B The Beaver Argus. Beaver. Pa., II arculatiori 27tirteeti Wisticered. Rases or A'dvertisigg. . . • - I! ems. 7w. Ow. Sta. • ago. 11 year I .qr-10 Hoes, 114 00 NOO 115 00 •$7 00 81000 square., do • 150 s'oo 7OD 10 00 15 lel 3 square.. do , 500 0 0 1 3 fOO 111 10 78 00 4 square., du ; 800 800 10 80. 15 011 It CU Sj eohduo 800 , 11 00 15 CO 1111 OD 38 MI column 11 00 15 OD lOW sUO a() 00 c01umn..... 19 04 • 110 Mt 9801 00 , 0810000 Administrators' and isecutois' Notlces...4 l special noticed per bee, ten Cents: or - Payments ,to be 'nude Quarterly, except rur truculent advertbements, *bleb must be paid In advance. • • • GEO. P. 20 WELL* 40 Park Row. N. Tork' AND 5. 3L Co, 31 Park Row. New Yolk, anthe rob who ke.Th e Assess Awn in dm end are aatbarfsed to contract fof Martian advertises:lento fur as at our low. eel cosh Melt. Achrettletra le that city an re %torten to Imre their Won will either of the above homes. state oftke Thermo Meter for the week ending April 1871. - - - • -- - • • . 7 A. . 2 I% 11. 9 ARM 66 deg. • 46 dig •• 24 43 deg. .04 ditg. 47 deg 4 25 48 deg.. 64 deg: -50 deg Z.; 47 deg. ' 70 deg. 62 deg • • 2.7 59 deg. 68' deg. 62 deg 28 44 deg. 65 d ' 55 d •• 29 52 deg. 58 deg eg. " 48 d eg eg FL T. TAYLOR. TIME TABLE: Cleveland, in 11PItitsbardi R. B.—Tralua going Bait leave Beaver Soule," a" allow.: Mor eno; Acconen 1117; Dail, 5.47 p. m.;Evetilog Na. . rep., 6.3., Local Freight (canal , pawiengers) 5,71. ea. Vans goll,West leave Beaver Mann uM inna: Mall, ;43 a. ea; Local Freight (caning pustantera .05,a.m.;Aoccoomadauon, Fill. Ft. W 4.14 C. Si. /11.—Tralua gong Best leave steamier Button (at end or bridge) as 101- &aver Villa Liceolo. 6.08 a.m.; Boon =cum. 7.10 a. In.; New Castle aceottl. 5.56 a. in.: 11.• Falls accom. 11,10 p. to. 'halos going West Dave' Rochester Btallca, (at ead of bridged as follow': B. F. atom. 10 a. in.; Edon accom. p. to.; Erle,olght express 5.45 p. m.; B. F. scam. 7.37 p. to. Trains going But leave Baluster (Upper)•De pot aa follows: D. F. &mom. 6.115 a. m ; /Coon Sc corn. 7.15 a. la; New Castle ammo. 5.40 a. In; Chicago exp. 10.132 S. an Beaver Falls scam. 11,15 p. Claw° Mail Ltei p. to; Brie exp. 4 10 p. m; Chicage inp. 5.01 p. to; Brie mall VAS 5. 15. Tramigomg aint,./eave ttocheater(Upper) De pot a. follows: Chicago mall 1115 a. in.; laic eV. IS a. In; Bearer Falls accom.lls3 a. m.-„Chicago exp. DM a. m.; Chicago exp. 5.55 p Nov Cu. lie lICCIALL 4.30 p. Erie esp. 5.10 p. to; Beaver' tenon. 7.40 • enamel. Fees, ac.—Fol lowing are Our ellarges for announcing the names of candidates for the several offices ; also our rates for printing cards and tickets: ForAsperribly For 'freaguror... ..... Pros. Attorney... Cononloolouor ..... Pour lloooeDinvtor. :LodOor Truvreci of Academy Carer per 10n0 Tickets" The attention oethe public hi directed to the following New Advertisement[ which appear for the drat time in the Adous to - day: • Special NoticesiWill Smith it CS., Special Nodose—Evan Pugh, special Notibes—B. Idulheitn; . Special Notices—S. ,t J. Snellenburg, Special Notice—R. Steinfeld, speCial Notioe—M. Schiff,' Public Notice—John blettoun, sgocial Notloti—Dr. R. V. Pierce, cituttei and Menagerie—Roaston &Co., Tod Store—J. A. Robinson, State acid Comity Tai—E. Now Adv't—S. J..Croaa dt Co., New Ativ'ts—Datiohy dr, Co., liankerm—James T. Brady de Co., i)rphano . Court Sale—W. W. Simpson. M'Carteri lionitsi-,13. W. Clarke tt. Co., Card—James Cameron, ,Auction Salo — A.•Mcllwa~me , Auct'r, SpeciarNutice—Drs. Oldshue., Golden Fountain Pen.--Some thing new and novel. Be Sure and read the advertisement In our paper headed 't heated Invention ol the Age." We bolleVe the Golden Fountain Pen is un surpassed. A good pen, is a necessity to every man, woman and child. Agents here is a chance to make money lu Intro ducing a good and saleable article. ' ly. " rirr - CCOLD SPARILLINO SODA -WAvisa flavored with pure Fruit Syrups, at Bea ver Drug Store. apr26;4w ' ALL the styles of Lace and Linen Col lars; nt Mrs. Beacons's. [sprah4w ' SWI6:II.T POTATO PLatrs.,-Any persons wanting the Nanseinond sweet potato plants, can be supplied at 50 eta pei hun dred, by leaving their orders at the. Au -0174 office prior to May . 20: [Apr26;3t. ' BEAT Louisville Cement at V 2.25 per. barrel, at W. J. Dunn •..1t Co., Franklin and Proble Allegheny. (apr2 I;3t. " WHITE . LIME, Calcined Plaster and LouisvHlu Cement at W. J. Dunn dr; corner Franklin and Preblo Ste., Allegheny.' Send orders Gy mail, or r. W. J, Undo , Vauport, Pa. [aprtM;:lt. 'Nan/looks and K'a,st Mrs. BesooneS: tapr`..444w. ,Pirtroleuin la said to have been tap ped in the well on the Dawson Yarn', on. Little Beaver Creekiln this county; and ie rated at a six teenliarrel well. Messrs. P. Rawson ar, COW are the proprlotora of the well. If this proves a atxiesi, the price of land in [hat section will be greatly enhanced iu value, and new lire will he infused Into the productive in dustry and commerce of our' county. ==l OIL CIdOil& AND WINDOW SHADES, In a large variety, at B. Mulheinf WALL IAPAnI WALL L'Arma! WALL PAPKIt bona of Wall raper, all of the latoat palteina, A agorae Thlef, - giving his name as John Smith, was arrested In Economy last week, by/Slessrs. Briggs aria Por ter, who lodged .him M thp Bestypr jail. A horse had been stolony from : a man 'tarried Adam Nelruth, tieing in l Wayne ittiity, Ohio, oS Saturday 'night of neck before laid. Messrs. Briggs and Porier of Industry, obtained A dmcrip-. tion of the horse, and traced it through Rochester to Economy, where, they ar rested the thief, who will await a requis ition from the Governor of Ohio, and be takett to Wayne Co., for trial. It is said Ids real name Is Ihtbald EMI. CA 'WEIN ! CARPETS ! ! CA RPETIS I! !- A very large stock of the must desirable patterns or Carpets, as cheap as. tho cheapest; at B. Molltehres, Bridgewater Ou last Friday Outman of Holmes, Co., Qhlo, left his plow and horses in the field lu which he wasplow lug, with two little boys to take care of then, while he would go to .the house just a little distant to "take in" a few refreshments. He had hardly; left the fish' when his team took fright, and ~w ired iu theli wild career, Jerking the 1,1. w over stones and stumps not slow,— the plow, ot tlmee,higher than the horses' lusids,—presentlog a Sul Love-good Iwene, while poor Jimmie, with wide .tretehoil eyes and hair standing on ends,. like the quills of au exalted African Por cupine, started after the team, gathering the fragments of the plow as he . weht— "it wax all that he could do." The team ran buts short distance and was stopped; fortunately the horses escaped injury, but Jimmie declares ho never knew there were so many pieces to l a plow , before. • A i.t:PF.RlOßg i tlldity of Spring Shawl*, at Mrs. Beacom r 1apr20;47. Lew I l iplellis,—Exercise for the body, o ccupation. for the mind, those are the grand comitituent's of health and happl- Item, the cardinal point& upon which or- N'Ything turns.. Motion scents to be a great preserving principle of nature.' to which even inanimate thingi are sub lett; for, dui winds, waves, the earth itself, are I : i:unless, and the waving of trees, shrubs tied flowers is known to be an essential part of their economy. A habit of taking utters' boon' exercise every day, if possible, In the open air, if 001 under cover, will be almost certain to secure one eiemptiontrorn disease, ea well as attacks from low spirits, or ennui —that monster who Is 171111 r waylaying the rich and Indolent. Low spirit& •can- • not Wst in the acatoepbereof bodily mid mental intivity. • IlLimelalimedflettfore.- remaining in the • Post office at Rochester, Pa, ffiay 1, 1871: - • - George Bingham, 0 Markin, lidiss - Eihs Brewer, James Bead Mlll. Sarah Cox, .David Redick, . - Miss Sarah Duke, . Bantus Rice, Blies - T illie Davis, James Sweeny. Mn Eliza Davie, Miss Paulipalierbor J E Dow, ' ; 8 A Topper; John Jacobs, Lewis J Wispier, 2 MnNancy Kirk. Mrs Mary A Warner Ro w land Lloyd,. CBWOodwaid Son Nathaniel Lewin. T. TATpall, One of on 'exchanges Very earedbly remarks that people who "Imola • net din In spring Ulna." aholild 'itereltio a groat, deal of caution in• regard to the taking down of atovini and the laying aside of ivains undergarme9ta. Butelde.—Mrs.George Eliot, radii ink near Pronperity, 'Washington Golan ty, iSommitted suicide on Wedneedny morning last by hanging herself in one .of the little rooms of the house. No cause c be assigned for the rash act. - Nortos Estatonturtaay..—we would beg leave to state to the public, that the place td get your Clothes made, last B. dt .J, Elnel lenburg's„ .Broadway. New Brigh ton. Also agents ter The Eliptlo Fend -19 Sewing Machine. Come sad see IL. , Prepare !be tbe btalientetb Cons. bleattoia.—Roeston • JBpringer it Hen derson's great mas todon menagerie, gigantic circus, colonial maven and muL aeum together with the All Ben Abdal lah troupe of real Bedonin Arabs, will exhibit In RonnEsviiit, ox Wiceimemr, MAY jam. 1871. The management announce for the sewn of 1871 not only the largest but the most attractive, novel, original and instructive public amusement ever of renal in this country. The great Ali Ben Abdallah of genuine Bedouin Ambit, or "Sons of the Desert" ('fourteen In number), acknowledged *by the Euro pean and American press as giving the most startling, rare and wonderful per- Ibrmances of any people on earth. There extraordinary feats, both on the ground and in mid air, surpass both descriptibu and belief. The vast department of zoology is composed of the raro and curious ant= malts of Europe, Asia, Africa, Ntirth and South America, Australia, New Holland and Ceylon, including ornithological se-. lections of the bast *specimens of tropical and, oriental birds, and„ ombmcing t h e finest coltoetlon of trained horses, the smallest ponies and the best performing lions in the world. Among , tho special ities arc a herd of elephants and a drove of camels and dromedariev. A mammoth caravan of twenty-three massive cages, it is a stupendos combl• nation, involving an investment of half a million dollars, requiring an army of disciplined men in its service, employ ing a multitude of horses and a train of wagons, dens, and cages over a mile long for Its transportation through the-coun try. There wilt be a grand scenic parade on the morning of the exhibition. The circus will develop a cavalcade of noble steeds, comprising Arabian Bel gian, lluttgarian, French and domestic thoroughted, in conqpctlon. with the most daring male and female riders, ac robats, gymnasts, traps's, and general performers. , #1401.1 20 tXI b 00 5 Ibl b UU I. 00 100 0 00 5 011 5 00 , To Garirs, cm:lr.—Gaeta come to 8. & J. Snellenburg's, bring your ladies with. you and see theEliptio Sewing Machine, work; It will astonish you. S. it J.' Snellenburii,.Broadway, New Brighton. Itaniance. Who does not revert with': ple/Ore to his school-boy days? Recall the little old school-house . on the hillside, with green fields in front, and primitive forests In rear? The spec tacled pedagogue, and ruddy-faced schol ars; the girl that skilled upon him so sweetly from behind one side of her book ;. the little billets, smuggled from one.to another! Ah, those were halcyon days! It delights one to call them up and ponder 'over them. We venture there is not one In twenty who has ar rived at the years of maturity who ' has not had his schooldays' love. How few have realized their childhood's dream . We have been led to the above rellec- boos from noticing the marriage of Mr. Stephen Sippy. of Richland county Wis consin, to Amity Bryant, of North Bea ver Lawrence . :eounty,,,..,Pub limbed in the last New Castle Gazette and Democrat. Mr: Sippy went west about ,forty years . ago; .and recently came to the 'conclusion that, "It was not gpod for man to dwell alone." Be remem bered his school-boy love; wrote to her -having first learned she was an un married spinster—and asked her to give 9p all, "and become bone °this bone, and flesh of his flesh." Tho lass of fifty years, immediately started / for Wiscon sin; tOd the alxive-marriage notice, an nounces the result. May they he happy —they have loved long. MAY ! beautiful ,Nlay ! has come at last. .1. Sliellenhurg's new 4tock ~ of,tloithes, doeskins' 311111, cassitneres. 4150. a large stuek . ofliats, caps and fur nishing goods, have arrived and are now sollinglow, at S. tJ. guel len burg s, Broadway, New Brighton. New itr.ightow Iterum.—On Tues day of last . week, Dr. Simpson's horse, antiched to a buggy in which Iva* the Doctor, ran otr, precipitating ground and demollildng the buggy. Tho Doctor was not seriously injured. —The funeral of Rev. Dr. Reeveti took place on Saturday, Ztd ult., from the Methodist Protestant Church of Now Brighton. attended by a large coneoprso of i l ieople. The funeral sermon, wits pre eked by Rev. D. Jones. Dr. Reeves di in in Pittsburgh on the 20th ultimo, Emil his remains taken to Now Brighton for interment. Ho was in. the sixty ninth year of his his age ; highly respect ed and beloved by those having the pleasure of his acquaintance. —On Monday of last woek, Arkroyd Dewhurst was ktiocked from the rail road track upon which lie was walking, by a locomotive strlcking him on the back. This occurred about half •way between BM:meter and New Brighton. Mr. Dewhurst was considerable bruised, but able to walk about during the latter part of last week. Persons': who will risk the chances of pedestrianism on rail ways must suffer the consequences. EEEEEEEEEEREEEEEE SS 4 4SSSS.SSSBSSOSSSIEIBS MNINI . MAIMMAIMPIMMIII3I Stands for ESN° Sowing Machine. S. eic. J. Snollenburg sell them, at . Broad wayi Now Brighton, Pa. To Drive oW Rats.—We find the following going the round. of exchanges: "Take a bunch of matches and soak them overnight in a teacupful of water; then take Out the snatches', and thicken the .wat t er!wlth Indian meat to a thick dough, adding a spoonful of sugar and a little lard.' Lay about the prenilees where the rata.are and nothing else, will get it. Is Is decidedly the best extermi nator extant. Give it a trial." . Tug WORLD moves and so does the public. While moving .up Broadway, New, Brighton, drop , in and see S. at J. Snellenburg's New Stock. They have just received a new supply from the Eset, which surpasses anything we have ever seen in the Clothing line. Also Agents for the Elliptic Family Sewing Machine. illirnek by Lightning. —On last Thursday evening during the storm which prevailed in this vicinity, the dwelling house of Mr. Milo Somers, about one-half mile below Beaver, was struck by lightning; and the chimneys, roof, lc., somewhat damaged. None of the inmates were Injured. ErlaPric.Elliptic,Ellll4lc,Elliptio. llptic,Elllptic, Elliptic, Elliptic. S. &J. Snellenburg, S. & J.lpinellenburg, S. & .7. Snellenburg, J: Stablieu- . burg, Agents for Beaver enmity. ihaprezAts :Beseaters Maitrel nigger show has sued the*AllianoeLocal fcir 35,000 for saying something about their concern they did not like. How . many men hate the truth. Tile Legislature of Ohio has passed a law compelling of mill dams to construct chutes through *hied fish can pass tip on their spring Journeys. . 'These are to be CoMpleMil.wlthin one year from the passage of the act. Difentsg lOUS or Mr. Jeremiah Iteinien, about melting from 40tfliOnweli °AWAY. . 16 * eratisielYobs hilireireoesitlt.Ahe Republican Bays: Mr. ',Mennen jkas . absent attending Court and it . was a sorrowful sight on returning to :find himself and family homeless.. The facts appear to be about as folleWe t Zittriug' Tueeday (night of last week, Mr. Ilenneit's mother, an aged and infirm lad Y.. diseovered the house to be on fire; and alarming the rest of the family, all' succeeded in making ' theli escape, saving scarcely . 1 4 1 94 11 °Z The barn and otitbulldlbkii bang in close proximity,'next took tire and were soon wrapped in flame., destroying mucs . gran and meats. The house was °flogs and had been weatherboardeckand fitted up; - naaking r a. rieht.kuld comfortable dwelling.. It is estimated by 'persons that three thousand dollars would scarcely .repair the tlatuage,jand wilt piov'e a aererelois tb her: Mennen. The lire is supposed tq have frighuted from hot ashes '.depoelted In a wroden bucket and 'Naha the kiteluip. Persons cannot be too careful with this destruct ive aliment, adtkplaittbOuld'proVh: km- THE secret of being good looking— polished boots, clean, shared face, comb ed hair, and clothing made by 8. & J. Snellenburg, who by the way are receiv ing their elegant assortment of spring goods. • :Those 111* . need of . gatinetits should call on the above firm on Broad way, New Brighton, :, The Lecture of Dr. Hodge on hat Monday evening nn the separation and reunion of the human rare was quite en tertaining, and the lecturer fully sus tained his reputation hero, as a clear headed, thoughtful man. His lecture closed the series. Punt.to Nones.—On and after May 6th and until the Ist of September the County Cemmisaioners, will meet only on Saturday of each week, at their oMee in Beaver. 2 Joust M'floux, Clerk. - ma3;tf] (Muffed! please Copy.) Mow to Rest.—The best mode of resting when fatigued depends upon the cause of the fatigue andthe condition of the person .at the time. There is one thing, hoWever, which will 'always rest a tired poison, and that is a sponge or towel bath over the entire surfa...v. Of course, the tediporature of the water and the vigor and amount of the rubbing must be graduated . p 3 the atrength of the person. is geneiallybeitt f given by a second person. When the fatigue is mental, arising from over exertion of the brain, the muscles should be called into 'acticin, as by. walking, horseback riding, rowing, playing ball, pitching quoits, gymnastic, .tc. General mus cular fatigue lirquickly relieved by ly ing on the face and having someone rub and percuss the back vigorously. Also, but loss readily, by lyluiflaton the back upon a hard couch or bed, or upon the * floor, with the hands back of or under the head, but the bead not otherwise raised, and taking fall deep breaths. Local muscular fatigue may be relieved by rubbing and parcussing the part, or by changing position and bringing other parts of the body into action. Wu° would go about ;In rags when you can get Spring Spits made up to or der.at.it.Stein fold's fir $l5; and him* cloth Sults at $3O and .upwards ? You 'will and atthls.old reliable stand some of the very latest styles of Coatings, Vestings and Casslmeres, also an-exten sive stook of Ready-made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Roods at very low figures. Last week the Greene County Court shut down effectually on the license 'question and refused to renew those which had expired or grant any new ones. Uy way of rettengetell the hotel keepers in Waynesiurg Mot up their establishments and utterly refused to give entertainment either to man or beast. The publican@ in that town de clare that it is folly to expect them to run their • houses without whisky. Whether the dead lock has opened_ or not we have not ascertained. Ilavv: you seen those fine Poplins In all colors and the latest novelty in dress goods? • the SPring Styles iii' Lustre Moliairs, which M. Mobil* rigors at very low ligurest Also a splendkinssortment In Shawls - and Sacks, Black and Colored Silk. • You can buy ten per cent, cheap er at M. Schiff'm than any Pittsburgh store, as lie Is determined this season to give no one an excuse to make their pur chases away from hdme. Some of those Curtain Netting 4 at 40 cents per yard are still left; also some of those due Lace Curtains. Merlon's Fall.—Miss Martha (Amon, a lady reskding with her brother-in-law , Squire 119 e, in East Finley township, Wishington wintity, was thrown from a horse eslivrt distance from the residence of the iiitMr on Monday evening, thelith iuit. She was on her way at the time to visit a niece wiM was ill, and it Is sup posed the horse 'shied and unseated her. s4uire Howe, who was walking some distance In the rear and out of sight, was first made iumuSintedi with the casualty by itieetin g the riderless horse galloping homewards. en ( I; . h Maid the lady was insensible and very severely cut and bruised, thoug fortunately no bones were broken. [Different • parts of her , . Liddy received serious contusions,' her head was cut open to the skull and one ear badly mutilated. , She le wholly.tin able to give any account of the cause of the accident, Her InJurriaa, though aerl= oils, are not cor alderod dangerous.: __..............-L.:-.:-... - . " WHY do you pay 25 eeuta for a Rat Frame, when you can buy Shout for 15 cents at "The Cheap Store," Rochester, Will Smith .t Co. [may3;3w Found Drowned.—On the ,14th 'of this month the dead body of an unknown man was found. In the Ohio river, near Industry, this county. An Inquest was held over the body by Benjamin Todd, esq., and others whos.e verdict was seal.; dental drowning.' 'Deceased was about 40 or 45 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches in height, had on a casslmere sack coat, and on his' person were 112.15 in money. prom appearances ho had been In the wa ter about two months:, . On the Itkit of • thehtnne month; the body of another man whose name is un known, war found near the saute place, and an Inquest held over the body by the same justice and other gentlemen of the neighborhood, whci returned a verdict of accidental drowning. Deceased was about 22 or 23 years of age. Had on a brown'frock coat, ripely of new brogue shoes, and ■ smr on his neck healed over. Had a little change in. his pock et- Deceased bad been 'in the water about two months; appeared to be it German. In early days, the groat drawback to raising sheep was then liability to fall a a . prey to gravel. Iu erder to.lianssts thesepesti, the Cigliliturii bilis Wiliam. offered a premium In money for every wolf's scalp presented to the proper offi cer in the varlotse mantles of the Com monwealth., .Of late. yearii—elnoe the banishment and'destrisotion of wolves— dogs have taken to killing sheen., Al most every county paper la the north, western part of the State, records the destrtictionoftibs6bl:doss, 7:Pr4Jc be fore last, Mr. A. R. thsvidson, of , Big Beaver township, Lawrence Co.. had thirteen killed, and Mr.. James Wilson, of the same township, had forty killed on the same night. Ought not the Leg islature to pass e law liking a minium on dog scalps? Something, should be Acme, We most eAtber - dispense With dogs or unslton. . • H ow roomsu to buy goolseliewhere, when you am buy .50 chap at Hibbard it Smith's, Rocheeter..Pa. • initylltihr. ilosaliddlik =Ol t • 'ldiMiday iftet%i won last the althtens of es;_ quiet bor-• austiwes• 10034 0 0111 , 1 0mtkeditAefilillt that. a Mita' haa tiled Ouititbadhltiebilli tree within - Sdiont half a ntUe of Vluiport thi4!it . oil** , *ail P4Atitirhs sow moppkili:h; ice , • Matititi*Mthi tree Ai l •:.01c - I'. denfii• MK l A,; - lt 71 tow: .. ,„,'AL4*._ Ind tromiNsi - itialltiftlitittlk.. ''. -• The pli re tCsarii t ' Oil - ' tstiltis _ upon the body by which Ms name Gould be saseer; lidited. Hp was it itiiingir testi pros* at the MOW. He was seen Ineompany with ancither man enterinir itte Ibisil - 04: ter 'Bridge on MondaY of Imed week t they were intoxicated, and appWired to` be livarrellair: ltisitas.fd tbettilith i sandy, whiskered; hair, lieltibritti t.i." To .4 - o:464htirmack !pat iku!7ighotib' brown twilled shirt; black felt hat; "Ain „Pik ) from 34 to Se, ear} of iws,! . The ititrteadoireid it verdict I khat l lfis came to his: from straigutitUon .by ApniilM-;titliecldir td ;Ns Itorp . iisiti lie by the hands of another, or others, nn- !mown to thisjury,": ; he. • 1 ,-, • - • , , ........... 5_.:"..• ALPACAS all colors; at 25 chi: • yd.; 9 yds.' 121 et. inusllo- for $l,OO l -all 'best make of, Prints, 9 yds. ,for $1.00e9 yds, Bingham for $1.00; 121 cents madit.ets every-4101er by buying of illbbardiltivr York street, ' or , 1 19111' Smith .0 , Madison St., Rochester, Pa; Ettut On Monday pouting, the wild of -n certain Dr. Kimball of this elty, 0:k rel. eons best • known to the parties :them.; selves, concluded to leave the Doctor, and accordingly took herself and child to the depot, and purchasing 'a licketi• seated herself in the Pittsburgh 'trete; tier irate husband followed swiftli,led arriving at the depot before*? traln bid let; attempted to, take the child, from her. His efforts la this dfrectlan ,were frustrated by the Who' leoi sides, with the lady and put thejSabir ont of theme. A. cry was raised to treat him to adoseotegge, bet hedMappeared, and ltootiatter'telegrapiMi-te have Ma wife detained at Rochester, with What result we ?eve init"yin New Castle Guardicie. - A•ORAND BALLOON ASCENBI6II, IS not more attractive than the stock of I Dry Goods, Notions and Millicery Goods, and the prices therefor at lilbbard's New York SL, or Will Smith & Co., Madison St., Rochester, Pa. [may3;3w. . , Owl Ilboollog.—Col. R. Walton 'of Industry, the famous Beaver county Nimrod, should look well to his laurels, as we find an Account In the Washington . Reportern(soute shaip_piactico with the. gun in that county, by 31r..1. P. Rey nolds, who, while out gunning recently In the pipe region that skirts Raccoon Creek, about a mile below the village of Cardville, he heard a rustling overhead and looking up saw two enormous owls in the branches of the tree. He hums diately raised his gun and taking might c e. at one of them tired, but at the a s in- stunt the other started to fly and !ling within range both fell to the gui nd piereea by the same bullet. Una tu ured four feet six Inches, and the ether four feet ten inches. Those who think of competing for the shot gun Riad_ better look well to theircfame, as we under- Stand the hero of this exploit can't help shooting When be sees in, oiel. ' _ .......-• ' • • i The Divoree Business in Mtn. burgh.—The divorce business in Pitts burgh hi exceedingly lively. One day last week the applicatlona were filed. They were ita follows: Waiter S. Has, applied for a divorce from his wife, Mary 8. Hay,s. The par ties were married in December, 1865, but have not lived together since July, 1868. The appliant charges his wife with adul tery, and uses it as a ground for divorce.. Charles M. Wean, carpenter, married August 2d. 1861, desires a ' , Meese from his wife Elisabeth, on the ground of de sertion. She lett his house March Ist, imd took with her all the family effects, add as he has not seen her since, desires to be legally-relieved from her. Sub pcena ordered. - By her next friend - Henry Allem, An nie E.' Bayer complains that her hus band, Charles Bayer, has deserted her. and as she can get on much better with out him, she asks to do so legally. The usual L.ocument allowed. '.To be fluff.— Walt Paper and Win dow Mades-20,000 Rolla of Wall Paper, and (Vine assortment of Window Shades. I have the laroeal. kcal and cheapest stook of the above articles in the county ; In cluding a very line alsortmen tor &tamp ed Gold Bronze and Hall Papers. Wall Paper trimmed free of Marg•. EVAN Pun M'Clain'a New Building, corner Broad way and Falls street, Sew Brighton, Pa. znay3;2w FINANCIAL—The attention or our readers Is directed to the card in this weetes paper, of Messrs. Jas. T. Brady Co., well knOwn Bankers, of Pitts burgh, Pa. Messrs. Brady t Co., are Financial Agents for the United and will give all required information in relation to inyeatments in U. B. Bonds, and Other securities. • interest paid on deposits, subject to check, without notice. A Word So Csailldiates Mid Owl' Friesds.—For years past, It has been customary for the friends of mandates to publish complirentary notices of their favorites 16 th county papers. We du not oltieet to the custom,' but will give notice in advance that these cons muuleations 1n favor of particular per sons must Ma contain attacks upon other candidates, and must be paid f.nr at the rate of live cents per line at the time of insertion. I fdesirable the names of the writers will be withheld, but we are not to be regarded •as endorsing what they may In favor of their candi dates. IN another column will be found the advertisement of R.J. Crois & Co. Their business ..is large, and they advertise largely. We have heard merchants say that in order to convince people that goods are cheap, 'a largeprice must be charged. Messrs. Cross Co., emphat ically deny this assertion. A large and growing trade, such as they enjoy, de mands that goods should be sold at a small profit, and, they are con fi dent that the better class of customers know what they are buying ; hence. they put their goods at rates which satisfy all. Their ;deck of dry goods, groceries, ineens. ware, hardware and general assortment is extensive; and their .courtasy . and urbanity toward customers warrsnts the extensive patronage they, are receiving from the public. • Young !tea's Christian Assad. ntion Annlversarg.—The anniversa ry exercises of the Young Men's Chris tian Association of Beaver were held in , the M. E. Church of this place last Bab, bath evening. A very large audience was in attendanei. The President of the Association, Prof. B. T. Taylor, gave an interesting aecoiuit of the operations of the organization during. the year:just closed. The expenditures were about six hun dred dollars. After hiir report was rend, addresses were delivered by Bars. D. P, Lowery and J. G. Wilson, both of whine urged the community to give the Asap elation all the encouregenient and aid in their power. A collection in aid of the Association was then taken up, and a considerable pain of money was sub ibed. The "Allegheny Whistle," it appears, has reechefil Se* England under a new nun% An that lontiltlit.3ll known ss the "Devil', fiddle. The sentiments of the Puritans towards this visitor from the Middle lilleten may be gstheral from the following ordinance passed by• a number of the Yankee townie t '"All persons who shall henmaft; Leib- Curb the public peace by, mans of an in= strument known as the 'Devil's fiddle; %quaker.' sitoosterr; 'taken) , kindred in strummed will be chagred with commit., tang' a common nutmeat*, and will be prosecuted therefor." „„,... slitat= s eig - OVlVlll i glo li t bad anthbasio doirr i A s aeo” e. le . apo nsibla for this outiwodious Li* Library sot o Beavviinattolar,:dar-• Ins the preasot asasion-of - the •istitiala ilUe; ' s'axoept that be dithered_ in Ilti gasp: saga to the .issasifolass t ilswirmant of the couriandbarX Shoal "the iniaalattina Jtigigntaiittit'llitiblarkstnittia of Beaver nouitiprik he OM stiptilwistingefoe. or** inunisaai Wan UK*, would mr. shartodiff , to it and penults bill to pus kw parlor r' aft Welt at °outdates' y. • . - ~• finnan.. ••-, et I i. m -. a r s, • , „,...... . , , a nia • ' 41.01 97E„: 4' • e'. solacied Nock .of J 1 . Um, off._ iffiest; Owned 'Fruits 'and , Iriepeeelig i *: all of which' have been ablated with grest pn , , expressly ~ for; ibmtly use. tlee ■dvs utsemant in umiarspeper.. ~ • . -- En Asondr--Tho . littabYteny of . Mall Bitatob Oilmen Co., .nn thiitHh inat.i. Titeld Was tone a full akientlanarboth alninbters and el ders. -- rod All VIII- le Of the chgE i g i V io g i uthrzit of thes Ili • t farm Odle : ' I Beaver . Falls. _Sheri* • Stud e seg,i palmier and HePeffell. dawdles' presented. cell fora Pm* al a . salary of sl,l4le'and pereoliall&*lmilimit' zed ti- Oil at • salary °M1.00?: • s ew Castle selbMdi elk their was ap Zlictifidect 11,- 800, Au m, tatoaseer ur tats bow the the 4th Co s was Uppfbilibler to' llMPleffelte bon Fur mmOn',,TblitCetticklibel at the aesslinsorßytkagleri sa i lgilltt Pa ./saki. on the Boa Tuesday ' Jazz. On Tuesday evening Dr. In .:' ...preseteed a serthsJews." In *much he took resetWl ~ 4. Id be ? 1 ' 5 ne; a k r t il ita lints "•'. h a d decimate to prove it, ~gb he not time to examine thew dace be had earguthem. Their examinstioo mey rea ltim to a different eionsheakwo. The Maur the:4oloa anWoVittrordci him the opPortunity to ki w l ni - ci ßlavery should have,been oally In the Unltedinstes.• He to great fault with the Provideroce of la removing so suddenly ev e ry vestigenf that "sum of all villainy.. which shiong stained our country's ear esentrßesa . • 1 . Had the God of Provideroecensuilialthe Decor, be would have , doubtlessradvised a dif ferent course from that *hick the An glo chose to *moue.= 'Doctor as highly. gilled Mid hit u etta sparkle with.the scintliladons of genius. As a theologian, be t, sound ta.the more, het erodoxy finds. In him. an Inveterate fbe. The hares* athedarkitges. revamp ed. burnished and palmed off by the so cialists of the day, a* progressive devel opementsofscience, fatally so called, are dissected by the . Doctor, and their subtle) tallaciep exposed intim gags of all sincere enquirers after truth. But, when thi) Doctor resurrects the dead Issues of the pest, and attempts to cloths with sinews and flesh the hideous skeleton of human slavery, and to breathe into it the breath of life; when he In lugubrious? tones, mourns tharthe'bideous 'monster came to his end by decapitation and not by slow decline, all therprojadice of his us tore is aroused and he is anything but a safe guide, and: it would doubtlem , be fl preaching the gospel—the news—to preach the opposite of 1 the Doctor preactusiton the subject liminut slave ry In the "sermon on the ewe." Great men are not always ir In a recent charge, givekat the installation of a pas tor, the Doc& . presented ltbrllliant and unique Ides which. should be treasured as important truth : "There Is a differ ence between 'treadling and mere toveh nig. Any neighbor may Infos ut us that we will be called as jurors or witnesses to court; but that Information does not bind us to go: The summons °film offi cers of the law ituposes. a peculiar legal obligation, which we 'disregard at our peril. You are a herald of nt,f Medal, brother, with nuthority from the King sad final Judge, do stmulton men to do ' their duty In the kingdork of God.. You ' have authcirity to require them In the name of the Commonweedth of Israel and its Chief Magbotrate, to surrender the -weapons of febellion„! Rehm to allegi ance to their lawful Sovereign, and per form all .the duties pertaining to good citizens of. the Commonwealth. These things speak, sad exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee." Mote anon. WTA X DOTI'S ' Rochester, April St, 1101. nuabssid wad WM.—We -com mend this bit of advice, which we find In one of our exchanges, to the newly mar ried._it te charge may ipof be thrown away spots witllt*skeltsumisklo wedlock's' es malty years : "Preeeive the privanlist of your house, 700? mar riage state and your-hearts from father, mother, sister, brother:. and all the world. Between you two let no third person , come to share.thesecret'joy or grief that belongs to yourself alone. Do you two, with Gkid's helii, tintid your own quiet 'world,`. heat allawing •your dearest earthly friend to be theowthdent of aught that concerns your domestic peace. Let Momenta of idles ation, if they occur, be veiled sub forgotten in moments and years of faithful, devoted love. but never let the wall of another's conildencehe built up between you an 4 your . wife's or your husband's heart. Promise .this to yourselves and' each Renew the vow st &tory tempts .. Don ;:yoovelli find yo - . ant lit' it ; your sOult;Will grow, .WsitS,-tugstb er. and at last becom e olia:' Ab, if many a young pair bad 'their Wedding day known this all-luiportant secret, bow many marriages inlaid have been happier than, alas, they ither ,-_ - . No lioctrs-Pocus.—lt seems to be a matter of wondir to many persons, and even to sows medical men, how any thing like a correct diagonals of dis eases can be made from: examination of theArlue. TG :Wonder ceases: wit h the latter, h - okraieress soon as literhearn th e fen dementia principles-Imo. which,these emileittatlerst are tased, , ,_-and became practkally acquainted With • the Varlet, chemical obnatltuents and characteristic appearances of that finidAs voided In the different classes of dieriste. When any organ or pert of the body becomes diseased It gives out more than Its accustomed . share , of particles from that part. These separated particles are carried out of the body .through the me dium of the kidnemaisi may by chem ical analysis and ndereseopical exami nation be definitely ascribed to the pre cise locality wheneithey are derived: Those are practical beta ; not merely of value in ordinary cases alone, but sci entific men, Todd, °Queelkot, and others, have placed on record nurnetous instances wherein the correct diagnosis in aseara cases depended solely • upon these kind of investiplions. " • We ourselves, ddThg an experienced' over twenty years'. practice; have had many individual caw* wherein the ex amination of the urinary secretion oldie revealed the true nature of the disease, after all the other troll-known methods of the very beet parts of the coun try had signally When we proposirtotiateet diseases by an examination of the urine alone, be ing prepared as we ari ls our office, No. Grant street, Pittakurgh, with all the chemical and microscopic appealable for 'testing it in the mod ircienUtie manner, we base our proposition not upon clairvoyance, spiritutillam, hocus-pocus, or legerdemain, but upon the incontreg vertlde beta, and make our , deductions Its wwordance With the immutable laws of science. Indeed, nes thew/ads alone that. give •to eur peeilfar syatenrita true value that aburips as • Wench: • For that on ly-is salentiflic Width is based upon in, controvertible heti. Dalt Mamma., 132 Grant West, Pittsburgh Mn. Marron :—I `see that James: H. Monde, late of the 140th Pa. Vols., now a resident of Bormagittownablp,. is a can didate for nomination at the primary election on May 27th, PI the office of County Cornmlasiimer.' I have knoWn Mr. Vouda both as • soldier and a el+ nen. As the former he watt brave, patd , olio and vigilant; and In the latter• ca pacity his character stands irreproacha ble. He is competent for the once be seeks, and I think eminently deserving the support of the great Republican Party- As ow SOLDIZIL KarrOd. WILRY—ALLERMAN.M7 'Rev. U. Darler Aprll 13th. Mr. William WI . • aja k yer Ca.,. Pa., to Mat:Mary Alterman of Rochester, Pa. MoELLIENT—McCOY.—On ToesdaY. April 18t6..1871. at New Shedlieldi by :Rey. T. J. Commloga. Mr. 'Mime N. InteElbeny Co Mks L. M. McCoy. BROTHERS—DOI7OLALL 011' . More day.: AptitiTtb.lMl.' at Mawr* by -Mew, John M. , Aviftay i W. Braille= to Mae matllpouglai, both of Mcirayis. eT W7SP.tN' CER t Fifth'Av: & the Muket ' rairissmon, Pa. .;/ 10 ;.;I Tt s : r.` . melianuar • 0114aNsai k asattattas, 1 41 1, 4X§§,;i:99° 0199 TOGETHER WITH A - OOSEPLIITN • ASSORTMENT DRY:GOODS: Idiumh2l) , WHOtESAILE . :HO USE Ell :110SPIUMBfik:CCO. << • ,', 7 114 TX avid!: 7fP ; 'Market Street, PZTTCiBUBGH. BRf ftloodal 16444 Dep444 trans fireeililaei:to the elegiiTlairee.l,7 and :41,PamktIMest, Weary Balldlag, we am better preparedilan any velum heretolbreto meet the demands stem Jobbing Trade- • - We would reos!ctfully solidi seal from Millsine aid Dealeffin Motions,. Fiends 4•ored air we ion ft so good,. a m t kat bitter Stab! awl Prices, - thin Mg Mtn: or Wert. in WW. aeWideriecCollow Moo. rotAuute "Flags. Ham St/ rts ebrafs. 4 Yard Ribbon; Oars "73.14. Imp! qeod..•!!l.peei Cbetelve. Bretd. Thper..- • Nottosti asiCtlmali Wares ; Alao...rerypiing to MILLINERY AND. STRAW GOODS, AT LA MM SARUM r6ICII. S, 76, 7744 p Nicil-ket.§re6p.t. New Goods Milting Every Day wtheitaln ANNOUNCEMENTN We aro requested to announce the names of the following persons as candi data: for the offices designated : Assembly. JOHN Y. MARKS, Rochester. JOHN ROBERTS Beaver MM. DB. W. C. SHUR LOCK, Darlington. Auroetate Judge. JOSEPH C. WILSON, Brighton Tp. BENJAMIN TODD, Industry Tp. ALFREDO. MOREARY; Beaver Psila. THOMAS G. KERB, Freedom. JOHN APPALL, Ohio Tp. . JOHN H. WILSON, Franklin Tp. Treasurer. • • CHARLES P. WA LLACE ; aI eaver Falls. JAMES REED, Hanover DAVID E. WCALLISTE Hopewell. SMITH CURTIS,Rreese lya, a. 1.4 zumusAwr New SA DrlALan.- ,Lira ßo dmiant, MIIICL 4. JOMINTON, rough Tp. " Martel Attorney. JAMES .CAMERON. Beaver. JOSEPH It..IIARRA.H. Elmer Commissioner. SAMUEL MITCHELL e Sontb Beaver HUGH ANDERSON. Beaver. H. J. MARSHALL, Big Beaver. 'A. CALEB, Bri Men CHARLES? Areaten TO. JAMES H. greTiL Poor. House Direetor. SAMUEL_ MESON, Hrighton Tp. HENRY ROSS; Industry Tp: todissgeasaortutent of Rats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons and every art,lnlejnOns millinery line, et greatly reduced prices al - Mrsliewiiinres. (prow Ip you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have frequent headache,. mouth tastis bad; poor appetite and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver or ••Billousness" and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as Dr. Pierce'a Alt. Ext. ur Golden Medical Discovery. Sold by all druggists. New Advertisements. Orphan's' Court Salo. Rouse and Lot in Asa ; non Borough. fly the of su'ader of the Orphan.' Court, of AP the county of Beaver, the undersigned, ad. unnietrator of the moats AO B. D. Cooper. late of rola couuty;deceseed, will expose to public sale oat t premises, hereinafter described, on Thurs day, June Ist, itfa, at 11l o'clock, a. to, ill ,that certain lot of ground the property of said estate. situate in the borough of Fallettal, flower cOnn . 11, - la., boutaled and deo:dated a. 'Whore, Iris: North by lot of Johnston 'and Stratton, Immo' as the flattered Row our, on the south oy lot' numbered one, sod on the west by Back soviet,' told lot having a front of Any feet on Front street, and having erected thereon, • good brick - dwelling bonne, containing leash rooms, bitch. en and cellar, and suitable et:thudding. This is ob. of the most desirable dwallitige tn the sr 'terprisibg lowa of Faliston„ Justly tab:bra ked for its industry and anssufactunng Imilattes. TI MS :—ithsethird of the purchase meney up on the cannonades of the eale ytaa Court, and the remainder In two 'opal enansi instalments, with lawful interest therefor. Deferred tostat• men to be tittered by bond and mortgage, the purchaser to pay expense of preparing deid, mortgage, dc., and stamping the same. • sprf,lw Ne Dr. W. W. SIMPSONw B , A oo, dria Pa. right. N 0 11C14 —l bate emptied to lbs. taut of Comma Mem et neaver,Ctentlyitir the bru te of tbe insolvent laws e UM Commonweal% mut the raid Court hart appointed the lind day ofJ one Term, urn. at the Cifert House In Dater, for the bearbig of me mad my credi A tors. - , WILLIAM IMM% DerlidSteil. Met t. /921.-3 w• Homes Still Larger FOR THE MILLION! lime oppcninnitle. ere nOw offered Itor necuring homes in • mikl. lieallAy, and coagerilal climate, for one•dded of their Mune dim yet= Mmes. • • ?US PIASIONAL aim JorATE AtIENCY ha* tor male teal estate of Seery deeeriplies; load. ed in tbe Middle and Southern Staley; tatprooed stock, grain and/rust farms; rice, eug a _end cot ton plantations; timber and miner* lends • city, 'tillage, and rural residence. and Daftness s uede; male and min eilee.faelorles, Nets air brad "defy erma description, load*, plot sad tenor 19*-ma hara /or ~ Ad6iiir-11.' 119' SW CO. • - The National Beal Ee' tate 477 dad 479 Patna. Amuse, WaalWaa. D. C. . =RAIL - _ • •.. • • . ',l,,_llgli,:,l'Llnr)..i.li.,'li.t.e-liiiie 6,412iT8 full/ Li Mu To Will A book of 11/RILL/We interest, Mining recitals from ward ilib t ameor that wooderhil people. i t tr u f e l t .i dettri=l:warei j z i rK g rt lagjkorao,Doeforlaq; MOrallipfaff, - c. ro. trimly aerated It is ',Wing he" thormailds with great rapidity. Also. last out and. reedy for do ismocitinrins nom phial* tioanitoue WA RiIN ITICOPE, from °Metal soustes;coMplete and rillabim 'Vivid desamtions of those groat Battles • Wes of the leaders. Finely illustrated.iol and Ger. 1140 ; °Mai no uma sold V ht II days ; one 118 in 8 Maya; our 000 10 SO days. It goes like wildly.. pie d 1. quickly and coin money. . cA.UTION. . Beware of Inilerior work. eyhatireartilair. awns. Mere pkturs baba • Boma.= liable 'either. .cII.IIUSBARD, MO (Madam Sheet. rbiladelphls.' msylkew A GENTS WANTS, Etta FIFTY YEARS 411. IN TUN MAGIC CHICLE, BY 11111.1a8d018 1.111.1TZ. , • .zoi n ad py ft a anig beam with incidents aad ad Meetillie le lee Whelps' • ldea ot On world. It describes Its octet/ and bits as • Magician and Yeatrlioquist. Sold only by robscrlptiaa. Lib eral terms to toms dams. Address DUITIJILD AM.KZAD,III Saloom St, mitylkew A=llllasteil PlverywDere:' Now r• nalanall Life Prolonged. Or OM Parte Dr Mead Italatsses. 'Dr A. e. Platt. X. D. AR teUrelysaw work at lb, utuaret value to all. It ts teat a tabarapar 1111•4011. 111 ID bject to pasaattla twig We, without t i n . at Dm" Ilbagletarea. Arista iruntea name at Ur moitaitaitabl• work*, to the Wd.. For extra tams sad DM aldrear=42 Fab. Batar.l2l 4.1=1 Wad —-_ • l• Om --- 440 4 1 % edam Welesondi ' .!NAlley . Er COMtOiEMii 1:1-;A.,7:1 4 i ~, BIM= =I - t • 4 Hams Just Received. . ArACH/ONAALE Stook of Dry Goode: WE ARE TOO BUSY TO ITEMIZE: hrthaseFimease cam . - ' ICI IiMMI 6 r lIIMINSI Much 11.187111 y Mti N - notliad OTIC/L—Thw pabtla hash, that my wile. Jillaranwolt Xlion Sevin, kit M y b e d and board. IsM tp.. flavor wont) caoae ,wont),ou kith al AWR lbw& M. miaow any goatOr tkm., UM, le to notify aU peen db ,„ agoCr a tattiori tag or trttotinr her on my account. as I win pay no debbe contracted by bor. Apell6.l6llA o , i JAMEIS T. NAT'L', A dmotaistratirris Nottee.—Letters or hd misaletrattmee Yells Mien grated to the gather as ate the estate tar BMWS Neale:ay. doe:d.„ late of Deserr !vasty, Pa., Ude te to notary all per sons Indebted to add MOW that lausedtato pay- Meat LI roltdred ; sad ad penance bovine claims azalott the same Milt present them only wheat!. ga g Prtata nsd It sordetnent. ARTHURISHII:UM ktr Atins'r. ,DOVIIITY ACCOODT.--BAMUDI, DORM. Al TX. Treasurer air Indmitry towaship. la ea wont with Douai' /ands for the Irani 1064, IDIO. 10Cgrand DM • • Dr. To rub on eithwrlptlons. duplicates and DO In lever Of Unarms. .0 AI • - 8 Cr. DI ammo. twddlorarecrnita on $lO - 1.. b ncese. bonde r im4 other vouchers... SAXER 40 We certify the above to be correct according to the best doer knowledge and belief. - " A. IL ADANA. lOU 13,11121. Jogs WILSON. Aadltece. ytomaintAAoc•llird—ti. b. moos. Ass_ at Ems, .wuk ladastry township Bounty in= ani I =poi yard at alUbirat 1140/6 Toaub pernailpt of GonalY. Trey. 7 3 bp To balsa* by warnat. 13 GS • , ! Tarsi Cr. dry receipts fat ded mca, recruited tor toausldp 480 Ripuarian' ptid on men_ • tad W By dzowses. et car tat rasa.— Pt to By receipt ot B. Gormly, True. rid ea • Ws PEW the Moue to its Correct accordlag to His beet of oar itaterkstue indetedef. .T; W. JACK. API! IL UM • A. B. BRANS, tantalite*. JNO. WILSON, e ERNS 1• T It Ihm The tutdessignei takes plwure in in• forming the public that be has Sum opened a new DrpOoods Store In the Room re. cently oCenpied by James Fortune, on the DIAMOND, ROCHESTER, Pa 14IS STOCK CONSISTS OF . Jferslini, CktUeos,lkLuituo, Alpacas 811 ks, and every randy and style of goods usually kept in Retail !Rotes, which ho will sell at the lowest cash prices. npr26,llnt D. NELI-:01sT. J. X. BINGHAM, S. N.BlNGillilk CO Commission Merchants And Dealers in all kinds of QUICK MALES, AND PROMPT RETURNS Guaranteed in all Canes Office 267 Liberty Street, PITI*BURGII, PENN'A Or CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITUI..ai =2l New Trimming Store Car. 3 & Sentteary Street*. BL "T 8.,, Airs. F. D. Fast. 41as just opendil *Choice for of fashionable bililinery: Asti: Bonnets, 1 7 'rnowil, Rib• bons, Fine French Flowers, Illusion, Ladies', Misses' and Children' hose, Gentlemeins' • unbleached Cotton Rose— eitror.quality, MD GLOVES. Cons} rs, COLLARS, -HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS . BL'TTONS; SPOOL COTTON, Machine Silk. VELVET 11I131:34131411 nail all articles usually kept in First-Class Trimming Stores In edition, she rill keep a good assort• 'ein of Laud Pencils, Statoitiery, Penknives and Scissors; Froth - Coulee. tionary and Gingersnaps constantly, on band. (aprl9;tr. Mercantile . Appraiiement. UM of the Venders of Merchandise In the County of Weaver for the year 1571. • Crass. A WES 0000. J LI Purvis 14 Simon Sanger &Co 14 A Wynn, ' II Orr & Cooper . • 12 J II Clark 11 'James Allison 14 Hobert Tanun 14 I IV Atkins II James Moors 11 Thomas Anima DI Hatay Yen 14i Nunn A Atkins 1 I lira E 1.1 Lksoom 14 MIRROR/ITM James 34 Barbour 11l JII Doherty . 141 A. Dratun . 14 1 , II Biotin 13; II C Lang It' A K llarv it ey 13! ti S tltrobcr . LI! II Mulheint 14! Stiles A Jaren,' 43 11 & 8 II Darragh II ROCllialta 001 0 . H W Seely . .14 John Conway II 1 WIII Smith A Cu 14 Kamuel McCabe 14 JD C 081.4 . 14 John Sharp, It Whistler & Linentninkl4 8 It Campbell It 11111inger A Co 13' William Cary 14 J Li McCall-bean 14 Jlll Hibbard 14 K J Cum& Co 9 Henry Lopp • 14 1 I N Dawkins 13 Con & Darragh I I W W Johnaton 14 L Stelnleid Llt 1 Lit:anteing . • 14 1 Speyerer & Sons 91 LSteluteld lit (barks linth. 14 1 David Augbettbangb 141 Abel Silverman w - • 14 WDJoh D 14 1 Gone nyderldc 14, ft:4*t? l : Iter 11 J D 11111er 13 Newts .11. Co • . 14 13 . yrreater H Everett Dentin 14 John albedo 14 Geo ? Simon ' Rob( Bonitos ' 14 Strfoteld . 131 . . 311 L And M 13 O erwas 1 1 141 W D WI/OmM . - 1 ••• 14 Bum Pugh • 13 .1 8 aellenbarg 111 F 13 11 11 31144 • B Babette • 1 11 1 W Y Waddell& Ca. 14 )(khaki IlelaugbllA 14 Thos Ilunpui 14 T N Smith 11 ILartool .1' 13 - Mater &Heft= 11 Frank Langneeker 11 C Meyer 'l4l D 13erger 11111and II .1 B 141 J 8 Anderson . 13 Janes W 114444 It' A Ilaumier 11. J a Ildrerrao 141 El llenick 31! Charles Cagle , 131 John COIDVIII ISt J 8 W luau* • 33: .° • Wllll3m Kesmedy t Agora Dar 11 P N Hans 14 R 11 kilgsr 11 • Immo 41¢ R 3311 NI LS Ripper Boots 338ilick 13 II Rankin 14 _ _ lIMATIJI PALM • _ Britain & Ditioton Ii FeedD C i — c . C.Mtn l4 Elliott & Braden I. Feed &helmet ' 13 Trimble & Co 13 John() Homier 13 J 11 Diehl 43 Co 13 0 11 Smith 14 isocerirr. John Reheats \ 14 John Jackman_ 11 Era King N . 11 Jackson & Briggs 11 L 11 Chldsey l4 Aber & Reed Hoot & Tac k er 11 anTE•IIII.. Gawp Ward 14 Calvert.* Panful - 14 Ranier • ial .....NT. 11 It 8 Newton 14 Warfel& Lents 14 Welsorlto & Delargli, aocsonso Tr. Charles Levi, 144 F home 14 PoPitlet Netikellsoo. . ream.* IEAVIIII DODO. I • Joke m o o. • 3 . 11 3 Dibbled 3 lingo Andrieseen 3 NSW 711MIIITON. DASLISOI93I. ' n L Keno& W P Ball 't it i an% & tier? 3 maw. TT. 3 Thor 31rearhssoa ' 3' masa raiz.; sastoozwarzo. ill C Watson 3 Sarin' Drys ...._ 4D It Todd • • 3 - - 3.11 8 llctknro - 3 Et= . . WHO or. 8 Hibbard lll.l A Cozier . 4 C Hanna H Irwin 4 W Becolding JUJU %Mai 4 Seema/no ale& Dlhailer& Volk di Falk. 30 Jaw 1r Nadler . 8 Am Andante 8 aatoonram. acaltzerua. Conrad Welogerber 78 Gotha, nag IQ . • 111111111ard liewors. Lir szliiirmi.swim rule. Jolla Bowan tables I F Roblioa 4 tibkr TM opal did be bald at 'de Casuistlasers Ma. Ber Off, 11. W. wasow. r Nareaatibt Apantser. ,Idifekl4liminiser • Orthans' Cotrt SAle! in Ohio 2 enship. ' t,pY virtue"( an order of Itte Orphans' Cowl of LP Beavergonnte. the untleteleord AdenWikltr. ' O r or I h , lwatele u wi.thel /mime. Imo of #l l 4 o ..nultY, dent will tiptoe to polthe role: sae pretatoo, on • " I .llBtartadity, :blot y 18/t 71• At Y O'clock. 8. no. ft, tollo•Ing lintert get owl taste, law ofwld daceme4. viz: MI that otrtam Inlet of Wool Mutate In Onto township. Drover county. Pa.. on the 'Abbe road leodlog Dom 80111: Perry to Darliogton. shoat owe matt hunt ISLAND RUN. aid Doodled Mot Aesersbe4 a. Itlltoti, Beeman, at a pant; 0.111:11 by had al Juba . B.aderannes helm, wroth tills„ Orzimper. GAG 11)110. 100 parched to a pant: thence-by lam* of DIMPOZI.roaIh TI degree,. west MI +parclies to a pant ; thence by bold of AtittltAm Johanna. bomb Asgmo, 'tent 81 penhas to a pow thence by Jands of Adam Henderson and Jan. liendernmen helm mirth Tt degree., out MI Watt perch.. to the plan* of begiantoe, noontide* , In acre. and 150.perettee of land ; whereon are erected a DIGAIIJXO morn PARTLY LOG AND - Zs irrLi • imank. LOG APABLZ. AG. M. , CRIS of saki lead ere eleared,Rnewl 1111 Dr owlet a rood state of coltlealkw. tpe behusee llmoerea., Theto are no lke Oradea ea ORM!. AR D coottlnfoubst SOO apple, papa. sod pear tram 16goat cootittno., nwaits nod CLIOQUI fo 4 ewsteplegs.4letioce. Pooserrian will be:llw Immedletely open+ arn insualon of pal*: • . - • . Tvausc—ormailtd .11( it* pirebass slow ipso the moennetlott of the vete by.the Coat?. aid fl teaseled*? hi two equal aroma heetaltesesole ftwas that date, whb lawful latrreit iimentoe bast tha witoe Own. JOIIN /MENTZ, Adniletaleator. Reeler/1.4.1 , felsielt•Hawk, .$4/48 17 Orplians* Conrt , Sale. BY singe 6r rim several ordna of the Or phans Coon of Braver county, the under signed Administrator of the estates of WM, W eed and gunnel Lizautt, We of the tonordifp of independence, In said toasty, deemed. ertiF or • pee to ante by pahne Tendon. or oata7. Op the premises on NEW • Saiuriiali, May 1:11h, 1871, webocir, A. V. the undivided one hell (briar the- uedhl ded utlx•fuortheselfluf Mt" certain parcel ur tzar( of land in bukpendatee' lbernobie enmi Drayer ty, bounded so the north lands et %smut Lance, on the rest sad south 1.104, 01 John hl atttrtrte sod DO ihu crest br lee& of Jeer, h Connell, Cbnlaining 0116 Hundred Acres, upon whieb is erected one Log threlkory Barge and Log Stable. about Zama clawed and antl er good fence. A flan orchard of chides fruit on the premise.. Schools. glib and ebonite* coaraniset. 7 sitsai—Onoshird of purchase money to hand on confirmation of foie try the Court, i balance to two equal anneall bistaillowals ltr! freest thereon from the date of said evartruntkin. Daferned Inatalltnenta to be secured by bond and mortgage—Me purchaser to pay caper:tie of pre paring deed, bond sod =Mirage and etamplag We lame. ' For forthrr InWrmailon. Implre of flier, Wil. .00 S MOMS, Attorney at Law. Breyer. Pe., or of the nntteretgnerl. Clinton P. 0.. Allegheny county, Pa. JAMES CHARLES. .I , frelniefectror sprite-Mew.] A dinl:thatrutor.s Itiotlor.—,The 1 - 1 undervlgnixl haring appOintedolmfabi trator or this wet. of Martin like. deceased. late or Chippewa tbwrietip, Bearer rnnioy. Pa.. hereby hottest all perooat indebh d to paid estate that immediate liayineut 1. retiolred. All per.ons burin, claim. a'znio.o 011111 I +ulte are regneeted to preset) then' duly authrbilreted for eettlement. aprEh6w.) JAMES DILLAN, ...11: ~_UEQG& Foundry it Repair Shop. flaring been EaLtegerl to the Foundry' Barba.. fur more then tains y ram—during width time 1 hare accumulated a varaetr of woeful pattern,. be, Adel c3ustr uellng mud rls and tatlfig out pates!. fur Inapruarneute un —sod atter baying ihnrouchly teeted them" foe provemeote, I reel warramect In °Caring them to the public. 3E . La CO NAT /13 The GREAT WESTERN boa rur to perior fkor tido LebeAthy, Stoves of Uftetrnt Styles forjlest log and Cooking, Thu Grill Republic Cootteg Store Hee the best Record of any Stove seer offered In thls market. LESS ROOM TO DO 3IORE won:. MOST fIURA ERIAE THE I3E llii.E n connection with the stove I have got up n P•ttent . J D Manila l4 Bateman !hurting 14 Duncan t Datmou 13 WlLlom Hood 14 B A Cralwhetul - 14 A Fleming. II Wm McCarty 13 0 F Knurling II W W Donkell II D Stevan .t Son II 111111nan d limo It i3l A Townsend & Hon 14 CC WHutkr 14 , Joienh Metier • 14 ,Jobri !Merino! , 14 IJ F S Itensutur II oJas Dairen .t. Co IS Illiornao Fleming II summit. John W Snood 14 !S Alloottou It !W D Fisher I 4 !John 8 Chancy 14 D It Lowry 13 Bc. train Bono. BF COX it Cu. II %ADEN: C BMWs, ' . 14 David Smith 14 SIItT.LICIEC6O. Isaac Meta 14 L LeGonlou 14 Anthony Koeppel. 14 -C V Kemeher 14 YELLSTOS. Joey Duncan &Co IS WOW Tr. William Harrah II W Johnston • l ittaker Heed 14 .XCOSIOXY TT. 'r Jacob Breitenstein 13 NEW SEWICKLEY. irM Docked. 14 (James J IMert 13 Non= SEWICKLEY: I A C Mecttlem 14 -TRAILLIE. lEAntsorelth 14 , 010 BILLYZIL IJ 13Johnston 14 1.1 8 Dodson It which ocetipies,little r 00111; n 0 atlaitlonal fuel, and is I mt. liable to wear out, distien sea with all pri..e.tai be put un or Laken off at any and maile•to - slat all stores 01 any nize . - Vivo lUmitlre(' Perasorisa Who have purelimetl nnil used ;he GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, • most it whii.te mines have been ,publish• cii in the A Iti4VA, are ennfhtently referred to, to bear ‘‘itr.em of its superior merits as it conking store. flartnz three Ana claps torte's on hand. of bout 0 fteeu horse putvercapectty, they we effused u the panne at reasonable rates. 1011:1 TUORNILIILT. MI! M MR_ 33 3:01. 0 C 2 4:1 w 1-3 txt It Porter 10 C Glover 14 J 11 Wither/peon 11 Carnet 6 Dick 14 IA Hooter J C Evan's • 14 Sean. a CO lii DAILIJNOTOS. Freeman Halts ' J W loom= A Bead Co 13 W F Ban J C Der lt IR 0 Cook 11 i II Koer . 14 01110 0?. John A Cogley, LI DM Irwin 13 113 II Boyd 14 I Jackloon & WIdOMI 14 11l (him 14 41 ti 4 t al II Benner R War II rick VI .1 & P Russell 14 Aber B. oydlleedA 13 G 14 TB Adame 41 HAMM KS ST. ' J RWllsea 13 1 W.ll Frazer. 13 Jas MOITiIMI IS Bon 13 ;John Bigger it Co ,13 ILACC00)11 TT. !Jame. Scott ' 14' ; X Springt7 ' It i IC HMI 14 1.,1 11 Chtl.ty 11 tsocrrAortct. William Leech 14 Josepb Davi. 11 C P McKee 14 01W 17. Males Moos 14 J It Todd 11 Joseph llcFerran It Doyl4 lifini . se y - IS II 3NtrOTTTM..MINT'TS, • Head and Foot Stones. We temp on bend in .r ware room, the largest eeleedon of Onlehed work then all the other works in the anew combined; which Or." p o o odoo d o . string to erect a Ilmmulent or Mead MOW/ to their departed Mends, r better• pportunitg to select A suitable Monument or Mead atones than elenwrmre. We will guarantee the the workman. and the pricer menet be beat to Om State. We would roapectfully Invite pereorm glahlug Marble Work. to mil and see oar wort Wont perdu...lag elsewhere, and satiety tbeineelrmes Also, Grind Stones, and all the new style dilutes to ham/ 'times, at reasonable prim. atortkOna. wW. DUNKLIL. Nandlecturers:l4 Deakins • Botts and Matra. - Spada! attention paid to manufactory of Pine Calf doots of latartatyle. aprittnal CIMINO A 01111111111, t. 7 undendkrnd begs Was* to lateen his Mends and the public vocally Mat hi bas jest received • saw etc.& ot goods of the West styles for Spring and Sumner wear ,whieh ;it tau at Tots modem. rata. • ORNTLIEVEINS" FURNISHING IRS:EDON GOODS, CONSTANTLY ON NAND. Clothlax made to order os the shorted *otter. Thaaktial to the public for it Ihrom 1 MO* by does atteeticerlo booteeee to matt a roedae awe of the mem DANIEL NULLED" DR/nctir P 7. astivornAnce. • near 24:1f II 11 1-'.A.I.I.4S'UC3N COOKING - STOVES STOVES' 11' TAKES LESS FUEL, BEST BAKER, LTOG ETHER UXTEINKIOP.4I TOP. 31ASiTTFACTII11.7Elt of 1 oral IS and 4 unda per LOOK HERE. 1 0 oa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers