ADVERTHIEMENTX. Ad vorthsements are inserted at the rate of $l,OO per square for first insertion, and fur each subsequent insertion 50 cents. A liberal discount made on yearly ad. vertisements. " A space equal to ten lines of this type measures a square. Business Notices set under a head by themselves immediately after the local news, will he charged ten cents a line for ch insertion. Advertisements should be banded in before Monday noon to Insure insertion in that week's paper. Business Director, 1=i321 AMES CAMERON. Aitonny at law. .00lee GI In ilia Radical building, Dearer, Pa. All butitieur entrinited to bit corn will reec h o prompt and condill attention. C. COYLE. praciieulYstebmilieritteWew .: Q. tier, on Titirdstiett. Deaver, Pa., (nearly op posit° Mooree Drug Store. iii IT . , P. KUHN, A ttorne y at Law. Cake mutt E end Witted street, hearer. Pa. roar4r,7o;ly _ . DR. WIN UTT, nozon. AND So apecLalaitentioa paid totreatmeo of.remale /harm.. lloalanca and race on Third street, a few doom we tof the Coort•llocute. aprlT7l:ty JMIN altiOttE. Priemla and - dealer In paints, ode, pure menial Wines and Liquors, °lamp ware. Lamps and Fancy tioodet Main at. Pre scriptions worldly compounded. . aepittly - - 4 y ENTEY MERE. Manufactarkt and Dealer in 11 2 10,,tv, Shoes and Gaiters: MalwAL forp2ftly IIEAVER DRUG STORE, Dego Andrleseen, 3 Druggist .t Apothamry, Main at. Pre:scrip.~ lions carefully compounded. C.! J AND ERSON.llealer In the improved 0. son Shuttle Sewing Machine, Main at. See card In another column. . acp%;ly IIEACOM Mns E. 11.. Dealerinlll.llStiery Gomm & TrIMMMP; Third vt Deaver. sp*Aly IIII)OltE. Grocery & Itestnerant Choice ej Teak Boot Coffee:, Tonacco and (Agent, Coo. tectiouery and Vegetables. 3!aln r 4 aelai:lY Olt. A NfillUTZ. Dealer in Tinware, Storrs. . Grater, ac. West end 3d at. aele39;ty ral W. DECOKE, Insurance agent, Beaver. ra. AL • Call and get your property 'neared. or*l9 pirruvnou. JJ. • •3101t(I A N STERN,Deftler In Boots &Shoes, . No SO Market St. Pittsburgh, N. I eepitly rtltOrr S. PHILLIPS. Neel Notate Agent., op poptle Poet 011ie, Pubilsherw of the -Real he• tatejte.l.ter." scot free. Pittsburgh. teept4;ly JHENDERSON A. BROS.. Whole &c Drug , gists, "*Ni Liberty St. Pittsburgh. op:Hly I LhtAMALEY Z SAT PARLOR Ana Av . gnus. incur Market St.) Pittsburgh. isept4;l7 A. CLAUXE Booksellers and Station. CI. arc IP. Wood St.. Pittsburgh. Pa. [sepilay. oSEPII lIORNM & CO: 77 & 7511ilarket el rdisburgh—lamiorters and dealers In Notfono, Trimmings, lloolery, White Goode, &a. Ispl&ly 1j EYMEIt& DROTllERS,Fririaciatl Amer!. 11, con Confectioners. Protean lo nut., fruits, &c. 1' 4141.1JU Wood St. Pittsburgh, '[iteplaily V S. MOORE. Dealer In choirs Peas, Coffees & d Fondly Grocerlea. No '2O Fifth Aventie, Pitts. bumf.. Pa. lepttly •--••• • •lIIIIN 111(16Eler Stig:ltehlere In the New it) Wend Fnmily Sewing Machine, 116 Ilnrket Street. Itlitohnrgh. lil., lepttly CO—Dealers In Car \ / pe.. 011 Cloth.. &c. Special rated tOsnergy. 43 Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh. Pa. b4pl4;ly "11, , P. to J. M. Iton.itla. Healer in I's „Waldo... Clock.. Jewelry S Silver wareA;No I.i Firth Avenue. Pitt.burgh. ___ [.epl4;ty IV Ar;. LYONS. Boone and Sin Painte writes • nioriler Show Cards for every hualneaa.— No. 7 Fifth Avenue, Pittaburgli, Pa. (senility FULFON, Manufacturer of and Dealer to • Furniture and Chairs:—lioaewood. Walnut Dant:any and Oak. 45 SMlthaeld et . metre) IM2I=EIaiiMMI TNILJ.S.WINAN£I,EIecirteaI Pheelclan; Chronic LI Meow.; made a specialty. (Mice, In Wendt Inztnn avenue, Alleeheny City. tin. [aepltly NEW BRIGHTON TIPHOSPECT MOUNT NURSERIEh. Ever /. gteeno and anirill.Frults. Thma mileo I not of New Brighton. 0nr29.1 ' E. THOMAS. Tl ItUGII.--611.LICAN K EBB, Drtigglais and A potherarie.. cnr. Broadway and Fella t.. New Brighton, Pa. (Sueceasore to 1.. B. No- lit.• fetag;ty EU. F. SIK1110:4, Bakery dt Vonfotionery, l 7 H. R. etreet. Special attention given to vred- Olatto and bang.. t teeptßly ndv y M. winsLEn, Dentlat. Irroadirly . , N I c l i V . [arpl-1; ly \O I. Pludilgrupher. Wlllmon'a Block. E 1 I . Broadway. 'Beg photodrapha from re-touch rtlnedat !yea. (oep: lay NTER .c BEDISO. vivre , and Tohar •l, mnl , lx, 11r.thtay. N. Brighton: (seibll:ly fti rneerlec (Viernpn nre awl VI 110n...h01d Googly. Itronthehy. l trepllay 17'VAN I't'' i. Dealer In Wall Paper, Window Iloola,Statloneery a; NotlonA; Broad s, ny. New Ilrighton. Pa. t STEIN V.F.l,l).l)ealerg In Dry Moods, Fancy flood/. & 'Notions ; Merchant t elothlero, Broadway. . Oct 13;ty ==! AVILLIAM ROBERTSON. Denier in Improved I V Howe Sewing Miwilinerf. Main St.. Beaver repitly A 1 BS„fr: K r Go+ - 94;;;i .ware and 15 1 ,.. 1 %.; ` . 1 . 14 . 1x . y. COM, of Main and Baker o.p . , tree . io. y KENDALL R.TANIat Artlets,ll.Preacto ' era: oleo, Ilona° and Stpot Palbtere, Main tit., Deaver FAIIP. • A FLEMING, Henlur In Homo And Shoes of .11. even , drorrlidlon, ot low prim,. And .4 a .n• 'miff wilily, Main St. BeAver.l , olv. Pa. jruilS;ly BRIDGEWATER EUIME lIKIDEGOKII, Hoare and Sian Pain. ter, Bridge St Bridgewater, hi. aprlra;ly t 1111E1131, Ilr .tre;t. Bridgewater, , welder ln Gold 0:01 rillTer 'Kiddie., Clock.. .lewehy and Silver Wnre,Spec:acle., &c. Clock. atl.l,e‘elry rep:arca. [febt:Y;l:ly tihoi ne : 110 riititl• lirilifSW/ItiVr, I'd. fele(7l:ly. f/ AM Es PORTER. Tinner. 11.1 T In Cop :per 'nod Sheet-Iron ware. ALA 1 Cl.tern 41:111.. .I,llrlslg.ewnler. lneptll'Y 111.ATTICE1/. In 1 1 • Bootei and Shoe.. undue SI., Bridgewater. C. Ill' IVNT. thy Good. Hut ' Cupg Parr, .1 1 • Curpeim, Oil Cioiho and . Triadalugg. Midge Bridgewater, Pa. . . 11. ifotimiTY: Dealer In Boots ;nil Slim, CI • Bridge Street, Bridgewater. emptily H UER ANA. Millinery. Trimminge :, Notion I • --Bridge. et.. Bridgmrater. eepttly P..WElNMAN...Mattufacturd of Boom and •• St o ne. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. A0.1.11;11 VITCSTIVIIEN.( lent I'' , Clothing c)anced and proceed. Water St. above Bridge. t. pt lay • Oils WOODRUFF, Mgride Cutter; Monn e/ mcute S Tombeunuw of nil deocript ion+ made to'ortier. Vt. Market mot Witta:r Morels. t sent lily writ.Es C CO. Ororerire, tineenew are, Win. it) • dow r;laeo. Flour, Feed Country Produce. litmlan'a comer. Bridge St. Bridgewater. [cp2l;ly 111 lIAM MEANOR, Dealer in Monongahela Coal. Order: , len tit .1 B. Clark'e, In Ikm, or, anti IR Smith', Drug Stori• ? ln Whip:water, will he promptly attended 0,..4.11 on delivery—lee. price. Yard —McDonaltr; haul. sepdc:ty ItOCIIIENTEII nod U:d -r i n ' n ' t — a p e (1 W i to i r n S eil Snot s, r .48e1:71"tt-, New York 101 l hit . lioehes . ter. (61,2 - 2:1; . LID:MUSD linnotiiitti. New work. of the heat uniterthl. made to order. All work mat ranted. Repairing neatly done. Prieen Low. Aolon St.. llotitooter. - • JaniNly 1111;1;41ELI R.. ~ F r at ev y h., N. 0- a Ilona and Millinery.. lilLchotf at., near 1/14- d. Rochester, Pa. 1 ep11:lp HENRY LAPP, Manufacturer and Dealer In Furniture of all ki:alo. Brighton at.,.almee Plow Factory. See taint. laeoltly TORN Baker and Confeellotier.— el Water rt., Rocherter, taco' tly INCRAIIAM BOYD. Wagon .S; Carriage Maker, Railroad IL., Roche,ter, Pa Dept Cly QAMllltr. C. ILANNRN, Drogght. Pre.ertp- Otturis carefully compounded.. Water at., .ellerter. ' uEYEREWASUNS,.b holeaale A; Retail Deal. cc. in lire Goode.tirocerien.Plour,Keed,Draln, Boat rtoredronA Nall, Cur. Water .L - 'Jame.. Ns. FREDERICK:MiIker and l'onfertloner. ‘3. Weditint: Cakes and lea Cream furnhhed promptly. On Dlamond. Rot:heater., (set/II:1y p"Cdt ny A. SILVERMAN, Ireadyntrters for P orrign A Doinoolic Dry Good,. N °none . . Trimming., and Fancy 'Gouda generally, Water ..treet. Itodienter, n l . .l. (..pl4;ly 11:1;',..°;;f ~ 1 : ,' 1. 3 1, t r• ii ) e , t . :: m rn . l2l ,:a l t it e i r i , li Deal 111LoUllo!..1 Lath Ac , ItocheMor.. • [eep2Rly BOY LEA W I(.LIAyI9, Surreep4lra to C. 171 Inking A Co.. Dealer/. In Sawed and Planed Lumber. Lath A. Shingle& Itorheater •Ills;ty MCP. LIVERY. St'A M.BA. COAL YARD. hem evil It. IL station and u n to men oclOily QC111:111 . / . CiL1S7ManoGraiTITT n o f win" 1.711 n Ttn.ronner and Sheet Iron Wire. Roofing, Spooling, Ac., attended to. N. octltuy 4,,,RFFI:Eit A CBA ItK. proprietors of Johneion Clt - Homo. Good accommodations and good •tri. hie, Near It. R. Depot. . ortl9:ly JD7MILLRIL dealer ro — lhoOt., kThoro.lialterv, Ac. Repairing 'lane neatly and promptly. Stre on the Diamond, Itcklienter, Pa. octitlay . WALTER 131RYPHER, Matinfacturera of Wagons, Conches, Ruggles. Spring-dal:0ml. Sulkeya, Ac. Blackomithing and hot... Miming done :a the best manner. Itotheater. Pa: nolli:y EAST LIVEIIPOOL, 0. TAKE SIIENKEL.—•A general assortment of %,1" QUeVIIMAP., Stoneware. Canned • Fruit 4. Sr. Car. 3d 4; Broadway. erninkly TIIOSIrfiON & CO —Desiree in Dry hi timid& Clothing. Boris Bhoeol Bate& Caps, `larpels, Qtleeneware. Gionetwate, ror Broadway a . Cook ate. E. Liverpool. (mrikly f S. HILL CO. Drat:glen Broadway.neer R. Vl* It. emeriptions carefatly and aCcaralely romponvdril. fehlilv :1113..CE CLAN COES; . , S TllollSlLEY.Manfnetnrcr of the (treat rl Republic Cool:trig Store. and Patenten of Por table t, I eb.lon top and centre. Fainiton, Pa. _ - - _ 11 II k:ItT ItUNSEl.L.tltutievkare Mantiractun.r. wit enspromptly attended 10. Van port. Pa. Po..t nine° addretr—beaver, Pa. . [aepll;ly 2 , !1 . 1 . N1: Permanently loaded In the village of 1 Zolleiniple. Pa.. for the parpore of pmeilclng Med . leine. I reetiectfully tender my proleaotonal Ire. to ch Irene Weald village and vicinity. Wire. In moldence. opprnlte Eagle lintel. where I ?hail Mania he loon& unlane pniierelonally All callawill: receive Immediate and Prompt attention. A. V. CUNNINGIIAM, M. D. 143421:1y' • THOMAS M'CREERY & CO TIROS. BVCREERV, Mohler. J. F..D4AVO ... ... ....J. II'ANGIEI., J. 11. WCREERY. Interco' paid metimederlont.; Prompt attention Oren to collection.. Ateu. Insurance Agent. for good land tellable Companies. tmay tStf Denver Act% tlymy.—Thoillprinte term ot lostnotion taill open on the nth Usrett next, to condone week.. F rm.. de aPardre C. C. B Ut o s , Prix. V01.53- 1 --No. 19. Miscellaneous. Dry Goock,Carpetsiitc. SPRING STOCK JUST RECEIVED. , >McCracken, Van Rya & McClelland,. gINCESSOII,6 TO SAM'L. _GORDON, • IWI Fetrentl Street, Xliegheny., The',CHEAPEST CARPET` end DRY GOODS ROUSE In the TWO.CITIES. GOOD CARPET only 13 cents per y'd, AND Al ALL PRICES. , , We are Agents fir some of the best Car pet 31anutitchners in this country, And we min offer Extra Induccownts to Buyers. Come nutF4ee our Complete LINE OF DR I'IDDODS, and examine our superier wide No. 1 Brown !ituslins, very heavy. at 12% cts; and all other goods at astonishingly low prices. Don't forget to give us a call, 135 Federal Street. N. B. Mr. 11. S. OLIVER. Salesman, for merly of Beaver county, would be pleased to:?iee his many friends. [aprs:3tu !UMW 11.11 UT DAIIIIAGH, Sharon, bee. Cl -i,ioh 700 . 1 i• 55 l'iik • tee county, Pa., PORTRAIT and PribToollArn TUALna GOING EAST. PAINTER, In prepared to do all work in her line at sTA —. l l / 4 7Nr - i. - Merl. Exec . ' Ilan . gxei rearonabl mica and on abort notice. The pat- --• runny° of the public is respectfully yodelled. Chicago •I 9Slax 515rsi 5.50a1 Mrs me r...1871:15. Valparuhsa . Plymouth • "ifiliies . 555 . 530. 1313/31 JunN V. X , DoNALD W. A •TICTERER, OEO. C. aPETLREn, 11.4. a err enen,Chsh'r. t o "" in : biji . , '! •••• ••• •• • • r• • SPEVEILER dr. 111cDONALD. F° " wa i l w 11. i'i 1;35 ilibrx 320 Wiwi Wed .. •. .. . .. I. ... • BA.ITKER.S, - Uma. ........ ..... j 455 I 13.5. as IMS ail) Forest .1 atel . 543 443 llff Upper Sandusky. ', .. .... ... .... ' Water St.,Rochester,' Burr= IA ii . 455 ' Pr Interod paid on Time Deposits. Collec• C 0,0111 E 14, 1 D • ••• f j .1.4 Goo 430 600 ilk, A.i, ' maMil lions promptly attended to. - Mansfield '!I 717 500 NO 1005 . Government Cbupons Bought on w ooo ter ' - Orrvillo iii.!l • uric .Ftworabk . Terms. ,Uorreepondence Du ixa 'oh - s tllo o ..., . • .... ..... ... Solicited. : [n 10;1y. Canton ' Aillance.... * tie iiio iions -/- Instant Roller or Salem. Rochester.. 11153 ridirat 714• Ft Pittsburgh..nioesst 345 540 They ALEitli3xLet. : Having beets afflicted with that terrible cora :plaint—completely unfitting me for business for weeks at a timg—for the last twelve years, and st last found it remedy that gives. InPant and Cbmplete Relief t hare concluded to have It prepared for sale, so thit others similarly afflicted cad receive the heti ellt.of it, assuring theist that It will do all r and more than all prom . ' ised for it; • and, that persons cave using, will never ho with out it, ' As numerous others who hare used it • can, testify. Vett be lied at the Drug Store of WILLIAM H. Rochester, Pa- or will be rent by mall to nay address on receipt of one dollar. end ten cents to pry postage. CHAS. H. ItURST., norlf.,7o:lyl Rochester, Beaver county, re. tL rh 114010214 Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WEEKLY RECEIVIN(rA FRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS IN EACII OF THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: 1311.1( GOODS. steubenvine Jeans, Cimimeres and Satlinets. While 'Woollen blankets, ' White and Colored and k • Barrel FlaIIIIC14„ 3lenn , A, ,• Delaines, Plaids, • Gingliains, 'CObergs, ' Lawns, Water Proofs, Chinchilla. •-• Cloths, - Woollen sliawla Brown and Blac.k.Muslins, • Drillings, Th.kings, Prints,• Canton Flannels, ' Joconets, •• 'fable Linen, 11 . i:it Linen, Crush, •Counterpank 'Mayes , • it Mits. • Grocerips.,, Coffee. Teat., Sugar, MoLtweett, White SllverDrthi, Golden and Common Syrup, Mackerel In bar- . rel. and, ki t , Star and Tallow Caudle *, .Moan. Spices and Mince Meat. Alro, ' MALT. • . • hardware, .Nails, Glass, Door Locke. Door Latches, Hinges, Screws. Table Cutlery. labia Tea Spnon•, Sleigh Dells, Conl BMWs, Firs Shovels and Pokers. Nail. and Glass. Spades, bhovels. 2, 3. and 4 'I Ina Forks,'ltnkes, Scylln and Smiths, Corn nod Garden Hoes. WOODENWARE. Dockets, Tphs. Chnrus. Rutter Prints and-Ladles CARBON-OIL, Linseed Oil.&llrliite'Lead. , • B.oots/and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND cull:mm:lw sitoEs, in fireat variety. ' Rill 6 Powder • and Shot , MIMI 531asting Powder and Fuse. I , lnxtr Veer(' Queen:gem : aro. .111 heavy goods delivered five ofelserge. Ity close attention In huslneee, and by keeping constantly on hand a well argot ted !dock" of gocula of all the dlfferenrkineL4 toenail itt in a country store. the undersigned hopes In th future as In •The past to merit and receive a littoral 'tare or the public patronage..• ItANCe • it. d"c43iks:ly.--iy7chzd. DIMEM! x•: LULfY I_,L,E:II. Sr, CO. Contractors and Builders; PLANING -MILL ME AaiST.ALLV . 4II:II:-.C,Tatl::Da Doors'. Staab. - AND , SHINGLES Cnp~t:uLLly nn 11:1114 . k:11111 II1:11:43 to /ler., • Orders by mail will receive prompt at tention. j• 31ar8;11.-i-ly A clatilnlt4trattviNt Notlee.=Tlie /1, undersigned lowing been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Wi Mom Ithmsey, deceased, Into of Ilnenver township. Beaver county, N., hereby notifies nll persons Indebted to said estate that immediate payment it required. All persons taring claims egutiset said' estnte are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlembnt. nprne.nw.l WILLIAM 11. FRAZIER. Adoir. INIEYItAN & -SIEDIAL • Surcessors to HEINEMAN, MEYltAisi & SIEDLE, N 0.41 Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa. GOLD XXI) SILVERSMITHS, Anil dealers in FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES:DIAMONDS AND SILVER PLATED WARE. • Agency for all the best makes of ANCTIRICAN SETH THOMAS CLOCKS. Special attention paid to the repairing tint] adjusting or FINE WATCHES. oct1"70-1y. Brighton Paper Mills , BEAVER FA(LS,.PENN'A. PRINTING, MANNILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glean, Straw. RAG AND CARPET V' LPERS, MAINTUVAIATJIMI) AND SOLD AT Wholesale is Retail by c: • Miler, Metzger Co., 89 Third a TTSBURGH, Or RAP takes I Pl n exchange. (sepl9;Wlf -- • - --' .•-''' ' - ' 7 'l ,• ••••• • - -, FW:.I - c•'_ , ?-e - --, -, :. ,- . • ~, , .1 , , . -1,„ _ ~, . - • .; . . .- . •.; ,- -- , .. - ;,..!..Tf - 'ft - Y. - : ,, • -,, ,, , ::.: .7.. •.' -. . 4 sfi* c „,'--4Y+ . - i::, . -P: , „ _. • , -.- • . _.-• ,-' -- ', .' • .' 2 • - . . .' , . ' .. ••,' ,z '' - - ',....,,-.,,': .- , ,•- ' 7- !'; ;- ' - ' `t i : ' -- .1'' . . 4. , ..-;' , C: . e;- -. :A.: , .-',' . • '. -. . ~ -,' _ • •.;;i' ;.. .• . - ;) , . . . . " . . . . . ,'''-' . ' ' :. "-• ' 1 .: :- .• ,* '•'-' : ':7 - ; . , 7 ;•.. , 1 , - :„.;!; . , , ,• : ;: ~-, -- • .., .., ' • ' '; , ",:t . = ,: , 1 _-,\ • . ' • . . I - ' '.. ~/..:.'t',:',.,. - ~- ' 2 .." : • • ',..:- ..iat.;:': • : - \ • • -, . • tsv•-•'; i4; •' 1 : -., ::' • :•.; . - - • - . ' A . •.•=4 -- • . A.-. , . , • # • • • - . . . , . ' ' l''''- ,i, ' '',,t, ~,'Zi' 4.,:•"„;, . ' - ' ,, l'.' - '''. • • ~_ ~ . • , . , . . . . . . • i S 0 .' ' : . .- , W'%'':=-.. •.4.7:, ' ••'; ,-..:, ::'- -•'.:•-' ':'..' • • .- ' ~ , . , I . r . . . ',, . A . • :„...,... . , . .. 1 • : H • • • . RAILIIOADIL , • MTS.. FT.WAYNIC a CHICAGO RAILWAY. On and after Deer. 4th. iS7O. trams sill lone Static= daily, (gondays creepcon as -Moira.— [Train leaving Chicago at ASA P. N.. leaves dit ty.) [Train leaving , Piltataugh at !AI P. IL. ler , es datly.l 1 • IrtriColi:TliTsi. Plttsburgli.. Rochester.... Salem AlSaxe • Canted Mass Ilion ...... , Orrrille Wooster 903 Cresillne A93S D' • • • litOta Buc us yr Upper Sandusky...l ire .. Forest I Uma • Van Wert. Fort Wayne 120) Colombia Warsaw Pylupnth 1'423%140.- 76km,', ...iißois :* _ Youngstown, New Cas tle and Erie Express leases Youngstown al RIO p. in; New Castle, 1:00 p.m; arises at Pittsburgh, RAO p. Returning,' leaves Pittsburgh 7:00 a. in; err. at Nest Castle. 10:41a. m. Youngstwn, 10:10. a. M. Youngstown, New Castle and Pittsburgh Ac commodation leaves Youngstown, CM a. in; New Castle, 'RIO a. m; arrives at Allegheny, 10:10 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh, 2:00 p. m; ar rives New Castle.4:42 p.m. _ _ _ General llinengsr !Ind 7ietet Ayml CLEVELAND & PCITSRUROII RAILROAD. On and after Nay 29th Ittin, trains will leave Stat.ons daily (Sundays excepted) a follows. t_ - 8 TA TION O. /imam ; Clen eland. Euclid Street Hudson 955 115 ; 910 flaccid= . ... • :1310 155 540 Alliance Alan 255 tlan Bayard 11.01ril I . Wellsville - 1115 +2O imixa irontn. VTATIOf /I. .. MAIL. ; MXl , ll..Accuai —1 —I Wellsville'l tealeati Weil l . Bayard ....... ...1!1 .I WS , . Alliance lll3 ' 715 723A* Rtivenciail'tales IMI ' 813 1, Il udeon 1'1231 834 ! 853 Euclid Street 11. ' n. tleveland . iio riii .I(iii) i Be!lair ' i 5154.31 Bridgeport 11 555 Steubenville...... , 100 IVellsvllle 1 '; 815 Bea mi ver. Sth's . .... . .. , t . .. .... Rochester. j; 945 155 Pittsburgb '!10315. COO 00140 WES r. iinWm. Pittsburgh Wes Rocbeeter .! 733 Beaver Sralth'r Ferry. We -Steubenville TUSCARAWA Leave. V. Phinidelphin. GM a. m. Unyant. nlO *.m. • Y. It. MEYERS. Gen " seettaitiiiits. SILKS, SILKS, Eii I 3-• IM. Eik Full Lines of Bonnet and Ponson's alebrated Black Silks Good Medium Black French Silks, Irmo $1 to $2 per yard. Cheney Blv 's American Black Silk, $2 per yard. Fancy Dress Silka in Stripes, Checks and Plain Colors--a complete assortment. .1 1111111eSC Silks, all qualities. Irish and French Ptplins, Mohair Los tres. Wind Delaines. Spring Empress Cloths. Black Grenadines and Hernani. r , All New Designs in Spring Dress Goods. New Spring Shawls. • Silk Sacques and Basques. Indies' Suits. Nottingham and Tamboured Lace Cur• tains, Chintzes, Prints and Ginghams, %%ITO A FILL LINE OV Domestic and Housekeeping Goods. James Caldwell. 118 null 120 Federal Street, Allegheny J. MOORE DRUGGIST, Prexeriplions Carefully and Accurate- TILE nEsr BRANDS OF ASSORTED e ift:l o 1 ii al WINES AND LIQUORS; , a i rk,t k „ 0i 1 , DYE STUFFS: HIM DYES. OF ALL COLORS; GLASS & PUTTY; Special attention given to became the beat Wiling of !Amps and Lamp Trimmings, Lanterns te. A Large Assortment of TOILET ARTICLErs, SOAPS, 33 FLU suns sr. PATENT• MEDICINES, Main Street. Deaver'Pl • J. H. 3rpercv.p.n.v. ATTORNEY AT . LAW. , Third &red . IM:weir, Pa. ° . Mei below the Court House, Bever, Pa. , Jetta ILLLIII BAlitelltli, dealer to Boots. V T Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Be, next door to Potter's Tin shop, BrWge street, Bridgewater, Pa., where hats prepared to manufacture and sell everything In his tine at reasonable Mee Hav ing removed his place of bruises. trent the corn er near the Bridge to and present location, tre In vitee his old Mends and patrons to give Win eall. • mp u. • Railroads: TAAmI 410E10 Will' lva. YOU. Yir's GI 1065Ait Mar 1 60 -. , iaft 300 11143 iii l'isira Tro * ea 45 500 1355•5 IZI 781 'lOlO 1)00 1.13A3.1145 a M=l GOING BOOTH =1 =CM ACCOM MAIL I~r'l AC(OM !.... • , NaJrxi 410 rt • 111 ' 1 1 335 '440 540 I feu I EMI iAccalAccon 310rx 433rx 410 , 53? ILM 500 ices - fito i '4103 IVA • 813 ':1115 755 670 S BRANCH. _ d Andrei INyar, 945. a.m. YhtladeplilaAopai • arid Ticket ..tyrant. ly Cbmpoutaded EMI [Dec. nom Bea PP Medicinal. A. REMINDEA. To Debilitated Persons, • To Dyspeptics,. To SuftbrerstromLiver Comphiint, To those having no APPetiwr To those with Broken DO ,CO4-'• stltutlons, • To Nervous People, To Children•Warting Away, To any with. Debilitated Organs, Or &feting With any of theoiliaatt i g Symptoms Which indicate , Liver or h2onwch, . „ anther, Coastlow tion, Inward • • • or il Wand to the = lined. dektlty of the ; • e • BionalekNintate.lleatt. , burn,Dlrnatfoernedalfell,_.* • • neon or Weight In the Stemartie — Sour Brougham ki Sinng tering at Smolt efthe Sto whiS : . ming of the Heed Untried and t • - Breathing. Fluttering at theltopt.t. • leg or Fluttering Sornallooa whir hi B a rt testate, Dimness of s talon. Dow W I ont the Sight, Fever and Doll Pal= to the Ilead,Dellelen of Pentplratlon. Irallair-••• • nose( the Skin End Eyes, Paola 0111?:=t- Side,liack. Cheat. Ilmbs, ie.; B.f. - • • den Flashes of Heat. Sara. ••• • !DL i t: li the Flesh. Constant Yell. , ,434t h'i rielwes 4 aloe' 4 • - • of Spirits. -•• = • ' 1100FLINIPS GEE I ft. BMW A 'Mire 'without-Ake/1W or 40, cif any kiruf. • hi different from all others. * 2•lt is corn posed of the pure Juices, or Vital Flaw ciple ofßoots, Hem beand Sark% (or as medicinally termed Extracts,) the worthless or inert portions of the mgrs (tents not being used. Therefore, in one Bottle of these Bitters there is contained as much medicinal virtue as will be found in, several gallons.of ordinary :Monitor. The Roots, ike., used itt.this Battens, grown in (lemony, their vital principles, extracted in that country Wseltstille Chemist, and forwarded to the minufser. tory In this Pity, where they' are coil pounded and bottled. - Containing to spirituous inguslients, this Bitters Is free from the objections urged,agoinst all oth• era: no desire for stimulants ean;*be in duced from their use. Vey cannot make drunkards, and cannot under any Omani stances, have any but abanedeial effect- • HOOFLAND'S GERMAN T ONIC , Was compounded for those aril inclined to extrethe bitters, and is intended for use in cases when some alcoholic itimulent is required in connection with the Tonic properties of tini,l3ltters. Each bottle of lee Tonic bottle of the Bit- tars, combined with pure SANTA CRUZ REM, and flavored in such a manner that. the extreme bitterness of the Bitters fs overcome, Pinning . a prepa ration highly agreeable and pleasant to . ' - containing the medicinal vi tern. The price of the TO' 'Bottle, winch many perim high, They must takelnto that the stimillent used is be of a pure quality, pool be turn abed dt c taper pi vot better to pay a little mot good article r A ntedielhal should contain none btiVtlyil mita; and they who expect cheap compound, and be bir will mosti4ertainly be cheat HOOFLAND German HOOFLAN GERMAN TONIC, WITH' 111100FLAND'Ai PODOPHYLLIN PILL. WILL CURE YOU They are the Greatest 13.1.0412013 PURIFIERS Known to the Medical world, and will erailitaite diseases arising from impure blood, Debility of the Digestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, in a shorter time than any other known remedies. The Whole Supreme Court of Penal. SPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. Who would oak for more Dignified or Stronger Teetimonyt lion. GEOIWIC W. WOOLWARDjOrtnerly UhiirJus.. her of Mr Srpreme Court of Itmosylrala a, at prrmet Member ty Coagrees from Amory:y.l,4la, writer: PUILADELPIII,4. MIUTtI 16. 1861. I nod " Duo!had'. German Bitters " to • good tonic, twainl in diaemea 01 the digit tire organp, and of great benefit in cares of debility and want of nercona action in the aretem. Yours Anil GEORGE W. WOODWAItb. • lion. JANE. Tatung. on, Chi.( Juyice of Me Su. yrnne Court of Nansylcansa. riuunetrnu. A pril 19, Dint conaider Hoofiand's German Bitters" a Vllll3. tile medicine is doe of attack. of Indigestion or llyspepeia. I can card(' this from my experience of it. 'I lima. with reapect. JAMES TIJOMNON. lion. °corms .511ARAIMOOLI, Jeutice of Mr Supreme Court of lionrytronlo: IhttLADnLrUTA, Jane I. litrcl. I have. found by experience that lloodatitla Itlermau Nitta re " Is a very good tonic, relieving dynpeptlc eymptothe almcat directly. GEORGE SRA INWOOD. lion. Wm. F. Rogers, Mayor Vide City of Buffa lo, New- Fort: Mayor's oMce, Buftslo, June th It il. I have used "Midland's German Bitters and Tonic" lu my family during the poet year, and can recommend them an an excellent tonic, Imparting tone and vigor to the system. Their we has been productive of decidedly beneficial edects. WM. F. BOUEM. lion. Jan. M. Wood, Fs-.Mayor of Wit/lontsporf, li•onsylranla: I take great picanure In recommending i• Hoof land's German Tonic" to any one who may be af flicted with Dynpepsla. I had the Dyrpepala so badly It was !rano...lble to keep any food on my stomach and I became Co weak as not to he able to walk calf a mile. Two bottle. of Tonic effeited • perfect core. JAMES M. WOOD. imm3.m.Srumt THAT ' HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND HOOFLAND.'S GERMAN TONIC Will cure every case qr Z.T.:ll4lllMlTlitis Or Whsting away of the Body. HI;..1.31.11:13111M11, TIIAT 1100FLAND'.6 GERMAN REMEDIL No the medicines you relluire to portly the Blood, exclte the torpid Liver to healthy sedan, and to enable you to pass safely through any hard ships oxexpoeure, • r DIU 1143 1 DVI.AlliWtfff TOaVinErnilaanD • Or ASS l tbstitute for Mercury -Pill& TWO PILLS A DOSE. The Mod Powerful, yet Innocent, Veg etable Ctt*rtic known. It Is not necessary Intake • handful of thew pills to produte the ilesired effect: two of them act qcuhic k ndß d wl w sof u alyl .cmlpnsngth T Uhee,. Mtfepm ingredient is Podophyllin, or the Alcoholic Er na of Mandrake. which Is by- many times more inverful, acting and searching than the Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action is upon the Lira, clean . log It speedily from all obstructions. With all the power of Mercury. yet free from the injurious re. subs attached to the use of that miners'. Fur all diseases. In which the o e of • cathartic L molested, these pills will ante entire sallatscikon In every case. They NEVER On, In cases of Liver Ctrm_plaintl DyseptiMand ez creme costiveness. Dr. Roolianffs German Bitters or Tonic Should be used In an nection pith the Pills. The toble effect of the Bitters or Tonic builds or. the system. The Bitters or Tonic puri fies the Blood, strengthens the Nerveswitomaras the Liver. and gives strength. energy and rigor. Kw" ydnr Dowels fictive wit Tonic lls. and tone up the system with littler* or and no dis• ease tan ',Vain Its hold. or eves yon. Recoect R EM ED I ESis DLL noort.ANtro GER MAN that tree so nuiversally used and highly recommended: and do not allow lb Druggist to induce you to take anything else ma he mays ay Is Just as_ good. because he makera rrirdt on It. These Remedies wilt be sent by Tess man y locality, upon application Wilke PRIM 'IPAL 07elli, at the GERMAN MEDI CINE STORE, 631 Area at"llPhllaillelphla CHAR. 31..EVANR, Props lelor -- - Formerly C. 31. JACKSON •A Thew Banediu are for Sale by .Drtig gists, &on-keepers and Medic6us Deatera everywhere. jaalB:l7 . • 'Go x!1!1 - 1 5 4% )linni • 4:;1 4 15W AND:, ANT STOCIt OP ladies' Matches.' A FULL k SU ....:4 1 1 : Fr!.A.L" LIRE OF tints' Chid WatAliez. Budiv.;B4l,- TAD WATAT;MI .WATCH! THE STHNGEETIAND BEET MADE, AM MOSSIrmi lbw limper. late kale .1111tham To ~. , . . . - Jug New . Fbae. 4 12 8 ia• BrAlir W 424:. WAIiIiANTZD'i - . Prier..., the ii(Peis4s4 . oe e i v; ~ t ---" •-. • . 5, E. 1 1 - o:obertS, No. 1.0 Fi It Avenue, .._ 1.. . - -.,..: ritimispann, PA. : .. I C:Oahu, J 0141411 erring Biker Ware. LAZARUSi MORRIS & CO.'S, PERFECT 1., SPECTA - CLES. oct3;3m;thdecill; • : 10 MOWERSS) REAPERS. .A„uurmidi canton, Ohio. Aro elteselrety the maantaante of the MoWeirs, a Mg=i=i;= • NEW ROT ARY TILLER„-<- , ..4bo dr mans common , - Iwo as the itivotetari en Duorr, is a dm ham teremeabon the com ma Danstran wig. ,_ and le destined to take its place everywhem. r With oar combined ma chines we furnish kw India Mower and Reaper liar. 1 Homan the a . • machines are kept at C. ..W. MillfilKti i CO ,r Num Brighton, Pa. Aim the femme EP-STAMM TIIRENII EH. with their dotal mounted Power—from 4 to 10 hone powers—mg Salt purchasers. Fanners before parr..batlngebtrere wonid du well to call o JA PATTERSON, Agent. ancUtm New Osaka, Pa. Wall Paper! Wall Paper!! TANNIKOII. Breases ilassicta, liarocca, snide to order In the latest styles. ' Ladles and Children's Bonnets and Rats altered, cleaned and pressed. Deem and other Patterns for sale. Having years of experience in the above business, the public can rely on receiving entire satisfaction. Call at her catabllshment, apposite thr Union hotel, Third Street, Beaver, Pa. , ' Apr Mar . ' MRS. Z. MOORE. roeiatiertz•Nr: ' Dr. J . Mar. • . • ,rityorltclalta - 7 Iratar.,la deter ,' alined that no 4 01111, • - Dentist In the Slate shall do work better or •• -4 yir • •f cheaper than 1 k 04- 0. , . he ntirtailt to .1-4t41.41t0 ; his patrons,— Ile us. _the be.t materials manufactured In the United Stales. Gold and all rer ailing performed In a style that dude. come., thlon Satisfaction guaranteed In all operations, or the money returned. litre him a trial. fehtly ALIT' FILIAL TEETH PERFECT. • ED T.J. i 11. J. CHANDLER have per , chased d or the ver el o cift...iv ty e , to ueeDr.Steack's Patent • ' ' by which they can put • • ' unNuicanite as thin as g-idrat-enh,atr: and. no light and slant le as to perfectly adapt itself to the mouth; obvialingall that Clumsy and bulky condition, no mach complained of heretofore; and lesretting their liability to break 100 percent. In deed, no one seem; it would be willing to weaf the old style plate any longer than they could conven iently get them exchanged. All branches of Den. tir performed in the hest and most aubetantia mann try er. In ailing teeth with gold, etc., we chal -1 lenge competition from any quartet, and can refer to living ettbjerls whose if ilinfa hero Flood be tween thirty and forty years. Among the number Hon. John Allison will exhibit Oiling* well:owe tett Fume 35 years ago; the teeth as perfect a. the -day the? were filled. laughing Gas prepared on • new plan, freeing It from all unpleasant and dan gerous erfeetr, making the extraction of teeth a source of pleasure rather thin of horror and yam. Prices*a low as any good dentist in the Stxte. Office at Beaver Illation, Rucheeter Pa. novlttfl .T. J. & It. J CHANDLER. STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, AL : III7MS, CIIIIO3IOS, FIIA3IES, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 hiroisdaiscfi litisw.Yortv. Invite the attention at the trade to thuir extensive assortment of the shove goods. of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. dc 11. T. Anthony ac Co.. 1191 Brimilwicy, New York, Opposite Metropoliean Hotel. Importers and IfTzgfunturers of PHOTODR APHID MATERIALS. marB;ll—ty 33.49.1T0EMEC1r Arm CONFECTIONERY ESTAIMMENt The undersigned having bought out the Ba teriliyazdnesconfrsio=o7:3lllgi=terold.., won d respectfully Inform the public that be will Keep the beat quality of Oysters which be verses In every style ; also will supply them by the un at teasulable prices. Those in In want of them should give tales as early call. Mt Confectionery department Is well stocked; and .parties, weddings, ite., will be supplied with everything needed on short notice and la the best of style. Families furairbed with Ireshbread as often u 'desired. GEORGE FREDERICK. mayll:l3, Blood: How Lost, How Rested Just published. a new edition of Dr. Culver. well's Celebrated Eillyy on the radical cure ealthout medidne) Of 13taretuuturs. or Sem inal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Lamm he mm r e Nadal and Physical Inity. m s to Yardage, etc,. shoca. pac Conacurnox, Hrthersr, and Fue. Induced by selitiodulgence or sexual esUnniglisce. EPrice. In a mated outdone only Scents. celebrated author, in thu admirable essay, y demonstrates from a thirty yearn' anthem. rat practice, that the alarming consequent's of may be radically cured without- the &Demons use of Internal medtctue or the appH ea l i. o f th e mite ; pointing outa mode of care at once simple and effectual, by mews of which every aufterer. to matter what his condition mar be. may core himself cheaply, privately, a m. rad ~D Lecture should be In the buds of every youth and army man in the hand. Heat, can e r math in a plain envelope, bt any dress. postpaid on receipt of six atom or two post stamps. Atha, Hr. Culvertvelll "Yardage Guide," p4ce 15 amts. Adobes, the ththlishere taus. is C maws.% co., 1117 Thaverry, N York, Peal Mat Mei UAL itieS;ly. 4ity 10,.1871. =I 'SELECT POETRY. Writ= kw alio Beara Anon. • TUE BELLE or BEAVER. lity. the Iles In bed la the morning, Until turineri Is all in a ear, • Led drnsme of Odours end sunshine, Which *be Imagines in lire will be MIL She stands In the door with arms !shied, • And a t•.c. all covered with stalks, • Add watches bet decreplrold Auntie, . As she scrubs the din or of the Wes. • She Rap to tbo lianaary in daytime. ' Ha Great aid Intim to eitY. • Anibal Par o'clock!, the evening. Ha da anneal the piano to play. ; , And ereattore shade In its bendy; • Oit the carts of the day settles down, On the door .tin she elti quite neriosindt ith dialer:wog folks of the town.' • led se she audience trout main Math eirei Her life of tuefalnews watini, e White/sodas and anit,hy daylight anOteigsi .` Air working to keep her in Guidon. • • .r; . Better we think for this bestellfal.mhu, While the blossoms of youth ant still bloeen: - tug, ':lb been those lesions whkh'llfe will de , maid, instead of to frdientra growing. • You the gent - who she with her smiles mei deceive, , . And her Latin and Greek so confounding. Will dad that its not those charms: that can brim.. • Home comforts to chtiter around blm. • Hell And that thou atones will ran4ll ere long, And those lessons of theek be forgotten, While sad dbeontent like a demon cleans', Ilia domestic pesos will be mothball. Cud that at. nut the einesle• that glee. A Ilia oteontentment and pleasure, • • And ire not the one that's raised up la mute ern udtainleterin want's cad the .oar that his h seer the lesson of truth, Which experience forever has taught, That pride and Its fashions are very poor Mends, . To co mfert halm advenitjelut It doe that was learnt that Libor la vight, Z . And that - 101l Ia disgracefel for none, • That can look undismayed at eorrosri keen , blast s And snide When God'e will Is done. ,•;• • . Rochester, Pa., May J, 1671, • 'imous. SELECT MISCELLANY A DOT'S LOVE AND NVICIDE. [From the New Toth Sea A few; mites team Birininglatm, England, at Green Lane, on the Coy entry road stands aline white dwell ing -house known- as The Cedars. Here reside the family of Mr. Patter son, a wealthy coal owner. Mr. Pat- 'enton losta great deal of money a w years ago in miningspeculations, ' has more than enough left to live easeduring the remainder of his' In Dudley, two or three milts on,Aesldes the Finch seemly, ' to are great friends of the Patter 's. The eldest son of Mr. Patter is engaged to be married to this est daughter of Mr. Finch., But r.. Finch, has another daughter,' LYN Fanny Finch, and until yester day Mr. Patterson had another son George A. Patterson, aged seventeen vests. George and Fanny . were hrown much together; they played '2h each other day aftr day; Geo: ,ways escorted Fanny in, her rides tbout the country on ponnyback, he aw her to and from school, did her true for her s went to church with - 2-Itrlitcl,grecolip - min ner, - ine - Jriginal Intimacy of the two families having of late years become greatly strengthened by theapproaching un ion of their eldest children. TL} LOVE OF A BOY AND GIRT The consequence was that George and Fanny fell desperately in love, and began to indulge in childish ens tlo•huildinn about the astonishing things which they would do. when they should reach man's and wo man's estate. This cowing to the ears of the parental Finch, he was greatly astonished Although dis posed at first to ritlitale the calf-love of the baby pair, succeeding events made I►dm think it well to hold a consultation with Father Patterson. Thu result of the Jointrunference was that George was kept more at home, and Fanny w is rendered correspond- Ingly disconsolate. George was a wild boy, however, and opposition only served to make- him ►nure de termined to hold sweet converse with the lady of his choice. Fanny met hini half way, and many clandestine confabs were held, at which innu merable yaws of constancy were in terchanged. It was mutually re solved. that all the machinations which cruel parents could devise should not be able to part them. Alter a while, vigilant Father Finch discovered his daughter's dis obedience, and I= Whether he and his lady love re ceived sound spankings into the lair gain there is no means of determin ing. At any rate, the lovers pined away in foreedexile from each oth• er's company, until, becoming des perate at last, young George contriv ed to obtaiii a final interview with Fanny, in which he told her that he had determined to start out in the world to seek his fortune. At. the end of seven years he was to come back richer than a half a dozen Tam many politicians, and claim here us his bride In the face of a reriment of such ogres as both of them voted Father Finch to be. Fanny amid her tears protested that she would remain faithful to the lover whose heroism she looked up to in awe, and thus the nearly heart-broken twain parted for the last time on earth. George was but little over fi fteen years of ace. Ile ran away from home r and shipped as • cabin boy on one otsthe steamers which ply between Liverpool and the United States. On , his return he went to Portsmouth, and ,fell in with a gang of rowdies, whogot him drunkolud kept him so while his money lasted. He then took servicein a drug store at that place, but soon becoming dis contented, •he shipped again and made two voyages across the ocean. On his last trip; about fotlr months ago, and eighteen since the memora ble LAST MEETING OF FANNY FINCH, a benevolent fluky passenger to whom ho related h Is Story took pity on him, and advised him to remain in this country, where ho would have chance of realizing his boyish wealth. She took him to her own boarding house, t 24 Wed Twenty-third street, and,shortly afterwiirds he was giveh a subordinate position in the drug store of George W. Fenner, 1.273 Broadway, at the munificent salary of $5 per week. • George was a qfilet, gentlemanly fellow, whom everybody liked. All with whom the Sun reporter waivers ed.spoke of him in the highest terms. He was industrious and regular in his habits, never touched liquor by reason of a vow he had made after the affair at Portsmouth, .and payed his way like a little man. aiwayscon triving to dress neatly out-of the scanty pittance which his board and washing left him. Shortly-after his arrival here, HE WROTE A LETTER TO UN PAW END informing them for The first Wire of his whereabouts. He received an af fectionate answer, urging him to re tolm home, Welds determination was made and be resolved to stick it out. I.Flatiastaatinuedwritlngh!mne . every mail, and has always been an swered promptly in return. His fath er never omitted to ask hint to return I t home; wherea life ofeaseani plenty waited him.' George also wrote re ularly to Funny, but wlthou avail. refused, however, to believe that young lady dale, and ascribed her sileime to the interference of 'Father Finch, whom he regarded ae the cause of all his troubles. lie was • very fond of talking about his iadyloye to everybody with whom he wale in contact--of dilating upon her person al beauty, her grace of manners, and her numerousaccbmplishments. The consequence was that he was unmer cifully chaffed by his fellow boarders and by the clerks in the drug store. Being a sensitive little fellow, this no doubt had Its effect upon him, and combined with Funny's' silence and his slow progress in getting rich, must 'have 'discouraged him greatly at times. In outward appearance. how ever; he was always cheerful arid happy, and no one suspected the can cer which was gnawing away at his reason within: - - Ea=si On Thanklay night he accompant ed.his room mate to Wood's Musern, and seemed to enjoy thoperformance amazingly., Yesterday morning he nut to his work 'as usual, and a gen tle-Man whom he served with a glass of Vichy water about 8 o'clock' In formed the Sun reperter that he Was laughing and Joking at an ur,usual rate. Shortly after .noon the head clerk noticed something strange in George's appearance, but thought nothing of it. Neither did he pay any Attention when young Patterson exclaimed :' "Oh! I want to die. lam tired.. life." . George,hatitediately stepped be. hind the 'prescription counter, and seizing a bottle of - hydrocyanic acid, put ifito his mouth. The head clerk saw the liquid - To nni ng dpw n his chin, and springing upon him, knocked the bottle oat of his hand. George murmured twice, "Fanny! Fanny! and dropped dead. ' • FRIENDLEM. Coroner Herman was notified and took charge of the body; which was removed about 6 o'clock byrthe Com missioners of c [antics and Correc tion to the Morgue, to await the in quest and pad mortal' examination. The poor little fellow was entirely without friends in this country. Un til the arrival of the dead wagon his body lay white ano stiff where it fell. The Coroner broke open his trunk and took piissessiim of all his letters and papers._ Theproprietor of the drug store threw every obstacle In the way of the reporter while the latter was en clamoring to obtain information in regard to the unfortunate lad. It IS about a dozen yearsSinee bus-. ittetes—not pleasure—took mo to Now Jericho, the terminus of civilization and the Wl.amelover 4:Railroad. And a :'haul rt id. to travel" that was. • It had !steeper 'grades, and sharper eurvta, and more of them than it is to be hoped ever-put in per il the public life and limb before or since. . . It was Saturday afternoon, and we were to reach Jericho at some indefi nite hour that evening, "time not be tug of the essence of the contract." At a. place Blueruin we stop pailtlarautttilzu There had been a cockfight, and sev eral other tights, and a big crowd there that day, and everybody was In high glee, The New Jericho delegation return ed by our train, and rougher looking samples of rustic rowdyism it woukt have been dillicu t hrtind, even in that favored‘regio nong' them' was a strapping six er, a very Hercule in proportio s, with a cock of the walk sort of swagger about I• , .who- took possession of two seats, depositing his body on one and dead-heading his labs on the other. One cheek was puffed out by an un derlying quid, while ever and anon, with a back-action Jerk, he would send near a gill of tobacco juice over his shoulder, which those in range had the privilege of dodging or ta king the eonsequynees of, as they liked. As , fur his. conversation, the curse of Ernulphus, or the table-talk of a Flanders moss room in Uncle Toby'slime, in point of inaledictory power,. was weak in comparison. At the next station a young lady came on board, as beautiful as 'Venus and modest as Dian. How so rare a dower came to bloom in such a wild, was a question to puzzle over. But there etas no time to settle it. The lady was standing and 'till these atil were occupied. 1 was on the point of offering mine, when a youthful looking gentleinee4 of prepossessing manners and uppearance, stepped forward mid addressed, the couchin n g. Ilereules HOUSE. "Allow ine,"i he said politely, "to turn over the beck of this sent. 1! . _ "lley*:" the other grunted.' The request was repeated. •'See you dod darned first," WaS the gruff response. "But. sir"—the gentleman began to expostulate. Luokee here you!" blustered the bully, "don't yty...t offer to go for to rile me! t ethic& an' 1 gives it fret', gratis, cause 1 feel a intrust in you." "But this lady Is entitled to 'a seat," the stntqger persisted. "(live her your own, then, dod rot YOU! and stop your chin Musty, or by Iloky, you will rile me!" As a last resort the genlleuian ap pealed to thecenductor, who happen ed to be passing. The latter declined to• interfere. - Such things Must left to to courtey. Besides, it wasn't his plum to take sides in the disputes of passengers. So saying, lie went on his way, punching tickets, and taking no further heed. "Dixl blast you, you hev riled the!" shouted the bully, springing to his feet, and striding up to the young man, who didn't seem quite sensible of his danger; "you've gone an' stuck your nose into other peo ple's business, an' l'm gone to pull it!" ' An attempt was made to suit the action to the word, butt before the metaphorically offending member had been so much as touched, some thing—it moved so quickly, I couldn't be positive it was the • gen tleman's list—took HerculeAbetween the eyes, and sent him sprawling to the other end.of the car. Ile didn't get up immediately, and when he' did, he seemed atittle bewildered as to whether he had/ been knocked down or the train had run off the track. Ile had hail enough, at all events, wherever It mho froni,•as was manifest from the subdued air with which he took his departure for the smoking car, • whither his coin panions soon followed, no doubt se cretly chuckling at the result, all ugu. ally do the chums of a whipped bully. l'ap Ililderkin, the proprietor - of the New Jericho Best; was the most counnunictitive of hosts. Before bed thn6 that : night, I wits thoroughlV and accurately' up"' in all the gos. Sip of the place, and had its scand al oils statistics at my fingers' ends. ' Among other things, I learned that "stated preaching" had hitherto been among the wants of the community, but that a "supply" had been at length obtained, and the new minis ter was expected to enter on his. du ties on the morrow. "And irefreshin' season he'll hey of it," said Pap. . _ THE SUICIDE. MORAL POWER OF II USCIAL 1 • Established 1818. "Why so?" I asked. "Oh, Bill Grlnky. an' Collier chum aro gala' to break Mill in terniorrer; an' of you want to see fon, I'd adwise you to go than" . And 1 did gu—not 'to see ale fun.' as Pup Illiderkln suggasted, hut, I trust,. from better :notices, Pap went too—by what prompted; I pre fdr not judging. When we reached this church, the tninistet had nut yet made his ap pwrimee, though a goodly numberof hearers had already assembltkl., • few minutes later, yesterday's dele gation to the • Blueruin cock-fight, headed by the vanquished bully, with both his eyes In full mourning sauntered in, and walked noisily down. the aisle. "That's Bill Grinkey," whispered Pap, "an' them's t'other chaps." 'Make way for the mourners," sang, out Bill, crowding, with his companions, into it front seat, where a boisterous conversation was struck up, mingled with an incevant crack ling of peanuts. ":I kin tell you Char progranamy," Pap continued; pack of shoothe crackers 'II ho touched off duriny the first hime, an' a pair of game chick ens as a couple o them chaps got in their pockets, 'll be set fightin' us soon us the fez's gin out, utter which geneted Ned 'II be In order' A sudden silence fell upon, the con gregation. Not a murmur was heard and the peanuts ceased to crack. Looking up, I saw the min ister in the pulpit ; and gu ce s my surprise at recognizing him as the young man who had struck out so deftly from his shoulder the day be fore. With a clear, manly Voice he gave . out w hymn, which was sung through without interruption. A prayer.wa offered 'up amidst profound mid de corous -silence.. Another hymn fob toms!, and then a sermon, earnest, plain, practiod, without• a word of cant in it. Front the beginning to the end of the exercise, not an un seemly sound was keard, cave a sin gle incipient crow, promptly Oloked (AT, from one of the unseen chickens: "I say, Bill," I overheard from one of "Vother chaos." as they made their way out, "that parson's A trumps ho preaches a downright good lick, am' lights fair, without bitite or gougin.' It was easy to see that the now minister's tf tutus was settkl. I have since heard that Bill Grinkey has be come an exemplary member of the church, and the parson the happy husband of the young lady as who-c champion he first achieved popular ity. Klllhag Whales by Cannon. The inventive genius of America has of late years been very largely directed toward innyruved modes of capturing fish, in which, not satis fied with comparatively rude meth (xis of hooks and lines, spears, anti even nets, an effort Is made to destroy them in a more wholesale manner.— Even the whale fishery, which for a long time has been curried on _by means of the harpoon, has, as is well known, lately been prosecuted by fir ing explosive - substances into the body of the animal with shoulder guns,-cfr witbeennons, thus disabling It very quickly. This method has been adopted by many whalers in. the Greenland seas, and has been es pecially applied of late to the taking of the large tin back whales of the Norweiglan coast. These animals have hitherto been but little disturb ed by whalers, as, although of enor mous size, (from sixty to ninety feet) they possess but comparatively little blubber, and are so active as to be rarely, if ever, successfully attacked by the harpoon. A recent writer in Land and Wa in' recounts it late visit to the estab lishwent of Herr Foyen, in the Va. ranger Fiord, where, from a small island, the fishery is prosecuted by means of two small stestmersof about .seventy tuna each. The special up ipamtus employed consists of ahar poon, inclosing in its head about half a pound of gunpowder and with join ted or hinged barbs containing some percussion powder between them.— When the whale is within gunshot, this harpoon, attached to the end of a long cord coiled around a drum, is fired from a caution about the size of a four pounder. As the flukes pene trate the side of the whale they are naturally brought together or pressed down toward tile shaft, and iu so do ing ,ignite the percussion powder, which sets lire to the gunpowder, musing an explosion in the body of the animal that usually produces a mortal wound. The wham of course starts off wider the stimulus of the • pain, and the rope is curried out fur a time, being uncoiled from the drum prMsely like a fishing line from the • reel of a fishing rod, the steamer fol lowing after to prevent any undue strain. If necessary, a second dis charge takes place which almost in variably produces death. The steamer then tows the animal back to the station, where the blub ber is taken off in a long strip by means of a properly constructed up ' paratus, after which the flesh is re moved in a somewhat similar man ner, and finally the bones ore sepa rated and hauled out. It is the in tention of the proprietor to prepare a fertilizer by drying the flesh and re- during it to pott der, and a brisk trade has armedy sprung up in Germany In this article. Tue bones are like wise to be ground and utilized in vu riuus ways,. so that, the entire ani mal—blubber, flesh and bones—will be rTut to economical purposes. The carcases of about thirty whales were heaped uji on the Mend at the time of the visit referred to, foriniitg aped hill-of very considerable magnitude, visible ut a very great distance. The proprietor stated that the factory would not answer his exifecHtationg unless fifty whales could be taken every summer. It was thought, how ever, that there would be compara tively little difficulty in securing this number; and in fact, as we learn from later inivices, over sixty in all were captured during the - season.— h arper's Magazine. —The Czar inis published a decree forbidding the Jews in to pray hinny langtiage except Rus sian. His Majesty has, perhaps, been reading Mr. Pull's admonition to the Players in "The Critic,"—"ll VULI ain't pray altogether, you had %,e ter not pray at ad." The motive of the prohibition we are left to conjecture. .1t IS very likeirthat the Polish Jews might be tempted to make sumo In cenvenient'requests if they wereper mitted to address the Deity in A lan guage, like Hebrew, which the po liee do not understand ; and the Court of St. Petersburg. therefore purposes to stand between its subjects and the Almighty to prevent the poor Jews from getting what would not be goixi for them. This is mrrying government to its ultimate develop ment.e The Ritual, however, pre-. scribes for certain oveasions a "silent prayer." Is it forbidden to think in Hebrew ? .LTlieremas a panic in the audi ence during a pellormance of the cantata of Esther in Packard Hall at Greenville the other night. Two cmcking'sounds were..hcani, which, in spite of the efforts of one or two gentlemen to preserve decorum, caus ed wild excitement, men• rushed• headlong down stairs, women scream ed and children wept. The Argils says: "One young man was seen to clasp two ftinting dulcinas to 'his breast." We think his pre etice of mind was admirable. TUE'BEAVEIi AkGvs Is publishes! overy"Weilneaday In the old Argus building on Third Street, Boa rer. Pa., at It: per year In advance. • Counnunlcatlons on subject& of local or Iteneral Imam* aro respectfully so 'bins]. To Manic attention favors of tills kind mutt Invariably bo accorops• niod by tho name l,r Um author. ' Lunen' sod onuinunlcations abould bo lublressed to "J. WE:YAND, Beaver, Pa. A Number ,of ~ What is it bull? The hind deflni thin we have lesird Ls: When you see twelve cows nil lying newn on the gruse.. anti one of themetaniling up, that one's a bull. "'low is your hatband this morn ing Sirs. Quiggs "Why, the doc tor says us how Mho lives till morn ing he shall have some hopes of him; but IfL. he don't he must give him up." An Irish ,gentleman, heraring of a dead having a stone coffin made fur himself, exclaimed: "By my sow!, an' that's a good Idea! Shure, au' a stone milli: utl last a than his life time." • An Irishman wenV to live In Scot land focit tihort time, but be didn't like the country. "Lwas sick all the (line I was there," said lie; "ant) If I bad lived there till this time "I'd been deal a year ago:" a • It was at the dinner Of an Isiah aet sorlation that,the folldwlngteast- was given: "Here's to the Vreskient of the Society—Patrick O'Hafferty; an' may laa eat the chicken that scratches over his grave. ,, - The - author of a recent work on; India defends -Ste climate of the( country,whictr he says t is paucipaliy r dangerous to persons who do not take [proper care of themselves; and as an illustration of this fact, he quotes the remark of *e Irish gentlemen in reference ;to 'Europeans in Indh:: "They eat; and drink:, they drink and eat, and then they die, and then they write home to say that the climate has killed tin 111. . . The Detroit Teita une'saya that a resident of that city, who lives oa a tashionatble thurouglitre, observed a man he did not care to see, coining toward his dour, and hurriedly in structed Bridget to tell the person he was'not ut home. "All right sir,' said Bridget as she made haste to answer the door bell. "Is Mr.—at home?" inquired. the culler. "Faith an' he's guile out," responded the,' obi:client servitut.—"When will he bit ut homer' It the man at the dour, "Iluuld uu a minute," put la • Bridget, 'lan' Pit ax 41m t"• A :New farmer want ed a limn hand,and was applied to by un lrishinan who wanted to wont. The farmer ohjected to engaging Pat on the ground that two Irtstuatin previousiy iii his employ had died am , his hand... "Then you object lo hiring me tur,that do ye?" said Pat. "Faith and I can bring you moan mendatious from many u place I've tvtiatvi that I never played such a track. Taitlen. 4 Every comniunity is cuml with a class of people wlip make it their bus inters LOWletill to every laxly '9 &Ifni rs but their own. Such people are the pooreft specimens of humanity which exist upon this blighted earth. It is well known that almost every per -15011 is SOllleiltried (HSI/Odell to speak evil of others, and tattling Is a sin frum width towyean claim to be en tirely exempt. Iliut the ohject of this present artlele is to speak of that distinct class of tattlers who make tale-bearing the constant buisness of their lives They - pry into the pri vate affairs of every filthily in the neighborhood; they know the exact state of one neighbor's feelings to ' ward another • they • understand ev erybody's faults, and no little blun der or tuistletutsmor ever eaeape s their watchfulnists. They are well posted upon everything connected with courtship and matrimony, and know whoare going ktraitery whom, and can gutSs the exact time by ev ery movement of pardiss suspected of matrimonial intentions, had,, if there is the slightest chance to create a dls turbance, excite jealousy, orr"break up" a match, they take advantage of it, and'do all in their power, to .keep people ill state of constant vexa tion. They glide quietly hem gen tleman to lady, from mother to daughter, trout hither to son, aid In the ears of all they pour their bitter whispers of slander and abuse, and, at the same time, pretend to be the most sincere friends of those talked to. Their nausvils ping" of slander are sugarcoated with smiles and words of friendship. Tattlers are (Thinned to 1/0 partic ular class. and they operate among them all. We find them among the! rich as the poor—"upper ten" and the "lower nilltion," in the church and out of it. Tiny are people whii have no higher ambition than to bet %well informed iii regard to other pet,- 1 tole's private buisness, to retail stun der to their neighbors, and to exult in fiendish triumph over the wound ed feelings and bruised heurtsta their innocent vienneo. Snioltibg "Mamma," s a id Frt.'s! desperately, "is there any harm in smoking a vine,or oak-leaves twisted up?'' "The vine stem and the oak (caws are harmless, certainly. But why do' you wish to appear like a .smoker of ,tobacco? It certainly does not im 'prove your looks or 'your manners. Boys often get the idea that it is manly to smoke. (iirls,think differ ent. Both buys and men lose.a part of their manliness in their eyes ny soon as'lliey are sVCII with a pipe or cigar in their mouths." "I'nele John smokes real tohecco, too." "Yes; and nick John is esteem ed in spite of his bail habit, not be cause of it. Tile use of tobacco never mists one in the regards of the pure and good." "Of course," said Fred positively. I Arlin never be a smoker. "Then I would not seem to Wane. think you never will be a drub kard, hut it would mortify Inc to see you on ithe streets pretending to be drunk. Fred sat in thoughtful silence for a while, and then he said : "Mother. 1 think I'll'go over and have a talk with Molly." —Adviceifrom Bogota, New-Gre nada, stutO that 40 boosts in 'Villa Valencia were destroyed by a conflag ration. —The old,Paci tic hotel, and a num ber of frame buildings in Little Val !ley, Cal., were burned on Monday. Loss, slo,noo.' —Peter N. Chase, a shoe-dealer of Lebanon, N. IL, shot himself last week while deranged from grief, eaustd by the (tenth of his wife. 1 —The Indiums of Terra del Fuego; murdered the captain and three sail- Ors of the brig Propontis, while in the Straits of Magellay. —TWo trains came 111,C011181011 near South Berwick, Me., 'on Monday. 'Both engines and several can were damaged to the extent of 4 4000. No person was injured. • —A heavy thunder-storm visited New-Orleans on Monday. A house, in St. Cloud-st, was struck by light ning, and Mrs. these instantly kill ed, and Mrk. Helmke seriously injur ed. —At Whin, Winniesidek county, lowa, a few days agu, Mrs. John Lar , her smothered her infant (three weeks old). and then eommited suicide by throwing herself under a train iof cars. —Rowdyism at Sunday pic-olos has become so outrageous at SuU FrancisCo, that the Ronituk Catholic, clergy, by order of the Archbishop,. are exhorting their congregations to abandon them altogether. —A highwayman shot ono rilowlo near Marysville. Cal., on Monday, knocking him off his horse; and rob cogenii bing hi ed the him; Bowgiewaynu hi subdequentla h m vllle and had him arrested.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers