of - 7 - '.'-` • iiaDV,E III T/51fia14 3 111%.,- %- ' ....._tisementio aro Inserted at the rate •- ar aquas for fi rst insertion, and -for sifftbsequent Insertion AO cents. A moral .;mount made. on yearly ad vertisements. -' 1. ••' . • . .• . A spite° equal to ten lines of this typo measures a situate:, • ~, • Business .Nottoes sot under a bead by themselves Immediately 'alter the local news, will be charged tim cants . a lino for each Insertion. • • Advertisements should bo handed In before Motiday:rfoott , to Insure Insertion In that week's p, ~ : ' • - Basinessllireeiory. =MI tliNlloolll/:, /Muth*a and der in patois, 1 , puto medical Wines and IJauon, alms. ware, Lacuna and Pay (t , ondo; Male Pre. scrlptlona carefully compounded. acil.V JD. MAIM'. Dealer In uroccricoaiour, Foal: . Cathodal:lacy, Tobacco and Clem (ocirilitly lifralfrllltitKlifinitiClarer anTlieidaTin 11,xda, Shoes and riallung Main rt. Ce d ar .1) Drazgloc & Apothecary. Main at. PnaKrip nom. carefully compounded. (FeWay. , . L.! J. AN DEILSON. Dealer In the improved WO 0.. .11 Sheltie Serving Machine, Main st. See -------- cord In another column. RACOMMns. K. 11.. Dealer In 1) S T t vsi Mon ear ad nl and Diamond. ijkili tßliarbilk. Grocery di Restaurant. Choice 'fees,Bent Coffees, Tollacro and Cigars, Con. ectionery and Vegetables. Alain st n . sep2l3;ty it:.BllUl%. Denier 1111•TIUMire, Storm. I, • tiraten ate.. Went end 3d at aeptltly ra , W. REVERS , lusurance agent, Bearer.- ?a. I • Call And get your ro rty Insured. oallgly PITTSBUIIGIC J. 'IIIOItGANSTERN,DenIpr In Ilhoto &Shoes, J No 8G Minket St. Pittsburgh, Pa. Isepl4;iy . fAItOFT d PHIILLIPS. Ihual latste Agents, tip • poelle Post Ogles. rehashen of the -Real No tate Itnithner,," sent free. Pittsburgh.. [sep,l4;ly tTigirlfleltriON A. DIMS.. Wholesalabrag. 11.. gusts, .466 Liberty St. Pittsburgh. sepltlY DALEIS I. AT PARLOR. El Fifth Ar - t/ /• cline, (near M rket St.) Pittsburgh. teepl4;lly 1.1 ,-- A • LA ItKE CO., Bookseller* and SIAM/n -*l., ere, In Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. leepl4;ly • o6NPU .110.1t4. & CO, 14 & tril Markel e) Pittebargh—importens and dealers In Notions, Trimmings, Hosiery, White Goods, eta itly ItRYMER & BROTHERS, French andArnett can*Confectlonera. Dealears to nuts, (tulle. dr. 110, 128,198 Wood St. Pittaburghs . [sepl4;ly S. MOORS, Dotter in chillee" Yeas, Coffees A J. Family Unnterics. No DJ rink AYCIIIIC. Pitts. burgh, Pa. • acpl4;iy. t /11$.11,1131GERT A SON. Dealers in the New 'Wet teetving Machina. lig Market Nrevt,Y•ltt•l•urgh, Ps. seplitly I"rk VEtt hreLl STOCK A CO., Dealers I Car _J putt., Oil Clothe, Ac. Special rata; to Clergy. t Filth Avenue.' Pittsburgh, Pa. atity 1, , P. Sirced•or to J. M. itoo.wrs, Dealer In 'A. Watches, Clock., Jewelry ,t Silver ware. No 16 Fifth AVClllie.lllsllbargh. 2.;l:rNstock'ugrg,r.dh",rign .Praht . ,;.7ntr: - N 0: 7 Finn moue. ritt•borgh:k pep2liiy FUL YON, Manufacturer, of sad Dealer in • Furniture and Chalm—Rosewood. Walnut, Mahogany and Oak. 45 SMlthileld et. octruly NEW BRIGHTON. Itti. F. SERMON, Bakery & Confetionery, Cr IL R. 'tract. Special initiation given to wed ilieim_ul _Papa, . (sep . lCly 4,0 A. J. tiNKLITE - glititti, ) feic l." , • Broadway, New Brighton. See lute ispl4;ly A M. WIIISBR: n; E Dentist. Broadway, New / lklgbton. • isepttily r MOSS, knotographer. Willson's Block, 11. Broadway. Best photographs front re-touch ed Dein±lves. (sepitly INTKIt 8 BEDISON. Jewelers and Toting -11 coniata. Broadway. N. Brighton. inoplaly e). 1101MBR, tiroceries, (Nei:Elmore and 11..1J_LHILorkeetiold Birds. Broadway. .I.iepltlt tronVr 4 y r tTot r lqi i4w : way, New rlgbton, Lsepllly t At " n Y cy (i F t BT s t B . IN EII L o p u; U S • Clothlcm. Broadora . ottl2;ly DEAVEIIt . FALLIL NV % t o w tA o t ß an li g E l i d rB neln N e. in 2317,017 d er Fall 4 - anpl4;l7 I I actrit - Jitiarare and 11 Mllllnery, corner of Main and Baker sdreetx, `. orp . ll l ; ,, l t y I ( 1 :q 54 .. " al O L tiu T u A x N :A N n i ti IV A „ r ra l rute l. r . e r ,l " aBt. . I:: aver I'.lllp. acidl;ly URIDGEW.VrEit 1 AMES PORTER, 'Miner. Dealer In Tin, Cop• et per mud Sheet-Iron ware, nod Iron Cistern Pato?. Bridge at * Brldgewater. (sepll;ly BLAVENEll, r ilanuraettirer and punier In %,• Boot. and Snows. &Idol SL, Inidgewatur, anpl-1;ly A C. BURST, Illy Uooda, Hate, Caps, rare, 11. Carpal., Oil Clutha =LI Trimming... Bridge Si, Bridgewater, ('a. eerdiuz JIL noitairri, Jtealer la lloute an - a Shoes. • Briqn litmet, Bridgewater. sept4;ly IHANAUER, Millinery, Trimmings & Notions • Br I dge et., Bridgewater.sepltly ' Minitrietfire — Or Boots - and Shoat. Bridge Sr.. Bridgewater. (sepl&ly NUS. DRUMM . i gen deutencCloatlng cleis i t y l YitfilqWsl) U area lErgteT i ---- -wkel moots Tonamatituaror Ita lusonstobit nod, to order.'lltullatkotard Wow 'mac Depltly JSTILES & CO. Urcteerlim, Weonsware, Win • doer Claes, Flour, Feats Country Produce. Donlap's corner, Bridge St. Bridgewater. [epll;iy LUTII Elf. MAUlNNlS,—Solicifor —Proprietor of Persian (Heine, Dealer in Agents' (touch -Agent.. wanted. Water at. het: mills, Bridge. n Me, P. U. addrems, heaver, Pa. reir.hhly 1f t R AM MEANUIt, 1/ealar in Monongahela 1 Coal. Orders left at .1 D. Clarlen, In Beaver, and at Sfultit's Drug Shim, In Dridgewater, wllll. promptly attended w. thud. on delivery—Lowest price. Yanl—MeDunnld's Point., pepthly UOCUESTER CO., Fancy Dry lloodrC;No- V 'tolls nod lkludDou It., near Dla -1....11,1.11,,che0rer, Dkepl4;ly LAl'l', Alninifactiam and Dealer In 11 1. militant, of ell IrAndi. Brighton al, nln)ce Flow rartory. Ben sidet. (cepl4;l7 I i illN litatCHER, Baker and Confectioner.— rf IVater rt., Rochester, Pa. (Wept 1;ly INGRAHAM IIOYD, Wagon St Carriage Maker, Railroad rt., lincherter, Pa. • (reptfily. S ' li .‘ n t i l i t a E ca L Ltll l y AN co N in 2k xt Water at., Ito- icr, (9114:11, It J.S.WlNANS,Blectrlcalnyelcimg Chronic I IA dirwatem made et rpecialiy. Office, ranter of I minimal out Bridge sta., Itoclweter. ly PRY EREit & SONS, 1 ,1 belate(' d Retail Deal it era la Dry tioodo,Unteerien,tilitar,ltattl,Grain ntereclron St Nall, Cur. Water At Jame* MN FREDERICK, linker and 1:7• Wedding. Cakes and Ice Crearn_turtilehed promptly. On Diamond, Itocheiter. (septillY ipolt SALK by A. SILVERMAN, Readquarters for Foreign & Domestic Dry tlorsla, 'Notions, 'l'dintnlngs filar Ynncy Goods generally, Water •ireet. Rochester. In. (seplliq VI MILLER .ti - CO., Contractori anelluildere, Vi Mu " ufacturera 9f Sash, Doors, ditottera, Ac. Deal i l til.l . 7 oyrt beaiLlithi , Nc U7l', i an s d 14itiCei Lumber. lath Shinnlos, Rochester. ' I lOW KR'S LIV EILY STAIILE Y between It. It. station stud Ohio river. oenl;ty et al ott~i work. 0 in Tin,Copper and Sheet Don Wal. itllnnnV, SIIVIIItI.I. Au.. attended In. 11. York at., octlthly 4„;:riT SLEW& CLARK, proprietors of Johyoton IJ limme. Good accommodations stud good sta. Ides. Near It. It. Depot. ortlihly dealeihn Roots, Shoes, Gallery , . Ac. Repairing done molly and polio:111v. btore on the Diamond, Rochester. Pa. tyclithiY WALTER a - 111101'11E14 .11huitiGictilrt; of j• Wagons, Condtca, Doggies. Sprlng.magona. Sulk•irs, Ac. Illackomithlug nod Itonoshoeing done In the best manner. Rochester, ' notd;y . _ ISINCELLANEOUS. rT(M i l.Tll°, l 2lll.'g' tmore.l'.lll.7tre". l .,'b°,4lr.'l' table extotodon top and ceotro. Faileloa, 15t. A I.IIERT RUSSELL, Stoneware llanoracturer. .11. Orden/ promptly attended to. Vamport, Pa. Poet °Mee alb) peep —Beaver, Pa. leept I L AVING Permanently loaned In the vlhaae or Zellenople. Pa., for the pnrpooe or practicing Medicine, I nameetfally tender toy prole. tonal 1 . 1( ICC a to 113 111 stilagorand vicinity. innte, In rm.lttenee, oppoelte Eagle Hotel, where eltell nlwap •tm ronnd, tmleea tooreeelonally I , ligna.l. All calla will recelte Inunedlate and prompt attention. A. V. CUNNING SAW. D. .7. LINNENBRINK. i)unier .111 watetteK. 4 C.71.t0rk9 Jewelry, Ikriodieals and Mallon, ry. %Vedettes and Jeoreley repaind. Agent forth -WIllt.0" Sewing Msebine, Itorberter Pa. 13:61n 11. MeCIVEVOLVY. ATTORNEY AT LAW Third Si'reel, Beaver, l'a. °moo below tbe Court House, Delver. Pa. THOMAS M'CREERY & CO MOS. 111PCREICIRIN Cashier. J. P. DRAW) , * J. rs. Ascain. renagmr. Interest pakten time,deposttst Prompt attention given to collections. Also, Insurance Agents for good and reliable Companies. pnaylStf 1)111.1. 1 ".16 1 : , define the dey, at Uunhp l et night at my !evidence on Water ottnet. Itridge water, Pa. Will precilce surgery and Med icine, [martelymied spat I MeNUTT, M. Pennar" 34- tlly located In Bausch 'tomtit respecilhily len tir • Me professional uerviecti to the diluent. of Bea- Ter and surrounding country. Specialialtention paid to thestreatment orientate disease*. eturetiy done with a skillful hand. Office am Third street, a few door . ..west of the Court honed. .f`rt,"lttltrn IVIIBLIAIII DAUBIEN dealer In Boots` hhoss, Gaiters, Hl'Wm, &e.. Mat door In Porter's •TM shop. Bridge sand, Bridgewater. ..here he la prepared to manaMetara and aell everything In hie lino at reasonable rates • Ilay lug removed his Om of baildeas from the corn. er roar the Bridge to his present localkm; he' in vites Ma old friends and patrons to glre-bko a call. • • • T AS. CABIERON,Attorney at Law 0 Beaver, Pa. Office in the ronm for mei ectupted by theist.. Judge Adam s Col• leettopp,lte., promptly attedel to. septirtgay. cased NALEI— , A rooewood, plum- AY eased Melodeon, eatuelynewothlt touring" , FD4 °CURE*. ipqo l / 1 1 M this Wks. scritor E ; ! ■ Vot 5 2----No. 4.8. 001 ( 1 & Silver 'Watches. IMPORTANT TO EVERY ONE! Look at Pricetato. AMERICANIPATC7IER „ . . . Waltham; •• • • ” • $11•110 ' Etl: I 0 in ted litatm ' •St Ml ed • * ' Ala All Ma ahove are la Cola Silver Valet., andara good and reliable thnateepera:* LADIES' GOLD IVATCHES:. Detached lima., • Detached Lever (Extra),.. tlepern (Enameled) • Venom (Ltestl These all have Bond Gold Cases, and are fuu jewel lvd - maienteale; and, as handed+ =us testily, are a eplendld GERTS".SILVER WARMIES':' Detached Lever (Hold Mats), $ll 00 Detached Lever Wine), 15 ID Detached Lever fliballunt), •13 00 Geneva Lepine • - II .113 •, Special Indacententa arc orerod In thew Watch. So. whicla aro pnie Silver, apd perfectly reliable for. time. I wlll 'send; Elf. 0. D.l by Express, any ti.iitie above Watch." with. Guard and /Coy. and written garanteo.: ..51t. dealings arc fair and honorable, and will be found tatistactory to All. Send along your orders at once, and.save by the C.O. D. plan from to 30 per, ,cent. Addmis, E. P. ROBERTS, Successor to J. 11. ROBERTS. No. 16 Fifth Avenue, Pittelurgh, Pa. °dram Miscellaneous. iiiiiNT - ittUiney en at Ism. Mln La lilKlnlty's building, east of Public !agnate. MEM E l xtiumuin E s NOTlc.—Letterts testamenta ry on the Estate of John reazle,dec'd, late of IhtLust township, Bea t er county, Penns., haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons In •dchted to said estate are hereby notified to make Immediate payment; and those baying eielms on said estate will. present them to the subscribe!, duly authenticated for settlement. oct*tiw lIENRY YIfILLIit, ter: Dry Goods. -3% RADOMIt, Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WBEKLY.RECEIVINO A FRESH SUPPLY OF 0001/5 IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMEN'IIp 1)R Cr S Steubenville Jeans, • Camlmeres and Sattinets,.; lYhlte Woollen blankets, - Whittrnntl Colored and . Ilarredlielantiels„ Iferlhos, • Delaines, • • Plaids, ngliarns, Coliergs, Lawns, Water Proof, Chinchilla. Cloths, Woollen Shawls. Itrov'rn andlarl: Drillings, T lugs, Yriniv,' ' • - ' • Canton ' • Flannels; • .1001110. s, • - • Talan • hislriAnnso Ilirsiery, Gloves & Mit. Groceries, Coffee, Teas, I•lngar, MOIIL,PCO, While Silver Drips, Golden and Conunon :Syrups, Mackerel in tsar vela and kiln, Star and Tallow Candles, Soap, Spiced and SALT.Mince Meat. A 1.., • • . Hardware;. - Nails Glass, Drier Loeke.Door4Alchea,' Screws, Table entlery, Table an d'lea 'Altoona, Sle Bello. Coal Boxes, Vire Minya! and Pokers. Nalla and Caago. Spades, Shovels. 2, S. and 4 'I Inn Forks, Itakre, Scythed and Sumba, Coro and Garden 110.1. IVOODENWA I tE. Rackets, Tubs, C C Ahoma, B BONatterOlL, Prima and Ladles R Linseed Oil & White Lead. Boots and 'Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILI/HENS' SIMOLS, In ginnt variety Powder Rifle , and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. - vielir Fecal & tracenswaro. .H heavy goods delivered free ofcharge. .By close attention to business, and by keeping constantly,. bind a well assttedwtock - of goods of all the different kinds usually kept in a country store, the undersigned hopes to list future a lu Ike past to merit and receive a liberal share of the publle patronage. ]L. IFS. decTratly.—blehad• 0•0v.a6 The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, A lihnllng facilitica for acquirina a thorough,praa that business education, possessed by no other School In the country. Since its incorpondion lu lard, nearly Sixteen Thousand Students, reitcesentativtat from every State la;tlle Union, have attended lucre. No vacations. Students enter at any time. and receive private instruction throughout the entire con rile N. 11.—rtreniarti milli fall partieulars'and nil ne cessary Information. on addressing & COWLEY. Principalic l'lrnatunati. Pa. lenlL:ly • Professors COLUILIS It Doss of tho American []l o l s siversitA aro m making d erondosfe . err , now discovery. ° A patilms troatta y o u n ° ll4 kohl; no plasters, so auntie 1, ox. Tho most romark oblesitoct . at: - of this treatment rotas the cisumkal clement. of cancerous growths, so that they shrivel, die and dl. • appear and will not return. An those aft Meted con call on the Pmfeasors Dolman A Down, linirersiif : or sidnws, No. 611 Pino Street, Plaits& sagl7:l7 r) 4e in rt 1 ti iv t r 'Sr - Dr. J. 21[n rayrnhiridlre• water. Is deter mined that no Dentist In the State shall do (work better or cheaperl than be offers it to his patrons.— Ile uses he Lett materials =flatletlTmilli tin Gaited Stales. Gold mid all• tree filling perforated In a style that defies eompe. Minn batisfsetion outrantred In all operatlonm, or the money returned. Glee him a trial. lebtly 11 -14 . F Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. --- - PRINTING, . MILKXILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, -) Hardware, Glass, Straw/ RACr AND CARPET 1 MANUFACTURED AND SOLD AT IV holtiutle 6 Retail by Frazier, Metzger &Co., *S2 Third Avenue. Frrreßoaon. aritan Ulm a exchogo. ficelailAtt • :11.(zidroails. ~azLuoans., - FT.WAYNK 6. PIIIVAOO RAI Un . 19 -14 arterAgn• Utlltl9k, TWA* tY d.ally, (Sandaya i..rotpted) (Train !raving Itticaga at 5.3; P. L. lea , 17.1 (Traln 14.1tVing Plttabaralk nalLtA levy datly,r _ = ===l Pittsburgh Rochester Alllatsca Atlantan,: Ithuostilon OrryUle - Wooster Mansfield...:.. Cretans. " D t`, Itncyrns tipper Modality— Karat, .... ' . Vas Wert..l. • Port Waios Colombia • Warsaw.. ..;. ..... %Moore's° eldest...o lEEE 0 E2l E I I r aliC Fir•ll.. CEl=3 Chleage....t. , • I Valparaiso Plymouth Warsaw Port Warta. .. U pper Doom' ElandositY:.l CratUne Ltansaeld • Wooster Ormilto Massillon " Carlton Alliance Salem...". • • ' Rochester......... .. Ea! $•2202 . VI OD . :2) IX/ 30 00 I=l 1306 i WI Tl 6 1221 " 111.' 011 319 . 497 DO6 9118 313 1 . 110111 .L. 73 205 Yottngstriwn. .2495 r, thwtla . awl Krle. &signal leaves Youngstown at 335 p.ral New Castle, 315 parn'arrt.as at Phtsbergh,M p. m. Returning, lamas Pittsburlh 7:15 a. in; err. at New Castle. 510 a. in. Youngornw, 10:40. a. la • .•' Youngstown, .New Castle and Pittsburgh Ae. ewnwwlstlon leaves Irtmegstown, GAO a. re; New Castle, Ida a. as, mires at Allegheny, 10:10 a.. rm. Relenting, leaves Pittsburgh, S A S p. ar. Tires New Castss.U3o p.m;Yonnuatown. Ta:ls m. r F. MYNltti Ibisenger and litter Aur;sg._ CUSP/LAND at P1TTt311Ult(111 ItAILROAD, • On and alter Nay entli 1570, trains will leave Sun •ons daily (hantaya extswted) as follows. MMECOIMI I=Ef:M'= R/5Ax 11.71rn Rif. Itl I Cleveland ' Euclid Street. lindscro.s - I. Ravenna.. Alliance... Bayard.... 1001 116 I'lloo 411 1131 310 it 103rx 427 =3 *TATUM". :! MAIL. 11.5 - Vs. Amon . , • --- —l. -- ,-- We11av111e........it ti.diaia .4.sllrov Bayard I . Urn 023 Alliance ' ‘ '.111115 653 , 723.04 Ravenna ;1103rx 740 Bl3 m' 'loa ' (.... , 1517 811 853 Eueltd Streetl 141 903 456 Cleveland • 155 ' 910 $lOlO 0 • (WINO EAST. --_ • • OTATIONIS. •*, /M "— P' S I • I MAIL. Acidi i ilellalr - 'II 515.axi Max 1551rai Oltsrx gt r e id uMrlii:::::: V 43 17,1;1 - 417 F-P Wellsville - !.* . 13,rai . 413 Smith's Berry 1 5 'll6_l UM Beaver Itochesier. , 925 523 501 . • PlOvhargh....' .... $,1055 823 555 .. • uotircra IWHYIf. • .. . : ....:, .-- iTITIOIM: li 31.01..; - 'taloa. r Arrem fleci3a 1. ---.....• —........-- Plltaliurgh I 015.44, 21349 a 4204.4. Rocheater 733 550 530 Beaver Smith's Ferry 817 .1911 ' 131 IVellinille • 914.1 , 505 656 • Steubenvillell 930 013 %GAB Bridgeport 1101 .10' • 815 8e11a1r... , 1110$ 726 ~.. ...... ,830 • --• This to a mlzell train to Wellsville - •01 an ex pram] train from Welliorllle tor Plttale • ' TUSCAJtAWAS 1111 A, I.cavw ' N. Plaidelpllts, GM Cm. ILyard,ll:Www.. . . P. IL. METERS, 'Mc • LADIES make 10 DOLLARS a nal oUcilfng 13:11..00.14.ms to the latoly enlarg .n tool Illustrate& family tna,ranne LI:ISt/Hit 110IiItti. At s2.oo`peryear, It lo the ch.pest ot 4;1.1, Illtn.trated monthly publiebeil. Roll unly mthorrlpt inn. Riot 25 ernto forworchneta ropy and tern. to J. THAI N9l:. Prop 'r, llourotuor9;l,. :21 - 11Intok Contntittnottln for sale al OW All.ooS 051C2. TIIE BUSINESS OV SELLING / 1 ~. , . if-2 f.._ .... IS SO BRISK. AT B. MULIIEIM'S, Thal ho ilae, not lime to 1111 Ilda moto nt prciitu MEM SHE CELEBRATED IMPROVED ilsEtaaVAM72) OROIDE GOLD WATCHES $l2, $l5, $2O, $25. DURING the past Cowir five rears our Watches have been no thorougidy tested, that for appearanee, style of finish, and accuracy of timed:eeping, the ." Gerard Watches" are universally acceded to he the best. They retain their brilliancy and color until worn out. Or If after purchasing and fairly try. ing, any one is not fully satisfied, we will chtefully refund the money. Vir They are all in Hunting Cases, Gentlemen s and Ladies' sizes. Every Watch guantuteed for time and wear, 'special certificate. rir A large assortment "Improved ()midi:" Chains, $2 to :r-s. Also, Gentle• inen's And Ladies' Jewelry In great variety. Iff . lleroire of Imitutions. Order, di rect from its or. our autliorizo.l ugents. AFents and others applying for eireluals will Pleas: enclose three mitt stamp for po,infze. ariGoods sent to he paid for on delltery. Costomerspermitted to e.xstmlne what they order (before paying' billy) on payment of Exprinnt charges both trays. L3l' When SIX Watches arc ordered of otter, we will send an extra Watch (ad same kind) fire. utta" Purchasers residing nt come An, lance frotn Express offices, and desiring to save time and expenses,ranitave.t lie good; sent by mall, by remittmg (with the order) the amount required by P. 0. Money or regisfereti letter, draft, or check, payable to our order, at our risk:. Ail. drtsi JAMES IG BRAM) & CO, • P. O. Box 3,391, blew: York, nov‘a;ant.) B5 Nassau 9t red' lculo Pump Co.'N 'Patent Flexible Metal-Lined Ptimps; Far Wells find Mena. For rale by aWS&tt 15. J. CRUM& CU notbutes. MO fil:• ,- {111.1.71:14 1 ;;..' • • L.) xr i ;. ;:"t : t tr • i Eli . .iT~ ;.' . `~' I= i ;-.; •:: t ;' • • Miadraw OVN It '4OO rAt WINGNATIERTO) THe Aniericin'St A I.lr,ge llanittomoly ly, containing .1.t.1 to 41,1 t limo Pages, tilled with troth the ablest writers I . I. various shbjotts cents FARMING, STOCK. liltleAfflift ' , WOOL 0110W1] .. DAIRYING;: POULTit Tinimit in handsomely th A. Votoritaary ='l under the ells rke of ono lostora in the bulled St, through the Jounnst.,,./r questions relating to Sick, , seasell-flornm, Cattle,' Sheep, „rrvliiA or .Poultry. This wakes it a very valuable *ark for, retort:llcr7 and an almost Jodi* • pensible, companion to all interestol la sToce•stutsunio. Thu low prfecoit. Willett It is published (SI.OQ ayeArrbYpige 'it within the reach oral!,•whitely' ' 7 . , 4Dinuildriidu'cinielito4keticifi!Aion4 1 and -Premiums toMloe-rsB ',lake it to the bitcnaitvf ovetT Farmer , and Storkiltemie:r tokstenti !tic rculiftioti, , Seed & trhp:aiesi Copy, lark° . ' Rittskpled• toul.n . 4,Pranfuni LEO' Get op a Chi find ittondlif the many valuablo Premiums offerett, (=Slating. of Chester Whitc,'Berkslii ; Stitrolklibigle and Pastor Pigs, Sherri. Inn,' Alderney; Ayrshire:lntl Devon 'Ca es, Soutlidowit, Cutiwold and Mennt oep, -Quainter* Goats, Pure Bred Poultry NprwtiPthita, Seeds, Agrieultural,lmpletnents, ...rumnd,r Watches, Silver Maw, illooksr 44 -44 , Specimen Copies sent free. lAddimei, N. P.. BUYER 4 CO., PubliShersho nov23;111 Pai kesburg, -Clantor Co.,yri. LWAY. 11l korst turn -- Cs &I- P. IL, ME El= Kw' iconot 1 14+16 trine . Vie tat : :115 IDJ MO • LE= IM rzn MEI 114 1601 x REMQVAL. Thomas -Allison; HAVING REMOVED' HIS STORE TO 13P.A.Inplt, Pa.; In the Rooms formerly occupied by'Orr, S Cooper, where lie now hea nniliplOgr A. tieteral. Steak of MERCITANDIRN . Naving received frotn'the East, within' qmw dny:s . plMt; a'fine pelemion ; of ' DKr.- GOODS'. . OF THE • = atest Spring 'Styles,' CONSISTING IN PART ON • ' ' POPLINS, ALPACA, De LAINS, C3INGIIAIIB, CIIEGKS, cA6bIALERE6, CLOTIIs, JEANS, INI3IS, Rain. ,' ' ' iI' AN NELS , 1168/ 001";t1I0Es, MY. '&O.. &A SHOVELS, 124 ICES, 'IIOEB, TUBS, 1113q10ETS, (TEF.NSWARNAr r o. To, tlidpbavuliitkl,eg ItC !uldtd choicia'selectlndl.:•• c‘p;-xf.tsf, -COFFEES, . i illo init .burgh. ,NCII. A nit g I Ilsrn N. Phi • cral =a=l ntobAssEs, .TOIIACCO, tiOAPS, &a. All th 4; nlinve artielea will la. -.ld low for ct.h, or exchange,' rnr i,oootry ',ro am,. Call and manihw • hi, ic,,ck and prices. TilOnAS ALLISON, i A' wi e*- ege• . S 1 t 9 6tkrerlla malt Breeds-a 7. How' Brighton, Dewar totall. M.` Ten" PROW-0411%. PRINTS, TWEED POTTONADE HARDWARE SPADES ZtYltUr rrior: ......d ,--i V eD ....0 CID v.% E:a ' C et - et II to ~.6. O .... b.. 0 ni o n t a. 4 0 I 'Or CD 110 4 • tn. 0 Mil I .., liikiit' ko, ..; -Itudiils &Aeon' ' door : . . . . .Tblyi irasiest 7 si Do ll4 Mauled:. , I Itiiiii tieLlfidii • 14','' :'-' i Ito d. 't0 )644 : ti W,-)ZA? 4, • I' Ati6 1 ' . .. ~ lif.'r \Qu di , Ani • j *alit That V, .0 Whi WO) Ume 'lle CO Rol wrougl Won % mauld noble I What, us Is to to the u cheers en joy it in a selfish manner? Only to gratify his owh egotistkal propensi ties? Certainly not. No man, con sidering wisely the social and linn et world—theireo-relationsand influ enceo—can expect to live au entire egotist. No. "No ono lives to him self alone." Actions speak when the mouth to silent. It is natural for Mall tt otrivetoward tire attaining of some object in the foltue. Ho labors, and he hopes to heam ply rewarded, bear ing in mind theold Latitradage "La bor omnia rincU." Look at. the stu dent who burns,the midnight oil un til his brain, whirling to and fro, begs for rest. Ask him Why'all this labor? Why sacrifice "nature's sweet restor er?" Ile will tell you, he expects fi nally, when done with classic and shall have faun: heal his boat into the deep sea of life,.to obtain nut re ward laurels of fame and honor frimn some of her green isktf.l moo, In every other departweut or avowlion in this sublunary. sphere. The K01°3..31=11 man, the mercantile, mid all, the oth er classes of society struggle, toll and labor, with the hope eyer,qpiipging tip In their boson - 14 Cheering them on to their fair recomense Intim yt.t unknown. How poorbumannature rejoices at the appeantnee of this lit tle star! "Ilow welcome its ran-, ant appearance to the sky" °revery— oile? • There is no day so dark, in moan's tereefiial &weer, no sky so cloudy, but.w hat thiO:Lienignat star can pierce, and from behind their dark curtins silently whisper, "There • is a silver lining. . Hope! ,Onu of Htottren's choicest gifts to man in health; the sweetest beam in hours of affliction, and the only star to guide the Christian's enterance into the portals of the Celestial, City Let us all aim to live so that ours maybe the Christian's hope when we come to the Jordan of death. That no matter whe .e our little life-boat may he drifted- by the currents of time, we may have the blest itssartineof hat —when we have weathered the lust storm—Hope will d ;op, her anchor, and moor, our lxtrquir safely in the haven of eternal rent.! ANNA li. BAK I.u. A PLEA FOR 141.11(EPPE. The Condilima of Di. Similipe--:.,2'.1J43 .Cyneiri of Carlisle... The. following strongly endorsed petition to the Dovernor of Pennsyl vania; on•behalf of the man e•fho twos convicted of having iibisonea Maria Stinecke, about two :years 4m, will explain Itself: "Ciumsr.r, Pa. Oct. 21,' it Is Excellency John W. Geary, (lovt ernor of the State of: Pennsylvania; Your undersigned petitioners of .the Ixneugh of Carlisle would beg leave to represent; in regard to the ease of Dr. Shceppe, confined in the jail of this place, convicted. of causing the, death of Misli Maria SUenecke, by poisoning; that, whereas the said con vict has titbit clMety enufined for over twenty months, during which time his health has greatly suffered, he haying had several. copious hemorr hages of his lungs within that time, as his subscribing physician 'testifies beloW; and whereas this circumstance connected with the grave doubeivx pressed by ninny disinterested medi cal as relations in this country, who have carefully eXamineatinatestiinn ny upon which he was convicted as to the validity and Cenchisivesicks 'of the evidenco in.mtabifshin,Thisguilt, make it reasonable - and just, 'in the_ opinion of your Executive clemency should be invsiit eci in his behalf; we therefore reMect fully 'pray that you grant talk) sala Shreppo a pardon upon any . eon d Rides which your ilxeelleney May see proper to attach to the same ' • I hereby certify that the fitctS here in set 'forth resp : a:Dug. thejtealth of Dr.,Sineiipe.are correct and fine. F. D. Jail. Jos..C. Thoinpeerb Sheriff. • , Hcr follows The elgnatorea of ma. ptrp3poAle'eltizeeli o'ol4We" .;•e: ..4d -,; ~ ;:~ MEE , , tuber 300:87,0. &lit won Fr E.R;reivrff Et (We,' 'dear ',.,+••rfiritliutt;', ace tell trs: ,'Brat • 'diraillid"relveriture* of Mr&t.• 'lYriiro dying lb u. 4." ' "'' Yhaft : seem - thiithing Melt - trlghtftillelerts'• J fato your t;''hernis,"'•• grandma replied; ttg 3flirph 'brown clithi us • hhe I "Youruttnt Lueir-shriuld:not i Inentioued, it. But hinee.she : tilboliSh, en' you've' got your at talsed ' • think , it heat t( giatifv lt, Ittary; ektpirinr•her hands; so ow, - girls, don't thin. haspatk in!; wouhltnt Mr the *world •"•,' • • Wrts abotit• twe'yeltra after my. ago," began 'ghindma; with :e ..,u, shrike alter itendat there:m[l4h speaker, "that•thendventurosts Mary wills It, tonic Place: I Johniehli went • West,. d I tIY 'rafter • ' our Marriagh; We were pretty pricieV-hotit of '1119.L Net but ourfamilies atnistas high as any in .Thir .villagtl ' 7 'added" themtd '.draWilig'ltersblf iv : tittle: I Iffy fathbr was ilelikitt In' the 'Baptist Church - there„ waVrttving; we were net very well' : ff,lmi'd ;rah turd; depend ; don but .our owtr heads •411n1:•hantlh. BM' he was asnittrt folloW; and I was strong .andlliCalthy,' and Masi teiltrnetework.: Wert; 'Was inert. the fashion then, than It Is nowadays. Many's the I_ le rge Washing my sister and I have gut thrinigh with the time one or your Biddies would have spent in fretting over it." - Thegirl; laughed merrily, . and Kato, glancing u_p into the handsome old face, said—"V'ou were very pret ty, as well as smart, grandma, or I. am. very much 'mistaken." •• • !•Oh„.yert,"-said Mary, demurely; "I I: have heard of those. "peachy Ghecks : :" and "violet eyoN,"stuld that Joliet/brownhair. • But, obi dear! We shall never eMnethe adventure, at Bill rate. Clirlit do beljniet.", as I .was saying, we had moved out West. We owned a house -tat very small one—and (often Piece •of ground; and, by degrees, we greW • ; better OIT.• After at long time -Sairy Ilituderseit . tunic Stu live with., us— the IkeSt hired girl we'd had small Wei wernMarriett. • trn•ris• a tall, um , ' benettlhing, nigh on losix.fectirigh;l Should:lmagine. She Was n smart„ 'tidy bodk; rue Joint likt.o tier. - never eteild,-not for anything :she •ever . said —hhe was rather close mentlext than,.`otherWieu-n but en• aeuatint qubt;r little ways she , seemorilto have at - times. But,tleink= ing this might be fancy, trod not be ing apt to give way tla my feelings, I s id nothing;to John athartjt. When my baby (your filther,Katie) was shc . .months old, Sairy\had been with us then about timed \weeks. John rebeived a letter froth his•broth- ir,Al.. lea tha, = ,t :ea r n, . =I ED M .word, a,unnes of all 3rve its Star." above star is Ties and er in the bikr eity,••• lie wanted to see him on business important. to Jo - hii,• Ai well as to himself. We bath felt badly . ;• he'd scarcely left Me a-day since • vie Were titarritql, , but there seetinal` no help for it But he an. , •ran;,ted that I should 1ia%•43 suneighbur (tile nearetit lived only two miles off, girl) eome and stay with ns. Hein. 'misted On'thls, though I laughed well at Mtn; saying •I wasn't 'n• Mite afraid:" • • • -.= == am tad th wo ,• Wert, 'holeft,"and tirweek passed by, and by, that time I - began tofeel most ait 'seeute;: With only Sairy and ourselves iu" the Waist., as when• ai neighborsamo: to stapwith us. • For !Au • • . t • should he 'send instead,' laughtd and said: "0, hey& mind. Sairy'a um good as a man, any day; she can handle a gun and, I fancy, could 'throw Mr. Wilson in 'a minute, if she tried," So' that was settled; mull hairy, baby, and I were left alone. After makingeveryt [dug securodown stairs we came' up to bed Sairy's room was at the ono end of the pl - issage,and mine at - the other. • I never was one of your "nervous" women, going into conniption-fits, if a mouse crosses the robin. Bat some- . how, that night I did feel nervous; and restless; antrafter 'nursing Wil7 lie and lying him in the bed, 331110 time by the window, trying, to get as breath of air, At last, I rose and undressed me. I had said my prayers, add was creeping into bed, when a great horror and trembling— I can't describe it any other way—fell upon me. There . seemed. no reason fur didn't think . of any , reason, th..t I remember—but there I steed shaking, though it WaS a July night, shaking froln head Milli:timid grasp-, lug' the bed poSt.' '' liffist be ffervOnh," Said I, at last, with p 'lair„ q h; • "Sakes Wive! how father emuidlaugh at me. lint Lord,' It mast be because Pm spiked out." And; getting into bed; I.dreW Wil tie toward me, with A' feeling of re- lief, as I, felt MS Soft; little hand. on my • bicist: The shivering fit had left me, but I could not'sleep. ' Toss tie' tumble,toss and tumble,. all that olUssed night! The room as hot as ail oven the . queeiest fancies in my head.of soft footsteps' throulth I the !tonic. Believing them to be finiehm, I wouldn't give way to them' though, no ways ;'till, at last, to Ward one o'clock, ''l fell asleep.: I must have slept till nealv three, and then the great horror and, trembling was on me again, taking ine this time in my sleep." Bat I had achrtsciousness 'now of something wicked -faqir me— of,sotnethlng dreadful about Ititnsp ' pen—and I woke. There, In the gray morning light, sat Sairy on the bed, looking down, so I couldn't see her eyes. She had the hatchet Miler hand—the one Nver used for chopping wood—aml the WetS drawing It back. and forth, over the fingers of her other hand. "Did I scream ?" you ask, Katie. No my dear.' "What kept me from it." Perhaps it was fright; perhaps it was my baby'S dear little lips pros sing against my breast, legging me to be calm, for his sake. No • 'I said one silent prayer to Clod,',atal No; still, watching her. Suddenly she turned and looked at mil 1 kndurnow what that queer look miler' eyWrneant— the creature was crazy—and there lay Willie and lln her power. . ' . '"Sairy," said I, looking right in her eyes, though my voice sounded hollow and unnatural to me, not like my own, "IS it time hi get up?" rho said not'a word, but looked away again, nodding her head up and down two or three times, and draw ing the hatchet throngir her fingers a's before. "Sairs - ," said I 'again; with dill!. Canty, for my heart seemed to rise to My very throat, and lie beating. there. "is it so late? Then I must get up." She' turned on me ncttv, with a sharp; suspicions look: . "I won't be given up to than," she said, 'No,'no,Sairy," said,soothingly. , "1 tell yen I won't!"'she'exelain ed, raising her voice to aloud, sharp key..; "I know they'll. come fa me, those evil Spirits, and try to drag me back to that Cold, flark'pliteei ' But f Woh't go; I Whn!t grf."• •' 'Her Voice had sunk to s tow Int terlng; she was'reelhitlof the hatchet idelonOatteet at me. said 1, riSiriglVitlt desperate effort; *idle my whale ho= dy and the night dMZST ) 1,111, on seems cd bathedin lreitt, "We. won't let thein.eotpe. :Hand Me myclothe that lie on that chaitcB.-dry.', TO thy su . rprise shenbeyedTrie,'and drec-led Myself,. hardly ablerki For, thhali,vrhat filVa young thing seareetreirtryears'old, wit't eroung . boy wades, cowl!! tab:poFi-, tots Wqrrtait 111,telfilsi! • , , .._,! ' • '+: +I + . +l !•• • ' ' • „f• . • • ; : VI • : ! , .. : ,• s 'A • • • s -a• ! •.' f • • - MIZE 'Whim z wit.;4iQti i :,w*. Wont„ 'clown shirr 1 lltst; fur Ni) Ott;'ttio'ilorror of ''ln...Setriie tint t crazztnre stOillanflor into, u 4, k went clown will' Wil 80 , In my upn4, nut Aziring ti) 109 k 1)0001, mu! dr.itling ("very niunimit the Ed! of !w'r hateliot on any neck! But We OA 'down.2lire I!ME Mutt a clay,thst was. NM: n.intintent would the erpature leave tee; not wontil the allow mii to takeantsitli:, thoitith the poornows were (Owing HI alimst pittifol way fo! wale 9IHIAH o 1 04 , t,and milk thin Net :%tbyir or a window she atlipiv,lq - iiebrainetl: I calked lip anti &tea ;with Willie, trying - and fret: tiny nearly aH day, pear undraebeil my bums for some way US weals! from hCl'• ha: liatiseou lit think of bathing.- f)h, Biagio of *lib neighbors would come itow7LPrilY ed (leil,to send them! tno one came. and as tho day were on I'krear) desperate. The niblit Should not find us;trr flu ntond•With this ereat urn., • ' snlifl, very quietly - , after llilnklugsi minute, -1* I'm f i l l ing ,uti 'AtnirOo. tho ,bfibY witli that I'vitticed tet She • • imrit.l" 'said 1,. suddenly stopping, when halfway up, tludint Ifase is chitin in tafrent fann y tfuf, run!" - I sanicelike (mein a terrible fright-, 'anti it - Infected her: With a wild ery she rushed to the rts.nit,a small oue ailjoiningthe tab:hen. At the same Instant I ran' for'my lifeiip-stairs.— Ah, girls I have run that race-over - again manyn night In DIY faro rigor heard her. mad yell, and the flying of her feet. after'ind.' Ga. , lping for breath; I reach= pit the rointt, , slammed to t he ddor, and boftati , ittjust In time Then I iptuitittg 1414; 11lACilk4g.• her outside. Sie,wai ruclug 110114 ~ fag and'sPringlfig uptega i inst - thii door Jike some wild beast. • Then, again, she would rush up and dawn the hall, crying out In the most mournful way, •Ull all arii;sttilderilihe Would »tot) b,! the 'door rigain, and hatter uititinst till fftred Hilo would , breakitdown. At hest :mho. grew quiet., and stole away., muttering softly to liersell„ iitt lc crying Willieon .tho bed, and gave 111'11'a - toy to play with to keep him quiet. Then lerept to; tito.window and .louiteil out. , It. was twilight nowi . every thing simin, ed still as ilttith.- "Ingi rialto' going te'dory osir -0(1 My. Ifi- 9110 set thallium& on fire" i And half dead with fright at this thought, beiag to think what: I e bou Id do. ;thy window overtillok; atone running past the horse:'' • IB hin "great height from my win dow to the ground: Should I, let. carefully down, and then risk a leap, myself? It way a forlorn hope, but there si.,eined no ()thee AvAr. • I was vin .bshyy' into a large Casket I fain t the closet of my room, when i o clatter of a horsi.os feet. The iliter„wluxwer, ho was, was com ieg d, -Springing up. I ruThedixilthe window: , r ID.was.lktn Wlthoni out sOglibor's yittiuVit sal; a lap Dl t.Nri,,,n, come pram* on some froM 'his father.' lie halted' "Rusin kWh 1 1 . 1 ,1 said. Awfully: then.stretO!Pg , 9 l /T ukYhandalatni Ni, "Ra ,llan, ride IooIOCA 3r; Bring all thief help:you 'can; ShltYLlti down stairs .raving mad. - For the love o WA, save my peer baby sad galloped off like the wind: • I ea poor Willie out of thebaskel,andalt- Bug down with him, kissed' hum again and again, and began to cry a little. 'I 'wits feeling weaker now than all along. • Some little time I sat, so when a.sudden bang of the door made me jump up with scream. It was Softy again; and she bad got :something heavy In her hand—the axe perlimet----with which she•wast.pounding on the door. It was.a vory . strongdoor. I doubt ifsho could have done much lidini,ivith nil her pounding; but • in the dreadful state I was In I expected nothing else. . I stood there a minute, hopeless and moaning, and then with a sud den thought - I darted into the closet, where,•when I went for..the basket. I hatisisied a great iron' bar. I seis ed this and came out with it. I' was In a sort ore wild fury now, against this fiend who had. tormented my poor child and, me all , 'But my. mind was made up; the, moment that creatumi,lnsid appeared I Would dash her brains out,' if it Was possi ble; I thought; few I wM in n kind of mdespoir.- . I thought tted.certainly.. had forsaken me wind in my mad nis,l =used him,ohd my husband, and every tinily else, of 'cruelty ' tow ard me. "• • Suddenly I heard the horde's feet again, and runao the window.,There was yotang.Wilson again, OstOri,N. party with lam. I told them 'where . she was, 'and th very tautioas;• and. then; having no power to say nny more; I crawled.to the bed, still holding the,bar, and. sinking on the List, drew Witte, toward me very feebly, for. I began to feel us weak ns water. Sairy was listening now—r she was quiet ay death. But, all at ow., we heard the bursting . Open of a door below, then low voices, and thetreadingof feet. • And, with that, the poorereaturo. gave one, terrible cry of, "The evil spirits era .coming for me," and ran liken hunted thing, along he hall. 'That cry Went thro' and through tnc, liken dozen knives, my nerves were so unstrung ; but I struggled, aintkept myself quiet, for poor Willie's sake. Then the voices mitt agate,' Mingled with' the cries of the poor mature; and I sprang un, stopping my airs, and holding down the choking in my throat,till Willie, who had been quiet lately, began to scream, frightened by the noise out side, and half _distracted I was, soothing him quieted me down a .A.t , last, the noisc-;.ceasetional there came a shaking at my door. ' "Mrs. ICennedy 1" cried Mr. Wilson's voice, "Open the door?" 1 ran and , unbolted it; sprang in, followed. by others. "Mrs. Kenedy libr God's sake!" he began. But I heard no more.: They told me, afterward, that I ran up to Mai,' wringing my hands, and crying out that I Was "Mad—mad! and, that It %vas nit IiES doing ;" and that then-I went - off Into tolreadful fit of crying, that seemed as if It would have no end. . -- : • , I • • When . aline to was lying on the bed; and They . were eluding my hands and thee. I began to eryklain,though Ina feeble, exhausted way, and cull ed for my baby and for John. "Baby Is quite right, dear," said Mrs. Wilsen,comlng to the bed, "and want§ Main ma to get better, so he cm be Mused. again 1" • .".But I wonlatay here," I whim pawl, like any baby: "don't latve me alone ; won't be lint alone a single Minute!" ' • ' • "No poyr eh 1121," said.old air. Nil son coming Itigln • Itlte slow • •Woj ; "I'm m "HY' isOrrvilth gilds this ha tinned: Ittlwnys thmight ry. waSn't quite riglit' bytier head.' • It Wila• ,rul er foolishlo take a gal In, come . to .the thiorrthat" Way: . 'But you ra'ally don , rblatue rize, I hope In , bdo,, " cried . I, snafply-01 I 'could - in - My • weaknelas.e - ,'"l was 'yoang-and fbeltsh--:1 felt ansafe. if, hate yeti I" , ;linUl l here I might have at:ll'6l)ff agnin, - . trnt 'MT% WhO'quieted me, And ,hllatied off the 'l)°°rman, who yfT'll'•ottf,'lnuttering GINIIIII Egtablished 1818. "that: he allerS, dit 2111Ok, Kennedy rayther n sptinky womitri; Itut, neatly; he knottiihe• lout each whir:Mbar temper 1"' • twas.:at• week • before I, WM up .Pg4l9,,arill, MI; two Weeys before I could bear to hear Satry's When 'I dittbear of her• again she'd IRVII taken hack to the - lunatic_ asy lum, where.alte belonged. . Your poor grandpa! how frighten ed ho WWI te,biltr It All. I bellevd woubln't have spoken •to Mr. \VIP tutu, but for imy cboxinv for the city soon, wheruJohnontlitbs brother had startdl In 1)11:3111eid to • 'Well `(said krandrna, Rtter apamk j;• my story's done. linte,• yon slily. child, you'vebedn 'crying did my story' ake you mervous Remem ber, It was nearly fifty yearango.: . .1 84 , 1191111 . -KMVPIII TOURNAIIIII2Iirr. Terrible Elect ;Wormer Gamblers i. ibe IntlistiTeeritory—lllhoth tbsCoue. Latent. iii.ll l 9d—Fre 4 LFicle§Pedwo%is, Their Contrads=A wearfai serene: •A Lowell agrevondent - .of thO Now \'ork liengd i writing of date November 12th, •stayS: Dr, V. C. Iltwrenee: of Vacunit;-Coloratla, -re cently of- Phihulelphlit, has just ar rived • hero and..furuished. me with ,the following details,of cup of • those bloody trageiliw emit:led 'nowhere else than on the:binders: • ••On Tuesilay (election tiny) Joe and Charley Bi g ger (brothers). thts Nor ton and Turn Jackson, who had been 'driving a herd of male into Missouri,.Mis souri,. passedthrough here on their return home, la Northern Texas: The men were all •young, well mounted and armed, and each posyss , ll of goiasid -erable money, the proceeds, sale of 'their cattle: -They 'stopped somelwe hours in 'this place end ' I hul-a long , conversation with' them. Wednesday afternoon they ,camped on the banks of a small stream in the Indian Torrltory,'about forty miles' 'from' here, and; after staking out . their horses While cooking their sup , per,• sat •down..to a game of. cards. They.had hardly, commenced their game,when Orestes Watrous,(knOwn as Cock 'Writg,) Thos,•,Allison and - DWk- Bradford. noted New Or leans gamblers, rode into , camp. Theaegambjers were on a profetsiou -41.10ur- from Fort Scott, and were botifid for'Buxton Springs and Kan sas city. The now corners were glad ly: welcomed and invited to camp Wlths'Ahn - herders which invitatioa. wasritile.kly accepted. The sun being some twit bourn high 'lt Was suggested that there was.pien ty of time to have n sociable game or two of poker before supper, and.ac7 cordlagly. \Vatrous, Bradford, Joe Bigger arid Jackson took a hand. At first Bigger and,Jaekson won, bat luck soon-turned, and Watrous 'sad Bradford were in a fair way Of dean, lug out the, others, when iigger.d tected Watrons .cheating.' TOW* mull— ensued ; bleart ..nreirtn • - changed and wonpotisitraWffirwh parties, when 1I was propasidt or- Or to secure fair play, .thatl .13,icger and Watrcius should' tightitoet on horseback; their weapons being bow.: to knives. This was nt once agreed to, and thin men prepared. toe. the hinedtcray. They were divested of :their coats and old rte;and their knives Verer'bound to' their right hamt4 - 'They were then placed sixty yards 'Apart, with °niers to - rido at each ,0r.4 - Salk speed,' pasting on the left aide; -Both; wereapieudld , horsetnen. k e rt 11•PV I rgrect,.. vicious ".. roan. At the word "go"..tho combatants spurred towards each other like the wind, but 'lued without, Indicting any Injury. A second and a third joust was run,' when Vatrous' horse received a slight cut on the dank. On the fourth round Bigger, as he pas sed ,Watrous; threw himself on the off side of 'his pony, so as to expose no portion bf his 'person, anti 'drove his knife deep • into 'the neck of his adversary's steed. Wallow , divin ing the mararvre, wheeled as thq blow was struck, and attempted to hamstring ldhg is pody, but suc ceeded only in'-inflieting a- severe wound. This-style -of lighting was then abandoned, and both men and tiorStes append to become infuriated at the sight of blood. As they near- Lid each other the fifth lime Bigger suddenly struck Watrous •with his left tist in the Cam, at the same mu- meat cutting a fearful gash in his thigh ; but before he could get away Watrous succeeded In driving ' his knife. lulu Bigger's shoulder. The 'oinutratants and horses were becom- ing weak. from loss of , blood,. when Watrous determined, if possible, to end the combat by riding down his adVersary, which he thought the , suporiour weight of his horse would' enable him to do. • Accordingly, on the sixth .round,.he under directly for Biggers'' pony, and Bigger, in at tempting to avoid the collision, was severely 'cut in the arm 'and lice. The'pony, however, was game r and although very lame, seized the roan by the,cheek, lacerating it In a fear-. NI manner. 'At the seventh encounter the horses e - nne together with a fearful shock, the pony being thrown,falling upon his rider, but both immediate ly regained themselves. Watrous' horse was fast bleeding to death from the stab in the neck, and 'Watrous, himself. could scarce keep his seat from the wound in the thigh. Big ger succeeded in sticking \Vatrous the thigh, and Was 'struck in return in the side: Several blows were in- 1 terchanged and evaded, °rid' only upon the horses. The tight had now lasted more than half an hour, when Dr. Law rence rode up In time to witnets the final round. As they came together \Vatrous entleavoced to rim hi his stirrups .and throw himself upon Bigger, but neither horse could stand the encounter, and both fell. Bigger wag streaming with gore from the cuts in the face, buck and • arms, but was able to extricate himself, and rushed upon Watrous, who could not rise on account of the wounds In his thigh. Bigger threw ' himself upon Watrous with the fury of a flond s and almost in a moment his knife had reached the unfortunate gambler's heart, and Bradford, seeing the fate of his friend, raised his pistol, fired. and Bigger foil dead across the turps of Watrous. A large tight at once ensued, Char ley Bigger, Norton a Jackson fir , inguponßrndford and Allison. Brad , ford was killed In the melee,. and Charley Bigger and Jackson severely wounded. The wounded were taken to a cabin about half a mile from the battle field: and their wounds dressed by • Dr. •Lawronce, who pronournam them in a fair way of recovery. is TThisono of the mostrenutrk e a v b2q tights that ever ocsurril. n_ among . the Inwle4s adventurers of the border. It sounds like romance, but the source of my inforuudion will; not admit of n doubt of Its truth.,: Indian'scame to a certain agent to procure some whisky • fir a young.warriur who haul been bitten by a rattlesnake. At first the agent dal dot eredit'the story, but earnest tic4of the Indian and the nil:Tetley of the Crtlit3 overcoine.hls scruples. - lie Asked the Indian hew much he,want ed. . t"Four quarts," . an.swered Indian. ." Four quarts!'. 'the agent. with much suititime "au' ranch. n..t that?" *, Yea.;" replkxlthei Indian, frowning as.savngcly tho'' about to. wage a war of extertninit don. I.igainst the wholti tinako "Pour riiiiirt4-=snake)terY blpf, THE sepvEs, Amm old o, X/ vitgarfr_ long+, IV•dnidifin 64 I ! ikrintlidlng on Third Street, Bei , Ye?. Po., as V.poryear In advance: • MEI 1 .: ~.~ ~ 't bruutwtlutttona on subfor , ts of !pail, or gunoral'inter&A tra F rogpcctfaili g iol; iimuro - nttatillott Olio kind Oiuk niail thr , 11:11140 ofthoautbor. .rmi ioldrovial to J. W :YANU luxivoel'a A flichtigiiit l'esetekir—A a •11.74tm11711Peed11trothirr fitvere' cave Sister?* In Aun(Lay'ss .Vagits, :(`November • 11.) we published the partleubs c rs of a Strlons shoOtlng.iittilr,',Whlaur. rest at KnhinutzeO•on altarday even. November 12.- Wes then gave this vendon W lite affairs • •; . 't usanalllog hlosselfJohn Smith, ti rial mune wal . Duty.) accosts oil red by young woman, named Mite . Jenny' Wiesen, ' white going (ruin the house o ( l!Mr.illtitester,on t.t Frank street. to_ tho pen trek depot. at . Wistansw.oo, was shot by_ motiillJ4ll" known person andsseVerely Wdunaeil. tits and the girl Issul tsmse'ttitowtion •• • thy 8 o'cladk train •from Osand.ltap- , Ids, and protwkd totblrs Phil ester's , . to wait for the first train to Allarshall. where Smith lived. They left the house about IU o'clock, and had t md'" proceeded fin. when - they heard some: one coming up moistly behind thorn," , The young woman stepped inside lot him .Ims% when he tired; a pls.." Stiler revolver sit *odds, tho hall en... te eig his back between the shoulders. ith immediately turned, ids first ". Impulse heing.to rehire the shot, ' log :himself provided with n. vet; but on looking his assailant In the face he Kvancti to cliaoge, mind, turned and ran stwky feist'aa he,could,but he eye quicitlyithilewel • by, the stranger, whet suaietsfully fired two isdilititival shots atjbistlitt4l: ono of widely took ,cffect. in his frdsn' a 'point Juse'beiow the knee to the knee itself. The would-be mur derer escaped, although no one knows, where' or hew. 'As deoh' as Wen* ruched • Duffle's, word 'wits bent , to•• Sheriff Wells and Drs. ?detract sad Plutt c who at ossetsproisetshg . ts $b hotA.'where the wounded Man lay. lie was IbUllti to be' Serfosisly; hen: ' Evrythltr• •Ihat could be donatorth unfortunate man was resorted to. Smith told. his story ( which its sub-; stun dal ly.as above,but said the 'shoot ing was caused by smile trout-: les s and to this time refmed te' tell the name of the persont - •whd; shot bins. . t . • • of It now :septslra that the IP — who.. did the ...looting Was en tl e i tnit'rie Pierce:' 'The man shot l'inh • John' Doty, a brother Lin-law of. Pierce-4in a doubleaentw. Doty's,w3 Ls Pierce's, sister, and , the mother of threi chil dren. Doty's mistreaslialsoP erce'S Sister, and the mother of seek' t*tl Months old. It appears that young. Pierce did not approve of the rein tloni elating between:Doty awl his two/sisters.' • ?le thought that ono sister and one w ?le was sufficient for Doty from oae Sometithe last spring I)oty abrandoncal' his wife and child, and; &Wing seduced the second• Pierre ter, - -wont with her to Marshall, ,whera , (Doty) has.been Tabs proceeding It appears grettlY t!tur t he ling Pierce, and resolved upon revenge.' On *lattirdsty hut, he soya ho had buff nese atAllogan, and went from Grand, Ibsen to that place, and there ho ac cidentally saw Duty . with a young wpman' in the erm. Re then' and .t.liezedetermined to follow Doty, and if passible find out the whereaboutii of his seduced sister. Pierce says ho 'Supposed Doty had another victim with him, and he' thought he would then and there finish him, After • committing the deed - he aimo to Grand Haven, and stopped at his fat ther's house. . • • Itsstoveniag,Bhcriff Wcatherwas hotc4e,wheCifhelityciToif — rappetl at the front door and received no an swer. For a tow unloutee allenco pro veiled, but the stillness was sudden ly broken by 'a shot from ft .dow in the rear of the house . , Which shot passed through Sheriff Weather-. wax's right arm, just above: tho od bow.. Sheri ff Wl,yckoff, heating the shot, nin to theassistunce of Sheriff Weatherwax. He found that the two Pierces f father andson, had bro. ken out of the window, asst were running in different directions. Weatherwax followed the son, built , , firing'as they ran, Weatherwax re ceiving another shot through the , left arm, and, as it proved, .young Pierce was shot through the hand. Sheriff Wyckoff brought young Plerceto this city this morning, 'and will bake him to Kalamaron'this Af ternoon. , The pas - Ater makes no nF . tempt at concealment, but ho Mr; the.reason he resisted the officers was that he had mode up his mind not , • to be taken alive. Ile is a sailor by professitat ; rattier a small, thick-set maii,.22 years old, stout, active, and a desperate character. As will he seen, ' Do ty knew the character of the num who shot him. at KalimazOo. Pierce's first shot took affect, in:. . • Dotty's back, lodging in tho spinal column ; the second 'shot lodged Ire' the knee-pan. Pierce ex hit,' te 'loot the. least sign, of, remorse Scar thedeed.-,- . (knack/Wyk/8 The eplsttes left behind by sui cides are generally petty tad& alike; • they are Stupid stuff, and they concur in, denunciation of, this world as a stupid plitee—rts if they, poor folks, understood It better than those sor did, mean creatures who are content to.abitle in Was long es they can. But here is an old gentleman who has varied the style of his dying dee laration—Jdtne4 Motel!, who hung himself at Sutton, N. H., last week and left a script in which hermit], "I came into this world in eighteen hun dred, have lived in It seventy' years, bid don't understand it." And so James Russell determined to got out of a world which he "couldn't un derstand." An he was seventy, and had managed to live so long without understanding the world, be might have managed to welt just a little longer, until the dark should be plain. Didn't understand 111 Who dots? 'A pretty dislocation of neeki there will be if all.whn do not understand the world are to lsrtake themselves to rotas. The fd.c:sc who said' that life had given 'him a headache and he must have "a good churdh yard sleep" was wiser or be proba bly thought that ho did understand the world perfectly well. And so how are we to know, for certainty, that undelstauding'lthe' world (as some I pretend to) world Do for our advan i tage? • —A wealthy miser hasJuit qtarved himself to death In Chicago. —The 'bone of a mastadon was found by n welkllgger in Wheatland, Will county, 111., remedy. It, Iwo/ the bone which extends frotn the shoulder to the knee, and nut:Wind forty-four Inches - in length and •nne loot In diameter. Tho entrant which once owned it nauAt have been ativen: teen feet. In height. - —AI Poughkeepsie, theorganistof a church. is which: A "Iltillppine parvenue ,weadlugceremony wag per forine.l, was directed to Play, of the wedding march of Mendel* spin), the timid of ' 4 Walking.-Down Broodway,,'".7a4seln on per Boots , ' and "Swinging in the laue:' for his Intellectual audience: • ' " ••• -11erintin papers speak high lyy' of the skill with whiek the'auns nn the - forts around Paris are liandledi. , The only thing they have to blame their ,gunners :for Is too much italiseFirni tude 1ir1e,,,0 The clermatil'are om staidly inaking feints to thaw out the fire Of the garrison, AltittlitiS compel it tdowaste atninueltkiti. ' ••,: • Lyme:nag wear , sk , ildge ,black, beer, weighing 420 pounds, was tltug);ht• ln,Y trap, mat two °the; were slaughtered lu the we9dsh "Ittintent bud week.. • " •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers