A . PV/$4 A t herusementa are /Im tun rate ut tzi,oo per square for first iniortion, and for each aubserittetiChiseiftlotr'Blllestits‘ .011,,end &anemia znatto.,oq'.7earry . 4 ,rtisolien l44 . • • . ~1 . A s pace equal to ten ltnesofint; ' type ntssures a square. - Mr.:lnes!' Notions set under eltead Uy themselves huntedlately after the,local non., al i ll be Charged ten oent‘a line for 1.1101 insertion. .‘dvertlsoutouta should be' handed in liviore Monday noon ,telino2 , s. toi e rtio, in that , WOok'S „; „ . BUSille88'•• . • ea; _ TAILIWRIPACTOOL:—.III. I writ , peble r ra, tent ~mak Itvt : p f i eal lam W o od ygibrizg t o dyened sMet ' i'artory co l get of Filteenikatte repo itreet. • • anoldl t J. ANDERSON, baring toduen•beld et hie old Foundry. avdp. In Itoebester, Pa.. gill be, pleased to meet hi. old customer. sod fr „ „.i. may want either the BEST OMB sTOVE, Boating Store. crane other k t pd of e „,.,1„g0 or beet material and workreenahlp. •:m ‘‘lll be conduted bY „. • J. J. AfibEnl3osl;Bll.Nti. • I e E 5..110N lllLLl.—Theerad l d b gr l e d takes this melted of Inferottg•thene a a they hareenrehased and talsnaeluorge atilt ton 'Mills,Ntrtherty owned by thelli d 7Dawi In Sharon. Beset? coney; •It, hive r, imn M or Mud them and are now olvdiMt tO the eallantetion of tbehlisareim..-. filen. Irl Mande of dour will pare tionitably with •‘e the market, Wire ede m a call belbt* ' so, SAMUEL 'DAVIDSON gofer VOTIE -Now Bakery, at WEAonli Third Street, Beaver. pa. Jearrn X. 11 LED takes ;dear= totoform his pld Mends that, i..• i•• rotablialied lu boalneo• at the above „stank „tent he will be glad to meet And accommodAki 11,111 Fred; broad, rakes, cracks r% butoote.:&b. 'oufcrliouerieli of all kind.. No. I Floor. tondo tr.onrall Wheat, oy the barrel, sack, or retell. .1311 C, 144). ri LILiAMI BARNES, dealer In Boole; I. Shoes, Walters, Slippers, de., next 'dons to itot,rs Tin shop, Bridge street, 'Bridgewater. , here he la prepared to manontetere and yell' ,•,,•,) thing In hla line at reasonable rates Itav-' le: removed his place of butanes. from the corn. er Iteir the Bridge to hie present locative, be In iti4 Mende and patrons to give him a .11. • ' • ' . I •S. nitiiiii,Attorney at LAW, Beaver, Pa. taruju court Hume. (=Ma., ' EN. K. PlEWKllau&ttotnef at LAW Ana' : , une3or of Janda., Ogteeoppoelte Protestor Tn , l , .r s o in Beaver., , , retw4l:y. Atterneyat Law. Ollleblnlda ennetrigunst of rattaticatqautu i ; it iNellis SidirtiWlllf (21tVaiidit: WI again ,naunaonad the alm.4tetit§ of !..hine.k. utabheluneat awn the WV pi3Lioll:th Bcarcr, Pe. Builders and all otbera In eti of Afluglee Can get as goad an article Irma aad at Untir tenue u anywhere elapltt the tine me a all. " D. IILIITMAX.6IL. , S biligle* LATH AND FLDORIND • • ••••taldly on hand, and sold st the lower.' rates In ••••• market. Immo] timber sawed to order. I,•fitik . J. ,t.ivtilatitstit. - tr. .1. Chair:ldler it'Dolllll, Dearth's. Ratties t • t••r, In. Dines In Denver Station bantling: Ail ••••rk warranted. thicesmoderate. Givens a . • InovaNkety. .1 M. ANDRIAIION• Genteel Polies, Dottre l' • ine and Callosllolt Agency, °Mee, cat 1:03.1 Depot, Rochester., 'leaver Co, Ps. AU I,,ineo• entototied lowly care will mealy., roust* .111.•11001i, on rosponable tenon: [aural, tlga. leaves. Nem Inane avid I nottlanle.pBpori I l wzolou opetzed Apill Ist. • Thld school 03, bnG caul poecossrolly moducted. by Prof.: Taylor ible mutntauts, offers exteskrive courses In tho Enclith and.liadc. VarCUlaloguas Ml drom R. T. TAYLAIit.. lost Coat....Thit . untie:4mA I. prepared to deliver cooil burning Cool. to An persona needing the snick. Orders will trccetro ptvmpt attention. S. 1 4 . CUMMINGS. TAN. CAMERON, Attorney at Law Heaver, Pa. Mee In the room for otcopled by tho tato .Tod•go Ad tom. Cnb &C., promptly to. • • • •• • . Irue n . •01co i.Trtonr..-111r. J. %Zt i : ! ' " tU Y O. a.oOt)OOYEABI AR I) ; consequopt 1, 1. • 41.,. t.ot not. the Dry ItOhber, Ocmp.olone • for teel h.• i.ohl owl Silver Yiliktgo pot le of thu Lott too ;.;;.4'.. awl all work )varroolod. 1.8:1y. , _ _ _ - M.t MANTICLodge No. 20401.0.G.T. mccts every Monday evcnine•: , o'clock, In hc.ter, m l6•bi n ;t l I) 3 EENET, 'Watchmaker unit Joweior, :td •troet. Bearer, Pa. (lii room adjoining .1. I Wileon'a Mike.) (told waichre and citron oolorn. repaired . 31111 Warn to order. The patronage of ilie - puhile In and gnanniterti hive N a trial. • T Beaver, , 747. ei r d.o.! Mon t•; loaned on Zioverament Bonds. interval allow ,cl cu time deposits. We will also receive spoil molons for policies In the NATIONAL LIFE IN SURANCE CO., OF TILE U. S. Also )(umlauts', Manufacturers' and Arlizans' Co., of PRUMurgh. 0 OlEgrAktnallegtlettilOttse.-- 11111 • • 'PIN ABBE, Dealer In Boots, Shoes, lippersendtp . Boots ma shook**, In order.- Aim* tte In the Wetness wa nks him to do work u a superior manner. Terms mderate. Shop on Third street (near lion.. Bil let's Bookstore), Bearer, Pa. Ina a all islore rotrelMstug elsdwLere. ' 14,11,WW:1y SDITSTRY SALT CO.. Maoufacturemand T Denten+ la Table and Coarse Salt, nt Iminstry, 11,1 lier (toddy, Jan. All pall put up In good °l'- d,. and warranted to give satisfaction. ()hiere promptly aseildcd to. , S. It. IlltifiCS, :Manager. , . . E. BI.UNT,Sec..k Treasurer: L NOTlCE.—Pcmotte havini:l4ust• be,. to trateiact with the County (Mum: ho len -4., 4, 111 Mot them to tiotelon. el their Wilke, nit I'lli ty of each week, until Sept. lat. Dy order of the Beard. 41,11 . 4 , 1:tri OliN K. EAKIN. Clerk • • Notary Public. Con ` .4, otrer and Insurance Agent. Deed, and .L • r 4 444444•11 b, written and acknowledgement. taken, IL,: tee 1,143111111.1/ Cumnlbtoloned ailA gent bia clam; Innumuce Companies. repre - the Fire, Life, Accident, and Line Stock 14 , iolmenut, Is prepared to take risks unit write 1.4 4444 • 4e. on the moot liberal terms. Alen, agent 4: the iiAnclier Line" of dna clams Ocean Steam , 'rlcketa:sold to and from all port; In Eng hod, Ireland. Scolland,Germany and. France. Of- Ih In Leafs brick row, Diamond, line:loiter. nprAreit ll's g ei•titors 9 Notices—Letters testamentary .1 hating been granted to the Undersigned exe. eaters of the estate of Daniel epringer deceased:. I lte of !Main townxillp. Deaver comity. Pa.. all is•i•ona indebted to said estate are notlfled to make immediate Jiayment. and ell persona having Itlllll. against Bahl estate will illealre present them dot% authenticated for settlement to MICIIAEt. SPRINtIEIt, J. 11. SPItINGER, Executors.. 1,1•11Pvillen P. O. Dearer county. la Diehard address i3ril Pontefract&Cass, Manufacturers of Woolen Goods, 1:1,101zs AIIOVE EDGAR'S FLOUR 3111.1 P:1164011, ReaVer Co. 11 . 4 , 01, ,- Alt1)Eill, liplualav,, Wearing. Fall . I lilt:, Clioth.ilreoptng awl the nulimlacinna of Flaunclx, Cnnlix, Canslmorv., S‘lllll . relVe Opeetat (Mention, at VICO , lOW than thclowtol. Giro ue a call befarc parch.- e,!! eNeAllere. DR. HARRIS' Eclectic Summer Cordial , la an Infallible Itemetly far I.l.klatircEA, I )I'SENTERV, ei!‘)tEr.A 3toiciirs, sTomA(.II, LI !Nur. THE IN7RODUCTION OF t liia \'ultuthle 3tedicini s : trt the Public t , h.,t never flinty! to I,iive the utottperlixt in every instance, and the ititthorizes Itis ngettts to refund h I.,fiey in every ease where it fails to PRICE, 50 CENTS I'ER St tTTI,E. I'r is by Druggists generally, or sen t .'press to any part of the country, on l a of the price.. Address— HARRIS & EWINC, Wltolesale Druggists, PitLsburg, Pa. iy7..:411. F armers, TRY TILE ALTA VELA P}I63PIEATE, 1 ' • the o . elebraU l (lean ALTA_ Contains three per cent. or _A.311312.0 T . I.A, 1 utuph , quantltr to give activity (without Inja I, ill the Svgetal on, ands large quantity of rot Bone Phosphate of Lime, To'grt her with POTASH and SODA, the eppentlal ..1.11,.1.10 or a COMPLILTE MANURE The high estimaiiiiii in whirls it I • held by many thinniand thrillers who mustily. it 111 prefer mire to other kinds,. is a pore 'gruirautee or its l'rire 165 per Con. fiend fora parnphkt I Addmas —The Alta %flit, GOlllO Company. ht Linsuinay. New York. • I . • TOIL NALE.—A new tiro slog Frame House, rotitatahig four rooms, wltb a Moe lot close to the station In Industry. Inquire of .1. U. BSCA Painter, Leaser. o.a. [angillf Toms nsionnhlv MI • t -., 1 l• ' , .. 7 • •••.'t: - .1.,10tti8i11:...v.:•11, '. t * '• / i. .;..vwmt,v,:•," ‘-i .* !1 1 .1 11 j 1 )jj:,• $• I $ - -I,e:lA ,ll ti ... . 1 i 1. : 1 ...; til f1 ..., 70,1 . .th: - • ~ , . .i t ..' '.', l ~:.t.t'i, 1:..:, *le tt...!, , i'l ,:.• , - . l i.., • . f . •iti. •: .1 .:,..1., 1-'ll Vol. s°l` --- No. 3& • - 1.1 1 1123*80 A INEVIt,:;. BRIGHTON ,, 1,, i • A ISIS GLASS, 5:1117V in t 44.6 • to , afkrbon - i • : f lloilol Oil, Nea's runt OH, . Lard OH, „, • .• Bplrilx,Turj~cutinf, ' .. Coach Thidy. COPAL VATWISIT, FURiiITURE 111111416Iiii - IDAMAR VARNISH, 811,,ELLAC . \ 'BLACK VARKISIT, LBW PATENT ;AMA .1 . 1 •• • - • .. • ; I Picture Prdinek.(to'ortldr,) , 1!/ • , LOOKING oLAl4l4Egvi Vk -- t• ty. ..,•\ r, - . 7 - ,.. L2= A 4 ' l A° 1 1/1011t Vaa.MTIZI * . .. . . , . 'TENCH J.lktD !wiNDowst A? ,s., ,, !E , ..ta met*: znitc.•l4 ,EMILIStI ANTI ;NAND PAPER, '.l . „ lllllsterrnie OSP CAPON op . slew; j 1 .livery or Goody.,, 1, 14'41 '65 4 =EI .Ir.sl N. lIIMMIAIIII4 : W. A. smirm I,TItVTII ISSTRANtiAt.:,3IIIAN Fic-rlos • It b, poothittart itat Illt.ll. S. IIiBBARD 6: CO H. R. Midersoifs'Obl , Mee' PA., 1,!"." D i~i7 aaii~ifsroceri~s,' . . Which ilk*, Pun la , holkii.. , !.' . '_l...°,l:nreig....id In pitt,warer:"•teloY han.111311.1114 -7. , raeivlug f.....- r ~. - •..0, - ..:7-74,,t. .: r:' • • :f:ll , Flt If , • 'MF iclilritUMEßY, - , • PstlentXod ' icl . n t'. 41;,61411 kjiliticel. i r 's wi . P: txiler ,, ofid Nolo Paper Mina. , =,,-_,__.7..., .., . , • • and lkomeitle map, Pure Wines and Liquors, . . for MedleOurpoftea ONLY. Darning 0111. and other aril:Jamm'lip kept in and cDita Drug Shirt,- The , Doctor having had A practice of tun Nears feels confident of his ability to glee ratisfacenn in cal deartment, which is under his charw. lie p charges notbine fur .advice and prescriptions. bYSiCiallaregrigio lll Maly Com pounded at all boo Day and Night. We alms Lure au ureortment of t.luirur. Conine, Ten, !al/oriel bracts, Jellies Cades RAISINS, CIIREiR, CRACIMRS, One goods hare been bought low (or cash, - lee led with great ears, fond will be sold alibis eery owed. ptiecs. Glee to. a call bents purchasing dsewbere. Country Produce taken In exchange lor goods. • 11. S. HIBBARD A CO. Jan. ti, E xtraordinary GRAND BAIDION ASCENSION IN ISEAVEII., • could not be more astonishing than the lactihat smolt SNITGER, & CO., heel) the Inert, largest antl freshest stock r GItOCERIES . , FLOUR, FEED, &c, hi Beaver oouhiY , . And although it talons taae to make a Ltallood thir.you will trod; If you visit their estabilrhment that they don't bare to retort to gsta to make their goody go. To all, we would say, "r ugh In" and examine our stock t We have on hand the finest and Loot TEAS, • - -•- CPFFEE, SUGARS, • PURE SPICES MolaSses, Syru r ps, Soaps; 11150 the bili 411 . de or Tobacco a:ild. Cigars to be fourst! in the place We make speciitlty of FLOUR & FEED . , buying and telling none but what are known to ha the very best varieties In nat. Our eatablleb. Invent enjoy% a well earned reputation to this par. Ileolar, and we Lntend In the future an to the pawl to nuttntaln It. • • WE DEFY cowirmitw Hunt mlrtaka the place. We are 41114 the old Rand. weetenti 444 Bt.. Beaver. M. ,Come-and Cc The lioave SeWhhOgnehlties ; j" OP ANY TIS 'ME WORLD They Lout the tint Sewing .llaehtnea evezaiiee and - Mare been manufactured conttnuallt. nutlet the lope vI4On ottheorlainai %venter. VaiAffi lkivvv-3 ••. • • tiince their first introdectics 1854. Ile len. rove- meet upon these machines made within the last ' two years and their rapidly growing popularity . t t ei v i the tad that they hats reached the very acme of perfection and that they are not only the oldest established but the best in the world. These machines do perfect week upon all fah. rid whether due or coarse ilting a stitch, also thc Invention of Mr. Howe ' a like upon both side. of the fahric.,Berwed. The tandem, sew, novel and norarying, can be adjusted to any degree of *fhb' neap. and after Naar sdjnnted do not, resolve changing. except for different threads. To those who have used the !lose Machine, It is not neeemary for us to speak! and we would onlyadd to others'who wish musket machine" to be sure and see these machine* before buying any other. Send for circular. Applications for agencies must be addressed to SMILER d• STOOPS. Sole agents for Pennsylvania, RewJmey, Dela• wars and West Virginia. Office 211 South Sib dL, Phila., and St.. Pttatairgb, Pa. . . aepnratt!y. " - 1 1n147- 1 PGRNISHRD AT THE LOWERT RATR.. AT DARRAGH'S. SR.Aron, Pa. = Mil o-'`~"' ~` Clytt .'': STOCK . ' ..., . G i '-'.• E• ' T' llaneolts. 1 111W811tb,NA114. 4 , ME 1 • ' 1 1 Of c10t4,.',-W;..,Etk i - : , ,MtALLUM.-:'BROTO'S. Pillit Aveu nr, 04 . w° Wood es iVet, 711 1 1; LAJiGtekT STOCK' MVO 1114 AW „. ,Very prom fhb , . z Lowest:Oradell: • ... rho and Common Tapkseareti,4im,4l:4 - ' pitrAVl uniform to all;-in - idthe korest. • L " r.wcALLtukt EZE • , 'I3AGGAGIE BARROWS 7011 UM; c .E.T.171 r; Estrnoftii nitemuns. Pairbanks.Atdirse dr. Cu.. 109 Secund,jureass.arst Wpc4 tit., Pittrburgn. SCALES -IMP/ARRA. PROMPTLv.... npri:(l• • • • ' ' - GERMAN GLUE, I I 1111C1=Z11121 5,44 by most Drum:lists ittverTudieir. PRICE ONLY SO CENTS. If your Drug-- gislm have not yet got It cn sale,dont be put. ell with some WOW than worthless strong snuff, " furn!gater 4 7 or polsoneusetrustle whir yon. old -4re•u- Stpii;'o2:2 :T/e.,Sagr e g'i raniplila pro- 1 prictor, R. V: PIERCE,. mar 3:atuijm3iif.) ' :•• ' Buffalo. IC Y. • r. o.rioncart. NAILS,,WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAHL, BACON, FISH, FLOUR, SALT, LIME, Comity Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. Clixxls delivered fret of elutrge in all Mee, (;anneal Vrult.4. Npleet+, THE PEOPLE'S Gooperative Life Insurance Company OF rflibi Company is now fully organized, acid Circulars containing its Constitution and ily-Laws may bo obtained by apply ing to tlic ..General Office. IN Alta Tff& - } • • rl '-t . ,Cpiir!! -.„, l ,l j, ti .• - : =1 lIIMIII PyrI;',ErAGII, P 4. HOW! o,n hand E3XI 13.t4ATJ , Akc . :, - FAT4BANS of nll kilos , J R ouuuo. It , is It&AXTED. to COTO or impaired tasto ',or hearing, wa ig or weak eyes, asite brcntb, Cl tted' Throat or nth, POW pressure be Wad; anillota , :mory when eam SY All of. .them untlyitre. by thii fps' ur-,'catartla:, :ptomain -end hoes to use, cow no strong pols tt,..n or caustic, It Curies by Its Soothing Ac will . pay 4.710 rrh !Ala WO can ,uver,.li To SIIALl,liNitliltOER 1111()S. 1,1...,,z,r31 IN Fine Fatally Groceries Queensware,l the Villages 111,1JA , BE &VER, PA, Dicorporatesl by special Act of the LeLris Inhtm, April 14th, 1469. Officerx. F, P. KUHN, Faq., President, D. 3PR INNIST, JR., Treasurer, 3f. S. ADA.3IB, Secretary. A. IV. TAII.OII, General Agent. 73EA.VER, Penn'a We Invite the Public Before Insuring Elsewhere,to a Cure Jul Era min«tion of the Cfo-opera t ire System, Ai, illustrated in our-ciicular, and tho sc ctirity offered to the insured. A 'Milled niunl er of energetic Aghts, trim can give SI u•ettrity for the faithful per formance of doty;Trill find permanent em• Ployment by application to the General Agent in person or by letter. ljelnf Improved Crystal Palace Cooking Stove.—Tho proprietor of the Bridgewater Foundry tenders lo thanks to generous public for their very liberal patnniage, and informo them that tie bao completed and is now numbfactluing the Improved troolli .relaro CoOklng Stove. In whleh all the dereeto. real or Ithactir.ry. ever di-- eon ered in the old pattern Imre been remedied, the trout ono the oven enlarged and remodeled, lire %Ark remodeled after the moot durable one ever Made to . t THIS C(JUN'FIL-Y, and other imisroyemento Mrth 'igenl end ortuunen• l• • l'he LitXo famtllee that f have supplied with the 41d pattern of Crystal Palace Stor. (or the Heaver Atone, no they aro called to the country) will read ily. teetify that they are the bent cooking and be- Meg Moves that are made In this country. The advantages of the Unproved one le Increased weight and draught enlarged bake oven, enlarg• ed front amid doors, and open grate, end molt 01 all a etralg At and perpendicular fLre back,. which In the judgment of experienced experts is the most . dnrahlo pattern of stove back that con No need. Send your ordus to Thom. Campbell, Rochester -Won Oleo. .No change In prices. Teams and wa„.minms on hand - to 'deliver stoves In any pert of the surrounding country, old stoves, •17111.. Sc., taken- In exchange, &umd-hand chives always Co baud and for sale p. !surlidt. , TlllOB. CAMPBELL Roteree• Wild Cherry Tenki Witten, ARE TILE BEST IN USE Esit uosinEws TONIC urrrzus, The very.bek in the Market. R. E• . SELLERS ,& CO, N O. 45 WOOD STREET, (ppoalte St. Chsrlea Hotel ; also entrance No 101 andlol Third Ftraxt, PITTRIETIRGir; PENIVA ( NVholesale Akeritk for the NV(NA.. For vale by John Moore. Ikarrr. tr; t •ad 'flit • ft •4. 41 1: 1),; . as. •:•11 . ; 4tl } '``bfneeltaneoUE~~s I NE • 14 . :To WOW.. tosoots; Indellajorn Aid- stmt. 1 moilvrolc -, 1.4241r. ttir ti ged Ass* tilde Sid Monoy.Atgl i t• ltjaAttonsor And lirUl mortar,- int thorn , upon's.* toll: Worboni tl:w bat tholsod sAid It iAtsupotPlot, at - coo I II Sot MLW tho,, that . 161 r a. mrm %UK iIIIMIT MrerVANl;;lit'llO r -i l reWAtlt7ebVl nt It-4ad in: LA Rea' LUMP. ! 4, .ight fn ill rdtdiAWAsst nieini4o ' toosotat Is etbor knot 'peak tand It sue silo *Stu Winks otitis ISIS° lose s ;char: ealland .Pelt, or tey KAM. , , • • Lime dthtetedp - mooptly to a rde nt.''' Rkesonableißates orssionil . olden n#no, liottants'lnnil: crib " " stra.aw" " " usesl*6l2, DMil iliggg.t,:ck '`~tilN J AOfTItP US' OF Marbidied Slate •Mantles. N? ;": PittStillTel,' • l'enn'a.' 8 . ;•• ! mu*. In thti-niarb Klink procesicertaln rile oral eriltive, or manila nt%il a, , aro 'applied to and' absorbed. by the stone; arbkit-ht then •anbjeeted to &proper degreerof until tho enamel la perfectly Ineorpondod with the sinte,:and becomes one entritanco. forever.. Wo hA4z, now. :on : axditlititm, over thirty mautimb(dillerout colors and tityles,..l Mulish: milk we/y 4 :articular at tuntion to orders where rtitli col. ors to harnion pipeize.with pe carpets. We are reccivine . , monthly, ;bey styles ,froth 7.0 rope'an whielte s tutblea us to pnnitter llic blest pittrerng iikna Lie. Unnetki 1 EV941'01.11: NTOV E WORKS. Car,:llactory Mind IPWS, NEW 1:1110 II TO N,Yenita. Ata,,:;.4. - ; Grwie. reniii4,Ssiders . . . • miel! • , A . ettr4lTl: rixtr.tvitli—sota)'ire Tilt!q‘mywrity.s4.^.- , ESE FIRST PREMIUM COOK STOVE RUBY. No. 7, Splendid (taker, Luz, Square Oven, n I rA) No. ti, Splendid 'taker, Large, Square Urea, 1i r No. S. Splendid linker, Lama Swum , VIVU. Franklin Parlor Stoves No. 1. Juno Parlor. extrn hoary. F4'77oVrit3. Nn. 9, v 4 ,7 llenvY Enameled Grate Pronts, No. RI, CrAto 151; inrh 11, •• IS " .• " 20 • 2t •• 211. " 21.. Nn. 71. Min UM. With.. " 71, Sturnu, 14 Fancy %. 11, o alum' nod, .• Plain Rod, •• Itox. ulthwit Rod. Pressed Sheet Iron Summer Pieces, ruin F:uniucl,l, 1.e.5 . with ilninmentnt Centre, 1.:10 Alt Wm* 1171)7.m:t0t 'Grim nate nal TERMS, CASH :wit %r.:.] WA LL PAPER. WALL PAPER., WALL PAPER Laval and Noap•4 pluck of Wall Viper Comity. It(H)KS, 111)0KS, 13(X)NS A lArze nrsortment or )11herltsnronn, Sellout end Itell:tnoun Books, couptanny on hand at Pub• I lohene Gill Books Sellable for the Holidays, 12£1=1:! STATIONERY, STATIONER STA Y, TIONERY, • An extensive variety of 1% - por, Envelopes, Lead Pendia, Gold and Steel Fens, rak audioltStanda, de., de. We are the exchmtve Agent teethe celebrated Foley's. Gold Pons for ibis Comity; them seeking a good Gold Pen, wnnld do well to see them benne purchasing. We are the' gent for this County for Erider's PhanMraph Marring Certificate_ The attention of Clergymen Is respectfully called to this,' as we Can sell them at the same discotmt as they would get from the Publisher., Atwater. School GeV crow.= for sale at FMMadan' prices. We hare constantly on band Floor OE Cloth to valley. ' .wrwix:ow 1 , RUSTIC & PAPER SHAD 4. on hand Tol and V ik ala y lio ,. ods ialtabletor, the J. PRICE;.. prnadway..llo! Bstgbto EZE3 gE . 7 (Arleh ed Mari, seven,C i4lr.- ti VPromised -11 I t r,..i,6seivtlijiiito•;•,iii_,o:o. 1 ! MT -4 4 A ilia I , t... : - . l2a iLL ntaiii /al -Lt19f 1 4'.4 . 41*, . teturskftypil 4 4 '.°,c 1 1 11 "°m 1 " 3 5' 1 • • Kbrilkitti4e ; ;14"414!T.tt Unr7o4a r .. • Sang theAuhei .U1,6'44'401" 4" And Miskilrige; lfeffo. o 9q4, , _44d ontioag& bos !leap, . i ,q .4., on ,Intlaiir t ten(oznitnen. ; .1" nen tot sailoy, • L . Ail.. ti I . • MIN 106 ale .740. tor • du .11 " 1 / 7 1n r ' Ihios pini,l bad Turbulent, rnOens, Ceuta babe spired! : 1* pid no beriend pier Patient ldoo,Qti'tuei . -`And ^ 614 of To sea itiiipxtif stniFs' 4. 1 4 Lb) /*teem to aite,tp Mei lie chriri 10.. etiooktei t bat 4.41 y tr . a.1610, lour. Tramti,gatl u(i0141111, So like kW Ilyg ,111 0 111 1 1 4 ,1 t at44 4 . 1.ft:!: , :1:, , ,•;.: sc And ux Wo wrote: in '44l;lif. cr ac u could. of give *IA Ait4aftentimii•tfllt •• Tbivatiz.or alit et nAiritilti Hie . 1111 lOrnY'''" . :.llnpifor Li4rufb, ttiat We misivi4min Ite t.fs;l; • Thardan/ I Yru4IVAUPOIOI. EXIi llQVltili • Spare-Si in . Northl stingiest: tree,' ittc c9iintirY EMU made , tip mot on' __ __linen for the Squire, an , no during her vaeations and hours of relaxation, purveyed for the wish or any needy body whci came in her way—one hnmancreattire be ing quite as worthy as another of her aid and sympathy: One summer miarni fi'Miss Poore tied on her straw bonnet—the iden tical bonnet she had bought with the money Squire Suffolk had paid her five years ago, and which bonnet she had sewed over with her own - fingers four separate timitf, in order to be a.s . ! near the fashion of the.day as rt"Spee- I tability . required l - 1 So one morning she tied on this work of art, and ta- • king her purse, as a necessary procau- 1 lion she believed, livid her steps along the bloomin g cramtry road toward the • imp sing mansion of Squire Suffolk, on liaritable thought intent. , ' ' 1 ' Now MissiPooii was no blOoming nth's of twenty; tvi lidimples coquet, ting with blushes on her cheeks, and eyes running over with lovely mirth and peach-bloom lo' youth thrown. like a glamour over all. She was simply a plailt woman of forty' or thereabout, with a face in no way remarkable? except for its expression of kindliness and 'good humor; and these, be it said, are faces •that best outlive youth, and Unit catch l at last the reflections of the spirit, and grow • beautiful in the illinnination'of good deeds and puie 1 thoughts. Miss Poore Was just the one to begforoth era and desire nothing for herself; Just the woman to, makes thousand plans for the welfare of others, and feel their frustration as aclitely as if they had been for her own .personal happinesS. • t. 1 She was shown . ' into the dining room at Squire Suffolk's, where she • found him datvdlng.ever elate break fast, which the) , lnet - vant had just brought in on a silver tray:, • 'You make metadiamed of myself,' said he, reflectively sugaring his cof fee by the aidof wrotwht sliver tongs. of an ancient design. • • . 'l'm sorry. I hive to make you pleased with youraelf before my via it is over.'i . . • 'Then take•this ,seat, .-Miss l'oore, and drink a clip of this Mocha ;' it's I my own importatibn. There -isn't another such beverage inNorth Graf7 ton, I'll venture teisay.' . 'Thanks. I love Mocht, but Reuss not love me.' 1 'That's odd, very odd of the . 3locha unrequited affection, eh? , Miss Poore laughed, tut she - was thinking rather °fa family in North. ontfton whu drink cold water every morning at. breakfast, tulY indul ging themselves iii the luxury of tea on Sunday,, in on' er'to keepin even teniuwe the father, who needed it to assist him through the wear.nnd tear of the day and who di.. 'nod, any a dainty which he must ' c oy alone.. This was the country astor, the Rev. Herbert ' Resent and aridly, whci lived, or rather suffered on a salary of five hundred dollars a year, mid what extras werel to obtain's' by fitting stupid boys r college: She cleared her v ice. th ), a. little nervously, for action. '... .. . 'Mr. thdrolk, , i lhoad she, '1 have'. come on•a matter of bush:Li', and I may as well get I over atoms! and leave you at your breakfasts in peace. • Some dim idea of sewrag-work flashed through his mind, While. ho i involuntarily ran 'aver the items of his wardrobe. ' • . ' ' •..- . ' 'I don't see—'h began- . - ' ' 'Oh , pleaaedon.t name- t l ill I tell you. With the al d of several chari table societies We are fitting nut some young clergymen as ruissi4tarlekto the Feejee—' - . _—• • ' *.,' 'Oh, the inlsskinaries b&Jianged l' ' ho interrupted, scenting daft per haps for otherti beside 'the In mar, im 'I beg pardon,'lllike ,; but i —the devil, —it saps to ',I, e 'that charity begins atitiame.! . : •". I'v no objertiodstothat, On 'don't make her toorrintiVora ahem bod3P; a little neldillitiiia is '' -1.% - 'Eh goo l ; • ? Zia& Ink. etkieriali ,those yonagMliiit'llititht tithe , * Hatt fa . ' *Maffei. ail fond -. 4 .. A ';4..l._ii ' . tit.`‘;'•. , . +' ! .r A .14111151 • ' f 2 GO sr 1.-25 I= '69. twonllond n bend •-: • • • - • /hell ; raid fX5t.44 1 .1+41 4 1 s,i O lt lng - tkleas ' , % t not , Very' •Vvelt•l=begging pirdainjagtllti: , " Mk. "down, sit. -Nmf It stall& tu'reason tiutt 'iittitt, cal was IA :Woitlty . ono Is;'lr.rittiottl4,bn4 ,readye' is tour tnlnik-" tho , lleit.' r:lttsent-;-ileti6 tpoordesll -better nAtnal--Ito 400 r, Ifit..4 • Ilimseir; 4 vatic() 'in '.l)tvonkbyr.;, 1 / 4 , f litittowrtil=so tity nsnt' - 'lcto:**Mrs patches it; they , live .I.muns iii-,-Nhy.,:dOwn'tr some .subOsaiptiott thero?.,l down "kniothing tpolnViirdlAni!' ho tossotlo tctr ld his :satisfied. that he, ~;rofrwitlt .14svoeIotts. 13111,1110 m toote waS via 'to :be' *orstO(l - In' the she said ;.'it .ure,', taking 4fuluxiry it is Aorif your i ,ltenit ..‘judginentapproves! your suggestion • ti will tiptop f0r,.411r. .i Lent lurded Uy ? j oy" utune. Aft will meet with' Wriiit 14 , rr . • • . thomuire ralEttiolpatetl. • • „ oil Ito) )pft T ger.ik coot; mark. nly 1 .4 a 'S. .0.1, AidlliriakiY the' ell'Ort at least. Estisktithattl-put - you down ,itt ? A gualetlepends, upon that, you i'inii*ti'llibik ' so.' ' ,ANTIIy, My dociihubt,'Yeit'ivtai't gel, a sixpence *it toit , thes4 elod-hoppers. Como . .;, I won't put my name down, . 1 „ . . 31-do thl . .s..foryon: I'll agree to • .. 4 ”.;t AL you collect. - Now Isn't' ti4-' I2 I gruSA lire heard . ' - oftfhatAitorvi , thouirht-•tto ,-,..., -•, • ire.-; • , ''' , .. .::• ~, v.. . you,';taki Mils I'oore. L l'-,.:rheityou'llseeagain. anothuorn tingOift. fikkfrolt.' - ' ' --" • u ~Anit'shil-,waS - aWai through the blerikntiltur riancs again without a ih r Vhtyfor.,anything but ,air.Ha titugorttand the'Squire's offer. v , }l'ort`var good it was of the figuir6luthe itltid to herself; 'he isn't ad Mean at pooplo believe ? after: all, Upon:lwo* tho nght Vein. ile%4-ho *hat *godend it will be •td Xr. at—a-little ready money Errtheiteeinsities of next winter ; n minv vim See , that'll:tell?, who hasn't beetuutchuro for, weeks ;.a jacket 'for Tom, who is Irremediably out at the elbow,_,' ~ _ , - ' i :Wh.st conlatt; wird, Tat..ntnt's ease - AstaiVlnkitp:lii' that/blank -- suhscrip -tionliAtt ChaLtbe days were. each it tali hag s and all. the furnieregeese hutl goldon eg , 44!,WhAta pity it Wilti 'M ttlantdatielfallded proptu lived 'ln alorth:titufton I There was Mrs. Ails •Ants.tuitiCktlitaiuJacksou ;.tbuy were 'botik-rik,,t9. 4o, Altrat - awreti* - 41 . 4 - ..„141t4v . 40 .4VnOlnY 1 PrOW Wit litivliefins4hig ,iitsikt-e11 , 14 tit': , -- 4 I- :.?.. L. ~.! orn .,c tiajztain, Jacksdu: k _ptiou,..for..poorr bil l Puir — M . u. I Wait -your , -1 - A --- -'iminienn-t° ..,,t.that 'of a .Pinie- Row -4111 , n - g .to 4 -..4.01 -1r iirnd 5, MIR ME _ teel Mk .N _ .•oore. ,'ow We till thought you wire forehUnde4l. • I(9woitiriins ed the nei,enbors, will 1 , 1•11)i(1 you in'tlitit fire?' ' •• 'Lose! t lixit anything. What put taut bee in'your bonnet? I Indro got a cent, though, to give any pm= ting parson—not I.' Very well. Then I must gu and try M. Adams. The world has ell her well iperhap,i she •is• grateful enough to give a mile.' 'A precious little mite you 4 ll get there. Why, my dear woman, she's ;closer than a glove to the hand. She wouldn't give a cent to save her soul, provided she has ono. Come, I'll venture to double what she gives ; it won't stave a hole through my bul warks, I will be bound ! 1 • mortthr , then: perhaps you'll see Inc again. , i •And Miss Poore Was nfi h) Mrs. Adams's. 51w found the lady just hinting a loaf of pluth cake out of the oven. 'Done to a eliarin, isn't it:" the s‘atisileil housekeeper. 'Yon know I took ft premium on bread last fall.' 'l'm sure you ought to have ouc on ettke, if as good as it looks. I wonder if Mrs. Ilasent tastes such a thing once a - year'.' . 'Not oftener, I guess,' laughed Mrs. Adams. 'She's too slack to bent up 'the eggs—catch her.' This didn't look promising, sum. ly. ' . . , I , 'She is not well, you know ; ebb's an invalid. ' Shelves been denied the gruffest blessing- OA sun bestow. of which you and I set.'m to 'have store. Isn't it a pith• that she should be de prived of so much beside .e.' 'Oh' but there must be a screw louse , somewhere; either they're wasteful or something.' 'Bless you, they haven't itnytlitig to waste; they don't know Plena:ail ing of theword. Whv Mrs. Lthsent has worn that. ehoeoUte calico for three years runnirig.' `Well, you know, invalids don't weir out clothes as fast as" active bodies like foe 311111 you, Miss Po Ore. it's my opinion, hetwten us, two, that Mrs. l laseUt might it up and do her house work as well as her neighbors. if Ate chtiose. Lftw,think of the parson_ pothering afloat and cooking hreakfast ! Pd like to see the morsel of bread I would eat of his making!' 'I guess if you were starving you wouldn't ask who made it. I' tell you it's a suffering household.' '1 suppo:se all this talk means that you are bogging for them I Law sakes! it's as much as a widoW can do to make both ends meet. What with ten tons of hay and a new horn swept off by tire, and a likely calf' drownisi in the free.het, you see. Law, this is the world, and the other's the country.' 'That's true; and we shan't any of 1 us reach that country if we aren't open hearted. toward one another. But Captain Jackson, lie warned me that I shouldn't get tridotex mite here., Ile was' so morally certain that he eifered. to doable whatever you gave, thinking, no doubt, that, it Wouldn't hurt him to double noth ing—quite in his line, to be sure.' 'Ha! ha! did he. Well that's a good one!. I never expected the cap tain would be so generous. •Pd. like to twist a few coppers out of the rus ty old skinflint. It'll make hitn lose flesh. Now I think of it, I've got a ton dollar bill that .1 was going to send away; but I tilliipctie the Ilasents may as well have it, and then, too, Captain Jackson 'ii have to flirk over twenty P ' 'Thirty xlollars is a very fair bight ing,' thought lass Poore. It didn't seem exactly necessary for her •to quarrel with the motive, when the action was so acceptable; and there, 1 fore her business carried her back to Qtptaitt Jackson's. • Agam T cried he, looking .h little blank.' •Where's the widow's wile I Mighty- small, isn't it?' 'attempting the &cottons. • • Well no; it's very good of her: fihowasjust going to . send, it away. • WM r~',i;, It's A - tteil dollar hilli.CUPtain Pt:: ~ ~, , ; . `Thutitte,rl Non: .dott't , mean i lt2 Let's Melt: 'ft lila oinuiterfelt; is Kt' Mit •give".-her the Ciantp?"-' HOW tliti'she weather it? She. must' be Mt' hot lawns e , 4 4 l.,Detiri,dear,t,undtl agreed to double it l,Well I've doul. limillie MPes, and a good litany other dangerbus points .but bless Melt this 'lsn't donble trotible.l-There's Aden& local, at all evonts, -and.•gultt's up,. you know, I'm the lust, man.. At? , aba t Whit :i prt n i;_te.' • , Very good.trophit te"be.gtiV With' 'were the ten itolini , bllttind the dottli=. loon 1 .-The story: of. hew:they. wow obtained ralseti,a`laugh . in, amity. a Aria kitchen, and a hearty laugh opens the heart and the _purse by onti Impulse: , She painted-Mr. .Hasent's dlilleulths-so graphically, ahorelated her ex.perleactsolmmaroualYothat, feta• could say 1 her nay. t would ' have been like;golitg, to an sitertain; , ment and then' refusing' to pay, the price of admission. - Besides. Mae .could resist Mitat Boort? ; -yid who ;would be outdeno.,.,by .11rp,,Ailaina anti Captain Jackson V, 1% o one eared to compete with-thoe worthies'; add then wasn't Squire Suffolk to double i the whole amount,. utter all was mid ' and done?: , :,. ;r: ..c...!. -,i i.-7.44 * . 1 .4 • v4l Web: every ,one.l wasaux ous So atiadnister to ,him, , and theY 'did theirpiettleat in , the. way ereompoending it. The' inore 1 nauseonathe lietter ; swallow it 'ho I must, if it, nuale..hini black. in the. fat:e r upt] strangled bitii into.the bar gain'. . • , Into.eVery hotthe ill ilie Oki! went Miss Poore-and. her subseripHon . pa . 1 ) 4 , ~Where money wati • seam attio. oetypted pmfhito, and lxurawingu ' tem, drove into town,O n d drove her trargain.s 11.4 shrewdly us Iteyr4tit himself,. only, more honestly. • -Bard-• 1 yard fowls, and gamethat the neigh: hors' boys had, brought down for the benefit - of,the,piumits and the dis -1 romfittirelif the squire ; hinter, egits; 1 lainh'll'e-txd and sheep skin:B.lolgs lof grain,. and huh.. antLlvegtables—all was grist that came to her milt., ::• . , ' One warning, goingtinto town, she ' nick O ire hitnaelf,ln . his sunlit gig, mounted behind ti. talli Chesnut 1 colored horse, ,for the Muire's one extravagance WA* liors4i flesh,' said. i the grips again. , lie urinal. in, j hoWever, when' lid teeognirAil her, 1 I and Miked if she hart taken • to" fariaz' lug, mid he wanted' to let his fitrm on halves, would she undertake' It? and he threatened to waylay .and rob her whensheretunuOlanneward with the funds in hind. . .. .... `You've sonurilue lambs , wool there,' saidilie, alighting, to examine it. 'Card and Skiancr.havu engaged a hundred ‘veig.lit urine at a premi um. Hem, I'll drop them - a line, , 'anti you can take this up to. tiitun• if you like, Lula say I sent it ,li. l an, in- I .stattnient.; they pay you cash down.' 'lllit--ilit you know what the mon- Water ??. hesitate d:Misi Poort... She muff I. riot •inake u p-lier inind to, this. unfair advantage, even, hi the, muse of the Church.' i' ~ . • .• Tkitaltilk I' kid: Iti'S' to ' run the 'Squire and efirleh. the par Son- , Shall A have to mortgage the farm, do you think? In that. vase .11 alia'n't ask ,you to" had; it atithelialvt.v." . . . . ' `A. Persistent little br ~ittiud I' laugh . etl' th eltqpite; rolling eking hVer the `country , - , MiWanil r'enjoylne the ' breezpinutrutivp.thelcdor of (wild: PctieloulailLieguktipiotbirit Bong ties* -nipitttotkorktlizu4ir Ali lir el* *op' - ;Wtthetuilup -11ae&•-unA plate either, sta. wouldn't. Blood will tell; she's got the hi h and mighty nays of the Jerrolds, and they bought their lands of the Indian sachems—nothin,,•• much older than this, I fancyjn this country—if they did part with them to the devil, f4ll to spu:. leigleho! 1 thought dan ger wa , over tVilett a follow reaehed the tittles ' Ilut I do believe that, like the inutsles told ,whoopingeough, It goes hauler'w ith the :veldt.' . - And thus the Squire intrsued his way, sometimes`humming a strain of that old tune. " Lovely %Ilona list while I play:— Brig:finis abroad, I may not stay.'— Rot thy bright eyre, Ir the brigand shouhiset,, '1191.1 art the bandit, the cataiVo is he?' All through thesionmer days Miss Po ire pursued her scheme, and into autumn; curly in the dewy morning ' her day's drudgery began, and again after It wits finished. if she took a holiday to herself, it was only in order to swell the subscrip tions. The neighbors (ought the in fittion' told the children pleki ber ries and went nutting in the seastm to pile Miss Poore's market wagon. Women who had nothing else to be stow took their.knitting with them when they went out to ten or pleas uring, and gave the results. - Ruth Brown made yards of tatting, • like a trace of hoar-frrnt, while she go siptd about the neighbors' (Tops, the last singing schttol, and the young titan with the golden mustache who came to buy grulu of Farmer Gould. and said sweet things to his daugh ter; while a reminbxsince of this smart young nuui withl the golden mustnehe t and the tender nothings he had stud to Kato Gould, appeared in the disguises of graceful leaf and open bud, in satin, stich and' lace work embroideries, undertaken in the cause; and if they did not sell the !letter for this it surely was no fault of Rate; she had . put her best Into w them. And it. as Maggie Stone who surrendered the premium of a gold eagle, which she had taken nt by-gone county fair, very much as one surrenders nn evetooth, only be one would feel infinitely worse to keep it, and Nell—not to lie out done--otfered her ear rings, and found that they wise pinchbeck. It scented as if one anti all were bent upon beggaring tsquire Suffolk, fur on the first day of November the amount hail reached three hundred dollars, and the subscription list was chs.eil, except to the Squire. ' Accordingly one afternoon Miss Poore put on her work of art, and taking her treasure with her, ' , recce. dud to the Suliblk place. It was a blotk autumn day, a fureunner of sleet and storms and pinching wintry wvadier, add Miss Poore, wrappinga threadbare shaWl about her was glad at last to find herself before the blaz ing fire in Squire Suffolk's drawing room. It seemed to her at first as if he would never allow her to tome to the point. Either he had forgotten all about the affair, or meant to wear' out her patience; but That was simp ly inexhaustible. In the mean time he entertained her with a detailed account of his estate, tts If he were lilo steward and she the master; with the increase in his crops and wives; with thestory °fills youth and school clays; of his first beaver and l!val low-tailed coat ; of his awkward first love; and when he paused it occur ' red to CUtharine that she knew him perhaps better than he knew himself. She wondered at this strange fiunili arity which was growing upon her; and when at length she pulled out her svbserlptien list It, was with a quaint ieluctanee of manner, not at all like Nisi Catharine Pooro's usual promptitude. Was she, afraid he would 'all to fulfill his obligation, and so disappoint berhopese. - Was It bemuse, having acquired a sort of tatt friendliness for him, sho feared 1 he would prove the nimnl? .Three,itundred dollars,' said he. 'You have done . It plainly wasn't a ..verY stunning aflitir to him, or he met as emergm cy with consummate coolness. iIL, ~:•.:,,,,,,.,;., ...!:I",rtit ~...*- 1.1111:1 .411 1110 I.' 11 . t:t. 7 :1,17.1vt, i . - - :'•'-',,, -1, -'' ' l '' . . Ui . ~' . '; -1 •,...) ~......if. 11.4:1..c, • .!,-, '. '..... ' 7, . 1 , I• i'• , - „ . ..ti , o,:ii -..•', 1 ,, • , ..,:ii.r. bi:i; , ,:: •( , :.1 0..: ... . : 1 -ilia' ...,0 , i1 . 1' , 1•11 ....:t• . .1,.1., i,: ' V r i • - -.' i .1 ,' 1 't• it' , k i' ii i 6 • r ,_l7O is ,4 • •• SO RESIN Ba%ll3lislitid:lBll3t $ i `Yirs.'i,T - WIN - it hero.' iny; ,Mlthey. 4 : i Von stud!. ;timid' It ' if lon Will.' ,: _ ...- ::, NI. -, . ..., . . , 0 • 4 !Three. ihilluired-PPlloW :I gild I haven't so much , On, iiiie'lliulfenvd - lt WOUtiteonietottiat.' !I. never keep it' atintit'' are • '' •Ytkt knoW.' he 1. , #lidoir,t. like to [Kit aP tun ea Murder t to wit:et it I.:eolith° servants' while.,to put 4 dirk througli; the ,MY tintetttlei Irihe lett her seat then and prepared tb, go home., ;ribemas (mite nose-ran b)eat that. moment., To .be. thud! h ISII handrial dollars" ft f erdiw I vii grate fie • fur WidiTthe . fitments the needed It:to ',sorely I , • Only fshts kind emit. Tati's,ateek- I g peoPing through, litasheea;, and ' ten the donor Juul ordered dealer fir tho Mother ;' but it waiiiniethfiek, - he Ordered and *nether to °hulks. ere Would have been. porter and plenty.;,hihe did not Ami,i4e, that, all thLs; ladenaugitiruly, was yet not enough tu make her Ad tlikpirited - h.4 3 . seemed. She felt. as ff- amble i solder had : overtaken flier which ' opeyi in ltsqlf, had n 9 Amwer •to ,iil- IdV tate. . ~ • .' r nitt setaX"' toWit to-morrow,' skid thetkpaire,. 'anti yott Wilt - have t e . ettiney i ! before - night.. l ) . Will 1 ppat. op .....,„ ..---..., 'Do.! c fug to mown Ilea eyes; 1 the reit - kb:6bl feeling WAVti intense. 'ou cannot understand *hat it vaii to ,thLs woman, wheloved heeneitthirJr as .heruelf, whu, weak:P..4ls, wet/Iw%. sPiritual as,wettal m1att...741A person-. al thing , a happlums, the,!itisitless Of her life;. - • , • '" * ' ' . ••, .• 'I:31;011014 In - at Kr.: fittsbnt's ott!' 'her irarlunet. : There wasucieheets• fttliiiiiKin, the,,grithi,,,,l4 - 4 ...Auseut . set:holstenal up in bed clurnitigatia ittgs:"While her littahraid"ftiade'thi; s•tt; •Ittaltett, arid: lighted',; solitary 1 1 Itimp,:;./illai•Roonettooknd about her a4 r dthOught of,, to; come; of 11 e f v u}fortably did eblidnn ; of the I.W:winter tires ; of the new suit ,t 1 atiiiiiinid reptact-the• shabby black ,of her ; father's; of porter and. pert rillgesifor,tho inotheruld ,then slut bid theta good night, ntut her .glad neski'lllnitilned the pathlefore her to' . that she seeleed to-walk in tiuonday. She ?went 'abbut her .W o rk: as usual .nest day, never allowing her gaze to Whinier out expectantly, till a sharp • 'tog biought her to herfeet.'witli her servei till autveringtn her fleili'. as if the points of ImitUnetuble tlins • Were stabbinglier „tti,rough and, through.. II was the money from the tkuire,in cads bank Lions, the full three hun dred dollars—but what else? • What ;was - it that "made' Miss Poore's hand tremble like an' aspen, that. sent tho 'finals dropping slowly one by one, and, ~plle her flush - and Pali. befhre this scrap of paler" ' '''.4o,/ •Dear :311.8 Clifltarine:—'The stingiest nmir in North ,Gmftcat , off eniyon his hawk And imwt.. As it is the first time in his life that. he Inui h4en guilty of stich 'generoattY, t= l › , h ' eneinnagehu and , tuitl-hin; of- hts intirritity...; • ..,. • • :1. .11 -,.'. i. ',. : • Jinni itialyv9t4l7 l .: • And si) Mr. llasenVA heart and home:qui= &al 10ne4.1. with, the • six hundrul. dalAgs, and,th4,,gladness rebilatidwkupou the Simko and Oath; • tui tiell*rd ltnA *Veal! wrtklirrgilirt NMsth Cifrattiwt,o Mrs:- . bait, pagloc, anCoverythedy. ' LAW 14 1 MrlaitYgi pting the Ilgef :nirm gta•vnallt ne few and , ' Allitopiet f LI • I • of thq fact that ETifionanmitti;tlie memory of our homes who fell in 3fesico Anis been compleksl, and is HOW one of the tuopst attractive ha tures nfi the capital grounds at liar risburgi . Cu!. \V. L. Foulk, who paseeil an hour at liarrisburg en mule from !Philadelphia' to join the First L. flibuitry,stat tile lakes, givesito the following particular 4 re gartling the monument : Theappro briatlon to pay the work wits made y the lA , gislatun) we believe of Is.'s:, and but little energy was disloyal construction until (:ov. Geary (..tule to thentecutive chair iu Oder his direction, the com mim oners named in the act proceed ed With the work, their first duty being the statue of vietory, which was cut :It ;Florence, In Italy, of purist ramint marble. The entire height of the monument from the bELSO to the teplof the statue is 7i;} feet. The !lasi constructed of granite taken from the battle field of Gettysburg, and el - insists of four layers in the form of steps, the fitst threolutyingn depth of led ',Aches each, and the fourth 20 inches, .1 The first layer is twenty feet square. On the top of this hue is a solidiMarbledie t with four buttrmses, emit; qf which is surmounted by a mabrld eagle of f rquisite workman ship! Ihi thin die IS placed the main abaft of the monument, which roof the Corinthian 4tyle of architecture, and ;is four feet; at the base, with a pttittal taper tii ; the capital, where it 1.4 three and a half feet. The capital is a Square block of tnarble, tasteful ly stulptured. this. stands the 'figure of "Vletery,',' whic h is nine and half feet hlgh.l From the posi .tlona of the figu re it would appear that "/ Victory had Just alighted, us her wings are partially extended. On the 114=d of the figure is a wreath of laurel, and in her right hand—nrm extentlisl--Is another wreath—in the embrace of the loft arm are the na tional ,colors, handsomely executed, While her right foot is planted a =Min. Surrounding the Monument is a fence of appropriate, unique andtitste ful design. T he posts sustaining the tivo hortrzattal rails all composed of a series of iron rot's bound together like the Roman faces, and each sur mounted by a double battle axe.— These compose the frame work of the fence, and much resemble a gun rack. Instead of iron or wooden ptdlings, condtanned muskets, with bayonets fixed have been substituted. Every 'street the fence has beenpdnted to make it weather proof ,and should an old soldier find himself iu front of it •witen an Order to take muskets.sheuld be I-tilted, he would feel an irresisti ble Impulse:to step up to the rack and take Ills gun, so striking is the resern- I blanee to a gun rack in a first class' itrnibry. Outside the fence : is a grass oat or fifteen ftsd on eachside, which is al. tin surrounded by a gravel walk of ten feet. , Oe• the differeat squares of the solki die on whichlite shaft rests, are the navies of the following battles . In `which the Pennsylvanians particlat tatl:i Cheruhusco, Monterey, Buena Vista, Moline del. Rey, Contreras La Mosta; City of Mexico, San Conte, Puebla, liarilade Belau, Iluamantla, Pueoo Nacional, Cerro Ciento, (tat -pulteptv; Vera Cruz, Palo Alto. The Inscription is on the West side an& l is l es follows: Er coed de of Penis 'vault, Hy the State ot . .111Slisi 'einincitioniive of her citizens_ !, who taut their lives !_ Milting the our with Mexico !!- 1' iu 1810-47-18.18. The cost of the monument !entire was $1:1e00, and Is highly creditable to the liberality of the State matte tl,cx, ill anil taste dtsplayed by the Commissio ers in Its ereetion.---4 3 4, Cbmhierdia THE Pe ylvaniaintrul liailroad Corniamy art two trainsa day from New York the ono via the New Je rsey (Cents to Harrisburg, and the othei via t Clunden and Amboy to Pi iltulelpitta, which carry passengers . 4.* NEE r ni • : ME MI AWs , , 4 1 ,4 4.* 1 - 1 Y 1 11 4 ,": , i ii REL Ilitnt Struut, Hot vat, Pikeili , Wier in" in aiiva , , Co num:lnk:llmm on mahlortivor Diem! 'ii •MIAVIMOVOWAraiIOkit a . Ita" - TM", radio - 1114mile, pIITT, os Hip. klucr nutailitirariellY_ tii sivida l3, ten led bY drA i rlitrZu nt :gatioite /Loll L be Jobtrossoil to ,n 17 WILICAND, Waif,. Tae ► withitilialutitki , ea" I, to ittioilltoi:" - Nebraska, a dinummerubnitt Kiltleeli h old:4s MA% , ;41441 titopondou4 op to is to be followed niturtty bv i V eil Wilily Catig,djUipped wit! br e furnitumiciteliotittote:. for the acixeumodation of prtesengilr, st!i4 Will 'dart at Philadelphia and New 'XL: 4 p ' t i l et , 441)6t :*rit t.;"'. 6t /- 0. Itun red 33 1;11(4: 7 'AP' Tilief,:t; At. 41 Pullman tlie..prujectiir u 6 141.•( moving liontrpf ;Avid he Jo ; d if v,•ll l ,, all his efforts to render them .ace ale( emu mod taus, They'wlll taint variouit.iiiieli Ana. btrxwitici.' 1/:1. - ty or Liolly, of litteewcanhiro.cino ntr the routuLfrirr 4 ;antieestwontrot it 11-.. vompletely.i.luxing,the time they u.. 1. it a, they wontil,n re:nti.4 tencnwu l. (if all the zilch' itinni'tect with' 11w groat revolution effected by rail Altai none (leerve loom tredit for , flub- pendent indivichud courage and in vention than the' Pii,ll4nAn L'rot hers, , 'rho: are atilt Y..ling*liieli;.llle c•!.14•4 • .. nut being forty: • Their sleeritug ears ' In the West'stre• far onuerior h• ti11.. , 16 of the rival companies MAN.' l•:ast. There is hot the cliglitoitmvon why those otthe Wier should not he their equals in all roipmts.—J'lliht. l'er.i.,. . , ~.',„bv-r,.--1,- -.. -. st-. fir.l - t^..,1 • ; , -: f , 1 4 e 1 7 1 99 4 Mfo , It aoiike--11. - i.„ .1 310ittLE„Augwit X.:4.4.4 .014 l • icerlotia Kik beetnoll hi' '1111.4.' i•ltv - Ins_.' gialturitit lant , ont tdrooi.ißetocil teatir • - •mectity.to celebrate the tricot:l:pie of • .thc.,ll,cicublisap. ,f'4oithite' t rid' _thin t cbilgressional District. , '.1:11e nac.st,i„ug , • ,uois hhirgic one and hotritioi-bd 1.....1:ift-' - keel:, of ticgox.44,:extept. a Ibiti , ciAlii.• • .' loaders. 1)14147 Ile • U•hok, ,t.f y. -- b.rtitiYvitralAbc"lfern l iti' clretifiitlar ' .that elie,ncartaesl were very , etreiirkl. I .deitantlcipl ttlipatioulust, mat motor to. i. b°Plitiko / 1 44Kri r atki• .4:+tat Ii ( tit to I,r, „ 1.1igrA.4;.. (:vi.piei, ik, effigy. i-;ev. era!' elllue'fat' J valled en the Mayor; and t•eiune • otodia• 'violet% ' itdvl44l' • thew: it would- hos:better to postpono: • the meeting. for,if ,tliti,.cdigy, ilmail• • tvas carried - out tho.. white peoph• could not to o r -Aoki:ad, from an at teitiPt "to toFent . theindigutty by .tome: /li•waa thought theme reply' setititticitts Lunt the attained effort, ;Ind •• • that. there woOld he, no emoting- :At •. • eight Welock, however the.,1,44 ,har- I L LI lt) ' I re.s w 74,. lightec ant .. le nil:Toes 14.- gan tolthek in until they melted in- . ' to a crowd Of ono tholvond• or fifteen • ' biuudretb!..•abuty come with .. gulls. mud Mk wth conetuted arms, pistois ktilew wa d n' 'micas. Nothing, tkeur ,ed, except the iidlcurpinitory talk ~r - acme of the Spotkiiis, until about ten O'clock; When vt dispute lot treert tail titlark% on a subjeet , entiniy.fortlgn • • to P0W401.9"r ki.W.IIINIttIng,. attracitsi come attenuoa, and ,in prt. l s , ing up see what it was ' alinta, a white. nuts accidentally trod ist the foot of i negro. • -Jut Ili • the 'altercation - aboubtlas watiscStlol. at pistol, 0b0e.., washeard.... This %%as. the siguataor •-• atrieral lir' fig and the wholOyrmt . 1 dis gs pertied • immediately' 'The "Aar' ' Was continued a kw moinente ail the'itt erowd soittered, and Jai tehskranoten • t• • a dead quiet reigned ken only by • thiatt• ihei,rir . s. :1 Alt de f t ef y t. 14,44.1, . tett ttOPPK..%, whieta ecl at. 4 guar( howe at ttierntktutift'dfl o3layorliir thitleb""' 1 tu Mired tkuillcie.i. , triliccs took un Part'' , tu, 6 ,axcapt:to.:suasqlvdmo.... anit A t • - vdand pgt frt,olp,tp,the::- , po lly t 4 1 5 4 f a. ' ,L rli ot , iod knp ii a tie, m l ii vh dt o, thtirt.;lLFl - ou at ths-tafrt•ls Voe ectekalties Pro ®nail,; ; ma- •:", ~ II the. iturahm IA shpts. !iced .: 1 arid ckien quarti o l i taay: slcoto,Z.• may have been II - ow , - keel .-. 'Three negroele we* it ••Onititi;htc 1 imatittrintig ,rikiymy..ti-" , -, 11- - I" • •f on Packer. Nasty hitsvcakiug it' .• of Paeker. Ile Alms tit have toi • "Brick' Pomeroy', Ix•ntoe..of guide, 'fere iv it Intl 111..qtys of Ms j. experience: goal ez. 1 ntruels. Coat al r:ei Itere, that tug-elf. jA ; 07 State TI laborer•••: Iterel'. qtat e !l,... to %rich 1 sliel only nit et the br.twny armed and horny itataled lIV loil. r. 1 Ivry, for Wllllrkt,4llly path k dear. I opened out at na tie--t• met tilt ; furiously tight isintk,a;.rin nionopolb ngin bloated Lonilliohler-:, t•git. the priAtrx-ratle men tie welth, wh•li, be 1 1 . ackumilatin boncbt hey manw,..eit into their hands ettudtosubsiit 01110, thus wringin gorjus luxuries MIL. lir I. the SWV:It. ,lIN* tit., laldu men, and then rentemberin uty enee, 11(11.1 j 111,4 eollllllf.lloo I ti•l.r.tnelt out euhrgistie tw the noblemen who 4 (ippuie,l mipperlwailinin 41011611 tile; war ' When the twist unearthly yt•il that Oyer wttz heeril assailed ino. "Witold-lit you Item to ate wry nurl lllndithlt for iiovernorl"' shouteit 4 the infooriated mob, and stone, mid sticks beglut to fly like hail aloud Joel I stood thbt,till two entltu4instle rul ntirer:t of Packer ru.dwit to a grocery , handy by, and returned in a minisi with:l,ll:Aß. of egr4. • '(heat I never.' eond shunt, Mid, demontlized and he-1 wittlered, 1 tell Pennsylvany. A Ditt - SKEN 4rrost,Tilf)ll;irr. The-Zanesville (Ohio) re9at,4 this Awry:, `'N•l4- An individualknown in this ontjil munity by some as Tononanche4. from the reason that at times he cali himself "big Injun ine,' and by otlyik ors as 'l.lrard,' for some reason uffr known to us, becoming weary of thii life, wended his way to the iron mil; roakbridge across the muddy wattl Of the blue Must:lupin, ‘ihere, in g Off his cold, he climbed over the; • railing and stepped upon the end op one of the ~sort of the bridge. 'Couit, , manch,' (Ow Lizard,' evidently_ coi)4. teniplated suicide. lie had taken review of trouble and trials of this: life, and looking forward could see Oa bright hope for the future, and lual,ll come to bury himself beneath tfiti ; surging billows of the river, anti shut out forever from-his view the lids of this sinful, despisisi and WOO world. While standing there, pr!s7. meditating the hop, and calculatingg. the distance to, as well as the amoull Of water mem:my to *drown him hl ' the dint distanee ho espied n skiff containing two fishermen, and UM*: ing it wool be welrenough,providfd he came ton different conclusion, 4m• ter striking the water, to let tisfill know that he was coming, he talffsi tfitt to them, "I'm going to jump Olt, : here; there ply 1111111.9 back to i 'Jump and be d--d, you el! This was too much for '('.atunanclu:.l and despite the five hundred and.so:4 ; ty snakes, which crowded his boo( c and hurt. his corns, he knew no man.: let him be ever so 'hit; an litjun,% could gel out after ollit! gelling without rb::El'ta::(.ii knew that pion W e r e hig h snith.sosi : .ti l noa We lizard of his size, would ever K able to climb btwk upon the top alit once Jumping thereften."After Ina beck an unswer,theTantiers In the skiff rowed away and left. '.o:llki 111101034 , to his meditations,. and cl watt not long iu coming to the melt; elusion that he would not jump. 117 was not reatlY to mix water with his• • whiskey, anti bethinking himself to .. his oft reper ts! argument that wale* • is only fit for navigation purposes la% spurned the thought Of commingling his caret-'is with it, and climbing lAck to the walk of the brihge he Tait n 4 his cant and left the seism of his an= ticiputed suicide. Hu Virus drunk Di usual. TIIEHL Was a mint excitement hit the State of New . York, among 1111/1 Railroad men, last week. The bell wreak% sevens. hundred strong, luau a alight eellittion at a tunel, each !tart ty holding cue end. Several pertain. were injured. Troops were callettuulF
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers