M= ATIVIZIK „ r ,' A.I ver lise otitis ire inderwa.o th, pi th or ,00 per nqUitre fok Cnimajcip t atid rnr each tittbsequotit insortfonVO A I i hvral discounttnado on yearly ad v,,rtixt.monts., t 11q)111" A space equal lo of,lNa Op° measures a squaroi •.••jitr.iq I Business Notlees.peCiti lel4 by themselves lituuediately, a t local news, will .bo elUsiired deli. !ine for enoh • 11, , •••• z Advortisenleata should, bashaaded Mouclap-ntatn -to Wave laserailla .„,, , Business Directory. REAVEU. 77 ()Its arming: nrviegiiitha deetei In pante. el ode, pew medtad Wines rad . Upon: Wu_ ware, /imolai and 'Feely. (Moir. Male • ."*, meantime" tevetelly .,. (Impounded-. ' .eff.." 3 : l / • renfectlonery,. Tolman) suel.Clksin.i(eolittlT 1 - MtlntKitt.. — lliinltu z itrie — Tind' - DeedeTin 1 1 I. haute, Ratites nod tielterei)llebift D!!) i lingo riirletien, ) Preget...C. A yetheterv., 'Meth et. Preverip• verefelty cemponedia. ' leraftlY 0 A .131.36tits.5i4Iniin the Inrifiiie - SW •Shuttle Setting 3lnelitne, /lulu et. Ste BI :nettr C11:1111111. ner:4ll K. 11.. Denier 1ii )0044 I s TrllllllllllC 4 , net Rd of aha nirimmia. ensely \trA NI it: . I:liairTiti I Ceflan. Tobacco and Chiefly COOl I end Vegelehle... Main et. pep2B:ly, , I:. A StillUTZ - , Dealer In Tinware, Sundt. l• (amp+, :cc. eet nud Rd nt. nentßiily ugent, I n cud vet your properly ineured. oent;ly rirrsumuns. 5101tfi NSTEIIN. Dealer in Boots 21: Sheet!. el No NI Market St. Int telturgh. 1.11 14 : 1 , I C6l."i' ..t.PIIILLIFKItTe l - Eg . hatir.Scii;iix. op , • p0,..1!, Port °Mee. PubllArre of the ”Iteal.l4. Ilezipter," sent free. l'itlpburgh. (oeplitly llENlitatiUSTk. BROS.. Mae - salt,. f gleht, 4 2 , 4; I.lherly St. l'hinburgli. erpltly D - ICA1IALF:1":1 7. AT. PALLOR. 21 Fifth AV. el a Pone, (netkr3larket St.) Pittehuriti. tsepl4;ir :e‘r.,•.l'llitia.l2.lt.(r'.(!iiftnnntelnikm"Z"Pan.udDtrietpll4% 11) , E1 , 1111u1INE, et; CO, .71 S 7.1 Market bt, rr Pdtr burgh-- I mportcn, and denier. In Nollone, nualuae. lloblery, White Omrfo, topltly ar — ftllolllEltS, 'F;cmchnMl.,.Cmert- Dexleatv la nub., (mita, P2S, IWWood St. J'Hoil.iiirg„b, Esepl-1;1y E, In ehOle:i fete, Colreen j. Ventty GroCeilen. No 20 IrlfilkAvenne. • yt , pl-1:1y I; (:0 FUT SON, Dentin in the New I Family Sewlug, idnehines. , IN Market t, Pa.,: • • Nykti:ly ( ) „Fctilthiro. in Cur l , ! :;•!‘ et,uo. Pltholour4ll..r.i. • [...pl4;iy , F. vurouu.or to .1, M. Ito n.nTu,ll,tler in Vigil. I I! —.‘vr ; A ~oue. putt-ban:lk. I •LYUS - 4,4 • fio Aril, :gutty Catfir for every bu•lneuu,—. F nth Avvitne. l'o. 1 0 .e1r 1,1 ::Y , 1 1:1' I. ri)N, Man taLteturor of unit Dealer in t • i alnlture :oHlCltair , ;—lto,wood. Wuhan, 1; And flak. 1 i Stlitthltdd at.. - ly I 1 113M3=21 I:o. P. EMI)N, Bakery & Couretloom.; I I It. It. .4 trot., Special attodloo given to WVII (II.I.I4gy Brom:nay, New 'Brighton. Bee ud, 191411 y M. w I Isl.Elit Donna : 11mad'any, Now .1, Brlglttou. Inei.ll;ly I NONN, Pholographek. 1 , Broadway. Rcpt Idtolvrapius (rum ro•tonch• : • toop14:1y INTRA .lowele - ra and'lubac• V I aultria, Broadway. N. plighted. [papl4;l3, • I. ituirrrEit, 4.;r4vcrit.,, (140:13•42iTe nod 1J • 111)..tholil j \P II lYiii74:tVii;liib WIIIII4, Isolllo,SilltiOneellbt Nufloa.; Itromi %Ay. Neu: Ilrlghtuo, P. \ • • . WI , s hTEINFEI.I IO .I)...Ie. In DIY 4Q.4e. F. o 9‘ Uowl..t Notion.: tilerdlant 111.111 , 00: Iliondway. • • • " ' octl4;ly BEA VE ,~'I!.IdAM lIORRRTSO,I , ) haler In airel ' :674nriiare and \ 2 rjr 311 a In and Baker streetk, I: . -1 , ' Up 1411.)! 1: I. N 1).% LI, &TANN:Ia. A rinds Frvveo /\ r.; and Sign Pander?, plata St., ovr 1 • seplitty I === I %BE . . PO WITH. Tinner. Dealer In Tin. Cop. eq . i..•r anti Were, de.LI Iron Clfttern Po.in 14.41 g.. el, (4014;ty BLATTNER, Manufaentrer and Dealer - in • lkwia :11111 Shoes. St., LtrlagMvater, tenthly . C. II . pop, Oil Cluilm and Trimmings. Bridge !Intr.:ea ate., Pa. raytaily . Li.=uurrilanea. r I • midi:, Street, Itrhigmvoter : 14,11;Iy . fi.iNAt`hit, / • •-11 ridge at., Bridgewaler. • aepttly V. WEINMAN. Manufacture of Barna and A . Manic. /Bldg., St.. Itridgewider. • (sayllily VirlirßTCLlklN.l:Ciltliila..l.lloching,cluausect mid Water St. oitsmw PLR) . • 2 :1.0p1j/ . 7 77 011 - Woritittl ' l4.7lllailde . Cutter ; Mnmt rl ler els A Toiellnte•ell Of all deNCTII,OOI,I made • • lit. Markeaund Valor wlreetn. inept Lip ^ A.T., * 6. rZa. ;ire. Wm• • .1,1,, , ilazs, I , l l llir. Fend A Country Produce. ~,nl4l's earner. II idge St. Bridgewater. tapatily • I rrit Elt II AGINNIS,—So//rilor —Proprietor 'II 1t.1311 Uleete. /./e.ller to :leelltte (i 001.13 -et , 1,..t..11 Water Ht. bet mills, Bridge , r. P. O. atitifea.t. Beaver, Pn. rejr.Nly I IL\ M HAN6I:, .I)..shar In Monomzdheis 1 d. thdi, led at J. 11. elsrk's, In Denser, Urn, Mute, In ltrlllve,vuter, UN) be 01. I:41.11 uu deliVery—LOWelgt t . Yard—Mellininlit'a Point. 1:11:11COMME3 Filmy Dry Upada, Hp• *ids.suu et, pear Ills• t%e1.1.1;1y .I'Y I 11 . 1 . \I• I •1 4,r Dealer In . .t.l y ir .'1" 1411111; Ili, I .111( 4 111;1i, 'taker and Confectioner. r t, r, I-: ra. 0 , 1 ,14 ;IY . . MIAM 1i01].,4, Wagon ,1: Carriage Maker, I u. llodl o ,der. l'a Carpi MI 1.1. lIANNEN, Draggi,L 44 1.44 I..rei oily compounded. %%Ater' 0411,141:i, • );:• , .s..WlNANS,lilectric.ill'l94.lelan; Chronic • 4 made a rperiailf. .(lice, corner of 1., .I*., tw•pttly F i ,, ' • 41 1 " ( Prn e rt i l, •I.i'• Cor.NVAttg , ...t.fanteo ato. • tI: t:111,111CIS; . 11,11:Pr Confeettlonei.— I • M..-ctool. And Ire Cream furno•lied - • • I .11 1 / 1 1111140.1. heater, aatlal4fly 1 'ALI: by Arsll. ileallituarfura - •- ,1111 1 , 11 8 pf,no , l•llt Dry flood, Notgans, 1 and Fancy Gouda generally, Water •.. , • (aepitly NILLLI; ,t _ _ . CU., cnt oracture. and ilnitilera, ..1 • II: lir. 01'Sa,11, lion, , Slngture .I 10 I.oanlnu Lath ,a,c. lUnhemer. ratv.:ltly . ,•f .1 err. iV I WII. I lAA.% Mn, Statresoora foe. 11.111,611 to SAw.AI and Planed Lath 011Ing14 , ,Afof of 04a;ly Elt'S 1.:111.:11V . STAIII.1 1 :.01 1 1V1. ftii, I 1..1‘..,,at If. It, otat • and again rava.r. ta.llly .1111011+ . CHAS. Matanfacturor or and de 1 in Tia,affnapar and hlte.3 fumy Ware. Itaning, Siang hag, ac., utt1.011,,1 to. N. york &Aug, flruf;rletoiaol - Jolain.ton 1. - 1 (food 1 1( 1. 01111110liali011, Imd part 1 0111• I.l.••bean If. If. Depot. uct In; y dual In oma, So, I , L lioc ,tc. 1:••p/kirlag: done mid . promptly. loon• on the Dhlrillnitl, 1:(11114,ter. P. • ocJIII:ly TI I 5:4C V. LL.I MIEN 0119 TIIOhNILEY.3IaI ntaelorer of the Great a/ henttlohe Pooh mu.. Store. and Patentee or Por. “11.1w104 . 11.11 find centre. V 411.4011. I. y odrd to. • .• —iteave ' r. f—ei ioy . _ _ , - -------- -- --- 1 1 tV INni lornumently lochOrt In the vlllerm of l ik I 1 • • 11 , 1,1.1, l'a. for tho T 0..„rpr,,,,...ing 'I. r„ 111, i ri.tll . (l liIV trod r toy proferrlottal • . , ...111 Olf 1 . 16/1 . 11 1 4011i11, IteLte end verlnlty. . li, r , •-“li•ilic, Itiop..,lle Eih:le 1104.1. ,vbere ,‘.2• h.• found, note,. pron,rlonnlty .: .. r.li 3ii re:lt wlll rerooto lunutolletr and • ,• „m .. 1 1..11. A. V. I'I'SNINIIIIA3I, 31. D. - ; •,1.1 . ! ; .1. ~• 014•1. In 1 C• 11.1.04. k:11111C1C,4, I . e,lndict4 awl Slatiohery, And Age ,, L for the ir Suulug Sincldnr jtoLheeter Pa. .1. I 1,..3414cit13u1ty. i••1'()1 :N EY AT LAW 7'hird 'Wept. Bearer, Pa. ,• ip.low the t'uutt HOMO, B.Var, Va. THOMAS MICREERY & CO 'rms. livarticisnr, Cadd,r. 1 1 :t.V; 0 ANUIEL, .7. I. •t on t 1w...4111,00t/4 Prompt A,otientim rn~n.. Al o, dteutuitco goolf. u , ,1 r• 11.th'w Compaikkr. • ImaylUtf It.. 14111 : ,. C. LEVIN, Surgeon I, dclan urn., during the tay. at Dunlap • :, nt nl2llt Al Dv tvAlat.llo, on Witter 141 , 1,1. hi. Will ' , not ler surgery and Med . nun:: Vat'Nll4 Attorney at hew, • ,•• 1.• :not t...ltletiee uu MIMS. I. L•' • in • t nuri Doti,. Alt lan titt•fitaa'entrno• ;.• 1., t.,y air! .hallra'a,.. prompt attention. r - ••n• bar Ing lob iehd, for Suit, and • ... to hay Mu:, property, otal Of firm .I, ba% It lino, and uadtey by aillur at my CI . A TT, N. D., Ihr, lug ir•rtuttnent• . tot t.ttl in Brat,. n 0,11,1 rr.itrtiftti!Y st tn• , tnnut I.nr.tr, to the 1.11i,111. t..n .on t r.puitiry. .latti I n t 11.1 r •tn..ttnn tit of r, ah a.l. Min hand. Falco on Third rtrdit, tit.orr of We Court 1` • 1 1.1.1.%M IL. 11,4 EN, (1 , 14er in .D. 91,0 , 111,1 door ' to • Ih. •huit, Whirr in 1%, I lu aumularhar sell • : 101 4 ltin nlr , •a.unublr rah, Hat :•.. .:•1. ht • 14:hre Imr:nerr from thr '• thr 14Idur and hr•-.:ltt 10,10011. ho uhl lunar aha phirous to aiVu him a u ii ir,Y• • jCS, CAMERON, Attorney at Ltiw li( - 3Ver, Pa. (Ake in tin, room to noTly orropleil by the Jrnigo Adams. Col. krtiobr..t.e.4.romptly atteded w. MbifitglY. .. . . . • . ... .._ • . • . --" '• • 7' , . 7 -....: ••. -,...A ... .:" , ~,,,-„ ..< ~- - - • • . .. . . . . •1 - . 6 '.. 2 1 - ..,:•:. :k' . 4 -... -.. "-., - . '-• ' . • ~. . . ..4,i - ....- 1 -,A, . ... . . .. . . - . _ , . . . - - - . ~ ... , - -,... - - - ..:i1 4 i 1 . - , 4 i74:-. • ,'-- - -- ' ' . - . • . . .. • . •• . merecismavarszon, ---: .... .7..---; ...._ ~,,.. -4 on ~, V.:141',' 9 ! /.•/ •t 4 ..... - - • • ' •'.. ; 1 ; • 14 ,- ) ••'- '• / 1 • . 1:511;r1 . 4. - . • .. ' l4 ' ' `e -'• '77 ' 777.- --' 77.--7--: --7------"-.7.- .74 ' :7 7. - 7;77. : -.. " -7 7., - • 7-7- . - I' : ' , . MVaseenanietia. . . Belying ilaehless. ;il.' ~ , q 4 , :4)o' i...1r ; 1r.1 ,- trtpi-tr.:,:ifi . - ;; 17 , tr , ..; - 1 ,, ~„., ; tt,,,,,,-,,;,• 11 , . i r ,. 4 ~ I , [r . ,.., 4/// li •~.._ . .. 9 . , ~„,. ~..., ~... ~,.,.,.., . ,mi,.:,,(,„..,, ~,,„•:„.5...,, „:„.., ~, .:, . 4 7 / 9 /`•:: 4 7 . ! 11.4..0 4 11' L. ., , .// = I , 1% , ; ,r 1 nif, , , a .1%:-fr iNti , ttrvi rr t i 7.lhill= 7!.. , 1 ,. .4 - 112 gi 1 ;=, : - ' ,,, t 1 :• :2 ,, r I !" ' t . ''' -1 , - 04 4 i 4: '' l3 '."''' L'l " " " • II; ' '''. • , 4C . • •-cr.4%dir:, • .‘,. ~ ',t:, I ~ t,..' Iti, ~..1...,.•• $ 1 ; 1 . ?;' 1 _, 15. ~ 7 1". / .!,573. ~,, (. ~.4.: l ; e _ :, .:' .- ' . . - -.1: , !:11' 7 - l'ffil I ''' , i ,., 0 , . 1 1 ~,..,..i ti b .! , . . 1, ,; ~ I. ~e.• - , .i.t:itn. ,, i , 1i...i17/ : (11:4N-7. "4 1' ;,- i 94/ 4 ';4 '' " 11 • ' '? GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY! . - . ~ ~,r ~,,,,:. i ',..14, , .• . . - ~- ---. ~ - .. f , - .4" , 34 ,, 1 . I, , a: a ,! j a a , ..11,i; it•tivk :I) i f 1:11 )10 " . - , •: 1 ;* ."- wt. - 3 / 4. tf 4. , IV t , 1 - ' I ;.., •.: , ,a, .., ,„, aa , ,",, ~, a .a .., ajr, , . 7 .i 111.111LII , WS OALUPOIII,III4I. . 1 . - ; , 1 ~...', 11; !ern. -LI 1 % ;ht: 11;%, , ll' „ r in,„,„ : , 1 . :) , ....: , ;',11.• .•. 1.: ,c•• . 1 t.IV“ .. 9. i 1 :. ..;4 l''''''' , " • !r" , 11 n4 4 F .. 44 .....,i, .011::„.....,,,,,,.1:;i:.,,.„,...„:., 1., II:: ti :1 114!!.. 1;11 Vq1‘5 4 3,” .-t` lifrie ....i.,q ~.1;t. BITTERs. 1 . .4 • , , , '',/ 4/ 4 '' ' .4 „ . 1,.. , . ,;;•,‘, .„ ~,, ~ ~ ; /'' -- ./•.". ' . ` f ' 4 ''' .4•• / '''' . 4 '0 . / 41 !, 44 C/ / irg; , ;;i :'• -4 4 . ti; FY ~ '' ' ' S, , t , t; a , up , . rtry - t, • r.‘,T '1... - a .e tj en - I.' . .1/ . V (.' • ' r, .. , f ,..1 ~.,,a r, *,,,i i „,_ 1 ~,:i-,, -,,, •1- ' *- - * - ' ' "-- ' -` ' • •-•!• - - L , ')" - - ,, .." 1-- ""irn"." 2 "'v " ''"' 91 :.; -1-tls i 7.! l• ‘,....Vd:1"1tt.',•:, f'i. a .,nre .".r;,;:nill9V ,irs;•,/;.:,) .04;44,• , - -- :50 , 11 1 ; • ;,;,*(/ 1.1 , !./ 1 /11 , -.1,'11 .-,::;': ..r:r •,r,r.. , •,/ ,-• "' -- - * '' ':" '' ' •-•"'' . ''''' . 1 ' ---.-_-....,,_....------- _. __________ ----.- • ... - --- „I nj i kf - A ~,,,'" ,` ~„ , , ,•,, ;; ;,,. t ; ; ;,,„: ~ . , ~ .; . : .1,,, 1 -,,,.. .d.t. , ;1-- 1 , 0 • ISIT 19, -. .V4.,. /:- . 41 :11 ' .•//if. /.4 / o.l'. 4 .4 •:":4 -.41 1V ... 1Z . 4 ..•4 . n... - . 1 , - n. 7 Ili , - l i: • . . .• ..... : , ... . . .•i -, 9%M, /4- 4 /.4 11 , 1/ .17••,..1 /44' 4 '1•'!" ''• ••4 4 •::' ': ••• i• •'-' '' "; '', s . . -.:,, • , m cf :. 4u - '.: ..- ": ' -, • ---- -----.,, :„ 1-4.o.rgi •_:+li w NOlrlenof . . ~ ... -, / 4. 0 4 4 /4' III: ';.; , •,•;;;; I; : /..„ 1 2';' ..;,;;;,, :WI : -441; - 24.4 : !.il', il-'F. i'.`'V' , Eq T. eriver t - • ~ i ~,. . ~ mobibi t rill,,4B7o i .,, , fit ••.: /:'144: ..0.4,11,4-;/.. L i L f,.; i r . .., L . : ..„,... lEstablis • 4 ,i, -1, t r ik 0 n o, -, J I ' AI .. . • " .. •• •- ' • had 118 , ~..., ~•: .„ ~,, ;,„!;.. ~, ~„ :• ~.:•!,:, ..,„•,.., ~.. •••,•.• ,14 /1••• I Foil; ;,, "; :, ;/,, l ,„„ . ~ ,,a t ~,,isty, ~i,c t _ i ?. 1:1 I.n , .. i , ....,.f 4 .... ,.. .„.... i...,„,,,,,,,,, 5 , . 0 , ,:01!5..,;•,.,,,,.,...,_. 4 ,,, 1• , ....x .. !:,• ft. !..11' . 1,f'•';4.9d . r 'I:II!Itil.. i _,,,..„..,. , •.,,,,; 1 ., pieSt,...., ' 9.0• ......"' 't ..-.1 71 4' i •L i q tr 9 - 7, 4 - i• .r.'....F --.. Ort. • ~,. ' ' 1 7.::' ; /- :i :' 5 i . CT lig) 454, , .T...' ' 21 , !110 , :q U . U.. "4,..t.:1:55113:i , i . ' . .,,,,:" .4 .I . T, 11: j ..4 ,15 , r LI , -, L .. r7 1 ,,0 I',. mg -. z,;;;III•4 - 414-ri •• - • buo?, t' •,,, ,t ylfll.,kl via - ' iitif.rn IA , •.. ~.7: i...:;11,1fyi1..= off. ..,- ~ :, , ,- 41 ..m.; . 3 41 to, I 135 .j 9 U9.. 11041.4 .I mr . A4;•411 •••111:a•sn.. 41.2 .../1.4-: - 1',.., ...la et.... L.......•.• ,„ : , .. 1 • • hi i..aqi Vii ' nal' : ; •10.-• ~,,, Itusl • r. 4. '...' ;" ,i,t hia4.,: k iii , •., , ,.nizt I tt, ► . „tr - ,...•0 i•i.:l " ripen 7 . , , t".: - .; 4 " ' ,t a . 1.., i;•.-;;,..vi. . . . tn" ' .1. sit;;;•1!1 Iter ;in.'s's. "',.... 41 "' 'itre .--; II Ile 10111.1.,-. ~. ':t. is No . , - - 1'...1 ...... ,*.-,, iiicell r.. •-••' •4lk l .....; , • .• • II r_ ", : i.14 1 0 :- • - 40 0 : i 1 , ., :;-;•-' a . , e •-- •., I Ma Mil .f =I =I 161.52- OPtfl 4' ll N" VaPhei °RUNT ,EITERY .AMVRICAN';IVATCIIE6I: wikititain; Elgin. United titabao,,, Upward Ail the above are In Coln Sliver Gabe, 'and eel good and reliable tbre•keepers. • - HEE LADIES' GOLD WATCHES: Detached Lever, • Detached Lever (Brien), Demerit (Enameled) Genera ( destl These all hare Solid (101 l Cases; and are tell Jewelled movements; and, as Id:Maeda can lathy, area splendid tlme.pleos. • , . G:Elg2'S 4 BILV.E.I i•WATCILEa ; Detached Lover (Gold Mints) • • sr: 00 Detached Layer (Elmo, 15 05 Detached Lever (Medium), • ' 13 00 Geneva Leiria° 11 131 Special inducements am offered la Mese Watt:b oa whichare . pure SGlrer, alid perfectly' reliable for taw. I Will send; [O. 0. D.l by Express, an of itse above Wiatheti, with (htard old Key, siol written flawatee. My „detaining Wt (air sad boitOrsble, and will be (ontd etaisfsetory to 111. Road *Unix your order* u once, and love by tho 0. 0.'D.p114 from tal (QUO per peat, Address ; • .; 217:P.i07ER15,, Successor toJ.IIAMBERTS, •, : . 2ro. la Ftfch Areaurd'ittsbuegh, Pa: Dette3m .t • '•"' .• I . . . .211iscellaitcouo. ~„ waralay. EXPATUTOWS leatarmenta, 4 • ry ea the Eatate or John Neale, deed, late Of Pulaski townalay, Deaver &nay, Peons,, basin been vatted to the untlentljpeed. allarsous debtea to bad estate are hereby notllled to make Immediate .paan•ott - and those hating earns eat Dahl astute will lament them; to,lbe sethmoraer. July a uthenticatea for settlement. ' ociTcarr ' 'rtIILLIS; /ler: • Dry Goods. • 41 Brii i dge ' 7; gurpottVAtElt;PA:.' IS WEEKLY itEpEIyINji . A.VRESII SUPFLT OF UOODs IN BACK F.I . IIE FOLLOWING •• • • DEPARTYYNTS: . • • • :•• • 1-)13e,-.y.-clococoijs. Ntotibemille'JCl3lB, ensiltneies ' and Satdniqs,.' •W. bite Windier' blanket.* - White and Colored and,. -Barrisl Flannels„ . • ; .• . ; ~„,.„ . • ~, • . Dolninm, , • , • •Oinglintna, Coberg*, Lawns, ' . - Water Proofs, '• • Cloths, • .. , . -Woollen Shawl& rown MO lihick 111uslin, ' ' Drillingm, Tickinge, ' • ' .• • Printe, • ... • , Canton ' . Flinnu:le, - • .. . . Joconets, • i . • . Titbit:Linen, : . . ,; • ;.. . .. -Irish Lluttlks.•:.•; ,::::,-..;, 4. 4 . , Crash, .. . Counterpanes, Hosiery, •. . . • Gloves ' &Mits. Groceries,. . Coffee, Team, Sugar, Molaw*, White SHrerDrlpa, Golden nod Common Syrupc, Mackerel In bar nnd kite. Star and Tallow Candles, Soap. Spices and Mince Meat. .Aluo, • • SALT. arbare, Nails, Glass, Door Locks. Door Latches, Dingell, Screwy. Table Cutlery, Intik aud Tea Spoons, Skdgh Bella, Goal Butes, Fire Shovels and Pokers. Balk and Mane. Stunt., blue.els, d, 3, and i Tine Forks., Baker , . Scythes and Snathe, Corn and Garden Hoes.) • , WOODEN WARE. Buckets. Tubs, Churns, Better Prink and Loulles CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil & White Lead, Boots and Shoes LA 1111.3 . MISSES' A ND , CIIILDIIENS'I3IIOES. t In great variety. Rifle POwdor and. Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. Flour .11. 4 •evarit vSr. tallueuntoware. ill beavysoode delivered free ofcharge. Ity Crete attention to huelneer, and by keepina rtnotanny on baud a well unrolled clock of geode of all the difPrent kinder/meetly kept Ina (vicinity ..tore. the andervignod hopes in the future a. la theinlet 141 111.11. and receive a liberal share of the public patrontibre. S. ItANCVEIt. dec23'atkly.—Jylcligd. . I, The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, Affording (*Clinic* for acquiling ■ thowaugh t pren• Heal buctuetts education, poem-weed by no other School In the country: Slate ita Ineorporallon In ism. nrarysloteeo Thousand Studeutv, repreenntatives from every State lu the Ihtltiu. have attended hero. • , No vacation..." Students enter' at any time; and receive private Instruction Ihl ougbout the entire tonne Circulars with fulletitieulars and aline. nt Ceury lnfurnmttnn. on edit letlng SMITH ar-CoWLEY, Principals. Ptrranonun. I'a. • Profeasore I:menu •• Dow. of the Aoserkso is , Uniroyal ty, are asking mondartel, enrol of (Mows, Tumour. and Men by their •A &ow &worm/. • palates. trestmenl i T se pintas, se nestle wi Tha mat remark able effort of title treatment tai aao ea ere • • ; n" gro " wtes7no that Mir ' shyly:lt:die and dim .. appear and will not rattan All thaw &f -illeted cut call of the Profeeeoun Sachems Si Down, i; id 'rod if br Wrest, No. 614 Pine Street, Phlinda.. auglitly • • '" = _ 3 E: o ol3Lti.EirtX • 27. . '• - - Dr..l.llTuto. '.r . . , ranothrldge . - • water Is deter ..' : . '''. /..:.idaligh, • mined that no . f ' ..5,.. '+‘1!...%•:7- - . , , Denthrt to the htate shall do '': " ;:'4 ----- ri•-x,...„; -;:ny,er work beuer or 4 ~,- ~e. ' A ie , --.lt,' cheaper than 1.1 . a. , a, ,v- 04 - . .: he offers It to da., Ida patrons.— ' 411 - 'll4ll - 111. Ile uses the be 4 meterteht manufactured in the United Stales.. Gold sad all. ,Ter Arnett performed hi a style tbat'detles compe. thlon hallrfactlhlt guaranteed In alto pecullone .., • or the money returned. Clive him a trial. Yetrkly , . . . Brighton Paper Mills BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A, PRINTING, ,MAN - 117:ILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, , hardware. Glom. Straw. RAG AND CARPET' - EP AC SRS, MAN I.I.IO.A.C . TUR : EI) • . latill2 AND SOLD AT Wbolessale.4 Bejaia b 7, rrazier r letzor.lCo., • •, Illritass liken In exchange. fseplitlitit _ 5...2 1:i ' ff,,l gailanaLloc , . 7701.1 PUPIL: PLWATN/11CJ100i Oa and attar Juno E Mb. :42 WM, Mins 101 IStarkita Idalty, , (llstastays ;axatvhal)llW rPralettealtag allow at 02%4 P, IWT , Mraft Isartag Pittsburgh - It =••1 ..a!us 13 941, if Pittsburgb--•;:-.1'12154P 256ri1l Rocbaster • • " ' Bar • Allisaco ~,.] 115 Qm o. -Of Mu51U0n.„...... 411 litattatield gam Upper Sandasky..l Vorest - •f; ran Wert. ' " Part %ma Columbia' Warsaw ' ". Val= • ill ... .. 1:11:1 srroo .... . . 114 ad ••.. ... . ....... ,8a 1:=112 Chki Plym ir‘aw • outh I) lion' N V ". • ,1 , Fort Wayne " ' aIS • Lima. art ' ~, a iu rarest ' ; 'lt Upperliauduakyl MB • Boelraa• ;az CreaWae• A 60; Maaallehl ; l 716 Wooster !1906 Canton • ".' o• sea • Salem. ' • — lolll' ItoeMetet... • Pit wburgh • I*oo ..ill 00 . 26 00 , 30 00 . MI 00 * - Intingutown, No Castle end kite Exprettio Marc if °antidote,' at 1531,p.,tn; Hew County 3;15 P.m; int. ea at Plttaburgli. 5:50 - p. M. Returning, eered FM.5111 , 411 7:15 1. In; arr. at New Castle. 1t304. ru. Youngiitern, 10:10. a. tn. Youngstown. ;New 'Canto and Yitttaburgh Ac commodation teams Youngstown, 5:10 a. m; New Oistki4l3ls a. a; anima at in. Returning, tares Pttlahnrgb,. teso p. tn; rives New Caette.6lo p.w:Youngstown.l33l 0. Wu P. It. =NM, Cenerat itioungir•rtiket 7lebt Agent. 7 C - tAtfitia r ND PITTIOSURGII• RA ILItOAD7' On and after May IStb trans will learn Stations dally (Mindoro reetptett) ati follow, • 777acrt 7 . r4Tiou,... I, MAli,s,,,fix.r' N. :Amon „ Euclid Street Bodeen.. Ravenna.. .. Alliance —.ll.lllsktil '1 * 24l Mrs ...,, Eft EMI W I=l3==! •TATI1.111• ... A Mike,J..:::: .. RUCH= Iladoon . • • Klelld Street Cleveland FEE lEEE add&sus silk,— Wellsville. • • tlmlitnp Fere, Beaver - • Itßocbesser. 1111 IMIEWM =II .... Beeves • - • tiollo.'s Ferry • • Steel:ollmM, ...; Orililzeport 1 .113m.M • milted:um MlirelliTllls sod no ex p.rese main from Wellgvillo.to.Plttsbargh. illBOAnAinAB tRANULI: Leave/ • • ' • ArrlTos N. PhtMdolobla, m. 1 FA 11114 945 t a.m.- • li,yanr,ll:ooa,m. • 1 N. retlladephlLSlOpiti • ::..trKkal*TEß4. Q•zyuld Tleprot , I.IIKNAIIi .11111SHZ, Ilealer•tn Boots, Shows, tilippera and Gaiters. Boot. and above made to order. A long exporkrnee in the business him to do work In a onperior manner. Terms Moderate. Shop on Third 'nest (near hey. Hit• ikakstorek Beaver, Pa. 'Gine him a call before pnrchming eisewLere. ape able:ly 13P — BlaniCommitnteuts fur sale at the Anuus oftle.e. voi eloe• ea* .(9D 1 K 0 ez eD ".7.• .04 . in OW O. . 1.. poi • .....P. 0 ( .4 -.earner TAU ,asit Braulsiy. „Nov :DHOW* &SVC , coaxal. ra. Taw cub. sep.letttly .11! nl :1,1411ANC41 _h.~~.~..:ai`. + -, •if1: ,4 01 I , ..' i , ..1: ~1 ..; i . 1( fp R, , :400:04. f., , , ,1i tost WAY.' 11/ewe ffi] :•-• ` Spey .•1: 1": .T.,3 iillaWaypiai Returned- frookibe o En.4lq,:•: I•rin -I•t , r , f. WITR , it'LMIGICSTQCK OYGOODS; • .; ::• /SOO 015'. 766" ;r4 6 ; WC ; ROMS: Lowest ,C*...,Prjces EE:23 • • Consisting of 'Dry Goods, Groceries, 74 visions, Ilanlware, TrateXaps, llon and Shot", Hope, Ocum. Paekliul. • l• Yarn, Iron, Nails; :Pniuts, • • White Lead, Oil ; Putty. • Queen ware, W ' •' iow-ware,Flour. • • • Feed, • ntiu and • flacon, a• ,tv of PrintNilluslias, • Thikings,Delains,Chtekß, Al pneitg,Jeann,Dinini., Crash • and Homely ;jets!). Coffee.g, Sugars, Syrupn;:slOLiseciT, Cnrben Oil, ' aOO Mts. ojific , „. . AND risIEW CHEEK FLOUR, O VAST. Itr-ros. 11731 021 12Z5 urr 1141 150.tx aw • ce 805 OSI • 1005 1013 ' Agri, 1231 201 227 258 311 ' SA 413 1102 Juat , nrrivetl and fnr sale, Wholesale a • 'c 'l:etail, . • • ' At l'itt:sbutg .Pritpt4i4: 200 Kegs 'Mheeling CAlt Lid; Land Plaster, anti Akron Cement White Lead and Paints :cos :tl4 457 144 011 110 4SI iwo A very superior quality of Strumr.4; %Yeti. rrl s Soaps; and a lot of Carbon Oil Joel Arrived and for'eale, IVholesale • and Retail. -I, I= = ' Mimi r ICr/5 MI6 writ hva r =5 ALSO, l'Uftli CATAWBA:. lii,A.llEfsit.i. GOB 03,1 740 812 WO 920 E:113 Concord Wines, EM Aires Of our own Atitann, tar. and Sacramental Ptirpotte-2, are • commended by ammo mrlat.lume • uncd.tlwm. . Writ 210. 316 40 • 151 / 4 650 655 Actor 1 10 111 0 5 lane CID El 3 • They nri also AkOnDittit iho ' KIIIFbEMtMOWER AND REAPER; 'Auld 411 ' MI EEO ezinth 817 wo 850 1100 1110 Ei Si E3l the PubliC their lAA pat romake. %ic bei)o . to merit n liberal ebsro in the future. . • . ... • iCgwA's lilelirered 13. re q.rkiiy: , Yon cui' rely on rill • tionlieboltig fresh, as all our: old good., were sokt, at auction, .pria;tc • JJ. ANDEMIONi hawing taken hold 'of' Oda old Foundry again. In Uoehester, Pwi will tat pkwed to meet his old etwtomest an d friends who. may want either tho HEST COOK , MG STOVE, fleeting Store mlo any otter na of thuttinca of bent material liativorkmattehip. The licalneee Wiii be condected hp jeittf] J. J.'ANDEASON d SONS. Thomas Allison, HAVING REMOVED lIIS STORE TO MiIAVV:II, In (he Manus formerly occupleil by Orr it Cooper, where he now has and intends keeping A General Stock Of MERCHANDISE !Living reeeireil from the East. within 'lays past, a line selection of DRY. - QOODS 9 or FIE EMI ALPACA, De I, INS CHICKS, CLOTIIS, JEA hs, I)l\[M, CRASH, 131,Hqs,t'snoEs, SHOVELS, It cliEsl, HOES TUBS,III:OKETS, QUEENSWAIiE, &co. To the :thw, articles he has added a • , chola: selectien of IR, 0 C•M I F.. 8 COFFEES, . • r• C.. rti BROWN St:GALLS', 31 pLASEIES, Tolueco, All the above articles will be sold loiti for: atsli ' • or excloolgtal for country' pre. . ducee C a&antl examine his stock and rriCe.p. 'lllol,llAli ALLISON• n iota `7o;iy ARTIFICIAL TEETH PERFECT. . .T. J. d /I. J. CHANDLER have pur chased the . exelnalve • right of Beaver, county useDr.Ntuck'ohitCnt 4.4• by which obey can put c, up Vulcanite as thin as 11$11,1‘;;tollcePlaattnewla i' and an IS ;tend elastic as to perfectly pt to the month; obviating all that clumsy and bulky condition; no tench complained of heretofore; and . leceettleg their liabilitj..to break. WO percent In deed, no one acelnt. It would be willing to wear the eldatyle plats say longer than they could conven iently get theta exchanged. All branches of Den- Hoary performed in the beet tad - moot satotan Hal meaner. In tilling tooth with gold. etc., we chal lenge competition from any quarter, and can tenet to living subject. whom allluz ik have stood be tween thirty and forty yearn. Among the number Hon.llohn Allison will exhibit Idling, we lute, led come 35 yearc ago ; the teeth an perfect as the tiny they were'ffiled, Laughing. Gaa.prepsnort on a new plan, freeing It from all unpleasantand data gerent effect!, making the extrectlen ' or teeth a i re :l rl ure"the oMce at Beaver Kaden, Rochester Pa nov3:01 T ; J.&ILJ CHANDLER. 0 nms. B. HURST, Rotary , 'Public: Cote I ,, reyancer and Insurance Arent: Deeds nod Agreements written and acknowledgemen ts taken, .k.c. Melee been duly commlsrloned asAgentfor severed grit class Insurance CorMaoles, repre senting the Plre, Lin, Accident. and live Stock Deparunems. Ss prepared to take risks and write poi d. on the most liberal terms. Aleo agent be the “Anchor Lloc" of ant cheer Steam ers. ,Ticketsld to and from all rts In Eng land so m be od. Bconand,liermany an name. Of Bee in Loafs belch row, Diamond, Rochester. spr:l9Vi . rEL 0 iM Lai :r:,. It ME i ''l3iiueh~•A3'{Glt Ana AS LOVAS BEFORE- THE WART A Lrirge stock nt —and-- I~EMOVA_L. Latest. Spring Styles CONSISTING IN PART OF - • POPLINS MNOHAMS CASSIMERES TWEEDS CoTT9NADES FLANNELS 110 SI 1;11X, ..V.c., &A HARDWARE SOAPS, .@e. Our. /me" • • 04 PRA ftli ft, Oftftft. Q. oft Dur.ftwift e ll a l l X.CLan nal. Ift Lex ... 01=2 1 1 l o k , hi t , s ta . amirsuamord, ii % 0 & imp Sift ft mil 2'l II ra iNarrftwift b l i --; allftuftft.. 0 1 i ft no A i fti; Ilmaft ' milk OW ' 111 1 11 ' bolfts Iftft \ ftnft. Oftftft eft ' .. ill ftfteftft. soft Ift efts Yin Oft Oftftftft ftsse dim ftiftl Z d ft=a6 -At 11;=- `' ^ ",BEX i TIUr.IMEROSI airi te ri tlttrn - qt 0 - 4,4 nalwayre . ua ttbaultpuit ,kieVOitii its eread'lle itultirom dial Silitueoet ;04,aralt moan& aa hhW ,Aud..l wilt put h utP . '" Ilia Wiliam 01'0 - illaeponatrakt Chi ht, -'4a !leads 4 19t0 PhPl tlbittned wnt . toaltlivl l 4 •Thle fr be ihnreb norh ismmin, 'lmened - WIII Its tar . = and fend eV' Wreihltterelt.p' fa Winds and `roam • Within:lW the tilhik 1 .011'44 thUinicieat' -b aobmn idoilhathl .Cumma!l. ane the luAl/ )net t 'AtttiOOdibiwer tin be Too& the take. cobra ; . Whileadlbt weU t wel ,Baled ?tot thegttod .. old • ...43 - eirelfr • In meliCeir tones rang v• ...ail 'club faith alai* in Hon mt I be punaged To chow the world Wet, • In what the hai'avellieelptt Optetli ye thing Waters', Pealed out the clear-toned '141.44 alone, but wort ,Noel teat the soul l".ealtt bernind east aelde Antinvelc pan' way along • .11'111t talth !WOW, and lalt A n 4 hone In Chrtet„where Do Well I do well t do well ; - hang out the Um Itarfan' bet :I•Fartiwell I farewell be. In touching tonna exclaim Is a boon, to mortals, To at th..ui for tiaid mi not tu.oko the ireiglng 4. .tlonithere and Warn tbu ar ty to the world. Farewell foritithe .. id I the troth, we tell I • ahoetrd lii ecabielei tie `Tone all ye weary wand Our Igrd has made eats Itepent. believe, baietti, • IT., elect', and pralee the 1. Nalratton't rem Nu tun I .Pe *honied the,bleanalletle: BELIICT * - MISCV42I I I:i • , Trust Leisure aO4 - .-. '.l • , Cle o Pagelf, glieelS 40-EgYPIP. • : . dis ..h:pitonOirimp t y#694.;•:. tat: . -ru '.•'''" ' I 7.!.11: .:;',,,•: - • - The atory_of eksopo iS June of nitil Acioas, µlemma , man - dulgeneus, rtvklesanesf and ed - O Inevita ble testilrof that In &and Idle ness o f ten% Induced bye possesslmi of unbounded Wealth:44.LO Moped. , area ,pf the Ptoleml .. ma Lund wiekedne held .couthf; , , fiway.—, TIM hatiorable exampt• , thtvfOnnilz er of :the dynasty; matt , , • !ifwedin a measure by thaearly. . . . but ,M zt the apiritaoolt died out Am! ctwlvo. sovetehrit, It . , ..etor.p,, airmxl 40. - OUtdo - hltrii, r In the gratfilitdlonitif hlbiskitis liiNfe tles and ptiotalona,:andir - - of tI- - — nett , Ranee & faring's, sin; ant despair and faithful to the teachings of a besotted father, and n litautious,- wicked sis ter, Cleopatra gave herself up.to the Indulgence of unlawful rove ' which brought Its just punishment In re memo • the most dreadful, captivity the most humiliating; and death the most cowardly. , Ptolemy Auletes, Cleopatnt's fath er, was, the niuth in the line. His whole life was spent In vice did bauchery. Fleelurfrom Alexandria at the time of a revolt occasioned by his own indiscretion, Ptolemy Aule tes loft behind him five children, the eldest the princess Berenice, who had attained her maturity ; ' the second, Cleopatra—the subject of this sketch —who was at that time eleven years of age. Of the sons, whO were very young, the eldest was named Ptole my. As soon as the flight of .Ptole my was known, the Alexandrians established Berenice upon her fath er's throne. She Immediately nego tiated a marriage with a prince of Syria whom, after a brief union, she caused to be strangled, and took in his places prince of Asia3linor, with whom she was better . pleased than with her first husband, and prepared to offer effectual residence to her fa ther in the event of his attempting to return. Surrounded by such infiu enew, Cleopatra spent those years of life in which the character is formed, exposed to the mast - demoralizing scenes, indulged, neglected; and with al spirited,: and possessed of the rar est .hrst_qty of. face and form. Cleo patmAtras too young to take any tic tivelititt'in the contention lietWeen Hertel& • and her father, - therefore sham:cm:WA a quiet spectator of the revfOutiour. Ptolemy„ had-fled to Rome, to .• aim, the aid of that em igre:lt& - of Alexandria tn.pcitir er•ti u, .rtance. Ther tivo most po in Rome at this time w- ,said Ciesak.. Thehttler was it • tidal g, and bet ntve ry much need of money, agreed CO secura rillianee between the RCP Matt people and Ptolemy. on condi ticrathat.P.tolemy paid him an enorl mops , sum of money. An order to raise this sum, Ptolemy increased the taxes of his kingdom, which was the -amuse of the, revolt, occasioning Jttk fit: Aboutthlsflme Mare An tpf distinguished Roman fam7 ily, • ititwild and dissolute,; though' Fripg a eorremending pride and ci ness of spirit, was placed.seeond in:. Mond of the'llornan army.— Ptoletny's efforts to obtain , aid be. rag successful, . ho rettirned to Alex= andrfit rind& theeseort orbtare An tony, who •••miecitered for him Mai throne. Antony became the object ofgeneral attention and admiral on, Emi-Om conspicuous by.reason of his eceentricity,. as well as liire.Roman iiirirplicity of dress and demeanor.— Cie - Oahu , was at this time fifteen yeitrs'of age, and her blooming bean, ty : united to"•that sprightliness and wit for which she afterwards become celebrateckattfarifett the attention of 'the fascinating Roman General who, in his turn, made an imprasibn upon themind of the young girl which Mid not been effaced . when, many years after, they met Under totally differ ant eirennuitanem, . . . 'RINTa PADF.,B REM SYRUPS SPICES. - • Soon after the departure of the Ro man general, who left troops under Pthletnes command, to aid him in keeping_ possession of his:.throne, Ptolemy found himself drawirig near to.the close of life. and the question prmuted • itself, to whom should he letveshis kingdom? Cleopatra, now the oldest child. Shiro Benmito lied *en hehesaledol,irs a princess of re. tUarkfible promise, both ln msbeetto mental, endowments and Personal charms.: Her brothers wgreyounger .thanAshei but this was hall impedi ment tb the settlement of- the-ques tion In - the waY.listlailYeTlo,l"l by (lie Ptelemies toltdjast suerr.adflOtit; t km: • tier %titer ordained site should marry-hereldmt brodier and togeth er oeeup3.4 the throne. !Boon after her father dltd and.Cledpatza and.her young hostand , hosumed the-reins of 04,,.111 t i hotligeiikkifloilo t= I , , .4063mtitistitikewts; gave' lOi Ilfre,l o 'o,lwiliehu*alted At' Iptoi'yor. iv gligaborwhobi- VYotib ' . ii)leilV.itfreffelt; and; *lnk the Mute% their - side, Cle`; ;r 4 F* om. >I 4I A t e 5P. 4 44;*0 3, Of kPAP 1 i4 4f 'Viiiktiliifllki4viGivii;hroJtii; l out„hetWetelt gle tiv4 , gkiiiiltonifl detututlO NIP Pitted Ptrear..la Vail l, thti raratier•Wea.dere-tleti.;goMiliffithe. latter *der and monarch„ . pa,-4 ttietight;-, of Abe,. world,T, --, 1 Cleopatra knew" tiltic.qoAlketAriveoPleurtilti). l l illtilV#M4r .*:intm irPrefirie, awl :sh resolved t o p i nch her cause before, lo t !him. She sent hit tit ~ tatetsagpto,tids• leftist, to which: r ; mturttect. the , rlitpisOuctitylv )i iill t hinshts..., ; .Bhe 100 a single, ~ tunimilying prin i *writ# ! 41criala'elP4rit , . 0 4n. _ . iltmledktricm, 4cr. ~Fisille.A.. , .riat whets„ ,ttirstr iuffisiistaPi ' ' ; ortg;i4l l 4P94/ i tut. ALIN 1 1 '. 1 1 61 A .ifii -a-likgM; ing, A conveyed nveyed 1 nto t e r pia tu4ere PIA* tit , Wolf ,airet!htto ' Ricsals wl4.oltCliti 1 4 rrArt :Rain tuinoa Wit t e p • ae. ; Y.ben r4Vritikwigl.wgrolletT th'e like l Clete de • Presenteditself to.Qmoar, ;T:401- charming, tuad, appealed. at Once to his chivalry." In . the course of etin-, venation her Intelligence, originality atial„bewitelting !limners completely wen. the great, conqueror's heart. ' He took •the. strongest. .interest in ,her cause, and treated her with the fond est attention.. Cesar was a Illa.li of alluring persanundunniners,of noble and generous spirit and high station, , atid Alm gave henself ,enttrely into :his power., • He restored her to her throne, hut resealited in the place.= 4: War foliewcil„known as the Alex anilrian War, resulting in the triumph' ;of:Cleopatra. and _Cesar;- the latter, hoWeyer,ineurring the tititsureof the Humeri people itA for turning tte front. ftiOluti.ts; to embroil himself In the qiutrrets . of a.: rehipte kingdom end hl.flielitli.PEOltis 'Wife ut liome au intolera le wrong:. Hut. he ,Was 'sti 'LiSelisitedlkilleepatra'athermsiba hu heededlinethlt-remonstrance, ba t' spur hl thrie Ih'her cOMPA eye 'lle Carlucci tiplan roklalt.kng het; o "Rorie Red 'there Matryitig her, Whicii - Prodadect great dissatisfaction among his friends:. Great revenueti pen red. intd„gie:treakury, and , the, young ; queen entered -upon a career orapJettor, luxtiryand magnificence - - --While 'Qesar Pursued his career as cottquerer of, tile world, ha a emcees.. 101 manner. ' ;Visiting 'him at'Rente. Cleopatra.lli•ed . openly with (Amu' at' his, res . , idencv, and this excited eery great displeasure, LAbout thfs'lltne, caused himself to be'procliff& 4144, : kid' hiS cause was Pzurilify Ased,by afore Antoriy, who was a Ikautc' Bur a scheme was set cie foot to destroy the 'ambitions esple , ant'slife. The plans were matured,' Mid the conSpiracy led by two men, Casiiitas .auti.l.lruttis. On the daYiti Whiekthe thi.lisieti vote wa s , to have teen eate.,t"The'Senate eonVeno;, Cie sal' himself presiding; the coralphit'l tors..came. boldly, nronnd his prtol deziPpl r Ndr and murdered tthrt w 0 theted 'kW.' : AntotlY Abed py'u, tirli,' - ".4.M141,01110nt1A1t...S .. - - - * 4,. expou. . in, . a view to,render aid to Mare Antony... Then' Cassius de, termined to proceed immediately to Egypt and take .poasetslon of, the diuntry. Cleopatra's .fleet encoun tered a terrible storm which destroy; ed it, and danger so imminent began to threaten Citailus from the dim tionpf Rome that he was persuaded by Brutus to abandon his Egvtian plan. Soon after, thepeariet mantle, the customary signal displayed in; Roman tamps on the morning of a day of battle, was seen at the top of thegenemls' tents waving like a iran r ner. A ferocious battle followed re suiting in a triumph fur Marc Ante ny, who was nowlite most conspicu ous nun in the tie" 'i s t. Thus ended the famous battle liilippi. It will be recollected that CIL "Ira had seen Antony some years befo.: 4 when she was but a young girl. Time had but added to her (henna which were pro nounedi irresistible. • The fame of her beauty was widely extended, and Antony, on pretext of charging her with aiding Casslusand Brutus sum moned her to appear before him:-hir ed with the idea of making a !wand time a conquest *r the greate4 gen eral and most exalted potentate in the world, Cleopatra immediately prepared to obey. She employed all • the resources of her kingdom to pro cure means for the mast magnificent display. Setting sail, slie cros s ed the' lirediterratiean sea r and when her fleet had entered the river Cydmus; she embarked on board a magnifi centirtamamented barge, the , mrv ings and decorations bf the finest workmanship/Mil elaborately gilded.; ibinder a canopy of sloth of gold Cleo: patra appeared dressed in the cosi tume in which Venus, - the Goddess of Beauty, WAS generally represent; ed. • She was attended by beautifid boys and lovely girls'represen Ong the' nymphs and graces: The most de , ' lightful music guided the oarsmen, - towhichthey kept time in their row ing: The slather were heard far and widens the beautiful vessel approach: ed'•'Tarsus,• 'where Marc - Antony mivelted • the Egyptian queen, The Whole spectacle seemed a vision of enehiaitment. - • Landing, Cleopatm's tents were pitched on the shore. An tony sent II message to bid her wel come und invite her to Rupivit It him. Thls she declined to do, saying it would be more proper for him to sup with her. ' - ACcordingly he rep aiied to her tent, where he was entertain- In the Most costly and splendid man ner, the magnificence and splendor Amazing the • guests, APtony be came' completely fascinated by , the splendor of his royal visitor, , andher wit, aceomplishinents,ndroitness and Self-, .ession completing the spell 'her • -. uty was weaving-around him, he yielded up,-his heart to her undis putedf sway. • • Fluvia, to ham he had been married soon a . Iles:tea deathOind for whops he ad-enter tained ' the most devoted' a - Meth% waB 'forgotten. An incessant round ! of patty and pleasure; entertainments which were, in point of splendor, the wonder of the world; boundless ex, traVegandt, and unrestrained habits of intimacy, marked'. the course,of this infatuated eduple.' While Antony .was thus wasting his time in luxury and pleasure, his public duties were being neglected, Flu Via was surrounded witittlifileuk ties, and continually wrote to Auto ny entreating , him to return to Rome; but surrendering himself Wholly to Cleopatra's control, lie went with her to Alexandria and spent the winter there;,giving himself up -to, every suedes of sensual eiLlovinent. . In the meantime It'luvin, in order to eonipel• Antony to return, took measurer to foment an, open war; then sent such thlingsto her husband US induced hiin.to break imesy from Chopatnt, inspire of her tears, her curettes, her flatteriesallii.arts,. And net tell for Tyre; Fof,tttree Wean they• were sepatatcd f iltlavilt ineuttlinte. dyietti slaututlintony note eying Detavutil.tha widow: of ,e, Ro man general; BeComlni; tlredrothls • ktOlitt Sarr i ArtiNl37,44 Ur ee peth‘Ant,e)i)gre.hm/.99.,.etlltPliO'qt - truk . oll4oll 09tIlekiff..)/4 e,ivenf•to 'lVllkOtirliAid (l :'es/eirOt l 7 l / 1 s 1 0 1 "146 - '' • Ylith-ChPPittAitlltailtAtitiViiiketi.' ...0401,a, units inittlY beAOV I OIn„ BO poplic 'Bentlideid.:*4 atrongly.Mgaliest,her.tillOiind• o,ures pas4eo maple conilckt;blit hilnd Atid4te , fdattindiciidoni 11(4),t119 ggreitpirtflky' drvillnYd' tdr Idspetiu Nl' end dcvlia 6 ,feropeff to_,telltah° t of - even at flio,kon, ti ori tfo Wei...hint her,' gtevltie,..f3vll,l* her 4,060 f or ,fletatdtt vffehimidd VetqWei Or.titdituti l defendjilin'j P s y ehlr puChls c;skeses.lituf wititted' I foT the field ~- 9 114 tarn mending: ti - liOtt l ynif t heVaadereittetl' OfeYnjr !-1,111111.8)044'lle ) veterneti .4p4ll6,,yotrf . netiOittlinetliF:dintei, vcnt pv'et- tdoClavl CW_oputrahinrAiffore. f . ,th'einseWaV !t. AptiwwiriguAtit. Until Ukiah* 9c14,3 , s army uti eifers o , cieepatre 'halt ckeyfottAtpeetiled'hertelf bend; ifigifiipputchrel. - noithitieiii • ibt'lieti; !Self, and hither She VtiPti r lied ;Withall• hertfeasuirSittigether With ebinbnii-' tible' materipli, determined to Iles; trey herself and - her treasures rather .than tofu!! into the hinda of the Ito ' ',flans. • She caused the tidings of her death to bef'borne to Antony, who fled in dispalr to one uf - the chambers of the palace, where lie plunged a sword into his body, and fell over in ' m • swoon. When his - "conschiusness. returned, he heard that the Sterrof Cleopatra's - dea th' WIN not true , and 'mph-ink! to be carried-fd her. This his attendants attempted to do; - and he arrived faint irnd,dying •iit 'the doer of the toinb. Cleopatra' would not the door to be opened,but ' by'nleatia of. yoke ' challis; and 'with the aid of two women;fulthfut otVlAlll4* V ibe • l4e r in i s e r A re l upto The Witi ,Ntr„ttp ,•by h great e ff ort, succeeded n taking him • ip.-.-pia--vecy,suon •armeorihomottieDivifio toter, hst„her • arts and faschiatlonsiosliurel l him from his home and country, extin .guished•all the tires of his tunbition,. nod filled.bls,seni with a love ef the vilest, must , ignoble pleasures. In the InhlSt Of a grand euretir, In the • height of prizeipetity;te is•taken pos. eeesion'of;' and suceumbi to an artful; unprincipled woman, knowing well - that she is hurrying him to demtrue tion.. Cleopatra was now the wreck nerd rultkhf Whatehe had once been. Octivitel wits"ln . ncomelisioti of - the. city. By stratagem an entrance Iva; effbeted into tleonatra'st6lnb,andsbe was conveyrkl to an , utiper chamber, where sheiwas kept itt clime custody. She. gave • herself • up tido= !Ahem,' of grief,'betaing her tearing her hair, and scratching her ' flesh so dreadfully thaieho;; Was oovs ored - with kontasions oHno,.wounda, prteelitiegm meek frighttel spectecbs: She: atteMPteekself•destreetion sea .mitny.waysj but iwasprevented iEedmplleltingfier purpcmo, untilefs tutisithrtho totnivotAntcarby. perinlasion,telie retained Immo orders led a •erniiptuetis supper; liar which she erravixt herseltin:usual gorgeoes 'apparel;:k -A • basket: containing Aga, • which were'very tinirabd •daeantiftti, was -conveyed tn.her,-by ono of her ourn - nerventn.,and•pitied, upon -the suppei • table.: i• her, attendants tlefeveintalesepaledigstoolvoteelgag Ina,- plaiis of iat por o ,)vere lirjutus 'tt4e. aatfßMltt psi arks iod wit h Anton y Otis - " 4,151 1 1.0 its he read the Kneel written; on . a Anion tablet of met al, :inferred • that she had destroyed herself, and im mediately sent messengers to aster lion. On entering Cleopatra ?s room, ' a shocking spectacle -• ptsented itself, The Egyptian multi • 1621 lying dead upon • her couch ; one of her women was upon - the .thior be- side her,.itnd• also, avhlie the other waw.sitting- over • the body of her mistress, fondly earesslng it, and wreathing flowers in-the long, beau tiful hair. A few moments more and this women•fell fainting, -rind Imme diately expired. No marks 'of vio lence, no indication of poison were to be found, but something like the slimy track of an Militia' was dLseov ered on the wall, which was sup posed to have been produced by an asp, conveyed in the basket among the•tig leaves. She had employed Much of her 'time In experimenting with poisonous reptiles, and it was believed that she did so meditating suicide, in the event of her being sub jected to eircumshmees too humilat ing to be borne. All paintings and sculpture represent her with the self inflicted sting of the asp. • Thus the downfall of the unhappy Egyptian when should be a warning to those whom wealth and luxury removo.from the nemsity of °mime tion, foseicious pleasures and indul gences ere the inevitable result of idlowas and &action. Remarkable 3fiurder , Trial ip ILM=M The Field-Vanderpool Murder case in Michigan, now on its srCond trial, is °neat the itost remetkable cases in the terminal' history.. of that State: 'llerbert Field %V 14.3 It native of Lewis ton, Me., and twenty-one years of age the time of his death. Helm' led a ravine life; baying; been a sailor and'alln ited States marine, and hay- Illg escapetPtwo -merit perilous ship wrecks; one :of which was a Itus shut bark,- Riga. lie: then: passed through.a commercral college at Au burn, Me:, uutl formed•the acquaint, ante of bliss Hill, of Lowlstown, who offered iir educate him, and when his health begun to fail from the confine ment of study. moved .witlx hint to Manistee, -3110.., where they lived together usauntand Jlepwew, though in no way. related.. He there Met Vanderpool, and formed,with hirn a banking firm, investing about $7,000, which was furralted him by MisS Vanderpool originated in cen tot! New York, bare a good • charac ter and has a young. wife. He put t 2,900 in the firm. in September, 1869, FiehL wished. to. withdraw his funds,a nil diskadve per tnershi p,wh ich was finally agreed tar, in spitceof Aran derponl's reluctance., • . • (in Saturday night they went into the , bank; together,. and 12. days after Field's body wal tountk in the. lake; several miles northoOlanistee, hav ing been towed; away by en under current., Thertheory is that-Vander pool murdered him on.lituaday fore noon in thabank,aml afterward de posited the body in the lake. Stains upon the floor of the bank and cartiet ing have been analyzial, and the Wei croscepe reveals with startling cer tainty, the exact nature•of the blood confuse-ice; that they must have be longed ton human being, and one of the' age ef Field. The character of this evidence is one of the features of the trial, all effort to invnlidate the °testimony -.0f., the c I et n lots bay.' ng failed. The strong point of tho de fence is that Field was seen alive on Sunday afternoon, and if that is set- tied Vanderpool could not havo been I fist murderer. Thus-the stutssof evi (lona. is eireunrodantial, and only the nux,t ambit sifting. and balancing 'will Justiry.a verdict of guilty oreltsr the prisoner iu t be_public ;; ;I ; td. .Tn is is his screed trial ; by thatica he was rowel guilty, but the.feeling agninst, hill) was SO strong.that it was thought no more than fairtagrant Itim a new trial in a different part of ;the. State. lie is on trial at Kalamazoo. 11 ••;: . ..1; • === IMMffM!MMI 1 • ,; 7, iag if 1.,•-m-r, rtal , air .*, ~, • , -; 1 ' 4, 794•4thmlNParhtmt4) !tlenveL!! 1 0 04 94, L tA l o l .",P4kkmvegP- ftit ; s r ' Y.c m i sr , k 9 w 4- w e re.geN l 9lLitiVu 5 . . 4 - ' . our;aimP :Orr, sktilona,9klass An :tai l • . 40 .., • ... u PP e r.,-*141 088 4.44P1• 111e.hr,Ylmir. I ciai m os.a l o,494o.4' , .tuAhit4 ftelAl - wunt' . • - - "Do tell ail Vtitl6 4 sll,*! i iii chorused..lll - once.. '_. ,-- -- , “Waft,',l aoSet 'thtßr.i.i r i . ' di) 'a yiiiini toss that *flair over; thls'way,' farPtirtionation dry.'!:' , ;:, , - .1 .1 l ' il "l'ler %WHOA stfubffAsslllsitthe 'aferesai,. Pa* or,apinta. wad Jusert-. Ingn hue quhror dogira. 4 o in hires ebbs JaSt'sj he EP."' i ' , #A long , time afore t album !!0 ? 1 white settlern•Obp ftl * ,ai. 1 bil ,INPr r irPalterg4l,l37,' W in; fderi dist b rot' filditellut, -of otarraejd. wattle Laltit:iettittaar , war. ily t, :quite it•lobbi.wb.sulawan , lied • • the. . 4 ,14049 y klair Co:l7f thvii,. you see,, we cbuldn $ t ► es . unt aft •tegeMer,' but•trap '1 bads of ahnienutithar. seatterednill am the R lajt i or thalaarlusdatna •cill 4 8 ,PPmw, IT pia,. te tell °Yee about,' 'AM' arLt Other boys wereteaPpin' 'bulb worth Platte River. One 'lntoning -I- took my Alvan' iron on , my. shoulder, and set out to visit some traps, some four or live n - tiles up the river. I had got most through with my task, When I caught ' sight of a big , black bar, lonian' up the rocky bank. of • the river., "Tway -the tarnalast rocky, rough place I ever Seed; nigh on two hundred feet high to the top, then It sloped off in a tiletriellitt'•valley, as fur as ' the eye could see . Wall, it warut long alter, / spied minister bar, afore I put an ounce of lead t o ter _his' constertushin;Mait' pot an end to his acramblin' over -the rocks, which' I consider Warts mercylo him. Then I went toskinnia' him; suit/ Jist had got through when -I . heard the tarns lest rumblin' noise, 1 ever hearn in all ray born days, '4 - knew It warn't thunder, for the' sky was clear , as a 'whistle and'! ' liste ned a speft. It kept , geitlitt louder, and 'thinks I to myself, Its, an alrthquake, and .I'll get, to the top of the bank, and see wherebouts it's gods' • taopen the ground' to swallow •up things. • I wasn't long gettin' to the top, and then—may I be tatollyrkerflummett -A f• Ow Warn!t, the skeerymt sight I ever eXp e ct to see on this here, earth' --buftlers;nothing but a blw . cloud of befflerk 'milli. as I multi see .ap-and ' down-the riser-bottom.. - Thar wart thousand* ,suld tens of thousands, all, cumin. headlong towards the river, Jist 'like the old' Scratch war' alter thel, met aut,toote - them.. two hun dred yards off. But the . funny part of it war, I War right . in ' their waY andfno'sh6* bn girth to gib out. • I Wan In , a , prettrlpielde; and Iliad to know ILI ~. ~ ' • , ”WereYeub o 4 lo 3aefiT ll : ll 44lltt ialiell one of the os. ' . - "WRIT, lumlght lie, boil*, liStifT didn't , have meets , ti roe to scam dist thett.,-14,12erhentber. *WA: MY. lads feeiln' 4 kinds, of.curis t and pat , ,a i hand uft.to find what. War the Oa ter,''and it wat'stic,klabdiestiffse ways for Sunday.. I-hed about•givo up forayleany longer in this world, when a,t,be,ogbt, Jam* me, I might 1 and a crevice or hole in the rocks big enbugh"to'Wdeln, Midi tell - you Nara; I irailong-in Idoklie•ftir• it; ,I scrambled down• faster nor,chabs, Qom ...„, ~,. , ~, , ...„,,:,4 _ , .. , :.. ~.• ~ 7 .- i . •r" 1 ,- : - i - r -- . If , . ."tlilhar . Aheso.thm 1 L.,,,, ~,,, ..mbri4libiogprp . , - . - - .• • 1. , • torie• theta , dittePt‘ aserri , to. , - - iiiiiy:"lnist that would shelter .. me from the hoofs of the tuned bafflers, wh all ' at oust, I tumbled inter acrevi un- ' der the side of sheivin' rock I no time to examine the place, ace if it would do, 'for here comes the onory brutes, helteratketter,rumblety bum,annablin' Jumpin' and Tonto'. I only wonder that I tvant't made deaf for life—the noise couldn't a been worse if hevln and earth war a cumin' together with:a. clash; and not a single buffler touched me, but they nearly kivered me up in dirt and stones. How long they war all a passin" over, I don't know, but it seemed to be a hull hour; but they war all over at last, and I war about to dig myself out, when I learn a loud Malin', and a whoopin' on the bunk above me. I well knowod what it meant • it war the mean pesky Pawnees t hata hed Impeded the butilerS, and drove them down' tha steep rocky Ixtnk. This war an old trick of the lazy cusses, to get,plenty of. meat without the expense of pow der and lead.' And one thing I kjilowed. I wa'n't any safer with them then I war withihehaffieN, if they once got a sight of my topuot.. I thought of .the old sayire that "troablm never.come single," and I concluded that it war my safest plan to lay still and keep mum. ' Down the bank they came; and I could see the shedders of some of them, as they passed me—but soon they war dot of , beanie'. My last waru't very corn ffirtable, and my cuts and bruises be gan to hurt. 'I squirmed and twisted till 'I got out from under 'the rocks and dirt, Thatthe burners hed knock ed over me, and raised my . head high enough to look out; and see , i tat was going on. About a hen ' 1 $ and fifty yards under me war the foot of the bluffs, and there' a sight met my. eyes:, dead bulthas, and live ingins sirloin' and arnica them up.. 'How. many .dead ones I couldn't telt, but thar war piles of them. Someof them were fioutln' down the-river, and ,on tether-ai de war the main gang, still ronnin', ILY if old Nick was after them.- -L tried to count the thievin' "breeebaclouts," but they were mixed up so much at war a herd Job. I made out, sixty of them, and that war more. than I cared to tackle,single-handed...it war about four o'clock in the afternoon, and I have , never wished for. (lark nese to collie as I dkl,then...l dermal try to get away in diaylight, and I war as hungry as a wolf.' : I - hoxl,eat noddle Once months' , ; but. the day wore off at last, mid with .thra first dark I etype,out, gained' the to of the bluff,. and'then took a beealue for camp, down' the. smooth bottom; and. I tell . you, ,hoys, lavarn't lea in gettin' thar. As , for, that btir,,l 'sheet that warn% much left cif i lls by the'tlme the buffiers' hed peened over him, and I was thankful , to ;,pit out of the.serape that I war, ,willin' to let the redskins hey what war left of him—So, boys, you hey the hull story,.and'now lass that ar that for Pm dry tat u chip." '• . . . . —Prof. Jaines.Orton,. who re cently returned from a Selentiffe ex- Poring expedition In Heath Ameri ca and among the Andes, says that, although the statements continue to be published that the ordinary ex panse of a condor bi froie • fifteen, to twenty-five. feet, It Is very, doubtful whether It ever exceed:4 or even equals twelve feet. It has a full grown male bird, from the most eel; ehmted:loenlity In the Andes, and the stretch of its wings is only nine I feet. 'lre says the condor never Ilaits Its Wins In the ale ',,hut soars along slowly, in vast dreles, nt a great height. with 111.9 head in txonstaut neaten, as if in search of food below, Humboldt.' saw one•fly over Mount. Chimbnrar.o,n height of twenty thou sand feel; and Prof; Orton, himself, hits seen them sailing one thousand feet above the crater, of. Meant Pleb! ineha r a•vokano over.Antileen thou sand feet ...,;,;„; Ail : Letters itolk Prrrl 1 F r.....ughp I setdrett—, a.4...... 1 . plilhed lialli a tied esipe Bo _ Is ilwelakillasawmta itit at telf,tlffoe#ow—lier .4r4t • pilirefto Of• - #.+.l ll P!'. ' ' poid ttiett ri n U orrott rn . r : si a lirgbi thiatin3 "or i . e iri biegmxi l e i r a t fi c hr whit, a , daughter - 43 ineteem,VeriN PC Age. Thin young lad,y •natallitalt. careful edwatiop..gradthilixr vihr credl4 Ulra% fintilrlOnt ;ler he9q, , , must immediately,. 410 , ni a" EA cqualnhiricirhf it Yea* irl Otrtieet hWifilitlei towthlindifellf indovb VIM. Idtub . ..it L_bii de 11:111451 not en gf' con li ra ti" rge. n"tyi lil y, Y ,ni :" tuleT,E l h " bi s' ' sudden lutkoinni.. Tho • innitaittleri'd theritmg Iddy Vats at great that abet tnok•nn:paina tneonceal Hi andeatott i beingstautonstrated with by,her,li ily, she boldly peralsted In ayown het retro:" At the nollettation 'nt‘h r friends, the gentleman had an Inter. View with her irrthe'presenec of her m ether. 'and r(Preseined Ao her in fho motagentlii sustpketruk inatiner.r that her ptuasion nettle returned ant 4eggul her, ebecdeck It.A>r)ter, ow,' make and hut 'credit' or tm, !Um!. 1y,..0f which he anis 'it ' eihne-filead.• In War Interviinii the gentleinan tm: .kirtunately announced 'that, he wtvi 14004,10 p 39 married tg..aßothex Ja t ly i At this th6yoonglady hemino 'Tort en% find exhibited a state'of Itilinx which requited In a complete nbernt tion of mind. - A physician was nt once milts!, and, after a few davtof treatment at herhome,,it was found necessary send her, to the State Asylum for the Insane. .This was accorffinglydone. The txxn• girl; whti 'had so htently exhibited , air ;unusually active mat brilliant mind, Was now a complete, wreck, and alternated between tits of the' deepest melancholy,. during whichehe could' net , bey , induced in , speak,lnidvaliiits of .frenvoluringt which see:had. to be pinioned, shealtoultidebentelfharm. This IfAs . her' 'condition in• the wiyfuni; 'end gradually hepee of her casce , Was abandoned, when . sucklenly she. dis appeared. Daring the thirclweek August, she iµ company with,a /MI her of. other patienta, was 'lp 'the' groan& of the asylum, taking itirt and exercise, anti When the others returned tnthe Mute, she was mim ing. Search was hunsediately made, but witboot summit, mat though , the, officers .of the Institution. and her now "doilbirtilltictett ' family iipered rte Painiftelind her;she wax as cow pkiely lost me if the ground had swat lowed ping up, lila ,'weeks prised,, and iss suddenly as she bad disappear ed; shed rtiappeared . end rainy (-cell leg after dark, at -the 'doors of ti?, asylum,-and was immediately taken" The .astoniahmeitt ere:flea byl i lier appearance alone and" In the night, was dotibled • *heti: ' She' Way found to:be perfectly - sane • and la colopkite:bodllyt , bealth.vll(X'elorY:' was won Vag. . 13110 (xiuki remettilt:r r nothing, except that she' naiad self the(lay before In thetroeilvalutle; with her clothing ft; tatters, and her seirterverioubly -hungry: • She movie be thebehrestlaisli, and by. bar-lvais and,,u?ilking all night and all the next day, aril% ed thd asyluiii safely. It being (pate Mind- , rent that •she required 'le :fitrthee treatment, shaman at opre. reams:li to her. -fsmily,.. has shim berm. lefuwea tbst theyoutig,lady, iyatider. ed into the woods and' sub slated upelnittelrbertiM tti sife could opinionoyetc that th . e recposure (+engirt of diet are thedireetoauses of the n't tomtloit of the young lady to health of body and , mind. How "fork Tirain'lLkiwi LH*. The St. LoutelPpub(frail stays, "We have lately noticed several port graphs coact:ming this gentlenum. It is very true he was one-- a river character about this port. • Mrs. Clemens, the aged mother of the humorist, we underworld, Is still a resident of this city. 'Mark Twain' learned the river on the old steamer John S. Roe., and used to, write up steamboat memoranda, and we:lstnn al for the ReimWievit. Captain Sellers, 'ono of the fina vie thus of Mark Twain'shumor, was an excellent pilot, but devoid of any litemryculture whatever; but withal had quite an opinion of his own men tal abilities. Mark bketehed the captain In good stYle.. After he hail written the article, he inquired of, John Morris, now steward of the Bello of Memphis, whet name he should sign. to it. One of the deck hands happened ..at the time to be heaving the lead, and hallow) out, 'Mark 'Twain: meaning the depth 'of water, when Clemens exclaimed, •That'S It; Mark Twain's my name.' Tills sketch, with his new 11:111.1e, 'Mark Twain,' at the bottom of it subsequently placed in the hands of Mr. 'T. E. Garrett, who Wal3 at that time river editor of this Journal, and it found a place in the, river deport ment of the Republican. It proved to be a decided hit, and wai ex- tensively copied by western jowl): Os: Mr. Clemens continued Air some time to contribute to the eids emus of this,puper, and his produe l (loos began to attract great, pt re:litho* throughout the, West. It waylll4 mans g et that his destiny was not in the pilot house. Ire soon' kit the river, and his subseqUently IltentrY careerls wehl known-l•' • • Hove You Arid trm , • "• floor '''• ' • .This trUeetioa to- those tol•whrmi.lt appeulsis serious and fell of aiguill mince, as uo hutnen malady Virtual's. these efilieted, therewith withwa ry certain • disaster. — Of : all cilsea-11-‘, tiose tof the plunamarY sttileture are the most fatal ,in their nattire teculeueles. So much is this the case, that, most persoas are prone to give then:a:iv& hopelestiess and despair. "Dr: Keyser, d his medi cine share, 107 Liberty : Street; has .5 medicine that will cure these' always cure them in the n! incnbation'aird give, relief, - Mal fn.. rfitly• cure then' after they 'have mat theni Is a hetter.reintsly. fur these . cams _than Dr. heyser , ,, bung Cure,'we, have yet to learn of It. Physi c ians would 'do welt . la . make-moot it in their practice Inuit pulmonary mahuller,•usln ninety: nhusrases out of a hundred it will 61 suro to reitoretho lungs to a healthy and natural state. .Dr. Keyser has given especial TIN tention to the treatment of the lungs and the other organs of the thrtait and Omit, and .has had abundant ex perienee at hii principal 'otlicon.bove named; as well as at the bed•side, to make- thorough investlgationa,; not only of ordinary diseases of thelutss; . but likewise : in the . Most hopeless aloes of pahnonary lesions. Office hours at 107 Liberty 'Street, froth 9 a. in. until 1 and from lfp. until C, and from 7. to 9 on Saturdays. $1,50 per bottle, lkyour druggist doss nut keep it, send 11ve , dollars to Oa Keyser, and he williend four bottles securely boxed; by exprow, with full direettous how ;to.isie it. • . • : -A Citiefniutti . Jtelge'llas (Welded thalit Wow from it htrrietml toa wife 154 solllcleutzmun4 for A diverve.—. iiow,ls it wheu the wife c10t.% the blew- t•_.:,..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers