• 1 ' • - • Di 111111•=1111M ...., - - '-'- t dvertisem outs aro inserted at the rate . • o f $l,OO per square foillistineertion, and : r e subsequent insertlon iiom I3nta. ..,,t for A liberal discount made on,yearly ad . 1* " -;" ', ertisetnents. A spacer equal to ten Unto of this type ~ ,:. measures a square. , , _ ' , loc,lness Notices set under *bead by . themselves immediately .atter the local ' , .:.......--- . . c.. ~ , ~,,,,,,, will be charged filtk centa a line , , Pr each insertiOn. •., • S • ~ 1. . . , Advertisements mllOlll4 be handed in ' Vol. 52-1:.-1 4 10 - 40. - , ~,fore Monday noon to insure Insertion ft:. . ' I ‘41., . ~ ,I„ ~, •., 13tt8i7tess D.irectory. . 3fiscellaneous. - garodds ' ' ' ' •-:-: 580 5811. .„ . , • . . '',-. ,t 4 RAILROADS.. ". . ~/ ~...-... .. • •-•-.. : , 5 , 1 I InS MOORE, Druggist and dealer In pants, • . , 1 . .. 7 ' •', .11 .1I! t"' •• ... 1. • el , de. pure medical Wines and _Liquors. Glass- . • ..- , '.!;., MTH.. PT.WAYNg Ai onicliioG o StidlWair,.. ~,,,.. Lamps .004 Fancy Goods: Male IL ' • PM. • .• , :woe carefully pmpounded. Ilc1:2 8 : 1 7 •••• - On and alter Jon. nib, IMO, Mans will kart - ~.... ..,._ _ ~,_„. etanoss, deity, iits t arcaptedi ps , agiella -, ' , ' ll. rAgt,'"Dealer 'ln Or - ..iiii'en, Flom, Faced, 1.0341/3 id t.. 18. P. It, ham ,441 J, , sttectlonery, Tobacco estdligar_ s. teep2B;ly 17.1 61 qTtaltt leaving Rabat& at VS P... X.. , i EN It lilittlt7., - )kfilitiliiciiircr ancrlie - s - Will lealss Sally.]• I l it.ots, Shoesemd °alters; Main •t. (aspkely ,• . . II I - . kV Eit JADED 13'12114E, lugoAndit ( awn, • ", • . , . --• , , , -.- - - - ••- 9 702109 1 1. l'EXP•s.iiiihi. 3119=711417•1 I) pe...,tet 1 Apothecary, Main 1.4 Po:scrp ..•nT. telly compounded. • (cepta jy M .-----• . Pltiabnigh.:::....ollll9aw Irlalest MUM ak ,•I k l. fin IlSkiKlicarr Mils /31proved - Wit: ' , . Rochester .. . - "1 138 o Wad Iln tt: : 3 • em Mantle Sewing Machine, Main It.. tie 4• Salem kia me net , 127r49 ~,a ill 11111,11no.r.CnIuMn. ~. septinly . s Alliance 315 11110 1055 191 Canton • 355 " 724 Min 267 i i tti•oll•Dres N. LI., Deal [u7.Tillinery Goods . PP' ma..mon ...... ... alt 944 2161 ji A rrtnlrninp.; am :Id at and Dunnond. sp2s,ly , 423 818 '123 MO , , 01i . kitnitt E. 0 wetly .r. Restaurant Choke r Wooster/ ' INO • 4 " 201.' 1 20"' •I J 1. ... 11. r. C..oees, Tobacco and Cigars, COn> INNI ManEl el ( 613 1090 402 • • • t 44 , ,:.,,,.•r , area Vegetabl.. rain st. twpktly „ _ , I; A Nbi11•77.. - Desiler In Tinwatv., Stove.. i 9" . ` D"", 700 . 11(21 OCKlais WO • kI. i;r vn • ..tc. West end 3d a t . IIP 38 ; 1 7 ' k ni, .. i INI 1129 918 tar"' _ ' COD _ , , Sandusky.: 713 1159 •11.31. • IDE' . PITTABCKGII. • = ,• crest I . Ittilax 737 952 ,Li • ll al / 91 9:5 101°-I' 1 kluittiliNSTEßN. Dealer in Mote A bhoea, . at ".' V Wert. ........; 1.... Wil 30/2 /1 3 0 el , N., SA 51arket St. Pittsburgh, Pa. isepl4;ll . Imes Ir•* - Fort Wayne. 1 111112 810 . ' :135 310= -,e' Columbia 't.... 41D 1909rx 1111' • , , 1,•.1 , r , t , 1 . 1111.L111 4 . 11,a1 Estate Agetits, Op. . . pewsw _Y I . • Warsaw •..... 503 19) 115 k . i.,,dtu Peet Dffice. Publishers or the •Illeal Ea- 'CD e i r'' Vlasoulb iil=rat 015 • ire ' 1109.' •• • I:. •:bier." sent bee. Pittsburgh. teepl4;ly =alparalso ........ (I. . 791 430 455 1 :11. \ DERSON & BROS , Wholesale Drug. Chicago' II 3% 920 MI 010 .l el ........... 21.; Liberty St. Pittsburgh. eepl4;ly ,t Impol ?YAMS 00110) =M. , • ! - I, RANI/aI:ICS I.AT PARLOIL 12 riflltAr. , 1 ea. • - 11TaTiesle. ~k4.10 i .- -n zeil- . Mitz,. - ItVe• i ,1 .. nat., (near MArket St.) Pittsburgh. iscpl4;ly me . . ~._....,_........-....-.1.1......._..._. c %. ( I..cltlf.E.V.Ci:Jl.-yeiTelleiiiiittstatton- aes3 Chicago hll9oas 1/90es .600 as Mug_ -, :r, IN Wootl St., Pittehntgli, Pi. leepl4;ly . ,f r ltn Valparaiso 1141 937 '715 1:1•11 HORNE A - 00; - ' 4 71 - & - 79 -- Market bt., ••• Plymouth Warsaw I 150eso 150 an 050, 905 - .... : 1053 951 /I htlei.argli- I tupertets and dealers la NOtlet.s. • Colombia .. . ...... .;.... 419 1115 MI , . inlio:••. Hosiery, White Doody, Ac. 1.0 14 : 1 7 Fort Wayne. ...... ;1'315 5 , 5 1140rx 1110 ~ 1 )1.1 .MEItA. IWO I'llEILS.Iii - enCh and Amert Van Wert.. , &VI 518 12234 x, a .... • .../..ctionen, .rattan Ist nuts, iodic . Links 440 935 315 130 ~ i :s, 1141 Wood St. Pltsburgh, [et:Only r - l• CD Forest I . inr 47/ 249 ' v... 141:, Dealer In choice Teal, Coffees k "1 Upper Sanduaky.. lUS 1925 103 MO J.. gellk Grocerlea. No WHIM As cone, Pitts. • n . llncyrtie .... ......,.i..015 1045 5571 01:1.' ,•,.1 l'a • sepl4;ly Crealline / A 'I CM 11 15 CtEl aso . log \ iiiilTtElllT ti SUN De leo. In the'New ' • = " Marodlekl D••" 1 955 1205ra 600 an 421• 1 718 1934 DO 500 91 ‘‘.. .1 I mull} Soling Slachl a pes. 115 Market I , p: . . Wooster I 823 '2Ol ' '825 "0:31' • ~ . P.. 1•1,11.411. Pa. sepi Illy 0r11M111.... ...... . SW - 32 7 •',. me •• 1145, i. ••• I l'. 1. 11 NITI.V4I - 41 - CIC.L .- CUT:rjaWis In Car. .m./ Massillon MI 158 933 717 A / p...• Oil Cloths, ko Special rates to Clergy. _✓ Canton. ....... :. 639'3t3 1:67 • .735 ta li I,‘ I.ue. PlitithUrgh, 111. Nepttly Alliance •,, 940 MO 11045 Rtil E . I' tt. .:i ' 1 • : 0 . : . ( " 'l r .,tT e : I d e!IC-11,1 n.nra, j I lti l: C. - r .1 u" a rn:r11: Il i • • Salem. 3 101 S 421 'll4O .908 ' Roetwater. ........ 11.... 603 I ' 2 % 4 ' 9 10 " Pittsburgh , TAW 763 315 1755 - ' .I IN 1,• 111,e. PuNhargh. [sepinly . 0 Youngstown. New Castle and Erie Fxprese • - 1 fainter,• iv .k I 1 (INN House an. si gn unites ~ leak Vl.l 1 outigstown at 1 . 35 p. m; New OWN, 3:15 11 • os 0r.1,, hhow Curd.. rot nary 1,110114.....- immil pm: awl.. at Pittsburgh, 6e50 p. tn. Returning,' ‘, '; i dth A,eoue, Pittsburgh. P... itu...211Y © • leaves Pittabumh 7;15 a. m; arr. at New Castle, 1. Pri.coN,3lnouiarturgr or and Dealer in • 950.1. in. Younsts74, 11k4c...9.131. • - I• I ....Inure and Ch tire ;- 15,ew ood. Walnut, 9 4- . Youngstown: New Castle and Pitt/burgh Ae. 3 ....ak :lad 0,9. 4',Blllithaeld et. tocts; ly 'commodatlon leaves Yoangstokm6:3o a. M; Nat_ ------ - ------- - C I P Caelleo:2o a. to; swim , *Allesheiryi• 100111,... NEW IBIZIGIITON. " •tn. ilelurnlog:leaves Pltlabufgh, 3:0 p. m; Or. - . 7 . ,,D • rive. Now Caatle.6lo DAM:Youngstown. 7215 p, iss my , . .1 r sit:SIMON, Bakery 3 Confetionery, Y. R. MYERS, • i 1 / h it et n•et. Special attention given to wed- .." Genera/ Ruing:" gad 7kArt Agent. . z- 101 l bans. isepinly , . 1 owas CI.RVTECN'D s. PITIBOUROII RAILROAD. ~.2 N 3. s(N E1.1.E3 BRIM, Mercliiii - t'i. 'aliens,- . wear Ou and after May 99th 12111, trains will' leave i` . Ilro.a.lus), New Brighton. See adv ispl4;ly SW 'On. daily (Monday.] excepted) as follows.__:L ., A . 1... 1. „ 1 11 11 , ISLtilt, Dentist. Broads ay. New , GOING POOTII. ' r [mid n U' ' miwo .. rraertows. if Man.. 11.1ea.lAconat j j NOsS, Photographer. Willson's Block, I-- - --. 11, Breathe.%) • Beet photographs from re•toncit- til ' Cleveland . 815 an 125011: 345rai \ , .d .....oktik c. tnep:4:ly ili. ' FAseild Street. 838 1541 I 31561 2' II 'INTIIIt A BEDIsON Ajnekra and Tobac• 24 ,o il -n , , Broadway , N. Brighton. Incyl I;ly :71 • i l ia ln ‘ ..tri ... . .. ..... :034 9.2.1 205 135 i i 114 4.37 9 awn• Alliance 4100 nu ,MO ' 1 • 1 .1. !kiln - rt.:lt, Orocerie.„ tlueeneware and . CD -Bayard .1132 310 I I/ llow•eliold Goods. Broadway. Isepllay • . - - ' Wellsville ~ 105rx 437 I I "I , • I;,l'LMAlgg,g4Vl=rttr. To , . 00)00 .]carat. . e .k. New ilrighton. Pa. Itelo2l.ly . v .]ranee.]. II MAIL. :Ear's. Accost - 131EAVEli. FALLS.' W•elleville - :1 &Maw 450 es .---- t "- " .• CZ , A Ba u v iiince _ard 1•1045 1609 . • - .. • II T i ll i o ' k i kn i4 e i k i v ( l ) ll ll,,El s l l TN ac : l?l, N ;e l .l.l;ln ln til m la nv aTe l 9 0 .' .. link cams 0115 1 G 36 , Wass IW3rs 740.1 815 I : F.,its. . , Arpl4;ly e Hudson.... 11271 812 855 l 1 its. E. :1\13,-lily - eio - as, 11 - u - eWlisare and 0 Euelki Street ,I 111 91.8 05G .11 51111Inery, corner of Main an Baker streets, Cleveland 1 1:6 920 11010 beaver Falls. mep14:11" • ii:/wi . 4.01X0 WIT. -.....• !, lig DAL - I..el'ASi liElf. - Atliiitire;Catlilltm• l'a_ ere; also, House and Sign Painter., Main Si.. we • IT/AVM.. Ekes ••MAIL. Acc oil 1,..1, er Fails. scot nty " . - __----1-- i . -' - - - - --- -- ----,-- . Belisle II 545ast :Was Viers &Bra I.IIIIDGEWATERs Bridgeport II 631 813 910 gm -_ Steubenville I, 703 MOO 310 130 1A NI ES PORTER, 'Pinner: Dealer In Tin, dep• k. Wellnilic I Dl5 145ra 445 ' el leg and sheebiron ware, and Iron Cistern Smith's Ferry 11 840 140 932 heals. Bridge at. Bridgewater. Owp14;1.1 Denver 1 e - I iti..WIINEII, Nialintlicturer and Dealei in'-`. Rochester. •• • • 4,• Bws and sheen Bridge St., Bridgewater, - l'ittaburgb 14025 as as _" 3l4 i l )' • - - . ... • k C. lima. Aryl:owls, Hate, Caps. Furs, .0 ItiAItIOXIL lISAIT.. Slier soma *woo ,l• C.,pets. 011 noting and Trimmings. Whig. .. il Plnsbargh -- 11 036 aw 945 es 41111ra . lirldgeemer, Pa. seM4:ly a ~ . Rochester 735 3.50 1530 . ' i - 11. Dull FATTY. Dealer in Hoot and Shoo. . CIII: Linkable Ferry 1 811 -4)0 AM • Denver CI • itroist Street. Bridgewater. sepitly I• il iN. \ I•nii, Millinery, Trimmings W. Notions .. Wellrellle •MU Ike 1156 P "S 1 • Britt te at., liridgev.ater. sepl4:ty Steubenville 11 930 605 7111 as tww• / 815 ' . C 1 1; BV,IY,PwI I IWO 710 01110 710__ SIM "0.1 P. WI:INMAN, 3lntittfarture of llotov I.• Bridge :it. llrid confer. (ovi,l4;ly \ t rlN is lIITi ES. iientlemen'o Clothlujicleanaed i Water St. tilmo e 'fridge. (4,14;1y iilS WOlThitl7FF, l'ilarVe Cutter :dono r/ ttt TomMdones of all descriptiorx made and Water atree to, (sepll:l3' Vri LES'S Co. Gr6cerics, Quecn.wnro, Whi rl • dow (Akar, Flour, Feed S Couotry Produce. nlap'o corner, Bridge St. Bridgeweter. (ap2Bly UTHEIe MAGlNNl6,—Solielror —Proprietor kill Persian Oleine. in• Dealer In Arenta' Goods Ageut• wanted. )Water at. bet lathe, Bridge. 1. der. I'. 0. uddr,s, Ileaver..Pa.• repts:ly fIIIANt MEANOIt if,:alsr in Monongahela I t o nt. orders lett' 00 B. Clark's, in Beaver, t at r•taitlie Drug Store. in Bridgewater, will ts• quilt by attclle.l to. nuull on delivery—Loweir • .•. l'ard —Mc Lionald'r" Point. . actukt EIEZIII3II3 I. l ' l " u c tl Y ht n ita r t Y s ( t. l° ; 'l lo:l . 1;1 ° 11: wl II 11,1...t0r, lit. utephit 1 1 \ It 1 . LA IT. Ninottittrturer and Dinticr In 11111.111 M of all . kintitt, Brighton it,. above tory. Soo tolv't. 11:s 1:A 1:t'll E It, Baker nriStotifo.Tellotit•i: rl r Ilocb,ter. Pat. • I;AII.\M BOY D. Writ Tim Carriage. Maker, 3 . lloche•ter. Pn. trepl-I:3y \ 11'1.1. t' 11. k N . - uctull) romplumlet.l. Matter ft., • csep_l4;ly 11: INAN Eirvirical Phydclan; Chronic Lnook el , 0111ce,.COMee of I' . 4 444, Ifectlener. '[,,el)1 4 4;1y T ViWiTrekieWit - e - tall n Irr lnnel- lirocerier Plonr,Feed•Urain. I 4, • ,‘,4 • per. NCater Lt. Jane:eels. i • II: 14111.1111'E... 4 Miller end Ceiifeetloner.— l_l • 4:41e, Cake, and lee Cream funib.tied . _ t. Diamond. Itoche.ter. teepl4;ly . I.t. IlvadquarterA llonieetic Dry Goods, Notions, awl Fancy Goods. generally. Itocho. oenl4;lY \I I:. t and .11 • v., I.a larmrero Nash. bnoro. Shatters 51;. Lath ,tc.'ltoelmster. teep2l:ll lit & WI 1.1.1/61S, Snreeorors toe. I Defiler! , In Sawed and I'lamd r, :-.1,11w1,34. ItorlivNter.. eidS;ly . _ . ' 'ELLANIKOUS Tlit IBNlLEV,liatturaeloier of the Great el it. pail it. Conklin; Store, and Patentee or Pot. ". •..• rteol•iun top and centre. Pelletal, Pa. II; 1:1:1' Cgs ELL, .t tivier e .pro tlre ltiptiv attended to Vat:port Pa. ;'. atl,r, --Beaver, Pa. brep . l.ttly I A VIM.: Permanently located in the village of I 1 to.. for the purpore of practicing to not, I rear.,ectlnily tender my protearional •.1 not to the eitizeuo of paid village and min itY• • :ff. re..l,l,ttce, opponite Banie Hotel, .1 ,, e .1. I .11 ninny,. be found, tittle., pron,alonally ,axed. All call• will reci.lve immediate Itucl t.tt.tapt attention. A. V. CIINNINGIIAM,II. D. ~.p 121;!Y. 1 .1. 11. li c •CRI,I.I , IIt.Y. A'l."l` OItN E Y AT LAW. Third Street, Bearer, Pa. Inn, below the Coon House. Beaver, Pa. ' HAN THOMAS M'CREERY & CO TIIIOS. ?I ' CUEEU E,: (skier. .1 F. DICASO * ' . .J. li. ANtillf,l J. 11. weitlaiti. . 110,1,01 paid Im time tlepo.‘ta; Prompt attention collet:none. Ale°, 'swami,. Agents. for • DOA 11.111011 e Companies. Diniyat JUAN 4'. LE 'li4, titirgion de I ; —Mire, during the day. of Dunlap •r1,..r; ett Litlit at my re.ldunctr Water 41444/. til 'int.-4.l'c Wilt priictlee Surgery an d ed palisriktreh'd &NIT _ MIN U. Attorney at law, II It. tt amp; mid rc.idcuceo I'l rd bt. • . tti th.• C , Fort 11011ae. All law buoitiere. etitros 1. 1 :0 ttly rare ebnll receive prompt MICCIOOII. roll, Imt Ito Rea/ Estate far Sale, find to boy town property, coat or lava :r. zk. tare time nod money by mlituu at my atintj:ly 1 %. 31I: D.' Having perni - anent; • in !leaver, would rentweetfully feu ' I , ole+elonal gervigcs to the citicene of Ilea. • • ,hd •tirroididiug .country. ;pedal Munition e treattnent of telltale dines.,.. Surgery. • .1h bend. Unice on Third etreet, I: , on, nod of the Coon Roux. .1 J. having taken hold of •, . ..:d Fountlry again, to Itoche.ter, .• to meet bin old cuetionere and may stout either the BEST COOK. '."; rti II estiug Wove, or env other kind of br.t material and ts'orktuanehip. The •• •—a ill be conducted by r .1. J. ANDERSON &SONS. 11:171IA MI gilitS, dealer 1u liners' liatterr, tillippera.aC., next door to • r bop, Bridge street, pitildgewater, re he preptimi to manufacture and yell .:)I.iing in Ida loin at reamine the 'rates' flay place of Lueinesa front the Corn : •14Idge to hi•premont Ideation, he in - • ~.,:d in.-tide and pairou.•iii Oyu luirn j s. (A:llEl[o3i , . kttorney ut,Law (Milt,' in the room for weuided by the late Judge Attires. Cul. • • 11,•n•. ptoutpti) at teded t tu. J •• I 1% UN, AtitiCiteyet Ina. Otiice In !iC 101.1..)'• of kublic Square. tI.1) ) 1:11:N ET, Watchinalier and Jeweler,, 3d a .J • -tr• vt, 1 1 .10,r, tin root, adjoining J. ochre.) Gold watches and chrun , I, r. r.paired and warranted. Engraving t.. onl r. The patronage of the - public is •, :dist:tenon guaranteed. (give us a =ME I I tit'slt AND Id IT OF GROUND FOIISAI.E. nu. ruin.critrer otTcra fur eale a ird or growl t. , ..,tnn ; the vilLtcc or Black Munk, Beaver Cu., , mitaining for nave, on which le erected a frame htiliding containing 4 room.. Tune is nr‘cr failin g epring of aster On the promise; number or fruit trees. N. J *McCORMICK. .I.I.AINN BRINK 2 • I)ettler In Wutehtfis Jewelry, it , riodicals end Atitliparry. Watches and Jerreky repaired. Agent for the . WEED" bowing Machine, Mechanize Pa. • ~..1 1• , •• • - ..., ••• •; , - 7 •fl'' , "'•''! 4l • l llr . '"' 'r'i'.- 1 I.::: 11 it i -..i: , 11.1 •-"•4 - %! % -`...• • i;f_ri. ' ;:.• 4 '' d‘' . 6 . : i';';'oo '1. 1 "? l-1 •r..., ').14. , :t 11;' , .• , hh•••1 . .tivol- v;,, , ,e, 1;: lY , :i. - an 'l., ith'. ,-;gol‘:' / 0 ••• i '' ,ll 9 ... _...... ..,,., -;:t ;1- , ~ 1 '•• ''-!.?'-'.' , l:.- ---. s „ ‘, •- -•'-:' -; •!7 1.- , t ;*:141. .11! t.l•Lr. "Cr!' do t-. 3 t q`zi . , i,14.6.1..ri-li.:,rtt,t-- --.11 , : • 'row 'Ni :ti.-., -- .. r". , 6 •iii '• , • ,1 '''s c ''lt 1... J.,. • ' •.:-13* ," .:; -•*: I 1,,t •• - f • • ti-!,1". : :•':-•!•,• •;•.?..7•• -..., :•i . i fIL - : •• rr :Y , : . r ...•1 , !till f ••:::' ii •- •1';.. - : 7' "01l ' ? , F;1; 'l , ; • •-.- .lil , -.-:,- '; - % ••:-...- ' ! ; , '"ll : , -r) •:Ps , -,,,, ':7 :/:: -•• 1.. : . , • ..;,•, • •• • : ••• •••;'i "-'• - •': t• • ••• i '.7;-•••1 • •fJ.. , • ,..."'i;. — i 'l. - it.' •.- , 7•1 " - ' - ••• • .• I , " ' ' ..ll : •t : '"'' 1 • . . . . 70 ;•. '., i:.- •111.,1: `' .••••T; '- -• • : • •:. - --.., •.... j::. 1,.::7!, Ir. Tr 05:..• -• :,: f .. ' ff - : • • •••%Ii : •••• ••• • - 1 is -• ' ••'• -, I , Ce i .t. 10 -1 ••= .• • , . -11 i • • • - '• -ir. , t., , f N Sept 14, 1870-ly k, - 1% , 10 Thomas Allison, HAVING REMOVED HIS STORE • 'TO BEAVER, Pat., In the Roiling formerly occupied by Orr at Cooper, where he now has and intend, keeping A General Stock of MERCHANDISE Having received limn the East, within a few days past, a fine selection of DRY - GOODS, OF TILE Latest Spring Styles CONSISTING IN PART OF POPLIN:, ALPACA,, De LAINS, GINGIIAMS CHECK'', CASSIAEBES CLOTIW. JEANS, DINO'S, CRASH, COTTON IDES, FLI9TNELS, S,;( 110SIERY,I.tc., Sc, BOOTS t SHOES, 11AltlWARE, SiIOVELS: 1 SPADES. 11:141ES, . I IIi)ES, MIK BUCKETS, (ZUEENSWARE, &c. To the nbove articles Ito Ilntl added choice selection of C3-12,00=?J.1.MS COFFEES, winTE S; BROWN SUGARS, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SOAPS, &c. All the above articles will be sold ldw ,r cash, or exchanged for country pro. uce, Cull and examine his stock and Hem THOMAS ALLISON. .apg-Nrit:kly ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHMEN The undersigned having bought out the Ice Cream Saloon and Confectionery establishment of .1. C. Ilaya, near the Poet of in Rochester. Pa., wou d remedially inform the public that he soul Keep the best quality of lee Cream during the Summer, and respectfully urges thole In want of that article to glee him an early call. • Ma Confectionery department is welistocked: and parties, weddings, Sc..ill he .applied with everything needed on shor t and in the best of style- ' Families furnished with fresh bread as often as desired. GEORGE' 1/1116DIE111CK. mayll:ls Brighton Paper Mills BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING, MAKATILLA, • • • • ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Gliusa,4Hraw.. RAG AND CARPET iro AL 'JP ArANTIFACTUILIED AND SOLD AT Wholeast° dir Retail by Frazier, Metzler &Co., 82 Third A rinsuoson. BM - 8.0 Win In ettbangli• (I • Ting toe mixed (nog to %Voile , press train from Weitorn'. to PRO TUSCA itAWAS DILA] Leaves N. Plitholobolio, 0 4 011 . 12 % 11.yard,p.50 4 .m. U. MEYERS, Gee, Miscellaneous. HENRY mEnz, Dealer In Bouts, Shoes. Slippers and Gaiters. hoots and shoes made to order. A long experience in the tomlnem ens , . to do work in a superior manner. Terms moderate. Shop on Third street (near Rev. Hu let', Bookstore), Waver, Va. Give him a call before purchasing ehiewtere. aprt,ltalthly. te — Cl.ll4:Comnittmnts - Inr ouge'at the •cads thee. 0 ...I co en*. CID 0% ~.,-.. ct ox• ..... c'D ...1 PRINT , Pq 0 t't tt , 1 :: • TWEEDS, P OE SYRUPS SPICFS • Corner Tate and Ifrondwey. New-Brigid" Deaner eordy, Pa. _Tetra ceeh. eep.l4Vas. . 'l, .1 tit %."; ;IV . , egret. p.a.. es ;„: Oetebe Of' $7OO. 71.,. r. if +.• Gold & Mew, Watekiss.:, , MACrok!Est-Price Leista. • ' AMERICAN :WATCII4I:• Wa g ltham, t , SIT 001 Elin 24 00' - United States, 114 00 ' ' '' Deward. . ' ~ . ......,:.::'65,C0 -AU the above era In Cola SINK ClUM!!l,llftd WS good and reliable time.keepka," ' LAEIES' COLD4rA 2VRES: ' 111Actied Lever,.., :Detached LevenDixtrab ..... ............ * CO Uehes'i (Enameled) " ' - ' - SOW Denim (11eat)..... • 'Alp . Thew all have Solid GloldCasea , and.are fell jetwelkd movements; and, as handredacan testily, are a splendid thin-piece. .. ~' . CS: SILVER IVA.TCEES: Delached Lover (Gold ~ HT 00 I.lelisebril Lever (Plne), I . 16 CO. Deniched.Larer ()Iridium), , oo Mime' Lupine zEbbelil Indtiontatintilito offeredlnthesa Watch . . ea, which am rim Wirer. and perfectly reliable for 1161 e. 1 will mud, Li 7. 0; D.l by Rapress, any of the above Watehm. with Gudrd and Key, and Written garantee: My 4eadings are.adr and honorable, and will bo found witiefactory to all. Send along your order. at once. and save by the 0.0. Di plan from :10 MOO per cent. Addrma E. P. -ROBERTS; S =caner to J. M. I .N0..16 Fiftli Avenue, .Fillatauvh, Po, • ay...3-m • • • .. . B.AZ.Zilitt. • Bridge- &heist; •• '; : • ;r: ' : .•' BRIDGEWATER, IS•WEERLTRECFJVING'A FRESH BUPqq((4,L OF upopa IN EACH OF VIE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: I DEL . 7 1 17 GOODS. • Steubenville. Jeansii•• . • • • 1••••• • , Cassimeres • • 'White Woonoi blankets, • White and Colored and - • Barred Flannels„ • I 31enty..s„..• ~; , Delalnes, • ~ Ghghanis, ' • . • • •Cikbergs, /JIMMY, Water Proofs, • * - Chlnehilk. ' • Cloths, • • • • Woollen Shawl's Brown und Black, Blue Una; • . . Drillings, 'ricklnn . • '• Primp;' ; Canton - • rituancisi j'acanets, : 'Table Linen,' • ' ' ' ' lrlell Linen, . •• . , . . . . . . .• Counterp!tnot. Hosiery; • (Harem :•• . t ' , • Groceries, Coffee, Teo, Hagar, Mutation., White SllverDripa, *Aden and Common Syrup., Mackerel In bar. 4rola and kits, Star and Tallow Candles, ' Soso, Spice. and Mince Meat. AIM, MAIN. • • • =Me and an .burgh. INCH. • Maim , rd, WS. a.m. ILadephla.,2lopm uckct Agent. I n2lllll N. Phil eral Tit Hardware, Nails, Olasa,- Door Locks, Door Latelies, Hinge., Screw.. Table Cutlery. 't able awl Tea Spoous, Slei'h Bells. Coal Bon., Fire Shrivels and Pokers, Node and alma. Spades, Shovels. 4, end 4'l Isle Forks, Rakes, Scythes and Smiths; Corn and Garden Hoes. WOODENWA It E. Duekeis, Tabs, Chores, Dot ter Prints and Lsdka CARBON OIL, • Linseed Oil 6; White Lead. Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN:3' SLIDES, In great variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. Flour I. l `ovvel QUOtunaturtarov .11 heavy goods delivered fren ofctuage, My close attention to biwinow, and by ktvplng cotwOutey on band rt well swotted Mock of goods of all the different Linda usually kept In• country store, the nucleoli:l.Ni hopes to the future so In the pant to merit and reculsu P liberal plokre of the public patronage. • 11. t 4. 'RAI4 . int.„ deenfriktly.—Jylninul. The The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United Statesi• • . . • • A ffonliny, facilities for acquiring • thorungh,prac , ticul business education, possessed by no other School In the eountry.,' I . . . • Since Its Incorporation-In 1865, nearly Sixteen Thotuonul Students. representatives from every State to the Union, have.pttepded here. vecatitnis. Students enter at spy time. 'And receive priests instruction thtoughout the entire Gnlrye . N. 11.—Clrenlars with toil particulars and all no. ceevary Inrormatlon. on addresstng SMITII COWI.ET. Principe& • Pirrsatrsorl. Professors BCCIZABAII A Dow* of the 4asarkess ] Uslseralty, are main vosUrhal ram • of Cairo; Tsesoars met tic billow IN , • • Dew disevery. • • psialsee knits, se • laden sm: castle . A . The most r•slar ,y A:hefted 1.7.1;0, A :11 of this x tie:Masai Is,lt mow ~:, 4•4444 tho cbscaleal otstessda of cssearoto • growths; is that tbey aloha, dl. .ad dts. A appear sad wilt aid return. All thew of- •''' dicta ran call is UssProfassars Barham* A Doses; Urania!: : of sddrem. N. 614 Pine Stmt. TIMM& . 611170., ' ' • El Dentist -y'. ' Dr. J. Mira Ustroardridgew :run, laden'. asarao. mined that no Dented in the State riall do work bonnet 4 .die4ter than , .. ".f, POCIP It 'td. Ile:tag/ his 'yarrow.— Ile um* lb@ hat materials manufactured in the United Etudes. Gold and sli ver Menu performed Ida elite that Wes enuipm linen datiteaction guaranteed in all operations, or the mimey returned. Ono him a trial. fetenly Szi _ eD A TERTIII PRILIVECT• "•••—•••,.., chaied' excluvive 'r right Ilegr.StllTtiter's Nita by which tbey,cest:put ttv!, • •. Vidcaulte ea thin ea .114eWelf Gold Intim with ahem. • • tiMi enameled pond); and wiled and elastic as to perfectly adapt heel(' to the mouth; obelatingall thet clumsy and bulky , condition, eo tench Complained or heretofore; and kerentag dub Liability to break 100 percent, In. deed. no one eeeini. It would be willing to wear the old sty la plate any.langer than 'may costa aline:az lent!: get them exchanged. All branches of Don. Oat° , performed In the bait Mid most subetanttal manner. In filling teeth nithiold„ etc., we chal lenge canipetition from any quarter, and tan Infer to living subjects whom tillirrit bare stood. be tureen thlrtyand forty years. Among the number MM. John Allison will exhibit 1111 Inge we Instr. to coma h 5 year. ago • the teeth as perfect as the day they were filled: •iteagbbig On prepared' on a new plan. freeing It from all unpleasant and den gerotfa Meets:Making' the eltnctlon ladeeth • soorte,orpleassre mother than of honur pale. Prices as low As any good dentiat In the State. Mee at Dater !Ratio% Rochester Pa. T. j. 11. CD tin A P ws CB fadi i• et , W pdp up. 111 IMPORTANT• ,„ NE I. Dry, nov8:111 , ,LOOK - FIF4RE • &MIRING AND IFITSIMICS GOODS..4he and u ttpa i gie general here :Mar in! ba ht d last n=l e net stork at toads of the latest styles fee Sprint and Summer weer ,irldch be offers et M essy moeerttletb. . _ . .GE.NTLEIIfII 4 I3 :FL11241V4112ir9 GOODS. t . • coNstiarri.-r: ON NATIO. • MOW" 'wade to order on the shortest nodes., Aral to the public tor past Wore. 1 hope anenttbee **tattoo same. tom beeeme to omit a' ecottroe• nee o - - ' DANIEL •Mr1.1.,ER,P4- BRIDGE 8!„ BIIIDORWAvia; Mar air ..I . gr;.: ~ , i--;. (-,,,.,,,,.,,-,.',.:, - -:1:.,..:,...-..:_-,-.::-;-r.'---_-. SBREV2 i( II2 ' aCELZ Lt:,4- ?•-• tire-nt-..14 ... r, • igng .. aireNllllVAilillh . 111". c t 0.:,.. I have been i NiliriXefi l tl t Oki* thillypgke9al44 tgik IS,or ne X t month . t wo ,ferty en' a ,canie here . ..mm*Bß' .f. have it' bltof being . elate atiOnt dates j.•le ,htiVr within f! few weeks bf.stiventylave..t But its it r b er ld t koless.Yol4, 't4iymager, an ,t youngest clerk gill:ra g ; t tla eta, Whel,,what With Me &eta end tuirddrinkiig,; balsa hand. t shakei like those old• ledger leaves blowing. Aa , the; wind, by , Ate , era ..wioduw yondec j , - • "-- .... ~ Vold triter; earl y h e t " (1 tem • pennies in'all thingek . Milnliale bls lith through... yo n t believe. that, look at me; I'm an exampie ri, sir. Yes, I have.seen chan ges here.' The tirm.was -, l !,3 l 9Frilit , lariat% :& Bloom" when realflettuilb young Blaam died three Mon . 'after; - and young . orlnby Was' takinlnto para.. nership. -We 'had a , fite 'them , too, and the offices have beet& rebut OR a different .• plan.. Ah, , seal , changesenough, 'sad and pleasing . but. the istriingest and saddestorall was what' happened to poor Ben Wails. • Ah, 'dear met, It did seem herd, very, hard, locking pt lt with human eyes, and forgetting; suite are apt to thatilillod'does everythlngforthebMt. • Perhaps yeavilon't know,hciw. this house is:built. It's an gitilrplace; .al.. though the front and offfees aye new, and,these grentlidestnidifii were only, put. hp last yMi; 'Tkiiti'beloW 'Yaw can judg&hisiv -very:ok/ it'is: 1•Illncli a' cellar, air- such nisiskewalls; end all paved with stone ; abd below the cellar a small stonexault..which Cod.' gem, .who laughs at , serious things; um the old lirni built. to lie biwied hi: lityownilihilon IsOtarai bade!: I ded"tei conceill valuablesi'for it has is grateantlpliited dqorand.threelucks,• each faktened„with a 411Terent.ltey. 7 . that is, IT they afire miastined tit alt.' The vault Wag dlisssed long . bCk; Aire my tittle: 'Wellriffr,A . hadn't' been here six.months; When-nob day: or rather el* evening. . It wigs near 7, ly six—merchants keg • • hours in. those days:4 had 8.. . ti• to go dOitqi intbliie cellar before • , g hoinectn, gtreAireetifirut tor thetivortar about some balm to be seat via the emir morning next,* ' Mike and I ''w ehd 'prthe . eel/ were; and r•isr tiers when at I Exi t heard et wheezing:ceugl mina. .• • • • •I looked mien there—not a am our eamdeceiv went on talkb Wont' I hadn' when there wt quite .startled "Mike," sal - "No, sir," i your honor dl - "It • Must be from the (Mee Just. then of 4ealxi,i,l. "It's no &cid Mike.. "Therets rim cellar."' roichl. So, with, Au over'the'gram looking behind under the steps 'But not s.'soul r sing the door.o this time Very called Out to Id "Whoever I --mccit.l. - - , toss ward, with =rut .... _ ward, and 'silted .into Mr. 'a.... 'Ace together. The old gentientin, ()dolly senior. - 'He don't come to the Mace once a yerir now for he's past ninety. Old Mr. Grinby was just locking his desk and buttoning his overcoat.' Ile stared nt us through. his glasses and ejaculated : • • i "Bless me, Humphries, is the house on fire?" , . , "No, sir," 'said I, "but, there. is , some one hidden in the stone vault." "Bah!" said Mr.Grinby,"l thought you had more sense, Mr. Humphries, no one could existten minutes in that same vault. It is next thing to air tight." • 'Ws thy belief, sir, that whoever it is, may be .choking to death, sir," I said . ; !'but there is some one there. Mike heard a cough as well as I." "Very -well," said Mr.' Orinby, "call the nearesteonstable, Mike,-and .-Mr. Morris, are you la your office, sir? Perhaps you ll ne down with us and assist In the ca re of a burg larli Mr. Humphries!' discovered in the airtight 'stone v It below the cellar." . • 1 He 'was very satiric*; so was Mr. Morris. ,But we all yent dowo, to gether, the constable wrih us,. ;and stopped before the store Vault The' door Was Shut so tightthot it toolr all Mike's strength to forte it open.; and Mr. Grloby, ,looking Straight-before him. shouted; - "Ha, ha, nobody, i 4 told You." ' ' But the next minate•he SW what the met of us had sinady seen; a bon- I die Of.rags In. One cotter of the:vault,.l down enthelloor. And amidst the rags was SI white remand a thin hand; and a bare, bruised Did bleeding foot. And we dragged.oU into such air as there .was in the clisr a misenshie wretch of a little. Y, Who seemed quite dead._. i ' ' Up' in the oilier.; • everove In'o't him to life ;and go the story . from him. • Ile lived, it •seetnev artroogst tbleVee, and they bri planned to rob us that nigh tend I iesxM little midge, had slipped. In' acandow; cold hidden' in the cellar, to . opo the, door fors tumor never thinkig iany one wg:HAI4 come there that nigrt, - • • • :. But When MikeP/1r %V&A d6Wit he took to the vanitand there-Would have smothered bulfor•my hearipg him. , I don!Catretell you hoW.Wn i i kept .hirn.Mrd fill the place. with constqtries, who, wl the burglimA, came, pounded up s them 'and took" them into custody. lYoue lan guess all that. • You can se all that*, It is thti boy I have teellyou ettout—,-, poor Ben Wade._ .learnßout during the Investigation - ritteiluent 'Upon l ie the arrest :that.th r: child -Was. kept "amongst . the ieires. by. force, and . that they im . cruelly'. • .A. , ruffian of the gang ad once broken his leg in a_drun fury and he limped yet trot* th Riery. He was such a pale, worn,laiserable thing, that every onefeltinerelful to" him; and it was decidedr ruirdon hire and semi hies to ithe Doc iteltse..' •;• e;_rf..:i But that.vers l ll ing GritibYr /li r, ninr—a 'younfirin • me info the' office where h at r sat - and•puritti hand upon his . m 1 -. ' • ..•. "Father," ur , "I Want to ask von a favor :., w et t mit own' • Way in ono thing." • • • • . ..., ...• • "Neil 1! in the e old,gtrotiernany "let the final:" : ' • 4 • ' "I' wtint - aktrßen 'Wade in . ) attli t his house ' • n errand boy," said young Mr. by. . • r , t.. • ,:. _Hey?". the old 'gentleman, "what, a ri housebreaker aser. rand lxiy. "my atnlir • •'•• "Father," young Orinby-"the boy is nate r•rigood boy. I like him, I-wan save him. Perhaps,* if I had not a father to guide food me sad to, for me I' ight - have been wort% ' he. 11 don ' t ask you to' trust hi Ir.'-' I, only ask leave' to. trusttirf.,•: I •arn sure 'he will prove "Arm of confidence.?' . Old „Mr. nicythen took., oat his siairff. box,4 Icioked et Mr.,Morris. ' "I'ver'noed the lad's eye; 'lt's a good one,Md Mr. , Morris. - • • • ',sit's. a" t - g . said Mr.-. Grinbi,. "but we'll der.'? , . .. . , And I ' the result was,what \^_~~ t~• yoinsg , Gliisbywatilled..forilttleitee' Wade climeto-na the Mixtdiddadikg. girsir.:l3e egikEL-1 1 441 mot pot too land OW . inffle `4l ce in tat t i •b, a t ; • a math Itariits:PleiakedonPed• Igedirt4mrthat•Mti ron g /Gli.OtkiVialid• repent someday • year I de' not think thereo'd t'one in the oMo whidn'tilove , t !So grate= ful v andisotrustwort by, and se ready , to do, evwy„ tbigg, for every:, one. :Young" r. Grio,),4 him taught;' and welLtagght, tea... The lightni caletibitortalglit beat tiltif,but Idloubt it;••rind never; kneiv-that to fory get• to dot hie Vs cross , hist's4 alt' my acqunintance -with hinkaftel• he , htittlesioned to write at , At tWenty ha l iras iine:Afthe' best cieHri In'4lui'establishlitent bthidas 'being as,fine Mlooklngyourig *Mow as one would to I QP , the , wh01e,..1 did: not Wonder.,tha. t Miss Lite.Y ; Evans.toWkflutcyle slater, sir; of brie' orthe'yoomg feildwil ' at'ou elitism; and h 'Rirlmboilobked like a queeni Out wastes-go9d es atm was haugsPW-7. • • med te tneeilthem,winting - on ; the .buttery where lovers us to walk - fit WastoTotiti and proud of Wer; , :tindithe 'haul such 'a tender way of lociking)al•hiM, that they madelny old ;heart yeangagaltit as I often toittMes. l, llutnphreys,. to whom Palways• WA& ever/thingi And hOW 'he reverenced her; why-it , ribbomrtir a fiukd flower, that: she had wornNere ChOrishrid by M inns misereherishis lila. gold.' • • • At laid he told me, la ionfldence— for her. name Ives ':sacred mid not tq, be spOken Were, every one—that they were to 1 , t'.1 married. • 4L AHd * Whin I- hick he,: *land , renternberothe miserable yeare,of my..wreVeliiklbeod•apil think' hewirien 'forifire was; and bow , th e'Werisetfiltig be: fore Me filitalriVklon Ithrthe( galley/it; 'and:think thaV•l2O%V.• hava•every, thing,to ;tualte v mian'e , life ; blessed— t " wPil i pt , YAn • th' aspect. of honest mkt, and ;the kit& &girl as%Lney 7 —X . Can never bated gratefulto the kind 'friend- whO• saved Unt from a life X dare „ppt, ; contemplate,, God bless MtiGrhthyl"ltilid tie; lifting his bat leiletently be:Might •th Church, and. there tvaa player; 'in II Is •daric: ntes as he looked ,qpward. :Those weretheYlast words I ever heard .him. I speak, except "!final nfght4 'Alt,dear me, it shotild hive been good bye. Ten minutes after • went one waY':and -he the ot4er.:ol.took my. way• home, and .he, as : lt .monedArterwards,„„mlited Just two Wats' mud then t.pinehvlc bere:• 'At ttitelirenveloCk 'that of I awoke Mrs' Huinphries. • • "My dear,": mid I, " I, must , have had the nightmare or something" '•Goodness,". said she, "it seems do. Your hands are like ice. What ve itite' yob, love? •The' lobster,' bebound.". „ "I!ertutps,!! said I. admit .I ate a lutebearty supper. And noth ing else could Make ape fancy young 'Wade' at My -bedside, whitens al ghost,: with I.both hands.; ow moist." •i • eid•the ghtnuirei is alWrtys black, • not' ' my Wife. And then she Went to ti 'little cup. boartkand brbught in a'glassof wine. ;After that I Wen; to sleep:again., ,I.did not rise early,, and .was quite behind my ' usual time. Put' when I reached - bur !place I found it in •great .commotion. Clerks runningthither. ,and thither, , and: heads of the firm I,l42ll2fil i o n ol v iti the T . bet - Wei on the preinarr What, is the matter, sir ?" I mid, addreasing Mr. Grinby. "Matter enough," said he;, "we've beemvery• heavily robbed." • "I,•fancied. that couldn't happen here," said I. "1 really believe it would be insimsiable for burglars to break in toMorris,Grinhyd: Son'a air:" • "Ati," said he, "they did not break in. The • door :has been quietly opened front the inside." "And I believe—," began Mr, Morris. •: "Sir," cried young Mr. Grinby,out of breath, "I tkl.tas a, gentleman as a man of principle, you will not give utteiance to' your • unfounded su.spi clort-:-totally thifoutuied • and , un worthy of yen." - "rrove. them, so, sir," said, Mr. Morris, coolly, "and I'll apologize." 'I looked an ingtilry: , '• ._"Don't ask explanation, I beg, Mr: Ifumptiriei3;" .• said Mr. Grinby. "Something., has? 'Nee saidwhich the, speaker, Will regret. .A ug, there comes My tnessenger." • And.in rftn imeof our boys. ' • • Isom , Y".:Said Mr. Giittby. Wade ain't been home all night, sir, said 'Penh . 'I told you so;:sald Mr. Morris. ""Antli hill you even ..yet • I 'will not hear my dear friend's yes. my very dear friend'S- 7 -claraeter -.aspers ed, "said young ~Grinby. -"Hum phries,,l know yea. lovelier' Wade, as I do. .Fancy Itnaglning him wp, noted with this ;robbery, As well suspect my father, Myself; •or - "Ile's misiingi.7. said' Mr. Morris, shutting. the MBAS). doon.npon us three. . "lle,was seen to return ; late in the evening. ; Ile,tvas one, of a band ,of house-bra:tot when 'we, took hid' be, and many declare the character to be. fortited at siz years old. Ile ,was Disc. : , I believe ; 1w his been won ixt*. to lasold ways." " "Yon Waned:. express 'your ; be lief to'otherit." said Mr. Grinby;''' as yet, most certainly! , add 411 r, ;florTio...c I. : • • "Nell, air, that „wits .bitter day to me—a bitter deir. We could learn. nothing of young" Nlrade after eight o'clock on the prdylotis night. Then several. had • seen , hint: He bad taken tea at a little coffee house, as he' sometimes dfd when he did not intend, to return' 'Volpe until quite late, and tesorne 'one there,' "I inustlgo back tolthd - offlcc,haye forgotten something."' • Half an hour afterwards Mike, the porter, • had passed• into-the street; youtig.Wade;bad said: ..• "What's the thee, Mike. ?" The porter told'idol, , • • shall be too }late ' " he said: "I have an engagement, and must go* buck to our. placti,for a /parcel forgotten."' An' apple woman on the rhrer bad 'Mkt 'him ;enter. Her e'en: hoeg.htfrult , from her for-lunch and sbe knewhl m well, by sight. . IThere the newsendetl, until Mliceo galligln to light the thes,:fdurid the place_ a scene , ofainfusion--dest's end saffst ritiedi.papen; strewnabouti4nd eyery.mark of systematlehburglary. Later in the 'day,: T Lucy./,,vans came down. Her• broiler liaMiik.of. heewbrd oftvhaf, had Occurred: She believed some. terribli3'aceident ?had happened to Bea, and-.begged the. firm lb spare no 'efforts to discover She , anis d 'almost . distraeted, an who. can "w o nder .. They haul been *Wog -together, it Seemed, "to sesame play the .nrght;before, 'and she had been siMelently alarmed by, hie fallingle.krek ,She appointment to be In a measure r tietas She knew •he intended to bring her & book. He had amoken,.or IL :That must have been-time parcel he went beck' for.: Qlimuiseshe never doubt ed hiss, and no gee dared to hint .4 what had been whispered to .. her Pre B etlee•• "•.; • • * For * ; ems,' the were at- wOrk. 'lmrounhe rewards were oared for the , •bond:ow( and fur, the recovery, or• dead,• of young Wade, but with the past effeetl . , ,1 , 1 • ' :II , • 8, 7.t:cdol!}. vt•lv:i'll,. rt •:46:4",9--tbll s t a '' filiti ' W 'r "' 1 1 ' .uult, lilt:? 1* Inv I I rw a rifitiltr) , ..,:l. , 11l •n — ti- gti ..•l —L.....-----... .1 I.{ 4 . - . • . • s • . . -- WA were notified—of every bo dy 41tatibtl , lelibretoited +s! *trip wet knofifilimiseledind Wed feerounuths, end itt hist there were few who did patine) tit pocit • EleiPoi , fiiiSmfir tbi 4 their =dill rici feye-, ~1 ..0 t 1. ....,c .i.ti <, • it see Wain to them—outline)! ANN& t Paige tbotif not thlkfludga elqiit ty eha brOther—.Bern -Wade:was guil., ' Poieluey Wei/of ' lekhd, 'ILO: It 'mei •essy - oneugh.vto. , Aeo , ,,t4lat.. her. heart ,wits broken, and in, a -.Yettr 41ho• died; Jueit O'ilelt ton Shdh -4t heal' whit 1 Anil tell you'. ...1., s.:- ..,, , r : 0 s• &O .pneonerning,l was very .busy at, 'lily :desk 'lit thd tat . :when a `gentle- roan clime in.aiscf.c flaked: Mr either. 141 c. laurria.cmlift,..,(l{lll4,, QIAMr. Grithiji wail at leirie 'With 'thee WAY; tint Mr. Moriisend.:thce , ytiuot tgen• th4nWswgcll ip r 4 tr ,l, E CAt Juan 'WM a ele.s , 'an tidied he tad tailed: to solicit subeeeiption .f9r.Pon:WilitliK:c4 l o). itv wa lir minds made trio start. Th ey it re taiga:. •••.,1,:ini,i, , , , i•r.• 1 ..di 1,...i50.).1 - ,It)rsq,reamulbjet, of p:s t useot , ilur ry gla committed here a year ago, or mores'.... .. It', ..4.{.- ...Pi., 14-1.14 4,;; !, Leoukl.notiteep, umseat:t49, blst rant forward,;tremblintilket a lea. Yrning' Mr. leritibrAhad.tanied' alielitinti.lll4 V' 40Ping , SgalPist; ie wall for op port. , • "`Yefil'are a tMed," tligreler gymani ear yuti will, mote affixteil_ty . what_ you .rowst . snorl'hear. A pericni n64K-'l6"eusto ilyi condemned :to •execut i timAkkuw. a conk4sion tp make to you in, rer:d to that' afraii•=4"iery horriffle ; I fenr.M • 1 ‘.; tne .14 took a mro .frora, 111 , 1. ; pocket v 'atidrote a fetv .' caltst•the prisetrany time,*(ttY you W i lt 1436 be. " I t' If is Friday, and e 44 siifer"e cutest' atulawil. Bnaient this; ityou. please, and I implon, , you, ask, no questions now." -13efein they( could istr-tuttch,., he ,was . gono-jirnLl tw' the 'first tictell fhb .itofy'; aha nifr tlefnan calledtvcsb,titind. twit taw with tbetn„at.any. reqnest., They, seemed to expect us at the prison, and vrel were admittee., illutelnythei narrow cocr.kloc•Motria tityyped„us. "Gentlemen . " . hosaid,'"yon must deiveryoursetioes. :.HaveltodredeaVi : ( 4. that ,Y o Wiii "§e9 , 8 944 111112 ; W ade when yon d er door opened?' .• Young.Gritiby Put hlChtindl Upon: his heart, and scented turning .tattli again. It Was the first, time the . thought had entered my -mind,' and it wss)h bloWi:Jkstagnneed fie: : " The next minute, the ,turncey, flimg the-doer .veide'ciiien, nna we werein the cell. Oa the geoc;lay. s man=a broad shouldeied fellow, in eattt4. gatinelits4wtio seethed ttr have cast himself down •in • gciet pc terror, It was not Ben Wade, At first Ilhoright Thud never' seen 'the Ilice he lifted.as he arose. In -11. veer went it.cande to me. It Kits WO leader ofiffiitaiir *lid 'had bmi. u arnzated for that -aid at tempt at robbery, when, we kid 'mind lilt% Ben la the'stone vault. ' • "You'Ve come; have yotr,t 4 maid he; sitting down on the stonewd, "and • ace you • know 'Pine. • "Ylitriiti caught me &Oda,. t's‘. Inutdev thls Pin 214 4 X Aar t9rlllYing• frit waSt for Uri no p erson lud have got this Out of me. But , Dv: ProMiledi and I always' keep I. I IY word, 1(16. You remember* yeung man called. Bear Wade?" .!,, . • :•• "What of,iiiipr',,wir,jralko, ; : 1p • ; a breath.. , • mach-4a 'rob pm ; Phtea, MIPS all •.. We done- It-;:f)lek BiarktrautlFllipPery Torn , andente..4 - Well _you • how tem. -Alitrit ,•ktlow; WA. PUI.I ars tLECLI locked up fdr "labor' tot More years than.most mea live.. I didn't stay, thdtigh; I cut, Mt and' clone home. • 'Mal tire tirst thing - I 'did was to vow Vengeance' nti that .buyi• Why, theralie was, a gay young buck; in tine togs, with thelrandilug of money. and thought afoul(' trus.t.c. e d ,jutt for having (trine liir"!ris, Proud, too; 'wonldn't - speartrtu'us in the street. , Threatened to ,give in formation If ho ever saw, 1),110,9f, ua prowling about. ,1 heard it alt. I swore I'd Mt him, and it seemed to come to me. - -;- . . • t!Ono alght, I was agsdinl • Slap. per's shades to haven drink - J, Borth was with me; and inu quiet sort of street we camp lieu, inn uit4h ty hurry. ' ' : Pl'd have. knocked bier on the head, but Burch stopped -rue. • . ,• • "'See what • he's up, to,' said . 11q. And wo followed. 'Hi! . went (limn to your place, and went In. He left the door ajar, and we made The beiit of it. He was owning out,. with .11, hook or.soinething in his. han, and we wet 111112.-Ire plucky,'l tell you.. One of us wouldn't 'have Mit offAti'atiy, but wowent two te• one. We gagged andiled him, and made weleatt sweep of the place that night. "And Ben—hiy God,' did Ben think we would not 'believe him ?" cried Mr. Oriztby.. .",lle,had hut Ito come to us—totell the truth. 'Whero is he? 'De yen Irnoiv Plipealt!" robber turning the has - tif ashds.i-illbt Words tiamealowly,; l His eye glanced over•hls shoulder and he backed. up against. the; .„ "WC locked hint 'up, in a stone vault,' do ' took . 'keys with us.' • "It you • look yOutil .4114 And Mr, ' ',lirinby: 4ulittxl outright in my am rs. 1‘1 , 11;'s:Ir, the relyrittOii . Words 'were trUe:'''The stone•vault•'wieviopental that. day, Mid I Ithere—no matter.: It was moiler to know the ring do wore, and The keys and the purse id his pockbt thtin poor - Ben ' The Brat thing' Mr.'''llumphtien said,irtts.:,"Thaink :Heaven, I,ucy ati met ponWit.w. Anditio' next he sobbed—"Olt 'bat thecertainty would hat's been better for her, atter- all.! And then to know his name. was clear," st . iity - Andsn t, 4 •s . our etcme'vatilt ; and' Outgo tti - it dr' Es, it Is quite true.•• You nitty•eei :his 'grave clossiticeide Imcyfs• any, day. •Anak Mrs, Ilumplirlet-she's a romantic woinati,Hirays sle thinks the vlu lets' Mid ite•ea' grow' there of'their own netiord, under the: white went. • • , '" - ":llVat.si It a 111 ; fraMle •• "" Th 6 Xeiv York eorrespoatiOnel•of the Bostoh Journal writ !+ *: ..For thirty •yeats stiller.., of Bristol, ,has lived,by tyants_ motley, lauds, food, clot hes or he go.e . t and !aka for Hood gets .It. •A' few' Inuit in thif emintry bave tried tied system with otariouitshatles otsueeeas. Fulton streettpretambheßYXoMarltar hie ~,insbeices of direct ausWer to prayer if 'believe' toiman testikAtyl. "A casotecUrretVhere short; tirtarslnce i and -isentLyou the faetsjust as:they ()marred, , Timiatr, ties gm well known,. ant, the *ls can be ecinfirtutkl to t he sattiletitfatif Ray cnith-Y ninitten&oilt tif clop*. mentdelfbto New. York,' partly to. get :way . /MR Abe ,spores of. Their former ; triumph, partly. fad em ployment outside tit the pri.;ft.4 , lott '"Vrlth:' As Stewart's store U sairthi be bee hospital Rackety ntetchants,.becansosomany. bankrupt, tpders. are,.employed In that house, Brooklyn maybe. regard ed as the rendezvous Of posters - with: ont a Parish;.. One of dila-number has; .been, • doing little •Jarlueetly lf a - ider g l 4 I;14 most yrwe a may tlx* o pomp t p u t l ff sh 0 lte' he p l c rd 4 : : lF a l ej ea: np e n i e l 7y ainn i s te d ee:: and asked torn bill bf goods ott , at until thci next Weer. 'l%oldbtekkiegier it lmerl *milt bet ..fltntlly , z, ante, I I low filftovgfitc 44* M s tim 9 tat rtk u 'ilalegil •Is ' lad c 1 togethte,lokie here WPM nentdisisend, witthoelikadoutd said:. .. 1 .43f, . Stflp Ng .A4Te t llle V; help, Til l § ' le rffrizegi , 4 ,. :Za . ~,tens ottekplo Bet, = ladn 19 j.l, the famllyTeere,iareueed. by,a u tuockingetAhedoor, Nhe h u4ha i'areiit down, sad' Muth! A Intitinitliii sae tileri': • !Fin 1 woe avellukno 'Merchant 'ef . the OtA ti Velert9thineefthadistreet of gm, ty,.er.tgart he husechuld. was In alit; • Addreallng hilakeitte thcieMitunit Of the h bIA I e, r i tit said: 1 'P , lireiverar be'snriorhieraTtelaea mu 1 Me t tith o lattualiVtle . :. , Litri m er o - c. 49:71 g felt impAiefid lig* item Illy linty. hi 'mane rho's.' • l' tried -to I shake tteff, hut Leonid not, Andra atm 1 )l e l 7e to 'Nett If .Your,hunily want : any.. thing." .!.Kho min told bbity.frorn I ihii.fullifngs of his heart.•" . friend eit ,with hilt,' a sum' cif ;rh . , end' mrsette see rile tinnily earep on! ihi 4 .tnorpine.; :Laical .11.• Was,: pip ysd geMleman,went out - fur. 'hist bath supply,. , add . fipeint the' , Alibtitilhanksgivint: 2 Ile bellaites ilh , dinpet answer to pray.. ;• .! :..; ' - , Lesettilia•PlP.Wilii SR •PFP , *Wet, 'WV. o: 4 llMilltVgtEttfeif.4eoo'; rine, !lays : 0(4111 fruits the apple Seems to have hid the 'l:tidiest, arld- I tat and most loystiltsi .hlstoryil , In! (.9reost the nanny of Itialtardr'frtdt, Wldcht haviegAlPPearixkoP the earth patent the aarpe tipuna loan / his tot &heed him In hisMlgfatilan.4 'lltddnd' !tit Ott die; Iteiattne the lathe forah WO; owl rdlldreuuterts•ofit areiltktlast.int !tta9K4hv fiockirrwpcqwn lila. or moriey le(i ra.llus puma-, crabs It ft 9 tune eth Ore ! eftillized traits (urbanitinstl. 9, !vftteltwt- ssyS' that it Was. the fin/urine Milt , of the 1 In.OciC l 4. (4 4fInallasilutfir fin PhAvaled hill49 !.1 atnetig.:the sccqyprles 'from the'6getddellingr'bf 13W16.6rland: The tnythSedeeerrittleitantettras in , oVery• :age: arutEnty. - Aproditti bears it in her ha ea no. well.ps.Xvp, The serpent gu 4 df li thq dragon. Ii iitehei I t. It IS refe fed bY'Bolo-' Meat fit is the litalineflalt•bf Arab ian tales. — Ulysses tangs fpr It In the kik:retells of,Akhikins I •Tantalui Oitsps . vainly forit'in-liatha. ..„lalbeprose• 'Ale it is wsitioh•riduan i l kemps in a box. of apples which th e gallywhen they feel o ld age approaching have onlyle tahltecto betotifeyotnig-agaltr: Ills dirthis•manner that they will-be lept.,lllonOWlted ,yOuth I an tit , Reg, 11.Afek", ; the. I, SePeßt+ •destlriieto4. „Airael,f l ie angel or neath; ,aiceom vilified. latinistdtin'by holding it to tho . nostril 0 !and '42):ihe northern Folklore 'l3nowdrop: is tempted. to her death by, : a pple, WO . which a crone. has po oed, but reedycrs. life' wrien 'the a Phi' falls . Ihirti her j lips, The golden bin:flecks the go)- / don apples. a tho-king's.gardetri in IUOPY-4 4 ,N4WaStgrarAF.., , d."WkleP th e ; trOe kbe4r3 m .no ore, -, r 'rev&iliViter fitiV Mit() that'',lt As be: . eause-ti manse- gnawelatl the •tree's root. ladepddheirltplitnother god desaispotnetimos..py.rsonilled,.as an apple tree, lint o ft ener thp apple 4 . the'teinpter ill net:theft' Inythology idgettlid sflitibthire , frAtike* thenhelp grow at -thatt thottiaered pearalone tran...ttring at Nagai/2: to:-:moderate • , 'el sh eye, ad, given by Mann hartir,•saySt "There is fr glass mown= taineinithesttirr of Which/elands tie; tien,trastle,before-whien bra treeofgoi• OA appks. la,tim rastlnliveianen- I p - ha E n . ied irnightery am e tintal . ;.. . .. 46 , isnii0 hisfiler p - , . therclaws ofithe yatito i hls - tamE and feeds sutreseful. - , AVith.the.gol.: den llPPle . hgXehttitlM Pi . Olvgou which tieted-kat. the entrance, and finally; lirtidnghteren the spell that bohnd the prlncesA,' 'he nitist' retnain • with her and-not return to the lower earth. Anthe goddess of Holla's garden the'favorite fruits are the tw pfeatid the p ea r—the latter of which fruits retained its sanctity In 'Fritned long after the. introdactioWthero , of Christianity:. ~ ~, , . . . . . . Itanoverian legetui says that .a girl Was asked by the dwarfs to be god-mother to one of their children. On the day fixed she wag led-dowrim bouitifutstairease, which was under nu apple-tree In a txturt, l to a superb garden, wlictietrreswere laden With frtilts. - -IFSho:ivas repakf'for Coming ItyLeth apronfal of apppples, whielt, when she returned to this earth's sur face, were AJund No if solidgold. thelilden apple) are . 'often met t e northern MythillogY.'Trt tome leg ntis•it .reL4tett that, such may he laittst:.frout a , tree: grOwing over.o (uttutatn,of.hoW water, with a rejuvenating power-lilt of thwe myths being' tramble'to the 'free nod fountain of Unl, one 6f the Nornir. In •the . Edda,. Skiruls offers .eleven g9/tAeu apples and the ring of Druup air, (front which, cin,,every moth •eight `equally "heaVy rings drop). , M , Gerd:l b •if she tArltt'l;eturn• Freyi'atove. : - • ..• A Larp linr.49lprffiwrls., • 'The".Vir , ,lnlii .iterprlas‘ . • of September Bth . says :• tanch the CariotrriVer, tight miles below the mouth/if Six mile Canyon, add allatitseyeuteen miles east of the city, is to be seen a herd of twenty-six caniets, all bat two ig which' were born and 'raised in:•thEs , Slat& Sat two pf the old herd .of • nine , or . ten brought here sum eyears ago are now living. Itmould'seetn that the original—lot Jell into .the bends of who treated them very badly ‘ overlendhiganditbusinjthem. Tito men Who 'now !cut them are Frenchnon, and mew.' itseerris, who had formerly some..experiente . with camels •in klurope. ~ They difficulty In rairlini,:thetu, will can now show twenty-four tine healthy animals, all of Washoo growth. The mmel'inay 'neei - be tiald to be thor- ; o ugh Ifitell rnatedl n this State.. 'The: owners of the herd find' it. no more difficult to,breed and rear theta • than would be e;perlo o ccil-with -tlA!siatue number br: goats or donkeys. The ranch 'Oen which they are . kept 13 sandy kind sterile' in - the extreme, yet time animals.least. and .gremt-, tai-on such . prickly idtrubs analbitter:um* that no, other would• - toUch. 'lets t 6 thffinseliii, with"thiS course hetbnitoof4lte desert; they-lie and roll in - the hot-sand. They are used lit peeking shitati the -Milled , rin the river.from the mashes, lying , in the de s ert Sounct,sixty,,mlles to the, tilishirard; They have aniimils that easily back 1;100 pounds.' 1-7-W.hut•is home,vdthout a moth-. m the young girl-, nel4 . when ehe - fent the bid lady to chop • wood. little • school , toting "'PA4::)ichixto a•Potalvet..Ar•Wate r.aili was, relined:that It was hair flowing oiler sothething, silo didn't know what. " • •!. • - • • •--- ; floswqr lately _given in qt. Frencli court by, a prisoner. uccukii cuttlhit h 1.4 wird to - OleCes, WM, with ti! sntl "Well, 3fottsieur lo..Erwkiont, 7°o , kt:tow evey one has ; J., ... - —A - Prolnint UhltaWa galloped itito3ho fortified:city:of irl• try le .FranCal,%4 r9do to thumutrket• vaee,lag l thc i restzeialaul in a. laud %O M. ' Wu Prussian, and I take palseetlini of , thla 'town ttl' the lime or the'llattg Of 'f'rupla." l -:Solitying-,' he. wheeled hit hem, and dashed off Wu? aguillitecSnitsir Imalaod 4 es t o p d trient: 4 reCPY.tsete tiQ 1-14'il'.7' • -1.4; =1 • ,' Is pa bilf bpd,rsvery.,lV= Zikairt okrAltokt betiding at ran Pa.;ats2 parysarla edema.. - cominfeleatfeitai'dri r oll is 'a food . or ginantuatips , irigs - rprpeetfalli,so;•-• taitureitaidaa'tiiifora of t h4 klnd am* lottbly i hied piatie ,lba - ild Letters an aounannstrattons tiro reawd• 4 .• We taken:sneaking from Punch. imello: "A Mead of aline, ilitoetnl tient New Yorlr•pkihmthropist, re lates the folloiMg -intends* with a condemned criminals./ irbincri me for which this otreletbed &OM* hung, Is still fresh itroursoeutories. One morning at breekllutt Idairipe didn't suit Miaow) 41e lOW edietelA. min ed his wife and.ehiglreatunt set the house on fire, maggy n the monotony of the scene 11Y, 401,q gRs mother in-lani down, tlyi; ImvmSkrevi - Oul4lyHritbi ) oonahlrguion,— . fm: , :m i, Ctied her eagl i mith. a eheese nife. quote my.frigid's n -words : - • - Altitelfola , PrilfilP*4. ha,jl l .,n IttierWl P eek. to Kin pprWiChine doom." ii *ore or toba people had , vidiedihlmuntli the kindest inteue. litourellitt•W4l4ofilakiLllf.4h!lllPP, eit'i vritisien„upou hint. " WltholAt bootie:4:1: wirlitti:sitl!: that I .know 4 eoUld touabthts man heart. 1 savta play .teee In which the most bloodthinityand•boatalrafz: tan that ever wasted lusts melted. to , teats talbettrientlott of WS mother's name, tuttiVillithood'ihatiorlaoa ,rs 5144. oltertictitgVt• 4qmok, •Pat',4hatE !happostortthe atagotappens last the same In real lifts. naturally congratulated myself -11w4lugndeenrIhtil play for It gitie lee pewee taws* with thkarelentleso. "lie reads sill sitteuniEs at einiver satiort; 'tinware.; molt' dogged manner, barely returning surly toetp• osyllables to soy ,anxious wishes. for his well - being, At last, laying my ha nd MAN shonider; whtg ecutsklemble patlicarkito.my,stekte, wad 1:a i• lt' :A•it . e ikY friend; „ft ' WO APLIIIWILYS. lA , lth you; TbetCWlWlCtinie, whigt'yod 'vat o year Mintier's' kite:oi , d gathered: buttew•etipii 'arid ”.. • • • I +7l. ch0.:41,14: 1 ..had ,hisched rd'fitsf. 111.4 broW"cOntractedi, twltlied " • tt.+Mid•wheb, thaZmothm-Puto you: layoutlitt4e)Aal,' lcontingpal, trilten ipp,Al4l.(V,h9peo would. gro ul • "'YOU' Ise,' leild'ne; 4 ell6 didn't. --'- _ The uld woman was!sit tett under: groirod arum/ mold *thaw.'r •Nowo look where ' you'ao-the'fourth chap Quips tried the, "mother" dodge ou me. 112'hy dou g .tjtog.Allep,' he add ed uj4R4 I I49EAP4. typ e .nirr the ‘mo . "eig' a pt ,014 man _i l op l ancogst ors `4 , *, * fleatiove hauf:6• trelkimellt^ I was naturally anzlovt yir4ucea, the man's funera, wh under stWol wag to be a ' gorge° afthrt,"ifx respectably: attired Tema** , hatino. been sworn infto ki:m the bodyi tzimmlidd the hysteric: weelme of threw more In the back gr0uu(4.1!.., .; 1n - ;,,llditi,l I.) .41o1.• 1;!‘" :i.470.1ei1c 1 .4 Me; -• " • 11i0n..? ~.„ . , • Ittlafatit,44d4 l, .Thrchase 'the CahtirPtegs' •D•**lci. 24, 4, , • • i• l Troaa the Eris Dispatti; midi/ • ; -It Lentils certain that the PennaYl+ , vaula,Ee.sitnsi: V.ailway Company has. hottWit, the pond from this , city to , the Ohlis :and, also obtamett, control of a huge dock property hero , for U long term of years. As yee r no intimation. is given, e 1 the intention& of the corporation in respect to, the, meinteuatms or the repair of the, property. Opinion in the city is, dividixi as to.what will. bo done. A) low business men think it i 4 the pnr poSe bf. the company, to. abandon the PTV OA the the transfer nf .. tta ) uess4 to the Erie, and yilmtkurglt i run mut, OT•wnien Inc rennsylva-' sibeCompany Uwe recently'!tioLvme the It , Others,. and us Iwo tat , . Ilevc ; the mafority, are se, mine that the'skihnel will be repaired, iMptpved and maiiitained,nnd that &tisk() the monoply of the tarrying trade be- tween Erie and the Ohio river, ndw secured to theirtinasylvonia_ road, there; will bone. illaelL9l3 In Was of freight and no injury to the baldness oC tbecity. The fact. that the, cor- POratien has . Itstsed Abe, tuna! wharvesStrengthens' tile' opinion that the canal will:be operated ' heretofore. Therwls ba.slocsst-enough for both Iluos...Yrater .and rail, and It . Is to believed unit the new owners., will give to boatmen along the canal assuratien of their purpose I to' main-'` trild and extend its businoss. The' enlargement project may have been , : pructitstl; but capitalists were never. eager to invest In it. The., men'who cliuttx.sl into oftg:e by, its Ititl' arc really the only. gainers' by •!Ile long agitation the scheme haa provided. To ;he trallle.ef the caUal lu its prow eat shape,', the agitation , for , enlarge- Went has been well nighlatal:- Boats kayo not been built, and the capital ' formerly employedin the canal trade 'last been largely diverted. to, ether enterprise. tio. whateve4 are the purpose of We, PeunsylVitnla Colm ;Any, It Is to be'hciped Mintier may soon be made public: - If boatmen can be assured.ttutt the asnal , l.tto be , repaired and eperated witliouttesen tial ha:terse of toils . fora term of years that 3illl justify the invenment theytave ready+ to boll& new boats, mul,thus give an upward turn to a declining trade. • • Errto.ieweswAxi . Chineie ;official,. • ' appointed hir the purpose, has made his report on • the Tieutsin.massacre,, In which "Xfier careful In vestigation he . hus been 'unable to nb tainuny evidence nothist Ch rim tla ns," and that on inquiring of the Children I formerly in theschools, he found that_ they were all scut. there by their pa rents. Ile also metnoriallmi as to the' incapaeity of the Weal officers:. And the Emperor, in a decree, has notified - all the officials throughout the em pire, that these strugglei have sprung feem.rumoni, whlclt.have been more or,lpl prevalent during the last two ,yeu, and should' now be stopped by vigortihs Measures Wherever thek bb• tate: • •The local orlicent are hetti over In prison, to awalt the verdict of the Boon! of Punishment." • -45'Pb:we, -1 don't think Mr. •• Dewitt Altos his physic reg',lpr,'.' said , a "doetor's ' boy to Ms etn . ployer. "'Why ‘Ari?" "Catiseitychb l A - getting ' Veil preelems 4 fast." • il''iffert ant re&ntly fbrwardesi a•kAter to a neighboring town, questing the postmaster, to fielbier,_ It 't.9.kUtY gtvit n eetable attorney.''. Mier ten * thlys It, was , returned - with the signhialaitt indotsement-4•Nono here.' nui—"nlitstiotl3;.lfoistm'rithaltety'iste9oll meindthuitere'rili.i a rooks twenty fi ve hours, ous htt , ..110w ~t eat, to , on iv twenty four hours in a dun.,,Then , 1 [7„ 1% .1 y he. o{ 3 up ti n hour ' before daylighf,!you stupid nigger.”•! The tamest Mitten of sliver ever / produced in that sliver districts of the I linked 4itates . was , taken. .out of„ Georgetown, Col. , by J. W:Wats4m,.• Superintendent Of the Drown:Silver Mining Company; - weighing- eleven hundred and forty.ontrpounds troy..; Tithkbpifou wasrAlitelPtiffncOlit4r- ' three tons of ore, front liebwn averaged five hundred' arid' forty-five ddliartand day cents,. • enrrerney,per tom tunallertaitton,. wtigliang)fout hundmil pquutta, , pro timed I.ty, the, *owlsCorumn shipped witli this: tiottitulaWn' yi ng, • hlbltion during the COlaralko be held Denver: it The departure of.theseitnesupen, was, witnessed by lindrws. gOn:Thprodaylast s driraiting.rain, Preee„, ( Kt 0 43 .eUlexiAlr A i t Terrell!! teatime tho tito. MIZE MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers