1 GI avr4illiitignror4 cil4BeroxpErion. President Grant U 8., ourreiky Rule—Tke Reduction of theclerteal Ibrce—Department de the Interior •and the Indiana—Polesiter7.l4,fmd Surreys.. W4SIUNOTON, 1). C., Sept. 9, '7O Wo of late aroso - unturnatomed to . sea President Grant in - WaShlngtou, that a notice of -his .returning home aireattst no inconsiderable. Interest. among. • the pews seekers. •, As Was expected, the President arrived, herd yesterday morning accompanied by ) tienemi Porter;his private Secretary, and called upon Secretaries , Robea oll Flah,-Robeson, and Cox, and General Schriver, acting Secretary of War, and Judge Richardson, now acting Attorney General in the absence of . Mr. Akermun. At noono Cabinet incleting was - convened and lasted n early th ree hours. Tho war between l'ruitsla and' France occupied newly the whole of the session,,,and it is rumored that Secretary • Fish' has been instructed to offer a friendly meditation - of the United States for,a settlemegi of the present sliffictilties. ' It is expected' that the president will leave - on the Into train for LOng Branch, where Ito wilt melanin, until the first of OCtOber,'whers' he wiltre: • turn again to Washington,: to Ito main here until the next Long Branch season begins. •• , A rule MIS adopted In the Treas ury nearly' four years ago of deduct ing from mutilated U. S. Currency a per ntage equal to the parts inks in , Under this rule it has , bZon arbitrary with, the Treasurer of de. ductitig proportionally fromany note that perchance might, havat corner, however small, tql - k.0411'.. .71t :pas never been the custom, lioltfeithr, to enforce such exactions until lately; when the cashier of the Fkst.-Natioti al Bank of Baltimore, transmitted to the U. S. Treasury for redemption a s2o U. S. No a VVrrig ammlf-agurn or torti oil, - higein:filiturn sit/ with , . anatlorf - tsti4 the Treasurer tharthls. cowrie trhow pursued to proteerthe TreliSttryfrom : trawl and keep the 'circulating notes in ttecsi ()Kier. Notwithstanding the 'impel-11On of inany.hfit ettree-, emitter life above itspe.litt•Ohntribeets 1 - in fert.e,tuniOn. consequence, Many store keepers have made such* de tlnctions from the face-value- of such notes, it is now become , matterfact, that only' In a.few instances hair Department ever made such exats. bony. Their custom Wks boom:Under the suggestion of Secretary McCul- Itich.trrtedeem I'9rthe - entire little of the note whoa. itkdre't,lnPiptiNsiff of riginal-note was S'presusted..isuit ru f l ksed keT,lifieetn , %ipy • • - poittl i ok ftian one Halt ; abut Jyt.castt oblige ex elly half note was pretested' ,;.to dc:em . for onehalf of the origiretinote. Theieilintion otelerie st three in - the -severat'._;l7gpartillerits created great . eonsternidloit " - and distress among the fatuities of Abase clerks discharged. 'The anif felieffor them .(jrh it* aeciu,Prophisatial,, (bas rtaieirin of old :dectmlal. organization of the Cells& Bureau,- which employs over three hundred clerks:. The competitive examina tions-for clerkships in this bureau, , introduced by its Superintendent, General Walker, has relieved it to a great extent or guilts impositions usually practiced upon the Depart ments by Members of Congress, of foreleg incompetent help uptin them. ...,Those examinations are written, and it is said are severe, generally re ! tusking six or eight 'lotus with the most—vonspetent •to pass • through - • - 1 As slit the labors of this. Bureau is in a chaotic state, •the returns from marshals being so !Offering that on ly a vague idea of the populatTon of any State can be derived: It has beats a dialeUlt task for Sec .rotary Cox of the Interior Depart lernt to. mayo. the great problem, what. shall be done with, the In ...aloes-1P Much othisti ne;.it.will. hat remembered, was taken .up. the last ' half of last Session of Congress in re- : (Acing Italian 'delegations. It was thought then, even by the Secretary himseif, that no human ag,eney could provedt a hlopdy . Wak,f Red Cloud, Little" Bear, Spotted rair et cetera, while in Washington repeat: Ist theiraallisupotaffieSecrefam ant cacti : time ista'a long lista tuldltion al requests, ctioked up l in„, : most art • part for them by irresperedble W hite agents, which jhe'•Secretary multi ' not possibly grant. Hisrefusals gen. entity displeased them ; and the Sett , rotary found it necessary to at once set in motion a reorganization of the Indian agency. He corresponded with the various missionary and re , ligious organizatilins, requesting them to aid him in tho selection, of proper persons to act as Indian • anu.nts. Thai pay- allowed by the t overtime!' t to each agent being only sl.l,isi per annum, the Secretary has generally found Itimixtssibletostrure services of efficient and trustworthy men only through the Ft lends and other religious denominations who only consented to sacrifice their„time and the comforts of a home from the brOlid humanitarian ' principles of civilizing and educating the-heathen. The Secretary is pleased with the result of his untiring sCaPint this good cause; for he is soured - from the various posts in the' , lndian wan try, that the Indians; geYterally, are disp a ised to lank-upon the authorities of Washintrton.f as friendly toward them—LThe chiefs especially seem to take pride in showing- the whites that they are performing their part of the good work. 'Neto were 31 patents issued for the week ending on Tuesday, M . Pennsylvanian's. W late, sense the searcity ofinoney the CominisSioner informs me that patentees are a little slow In paying theirtnal fees, and the qonsequenee is that the Mimi= of patents ismed is much less than the number allow cal. ' cd. By the way, the fawn' , you well knew perhaps, allows the 4 patentee six months after his patent sy allowed to,pay the final fees. Commissiimer Wilson of the Gett ers! Land Office ,Is in receipt of re. ,_,,,,turns sst additiBnlal surveys in .the regionS of California. A large portion of the lands embraced in thtmd surveys; Is suitable far Agri cultural purposes anti in various • parts the holds are excellent for or• chards and vihyards. The 'growth of wood on the hillside is chiefly oak varied with cedar and buckeye. On many of thcrereeks VMS for merly carried on to a - great extent,. but of late hats been confined to the • Ohlim) , do Moquelunno and Jacklson creeks and larger rivers. Abs, transmitted to the Marysville Land . values certified schedules of tracts embracing 5,898 acres, as lands .Inuring to • :the Western- Pacific Railroad under the acts of Con ' grts of July L 1882, and July ;2, 1891. The'llst Was a 1 proved March '7, and • „ , carriett .11. 4 pr , 11 . 9 1 - CIIIEL. wAsiiiNGTON, D. C. Sept. IG, 70. Widering plovers abantionesti—lkdae lions op slintilatsxl anrency—Rail• mull and S7eainaldpi-:-The anent —Dteision qf Demme lissrequA , . I,and Office laepurt. The prmence of Jack. Frost among' Illelinffttar Mites of thOoro, mlttlytifthe Vieastite;Wok ers to Washington. Trains from the - north are crowded with passengers; who, on their arrival. here .witb Altair Saratoga trunks and band boxes. be stank of the gay seasan•couaing. Ma. ny of , the people going far south, on - their way home r tarry I n ;Wash I neon it few days to view the sights' in and around the (thy, and - in consequence, spend no little•with hoidiferettarants oral hackaren. A rula:wits adopted in tir e- 'f reasury nearly four years ago deducting • :from , nintilated W. H. currency•notes , a percentage equal to the parts Miss- ' (lig. Under tlits• rule it has been at . bitrary with the Treasurer of deduct ing proportionally from any note that ' perchance might have,a corner, how ever small, torn off. It has never been thd custom, howeVer, to enforce, • such exactions until a few days since, w klVlrStll o 4rAbOF ll lltAhttlonal Ban ti Baltimore; transmllted to the U. S. Treasury for redemption a vo .I.Y. ta,, R ate q Ipayipg small corner torn off,lfedtsdi..lved'itt return only; , $l9, with an exp ationefthep surer that thisl riO u" to protect the' ' from al ' and keep the Clrculat ng notes 1M effglqrdet,•giftwithstanding the impression of many the inforcement arlhqolAnVe iTtliel4ao;-.leng.ktn In force and, In dou co lA nslePe ki equence , many a 4 • i 'tier 1 leNde. .4 ri., Ifen.4 o'olol l 444l e tVlVUe of such notes, it has now me a .matter offaek that; only ~In.a few In stances has ileparty ever made such' ` exactions. Its custom has been un-' ' der the suggestion of Secretary Me= Culloch to redeem for the entire face. of the note when more than one-half of the original note was presented and refused to redeein kany portion less . than one-half i and to cases whereci-. actly a hairnet& Wale Presented, to re deem for one-110f the original note.. There seems to be an indiscribable disposition among people generally, when they' get ready to start on a journey tp take the nearest and quick est route to their destination without• taking one thought; about comfort and pleasure. Washington. the rash lamble reshrt,•as.well usdbefOlical centre of.tJhak natloa,•is favored, as yet, with but ono railroad leading out of it, either north or south, and the throngs of visitors corning . here yearly baste no - alternatives if ;they travel by rail, but to travel on these roads. Therekare now running out ( thelQistriet cities, wice a week, ii.Abeta- tut& line.:drideamerti.Tor, New York, running down the Poto mac, aintind the Chenapeake 'Bay in-. to the ocean, and the Upper and , itvirißey prasreiv lissrk - intrlFor - Many of the pleasure texcarsieffistif e north, are this season aSailing them selves of this opportunity of taking a sea breeze anodic' going and' retUrn iug.from the Mountains and lake.. • , Another line, to. be known. I . be neve, as the Washington and Boston steamship line, will be• in operatied tin .lie first of next Month, which proposes .to. make a round trip be , tween Washington and Boston.in 8 days. Such is. the , enterprise , of ,WaShingtoni In these illys.! • I '' i t) TIC° Censusllureau Is gettihge ng finely. The force, although yet in complete, are keeping up wonderful ? , iiiii. the work L •ive r t eli krin the. en i ttlhal s rids' !wok a u -i 1 •t u ev is soon to be able to chronicle to the country the population of our largest cities. With a few single exceptions as yet, there - hits been but partial re turns. from them. Washington, for instance, is concluded and reports a population of 111,000 inhabitants against 60,000 in 1800. The impetus gli!efi b,r the walifoubtlea luis some thing to do with this extraordinary increase in the last. ten years, but, strange toilet° that since the war has dosed and the departure of the thou sands of transient business men from the city, the . reidentk population LS Steadily on the i offense, and property. lit'and around the'city tuts Jelin:kin ted but little from the paper inflation of war times. This is partly owingiit is. thought,: to emigration from the north into Maryland and Virginia around Washington. Delaware Steeds ahead in the most .nearlyeeMpleted reports of any State inthe'Union. The whole State, with the exceptiOn of Milford and Mispel lion which reported 9,305 last CCIISUft, ILLS been ta ken and aggregates 114,934,k against 1,911 in 1860, an increase of . , nearly I::per eeet. Maryland, the most backikanl - in, her reports, out of twenty-four sutxli visions- hit whish • the Strife Is diva-, ded, but . five Iptve, as yet, reported This is, perhaps, owing to an indis position among many of her people_ who are semi secessionists to aid the enumerators in the, performance of A • f Vki , . !'+ their Is q ti uit tio e i; k It irldiortantler .yeur read erste kmiw, that b . ya late decision of the netingtiqemritiploner,ef thlllnter nal Revenue, 'all Wilften or Vrinted evidence or. .amonnt of money due, less thap one._ hundred dollars, are equally exempffrom stamp duty as , promissory notes, under the act of JuAy4, l )870. , -._ , . 4 - . . Net , . • . ( I, the leng.looked ea ' ke y sought - after report' of Flop:Jo seph S. Wilson, of the General Land Office for 1869, is bound and ready for circulation. Altbough Congress,wlth its retrenchment proclivities, have illy provided for its general eireula 'don, I am in Itafra;Mr. editor, to be . stile g to intthenatitst, youren;2l itnm (For the Argo..) THE CONTRAST. Eorrom—The Democratic party has always been the champion of human slavery in this country. Their stateunen in both branches of Congress have ever since tile organi zation of the party, with but few ex ceptions, maintained thq constitu tionality of the institution, and ever claimed for it the sanction of morali ty and religion. Their press has al.: most unanimously defended the prin ciple and practice of the institution. Every book that has been publish- . ed in support of •sfavery - has been ' written by. o,Dettxasti or some ono reflecting the principles of the party on that disturbing and,disastrous el ement In our political history. There is not an intelligent man . in t.lut . eruatry bit9ttrws :pea • slavery has ben, for many Yutrs, the very . corner stone of the Democratic party, and,ts i tY there are thousands and hands of thousands in that Party who would rebuild, if possible, that institution, the destruction of which was the salvation of the Union. On the other hand, theltepubliain party has been the great and eflktivo ehamplia froddcim, ,and equality heforathe law for all men. Thar stational in CongreSs and their public pres 4 have always becolound on the mido of ,humanity, of ,Ittstlee; of i libe.4*. What the.' qty O'ntlict caine, aualibilitii&cloar. a:4)1 1c sun in the heavens that the institution Of slavork tridstlie forever tfemoltShat or • thel itself destroyed, the volw of the Republlnin pare kvlts hearl i ifrom one, end of the land . to thS tftlie;deftnindlifg thelfriSii&itate and complete annihilation of huinan bondage; and the ;immortal' Proclap 'nation orEminciliation by the gist President of the Republican party, was given to the world; beftire.ic,hich it mill forever stand as the .grant ust arinnunient, of Abraham, Lincoln and tho;partY that elected' him, The Democratic party, upder Gltl hoinvenibodied.in their system o( ?Milo) the docirine of 'Stake Itights,t ti doe t life, aianititpreteA them meattluglar 'more ' than the altnple : tighlti , orStates under the-Orinstitu tion and, as integrals parts •of that Union. With the . It, meant Stag OOverelgnity, stieeashiri and rebellion ;•• and was meat.kerhilly demonstrated when theY took upttrnia again* the 'general goirernMent.' • This one cardinal principle of th • . Democratic party, a principle *Veit places. the' sovereignity of- a State shave that of the Federal Govern rent. was the natural and, legitimate parent of the rebellion. • Against this most arrogantand un- constitutional doctrine the Republi can party hie" always madended. They have always held that the sov ereignity of a State was Saborditutte to, apd litnltbd by the _authority . . the general government. • .They. have always .belleved :that the perpetuity' of the Unionand'the integrity of the government depend. ed upoß altist 'recognition of the',Su• 'Odor Ostler of the' general gov ern= meet by, each oftheStates as emnpo. neat parts of the . Amt now, while the right of secession has for . many -years and atilleontinues to .be a favorite doctrine of a large portion of the'Demociatic party, it Is einphat tinily denied and denounced 'by the entire Republican party. There are thoesands of Democrats in, the smith .w.ho still , cling to these Ideas, and one of their leading states men. has, since the close of .the war, written a book to show that the right of sweep:km. still exists; • although it 'Mai be Impracticable at the - present flan; And there are thou.srunki of .Dez ocrats in the north who sympk thize with these views, and veld rejoice if they could be recognized. In regard to our public land system' the Republican party has alWays been in favor of a liberal and' gener ous' policy. For years they contend ed for the passage Of an net of Com:, gresstiving a.homestead ofone hun, died and sixty' acres to those who would:settle and. liire for five: years thereon. This was a measure that would provide homes for tens of thouiauds of,bonest and industrious families who might not have the means to purchase the land even at the Government price. , . It is a niertsitrelhat - would result ' in 'settling and, making'Productive millions oft►cresef'oer , tfocultivated Ainniths, and mensely to the wealth Of the nation; and slthotigh such • Weepd be and'has been the nem...nary; 'result, of such ri law, still it was opposed by. the Dem, ,oeratic party in Congress, and could not become a law until the' Republl, l Can. party gained' 'the ascendency., in both the Legislative 'and. Executive brioches of the Government.. • If there is auy one thing of-.which 'our tnagnifigentwestern country may .be justly proud, Mid WhiCh has'con tributed.more to the deVelopement of her wonderful redeem* than any thing else,it is her , systern of rail roads ;and while the Republican par= ty has been exceedingly liberal In granting lands to aid in theionstruC. Lion of.many of these great ItighwaA they have doubled the price of the public land along these lines, so that the Government realizes as much, froth one-half as it'woUld have dont" from the whole, and by the construe- Hon of these roads the land at $2.50 per airy, 1.41ar cheaper to the pur •chases than. it , would have been M. 81.25 without them. Then In these two particulars, the Homestead law and liberal grants of land to the States for Mier:gastrin:don of rall roads, the Republican . party hai performed services to nil Nits" hr the .country that must be incalculable in 'the ramtts that will How from them. liiregArd te'dur firaihcial standing thO Contrast between our credit when the bennieratie party was 'ln' poWer and what it has beelk since the Re-. ptiblican paitY gained the ascenders: cy is most remarkable. During, tile administration of Mr. Buchanan his Secretory of tliek Treasury, Howell Cobb, found it impossible to borrow the small Sum Of 115,000,990ai 12 per cent interest; let , it be -remembered' tou.that was,in a time of peace',' and afic.. rthey had had tho control of the government and management of the 'ambit:es - Or want' yew, Siiiee the Republicans came Into power,. and right in the midst of a gigantic civil , war, they had no difficulty in negotiating loans or more tlian a thew. sand iiilltibas bfdollara;at n rate of interest h little more than half that ,offered by Mr. Cobb; ,and to-day; with a debt of more than two thou sand millions inflicted upon the coun try' by the Democratic policy, Amer ican soeuritku, at home.and abroad, are considered among the safest and most desirable in the world. . Another striking contrast is pre sented to the world In the attitude of here two parties in repnl to the payment of the national debt, for while the Democracy dear not, acs . a party, publicly announce repudia-. tion of the deht oscine of their ,prin 7 ciples, still the fact cannot be denied that many individuals of that party ikittp-tleY Ip' favor of doing so, and In some parts of the country the measure is already assuming an or ganized shape. And It IS no wonder that it should be so. Do they, not have thb example of the illustrious (?) ex-President of the defunct confedor- acy in connection with the Mississip pi repudiation in days gone by? "Not only does the Republican par ty scout the idea of repudiation, but -every.member of the etme is fully committed to the payment of our na tional debt, principal and interest, to the uttermost farthing. Thesilare tt few of the prominent Jetttures that mark the contrast be tween the two parties, and it now re mains for-the people to decide which they will support. It is : for them to say-whether they prefer the doctrine, of State sovereignity , fraught as it is with sece%ion and, disunion;' or the supreme sovereignity of the general I government, guaranteeing strength 4 security and union. •Whether they piifer slaVery, wrong and injustice, or freedom, justkCd and right. •• *blether they. prefer to see our great public dorimin 'converksl into hoino§ fbi the honest and Industri-, ous, or reserved for the benefit of the speculator? . Do they prefer the public debt to bo paid in good faith, and the nation al credittmnsmitted unsti ed to pas , Wray, or tho alternative, re udiation; with nil the disgrace and dishonor ii r attendant thereon, to hereafter hang like a:dark . cloud over the fair fame 'Of our land ? at the and we feel confident that the vokoot tho people will bear . 11 has heerfor;tho; last ten ram an empitiiic adettletinni of the prinel= plea and ikliCy of the Republican Pa rt y" • Q. - a-I..Thezpeclal darnspoodent 'ache 2 1 ). Zane, at Rueims, writing on the ffth, says: The King's-hmdquarters .wore established here yesterdtty, and Are to remain till the Bth, to give. all the troops time to concentrate, inclu ding what can be spared from Metz,. the seven North G e rmab corps, be. sides two Bavarian arid the Wurtem burg corps on the road unhindered, recording to the official report six full cavalry divisions also. The main force is- expected to reach Purls on thel3th or 14th. When the regiments nod „amain forward hrrive, and the reserves also join their regiments, the German army will certainly , reach and probably exceed 400,000. The Oyster season is approaching, and an abundant supply is promised. New. AlldvartkoinesB.. Genera Election • P ,ll‘o 0Z4 31 A TX 0 N. tittemi*Asf liVinti by asi het it the 'General - VII • Ahmenbly- of the Cinninalwealtb.of ..P•no lyiranin entitled, An Act relating to the elections of the ConamotiWealtb," pawed Wed daf brJair. too It la made the dew of Mu Sherig of ev ery county within the Commonwealth to glee gut,: tic notice of the General Itlections; nue -In each nonce. to enantertito-- .. • I The officers to heeled-ale Uesignate'tito place at which the eiettion is t % bt jtill Itift'Stte . rite of the Coen: or , Bearer,- do hereby make known, and glee thin PablIC.4Oli . CV to the electon of the county or Waver, that I • On tho 24 .. kites tiny Of ineitobbitexts Vein the 11th day ante month), a General Elec tion talli bu Meld at the aa reral ClacUan diatricts' eatabliahnd by law In cad county; at which Eine they will Teta by ball En. Ror.havrral onieln hereinafter named; viz: ONE PERSON for L embbr of Congress fttnia the Twenty-Fourth Initrlctof the Commonwealth of l'ennotraota. • . TIMER' PERSONS for the'oltlte Of Oen:Mere of •the Aneemtdy Oahe CommunwonthPennol , , ONE PERSON Torth e utSi hof : ProthatlidarY of, the county et Rarer— '• .!J .:!.. ..• ON6 PERSON , fur the °Rica of Comabotloner: 'bf the county of Renter. uNK. PERM& fur the atm of Jory.Onamla, shiner of the county of Heaver. •*I ONE PERSON fur the onlee Of 'Andltorof the othinty. 6 of &ewer: . . , ONE PERSON for e omen of Poor Ilboao • netnr of the county of Bearer. ' •'L THI4IN Awitsplislwr tho ()Mop of Unable.; or the Ace aitty of the cginity of !leaver. • 'Tho said elections will be held throughout the county as full..wa: The electors Cl' Borough toeinsitlp will meet at the brick erhool.tionss, the village of Vauport. elects offridge borough water bough, will week the Towh u Itridgeiratee , "Ikus clacturaof Eldlllpeituitg district 'will me et at the pablic brick school house in said bounty:h. The elector' of 'Moon tinfoil:llp will meet et the bowie furnicrly occupied by Amarisla•llendiackssin —now by Jdlin 1). The electors ef'Hopkiwell toWnehlp Will Meet ut the school home lu the Tillage of Ocultsrelle, In said township. The elector, of Independence towuship will Meet at the house of,Alezaudes Thompson. dec'd, in eald township. - The electors of Raccoon township will man at the house David Ewing. in said township. The eleetors or Fnaiklort district will meet at the house orticueg. Dungan, to Frankfort. The . I .:ler'n of alcHuinfe Dastritt %lit meet at the house of Juan Potter; In the village of Winn. " k • elechi;• - . of at claim:et it the hell* of KRIM) 211eireV ' gJr,talitrO s kettiern. Tina clecturecif Utilo township will meet at the house now occupied by Ja m t eou Elliott, fit will; es tu ng . °llt u ainw t i'nwff, h 4 . Pittectrooi tonne), near lucairy Mo an's, Insect township, Thu etcetera of Mu tore ugh of'alltmu will meet at the Academy In Falistun. The ulecioni of.lbincrson township will meet at the echoul house lu the ut Brighton. The electors of. Chippewa township will meet at the Imre, of, Arenialt lumen. Weald township. The electors of South Beaver township will nowt at The house of John Rowe. in said township. •The electors or Darlington lowaship ,wtli sum/ al the Academy In Darlington. The electore of Dig lleas er township will meet at the house uf widow Miller, In cad tuentship. The eiwtors of Franklin too nshlp will meet at We house of Mork It elm*. In said township. The electors of North twirls:hie, township will Meet at the house of Nathan Hazen, on Limd los. marly lieu). Chew. The electors in Pulaski township will meet at Datighertra sthool house' •No 4, In said town , electors of ligation tool/ship will meet at the house of George Hartzell, Jr., In said township. The electors of the upper, ur north ward, in the borough of New Brighton, will meet at the Car penter shop or Thomas Miller. In said borough. Thu electors of the middle ward of the &nue • of Nevi' Brighton will cal et at the school house, in wild ward. . • The electors or the lowercir south ward of the boroogh orNest 'Brighton, will meet at tluillh.r Factory. lasaidward. The electors of Rochester towuship will MCCi at the Boleirille Wheel house, iu said township. The eled.olll or Md. txweagh of Rochester will, meet at the school Immo Ie ilochest r. . . The electors of Freedom 13.00401 and district will meet at tin:school lawns la kreedosti.. The eleetons of New Sewickley township will meet at the Image of John realm, In wild town.' ship. 'I lie electors of Industry district will meet at the school lustiest m Industry. Thelleclurs of liannuny township will insist at the hotel in Ecninmi. • Thoelmtons of ,Economy. township win moot at the house of George C. Missals, Its said township. Thgeiectoissuf toe borooes Of Beaver will met at she Sheriff s Mike, us said bormoth. The electors of St. Clair borough will meet at the School house, in said borough. The electors Mlle: borough of Baden will insmt at the public PCllbill hone so said borough. The electors of Now Galilee borough wall meet nipo o l ?e chuoi house in New Galileo. h Ie ct.na tsf Ceases l'4lll, borough will meet at the school. housuln heaver palls. The electors of the borough or tkor,,, ,, etown will meet at the public school-house in isald Trent:Mb. I Like known and give notice, as In and by the kithsectton of the aforesaid Act I am directed, "'that e very person incept Justice of the Peace who shall bold any [elicitor. apponittueut of prat tic trust tinder the Gociirtilocal unite United States, or of thle• Mate; er soy uty or Incorporated die , trial, whether COMplizelOnell tactic or tit lier Wise, a vesbordinate officer or Agent, who Is or shall be employed octet' Sic Legislative. Judiciary; or Ex ccutive department of this Stine or United Stabs, car or any city or.lueorperated Distrkx, and alio that every nfethbet I I Cbugacifeatfifthe State Leg islature, and of the Select and Common Council of any city, commissioner of aurincorporatita dis trict, Is by haw Incapable of holding or exercising at' the ramettme the °Mae or applitntmeur M Judge, Inspector or clock of nay atectieli or this Commonivealth, and that no lospectm or Judge or other officer at any Inicts election, shall he elligible to nay °Mee thou to be Voted-fur." Also, that in the fourthseetiOn ACt of As serablisxmtitled •• An Act relating - lu-executions gud for other approved April 10. trW. his enacted that the aforesaid falls BeCCIOII . 'l4l/111 hot by ea construed as to prevent any militia offi cer or borough otllccr from servoig as Judge, hi stiertor or clerk at any general or special election In this Commonwealth. "If any person Anil prevent or attempt to pre vent any officers clan election under ibis Act From holdiug such election, or use or threaten ittly vl olenee to any ruck °dicer, or shall Interrupt ur Ira. properly tutrrfere with Alm in the er:a:thou of his I duty, or shall block no the window, or ermine to any window where the anise may he bolding or chat riotously disturb the peacoat such eleCliOn. or shall use or practice any hillmidating threat.. Grace or violence; with design to fit Diane., nudely, 111 overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting. or to rt.strain the freedom of choice, sulk person on conviction shall be fined in any aum ant exceeding fire hundrectdoilars, audirtimisournOst. for any time not lees than one mouth nor more than twelve months, and if it shall Ts Alcorn the court where the trial of such offlence shad he had, that the person so'ultitellug was not II resident of the city. ward , district, or the township where tha raid others was cum:totted and not entitled to solo therein, then Ma conviction tic shall his t•en• lanced to pay a fine of nut less than one bemired nor more than one thousand dollars, and tie tin prisuhed out lon than six mouths nor more limn two years. " If any person or persons shall make any bet Or wager upon MI: result -of any election within this . Cetninouwealth. or shall odor to make any each bat Cr wager, Chile; by , verbal proclamation there to, or by any printed or written fulvertlgettuttit: challenge or invite any person orpersunstO,make such bet or wager.. upon convlctuat thoreof, he or they shall forfeit and I ay three thy., the ,annul so offered to be bet. - "If any person &hall. vote at u 41,3 Clan ono elee thou district, or othenvlog fraudulently Ciao xote Item once orr the shiadd4. Le shall trauddlently fold and deliver to the to/vector two tickets to gether, wills the Intent Illegally to vote, or advise and procure souther so to do. he or 11,4 shall on conviction be MIMI to soy flora not doss than fifty nor more tear dee hundred dollars, slid lie lin pciisoned not tar than this nor more than • twelve mouths. , If any person' net tpialitled is vote In this Coal. Mouw.mith, aureashly to let, (except the suns of qualified tiltlzeue,) shall appear at any place . of election for the propose et issuing tickets or of influencing Maseru qualitied to vote, he *bah. 00 conviction, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one bandied dollar. for every such offence, and be linprimmed for any term nut exceeding trylv• mouths. In case the petwou who shall have received the second highest number of votes fur Inspector shall not attend on the day of election; then the pcnoun who shall have received the second highest num ber of rote. fur Judge at the next spring election shall act ae Inspector In his place; and in Mae the person who shall have received the baghett num. her of rotes fur inspector shall nut attend, the per. YOU elected fudge shall appoint an Inspector In his plan; and Jo case the pereen elected Judge shall not attend, thou the Inspector who received the highest number of votee shall appoint a Judge in his ply.; or If soy voceacy *hail continue In the board for the s e seeof one hour after the time ed by law fur the opening of theelection„ thequal lliml rulers of the township, ward or district MI which such urn her shall have been Sleeted, premed ,at-the place of election, shall aelect tine nut at their Ulla:liter , to All lUMMI=E I also glee °Metal notice bathe electors of OLT emintythat by an all entitled .• An Act furth er supplemeutal to the act ?Milieu to thaetections of thin Cm 1111 l untrealth," approved Aprirpft, Al Idd it is provided as fellow.: Stems 1. Ihr. it (muted by Me Beach (tad Arise Ileiirnehtalit,‘ V the C'outatonwmint 14anayintltut in ()mend Assembly mt. runt it sr hereby taadcd by Ike aitaurity 81.11 M, Tlmt It shall be the duty of each of the aiiteasoni this Commonwealth. un the drat Monday in Jut. Meech year, to take up the trenicript he has re cadged Irmo the Monty commimloners under the eighth settion of the act of the fidgeoth of April, eightmat huudred and thirty-tour, and proceed to iu atudiediate ritrlaletrOT the game, by •trikin: therefrom the name of every person who la known by him to ham died or reithleed elute the fast pee. Nlinsksecoantent from the district which ho hi the a.es or, ur whose death or, cameral from the aline, shall be MMe inters td him, and to add to dm sank: thenamra of any qualified voter who cold be kuuwn by,bibm dolor: Inured lute thy district, 'alaebthe last previous siasemment, or *Moe re moval intothe same shall be m- shall ham been made known to hbe, and also the minim of sit who shall mete Mahn to him to be qtlatill'd vitidro therein. As soon as this revision's completed he 0101 visit every dwelling house in hie district and, make careful Inquiry If any person whose name le owing list hag died al remerrod from Use I).letrlCL, sod if so to take the MAIM therefrom, or Whether any qualified toter resides therein *holm name nut on his lim, and if so tumid the came thereto, and In al macs where a mune in added to the list a teL stoiltfortbwith be agonbed option •the per ion ; and the aseessur Mudl 1 all caeca athertant by loyalty upon what ground the 'Penton 50 as- I moom elation to beavoter. Upon the completion , of the work it than he the - duty , of. each assessor ag.ifinciaid to proceed to make dot a list in alpha. behest order of Um doetuen above twenty-one years of age clalmiug to be qualified voters fu the ward, borough, towustim or district of Which he 'ls the agsetwur,d °pinking each of sidd Mimes stale whether gold freemau la or Is not a housekeeper and if he to the number of hlwresiderith; ' In fuwni Where the SALM aro numbered, with the strecklM. _ley or court In which shamed • and If In a 'town where them are uo umber., the Dame of the ellect., alley or court on which said boom front. l i le - u o n t t b i a h Oe w c=on of the Tun ; and where ba Mg and with whom:Z . ll If working ". f ur another the name of the employer, dad write opposite met .of mild tames the word ••eoler ;" whet. any per ''hailahn. to rota by reason of naturalimuon, ha exhibit his tertitlettle thereof to the gagemor, unless he boa been for five consecutive years next. precedang a voter In min district; and In all came where the person has been nattanallsed the name shall be marked with the letter ;" Where the person bee Merely declared Ms lutentioug to be come • chime and dodgem to, be naturalized be. fore the next election, me sumo shall be marked' 'II.I. ;" where the claim I. to rote by reason of being toftwern the ages of twenty-one and twenty.' es,proelded by law. the "age". shall ha. entered; and If the; per= bite 0101.141 Into the eincteon district to resides• elate the that general election the letter . 1i."• shall be placed oppladta the name. it shag ha the bather dusty of each as ilemee„ es efifeelalit the cotsphititin of ' the „„ "...el herpes m y t tled,tentage oat ft Operate WC of all new wannest nude by Way Mid the atnoulfla mileemet apes eadwand fltMainallifeeete be,...„,feedle the Mealy, coamtledelleffiki Wlgt moot Itowioxely add hemmed to the tai. de. 'plicate of tbe Wa.d, beeengitintwnship ar Weida ta Which, O n the hoes aseastied. , I lino, L. On list being milittoom me ' th e. assessments • Mode. Se aforeseld, , die mane duel "'Weal , be XdatlWil to tlppos coon r,Ctialtaimina; era, who shall tense ducal ••4 Mop ell mi ld = with the obeerralkalk and ran to be noted as aforesaid. to by Made ono as °°°b ae practitable„ and pact lope hackle Of them armor. who shall, prior to the Int of August la each year, pot One copy thereof on the door of, or ,zh:iv iti oa rei tr agose aleel t l i d t i a i WttUZ In his porammion for the inipectlCM, free of of any persan redden' In who shall donee to see the same; elm it see" r 'the duty Of the said assemortdadd from•timti time t en th e Penfield application efanyeae dabs • log tee right to vote;the nape of aUCti• claimant. mid mark opposite OM name and Lame- Maid: anima dm with • tax, noting, lel le ell other cattal,libittenpation, residence, efether house err l boarnet, LC a tioardee • With 'whom be end whether naturalized. or do- AIX -1411 k tb 4 W. rking la all /deb cads the Urgent eildtOsitO Mena; "Ok",wr. thirCaits may bas' iftheperson dilating to be dminfseti be naturalited he Midi ezillhat to thenasesseellie Cm , tidande of Me astoraUsa;lop ; and if he dilate that be dodged td be oat a id before the neat Ca nning %tattoo, he dual exhibit the 'Mating:MO of his Lidera:Joe of ideation' Wee any ward, borough, township or election dr= ' Is divided Imo two or more' medal:W. - Me fiewhei ur *hall note in all hie asseasmente the cicalae 'precinct In which each, elector ridden, end. shall make a separate lade elude to the count/ Com misaloners. An all, rase m in. which a Mum is re quired from hint by the previsions of this sett and fo° olookrePtitillisaiOnerai In making •dupliente copies of all such centres- shall mike duplicate copies of the =ldea of the voters In-etch precinct BeVenitelY. shall feraisk theme= tattle assessor; and tba Copies required by this ad ea be ableedeo • the doom tam on election places, on or. before the teat of Itognal in each year, shall be placed on thb door ;d or on the elixtlimplice in each of said • • 'bee. 11. After the assessment* have been com *mica the tenth day preceding the emend Tues. day IA thard!er ofati•Oh yeas the asemaor shall on the !loamy Ammdiately yellowleg„, make a return to the countleortimbehmen of the names Of all I person. weasel by him sauce the return required to be made him by mu second section. of this act, notud pestle each samB the Otanktratkes and pzpanstiiiiutw required to be noted u afore; mid; and the coonsy commissioners *ball there. upon cause the sane to has added terthe return re- quired by the second section of the act, and a Cull and correct copy thereof to be made, contain ing the names 40811 pe.rauus so returned ,as r al dent taxables lueein ward, borough, tovraship or precinct, and furiti the s.nie together with the um:miser: cleettue' blades, to the odieeni of. the ali.Vion tit said kard,.borungh town s hip or pre duct; on or before six o'clock In. the morainic of the µcoed Tuesday of Uctober;,and uornan quell 'be permitted to vote at the election ou that day whose munets nut tai said Ile, hitless be shall tease prOef of 1114d:int to vote, •as tierslualter re- • quitter. t • sem 4 . Ott the day of eldlou any person whose name Is not on said Mt, and eLdiatog the right to vete at said election, shall produce at least one qualified voter of the district as a whacks to the residence of the claimant In the dialect In which he chants tO be &voter, for the period of at least teas days nest preceding said election, Width neap snail take mud subscribe a Written, or Pertly written and partly printed Ifficherit to the tacks staled by him, %Oaks affidavit ehtcl &due clearly where the resideace la of the person so claiming the right to rote, shall also take and eubeeribe a written. or pally written and pertly printed ail- Malt, stating to the best of hl knowledge and belief, where end when he was born- that be is a citizeu of the Commonwealth of.pentiolvanlaand 'of le, tidied Mahn that he has ratiled in Me t'ematonamalth sue jest, or If formetly a ensue thereat and has moved therefrom, that be bee °°- sided therein ilx months next preceding said elm.- tiou ; that be lute ..ot moved Mtn the ffilettict for the purpose of voting therein; that be hit paid a State or comity tel within two years which was hammed at laws t ten day, before mid °leaden ; sod If a naturalized citizen Oath ale state whmi.•• where and by what court be was nateralized, sad shall also produce his mallow, of naturalization ler eventuation ; the said affidavit. shall also stde adiv„ n and where the tax diluted to have beim paid of dawn was sasemed, sod when, where and • hunt paid, and the receipt therefor shall be iced ter examination, unims the alma shall state In hie affidavit that It has been Met or de• a truce, or that he never received soy, but tf the person so claiming the right to vote man take sad • subscribe au affidavit that be tea spire burn cat- fzen of the United Mates. lor If bore 'elsewhere shall slate that fact in Ms affidavit. aatl shall pro duce evidence that he has been annualized, or that he Is entitled to citizenship by reason of his lather's nattuallastlue ;) and ehaU farther state In his affidavit that he is, at the time of taking the edifier it, between the ages of twenty-eau lad meta-, ty-two years - ;bat b be has melded id the state pile year and In the electkm arida as days next pre , ceiling such election, he dolt be canned to vote although he shall, pot have paid takes ; the saki af-, admits blab performs =bin such claims, mad the stiblarrits of the witnesses to their tuddence shall bepreaerved by the election board, and at the 'Close of the election they shill be eneteeed witti the lint of roars. May /Ma and Muer papers rmadr ed by law to be died. I,y the return judge with the prutliouotary,and shall remain on die tuirewith lu Um, prutbunetery'e onMenuitleet to examination as other election paper., are ; t the electieu officer .11.1 1 1 dud that the applicant or opplicatila pease.. all the legal quallications ofvoters, hi, mi. they 'shall Ice - pelt:rued to vote, and the powder named shall ha added to the list of busbies by the elec• Uwe utficers, the word "lee being added where the claimant claim. to vote ou tat. and 'dm' word "aye" where he etalMs to vote on age; the Name orals being added lathe clerks, in etch case re spectively, on the listeel persons voting' it such election. .„ • •_„,. • • , Ste. 5. It shall be lawhil for any qualified cal ve of the Metric', ndliithstandhig the nanw of the proposed voter Is contained on the list or real dent tax.thlei, to challenge the( vote of such- pm eon ; Mamma= the lame proof raf abe mulfrage sa la now required by law shall be p ty mine and acted.ou:ithe eleettou • board; ' and • tau yam admitted or cued accordiagm die ev idence ; every person ming to be a naturalized citizen shall be'reqtateeto produce his natured eatiou ceralicant at the elet-tion belonsiroUng, ex. i.-pt where be has been fur ten year* consecutive.' ly a weer in the district In which it olibitetthi motel. ,nudou tine cola °ranch Immo; being received - It 'shall be the ditty of the &cedes centers to *rte or stamp on 'such certificate tee weed .volsal,. with the month and year, end If any election offi cer or officers shall receive a second vote on the seine day, by *trine of the rime certilleete, ez oeptin" where woos are coated to vine by Virtue of, the oslbralicatton of their fathers, they, sod did pawn who .hall &ler such *canal autw,, upon so °tending Iliad be guilty of s high misdemeanor, and on conviction tlmervcl be lined or Imprisoned, or Loth, at the diacreauu of the court: but the One shall nut exceed one hundred dollars lu tech col- the huprisonment atm year; the like punish ment pistil be indicted on-conviction on the um acre or electiou who shrill neglect or retest to make, or cause to be nude, the endorsement' re quired as aforesaid on said naturalization certifi cates. 13. tf any election °diva deal refuse or neglect to require such proof of the right of staft rope ru la proscribed by this law, or the laws to which WO la asappltmeut (Wel any person otter• leg to vote whom nen,es I, not on the del of aasea sea Seer., or tehme right to vote a Challenged by any qualified voter vreeul, and shall admit such persou to vote without reeniniii; such proof, every pereou eti offending shall, upou conviction, be guilty of a high tillodeio..anor, and ALAI be see telleed, for every such °deem, to pay a doe not und hued, rd dolma', or to undergo au itnprl.uoinent out more than oue year, or either or both, at the ilhcrettila at thacoUrt. • . . , .. . .. - . .. . .. _ .. Scenes I. Ten flays precentor. eery election for electors of President and Vice Preaident bf the Coiled Sham, !cattail Its the dui/ of t h e rararaceer to attend in the piece deed by law for holding the election In each election district, lad then and there bear all , applicatlves of persons whose names have hero untitled from the lint of uses; red - voter., and who calm toe right to vote. or whose fights leave originabld deco the came was made out, and shall add the names of such per. nuns thereto a. shall !Wow that they are euttled to the right of suffrage in such district, un,the personal appliuttion of the claimant wily, and Imtlevith AAA*+ them with proper tax. After completing the list, a copy thereof shall he placed on lite dour of or on the huhee where the elec tion la to be held. at last eight dare bolero the election; and at the election the same course shall be pursued. In all respects. as Is required by this Am and the Acts to which this Is a Sup. element, at tile general' elections In October. Toe Amessurshall also mane the sane returns to the rowdy atinanseloners iii nil assessments made by virtue of this section; and the moony cum- MlositMers shall furnish confute thereof to the elec. lice officers In each district, is like summer, In all respects, as is requiem! at the gement elec. Lieu. In October. bienolvd. The same tubur and regulation. ehall apply -at et cry special elet . tinn, slid at every .1,41104.1 dig, borough or ward election. In all respects Oh nt the general elealudia In•Octuber. hr..,l..att U. , The reepective measure. Inspector* and judges of this etectiou shall cacti have the power to adunuister oifMs to soy person claim. tug the right to be suweased or We right of suf. frage, or ii repot to any other matter or Whig required lb lie "done or inquired Into by nay of raid older re uadiz this Ada and anl-wilita ial" seeernig by soy' person to relation to any matter or thing concerning which they shall • be lawfully. , Interrogated Ivy nuy of said nahwes shall ha pun., lobed a. perjure. • - Mecriox 10. -Thu Aseessors shall emit receive thecomputantion tor the limo hcommady spent erlormiug the dodos hereby enjoined as p nens• elitist by law for the pert senators, Of their other t.ulku. to be fold by. the county cow nilsOttuers as to other cues; and It shall tear be lawnil for auy asseettor to pares a tez against ally person woo teem .within ten days oust pre. 'ceding the election to be beta on the seettod 'Pliesday of October, in soy year, qr within Pm , dej• best before any electiutt for ISlectora of President mid Vico Presi debt of Wu United State.; any violation of this prorneen shall Do a mimic-- meaner, and shyest:the oillecta • so offfMillitg to 11 fine, on convict ult, - not exceeding one hundred Cullen., or to impruousaeut out exceeding three menthe, car both, at the discretion of the coml. SteXtua I t. Oa the petition of • nem or more chinene of the county, slalom wider. oath Mat they verily belle. that [mode wdl be practiced at the election about to be held lawny district, It shall be the duty Of the court of consmon pleas of said county, if In A.Alinn, or if tent, 5 judge thereof In vacation, to .ippisint twojetineuusioniber lad Intelligent Citizen. of the county to act as overseers al triad Aillailin ;we'd overawe'' , strait be selected from Wiferentvoiltkad parties, where the Inspectors bedbug to deferent parties; sod where twin of eniq Inepectorrtieloug us - raw same pollti. piLparty t Inc4ii or Poorer tore Mull be Mimi from M. opetwlto political party ; nod overseer. shall !MC tue'idllit to* b. posteut. With 'lib °Meer+ or the eleccum,, during doe whole limo the same Is held, the Votes cuttutinl, and the returns made but mod signed. by the election oaken; to keep • list of voters If they see ptoper to chal.ent;o any per. self taming to Vote, and interrogate him tuff ins ritualises noderoath, in reganite Ws right of suf. frage at *aid cleetiou, And tu examine. Ws pupae produced; and the &Meer. of said election see re. ' 0 ' 1 .4 to•Mlond to said oventects se iseleCiad and appointed, every COtiftnielliX and Iselin/ for WC diaeharge of their'dutles; sad If AfthrtleCtlOEl of caws Mull pfase. to ,permil sald overseers to he prrateut mid perform their duties as aforesaid, or if •liiey shall be detests away from Ike polls by no basoa ur halinidatiou all the, votes polled at nein eltlidli district may ' De rejected by any such tri. Menai trying a peewit Under said election; Pro.. chiral: 'Abet no person signing the, iteration stall tic appointed an over...tr. ' ' .-- . lima:ea If, Many prelhoootall, cletk, or tole, deputy of either, or any atter person, shall sax Use seal 'of •Mtlee nraurnateunramition patter, of Penult the weep Os be &axed orally eat.' or mum urf If Mil the same to he Circa out. In Woolf, whereby It allay be lisadtliently need, car furnish el maiuranrzlieu DerlUlcani to soy person who shall not liave teen duly . oraluiped and sworn lu opal 'mew; In • plelA.lllll of emus of the Jtidgea timeof, according to the Act cf Cougreas, car shall ald,ln, ceemise at, or In any way permit the Wide of 'any fret:dolma naturalization certificate, he sh•U he guilty urn high soh,demennur; or If Any can shall tro r,._ aia ntil sae airy sacs prat:lute et attend's,. tie,. ,..., ." . " l ing Mat -it was fraudulently issued, or ~,s • "`“ rate, or attempt to tote thereon. car If say -sa s hall rote, or attempt to vote, on any °erten. Cale 01 nAninlifiLAUoll not hared to lallu, be obeli be guilty Weal a high CohnlefficanOrt anti either or sa y of persons, their alders or abettore, stalky. of either of the mtadesicessuis aloresaid,aball, on a rmY lation, be glued la a sum net, es-cording nun 'thousand dollars, mad haprawated In SW prayer denlientlary for a period not exceeding three years licctiox 13. Any person who on oath dr affir.' mailer la or before an 7 isdkri la this Stale, or oil err authorized to admld.tee piths, saall,.to pro Cure a certificate Olnataralisatkm, for Mmlicif or .._ . _ . .. .. . soy other Porno. whitish , depose, declare ot all• lOse eareputlar to be oho; kateerlmy hi same to. he Odoe.of shall In like manure deur any matter to be a Whitening the saps to be true. gull be Oohed gully s Wiwi grad say miasmas or ..., ...lit"thilliot , Witted In pursuance cried} such dada:nth:mar allimation shalibennil an — aiiiiiiind It shall be the duty of the court M inkel the tame; wa pew( betße mMe before Rhea It wee romdalootly obtained, to take l atelnuntod- mounted for retailing the same for nacelle- Simi i sad any pima who gall vote or attempt to vote on My noPerso obtained. or who 'ball In ant Way old hi, bentilve et, or have any agency what. ever tads e amen, circulation or moo( as [made. kat niuMelintion certificate. Vail be decreed 'gag, of a. mbliettleanor. and upon eenrimion thereof stall undergo an imprisonment In the peniteuthry her sot mare than two'yesra, and pay' I hoe. nor. more than out thousand dollars. for every - such c o urt. or either or path, at the die.. creWn of th• - . = • .. ! .• I Samos It Any essemor. election °Meer or person appointed AI an overseer, who shall neulect Sr nabs. to perform ay duty enjoined by thin am without reoloolbto we bloil ease, )Mall to subject toe penally atone hundred dollars; and If any as. Senor" shall sows any pence as a toter who Is not quaUlled, or shall raw toaseen any one kW" Is qualified, be Shall be guilty era miadeuseanor In ono& and on conviction be punished by leo rid ~....koPtiwertnt,and also be sect to an action for therpatty mitered; end if InY p.m.+ 1 7 11 . . aunty eltelf.add 10. dor m a ries.4'd7 say tint erecters made oat es direc ed by this act: or tear dowers/ remove the seine the plebe when It has been axed with minima or utia• 'thiamin Went. or for any tm Pdttitwe; Um p q r loom ea °Sending shalt be gay eta bleb. sillii &autumn.. and on convietkat shal be urte::d by I nne not cumedleg nee linedrol dol laror' Ins. prisoomeot notexeeqg tr., yC.IFI,, or at the discretion the court. • !' ' ' Alt electtioops hn. City, ward .bor ongh, township and election sincere shall henna ter be held Cis the second Tuesday of October, subject to all the provhdors of the laws regale hog the election of such Ottleets not Inconsistent with this act' the persons ensiled to ilea' °Mau at that time Khan take their places, at the espies tion stake terms artist' peewits bidding the same at the time of each election; bat no election for the °Mee of &seesawede assistant assessor shall be haski,a sada this act, until the year one theasand eight hundred and seventy_ Samoa ItL' :At all elections bedsitter held. wi der the knead this Oismoonwealth, the polls ehall be opened betneen the _hours of ex and .even - irckscle. awl close d at amen o clock, p.m. bacnos 17, It shall be the duty of the secretary of the commonwealth to prepare Mr= for all the blanks made necessary by this act,, and furnish copies of the same to the county Commissioned' of the several countletlet the coonsonernalth ; ,and the county commlailoncts of each county shall, as soon ae necessary finer receipt of the same, at the pepper expense of the County, procure and Imo la la all the election waken ortbe election 'die- Mets of their respective counties copies of •ucla blanks, In suck ipienHtleaas maybe rendered ne cessary for the &sash/not their duties under lids act. - * • *** . • • • .Bccttoi. ID. * That citizens or lid. State tempor arily In dui service of the Mato us of tho Uuited States governsevit, on clerikal or other duty. and who du not vote where thui employed, shall zuL bo thereby deprived of the right w vote in their severaleisction dbllncts 'ollierwleu duly qualiti• ed . DESERTEILS"DISPRANCIIISING LAW As tftere ln d&rated also give omelet acute of the labouring provisions of an Act approved June 41h.; entitled .. - a• -habit r fupplemeht to the electloo yaws of Ibis Comutouwealtti." Watteau, U the act of the Congrees of the thal tettlitiler, entitled —An set to amend tha several We here Wore bawd to provide loathe moulting anduilling out the national tortes and for other pa es, and approved March third, one thou sand eight Itundnui and sixty-doh MI persons who bare deserted the military br natal service of the lily,ited Wale*, and Who have nut been discharged or echoed from the penalty or disability thereto prodded, are deemed end nue to have unlink.' drily rellaquWhod land folted,tiacir , zighta of citizenship and their right, to become citizens, and ere deprived of exercising ally rights of eiti sena thereof, and Wouicts, Persons not citizens of the United Maid, are not, tinder the Constantionand hews of P.0 1 .1b/LIMA. Tangled elm tore of this Ceuwaopr 'wealth ' I. De Reflected by the. Senate and Howe of Itepnweatatlites of the Co nunoneeitith of Penn sylvania lo General Assembly met, arid It la here by enacted hi the aattioritrof same, That in all electione hereafter to be bald In this Common wealth, It shill he tifilawfal for the%ludges or • in- Spectors of any such election to receive any ballot or ballots from any pereou or persons embraced In the provisions and subject to the y disability Im posed by said act of Congies• aproved March third, o n e ilioastdul eight hundred and sixty-Ave, and itstalli be unlawful for lay such person to of fer to vote any ballot ur ballot.. Sac. d. That if any such judge and Inspixioris C r election, or any one of them, shall nmetra or con sent to receive any *dela unlawful ballot or ballots frotoaoyivb✓rlyualided purses. Ite'lar they so offending shall,ba guilty of misdemeanor, aud on conviction thereof le any 'Court or quarter 'Sm.- Ilona of tialsComenumwwilth, ho shall fur each of fence be sentenced to pay it - flue of not less Mau tae hundred dollies, and to undetgo an impeiroa - meet In the Jail of the prUpCZ county.lor nut lees than ably days. bac. 3 That If any pervon deprived of rititen- , ahlp and diaqualitled as alooliald, aball • at. any erection hermit - ler to he held in this coulnionuralla: volts or leader to ILu ollicers thereof mid idler to rote a ballot or, ballute, any perwo,w othoddiz shall be divined guilt) or a s tuloreineauut, aid uu cuoviction tleteofitt any Court ofJltuarter :So-- .lens of this colotooivealth, he ohs!' .lor cabs of fl•nk bepunlsherl hke !minds Ye la priAldeil Iplhe tirecenntig Avalon of tWe au ; owl to or officers of election receiving such unlawful ha • 101 or bre. 4. That If any person liereater,.per mutat! or advlac any person or persons-deprived or' citlrevahip and'Ularptallßod a* aforesaid, to 'otter! any ballot ur ballot* tu the ollicera of any election; hereartsr to he held In Ulla 'lloihmOuwea lib, or, shall persuade et advise *by such: rater to re..., cone any ballot or ballots rum ktry reon de, prfied of citizenship shot dlo ( quallfted asp e afolk..sald,i wadi pennon so attending *hall he guilty or• CO demeanor, and upon conviction thereof In any Court or quarter sessions dr this common...ditto., shall be punistual lu like ni.4,41 as I. provided to • • the aecomd section of this act in the came of °Ricers: of much election receiving much hnlavrful ballot or ballot*. ,CItANUE IN TUN MODE OF VOTINU. ttbereitadirectial I ilia glee. official cocoa of• the folkiwlng provisions of an act approved March , lat land, entitled "An act revealing the mode of voting at all elections to toe enteral cocottes of this tiommoowtmltlt :" Szcnoi 1. Go It enacted by the Senate 'and, House of Iteprialentatires of the Commonwealth', of Pennsylvania. In Oeuerol Amenably met, abd it to hereby enacted by authority of the same. That', the qualified voters of the aMrerol counties of tlit•ii conanumwealtb, at all general, township, laorougli and special eliatious, are hereby hereafter author: Iced and required to vote by tickets printed or written, or molly printed end partly writteu. sev erally chusolled as follows. One ticket shall mu brace the oodles of all Jude. of courts to bo voted for, and to be labeled outside - Judiciary, - Ott ticket oohedl embrace the banter of all btate oaken.' voted' for, and be labeled “State," One ticket •half" embrace the MMae of all county (Wirers voted 10%1 hicluding office of Senator, litenther anti nientbelli of Aesembl, , it sotett for, and members of Con-' gress. If soled fur, and be labeled - County.”, one; ticket Dhoti embrace the nattier of:01 ton 11. MP otti- . cm, voted fur and be labeled -. Towurhip.'l, tonx ticket shall embrace the names of all east ugh oMeent voted her, and tat labeled .. 1-toronghl and each class eliall he deposited in imp:tette ballot two, COLORED VOTER'S LAW. . . The follonityf Instructiows from 111. liscelleney. l GovAieurry, exirtsitie the duties of usses•nrs, hours slid ekution onleers in regard to ►II (rased.; met: of thisreummonurealiti : .•fir.searrtvg CHAN II EU, I . 1 : liannisnFlut, PA., Au••mt 4, ISIO j tb h 4 Sheriff v/ 1/4 County of Beam% WunnuAs, The riftecutit Amendment ol the , Constitution of the United Stows to us follows : - , ticc.-riox t The tight of dllzenl of the , States.,to cobs shad nut be dented or 'abridged by the United sta:co. or by any Slate, ou account of race, color bliprevlous condition of servitude. Sac. 1. The Congress shall have power to force Uhl. article by appropriate h.gbdation. And whereas, The emigre. of the United States. oh the flat day of March, laid, passed an act cull, tkd - -in art to enforce Me right of citizens of thi- United Stares lo rots in Oka arcerot Mates of the Union, and for °Vier perposea," the first and *cc Cad section, of which are as fo; low,: Miacirrom I. Be U enacted by Senate arab Ilona of Itepresentatives of the United ...Slab, of APArriegl. to Conley. assembled, Tindall cillscua of the United States who are ur shall be otherwise quadded by law to vote at arryelection by tire people In any siaw, Terntonr, district, cowillY: city, perish, uirroship, school district, ty or other teniturial nub dirlalOri, shall he end:, tied and allowed to solo at animal elections wlth• out distinction alnico ' color or precious cou&' tiuo of servitude: anylAreatilutiou, law, elution, Usage or 'cola/aye of say SLOG) or Territory, of by or under its authority, to the cuutrary outi withatandluzr. • Sox. % Ara i.e //further enacted. That it by ut under the authority of the t7oustittulutt or has of tb..7.lState, or the laws of any Territory, may act le or Abell he required to ho dune u a pre.requistte or qUelithatileta fur voting, and by such Coustftu• Mau of lawe.,persune or ollic,es•rto!, Or it ho Alutrxed with the yerfurusano., of dutieo iu barfush: lug colt US an opportunity to perform kucli requialleort Wbe .elate al.llea to ;rano; d shall bc the duly of yvyry.rth pyr.y. yyd amuse towed 'to all ciiiseue'ut tho. Coital bistro the same and mum ustiy,,eteuily,i,hytetorsts sod, prOsreitOtaltio; and to became qualified to tote w 'Cheat tstauc• 1100 of race, eithrr Ur proOtoos euntlololl ttf !w.f. tilde ; sad finny aryttperaue urutheer WWI refuse or khowiugly unto fu give toll effect to MIN 812 t• .t/Oil. 11C1,11.111i for entry talkers: tortell,'Ould pay Usi SOWS orrire hundred duller,. to the perittut,eggrlev cd thereby, to be recuVrre4 by' all rAtitoti non 1144 aoc, with hill rest. and such elkhreate fur WI:4 set fees as the court nifty drefuf hot, cud stuff roof for eVery 0000 Araeltre be deeturY guilty of a tino , ' tic/meaner, and *hell en weld:tom tluseut be he. ell out lea, thou fire Ituudred dullers, or be hat. tafottled IVO LOA ULM one tuuuth null out illore thou one year. or built, at tee disco:two of the • • 1., Aud It la deelaredli. lire nd section of the Vt ankle of the em.tilatioU of the Lliiitiet 'Mates, that 7•ThisAluuntituilue pod thetas., ul Mbe - United Statile which ideal 1/10,10 la put •tiance thereof, shad he the supreme Lew of the laud • • • • • • ruyttotur In Uts Vinod/. (Wiwi ,or latis-ref any Sint to the nottrur, nut. , • tellAstahing. :hl whereas, the highs !attire of this Co:neigh:, wealth, on Ilia 6Oe day of April. 'A. 11., 13:04uissed an Ater...untied r•A nuttier supplement to 140001 relating to the electluus lo this , euurtirousiralih, , Lb, teutlisertllou of-which prattles no t **Mop - 10 1 That JIM 1140011 of every act' or he w: nab!: as provide.s that mike hhite freerueu shall his ehtttled W Vote:ut to be entsteted •as voters; or as claltnitig to rota at wry general or special election ul this Cumuumwesith, be sod t u 1/t11.13q to hereby repeated; and .that hereafter all fretntreih without dhitluctlint of color awn be enrolled slid registered aCiAirdlug Ih Wa pnivoloue of' the nrst section of tunar,t approved wrinneeuth ;of April. /*Ur eut.ltlede7Ah act further supplemental to the her relating to the ekctlons ul this Contunin wesitne'!wort when otbr.ristisequaldied, tinder 011 taxing laws, Ire wattled 10 rite at all general thud atierud eleettous In tliti einnmuutreatth. and wiwinse; IC Y my ouusittationsi end official duty to take alto Mat the laws be talthuillg executed ;" and Wham Mae to my khowledge that sundry saminfors and register* at voters nave rii• rased, end-ark refusing to ouwiesa and regiener di vers colored mide citizens of lawful age, cud other. Wise qualified as electors , Nur, therefore, consideration of the vela( set, the county commissioners of said comity are hereby minded and directed to instruct ine scrw rat assimsoii cud register. of Cuter. thercle, to obey and conform err the requirements of sold cont ain:lomnd ameuilawnt anu isms: and We Obeettf of said cuuuty hi hereby authorized and a-quirt:a to ;inhibit& In his eleedon proclamation lor . tlib Le= ensuing electletie, the herein reeled Cunt - , amendment, Act of Congress and Act di the Legisisturizto thireud the:they may ho know , executed and Libeled by all luaesainv, registers i• voter.„ electiod °dicers and other., and that this rights and privliegm guaranteed thereby may hie oweured to all the cid:tail of this Commonwealth molded to the mme. ' Given ender! soy hand and the weal seal te. at Harrisburg the dal and YVIS rd ESLALI atre'wrihen. '41.1111 . 4 W. GRAtty. t au44--Y .404wi 'sec:ow. 01;eamonw...atet.. * Putnam to the provisioni coutaitied In theidt F. h .section el the Act Int aforasakt. - the „Wive or the aforesaid districts shalt respectively take charge of the eortlicatee of ottorh of the etoctton of their respective districts. owl proco them at a meet ing fit OW indgebetwoeth diMist st. the lkirottO of Beaver. on the third day after thefts) of the Ohoodort,briser on FRIDAY- TIIIII4I6.DkY Op OCToßstk. LBW. then and there to do and per , ' mo' the dotted required by larval - wild lodged.' *hi o.that whereCada/40y slam* or nnanold able accident , In enable to attend an meetleg of Judges. thee the cerllnate or rat rn shall be tak e! flamer alloy Otha of the 01 clerks of the elecUr of district. -who. era Otand i ger' form the n . requlred of sold) dgeeNutOlp to! The Con:resslonal itarf• ni Judaea 'will meet to accordance whiten Set approved may lit teal 'at the Coot Boise in lkweer. In the toreogn of vet, to the county of Waver, en the . fllrdar after .the election. being Tenney, thlohrtter VW: • ' , The iteprreentatlre *turn Judger will meet In 'icersdance with Acf approveu Ray Mb INK at the Court. goose, BrafOr. , i thelboroagh, of Bearer, In the county of Drover, on the 'I th d - ay af bx the election, bele;f .Tucalay;tlc tither le, tire. Glren'onder my hand, at my entre In . Dearer, thle 14th day • alicptetabir, • In.'lla year OD bar, I Lord ono: tiwneand eight honarndeand sorcery. and fn the ninety-fourth year or the independence Ohba United dudes. JOUN intAssiNo.avriir. onice..lienver. I'4 *cot. f I, LIM • - , . v.. . •-• 7 TO . oillt . l*ATitstNN. ••• But few of you have any adequate conception of the vast tuluotatit—af medical labor-porAsrint4 by us. t 1 ' In this; a most healthful lity; sev eral handred• - physiolans are daily employed, - yet our own physiattabil tles are taxed - almost beyond: ceder- Ancei-tasatisfy the demands•for our, ,proftesional • , On our.. books are the,. o i teoro than sixty thousand 100.00 0 ) Mersons, who have obtained nrAlical :advice and'atfentlett. ' • 'Among the vast number of many, e curea.of the Worst maladies have been ,ioerfmted without the patient having' !been seen or visited. .• • ',NI Over five itundred.and flay (WA) ',awes were Inzted by us during.. the ;last, month alone, among, which, it. :OuMber of carom of the following dis maYlki4nentioned, Ilici ;pletitConsuniptidit,LiVtgrComphtint, 'Eterefitin, DeepsY,'Xitiney Affeet feint, !Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,' 'Haut Ilis atse, and may rdinale Complaints, Nervous Disordmi; ' • f' 'We treated ad those Chronic- Lis eases upon the , numt-seioiditiU prini ciples of,Urino-Puthulogy and. Flee :tictstu. . - . We are able to detect the most obl score diseases by ocular, client Fad 'or microscopic eka In ina tlo o the urine, andlo pu.scribe the rilniedies lu ac cordance with the conditions discov-. eted—hence the cures. !•I3ome of the patience treated during, the last month livetfundrodavf miles away. Some reside in New ..lork, some in Philadelphia, many iu ern Pemnsyivania, Ohip, Indiana and West Virginia. Many of these ferivarda speel tfiens of urine by exprass p •iind had .the necktaitry thedicincssnnt thern by the same conveyatice. • • The charge for examinations, pre scriptions and medicines. furnished, range from three to ten dollars. • • We will now have the constant as sistance of Thomas L. Oldshue, M. D., .who, has been educated, for the .profession under our own direction, ; and .graduated at the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgety. But for this assistance we would no lodger be able ton ttend the constantly increasing priictice that is daily crowding upon its; •,, - • • intact, the great nuns_ er of cases thatare daily sent to us, biake..eur correspondence and express business alone enough labor. for one man, whilst the medicine and preiscriPtion dePar;Ment Oall4pits, ; tune of another. Our own perhonal ntten Ilion is g i yen to the examination of every ea..-e, ge (P the prescript' un ()revery medicine,. 11(..,peet ray. , r. nr,th:ttrE, M. n:, 1823 'Grant sfreel,' Piliebtregh. ''' : Miseellan4!OUS. II E YL A PP, LS I N 1 741 VIINXT LOOKING-GLASS & PICTURIMILMES UP AI.I.HIZES Ft RNISIIED !Brighton hit. abovai'loct Factory, ROCIILWTER, TheiartirgLator.ktu Iknyn Smutty sflo.taritly on hand, nod nt thr, very lour, ot prloot.. Outlnn and liretrea pnviittvl otdhnnin.roo.tyoltce lladogn largo stork otallkitoll of fnrttitoo' Mild. nod wi.hing to Tnnto rno6m 'or tr.:l nod win tom wrt. I loon reduced my prides nrounlltolly. ang:ll3f. 131::AVER DRUG. STOi N . U . q . Q 9iI'IJ.R.I.E(PPfifi, Druggist .t Apotherarg, 31 4 _:A.V - 1;:11. I 'l-111V N. Pure Drugs. Chemicals, Medicines. AND ALL TUB OFFICINAL Pharmaceutical PrenarationA, ALWAYS ON HAND 011+; Varnishex, n li e-vn:9:,; In/31101P (/lwii, &e. Al Ilse Lowesit Cunha Price"' Agents 'fir IlihnexThrk, 11«4Iell ~ t t•hirctrit's tit riot ly I.ln - re• 'Whit o Lonal • At .11fumfarturea•a' Agents for die Chemical Pain'ts, one bun arod diftiFtent slittites, all ready fur uSe. Mr Physicians' PrElm'iptions 'nd 9cientificAlls,compottn.h.,l nt anjAhne day or night. . • Ping:lla: lid , I'l C) IA COnvpla i itts About iilGll I'l~l~l'.j Fll. SCI i I 7Jarijat iit ot hi ity ! Great Closing - o,ut Sale 1 or ti431)111111101. G-004b4 I 'SCHIFF&STEINFELD ' S, I NEW 131t1Uil rux, N.l. , , 3lolni r Goas'at • et'w r tutellin " S " " Heavy " " •t' I Splcudid bly.tclp4il.) ,10 •• Comfort Calico, j Dres3 _d y 10 " .... . _ . . 4; illguiieg Hose, • :Opts a pair:' , ..,,v hGents' Beek - s, , -• . 8?4 • do i.* '' ' Gs Summer siiil: 4 , frunls 3- - a ziiis 9 -•' s 11 11 ` . ma ii • _____ I. VW tf I . - / 0 • ••i IAII Other Goods at Cbrrespona- , ":,1 ingly Low Priers. ~ "".....',Call early, if you want to oCellre renl•3 111 ILMWAINS ATs • i i :- ii .. ' ' SCHIFF MOLD': • .. 1,00 . 11 1g 3 pa. UT UV Junc2ocbd. Ars. !Sulk Mammon's for - sale St dm A care 'otos for iile at the Ana es if , C 31 1 1 0 All:DitrASS.: , ' .1,, . . , .;••• .'`• '•' ' • • riillin• • •• ' . , r ~, „•,i--....-. ir,... .= i,,,. •:, ; r 1 Nervous` I , • ~ „•.... .1 , . ( ...an d rebilitated, -• via° *I:,§j..JIF.I.:I3,INUS .I.IA.V.Ei 11 1 . 4 FS .... kitllTAAUliti/ 4: fili(lsl% It I lillEN I ' - ''' 1. •CA • li‘i t ~ A. r ) I'VfftlSn" ' 1 • . ,p CA •., $Es iff:tinll:ll " loon. P.,40.11. 0 2 .1 .Zrt.E4I.II.IsTNT. . . . . . .. . .. . To &toter Bristenen dmirable. . , • 1. • . . !II s' •! • . ! - • , t. , 1 ~.. • . . , . ... . ... ..- - If you are ruiferimf, or nave suffered from back ..xinlary fllecipwites., Kiird,ulll..vt, le produced orayrtr , gronral health? Do zou feel Veal:, debilltaCed, ' easily tired? Dees 4111.11 e extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Lk.' you: liver Or Itri 'smry organ*, or your kitluoyst4requeolly get out Of ordec? 11 ,. your urine somethmrsthirk.lulikY, or fickliy, or Is ii . roPY CM settling? ' Op a,„„s a thick -1./121i1 ifl6'iu fo top?' Detsllicire a eedltnent at' "the bottom mfter• It' has etbod - awhile."' Do you fume open/ of abort breatirlog or hyxpepott? Arc your twiorli•touliilurtedt. Do,you bare spell* of Npliug. or ruahes of blood to the head I' Le your memory impaired? L. your mindcouetautly dwel ling upon ibis subject; Do you feel dell, lieti.s, - moladif. tired of romPauy, of life? lab you wish' to be loft alone, to get away from everyti.dy? lies any little thing make yini Mart or jump! le your,, eleePbroken or restless? •110thelhotre flf y imruye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek em brtgbt ? Do you copy yourecif ln somely as well? Do you putsch 16tir nulletri with the mama end ray? Do you :feel se math entlldeliCe in yourself? ' 'Are your rplrits dull and !Waiter. glrre to du , . 1. . 0 ' nnelsoly? if so, do not lay It to your liver or opt. pepsta. Dave you realm, night.? Your back weak, your.kuouo weak, and have bat little appc• Ill; and you Attribute Ude to divoepsia or lire:- complaint? Now, reader, edit-Above, venereal dlK.J.sep badly cured, and sexual excesses, arc all capable of pro. during ,seeegneaspf the geocrathes orgrote. The organs of gencrstiou, when in perfect G oof W. make' the man. Did you ever tbl?ic that these bold, de. flout, , Fnergetic, perscverlug, successful hualuer. inam always thoee whose geuerative organs are perfect health! You never hear such men com plain of being melancholy, of r.o,vou,•nors, of pal. pltallOst of dot bean. They areactor afrtdd they cannot succeed,to bailee" ; They don't become nod and t db.couraged ;,, they.ure always pull', mei pleas:oil in the cotutoiny of holies, and look you and them right la the face -owe: of your do,-.1 east look, or a-y other nmitute.4 about them. I do not nv•an t!,......1‘101 1.•••1 the crgttiu %Mahe! •by rutratng to ixtes.e. 'The, shill not Maly Min •ihtir comohntioto: , httt 1.1,.d . 1t0.., 11.4110 be.i• Dow 1 , i ,,, i ,, ilyn,..!r:is) holly cure ‘11,,,..a 0 e 5 . remt . f.J cite. t. of Pi 17..11.,., :oil t... 1--,,,, linty I:rougbeiailt that at:atu of d - . atriel:'ln'tlto., or. eno...thaVhtel -6,1 need tfe• getiert sy.;felty 4iimil.h a. Or induce alumna. every aabil . [Oral ot.thototu...- taittcy. luti wy. parlo.l., ,pitod aii.artiotts,eutcrl• and almost eteryakhbot Lona of tliays.c a hi, I, li., ritaaitr4,hois,lo. null Us real ca,.se of. /ha 11.. d bigra,arsi-ly cone 1.1r1,411.11. Mid lulls Cli,lor• ~ r../ ail, Intl OW f /4ilt 4•11•'. , . , •. - . . ! • •• ! • •. • ! , . . • DISEASES I )1' Mg • , •1•: Of:C.l NS ILE . . (211nr, '1111: 1":11: ill , A multr.Tre. • • . . . . ii. E bit 13 0 I, D „. s . . . .. . .... . , • . . , . .. :50 pfx,ll) EXT I t.t("r .. ...._ . ~ . , •, , • .• .... . 'ei lia- iC 7EI MT . - . .. • • • . . .. . . . . . . IS the greattliatrriie,:m4l in n N-rtAin enre - forliscamms of lite; Illoolder,..liblitept, Gravel, 11 . ???Ipsy, Cri.;4hit, , Wt.:4.- . • titto, Pollak Complainl3, ()eller:0 Debility, • • '.l-hi! all (11,44:4r , x of 11.. • 'Urinary'. Ilkiina whether exitllng ill mule It! female., , from eb'lnnit-ver can't: ttri4ithtll4.s• anti Ho ' mat • .. - .. level - 11m% long . slamming. , ' , 1 . . If ti,.creampoill t .l4.-,llonuiuol .I. N . Coq ,nnip;iliii ..': 'l,l,kinik in ky tl,..Ao."'Our •tir,4l and b1...1iAr.• aw 1 ...wk.:1 .'(tutu' h i,',...,1. . . . ~.nir.,;,.ni.l th.. 1,4.41. an,' liainlint,,,anil 411 A lA' ,Ito .1 vri L ly kleppro44 Now prompt u•••• et a ieli.tlile.: calltsiy. ~' ' . • ' • 11F.T,141 1;01,1)';.; 635T1C.1,1! i:[.(11 17., 1"..- liiblisln,l'illtwattl 6111) yetini-prit3ri4l by. -... ~ „Ajk.,,,PC. A.1)1 . .1L.1,1501..1),, . . . . l . : - • ~ -• .. ~. DRUGGIST,, s.94,l3 — cOadway, New York, and . . • . .104So1ith 10th Street. Phila'd., Pa. . . . Pitici:—s:l.2l pc?' IPA Lk, 0 c . 6 l • h ? ttics : ft.r . clCll), dell) trol loony Minn . ..S. - .: - • • , . .011/ by all Ih•ogqists .Ererywhere. • , .•, None nregenttinennlemtdorte op In bleel •utignivell wrapper, with ruessiatilic_ofiy , ,Clierilieal W3lOlllll/.4 . , MO Sli.plen:: .. .. . II.: T. .1E1V.111,311.10.14D. maylB;ly..a , liffsceltanemis. - 77 - 7 - CLOW= T ORE .1 4 . 1.1i i v 1 , c5 !grim/ and 'angular *lrenr/ The undersigned lakes pl'•aain• in in rorming his frictitl4 ntul g r silly that 114; just rccolve.ll:l4.l • ' , I • A New Stock of Goods, Tll} LATEST sryi . i . I . olz BRING and SUrdldgß Wear keeps the bent of W11611;,1•,, in Li. employ', and reelx comi,kut ..1 Lip „ 1 " 1 „ to cut and make up gtirtiost.lL I„ :: , • '1 • Fit) In altCh a wanner as a Ilt GENtLEIIEK'S FURNISHING GOODS ALWAYS oN 0411 Will~sCc us bep j r c .Ordcre laseirhpre Zil:It'll. Jr. , -Inay1;70;1y , Pal r. 1,, • WA. Lt.7.4Platt.r4 VILE It ENI El) Y. Warures Vile Iltros.rdf (net ectil in one c.c.) tu ure to. ter, •.r• ul Blind, Ittbir4 are arnicled nhounl I mm. liIIN I) (JO t N.., • glut andget W/1113.6 • PILL 111. MEIJI I: yrenaly fur the cure any Other It .• t Ir. • - vrnver ire!, i talc.-Vietyrrhrte, 4 • l il . .4r IN .0 YSPI:I'~J A, liVarnees Dimpepsin, Tonle It gn inn vlpls 4 siy lot nyrynotits at011:.045 ruflt . rmz 1041. babitudi C 0 4111,11.1113.. it lea !Itgbfl, tubbL. and a oplebt.lbl oppvitexr ; tt +trtiblb.l.• •tabl.scb lad !.:..tutee the ingest Ise ur:•b• tu 41511 . 14111155 ‘V 4 4 5 1 Ari 51 J1451/7:Olia 'ijr iria l' 7 C yak. by tics guile. Price One LkAiar. I • C 01261 1 -1 nci %Vanier , * Irutigh Elatrauka I. tiling any civuLturatillg. The ustraordiu-a);44.4• lr it 111 immop..ll4llrellevulg•auti • malty curing. Itho Moat oboilluate Wt. 4,1 • C 141.1,1. 00421.11.1.. Astilms and Conuuttipt•uu •••: lucreal Ale. ba ihtioupt le the *this and "0:14.10 Idyll MAI r 4 wrt cArto. or 11, th 10.41 and 11,111V1,11,AS th 1.4 1 ,411 . 4. ph :•• dally i•reucrltalux 11, and tout anti oal I hal , lumust. Visit dime .ar•or••• ' 1 t• t.• I, ulul /14 /110 1. 141th.14 , • sun L..ltle CIL.. • ••6re. •Au; gin ta. lu lair,;,V . 1,0114,1. i) , ,,1.r. your 0.11 10.1111 jolt t and .111 i 1, , tLs.e.Ala suits Ctifo. %V IN JE, I'E. i.reat 11;1.mxt and n_ Wartires Vlutinui Vltat, Wlnr of LI., !rum any irus.r.mullt. dr tny.l.A . lug lin Lif ;Arr. LiLU r,qulre a 01.111.. La Sr a A Apit.l.ll;ll aul. •1411L1A1 LAIL, LL, 11111. i: ru ;1......rrul lUr pnrit) itr. next pled...ant tine driica ono .:.t to um y0b..., tar ausp,fuir lu wiral..), r:. .. 1 a Lrrn r.. ur nYy StIL. r art, b-. It s- •. nut] cl.,lrt.t. 110111 rusk n art )01,1]...• r 1.3 A LiLr Or , 11 In , tol IL:, II la, lu sr. . . to .190, aI. ollily *pint, ill,t 1.11.• etrlctrint fru. 5. r IA-1.,r c ta ',id try st nay.. nab., c.d./tn... th•rt, r sr 1,;313/1.1NA.C4C)<41:1.; itrzser • El/1,11..1/.IIUOgIIC LL gr, .r. %1 r, r , , 1, ..• re In lb , hrtnll, m\. lihit !!.. /An d i 31 , 44•rrr. I' • L. ft rt.: rri rwrr-Ito,; LLtt ort.ervti ) , rr 11 ft•rwr ir , l 1 I Prtd - r• Oa. r (), Irl L . f • „ C •`: t r:,;:, ,ktil t'l•ll.ViiLltlE•r4f!‘ =I C S, i 1 Wholesale' and. Retail, At Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. flt Firth Avenn. PEITSBURG It. \Vv Have ratjlitici ) lc !..; ANY' llci'.lLL,7 Ii IMO% EMI HOMES Fon THE mli.l.l()Nn Um* npporttinitk.•• home*. healthy and caw). 11:113, ime.lemli Milt yi• r• I. TIIt:NATIONAL liN/L r.,TATE AGE' , I ha. for .31c rent of t•iety II" J . ml in the Middle and Siiiithern Sta:e• tmt.— slock, ,rain, eindfriiit form.. mi., u.t4 ; timber bilLi rta• Ed14.1,12' and rung rv•ldencco and huAtn.”.z 4 "' • and mlll :Ito t. rael 4te. . Writ.. f.d Land llestister costatninr locanon. price and term of protovrdra o, :••` fur !MI, -I:4a,ctootawctatl with tau. Heal Erotat , have a 0.0.,-,71. 1121,Al Agency quo , . Itou uperd.ton of lb., W . . 11 noans Thomson Teult , 13 11. 111 tloto troliontoro. Dory .rinttalt, Who. 14 both IM I practle•t! troleAunie.ftV well mlll,l, Oar thrrerent tolivr crotootcht Diparlaortotto, itcclar.) la the War atal Navy t ttrolattiCe nod 1.1 7.: 'l' CO V VI. pawn. cAranlty prepared es..entett.. and Ninth. *rowed / Iu lA , Jaw, fuse pocuitid 44.4.• Siteclutl atuoctloo gt% cu rejev , ..l 1 , •• c.es for r• lAA exit. tcuicc,ictruy, ermnittallon no to the tatematt , MI wilco: aide on rt•celpt of a in I lion of the mime —MI model bt•lim r. d =I • by st . sel•iing then: in procuring patent. ..1 want. utirtche: their In.entione: Cuu4Jentlai to uur-busineeut tulution. own.' rTlll.r.. Term- mom reneowthk,•fhan any other ph' , 71e Nailm.l Beal Earals"..ple, Ar mot 47J 11 mat. - .ll.eiot• 1 JetNtf. . . ;;',erillne 41)enenrle all the 111111'er...11r s.ileelethe AA. .•: . 20.1 41 " , ja 4 11 ?!1 lIAS ItECEIVI:1) A Illit•W 1111141 NVVII .144.01 ed ASSI )I:TM EN ui• DItY (OOPS. . (.ZiTI.ENB 'IV Al AND , 1-I.A_IZDVJ'A.R;E , lIE OFTEICS i-scrveir 'Fbriloes‘. nuis 113 f arnleinkS:ontai?ia 111, Um Gas ' =I !!:132:1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers