Dhaskmalgods el the SIM, Uoa, aid PPM= Mika bkit i of wkalserar awe Moat... I* WOO: dad ss , sallorrisiost et Os mem w. oast almaly tie cm ad Uwe 1113nes. Om betas L. lan cans TM , s , 10:Iss?,Vass ant nendsloss or e1.. 1. canine we moodClawselesuntr idls SOd us tieteidoakes~ittn - it the stla n lianas, Eng. Wei gallop% dews %vire 'gala nebancial sad NNW& MOM rmtaat dame It e t as disks% ..4,..."4,l fi minwsfl you anso. Gsep 50..4 ? I,o l 4lfrat.T.ltlar . rlo Ina annals. dhow, arsor il sd sal nenst. Ter hal dkrectissa nal Illorrally onvoidan mean NA lea* WOW Is to Ise loadl.'44lol6.onmaa. trawl' sad inns. I. WALEIX Proptfatar. Z. IL IIeDOSALD a Co. maims sad get. Asian. lan Irroanao, SAL sad le gad ital•Eig . TIM inn, Int net. SrIIOLD lIT ALL DittIGGISTS PILLLEISI oct.llektll E=l New Adventsements. CLOTHING. STORE. NEW GOODS! • SC311:111ER STOCK. ; The underagned take N plenum in Ili. h,,r g trit•ticl , , 111.1 tl.. puniir genet. thUi he Jibt me-4%4 and opened A Dm Stock of Goods, OF' or THE LATEST STYLES POll Slimmer Wear. , Ile keeps the hew nt: moriarwri in. Vlllploy.and ff-eIA conlidt ut of his ability 1,. tut and make up gal-penis both FAIWIIONABLEA. DURABLE. 71111 in Mull a manner na will please hit iniatumers. loans GOODS ALWAYS ON NAND. 1:1111 and see us Wore leaving you r Orders l'l ewhere • WILLIAM REICH. Jr. may4;7o:ly Bridgewater, Pa $i r,au,ew 51,500.000 $llOO /11 $241/.i&)(1 53,500,000 'WILLIAM MILLER, -- JACOB TRAX, PLANING - MILL. MILLER &TRAX, afaritffacittrers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SASH. DOORS, SHUTTERS, SIDINtI, FLOORING, MOUBDINGS. &c• , • Scroll Sawing and Tundra DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. AND PROMPTLY , • ATTENDED TO. Mill Opposite the Railroad Station ROCHESTER, PENN'A. April 10 _,L• I) WM. WALLACE, DEALER IN MARBLE!! Grave•toneS, morrum. P.. "NTS, &c..&r.,4 , 1 . Railtowl Arred.:Near the New Depot, NEW BRIOITON, PA..' would cull public adientlnu In the Net that he keep' always oil hand an el tencive and sup elor supply at ITALIAN AND AMERICAN 35.A.:1=1.33 AND MANUFACTURES GRAVESTONES. MONITMETS. Ac TN THE MOST WORKMAN - LIKE MANNER, • And at Unprecedentedly LOW FIGURES• El 11'W3T QUALITY OF t at cik itrro erroN coNsTArrLY KEPT ON HAND Satl{farAos' Warranted in every e2l:3m. Ferguson & Rotzler, EIZO SIJCCIMORS TO JOUN A. St'OTT. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 8.1 Choice Family groceries; TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, PROD= PLONK, No. u oleo mica, wzrior niirolga All*stasy Llay, fa.
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