CI 11 =MEZ2===2=l ,xtivertisoutenta aro Inserted at thereto „01,00 per square far Drat slusartion, and f o r each subsequent Insertion to cents. A liberal diseu,t , tttßado 'est 'yearly ;ed. . • . A apaco equal to LOU hued* of this type liwirittliNJ 'lustre. .. Business Notioes set under a head by .11,in:wives Immediately, after the local n• ill ho charged tin cants a line vatb tbscrl Advortbloments abotild he handed in i„ , t; al. Monday noon to insure Insertion a that week's .a. . . Business Cards. )11 11 Vin y lM TWUPIII.IIIICTOBVE—Jo. „,ph bliir 'Manufacturer and Wholeinle ,01 11,1311Watlur in Tranke, Valiges, Praredng AA% 1%1 104 Wnod titnxt, Pittrantrgh, 111 rtlera promptly Illiod. end work Wurran . •aury COTO/ of Fillocnth and Penn atnmta ' Unnolary • „y, ANDEIt.9 . OIIi, Lavm„•• Liken hold of he, old l'euudry I:Cl4oc:tester. ra t , . I...pleived to meet bh. old eiltomers he niay utuat either the 11l COOll. „.. t. K. ileating Stove, 00.000 otLer Lind of i• 01 beet material and Workmanship.. The I e iv...t0i1...1ed he ” . . • • J. J. AN ifLittiON hONS. KII.II{ON tmderelgte eat.. the, method of informlutt the public they 4'lll. rtlrCh.llol raid taken charge of the tenderly owned by the Messrs:Dar. Kleirob, Bearer county, They have them and are now prepared to doallkinda the eatiefaction of their patrOn..— of door compart• favorably wlth in the l ibel (ter no o roll ltefere coley, ' DAV IL/tiON :t •,•lt orielt •.-New Ilnkeryy ut Wil.ou'e old Wind, Third Stratt, heater, in. JOSEPLI M. I;, 0 , !ako pleasure to inform hla old trlenda that vetabliehed h haelnetts nt the above .tand, be .111 hr glad to meet and nrcommodat,, I , r,t.h bread, raktat, crackers, nura, &e: &e. ~,,o•rtiottvrlea or all 'dada. No. I 'float., rondo ,aa Fad Wheat, rty the barrel, .act, or naafi. .1 1.<1..1. • V 11.14.1111 11,111NES, itealt•r Boots' Gutters, Slippers, lc., next door to 1...,t r's Tin shop, I.lrlilio stroct, Drtith-onittcr, kin ho Is nrctinrcd to rates and soll thio4 hlo Hoe arren.ionnble rates Bat -1,1 • hiR place or bindoess from the corn .. ~,,, :hi Ili Wit,. to hto preq , nt location, he- in chi Winds And ;citrons to give 111,0 n 1:13' ,I S. "` • • - - I) Ii N. K. PIERSOL.AUorney nt Law and ):• , tlrvoyor of binds: Ofilco opposite Professor T Mar's In IlenVer. P. KiPliNs fittrunoy &Maw. Mice in Me l% cast of Pribde mar :11:1,Y. r muigraLirms-Tlk,- under eigued leer arida Ceinthreond the matufactan, 01 ShinelCl.l%llll , establlahmeat near the ratites,' Anion. In Dearer, Pa. Ilelidera and all others In of elilnglea can get ea good •n article teen nu• mid nt ne tit? hone WI anywhere rive lit the ,i,ee). ti l tre me ti rad. ~ a D. 141IUNIAK • • • J. Chandler & Rani% I • he - , In. Whet%ln ISearei Station hialdltig. .1c i% wiz n •lerentiel.- PriccalliOderflte. I thlr• on a tuns' P6: 4 •lv. _ : • I 711..VAIDERSON, Cottons! Police. Dow. 11' • Or.• tool l'oll:••11011 Aitoury, tlllici.. ut P.A.] Divot, Nochoutog,•l ilkuver All ousuotot•uot rosletl 10 my MIT will receive prompt ot hut, un ratoomnble term, iatr. ---•-- - - I•••a•er Seminary nod lumtlinte,Spraan 1 H., ion opened Apt it IW. • Thl• t rio - to! tit, •urrceitully cotlticto.l by pro, I. 'or ..I apt, ti•oiptunk; 1,k111.11r,r0114,4•11 hi OW anti Music. For Calultki,trtro:llt• , 1. , • It. T. T.l \-1,1111 orldt,14,1•11 is preparta l S tu glollver good hurtling Coal to 1111 ia,ual taavllop the article. ilttlere 1011 rocelvevromp atlcatlon. S. P. CUNININI:S. • 11.1%2. POI. r AS. CAIN EIVIIN, Attorney at Law 0 Bearer, Pa. Office in tin roon t for u“..rty occupied by t h e Into .Ittko Ail on. Col• Ivelhum, ac., promptly alluded to. tostoWl7.4:l.Y. I 1:' : I Nr1g1 .16A1 1 :1 ..1 !rr ; v',llr,lLtgna• : :lil...i tll:l l't,tio:ti 1wlit11:1E1::..n.-cuvit • lOt O s I , tr ,141110 Sihcr Ibllinge ml tu or al. b -r roro Al work v. armor , ll, - -• A I:Ai:ASTIR Lcolge No. .2911. 1 •();( 1 •T. 1,1.:y 0 rlok lc, In 1,0 irr. ennin'o [rebio:o I 1 J EE NET, VAL tchikue.Zet ::11 14e1IN CT. Pn. .11,.1n.L7 .1 \ •n , , (.0111'1, rkpelred Tligr3V)ll4 to only, 'lle ikaln,tive of 1114.1,011 e 1.. tiol, .ort,r1.1:01, “:14• :I 11131. Tllll4li.i. 11..oket. iiwilet of • Third street awl di:muted. Beaver, ht. Moth . 1 , 11 1;6/V1:111111M! 111 , 1111.. intert,t,alh•ir ..: luau We will • nlnuu for pond., in the NATI' INAL LC FL IN s I RANCE co., (11."1'iig 1 . . A. Alsn litartlinut::. Maitilhulurer.: Out Artizah.' la ii•ttOitir,:ll, 11/flee below the Court Ifni,. oprl7.ltiltiitt - ri tc.Ni:v RIEIIZ, Doll, to Boot+, Shot, , 1.. a Slipper., n0,1.6,1.1{••,. ,1:4q...' illid r 114.,.. ,, mathr to onion A low F•xponvoto Iti the hn. Ines en,a: 111. s him to ao Work in a SlipetiOr 11113111er. Tenni. I,ll,liie. 811011 on Thir.l e Ire,t (lleAr Uctr. 310• L. 's Itmkstore),..ll4aver„ Ps. (.Iv, Lou a QUI Poor! , potTllat LtE: eltcu Lore. - , al.r.,ltlidly _ _ _ - - f DUSTIC it HALT CO., Moreau !act s mid lh In 'rattly and Punt. Solt. tti IntluOry. Pa. All ytt t pat tap ill gait or. '2.ll , lm:tit. (holt, ~,lry Allyn& tl to. 11. WI nota•aor. • , BLUNT. c_11•1•:(1A L 'S,11'1:111.—Per4011.1.11 1, 1 bit .. 1 :". ~,•,. 1., , r „,,"; 11 1!11 tt•••,.0.., , coNum,”. ~,,. i.. 111,:, 1.,, ~ , I nts :i. itwir "Lie ..,,,1 aril ~.1::, Mat/ S - lilt. Irl. :••..i. hy ont, alto: li.ntrl. ..II)IIN It EAKIN. l':. rl.. MEM •!.L.l:;. It t NntAry Pul.l, pt •‘!•.1 Deed. nut taltlacknimiedVll.lll ,, tal.en, .1 ii. 1,11 1 ..! bk 11,0.114 • tlinnii,illl/01 It flu • ,41 11,1, C1:1141 C ~,,, p:utiob. rept. - ....all, tint Hier. life. Accident, and Live Stock I. prepared to take t owl virile moot loheral lertt .. • Al e .. ageot oo to • hor Ulm - of find Ciao. Ocean Steam , r Ticketn cold to 111111 trent nil port,. to Log ' Ire lard. Sentlarat,t;entinuy Arlie. .11 - ~ •lo briele rot.. 1.”:1111011.t. tin. h%.ter 1.• - • :to - - I,`xectitonol Nailer. -I,i:ere te.!anteotary 11.1111; IN,II gratd,l to CIO ext.. dor. of the estutc Daddel f•prittger decea.ed. 01M0011 tomrmildp, Beaver eonntv. ra- 1111 1.4,01111 111110 1 :A to bald e. tote are N. make Itmedialopyluent, Pill ell por.oa.hay . n . f rlahnk floiunt !lad CM:IN:WiII prebeo; than dilly anthea for ~ttiem,nt to . WHAM. SPRINf ; . J. 11. SPRINGER. lixeemore. I,reeo third, ti 1 . .0: Heater eontily. hi Michael 'll.ll;:er'e DI).1 ed. * _ - rAVING NOLD my nom 111111 Feed Illtei• I I. Mr. Nathaniel Nye, ,It I ti tifllll elmerfnily recommend Min to my Ire ltde and nod: for has It contlunenre of their , imt - Mtowlnc flint he trill try to Wore ml. s ; All oetsono knot, ine them.olvo: Mori. F.. toe to ll t.i..ttee 01111111111 i.ettly l'it Mimi' let. " .1. C. HAMMON it Surveyor CenernPa (H(ke, • ' I lAtt tosocivat. , To the f) aria of l Topoliafed In otwdienre to an Art of niwro , ed I 1 hill 11.1) 1.1 April, 1111111.111.11,111111e1Uh 1111,1. • 1•. I .out olxipoino, ) . fbn Ore I.lere'oy Itotit,rd 11101 'omoy Land Den II I ofll epateotell lontle for .I;:a‘ercottoty.pri liwkr ilw Act of Ago•enthly 1 , 1 tlw . 11.21 of Slot, 1111 e 111..11. 1 (11111 111,11 41)1,n., the • 11 I .0,•,"00 11.14 11115 Etny 1,1 e l forwarolvtl t.. tlw liolltotto:ory.of 1.1,e Ill:.. •' 11 1.1:15v ~ntoto. i Tl, 1 .!..11.- it .1,11 by the 11:1111011$ of 1..11;1••, '. 10111 f 1 c., 01111 pi.:1•111. 1. 1111 1 1.1g11111 1 .. 11..1.11r1114.111 .i.S1 • 11i1 St. CAS11 1 111:1 Yd. yr" . 1.14.'0. TIIIIESIIIINGNIAC F IL NE OIL SALE tinderflgnednlrm ,t.ivole Went intarlt Wan coot, a new linen Thic.her Anil Squint. A ity.perrett deolring tpPlllllllll2ll3 O F 111, 1.1 lltio klnd tcl.ul d ilo well by eal1 1 112; oil the thor NOV Brlglitoti n•• ~•.,rett mot hos to, 111 . L111. 1 r non for Ile tamehiltO. Cll AS. 11.11:1W. 4EI'IOE -'• 4, • -4,14. Little r011,t41 4 it. t t4t. 4 4 4 • ' of , ' allor 11;14 . 114 r' , ..•' , 101 ' , ill, ;10i 1.1,14 01110E13 ,10 0111, 01/ 1:1* Order Itititlt %,;11. l'ontocract&Cass. Manufacturers of Wacky,. Goods, nt,ons .1110 V l'.1:1)(;:ilt's mijA V:111:41011. lii!:lV( . l.' Cl). \ ( : ' , ' .. l :: l tlll l .4 ) l l r :l , 6 •lrit i ttl n tt , F 111.11116, :.1•4 1.••••••.,V• 111 IN CCIVI• Pp Mill Atte:Ulf/A, at Inky+ •••v, • • ii• 111 e ItiAAtt. (AVe r tlii n Chi] below purcl••••• • • ••••,1“. r••• DR. HARRIS! Eclectic . Suinmer:;cfprdial, 1. , ail I,lr iii.kumitE.k 111':-4ENTI:111 ~1~~i:r(' SICK, KrOMACII INTIIODUCTION OF IL :iicklivint• to the Pa IL hal oil o• Ltilt.l to give the mottoierfeet iNtiry instance, and the oprielar niathorizex hA agentc to refund thelaoney 'in every rare whore it to 1•1 ❑ riire. 1'1t1 44 .,E.; ,0 CENTS PEI: BOTTLE. • I'ot'.th hy Druggists ge/ierni ly, or sent Ly expres4 to any part of the ,country, on ~a.l pi, of the %Addresa— GAREN & EWING, W holes & Druggists, l'a - - ',. '- 1.,t. t• .. , • .„.; - - -Xj..*:,^` , -' . ' _ : -- .. % ,*"..:- '... T._ , -- - . i 4 rf', 2, ". • -I " . .A . ' . ... - ' --- 44.'1! ;.-,' 4. - =•., ` 1 14;;V - r, a t , • t t . ''' - - t 3 l 4` ' -3.! '", - -t - ta- - • • • 1 • • , 1 . et: ::‘,10...r. .. , - , .7.:". - .; ' -. ..."r 7 : -. ,a:, , - t.: . .; . 1: ~. -- ..i: .• - ; 4 — , -,- : _ . 'l' .”1''' , 7&74,4 „„, , ,,/,1„ , : ' - .' ~. 1 ' . ~ , ~.. $ , . .. . ...:: ..„, _ 0. i „ . .. . . ~.....,_ ~.„ A , .4' ... , , , ~ • „..... , ..,, . , . . . i .. • -No. 34. _ . I o • , .1 ,.. .. ' . . • . , Beaver • P w dnesday , -0I t , 5 869 - , a - - , . 4., ,13 , , . . • • • .2'. ~, , ~ : • ..„..-xqp.,„.,. , .• - --, . _ ~: )-. -.-,.• „..-,to. ___..,__ _,__.._,______•_ _ _- . . -no 7 ; • 1 Establ' ,- ~ , -r:Lt, v - -- •4 ANSA : • 4 'l' 7 ' , % 1 %/. ' 14 for' .„ ... ...1 . , .t., • 11,,, to Iriv HO,. ~ ..,: e bait , ''' •- 7, :;*1. fa • 1 i - '- . • -,-- - 4 ''; • • •- 4 - 1% . At UT . " .4 1 . '' . • • n , bicill '''- % ,i f• ' , triis ~r,,..- . .. ••-• ~..‘,Xiifla • 41.' 1 T 4. 7.i'` , .. • 4 4 01. Wili • ' 1 ...6. •-'• ..t:•• • • •. -. . • -. l.' 4 ,4 4 , 0 ,_ - .." , -1, tit f ..IC .• r ..' :. , aed , -1 : - . „,„. x;rt•-,1,,A44-,'t,,tsk tc -- .l"' ''ll, ; .`" • , ' - • • ~.• - •i . .. - , d , ,• i ' i ^l , ' V 1 Y Vol. 51- Miticallanetnis. FOlDllALlttri*Ciii . ; ':= .- : = 1: I 'I 1 lIAS OPINED A WrOkli IN II I I NEW BRIGHTOII,I, , i! To IVIIOI4ISALE and RETAII LEAD, KOLAS::, PUTTY; 111{USITE,s, Mix&l Paint -4. in Oil and Dry, - klarboti (lil 1011 Font Oil, T. inl Oil SOO s Terpptine,'! I;COach Body . VatYll ish. iICOPAV. VAItNISTI FURNITURE VARNISII, Dlll2lll V.IItNISII, , 111 LACK VARNIBII, INIPACE'iI PATENT JAPANiI 0 ARTIST'S MATERIALS, 1. ItPietore Frame, (to order.) lA/OEM(1 GLASSES,. LOOKING GLASS PLATES, 'FRENCH AN I) PLATE NIKIW ILARS ;FRENCH ZINC,! i ENGLISH AND I= SAND PAPER. &C. II i. l crow ore (ASH on de-' i livery of Goods. MEM 1 - )It. 1111:111LUR11, u.. 1. NIIIT.III TIti"I'll tSSTILANGI:It THAS Fu rtoY DiLii.S.IIIBBARD,k,'CA B. B. Anderson's Old Store BKAVER. hs Drugs and Grooeries, Which thew sell!. cheap IN UM be Ismigln In l'lnslturvii. 'They have on hand and rr dally Dltl,;fjti it 711,1)]?4,31." I%lcl Pllll.llt I,tier ti t ntv ITprr Peng. Putirllo, Ink.raiwy and Ili. ... So:11.. Pure Wines and Liquors, • PHM ille.ttl purple•es ostl I:er; •ti_ tuttl utter tuttleler• notetll) kept to rind I)rt.g The n practice of 1141 year! tole ronitdettt of hia ability to give valb•fartlntt In the prttrriptton department, which IA ender epvcial charge. charges nothing for naVi r e and 1111,110 1011 f. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Com tionudga at all Day and Night. W.. nloo Lave itilmowort Hula of tr 4111214 '4l 7•`t•ullM. Flavoring Extracts, Jellies, Candies, NS, CHEESE. CRACKERS. M • Our Reads have been bought low for nub, 'lc lecleil with prat care. end will be 1.41111 at the retry loserwt pricer, lave ha a call before purchnxlng eleen here (!nuntry Premium taken In exchange for gOoll, 11. S. n11;11-‘1CD N. CO. 3:1.11 S, E xtraordinary • GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION 1N BENvEIt, coul4 out Ile more nittnalshimz than the tact that SIMON SNITGER & CO., kmp tilt• best., largest nod freshest. stock of WWI:HIES, FLOUR, FEED, ..Ve, In Butver county..., . ktul Aithough It tAkeu tiAA to make a Balloon 11. e, nee will and, It you [lull their estahliflonent that they don't Moe to resort to gae to make their goodo go. To an, we would my...rush In" and examine our Mock ! We hare no band the fineot And Mot TEAS, COFFEE, suGAits. puRE SPICES Molasses, Syrups, Soaps, . I lk br,,,111+ ..c To baoc,c) . and C'i rs 1,1,, found Lo piaa. , We iliaLe kpecidity 01 1 4' Ef_YUR 4'; 1 1 1 : 1] - 1 -1 _11:), kupkg and •elllng none bat are 1.111.0W1l in the a ery heal xrtrituir. iu Ili, our tnent enjoys a well earned repul:Ulou In thin par. I irtil.a.athl willutund m the ("tart. no at till' par , t to ni.tlntalnle" • 45 WE DEP 1 (.0 ET1111.0.:. -- Don't 1,11.4a100 the ' We an otpint the old ...mai. nest op4ctual St.. Iteaver:l'l'i -Como and i ea 1:.. ,!Jane, . , T he linave e‘I,I,NF-Mi1e1.1 1 ). 4 . ' • ARK rifijg • 01,DEff-' •..• ,f-•-•,N ••..., ~'• , . z F OP 0: lt: ni* It NidlitlC ..' . t :. 2 " . :-•,i,.. , , .„, .. . 'iliey b,,45; the eret Bening MN:ined (111 , 1. 4, mid WM - teen mnlitractneed 'continually eligodeq llbsgeOttlisoit t4C lie original Inventor, Ittallkeh:: IK.ow J. Jr. , Sint e their first Introdnetton The Imp na,e ment upon there machine. made within the Ism Iwo yeani and their rapidly growing popularity etteeta the fact that they have reached the very acme of perfection and tint they are not onlyalhe -olotert ebtabilebed het the heat :n the - world. Tnere machines do:perfect work upon all Lib tic. whether fine or. Bowe,nnkinz rthch. 1.0,0 the invention of Mr. alike upon both elder of the fabtic,Sewed. The tenolona, new, novel and unvarying, can be adjusted to any degree of tight. racer, and . aftet lacing adJuated do' not require Wm:ill:Z. except for different threads. • , To Moe, who have weed the Howe Mnehluo; it it not necetaary fee ca to tpealr; and We wonld le enlyarld to °there who wish aperfeet mactilteat enre and see these vatitilines hefirre boytol Any other. Send for circular. lippliestiona for ngvadce mutt addrencd to &c, &c., L. :SIIJLER 41. 82'0411,5, 11 Wh• agent* for Pennillvsuilfi. New Jersey, Ik•la• erste and West Clrclma. Mice 2:: donth Mil .L, l'hila., nneNn. 4 St- Clair St.. l'lt...burzh, Pa: erp4fil23:lY. -------- TOR SAILIC.—A new two story Flame Ilona% .1 containing four moms, with nieelot ekiee to the notion in - incluory. Inquire of J. R.. MIL rainier. Waver, Pn.! rcsionanic. . [ang lEZEM SPpt,ING STOCK - . C A: LINSEED (!L --11 1 14 ' Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc. M'CALLIJM BROTH'S. 51 Pill 4 Avenue, nhave Weil street, TllE I.AI:AI:RTSTOCI IN THE MAR KET. From the Fier3t Qualities to 'thc Nrfy ' . • Lowest Gradm SHELLAC ANO WINDOW'; SHADES.' Vine null Conunoii Table Cover% QOM Priam uniform to itil . ..aoittit6 Inw•ext mar24:ly go' FAIRBANKSgvammen o S U A li IS of all kind& ALSO, BAGGAGE BARROWS WARE • 110USE•TRUCKS. . CUI''VING . Tit37114l T.l IMPROVED MONEY DRAWERS. I`nlrbnnlc~+.l►ioi+Nc a¢ Co, 1 , 12 Second Arena. acar Wood St.. Plttobaigh SCALES REPAIRED PROMPTIA aprilimos. 0ER,112.N We will pay •:A0 IleWard for a ease of Catarrh that we van not :cure. Sold by moot DrummiM.. Everywbcre. oSl.l* cinsTs. If your Drug • V out vet got it cn sal e,dont be put *um , wotae than wort him straf , • " or." ar polaonnua caustic; sohnien. which will Drive the lh.ease ht tl.eJ.nn,a ju,taul of curing it, but send • a" , to it nail the renitalv will much POll paehagez. post pa• ni dozen for 4:4. • - p.1:1 ' ' !WI XI) ' s e lire Iri). pt i It. V. PIEME, M. D., ) r,. et.ll,lllltf:AN 1. .2.1 LIZ Fine Family Groceries. ar. , , 1 i tirdware. NAILS, WINDOW (iLAss, WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIL,Aet)S, FISH, Mot It, SAM', LIME, Country Prodoco Taken is Eichango for Goods. • f;o0ils ilelivenrl fret• of charge in all the Villages. frHJi PEOPLE'S Coopdptive Life Insurave Company • 4 OF • BE AVER, PA., °rated by special Art of the Legis lature, Aprtl 14tlt; Ilk company ix oow ratiy, a r g aningi, mat Chenlars ront.bming its Constitution and By-Laws may be obtained by apply. lag In the (1( - 9ieral ()filet*. • V - 1;;T-I, I 'enit'a. Elsewhere, to a Owe fal Ilramination of the Cirapera lire Ryslent; Must toted ill 4titr circular, and the se curity othu. , l ittsurea: A. litultol toott , wl of tut. Ifel it Will , 611 gil' :111 . 101111: .".1 , .: 113 1110 faithful per ttoto thity. trill I,wl perm:l;l , la tin pho tocot I,y npltlirali n 10 the t:ctieral Agclit in per.;rll or hy-tli tter. tictuf • • Ist:prwe. .1 Cr) .irtl 'Valuer. Cooking Th.• Kerr r e.etor of tire Itrithrer‘nler tcoOt timid:. to It verrerriorr pnhlir f n tr.r.i , !Irrevalp.llf , ll.l'4,l4 , . turd illfoClll. fluent II: Lim! .tto: Ia now snarrofarrarrirr rryr.llll Pnlare Cool:tog Stove. lu 1,,r n nil , lit reel, real or im.nzinars. ewer di•r• I (1,, .1 m^ e rrirt pal'ern base been remedied. the 1.1.! 1.11 , 1 Illt• 10,11 earlargati and lift . oar L remodel. , tit:. r The 'rm.( crumble one !,2 COITN'rELIC, putt other improvements ho:11m4Inl Inulpritnmen The bone fandliee that I have snimiled with the old is,ttern of Crystal palace Stove. , (or the ikaver , Clove, as they are cailed theeenntry, will made twalify tat they aro the best cooking and ha king eleven Mat UV made in thin country. 1:10 mtvantage,‘ of the tmproved inerented oel slit and drati;(ht.enhrged bake mean. enlarg ed r: out and doom, and open grate, and _nowt ni all n :al , : lit cud peipendienlar tire haks. which In 14c .it dement or experienced ciierta In the moot,, ...atter!, of stove hack that can 1w used. not ur?rra tf,T,pm. /toChellter pO.l In prices. Team. And r-ditc; hand to deliVer Kt. , . In portociro.irig coentil, old stoves. tai:co In car.hanga. sin-. nivraye nn hand and for male cheap. CAM PISELL. scour. PIIII 4 IIPECII, PA lino on hand M'(•ILLUM BROS. No llunnutt. It hi' WAIUtANTED to cure lost or impaired taste small or hearing, wa terlog,. 01 ‘‘t eyes, alenszve breath, lerateil Throat or Mouth, Pain pressure to the Head. and ioSS 3f memory when eau sod, as all of them frequently um by the raVitgOtl of Catarrh. It is plea tot and giantess to use, enn• talus no strong pals MOUS, or caustic, ling, but Cures by its Mild, Soothing Ac II Li. EN'III•OZG Elt RU lh. (1111ret Pi E, P. KUHN, Es q. President, U. 311, Treasurer, M. 1:. ADAMS, S , ..Tri tnry. A V: T.k TI. 0 1:, :eneral Agent We Invite the Pit k Ilolire". IVIld iCticrry Tonle MUM ,•• ' • : ARE TILE iIEsT TN USE. ESE 110IIREIVN TONIC DITTIIIII4 The very- bet.t. in the Market. R. E. SELLERS & No. LS WOOD Is? St. Charles flotel. nloo et Th 1 eutnuier No 114 ,tod 04 ird zeet, PITTSBURGH, PENN!A. Wholmtle Agents for rho 'West. Far hy John 3lonre. Beaver. VII. ).1.117! I 3. lia 'mmus.` biaDdlaralwasona, bit/Mayen ind plea to Settee, Item • , *ciprrrom, icipacia; Wapiti...tad More time obit money.- It la the eery I beat Lime, as Ittattronner mid will make. mire mortar, and UM lane waste tolt.• Wo bum none bet the bat stone mid Olt bernedinet right: the coal la not mired With the atone 'to bate, let that there la to eater lor clatter In tL • a • • • • lirtelthyrra neod net alit liar inn It to make mortar. which will moo &rood deal ortime. . Ytm rlh alrayegotierre•h—led hottlyoiwant LARGE -LUMPS: 'tent to all who have need U. Scum pollee In. tetested t othek kiln speak giggling. It and try to sell an Interior article at the ran e prim Call and See U, or try mom,. time deltrored promptly to order at • Reasonable Rates , . by ratlrned,:rtver or wnwros. Send orders totho Mntranon Llme Xllos, or in ~ . .. W. J. DUNN, illaylDient, Beaver Post oinee.. Dan'l Hugvs 8t Co, - , MANUFAVT.URERS OF do Marbleitied Slakland6s •• Ne.' . eirey 'street, Pittsbrwdh.. 1 3 ;!ieco, t2.1.(N) and Upward: In the itatrb eizing process certain Min eral colors, or inetalie Oxides, are applied to and absorbed by the stone, which is then subjected to a proper degree of had until the enamel Is perfectly Incorporated with the shim, and becomes on imbetance forever. ,We have now, , mi exhibition, over thirty ma ntles ef different Mors mid styles el 'Milk and we pay particular at tention to °niers where parties wish cot- ON to harmonise with papef and carpets. We ore receivingo 'monthly, new styles from European . .)tatlgners, which enables. le4 t,• rriOtteu Lilo hoest italrerns in nut, lite. ljunefhly s - roNE Nriow WOILKN. Car Factory nlillaill=.4. NEW BRIG II TON, Penna. storm, Grate Front., Fesidered: Kum- lastr I•lircer, =El= I= • FIRST PREMIUM COOK STOVE itui3Y. 41. 7 Spleiollll Raker , 11;o1.7c Stowe ()vein, 1 MI Nol. S. 51 , 144014 Pallurr, lAir , o Square I Iren. 16.511 No. U. Splemlitt 4.1r:..1 Square Oven 13.511 Franklin Parlor Stoves Nu. 1. Atm, Parlor, extra mull;l: 'MATING. WrOVI.II4. No. 2, itiblwa E. very Mnv7. Enameled Grate Fronts, Nu. ;44 t:rftle 15/i inch, $2.10 1 lb 2.15 !it, 19 " " :125 2.50 •• •• 2 • 4 . 2 0 t •• 1121 ..21;1 .. 1.73 4.13 I stßrk " • Nb. 71. Plain DA, WOlO, .13 . - 120rn‘n 2.15 ••11, raney 1.15 ••0-01.01'1:401. 215 •• 22,11210 1104, 1.00 '• Its, 1,75 Pressed Sheet Iron Summer Pieces, • %, lib Ornamentnl Cente. Ltd An Wort.• Warranted. Gireint aOr TEIMS, CAST! I= WALL PA PEE: WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER TLe largc,l anti chespe,l ptock of Waii Pallor In !leaver l'onnty 11011 KS, , 11()(11iti, 1100 IS A 'larer :Irma tmint of Alirrellahroftn. School and Win:int. ItnoLe. annonntly on !Ladd at Pub. Itrben.' Gill Books Bailable for the Holidays, NEED= STATIONERY, , STATIONERY. STATIONERY An extenalve varlet, of Paper. Envel^9o•• Lead Peucil hold nwl Steel Nur, Ink and Ink Stande, •We xre the en:Melee Agent foethe celebrated • Vol St'or Gold Von. for tub County: those seeking a gOod Gold Ten, would do well to sec theta hetoro purchasing. We ore the Agent for this County for Kridee's Photograph Manisa.' Certificate. The ettenthm 'Canlemen is respectfully called to they would sell them at the same 'Hsu:tont MS they get from the Pnbliber. Atwatera School :Goy emment for mile at Publish" ra' prices. ' We have constantly on band Floor Oil Cloth In Isie variety. 1 1 IN - INLINV WIT.II,4tIrW Cal. CI-NWT/I. RUSTIC tik,}!APEREIIIADO3. ' —ALSO— on hand Toy • and Vart=leods suitable for the HO J. F. Driveway. New Brighton CM SELECT "GO IT ''hat'spad midi ht t g o iebro," ?bough PTO saver pla whab *Wm tho The playuw appear ki And ono of limn cries I think I max rcsitore While vnitdgnir*Fenit A moral to dna , frau the And to Unel6e iEndi In ' Some excellent hike fort • When.; arbethor the prize The 111111%T.if em When yrrent.Codgco proebi In it replay orbit eras cantle And got—not a convert for . . not only doilsican and vino "It =wen for all that,".ll6ll For be knew. Itkn the earth, When Kepler. with In Diecovercei too lawn o Mid doctor, who (nigh Derided ids kerning MI "I en welt:: he reetled For he felt In hytkW Alas for the player ati la the struggle of Ws,. Wluttever . the Tales of Ttiq peter can Mum Nor comfort the That tits crutches Ws Thela Is sametblnaao • ilakita, hmil3r eallare. The fastuasta maser • • ' /Ul,aiak la flimsy a • =1 Unielts you'veq* Iu mile Or tier** to low or fp tore;tt . lo the anW" Letitia he 'warmth° : ?Or whether the rib; tie /MA thine te he who cm SELECT IMWELLANY; UNCLE- . GAIIRIFICRII:ACIVOIONT 'OVUM VAIIIrAIItiNS. • ' Finding 'the - autobiography, which I wrote for .Edmond. Breaks, has excited some brier/rot amoag'my. frienda thes, I s veryl • ent fort:34dd • Edwto ards, who l whom I paid a dock foe our turn and 'tee " 'him give me some account of Wilk, and of his campaigns in Vlrginiaorith his two young masters, thellinsleys.• Gabri el demurred fora Unto; maintaining , that I had' written 'dawn what Ed-' mond Brook toldlisw on his death 'bed ; that I had in 'reality written it out so badly' that 'fluid to get my' father to write it. -oVer. for me; and yet, when it was:liked, on aceoutit merely of the importance and 'excel lence of Edmond B chameter, I had taken to my's( f all the credit of it. Gabriel therefore ,b*sted -that, If he now furnished me rut maxima of his life and services b athe late win., he alone should havetheeredit of the narration. • . • My feelings were else much affect (A, when ho Awed* an addition al reason for thladd&nd, Gat a Wes tern author had Web' attempted to I prove him and his , fellows to be but of theenth ; that mrm , his friends at the North were übt Of the opinidn that nay of his raeireould distinguish themselves by ti*JiterM7 abWtYl and that thereforeArginein himself etamiousnses of , tier nariptlvic, he must have thou of hie own efforts. agreed to send for Ward .in the name of Gabriel FAwards,- Vi olet merely emreeting the irkemag,e and tratweribing, and confeising that she does that as poorly. that it may probably have to be done over again. I belonged to the estate of an heir ess ' • and one of the first eireinnstan- CY'S that I can remember Is seeing her mounted on a beautiful pony, and ac companying her father, who was my old master, round the cotton fields. I was about twelve yews old when 1 first saw my young mikresq; for 1 was a field hand. end lived half a mile distant from My master's home, in a village of cottrit. which we had entirely to ourselves. Mother used to order inc to keep out of the white 1)(4 - Op's sight ; slai was afraid they would find out that 1 waabigetiough to pick cotton. As the'overseer own ed a plantation Mar, and 'was not _much on the place thinking himself a great gentleman as well as master, I was twelve years old before I was ' calltd on to do any work. At that time master went i looking over his book one moming in which he had , set down the name and ago of every. negro. He there ',discovered flye of us, between tesrand twelve veers of age, who'were not doing, any work. lie , knew that Ulnae practkeamong our people, on large plantations, to keep: children • out of the masters' might as long as I possible, .as they. grew up.. So he did not trouble Min kit to scold, but only sent , word to the overseer to put us five to picking • cotton. About nine o'clock at night, the overseer, - Mr, Williams,; came along through the quarter.: We' would not one of us have been there had it been daytithe. Everyone WILY frightened when we saw him stop at our cabin d00r...,.. lie called my father out and fold, "Where is • Gabriel, .1 wish to see him." I came and he looked hight, make and size; 'lie will do very . well,' he mid; 'bring him to the! field with-you In the morning."l(63, sir ' , old my father, and herode On. We watched at four other doors, and we knoW very well what his errand was. Marn- MS• begall to gThnible, hat pto-stop ped her. • he said, %lobe has 'had his meal and meat and his woolen cloth. [non master evensince he was.burn; he has a right to call for him to work, and I have nothing to say against it.' :11ammystoppisigrumbling,and the next morning pa washed and dressed me clean, and earned me to the field with hint 1 was given- a large open log thxl round :my neck, and my task was to fill it. About ten o'clitek, master trod Miss Flora come along. , 1 stoppni to stare; I thought I never had seen :such a pretty creature and such a pretty po ny. Miss Flora had a little basket of ginger cokes oil her 'arm, and she rode up to me and gave me a hand ful'; the other children, run up to her top, and she gave all some. 'Thus I loved Miss Flom', from the Very first time I saW her. • ' • • After awhile I hosed to;linish my task early in the day, and go up to the gnat house, and linger about the kitehea. A gnat deal of company used to be always naming and going. Miss Plant was master's only child. The whole plantation and all of us would some day go to her, and so th young gentlemen of the town Were always gathering round her, like bets after a honeycomb; she used to keep them dangling after her, ludf a doniu at a time. rartieularly the young doctors, how thdy 'used to none mound! There vas one smart young fellow that timid talk like a book. Miss Flora most run away With him onc*:=7" I am sure the was engaged to him. Then 'there were two more that. thought She' liked them, and high fun It wag to all of us as well as her. The way the silver quarterS and halves used to 11y around to them that held the horses wasn't slow, and one ,feller gave' me, silver to inow' ' ghat I .Mel Flora said when he was one. always told him She liked him the best for her maid said so; and he always gave ; tut. (leaders for saying so. EMI 31E1:ILICK CO. - '. l7 Aiteli a *bile' .Master . bought a ipleirdid new ctuviage for •Mbe Flo-' mom her birthday, and she chose ramto_go Miss Flora vis aed all the finddenable people in Ed- Lao: She hid it pair of horst.* that could travel ten Miles an hour with per, Mei Flora did not allow the driVer to use it.iship. They did noth ing tint tuba her about, and they bad plenty to do at that. Miss Flora had ' a tine time when she Was a young lady, sure enough. :went to a great many halls .and pea tonstatatly, and Miss Flora. .was so tiredy and so rich, that them ' was always two or three young gen tienxit going with her wherever she *eat, _:and mere waiting in the pins-, to hapher out. But l_grew up mysch; and Malin loVe4 did nOt.thinir. Miss Flo- M did altogether. - rigitt by ail 4these Niuntialin; Bsr shapeouragedevery cut a curl: off your h air t you now wear myring upon your linger. For year pay attachment has been de• dared, you have given me every en component, and nowzitooly tell me that ' you . have. •i your Mind. No woman has a ht, this 44 trifle with the affections of a man. Neither, ricer nor hooray inn give yeti tr right tole nntrtir.• And there fore !lave forted this interview. • I ass Ell jioanelf r ' • • *me, tell yoai my mind I would flamer-. ry_you, for you are untrue qt heart. , Miss Flora could tiothelp weeping. heard her sob; but he left her after speaking the last words. I am sorry to say that this occur rence was' reported all about the 'neighborhood. Several persona knew the circumstances, and bad observed the tears which Jose Flora. could not Joss U. SBXI restrain. After this, auoiher gentlema;Who had been 'coining to see Idiss Flora for two years,. came from Charleston to eoe her.. Miss Flora gave 'ardent that be should not be admitted; for though she had been receiving ietteri from him, she had just sent one to tell him not to come and not to write to her. Ltold hitnnt the door that Miss Flora could not see him; but lie knew the parlor %veil, and he stalked in. There was Miss. Flora and her aunt (for I forgot to tell ttn►t she had an aunt living with her). He stood up there half:at hour, nd gave them both a piece of hii mind, I tell you; mid he - blamed the aunt ; but she said Mai Flora would not mind ber. When I herd him talking eo.loud, -- _ and grunibllng at them - so wUnder fal and powerful; I wont to will the master. MIL-'s Flora ran away to her c) ed room , and master Mtn lged that she was to blame. They liked and hinted, and at last he wen ; mad neyer mune back. ' V This also was whivered about; but Flora was not ilorw with those slim gentlemen yet. A mouth sifter she was min' to run away with another, and master caught her and stopped her, though I heliva her all I could.- - .1 At bait there came to Edisto asl,,eu -41eatan from Georgia. He. was tall IRO hati.theblackt told me afterwards that he had enme to &nit/. Vamlina pv.riNSAIV to look out for a rich mire; n - Well, I eanuot tell how he gut in so with master and BUT( Miss Flora': aunt) ; hut they thought that there wn;3 noiasrly like hitn, front the that thee he 'June into the house, and 1 think myself they over per. sunhat Miss Plena to take him, anal Miss Flom was getting so iruch talk ed about, at last she agreed to take him. People said at the time that they over persuaded her, because they were afraid she would run away with Mr. Carter. - • When I first saw Miss Flora, ,he was seventeen years old. She did nothing but spend money, and order dreues, and have her amusement for five years. She was most twenty two when she married Mk. Mosley; that was the name of the handsome gentleman. I said that when I fell in love my self I knew that Mlstallora was- not 'trett-thuse gentlemen as she did, if they -were most all young doe tars • even doctors have feelingu when they are young. I fell in love with my Nanttyat theballsiuid parties given to 4,ltw Flora when she wars married. To be sure,T was only seventeen tEen, but I thought that, quite old enough to . fall in love: Nancy was a beautiful giti, not darker than that you eould sett the, color come in her cheeks. ' Her eyes were dark and beautiful, and her, hair long and straight'' I ler moutlistiwk,out soon, tobesure,but was glad of that, because there would nut look to be so much dif ference. between us then ; for I was so sorry that I WILY black tind kinky headed. • But I made up the- differ ence in goodness to Nancy. I never let her bring a bucket of water, nor , tote a stick of wood, from the time that I was engaged to her ;_ and she had everything she wanted, even if. I.had to lift it for her., , Nancy's mistreat; gave us a grand wedding at our marriage, which was about tWo years after Miss: Flora's, and„, Miss, Flora gave us a tine wed ding dinner at home. She took a great notion to Nancy, - and wanted to buy her; but mistress would not part with her.' And now. not to make my story too long, I will pass over some years rather briefly. In ' that time I had helped to lay in the gnaw three chil dren of Miss Flora's, and she still bad one living. Each had died just as it !ean le old enough to be the dar ling and, admiration of the place. The one who lived longed was a beautiful_ little girl named after Mitt; Flora. She had lived to Is. - throe yews old, and then took 11 :40111.111 eold•and 'I did wonder, when I drove Mist; Flora to the funeral of that Child, with thulittle with' on the front seat of the carriage, if she rethembered how she Weal to do all tha , e gentle men. Mies Flora looked broken by that time ; and Mr. Mosley, when heonce got everything lh his power, did not cue much how he treated her or what - he said to her. She haul to Mind him. . When' the war broke out, MCI MRS ter had been dead.a. long time, and Miss Flora had two sons grown, up and one daughter., These two sonsi took a notion that they must join the' army. Miss Flora prayed - and beg ged not, and so did Mr. Masksy. Phey told them they should run the blockade; andgo to see the curious countries on the other 'side of the great water, where the penple ain't talk senalbletalk, but 'talk all sort of outlandish talk, and can't even mil a horse a lame, or meat and bread Must and bread. Well, while they were talking about it,- Mas'',lbirry ran off, and went tojoin the army.. Mr. Mosley followed itia to Charleston, &and per suaded him to conic, back on condi tion that he shonld•bealloared to go, and should have a splendid borate, and inc to go with him. Mr. Mosley was as good as his word. He did not persuaded him any More; ho bqught him a line horse, and Inc one to follow him ; and he seuf us off. But poor KW Flora was breaking herheart about Man' liatr. I know that when ho left her, and i. charged Nancy then, and 'ail my family, to take tare Of my . poor mildrogo, for alit. had been toed to the stiwthine,aud now troubles were come to her. Mae' Ihtrry and I Joined the 4th Reghnent of South Carolina .Voluit teers. We went on the ears OA far its a'platio in North' Carolina—l . for 'gob-the name.' Everywhere that we stopped the Mit% W.Ltmel with wreaths , o f dowers aml baskets of re freileueuts. The pretty young ladles handed round - tin and baskets of cakes, and helped all the young gentlemen, themselves, and gave them bunches of flowers, and saute of them made nPwchesand presented banners; .an where we gipped at• night them • would be t up for tl i a 4 lioA heroes,— all of them tho were as ;•heroes' is' r Jackson; thatlonghtill the WU/41y 1 414rukthen4: AAP , the 46 26 11! , Nat. - tiephtatk I 416 4 16 "', .:Awrs g we.wero at a. great 'looking in the window, ."fibra sitting on a so- a : • Ucituaip.No . . ' Q a . was, a gga, halt %AM - Older thati . 3l:We Harry, and I thotightto myaelt Prhey don't know what the tlghtlng l is goingtad° with them—theuk, poor chiWmn. But 3las' Harry thought there was noth ing IMO 'going to the artuyduad hear lug& itrett.yohht Mica call pith We came tog place called Mum sa4Jnnetkon,. and them they were expectlos to haven, fight. The Vir ginia .1 oluntiers marched . oat 'to meet Awl to salute us, and the young halitegave us a ta ll the • next - night. Mari' 'lorry joined a mets with say- end ether young men, and thea r u i tt y l me to cook 'far therm Mae' - had plenty of money. - Poor hilts Flora had told. almost the last thing she said to rain, that if I did not take can: of Mas' }Larry' she would haunt me when she died. I did my bed to take taro of her child fur he tual,l would Jw,ye, done it Awyenw. I get some fellows to help me, and I built :alts' Harry a real comfortable cabin Willie good chimney-to it and when he was on guard, he never came in n ight or day, but there.wris d*r clothes and hot coffbe • and , ' vict tads forhim: . When the battle of Manassas came on; Mits' Harry had Been sent some miles off by some of the officers, and I was su g lad , when I baud the fir in:;. that he was gone. The 4th Reg Meat was ordered to stop the ad vance (ff the enemy—to keep them amused, they called it, —and one - of the cancers told me to call Mast liar ' ry. I= trig is,' said I to Myself; 'l'm 'not gout' to cell. MisS Flora's child to no such amusement.' So they marched on, and I. stayed still. Law, I'm so glad Mus' hurry's gone!' I kept saying to myself. About eleven o'clock here came Ala;' Harry.- '0 Gabe! help me,' said he; 'give me your horse.' Law, Mas' Harry,' said I, "you listen to me ; nobody knows you are here ; just stay here with me till the fighting is done, and then come out,' 'No indeed, mys he • 'l'm going to do my part. Don't you know how 11okt-A Jackson run the Britisher!: y I'm going to do so, what will Miss l'lora say to me? Shell think I didn't take ewe of you. along, Gabe! Pin not d baby How' and or; 3lns' Harry twits gone. I adowed 1 was determined, if he was WOUlldedi to care rm. him 'told bring him oil: 1 and two other men servants hid behind a haystack and watched them. .1 saw Ala.' Har ry go right up to where General Bee was. Ills men were standing us stiff ns if the bullets and cannon balls were only rocs' Rum , and summer breezes. r saw Gtineral Evans send 'ALLY' Harry about with oplers. I did not thank him. Thinks I, 'lt's not you Miss Flora is going to sold if he gets hurt.' Ile was done currying orders for General Evans, and he was near Gen eral Bee when he fell. I was sorry f,r General Bee, but I kept trying to watch Mas' Harry . through all the smoke and confusion. At last I. saw theenemy run. Then I came to follow MO Harry. AU this time .1 amid not see the 4th Reg iment anywhere. I thought they weie all killed. I,s taw dettd 'bodies lying everywhere In . pileitl — There would he Ave or slzagalnst one tree, and the wounded men Mailing. Smile were shot mist to pieces, and yet living. The poor fellows begged me fur water. ' I found Mas t Harry among them, giving them water ta w, Alas'llarry was no way hurt, so that , one dreadful day to nil• was over. Harry and .1, and all the cutup-servants avero ,taking up the wounded mem' and'bringing them in and helping the doctors, till twelve o'clock that - night. Then put Mas' Harry in mind to write. to his ma, and as sootyas pomible I took, the let ter and posted,tt myself, to let her know that 3las' Harry was safe. 1 do notrightly remember thenext battle in whit Mas' Harry, was en gaged, but he wasexceedingly prais— ed and admired for varying orders, as ho haul done; for General' Evans. 1 heard after this battle, which I re member the name of—Marrs that General' Evans , had sent, Away all his aids. He then callab for Some one to tarry orders. For a few mo ments nu ono volunteered. Then Mas' Harryeffered himself. Though he was but eighteen years old, and though MallaSS:l3 was his th - st battle, yet he had conducted himself with so much bravery and souse, that he was complimented and noticed by all the officers near him, and was. placed on “eneral staff for a while. But this very sue- MSS of Mas' Harry's proved unfortu nate. When 3lns' Elias heard all ;hit he could not be kept at home. I fere ha came too, to join the army. "rho night before the skirmish at Fairfax, there were twenty young. men in and Around our tent, drink ing wine, tad having a tine time. They all complimentixl Maar Harry. so that at last he got # Attie set up, Mat' nibs, so thought his brother was going to be a greater man than Stonewall Jackson; I heanl-Mas'.Harry tell how (Am end Bee had given this name to this now General 'Jackson. Just as Mas' Harry got ncar to him, he shuttled to his men, who had begun to waver; 'See Jackson, there! . lie. stands us firm as a stone wall. Let us show that the South Carolinians inn stand well.' Poor General Bee ho fell directly afterwards; but he had given the name to JackstmW which he was known from that time. ~' But tny..poor Mas' Harry, be had now fought several battles i without receiving a scratch and had! become quite used to it and quite confident. On this fatal morning of the skim ish he and. 31as' Elias had marchal off with the Mit of the white men, and Mlketend I and some inert , iiopto •ritc a h r n e saw beohfiu uds were u lum.,l'Wtiem%Ts':larry some p t ,with orders from G r e a nerl"Ev d a ans.. A, discharge of a • The ruing oluotter norm trap Et-gutting 11 tea r% 'be most likrly to conclore 4101,10. ' ; - • - lished 1818. cannon' topk phice just then and we could 'lase() him any more for the Smoke. Wo got a spyglass, but we still could:notate him. After a dread ful time, at last Mss' Rany's . horse mine back without his rider. = • If Mas piny had been my own child, I could not have' cried . any more. .1 . • And yet I cried mere for niiss.l.lo - than ler him. But we could not do anything until night; and - we did not know what had me of Mas' Elias either. Ile. belonged. to Colo nel 'Marshall's regiment from, Null' Atlaat the troops !wan to come latch though the battle was not' They went going to .fightatlivect. when-they 0, that war t. log t;::ror three days liero;My were* done ! Maw' Elias log all rig .lit We had told him that' we had mhs ed Mas' tinny ever since morning, but we idiewthe spot Ahem he dis appeared. Ile - . 11)ra.u8 to give him a horse, .and haul the way • we never spoke until •we reached" the spot. There wail:heap of Iliad bodies right there: , We ha l a lantern, and we =4tbetkover Sot Mae' . ••Teela i i , Jib= • rti t6lll° N!' e l aki • i.tre Aso „ VI s througkhini big as my hand. - 0," there was no • Ilib in him! I threw myself °utile 13ly I Just screamed 'Oda, Miss Floe ' s dd I to take care of himi r athe r ,,a have him died-wheutt baby V-0 Miss Violet It's not ,casy - frir me to ' talk ' abou t' Mai Haft now ! • • We made a litter of pine boughs, wo brought him to his tent. Mae' Elias walked behind, and then . he began to ery.. Colonel Marshall . gave Mast Elias kove of absence that tame night, and in the morning he came back with a main.. Weiald 3his' Harry in it, A prettyyoung lady that hid danc ed with_idni oho week •before tome bock with Seine others, and hrought flowers to; strew upon Min. .rhey kissed hits poor, cold face—for Is mother they said—and then told me to tell herthat none NM SO beloved andnone so brave as he was. 'They scattered their dowers ; fn.the coffin. Theycnt locksof Midair ; some they kept and some they sent to his moth- Whoa they_were:gune Mas' Eftas took his =. Wecesed thecof An and pat It In an ambulance to go toßiehmund. I was to to take It home on the railroad. . Mas' Alas had written to tele graph his father to be ready for it. I sat in the baggage nu with poor Mats' Harry all the way. I ; would not leave his coffin until we aune to his mother.. - When we gotta Charkston I took the steamer for Edisto to entry him home the last time. . - Mr. Mosley met us at the, wharf:. Ho never shed a tear but MISS Flora and little Miss Annie, 0, how •they did cry! The coffin was set on a lounge in the d mwing-room. They opened the °Ain, and Mas' Harry lay there in his, full uniform, looking ' ; quite natural. Was Flora lay down by him, with her arm stretched out over blip, until he was taken away to the fdberat the next evening. Many people came to see him, but Miss F lora never took notice of any one who tune and went. She kept holding his hand In hers, and did not - seem to know any thing that passed, tit edltitet i Syt alertly Hui coffin. Mr. There was not a servant on the place who did not crowd to the plats la, to have a last look at our young , master. None. of us lutd ever liked Mr. Mosley. nor even called him master OM of his Wit baring;* hut we all did love Miss Flora and her children for they were our own master's tiesh and blood like. We all cried afretli when ;tve saw 3111S' Harry, for the first time, not answer to nny.of us. The 'grand carriages full of the re lotions and friends of the family went first.. Then came the wagons full of servants, anal many more followed behind on foot. When tiao coffin wits set down in the rhumb, Mas' Harry's sash and sword were laid upon. It. I never heard a word of the servict. ' • all I knots was that was the last of we were going home without him. They placed the last sod over the totlln,, by the side of the little chit -dren whom I 'had so ellen carried about my arms, and played with and helped to bury. But I saw some of thapeople begin tazi talk all sorts of news is soon as they Ziune out Of the churchyard. Someof them tidied to at the last person: from the scat of war.. But I sent theta word I did not known anything about the vic tory Or the battle; I was not going to talk to theta about anything, and Mice Harry just laid in hls grave. A week afterwards Mies Flora sent for me; she wits lying In herbed pole and wasted. • Little `Liss Annie sat on the bed by her with a Bible in her Muni. Mild Flora kept asking me, Did Mas' Harry read his Bihar in u ei ui' - Did he say anything to me about going to' heaven if he WIN . Vs hat'elid he say the last high! , ?•• • Scintillas' Harry had been drink ing Wine late with nig h ued I yeuu lu g miardons that ht;m a co ired he had neVer — theught about gettingtilled.' ' 4 But I looked at my poor.mistrei; who pedal ways been good to roe I remenibered the pretty young girl shai was when first, I saw her •, I look ed at her now, so wasted and worn with trouble and grief. I said to myself, 'Law, Miss Flom, I will do you One more service, if I neVerspotk Sai I told her that Mas' Harry had a prayer-meeting in his tentthe very night before he was killed, and that there was a Colporteur in camp who emeitantly read the Bible anti pray ed With him, and that he had been exhOrting Max' FIRM to hoggood that very night. - Miss Flora stretched. out her poor, title hand, and shook hands with me, " thank you, Gabriel," she said. "0, whet a comfort to me it is to know thi.4! It is the greatest comfort you could have given me. 0, Atmie ' my daughter, and you my faithful ser vant 'l Must say i t, when I lay my children in the grave, I remember hoW, la my vain and thoughtless -youth, I used o ft en to enter the house of pod without a thought save of dre,s and jewels; and the number of beaux by-whom I was attended. 0; Atinie, I. must tell you not to lie like your poor mother !" . Maws Flora could not sPenk any more for some minutes, and I was going, but the stretched emitter hand , to detain me. She desired me to go lack to Mss' Elias and to remain With and take care of him. went:hack to Virginia, to Mai' Elias.' Mike wing there with hint, but I NM; determined to take care o, him,-too.. But the worst of it wasf you could riot menu with these w him young Mats' Elias had seen his brother killed before his oyes, you ma sa sick, yet when I wanted Mtn to take or keep out of the way a littleThowouldeay, "'No (; fate I am fighting for - my countr y , I will go forward And do my duty. , ' lit was I;s:tat toe servants to Set and show a ditrcTtims between as ors talatrear and her has • Ina& They Deese wtaltmly rave the title of castle to one whoutilter Na not like WM Tint-sit 7 C . 711.77 ,011/4111151i11y W ' obi Argus mutants on • rot, nits. ver, Pa.,, at 83 00 par year In attritive. • Cotantantaatltlno an aubjetibt dr: korai 'AI/villa are repopeetinillraolio. lied. innuio attention favoni bf this laud 'mut! Invariably il4 anciiinparstOd b3 4 ' U& noun% or t4sauthor. - Letter. said oumtnunleatiom i sholkU • bo outdraw/341 to WEYAND, Ilearra, i'a. 'el ',aw. Ref Mini, what your noun try pain , -to do for you? Mind, your poor mother k "Ault in who pi t&lout better wind; and when Mike icings you word they are going to fight, Just stay in your bola little. If tiny get hilt! to the tends, I wilt tell you in gond time." ' 5 , Mss' ElialijiLit !Mighty' lh soy faiv. "0, (inlay," said -he, " I would feet that my honor, and the honor of soy family would tie stained by such con duct." "0, 31as' Elias, you had better .41fiy V in your bed tluingptyvil like :lifs , l'lso,thilie,"'bt ' +said. "I was Wrolig tO,llisist oil leaving tny.phor moths!, tool coming to the army.; but now I acts here, I will fyidenvor to do my whole duty." Well 3lits' Outs kept on lighting through several battles, and was not hurt nor killed, though I always watched his regiment all through the day. ),Haas' Elias was much more :a.rions after Mas' Barry's deat h; ~e. really did use II) reah his ilibleocal teitreach:ng, :old boy books from the t:Mporteur and read them. • At last alum a night skint - disk—. ,ltratti Lliwfr vient•witb -hitt eqpipany: *htedte,o Mates where he as. They - 7••• w ma' I • fall, and ,were sure he was • anti did nut atop to Ming him off. But two of them said they would gu with MBA) and me to fled him, and show us the place. We took a white it/1g with as, but when we got Witter exact spot where he fell, Mats' EILLY Was not there: I could net help I quarrelled and railed at the men for not bringing him off, for he had been sharing with - theut wtudever he 'hail. Itut in the taisloWf it he rem:g ni:mai Its attar[) and abswered. Ile was be a reek not fur off. 'Al though dreadfully wounded, he had (-rawly(' there. We ran to him, 81111 WO were overjoyed lo that him that we forgot We hail been, ['Pim:ling. wotiud- • I Cll. His leg was shot through and his arin Wars broken. When we" el hint to lay hint on a blanket which we had brought he failitedaith lade. We polled Mine Yankousoldiers Who I, Were also taking up Weir dual and • wommityli but both vodka were, at. ociimuniod by, a White thug, and nei- Bier wtte molested' by the tither.' When we got the doctor to Mite Pliaa ho was still in-sea-able. The doctor extuuined his wounds. Some • other our fellows had teen brought in, anti were !aid down by Ma.' Eli. WI, for We had carried him to the hospital. hlb leg was .httered that the doctor said it would have to be cut off, anti perluipshis:area also. I told the doctor how rich Miss Flora was, and that she wouldgive any money to the one who would wive her 11)11. I'tullal.some of the white men Who belonged" to Mils' Elias' mess, and they agreed to all I said. Tim doctor then called another, and after that . Mu-s Dins received particular ntten lion. I used to send Mike Away fur every thin: that was wanted, and I never left dm day or night . . 1 sort' some fellows brought into the hospital, shot all to pieces, one might say, and yet they would recover., 1 mw another who had only a flesh wound in the calf of the 11. g; lac died of gangrene the vary next alai after ]liar' Elias Was brought there. I naked that the muse tcaAted ail the wounds the. same, sponge, eveqthingseparate for hint. I wash ed his wounds niy.itdr, and 1 made Mike- wash the sponges in running Water every time t u.4 . (1 31118' Ella-s never spoke or wenacti. to know any thing until after his lax Was taken otr, which they did the next day. It was ?lit off above the knee; Ida aria %,11,4 dreadfully mang led; and e), how hard it was to iiai Mlle him without hurting hint! tionie- Units he 'ii era*, but Mike and I never minded him. Ile noticed that there were two of .:,tending him, And but one nurse to as linen others. • Ile Vila its to 11011, all we multi; hat they were mealy is tor bucki•ah ; we would tea leave , our mistress' Child 111 at MO . t 11 , 111. ; Ikty after (lay I .tvotelwil his bed in that lespdal. The sweet spring (mule on, and dm brigh t sunny days, but - I:never left him, without 1 . left Mike with him, and then fur a few moments only. Mike had every wish to be of service to Mat' Elias, but he !lever hall the head-pine that I have, nor the nafOral understmal. leg, *so I always stayed myself anti sent him about. Every day some poor fellow died and was carried Out. They all look ed for Man' Elias to he the next. one. A holy tiall to emu and read the lliblisto him, anti write to his mother fur hint ; Ito told us twee than once that lie felt quite willing.% to tile, :mil that his mind was very quiet. 'armies Of mind I Bunk Ravel him, for at length he' lui.ain to recover. s soon ILI he was able to be moved, lite doctor ordered him too prkate home tam by. Tim penile made very nniell of hint there, and the ladies watvited over 1 • an though he had been their own, (laid; but as soon as he could get up,' he longed to go home to his mother. Set island being t the hands of them-Inv, we had rhilaved Betters that albs Flora's family had taken refugeiin u place in the up einintry Ohs! I kirk Corner. Mr. Mosely bought a cottage and farm in the uountry near that - village, and It was there we were to carry Max' FAIRS :L. , soon as he could be moved. . But though he got well, and was in good health agrthi, yet it alway 4 st:taneti most melancholy to ale to:O. one whom I could remember so na tive and smart, with one leg cut oir aud one arm disabled. Mini Flora did 11111 stiemtti) mint anythilig so that her son was tedoret to her. Mr. Moseley had 'a goo: head of his own, and lutd bales am bales of good cotton put by, and sir ver put up,so that we ~gent.rally hat in the euhirt..: of life :thou! n.;:it ttmnt. all When the family went Lick ti, Edisto, Mkt buntgave me a deed it writing of a house aril twist:y.4lv: acres of gtxml lnd—for my faithful rim she ad. Me:' Elia.:;;ave tuc :t -heme, plow, and awl Pr visions for a ymr. so 1 and my Iv: fi and children live here :11. _lll comfortable 111.4 V:111 All 1 hope Mr now ia never te ar another war, nor any more lighting and I wish you to believe that one o My race ran tell a history if we' cat get a writer to put it down. Gaatta. Eowantia. red Moor Democrat. The Lyeouung fAcette, the oldest - Democratic paper In Northern Penni sylvatila, la not entirely aittled with the promedingsof the late Ikittl• ocratie Convention. In referring le them it caws; "We live in a progretsi. ' ire age and political issues arise :it,d are settled speedily. The great civil war bmught many, cluingett—the stir • tus of one race of people was entirely changed by the arbitrament of the sword—old political issues are now dead and bmied—to attempt to rti., vivo them is the sheereat.lbily. "Thu great trouble with the Ikt. macracy, and Of the principal am am of their , repeated delimits, 'is load ing their caedidates down with old Imes. This ruined ttntl Seymour. There I. no di ti this fowl. • IBM 1 a .~ =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers