The Beaver Argus. Tye,. Ps.. Sept. *l. 11170. arcutatkno Make Zionthed. • Bates of Advertising TOM. Sw. 1 Toy s Apr-1011nm, 111 011 la 40 41 00 ST 00 $lOOO names, do 600 6CO 700 10 00 15 OD puns, do 600 4OD 000 HI 00 1100 eqoates. do 4 130 6soioooVl 00 11 151 column it op 11 00 15 00 0100 01151 column.-- 11 00 ts to to co to to to at GO 50 00 as 00 40 OD Up OD Admlntsuntars' andEltSentare' Notkaa....s3 Od special notkes tow No, Meads. • or Payments to be nada Quarlsrly. oaxsot for transient advertisomonla. whist Unit be pad In advance. Slate *flips Thersiometer for the week ending September Nth 1870 Y. 2 T. x. Sept. 18 63 - aeg. 71 deg. 63 dog. 19 55 dog. 71 dog. 56 - deg. " 46 deg. 75 deg. 55deg. " 21 46 deg. 72 deg. 56 deg. " 22 47 deg. 72 dog. 57 deg. 29 51 deg. .. 76 dog. 65deg. SAI ST dog. 78 deg 88deg. • T. T AYLOR. • TIME TABLE. Cleveland dr. Plattsburgh 6. R.—Tridas golug Eidst leave nearer Station as follows: Nor. sing Exprese. 9.17; Emitting Exprees,ll.l4; halt 5.43 p. Is. Trains_ going West leave Bearer St/Übe al Iowa: Mill, 743 a. m.; j Ext.ress, 3.56 p. M.; Ac consmodation. 5.43 p. Plat. PI. W. at C. X. X.—Trains going Beet lease Rochester titation (at end of bridge) so ast hma: Beaver Falls Accom. 6.03 a.m.; Biwa wow. 7.10 s. in.; New Castle accosts. 8.30 a. m.; B. Falb acorn. 11.10 p. m. Trains going Weet leave Rochester Malian, (at end of bridge) as follows: B. F. scam. 10 a. m.; Zion accom. Alf p. on.; Erie night express 3.45 p. m.; B. F. accom. 7.37 p. m. Train. going But leave Rochester (Upper) De pot a. follows: B. F. scum. 6.05 a. as Ewa ac corn. 7.15 a. In.; New Castle acorn. 1540 s. m; Chicago exp. 10.511 s. m; Beaver Falb access. 11.15 p. m.; Chew Nall tin p. in; Erle exp. 410 p. in; Chicago exp. &OS p. m; Fade mall 9.56 p. mi. Toles gond! West, leave Rochester (Upper) De pot as follow,: Chkago Chi.; Elie exp. 1115 a. m: Beaver Falls aeons. 9.65 a. Mango cap. 11.30 a. m.; tindeage exp. 3.55 p. New Cat. lie atom . 4.3C1 p. m.; hie exp. 6.45 p. m; . Bawer acorn. 7.311 Subtle-Aptloan tont° Heaver Ar gas.—The following named persons have paid the numsbet oppoelte to their names on subscription to the Mayer Angus, since the date of our Last publi action. . George Engle, Brighton tp., $1 00 Charles Fisher, Vanport, 3 00 A. Duff, Now Brighton, 3 40 Danniel Figley, New Sheffield, 2 00 Est. George Proudley, Alliance, 140 S. Meektem, Rocileste'r, 50 J. Id., Engle, Industry, 2 00 lion. J. B. Donley, Waynesburg,. 400 W. C. Rhoads, Andrew , (Iowa) 2 00 Mrs. Annie A. C. McLan Clifton, 200 John R. Todd, Ilookatown, A. Gibb, Clinton, Pa., jamos Smith, Now Brighton, A. L. Ferguson, Georgetown, A. Fmnki - Thillipsburg, C. ("Whom', Georgetown, G. °reit', New Brighton, I. J.,Johnaton. Tionesta, Pa., The attention of the public la directed to the following New Advertisements , which appear for the Brat time in the Alums to-day : Carc—Luther McGinnis. Card—U. jt. Aushuts. - asrd—James Moore. Card—Mrs. E. H. Beacom. Card—S. J. Anderson. Card—Beaver Drug Store. • Card—H. Men. Card—J. D. Put. Card—John Moore. Card—Hiram Meaner. Card—Scott, Boyle & Co. • Presentment of Grand Jury—J. C. Hart. New Ads.—A. W. Erwin. ' Aduer.'s Notice—Wm. Davidson.- Plaining Mills—Whitfleld & Anderson. :Orphans' Court Sale—A. Whisler. Special Notices—Mrs. E. H. Beacom. Special Notices—H. Bence. Special Notices--Schiff & Steinfold. Special Notices—Snell:it:burg. Special Notices—Dr. Winans. ' Special Notice—Walloott. ; Special Notice — lt. T. Taylor. Special Notices—John Moore. •• Special Notices—Beaver Drug Store. Special Notice—Y: M. C. A. Special Notice—Western Fruit Co. special Notices—Will Smith t Co. 'Special. Notices—B. Mulhelm. Special & Frederick. Pilules—Wm. Enable & Co. Medical—U. S. Publishing Company. (i011.1(1 TO MOVE.-.T. H. Hence, third street, Heaver, will early In the fall move his stock of thumbs into Colonel Quay'. elegantly Mted up store room, .but be fore moving will at his present place of business offer his entire floe stock of ,Dry Goods, Millinery, Trimmings. (to., regardless of cost prices. .This Man ele gant chance for those . wanting to buy . real ch eap. A IIIEAUTIFUL StOCk Of lloop-Sktrta lid Corsets, at I lianauer's Bazar of Fashion lirlOiewater, Pa. sept. 21:1f ISY - I:ers Lan plelne cures Dlarrbres and Dyeen tag. fur ;ndc At Moore's Drug Store, Dein street Below, PA. • • tlept. 11:1w S. J. Cuose arc now riazeiving their New Fall Stock of Dry Good; Ilmds and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Lto., Roches ter nt. Call and see Munn, and secure a bargain. sep2l;2w S. J. Owes Co., are non; 'n. , celvfng their Nei , Fall Stock of Dry Go• ds, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Capa, Itoches. ter Pa. • Call and see thou, and secure a scp,2l:2w bargain : Mulvanon Limo Kilns, Vanport. Itestlimo at the lowest price. Lie22tf WHEN you como to the Fair call at Moore's Drug Storo and got a bottlo of l'orslan Moine—lt's better for children than SooWing Syrup. S. J. Cnoss &. Co., are no • receiving their New - Fall , Stock of Dry °hods, Boots and Shoes,'llats, Caps, dm, Roches ter Pa. Call and see them, and secure a bargain.' sep2l:2w filrliaglonla'a Persian Melo* come Neuralgia, ger ante at 11(uortea Drag Store. mato Street Dea rer, Pa. Sept. 11;ts WILL REMOVIL:—j. 11. , Bonee t a dry goods and millenery establishment will remove in the early part of September to Colonel Quay's Building, 3rd et. beaver, with a tine now stock of dry goods, mil linery, furs, &c. augl7;tf Wonsen'a Righte.—lf women have not the right to vote they Aave the right to say that the Iniproved Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine is the best in the mar ket, as hundreds are saying to day. S. J. Annnusoit, Special Agent, Beaver, Pa. see advertisement in another column. augt4;4w I HANAUER has a beautiful Stock of Hats, 'bennets, plumes, flowers, riu bollN, lioll4ot-Illik‘,..&M. now on hand. . • Sept. 21ttf Nenvoun DZIIIILITY and wookneua ...inert by Dr. J. S. Wituina. Mee, Dia- Doebester, Pe. PER/40 , M it tending the hair this week, (1411 1,4) acoom !nodded with the very'best of eatables—as ham, chicken, oysters, ote., at. Mcllvain & Frederick's Dining saloon and ' L ltefreshnent Stands, near HA) Floral !fall. STRANOK BUT TRUE, that S. It J. finel lonkurg, of New Brighton, can cloth you in goods of their (pro make, cheaper than you am get the same goods to i tt.t m rgh. Merchant tailoring Is made amoialty with this firm, and all goods are warranted as repr4oented. V KLVET itotoTti4=The largest assort• intfut, id the cheapest, aro at Bowies. Bony er. aep2!:34 CA Kr rra ! Carpets; Oil Cloths altd Wall Paper l t great variety and at greatly re. diked rims, at B. Alulltient's, Bridge Ht., ISO gewater• aep4223;2w LAT/Grt style Of Cassimore suits from 3 9 . to 3:31. at Schiff it Sleinfield'a, Broad- Way, New Brighton, l'a. . Air - Pupils ma3r still enter the Beitver Seminary and Institute to advantage. This 1 the long usaalon, three months still- remaining .of it. Additions are - being made to Its membership almost , Y. M. O. regular monthly meeting of this emaciation for October will take place in the lecture mars of the Melladiet Episcopal church, Beaver, au Tuesday evening. 4th proximo. Appropriate - addressee and music will be provided for the ottoadin. The pas tors of the Normal churches of this vi cinity are requested to be present, and to give notice of the meeting in their congregations. We invite the &Aitken public and the youth especially to be present M. T. TAYLOR, President. (Roam! plaire aren.) Zr you suffer from Neundea, Nor Permian Olidue at Moores Drug Stow FALL Orutuno all Hanauer. Haw ofFaahlon, Bridgewater, Pi. Sept. 21:tf, Tux Republican County Executive Committee will meet at the Court Howie on Friday the 30th lust. at II a. m. 4.. D. arawron. Chairman. firi . LAMS style of Hata at t3chlff a. Stain Itroodway, Now Brighton. Pa. WHAT Is more delloiona than a glees of Ice Cold Sparkling Soda Water, Savored with the Juice of fruits at !logo An drieseen'e, Beaver fitifffitorei Ilium linen and shirt bosoms, woolen and linen table spreads, napkins and towels, at the cheap store of Will Smith at Co., Rochester istr-Aseonishing I All having Aches and Pains should visit the Beaver Co. Fair and have it released Instantly free of charge by twins tho Celebrated Wol cott's Pain Paint; • Air Shawls, Shawls, single and double, of beautiful, entirely new pat terns At received from the East; at prices to snit everybody, atJ. H. Benm'a Beaver. sepi2B:3t We call attention to the presentmeni of tho Brand Jury of the last Court ISt Quarter Sessions of Beaver County, in relation to 'the Poor Farm and House of Employment. • It Was handed to. us for publication al too late an hour, week before last ; and Ism week, it was unin tentionally overlooked. It will be found of Interest to our citizens generally. • Da. J. S. Wuraws cures by electricity, diseases that cannot be cured by any other known remedy. Office, Diamond, Rochester. Pa. Carpets, OIL Cloths and Wall Paper In great variety and at greatly re duced prices, at B. Mulleletn'e, . Bridge at., Bridgewater.:, teTt2B;2w ,Western Vineyards, Fruit farms and Nurseries. Send ten cents for our descriptive catalogue and guide to the dower garden and fruit culture. Every farmer and fruit grower should have IL Address WESTERN FRUIT Company, New tostle,ra., East Palmitin°, Ohio, or Bloomington, Illinois. (sep2B;tf liiE You, , got no Humbugs at Mooro's Drug Store, ,„ jafr - Splendid yard' wide bleached said unbleached muallnd 121 cents at Schiff Steinfield'a, Broadway, Now Brighton. The Registry lista have been comple ted, and alphabetical lists can be seen at the voting places. Republican voters shotild carefully examine this list, and see that no names are omitted either by accident or design. Every voter should attend to this for himself. Tryout name does not appear on theillat, go to the As sessor at once and. have him take your name. Otherwise your vote may be en dangered. LADIES, if you suffer from any chron ic disease, whatever, apply to Dr. J. S. Winans. Office and residence, Diamond, Rochester, Pa. ,t4r- Dosil ors in Breast Pins, Earrings and latest styles in Lace collars, Schiff st Steintleld. • AB-Hata and Bonnets In every variety at Benee'e Millinery Eetabliatiment Beaver. . lept2Bat COUNTRY flannel; 35 cents; all , wool plaid, 70 cents ; splendid shawls, K5O: the very best of brown sheeting, 15 chi., at the cheap store of Will Smith dr. Co. When you go to Rochester don't fail to give them a call. Ir you suffer of Neuralgia, our ad vice is: Go to a .good Physician, got a Prescription suitable for your case, and have it compounded at Hugo Andric,- sen's Beaver Drug Store. Avoid Quacks and do not buy 'Persian' nor any other Patent—Humbug ! SODA ABll-a superior article, only 7 cents a pound . or 41 pounds for 25 cents, at the Beaver Drug Store. Remember that Saturday. October let, le the last day on which voterecan be registered, in • order to got a vote at the coming election. NEW MILLINERY, fall'asscrrtmont, not only the first of the season, but the fin (*Veto& over offered In Beaver, at Mrs. E. H. Beacom'.{ eept2llAL Naw Win's, Now goods, at Boom's, Beaver. sopl;tt _ _ ALL kind* of Flannels, Blankets and Coverlids—a large lot at Schiff tt Stein field's, Broadway, New Brighton. • Ciniu hundred different shades of crnimical palntie,roady for use, for rale at the Beaver Drug Store. Naw Goons.—The largest stock ever offered to the public is now to be seen at 8. d J. Bnellenburg's, New Brighton. Mr. 8. S. of the above firm has just re turned from New York, where, after a stay . of three weeks, he has succeeded in bringing to Ibis establishment one of the finest and most complete stocks ever offered to the Beaver county public.— Clotho, Pequote, Trecota, Mahone and Cassimerm, of the best makes, are to be seen at this store. Their reedy-made department is complete. Cloth sults from 118 to Sts ; &salmons suits le to p 25. Hats, cape and gent's furnishing goods in great vbrlety. Parties contem plating purchasing clothing, should avail themselves of this opportunity. 8. dt •J. 'Bnellenberg, Brciadway, New Brighton. • flu v your Ribbons at Benoit's, Beaver, yon will find a large stock. very cheap. a0p28.3t Fame fail shawls, an elegant and se lect lot, embracing the latest Myles Worn in the eastern cities, at Mrs. E. H. Ilea mol a. sep2B:3t jiff Artificial Flowers. Although the French and Prussian war has interfered with the Importation of French flowers the Patrons of J. H. Deuce's 'Favorite Millinery and Dry Good Establishment will find an unusual large stock of the article, at retuuk4bly low prices : go see and judge for yduraelt eept23at. Lacs Collars, paper cuffs, kid gloves, direct from the inanuhwturers, and at the lowest priori at Mrs. E. H. Beacom's. sept.2B;3l, 0110 MN and bleached Domestics lend Ticking., and staple Dry Goods general ly, at prices defying all oolopetlon, at Will Smith dt Rochester. • Sronoss—all kinds ! Turkey Bathing Cups, ready fur use, for sale at the Beaver tirug Store. fliesDrees Cikoode, new etyles , very cheap st•Beuoe's Beaver. septat3t Air The greatest bargains In Plaid Poplins, Etnpreaa Cloth, Mohair and A lpacas; also elegant patterns In Debbi and fall prints at Schiff a Steinfield's Broadway, New Brighton. . IPLowras, plumwand Ribtxmis, all of the newest aeleeilows end of the Watt patterns et Mn. E. H. BOIRCOWL aep2BAt Puss Wines, Whiskies sv d Brandies —for inedlael purposes ouly—at, lingo Andriesesu'e, Heaver Drugstore,' Touts Lainsit—llating.inst return ed from Philadelphia imd-New York with a large stock of dry goods, trim minmand an extra large and well se• lected stock of nclUktery good; We would call the attention of our Mends and customers and the labile generally, to our new stock of goods. We would Gall partkolar attention to the stock of beautild shawls, In eukirtily new pat tern; also, real French drivers, plume; velvets, to Our line oindllinery goods Is complete, end unsurpassed In its va riety and cheapness. In dry goods; we have entirely new and stylish Eastern patterns to offer at priiesi to suit the pur chaser. We are satisfied we will be able to please all who may give us a eall. J. 11.134100% AarYou would be surprised to see the summer stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Dry Goods, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Notions, Millinery and Ready made clothing that Mews. hiehtf ft Stets*ld have Just received front the east, and. yet everything connected with this en terprising firm Is condicted with sys tematic madmen and order. tinge plies of fall prints appear on the counter In such perfect arnutgement out to obviate the necesaity of inquiry for a particular pattern; also maimeres, vesting, and everything found in.• fret class Mer chant Tailoring establishment. By the way they haves cutter that is certainly A. No. I,ln his business,warranting a splen did tit. If you wish to secure a bargain be sure and pay them a visit, Broadway, New Brighton, Pa. , The Malabo Plene.—We refer.with epeeist pleasure to ttie advertisement of the Great Pisuo Manufactory of Mesita! Wm. Kaabah Co., of Baltimore. This factory ii now one of the largeit In the world ; It is a mignificient dye story structure, fronting an entire block on Eutaw street, and covering,' together with the • lumber - yard 'attached, limn° two and a half acres of ground. Three hundred and fifty men are constantly employed, turning out over forty kudzu meats per week. The Knabe Piano has by its superiori ty not only well nigh driven those of Northern manufacture from the home market, but also enjoys a large sale. In New York, Philadelphia andthroughout the entire North and West, besides their largely incressed'Southern trade. The most talented musicians of the day, both amateur and professional, tes tify to their superiority, and wherever exhibited they have never failed to car- ry off the highest awards over all corn= petition, having received no leas than 65 first premiums. During the lest season they we're used simultaneously by the moat distinguished artists at the Opera Houses In Baltimore, Philadelphia, Now York, Brooklyn, Chicago, ,to, There is certainly no instrument made more du rable than the Knabe Piano, none bu t the best workman being employed and only the very best of materials used. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. The "Law rence Journ.ll,7 of Saturday last, says': "We have been informed that Mr. Snyder, living near the lino between Mercer and this county, was recently kill ed In the following manner: He, with com panions; went to cut a bee tree, and Mr. was using the axe when the tree fell—ran to get out of the,way, but in ssead, ran directly under the falling tree, which fractured his skull and crushed him in such a wanner that he Vied soon after. —The Democrats or Crawford county Lave appointed conical-1:i to meet those of Erie foi the nomination ufn candidate for State tienatur,in opposition to Mr, Dele nutter. 'They met at Curry on the 21st instant. —During a late thunderstorm on Wash ington county, lightning that passed thro' e mow full of - luty, struck and killed a horse in the stable lielow, while a mall. who v:l4 l ' leaning ou the horse was unin jured. —On Wedneiday of last week u terrible tragedy took place in a humus of ill fume at Parker's Landing, between two noto rinds characters named ,Farren and Gil bert• Farrell had leased a house to' Gil bert, and the latter had opened therein a "free and easy" dance house and drink ing saloon, and Farren was one of his customers. On the day mentioned Far ren called a Qui", very drunk, and quaeretedivi it Loud words were exchanged and finally blows given, when Farren drew a revolver and fired three shots, all taking effect in Gilbert's body, Gilbert also drew a revolver and fired, shooting Farren twice through the lungs from the effect of which ho died in a tow hours• At last accounts Gilbert was still living but cannot recover.' Farren was one of three brothers who formerly resi- ; clod below Vennago City. on the Farrell Farm.— Venaago Cdizea. —On Monday evening last, while our German people were engaged in celebra ting the recent victories of Prussia,. an accident happened by which a boy nam ed John Slim, aged about thirteen years was so severely injured as to cause his death. The facts as we learn them, are that • man named Henry Welhauzen was firing • large pistol, heastSly charg ed, when it bursted' the fragments flying in every direction, ono piece striking Slim on the back of the head and fatally Injuring him. The boy was taken home and everything done for him that could be, but without avail, as he sank rapidly and died on Wednesday at 11 o'clock• The verdict of the Coroner's Jury was In accordance with the above facts, and exonerated Mr. Welhiuzon from all blamo In the matter,—Sharon Herald: Dedicated. 31n. Eorrou : The now house of 'wor ship for the church of Industry, Presby tery of Allegheny, was dediciited to the worship of God on Sabbath August 7th. Oar who was present writes: This is a very neat and substantial edifice, and re flects great credit on the energy and taste of the good people of Industry. The structure Is a frame lIG by 50, with belfry and end gallery, and finished within after the most aproved style." Great praisi! is especially due the ladies of the congrega. Lion for-their presence and self denying efforts in furnishing the edifice with car pets, divan, hair-cloth chairs, &c. In this particular they have shown a most com mendable xisti, worthy of itrotstion. The thanks of the congregation are also due to certain ladies. of Allegheny city, for the substantial aid rendered by them in the matter of furnishing, tte.' The dediadion sermon was preachtsi by Rev. Gm P. Hays, from Prov. xi 25. The good brother was particularly happy both in the selection of his theme and :n his treatment of it. • Nest followed a historical sketch of the tong egntion, by key. /smell M. Smith of Beaver, Pa., who preaches' at this,point, In connection with Bethlehem church, when it was yet missionary ground. A collection was then taken to liquidate wawa debt which was still upon the building, wheelie was ascertained that a stiMelent amount of money had been raised to meet all deficiencies; and thus the grin. trying result was attained of dedicating the houseifreo of all incumbrancea Truly, we have great mason to rejoice and praise God for his goodness to this little flock. Just one year ago, and all seemed dark and uncertain; and tints - Were even entertained, by some, that they watt be obliged to abandon the Acid. But those clouds have gone, those fears dispelled; and God's people, here, are rijoicing„ and looking forward to the time when this little church will, by the blessing of God, take Ita Ostia' anon •our vigorous, melt istatatatat aerate.. . : On the Bahbeth.ol August, Jinn two week, after the dedication, the sacrament of the Lord 4 s supper waaadmtilatered the Pastor,‘ Rey. 3L L. Yfortnuin ; on which nocastimt ibiutiiisis Wire added to the _membership of the eliurch—siz on exam: !nation, and three baptized. Row true Is God to lib preemie Bring ye all the BIWA into the storehouse, that there may he meal In mine home; and pmre me herewith, If I will Lot open the windolva of heaven." • -. • Olleedressattses. &neon A.noosi—Mesars. Rubin and Shurlock have promised a place at }hr• rishurg, this winter, to a certain young gentleman of Beaver, so tea understand- How many other gentlemen, young and old, they have 'promised the acme place to, it would be Interesting to know. They have but. one or two places to give, and last winter they hail' prOMUled them to only twenty•four persons. They are like the fellow that had a female dog which gave promise of an addition to the dog The:fellow kept promising a pup to all his friends, till he owl promised away about one hundred and fifty pupa. Ills wife remonstrated with him on the subject. "Why,"said the fellow,.l woldn't give a cent fora man who coulda't prom ise his friend a pup whenever he was ask ed, (fib° friend stood treat." So with Ra tan mid Shurlock. They are ready to promise one Miley to everybody who will treat them toll vote. A vote for Situritick now is a vote . for this kind of swindling. EDITOII Awns :—ln the last Radical I find the following, clipped from an editorial ; "Geo. 1(.111 reaeutl)soamedl Henster. David A. Nagle, • candidate for State Sen. ate, two thousand dollars to be seed M defeloug two Repablkan candidates for the Leglelatere In Philadelphia at the next eMetion. We make this NtilelleiSßl advisedlj, sod are raid) to stand over It In the Wart or e6er here.", Allow me in reply to state that the above Is false In everypArticular. I have never had a conversation with Mr. Na gle on the subject of defeating twoot the Republican candidates for the Legisla ture In myna); nor through any ono also with him. Further, I have never paid one dollar to any ;onion: nor "put up" one cent to help to defeat a Republican candidate for any office;nor have I over bought a member of the Legislature to assist me In any shape nor form. Cau Mr. Quay say this much? Is ho not . known all over the State as • Harris burg lobbyist, and has he not on more occasions than one, paid money for votes for the Camerons and their politi cal friends?, The Nagle story is there fore a silly lie, and nobody knows this better than the editor of the Radical himself. IV, IV. ',mut. MORE ABOUT TIIE • TICKET =2l Ennui' Anous.—A rolicking article. on the tiriebiug ticket bualoais appears In the last number of the Radical ill which Mr. (play expresseth himself fur the Arid time. Sumo points In it moat be noticed and corrected. The article stator truly, WWII it rays that an error was discovered in the name of Mr. Lukins, in the first hatch of tick ets 1 gave to Itl. R. Wilson. esq. But Mr. Wilson dill not destroy the tickets. I have them lu my possession at this me. meet. As soon as the error was discov ered I corrected it, printed off two thousand more tickets, took them to Wilson, exchanged the matter, and re ceived, frum hinf l the two thousand er ronous tickets I had first given him. Those tickets were for Mr. (inching to use by • pasting his name over that of Arthur hbleld, as the Radical states, and us Bolan knew when ho told me to print theist for Wiliam. Soots after this Mr. Wilson wanted a thousand more with tirsubing's name printed in them. I hired a Luau to print them. At another time and shortly before thu election ho wanted another thousand of the same kind of tickets• . I hired them printed also. This made in all four thousand tickets which I had printed fur Mr. Wilson and . fur which he paid mu fifteen dollars in all, to wit: fur the L'eue Straight Re publiam ticket., and fle for the 2UOO Republican tickets with timid ug's name inserted and which wer? printod ut hop orate thins. Out of the money I paid those whom I hired to do the work and accounted . to Mr. Quay fur the paper used, ly charg ing it to myself, and settling it with him in my account, after the election, so that he was at no expen s e whatever. Whatever balance there was I consid ered my own, as tho work was extra and dope at extraordinary hours, and was not at that time considered legitimate to the calico, and I was at considerable time and trouble to get it done. And above all, as I have previously stated and sworn to, I had told Mr. Quay thatsome things were going on which he had better not know, and his silence afterward con vinced me that he wished to know noth- ing further; at least from me, upon the subject. Ho knew of the tickets being wanted. 4 presume be knew I would have them printed. The work was extra, as I said before, the tickets were printed in the night, and I could not but understand that Mr. Quay wanted to know nothing about it. And any impression that I retained money which properly belonged to Mr. Quay in this transaction, does mo great Injustire, 'while any 'statement to that effect is wilfully false, malicious and in excusable. Mr. Wilson never Informed me that he had•nbt consulted Quay in regard to the first batch of tickets: And I knew that Rutan knew of It because he advised me to let Wilson have them and I told him I would do so. It is true as the Radical states that I regarded all the ticket print lug I did for Mr Wilson as a private matter land not as the legitimate busi ness of the Radical office. So 1 under stood Mr. Quay to regard it, and acted accordingly. He did not then declare, as he does now, in favor of printing any styli of ticket, called for. On the con trary he was at first dubious about lot ting Wilson have the 2000 staight Re publican tickets, as stated In my aMda davit- I will do Mr. Quay the justice to say that ho was not, at first, in favor of Grmbing's election. Re was chsiste. Ile wrote an article reflecting severely upon CI nebingand commending Shields. But he afterwards let the ravishing go on as there came to ho an understanding between Buten, Griebing and Wilson. This i am convinced of because Ratan informed me that Shields had told Wil son, he would "Smaah the Radical" when elected. Ratan said Wilson had in formed him of Shields declaration, and he, Rutan, believe' that Shields was "set up" by the Axons against the Rad ice. Alter this nothing farther wine Gnebing wise said by the RadiMr. Quay was away for some time', 'before the election, and did not return till a week or two after It was over. Since that time ho has several timer expressed himself convinced that If. Shields had been elected the Radical would have received none of the Sherl printing. So also has Ratan on several occasions. And a good many laughs have been Indulged in by both of them over the defeat of Shields, within the past year, to my own knowledge. Could I but help being convinced that they de sired the election of Greabing,and swear- Mg to my belief when impudently threatened by Ratan The introduction of the matter of the Donohoe tickets Into ihiacontrover soy proceeds altogether from the article In tho Radical.; Forjuyself I have .ex =MME9 . elualvely Molted my dismission to Ra w"' ounnectiosai With. the Griebb4 ticket afhtir end Iran entered Into that dboardoi, whiclibies breed upon , me; with nth:Tanen. F The gratultious Intror dizetkon oiDoneboo's tickete,with him is evidenoo4ll Mind to them. pros that Somebody use hall bigger with aseteb than injnieit on thb subject. O. P. WEARION. CHAPIDLEII4IIII7IIILOCK CASE. • Eo von Aeolis: l —ft is evident to your readers data am lat this time Involved In a guerrilla warp and, while ettieseer log to ellence'One battery., the enemy inilantly Open hitherto Masked batteries on my dank and rear, and are now en deavoring to,.Dini- my own guns upon me.. They are exhausting their mo cha) of 00a:testi to compass my. over throw, As to the sew dodge, of getting the colored °dines, who certified that Messrs. Dawreace and Trimble deteived them from Weeding the primary elec tions in May Inst—to go back on me, and the means need to Induce them •to do so, I offer the *davit of Wm. Penny, one whose veracity la unimpeachable: We the lindenditned citizens of Greene township, Beaver county, do hereby cer tify that we wished and Intended to vote for T. J. Chandler for Assembly at th e primary meeting, May 28th, 1870, but was deterred from going to the polls by Dr. Lawreneeandjimes Trimble assert ing that we would not be permitted to vote, because we had not been assessed ten days before said meeting. Jame Jackson ,! Wmi if. 11. Evans, Stephen Cisco, .1 biome Penny, Thes..3l. Paliner,l Joseph Evans. ' . Cbmsnomiestin of reimayvania i l LIMAVEM COUNTY,. - Personally appeared before me, a no tice of the Peace in andlor the borough of if ookstown, In,the.county aforesaid, William Penny. alto being duly sworn, according to law, deposeth and ileitis that We paper above.. attached, la the 'same that he presented slid was signed by the persons whose musses are thereunto at hichod'ln their own proper handwriting, wills the exceptio f two, without un• due persuasion or laolleltatiou on his part. After reeding r hearing him read the same—the Motioned referred to ho was requested to sign in the presence of witnesses and ackhowledged to be right. I WILLIAM Pansy. Sworn and subseribed before me this 23d day of September, 1870. , 1 JAMES Born, J. P. This will show that, with the excep tions wade, the parties all signed the cekideate after reading if or hearing it read; obusequeoy, with a full and complete understanding of its contents and purport. In the original oertifitate of the colored men, published above, they signed their !own names. In the affidavits, they all . make their Marks. Were they too mud' intoxicated to sign the affidavits. Wile furtilalied the whis key? Nearly all the facts embodied In the certificate of those tailored men, were upouly proclaimed in the streets of Duo kat° win) ust prior to the pri maryelec non in May last, by Dr. Lawrence and Jas. Trimble. They iterattSl and reitera ted that the colored citizens hurno right to vito at the primary meeting, because they-had not been immussed tali* days be fore the election; and charged those who thought differently with Ignorance. To use Dr. Lawronceis own language, while twirling his cane aloft. "You have the impudence to cotitiadlot me—Dr. Law rence—Judge of the Court of Beaver county —and expect me to acquiesce in your poeition thfil they have the right to vote without being assessed 1" -That Dr. Lawreiice and James Trim ble did idvbse the colored citizens to ati abdu from the primary meeting? In May lam, nocitizeu of Hookatotiu with whom I conversed--andrtalited with natty— :Or a moment doubts. So that, all this pretended ovortuthing of the certificates by the subsoqueneaffidavits, amounts Just nothing; for the *As, except their intention to i 'voto for me, ,are cm tabtished by the citizens of llookatown. And I would hers ',,inat meutimi m pat as the meeting of-the poanty Con:Mateo on the Sit of Sept. Mr.. Trimble asked we; lu open couventitn, about the Greene township colored Som. I replied that I had been Informed they had not voted at , lho primary mooting, bemuse Dr. Law rence and himself had advised them that they could not do in:, not having heel: assessed in proper time. 110 answered; "Yes; and I ant of that opinion still."' This will, doubtless, be remembered by many of thif committee. Now, as to the sn'euns used to procure the affidavits of Mime colored persons. They are best knoWn to those who 'eu gineered them. It l istu be clearly shown that one of tho unfortunate colored per sons was so inebriited on the day Ws af fidavit was obbilhed, "that ho could scarcely navigate, to use the language of ono who saW-him. who proscribed, or administered the medicine "to steal away the , brains lot this unfortunate man?" is the query. It Is certain, it had the desired effect. It produced the affidavit. For the truth of the above facts I might rotor to Many , persoin in Hookstowu and vicinity ; but will only name Ali. F. S. Laughlin and MitJoseph Srearengen. I wheat the foregciing facts to an Intel ligent public, to decide whether these parties are justifiable, in conjunction with their ring-maSters in thus assailing me with their filthy billingsgate slang of "forgery falsbocid," &c. T. J.' CIIANDLIM. Mn. Surma :—lbavejust been on a tour of inquiry reliitive to alleged illegal voting at the primixy election, 'ln May, In the borough of Phiiiipaburg and find, on investigation, that every Democrat who wished, was; permitted to vote; the only teat required being that ho pledged himself to vote far such men, at the October election,—inlcase of their nomination—as he ;supported at tho pri mary mooting. In !the event his favor ites were not nominated, be was it lib erty to vote against', the entire Republi can ticket: that Is, vote Democratic throughout. This was the ruling of the Judge at tho primary election In May ; and under this decision every Democrat who wlShed to vote for Sherlock awl Shroada, were perMitted to cro so. This ruling of the Judge was a violation of the rule adopted by the County Com mittee, to govern In such eases. Sm. 2, of the Rube and ; Regulations for the Government of the'llepublican Primary Meetings, reads as follows : who claim tube, and see recognized u member* of the Itepubbesn party, levity entitkd to vote at the erasing October eiedim, and nest debts of the e feeble WA:Seth-where they propose to rote at the prtioall eleVlen. and Iblbees srh are identlled 'with the party, and who tern be of fall age at the next ensuing ebethoo„ shall be en. titled to vote for ores for the various omen to be Lied at such aletakie." , There Can be ludo doubt In the mind Of any reflecting Mau, that fraud was In tended from theveiy start, In favor of the nomination of Ellindocie et all haz ards. Democratic I voters were to lie called In, whenevei, an opportunity was afforded at the primary meeting*, and the list of the names of the voters were to be carried off, concealed, or destroyed so that any invedigstion of the fraud could nut be had. This was the original ;rex:gramme, and It has been faithfully carried out. What a miserable Woe Was that of James Patterson In order ing what he calls so Inveetigation, com prised of a Board of two of his and Shur luck's private friends, to coast the re tains' from the sevriral precincts ? Who doubted that it would not result the same as that of the May Convention, when corrected and published? It was and is the id . saes of the voters of those districts wherein fraud Is alleged- to have taken place at the pi Imaryniectlon !that the people . demand should be In spected ; and It la Just to , prevent this that the list of voters, talley papers ro turns, &c., were carried off and secured against persistent efforts for their .inr speealon. on the put of any person out `aide the favored "ring." This refusal glvearitthe right to say that those pa pers contain the names of Dernocrstee in Phillipsburg, and • other pima, wire voted for Sherlock and tied this fact was known by the 'rine:from the Ora heece ,there action in the premises. Wain, otherwise, they would , be quite as ready alum them Inspected for the ptupOse, not only of vindicating - their honor, but of satisfying the public mind, as they_were to have the votes added up to prove the majority of Sherlock only 12 lusted of lig t as titivation; would have been glad to have hid the public believe. That there were fraudulent votes eat at the primary meeting in Phillipaburgl know as Drell as many Republicans and Deruccestr. There were from nine to seventeen Dam= ocratio - votes polled at that election pro oiuot D.; Eerion Awes : I was somewhat sur prised to see it, stated in the Radical that I supported Dr. Chandler at the last mooting of the County Committee. • I did not attend the meeting 'of the Comthittee with any other view than that of advancing the interests of the Re publican party, and whatever.part I took in the proceedings was intended to ha thee the interests of the pair& and not hinter any individtal. . I was aware' , thept was conalderable dissatisfaction : at the manner in which the returns bad been opened and the inz' suit announced in the Convention enlist. Kit of May. I had heard of Dr. Chand ler's complaints of underneath' the mat ter. and believed that they were only Caused by dierapointment and chagrin at defeat, for the purpose of allaying this fooling, I offered a resolution for the ap polo intent of a committee of three to ex amine the returns and tally papers, and report to the County Committee as to any , Irregularities that might have occur red in maid to the nomination of Rep resetitative- I ant sorry to say that those of the eouttulttee who appeared to have only the luterest of Dr Shurlock—and net that of the party—in charge, opposed this resolution and defeated its passage. Had the committee been appointed, and upon examination of all the facts, found the nominatiou to have been fairly made there would then have been nu fuither grounds for complaint on the pert of Dr. Chandler And his friends ; and hid the committee found Dr. Chandler's state ment to be correct, then Dr. Shurlock should have loft the field. li, either event the party would have viudicatetl I look no further part at the primary meeting than to Vote for Dr. Chandler as my neighbor, although I believed that Dr. Shurlock was, through the usages bf the party, entitled to a re-betnination, . I think it was unfortunate for the int erests of the party, that the President of the convention of tho 31st of May reins- . ed to have Vita President's appointed to waist in opening the returns and compa ring them with the tally papers. It, was also unfortunate that the Secretarlia made an incorrect iumouncenteut of the result to the 'convention. It was also unfortunate that the friends of Dr. Mier lock announced their determination to defeat the election of Dr. Chandler when they thought ho was nominated, as they did on the morning of the convention of the Slat of May. All these things have bad a tendency to phew the party in its present demoralized condition; and aho'hici Dr. &hurler*, be ,defeated, bo tan Only charge it to tho imprudent zeal of his friends. I -do not consider that the nomination was a fair one though I was disriasod to su.stain it until I was thoroughly «mold ced of Its unfairness at the meeting of the committee the 3rd of this month, where every effort was made to prevent a fais investigation. ftespoctfully, Tuomas 1. Powsn. Rochester, Hept. 2.lst, 1870. EANTERN • ILotrotf ARCIUS : Raving Just return ed frolu a dellgbtlid 'ad!. Into Eastern Virginia, I thought that some account of what I saw there might interest many of your readers. . Fredericksburg, the only city in the State that we visited, is finely situated on the Rappahannock. To Americana this city must ever be a place of interest, for the mother of Washington lived and died. in it. There is also a national cemetery, beautifully situated on the heights of Fredericksburg, whore the dust of then rands of thebrave.defenders of our coun try repose in peace. 1 The city' bears many marks of the ter rible battle fought there during the war. Almost every house was pierced by a cannon ball, and some of the hotline are yet lu ruins ; but for the moat part, they are repaired, and the 'city'now presents an appearance of active industry. FroM Fredericksburg we passed thro' the country lying between the Rappa• liannock and the Potomac river, as far as King Gearge's Court House ; and as ma ny of your readers whe were soldiers will know, it is indeed a beautiful land. A severe drought has left its mark on e/out/dog; stilt a more Limn average crop has been raised this (lesson, show ing that the soil is naturally productive. Within ten or twelve miles of Freder icksburg, many of the farms aro now owned and cultivated by men from diff erent parta'of the north, and semi) from our own county. Among these, our mu tual friend: William Davidson, Esq., of Bridgeivater, Pa., owns a farm of 706 scree on the Rappahannock, at.the head of deep water navigation, and ten miles below Fredericksburg, which is known as the "Spring Hill Farm."Z It com mands a line view of the river, and, In my judgment, is the most valuable and oroduetive farm of. its size on the river. A plot of this laud lying along the river. and comprising about IZ acres, when undergoud cultivation, has yielded from 8,000 to 9,000 bushels of corn In one sea- son. Misinformation wo received from a 'gentleman:who has known this prop erty from' childhood, and who had no point to gain by overestimating its real value. The remaining part of-the farm, on which the buildings are erected, lies much higher, and is adapted, to all kinds of grain and fruit. There is r an &bun& ance of fine apples and peaches growing tore now, to which our little party did am ustice during our pleasant sejourn at Spring 11111. The property takes Its name from • never falling spring, which supplies wa ter in abundance for man and beast. It i• clear as crystal, cool and beautiful. But ss I have de 'axe to grind by setting forth the good properties of this valuable estate. I . may say that from. this Timm doWn between the rivers already men tioned, there are at least 10,000 acres of land, Much of It under ealtlvatica, well •dapted, for farming purposes, and for, Itrult.Of all kludsz :better furnished with water, than our western lands, and tan be . bought at, an average of 110'per acre. I have no diceitation in saying that fur the purposes of u colony, no place is more to be desired. All that la ueeded is to cut up these large estates tube lots, of from 100 to 200 nertalacit, and put thtnn into the hands of young men of . enterprise and intelli gent* who are willing to work. Thia done, sod school's and churches would spring up as in the north, and I am fully persuaded that in a few years more desirable place to live could not be found in the lurid.._ , The people evbrywhere treated ha with courtesy and kindness. They accept the situation in which the war left them with* commendable grace. — Oar little party returned byway of the Lc;wer Po tomac, Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore, liar rlabtirg and' pittaburgh, which all unan imously agreed was one of the tined routes we had evertravolled, Beaver Pa-, Boot. 1870. J. 1.. 81" I • Stimseroados Cat Startle gyre,' Void Is cur Wood of PILLS. 10.61134 S ALTO. VAS. TOR OIL. fOr..• • RigiOyllsooroO. Meant so tato Cladreoif . o ei emu, AWOolrfale. R s. &Om & Co.. lb Wood yawl. PIM blush, Pa- NW/ • InTOUTANT NeWilmette Onialori.— The Hearth. and Hoge, a Lady Illustrat , ed family Journal of ot high •ebareeter, hitherto laeuemf , by Measse. Pettengill, Bates A Co. , ham , b een purchased by Menem Orange /odd Co., of 945 Broadway, New York, the well;haftwp blishersofthe ifineriette .Itprk•alturtst. Messrs. EL M. Pettengill* : Cu., wham , great. Advertising Ageney,:established ;In J.B, is one of the largest, and most reputable in the world, Bud that their exteualre Liminess requires their aide sive attention, and they thereGme vans.. for //earth and 'Masa to thtictrew Pub lishers, whose long experinee and abundant facilities will enable them nut only to maintain the pest high character of the paper, but to add materially to lie - value. The new Publtalter also antennae a reduction of the terms to. $3 per year. The change will , not at all Weil the American Airs* niffirialiwhich will motion° on independent as hereto fore.-Thu Illustrations and reading nutter of the two punish, will be on. drely different. Either of the Journals will be furnished front now to the end of 1871 (15 mouths), at the yearly sub acriptitot.rate, : the Teals Heart* and Home, at Id; thodlonthly American doriculturist. $1.30 • of the two fur 114. Ilookarowe, September 20 t /rai. To Lae Editor of Me Beaver B.ialical: In the ARAMs of . the 14th hist., we Had a note signed by "T. 1. Chandler,: pre senting to the public a atiteutent or cer tificate purporting to bu signed, by six "colored citizens of Greene towns alp," charging that, they wished to vote fur T. J. Chandler for Assembly, at the prima ry meeting, May I ,1170 , but were de terred from going to the polls by !br. Lawrence, James Trimble &L.." We wore perf e ctly astounded When we read tho glariu gird mallao us fklsehOod. Wei may malicious, because the getter up . of that certificate could as well have made out his case without dragging our names before the public, - 'unless for • purpose of his own, that la well understood. We could not believe that a man so base as to get up cud publish such a batch of falsehoods was to be found to our cein! Wehave been deueived. lug the utter falsity of the statement. and not having 'pekoe to some of the certifi ers for months previous, we hoped fur the sake of the author, that he at least had some show of excuse fur the dirt) , work. he etas doing. Hut when we call ed on the "colored citizen" certifiers they one and all denied that they ever signed Duels a certificate, stating Waal: any of them gave pcirt4tsaltf fur use .of their names, It was not for such a plirpore,and that they were grossly dedeived. Wino of them denouncing the thing as a "fur -1 spiry," SO far as they are concerned, de eying that they couidpinder any circuits stances,, be influenced to vow for T. J. Chandler, and declared their purpose to vote for Dr Sherlock. Some of the signers say they were asked if they voted at the primary meeting, and their 114J1103 were taken us not voting,' butit was never intitnated that their sautes were taken for any other, purpose than to certain who had vote!, and the use of their names is a vile trend upon them. Mr. Editor, you would be surprised to we how inthenantly some of them reject the idea of voting fur T. J. Chandler. and they all - declare they will not dose.. We have obtained the tench:vita of Wu "colo red citizens of Greene township." They were given willingly and with a view to prevent telarepreeentation, and place themselves right before the public. The attldavits were written in their presence and by their dictation, and in presence of the Justice of Peace, and much awe was taken to not misrepresent them in any particular. Please publish them as an answer to what we consider a mali cious attack on us. M. Limas:me JA.11475 H. MILIIIBLY. Here follows the affidavits of Ileasra. Thomas H. Palmer, George Penny, Ste phen Chico, Josepb Evans, Wm. H. H. gvana, James .lacksOn, to the circa that no undue influence was exercised over them by Meaux. Lawrence and Trimble In preventing thElr attendanctiat the pri mary meeting In May last. DIED. FLOSENCE.--Ou We 14th of Sept. as industry.• Ella Florence, only Daugh ter, of Jaaon and Laszlo Hoyt, aged 17 mouths and S weeks. New Aelvertisenstnits. AYPLIcATION FOR ellAßTELL—Notice hereby given Matta applicatiosi will be wade at the unlit term of the_Court of Voniniou Ykor, In and fur the amity of Deaver, State of 14onay1-. you by the Truitt. of the Prubyterlan Church of Industry, In said county and Stew, fora charter of Incorporation. By Juror! of the Hoard. . . Ire*".tari GEV. L. W1L5 . y . ,73,L ... : Orphumus" Court 10uAo. Valuable Real .Ealate u Xe,o Brigh ton, tentia. IV virtues! itti tinier of Urpbam• 4AiSiin of Waver county the utulersigucti aulaimistraturg the estate of Ili nisimin will ex pos', to publebbein o the premised. ea Monday OcloGer 24th, 1870, at 31 o'clock a. ld. the follueriag described real 'eflate.' late of raid decawsed, vie: Two lot. of ground aflame iu the borough of Naw BAWART.II, county of blower. and btate of Perinsyleaula, be ing lota Nan. Is:si nut 161, In the general plan of loud borough, bounded and described as follows. viz : Beginning at the caber of Wai4 littevt •ad Sassafna alley, thew& by maid alley 'it% feet to Uhblon elleY: thence by division alley Vryi foet W lot No. led; thence by said lot WI feet to Water .trees; thence by Water street W feet to the place of beginning; on which l erected a Two Story &wne Dwelling, . 30 by 40 feat ; rotor:Ling 9 roocukk litchous, hall and attic—and also, a - d (filar under the entire Building. The house la in good repair, and well calculated for two Ywliles. There are, also, a Stable & pines necessary Outbuildings on the premises, end a never kiting well of water ots the porch. These Mrs are planted with good Fftfil iron and Grapevines, :o L:2r tk ruber of tile latter being Ls good bwtag The property Li in every re:tyre:l' desir able. • 1711.118—One third of the parttime money to be be paid In band at the conirmation or the isle by the Coon, and the remainder In two equal annual Instalments with Lamest ABlCLARD,wursunt, t "__ Intl:43w.] MARY MUSLIM' -File Fint Prize Nett harden. !PIMTHE GREAT Baltimore Piano . Manufactoit WILLIAM, KNIBE & CO., Manufacturers of GRAND. SQUARE, AND UPSNIIIT NAM !Feline. BALTIMORE, Alp. These instrument. bare been before the pubbc foe nearly Thirty you., and upon Melt excellence akom attained an usporchasedprerwouesso which ph:too:homes them unequalled. Their 71.1 N combines peril power. sweetness and gem Moen. quality. m yell as great pertly of intonation, and sweetened throughout the entire Nude. Their 01:=1 ptlant and elude, and entirely free feces the ellftme *toad In no many Fiance. In Worlcirnanship they sue unetptelled, aided now bat the vary beet aLaeXiD 111.1111XIAL. the have capital employed la oar heehaw ettabliez tow keep est lateamme stork of lumber. de.. oa bead., All oar SquA as Ronne haricot New Im proved Oyer Wrong Seale and the Agrop Treble. $ We would rall special attention to oar late Improvement.'" u GRAND PlANtei and SQUARIr °RANDS: Prrerran Aro. It Dad which bring Ihe Piano nearer perieedula than toe Tat been at. rained. Earn/ Piono Warryadect for nu Years. We bare y de ernagenwou for the Soli iflotroate Agency Ow the stool Celebrated rAir, LOB ORGANS and MELODRONS, which we ot , fey Whokrale and,Retall. at Lowest Factory Prh WILLIAM 'MAIM t CO. wpIS:11m) Asltiaters, Yd. . NI. --- +V"'"• • Ors 1.11.1,1 3 114..1114 1•L L11b1it . ; 4. 1 . 1 .: "k 01 . 0 . 1 ..+4 1 . O. sad D. ow or o g N. C..„ us nal,. WC =:•=l\ . a 1 ,4 d bz io... tim Lark r ar= t i in , Il i '21 . 4 I*4 =4.1r1 On Is a tt .... WIDI lei V. If Ulm In ig g VI Unsaid or minints. Down ." vs is illieguarr imam EY . tbal, la.ts, oral"! ala , 1111 0 =Um. rat. 7/4 alas bon em tnearnig.. Nor odor 16•01 ~b. —' • lor . . mrilhr WW2/ .we . as slow =111...111111.1.1111111111M1 BA9III7EL MASON Ac SONS. NEW , BRIGHTON . eITfLERT WORKS, ifautfraoherers of Pen A- Pocket GU-, 4,Y, Oaring, Kara and Poke, and Butcher Xidrest. Special el tentlosAacusate Inl,6alardeesalef low Teaspeting of Ore Oeneires to be competent to wake Me very beet. aa 'reemploy none bet ostierleaced greekaseo, sod woe tbe beet orattieL. Seatael Nowa bea bow been. to lb., bastaere forty yam, aad bla sow an Arachnid workmen. Special taiberioa M lied to oar Hock af— Uuteher Knives. ldch are made rross, the beet or Sleet TM Wan. die 'is me .otld place rd coed; the tang going throegb Is rutted on the end. Ki that 111. Mooed Me for it to tweak or come of. • All our cork I. warranted to be equal If not better than a Per eta or ll ostatte make. C ill 'Moen our Work.; no pawn 'molted. Mot and Works. In New BrightOn, Pa. New Ad FALL OPENING. New Goods ! New Prices I Have Reached A Note Mock 11 MILLINERY - GOODS CoopAdes an unusually Largo and So leer Lsanstesant of ' t ELM, • FLOWERS. . VELVETS, P4TIIERS, SATINS, mks. Plain & Fancy 1111bbons, doe.. &o. lo onkr to ,make this node," u sung the as 00111bie. NO shall exhibit'* large number of Easton trimoutxl TiaiWWZIAWI BUIWiISs ni;,lhir *gib aunty Desirable N - O'7333MATIIES ',late and Bonnets Trinunedio Order B..ticalng a Call, I am, !Imp:Wilily yin' nc- I. lIANAUUL Bridge at., Bridgewater, sp.Vof BARGAII S A, W. & CO.l At 75 Cents, One C.I.SC of Very Flue Morino id. AT ONE DOLLAR Extra Good Wateiprot: AT 3734 CENTS Ezra Good Waldo Linen Bargains in Many New Dress Goods CALL AND SEE THEM. A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S No. 178 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. .juul:ly—je29,jy2o-27, spZ3" NEW - GOODS A. W. ER WIN & COI Freud, Meriuns Wool Plaid. Poplin Plaids. Illac.k Waterproofa. brown Waterproofe. Corded Poplins Sdk and Wool Poplin/. Irish Poplins. Now Diu* Doloins' Plain Mixed Goods, Gruy Popbus. AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES Who Jennie and Ttetittl, A, W. ERWIN & CO.'S, F M Federal St., Allegheny. SepV3,te The Cheapest Wholesale BOOT & SHOE HOUSE , IN PTITSBUROIL Joseph 11. Borland, as At 56 Weed Street, Nanyfaciterer, Whoksale & Omuta,- Aims Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES ar. RUBBERS. Al New Yea sod Boma Priors. • , - Agent for PldledelWe city sods goods at Mao- Vaguer. Orders Cross ecesstry dealers peausptly Mod sad aatleteetios wsersassd. mesh goods dal". (septtles QTIIIIAT COW—Casa to UMS premiss of the IJ subscriber to Chippewa towniikip. Dower CO.. Ps.. aft the Id of lieptanbet. A. D. 115. • BOW& Co" with her borne having been bor. ed. WM Om -is skeet •firl/t2 yews sad no owner la rapeseed to pommy. par dr_ g ea and take ha away. Mt DSIDOIIII. • ..nrilltew ICFA Vl2lO Pornuostly beard Ile TO/so 4". 24 / 1 ".9 11 .. Po, foe tbo wpm. ot pe•ol 311•111olaik I rameettally amen 147 0 0,4 k 0 . 1 ., sorrkes to the cid/ono of rid VOW. sod 0101. lo reokkoes, ("pooh. goolo OAK whom / always to hood, *Woo pnaloolo.a/ 44)11r0L All calla recoloo hosedishr Nod ottootloo. A. V. CUSN/NULIAN. M. P. A DMINISTRATURE 710TION.—Lattme M ad A; Waldman. hulas bees Weed to Itm nab. seri bar oa the mute or Wlllhaa Der ldnosjr, 4e. aimed, taw of Owbermo of Deaver Falb, Paw oar meaty. ht.. sake la barely firm to all pm• towhead to NW estate that latmodlat• m yus I. maorad. AU than lirrladalslam wad taut. vall pretreat them dal, althea r 1 ter eactraseat. DAVIDOON, It. Adw. VISTATZ Or GICORCIX PEOUDLZY. DWI). Letters leatstnentary to Oa estate of George Proodley, deed.. lase oI tin betuagi of prep Mtn. harlot/ been granted to tbot andenigned, aU personl briebt to odd noW fobbed to who honaodlate payment: and Qom barbig elides agstaat ralo rotate ottU nosorst 1M Luna whitest &tag We oetthment M We nolotalgnod, oe to lbw. Initial L Mane, by atlontem In the bough al Warner. GAMIN CYIWDLIiY, Nag. Mein. lor4--itt. vascu•rows xoner--Lelbro lestataeolta ry tat the LW' of Sank boas, dec'd. tats of Miulmos towarbip. Berner amour, PL , lawlog bees &minted to the uaderaigned, aft mama In. &Wad to mild Wats are hereby notblM to oaks tatatediata payamat; and thaw Irving calm. so add estate will preseot dam to ate Babserther, duly autbenticated for ambler:mt. repICIM DAVID W. SCOTT. ler. New Advertts ccrrr.lloY LE WILLIAM& liserners C. LAU.* Cu. Dallis In 14.14 gad nasal Laither. Loth AI riNrKMr. Itadriter. sp•Ely Paint Planing NI.Wm. Water htreet, Rochester, At. 'Whitfield & Anderson. lIANUFACTU HMIS 1)I+ ANA, hoorsoffouldino,Floor4oards, WeaTher-6oavda, Palings, Brack ets, he., Be. ALL°. DFALKILS TN ALL KINDS or LLM., • lleft, AND BUILDING TINIID , :a. Anttyf tetechased ;be lenWarfel Weisel of ADderom, owner of the several retest. esm. Min lialpfuleweele la lb* awelieetioa sod joints; of westbeebtlenta pad Ilalag foe bola e• sod other bundle" we Sr. lb. awl) , pers.. sattoeized to make sod Leen tb•fame edible lb. Urns tot Meow wanly: radio keteented plow oberre• tbls. amp aders' SlApp Nes alutandy on -Hand. ==:=! LACER Mesita Wontied.4ll22s a month) y Um, Alwerkas AaWlf OW roc Slabs.. yr ST. Loom. No. 11:3 , .. AGIMMTbiI Wonted To Irbil VA 1 A.lll ismaszapi 'Yff 14A.W soon . FOR BUSINESS MEN. DD IT /11.114CUIPTION 111001. OUT. Ad. dive O. D. CABS AI CO., Illanlbed, C 0... up 11,4 FRAMES ANTILD—AtatIeTS, tIMII per elay) to sot TT On eetebeateel HONK atICTWIA NACHO'S lie tr eufer•Jeed, tulles the leek 'Midi; (alike es both slam head tieeseed The beet and dampest retal:7 *mate Metttlee I a tb• atertai. Adittee JOUNIWItI. CLARKE .11 IlaatanAll us.; rlttsbargt, Pa.; Ottawa, Ill; Oe bt. Louis Yu. teetal:;ten 2%ITUNES .... to 11 , 0 e men. • ro chum. Send [Stump. DI. moo lb., Wilmington, D.I. (septibu. s2l9ooo—ar t+o I a runwd “lba t; g tots. Tit ... reno ord cw grin SW 7. Xor 1 41 PI in liii4Xll wins MILL”. Ilsl=u, Yu. i seTT,T: _ ._ I will .rid the re'• , 1 , 4 0I A Nit' OH k ceipt by whleb I waa caret of Cr CATANN e took.aiid Minn. ( DEAFNESS - , s e . yr rs M l r . . . _ __b,p7;4.. I:=E! Aggentso Wanted Vox, _FREE LOVE, • UP ITS:VaIANI lb. by hr. Jos a Wm. Th. mat &TAXMAN. book o( 4WD Owes. The obola lgb}.-et laid bore ..d 1 Iddroorooro .rd to marmot exec/atlas. I N'rillinr I. £A. lo• &rota qf CiriNsonon. t'Aript64Uv, o.d NAN'. Norotity. Send br circulars 'and term. V N. Publiabloe Co..N. T., Ctbdosati. Mato and M. Loci. „ I 0p7:11.r TO NM SCI PINVIAZ • OM IA It %/INTIM lITATIter NlFlNlNENTlOBlllofaibllberwilik Illaite tem Mrftailllolll. 4lko. I,‘Oar MU= soul err RIONTII6 001010 , 11 1 e NO FNIPM=g 4 lostibooreNooL hibelolor numiaimiolikarib". "CHILDREN CRY FOR THEM." W1:L1. , 8 CARBOLIC TABLETS. A rpertfte for all Obsesses albs respiratory or gm.. or menu awed:emits. :to all sbeebt be' ISr lair. Cairbu lle Tablotr. liney should be promptly tacit la ell awn of linden . * L oop. and In all sfrectlass at Um ltuust sad Loop. E'er Wariest in Children they are pimply treraluabh sal or excelleut rod edy diked tbe liidary• do Nue preload three thee there properly. deed for moo. Price ferenty• Jtre mute per Ilex. Seat by nett as receipt of the price, byq listh Meet. t. / Y. tide Agentiur trus U. M. &Ad by Irratidoe. Idw Agents Wasted (.Yale or remaie)for tAe PHYSICAL. LIFE OF WOMEN ■ BY GEORGE H. NAPHEYS, M. D. Thls tsars, ruts &dna I. tae gm% success or the, yew. 44.04100 lure already Gera said. It mtl3l sells with s rapadlty tulle napomedested. Agents all agree am May make mono LOAM well ing It Man any other. Nock lest elms lemisory ft mill open. :Wad at once for pamphlet Le. Ad areas hldeLltAN.Publuber, Philadelphia. New York, t Boehm / laeptew 415Ilmtillami "Up (Amur. Great savintosConsumers. Parties asqatre how to get up date. Oar aw. ewer la, mai for Price U.t sad a Club lbeu .111 accompany it with tall dlnectioaa,—roaklag a large saving to ataimmers sad realawerative b (nab TIE s IBEIS Amax TEL CO. 111 . /f . 33 V/fIXT STaIttIYI,I2W.TOIHX, .-01.5 .44> toup,e/ sifILD. Certain. Safe, =desk It Is his the Wet .111 Adithiertie remedy yet discovered. and at mice relieves and invigorates all the 'clod funellooe with:air taming !tipsy to any cil them. The wad complete emcees. has Wog attended its see In many Wealthy. and It Is now catered to the ceiseral smite Ile sub the conviction that dean sever bit to ac complish all that is claimed foe It It produces Ilitle'or Impala; losses We organs free from belts• ties , and otter erectile. or excite, the necrosis system. In all diseases or the skin, blood, Mom ace, bowels, liver, kidieya—of children—sad la many dlnlcaltka peculiar to women, It brings prompt relief and certain cure. The best Physi cians recommend and prescribe It; add no prisms slim UDC! OM Old will voluntarily retain to Una dad of any other cathartic. grlieullby mall un receipt of price and Wax 10.2.6 Poollage, eh.. b 1.00 - IS tla. It bt sold by all dealers to drugs and medicated, & by WU:MR da. rftprid. f+ ,O ISO Tre moat ISL. &dram, Maw. inteelsowasi the lairic Comb ow,anan"Yel black or hewn. It madsins no ;:ists. /kayoed% Ad sae we It. :Ond mut by mad to case dollar, Ad dress ItAGIC COMII lipringfiekt, Ness. TSChkSin. ,t LLEGIIENT COUNTY as.— /IL In the Orphans' Court In and for the eaW SEAL In o matter unt of the Estato of William Cahlwell, &efts edju Partition, hi0.,3, December Tem. And now, August 20, !no, the Inqui sition rd' the Shears Jury, presental open Court and continual Nlal, and Ruhr on the heirs and legal representatives of said des...slant to coarse into open Court nu SATURDAY, October tend, 1870, at 10 o'clock; a. in.. and accept or nillese the real estate nt the appraised Woe. or .bow cause why the same shoukl not be PAL (From the Reconl.) Ar.s.t. !hums, Clerk, HUGH N. FLEMING. tilteriff, Fiusburgh Sept. 2, 1870--ael Allen's Potato Digger. WILL DIG MORE POTATOES THAN C'cua be Lifted by THREE MEN IN TUE UBUAL WAY Orer One Hundred Sold Last Season by us. ALL WARRANTED. Only one returned. Sent on receipt of fifteen dollans. W. W. KNOX. )37 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Gen'l Agency fur the West [auglo;2na . New Millinery Establishment IN IatiCIIESTE:II. MRS. S. 7. NEAL Would Wolin the public or Rochnter and vicinity that she hasps* opened a NEW 113111NERY STORE 13141(011TON STREET. A short distance *due Cross' sture.. ROCHESTER. PA. batten 311:LLTNERY In silks branches. Children* . (*Shin& Shirts. sc.. male in order: work to bo A call solicited. VR$. T. HEAL. no-2.1:6m1. = =1 \ ) 0 . 4 , $,) BY TIM COURT. =1 AND
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