;Theiir,eiv,er Ar . %MAIMS • tron AND Pseramcill. BOAVCIN Pa" Nov. MIS7II. Miss REAM, .tho, sculiptmo, who I as lx3en seugagtx l • for the past three psyrs on the ten thousand dollar statue a ',tactile,'. ordered„ Conktiks, writc..s front Rome that her work is 04 We ittprq ship ped for Washington titipes it will arrive in time to be 'S'ldwed,by tlle l usembens of the preStint Ctingiem. 1. • .9,r Y, FPta that g Generil James ,11:. Weyer or l'etnse ceunty w Aceept , the Repupllcan 1 '49104'6)n," Ir tendercil him, for 'A;.-1301161'; '4sr, renirlylvan4t. , (10Bertki Beaver would notonly snake n' hplenllld Ant for the Wotild 'tonic° a flist,clas4olcer ir c~ptttocl„ a• tiarty.,l/30 would carry the State next' year, must select nuolleet lonableetandaid lwereru,inen: Betti;er \yenta:o:o6l to he such axone. .r4Ol a stattei9P4k,l o 4tlv , ,M442 in,the alike of, the:Fifth. Audillor of the Treasury w h ich,w hen dem tilete4, will IthopPllte'.copt,ilt Immuing find Collecting tkiejniegnel:ll4yenpe.lp the Unital States. ilappears thatthe rate or dxpimees: in'the cities orl el et re'' %le I= • Nei ~..3 • 4 „ . 101! it* Atm oPena handsome thdititk. don and 'Au the lu'rojieittr Contiiiea . ‘bg, the pur . pow of. supplying people returning to •or ',lilting Amadeu with tteketeea over any Anierican. ruad. • • • O Ivridtp , fast ? : i fieltriekleitt• l / 4 ,- tay reported icriuh t iie.',3od Ogee 14#.1k tionsT.hlid•Welt. rent to idinkiter Net; ley, Ati the Could of St. tf aineej 't4 tarn over his affairs to:the 'United §tatO te'ditt!en , 'on gotituiday, and •ieturn beteg At onee,„ . .He also stated that, uOttueeessor to Motlethttd yet bee:wet:6ot, and that he 'eltßitlil not taidet thl'Appoltitttip hi' any bosiyi u; kip noticed in the hew •Officiutißegistilt, just. published, • • by the Shtte Department, that Senk to 501'6" timiie C,lP,Ptdr..tolo4,a; tn;bnt •liirettordefl as dati :frOnt.lttoptentber, HOD. • • .'I')r;; trial by court-martin( of mulot Smith (eolorsx1) itt Weet Pointi•a few weekg ago, fur breaking, a,:(llprici over the,:'lfoll of.'n felloW L L'aik't, bas been congliobal ; and proceedillgi reviawbci !by .the tiouretortot Wat: Th 6 l'4aik, fritifill'liit* C4 l ,oriel or - tii6 bbo,. qpitted; bkko . of thu o;ber, Vs , sen tence 'vas that, Edaith , liatists.'P walhi clittrpt, i• of' it ititiOt'AFtb uptiltutreac 'Thu. . Mar , found fault with • the sentepee; on ttia grotind of ita stiffteibitcy for the'crithe'eartiliiitted, atul,t t intseforotliaapprumetille4tiOly; • ordertat -13inith to 4eltatutat from atitgi. Ttit,FirtiffiNit !Cortels; •106';%i'ott, cleCte4 t of; Attlitit ~,Napolfstit Aced, I hefefore; have no fears t last the Prince of Iluh carolhttfr tlattfur , Lbatootlicev. wstitnittr of the"tilfttßWA ift'Oik‘ett Ail ell a ndip rotten t t haentwh to thtt Tlie-bleattOrt of A09ta.14 ij ht tt;i . :Ne . highly popular itirbughimi gat, ijit4lll(4 of Spain. ilisor tists,:followed the proclamation, tho' the gtwornment had reason tobelieve that as the candidature stay thipopm, tar Inl . trtnia'Ylii!rtent,. Otero Might bo.de Itonstrations of disatiproval.t- Thesurvlcts of troops have not been necesaatt anywhere. In all theltirgc eltie4 o.!..4paf!l.canuou were Urea In 'Wow of the emu. • • 't:ditor'of the leated4.trtit aunvierekil, win, is pvidently afraid • ot , ilitVeurry, hut who IA neverthe.: ‘•1 tinx‘fauS.th litt' considered a hiw itLuriligclifacii, puts a cum thus mild ly which. IS attracting attention in that' vielitity • • . • •t' We tire not In a positieultki giw f%•4ll4;ti r as' to nny murders which .111:t l'artiy is slid to have connuitted -!-- • and;• : for.'attytiiinkt we know—he May ItitVii Yds victims, wo-. and' orllo ineladed, In self, .W.e'ouly know that he has, ih oi► opinion, killed an exci.%s of tin rtigtalLith within u limited petlod; and , we think It is 'possible helms extin , viitheditothe of tlicni Muter eircum stanees Whictr • lilitriildbetuatter ' • • ' TILN: lillNiet! 01 ‘ l4l ittlir• rntii.key r" (•i re. 0'1;4 , iwiPiti.ll,. r tr. li4o,'lOwever„ 4,letsttal l alirittlett,! turn) shitwlttit that otitrike et'4lE. wtw tirik..444Vltl oil pp 1 ! •m; 1. 04 1 0 , i'Qutiitat'A, uy attgwer_lm 494peotetlit' •'llertliomedi . • t.;:ieat,, i i)Acci', - I'4l 4: l eit; f!',l.lle, '4714 tirgod;that....all.,eireulary .I,e , 04 oitee withdrawn and another substittatedi it , kirtglor'snetle . outrifintfolti tts 'CV- talk' . I euilinov e 'this tho,rvorug of the rev plu was• sutdn that, aisemtnentx of the • k: I " 11 oudl7tUkinNrould`.ltiltire'the Paq2.' r tar ttir;re leettxl, in that' way vtbultioiHni!lil)lY beiwlit it. Seitutor Ihriteitittalsui Wrote .. . _____ .. 14 ;ticerlAyiry Co iX'.ll4* Ili ii! h is eutifinfvvr ' Ny with the. committee mutt in pr( ~.!rpsui, te+attin g him tl . iiit he wits wifol ly oppoieeto .thtl'i.rogil i e: itdept i by' . • .. ' , till: OPP.lllit.k . e. , nin ht fun attx.ettl ' . with the... Secretary in the eland he Mel tiab,en. ; 0 .1 , I : . . . • • fs/RW.slinilm I itgicin , in IK - vonn; diltate In 1.116el!Inti : • Li s t, a (104%094 of her promineilt: citizen* irtlifett in,,Wasilington tp urge the clahn; Thq allege that the -tersitoryLitasovar one Inuniteditrati+ sand taxable inhabitants, apt& tlat-II la fully prepared for oda:Allen. gibei also ,declare that within h 'rat tiftei the Vrans-Continental shag have been completed arid epnnoistlod made with the Kansas PaelOWnixtd. 4 the territory will• have .trebled its Preient population. The bill for the aditll.l44l of the terrlais7 Whit ;ntri). tlue6d at tho last sesdlihi tuul ia now In Committee. A lim b iorbiltfor Colorado,: 114 s said; take precedence. .‘• 11E1 ~:~_ ABOUT "LPIY VILLAINS*') :Tho editor.of ihaSinfidicali having ndinvnineitt . to Isuidnee-tor .1)Koof to Ohe'AlYthil'er (444:9 niistd Citriirlng opt it 6nniitgte .was not need; in, Alm Sherlock's W indt nod the otHet ketnlttedte'defray. M 6 Ointnellikiiziiiolll97#?Ailer 4ta(119#.„ tile,ptiblfC on that. seer e by- c tlUng. us, ty,ttlow -Attain ! '' dcCc The Throe & , leantil to oniCwlth' w.oi , AIIM " cuannowdrltntotrtleyi hu4 nett seldom finds its wok !MO nev.* clynpftiuo i uior t iA ftw i,u.swil attentlf" . m. Ilere are the eharacteristicaof n ,4, lny ‘.: l • ,ifel ca s4;l/014 . : lle A4D'i to haVO furnish it: , If I can't get it holleqlY -Llool,l'l'l get it itnyway.": • :Ile Li Cb*dly 4 . , It woUldntnt.ado forhint :to show timidity„cmodetity s or :backward:mai. die: Understands this.' Thu brakii,"ittidhu •the vof iii i lkluirn' , o4.4".elteeiVi! If bis 03'86, cal courage is ever dont/l:11;h° makes frojuent stiesinodicatt4thittl to disiiel these doubts. .1f in hisiltp4ver,to dti nyr.lidehtainikaiullitarygentfaiicion; assist , in raising a coMpany or ,regi lnent, takeii (sid tb irUlgti It'' vfied: fitlere'd to 0# of the railljeCt, of)atucomplimentary talk, be gets a paidclavier :or tWci r tdallegelliat het shriared trtiediaitioa hia4.-ery While in the 'ihnr., 'Qt., If his,britin with whisky; 4n) may, possibly developo nerve enough to shoot a pistol-ball through the, Ird-behalf:if abitio one's fie ijr, Unfirt4efi;t: . It limiters but little how much a man era commu4 nity.inay have done for hint;•he for gets, iiii i jihnut kids when lci1ti;140 1 &aria to di) so:, 1;44 faun I•yere to take .itini into ihiS family, warm him. tti 911 a lailsom,• l u , &set on b 4. fOce,viper;ll4o, lie . Weieldretiirn i the lrilitlinw with ,a sting, whenever-his pecuniary or . poiiticalinti!restsWould Ile enhanced:bk . the net. Vetiof : .110 must Barre money to keep up spite:immix.. no ligitiniato calling, hid bruit) is oft en ttitturWi In getting us intreli of this ias ho'lreetls: lb this diulliloit obliged,M assufne the role of bifeuw lieriiml•tki,Valt for something to urn Alp:" Ififf friehtl.whtiliatitkinfitled iii lintlieflL,ensA PWltie , lit he iflt!!!!!tql Pl4l. l l 4 Vilieut anti sell , him out to his rival, if that vai 'twines iiegotlitions art' ‘i..os a venal feilow, or • lin never .Witiald, have taken" the thirty pieces of silver.- • Ife is Cbryempiible Leading a life of Intrigue', li . e;l4"geyei• at rest milks plciitbig against, the hu.siness, aspira tions or good name of ono whom he diSlikt.s. To this end' he flutters, en enurligt,..4;tind gathers around hini fliikc who talk the most and say the coartitt thing's:of his suppottrl one inles. If , he inn •lieep away lin the bachifiiiti and on'ul or hig brains s awls to Make 'aVilly• "In formation" agiiinst un ohjeet t of his 'spleen, he riots sti; omi t whim the charge filibtfhtt,..he is intiong the first tij• wash 'WA bands ot t lie , Whole, affair and cry out: "it was a inistake."— till debt he pursue n !' business" for the purptso of covering up his real transactions, he could no dotibt lx in duced to write filthy; Itimitymousiet., teni lii.lbusinessrivals. lie i. 4 dilhoom !lie *bold repeat his vote, thatige the' result of "a pri : nark isibetiag, Or hide lists pf, voters whenever it suited , his purpose to do so. lit the 'Matter of getting moot+, he thinks the easiest way to get ibis the hest: • ' tlf.! has no 'scruple: tin that score. li ft hetain get it front the State TreasarY',Without committing the erhuubt Introit. 'y,..thero •is Wileftl he rte Trf' clerks ❑t forcing .. lit .-• and his - I);ilitical pron... , antevery lavish. lie 'tiled gm himself to support every fine . kklai. aslinivii. fur an ollhkl - and afte . e• the. eoicefottliNnialsl of wit' ;lie is culhai to lux,nint; for his singular .naiduct, he ((wean( that his !fledges were all made !oiAl': 'the:wet:a in'1011 ; Ing, a newspaper. sat.hat;l4 ! no doubt, ! hat that. he mild 'write .clevcreditorlida In. fotiou'a candithiteri whom he. wan iiiiiillP•ifig; to ielppokt, and ,itt • •:tho •sa,_4lP:l!vOigiil4/1:_" tau/Id, / , (' 4 l4,:iti 'delta", tholia., • lie ilea a*tud itd.; way oruning:wwwits 111 tpllrefil /14 . 1(14.':114 Mt ilitelqiioiplitil l itia - O. he 'ln ikii.y, ,qt., 4s;qikaiipi.ahil....4t4it..q . , t4t tlai '3upee - ilia it...!ott rt . aid eight Ali reap( g iko. 'wilding Jittnes 1 liinejlvden • Pro thotajtarY fol. DA'I _ . 'District of l'enasylvauht;Ditiptildie 'night vary, safely conclude tltal in : another: per Hen of the titatalte was Atehoutieing ' the Court 'UV doing t h "s' ;same 'bine - Th(Ne are.the - atlef.attribulcs of a " low:villain ", as We null the phase dcdned oln the «event' authorities. wh lifiVe looked at:As tiC have ii&et. hceii ticiaiSial . o f pants4ing ,any.'4,'tlicstt • trails, and inoreovur as •ice,lawh just pamod through a rigid self•exasnlan thm, do niakii to tOnclude that; we IfftlerAerFltrtirrOMM; ."';' Querepo ' utetriMx,onew***ke to bi wetomep.thiiatieve*imliito fmnuil4prto makiiMelfeighetvo grit siktolitrirmOy eciera To tionel*, wo have only • that itioney_frien .tibroati7to& brought Into this meaty during the late campaign and one portion of. it usua In Dr. Sherlock's behalf. If the other portion was not retained to defraythe—running .expenses - of the Beaver Radical; let S. .Q. make en afildavit to that eilbet. ' • • I, Wit notice; nn article •In the Har risburg Ttlegraph, of the 171 h, !(the ableStrina4 its:Cameron's organ at. the StateSAilnial,) ou .theisubjeet!of the State Trtssurership,. which : looks . 11.9 if Mickey. waa•dropped as a candi date for that office..t,lf, this, is so the disecniery %was idouhtioac•made ;that tint gentleman !could inot,. be.. elerled nart lacittlei% :11`ho: flislegrnph copies am article- ihan:aLebanon:liaperjn -which/ion. LL.D. Colemaa ishrought forwank .as a candidate . for : , State Treasuren.nml.wannly urges the Re publican members of the Legislature, adopt , hitu esthete aunlithatn. Coleman • is:said. to be a highly reo saeetablemalyand !mite wealthy in the bargain. In fact himself and Senator Cameron ..own the first. Na- crud ,Bsdrk oks . Latinon. • The con 4 neet Joh will not. be palatable to w wah Jority of tile Itoinabildans of Penn aylvania.. Tho follOweri of Elonator flatiron • in :thie Stateauro. Just now laird pres3ed for money: . If thoylan oleet .111.1..0olentan,; they presume; Ug quite wealthy) that, he will lettepti. with Ilia salary: of the them to handle the unexpended-balance and divide , the proceeds among. themselves. Besides this they desire to bave the Treasury In their own handalo be used In the eleetion.of the next. United .States Senator. It latinderitaid,if General. Cameron himself. is not again at eatG his son "Don't will be, and to secure his election, they .must, have control of the State Treasury., next year. , The - elNtion - of 'Ceteinair Vcbtild Jesuit: "Taking thee by giefmduck'YWiniracteristie of the Cameron.- A Judicious use of the nubile funds next year would put then) inn pealtron • to' 'a' stibse quimt ,Treasurer and o t,inili4,Atates Senator both. Now, agreeable as it might be to iliethmeron wing of the Itepilblican partyt, to have a .change . la the tarstsurat'ssitliee,wlititedyart: tugs, woUld,the, ligopie derive trop it? Gen. Irwiu,hap modem efficient, aceommodtiting. Treusureri and It flidfdate for rc , eleetiolf; What sotrflt ohlection any: one, urge, 444, him. l/uringbis find. yeir urge., pad off upwards of two iniiHons,of dol.; lairs, of the State tic.l 4 . •• • •I'ile.ii' 'the Wlre-workers ,eliange,. end kackeY, his.suceettior,, paid off but live hundred thotisaudr• dollars, of public indebtedness, Irwin was elect* etragitiii; 101 - during the Ark live, or six months, be has now held the yf fiu, n millionauda half of the State's obligations have been cancel led !. Had ,we pet beqr : leave enough'! alone?, ~ . . ,LeUar / rout riroslikeni,, LinePILL The Troy. Press prints the .followm lettor,'not heretofore published; from Pre4detirtincold tO i the'pareuts pf , , .Col. Elisworth. The letter, tkarti:gr„ 'Lincoln's frank, and ls, nest-marked "Washington, 2:10.2'44801: " • , WAstustmot, ID. C., May x:5,1861. ehs - .Pathifi - and Mother. Of 00. F. .Ellswtirth-My • Wei Sir 004 *dam lir the untimely lags of year:nettle son;:bur affliction here is .seatcely - less . ' than your own. So in nett of pritinised usefulness lo one's country; and or bright bopesfur one's kelf and friends•,'have never been. is& Atitidenly dashtsl:l44 . in his fidlL It 7 sire, itf yeah!, and yotithrul appeteri. mice a boy only; Ili. putvef ittl! Wm . .; :nand -men ' was surpassingly gt'eet. 'rids power,. combined with a line intellect mid 'indomitable energy, and a taste altogether military, con- tlituted in, as seined to me, the best • natural talent in that department f ever knew.' And yet he was singu larly modest and deferential in sotsal• ititereourW. I My -acquaintance with hint began tee thaw+twO 'yaws ego•f met, tit tittil;thi the latter. half Air the In tervening perish it was us intense as theit parity or our Imes, and toy en grossing engagemeil is, Would per init. Tornio he appeared to have no indulgent* or pasthutN, And I. never heard hint utter a profane or tut in temperate word. What was conclu sive of his gopd hula, he never for got his parents. The honors he la: bored for so laudably, and, in the md end, so gallantly gavehri life; lie meant for them no less than for him self. In the hopelld e nuty be no in= freSion tirion-the,sacrethims• of your tcorrow;,Llttiite; \tent ured to athlte4t you t hig tribute to the inemory of my youo friend mul your brave nod ear- If fallen son. • • Muy God t;i4 Yoh the Consolation which fit lm.‘yond all earthly • power. Sincerely your &kit& in 0 common offlictlou,• '' ' A. LI NeOI.N. Nir'. A, Et. '•N'S:k., Lcry - miNi.NoVember hiN61)04.11 rix"ritvd here from Orl6ins iii'fYie ill last Monday:, "nissityis. liare retlied '1)4(01 . 11 "Maw le largo- Zvolltieleil at Orklunie,•. PliaokiAttl 'to bays the sir this: Itr; In ennenf Witt;ft;nt fn' eliffxkl•irtiiii..Therequisition ny"t Pnig4rilin 'Amounted to two hundred :thousand isnind SorrieskiriolBllingtunl ofrently lx„.en reported at I . he l'relleicoutpUstn. ' The King to-dny"telegniplitkl.tir Qncen Augusta; At Berlin, that the Gaunt I)uke of- Meektetnburg yes-, terdaY'reptilsed the enetny'aiong the. Whole line near Dretix. kow at :the - Ininle mpture4 .tiriix':" . l%lnity.pristmer*Were taken. lug Wiethy - Werelsurniedi In thectli recital l'or • I '; " 1113101 Tliegarrhtett Of 'La -Pere 'nettle n' bill tin et sortie yestt,4lltty,`and tsl the neighboring town of 'rergnier, wlrielt•wasitowly pressed by the ene tide.: The be.4egers hit several wounded, and pristmetS. A sortie front 'Next-Ire:4 was retudsed . by the First Prussian infantry. ' • The Freneh army is massed ih front of Orleans ; the Prussians nre receiv ing r&nfoteentents for the battle now , thought to he itnniluenf7 the Pre lielt etiedlry, .bidttiveS badly, and the Preneir Geneini is prepacin„,... boats forl'etreaVaertm 'the' Loile hi Iwo' of defeat; Thioseems to sum up.the situationla-tttouoa It nmemsevidetit that • etitifftritf6o. •in another'. Pretieh 06tti/ iB tMt-ireiit either side: of the' itte: '• The silver mine i n Sterl ing,Mass; - which waw worked before the revo lution add its bre carried' to England, Into been lensed •by• Fitch burg parttes, , end 11 to be at once reopened. -" , . , ~r'r ",:":Y,~" fylE'77W ; IE:3 respc'odent "W. H. P." "the yallike catneron ring," chatted iiie,Utnia three weeks ago, with h4y ing:lt note for $4,000 in the bank,ti Dougherty Brothers, endorsed :by -PlineehirAilest. I pronouneea It a Ile In a subsequent publication. Pier ! solApicat have brAndei it as a false 'hpbdirgniwhOd':ebiekjgbOili'. teriipfs to i;erden s tiffs correspondent, in lastweek's Radical; by reversing' the order of the note, making me the endorser for Plersol & Giest. That Is equally false, as the following will, show: • ' • t. •7 • Jame D. DoughertS. ..... & Dougherty. T. Rocklin Stotth,.... D. W. tielles. /realer/row ey" Dougherty Brother* et. Co.' - (The hueloess of (A Mute the Niala 4, llaf 4f as Ineorpor4ltd Baal.) - W. W.lawnc,Ep ira ..iliV au l u eit tg.149. bar •Vlrr—la .woewer to youra&waanlutlea of this lea., we beg leave to any, that there Is not now, nor eye, du there been, any note :Cie 'papa' Willis Bank ornik your,name atom it. in connec tion with-Mewl. Plze . ot & Nast, for MT Wnni "TM'. : Very rfhls letter is,publlihed for thepirDuration,, Daotaon 4 2 Pctsci:uf ShOwing . 'ivhat . .unniltigateo hilsetititichithe nrtdiccil resorts to - for thelmitio;a ;Of earrYiti,T Its polnti which was tolilvert'pabllc attention' frotn Quay's contracted' fur the purpak of corruption' and brit)= ery, by cotMtcr charg6 .of siinilllr conduct on my part: In this he• has signally NY: I-mitt:4l' 2E32 • • ' -The Next .4Atmpalga. . It is, perhaps, rather early to look out at udiati?ifNr.lhosfate,of ces to be tilted next:fall, but we nollee that soine . of our exchanges have 'already begun file work thdin on the carpet: Several names are taon tiyue~f ,a3l with the Audi tor Generalship, arid some Satin are very good ones. We have had one in view for some tithe 'fast, and hts.. Wllettas the ground has•been;broken we may well comeforwanl at Oneer-. We refer to Gen. 111111(. yer, o Itelltifonte: In the wholdtant Mon wealth we do not know a man aqui , would make a intoner tar more suite bin ;mull tate. His ability aud inter rity catirint be gnedioned, and his claiinB upon the Republitan Party are at least equstto those 'of any other Men in the State. He was u; gallant soldier of,the late war,and did noble service for his country, leaving a leg in front of Petersburg as a proof of his biniery and devotion. Addedio all other considerations he,ilsa sincere earnest and Christian; and his record as a soldier of; the „Cross is as. well, known as his service to the Govern ment. • The Reptiblican party - Would strengthen itself before the people by waking ..such al man lia_tandidate, and.pnelie would,become very different places, under the adifiluis-; Elation of sttch; oceuFiants. • If the loyal peopleof Pennsylvania desire to; rewarda bravo, modest and unassuming soldier, one who render ed us great service simply, as a mat ter of conscienceand duty; they will lay hold of themaimed 'hero of Pe tersburg and .placelini , ar the •head. of their, ticket, Ile pot seek honoca or stoop, to ,ask for, panned prefennbtit, and silents pre; chiely; the style of man that is needed in. the next nunixiign; : With Gen., heed of, eur,.tieket—a men why ; is strictly_ sum : pear scum, reproacii—tho soldiers of this tom inenwealthV together with all who* Iteirtir were in the war, avail tally Witk entliusiiiiii,. and the: ,campalga; will result in a • glorious lTirYliiatpli,nnedioitter: , • Letter From ItMilliner Curtin OE , . thoSubjesitofitevitdogligeMoter, Couistitutlou.. , . . . I.lAnnignunn,,:Noveinber prjVate letter froih,Ciovernot has Just been +ail Ved " r tere ; lug the fulloi4g4elit“'e to the dosed revision of our Stich; Constikul . • After Stating %alp has not ,Par ticipiited in holliiewrillseussqm since heee tfie °Overt* , . . says: "Bat I cannot refniiß from you in Chi: importmd lanai you treat,sp fully and forcibly, ill your rest letter. 'I am rejoicod to teas] that rid earnest effort'is about to be made to secure a general Pelvis-. ion of the (kinstitution otPeunsylva nia by Billing upon the,peopte of the state to exerci se their sovereign pow er through the eliandel'ef at Iteforui • tbnvention. Surely such a move mutt must meet with the cordial approval and enlist the positive eff orts of the best men of both parties. For the nmssity of thorough reform is painfully apparentto all. It Isnot in any sense a question of party poll and it should be preserved from the dangers of inerwpartisan three- . tloe. The revision of the fundamen tad' law of w great Cotinnemvealth like Pennsylvania, after the lapse of a third of a century emhraeing de aides of mateb!ess progreas.. is_ a work of no emouito inaunitade: It is' Most vital to OUP vast e and varied material interesis, and equally so to our .future honor and advancement, that the public should he enabled to perfect their sadly needed reforms in t he mast unblacksed Mid dlssinissi mune mariner, and then:fern special doe-, tions, as far slemoved. as possible from. the annual , po lit hut, struggi cw, should be held, not onljr fj,r,the election of delegates to the convelitlen lint also for the ratification or reicrtion of the• amendments which may be matured end proposed. "Such at Convention at this time eonld not fall to .elevatellienehanie ter of our legislation had to redeem , our political system from many:aft the debainpiug . intiateneaN which have become so closely interwoven with it. I Wookrenforeti a just def erence lo the populat , wM In the •en aelment of laws and ihe,exendse of all. delegated powers,,,!_When•lim. will : i f the people is respected. the good name Mill rho prnseierity of th'W Commonwealth are' hil?ea" • ..1. U.:, • . TheLON/11 qC "helLes et" th%sit Hutto! the tweet, ti drea Int the C411,441,40.1hwund, wile gulleriw,„," 4 -ave way, and killed J so ma ny V,lcnions. 'fri Texas partiCularly, lisf•calitinltytothet-hoine with force.' .Mxistrof the victims-by the - thicictent were rOdetibtul,thatState. The Gal veston papers, 444 conic ,to us lit motirning,' jaspers bingra ;MlMl accounts of ninttilindirrgi.iiti sans of :that Thtee- , who I Weni-lust in Ule,illrfuledYentiel...-:;1111FaltlioNauf 'Was, was and , by. that ataster Galvestbn:Slifferetl gr e atly, lint thin Vairttlat''etainteti ikenbir genliatitgreater number , of promi nent landiana men. Many. incidents are related..., pup igentlentan from Galveston hits 164 his Wife and four children; atioll6i "vi - -S4a nephew or KoseMth ; another was returning home after, a trip to Eurupe for his headtla ; another had been i New. Yark to prticure the decoratiolas for a new church in which he %MS interest ed. Italtvd, it is worthy of note that almost all of those lostiru promi nent not only in their bu. baba, rein— Lions and id the commercial Improve ments of the city of Galveston' and the State ;generally, but. were also the bzaling men in the Methodist, the Episcopal,. and ltowtut Catholic churches. -"' Imintsliately on recqiit'of the news of the 10-A.'4 of the stetnnor, a meeting; rsf citirA4ts of thtlyetteu was culled ha the hailor the CI infittier of Co' tutuerce to take tneasuktn • rort..the olsaervauee of a day of mournindk, A gmeral re- I Wow,' observance tea& decided upon, and all places of business in the city agreed to'eloSe on thd day selected. '--AtNitpa, California, a boy fifteen years old killed an Indian girl, and thejuryatnuitted him, on tjie ground that he was not Of sufficent age to know Tight frotn wrong. • • :• I-. • 2 "14114 . Ilitin41111111Vir". 4 teleran stated; *Sew *wows% ihe vertunent stoma...Napo !" 111, laft,Q,nebec Air the Lower St„ Lawrence on; lighthouse aervicet:' rite Quebre Chronicle says the prin. cifini gilled of the mission foto rework” IWO men from the BlrdßOcks, In Ulf gulf, who hay -- ea bion on•this desolate little island for mom, than a month without being able to obtain tin OlightWataistratee,idthiugh seyW attemids•have beenMadif. The weirs areiiver,seVenty_leeLWgh. and to reach.theAumualt the .14141.4. ' .. 3 14ist c 1 i nib two-perpendicular ladders over thirty feet - cool., an operation attend ed with considerable risk and trouble. At the base attic island large sharp ly-cut boulders - of black , stone are scattered at irregulax tigninst which and the rock Itself t the waves, whea the sea is runtiltqf high, strike with great violence and forge, In launching a boat froin the nicks a calm'day must be selected, and' even then, the greatest caution observed, owing to the grea. t unde is almost as damp high running sea. One schooners In the service made week to reach t, pnts of thla Robi but fillek, and, h. mander 7 -tri Rave is the crew to throw overboard, with WI ed to replenbsh the on the island. 'The Head also made an m also unsuccessful to ma ed spot• It Is decided nal effort will bemade to, . rock, and for WO ' perpoBo class outfit of boats, gearit er nnuired appurtenatv provided; an in tbP tempt proving a' o to pull theta= w the water'•' by tied around tin the boats of fitiuithed top!, with . the 'ffreh , with__thels Chiet% Eligkneoar, of &Reties Departmeni .hogis# thu •• ari4 as this gentlemen le t. of ex- cellent skill and Judgment in his profession, it is probable ~that this trip will. prove effoctive. As a, last attempt, Mr. Robertson wilt, throw a snail! Me train' the ship by' Means of a rocket:7 . Eugrsie'sToilet In ~ 4 i l lady ciirreipoiAent tells how the et-Empress' looked' 'when prepared for the'premerside.' She was dressed lase walking costume of a most ex quisite shrine of b,rown.' . They peti- Oat was of silk, trimmed with three flounces of velvet, the faintest shitde darker than the silk, over which"slie Wore a tunic and 'jiteket. of French merino of the ,tinest.-and softest of texture. The tunic. was trimmed 'with fieuaeM of silk these:cc shade, and was looped up, most gmccfullY- The Jacket, which -fitted her lovely shoulders to perfection, was Washed' at the track and sides, and trimmed around., with ,:ame row ,o velvet a small velvet collar, and of the wrists deep pointed enfb, orrairnentellWith• 'geoid buttons, extending from the bottom of the sleeve to thetoper the cuff. "Her gloves. were of buff silk, long pt, the Wrists. Around 'her throat Sire wore a large . White 'tie of fine* linen cambrle, trimmed With' Brussels. lace.: }ler hatwas of black straw,.bound around,the brim with black silk, and a larg black hoW on the left side, was Its only hininaing; Itwas smalkwith.4 drooping oar row: brim.. She carded. In -het left . 'lAnd .a buff umbrella, „thud with green silk ; jlri het riglit a sullitatitial brovin wood . canevith a gold-head: She did not seem to easy. Irsimplp for ornament, but nrade,&od We or it as a walking-stick. cm!' was smull,,and of black thread jet*. Pier. dress was long" tle long - that I did' not catch's glit i rrpseUt her Ibet.'"She wore no levelly 7of any Medi-not: 'even in her ea:lN : which were, though not particularmall; we ft formed. Chu ware hair Or, tho tint Of •whiol, is a mixture garnet and gold; In a simple waterM: of very moderate. sine.'.. • - 17 . ... . 'The Forty-Second CiOrsirrease "'We are now enabled to estimate °Or gains and losses"on• the Congres sional vote Itt: the October and No vember.:ekstions. • Conetalini the ,Dontrierney every doubtful strict, Cialtited Icy them, It lt will be Six. 'that wd have elected laf member" eat of the tit chosen WY far this fall, a ma jority. of 34. Five States have yet to vote, California; Conuecticut, (Geor gia; New riampshire and Twins. in all the calculations mnde by our contemporaries, New liampshire has been omitted. As this State is reit !linable certain to elect three liepub 7 limns, it will be seen the oinlsion is an important one. In the flit States named above, 'the Denfoerney ex-. PM , to to elect thirteen.out of the. twenty-ono members of Goitre** Po. be chosen. Concede their clUirwk, and we will still have a clear' work- . ing Majority in the Forty-second , Congress of twenty-nine votes, suffi cient for the passage, of all measures r•Nuiriug a party vote. Now that We have incorporated into the Con stitution all the 'amendments which' justice and common gratitude to the colored people dictated, . thq, loss of our two-thirds majority ,is a Matter Of no Consequencts. ltejiublimns, so Aar from being . ditieitistled with' the ' result of the etedions or 1870, should congraulate thernselvis that we larva. emerged from the contest victorious ly• —/brney's Press. The Diaalovid , W7elds6 of Georgia: • .3)r. M. F. .fitepitenoon, of. Hall county, In a communication to Hot Unlmovillo A ir;Line largle.says. We are glad Ursa! in the Northern and European 'rapers that. much ex eitenuait ...prevails on the ; a,upfi...et of South African diainontl, width arc now 'whiz found' over a sit* tie one thoi ' Et'- Nit - ior six hunt ihnici io Virginia, seine or:whietvwgrA or lnuch.grealer value titan any wet found in Africa. All wtwant'l.4 a little capital,. only one'lir two thousand delfarifoci'de veloyo tho•factagain and • draw . the attention; of (unite's& to the subject, who, paii.ietroducedianmil,tniumai who, undertand washing for them. ilk this conish; 1 haiicf•ind in 'swing.' that, •hi six motittid;•the mod brillianteuccets..utouki attend the 4perhhent.... ; , litarreloitiVratinr. The Cincinnati Gaielle of-Thurs day says : A 'few gentlemen were privileged to witness, atr si'.littckeytt truck yesterday, a trotting perform ance by it two•year old gelding which stirpterted anything eershown by a two year-old-trotter in the. world. The name of the exit is 3burtbrino Berths, and his owner iA Dr. L. ilerr. 01 - Lexington. The coll. was shipped here on Monday, takeri to the track' yesterday, and had not - averaged one quart of oats a day for the last three, ,days,;. : The' weather 'Was (..ad and raw and track rough. which Makes' the performance stilt more • wonderful.' He trotted • the • unit mile in 2421 without askip. A. rust of twenty minutes between the shafts; and he repeated. the exploit in 2:44); After 'another' llama! 'of twenty • mluntes, he "trotted a- two mile.heat in list extraordinary time of 4:291, or an avemge of 2.41 i to. the mile. The first circuit' was made in. 2:41, but owing tollte less of time by several' bad-bradts In the.: last mile, ilesequired t4Bl for' it. Notwith r4nding Usis terriblo.trlrtl, dfornbri. poliorTe exhibited no dlOrefi, either ; 7 :: snit Over,Jie bl a, darirbrown geld ing, iliteenand three quarters • hands high; with s tionmatt,well built frame and s spiendid action. Ile is* closely Inbred Messenger being by Dr. Heri's Nnmbrino Patchen, the hill brother of „Lady ' , Thorne, out of his Wambrino Chief. If no Accident befalls him s. upo his achieve mentn tho*irf bid thir to throw , the''VOt4lu a ° lothea distinguished "trotters so Silk° the shade that they will Opiate beineutbued.. • PIIILADMIMPriItAi November 18.— William W. Watt, Senator from the First' district, diod this morning. His i diom, t "will !leavia the tied in tke. Skit° &theta.; s 1 -811 election will "have to bo held the vacancy, but it can not bike place until alter the meeting of the Legis lature, upon a warrant issued by the s=he Senate. . Ndveml Coleman bas consents." Repubikan atudldak urer, Mr.- Mackey itutnination.,f .....14111111t prot, ..e found the one marked "Hamliton,'? but the one with "Burr" on It was nowhere to be seen. Inquiring of a gang of track layers In regard to it,•the fore man informed us that it had been usedas a keystone In a cuiVett Just above. "Could you not," •we in quinsi, "have used. Another scone in its place end prwerVed this memori al 'f" "Why, yes," answered the fore. man, "and I told the boss he tied better lay It olongsideNother stones but he add Burr was a blasted mean cuss anyhow, and he guesed it would be more useful as a cursing stone than keeplngalive his memory." 7 -1 W Gbr.‘'...4Thany Argus. New King and (tweese In 'yesterday's lame of the Chion ice/ we published a telegram giving the Intelli! • that the Duke of Meta had elected by the Cortes by 191 to 1:11. The young man who has been's:ailed to • the perilonaerni ,nencit of the Spanish throne, and , who, luss accepted the honor, is Prince Amadeus Ferdinand-Maria, the sec on4 ion, and third child of King edr ViEinanuel of Italy and of the Queenlilarle - Adeloldoi, who was 'an 'Austrian prince* and (Main 1855.. Prince Amadeus was .born in Turin on the 30th of May, 1845, and in 1857, married a young lady two years younger than herself, who re joices in the elaborate name of Victo ria asrlotta Henrietta Glenna dal Rum :Mkt •(..Isterlan. tihe Is the daughter of Prince Charles, dcelera Cisterns, and of a Countess of Merode. Both of her parents have died dur ing the last few years, and during their lives never could have dream ed that their- daughter Would alt on thathrone'of the Imtellas. Prince Amadeus takes his title of Dukeof Aosta from a shabby little 'o:ik' which lies the north or Piedmont, under the shadow of ,the Alpe r , ind at the foot n al* the .well known pass of St.l3erruird. He Is a nelukkgant - gegeftli ,of - the Italian annoy, and outunasuutt a brigade of cavalry. By his elevation to. the throne of Spain the governing boasts of Italy and the lbernian peninsula will hold unusually close relations, for the Princess Maria Pia, a youn ger daughter of Victor Emanuel, is Queen of Portugid, having in 1862 married King. Louis. The eldest child of the /What King, it will be re bored, lithe PrinuAsselutilde, WiabbfPrinceNa 1)0 IX) n. Her tureor seems to be much less exulted than those of the other members of her family. The new King of Spain is a young wan, a little over twenty-live years of age, and so far has seen but little of public life. He has been brought up in the school of constitutional monarchy, and ought to make an honest and liberal ruler. , A Petsliked Haman Strips. . . The eitteinnati Tones say*: . A Mr Hollister, of Halal' ton,givals us iionic fuels this , morning concerning* the petrifaction of an oich lady named afr». - Nancy Briggs, who died fifteen years ago, aged 70, and was buried about two miles north-west of Som erville, Preble county, Ohio. Three days ago: her friends dug up the body for the inarpaseofbringing it to Haan- MOW, had placing it in their family lot at Greenwood cemetery at that place. The ghat weight of the con tents of the corn', inductslthe Sexton to °pent, and ell who witutosed the proaxediug were astonished 'on be noMlng that what was Mee Mrs. Briggs in the flesh had been trans formed almost entirely to solid stone r and now weighed over five hundred pounds, instead of one,haindrud and eighty-six pounds, her weight before she died. In digging her firs tt grave water: was found, and it had to be balled out to receive her remains.— The presence of the water containing lhne and other minerals in solution is suppcoed as have amused the petri faction. - `•tringthe two ds .13 the remains `•d re- no sue . ems lig now. The published at Sitkp, calksl:27ie ha 4 been disethitinued; or tit' least is to be reutoved w some safer land. Mr. Murphy, the proprietor, gives a lamentable valedictory. His de •eription of affairs is cmd.ulated to make us doubt • the expediency of the military rule to which the Earth aip ly,(perhaps we should i apy Earth 1 ftradise has been -,.sitcd: - Mirphy soya thatnint lees than . mindentomtithave - been tomtit Sitka within eight'. yaks, ' t notoneof them has been • pun bed. The army .oilleeni"iiiiil U.. S„.Postal Agent knock down women and girls In the street ; and not seldom inoffensive. Tistssians. The officers force their way into numskulls • houses and take liberties with the women; while private soldiers do the same gallant thing. The better ass of the i.nussian population Is leaving, "heartily sick of and disgusted with the American name." So says Mr. Murphy. He may • have private, grievances of his own which render him - an incompetent or a doubtful witness: We ,do not know what military rule is apt to be when . left lb its own will and htotlon. We do not foresee what especial honors, glories, and• emoluments- are to ae• crue,to us from this aoquisitkin ; but; whatevety be. we fear t 1 assr.4o - "iisucli: . ef by ut.' ' 4 The 'pr9kkki4 Oeuvention • hi Mensyltranki ifoßt3eues lo enrol, the etvehaale attfiltipn iv - number of iotarto Mato; adobe woesit ? radical geld 4:4161,:11 OrtgretoollWV.PollloJettelyi lua —There are 946 tobacco and snuff, and 18,= cigar mandieteriee In the United. States. • — ZraPoleen to eeending his bag , ago to , Arenenburg, and • will gq tMiw himself in a daxer two. _ •;. —ln Daltimore,under the paid fife department system, the fife of "every fireman is insured by the city. ~ —A certain spectacle works in New Haven is the largest in the w orld. turning out dOO,OOO "aye per gest. —New York chewers'are disgusted to tincrthat their Idolized fine cat is niore than half plastering hale. 4, —Why is philanthropic effort like a blow aloscd'ara man's face? House Blends to hunumise."--Judy. drinkers will he sorry to kiwi that there will be iftythree Sundays in 1871. • —Mils AdelaidePhiWpsind Levy, the cornet player, are announced to give a series of concerts In ChiCego. 18.--0. a —lt is reporteu the cartridge manufacturer in Troy,. has received an order for 12,000,000 cartridges from certain par ties in New York. —At Terre Haute, Indiana, a man recently . supcessfully repulsed three highway robbers, because he "had only thirty cents, and would be dreale dry In the morning." • —The Cincinnati Cbrnmerciai de clares it Is not ' Republican paper, and dens ndt want Democratic papers to say so when they quote from it. —Frank Leslie's publishing houses are said to lailarger and more com plete than any other illustrated pa per house in the world, not excepting those in London, Barbi and Berlin. • —Professor Hitchcock, the Maine geologist, ' has recently found Silurian corals at Lisbon, which would show that the State Is not of the Au& age, as has generally been supposed. —A Vermonter has grown a beard more than two yards long, and there is immense competition, among the proprietors of various lisdk.invlgom tors as to who shall secure' him for exhibition. —A Cincinnatian who "assisted" at the burn ing of the Orphan's Home rolled up a sick child and a mattress together and threw them out of a window. Fortunately the • child was not killed. The census Is being retaken in Philadelphiapul, as one ward shows a gain of two thousand, or ten per cent. over the official census, the sanguine Philadelphians expect a large increase of population. —The Oil City Timm Is not prosy pering. at least it has seven of Its col umns empty of everything save an appeal for advertisements to fill them: We are sorry for this, as the 21'meg Is an excellent and.rellable paper. 1-Tbe..rnall _bag Ow Westborough, Which was thrown from the express car a few days' agb;',was blown under the wheels, sod postage stamps to the V afro. of 1600. -- addr&kixt. to . the Westborough postale°, were render ed unfit for use. -In Hartford, Conn., oot long' since. a cat {rot into a coal blo, and live tons of Lehigh meal were dump ed in on top of her, when her cries were heard, the coal was zemoved and she was taken out alive and is now a special pet in the family. —Gov. Baker, of Indiani, has re eeived notice of the appointment of ail delegations to the apprenching limnigration Convention, by the Governors of _ Pennsytvania, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginal, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky, Nebraska, Col orado, lowa. Illinois, Wisconsin. Minnesota and Michigan, and a,so frorii several of the leading Boards of Trade. 'rile convention will meet at noon on Wednesday, the 2;kl of no vember, in the hall of the house of Representatives. Delegates are re- .quested to report on arrival at Indian- apolis to the Committee. of Arrange- I ments. —The Indiana newsp leers, it Is said, now publish ;regular reports of the state of the Divonsi - Market, something in this way: "common separation, $l5; Small alimony, $2.5; Large alimony, $5O to $601.4 General business, good and encouraging," ec, Se. There is something droll about all this; but it has its somber side toe. It Is so suggestive of the truth that 'lope is in the habit of telling flatter ing tales. It is slim evidence of the undying perpetuity of love. The ar dent A. swearing to the blushing 11. that he adores her, then the bridal: with much pomp and many presents; then a few years of domestic discom fort; then an Indiana Divorce! Bald —The New York. Times says of the agitation in Pennsylvania in re gard to holding a constitutional con vention : "The movement• derives its chief strength from the preva lence of corruption in the Legislature, hud the admitted necessity of some change that snail secure greater ho. - - Illation, and ' ty struggles. —The revolution by wilt_ Fifth New Jersey district has carried by the Republicans is one of the events which conspire to make the full elections this year an anoma ly in ,4nericatiloolitim. Two years ago it gave Cleveland, Democrat, a majority of 2,248, and on November i i i 8 reversed this b giving Halsey a majority of 3,110. There were very few colored vote In the district, not .more than GOO in I, and the Denim.- e i 'racy cannot, the 'fore. ascribe their defeat to the new voting' element. It was accomplish by the - mast mined deter bled energy on he part of the Re publicans, and th popularity of their candidate: If our party had teen as active and harmonious everywhere, there would he fewer lasses and more gains to chronicle.—Fbrney's Press. ' —At kyedding in Holt county, Mu., recently, the groom had receiv ed the usual congratulations from two or three friends,wben a certain young lady, to whom he had In former tintes_itkld his addresses, approacch ed. llamas observed to turn sud denly pale. As their eyes met, and their palms touched in the salute. the groottsuuddenly fainted outright, and ell efforts to re:melba° him for a few minutia were unavailing. Finally, by bearing him \pot In the open air, and procuring the aid of a physician. he wits brought tirconscionsnete, and in a short season was apparently well agaiii.*The festivities then progress ed without further interruption, the' no explanation could be given by the groom for his sudden paroxysm at such mri prftpected 93oment. The 'allowing is a matabers of the nazi scar, corroded itst of the :1 Legislature: 'ATE, 117 I 111111ngfelt JD Warfel It la A O Mlikr D 19 C Doman D 90 Hiram Findlay D 91PeBen D Dr Crawiwd tt Irani White It n Win A. Wallace D 14 A A Tannin D 15 'nom. Bowled It 11 Anderson It - SG J 9 Kates 91 V James Kerr It liardood Allen B le OD Delanbetes It 1 W W Watt It A W 14.2emay It 11 D •Nagle D 4 Geory Caoaell IC u moan;u • Henry Bran, It 4 Juan W Knight D 7 Bd /114:1461 D J Da Par Davie D 9 Wm Yltandall D 14 A O BrOadhead 11 P Y thadeltioat //Bun U'raroar itead /1 VI A Olm 11 A - ' •• C Baekalew D 16 Dauld Mama B 110ITON OF P 1 • - .11112404pA1a, • tate Tbolus.ou 2d (Wave 111cClowan D 44 Snead Joseph. D 616 Wia Elliott 11111 Daylt ath Jabs P Xdarbey D. ads H /Mum* R - 11198PITATIVEL Adams. lisse Dewier D Atfgltrrr• D N White It Ifi.m j ,„"T g U 8 aooli U r Id B Otlarial B lob W WasslosU IS sob Ciao A Wein D 11WISM lifth.loba it nsto Mut Dazob.ll R 411_Comsel D A T C Keller D' U U Sehmuts D 111711;71i OD Williams II" Dafiaribia eaml JlwkOur. Thomas ChMQat D nntericad: John .0 leW lg D tE3 CU E /ry llontgomegl ua. aad D 1111UWw D 0 W Monet D &AWOL/. Milne, YIl V D' J I /Ureic D Wands Ilegeoi3 D Boasersat. &Word ead Puitou. W D limns: It II P. Wlshart It foupsolumpla Wyo.. nf=lec II Caldwell D •, I Jto S Mann h Yam/woad Warns. J D Yawl'ln D W !that 11 WasAingeoss said Raster U M Lalhamas W A Mickey It W C Sholluck Worst and lit*. • ' David A Well, U York. ',marl Rawl D iF J Magas D RE.V.VITOLATION. According to the above showing, the Senate will stand 17 Itepubllcems to 16 Democrats; and the House 66 Republi- - cans to 44 Democrats ; giving the ReptibL limns a majority of twelve on joint bal lot. .Yew Advertisements. Presentment by the Grand Jury. The' Grand Inquest . ( . 1 the Common. wealth of PennsylvanLl, now !nquiring in and for the body of the county of Beaver. upon their solemn oaths and afllnuations respectively do Present s That, they have visited the county Jai4 of said windy. and represent that the prison ta kept In good condition, and would recommend the following repaint . and Imprcvecornts, to wit: That the sash of the ventilators, whlch require re pairing, be replaced with Iron butesd of wooden sash; and do farther recommend that the Iron pris. on door be placed upon the inside ol the door finme, sou to form a small vestibule between :be prison doors, and that the outer prison door re main as It Dow I ; and we do farther recommend that the County Cqramlaslonent . erect and con struct a safe at d secure dre-proof vault for the safe keeping of the County Record..' HAM. B. YItg.NCLI, Formals, Nor. IT, 1810. The above Report presented and read: had the Court order and direct the ram: to be Died and published In the newspapers of the county. fly the Court. Zit). C. RAIL I'. Clerk. KNITTING- YARNS. A ludo supply of the Celebrated SPRINGFIELD WOOLEN YARNS, In MI colors ood qoulltles. Justeeeelv ' ed by S. J. t,ROSS it CO. Rochester. MEM "TOM ICING" FOR SALE. In consequence auto death of one of Ole own • era the celebrated English draught horse ••Tom King" win be °Cored at public sale no the premises of the late John McMahon. In Brighton township, lijkw , cf county. Pa.. on Thursday, December lat. 1070. at 10 o'clock, a. ma. This horse has taken the premium at our county Fain fora number of year, past, and his cane are among the trod to be found lc western Pennsylvania. P itiaborgh weekly Coranorcial and Lawrence county Jugarhal, copy one time and send bill. to the Beater Alters atm. noctEiw OVER 400 PAGES Okr. READING MATTER FOR ORE DOLLAR! THe American Stock Journal, , A large Ilandsoluely Illustrated 3lar.tli ly, containing 32 to 4o.large Double Col umn Pages, tilled mth original matter from the ablest writers in the country, on the various subjents cenneettsl with FARMING, STOcIi.BREEIyiNG, WOOL GROWING, DAIRYING. POULTIIV KEEPING, ,Lc., _Bound in handsomely lintedeover. It has A Votorinitry l)tspartnatsnt under the charge of one.of the ablest Pro. lessors In the United States, who answers through the JounNAC:free of charge, all 'questions relating to Sick, Injured or Ui• semed Horses, Cattle, !Ain, Seine •or Poultry. This makes it a very %linable work for reference, and an almost hulls. pensible companion to all interested in bTOCK.IIREEDINO. The low price at which it is published (SIAM a year) bungs it within the reach of all, while the AS'plendid lisdewent6its offered to Agents and Premiums to &In:miners [unite it to the interest of every Farmer and Stocknmeder to extend Its circulation. Send Stamp for Specimen they, largo Illustrated Show Bill& I'remiva► Lid et up It Club and obtain on — e of the many valuable Premiums offered, consisting of Chester White, Berkshire, Sullolk, Magic and Essex Pigs, .Short-llorn, Alderney, Ayrsbire and l)cvnn Calves, Southdown, Cotswold and Merino Sheep, Cashmere Gnats, Pure-Bred Poultry, Norway Oats, Seeds, Agricultural Implements, Pianos, Watches, Silver Ware, Ilia!' cc., 4tc. Specimen Copies sent fr N. P. BOY Elt n0v23311 Pa: kesbur They ntc • -- Gtutlemen and f:adies slum ..ay Watch guaranteed for time and year, by special (v. rtiqente. Or A large aysartment " Itnpmeed Orohle" Chains, $1 to $B. Also. Gentle tueresand Liukleit' Jewelry In grind variety. Cif' lictvart\ buitations. Order di rectruptti ua or our authorized agents Agentothers applying for circluani will pleise enchain three cent stump fir pcsitige, •. ay' Goods Kent to be paid for on delivery. Custoreers permitted to examine what they order (before paying on payment of Express cbargi. both ways. r3I When SL Watches arc ontered at once, we will send an extra Watch (n 1 saute kind) free. Eke' Purchniers residing nt Nome ths• lance from Etoiretat Mikes. and desiring to save time nud expensearou hare the goods sent by mall, by reutittinqaJth the order) the amount rcqulrett by I . O. Money or dm, registered letter, draft, or check. Payable to our order, at our risk. Ad• dress plainly. JAMS GEBAIIIO ak. CO., P.O. it 3,391, New. York, tow23;:lin4 85 Nassau Street N.F...h4TOCK. FOIL 14 I offer formals, at my residence in Pulaski town ebip, BCSWOT wanly, you Cow. hair Devon blend, dark red, no sane roots; will be two rpm oid on the Mak et build 'Lary; 4 a good sive feriae, ape; bandermbe sad good disposition; km • baiter call a wk ol end by a i calo teed Aldern ee ey 13.11 Prk d. e of cow and f lW sl ogb. oo, irldett will be considered low _by any cos who le acquainted with tbe valise of MU kind of stock.— Alderney Yellen sold. at a late saki in Philadel pida. aiitem pro to eau W. IRWIN. norkger New ,Advertisenient; Toledo Pump Co.wes _ Patent Flexible Metal-Lined Pump; For Wells oat Clelerle For LAW by ...mug N. J CROtift* CO Itorherter ESTATZ OF MIS ELIZA LEICII.IO ikom b... 11 to thrt letter* of Mien Welk% oa the estate of ltyboce mord dme day. late of the. liorotegh of ever hilbeer...l of Dever deed. lure been moo d ro , Dads, residing in the my of Pitt... M a ch . poem. therefore, i n dater or demand. e•rh. t the estate of the wad decedent ere rerue•tni Duke the same booms lolhe uld a Itoini.o. ! without delay ttoo FUT D %LS t F. 0 eddrees 40th street Inttsbargn. _ non PIMPLES. The e f.d . i go e d chertfully marl ifro. la eprUowho wish It. the Reel end fall tlof rd. tre usloe • elmple tomullfol‘N, Lisle si n . that will Immediately Fro,' re g. Matta. Fp:notes. Blotch,. and all Impurities of the fik1n,kir1.zu...... 4 , 1 :14 .r /swab gad beriellfel Ue will Warr read (free) loetractionr for Inc by b ol dmple loam. • I•xoftett en .au Ml ; owbeat Of lIMOOth lace The shore am be obtatoed by 7 mare till!t try eddameles TlItY4 CIIAPIIA 11a.5./.1 PG Broadway , %re 1,. t BAItGAII. 8 A. W. ER WIN & CO3 ilt3J Our, are of Bargains in Many New Drext G Gbds CALL AND NEE THEM. A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S, No. 178 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY, jantly—je29;jy2ls-27, Reduced Prices! Speyerer &. Sons Have just Returned From the E.'l4 WITH A I.AkGE STOCK OF Bought :it tb Lowest Cash Prices, ml will well some G..4.1+ AS LIM AS BEFORE THE WAR! Ccinsisting of Dry Goads, Goa elle. Pr.. visions, Hardware, fiats, (7ap+, ..i• And Shoes, Dope, ()rum, Parkin; Yarn, Iron, Nails, Paint, IVlilte Lead, Oil, Pntly, Queenawarc, Wit low-ienre,Flou r, "Fein], Grain and Baedn, a variv ty of PrintF,ltuding, Al paca ,, ,,lean4.l)ilitin , ,i'r.oll and lio.acry ; Sugars, Syrup. , , 3lola+ses, ( . 311.91 JO, fti the (tlebratell (ti/y AND NEW CREEK . FLOM Just arrived uud fm. title, 1V1101,,,1v 30.1 EMI At Pittsburz Prices. 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails: ONE i%ilt WHITE LIME. Land Plaster, and Akron Cenwil A Large Stock of White. Lead and Paints A Yeti; superior quality of St rotor S Wet :el a Soaps; and a lot of Carbon Oil Just Arrived and ,for sale, W holesale and 'Retail. ALSO, PURE CATAWBA, ISABELLI —and— , Coileolid Wines, Of our own vintnce, for Medicinal Ind SnenunentnlPurposes,:ire Liihlr Hr commended by- those who leo e used them. Tlwy art , al*, Azert..4 for I li KNIFFEN MOWER AND hEltpu~ L IR ilti " lf: 1 : 11 ;:/ 1 " " :1 4-r- \ J " ' I 11 ‘N Jll AB tau. put r rl t I. f .u is lir. L. • 11 , I uhl s t I to the I mout ;oh l lallugall that 11u:1; C00,11111(m so ninth complained of 1, n sr d k . s ed. s4al n in o z on th e a .m. h. ILthltult.l oa ki. i t. t r i i r il lgo. t old style plait any loom, than they cookl cout let.:' lenity get them exchanged All branch,. 01 o Mary performed In tbe best and moat solgtanual Intoner In Ailingtooth with gold dc.lll compolttion from one quarter, and ran n I r to grin,: ruhfect• whose to have .tod tweeo thirtyand lieu years Munoz the rst, lion. John rtlllaon will exhibit 1111 Inge ae ted some years ago the teeth as perfect I. day tbey were tilled. Lanyling Gas prepared a sew plan, freelny It nom all onpleasant and gerecur effects, making the extraction of 1 fh source of pleasure rather than of horror and {nip Prices., low as any good dentist in to , t a. Mae at Boater Station Rocheater portal T. J II J Cit %%VIER ( 1 11A11. itrilllfT, Notary Fenn. t s." sayancer and Intrafence Agent Ite.d. sad Agedernents arritten and seknomrkdgement. ISkt n ic. Motu, be...adult comeepoloned as: l. s' several drat class 1111•1111121 Ce ousrunl.• repro seating the Fire, Life, Accident, and Live st... = i re. pree t T i ed take oenl .rtalcz64.,nd.a.:l,,te, g r r tbe *Anchor Use" of Slat class (Scroll `in ant era Tickets sold to and nom all ports in La: land, Ireland, gcotbuad,Germany and France 0 1- Actin Lees beck rear. Diamond, Rocheater . _ _TOUN 111. YOVPIII4 A Stories, es law. Ikaver, Pa. °Mee cod residence o n Tnird east of the Court. Hoene. All law toneinees earns. red to lay can shall wool. prompt aueotaa Also permute hula( Roar totair for coo, ma thaw wbalact to bay tows property, coal of kna /saes, my are PM aa*, Moony by adilasty
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers