ADvEirrokti.vrii,. w Advortisemonta are inserted at e rata of 81, 'par ware for AIM inuarttotr t ond• for eltch anbaegoent Insertion ISO berritg, A liberal illaeounnoade ..ou ..yoarty. f i ad.; .yert.baaanu4 A afore equal to !Uri. Hai; aqtlita'tiiii . • -weasnrega taitude: Ituidnoas Nohierra mat under aird ; by tbonaadves tiarueiltatoly - sittOr3Uti 11..W4 will be charged ten mita a line for e4ch inecattotn - , - •• •-•- • • .I•lrertiaemefedi should' it lian . dedin before Monday noon 'to Inaurajneertion that week's parlor. . •Bo'si9; . ess,,ry : Hitiven, L , CoYLE, pi S,. and .13* eler, !Mild t tioet . Deaver. Px.ln a mril .ho P - I! , it it brag Stars. *Pr 19 ;7 7 ; 1 7 EEtuhN, Auori.y • nt liar; 063 ead • , cod of Tidal street:Beavnr: loara47o:l l U. J.l id 24ErTZ,PATII -Miami) Ilumitix. I- , Special at ' ;a Irestoontol Fatale lli.esses. Hto Allgo_4011••• meat, • foollpors wo told..o,4l*WOOS'Nkparil oly JOEM 1100H0211 dearlants, 0115, - pare model & MIII , Oars .wcazittops h . l i d ly F e r r y= . - , :, , • s t ... p 4 ri; tdalti.)laouracturer and Dealer in. Boma, Shmirendlialterr Mite itt t pepftly -13 EITEITAIII0j300; — / 1 /1"; Mruirglet t Apothecary,. San lit.C.Preialltr . tlons carefully compounded. " • (sepllhty J ANDURSON, Dealer In the imptaredloll. t - . 71. eon Shuttle Sewing Machine; Ken et.. See cord In another cabana. wormy EACOX Mrs. IL ) Trimehinga; Third et Seaver. ' 0111,17 '7f.illk:l3 MOORE. Groway .4.Resttierant • Chotee J Tess. Bed Co ff ees, Tobacco led Cigars; COe ketiesery and Vegetables. Maid at. . septEtl.7 Sum's. I/. ae. West stud ad at. ‘.e..ll!Jfi rit *: — lii!VolitT Pa insurance agent. Beaver. '1 • OM and get your property thawed. octUdy PITTSBURGH. M ORG.% NSTERN. Dealer In biota .k Shoes, el No Pa Market St. Pittsburgh, Pa. I cepl4;ty en no, initiillaricetg.j e A r ..C l l l B l.l . O i;i tla u kgkersail k. t p all i 7; 1 (MEM 11ORNE; CO, 77. t el Pitiaborgli—importera and dealers In Natlntly, Trimmlogy,MoGyry, White Goody, lke. • taplU, 7777 EYIIIRR & FIROTELERS, Frenclina Amert it can Confectlnnera. Dantean, as note, Amin , . Sr. PM, 1%3. VW Wood St. PRleburiih, N. ~IURR . Ilriler In chinen teas, Cofforial 1). Family Groomici. No 29PItlh Acenna, POW burnt,. Pa. acpl4;ly. TORY 1110“ WV k SON. Dealer, in the Naar t) Weed Family Sewing Machines. 116 Illartet .streel. Ploohn .R. sepltly • C & Co. Dealers in Car -1 rms. Oil Cloths. fie. Special rates to Clergy. 21 Ftnh Avenue. Pittsburgh. Pa. [agility P. Huccessitr to J. N. Ito Ttl. Dealer In 1 4. Watches. Clocks.Jewelryfi !Myer ware. NU hi Fihb Avenuo. Pittsburgh. tarpttly 11' A. 1,11 /NS, Hoppe and Sign Painter, write. • to order Ski)... Car& fur every boalneaa.— /No. 7 Fifth Avenue, Pittrbtirgh, Pa. taepSlfif ;r f , C. FULTON:Nfn3aFiiiii,i7o/17dtiiataiin 1. I • Furniture and Chaira:—llneearood. Walnut, iehogany and Oak. 4585111111101 d at. rootsily ' NEW BRIGHTON. ' r)HOSPECT MOUNT MLR/3EIIIM ver• I greeno and 'mall Fruit.. Mow `mile* r oet. or New Brighton. (mrKO) . 7... THOMAS. • I n 1 t it her n risqt stn .2..11;; gtg: . (koccesso r re It; 1...-11.-No fetOrLly EO. F. BLBMON. Bakery IS BontetionerY; - I It. B. street. Special attention even to teed .l.ozs and " (septikly w A: SNEI..I.ENHEItri, Merchant filers.— lirntitrity, Neer Brighten. 8e Ade rtrittily WilltiLEß. Dentist. Broailtrny, New I`. itriehton. ' I I 11 ' 1 ' 1 ! ,7ivay Pt .l th est pKo h Co r graH l le in fratri l" reTo h n ' et ~1 Itt.:111% (F111:4:1 I NTER. BEDISON. Jewelers anitTobac el:odors. Broadway. N. Briohtoo., [sapll;ty tyl 4 - 1101trittli, Groterlia.. .Queenswarn nod ,) (nods. Broadway. irepßly VA Si In Wall Booka,Stationeery S Notlool; Brood. ,r. New Br! •Idon. Pa. [aeo2l.lly 1 . :11I STEIN FELD,Deokr. In Dry Goods, FancrOooito L Notions; '3lerrbant!two cannier,. Dynacitsny. octi`.l4ly BEAVER FALLS. ? ILLIAU EOREItTt ON. OeuU i In Im uored V? llolre Sewll )InCblnce. MainSl..,Bearer I 111 S. g iiiNll.—ltry Goodx. Querenswirn nud I Nlllllttery. corner of Main and Baker !treefe. B , tr Falb, iiiip 4 .,t.f. - .olAriNgY7Aitfakrii7c , i NI Et- IN. 21.3, llonse pod litgu Pultiter, lidp St., Seaver • nottly FLEIIING: !Wider In Boots' and ShoOa of -el' deo,. Nino. at low• pleas, and 14 a +n. ...a. _ ' alntl Baur Pall.. Pa, ianISO • .. , BRIDGEWATEEL IfOR II EH/EGGER, Moose and Sign Pain- T ter. Bridge St.. Bridgewater, Pa. aprlllitly BREHM treet Bridgewater. Pa. . I/onto:in. Bridge e Gold and Vt'atchee, Clocks'. Jewelry and Sliver• Ware, Spectacle., dc. Watch. (lock. afidli-velry repaired. (febtr7l:ly VISIEI. MILLER . Farhionatile Tailor. None I ex,.erleneed workmen employed. Shop ,-;; ridge Kt.. Bridgewater. Pa. -'7l'eh _n .1;1y. AMES PORTER. Thew. Biller in Tin. Cop. ri per and Sheet-Iron wllre, oral iron 11,tern !imp.. Bridge ci. Bridgewater. (rept-WY BLATTNER. Itannfamorer and Renter I to 1 • Book mid Shaer. Bridge St., Bridgewater. II I'ItST. liiy tiood. Hats Caps. Furs, _1 ..t • inlets. Oil (Ileitis and . Trimmlngs. Bridge •.1 Brl ' ilgewater, PA sepl4;ll, r DOHERTY, Llealerin Boots and. Shoe& F/ • [kik . ..Street, Bridgewater. sepltly IFANAIIEit, Yrinimipgs Notions I. Bridget.. Bridgewater. sept iity 1 V. WEINMAN, Manura - iiiire a Boots and I Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (sq . ] tly rits. Ouutlemen'irellitfitog air unwed and pressed. Water St. above Bridge. (apt I;ly I 01IN WOODRUFF, Marble Cutter ; Mono. / meats di Tombstones) or all descriptions made • f.rder. PA. Merkel and Water streets. sepOdy . STILES .4 CO. Lirts , oties, titieensware, r) • dew da-s, Floor, Feed & Country Prodnee. Allne's corner, Bridge St. Bridgewater. Lootay II ;LIM NIE.CiOit, Ilealerlo Blonong-thell 1 Coal. ;Orders left nt J B. Clark's, In Beaver, tpti at smith's Drug Stun% In Bridgewater. will be ;.;..lopti, attended to. Cash on delivery—Lowest ford—Mcllon*ld's Point. eaTta;ly, ROCIIESTEB 1 f NKlN 4 —DeAter to Boob, Shoes nod (::d-' 1 ott , nod nutitto for Sler'n Sew tog 1114 r ]en York and It 11. Stn. Ito og choler. (rbtatly' Glinotalth. New work, or the li.,t tonterlnl, monde to murder. Al work o .11:mmited. Reptdritig neatly dour. Puttee', Lnw n o un ttt.. Itoth.o , tor. 11 jnultt:ty NV V. ILL FancyDry . thurira - ; Ns.. [lnns and Millinery. Mall-on at., near Dia mond. Itocneiter. Pa, ' 11RNLI LAt•P, Muuutacturer and Dealer In Fundture of nil hi Its. ilrighlon it.. above Factory. See ...Isl. • tiro) 4:ly 1' oitN KsituitKtt, Viler and Conformal... T...- .el Water Cl.. Ittsheiter. ticpll;ly ,1 NG ICA lIAM 110111, Warm. at Carriage Maker. 1 Railroad Itoche..ter. Pa. fiepl4:ll , A Uka. C. lIANNEN, Druggi•L I . reicrip• tiono carefully compounded. Water it., r.heiter. lirpLtty. Chronic 1 / dlieasei made a rancidity. tidier, ruttier of Itilmond and Bridals its., Itochester. PI:VIA:EIf dONS, .• holeiale4Retail Deal -1-1 et, in Dry tioodi.C.iticerlei.Flour,loed.tiraln, 'tool •loriv.ln.s.a..Nallo. COT. Willer it Jammu. eßaker and Confectioner.— • 11'edtalue Cakes and Ice Cream funfliked. Un Diamond. Rochester. tient lily ( `t II SALE by .1. OILA'EIt.I ILvdt nurture - I tor I °reign 4. lioun..itte Dry Goodo. Nuflotei. I:Mt...lnv old Fancy Goods generally. Water •itoiLltocheiter. I'o. • (icl.l4ly MILI.EIt et CO- Conlraclor. and Ltulltleri. .1 1 • M. nu theturer• of Sorb. Ifoori. dilution; 4.0. ‘I ni I.uniloei Lath AC. Ilocheiter. li..pll;ly . l"r. 110 Y LI: W/LLlTORl,:ihrtioitrriTo C.' !mkt. It Co., DralelY In Sewell and Planed 1.4111 Sii Itocheiter spite ly )lilt elm LIVERY STA lILIS COAL YA 10-no On. It. It. elation and I Ilito river. ocliely C/1111 . .41 . el (AK:e n kor in 'l'ip.Copper and 'Sheet Iron War. Roodug, , i.onting, de., attended to. d. York it., actiq ly lIFFLER CLARK. proprletoriot Join - talon , lions, Good and plod Pia e, Near R. R. Depot. oc119:17 I ift - rtiltfait, ftealer In BOOT*. tihoei,Galieri, 4.e. Repairing Ilona neatly and promptly. • on tho 1/hunond, Rucbeatcr, -'octlttly ' .1.1:11II/ et, Manufacturers of II • II nal*, Baggles. Spring,Tacnni, dc. Blacksaanhing and Itorreshoelng in the but manner. Rochester, Pa. 'mollify E.IlhT LIVEUPOOL, 0 TA ti l: SIIENKEL.--/L general annortment of 4 , tt ,. roeerte,.• Qneensware, Stoneware. CIIIILII I a.e. Cor.nd & Broadway. . nowtkly Bocta CO—Auden 1 1V. .1° eparn `1.1....41-Ctotheif:Queennware, tbabwrire, Hood, ny S Cool: nts. E. Liverpool. (noS;ty \ HILL'S. CO, Dronglit. Itroadway.near Preocriptiongt carettilly and accurately wpuuuded• febltlit 2 11 1SiCE4LAZiECIVS. THORNlLEVAlsnufaiitorernif 16e _Holt 7 : 1 .1 s n : • A 1,1,; 'Ayr uri , sELL, Mirtifeetu.rfr. i.„.,,,rfte.gaztls k. al u te ,r at i ti 10. .4 . vala:t p X y . ..!V tour — O - f Ilri n for the purpose of procilcing re.Dectrolly tender nly prollwriunid in MCddrena of maid Tillage nod Tinfoil/. orn,. in trxideller, opposite Eagle lintel, wlirro 'hod niece y*, be found. sinless_ prufooluiful _nore ly "od. AU cells will reeraire - trilmrdlaitewnd Poulin! sue talon. A. V. CUNNINGHAM, N. D. . 11, (1 .11C)11t41..1. THOMAS M P OREERY & 00 TltoS.. arcreseuv, J. r.'pitAvo f • •,..• P. APPPEL. • J. R. WCRERRY: • •'.' . . • ln tere;r paid on lime tendons; Ptonsit att mittens zlt P. collections. Also, Insuranes Agents for end reliable Companies. ',11,914:18tf III) en r .A. 43 de illqr..—Th° krm or *Mc Inetitullon will open on be 151 h or Mott neat, to.cantipoo 34 tee*" Pg. term.. ac wiir to C. letrt;3m • =Mil g cf (A •• . NO. • J. Vol Miscellaneous, Dry Goods, Carpets &c. *ROWqPOK 4113X,1qCEtygt, %Mk Iceleilmi" gIICCESSOIRS TO SIOL'L. .00111:0N, 138 Federal Street, Allegheny., Tile GIABAMIT CARPET. , spd 000D81.10 egg I a:fife TWo OPOP.CARPET only 211Leenni per y'd, AND AT ALL PRICES. ke aie Aghtits fur some of thii beet. Car : per 3lanufdelurett In this country, And we cnp offer Extra Ifiducemcliti te' BuYera Come and be oar Colitidede .LINE OF DRY GOODR.sind tivatillne oar Pperior wide No. 1 Brown .111uslins, very heavy, at 12;i" cts; and all'other goods at 140/smilingly low prices. Don't forget to sive us act I,l3dredund Street. ~• •. N. R. Mr. IL .8, OLIVEfi. fialesuut, for tuirly of Beaver county, w ould be pleased 'to see Ids loony friends. 1 [uptlaut ' aonx t. senowArs.a.sniniaza. . ago. FTZTULLN U. J. stFriass,CaaVr SPETERER do ~IcDU~TALD BANKERS, ll'ater . SY.,..ltocheater, • Or Inter .t pald'on Time Ddpoolta. Collse lions promptly atteuded to. Government Cbuponit• lkolght on Favorablc. fairreqxmdOce bbiicllttl w:: i `t . Insitaamt , Roller For, • The 4Loirt.3:Lroist., • . ~ . . Itgilng •been efttfieMl - with t hat tined.' atilt; phdat—eoutpletely undttlag twelve bantams for week, eta time—for the UM year., and at last Mond a remedy that Ores histantand Cbmplekftelkj, have. eongindEd to .bale it pretemmi 'for sale: eio Met other* similarly Minded can receive the ben• ettkot lt, asearier them that , 'II will dO all, and more lhariall prom ised for ill an& that peivono once ruing, win nem ha with ant It, . As numerous offers who hare used it • • can tea &. Can hi had at the Drug Mum of WILLIAM 11. BUECIILINU. Rochester, Pa.. Or will be tent br 'mall to soy address as receipt of one duller. 'Eta ten cent. to pay pottage. CIIAS. B. HURST. T 10 • 16 , 11 h 1 Y) • Itocitesien, Deaver county, Pa. JAN: CAME R ON, Attitroey ; at Law llenvef, Pa. Office 'ln the .rafts for• merly ocenpled by the late Judge' Adams. Col-. Mellon', in., promptly atteded to. teptlolk 1 y. • • 2,5, atifiVallw Bridge Street, • BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY OF WOOS IN EACH OF THE YoI.LOWING DEPARTMENTS:. 1311.1" Ci 400135. 'Steubenville Jeans, Casaiineies anti &Gana% While Woollen blankets . .. - White nut! Colored nail Barred Flannels„ Mem." 'Delninea, .• Ginghamn, • • Colierga,' Lawns, Water:Proofs, Cloths, Wocillen Shawl& BroWn and llhick Muslin., ' Tickiugs, • Priu s, • . ..••••"; Cunton • "Flannels, Joennels, . 'fable Linen, ' Irish Linen, Crash, Counterpanes. Glnvca . Coffee, Ten, Sugar, Molasses, White BllrerDrlpa, Golden and Common Syrups. Mackerel In bar. rel. and kite. Star and Tallow Candles, noao. Spicer and Mote Meat. Alpo, BALT. =MI MUM Hardware, - Nails, . Glass, Poor Locks. Door Latched. Ghiges, Sari,. Table Cutlery. 'table uud Tea Spoons, Sleigis Bell.. Coat Foxes. Fire Shovel's and Pokers. Nails and Glass. Spades, Shovel.. 4, Sand 4 'I Ina Forks, Raked, Scythes and Snatb.. Corn and Garden Hoed,. • WOODENWARE. • OEM Docked, Tune; churn.. Batt OIL er Prlnti And ladles CARBON, Linseed Oil & White Lead. BoOts,and Shoes LA DI .111SAV AND CIIILDBENt3' SLM. • In great entlety. • title POwder. and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. vioei Veenll. %II heavy 'goo& delivered free of charge. 111 clime attention to buslneer, and by. keeping ennxtdrilly on baud's welt avant ted stock of roods of ill the different kinds usually kept In a country atorn,lhe undersigned hopes to the future es In the peet to merit and receive a littera! share of the poldlcpatropage. H. rtAzziGr dee2.3114:1y.-.lyiehgd. 13=1 & Co. Contractors and Builders;, PLANING - MILL AND :IMlEWilltitueirAZDa Doors, !Saab. AND SHINGLES Constantly on lincls, nod made to order 11.0elleStter, Pa. Orders by mail .will receive prompt at. cabal). A cilnialulentraltcilefi Zecittly/6.—The undentlgned having been appointed admin. Ignitor of the estate of N 5 11140 Ramsey, deceased,' hate of 'llenoter township, Mower count hereby hetines all persons tOdebted to said 'estate abut Immediate payment le required. Ali persons huhu: claims against mad estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement.' aprltqw.l X FRAZIER. Adner. MEYRAN & SiEDLE, Sllccessibta to REINEMAN, 3IEYRAN at SIEDLE, COLDFifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.• COLD AND B:ILVERSMITIfS, And dealers FINE JEWELRY, ' ' I WATCHES. DIAMONDS AND SILVER PLATED' WARE. Agency for all the best makes of mr.A. , rciums. SETH THOMAS CLOCKS.' Special Attentionpaid'tn the'repalring and adjusting of FINE WATCHES. oct5:10-1y. Brighton : Paper BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A, PRINTING, MA.N7I 7 ItLA, •• ROOFING, BAILING, 1111041w*re, Clas!siir. A&IY, cARPET 3E. DiAIcuiTA.C"I'VELED AND SOLD AT * Retail by aalaffi fig?. 02 Tided At . uk.7l"u"k z. • .‘• te:•!.,: '• • 1 • ; • -,.. • ';','-, ll,:.:*'iii.''," RAILMI?MM , IL: FT.winii a ethoum i u . and alter Doer. 44,= . 4 411*Iono dallyallastikli Main lambs Exacitosit= PI 17.1 awn liaMi t t. ll , 1 les*Aa eltaly] • ' ' ' ' *laliert wait Ilium A - - 14 - ,itolu - rTic_ L. 2_ll, ikir lic ,.. v 11 , :.: ' 1::; ''. iii gal Cantoa.., ..... Xis.llion =ill2 r:ezz WrapMlL Crestfte,f Bin= i Uoorest pper tianduk;.:l tus. ' I Van Fort Ways*. '' ... Colarnbta" Waruw • Iyasonth .. .... %alpinist) . ... Chicano... ' • 1= ..... Valparaiso Plymouth. olumbla. - Port Wayne t • vu Wart. Io Forest • - - • Upper flastliakyi., pngtw ;...... ...... • • - • • ithistune TIT Wooster..., ...... , 11.4ssilloo2"' , Cana ntoo) - • Alb Salem. . . ..... Rnebester l?lltaburgb $ lab , Tounpstowit, New, t i e-:and Ede Express Imes Yonnsstown al LIU p. m: Neti;CasUe, ft:00 p.m; &rites at Pittsburgh, 610 p. NetrumME. Imes Plltobargh'7:ol.l C. nu arr.' at :New Castle. Meta. m. Ifeuristsra. 1010. TeusgstOwn, New Castle and Pittsburgh' Ae boatmodidim leaves Youngstown. ISM a, nu Now Comte, 9.10 a, m; entree at Allegheny, A. m. leaves PlEsbargb, S:00 p.'et; ar rives New Castle,446 Dm. • • P. It mrsßs.- ' Gaterai Deserver tad Tyke Agny. -•- - CLEVELAND d PITTSBVItOII RAILROAD. Ou and sae Mar 110 indne 411-lane suit.= dallroJeubyto cmcogOid) as (dirs. STATICAL ii NATL. Rzer,lliecOul • Ciera41d.;..t..:.'!2145411 =Par 1210111:11 • Redid Street .' I. - - •.. liallsin I 963 1 83 ' 1 iiii - Ravenna.. .. .•...i 900 155 . 540 I Alliance 1130 235 I filo I Bayard,. ..........Faterit and .. • - - Wellierillo..-....., i „135. ' 430 . I ...: : -.... . . IfATIOXs. '' M AIL. Falrit.taccOli ... • ' •=....-,- , ,.......-:-..l—' Wellsville "I 1190.010 703r* Bayard 111015 1 IRS ! Alliance • , 7135 ' 71.5 7153x Ravenna 1 , 110,0 1511 1 MIS 1 Hudson 11153 1 834' 1 651 Euclid Streetl i . I . I Cl eveland 1 iiii 1 iii '., ila 901 N O VAT. svations. / ,Accosi , MAti.. I 8.13 0 6,Acc05. ails* l 5434.01.... Writ 4illyis lricpc:rt u .. ; . ..... 11 0 ~ .... 110 41D Wells:9le .. 11 spy 1• j1,,,1,... :13 635 Smith's Ferry 11. .. .... .... Deliver .. Rochester. ..:.....d, 915 255 610 • ; Pittsbutyli..: ..... ' 1055 MO IC , 4 .• anttrO Tam sTATIOXS. II MAIL. i lig - W. — AccOIA6CCIII 4....--... Pittsburgh I I r.lsBis 310,1415,0 • Rochester 1135 410 537 : . Beaver I, kbrilltes'Farry' 11. . . Wellsville 1 1.. .. nin , iao Stoubenvllle..:-.11 WA . COO 795asi fridgepott. 1110 .791 815 Bellair e 111115 733 620 TIitiCARAW Leaves N. Philadelphia, 640 a. m. Bayard, kid a.m. F. R. NIKTERS. Oen Jfi4wigiLaneouos.• SILKS, SILKS, SI I 1... lE. IS. ItrU Lines of Bonnet and Pbruton's Celebrated Rl4, l ck Silks• liood 31e‘Duin Black French Silks. from $1 to $2 pe yard. Cheney ro.'s American 131ack Silk, $2 per yard. Fancy Dfeas "Silks In Stripes, Checks and Plain ( olurs-l-a complete assortment. Japanese Silks, all (mallties. • Irish asidTrench Poplins; 31olinir Lua tres. Wool Delnizies Spring Empress Cloths. Black lirenadiutw end Henan'. -All New Maligns In Spring Dress Goods. Nei - Spring Shawls. ° silk &tames and Basques. Ladies' Suits. - ' Nottingham mid Tandainred Lace Cur tains, Chintzes, Printsand ENNEI32 WITH A FELL LINE OF 4 Domestic and Hooscieging Goods. James\ :Caldwell. U 8 and 120 FedetAl Street, Allegheny J. MOORE UGG-IST, 'Prescriptions Carcjittly and AM:irate ty Cbmpoimded. TUE iEST BRANDS or ASSORTED Mediolrial WINEB AND LINK r" mint as ,• Oile . DYE STUFFS: Alil4 k COLORS; GLASS & :PUTTY-. _ . Special idtaullna given to Min Md bell; cinallt, of. Tampa and Limp Ttlmmlp g a , Laiterns an. ; 41 : :400 Ve 41 Berfnafgg of' , • I ) TOILET ARTICLErs, BoAPS, :13FLUSEIES Ar.. PATENT MEDICINES Mali Stmt., Sean! Ps. ' • PeeLnoti• J. H. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Thirdeireet, Bearer ; fib.. . Office below the Coast Maas, Boner, My( WCLAIMS chalet In Boots. If V Shod, Gaiters, Slippers, 2c, next door to Porters. Tin shop, Bridle street, Bridgewater. everything is preparW to insunticture and sell to hb line at ressonside rates Bar b/ moored Ids place lesslaste Ann the com er near the Bridge to his preeentlocation, he Tn yi te.iita 012 grhtnlils sad panne BITIV, IIII a' call. farlirat/7. =BEM I • •IC fl , .''. '^~i~ ~,~llllti i ~_ -REMINDER =ICU • win ter* Y folara. , * Lame ia 44- To Detitillated Persons, : • - • DytitW • • —. - To'Hulfere e rect*lnLiverGbasplaint, t 7 To' Mini lifiving-iloAPPetittc theisrlviitiDMoin Down.. Can ,t; stituilons, To Nervotoy people, • ; iTti ClillirenVirasting Away, , To tiny With treblUtated Digestive • • •.1 Or ...511fering tria a*/ of the following Dpptom,S, telikli indicate Disordered rer or Voniach, . • each ea " - Vonailner pll Shad to - • • • , •• n ilea& Acidity at Dar • IV gu i le far leeod,Fill- • • • 'nem. ete Weikel in the Staleaehe • Soar.4eactetkeat Slaking or, Vint !Masai theglt of Stameetialm• minx, al the Real, Henkel old Dittletilt Gil Ei '~ It= iii::. • Iltiir El Gr 4 195 '44.3 'II2IEI ffiiY • • • • • 0: 1 Tiin • EIII 1135, kii 1 114:3 Lrxr EZECI IMEI SOOAsi tireathbu • ins or /Muerte; Sanwalons when in 'Wog .11'osture, Dimness otVlsten,Dots or Webs be awe the tatarier sad Doll Pains In the Nem, of Perspire/lon, Yellow. . • tom of the n sad itres. Pain in the ' trideJlerk;Oliest, an.; L Bu tashe Flo stin. ot h, U epe st, itaat :, • . laisirlutea= . • 1100FLiNFS OBRI Effie $ , * Biafra, witic,l4 dleohot,cir rs)rirife ipf • . ; ( MP, kked• - Inclifferprit from 411 titters. It; is eom rened,cd the pure Juices, ot,l7ltall Prin• elgile of Roots. net bli and Barks, (oi ua wedicinallylermeil Extracts,) the worthless Or Inert 'portions of the ingre.• tiliente . riof belt% Med: Therefore; In one Bottle of thee' Bitters there le contained as milch tnediclnal virtita es oil! be found in several' gallon* of . ordinary mixtures. The Roots, &e., used in this Bitters, era grown in Germany, their vital principles oatmeal in that country by a scientific Clicmist4 and !Prevented. to the manufee l. tarp .In eity,• Where. they are aim pounck-d.,and, bunted. Containing no epitituaya Mgr:4lo l li ;this Bitten la free from tliapbjcetioys urged against all oth ers: no they° for "allintilenti can be in. deceit from theit'uSe, pey cannot Make drunkards, and cannot under any circum stance*, have any hut a beneficial - effect. NOOFLAND'S GERMANTONIC, ir=rl ift3 =:Pi GI %al eel i . a.ll 1160 SO MOAN ' iiio Vorz nos 111oni Wae.compounded liw.thoto not indium] to extreme bitters, and is intended for use in casts when s o me alcoholic stimuleot is _required in connection with the Tonic properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of ite Tonic contains one bottle of the Bit term, combined with pure SANTA CRUZ RUM, and flavored in such a manner that lbc extreme bitterness of.the Bitters is overcome, homing a preparation highly agreeable and plea ant to the palate and containing the medicinal virtue of the Bit ters. Thu price of , thin Tonic is $1.50 per Bottle, which many persons think too high._They idiot take into consideration that, te atimulent used Is guaranteed to be Of a 'nary quality. A poor article could be furnished ata cheaper price, but is it timt hetter:to:pay a little msen-and have a vast article.?A medicinal preparation should contain thine but the best ingredi• cots; and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and be benefitted by tt will most certainly be cheated. ' Int&Nell. Arrives 741slrd. 945. a.m. . P Tselustailmiephis AUpm Agent. German Bitters, • - BOCIPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, PODOPHYLLIN PILL BLOOD Known to the Medical world, and will eradicate diseases arising front' impure blixaßDebilit3 of the Digestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, fn a shorter Owe than any other known remedies: The Whole Supreme Court of Perm's SPEAR. FOR THESE RE3I EDI Kri. 13740 would aak for more Dignified or Stronger• Testimony! ilon2Geolaux W. Woonwskojornierfy Chi( Jus tice of Me Suprrrne Ctord itensyrroti a, of present Avothorof Coogrm from Ptorayteania, writes: Pnanxt.guta, Starch la, I find .11notlaad's German Bitters , " Is a good tonic, useful lutliseases 01 the digc tire mans, end of great benefit In caste of debility and went of nervons uction In the syetetn. Tour. tray.. OROlllik. W. WOODWARD. Doe. JAMES THO > M. no. Chit . Joefire of Me Nu. prem. amyl of Pausal/tram PHILADELPHIA. April :ki,IFLT. I consider floofiand's Getman Bitters a talon •hleatedichte In cane of attacks of Indigestion or Dyepepsia. Icahn certify this from no experience of It. Tong, with respect, JAMES THOMPSOSi. • lion. Grottos linanswoou, Aorta qf a: Supreme l'ourt y Dann:ea/do: PHILADELPHIA. JUDE I. IBC& I have foetid I v :ex en perice Mut iloortand'e ittermen lltto 4 a very good took, rellevlog, [dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. tiIIAUSWOOD, Ilan. Wm. F. Itozers, Mayor of the City of Buffo • . 10, Nvo-Yort• e Mayor's Ofidca, Buffalo, June 2R, ItaZ. I have tired - Ike,Amid's German Bitters and Tonic" In my family during. the part veer, and an recommend them am an excellent tank, Imparting lone and vigor to the system. Their ure bar been protlnclive of - decidedly beneficial effects. Don. Ju. M. Wood, Er-Mayor qf /banajdranta 1 take great plenum In nuouniendinp l-11oof• leant (iceman Tonic" to any one who may be at. dleted with Dyopepsia. 1 had the Dyepepela ro badly It woo Impossible to keep any loud an my atotnach,l and 1 became no weak a not to he able to walk half a mile. Two bottles of Tonle ere ted a perfect cure. ' • JAMES M. WOOD. HOOFLAND'S OER3IAN BITTERS a La ' a la Ut Or Wasting away of the Body. itmStEmismit THAT 110GPLAND'8 GERMAN REMEDIEO Ale the medicines you requite to partly the Blood, excite the torpid Lirer to healthy action, abd enable you to pass safely through any Lard. Map o r exposure, nu. noovx.,ANivt4 IfianeMZWILLIZI, Or Substitute for Ifereury Pilla. TWO PILLS A DOSE. Vie Moat Powaful, yet Zoloceni, Veg etable 021.hartio known. ECM je la not necessary to hake a handful of these pills to pmduee the &wired effect; two of them set quickly end powerfully. cleansing the Liter, Mine itch and Bowels of all humaritlee. Tbe prheipal tugredient le Podophylllu, or the Alcoholic Er. reset of Mandrake, whlth Is by may times name kmsful, suing and marching than the Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action is open the Liver, clean log It speedily from all obetruttkeas, with Ell the power of Mercury, yet free from the InJarions re sults attached to the use of that Moen'. Fur all diseases. to which the o e of II cathartk 640h:sled, these pit, will else 111111fe sethlectioa In every case. They NEVER FAIL. In cases of Urn Complated, Dyv_pcpsta dad en metem Castheneoli, Dr. Acedland's Gomm Bitters or Tonic should be used Lta cut section with the PlllO. The tonic effect of the Mitten or Toole bents on the system.' The Bitten es Tonle putt ees Ike M 4 od,sotesitheas the MerT.SASOCLAYSI the Liver. and eve. strength. simnel:4 Moor. Keep your Bowels active with Ik. PIM. sad toes up the system whit Ilitows or Tonic, mile° dim ease eats estate 11. bold. or era assail Jot.. litteastlem shit It Ia DIL. 1100FLAYIDY GER MAN vs.IIIiDLES Ihat see ao universally end and 1414 MmsmmeMed t and do not 1111011t11 DrOrglit 10 Woos you to take anythhip else dm homy asyte ju t.sook:because he makes • later pron. ow It. moss wemedies will be sent WY =pram Id IV 100 1147; UponElntlltiall la the PRINCIPAL mile& lathe MR/1- .CMBTURJ, all Arabi it., Phusdatpkto CHAS. Ai 6VANs , Pi.opi hoar Formerire 11:yox d, co. 27iede .Reardlied are or Bale by Drag /Mali moretegpers Medicaid:Dealer. everywhent. c; .1 0 " - P'*!oj'Pf l ,W;eo: l e!o.Yi : :./,‘Pri1 : 261 . 871;. - e. 11811 HOOFLANIYS WITH. UOOFLAND'S WILL CURE YOU The . ) , are the Grtztest MM=l Itl:l3lm.;ximunit THAT EEO 1100FLANDli GERMAN Toxic Will cure every Case of R , ~..„......:..,,,.,,„„ ..., .. ... .:...•..„....•...:„.;,,.,... .... •, te BtiverlVate444; Pittsburgh p.tocK - HOUSE, t,3t3r; i 6 .000 Clocks qold _ . lAight Day, ,30470iirik Alcoi* Clocks 13 ~otlesl! neii l i ar, At 0 11,1: DYTRI~ 'COTI/10*:,)***; . , . . . *:7 11;•.' ." d At :- )1 ''"''' ' 1 - t , i . . ..,-1. to .t . c..., 41,•,5?t,..c....,,, • • • ' - - -", : - ': . . ~, .. ,„._.... • .... . Tl'lE, 119.T9itiA,2,:pg -- . • • '-'lll l ll ,, . : ~:•?..'-`. . '. ,: 44,: ' :Oct h . ' ThOlt , laeric ~..,,. .. ',...t„it ~ . ... , .... .. ! 012.-sr: . 1 40.. t. ~ 4; • ..diioriserly Ivid- . ‘- • : - .. 7, ‘li= ~, • • , iT-, 1 ' 1 111111 , A0t131i (- 1C '• ' ' ''' - , :,_ !....., i - : , , ,,1.,, ,, •_ .„ 1..... 1 „.:-,, • "Prioco the.-sr.cpVy... " - ..: 4.• t !, - ;,:...1 . - • . ~ , ._ ~.... . ~, .... . 4, - -.0 ' , l'ff'.*.• 4dtif Aliiiihe oll4houis ktittl - B AO. ersity..ind bar Ms soda , tbolisse• ero euusanles, now o • Attoplette stdclr inWeettro Penis. AAA bet prices. 4:burettesßA ' PloNeln4s, supplied. PasileAsratten , to enquk by .mall. Need for &imolai': be Maly' picked and sent by wrpreksif.,..4:Urbyr _- ill w 1 ~ -,.: -. '. , l , ,ttlie - ti:,-;-‘l , , •E. P. 110111111214 . ::'. -•••. , ..0. 4 ....... „ii... 1 .. 119.16 FOth .Aren#, - Pifilaurgbats. oetsonebdetillettft ' •• ,'-; t•tf4!..'" - . 1 1•••' IE Oil Cloth Store; Shades made la or- der and lettered. GOODI DELO:FRED PiunniT AT DEPOTS. DeZOUCHE ar. CO.. 711 Wood 81.4 doors from VA Arvinie. zrairlsAm.] PlPaburgti, Pa. rleitrtlartr3r. ....4%;:k7. Dr.l. Nara isnollhidato . - :;‘,..›. 7- N .... water. Is deter. .'" Dentisto \.... 4 . 11 ,.- bab e - --t_ - _...„. State shall do e- t ._, 7 - --7 - _-,7- work better or ; AP^ S .A, ,A . cheaper than i 1 .M .4 P. • he oasts It to ' t 41. it ot ‘'. hie pirate.— lle uses nut best matertals manarictomd la the ratted Maim. geld sad all ter filling perforated In a style that defies canape thlon Satlstadloa daaranteed In all opetatlona. or the money returned. Gyre Mtn • irMl. featly ARTIFICIAL TEETH PERFECT. e lß u DJ D — L T t . l l. h tt o li v . u J r .. chased the edit:sive ineeppw right of Beaver county • , , twwprStack's Patent • _ r ld W by ?lace they can put 3 • moeal:Ito as thin as Vitt 4 lit.„ . da, Bold - Plate. with a beaus 'Wirt Cl' tiftil enameled polish: and en light and elaille as to perleetly adapt liaett to the mouth; obviating all that clumsy and bulky condition, en much complained of heretofore; and lessening thdr liability to lodic 100 per clink In deed, no one delft it wonli be willing to wear the old style plate any longer than theysuald conven iently get them exchanged. All branches of Den. Retry performed In the best mad moot eubetantial manner. In filling teeth with gold, etc.. we chak lenge competition from POT quarter, and nn refer to living subject. whose a likrzs have stood be tween Ilibtyand forty yearn. Among the number Don. John Allison will exhibit Mingo we hair. ted come M years ago ; the teeth as perfect as the day they were ailed. Laughing Gee prepared on a new plan, frcein, It from all unpleasant sad den role effects...making ,the direction of teeth a source of pleasure rather than 41( horror and pain. Prices no low as any good dentist In the Sttte. °Mee at Beaver bullion Rochester Pa. J novlktfl T. J. tit H. 41 CHANDLER. STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, AL111:31S„ CIIIIO3IOB, FIIAMES E. & H. T. - ANTHONY & CO., MI Broadway, New-York. Invite the attention of the 'trade to their extensive' nmortment or the chore goods, of their men pt dieatiow, manufacture and importatitm. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and • • GRAPHOSCOPES NEW VIEWS.OF YOSE3IITE. • E. & U. V: Anthony. & 591 Brnnilway, NftV Opposite 3letrop(!licati Hotel Importers and Manufonturers of P ILO T AP 11 I C gATENTALS lunrii;7l-Iy. 33.11.33-3EUELY AND , f r " 0' ' gr IRON The undeisigned haring bought not- the Ba kery • and Cotactionery esiahlbdinsent, of J. C. Hays. near the Pont °Mee, In nochetter, won d respectfully Inform the pubtte Mat be will keep the best quality of Orman% wtileh here:vim In every *Ws; also will *apply thew by the can at restoesble prkwa. Those in in want of them Phoold Rite hlm en early call. ill. Confecthmery department Is well !stocked: and voiles, wedding,. Le.. will be supplied with eretrldg seeded as abort notice sad in the beat of style.- • himlsbed With knob bread as often as desired. • 0160111kk VIIEDIUMUCK. em.elLle . Manhood: How Lost, Mow Restored,. Jut published. a new edition Of Ding*livens Menra Colobested Many= the rodlealever (without medidact or tirsanarounnota. Of Sear. Weakneso. toraturtlarl Sender , horwee_ tomer? Mental sad earstoll lncapselb. nonenl' uterus to Marriage. etc... also. Commarnors. Smarm', and Fria. induced by tielaindeleence or sexual extravagancy.' illf - Ptice. Is • mu led envelope only Ota. The celebrated author. in tkia admirable essay. clearly desionstrates from a thirty mire saccone. Pal practice.: that the abrinbig eansognenms or self-abase may he radically eared without the, dim:reran, u.e of Internal medicine or the appli cation of the ballet painting oats Mode of eon at coca simple sad efratoal. by mane of whicb every soarer. no matter what his rondllion may be. may cure himself cheater. ptitrately. and mm. . . This Lecture should be In the bands of army youth and erety sum lathe laud. Pala ander mat, In a plan esrelope. say plat s postpaid as tecsiptof tax,cents or two post stamps. Abo. Dr. Calverwelfh 4a7lane Auld.," pries Andreae the pitai.. AN. C. Wall& • • • IM latmety, New York, Post Offillat • :„ • R ....z....; ?.'l - 4... - '' r• jk 1. 1 • fL. 4 .:, 4 44 ; •f..; .1i h.. t , i,!,,,- * trt..1!.:,q,;., ~A . er '"- ••:, .' ' ..,:, .` ,l , ' 'lt , a -, ,-,;,.,,,, . 4 , : ; , ~- -- ~ •:, • ~il; • '.. , 1::', ~,, ..., , , 4 ~:,- •_:l.. : ; „• .„ ;.; , 1Ai1..,•,: , 0 -4. t .;1 i , „ : , ..,..: ;Aro,' ' ... - ~,,, ~1•, .f-,;.. 417. .; . ::,) 'i• ..;;_•, •,,:. , •.,: ~,-. *, ;r EOM 4 ;9 ELNCI" Pozrßr. ANEW_ WONT AIM A NEW roan. The Ibiloirloy: tailed 4 the priodoetkas ;ef W.llll. Carleton, of Litlisdale, ilichleas. a lamr, wed glees nonatetakeable. evidence at the posaaalaa of Uheink 1 1 . 1 .0.Thlrek blivo hitherto been chiefly pablitheil to the nehmen, ot the Melo Blade, la width (hoe:allow/a: ;apPeat bet,we apt 'alarmed 'Matz the conductors of that jaftlital the otter day rewired a letter front the Weer*: Helier iequeetlii the I,rfelkte. of copy thir cad IlltaateitinT, the baled !fee: the& Weekly.' Thie will Whet bum into a vidiathenee It is limo elated that the sadly has sow a valour of poem/ to mil. 'Whether/if. pellelan ilk to enshda Ithneelf - Matelfeellt Wait of coarse camelhair betold, lbsprobehyltheal, la his terer.: It Ia trap b".. l !9!'t F.ll in. tenets ofspeith% almatiasiltet poetic blaya. eat medal bye.Ttee.4laate of JO the mast. kettle ,teillift pap 4 Bat tie ath,lilr? ,Wan ardor if a lterWilar4 fang "ilia!' 'Oat ars pat* sapthilaii., coattaatbai ate Naas respovalhath'eataßaia 147 with'Teirajvio e. hiidee attar 4 ff ,...44,:it0r 494 re haildaWahi bistas.'4o64l4 tot nis ifir)**)., 1 1 1 . ‘u, t:, fias V'ikillestoetithheriddelk 04':adtieatataitinaaialiewthra haw, wits hetMsliMks*aktuik aaiti GOO_ dighritatei4halailfl Or dim Sal . did seedisiliv iiihktatst aid WOW iiie.ffisikilierbionsitl4o-1116.basimeV)W:H . Y. mad Magda. ase keens: aid, )0,111, ea u 011". There woo aoimpertiol4 vf!Vatobs l2 -7 411 _ ,• P±tl 5. I I hi* dale:lobate pupa'', slat'. la dm . I/m=4 ;a 'm.. Ida hapa to hear actaelaoo, again. . ORTill" 6ND I AHZ OUT 1 BM= Draw up the pima, limier. and nake..leit gOod and stout ; Pot things at bane are craw-ways, and Deneyant We woo (ate utre wetted together oolong ow illl4 and lint pall In sLegialareen the net of °seinen; . . ..Wltain the mitten" say you. I airp.o lit'shard to : Yost of the years. behind us were paned by nry well /have no ether woman—stip has ne other bun. Only we're tired together is long.o we ever 1:1Ia tics ryi talked with &tan. and Betsey bee talked with me So we've agreed tone ,we . rata ann. of Utt i rsTe i ve ettehed each ther le any tie i& trine ; We bees gethnin . a little at dna. tun torus Rode of temper we, both Dad. tor • etue: 'Aithoogh wooer seepaeled Vaasa ,talca ammo bid ear Tarlpita 'taiga Wed •la the • deals and " • . . 41.rdiletee7"41 old goad wows bed a tamper Of her ors. Ilheisei thing tpat I rmember whetetm we dlea! I.: greed weleseemage":coeatrelng heaven—. 4 differeece Is Our aeCli . _ 7e itzl i cx i l g tb a i t i Iblng at 6reakfest—w,e areed tie Andttie mute we erg'ed as . queetiott, the=Ore we didn't µTrue. And the ties' that I remembei mina iibeu'irl tort • env • . Sae had kteied the beast, entain—the question ; • was only—liord, r- I held my opinion, and Betsey another had 'And worn we were done a talkie,' we both of M ' war mad. And the next that I remember, It started inS 4igtfull ful l a srenthvit lasted and "helfhtt: o} to ; - smite, 'And the next mu when. I seoldnd bccallei-rhe broke a bowl stud ate Bald I was mean sad stingy, and' hadn't any souk erO that boil kept pantile dkssenslo us In our Alta est; Ada so teat mimed onr.ititter weesiosTero cow op ;• , .Aid so t ln' hat heaven mewl* now. ni to rid - flat It of istnetble Shosseds ' Aid so the airs trot vriMklp.', aid_ - all the rill- Milne way Alnwe womethhe to era ti. Mkt nomeditik , Mazy - OA down on fie canto iiii:OolObon, aqpouple ; • dozen /Moar, And tentacle 'kindest deniable, to help *Wog - nlmlg. - i I. /lad there has been days bother—ealLinsliF a Reek - was 00E60 as MSS and spunky, and' both • too proud to *stk.. • Ibis been thinkin'andilduktn'the whole of tadveltdassid tali. * : wil l!' th ee ' And Slbitie - talked with &airy, and Ilabsay Ira ' talked with me,. . And we have agreed together that we can't never And agree what i. here obsil be hers, and what is mine shall be mine And pot It In the agreement, and take it to her to rign. Write on the yetper,tlarrynr,— the Yen) dint parr graph.— Of all the farm sails, stock, that she hall base her half; For she has hatred to earn It, through many a weary day, And It's nothta' more than Justice chit Belie; has her pay. Give her the house and homestead ; a min can thrive and mem, lint women are slimy erlthim unless they bare home. And I have always determined, And never tailed to soy, That Betsey never saoukiwanta bane, II I was taken away? Choir lea little hold money tines d main' tornado P. A coupl Y or hundred dollar. laid by !or • mayday, sale In the hands of good men. cod ertey t o get au Put to soother elan.. there, and glee her hallo( that. Tws. Iwe you amUe.sir, at MT gir in . b , r moth; Yes, divorce Is cheap, sir. but I take no stock In emit. Trne and fair I married bar, when she was blithe and young; And Betsey .11. s trays rood to me.exeepting wi t st her tomme. Once, when I S.W. yoan: a. you. and rot so Smart. Ktitrt. Yur me ahr ut to Maned a lawyer, aad racers r other Hugo. : And all of thew was flustered and .14er taken gluten, And 1 for a :line wax counted the loeklevt man In town. Once when thud a ferl.T—l won't target It *eon— I was hot a. zonated tarkey and crazy a a loon, Never an hour went by When .he was oat of Ochrt See nursed me true and tender, and Muck to me day and night. And If ever a house was tidy. wad ever a kitchen MMSMMM area' And I don't compLdo of Betsey or say of her acts. Excepthe when west, quarrenod and told each other teem. So dram up the paper, lateyer ; rii i g p o home to night. • Anti read the agmement to her and self It It to all . tight. And then In the mornin` I'll Neil to a tratiln• man I know_ And kW the child that war lett ,to ut. and ant, In the world I'll go. Awl one thing put in the paper, tied tiret to mc didn't occur— • That when I'm dead rt last she shall bring me hack to her And lay me under the maples I planted years ato, When ebe and I was happy.ilyeronswequarried so. And when she dies, I wish that abe would be laid MI2M!EMMI • agree ; And if ever WO reef In heaven, I wouldn't think It It we L',7,1 . each other the better because we have gnomic,' hem. SELECT MISCELLANY. GRIGNON. It was a pleasant event In my life When I was thrown Into the corust 'ny of Urignon. I V - 1 on my way to California. and had taken, the over laud route in preference to airy other. It was on' my journeyacroai the plains that I made 'his aCquaintalice. Our party overtook one single wa gon. It contained a solitary' man. The hones were dead and the man nearly so:,I paid the utmost :Men tion to his ants: Being a man, I 'give him nil the, benefit of my Skill and cure: As ho recovered, he naturally entertained a strong friendship for me. His wagon had Wien behind the train to which .beinngal, and they had been, com pelled by . their own .nectsslthsi desert him. The conjuror, howerieF, WaS des tined for a fin' More glorious tite .than to die miserably in the desolate American ddert. He was to become an Ustonisher to the natives (Indians) a savior to civilized lives, and'a lion in California. Wo resumed our journey. We bad started, however. like many others in those days,with instifficlent preirautlons. As soon as • hnd found out our mistake, we had to' be economical in our provisions. We killed buffaloes whenever' we foiind them, mid always, replenished our water deka , at every stream: 'At length; however. We.came to' a dry asd parched waste, where there was v&reely a drop of water, - scarcely blade amass, and not tieingieliving , animal of any , description. And now began the troubles of our journey. We had come into theeonntry of flm warlike Indians. and they were not stow to acipitint us With the' thet.7. IiEMEEM .Eitery ;day they„protvlett around us in tapir nettifiches,lhiettictilfigrend'ino mit ng us:;:l Occash mat ly • 1 heyi stood' I to, match, Up , scan et Mug .and,‘ dvi etray oktheir,fleet horses,, , We .att. ell that we multi to be,,friciidly, ' intl. determined to avolden ophn`rnpfitre as ferns - possible, for theresvereonly twelve on our side; and out IMO:tilde APPreallrtweiveklumthed. . ~ li ,_ it.very ,ttayqtufveye,r, eni y made rs matte worse:. lii spite of•onr pre- V •calitiOnsthe'indlens gteNr4rlol*'t , more abusive and i Multi ng. • . We ceine.mtiettful s and iti9o:-10,,be litl re • lbrbeartug n he t.our,,i'orOcuoßce.,,vres Aitken for coWardiee, gild the savpgreo begun to' think' thatilhey cottid- do anythipgwith ne.,,:' • - ,1,4: ,:-y„-:..1. L. - Wm Iteld.a couns,el of wa; and d e terio lied to' bring ii t eat el Once.' ' . Tin; criStesoinrcittne: • •••• - •••••• :,. gne , titty Whig. Ind ia n came 0 riding skeet by use ~ Ifelxican talking ;a tt M04VP1UM44.,1 4 y. l i ck, gorrieir leg iiuctouldy, A lest e ask ' - 614 of t heftier' for filegtim The deintillteiz• tel. rltte-Indbit repeetedhleipreillon; •an itb h.±eea.ll.t . hwki, W d t l: Ai4t the triadild ittreliMPlide v estd , shotthe Indian itheeugb the lemeis:_ „, •); As-the ; wretehJell tilOok.Mliftoult• hie, hope, the.pfain seem ed- tp be alive witli‘ther indbies: " From be. hind everYeinrop cif tree ,every hil locks-every-mai. and every rising ground theyspouredforthip countless number 4, We had never seen po many assembled together as'now: And now our companion, the:con juror,. Mine 'out-conspicuously. He had been once.ln,the French army, he field, sued understood:all. Its ad mirable discipline. ..41 fee , trtirds of warning and a'short'explanation dor. feed to make us form'a a circle of the wagonsi end•d= behind them, with ,beggage . pp for ,bretwt works. There- wu ,walted for the, savage% Bat they did not come just thee. With loud whams and screens they gathered upon tbe pltd ns at *instance from ps.' he wretched cowents, as soon as they, saw our slight prepare tioni, they wereltettinity' afraid to attack.. i , ...• , . - . ~, ii..;; •, • Thev waited till night , - Night camp. , Our defenais . Were made. Our wagons were .arranged' more closely, and - the 'fatiridade •of tioggageArpcmade higher, -.deeper; and more effective. In the centre were out cattlo.. , Liehind this fortifi cation we awaited out' . foc4.• • ' • ' On they came,. nearer- and still 'We waited In breathless suipense. At last our volley burst In thunder itfn, them. hrleks arose amfd the • gloom. e saw not what the efreets our ,shobt had been, bat could only con jecture that It had been deadly. There was a wild uproar—the con thsed sound of trampling horses; the noise of men - calling to one another, intermingled with groans and cries of pain.- thug time. to tecoyes. from-their confwskna. poured in another volley, iltid 'yet anbtheri loading as rapidly as we contd. and firing revolvers where we had therm . - • , The effect was terrible. Many must have been wounded or killed, Judging by the awful uproar `that arose. For a time theta was a con fused hnbubof sounds. Horses were tramping, men culling, groans were mingled with cries of rage. During all this time we flred-at intervals wbenever we heard a' sound, hus banding our ammunition,., not *wilts lug to.waste a shot. At last there . nmse a wild tramp of horses, the sound moving away from us, and seeming to show that our enemies had retired baffled from the result. Yet; we were afraid of some plot. Grignon made us keep our watch, and all that night we lay on our arms, expecting every moment to hear the Indian yell which announc ed the aßsault of the sa'vnges. . After a lonenight,i which seemed interminable, morning dawned. • As the light illprolaed the wide plain, we looked around anxiously for our enemies, but saw none whatever. We took a hasty breakfast, - and then deliberated.on what we ought to do, whether to. take advantage of this respite and move on, or wait awhile. Must of us thought we had better hurry on, but Grign n gave it as his opinion that the Ints were yet in thelleighboriussi an were waiting were to attaciruk on the march. He tho't that it would he bettkr to wait at least anotar day. NV all yielded to his opinion, and waited - as best we could. ; 111 bb After a Jew h—rs,a ut ten o'cloCk, ten or a dozen horsemen appeared over a hillock in a dfstance, riding slowly toward 1151. , "They wish to hate a paddy," said Orignon. "Some of you step forth end see what they want. I wish to have a littl&44 say, but will welt."' , is • ' . One of our men war selected, and went outside of our enclosure to meet them. Meanwhile Grignon lifted a trunk out of the. wagoil which belonged to him, drew It outside, and busied him. self cooly in twanging and turning over the things. We all thought this was done for the purpoAl 'of as suming mi air of indifferenbe. So hone of us noticed him particularly. Our representative stood. outside waiting for the Indians. Ten of theta dismounted, and walked to ward us in a friendly manner, 'While 'the held the horses. ' bni: of them addressed our man in broken English. . • The Indians, he said, did not want our lives. Therwanted powder. If We would give them what we had they would let us go in safety, and protect us front other:Jab(*) till we got btopvnd thu plains.. ' (live them our powder:. A pleas ant _request. It scarcely needed de bate. .We refused them. Well, then, would we give them bullets? They were very much in want of them. • • One of us said in a low yoke that bul lets were the only thing they would -1.,,et from us, but the Indians did' not hear him. Our repetnentstive: ef fused very mildly. -. The Indians now stood talking with oneanother. Orh.,mon aJvanced toward them.', He whispered some thing In a low voice to our -represen tative, who. immediately withdrew. Griguon then stood-facing the In dians. "Are i•ou the captain?" entd the spolmemin of the Ihdlanl, guildenly, as he notieed Grignon. "No, I'm the medicine man; you can't .admot theme men nor these horses; I save, Om." .„ The Indian translated this to his compaM nto,Avho' buret Info a roar of laughter. ••• • ' • • : Grignon advanced more . closely. • was looking straitly at the In dian, and we ' noticed the latter ap peared-to beruncomibrtable under his • --"See," said. Grimm', !Von can!t shoot : me. Here"--aad lie Orew *tot from lids pocket, .a revolver- re at Mr.!' , The Indian welted. "Yotrdonts want me to kill you," tweak , : "Yon wet." ..t s .The Indian's eyes dashed. '' The Indian hesitater; a moment. He looked at us sospkionsly. Then he looked sat: his companions. and said something in their lanmutge. whey all restionded vehemently. The Indian took aim: . • _ 1‘ MME EstOlished 184.81 "irchraell:Me tosintiotl".said dzifj, "shoot,Pf mid Utignost aping '.,. he rulhm • (frignOn ALAMO, and " for: - ward Agile 'lndian; fie handed :• a NIHAU `The Indian lookedvarelized. D'Grlghtito ishowtil idni.hotO agolnd;. - • ;;J: bL . Th q•A4 lll/ A re i4f l, - - :9;4;•• - arigiidifeinghteitettailet,'Mnii; Unteamenting to LaltelL It from the breast; Minetione froth his faze s and Ptchi I IPS. he hentielkit ! to Po. tudian. 'the othgr Whips were iLm!r * la s Slate Of . WWI etentiment." • • ' - " 4- • Tye' litay all , elynt If•34hey clloaei", " Urtgun,..and: image thilOyemeut to hill toga:, 4my..out ninepistols, and comlngto thein, ceed, ffl tti lOad - each' ono, took Sildnowder an_d pot' it Iti,: 'then the wadding and Imileti , and UM banana 8 4,.._ 10 1) 1 111 4 ? ii• • 40:14 21 /00. pJetel, t }Helton ' Loading it, -Bdi Of there fellifav'etbotr :site" and'flied:- Grlgbt ~witnotit Mentinged totoeti "teed htni/ tidied:hie band andiseem edto, hia•to3ol. Is§ f olhe 'itt4n It Up Ith nuti ate• ta. 'ha 'itertoidcidoths Mat , 111,- zeR9T4.IF O I )4 O ,1* AsPw Anial4oo. • , Grigrion kook Off Maliiitandilialk. ed. "up tti- • the . thief amazement eight,bu nets wetu,lia, his hat. • nach man took it : and. /ootted. et it in wonder. "DO you want to Are again?"' ed Glignon'.• • • .(- • I •-, They =premed - a wish to.doee. ~ "Well hand me thopiatols." • To 'their amazement . the pistols Wein gone. ~They looked, at OClO,sui ottmr In 'wonder. . :"Yon Me," • Mid - Gyhition - “they pied the pistols at me,. too, sad I 'Swallowed them."•,-.. . -.„ "Swallowed them?" fancied the Indkui, and lie told this to his as• Wished companions. , "Yes, do you Want them?". Thelndimuknodded. • Wherenpoa, Grignon opened his, mouth, and rolling back his eyes, he Inserted his fingers and drew a' pistol: Apparently from his throat. Another followed, then . be ,drew forth a.third. then a fourth. .and so on, until he had drawn lin'th the eight pistols froth his throat While the Indians !toed looking on In utter bewilderment: And no wonder, for We ourselves felt no less .astonish ment. We could not account Tor It, we were as much stupitied as tho In dians theniselves. ! Afr this-Gthrnon calmly drew forth i %lx or eight more pistols, and a -number of cartridges, and dnapy a carbine. "I'm theMedsetne man," said he solemnly.- . .• " • Theindlana saki not a word. • ”Do you want to flre agaln,"• said he, and he offered the"pistols to the Indians. .• '--- • _ - • , They altsbninir back In horror; °riven tossed the pistols, eartrid, gee aud carbine over, to,, antl smiled benignantly en the asionlith , ed. savages., fie then shoollifehand. A knife fell ou ?the palm, anoth er followed, and a other,: fleshook thrett more out of .hla left hand awl drew a score or se out of his eats, "Perhaps you would like some thing to drink?" add lie, smilingly, to the Indian who spoke English. The savage 'looked at him suspi ciously. "What'll you have? Bum, brandy, gin, whisky, ale, porter, Wino or ci der?" Theo Indian' brightened ; up and spoke to Ms. fellows They- all pre, furred whisky. _ Grignon asked the liullan to lena him a loose blanket which he wore. The Indian took it off dotttfully. Grignon shook. it ; a botde rolled out. Ile shook it again ;.a glass roll ed out. Ii shook it a third time ; nine more tumblers fell out. Final ly,umbled he -shook down. It again; a corkscrew t "Will . you take ft raw, or wlthwu ter ?" asked Chagnon, as he proCeed ed to unscrew the cork. • - The Indian said nothing. "Isn't that good :whisky?" asked Grignon, as be poured out a gluts, The Indian smelled it suspiciously. , Then, he tasted It. The taste was enough. He drank It all off, smock ed his lips, looked around triumph antly on his companions, and then held out his glass for more. At this, all the other Indians encouraged by this experience clamored for more. m Grim poured away from his bot tle. Each one drank and wanted, more. Grignon was quite willing to pour. He was not forgetful, how ever, of the duties of hospitality. He walked off to thi Indians who were holding the horses, who had been watching the scene in stupefaction, and !offered some to them. • The smell of the whisky was - enough for them. They drank and wanted more. But Chignon shook his head. "Not now," he said to the spokes man. "I'll Myopia a bottle apiece to carry home with you." And go ing up lo the blanket., he shook out a dozen bottles of the same kind as the htst. , , Bl e this time the 'lndians were . in the oiliest mood conceivable. " fore I give you any more," said he. "let me make bu 'so you will' hot get drunk." lie walked up to the first Indian, and took his !muds in each -of his, and looked at him steadfastly in the eyes some time. Then he stroked his brows and left him ; this he did to each. The Indians , had got over all suspicion, and merely expected that somethlug good was coming. So they allowed him to do us he chose. , Grigrion then Maxi oft a lit tle distance, and In loud voice or dered them to look at, him. I taire seen plenty of experiments before in mesmerism and eleetro , biology, so that the present scene did not surprise tie so much es it did my' "conManions and the other Indians. • rignon simply stood at a distance' waving his anneal tirues.andgivipg! words of command. Every word ware obeyed. ' - First they all began todanee. Then they all knelt. down. , . . Then. they touched . itande, and! could not sever .themselves fioakone another's contatt. " The Itidians'sud-7 denly rushed • wildly' around, with: the others all Joined to them, trying, to free themaeliee, but utterlynnable yelling And howling like wild bakits.i " At last a'shout. (turn Grignon; the charm was tiltipelled. They 'sprarigi back 'from one' another and stood! MotionlessOlke so many statues. 'Suddenly they all IMOD to shiver; as thongh they were sutferink,frunt gathered ;heir teeth chattering': and every• h in la te n n eet4 melreeldlYTahneLnd them; their; trembling. Au instant they were! panting fel -- In an Inatan, though stareling from extreme beat b nn drawing difileuit breaths. gasplu 'teal !lippingnum which but a handout before they had wrapped so tightly about theta. • ! This then ward. _ . They.. began . bark ilk° .tioga.f They wept .down On all fours, meg evidently Itnagitted that'they went of the canine species: • ' • Then they tried to imitatethe lion' and croaking: of frogs. Altell this they went through performantti too numerous to mention. -.At Owl timethey became rigid. and anitngi ed themselves, like the stake* of tt tent—heads together • feet : entWerd Then four of. them together, any tried to run about with. four othezi •-•JN Ou4I44ATE YPrt ra,iaparllTlF In ~.Pomrautiltdintlfrifit: Grifiultralpitrwxqfriveeikkiitft - zii" . 1ien414416 r 4 - 4 44 11 --44 , Wed" byVantas the Author. Lagers d otittilmikkiciittokimaisfd r • t r . , ) .1;11 mama/ IRE MEI A • ' t op thil r ,:A,.", tl:dn fileilflihrtiP4 1.1-1 ,wildly up in dig air and belp_lii to Oil; • "....-a - (liar hut 1A;4110,1 - inuclif 14 .• ittrioliiiiil i pipuii - onennoth'W-withl ' fist,4, illins 7 of teekliiinullitherhad‘ - :.•a not bit , their - Ittopott:l , .hettind,they .... „ certainty,-N. 1 451.41-J1L1V.4.1 qu!V, •,,e9h4e• , .. • frightful. inlttr,y..• .. , VIIC IWO ' ladiaall/61feld - MO t'• -'' homeit hadifAotrialtioirrAteivilder-1 't ' eel andstapatledrixth taraithar.erhat •d!' I to' au.c. - - /V 1,044 451 . 44, 4 , r.• their frigh , Init s da i pot (mite _ their compitnlons bel! ;: te rir" ' rhea} ctliht wirk - ,Tffi la viatefihig iirelaffetitiblif MO/ proddifig4itit aftheateiudotobri , of•vr.?. 11"°1=' the • , aftl9Ya4 pt ilif,c; .1 i illbought Grignoit,z the t C:•71 .. . ~. At {apt tirigti)lt tVe itl9lld ittrOilt: Tile illtifittl4l:ty folithligthatidi I, ' " There.they larforaothe'ibtie; at if :-,..1.1 deUd.•;;:-Whro . Gralittopx IN ,avol '- ii , o, i ointiv.and! they ma tp their:feet., XII hooked bewildered'aud', frighten'. " ixt. i Wlttetertitibl tfatfeerthey'rea. , I. girded Otlgnott eau warble datugon o . ,1 r whokotdetteaed ... _ imOrtariTY Pe_lgt,.:7o . vo "heritatip f ' = , .' .: 0 • -, P ,, .... , ,J.41.1 ' - 'llo..lhalfttid apbasalr: '-'t•.`.. a,'. rr r,.. r mi- Orhey turned and ran toward theito.4 ti ii.r. MeqA1XT.4 13 4 1 1,._ . ._.1 :11 .1. r. thaiktiinSet i i stUrfi r przt•P. .4/ • ,• Oftiibilatalid'ettafferthetbi.llio ~' U , ..: Awai they livento Tholp,orget : ; , , Pelt bortierat the top of their spiot..., ;. • . firthPlee• ru49,.wfq-Plein. buka 8 40 :, , 'altitauee. - _ , ' • - Then he turned' back and table itir.. - -.' • to oar Iheloaare.". fi'.l.• . !-'', I.a g '„. .• . "Gather up those Waage, imbibe, , ;1 "ieek4e eP i Pe cA,Ltt!ct - .4ild *NW,b9•.- turtlichitig. , s:- •• . • . , Insiondy outi niettitise 'and - obey. e d . -..: .0,., •: ,•) 1•.,•:- :, i ,---. _--, ' Tit:.• Otignori - , took. :st -heavy- swig ,of , tvhblity. amilhert 1 1 1 ,7,4 0 w4 ank,wagens, utterly exbauated: •We traveled all that - day, 'and ell the next night, unmolested. Orig., non sleßt long,and toundly. After, " resting for I time, we pasheirtm oar teams, so as toast's ha" beyond the • - hostile! &Omens I• " IYe sawpothinzaft theca. . web 'k ilato, to ,paratie tis,"""'" saki arignoti, i oanfidetrtly.• 41rhey'll ggoo bite& and:teil endue gary , ad wriq ;- he- -thel wonder Of , the Amapa lot 1: Many stung year t 'l , „,, !Ciriftrion )ves right. Not onlir did ,they tuft pursue us,•.but for all the ie.:. ' mainder af the year, and for the next, . • nivtravelers oft the 'route-gun trio.. • ! .Mid I, "how you managed to do tbose tricks on the open'grtiand withbnt any fable) , • • Grignou smiled. , • . ,• • . "Only eitunsy performers use ta. , biesi" said he.. "Leonid. have done Car more wonderful things; but they *mild have been "thmst'n' kinky on those savages:. )• , I , llleiserve My good tricks for San Francisco) , • - • And so he did ; tor all the wizards, -' Magicians tuut,ixmlarors, that. have , Visited the Golden State, nenti beim *on such ihns?,:orexcitedlstieh won er,nsmy friend Grigium. • I . . retmeisml Symptoms* sr (40. ph i! ruses of the nagio. The Importance of - theAyinitenis" • in determining the varlet:Witt n dls-• eves, are of so gteitt valise, , thaS no one will know properly bowie treat . such awes, without ,knowing A..eough is nearly, alwayg a proms neat Syria ptoni,expechwation of blood is another, difficulty In breathing Is,' Smaller, pains in the tbeet, , tbroat,; itid 'a :stricture& feali ng,..norpsis. the Chest, 'Continuo .to .1111 , out the list, Thep we have bearsetless,,ctiltiltiels, en Increastst secretion finni the nose . ' And eyes;-dermfaillisaled ••InAu• Creased.eXpeCtocalion from p , threat... fled lungs areadinost Constant Eaten- f dams, and era usually e ff orts of tare to work off the disease: Mitme;'. , In all these casts, requires' help—to open out the secretions; to regulate the kidneys; to dissolve turd elimin ate the increased' expectoration; to heal the sore andlnikumsl lungs end linings of the bronchial tubts'and air ,passage's..' Dr. •Keyser's Peetoral Syr up will do thloi better than anything else. Dr. Keyser's Pereorest Syrup :will dlmelve..the increased mucpu.s, and tarry It out of the system. Dr:: ! Keyser's Pee /Oral Syrup Will act ns demulcent, and allay all thddlng and irrittftion ofithe lungs. Dr. Keyser's ••""edorcd..lttrup will , cure a common ;cough In lees than twenty four hours. ;Thousands of people can heftrwltneNr to Its great efficacy in healing and hindering any disease of the lungs, I or those that inevitably' lead to pub-, nionary consumption. It may be: :bought of flintiest any druggist for' '75 cents, or nt "the' 'Doctor's great medicine store, 167 Liberty streets,' Pittsburgh, Pa. exatuinatlowi 4 .made daily.. . Marriage °tants. In our days; hearts and' darts, 11v,..: anti; on loving, dying for ono another. and all that ort-of• thing, k "played out ;" atageviek ns our . German friends isinenunitely. And idiomatic ally express it. WO want a solid foundation to build 'matrimony on ; biaks of - bullion, - and cement of greentstetisonui Supports of kinds; andgirders of stock. None of your ethereal castles in the nir will answer for our modern ladies of fashion. Chateaux rn .EPpagne are ' resi dences, anti noe. suited .to a Northern climate with the :thermometer at zero in the sutain winter, and ninety in the shade in summer. The finance of the present prefers bricks and mortar if they ate more , prasnie. Cottages can no longer :he erectitd, in this city under our, flre laWs.. aud lodges in vast wildernessot will do well enough in 'sumMer when The play of catching . trout and hunting deer is being enacted, 'but , will not tumommodute a modern ball or, ,give room for tha clerman. . . Our . OTIS ;ire not brought 'np to enee• i not they. - SPentling' is their etrethy,.point, and In that auxin hack theta stfailiat the world. An aver tiget 44nerkan wife will get through more money than - Any fetnalci repro sentative of any,natlon on the earth ; and ir our wlvtit cannot mitt taw int.- testi& ' nottiltig can. They: hate no-, must books and despise stationed% and know taus it Is low to go into the kitchenjoildok after theservinit4. j Their tatitt,+4Ttaveivorket i for 'theist without ,nrn shilitortgluhlde., ir jl ll 3 l , 7 4 l u r t ir . hu 4 a er x h pen tiars usba di n tu d rc. . follow r U t - y i l l i ts excellent, example? It wits only the 'Whet' day that fashionable' Indy sent her sapphire engagementoring, Just given her by •her,lover; to it Jeweler bi be. Will when. ahe found it Was a Noublet." nett:4llY it sham, or tit least-. half a Shunt, !anti turd she cyinOuded that If ithao tied hits •doolilets' would batch have. Her feral tura:, would, be,,, a Awn. : and,. rheum her horses pour and ogty;,lier iwu=e In a sitie"Streat, and not 'on 'Meas.-vane; herareasen, "Mr:Wile:ln 'silk, and .made,b3r>third ritteinilltner4 ; her jowetantean pearls Sl a m : ni n e i l et 4 lll l? l, : e ii i tl: i n pe h rh i r i n t u pl u s , ti ii r o n l i a ir ri 'Z . 7' t tA lliAt i v iii tt.4: guktier Itittfielt poisiblltties?o forttstss,":. todeedl Why. where S Iliwbaa4a are I kq r g a f : 94 ttuatuaxmdltionkind their": pr vi lege:CO.4'llllMM' while' their. duties are phlittlqtlelltatd:: • • A curoove Attie:tient, /timittir Into)o public liaperz t '434ttiabout f 42 rjulillons of &awns - of :u?, ' currency wears oat, is de ' emit- yeer,•end . is of ennui° lamer presented , be reaqpilticw: Shin isteleargatu to .`41Juc1e.9414.'.), 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers