- - "Advo rtis amen ts are inserted at Maude of St . oixtr square for first insertion, and for tmcb subsequent itutatika. /50 amts. A liberal 418001113% modivestlyearty vcrtisemmda . " A space eqtud to ten lintroithii*ri inossures a tiller% . • / • , imams Notices set under *head_ by 'themselves immediately after dna iocal -mows, will be elutrxest., ten mina. line for each, twat:lmi.: _ Advertisements . should.be landed fI befoul Monday noon, to insure Insertion git4ultv , =A 'ammenemioniiMt Bit/sines* Car. dB. ; • EIV 31,ADIEttksignimainr.Lrbo )It..tt term of tilts In tuition will omosnettee o s Tricots/4 BePlellobee 1860. Ever, j, vsrtinept ,1111 bp farad:led with_ experiencea Ind competent Teachers. MUIII MAIM A. Boni, ho inlr the place 01 Miss Deven.genduaMd in 1 .,,,ber01 High School while Um embamiber PrilielvilAnd her echolsraltipandexpert el trto e were the inducements that led l to em her at a teseher an Ws Sendstarr. . mho desire to Deo one catalogue, - will or address tho Principal. P , D. 11. AN. Il.11 ; 1if ft •AND INSTI -1 ) Cl was Ito Fifteenth Annual Session 11 , 1 Ilk of September, under the shker t,in um nee 01 the 15luelpal, Rev. IL T. ways lor, .1. 71. til.ttbd attention grill be paid to the porollon or teacher,: for the Common tithoobi. po 1. ,c. c,,esi nod intdruhlbutal. ,by a competent it t , , t ... -or, et moderate rates. Lads prepared for • then alluviums education. Lem auelent nod modern, by highly efficient hero, as well Ad Painting. Drawing and Wax- Scud for a Catalogue to /tEV. It. T. TAyLom maim' pr. 1) It EMI T BEN 11C-FACTOStIt.jo. scph letehlere Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In Trunks, Valises, Traveling ,te., etc. N0..,101 Wood Htreet, Pittsburgh, r orders promptly filled. and a ork Warren Factory cameral Fifteenth and Penn streets • ijunelltily J..%NDIEIISO having taken hold of r 1 Ids old Foundry again, in Itochmter, ra., i b.' 1111 . 11ted to Meet Ma old customers and ft,sste ee ho may. want either the BEST COOK ! Ni. sTOVE, Heating Store, or env other kind of r.etibtb , of best material and workmangdp. The Is:siness will be owtdocted by J. J. ANDERSON et BONS. - - riciic SHARON '. RILLS. — The undersign. I ea takes this method of informing the public t..t they have tenr.hased and taken charge of the .rot 'Mills, formerly owned by the Xesirs Dar- N.:h. to Sharon, Beaver comity,- Pa, They bare ta Soot them aud sate now unrmaed to go all kinds ct naltw to the faction of their patrons.— 'I heir Funds of flour will Compare favorably with r.hy to the market. Give us a caU before going eJset , here. DAVIDSON & BRO. ataacCer OTICIR :—Now Bakery, at Wilson*. old puled rblr t Street, Dearer, Pa. Jollard M. Meru takes pleasure Wind= his old Mauls that r oabllshed.in business at the above stand, a here be dill be ghat to moot and nungdandste 110.1 n. Fresh bread, cakes, crackers., nuts, ac. a c . °arc I i.cries of all kind.. No. I Floor. made (tom Fall Wheat, by the barrel. auk, or retalL WILLIAM BAUNICS, dealer In 8001.0 fl tihoee, (laitery-Sllppers, de-pleat door to Potter's • 1111 shop. Midge street, Bridstreater, ahoy he Is perpared to taanulbctare and reU e‘crything In his bee at reasonable' rates Ilav- Ug remoed his place of buelnosa front the corn , near the Bridge to his present location, he In ore hie old friends and patrons to give hint a MEE I N. illUTAllis Attorney of Law, Bearer, I. rf . Mlles lu Court lloaso. isnayttlf. io It N. A. PIEUSOL,AttorOey at Law and I) ntrvo or or lauds. coOni opposite Professor T:pt in Braver. Lapr.ll:ly. P. KUIEN, Attorney at law. Office In Mo I t i p Kinky' o building, Mat Of Palle Synare. uwr MAY. QiIINGLEMI NIIIIIMLESII—Tbe undo s 7 signed has again commotwed the mmiubteturo 01 Shingles el his establishment neartbo railroad Malion, - in Beaver, Pa. Builders and all others 111 need a shingles can get as good an article from me and at as fair terms as anywhere else to the county. than me a call. D. BRUBAKER.. augilitt • J. Chandlet Ar SOUL, Dontlata—itoclies•' • ter, ' Unica in Beaver Station buildingi A a Mork. warranted. Prima moderate. Give tta Etior4llB:ly. rrt. ANDERSON, ()moral Police, Detre . tire and CoMutton Agency. Office, at ita. l , l ; Itoot Wont,' lloebeptcr, Bracer CO. ! ell.• 1.1,1111,1 rllll . ll.toi to my care will reCulVilpronwt nation, on mmonable term.. I, [aprati,Vulf. I leaver Seminary and Inalltute..Spring k. 01,100 opened Atoll I.t. MIA KIM! no 1.4! and *urcemfully conductor by Pror. Taylor mai alto are letalltf offers ezteto Iva cour.es In the and Musk. For Catalogum ad. It. T. TATI,OIt. 00l -The untlerei„-ned is 'prepared V' to &liven:um). burning Cool to all pereomt needier. the article. Orders will receive prompt a11...111,n. • S. P. CUMMINGS. MENEM AS. CAMERON, Attorney at Law J Braver; Pa. Office in the rooin for: wetly occilpled by thoi late . .lculgo Ade we. Col Walctt,. tc., promptly attedol to. septtill9:ly. DENTISTRY. -Dr. of Midge water, hag an ••Ofilee Right" to 11A0 the gen uine G OODY RAIL lIARDItUDDEIt ; coneequent ' 17 ha dot. Lot use the Dry Rubber, Of sosipetene, an shade for teeth. Rohl and Silver Pilllngs put in of the beet ma teriel, and all workwarrauted. reb3;l7. s, . , • t iittidgo No. 291,1.0.12. T. meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock, In Itochteter, in CoMn'a flail. • • [rebiO3( ) OLIN ET, Watchmaker and Jeweler, . street, Deaver, in. (In room adjoining J. W office.) (Sold watches and citrons wm•ters repaired and warranted. Engraving ihmo to order. The patronage of (ho public is •.••Iwited, and Intlefactiou guaranteed. Give: us a ~psivreiiim. • TII4IIS. McCUEEIIIr, Banker, corner of 'third street nod diamond, Beaver. IN. -Mon leeied on Government bonds. Interest sPose• • time deposits. We will also receive 910- iTan , for VOIICICP In the NATIONAL LIFE IN. c CIL% NCE CO.: OF TILE U. S. Also h:rebinds', Muniihieturers* and Artizatue Co.. of Pittsburgh, below the Court-Holum. .ipritltuitctr 111:\ItY 111ElltZ, Dealer In Boots, Shoes. slippers and:Oalters. tools and shoes made lint,. A long experience fa the business ems ..., hint to do work In a superior manner. Terms Shop on Third street (near Item. MU ` Bookstore>, Bearer, Pa. Glee him a call .re purchasing elsewhere. - IA DURTILIC SALT CO., Manufacturers and Dwders In Table and Coarse Salt, at industry, hew,' county, Pa. All salt put up In gnod or. .her, and warranted to give satisOctlon. Orders promptly attended to. B. BRIGGS, Manager. E. BLUNT, Sec. A Treasurer. `PE CEA L PiOTlCE.—Persons haring bust. 11 ales* to transact with the County Commiselon ,,.. will find them in erosion. at their office, on Friday crunch week, until Sept. Ist, 1009.. By order of the Board. • JOHN R. EAKIN. Clerk. MEM H. 111;11ST. Notary Public, Con ' teyancer and Ineurance Agent. Deeds and .‘,:rvismenta Written and acknowledgements taken, A liming been duly commlseioned uAgent for ?Irk clue Insurance Companies, retire e. tit at; the Mb, Life, Accident, and Live Stock ii, perdue:de, Is prepared to take, risks and ifrife on the most liberal terms. Also, agent let the —Anchor line . of lint clams OrieLTl Steam- Ticloaceoid to and from all ports In Eng- Ire tend, bcotiand,Germany and France. Of. re'cltt Leaf a brick rum, Diamond, Rochester. litr.9lt3 1 f VI NG SOLD my Flour and Feed Mud. 11 MVP to Mr. NathanLel Nye. of Roches. e. I a otild cheerfully recommend Idm tom) ins nde and ank for bun a continnence of their pate ronnee, knowing that be odd try to Plc..° lot. N. D. All perdone knowing tbrmselreei indebt .l to me will plena call and Fettle their actamola by September 1. t. J. C. HAMMOND. an;; iSilw TIIIIESIIINGIOACIIINE FOR SALE —Thu undundened offers at private subset 'melt than cost. a now Horse Thresher and Sepias. 00. Any person desirifig to purchase a pallor; or Ode hind would do wull by calling on the ...0.-eriber en New Brighton. Be has rented Ids ro In mod has no father use for the :fumble, anzia:lvr] 1111.41317. VOTICI: TO STOCKIIOLDEIIB.— .. SmIth's .1 Ferry and Little Deaver Petmlenm Co.", The .I..rkilold,r4 of the shove Company are requerted . meet it Voltam. ore. D. Ilurst.llochester. Pa., N4, 4 :::ttirday septernber 111 b, ISM at 1 o'clock. p. .1. the iinrikiao of taking' Into etinalderatlon i..• le of the mill and the property belonging to ;!:.• coinruly, and deciding other matters relating 0.. ih.• naiti corporation: Dp order of • •1n..:1 , :1wT . . DARRAGH, Pres't„ Pontefrac i &Cass, Manufacturers of Woolen Goods, ~i.n DOoltS ABOVE EDGAR'S FLOUR MILL 1'o11:-.4ton, :Beaver Co. A , . 1.-CAILDING Weaving, Full `• lee, nth-flit-aping .and the manufactnre et I , tudadw, Flunnole, thotha, Caosiment, Knitting 1 di, wilt rocclecineciat attention, at prices the lowest. Give non call before purchas , ~1 -vn here. Jett:if. 1-LENRY . LAPP Dealer In all I..clnda el FUW% ITIJRE , priglitoti street above the Plow Factory riocheker, 1-3 a. 'Cite, largest stock in jicaver county con. s tautly on hand; and selling at the very lowest prices. [angl.B:Out limf:wq SPRING AND SIINIIRIIIR GOOD —Tho Ininkrnigned begs leave to Inform hto Mends nod the public generally that be tout Jost received new' .took otpegs., the latest etyles for ' , loth,: and Sortidavg . • • Ida he offers at rely GEN TLE : Vt. VIINISHiNG Lv• COMMA:. nothing fnatte to ord ,v t • ••(meld notice. Thankful to the public Toe t taros, I hope by rime attention to boom's* to merit a Callan. pore of the tame. DANIEL MILLER,PA BIEIDGE 671. BIZIDOICWATAT. nmr 24:tf . , I=l Vol. 51—No. 35. Miscellaneous. c . fig : . 4)0 ILAS OPESED A STOIUi no BRIGHTON, NEW To WIIOLE3ALE ind RETAIL 'MITE LEAD, I LINSEED DLL, 'GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSIrEb, NAILS, Mixed Paints. • Color% in Oil and Dry, 'Carbon Oil, Boiled Oil, Neat's Font 011, Lard Oil, • Spirits Turpentine, Coach Body Varnish., (COPAL VARNISH, FURNITURE VARNISH, DAMAR VARNISIT, SIIELLAC AND BLACK VARNISH, COAILE'S PATENT JAPAN ARTIST'S MATERIALS, 'Picture Frames, (to order,) LOOKING GLASSM,I LOOKING ULM PLITE3, 'FRENCH AND PLATE !WINDOW GLASS, FRENCH ZINC,' ENGLISII A.NI) GthillAN GLUE.' SAND PAPER, &C. !Tills terms are CASH ou de livery of Goods. janl;69 BARGAINS Iv DRYLGOODS. M. BURCHFIELD & CO No. 52 Sixth Street, late St. Clair, 'Groindino3 reduced from 62c to 37c. Chinn 'Robes reduced from $6.50 to $3,50 Dimity; for spreadi, reduced from 75 to 50 mutts. 41;anket,a mi!ced fropi 4;400.2* Liam; Shawls reduced from $3O to SSO Blainln•tl and untleached Table Linens, NAPKINS tic 'TOWELS, A large assortment of Silks nnil Dress Goods sellingelicap, at NO. 52 . ST:CLAIR STREET, aug4 tc. E xtraordinary GRAND R BOW ASCENSION . 11•4 AVEIt, could not he more astoniShing titan the • , fact that SIMON T'CrElt 81. C O. , keep the be SNl st, largest and freshest • stock. of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, &.,c, In Beaver county. And although it takes oas to make a Balloon rim,. you will dud, Ifyou visit their establishment that th ey don't have to resort to gat to make their 'goods go. To all, we would W. "rush In" end examine our stock I We have on hand the ducat and beet TEAS, • "COFFEE, " SUGARS, .• • PURE SPICES Molassses S yast r umpnos Soaps; Tobacco stm t d plaee CiErars to be e We make a specialty of FLOUR & FEED, I:mull nges and selli 00110 but whar are known to be the very beet varieties In nee. Oar establish ment enjoys a well earned mutation in thls par- Herder, and see intend In the fidnre es m the put to malnteln It. - • WE DEFY COMPETITION. Don't mistake the place. We are sUll at the old stand, weatend of ad tlt.. Dearer. Pa. Coma. serata. & • pe Howe Sewing Illaelanes ARE TILE OLDEST ESTABLISHED OF KNY IN . THE WORLD They being the fleet Sewing Machines ewe made and hare been manufactured continually under the supervision of the original Inventor, liIILIA.S TIONVE. Jr. Since their first introduction 18ft. The lint rove meet upon these machinea made within the last two years and their rapidly growing popularity attests the fact that they have reached the very acme of perfection and that they are not only the oldest entabilshed but the best in the world. These machines do perfect work upon all fab rics whether fine or coarse, , also the invention of Mr. Howe.a l ike up o nboth sides of the fahtic,Sewed. The tensions, new, novel and unvarying, eau be adjusted to any degree of tights near. and after being adjusted do. not require changing, except for different threads. Towove who have need the Howe Machine, it is not necessary for no to speak and we would only add to others who sash aperf ect machine. to be sure and see these machines before buying any other. Send for circular. Applications for agencies must to addmssed to SIBLER & STOOPS, Sole agents for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Dela ware and West Virginia. • St— Pltaburgee 23 Horan liDa- th St. . Phila., and Do. 4 St. Clair b, eeptiaStly. mproved Cr/ 3 W Painee Cooking' I Move,--The porkier of the Bridgewater Foundry tenders hi/ saki to a generous public for their very liberal patronage, and informs them tnat he has completed and la now manufacturing the -Improved Crystal Palace Cooking Blom In width all the detente, teal at imaginary, RIR dh. Covered in the old pattern have bean remedied, L i front 11011 the One' 011airged lad ccoodencd. Ire back remodeled after the woe dared* car ever mode In • THIS CCVIMVPII-EMr, and other Impnereanente both soft end Ornanten m. The 000 U &milks that I bare supplied with the old pattern ot Crystal Plasm Stoves (or the Hama stove, as they. are ealled bee country) at that they are the beet amens and be lting Moves that are made In thlsbountry. ' The advantage* alba tp or e d one is Increased weight and draught. enlarged bake oven, eularg• ed front and doom, and opem grate, and mod l of all a strain bt end perpendicular Ilse backs. whkb In the judgment of experieneMlexperta la the most durable pattern of stove back that ma be used. Send your orders to Thos. Campbell,_Rorlester post dike. Ito change In prima. Teams sad Wing Milton* on hand to deliver stores In any part d the announding country, old scrape. Le., taken -In exchange, Boxed= stoves always on band and OW Mal chem. anvlttf. . =On. CAM,8214 • • Misceliatwmtr. SPRINP- STOCK. A .:R OHM P Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc. M'ciLLUM BROTH'S. 51 4fUt Avenue, above Wood street PIITEPPRGB, PA on band THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE MAR From the Finest Qualities to the Very . Lowest Grades. WINDOW teIIIADES, Fine and Common RI 1 Covens, &c., dc. Prices uniform to all, and the lowest. WCALLUM BROS. mar34:ly g o FAIRBANKS STANDARD, SCALES of all kinds. ALSO, BA GA USE GE BARROWS WARE* RO TRUCKS. COPYING 1' 11 El 4 S 1113 IMPROVED MONEY DRAMERS. Enirtionlos. Morse m Co.. W 2 Second Avenne.ziesr Wood M., Pittoboigh. .CALEB REPAIRED PROMPTLY.. aritlAmos. J Iltrersus. It le =ANTED to cure ...rimoaire4tatte or hearing, we or wads eye*, vice breath, Vl %led Throat or it, Pain pressure Head, and loss mory when eau as all of them tenth are, by the es of Catarrh. picast. and M umt, con no strong pots. I, or caustic, but Cures by its Soothing Ac will pay 4500 Reward fur a case of Catarrh that we am tot cure. Sold by most primElsis Everywbere. PRICE ONLY CENTS. If your Drug have not yet got it cn sale,dont be put oft with some worse than worthless strong " fumigator," or poisonous caustic solution, which will Drive the Disease to the Lungs instead of curing it, but send sixty cents to us and the remedy will reach you hvxetarn.mall. Pneirisackages, poet paldl2: Ono aMferiffcir • Send a 2 . cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the pro priwor, It. V. PIERCE, M. D., mar 3:3m;j9:3m4 • Buffalo, N. Y T. O.IIIOIIGAN. svcczasou TO SIIALLENBERGER BROS. • DCAT.ZIL 111 Fine Family Groceries. queensware, Hardware, NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAHL, BACON, FISH, FLOUR, SALT, LIME, Coutry Produce Take in MAR for • Goods delivered free or charge In all the,Villages. angl9;%l. THE PEOPLE'S Cooperative Life Insurance Company BE AVER, PA•, Incorporated by spacial Act of the Legis lature, April 14th, 1809. O f ficers E, P. KUHN, Esq., President, D. M'KINNEY, JR., Treasurer M. R. ADAMS, Secretary. A. W. TAYLOR, General Agent. This Company is now fully organized, and Circulars containing its Constitution and By-Laws may be obtained by apply. lag to the General Office. IN VER, Penn'a. ci frit° the Public • Before ifiatingElmeher to a awe Reaminatton of the - live System, As illustrated in our circular, and the se curity °tiered to the insured. A limited number of energetic Agents, who can give sufficient 'security for the faithful. per formance of duty, will find permanent em ployment by application to the General Agent In person or by letter. DR. HARRIS' Eclectic Summer Cordial Is an Infallible RentedySfr DIARRIKEA, DYftNTERY, CHOLERA MORI3OB, SICK STOMACH OINCE TIIE INTRODUCTION OF 0 this Valuable Medicine to the Public tt tuts never failed to give the most perfect satisfaction .in every instance, and the proprietor authorizes his agents to refund the money in every case where it falls to effect a eure. PRICE, L.O CENTB PER BOTTLE. For sale by Druggists generally, or gent by exPrcas to any part or the country, on receipt or the price.. Addreli-- HARRIS a SWING, Wholesale Drugless, Pltt.burg,P►. saays:Sto. r maION 11.11.11.—mas kw A new tire slorylPrime Boum roam aleelot dose le the still= In lndaitq. betake et J. It. MIL Pelmet. Bata, By. Terms reesanable. ; pliam y yTr i lr NIYTICIB i z= Testa. Isad executrix . n lod assentor on the usher ar Chattel Phther,dee'd, late of New fewithly town sW. Bearer county, 111., Tbarrnoth Ath indebted to said Wade are berth, _ed s iasseedhtte payment and those isms dalu au mid estate will purest them duly authenticated for settlement. to— • MARGARET Mtn= lerecorrix. JOHN 111:850A. Irstrator. sag taw* . . . . . t v 3 \— 'lv ••, _ d ' • 7- .. --••• ! ' i': . o . li ~.:: .1 • ....! ' i r. , , r ... ....._, , VII) . ~..., lii •,,, . ' 14 lif ' . ''''' '',.,.• :. `' .%.' ' 1„ "1 . 1.,. .!: : .t. .+,' ",-,,, ' . 1 ' :;:•,' • ~• 7.1 .' ' :II ' ... , ! . .;:,' 1; 1. - ;;E: ....,. ::. : ,• I' ; ...*:.,: .;,i . .: 1 , , _ - •. - • . ~", i• • r.'., : ..: ~.,........c; }Wiser Pa. 'W,e4esiliii:SePtiiiiVer . , To Outliers. 'Neese, lidekleyees sad j?tes twee, get yo!st limas It the ' • MOPTrralt Venire, mid ono time sad roomy. ItY Wa wei bed /low, as It is summer eat me mike mare wader, 101 l Owe is sonde Solt. We buo th e but tie Ilea stone oad Ulm Wood lOW ditdritto costa sot nixed with We stone to bars, so that Were k 'slu w e or eisaeria It. Ibiolchouooeil Uor Wodtto mortm whion win on sot e • gaol d run eal GUMMI • irks T &Unweptttttaatedbotllloawast LARGE LUMPS. gel to all who hard used It. SUM prom let terman! to othor kttaa mask addost It sad to to lel =Went* attlet• at the maw prom roll and ace lt;or try some. Mae &Armed promptly to ostler at . . Reisonable Rates. by Tama, 'lmre morose • bead orbit to Ss lithium Lima nos, or to • • A.l. suarri, Sra~w*ertNot.. ..:ram Dan'l Hugus & Co, IdANUIPACTIITOM 'Or Marbleized Slate Mantles No. IST Liberty Street,; Pittsburgh, Pen,n ' a. Pried, $23.00 and Oiled - dz. In the marb taxing proem certain min• eral colon, or metalic oxides, are applied to and absorbed by the stone, which is then subjected to a proper degree of beat until the enamel Is perfectly Incorporated with the slate, and becomes one substance forever. We have' now. on exhibition, over thirty mantles of different colors and styles et finish; and we pay particular at tention to orders wherepardes wish col ors to harmonize with papciand carpets. We are receivingg, monMy, new styles from European.Sesigners, which enables us to produce the latest patrerns in ma:. ble. [junethly KIRVITONE STOVE %viatica. Car Factory Buildings, NEW BRIGHTON, Penal titovera. Grab!. Frontal, Fenders k Sam- mer Pieced,' CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD IN THIS COUNTRY. • LOOK AT THE PEICE FIRST PREMIUM COOK STOVE RUBY. No. 7, Splendid Baker, Lane Square Oven, $lll5O No. 8, Splendid Deter. Urge tignare Oven. 16110 No. 9. Splendid Baker, large Square ISM Franklin Parlor Stoves No. 1, Juno Parlor, extra heavy HEATING STOVES, No. 2, Ribbed SF, rep bew , r2 " 4, " " Enameled Grate Fronts, 113, Drate OH, 19th, 99, .6, it .6 D, 18 91, •• 19 •• .Ty 19 .. C 291, .• 91 ' 4 " 21% " 199. "'• 7B. " =SS FENDERS. Nola Mid , • 73, " .6 Nair, " 11, Fancy " 14, without Bod, " XS, Main Rod, " XS, Box, withont nod. Pressed Sheet Iron Summer Pieties Plain Enameled, 1.10 .. -• with O rn amental Centre, 1.50 All Work Warranted. Give us a CUI/ TERMS, CASH oetl 4 WALL PAPER WAJAL PAPER. WALL PAPER Tr.a largest and eheaport stock of t{ ail Paper a Dearer County. BOOKS, A largo worttnent of Mlsiellaneons, School and' Eall=a Books, constantly on hadd at Pah. Itahen • Gift Boots Suitable for the. Holidays, &a, &a, &a STATIONERY, * STATIONERY. STATIONERY An extensive variety otrogen,lnvelopes, Lead Peed* Goal and IlteelPoiss. - lak aid Ina fltsads. Irg. We we the gze VS Arid brae eliebrated l'crlergr o w Gold Pen. ler this =l;thoseetriftgA good Odd PEN de well le see Ogg beibre PhotWe am the Agrorr ida trwattle Plbe triads aph Kanter) Cerra eate. no ow se emotion of Clem ogr son ts reneethdly nailed C A . ea we sell WM at the souneaut they would get from oleolisher. - Atwater, Gov. element tat Publioluts' pekoe. We have eenstsatly on hand Moor Oil Cloth ht VIMVIRV WIIWIMIW CUT, CI-A.OTM . RUSTIC dc PAPER, SHADES. on Mad Tut sad Vatiaq Gads sultabia kor the 'MMus. J. F., PRICE, Broadiralr, Slaw !Medan = BELEM ,PCPATAKt .FFER VW' SET. 4141111titli Ifyintshonld ever gc John, I'll tell yo_n what to • .. Go giCa ISBe tenement, - . • Just, big enough Jor.twol And one PPM" room dx MonrY, And one spare bed,wl Audit you begin loves 'l d li tc aright,', You'd better thus begirt' , • • • In furniture he Modena% 'lton 0.; _ • Aud let the stuffed chairs ling o °Do Wiring-glass will do iluktostill ) Yonkself andleving ntttr' And Brussels, too and outer thing, Which make a lino apPlAsehrld,': If yen can bettor afford it i,o t e lr , Will look better a.year . ate I sonse n think . thei must hare pkttirce,' Superb and costly too, • Your wife will•lx, pieMrly.totit4 •• Let that suffice for yon. : Rountuber how the A tent and love - within • ' Ia better than a splendid house.. •. with bk, 1 034 2 44. 4 nTrr ... And one-word as to 000 is gephm • - 1 .. • •Tnal adrenal' &the .1 . t , • • For love to make the b rise, • 1 ••• Is better Arthan yeast; OX tr .; I .4 i ' • No matter if each day Tendon% ; Bring turkey to your tatikii-,; , cr tr,••••• • . 'Twill better relish by and 'by, When you are better ab1ik. 7 N"; •, ... 1 .. • .'o' • . .For all you buy pay money, iehri • . Money that very day I , -, ~ ,; /f_tort would have yourllfbrunTanneth, e There la no better way, ~,•-•-, . : •A• note to pay la an ugly 'lrking you eliomieto it; •, • When it hangs o'er e man tab has . No money in Ma wallet :" - - ! „ • And now, when you are Married, John Don't try to ape the rich; It took them many a toilsome yeni . To gain their envied nisho. And if you should gain the summit, - Look well to your beginning; Andihon will all yoti win. ' -ropey The toll and awe of winning. ” FOBEIGN CORRE6Tp_NDENCE. . The Voyage Out—Burial at Sea-- How to dress for On t Hp- - atuseway-.-44sa CraV— qtasgow, etc., etc. GLASGOW, 00 ay; 1800. Enrron Anors:--kfmnd "myself at noon, on the 10th last., on beard the steamship Cambria at Pier 20, North Rlirer, New Torii, about to start again to cross the; ilia the vase! starting for Ohnigow,.via Mo vine, Ireland. •Notwithstanding the frequency of the occulience, The sail ing of a Eurcipean steamer aiwnys 'draws together a erciicci ,of people, some on ship and some On shore, about one-third Of those on ship .are. paivengers, the other 4SW-thirds hav ing come to me the oneothird off. Of course there is bustle (with thetpni& ent style of ladies' drefiii, much; bus tle) and confusion; and:much clatter and wagging .of fern* tongues,: until tho order is given forAtoso nt i 4Pas , Ben g e P tO go.abh(44-1 11 ,en t 13 . 1 % general scramble fcir, sae ;glingwriy planks, and soon eiteiVeitnls the pier leaned with several ro*s of 'Upturn ed weeping and =lining -.VWgmt; while much waiving of comint cot- GM and silk handkerchiefs Ls hidulg- ed in by those AO itO: so fortunate as to not be, incht4l4 .in the "go ashore" order. 7 . ooMorresporident watchingt . hp, • Apt . see one . fan#ligt ' to so , . . ~ t herdoek,. and he remained qUite quiet and calm as the ship slowly moved away, from the dock, out into the beautiful river and down theliay ; Which, as a romantic passenger stated, "she was soon to leave to struggle against the waves or old ocean." She did, leave the bay, but for once old ocean "went back" on the romantic passenger, and Instead of the rough weather that'the party wished to foretell we. had; for eleven days out of the thirteen days passage, as smooth water as one would find in North River in her calmest momenta. Notwithstanding this Wort of the:."lnighty deep" to allow our billious passengers to crass without being sick, some partlW did avail themselves of a chance to suffer, and would waste the ship's provi sions. The passage across the Atlan tic in a first class steamerlas been so often described, its many pleasum and exciting incidents expatiated on, and the great fund of inforthation at- l!MMI spired from shrewd sidlOrs by land lubber; making their first voyage, so often written out for the benefit of those who stay at home, that - 4 pro pose on this occasion to say nothing about it, but to deal directly with the voyage Just concluded. We had the usual excitements of course, saw whales Spout, icebergs, got Into fog, , took the log regularly, and always at tended meals. A burial at sea also fell toour lot, a poor German steerage passenger, evidently far gone' with' consumption when he came on board, and anxious to reach, his native land to die, yielded to disease when 'we , were but a few days from port and had to be buried , at sea ? The corpse was sewed up in a piece of new sill cloth, with a weight attached to his feet. At the hotir appointed for bur -1 lad , the body covered' with the Union Jack is laid upon a board on the side, of the vessel, while the crew and pas sengers, with uncovered heads, gath er around; a chapter from the Bible Is read by the. Captain, a short pray er offered by aNclergynauhat passen ger, and as'tho ship sails along at her ten or twelve knots an hour; the body is committed to the deep.' Such an occurrence casts a shade over all mer riment for the balanee of the day;but on the morrow all is forgotten and the usual pastimes are indulged 'in. In connection with my narrative of the present trip, .1 think I may be doing a Service to 601130 of your read ers who may possibly contemplate - crossing the ocean, .by advising them In relation to clothing for a trip of the kind Lhavejust taken. I have cros-. bed the Atlantic. three timts, and I think I am safe in saying that halfof those who have been my fellow pas sengers haVe not been dressed warm ly enough, and have not only lost much of the pleakuns of the voyage from that cause,laat In seine instances actually =sued from the': cold. — Steamers sailing to Glasgow Liver pool, etc., generally take a Northerly course, and thouglithe weather may be intensely warm at home 'after a few days at sea it will be cold, and it Is best to be . well prepared for : it, therefore let.your sea going rattler carry with hire a suit of haavy win ter. clothing, heavy underclothing, heavy overcoat wear stouiboots; ladies,need cloth or water proof dress es woolen hoods, heavy veils and good: thick show. . Thus prepared they may brave rough 'weather, keepi msnnica a co BOOKS, BOOKS ON ILIND <<. C.'"c, • - , .. ...1 4 ,i =I BE =I ma on daalcollid pro ,esomo au *tuck of that 10 • t . . (and to bo : &ended)! Illsortlei; 7 sea • atekaefa. Out steatnerWaS not a' fast one, , but :wo:nutde'our **file, Irecand, on tho North Coast , _at . moon "on - tlie Isrelithrjay out, mut. aS the, greed shores of Trio aune in slew tildrOWss'u gLOneral oxelarnation 'of adUillitionof thO fleld:s and Olttops, commontops, and by ; consent it was declared that land was ne'er so l4autlitd beforO. The fad t‘th at it was tingrAtig.uld Y4 11 )/ntor pd long, n T/OwilinY .hnvo had f inialdnrnblu to do tvlthlta' bounty. =-After landing our Peak*is for Ireland, moat of them 014-P4stiefiiers • :the vessel' turned about and headed for Glasgow. been atter leaving , Neville ourptiree bre't na in vim of the !ielebrated ,Glant'o Caugetiiikyi,ii.prOlqutery of stupb.nd plah'eatillWeohlieri,Jiatiniont into 'theses amine ^ twelve hundred feet and' tithing nriataral eurlOsify, more won- gia4ithan anything man hnuptirodneed; "Cala= is piled upon column; and column set ,b,eside columeiin .the most regular 'order, and held together by a cement, of ea- tuida thititurittute 'tliat tiuu; probably.. neverellect. Afteirpassing pie Causeway our. coureo led us among numerous lq ands and rocky headlands, One remarkable qt ject be- Ing the Alba Crag, an immense mass of rocks rising over one thousand fee abov'e the sen, 'whore watery dm! against It on all sides; • thousands pf ,w9o,fewLl circle In the air above the Ochs, and in a sheltered nook on.one skid a small latit,lltlicen,tho smoke 6- sttllig frbpip#lll4e chinaney iiihithatak occupied. "What filu inllatlittitriSould induce any one to sole* such it place to reside in I can notpfetend to say. que Ditsetious passenger wanted to know *As , ' they Would go for the 'doctor if any one gcit sick. 'Sean after passing Ailsa Cialg we enter the beautiftri Firth' 6f Clyde, and with beautiful scenery on all Bides and a clear bright sky above us we speed along until we reach Greenock - , at the mouth of the Clyde, to learn that the tide 1.4 out, and 'for -twelve hours we must lie at anchor before we can run up to the dock at Glasgow. But a feW Years ago the Clyde wiis so shallow, that vessels of more than two hundreds tons harden could net reach Glasgow at nil, but now `vessels of two thou.sandlons can at.higli tide sail directly to dock in Qlasgor. This good work of deep ening and widening the river has not :been accomplished without, a . great eXpendittire - of time writ money, but Glasgow has icapeil the advantage of inereased• trade and direct shipment 'and iecelpt of merchandise. When ' the tide served us our strainer, again got under way andleisurely proceed ed up the river, •ed on each bank with extensive :•' ' * with vas sels in every:: • dress;. the ship Yards o • e and Clyde 'built vessels being :il5 ens the world over. - 'Two hourtrAdoup .the . river and we reached Glasgow, where the foully that for two weeks sojourned on the good ship broke up and sepa rated, each taking the direction that suits his businus or pleasure, and many sad to say farewell. A rest at the George Hotel, an excellent house, a good bath, etc., and I started to see the sights of the city. Glasgow con tains a population of about gied,U)o, is thriving and busy, and curries on au extensive commerce. Along .the Broondelaw, the landing at the river ,Sideolusels of all nations are to be seen,- and merchandise of every de scription being discharged from ves sels. :As befere remarked Clyde built vessels are work renowned, and it is perhaps appropriate that the boat yards of Clyde should supply the fin est °cam steamships yet afloat,' as it was here that the first steamer built in Europe was lambed; and here James Watt,who firstsu pplied steam Power to vessels, was born. The . Principal object of interest in Glas gow, and theonefirst visited by sight geeing tourists, is the old Cathedral, nearly seven hundred years old: The grader Ortiou*, however, has been reneived, - mily atew portions of the building, the Choir and Crypt, giV ing evidence of great age. The date of 'their construction is 1175. The windows in the Cathednd are most 'splendid specimens of glass staining, and beautifully illustrate different Incidents In sacred history,* from the beginning of the world to Christ'sa.4- censi6o. Glasgow has been styled the city of merchant princes, and very many wealthy merchants are . raddenta there I believe, hitt I must 'confess that in none of the cities of Europe that I havebefore visited'. did I see so much misery and poverty. It may be found in other cities; but it certainly is morn apparent id Glas gow than in anyother city. Women barefooted, bareheaded and almost' naked,' were tole found on the most public:streets in large ndrubers. and whisky palaces are at every corn erand on every hand, and to these I have no doubt can be traced a very great deal of this wverty and want that exhibits itself. Much has been done by the friends of temperance in Glasgoiv towards stop Ping, or regulat ing the sale of liquors, but - beyond prohibiting such establisnments from opening before a late hour in the morning, when it is supposed those 'Of the laboring clam who have work have gone to it, little has been amour Plisited. Full liberty seems to be al )owed in the evening, and a thriving trade carried on. Was my -lineation to have given you, in this letter, some account of a Visit ti Edinburg, but leaving that fora future letterl close this. • THE ANNEXED ARTICLE, front the N4livilla Press, gives one a fair idea of the sort of bed, fellows :whom the .Senter .Republicans: of !rerakessee haVh Just taken up With: We learit,on high Conservative au thoritythat some tani&ariw of the Ohio Democracy, of the regular State , Rights Repudiation—White Man's-Government school, were in the city last week to confer with the old Democratic leaders of this Saute. Ibis said that the Buckeye missiona ries urged upon their brethren here to make the Legislature vote down the , Fifteenth Amendment,. Wed Johnson to the Senate, and piteh . , . . .. , 5 ' - . •. , , . s . . . .. . corertward • every ,ftepubllatn State !Aker, from 'Supreme ...lodges down to the lowest position; by holding revolutionary convention 'to make a new Constitution. • Republicanism, by this programme, • Is • to be cut. Ifp root and branch, and be euperaelled by , that. political Canada thistlo, known as State Eights Demovracy. Johnson is urged for the SAmatorship, not only as a representative pel Wean but in a spirit. of defiance to the. 'grcut national Union saving eman cipating, party, the Republican organ ization. If the"victory for free suf-, tinge is to be prostituted to the ser viee.of the. Peniciemey,.the attempt cannot 'be made • a day too soon. There are thousands ready to take up tlict gauntlet, and they will not lay it down until 'Stotts Rights De mocracy receive as sound a &lib bin„T as it has receivod In time past. Tho national Union men of Tonnes- See have no inclination to sit down to a banquet of Dead. sea apples, fair without and ashes of bitterns s with in. [From 'Om Toledo Blade 1 NAMI% Nasbr Dabbles la Ohio PoMee— The Derltootles of Gea. floweret= Opens a Fidel for Illeateableh lie to loth to rater—lfe• A self as a Casellklate for Goreraor Ls Illsliodeot Way. Pepper's Tavern, llolems county, August u.18&1--There were a provi dence In my 1)eln compelled to leave Kentucky —a speshel and crownih Providence In 111 v cthitin to Ohio. I shel never doubt . Providenee agin. 1 thought It hard to be compelled to leave my comfortable quarters at the Corners, and I murmured when forc ed to trust niyself to the cold chart ties uv an unfcelin world at my ad vanst age, but it wuz after all for the be 4. liz high and exaltiti ez Is the posishen uv a Kentueky Post Master, posishen uv Governor of the third State uv the Yoonyun Is more exal- teder. • The deelinin uv .Gen. Roscemns wuz not unexpected. Indeed, when Senator Thurman started for Cali fornia the next day . after the Convcu shen tolndoose 'him to decline, I 1 knowedjalwoodsneived. Thurman' hez a winin tray with him ez Val landygum dlscovered two year ago next winter. Rosykrans wuznt never the pro >4r man to lehd the Denocracy uv Ohio to victry. No matter how sound kto 'be on4ol thg qua tionff'nOW before the people, there is tm odor attached to !us name which Ls A Stench into our nostrils, and' the Men which n n our State Convonshun ought Le have known it. • Thalreto Dimoentt ic intelit , ek is limited—it don't take too many ideas to wunst, nor. toes it shift:with facility. Dooring three years uv the late unpleasentnes. - s we wet: kept bizzy training the 'beim eracy to hate this name, with sieh ez Burnside, et emery. We succeeded. About the time layhe lightin uv the uvbattles Stone I ver, luky Chic:i -t( twerp, and partik Hy about the date nv the arrest and exit uv our then ruartered saint, , Valhunlygum, the very mention uv Resykrans' name wood set any Dimoerat in Ohio a I frothin at the mouth like a mad dog. The Dimecratie antipathy to the name ain't changed. We mite tell can that -this :lure Rosykrans wuz our candidate, but the people , woad, In moments uv forgetfulness, heove stems at any faun who wood perpose "three, elieer:o for tio-ykrans!"— They'd apologise humelitly when they remembered thetuseh•es, but kin opt trgy relay for a broken head? Half fly our orators wood hey bin killed helre•the eahmaign wuz half over. There ain't no yililSe in tryin to get up enthousitism under shit eir eltillStalleV, NOW.that Itosykrun- is out us- the way, the questibn is, which 'iv our chieftain. , shall take his place? For reasons, it wool be se 4) lo nominate Vallandygnin. He can't get a Itepblikin vote, atul Cher :ire hosts uv Ditooerats who don't like to hey it sed they voted for hint out fly regard for their pos terity. It won't do to , nuaninate Cary, for lie's too recent a convert, and, besides, he . used to occasionally lister on temperance. Denney won't anserbecoz ltanney alias wears clean shirts; takes 'a bath twict a week, and goes somewhere to .church with his family every 'Sundt., He wood doubtle glt someltepubilkin votes, but he'd loSe more than enuif uv the Demoenicyjto balance, the account. Henry Cht2i Dean wood soot exactly but he liVeallowa. asset , D. Wile wood :insert but he is a citizen uv Kentucky. Sammy Cox hez Mitts lived cleanly, tho he is sutlisiently versateel to change all that in timet but onfortunatly, he's in Spain, and be-ides, he's a citizen uv Not, York. Whilthen, shed we nominate? 1 unser without hesitation' with out any affedashen uv modesty— St E. 0.111-ii4 tuiw, the chief among ten thou.sand,and the onealtogdher love ly. lam the Moses with is to lead the Democracy nv Ohio out uv titer land uv bondage into the land flow ing with milk and honey. Due advantage in noininatin me, wood be—there ain't no danger uv my dedinin, I never decline nothirt, It may be urged that •I ain't knowti. Thats the very reason why I shood he nominated. What wood Vallandygum give of he wuns't known? We never succeed %Mit tf, known tandidate. We kin say lw counties where they prefer men whose hands WUZ.drencht in gore that I killed my thousands; in coun ties where they went for peace, by klilln Provo Marshals and rich—that I wood hev died in my door yard, of I'd had one, sooner than hey gone South. My other pints areez follows: I kin hold more uv the Democrat hi party stride in trams than .ttny' other man in the state. I wuz orig- Melly a Democrat; I voted for Jack son and for ever Dimocratie nominee from that date on to the present. -It is my proudest boast, \rich I wish inscribed on toy tombstone when I hey gone hence—lneVer scratched tikktt. "My war record is deer. - At thtlbreakie out uv the war, I oppos , ctrl everything the Government (lid. I did not stun the lassachoosetts soljers iu Baltiniore,lfeeoz i ‘euz not there, but I slung up my hat when I heard uv it, and wept bitter teers be- CO% I wuz not there. I did not vol unteer. On the contrary, when draf ted. 1 made the best uv my way to Canada to join Vallandygum, and only faikd to make my escape thro the treachery'uv a Aboliinnst who wonned Iti.s.self into my confidence having a eopyttv the Noo York Day Book and a pint bottle uv sod corn whiskey in his hind coat pocket. thought, in my innocence, that one so equipped coed not be anything but a true Dithocrat, o' but I found t • my sorrow, that wave.: often put on sheep's clothing so perfckly ez to de-: ceivo the very elect. Armlet-and taken to a camp uv UAW hirelings, I win clothed in oktlibloo, a musket wuz fort into my unwillin hands; and I wifilransported southward to dip my hands in tho soar nv my friends. Did Ido it? No I I deser-, ted the first nite, and escaped to the Dimocratie hosts, with whom I serv ed titbit battle wuz inonlnent, when I made my way North ag,in. Hooined by this unlawful to seezure, for the bars at wich wunst feredit refoosed open nemuntswith Imengin, I devoted myself to aboosln , la ty n umiqd government engad in !'jprosecootin unconsteashne Theaded the Holmes Countypatri otsJ who PPRIMICiI drafts, I organized Established 1818. the Knites of the Golden Cirkle v is Ohio an Inkuty,' and I organi more riots than any one mania these two States. I kin say trooly that doorip that short time, no less than twenty two young men, trained and eddieated by. me, who hadn't ,the desereshen to get oat at the proper Mine, war incarcerated in &steels, were they langulsht for months. . 3ty career since the mournful en din uv the war is well known. supported Andrew Johnson the no meat he deserted the Ablishniste. I wuz with him in his triumphal pro gr thro the North. 1 held up his hands doorin the impeciehmentstrug gle, and I bought up three um the Union Senators wich voted for acquit tal. I . assisted also in the Slaughter uv niggers In Memphis and Noo Or leans. - I am, uv course acceptable to the stratecrut Itimoaticy, er, I hold views entirely in consonance with' them. I am inflexibly oppoged to the pay inei3t nv the nashnel debt, I am op posed to the fitteenth'amendment,and my dawters, If I hod Bich, shoed nev er marry niggexs. OnthNe questions no man in Ameriky is more sounder than am I. • Xho Dimocrisy uv Ohio owe , me this,' for services rendered. I hey. bin dragged throo horse trolls for hurrahin for Vallarulyguth. I .hcv bin pulled out uv msb ea :l In Janeoary by soijers and cope to take oaths uv allegiance, and guished once in a Mile for my steadfastness to Dirnocrisy, These things ought not to dwell onto, but If no one else will I must. ' I hey nthde othersacrifices. When torn from my pmeefld home to Cite our friends uv the South, I bed a wi to which I loved. - Life wuz a pooce ful streem -and we :floated calmly along.* She took in .washin and I talked polities at a nei ghborn investin the proceeds uv hit?c i =n the sone:lance afforded tat the bar. When I returned what met me? The kiln of men outrite was 041 he Most hart rendin incidents trv. that fratrisidlo struggle. It wuz the sny rin uv domestic tics—the 'Lenin down uv domestic altars, and the separatin uv familles. When I re turned I wuz coldly met. Loolzer Jane wuz washin asyoosual, only hardettban over, and . I roost the children) ,ed new frocks and shoes. The lbstoifternoon I NVllz at home I askt her in my old familyer way for . It dollar and a half, ez I wanted to go down street. ‘l'llat's played she remarkt. . "Haven't yoo got it?" I askt. "I hey," she replied, "and I per pose to keep it.. I hey diskivered suthinrsinm yoovo bin gone. I hey found that it's easy enuff to support myself and the children, washin at a dollar a dozen, but add to that a' hulkin man with a thee like yoors, and its hffrder than I keer. This house is znine=yoo kin vacate." And she calmly rung out a shirt ez tho wet she sed wttz a common place remark lusted uv a practikel diverse. I left. her. A feendish Ablishuist bed put this idea into her hold and she' lied aetid onto • it.. Since that time I hey.wendett my way alone, subsistin by chance. Abllshnism owes me the likker I ought to hey lied, out uv vat that woman- has earned seam that creed day. 0 out a fearful debt to pay: The acootDemokrat may ask wet I want uv a nominaShen when de feat is certiu. Its suthin to bea candi date. I shoed make a vigrous con pane. The masses in the. moral desi tikes don't often see a candidate for so high an Mils, and I shoed beam onto em all. Ely course I .hood froth this date to the second Tuesday in October hey free iikkcr. The rank and file wood esteem it an honor to drink with me; and I shoal consider it a vonvenience to drink with-them. For, two months I shoal hey e.l I wanted, wieli wood be the happielit two Months in my life. I shoed prob ably die uy delirium tremens, but I mod afford it. Oh wat a gorgus pros pek ! Oh wat an elysimu ) Kin the Dentocrisy uv Ohio be sei crooel ez to deprive me uv it? I kin at least hold the votes uv the hald handid Dimocrisy wich wuz knowd ez Cop perheds doorin the war, and , I can't see that we bey over got any other kind, no matter who we nominated. Ef that element ain't strong enuff to elect ins ,- I spore I shoed go to Nue the unnumbered throng uv Dime erotic candidates who hey encounter. ed defeat in the &airy years gone by, and whose ghosts still hover on the confines uv politikie life. I submit, this to the Dimocrisy uv .Ohio . , feeling that I am askin only oat Li my deo. PETROLUM V. Is7Astiv, Wich wuz Postmaster. A Contrast—WO at Sara A lively letter writer at Saratoga wondenewhat can bring people to that dusty little country, except a dire necessity for medical use of the. Waters or a love for racing and fast horses. The correspondent.(a lady) says: What do people talk about in Saratoga? First, horses, then betting, then suppers, dinners, Ace., then wo men. It may be - a good place for. match making, but. I doubt- it. I doubt it for the reason that there are so few eligible men here, and those. few are so exceedingly averse to mat rimony: What the young women do am at a lass to imagine. I aheuld think, however, that they vinuld enter for the "consolation stakes." To get up a wardrobe, Ca ey yourself In three dresses per day, pay a large hotel bill, and then not kill ,vour game, must be your worst possinvestment. It was only the other day a mother complained, in accents not unlike those of that lone.lone creature, Mrs. Gumnildge, what a terrible trial Suratoga.was to her. She had brought her two daugh ters here fur three seasons, and they were skill on her hands-- Ay, mad am, and they will remain there. The men who seek wives at Saratoga are 'fortune hunters. Go home and set ,your daughters to honest work, and then, perhaps, they will find honest husbands, But the butterflies flap their wings, and elanev, and flit, in spite of the odds against them. A butterfly in one -baloney and a horse in the other! 'The clothes I have seen during the past week' are the most wonderful panomma I ever beheld. For "loud ness" and startling effects I do not believe they can be equalled except by the wardrobe of :Slide's garden. Indeed so many of the women re semble the supernumeraries of the Black Crook and White Fawn, that I sometimes think I niust be seated in the parquet of the Mader. There as the blondes, "the Girls of the reeled," as they are called, with just such head 4 as lorgnettes have been anted at for so long a time, with just such decolletets dresses. If the skirts are not as short as the waists, it is owing to a wretehodconvention ality that still draws the One some where. These are the ladles who en amel and they have husbands 1 Wind mast those mem tornado of? And these women dives, and then dives, and then dress! For what? To at tract the attention of vulgar men, • who study them as they would prize Eigrnabl, and use no refined language ndisetssing their points. It Is most herrible, - and I do not see how any woman of modesty or sensibility can be willing to subject herself to such coarse scrutiny. For a woman to dress to gratify those who know and appreciate her, is not only a pleasure -but a duty. To put herself on exhi bition-for the benefit of the general public is such a lowering of woman hood as no one who respect% the sex Tst ERA /11=1101 la published every W be OW old Aripm building on Third Want, ver, Ps., MO 00 per year In advance. _ Vommantattionat on outdo" of tomb. ~tueral Intend are nopartftdly solid: Red. To Insure attention favors of this kind mod Invariably be accompanied by the name of the author. Letters and ocazununloatlona whoop) be iuldresitod to .1. WEY4III), Be3Ver, Pa. Over ccires to see. If 4women had common tense, there would hoopoe., partitively little display. Agood fit -tint; gown, a tastefully dressed brad, des mt boot and glow, are the im portant featums in a woman's toilet; and any one who po , *semeis these re quirites will he a lanutyif she is a . beauty, and will assured be a lady I If she fortunate enough to have been is burn and bred so. To try to be one or the other ie the wretched cone. • isly that ls daily played ut Saratoga, to the satisfaction of,no one and the disgust of many. Mck and alas! SLECTUVYI ANUM3II4. "Beyond till comparisons the nurtt brillhurt andstartling conquest which the human mind has yet made over the domain of nature., consists of that group of diseoveri which isdeseriir ed by the term Spectrum Analysis. It provokes amazement in every pea. In the first.place, the develop ments have born made with a rapid- ity that is almost astounding ; the whole thing has lams done in ten years. Dr. WolLstene discovered, In the year liSr2, that by looking care hilly at the solar spectrum with a spy glass dark linecould be seem crossing it. In 1815 Fraunhofer, Osmium optician, rediscovered: suit. made a map of several hundreds of them, and from that time they wens called, after himi.Fnumbefer's But few supposed that them was the slightisit p(itisible slgnificanm in them, they were regarded as mere opticlo curiosities, having no higlicruBc tluin to serve as land marks ler measuring the spaces of the colored spectrum. But, in 1859, the two German chem ists, KtrcholT, and Bunsen, made the capital discovery that coal chem ical element, when burning In a dame, gave out a light that had Its peculiar marks or lines, so that these lines could become a menus of do- teeting the element. A totally new mode of chemical analysts was thus hit upon, far more delicate than any thing hitifrto known, and a method morttweri which was capahje of be ecaping ft reetlator of the censtilution erthe unirerse. Chemistry, at a sin- . gle stroke, was ftbilidwith astronomy and the universal agent of light be curie the powerful servants of the lab6mtory. "At the very first step several new elements were discovered, the exist ence of whip!' had never belbre been suspected. Examining • with the spectrum the ash of some mineral wa ters, Prof. Bunsen thought he saw some lines which did not belong to the substanceS already known.' Ile thembolled down-fforty-four tons of Darkheim spring water, and got a couple of hundred grains of residue, from which he extracted two new metals, Caesium • and Rubidium, which resemble potassium. This Ru bidium has sirfce been found in the ash of oak, of beet root, of tobacco, coffee, tea and cocoa. , "The spectrum analaspi, however, is not a mere instrument of original chemical research; it has a "practi cal applicability."lhe "Ikssemer process," as it is tatted, is a method of conterting cast iron directly into steel. Cast iron contains more• car bon than steel, and it is converted In to steel by burning this carbon out of the molten, white hot mass by a blast of atmospheric air. In this op eration five tons of east iron are con verted in twenty minutes into live tons of cast steel. But the success of the process depends upon being able to stop itust at the right- time. If continuedten seconds too long, or stopped tell seconds too quickly, the butch is spoiled. The flame, of cotuse,: is an Index of the advance of the . combustion; and, by watching it with the spectres/rope, the appearance and disappearance of the lints indicate the exact moment at which the op eration is to be arrested. "The spectroscope promises also to Ifixonie a very valuable instrument in medico-legal investiptions into the evidences of crintittality. Bloodstains may be deteeted by it with extreme delicacy. Mr. Sorb:: has shown Raft the one thousandth part of a grain of ' the red coloring matter of it blood stain may be detected with the great •)t certainty. "But it is in its celestial applications - that the spectroscope has performed its most wonderful achievements.— The constituent matter of the sun, for instance, which ten years ago was purely conjectural, is nownmatter of definite and positive knowledge—ear know what it is etniapisell of—its chemical constituents—not as com- • pletely, but with the same certainty, as we know thechemical constitution of the earth. Bixteen of the elements with which we are familiar upon earth, are proved also to exist in the atmosphere of the sun. They are the following: Sodium, calcium, barium, magnesium, iron, chromium,nickle, copper, zinc, strontium, caimium, cobalt, hydrogen, manganese, alumni. num titanium. "The Mass have also been subject to spectroscople study with equal success. They are shown to resem ble our sun, their light coming from hot, white matter in their atmos pheres. About eighty lines in the spectrum of the light from Aldeba ran have been mapped, and it has been ascertained that the atincsphere of this star contains sodium, agne siufh, hydrogen, bismuth, telurium, antimony and mercury. Sirius con , tains. sodium, magnesium, iron and hydrogen. About' sixty o ther stars have been examined, and all seetn to have some chemical element known on earth.—Applefon's Journal. Accounisu to the English Journ als, a mechanic of Nottingham has recently patented a very great im provetnent in the steam engme,which consists in forcing heated air into the boiler of the engine now in use—the air and sienna together passing (rein the holler to work the engine. The inventor has devised a separate ap paratus for pumping and drawing the cold air through a coil of pipes, and so heating it before it enters the boil er; but the cold air may bealso taken directly into the boiler, And be made to take up its heat entirely from the water in It. The advantages ofTered by the iii vention are stated to be three fold.— Fir*, a saving of more than forty per cent, in fuel; secondly, an increased amount of motive power compared witl e ordinary steam enfine; and th By a diminished sapply of wa il I t ' for filers. A further advantage is ipso a id to deserveattuntion, vie.., th t th' action of the air. on the Ova te is ery beneficial, keeping it In constak t perturbation, thus tending to priA:nt incrustations., Till: at Dual council or the Indiatut 1 ,, Christini Union ine , cts at Filmore, Putham t unty, on the last Thursday in Seldom c ii, The brethren at Fil more are in ing preparations to ate militia:aline a who may come... This organization extends to Ohlo,—lntil ana, Illinois, lowa, and to some ex tent In Missouri, Wisconsin,Pennsyl van/a and West Virginia. Tuz Grand Army of (the Repub lic is in a very prosperous condition in Pennsylvania, and Its numbers are rapidly increasing.,Over ten thousand dollars is now i the hands of the head quartermaster, tutdabout five thousand dollars has beep ex pended In charity. --• A Yonxo Parisian snyathat, to get rid of unwelcome carrtivondenee,he write , ' to tho fair ono this brief epis tle: "I know all, Adieu!" It al ways works, for there is always something to know.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers