The Beaver Argus. Heaver, August 23. 18.9. ---- - Circulation Over Twelve Hundred. LE2 = of Ado 1114. I IIY c. 314. / year. pr-10 Ilnee,llo2 00 0.1 . 00 85 00 $l4 00 011.106 . 'NOM!, 410 •!; 50 500 (10 10 00 15 1.111 Pqnsrm., do 1. S (101 6( 0 000 . 11 15 18 al, ',ITOfI g o d ei ( 01) .12 ( 1 12 :I 91 I 2 I 01 .1; It Ou 15 CO 20 00, 31 00 1 1 111 00 au bu co) wool: 0! 00 1111 03 mime' and' Szeentors' —sloo not per line, ten tent.. ;41' rayntentr to be made Quarterly. irau..letit adverthorments, which Inuit vsoce. _ --- state or tho Thermometer for I.he wovk ending thullh ot.Augnst, _ . . - 7 A. A. A w z . 15 — lilt deg. 131 - 4 - IVg. in 013-dog. 77.4ieg. ,74 dog. . • 17 63 deg.. 74 deg. ' 70deg; dog. 79 deg. 73 deg. It! 70 dog. tirr deit. 75 dog. •• 211 73 dig. Si hag. deg. 'l2l 73 dm. dpg. 73 dog. R. T. TAYLOR. . • subseelptiono to the Beaver Ar• guid.—Tho following minted persons No e pill the sums sot opposite to their names on bvhseription to the Beaver -Aeons, sineo the data of our lost pul.ll ration: John raughoy, Beaver, S. J. Ntetlitre, New (lank's, I.:tkin, Beaver, J. Naniinh, Iteelinster, Christian, Seetried, Freedom, It.diert Sterling, Seventy Si; Todd, 9rerin I:. S. Nl'Lain,.Now Brighten, N. S. Knight, Inihnitry, Wilson 11iisellten, Water (i'lire • The attention of the public in directed to t h e following Now Advortlnoinonto which appear forthoilrot Ulna In the An •:•;•• , • Beaver Sondnary—D.l4 A. McLean. Exr'il.Notico-q9O. Chas, ltauechor, riteCitore.' . 1101,1Wateles—Oroido Watch . SpMtal Notice—Mpoyereett Sam. Special Noticos-7':M. Bone. Spetal Nottcoa-J4e.•4.•Fortuno. • ElteeDent Pmts.—We aro under .11.1Ooktionm to 8..0. .0011410 y, 04q., of Itaivoon township, fOr a basket of very lino pea ppo Ito has had an abundant urop ot t treis fruit the prosont,Neason, and we are glad to know that ho found a ready and good market for all the peers he 01)111a apace. . . noon Fret& Limo aiwaym • on hand a nnlvanon Lime Mina, 'Vanport: taugli;tf. Striae* wills Lkststnissg.—en. teat Saturday evening the barn of Mr. Win. Illggerstaff, of lisoooon township,' was struck with lightning and consumed. All his grain and hay, together with ono horse, wore burned up. .Mr. loss is quite heavy. tlx Is hundred and twunty-livo b 1.4. Can - ton City flour and Ixtrrola Now Crobk flour Just rocolvod and fur mato at S pay er..r Sons, Rochimiter Pa. Lom corrwitattlug cheap at Beam K Deaver Ladles Iliemiaary.—By un lalvertkentent in another column l it will Le Weil that Dr. :idel,ean'a Sed%hairy "pens iht Tneaday, Sept. 14th 1889. Pa roam and others deairing to educate will find Chia Setninary ono of the 1a,.•4. to Western Pennsylvania. ?Rowing Plateb.:—Thuro will bu a Mowing Match on the farm df hut, Me ieorgo, ono mile front New Gallico, on Thursday Aug. 2t, NO, at one o'cdoek p. m. Tito Kt liiou, .Etun, Bongo, tliiper, Ituekeye, World, Quaker, Wo . ods and Smith machines will he 'tasted.. .1.11 mowing inachino mon are invited to ta- Wild and exhibit their machines. Caine everybod r y. By request of the Farnters (.f Beaver and Lawrence mutates, W.tvioA-PROOF (loth cheap, at Ileeve's Beaver. • • More Frall.—Henry (it - wining Esq., ew Sewickley tp., than whom a bet.=_ ter hearted man or sounder Itopuldkan ran nowhere ho found, vinited . our otlio3 MI hot Saturday, carrying a half bushel koket well tilled with a elution selection of apple% and pears. - .They, were "fair to look upon,,' and after partaking freely or them, all hauda tender Itli,,,Gooltring hearty thanks for his luscious tread. Vi.dts of that kind make the heart of the inter glad. o.lLtoos , slx ttanin per yasil at Itmeo 9 a, Beaver. ' Striae& willilliAlightmlitz.—Frlday morning ono week ago a stable belong, longing to Mr. E. Engle, who insides near (green Garden, this county, was struck with lightning, and together with its contents *aa burned so the ground. , Mr. 'Engle's town of hornes worn in the stable at the timo,° and wore burned to Tho loss to a heavy oneto Mr. E. ho is an indisgrkotts, n en, , but urtgor tomitely Ids means ate AvA laistreaNery cheap at . llence'a • hold O.t.—We learn that Dr. H. S. drugglit of this place has nosed orbit+ ostabliahment to Jingo An driessen of Pittsburgh. Dr. Hibbard !!‘weti front here to Rochester, whero lto ""•ds to commence the, practice of 11,0,1101 . n. Ills successor, 'Mr. Andric.- "on , i" a .rloilarly graduated druggist, and Intends b..doek the :store allow. (.ALIT.'(/. the beeketakee, at MI eents,e Iteneo'n, !leaver. path* that Judgo Motley himigispoied ofhla Interest In the Carroll..Prrea .erewaral t ll 9..Popor will hereafter be comforted - try 'M'oustil: Teter Cameron, the latter gout/I'34nm being the penion who purrhased Mr. Ntecoy'a interept.. Judge life Coy has been in thoetlitorlal harness 11u twelve sears, MIA atirtng that poritxl uttered iu!, tellilviitty to the pooplo of "Taal ,. mirwrx. Toter ,t,cameron aro proinimini; young men, and tholtepubli - eaiet etthal county Fillould giye them all the material aid in their power. • IS A EMT • WOILTII 1 .3 1. 1y ,, by all pritagiutwto }4l, ft safi.jlitlle -11.1,1. II may lie n . 41(1'1111011 f!,t.' , ..v.ick. ;tll.lNorrimm Ilefu)awhe. S. A. Allan's Ittlitrttaitti l lair itti-1 . aitil Dressing. 'll4l attention of,l li.• public, la invited to the "very intpor ouu •luta to rtwently nuale in this artiste. NVe older in the Itnprotte4l l'rettaration a Iti,ttiriir prompt and in its :u•- uco 1q gray hair, quickly ri-doring it . lip it, itatitrat tinier RIO tttgctiter Xs 1111 all ttgrecahlti Drelatitig kit In 0110 watio. 'Phis oottibiltatioit is perfect and unexceptionable in crvery.rompout, an is with unlit tottimfactititt by old and yottitg,. Mrs. S. A. Allen's Zyloitalsa main, another Preparation, clear without • sediment 41sOgrricd eliel9favoly for Strengthening and ficantifying the [lair, n refreshing toilet luxury, far. pre riirraille to French pomades, and . weld at half the prier. Multi by all DrttggistS. lungll;s4. , .V Nova', PaprosiTioN.—Dr. gitga la* di.,worall a sure and speedy reuusly for catarrh, and the proprietOr ° far a cum or that loathsome 'dhow° that lie caning corn It curos - ratarrh in lilt ts magus, forms and liarietios, with uu erring certainty. If your Druggist tides ly oat keep this Rem take no other z ,lnd enclose sixty cents the proprietor, R. V. Pierre, M. D., uffido, IC Y., and tho Remedy' will roach yon / by return mail. Fur sale . hy inost/Druggiato ev erywhere. . , . , Look • io Yong l,tsitg‘la!„ 7 ,,S(' tcc time and ron o.' ,• , - • . ' If you havo anythins to soil, if you hayoloat apythkwi ',F, .fi .f If you4oxio a liaise it; told, ,‘ ~i ~.+ If you want to rent a house, Ity , otk waytyofoskillk;'. r' 1 . \ '..,. 1 , ''., If yoti'want anything, 1 toll i'LvoThouinind l'eopte at once ,by litlvOrtising in the Ilk.s.vink - Altors. „....,-. , -..Nna.-...,,0i . ... 51,_.c A tikakakterritsibey.—)Vaiivi' tender obligations to Johp U. Iktighroy, of co. 1:, 1". S. Infintry, now stationod at Silks, Alaska Territory. for `it copy of the Alaska•nmes, of the date of .trily hi, 1889. • WO:full* iltnk ow hat' surinisa, ' l OO receiving it:ad 4 o wiwt 'not twee tluttit, newspaper louten established In that' TerrttOrY fee it been: ' ptiAtai..itcoli. bl ow for about thind m uthi, 'Wild ls'a - 'vary creditable little, unpretending sheet. T. G. i%itispiwpf ktieditiar, . Duet Al. ) belbre ttu'llib itrii.tinabietotiveffte '. 4 -a political shttua.. Judging frotu a local in Sits pollee •we t• oneludothitt'.7.l3tokis . would be good ibthilsgtbtirritory. liore la the local to which we rotor:: L zeapt paid A fit° tiwoion • lib, men caught at one laiul 1,421 largO sal mon in the bay tustr' Steven's saw mill, on last Sunday morning:, It mots a•or;r ammdtig to sob, the &Winton liaundor around boforo being taken out of the net. Mr. L. has gone into the business of catching salmon in earnest, - and Is saving them •in the same_ way the Russian American Company did, lie also keeps a lino supply and sells them cheap to our citizens, who are saved the trouble of going to the Ridlatimarket, which, in' its present condition, is no 'fit plaee for' any persqn to enter. ;12 ID° I 50 00 5 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 IT is an OP saying thas it is the cheap est always to buy the more Unportant with medicinal Ptigiani dons tlOin anything else, and it should always bd remembered by the invalid who reptiles IfgciddAttoitiaeh Bilter,that the ynistitution Bitters are far superior to the ilitAineiry Thu justly eeleirttpil Conatliition Bit ters are uttogualle'd Its :it itritit; and will proshwe yn?rci tutppy prinitio otrer 'Bitter. 4.Talti, mine' Axil !FletimM Nutley's. t • reliable thedicitin for throatills vusea,,Beentril's posh Cu re! f r Persona - idesirltr to attend soltool should write for tho catalogue of the Witte Normal • r :diddrissi" J. %. Cooper, Edinboro, Erie Co., Pa. , About Potatoett.—We last week 'stated that Geerge'W: - Ilaintlton, earl., of Beaver, had ,planted this season three pounds of )41:144 , 40 Roptoclu t aAA. Alf days !Igo 14. glal#o.4" ll 94 r OPe F4 lOl weighed itinety pounds. Believing this to have been an extraordinary yield wo naked eouldhe beat in phis county,. slueoiimii Gee.'LitUAl, our 134rlir, ,formstp. that he planted . . last spring, ' three pounds of the Early Lteie, and WILY rewarded with a Crilp amle h na a red and ncrentg-thrce pounds. This heats Mr. Hamilton badly. Now who call boat the General t ..-The latter also in forms us that be platited.last spring Iwo putatorn of the Scotch Russet variety, , which yielded hint thirty-aloe pounds of plump potatoes. . ?Atte° the above WIN in type We have re,eieed the rollewhig letter which fieats Gen.Littell's - yield all hollow : Wan: mount, 0., Aug. Its, Isne. Eniron ATlOL'A—Dertr Sir . r. tam- ilton will have to try again with Early Rost) P"tatoog. I planted one pound of Early Itoso and raised eighty pntimbeof line potatoes as over worescen. Yi ti r 4, ‘l,l iOOll ra.a COlOrpd Prints, nt ,•ents, at .fitg.A.-yor!tulem. Died . troken Thursday a sad funeral wended its nay , to the old Cemetery, bearing the corpse of a nun who died of a broken heart. It appears that, Mr. Cornelius Thomas, a Scotch 11l i l tor, loft his home some three weeks ago for the coalmines of Pounmyl vania, and on his vortical here his health failed him, :Old he saw on prosperts or being able for tuonths to. seams to send money for his' fiunily, a wife and six children left in Scotland. This so prey ed on his mind that ho died from melan choly and grief. During his last days belonged to be bank to his home ittHeot land in such billiploring pathetic stratus its to move to times all those who heard Lim.—Mpuongando Reimblirms. 8014: Calloo'n only 12 cents, at his. A FoAnne's, plamontl, Rodin4er. • • The Lady's Friend For It eptem , ber.—A handsome stool . engraving of Fortis, the heroine ofAPThithforchant of Tellico," Opens the September number of this charming periodical. This is fol rowed by. the usual large and bygliant -Fashion b:64in iippnifilato. en graving of a Picnie,'and• by engravings Of Children's Fpahlons, Vein* I..ady's Mantelet, ..P14.1 .11 1.1 Corptife, Jtc. - Among the' literary Mat- , tof are "The. Prise of two Men's Lives," by Amanda M. Douglas ; "Ingratitude," . by Floreirre Percy.; "'Aunt Mabel's Sto ry," by Aunt Alice; "Roland "Yorke," by Mrs. Henry Wood. "My•Cateebistn, and-Its consequences," by !Tactic) Hoy-; or ; '"lletween Two," by Eliddrth ries• colt, ttc., ttc. Deacon 4 Peterson, 319 Walnut Street' Philadel phia, at 112.50 . 0 ye 66 (which aiso l inelmleit largeateol engraving). Fonr copies 16, Five copies ; (and one' gratiS);'6.9. "'Hie ,Frlentr: arid, ,'Thu Sltniday 'Evening Post" (and onieugraving),ttl.oo. Specimen numbers sent for ten cents. Heavy yatil wide sheetiugoally et at J* ..A. Fortune's, Diamond, }toelie. ter. •: e 1 ,7 ; . ; ; Lent.'w cireis..—Thoso of our mu 2 ors who am in the habit of visiting eir onsom wlll,tintl a New York circus :el. vertisod nt theAtmt•4. It Will . I.llii,ill Rochmter on next Saturday. at 2 p. and at 7 Thiq company . are icing highly -pokes of by the pre-,. and their entertaininents to la covi. ditrted with . the grealeSt decorum. No. dlonht a large audit:nee Will lie iu attend ante, both in theiLlteinnon and byletillig. This e , tablislinien, which is . imiler the direction of Mr. 1.. N. Lent. is the only one that has :?Ifouting among.the perm:L., mint pieces of amusement it} NoW and 114 bildersed in Ui@lwost tuirtjtiieotrtl Willie by the principal papers of that exhibition in ali re- 1 spectsALLLl of a inure elegant and n nl Batt We public have 416p.1 I,ustfittlea; - sew to t raveling• When pipers .like Um N. Tribuiir spook of 'an exhibition id terms like the follow mg it is safe to that it !It it4t be one of real merit: **The Now- York '4.lretts is firmly i tablislicd in loeal 111..puiaoty., Indeed' It is the only yircus which hasover ob tained .s Vorntanenc footing .•in New York. And this it has obtained by the swipe i lia+ i l urr t .iiiing totthers'arholiavb , apieitred 4toreairo bfr the first, elms . in their pursuit . The . company 14 humorous and comPrimei4 many variotios of talent. The etittutalii wenn; given have always been tree from objectionable . features. The inanager has fully succeeded inkhowing that there is nothing tusoularily vulgai in cirrus 'representations , It Is only natural thrit the patronage of the best classes of our citizens should have rewarded au alter. prise so conduettd.", • M==l ‘Clirspeat Dry Gonda in Denver county at Jaa..A. Fortune's, liiiitnnrt• itrx•hoir ter. Ibuotim lom.T.s Aug. 15. 1. SIP. Mn. Entron—Atiant one' rat iuro 'um did Adopt, Um .;iat.lonal Se** -Sal i o9. l l Boofq. "they 41t1 00R f I Lt tn, all Who wen'. :int too Indolent to ribuiv them. ' rAI PLAY. .1 tr ! fiiiry .. Bad ?Aeeldesil,,, v •-•;t:irk, At p morn ing at abontnightlva, WI , eon of John Caughoy, web Prod' - idf jhis eontity, while engaged a" rakestuart., on an .expreas'Ailri' ate' the , Alloghony Valley ,Italliotai, Ina. ves4lt'i'ali'isof4ilelit: Ovh l o ( 14K 11 . 1 i 1 4 4 eftt4; t 460tiar" that, the irinti on which lie 'wee orige4OCrien: igniting from Oil City toward Pittsburgh. On reakAting gittaning It , Was •ntiCetisary lbr histrain, toitio out tiiint; ti iiiiriiidtinb that tmethor train conld Pass. Afterthill pa . ssing oedurtY.A . 'the express suirt4 and in doing tio the titan; pared, in , ta n=' sequence of the clipping out of _the `bole l er the brooking or, the thik connect/4g: two ears. BIN that ItiFt Oauglr 4 ~ ni wta,ln tho slot of shipping Agin bOo_to to other of the pitting .csrui - sriton': he 1 Phoodliis foutingand n 31 1( 1 1) . 01 the iraelil the olarear ,passidii ..ilynt 'and anVii Ing ono lulu and one l'eg. -Ile .11rellhut. short time after the casnalty oceurrrnE . Ilia ago was about twenty-eight yeani. -,. scnnetinui during the fOronoon of Mon day his fat' hor recoired `a 'telegram front time Rati-igur Company informing him of the occident and. requesting him to' eomo to Pittsburgh am Kiwi its poseiiiile. Ito (At mo t mid was *hot' thorn In the. af ternoon by his eon's corpse. It reached, ?this pl;eo at ' utccut K p., m., the came 'aren't'. liis sudden and Melancholy iteith'isiiii a iiorere chock to 'tiepin:its, tilistess and brothers, and the community luiartilY sympathize Oh them in thole -raid he retirement. . Correspondence. A LAST .WORP. Mn. Items do not:gtoP*lo FOutin*.ol tliseariotictittle Writ guestai;:llguir pq the street corners or through the reel. , tnlseh4l.• cut tosi tin result In no gootk.:*NetWitortrei an hi tett* &AEA eilottlik-Attoio. IJIILIT Fat eiozymilthistirontiptlitAiiikeltiqm ttiis luttioct.tbz amid' put* . aidiiVrespciiiabta. .Thn =OM lama thlPMFlNillesillidllaini UP EESEREEIi town u well as of the claselbas would Os pram• tea bj ieteeebef tbeat haw tbePebtkr Square. it tileporikr 'le Of brktOof , • • • • alike to all oottoarltelf Alba creetkittof tho ninr church; that Melilla to the gronid misled wea 1011starx, Nair: W thirt w ptopeciiur irowonetalabla ; bat the Trosinesaiii at to pabillitt rcply which waa not creditable to Its wither, roe the moon that It was Iniyantly tahroded to piaci chinos; wbo ncto in wary anima Oa peers of the Trianon', in a Mut position belbre the coot• mnsiti A decent fespeetecie,pulfttc °pluton Se.!, quirediShe persons thou fanged to studio:Mk their 001 on; and, la atif &Anti they employed tid tangnlin *bleb was notjastillable la trpcP cg I'x atiack.that had been lade oponttem. .. • , . to.ri. It WAS hoped that thniaatrapaper co taro. veto, 1,t0tt . 14 end; but bat art * "A. Cittitax" imam to t*:aidut tha . Traatens in an smingiqnt whiettta nt. anbtthilibart *jealous that can pe made i On thatidde ettlae (meddled, hat Um OM's' to snswetitt will he 'cm the trial Mew essee.! It cat then and . there;l think, beihiekeigfr . fulls shown that "Man's" nollionet4 la beard OR prop l obltion which teanot he ettpportodeettssebr red Li or authority. The!Trasteee Itsve.aasonsweit. sunarwintiboant.. inAly,that they will, on " the Anal decree ;.` exact tits nt l inusf ftenaltc,4r the ll6nd:1 lam Itelliortitill by my amender toasty that we accept the antra bon: Inni it may uot' be imprOper to reining onr opponents that lid:pliant vital give no gustier dhouid expect none. itach party now understands the puelt.on and prupSia !ta, Other 'other. we ahould. all be content to await • the itnal decree" with becoming forbear ance - In the reaullaw, Aluthaahana polite." . . The M. E. thurei 3111,Eni tou„ 1 -41-Init 4044010ns quite aptuirent itVou?(.l`socm thtiethe !citro very tnuehing the occupation of the Public Square by the churches, so far 11.4 the newspaper forma 14 concerned, in ebolit,to end; t e rispictivit topbatallnts no tioubt'hi itteet hert+Atter befornAn GEE= thoritativo tri ems!, when and w horo the mooted tPiestum will be settled; anti al / tie .ugh it is not our intention to uncover. still vc doom it proper to Hays few words in reply to a voninumication hi your but overlthosignaturobr "VitirAm." Meat- Cele i reforrtsl to is written in much het tor temper than was n former one ofgrrcd by the Trustelm, whereof it is substanti ally repetition. The argument of "Cit- Ven '' briefly staled, amounts to this : that the State heel el; reserved thest ware tor Oublie vacs Lout the 0140111i0 tight te, deviant what uses wore of "public int- El port'amo," and . that churches are such, and ;within the meaning of the Act of 1791; and strange to sap quotes the Alle gheny Act of . 1787 as construed by the Saireme r eourt in the isuso of Common wcailth vs, Bush, In ripport Of his posi- OM. The . 4th section of titiY Allegheny net provided that there should bolo ranch land "reserved for the use of the State as thoidd berdeemoti nocessary for. court hottso s Jail sod market, ter plbeei of pub jie*Orahlp and for burying the dead." Thiit it will be seen at a glance that there la nejdmilariti wluttei•er between" that Act and the Beaver town Act, that in the foriner ease the reservation was special, Including in its termalchurehes,wheretut in the latter it was goiierad, and shseepti- ble!of no specini• moaning, as he con lends. Groat stress #5,141 upon the fact that the . stMare Is - rcsers'ed for instead of being dedicated to public uses. Whore is the distinction? We conceive that therein none, that the grant differs only In Iternis the user being declared the_ effect' is the game in either tante. The ohttrtlY , tlll a Zu 141 1 44 01 _Allegttepy Act . . ;- s . in, kerma: k fako.• "the dedication must be oansidered with reference to the use fbr which - it is tie signed, and must be so construed as to eiatly into effect the purpose intended." This ia preitisuly our position, and we think we are fully shstalited by the very caAto tiontendsinteppstiti falkihri of Ilheatiktee4. Vas.o the; in onion of the (miters of the Act Of 1791 that thin square should lie blocked up by the.erection of housist of worship thereon? If it was not, "Citizen" ad nnits ig effect that the churches on the atjuare are withoht authority of law, not withstanding thou* pf It houses of public wot,itip Were W Willi the nwan. tug or tilt; reservation would they need additional legislation granting to them they ittreqffy lie other words, if Vetch "IISOS” were thelkta or 1791, for what purpose wore the Arts of 1591.11 Pa.sseed 7 We take! It • that no liva'svr cm tlie,church sidgof this, c;lntiOcrisy Sad lie,forind who' *intake ! the position tlnit the court house, jail or piddle Mitres needed sir required en .%.ct of the Legislature authorizing their ere,. thin upon the win:ire. 11 not why I' 'rho 111p1 wet. readily conics up, such buildings and only shell are Within till Art of 1791, and the tettstent of this Commonwealth, and for the Ample 'reason that they are puldir hoildings and the occupancy of se moil; land its is iIeCOS.46 I thdieroi 'is a:piddle list , . These buildings then; as ti!att ,, l betore, go upon the square! AM' , matter of right, and if churches; aro onti tied to tiecculey the itemittle at all they must Rill within the hallllo rule. lint what will "CitiVAIII" tO thip?! VOtherii only van !Mina° our example when the law per mits." Is this ?minter, founded in eliris thin charity, is it just ?• If our position be true ndl churches Intro a - right to go Upon the square without special legisla t!ive ile t?"9 , ( N d Pr! "N' td°?ltt tPtd this only would be fair) and i( so the re , atilt, wovild ISI its complete mampancy. Was this the intentioit of the Act of '9l ? Would it be in good faith toward the lot herders and public generally? Glance lit the plot of Use, town of Beaver:asul you Will discover iliatt6itMetaii:MOnohnn.; tired feet In width and thealloys twenty five feet. Ask a surveyor or any other way front, laud helot' thertrill nobs= ray . on the square: , Tits sha=ft ,tad 'he clearly right , „ and cft may additiee 'all the Wilding' firliebeesieuxitiatierit- AkiPti, l4 :4 l . - tflilehh_ 2l olo,' the uniforin. - Uc•nion - giros to' tOplot.' :Icew if our Clirtit.laii; Nrilth! renk backed by ”eitiren, , ? are right in their 'vie* of the power o f' the State, it m olt mgr . wltll , the Who o and cue- Mare lora Mir 'unitiarrtiltY•hilh" - trit**Thh" ntelquare. Woreit otherwise they would bunWeV l PliaireittliEwaii the hitalF 4 9 lolll 4 aid the result would have boon a ono hundred foot knot lit rear of, iota, but inyJi in Arid. I is whoa, not hsehrialaso inekderehiero that tisdpitsi , Bi i4 l :Qrs . 140°11.1hh.Y.Yinirl ado FA eCallister;ibighlYfiffelligera :Haul surveyor, does not Show rho alleys upon the square at all, and for tholinitundist that he coal' sidfamktiar as standing upon the sumo foolharas the:balatifoO ni what ere arm desw acid is "State land." Tho writer of 'thbeliofdis title 'Ms ! lOC !Mini *ii oft patent 'granted by the Commonwealth , bearing, date Mat day of - JUiy; Ma, andiron mhos' not rights in the sqbare by virtue thinent And our ilositkai is this, that thesition be ittgligeniit'alOne.thlshb*tberetry 'iontracted with those who took her title long betme those obstructions were, set 12 P. 4 ath "Ira"? rueg i t i ihrflr re main public ; and honco that ntiereetiona Maroon beyond the county public build ing( enititiodami heat's' he made. Thisposltion is certain, founded in rea son, and once departed front there' is no Mid to tho deflection. We It:keret:ire do oy.liat,the, State had a right to make grants beyond, oven for "public urea," much loss sell or give away the 'same to chrrothhOns. We down it unnecessary, in this view taken a,ove,to examine the question as to *lieMlernientachurebrallranuldblinstil Cations, and the txteupeney by them of land a "public nee" in a legal senses ; still as this view forms theureameei of "CR ' tilen'stifillhaiit)" )4114. *Mead legal pen tries hard to make good Lthatnepilon. it is per/radius to. Mull to briefly tonal the polo!. IV' the &Alai titian of the United States Church and StateMereePillighto7. lliygroed t ap4 1 4 hi , oxpressly written in that instrument Mit ao religious teat shall ever be • sot up. Act laying out.the town of Beaver 'was pissed subsequent to the adoption 'or ay, wale Con,s, 0f_179 . 0. Now Oltatissiys that :elidAti lowing iu the wake of the Constitution of the United SUM% ?Flack had not only demolished the old Idles of the `thiltl , Of 'Church and State, but forever provided sgabotetrureb eatobliihmonts einitains among other things the following, "and . preference shalt ever be given by taw 'to any religions esimblidiments or modes of s orsiyA," I s it not clew frofi x the or ganic law Atself; bathe attired, lilt over had was to be fin longer a .public , Instltation, In a legal scum,? TS it not •Eitittall,yyleln that, ti i iti . wcelling eut 0! . the square to tardi;oetialies MAW) .sloe of all.others is giving a "preference by km to religious alabeiskan9sla' in pal pable violation of not only the spirit but the very letter of the Corothation Itself? Suppose that at tisci next ; oession of the Legislature our eolorcid toretlireo, having onncluded to erect a' church ediiloo In Beaver, stetialll ihb dialtertioditb build u 'the •slblirs., 4 end I sortie pleasant nnuning, witikpicks and shovels, would break ground just aeroas the alley and within tiventY-11vo feet oats) front doorallay' of thegentlenion opposed Mum in this controvirsy,4Ould ho quietly mal low his own medlctue, or wouldn't . 6- risk an injunction : Though riot its,t4i t : bored amens:. 4s:siting , ohmmeters 'we would hi willing to risk our lad dollar' that Morel.. not among the gefitlemed referred to a: Anglo' citizen. who would not quicklyMatk of some efilight , •oresairibunal that would undmadimakM. coo andlimp rout in the emergency.. East, Mr. Editor, I must not further trespass on your space; but you will, bear in mind that our sidehave boon - Content only to answer thepositiontt assumed on the other side, and not go loyozni in on= covering our own; neither will we.' fir conclusion we think. - .our' chiming, by way of reply, has iestabiliked. among. other Mingo the following propositions : 7;llmt, the csoupueuy of tam squnre by tho ehurClua hem nolbrindation in Justice, morals; equity orgoodOMISCICIIIII3 and front such stand point is wholly' wrong and indlifensildis. 2sid. That based as it Is upon alleged legairight, such claim of right is un founded in principle and wholly unstop :lrd. That Ms tlear Me fooktern V down, and whialti eitiiiiied by a now one, the offer tie#l4lll4l.l ll con iribnte klargeldikuitoney necessary to pumbuiPtAggeldik.fully vindicated ourorbotivea, andheibilithe country clearly Pat. our brethren in the wrong, leaving them no foundatioO to i r t i 1:13/. t"ttMl e " 111(Mit4PTITI I " 2 A. 11 rwr'rii ZEE 4tb. When hereafter thodayof reckon ing shall havodawnod, and ifthe irreeer- Bibb:Vat Of the id* *34 b 4 nro4nulPT4 to the effect that your brick and mortar may no longer occupy public ground, then upon yotirhembi, not ours, will rest the roitiong ll .4oo .r .\v INDIVIDUAL. Darlington Covrespoodenee. lindelViiithtaillidetluinie fn laitt' that the-entertainment given hero on Wednesday everting, J ulyl 2flth, by the :Academy High , School, J. B. Rhodes Prinelq, t was'igect success. The 11. isttitedit4kvilik, jrotfie o Pre y ran chtiraltwithlts capacious galleries arid vestibule Was fil led to overflowing, Mid miny went away wIM could not even find standing room ; and Rignesquegice (A lids the _ tVi , ache was' rep istTedfl evening to a large and appreciative and ienee,:and every toile conCelded that the pupils performed better the second even ing than , the first. The stow) was really beautiful, tel much credit is due the la dies-of Darlington and vicinity who man ifested such good taste In thedecorations and State iarrangements. The rea -1 gramme of exercises win; an excellent `on,—but I will only ask your indglgence 1 to 110ti.,0 some of the leading points, prornitititit Whith was a floral tinting, entiliell '!The queen of May." This W:l4 performed by twenty-four young Sibcicii, gwftli Mir3l' Chaim at May Queen, and Melia Reed the first maid of honor. The performance of this closed with a gralid tableau, and all pro nouneed,its "perfect picture," with the beautiful queen 'seultxl in the centre on her floral throne. : t ' 17he,Waltdertng jsprlte,":a plans/ Solo by Miss Minnie,_Bann's, was worthy of lunch praise. She performed with a very delicate touch, and her time is perfect. Als %deal fitloH'Eeltu ph," a tin erb df ex(rietkilf aalr PerforMAlOry Wit; v ir,W.l9 ) . ( tiVf 3, 2 0 Miss Ludo Wright. •Another.fierfarnit arm thlit. (multi:o(l4o4mila) was a tab leau, "The death of little Nell"' with a . recitation by Mica Florightudoelr t i and tabletin otititle<l •"Linnoiii's 'dream of Liberty" with Miarltose Martin as Gen ius of Liberty. sod ; prolOgue ,by Mr. Charles Ink.. , • ... • . • t , . • !nib- aFOlolfh" 0 4P0a Duo. FFiform, ed by Miss Early and Mr. .I. F. Culbert. iitilri6e4*.lt,lrttlintil advantage the ' quarreling and making Up 'ProPertallier Ofthose affected with Cupid's heart dis ease. V= o "f"44 ll "Ter." arlositoo.l , 3' waa 'quiff -by Mire . Eli John ston and . .Miss. Wright, BOW Johnston has a good conimuta of voice. and with% f i grlCWWlela . !. iiraii n t , „ e,.! L. - tc]0r . ..,1 i.,;,.!!„.., , ,„. nt4 olllo fli*liic i' Scimiono Mted and, entig hy MittataT'et: Fannie Ltte*all',.Atinto Nritr , Anderion. The beauty and Utia Woe dependedalmost en thecioatuitteg, whiCh were adapt- MIMI inc mithintble manner Mi., this• t4ilhatiutal song :by liL'oehrad,'„hlys: Wln..l l tiriy, olooegto l'Unlit.':„.,;'' , '.. • ' ~ . .A. iry.ditliettlitiligi@#mteidatitti n ow l of .1 or pole trial watiorell:rendprd by M oi ary l;Fowl . .att„ , :iftn, and. Mr. , Matter C\ Dunlap as, Judge,: -Air Mr. si Ili , eaukhey and ittr..llt.• H. Dunlap “did UM trocidart in atteoao front Cato . 44 in 'a maiiiidi • w ir;l4h'• wield 'reflect cieditmimaii. : y hiclii : e oiithe boar& a* a kliiiiedcin.. •, • . I '', ". ;., , .! A. " intuit cidliNnyi. '!l:ght 0'c10,44. , ' was kitgloonetise well,bY Pile .Levejav and Blanche Shurloch as torah ' forth • - tt heartylaugh and geurniViipprabattoit of the ono with whklt they acted, ~ ,1 °nem:Clarinet' a beat songs was sung {I In ail atinti tablet atylobj Mika Menlo Car. 'son; of -.ll:ilegAeny'.ielty, Pa., arid 41 hot oygthla Dunlap and ,kites Lucy Steer I eatokin a Teri , exPreeelve manner the linen. by' Pricker, entitled ”*.re's a sigh in the hearti", ',tit the arownfug - vo.' cal plecsotthe:entertainment was snug hear thireleee oftbeiteuincetho sec ond availing; by ProL Rhoden and Mho Wright• I wale to want itiipeey. 001212- tatie,"'citeiere irrotile Daett. Theplere was reached aitho storm"' Of 'applause, hoguela In greet Prefuelon;ind now int-', meliately, repented, ', by ntunotonii'siiid hearty, encores of the audio rma ,' ' • 'l'' ' : Neither Unmoor spew* wilt allow' pre' to particularize more, but intll6o to soy that all did well, andrluorrenmekeets l4 1t.:. • - ' ..- ..,.:: ...• I.:. • . !' ~ ,;• ~. The•plano used en. themealaion.. .was ratabeal by • illnii , ,Faish • loch:: ' inill ran, and II n Metrop olitan ,Optis: WAY par+setl •fcir' the l'elii o ; ,l 4.i k i o, 4 01 th , . ' Or.! )r; li t *. P. Mall permitted:Mit et : til9i;an to be media the', eMinatut; :e., ;: ,,,,,,..,„• 1 „, Petit W.: l / 1 /. lila, of ' ortrr.:,l servedlit .papolan. Elora - Mena, "Darfur Ora Lit,•illmlliluyfribirliihnitine" with" lhe Meet '': :' , :..t.....,: . :II 11, ,I ) =Meta . ald wag Idaii 'Oren by 'Props. hiirtln'and I.lsilin; teiehere of vocal and heattuntental innate. , ' '' '', Y. l i ' ' ‘... I mamma the greater olimber ofyour readers iii 4 sw ate Mat 1 1 011 11 131 0 4 Itona of theoldest towns in Weaken .Rennicylt. rani*, and here la located.ho old, Anode my whkit many of the grea* . and . good en of the ederietta'old 'Keys, tone State are proud to own as thair. l .4/usa muter. There onipreiteitt (and 'net) Govern "ltcekvi4.4oltake,dit n, and with- I in arra,rdametc,lo4le 4 li:llkinin; of - Harper's:Ferry hint), iefitll6 high prhiciploant ihodoundto.all 1 6= 1 0 3, 4. whiehiwlll eier,lreuerilia , motel* to iv "Merchinktm . 4ith the , hearta • Mt true ' and noble men. ~ I I.- ~ 1 ~,,....: • Ilaro4ll4in?e t ittidjetwitrtra pre pared thenti,eleca'f , ..r liigll t rsklileno in church and, state.. ~ , Init they are .gonil , and the living present dahlia our *ten- I thin. We want ta.schoiti of high grade in title village, and haeatiabundatice of - young people here and id the Nurround hig country to sustain . ii kited or this order almost the entire year. lam in formod that Prof. ; Rhodes! will , not re nuulp wltb....iur longer thin two, wore tertus. UAL," Ur. Marina hie/self to pray ilea the "herpes art,';', aril will undoubt edly tanwand ~ in, the pin eastrou of hid eholetl. The people here Owe a debt' of gratitude to him , for hbi. weir ; efficient retried in ennneetient with the Amide, a *tnY." tiur 'cilium; will pat 4 with Nita re lue ~ t nitly,, f or he Is' an eitimalik• Young Inatt aii4atinul teacher. i 1 ,,, . ~ , t ,. .., ,'..,1. *nom) or 'toots. ' Tirlp *borough ' Neosho Yeller. • We are permitted to copy the follow-' ing 'trent: a private letUr of a former citi zen of this connty, who has been making 4 .._-.....:.'-.............., :,....1.....,.0. ,:::..i- ar minium ri, Arkansas and 'inflates.. It will be 'build of Interest:. • 4 . : , '. Wmwassmnvuti, Mo., .trig, s, Ism Dittll. linornEß—l will givo you a abort account of a trip, from 'which I havojtimt retooled: 1 1 twent 18 company, kv44 a Mr. Wombs formerly 'of Lancaster, . Pa., and Mr. mellow, formerly of New Jeisey--both now of this, elite°, They pro cured mules, and I famished a wagon for the trip. -We *era out three weeks, Left Warrensburg, passel duo smith- to ClLitem,catiitalef IlenryoountY. Chang; al our manse allitle, south West; passod Bates county, cramming the, Grand i• river beforowo touched Bates ; passed through Butler, the molter. of - Bates ; poised on a south westerly smarms, crossing the Cantons Merles' do Cygnus (Mary down) river, found it, bank full; reward at netters ferry: The land la good in' Bates county'; land too high: no rallroads yet raw /and front 4 to 15 dollars 'per: acre; passed through litho intofittrhon min ty, Kris. We nary have touched the corner of some other county, though, bat-did not :knew it, Pissed a ' arna/1 town4llW BUililiViilo; Cruised the lli tloOmage some twelve mike east of Ft.. Scott; kneeled Witiihr 4 mike' of 'Fort Scott oti Hattirday ilaid ' over till • MOn day morning, es Mr. McMathliatt a' brother sin-law lilting .tilosolhere whom hesitated to Me. ! Land ;aid, Mirth and oamt.of Fort .Soott; clean prairie; price from 6 to' 15 dollars per acre accurliag to quality and location, and how ittik the holder-ml're all: ' •"- • • - - Arrhretl' at, Scott at 8 o'clOek in, the morning; !molds good town` orabout three: thotetand inhabitants. ' The.ndi-.. roadwill .be finished to that point •bY September; fminiKatuwarity; which will be quitea help to the town tor a Awh il e: , When 'there'd hi finished:one hundred ntiletifirthin 'diem ,:the country, in all proliability;'ft 'will lai its dead's , ' -taw *fink Atiwo ;,Uut at prOsent It l's - a - INely, Moines* per. and .bi 'h Point for end grid/0e; ,juts -14?1,:kt buildings, .a' eue Court Mouse, and at present is 16at lktl, would 'call a "bully town." . Lett Scott; took. up our line of march directly south. toward% the Osage lands. I (Moot mean the Osage riverboats, but. te Indian lands. A treaty . has been in and rat ified for thou; 'lands, I think,with %IT big and little Osagom; and. perlutpa. the Black Dogs. Orosspal the, neutral lands. supposed to be owned by .11'32,7 and Co. It is his railroad that ;Mises sunlit from Kansas city via Ft. Stott. • While we were down them'', the . settlers drove , the hands off the road, south. of ScOtt; and malting a railroad is a slow -process throughthe central lands. , t ievernment has been swindle; • out of part -Of the Price of theafOrt.7idd lauds,' and they ap pear, to be slow. about doing Miything for Memel: Joy 5t Co.: last, you know, Mr..biovernment must ',stand up -to his contracta or else declare itimmelf a bank,' rapt ' A great many of them nations have settled there - tinder the hoinestead. law; and have Made Maio Very, goodim'- pnixenumil;4.. 'You Muir@ iii idea of -what good: means. ';'lt secant :*wt: hard, then, for oov'ernmoat to soli thO WA to . Joy kit Co., and allow Mr. Joy to put his . own'Priee en j the land, Mid Make " Mr. Attler pay it' or "get - up 'and 4ust../ Some of thiamhavo been Onthese lends Mr kiii'yeati,hut most of 'theta not quite eolerig. A greal 'many Of thorn Noryott la the Union areal (red letta/veri? ,mostly Intelligent people. Poised throttle' tho Neared inoda into ' Osago county; bilin„ Oita,geMiesion is the capital at 'present. This- Place was Menu/rig , called' the "Catholic Weldon," aides) ereetCd yens atgo'fcirilie *eat of the Oeigts - Indian childiek; Mal they yet keep front fifty to seventy-five at.-school' there; lint I think teovernment bad im well stop that little expiator, foi I wasi told that as soon. aa they were 'free' front school, they Went ' to "the blanket" again, and I=ll=lEl WM bind Ito 7nillAhe `pull.' "thlintlaalen edit grown to ho Unite a little town, perhaps M large aiiihtrlinginri', tint 1111.4 hunt in the rist tweyeen....l very tine Country there, tilt I think Meet too flat. Wo then cluulaeil 'dowittholineutie ; nrese tmk. a :vary - line crook- ,L%fled, Walnut creek; met mom old Werrenebtirgeni ; vameddown twelve . nillen on the met 'Ode 'of and •ereiteed ; river 'high 1 1 . Credited" et' Trotters" -ferry. We then etincl: Libel& Con uty; traveled oa k aotith LO • • rind 11 idt ma ,To r next thitl , y mwi; il.th4 It wei the iwottietaveuntry). ever:eomi; You may euppose It Is-net acttied . much hut, it is., .UNVILS surprfamod to.oo it ao ; I know of 'planes that hare boon settkxl for twenty-- liVe or thl;ty'yertra and not halt's° thiela- ly settled as that. Mohturia; a very line iittle - vinage; wir passed 'wax loeuted oh the weet.'solo of the. river. The next u iloarishiug littio vii- taio of aluittt l)ve 'hundred hiltabitante:, ,Tito mit term. is Chetiva they claim to hive one 'thousand. Inhalibutts, and it is a billiines.4 littio pinre.. They mean bunt there. it la)ust cu the 'edge of the State and ttiotw to the Cherokee nation ; it lii eighty mitt from Fort Glbwni. Them IN no government land itipla Val- ley tha,t !Neonid n aut; the good claims 'aro any not taken are out of the war. of timber, and timber 1.4 very same almost anywhere in the NOwilio egiuMry; butibere are plenty or ("Waits tq belponght noivrithstanding the beau tippl country, that it is. Nearly' all' of the claims ire' for - risk, and the priee4' PRI* atirwhere front form Iniudnal to ptwo ilumsand dollar*, aUeording to im overnonts, loestiom ae. It coats. tro -eadounly kolivethere; corn from $2 to . . per bushel; oats from 75 to $1 per dozen in the sheaf; flour 17, m 7 . .n0 'per sick' o f one hundred pounds. •Niery . tliing 'else in proportion except fresh beef.' You e:Ari buy the best of fresh beef f;om to ten cents per pound: We bought, in the meat 'market at' the ."11iliskm,'' ra tine' steak as over yen paw for ton mina per ; pound. Volt will ' bear , ln utind ttutithlsts a tattle country, and Air once to I believe I saw aplare'whore Outdo Rant:hid. their own living;ilVinch , the , winter,`. 'fbe grim grows aliStit'tweltfe .hianes . high, flrid and vorY"thteki Wo bad a notion to iw to Port Eknitti;bo,t our mulee weresmall end ,Atic; ,vh,,tgon p ati too heavy, so, we changed our bourse alightly,traveled some fitteenrnilea-t i luough, the nation: passed through the Paola's and Pau.' pew's country; strand our eotwie for 'Baxter Springs, Cherokee county, Ran-. las. Do trot like the 'phew; some flue country there. encased tipring ricer, 'Meal creek, and touched the cornet 'or yernow county Misentri (letting into Misaeork, we began to foul, a little more .at Woo. bitt J-beve,not time to tell yeti adore 1 . present, but ,will in.-my next. - • :• it. F.:49k Collection of bfitelid tidttrible Inquity haring. leen ml+3 of WI from viriuum parts of the enuuty ttt 'regard to the provhdons of thend. passed at tho-hed iseisiee , of , the Let:Wham* tenehitig the elringe • I L O the '.manner 'nf collecting .eheel tor, we hove ronelOed to re-publieh the law. it would be well for all Sellout Direetot , to premer‘'P a copy. It Wits :' Kt:cag* 1. Be it emucleci by the itien ate and Iftinne of .nriircaintolitout Mc carnmoicorwcaliA of Pcansylvintio, is Gen rra .4,l3cmply net, used it is lleveby mart- the authhenii "of fFc forme, That fritni nod after the patotage of this art it shall be lawful for the board of ht•hool directors of any school district. ill this Counninivitialth, by. resolution of the board:to authorize the eolicctiou o('the ~iehool tax in the neunterhereinafter prc vitled. , Sri. 2. The belted of Whool glirtstors shall place in the bands of tiie treasurer a certified duplicate .of the school tax, and it shall be his duty to give- at least One sngnat:s notiwof the tince and plata, e which ho will attend, ;it least ono day, for the purpose of receiving school tax ; rind Mahan be his duty to receive and receipt for all school tax given him for three month.. niter Inc Lice: I'mnided, That if any poison, on or before the expiration of two Months after the ditto of wild notice, shall pay to the -collector the sunount of his or her • tax, such person stAlk be entitled to de duction of sive per cc it. ou the amount thereof, and for the remaining month ha shall make no abatement on the taxes re ceived. ' lisc. 3. In case the taxes tiro not all paid on or before the expiration of throe months from the date of said uotleo the board of directors shall elect a collector, have the duplicate placed in his . hands, and issue to him a warrant for the collo,- tion of the unpaid tax on said duplicate; and ho shall proceed to collect the un paid tax assessed therein with an addi tion of tivo per cent. on the amount thereof, in the manner heretofore provi ded by law ; ho Shall bo alletved such compensation as may be agreed upeon. not exceeding live per cent. of the mon ey collected ; and In addition, In auto of ditdresa and sale of gouda, he shall re wive the same fees as . are now allowed by law to constables for a levy and sale upon a writ of exeentron shield • few be shall ritaitiput of the prtsvedit of Ai neh , sales, after deducting the taxes and the addition a Iwo pot cent. theroon. Sw. 4. Attach,' or part's of acts fur the collection of schOol tax that ore hereby cleated or supplied are hereby repealed,. so far as they4elito to dfittrieto In witioh the board of retetons unthorlut But col lection of school tax by the provisloasof this tut: Provided, That none of the ptjt , visions of (Menet shall apply to the eitleS of Pittsburgh' , or Allegheny, or to the ,ecinntleset Cumberland, York, Frank; •fin, Adonis, , Sullivan, columbbt, Mon tour,: Northumixolaud, Chador, Dela ware, hionliguinery, . Becks, 'Somerset, Bedford, Fulton, Allegheny, Lucerne. Indiana, A.7tunbria, rod Jefferson: . JOHN CLARK. Nimikerkionso of iteprrAentaiivw: • WTI,. Ni"OIiTIIINCMON, ‘. • • ' Speaker 9f•tho senate. '.4 Apr nov au —The lwoity:llist day' Aimo eight I hiladrial awl liiazy-nine. Markets PITTSBURGH 31AltICST. OFFICY: Ilr Till: PITTS. ! • . 3losims, Angtod, 1 , 3," Arrixs- :10041 %upply 1111.1 nit'inivhnimed, sl6i, 2,506,:t per 1,11. ' BUTTER-1. , qia let anal ttaeltantted: , salOi good W .•44.4,0 nt , alot,•2l. firmer Ind tweltanged; * Nlantera Icast,rvt , 1311914; ()hip Factory 1.41€4 1 :: (Ado Gunflint 15i and York . 4404411e11 laj.. • CAR ill/N q uoted at •17(iial for round lots.. and '29000 in a small way. 1 1 :00S—Dcanand more naive, and pH (ea stronger—widen at 15(416. FLOUR—Is quiet and dull but un changed, with iv/dinned libenderriyals, and full atipply np to the demand: We continue to quote_ Winter Wheat *Mrs at $7e7,50 pan' bbl, - and choke ftprings, 'aro quoted at i17,,50 7,75. The mills Are reported as selling a good 'bit Of flour, hut not making much money: •• tißAlN—Wheal is less active and weak with a drooping tendeney„though as yet. unchanged hens-111,35@a1,40 . .' for . now Red, and 51,4341,45 for old. _Qat* in 1; supply, anal dull but nughanladt salea of now on track at 47@4g, and in store at 50®52. "Rye—little or none otTorintr,anal market quiet and • untitanged-41,11rula 1,10, Hato of We bushels tali Barley at Corn is dull and., unchanged: data of SOO bushel,. prime at $1,05, dolly; erect.' • PRO V0410:58-171rru but uncharigod. Shoulders, labia; Ribbed and Clear Sidee, Cincinnati. Hagar red Jiams 234 Land gamey' 24. Lard, b . In derma, and Allia2l in.ttalfldsla and kegs. Dried Biel 211. Mass Perk at *11.751 .34. gALT—AlleghetiY 'River branilm aro iitioirdl by tht ear load. it: ta Over:hoe Joariny beep reetogatt thlyaltb la a tat, wear, by a very stipple reptedy,efter tutting 'rented. erten! 1t..1.1* !dal p«3erm ntrucu... Intl that (tr ,4, 1 COunmaPtion• la eartope to make known to hi. fellow ranter,. (Ito h To who eeldreit, wln 4:41.1 . 1 ropy of tlvi pteerttpdtd. aged thhe wf urge). with the'dirre; km* tor were: and ...lag thelamr, whi rig Mei a ...sac cat You easeurtretort, Awn.- ler , 11114•Slitilp 1 / 4 oldertortb , odiertleet In rendisiztin. nereript Ira IA to bonitiit IL., /Mk. tad. and rptetpt Infartnallontwldelh ha tonteteet to Iro t.duabb. ; and ha 444 ;Very gatcrey will try his vftordY. * s it will Lori. thole nothing, and mop proven lerediat.. Parties, sr traux the pre. eeription nth Orem addrer• • ' Its+. PtirdrAhl.. A. WILAION. • , W . llllnni.l.l;rg. Kluri Co., Ict, yorh. 'lire hely • • Ernie* ef Youth. • . A ligrakkAs kf l Go inifferrd for year* front Tnno:llenllky,Prelsialstro !Arm, and .1110kelketr or 'yuktilfkl Imllorreflok. will. for I/Ik Vikr Lrlirf hamsuil). rung free to all srku need 11., (be receipt and dirretlono for nankin: 111 c, ouriple id, by lykkli kr waseurthl.. SnErrrni 3v101411: le proAt by fkr Wayritlorr'e riperiektr. tin An .0 by Addrrorlng. In perfirt rontldrarr. JOHN No. 41 tkvlar Wert :New York maylrty] KEOK—AI,I,II4ONL-On the 17th of Au waist,lSrAt; at tho Teildonco of tho brido's parents. in Oroenville, Pa, by chi:titer. • John O'Neil, Ur. O. O. Keck. to Miss ,Lnulma, daughter of John end Eliza • Ann: Allison. IhACttt I.Eilt—At his resithmee in Now !Sewickley township,. 'Beaver einnity, Pu., on the 15th of August, Geo. ilatisehor, aged It years. The,.ileeensed s for 'l4lllllO time prior to his doath,lad bCen perfo4ing his ar ra:foments telt:fame in Ten ticaseeoillere ho had plinths/4M a large body of hod, 'intending to make Mat Mate his future 'twine. • While mating ou the wVan% or the rivers to rise gm they 'went& curry himself and flintily thither, disease at tacked him, and to a few days he breath ed his last. Mr. IL Was a very prudent and al/Fight luau, sitd Wits held In the highest etdoein by all, who know kini; lie leaves a wife and • a MAIM faMily, of children to mourn his midden death. NIIIVELY—On tiro 17th inst., at his ramlthapst in Heaver, Pa.._ Mr. Jolin Shively agM skint 74 years. ' • • .- • LAIRD—A ua. 2.41 ISna, at the rinlileneo other non; MI A: Istlrd, tp., Jeanetta 'Anaemia. relict of the .lato Josiah Laird, b the Eightieth year of her p.,cprmEy.:_on `Augnat 231.1, 1/464.1,' at Nlttanlng, Pa„ Mr. Win. P. (.Iwerhay. .; son of John, and Marsaret Janeeanet . ey, lleitver, Pa, agedt.% years. liberal from the resiaenoo of his par. enter in.ltonver, it fl p. m. on Tunatuty, gakt 240. The frietstsuf-ths flupfly are respectfully. irtTlkittaitttandt. if.P.RR—On August Mitt, at Ship inspqrt/seaver .. ) ,;,, I 7 j • Pa., Was Eleanor nor!, igel about 42'yearn. NC4c did*Pagitntlol' • Ali :ten term Of trite elletiter etemaiseee on Toessday,.ll•pibutperl4, In* department -ell On funt.shed wA¢ erperintow and competent Teethe& Mut mans A. nom, who Wart the platonr )lisi Deter, rrarloated le Pittalrergli Met Wiwi while the wiescrtber wran Ite Priorap4aud bet ectioliteleP And n/yerieum teseher, wessltte Ineheentente that rd 1111 m to recttre hor ch e r to rbis lientlootry. no.w whit titmice to saw oar (*thatelpo. Pill pleneo cf.l on or address the rtinclpol. aorYclf) D. 11. A. IVIAIAN„ F i Teoutora , *Sept.- 14 *bn . * tiatamistary I..eun ttranutd to the otadersignedeme oto,r t t or Ow evlate cialeorje letuacher, dexceed lat , ,e of free Arwtektoy IV, Beaver vanity, PAL. all protons lutlebted to paid estate mot untitled to nlmke pnyineut, and nil pasous Paving riatigo estate tileeto prevent them ‘vithn'at tialy aufheuticaUll Stt pettiest:teat. ellAq. C. liAr!-',CUlitt, • Attu•ls 4.v ' It:tendon.. $l5. (ioldll'atehes. $2O. THE ONLY rl BNCINN IIOtAILF:sEIT ' OItOIDE GOLD WATCHES, MAI': I: FACTURND BY TIli: 011011)11 WATCII CO., Ara allot hest maks, lEarrosied *olio Carol en; looks like get:olikwenra bold. make Ronal to the beat Gold fles and finish; with the hest ?WI Jewele Mt. me Ail sari Potent Item. Arena rise Coors. client' , and I.silies• ai1..., *l5 each. • The Double Extra Itedned, Aoll4 • • ILDE GOLD WATCIIIOI, A No. Wall oweetudi Levers as sto rash. Un i ted T a t RV tE r gular wholewamle p - r ce O . n , payable on delivery. Nen money b required advance, 'only ealistactory aseurance that the order Is Lamle in good faith. Amy package May be opened aibleXantined mew paid for. by paying the Expren• charges °toy. Perms** emu order by mall ,cilA aafay, by pending money in advance in a Reebterect let. ter, and the goods will be gent le a Registered' package, swell& et our risk AN AGENT eENDINti YOR HI Y WATCH KS, RacEtv I: AN EXTRA WATCH YEEE 31AKINU $l5 WATCHES FOR S9O or tiFlV=4 Ada WATI.:IIDI FUR 6120. Also. Inerrant Orolde Gold Chaise of late.; mad moat costly style.. for Ladies' Cud gen tlemen a wear from le to Ai inches long, at bd. ea and (*leach: sent with watch, at lowest whole sale prices. Oar watch...Metall made of the biontelmin Sole Id (braid. Gold Reilued, an, all perfectly regulated and adinsted. and Guaranteed • by 'Use Company In hey Correct than and mew u 4 Mg tat 'tisk. Mats the kind, also cud price of watch required. and order only of ' Tallt OIROIDE `WATCH CO.. lAS Walton Street, New Work. au. WM. ; 4 8 • & MASON =M= bar Col. id D. C.' ' Auanaal at Vola. sod ~4roid, 4 , %marrow. I La Master of Wiublo- ," ton, D. C I • ; . AmericanPatentt, - , rd Coupwilorr aePatewlt Ls*. Fifteen yea* eviweleocei r roliettor* M Patent. 460 rievastit St rtvt opposite tie retest. 001,e, Papers cardun.Y i..Pluod .ond P 41 , 41 , 1 0, 4'1 1 .' 41 reitho.l,e4rty. ' zasaluatio 11.: tui In tlu• I^aund ualgaVp« of enter. nal im Isalitkrefai fee akst. Iw 418.11 Oar 6 0° 6 " . pageht I. oitamed. Svad for' rlrenlat of Term., I ai , timettana aud • ' Ding tly „ - 1.; 4 • esP. 1:1 70ii, • 8 l• • - t•• • 1 . t • . 0 . 7. • ''T ••. 1 : 2 1-?• • . JNO. W. t:EAItY -- - 74 d ' (41 • ' 7: 1... 0 p.m • z n. ~, - • • = t Z c.. ....4 - . r-. 1 . -.4 ki ' tTi .- rip `gip;-. 1 6, .7. ' 4 - 1 = .I. ~./ ...... ill, P- -3 7:• p - I• ,&_, . 2 0 ' ;' l 4 - 'z - • _ ' tr] r. 0 ..- 4. '• 0,.. a . > 4 . CD . •r. , . © - 1? -' 1 ,...... 3 •r 9 • 1. t.... 1.. 5) , -,..i . : _,A• Z- IA: • /el Z" ...,...- ..ri.. , ;,,.. .... •; , , , IN . .5. . ' rpm NW 1 on•P . • Married. Died. lEEE! J. 111._ 111Assom, WASUINGToN, D. c 1 • immr . . . f ol k . 4 '44 0.0., • cfi cn 0011114 . LiCIANNE PIOTICE. Applyt*ilbr IJraara. al Illapiepo*ris.4.iii4klas, ilanry lt= ", *Atm tuition: . . Warier, ; Ikataft boteigeli. • Jobb, n. Quay.. norlonter boroogis.. au4l/4:01 Joni 14. PRAZIM; the Orpinlime. Court. TlIP: followi n g. isporsiseturnate ratelertiou Act oaf Amiably of the Intl of Apni, yr AllOtred to IN retainrd tr,.. the t. Pins. a decedant - tri the nine of Juror, bars been Illed In the ogles of a e Coln of 110,.. OrptlonobrOortrand approved oral, ,ria; reronnril prootrts 10•Oount retained' by widow of W. Kopp, deed. W. A. Parottraoh admarhoritor. ' . , - Personal property lo atuOtililof $175 141141111.1 by tirt3oVe of Aefoll 11111.1...ked• lU O o 7f. Yuman. rseriator. rrroonal properly to amount of jig) retainot. by widow of Jams K. Mitchell. deed. J. P. WM, arm. administrator. , Personal property to Amount nt *mu 1,41111.1.4 Ay wither of John WKinty, .t. 'd. Smonri,Nbtonu. adudniotritor. reformat pr-nperty too:wawa of $Oll rained by *Row of thro:A. Kanto rived Mewl Knorr. toleninlitnnor.' ' Um la beiehs even to Deis: Waled& di. Irlhdl !14 not MI others lutereitol, Ipappear at tho D" ,l WM% of the iald mart. and not MOT than lb< *Midday, Itban thetth n 4 faeptaralimr. A: IV: 1..4rn, toolbars mum, U way they hate, agataot the Anal conArtaallon of that above appralsemanala. samAttel 'MAIN A. FRAZIER. rhyt. NEW Spring and Summer Goods Speyerer & Sons, •nii ter nt W:tt 311.1 :lame!: St ref t. PFINN' A R roles l'F: R - - _ Ilave j.tat retatriicd from 11..: v 3 4 with a large sae& of gnat bought tat the htw est 11%01 . priers, whirl' they olror to Ihe public nt• RFASO , CES cditsigtlng m DRY (HX)11:4: Giuxlvtigs, PRovimors, HATS, CAPS, ..1:007 .4 ; ANP SHOTS ILARDWARR, IRON, 17T7r r .. 71. . i 1: ,I`l_ ROPE. OCUR di PACKING TARN, cAnoco Iprauds orWHITRIXAD2miI PA INTB dsfawt in oil, and n . ;Amoral void"' IA Oil Dryerp, BSA Putty. QwMswwr sn INN* Ware, FLOUR, FLOTTRo We still have entitrol of the eelebrated - CAM Cif! 111114 . . . 3611,111 th.ti.'lltvorlis:' briAJ, (Iginent ' St(:ceila • grnuititt 11011 T, " NEWCIIIFIIRIC FIAILT Wo reeteve the uhave h the reilat fittsburgli Prices thug roving (might. We also offer at whole saln Bad retail. NAILS. WIIITII & WA ,TER LIME. SALT. SOAP. RE Grain. Lte., • Virrbanking , the liohlie tOr iou.t lul 111 , 111g1, W lop. he merit a liberal -hart for the allure. We alwayg low for each and well 01(1211 CAL/. AND BE (YLV IN( 'ED LIAM uu•U% 11E1.1\1131ED. VU K OF S. Ako agent% for do. - ENffFEN MOWER AND REAPER awl PillAiregh l'lmr Co 7421iT SEC'. ntayll!ly. ti3OCEIESTE MARBLE - WORKS. w. - H.w4oWah . Munn-darer • (4 irnm, cs: Fearr STONE:: Marble and Stone Poeta For 'Co rnotor;k Loots: WI, have now no hands a Large and So perk*, Ana of nth' , and Opunnental Sloauuments and Llahannea. • We are now nip i o. ouppiy on short renmx. all nniers pout thocnwtl7 at knit ratan. • Also,, !,, ca.x.ii3.4wau:)iLeas And Flitures of n Sup4ior Quidity; ALWAYti 9N HAND ;fir Our Neighbors ilirtarat that they , Bell Cheap, but we praet chotirer : Awl Doing as we Represent. We Empiny 110 Agruty as. v 4.• can .411 10 Per Cent. Cheaper at the Shop , Than h Agriits. .I.ll..perrn4 .Ivnitlng nriy tiling In any !inn Are initited to C:tll and Ex: mini. OUR WORK AND PRICES • Bscore'pu4sebig elsewhere. linsrl7:llts VOR SAXE Olt EXCM BIL—WXT• 101:4 LA2•11.1.-10) Acres of ebolco ockrted rolling Draby, of tostod In moor mast,. lowa. be. twOolli . if. Jtr. Unbore. end plous.G l t7 It 311• * to torn! oo an Wks. Of ru el : I I) • •1110Xfuf won Culver. 1.1. • iitAiktn stein KALIL—The moiorarrooo or. Pre al. arm. 'Named, m North Newickley Drayer county, for sale. The farm con• tetafli actee, about elkh ate tithed and hourlickle under fence; the balance le well thabet ed. About Unlatch of the clearedjwd to Int and second bottom. A kale pontoon( Mb whole tract unnottald with ore and coal. The taus to well loathed. On the fatta ni ro computable dwel ling beasect, dam -hone. and a Ohne barn terll by misty kat, akg tarn Mkt? ky sixty feeLtogether with all nectruary oat Wattage. A lama ereliard nt brattarchmlttrere cm the hod : also tin pave Alma tot eat hit Oat sod gooseberry Oath at lame Ome. Payments easy. Volt on 0t Odom, . HUGH MAIDOIALL. North thnelckly P. 0., thorn county P.B. The above farm t. lumen to Dr. Itohtrt einulattham . farm.- • lEMI A Safe and Spealy Cure for Co u#l,Colls, Asthma Bronclunr, liOurenco, Crcrp, influipts, Whooping Cu u&h, Inciricat, Consumption, sad all Diwascs w rho Throat and Lungs. Don't teg!:ct a severe Cough, or throw away money co is worthless medicine. . PRICE limy 4ENTS PER BOTTLE. priniszad by REWARD, BENTLEY' &MINIM Druggbts, MN*, N.Y. :Old by it !Mans. je: 0 IV Ayer's Hair Vigor, 'For restoring Gray Hair' tc Is natural Vitality and Color. A. dressing, whirl is at once agreeable. healthy, and 4:Teem:l ,for preserving tht hair. Fact , il nr u rni hair it 'soon natoni to rot.; .with the Ya k s anti frolauss of youth. Thin. hair-- is thick. sued, falling hair checked, and ball. often, though not always, cured by its • use. Nothing can restore the I hnir whetis the follicles are destroyed. )r the glands atrophied and thicayea But wh as remain can be sued for (*fames by this application. 'lnstead of :fading the hair •with a pasty sedi• will keep it clean and vigoon. Its Oeeastimal use will prevent-thti hair ' from; trilling gray or faille; off,, awl 'consequently prevent baldness. ,Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous awl injurious to the hair. the. Vjvor curt only benefit but not harm it. It wanted merely for h HAIR DRESSING,. crtu bo• found so desirable. • g neither' oil oor dye, it doe. not soil irbito cambric, and yet lasts 104'02 the, hair,, giving , it 'a rich glossy trii4u and ti thttaftd perfume. • 'Prepared 'by Dr. J. C. Aye'''. & Co., P.wrioal. AND AYALiricat Curaurs, • • 1 LOWEST., MASS, ' si.po. 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, lon PrIIIFYING TILE Esoon ~ , a ' ... re Til lis e' i.t r' io l' i!it i c. 4 .l., ' ,: a t c h . i s,l4l " . ~ 14114.1'11'041 from 114 cur.,. ./1 ....,,,' irstny of which aria truly . i - a ,1 -4 11141 - 41:111•101. ...- crate.; of :• 4 1. -, ra: , . , .ii - - 4 " case. where UP• rfa• ao . , Sui..tred latto.d.o.A 'men ' IV * / .; •. :' ' t. ,"r e.f . f:§l.• ‘ at ' it t•t ' J l l: Y ru i l t ..l • -.....- disorder, oa loch wi:re .. b us c•odunitmtuni oath her Were painfully al:Leung., lute 1. , ..” raLlically rutisd lb lawn gnat numbers ,T. :anion: a..i uy t•,..• bon of the eniintry, that the ottani. •,:drei; in ed to be Informed of its virtue , nr use+. or Scrofulous 1041401114 olle Of Cal 1100, Oc•troctirs. 141tenle+ of our race. Viten, Ifni un.. , n sub winialt tenant of the organism unilia realities the oon,titid i 'a, sod Invites the attack ofeafeeblirig or fetal alweascs. without exciting a sivapleiani of its , 211(V. Again, It scents to brad ln tertian throughout the body. and Inert, on some fat - or - abb. 01,0114100.mpullv deyelot , Into one or other of its bolcou• form, either on tlo surface or among do- vitals. In Inn bitter, bibs' , vies may be soddenly 4lept , Ainol, in twin 11.11 g ., et heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it ,heir, Its presence by F a vAilluns on the still. or foil nig er. lows al on some of the tenly. !fence the ocer. panel use of a wattle of this Sonsaporill a H ad. liable, even when no active, symptoms 01 1114eivog , ippear. Persons afflicted wth thelollowing eoo. plaints generally and tmmodlate relief. anal. A length, cure, by the use of tll.Ol 111.1./iNAI . .I.Ii 1L f..1: Hr. Anthony's Fire. Raw or. Eryslynins, Toter. Halt Rheum, Scold /feed, Ringworm, Herr Epee, Som. Ears, and other ornpnons or tisibl.• town. of Sr-refs./oos .L. , cre. :11..0 In tae. 0000 141100011•41 fO1711•, :I , .1/114pcial ft. Itropsy, fiend.- Di/04.10 Fits. Epat fury. N.-torn:yin ~ -not talc l'frarrogs areal. au, of the ul 1.7.....r tn. • liardti anal 4 .y.l.i.nn.. , es Syphilis or I - rwrrell an.l.lPrearia/ Dtsroses ire ellroll lay It, though a long Lune i., rn,intr,nl to, culKlulins lima.- on: , inalni...o.l.ln - by any auca.cune Illli long ronl.tnnol il -a. of Mi. VP , 11 , 1/IV Ira: rain' inn complaint .Leurorrhaw or II Hies. rlerlo.l llarcretions, and Frntole //1....a qrs, aretor.l nionlv ...non n In:vill awl tillonatcl, c.nred tan it. InartrYing 31.. l Inn vi,torat inn: .11 . ... t • Niiiiiiie ',littio• lion,. o u r ca• h..... alb ( in 0, Ali:mt.', • op; Idiot .7.01.. lehrmniattimmi .114-1 (ion!. attain ..,0,...41 1., 4- , linnlatlo, 4 of I N1r.01., ,, ,• niatb.r.t to the blood. s aeld portly to it. as al-,. Lire* Complaint, Torpidity. i.onyrot int. , I•Jita in nottlost of the Lir,. And .frolotatiere lien url• .nz. a. itweencia al,. frail. iln• r.allinv pa>on.. In lino blixol...'Thiaa H.IRS.IP.INJLL./. a. a wrest re. , Storer fn.- Iln...lrengtli and ,14111, of this tymm. Those Nin o ore Lanfro hi anal Llirele“, Drgposs dent, lilreplrss, and troubled with Nenwns .11.- neeko§§slows , at Fears. or any of the affections eynrptiarnatic of 'Weakness, will (nal ImMeillatia relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARITI) ITY" Dr. J. C. ALWILD dr' c0.,.i.04 , rit. 'Mama. Practical and Ana Wheal Ches.. OW BY .ALL DBCuWBTi ISWEAYWHERI: For Dyspepsia, F, dity of, the Stomach, Lo:4 of - Appetite, Winutea:HeartTburn, Jaundice, and all diseaaea arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. • =lby SEW4.ItD, BENTLET T, thiutglita, Bete°, N.Y. Solt by all HE6ISTE NOT C to il. rctr. t:. :.••• of .%11P11. t-t...1` nt St° . lust: bredduly toutedot t‘• • • cl:t , 111111 Wialatt te..,,11V1;10 , 1 I y.r t. Wnt:.. • 1.'•••In: conMrttrillor. find •A'.• 11.. ,• to •an flov of Acooontm .11 'lll.. la nn:. V • : . •.1 - I . t :•*. '•:, 101.1,1, ••••1. 11.111/01: t • ti • •n 0. lita . liram...!l•••ta 4.1 t• • of. Ir ;(1..1 • : 2:att. • 1.•., .. a •t. att •.tin •.(S , Ctit t't tVn ; .•. •• - ACCII.I:I7 CI Wm • o • d • • ter Maid uW o lit ol NOtIOSO, 11. • tl.• ••.• A.cnntnul a: M •••11! of Ardrow •'•., I Aucup of Panel 1ire0..3 • • • •• • o I:1 of .1... Lobo., Arcot:J:l6. 1,11 :Oat 1. a.• ,111:4111•111 , 1 • .•t• 1- •• 1 •" • 1 • t" • • n t..ettl MllOlllll or• , .. , ..: •.:11,.. ostol, of Ittolel r;roo, it As:of:tint of ton of the ...c.v.• of floury A....vant ./. I. I Jolla anhfolot., •rm.gtoo !l it.'ho. ei VoNrnnnn, deed. - of U. nilall.ll6tra:or of t.. t. Br.ol37 llw.• Amooot of K. excrillth of •1am....W• Maw. duet! Flost.coant of Jo,oolk llrtroon, Wyr Drift:llo. dr-A ?hut arco.tut of Adapt Sfuiratton: doe' d 1.1114 ACCOIII.II s:l,lnttan • St , ttl Ittlbn't 1111.21111141..1t1ed Final Attu:lnt of J.O. lint , ! tun ni.!ri lof Of JuocpbVerooketl. Partial wrvonal =omit of 3 of Whom% MUM411u01:1, dlri ,f (real sumd Watt, I;•,.l..evpmbar sf Matt to F.I Flynt ncrolnt of J. A. W. gnr nod 7 , l , try• %oohs. tolniiA of W.lton :11c111noti.11,01% etugll,lrl 1). SINGLE:CON, It. -• NOTICE.--I.!vr• I'4 itioutary 11.triug I;rtttatttl to tlto no eircl3llr ait4 c.,ltturs. tot thy'., tt,,o• t:hit tioe'd . late of Ilvigittott tortoh.,t. tlvaver cnt1111)•., Pi.. Thorreforo, 1.11.Na/1:01 ,1 0 Ngtt entate aro Iterolly prttlllol t t ti - tt.t Ittedl3t. ; and Mt penrcr.4 th. 4 11,:pittPt 41dit r.ot ate. prt•Pettt . lll , .. n; tol nut.; 11Elklod br ,•3'.!..11111at. In - 1 ()UNA %..1.1:1":, • I.: %KIN. ; lAIIKS EAKIN., •ligA,or • CL•n • II 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers