EMI Novo T:. Vows'Oteba r . 10a4ci t • Kisseltrontomem Malden piligniptioft etntaela be i glonpokiXlA VI& rolion OEM ( 'l. !,,,N7tilyanilllo,M*F tale. • r. • Misie.Aryoiii4 Sayi . lletQ *ith •••• .'" Cone. her ditto to diolitifi; ' Ampex parent ammo, abuww. A, 1 , 1 0. 11 k q44ii,her land rol'otaq;', . . Malain tinhfiliantath the Nowr Mother intereedca—nopo: shria.—bywrim—protertai l ooe . Mixed with old own', excroatiouv; • , Exit lovei smelt the' din— cgli.rival eater. in. •• """" " 1 . 7 •Yot. .` 2uar--A mana,Asta stighl pate more:' . ootoldnin,n ladx'aisnor., ' tOver,, WM Egli' Draken heart, — ' Swear. he rather die than part, ,tiardeu—nowers, umbra.eons shade— Many teeenti--twecnade , -, hpamber arliOair'cipele 'lkbat or expent bride • •' • '; LittlWdog taloaCkluttly indla 4 —L 'eani 7 rOpa,/addar-41 1 nbl—pursigi —, tklkgt ateedx - 199 A FT I4I : Triumph—nuerlage—Oretua Omen— Old man't rase—disontig toivver 4 : ' • , . • ' J. . • voL..-tv,' ,l .“'• • v .1 ' Old 'man slekly--tends for cblld All forglveness—recooetled: loan matimaklrw money fat— / Old idiaNiiiisaltig , .dlei at ton& tArbbild-- , the nipinotllya In spun, . . ~Ilothentielitlet crowned with to p :7 • Diici/W-nuree• -little tiqiirrixrax - fiz-6b °rm" asictree feaiT - Bleedings. the good attend- General joitlosok.4ral end. sPLEet'*ick i P iNl % ~'r~i ~ ,nK < _ ... -.r. p . 1 has turned 7 me intlilessly fiom °Mee, Itudin my old ago:Limy° to submit to humiliation for bread." :• . . ? "He had Rived the, most exact ,and ' ,beautiful ,expression of the he art's emotions ,regarding *home, and .yet. .... personally -he 'tut a stranger •to• - • ajl • • • its tender anti loving intluenceS. A, wanderer and - sometimes a vaga bond, he' had moved.. the hunitin heart to its very depthihy hisixn,uls-; ite lines. • !" . ''' '- • ''• ''' !, Disgusted with his treat ,fit:' ' his own-country, and still impelled' by his disposition to roam, his only wish way to die in a foreign land, to. .be buried-by strungers,:and.altsm . dit obscurity. •. Ile'obtained an append , taunt as United. States Consul; at Tiiiiii,Vinate ho ABA •:.:`31.7..:......• • _We now turn to a period' atutetv ,deint tii.thitteoiliposittoO, of bik"fiiiibt , At times he was greatly depressed,' ' and seemed to feel intkirseutely 'his utter -loneliness. One day a frietat ' called, to seo,him, and on entering,. said:. - “ ",. ' :'. 'I" llow are you hi-day; Pliyne4ir • "Downhearted enoughi".! was. the reply, Vitutloattiiigliti juiflAtoe of tiro -most glorious visions in a dream that' I ever met Mortal eye." ~., t "AN; : indeed • what was It?" • "Well, I will, tell you, I supposo you think -it was a scene of vast I !wealth, ern palace, or somethingelse of that kind that man's desires are ' nibst set-upon, It was nothingof the sgrt.. L tla' L t, o ft en have. _ Amines ; but 'when. '2 Hh);,' they imposes: me ! greatly. In this dream I saw a home -of Most transcendent rural peaceful nesrand beauty, it wasall that poet mid painter could imagine. 'flue landscape was cotnposed -of gentle i rolling, hills and sweet, still valleF, witti. , :miAndigkug. streams. :Th e wetb flowers - ttmlrbinls, trops,•ftoe : , 1 •and.herbs.' In the midst of all this 'stood,: various :lutbitations of - men ; • women . and . • children, and heard platsant yokes, laughter, music, anti song T ruly a ,lientitiful picture of ha • ', man'. donmticcontentment," said the filihncl. . . " 1 ! . , • • - "The:lire long Imaginary of my ' brain," critsl thelltoet, - "ot ;I."holite, :sweet home,' •••Ah I t how' my soul•ro - Veled In the . pltdure ! But gradeally . 1.. ' ii, faded froututy sight. '.was leans find: I strained , my vision to catch it bidilnes us they grew fainter, and fainter ; but at last it had faded: en tirely away. l ‘ theit tool:L.ll.qt, and . sow- a treat .eloild'gritfiering,.. Whiell grate dark and terrible:. t • ‘.....• • 1 .•• • • " •Ali I .'' said I, tha t cloud is sig- Matsu* tit tiff ItA01 1 : fiff.i -"" "4s i sttitliitese words, 1 saw traced upon it in burning letters, these IV , 'Xis of the Almighty to another 46,14 tMat_ e5i) . 4.,,, the • ."AlieTila from home pleimithi dorzeli to rain ; Mil plea me my lowly thateted eottaceseesio• , no. Horne. oweet home! Them', no place like home !" firreleris Chirography. Regarding the pro Posed removal of the National Capital, Mr. Grebley recently svrotp, is deter proposing New ork city as an eligible site for the sieuge4 'llte Ciacinnstii Times stuteti t Mt It Is slid!' dittledlt tit ft elitllet 1110lettenC thlto,MniVittele.Y \ ovidently " . bases, his of the 15th re sisting thQkotillait.cugunibers of Cin-i cloned thOdeefita pound:". :Who' txxiy ot the docutnent 11 9t i 4 / irh" Q ' oil a %ev;ato t 1 pudding We .reptutteh. to wade sees tiono;tbe very gayesisenvmancell Of 'our' tbnierairiet tett untran;And: tat; serves, , qtre bankrupt. Swill • yotni .nioesteunteipupt.u_ . Jp t lt ot fottOMi .. r t rirle Jima- , to he venue? ea. iii=ey acce=rat i rkilt h 4 l gVar cif_ the (pr.,' einnitr ulatiltrtitioidlio: Who bought 3ho inubetuallumgcreEthe,teett menitsti council? , The lnibe of the tor i In i teaVaT t igiCit s t squalled' When sutrdiit dect* itdosd °Wick* 1 5 1;7 4 11e0o/Pliett on, .14,1710 do of rePolding velem lo . rqy nifem4telaatvt natdicat luichdvles and tomato e s. It 'Swelled ,att I wish utt tok itnp — rOsi•iiti ; trki :tidy iedderal-ti their clothing should be suspended froth the shoulders ratherilum from Mar waist or hip l: W tw =use the shad= 'den; from theltt . P OBl 0 011 are better adapted to paints of support, those portioas" of the shoulders on which bmeethst suelteutim rest Witt formed malalroVrts, Which have hardly ptlice to pet. form than to flgtfieh • hits of attach. mem for th , ,lOwles,' and for .the Anus, an. , , Itt Meletwory for thb biaces • . '4,.....,:v ‘ ..: 241: - on ally part ilf the ch , I 7q• . • aip l a y v a in. 'rasp[ . 1 . c iO N .. I . 1 1 4 11 1 vhy ...thb Shoulders sit : •or the S u p. part of the clo tir:aft now we Will gits , you , why the waist should - scot be userbl 'MI the freesiotp,oft,tlpi;hi rattleirotri alb uudaegbdouthuil pres sure, as Weil hr,the.iihtgle.as au, the marriedetate, depends ru3Cooly the health, batthervery existence of their offspring-aoarenthenwer , Theergans effected by such pmeare arevempli ce -abitglellettlisitilhelf structured 11'nohtltfdatrprtmed vistinittAlig I - bthbirtevdbibettb tho&hitittiiih - db "disetikiiofaiJmett" w'hielt *ere Isla tittle knoent Muting the Reit antil the lutioducthin of tight corsets " and Waistbands, and the dragging *kit; tmd.,which increase„la frequep,e4r, es fitahlafliaaftli**,t ll Q l44o Va i lim s,and styler of . drete,,,.• ~d esigned awgelt,lc, please the eye (but,genetallY-itaillilic is this evenilwilhfraistholeteddraPia tathecianforterthealth tithe swarm hfertwhe wauld-tiot e heaabletoosuE leer one-half-thetiqjurqy Must, .woreen are Uebie-te, rerelperrat their:clothe intreaspeudedia this •ways the alight weighref4how-eutoasers -even- be siipported-from theshoulderaby‘bra ces. That theabdernewhfral fitted as the shbulderSTor theim ppbt i df . theelethint Should titi eVidthlt to tik - , life 'it for- lttd rim .•. , r. MEI ,„ „ ly• . to prevent its natural 'ciontraction,the substanneor the , gradual ly wasteaway,beeome smaller maim, and, in time,. lowan its power.. is just the way • that •the muscles. of the the st.and abdomen. are _affectkd by tiglithwing„ Esery physics') is is ramiliarwith the' Thin attenuated Appearance of these intelcl i e-.1. in women .wito.hattheen . in the habit of wear tug tight corsets' and. bands. • • • Ow lower orders orstxid-' ty despite their vielSsitudes of hard labor r exposittre; want and. suffering,, 44 4 getoatl,t i hing,„suffeA las way than) ima. tagreJavort,Xl sisters of the uliiytt reason; I' Aid nk, that the poor cxxnnot afford the lutcury. of tight corsets, and their ac tive duties preclude them 'Wealitig, , their sk.is:ts and dresses us tight us the lair ladies whose hap* are neversoil e4 hy labor, and whose shoulders ifeir er bore a burden. tif=Won- ofilteirelativeinteri is idere and -04414 as:voints. of support for the clothing has long been discussed; and many arguments have' been advanced In sup port of both modes, but the prepondenince of ,testimeny is decidedly in favorof the isihoulders. , it is said that stnips over the chest will impede respiration; and so they. Nllll, wor% but a lid Judginent sill easily tnitiedy. this defect. It is also sald - they.• will I restrict muscular motion and , free dote of exercise of the arms; but this will not be effixited onedtalf as readily by braces over the shoulders as by the tight-flt ti aig waists df dresses that are WrOrti now. No woman can make her hands beet quickly over henlicaul with thearnis extended at full length, with any,conifoct o ,wli lie tied up me orthe rivAitimionia I.6sttilife4 of wuji-tiiobjvcgou tlutt,ltruees irevent respiration is not valid, for hey am he so arminvd that they need not interfere with the in. moot of the chest io any waiy.—Goort An Experience In Howie Paint There are at number of things eon- Milli 11:! Which I KITUPOSSCSSeII of pro-- found ignorame. Among these may be num lx , red the tine arts. With re gardto.the antriCirivnich asEhbuse painting, I have recently learned a few lessons from experience. I con-, sitter experience a-thorough teacher; but hi t s charges for tuition are per haps rather high. Mnria!Ann isiehU iiiol3?tiank have'the. hoM3e rewired, and iy; what Maria' -Atarsitfr filest'be once went and made a bargain with ferffiat "pan t fitj " 'kionld his painters around. The next. .mornlr- - • 1 got mrl'ireak hist and arldUnd: thp.,WIGKIOW . 6I.44PICIMIIO , k them ':.Woald 2stsind:.by the-'=open kitchen window, and another by tne r wiugt.s. ..c..1..t..-.../eat, 21:2. 1) 0pie-iiie, a lmut the price of flour, about the girls ; about all the while:• , The retirement wlik%-is among the C 11111111.4 of domestic life did not charneterize our house to any grad extent that day. The next morning about five o'clock. 1 heard some one walking in our .bedroom. I sprang boldly . from the bed, grasped a boot in one, intn4 Pod the pitches,. in the• other, determined to sell my life as dear as, possible unless I.got a chamtv to run down stairs. Said 1, "Who is there?" intruder, "Oh," replied,the "it's toe, the minter; lam taking down ti tt le lizttsait=iloistijir b pii t :: tienee. She told the man what she thought about 111111, and made point-: - ed comments upon his manners, his anpertriittbbhndithe piriblibllities that he never enjo,yed ft common school . :ekr t io u rmp:-:.,,n .1! ,::. T e pgiutg was weddqd tii.his art,. 1 and M lid attention to (he' tifit(tle of 3 Oa Ann, With the windaws Ilk 9, uroWnwomtipmemria: t st e ouse pis somew h exposei ,and the tatik t pfurit,tirtgAmsed ! was at = tended with some ettibarmssment,; esperblUM tat lbeitsliaterw seemed to be at work Mall the windows. While we were, eating ,breadthist %mot the'l painters 'came hl with an armful of A rit 4 R4ZlEWkeldr i pltruml em atigt on thgc 'hos- ReAcil he auppmeo Maria *Ould - ve - no objection to his using them to wipe idled .by off thiiditii? beitorT gmliied 'them. Maria stated her olllectibastweletall and:the man withdrew: The next' rnornlngl was It p early: When" the painters came I volun teered to help.l I , shouted; "let's•thke o the 'clap hoards and paint...then:4 Let's - take up the cellar and paintthatinsideatul out. Let's. paint the cistern. Let's take down the chimney and Taint the brieks. Let's paint . the „cellar leaves. Let's—' They assured me I Was planning morp work than -was .neeceasary, and as they.4kl nut act as though they needed my help, I went tvUtk to ruy'breakfast. ‘i• The' 'next! time 'the' house wants painting I will move htyrthe back yard, and sends the; houswdowif to the shop, where the paihters caul swarm around It at their pleasure.. , - imd amid terels thus in- tivn dr I t o „c1)11,T 1 ; . dtillhost - • , inert Subscribers. The'fiiii.owing 'sketch graphiii ***Oistklik of the scyer At 9 1 !77? newspopers,piy for mid. mail:them. Observe, the order In: - Which these tidligiare done:. The paYeMitee.flist the reading • next. These !men con sider- they 'get the worth:Or their money In the bargain: It seems as fair and, just to.inetujhat the news papersiultnulttbeTaldforasa.barrel of. sugaror neviceoidf 'They never entertain any other, opinion.. When the yam rUns.out r a little • before, they are on hand with the pay. - There ' up plink ditllcultyi with' them. in (Matiebibietinit iti#3;perkod,Sitailllittpf: Aar , Atli* littlreVanuary. If One of theta irlitheif hi stop his paper;.:he either pulls . or writes letter by his peat; iri mad: - This class isdeny.l.o the heart of theeditot. Th ifitn eg e ..pnibabued'iy. w tie. !tlilai the Ire a the; J. mut seethe Ben's sons baoath •genesetioll'-'....T 1 1i second eitortraay ' mind,•is the—/ Da .Wd/s. - -Thts class is nearly re toted to the •otlier—se nearthat it is hard to tch where the one begins and, the.uther - endit.',, These men always payln advaneelit the beginning, and ititeadote.'do pa , continually. But memory fails a little, or some miss hap intervenes, and the time runs by , ! sotrietit,pes a little..rtiomett :for' Viten Perled;W)rtteir.lieCT ttoig_lhough,litiddlngopcenSlDitiktf, nevWegets soUntraisleetiAt:PronoutS. cgs the istordsttlengtlH-,"lie.pridd.. er is„not,taifrigtaitdcgartliWltikilieir %Sato do wellgsdtert.lnto Activity. Notceotiiei thkpsying to thilio before. N. Dtlit'ffnietibto . Tel such things pass - lig.."ALpnblisiter ui-Trye with such inett:':.They,,lfaye place In his' inlaniocy alittre leek ortitirlTprishts..ALf eutOt initifeettre, Ins Wilr6r.:4on ientembors that 'he may nbChtiVe paid up for hisnewspaper, and forth with., institute Inquiries. . They rip member that . ..part of the benefit-was theirs; and; estate' or no estate, see that tbourlittees hills aril not among their:father's; Unsettled: accouutS.— Next come the— 'Easy liocri.These men believe in newspapers. They havo,flilly set tiedin-their own minds thati neird paper is rr.gbod *thing!. They take Them tog.. - Sometime.; theSeliitlito for the first year—at any rate, they mean to, : pretty. soon: U. they ..have done sty, they set down with the com forting:Conviction that their newei paper is now settled for end this idea tukyog..ocw.e gotinto their heads, re i ftelaastinately to be-dislodged, but keeps its held from year to.year; a ' truth once, now an illusion, gray and rheumatic with yews: The editor, trairklug.tthe:otongated , space in the afttinttit current of their dollars, be gleiS tolask if 'they are dead or gone to California. Now he begins to poke bills at them. They suddenly start up to the reality , that they are In arrears . ; and.like men, as they are aftfottotia,:pay,ue., : They,hgver dist pate his I)llW—they know nonks tell better • .stories. than moils-covered litertiories. If the publisher has faith .enpughVera long purse, and cat, live! like it hybernating heir,' he 'rhitY stir vire this class. But, If he is a tuorJ, tat only, woo be tolium.. The next class is than( the .—llere We begin to over to the other side. •• The picture suddenly gets sombre. We sh4l dispatch the Downailliers mid den *. One of these;Dihrtitke itixt- Ver.bem,u-sehis_wife ivadtstitle, or the children are zealous to read it or a neighbor .persuades him. When it begins to come he dismissesall thot's about It further. If the editor sends a man directly to him at the end of two or three years, he may get some pay for the paper, but with growls and -surly looks. 1-1 b never nays any debt If he urn get rid of it, and a news paper least of all. Still, Imitates law suits, and antstabli; and all that. A, dub has t kings' Meet nu him - that: a bullet litwifiriotia . hiPti9Putalnds— glancing.] frhib or:sinking infj Sjte 14104erliarntlftli He is was-'l&kittig • down'• hill,: nod room merge; into another class, that of .Ni.eVain Rouse.—No, matter how this• man began , his subscription, .he never pays for it—not he. ."He don't like that sorkof paper. ( It don:tgive 11.5 1 / 4 1 1 kw.3.. e ntjer did liko if. lie didn'twant it in the tirst_place; and told ihe plsinpsfer 00... lie sent o r back . mor'il..a -year ago—besides, so take it tine king ti after iteinne, and he hadn't had only two, or Ihreehf them, anyhow, and thole'lielitithrt read." Wipe lihn off. I fere comes the— Sclipegracie.--rt is enough to sty oft hi 151SsAYs luern uewspaper =l4 three of then'. -: When he jitAl=hitve tr,lne.ilboUt long noitq 11 a r" to winit . pay, bitek with "stop:lr.". Or, he .. 'titers and leaves for ..11e dues not 'want don't mean to. (let Iteader," in which of you found?-11e. eat Lungs. .. doubt whatever that hangs; del:deers •of atany of thadntemal -and are' frhOuently lielei A tohditionl of A. ! , ;It the elalaftra which the. stotnach Ind mciir important ' hire condition , to do the helium liyateto, whether-npon4ho: the -kidneys : , or -t lie the legs, as )s"fre (lC) can .be ,made,‘ to s in h p ed le . te standard , of sults. arm ; thp...uss..ordar Aff,titariti NVe ll l 4"s lcrsc:f t' req abl ive l) seen • these re medicine, which will ripen up and' iniry but Of the animal economy all effetetnnd used upmaterial: Dr key ser's Lung Cure is euriched-by some of the most valuable plants and herbs kuciwn to be useful and eurutlye.'in all deteriorated scales of the human blood; and whilst it adds to Its plas ma, it at the same time stimulates, gently but effectively, the skin, • the kidneys, and the glandular system to effecient action to enable the body to take on healthful action and eradicate , the disein7e.' The sick and afflicted should bear in min 4 the ,virtues 91'1 this great medicine, and if those who aresufliciently — alive to the impor tance of healrit- , ..55i1l presort, tq the. beolohiiig- kelt etinsorwar 4 t0 ,k 4 there wonld beno kfflink -es aiid iaplit ixmumpOon. 80 • holie !only incurable; and4so moat surely !WV- ler 415toikoollicted with any .pul Mowry d Jamie tiyAnit one 'battle, find, they will •be convinced •of the e. yitliteior Dr. 'Keyser's Ligig 'Cure. So4lArtholgicset, dozen- or single 1)6 Dr.' Keyser's Great' Medi cine Stoye,leLibyrty Street Pifts burgh,. 4r.v Jpeto WIN; 'Jf your dtpoglsf deeinfotteaslty send .I}ve illOalafo;to - 131410,yser,i)thd' Ile, W 11l senii. fon!. hottleasecurely •boxed e , *liffo 4 _l l 4nte 6l 4 4 4.::low - ,•0; Ude • .7 gtipi4Wictt ,otters.s2l= itAlity• Wayne . terenee will an equd:itirvottlitinValßlllV:chap els In London. "SN,:r„4::::e7,4ZAt fo' , — Ducks have decided opinions Of their own, they always come out fiat NIUMNAir. c• I ~,, • 4• • , • , • , --46o..nezt Congress will contain eight or, ten colored men. —lowa has 'phmtedlifteen million trees within the last three years. -The Siindas-Sehools of the United States have one: million - teachers and shr million scholars:' . Mannino' dr "Napoleon to Sedaritaire" is noWrgiVen to thelito Eljaperer by sinnolif 'the French ptiz pew _ • • • —Punshon, • tho English preacher and lecturer,. is going to Toronto, C. W., where he will,presch In a tier/- M.OOO church. • - .--Five thousandcitimins of Colum.-. bray. • petitloned:• for. the ciWngpf saloons.on the Sit4hath. • • - , .)—Durlng the•last ten yams the atethodist , •trienthership • Ia thnada has Increased front 53,644 to 64,688. • - Nenzty all'the Southern , colleges and schools have fewer students this: Year than.last.,. • ~• • . ,• , ~, • 2 —Knoll, the „Munich sculptor,.has made a colossal bust or .*cthoven forfin .A.meTicauu . „ • , th Is coluktrytheye two 309.pi0n0 inamiliwtor#N, Anaking t nagualbr.• 34- . 5 . 00 Ms4itmPOA-S.,_i „ .•:- -AnotlinWortis reairingin ;brig lood to alxdlsh the system of purchas ing coluinisSions.iu the army. --4/uartermaSter 'General Pitkin has sold $lOO,OOO worth- gums, stored lii,the usenet-of "Montpelier,. to: the PreFli government._ „,., .1-Alittle girl about.seren.years:oll ageorrived at Buffalo the other duy, ou her way to llgtrolt,,who had come 4 11 :thg:YoY, from I ;4'rTIM . Y.i!)9V 9 ,. ' —"The ark of Franco wiltyet oast to. Its Ararat," writes. nl r rencli gush er. hypo so. But"tri`jUdge by' the'reate at Means the ark has 'no" To j an.. .—Th Islanders Were 'Canal.' UN: NoW . 'we'',*d• they have' theatre. Among the' first pieces played.' will probably be: the farce' ve•Eaten my 'Friend." —ln Switrerlandi . a Milkmaid wbu' is a gond . singer gets more sabt MUM. others, -bemuse under the , ••eft of 11113Skl.COW8 ."giver, do. and give, more; milk. • A. farmer Is trying to,,hlrel' ' eetu and Kellogg to aim , . round MS amp. —A Colorado editor, who has been making Alastarn: toureAnnouncw to his readers as the most remarka ble piece 'of intelligence gleaned' in his tritiels - that there are;actual (*per men on the Atlabltic.cmist Who have . .uotbeee to.klll any one for ;several yelin'4', . i• - —Joalln-Hopkins Is the wealthiest Baltininreati; ' Ills estates t aiurtl at $7,R00;000, beintends;MPlace tit the dispoSal of,. trusteei to, ',found 'the "John Hopkins University ofHiii! A. seventy-live' years old and a bachelor, and earned all his Airtime!' ' —A MaSs.ichusets womon declares that."thero are. thousands of women who would walk barefoot from Berk- Shire to Barnstable, who would sneri party, social position, money, reptiblthal, • life Itself, to establish woman Sullrageilii the old Bay State toklay. • • —A striking illustration of the say ing, the pith of a• lady's. letter Is in the postscript, WO.S„that: bra young lOdy whu, having gone out to India, , and writing home to her.friendS,eon eluded with the .followlng •• words : "I'. S.—You Will see by my signa- Lure' that I am Married:" . - 2 Elie.Strasburg Cathedral Is to be restored. The 4.V0i./A German..olr mrpondent, says that:the Governor General has himself accepted the Treifidency of •the Building Coln:- the object o( which is' tin intelligent and.thorougli',renovation: of this..architectural bijou, of which Germany is so justly. proud: • The principal serial of tile "Ailas:- Lie Noht/1/8, for 1871, Millie's: rol niance by Henry Junies.7l.:, td entitled "Roger's Little Girl." The December Atlantic wilkiMg ' 1110 rntyer Seeker s " said - to be 'one of 'tbebes.t things lie hit4"&ine• of ''Pete years. 'Mrs. Stowe, ItalPh 'Keeler, Mrs. L. M. Chl/d, Mrs. Helen Hunt, Mr- Howells, and W. J. Stillman, will also contribute. • ,All "of 'us relish a bit of really fine writing now, and then, and this, from a Santa.Ve paper, is peculiarly good:- "Death, with fleshless knuck les, rapped at the door of •Mrs..l. N. B.'s soul, and, obedient to the inex orable callilthe''spirlt•of that loved „Wonuailloatednp to Its Creator,lCoV log her •httibond,children and friends to mourn over the mortal. casket," Such • an obituary- ti4-that robs death of Its•terrors. ••,' •••. • • • rhe bo'uti4s Pf4ll p Eraburs,.the founder,uf Auiericanlfetlicalisua,now repose at Cambridge, Washingtuu 'county; N.Y.', an unpretentious resting place. -An &Tint was Made at the last sta....doh of thnTroy• Confer= noee, to have the bon6 of this - cole brated man remoyed to thstvity, to :be•covered: with .a.liandatime, Monu ment in a lot- adjoining •Mbe. wag.. nifleent Statestreet Met hodistelturch, but was unsuccessful.' 'll..is'now pro- erdet a;52,500" mOntonent at —The New Orleans Picayune rtrys: "44.1 n tild •gektiel.rinn splinted for ;bale triNtifeekra en, ymterday, liegiOdOrheitly that the tine may be,verylow,:efhe have mach money., :The ;Ourt, in consideration of the old man's em barrassmentrlinerlhiarrairly a dollar. "A dollar, paw „Iloaor. " "Yes, only a dollai.'"But your Honor, I haven't that much, but-if the matter of ten cents would do you any good." —it is needless-to say he was suffered • to.go in.peace. • -`"• Dry Goodg. TALI:6E.4 4 IING. New :Goods_! , ! lew-fees-! I lfare Rereirect, A ,IYiqv .Stc4cl4;ql MILLINERY"'7:GOODS 2, ..t ,...,. 11 - 4., u — r r s t u l a n l e - I,i t Li n .. .ir'' n Sc irATS. £LOWIM,S, VELVETS, F“Tfli:118, SATINS, SILKS, Plain 41i.-14 - 'ano c.z_ v 'llibbausa . . tn "Mike_ this us 4tkrac live as possible' um shall erhibit a large number orf4s;ern tritritnetl IkAw . ziaraw,s;Ela-xz s •AlemeP tei.tamt!pdfpwrque liais • • I 7.t1 1.1 • ~• 4: • .tridgr at., Bridgewater, " sp%ll' 7 • ; ir . 1 r.:ll ' ‘ -PC4 l Dr—lettera o(Admiaistretton on the N Mate or it tehare,ow bra, late of *ha borough of Drerer, , tu-the Mod, OrSearer, deed., .hatiolg • been grantee to,abe suldomigued. reabllVl boion0:. an Persons Indebted to sald es e are al rolooswo Waite tamoettlate paymeeto and those haring Whoa agatuat the same will ;omelet them %valued delay to the, b u derolgded. gropektr ad lbe for settlement. " • • MAIIMADUIEg WIL I SON, legrrer. Marble-:,WQrk: at Cost! c: in tunnelling our. . , • font, Stool- of :Fig ., 'Finished ,on nuaii4l .Yeitoro wlotalng." " ' &parted trio:a ts the Woo , jr to 2! FrnEr glitb;erf&T offers 'fife Vartitetill - 1 JL•dpee hundred and. three rawer. situat ed In Hanover toanehlp, Beaver comity, Goo-quar ter of • mile from the village of IlatrOtef. H&C& t:rdre sena cleared, lotance.well timbered: all Un der Siqnce and to good state of cultivation; plenty OrtOod imrloge. good fruit; toorUntent to church, reboots and trallia., Buildings are i frame boeao lu good repute, frame bunt, too frame sheep 'Waxes; Tot ey house. and other ant buildings. rut lot • they informal/on address., or call on the premise,. JAMES SIiiLLITO. •Ilarehavlllc. Beas'er c t if. tent 11, ?STATE OF JAMES JACKSON, DECD.—, Whensts, Letters Testamentary to the Estate of JAttle. Jackson, dec'd.,lata of North Sowicktey township, Fearer county, Ye.. hare been grauteo to the subscribers, all persons Indebted to the said rondo ere requested to ;aka Immediate pay ment; nod those hiss lug cleimS or demands against the estate et said decedent wilt Make known - the acme without delay to I itOBEHT JACktiON. North Sewickley, THOMAS JACKSON, Moan tp. • • oets;lws Err's. A DMINISTRATOWS NOTILIE.—ESTATE OF .1.1W31. DAVIDSON, Sr , deceased. • Leiters of .Adminlstratlon on the estate of Wil liam Davidson, Sr.,late of the borough of itridge seater. to the windy of ThOwerand State of Peon. sylimits; demised, baring been grouted to the oubecrlbere residing In cold borough, al. persona noting claim► or demands agshist *old estate am hereby requested to make known Ski , consist* this undersigned without delay, ' • • • THOMAS J. niviusoN: • • SAM LIAVIDULKS, Jr.j 0et19:60 . Adin re I'. 0. addrees. Rochester, Dearer ec, Pa. Sall MASON & KW BRIGHTON. CUTLERY WORKS, ~V,UI''UFACTUIZER OF PEN & POCKET CUTLERY CARVING KNIVES & FORKS. And: 13utcherIctiiv-e, TA 'LOBS! : SHEARS, SCLS§OILS AND ICA.V.iftSDTAILED AT 'IIIE OFFICI . Cutlery Special attention is 'taco to the Hardening and Tempering of the !Patter, and are 1,1 and knotr ouruelrra to be competent to mate the arty beet, as we employ Ilklue czpenenud o orkuom, and ace the beat of tied. Samuel Maeon Itaa now been In the bloom.. (arty year., and bin lama aro practical troll:men. Special attennon la called to our Flock of - Ilut elter lalutycal. which tire matte from the best of Steel. 'O3O Ban dit: lo one imild piece of wood, the tang going through to 001,4 on the end. no that It lo bin for it to break or cane off. All our work Is warranted to be equal if nut bettor than Amy For bir..,n or Ihntootle mat,. Call endure our Work.: no paseeii required, °nice and, .Work,. t t Now Brighton, is • heir.?l—lf octll.rho Point ]Planing Water !toe/tester, lit. Whitfield -&,. Anderson, .. MAN uFAcTuitEits Sash, lkors,..lfodlilings,Floor-boards, Weather-boards, els, •• . , DP IN KINI)S , OF LAPIVIMGLES .1:c I) TISVIfie. Marlin...von:hued t6O I , t , rltorial Iniermi of :Mr. i J. C. Andernon, owt Of the MeerSi PiLlen c. ts , .v -talu; cerialu Utopr, etilel.ht,-in the coa..ttitelloti Unit joining of tvt.nt It 4wirtls Mid lining for litiLie• es and bilker htilltlll, we err the only iwreulle authorized VI rake do t el!! the Perth! ,11thlit 'the 11.04 4 Ik,t.ozecowly. y 4ittler Wier...toil will plc. , . uli,erve'llil•. Clirpentent' (bnltantly on • - Wand. , •,, •,•• • 1t cry inannut ut ,tpl4 %lurk:o°dg. to order. mogts;:tm •, mititpt 11E3 -• 0 FANCY •11AS*TS, CHINA ac) BOHEMIAN WAR}, 119 . 1111 Y 110IU]' WAGONS, WAX Jce. -.mil and itramirie..our Goods. O'Leary eSingleteiv,;, • 148 St., IA AVIIENY, oPri3;ly.i srpt. MERCHANT TAILOR, LACES, FRAMES NEW BRIGHTON, PA. liming received s lame and well selected dock . • . • . . . Vititer . Gtycids, • • ' , .'BRAVERS,• 0IIINOHILLA8; • TATUW-CASS.qtERiES. , ENGL . , LSILMEL'IOALS;4.E.STINGS, IV ,-;'... :4 i tili t;t 4 'lt I ,,,ii,ir't!:;,i l .l''' ,, .7 ). 'ct !'f.;-...:; , . OST REASONABLE TERMS - IA do ardetet pdeedda notice and wernoded • eirtreeettalt loo.r " "- ''' .. . . ... l a._ e• Iflg? ° l'"T u t ffglV t r l nV 4 gig,.42e,ele si T77ll7:f tb° 7l:' n ot°L .l,le 2l4;.7 ta l d ; u '" of Noi liwie Ugos e bum niactnre. oction MEYRAN !' Sumeswrs io. • Slt DLE, No. 42;Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, pa.% DOLDfAliito 'BILVEDSIitITHE , • Ai(i'dCaleri In FINE JEWELRY, R ":.• WATCHES, DIAMOND AND SILVER PtATEDI'iVARE: -Agency. for all the beat makes of AMERICAN' wAyrc4rEs, SETH - THOMAS CLOCKS. • z pedal tittentt onhl to the repairing end ' ! adjusting of FINE WATCHES octs9*-Iy, • Sixty-Fire First Prize Metals Awarded. THE CIREAT Baltimore Pim -4: 1, • Manuf actory it CO., lurera•(4/ t?' 141 they. are limo/died using none b - ut the serf base anssortzu MIAtiIIIAL. -the large capital employed In out business ettabllng us to keep an Immense stock oflumber. &a., on hand. our SQUADS PIMIOI.IIIVIIIOOI . New /113. meted Over !Strung Scald and the Aprtalrii 101"..Wo_woold spot anew. — ithmeremen ts In GRAND tiItANDS.-I'senityor. - the Phted-1-'" 1 i . I , Fall, at WlAolemstle 1 Retail, A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S, St p2S,te BUYERS, LOOK HERE! The to, thnukful for pant favors would rer , etfuly lotorto O tottblo. utt he Lan utte of tim,q ~t • WALL PAPER, FLOolt (7LOTHS Etc., Etc., ou brlVul to be toroul I" the county. lII+ :trona %neut.( Schodl. Mlowellatieow. stud liellglour • • :TE{ C . ) C:1 0 3RE. rothpletv; oldie un pain. rono.cl on hog part to la4l, hia, „ sTATIO:cEIiy DITAIIT3IEN,T equal to the taaa.a.t of Cat) E•taatallehmetataa. Ile 1,. llao-taxa:111.1)‘•;,:out 'for the celelarata.d Viile•y"K 41;clact for thi. county. Tho, ,eel.lng a good Gold Pen. air to welt to ,ve them beam. lotreha•lnY. It 4 dm :.Went lbw tub cortnie for Krider'm Photogralia 51arrlaye Certificate. The attenthm 'of eTeay, teen I. re,pectfully called to We, as he canard them at the oamo dirconnt as they would' yet from the l'abllrher.. Atwater . , -Sch..' (100- ernment .for lola at ruhll.haea petit. Alen on baud, Tap; and Tunny (loud.. Imitable rc../114. Jen!, Itritaly FIDA L' FOR 5,1L111.--The undersigned has 1,,) constantly on hand 11 good article of Lamy and Nut Coat which he n 111 , ell at ren.onahle prices, either at the hank, or will deliver to pnrelou , ers.— ; The bank is located on McKinley's Bun. a law rods fro. the Pitt. Ft. {Verde& Chicago Man.!, and bet a eitort dLtan cc . fi.nn Beaver station. 1 have aka a goal article of Fite clay, which 1 Win dispose of nt rrnAntirdtle rate.. Orders left at my residem, h, Bridgewater, or at Michael Comps In Roche-ter,r at the bank. will rere11 . ..1,34,n11it attention. o MOVLEEIL . _ ta, ~/ 11113 PIZA6TICAL. leading in:Haul:ere Me. StaMa4containing 24 gnindt.l4,--...- ea to rarnieni everyw here aka I noron:hly n I :led well Wear:lea A grlemiteral and liortienitur... Journal It 1+ largely made up of original matter and di:retel ni Stock itai-itia, graingrowing. the Vegetobie and Market - Gardening. Cinziog, nearing and Fattening Anima la, a Ver. titrinary r apartment, it e. Price flat per annnni dire4l74;. VineyereiTnnd or ardein niiii;irTag. For desert price pamphlet, address, with. rtarar, J. C. DEBBY, Ankanta. Ca. nort,4or $25 '`,.'artaktittligtv.7.7•lnlaeunnntreMn.e n Ad a il a re e s d s Yr" 0 1 882 10 It. II WALKE4, 84 Pork Row. Now ork.. novtrw =MUM Itoyat .I..l.avis nits Lottery. Prizes cashed mad Inrush:atch furnished by (IRO. tIPIIAII. Provleetiee, I. r nu.4J.e THIS NQ HUMBUG. Itending 35 cis., with age.. height, color of 'eyes and hair, yon will receive by return mail a comet picture of your future wile err husband, with name and date al marriage., Address W. FOY_F. O. 'Drawer No. 248euttonville, N. Y.' VrOURIBLES- ls m ?red with Catarrh thirty' Al yearn, and • as cared in CS weeks by a simple remedy, and willsendilie receipt, postage free, to all OM retell. T. 3. M VIM"; 'Drawer 1115, SyIICOSO. New .York. • • • nreetter A 311104TEItli Pifteen uteri Private Vonveromion /1113kri,t144es by Our of their number. Sent free for two stamps, Address. Mrs. H. DINTZGER. Ilan - veer. Pa. • • con kiln: of p krpmau,nbito reGitiog in Sunlit America AP a mbrionory db.royered a pate: and pimple rem; rAy tor the Cure of "Menem, Weakneya, Early Do eky. Dir.:twee of the Irrinpry qni Seminal GrgaPar and the whole train 61 dtaordeti . bmnght on by baleful and vicious balidtA . Great numbers bare been eared by this noble remedy.• Prompted by, a desire tO benefit tbe afflicted and nullutunatr.l "[Masud tbe tech,. tor e pzparlng A: 4 • Win' b l 4 = ll4 ;• ' l3 P , rg ,l eVa4 KITS ? J ' l4l;Vg LIMAN, tatiou Nigw , YeTk WY. nori;lw VIE --GOODS AT • ERWIN & CO'S Frcnela Metlnn,. Wool I'laitlA P4Un.11a46 I;lack IVdi2t.proas. Brown Vinterprook Conked Poplin . Silk ctitil Wonl Poplin; Irish Poplin.. New Dal k I)elain Plain Mixl.4ll .trey EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES • 17S federal Mt., Allezheny \VIN1)(•)\V AD ES, itrniulway. New Brighton. ~ '<C L.\'itD~ .. • • . VA.I.ALAVINCON• •'' , . . ' • ADDRESS • . Foundry: . dc :10ir Shop: ,_:' - --. • . ' '.. - ". ''' -. _ • .. . IforreenVertattlg=e-e"ltAm.ditieendr""i . ~ TO THE have at eamtuatella v i attets of 1 patt " bp aides aka Do models F eet Wilms oat patients• .. , . . ''' for Improvements on :"COOKING . . • . .. - - • . . . STOVES Nevins - and Debilitated, :• . , —and oli c t . l..tuitlw":".,7 4 j 4 tFt 7 l. ; l lbirieiln. 1 ` 1 :( ; ) wisosr.. SpPPERINGS HAVE BEEN • PROTRACTED FROM ILIDDEII. ••• CAUSES, AND WROSIS 3E . 1.9 CO Wei 9 , -. CASES REQUIRE The GREAT WESTERN llius no IS perforle• UM Socallsr, ' • - , • . . f . , . • . . . 3. . . . PROMPT TREATMENT. filtoves of Intievenitltyles for Pteidtsg aid Cockles. • - ~ ... i• . Ike.' e C 2i. ,to Coolag.litne • .I. AG - Rader laristenc desirable: I A I t JO DIORE• WORE: i ' • BAKER, • , .13..L.k. - 1 , ~.,-.. ' . • . .. . • • , ...., /1. • erif ny 'sae pattern iltindred Pei•lionta Witr! have purchased and used the • GREAT. REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE S Most.of whose names have becar• puhltsh el iirthe Anovn..ure candltiently referred to, to bear witness of Ms, superior merits av a'coilking stove. . Mellor tbrve Ant chum menet . on baud. of about. Arleen home power capacity. they are offered to the public at reasonable 101 IN THORNILET. April If. HENRY LAPP, DEALER EC ALL KINDS OF . FUR.NITUE• MMM,WWp7 OF ALL SIZES FURNISHED TO ORDER. Brighton lit.above Plow Factory, -- ROCHESTER, PENN'A. The Largest stock In Beaver county constantly, on hand, and telling at the Intent prices. t7orlina and Hean provided at the ahorte4t notice Having a large clock of all kinds of hunk ore on hanu, and nicking to make room for tall and win ter work. L have Pei:laved my prices accordingly. aug3l;ll. BEAVER DRT3G ,STORE, 1 1. U . ci9 9k3gßkEtSP . E,lsi,, Druggist & Apothecari, 13UA.V.ETt. PENN Pure Drugs. Chemicals, Medicines AND ALL THE OFFICINAL Pharmaceutical Preparations ALWAYS-4)N HAND Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-.Shqrs likiclow Gloss, .tt the Lowent t'axli Priers Agent:4- for lithne. , tork, Ilailrti ,Vehteartz's t4t riot ly l'ural R']tltr I.cuct At Manufacturers' Price/ I,g,tlti or the rbeinlenl Puintf, no hun ready for INV. Phccit•inna' Pregeriptions en rt•fully and svictunically compounded nt nny time thy or eight. tanglll.•chd LOOK HERE. AND SUYETIER GOODS. —The leave.to Inform hle frlemb , and the public. generally that he Nu jndt mceivell a new rtnel: ni combr tyr the - Ith+t otyleettrr Spring and Summer ylf.r..which ha °Ma. at ' O 7 tnottentt rate.. ENT/. fiLifeAtO • FUR_VISITEVO afIODS. • CONSTANT/A 0:S Clothing made to order on the nhortent notice. Thankful to the public Pm pant rayon., 1 hope by clo.e attention to buatuesa to merit a CUlllit.U -an, of the Poole. . . • DANIEL liIILLEILP-I -hRIPOE sr., DIUDGEW.47I.R. mar :;-I:ti poitts , DRUG STORE, - Bt.:AVER Moy be (Don& tllr' bon w.rortment of DRUGS,._ Pa - DYE STUFFSIr" .• LBT- AUTICLE . , SOAPS 13 14,1FJS 11. E S . _ A TE.)11:1) IC IN 1 , 18, earLirialilty, imd oat any, other Dfirtbe ➢ COILDt• ....ponc's Female 1 1 14, TS cent. per box Chememan'o, $1; Clarleo, $l. The Largest Stock or ' LAMPS .4 LAMP TRIMMINGS, LANTERNS, STATIONERY, WINDOW GLASS d. PULTY. Ever edam! outside of the city,at Moore's Drug store. and sold cheaper than can be bought any •here else. Let those who doubt thLs call and see, and they will doubt.= wore. CMS • . .832iraElirt:52 - AND , CO ONERY FSTAIMENT, enudemeded timing bohcht . but the Itt. Itnil-REW , Cetamitomm7.4eublishment. W J. , • Keep' Viso be quality of Orators, which ha somas in arm idyl& ; also will supply thew! by : the can at reasonable prices, Throe to In want nf them sbnold glea him early call. His ,Coenctionerrdepartmant Is wail studied: and parties, weddings, ac., will be supplied with aversildag needed on short notice and in the belt of style. - • Families fainished with fresh bread as often as rimier& • • VILOSIUE riavariniatu. • war ;Is , • . - Oflice. 1 1217 - blank, tintotwiti Li Well tbc Abbas, 16. .••• • . rf.P 4, •..`G'. moping, tired of to be lefi atone; to gelal any little thing mike you start or jump! Is your alacpbrokan or realties! Is tiro lustre of yeureys as brilliant! The bloom on year cheek es ! Do you enjoy yourself le sofiety se Well! — Do You pursue your Modem with the same energy? Do you, feel as much confidence In yourself! .kre your splrlts dull and flagging, given to Ala of Encl. armhole If so, do not lay It. to your lives or rips. pepaLs. Dave - you teeth:la night.! . , Your ,back , weak, your knees Weak; add have but Mile noire tite, and Fos attribute this to dyrpepsta or liver complaint, Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly CIMA, and sexual excesses, are stye-suable Of pro doting a weakness of the generative organs. Ile organs of genet-Aloe, when to perfect health, make the mach Did Tod ever think that these bold, de fiant, energetic, penrering, seccessful business' men are always those whose generative algae. are Imperfect health! You haver hear such men com plain of being , melancholy, of nen•o wooer. of pal pitatioa of the heart. They are never afratd flier cannot succeed In business; They don't become sad and discouraged; the; arc always polite and pleasant to the company of ladles. and look you and them right in the tact—none of your down cast looks or asy other masithere *hoot them. I do not menu those who keep the organs Inflated by running to excess. There Will not only ruin. their consiltutions, but also lathe they do burl nese with or for. • flow many men, from badly eor.•d diseases, rom the effect. of itelrahuse and ercerees, have brought about that state of Iste.knas In those or gans that hos reduced tee general .y.tem 00 mush as to ludeee almost every other firm of diles;e - Idiocy, Inpacy, paralysis, spinal alifectlons. and 111930111. every other form of disease which bar manlty Is heir to—and the real emote of the you hie scarcely ever suspected, and hate doctored kr all but the right oue. DISEASES oE"rinst: ORGAN:4 RE QUIRE THE usE of A DIURETR HELIIII3OLD'S -13. 17. 1 .0 EC 'CT s the grtiat diuretic., and is a certain cure for diseases of tl}}• Bladder, Si lney'n 0 ravel, Dropsy, Org.:mfr.' Wei: ME usr of a reliable ELNIIIOLD'S EXTIIAC 111.:CHU, Es- tabliabed upwanl 'of 19 years prepared by 11. IL"..r/E - 1,31. 13 °LA). I 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street. Phila'd., Pa. DEMME! PRICE—sLea per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6,f4, del iveret) to any mWnr4.. ' SW by all Druggists Ereryirhrr, None are genuine.unfess done up in ntiiel 'engraved w'rupper, with fue-simirie elinnimd wmelinuse, and signNl nutylB;ly. 1T! Does li FLOI EXTRACT n'e‘AA, Frmalr Complaiutt blvneral Debility ME CCM DRUGGIST, ti,E3l.4kri3or—ro. 12=1= r 23 seronz.: - .EV-GOODS! „ Nang um! Bmuwce Wens The undersigned takei !brining lug friends rind U aIV that he huluht rewdrLd "pn, r il - • • A New Stock of Goods, OF THE LATER'(' wrvi.EN Fop : BEING and StrbIWIER Wear. He keeps Om beg of IN Lb e mploy, aml feel 4 c0r0,., „r to cut Brut make u p prim:ilk rAsaioNABLE et DuRAIILF: in such a manner a, xtll pl(a+e rustoilwrs. GENTM'S FURNKIIING G6OD3 ALWAYS ON lIANW e t a a n d See us Imforr to uf uJ your Orders I:I•YPICIu• h IN113.11:131 itEttlf. Jr. may.l;7o;lY • ‘, W.% ItNi:lt'p.; PILE EMED • Warner's l'ile Hearted, tit (no: Ottn in non c.oe t W t Avittz.ittolll; Icor. It 4.1. -311141111111- r. A ib. Übti/L41. • (Am,. Oi Throat, Istwo 11. V:n. 11..1 4., and eloqueet.eu I/ a.t.l Juutudllde. 811 hoOlopt IC the t t. 141 lelreetal 111 811 the uhlove ca.,. le throat and lung.. that 14 dully pre. ribal4 It. aid aac ..1,: ,J) J the itio, c3lertur., : 1 1: ,• thiv ua.rt Shtuyal un. r , • re.. I, awl'( curt, oue buitlr alcUo • u ; wet welt., in I..rae bold,. th,e hoe, your 11111 laull It you .1111 couzh a,: t Wleam its cure. 11/ I N le. Ul.4' LIFE. The lfnac Blood Purifier and Delickra• Df %learners fiztuna Vr Wine 01 Lin, is tree Irons ILL) polauau.drl.ll:llOr 11111. a, log prepared tor tbtmu nun require • It is a opletsdlel apprllLer suit tattle, sue: thud to :hew Oral tor purif)ing, to a luval pie :sat aro' dela LOU. arta. , lU the a far prlperlor 1011..01,, e or nu? oilier untrir. 1110 , Oust I h. al.er. liolll Wait •aLl(,11/41A4•1. ran li.e 4.1 Ltie....lt :• , teeter. .1110,1 , 11 U \CI.III to el.p./) 1. , a leee !Ilea "I 11l el) ni.llll.r. WO ue.., T. of Lily. lit* i/111. feat lona 14441,4n4 w “.444. 4.4.4 rt PIK 4, •• all ac, It:3/ 31. LEN k.)c; I E Warner Erninen.2l4:oe .• (ICI , . 4uouu lo Cur.. L , , z, • . - rvriy LblYr.l V. litre In the I:ttki.; 1:1 _ tkujelrlakt 3.....•144e . • ‘• ..r•••• •! _ ..11.11 kn k 1 medkotel, pruck, It • 11 .. , 1! • 1. • fr. a,. It. 41/1.111 r. • . ~• Ihk•czk • • ~ • Ir., t •• - Gl9 f • 11:.-rrk • I, IL% • U.>,. ••! C, Oil Cloths, &c. • Wholesale and Retail, At Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM BROTH'S, Vin 11 ,16. Venn. I'ITTSBURG 11. P.l Wt• 11 1 It.l•Yr.i 11. i) T:.11,1•: it .r ANY 11.1,1;1-` e(' % n lino% EMI MONIES /11:\II Ai( , N to opporthulti, are t. .a : •• EH. nut'-tout of I:1 , 1r v.ite lie .• ' • . . TJI E NATIO: 4 7M - , I 'F....l'x I" haelos axle real entaf. of f.. 1, te•-• • ' In Middle and :Lew h. au •• • fuck. grain; ettd lard Win.: re. • len if ffe . e., sual 1,.•:.. L nmi a, .. • • ~d 6: fuel'anift /Ms. farterh.,t, • . lVrit.• h.r bind . •-• pricv..ata wrens ..f pn, ••,• I, Wait, connveted Ida,ufar, Heal 1.-• ' • liavi• fpf , rdt Chin. and Ilry • , ti per, ,I.alpf flit• n.•II known 7 to•—•• I.dt• .4 Ow 14.1,411, • s, , ~,,r1,1, 1 ie. and a ted in tli.• ddre'rent Prof - avid pt par • ' pccinlfy IS I ltc War and 011.nasc m. 1.: N 0 , VI( '1 di.d. a 1.7,r. C.VIISNIT pre.-, ex.vcapd% and /Wear.. e.. r, , , Mt st pr“,' •, iflio , cl.ll fittenlilszi i‘ • •., • •,.•,/ / YrD r twrry a of en Artie, r I a f •.• tan or r Fl.ur .hkds n V'ririt.l svellpit•leeted VSORTNVST iq. DRY - G 001). . 11 01.1; :a 1 1 ,24 ) CULT IN Si 1'1 , " .1.11 1% MEI HARDWARE VUIC[I lts oFF'I:~ Low.' ,Prices• mail:tf 4 Ceelifautitonotable-Wnitiv . tomtitat o.v 1. It other. MEI
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