II El A Criffil!-4,E.. Elbe ItePlood %Irk 649144 11 r 2 % .„-- Her ArooOiallit t rorg ll- .-- ••= FOr olk I link Zollogotory enter' rte. , , , lior amtlewas thesPnbellin{ • not bonnet "solorbr 'MI bet i But .tioNowitlX, gm, voo4 qt zot. ber,o, Was bend , to um modest ' EMESMI , That, her,gideo was never equared ' By the "Bamkottit band." • • But, 'bus l 16r Malden beauty,,,; Dustertll retdrplo dust, • •• And th e most , enthmting , ' bander . " Ix doomed to moth and rust • , • . . In B le epinglp to sigma her seat, ... (I bate to tell, tug runat,) Some whalebone gang that etaiedber up Bent double—and then la "bust I . . She softly aig hod and sweetly mulled, And then 1n aoCents tender— As aherubbodhor back--sheirentlisalth " Thank liettivn,l'molf my bonder!" • • The Ferree or • Late ono evening a ooupieof Irishmen stopped at, a country . Inn end ;eked ter lodgings. ; The porter "coded to the door of their room ; bat juit as the travelers entered 'lt tine candle 'was ox tingulahed by tho wind: front the door as it closed behind them. The 'Porter had already returned to' the 'ber-room, and: after vainly grciplng on the mantlephre, ~in search of matches, the travelers Xo olved too to bed in the dark. In the middle of the night ono of then' awoke;' • and jolter Shaking his :contimMOn arouie bitp,seld , • -"Terenoe,l'm as wake is - 111Vittelk kitten for the want of air. Oct up and open a window. The'room ls as close as a patent coffin, and I'll die it you don't give mo air I" • Terence arose,, groped about the room , for atom moments, and then said: • • " I'vb found the window, but bad luck to mo If I can budgett I can't move It \if, either up or down." . " Thou knock a coup of panes out wid yor oboe, and we'll poy for them in the morning,' said tho sick man', Terence did as directed. Atter two crashes were heard by the man in bed, ho seemed to recover, for ho remarked: feel Lotter Oh that air is invigorating. I feel better already. Out wid a couple more panes ; _glass is ehape, and the landlord won't be angry when we're willing to 'pay for them." . Terence's stoutbrogans soon shattered . 1 the few remaining panes, and WO weak man soon recovered his exhausted store of strength, and In ton minutes was en-, toying his slumbers, =MS/A.-bed by the snores of i s h, who had also ;;;;..assed himself refreshed by the cur rent of fresh air admitted through the broken glass. Cpnsiderable time elapsed, and the travelers awoke. For thirty minutes they lay conversing, wondering why they could not sleep. . " Surely it must be near morning, for I don't feel a bit sleepy," /add Terence. "Morning I" echoed the other. "By the morthal, but it appearsto me it's per petual night they have In this part of the counthry." In a few moments mom they beard a knock at the door, and the travelers ask-, ed what was wanted. "It's twelve o'clock!", answered tti4 porter, opening the 'door and entering tho room . with a candle in lila hand.— " Aren't ye going to got up at all?" " Only twelve o'clock!" exclaimed Ter7 ono°. boat least Why , I thought it must five. What d'yo'nme by rousing us in the middle) of the night? Do the people In those parte get up at mulnlghtto! ' No, but they get up at breakfast time." "Why didn't you wait till breakfast time before yo disturbed us f" "Because it'■ hours after breakfast time now—in fitet it NJ nat. dln nertime "Oct out or I'll throw my brogan atyo. 'What a'barofaeed liar yo must bo to Kay: ;I .it's dinner-time before daylight I 'The candle in yet hand makes a liar out of yo l"; "Ito I ha! ha I" and the porterchueklod With the exuberance of delight. "No wonder yo thilai.'s It Isn't day light, for there's no window in this room to let In the light." . "Then What did I brake last night fj" Terence asked, loriking around the room In astonishment: Ills eyes at last alight ed on the bookcase, the glass doors of, which presented a dilapidated appear . once. 'Me the powersolorry," ho added addressing his comrade, "Whin I' thought I was smashin' the windy, I was, only broakirk' the glass In the bookcase. But it did ye a power iv good, Jerry ; for yo said that ye felt the fresh air revivin'..' ye I" _ nit; following customs of the peo ple of-the Ramreq,distriet in Arrucau are given by Capt. C. W. Paint, now deputy commissioner of Mayanoung; A father-in-law may not Jest or laugh with his son's wife A father-in-law: may not touch the hand of his son's pmenting her a cup of wa place it affir...twthing else, he must may take it. An elaer-atal then she sister, and youngei sister's - Imes= going .together in a bout, and the eider sister falls overboard and is drowning, the brother-in-law must not save her with his hand, but may try to do so with a bamboo; on no account may he' touch her with his' own hand. A man leaves ids own village or island, gets married in nu; other,. and returns with his wife, who • Is en t ente; the babe must not Nitwit Inside the village, but in a shed or !louse meted for the purpose outside the village. •If a man die on the last day of the month he must he buried at once. The corpse of one anonth must on no account be left unburied at the .commencement of the :next 2uonth. No burial to takeplate:on a Wednesday.' If the last day of the month Is Wednesday, burialAnay take place. Two men die on tffb,me ' day In the antic village, 'ono in the morning undone in the evenin ; thel evening corpse must be buried first, or, if taken to the burial place togeth er, must precede the morning corpse In the proem:ll(Sn: If a stream runs though the village, and sepantte the houset of the two persons who died the same day, the corpses may be buried Independently. Tug exploration of thescene of the disaster in the Nevada min& reveal ed a horrible sight. Nine of tbebod ies found In the Crown Point mine. were lying close together, in every position, a short - distance from; the pump shaft. The air pipe was bro ken—evidently by these unfortunates in their frantic efforts to sustain A little further off one was discover ed sitting With Ills back agjtlnsta post with his .head resting on his open hand. Upon the top round of the pump shaft ladder stood another, his arms tightly clasped around the. air pipe, which In his desperate agony he had disjointed In several places. , The body of another;one of the nine ' found together, Waslylng across:the. chair or creeatur atithe 000 station, , Where he must have fallen from the .000 station, at which level he was known to have . been at work. The corpse was. a horrible sight, being, nearly cut In two—the bowels pro-, trading, limbs mashed, and the thee fearfully mutilated-'—co that he could only lw.t recognized by the hair and clothing. It Is supposed that ho ran to the station at the 600 level to ring the bell for the cage, beaune asphy xia by the gas, and fell down the she ; or else that lie walked Info It In Ids excited desire to mum. In Order to remove the mangled body It was neeesarM munner,lesay to lash it to pliant: In • theme:4(3mt ft shbuld fall lo pieces. —The dranuttic commiy of the Olympic Theatre, of St. Rtfi have chartered a steamer for five month*, and will sail along the Ohiu river ex-, hlbiting at • different towns, leaving ISt. ,Lou Nay 10th. . . . . . . . e.• .-.:' '''v f: ,- ' 4,0,, .. 4 .' : ,,,, tt , '" , :'-'.. - 4,. .. ,. . - ' , i';':?: 6 .: 1 . ' : 1 t7...', ° "' " 4:1 '" f* ,l 2P'l 4. *P 'll - 0 -tt , ' , . - ~ ..!-::1, ,-. ~ . • ~..,-,-,... ~ ••,. 2.!,..W '-.-- .. .)' 1 . ,; ......,.. .. _. ' , !``.7..., _.., - ,e ... ...... -,.... - ~.. i" r •,, 44 , - :: :-. :V.V.: 4 :44M- - . 4 ....TY1 ,- ; . :' - 1 - . 7 , 7 ‘ .'-‘'''' ,- ; ''. 2 i ';`,....i'4. - . ,1 . , ogNAMf ATet 4 l'VS:', , :' 1't.j 4 44' . ..,.." ;/, r...*ltrO. a t ;li'''' . .i ., l4'; tir , ',l...C4ii iiii . .51.W , '.. - t4i. r. 't.' ;? 0 - 11 ,, ,i.:A7?1,4VY t.;;;:.: ,,,. .....1' 1 '.. , ...... .r.,• ..i . f;-;,-,...7".fr- Emen lIIN Vire Wig: jaw Moo' by Atria ir4l4 - er too elections qttds nionwvalthr . ox t. Be a made* therm= ;de and House of .Rtelirerfli the amtwnweanqf-113seanfa in General dumbly met, miff is /ere! byinacteledbytheanqf eke wing That Mahan be the Au of each Tor the nasessonrwithin th -Omnmon wealth, cm the first Monday of June each year, to take up thetranseript ite:,has received from - the county Onnurisdonens under the eighth see tion oftho act of 15th April, 1834, and proceed to an immediate of the same,.. by striking therefrom the name of every person who is known by . him terlurve died or re. moved since the last previous ems ment from the district of _which he Is the Alieesor, or whose (leather re moval shall be made known to him, and to add to the some the name of any I 'qualified voter who shall be known to him .to have moved into the district since the last previous as moment, or whose removal into the same shall be or have been made known to him, and also the names of all who shall make claini to him to he qualified voters therel n. Assoon as this revison is completed he shall via it every dwelling house in his district and make emend bigotry tram , per- son whose mune is on the list, has died or removed from the district and, ifs), take the same therefrom, orwhether' any qualified voter re sides therein whose name Is not en his list, and if so to add the mime thereto ; • and in all cases where a name is added' to the list a tax shall forth with be assessed against the person ; and the assessor shall in all eases as certain_ ,by inquiry, upon what ground the person so assessed: claims to be a voter. Upon the completion of this work, It shall be the duty of each assessor as aforesaid to proceed to make out a list, in alpluMMeal or der, of the white freemen above twenty-one years of age, c laiming to be qualified voters in the ward, bor ough, township or district of which he is the assersor, and opposite each of said muneg - shall state whether said freeman_ is or is not a house- keeper ; and It ho is, the_number of his residence,. in towns ; where the same are numbered with the stzeet, alley or court in which Situated ; and if In a town where thereare no num7 hers, the name of the street.-aikry or court on which said house fronts; al so the ass/patron of the person; and whore he is not is housekeeper, the occupation, place of boarding and with whom, and if working for an other, the name of the emPloyer, and • write opposite each of said names the word "voter;" whereany person claims to vote by reason of naturalization, he shall• exhibit his certifleate,thereof to the assessor, un less he has been for five . consecutive years next preceding a voter in said district; and in all cases where the person has been naturalized, the name shall be marked with the letter "N;" where the person has merely declar ed his Intentions to become a citizen and designs to be naturalized before the next election, the same shall be marked "D. L;" where the . claim Is to vote by reason of being between the ages of twenty-one and twenty two, us porovided by law, the word "age" shall be entered; and if the person has removed into the election district to , reside since the last gener al election, the letter "It." shall be placid opposite the name. It shall "be the further duty of eadh assessor as aforesaid, upon the completion of the duties herein imposed, to make sepautte list of all new assessments made by him and the amounts as T se , sed upon each, and furnish the same . Immediately to the Coun47 Commissioners, who shall iminedi ately add the•names to the tax dupli cate of the want borough, township or.distrletin which they have been assessed. Ssc. 2. On the list being comple ted and the assessments made as' aforesaid, the same shall forthwith be returned to the County Commis. stoners, who shall cause duplicate copies of said lists, with observa tions and, explanations required to be noted as aforesaid, to be made out as soon as practicable and placed in the hands of the assessor, who shall,' pri or to the Ist of August in each year, put one copy thereof on the door of or on the house wherelhe election of the respective district is required to be held, and retain the other in his possession, for the inspection, free of charge, of any person resident in the said election district who shall desire to see the same; and it shall be the duty of the said rummer to add, from time to time, on the personal appli cation of any one claiming the right to vote, the name of such claimant and mark opposite the name "C. V. ' l and immediately assess him with a tax, noting, as in all other cases, his occupation 'residence, whether a boarder or housekeeper; If a boarder with whom he boards; and whether naturalized or designing to be, mar king in nil such cases the letters, op posite the mune, "N." or "D. 1.," as the awe may be; if thaperson elatin ing to be, assessed be naturalized, ho shall exhibit to the assessor his certi i of naturalization; and if he ized be n designs to be natural ho shalLexhibit ' • ;1111:11C election, declaration of 'intention ; 'r his where any ward, borough, towns or election district is divided into tw. or moreprecincts, the assessor Simi note in all his assessments the elec tion precinct in which elector resides, and make a separate return for each to the County Commissioners, in al eases in which a return is requi • front him by the provisions of thi • net; and.the County Commissioners, in making duplicate copies (Wall such returns, shall make, duplicate copies of the names of the voters in each precinet,,eeparately, and shell furnish the same to the assessor and the copies required by this act to be pla ce:ton the doors of or on the election plums on or before the Ist of August in each year, shall be placed on the door of or on the election place in each of said precincts. • SEC. 3. 'After the'tmessments have bden completed on the tenth day pre ceding the second Tuesday In October in each year, the assessor ou the Mondaiimmediately following, make a return to the County Com missioners of the names of all per sons assessed by him since the return required to be made by him by the second section of this act, noting op posite each name the oWervations and explanations required to be no ted as aforesaid; and the County Commissioners shall thereupon muse theranuf to be added to the return required by the second section of this act, and a full and ebrrect copy .thereof to be made, containing the names of all persons so returned as resident taxables in said ward, bor ough, township or precinct, and fur nish the same, together with the ne craktry election blanks, to the ollkiers of the election In said ward, borough, township' or precinct, on or before six o'clock In the morning of the sec- owl. Tuesday of October; and no 'man shall be permitted to vote at the election on that day whose name is not on said list, unless he shall make proof of his right to vote, as herein after required. Sic. 4. On the day of election any person whose name is not on thesaid Hst, and claiming the right to vote ut said election, shall produce at least one qualified voter of the district as 1 / 4, n uritnesa t . the residence of the daimunt in t district in which he claims to be a voter, for the Period of at least ten IL is next preceding said election, wial h wituessaliall takeund subscribe a m itten, or partly written and partly printed affidavit, to the facts stated by hini, which: affida vit shall define dearly where the res idence Is of the person ao eitaning to be a voter; rind the person so .tialin ing the tight to vote shall also take and sabs:rlbe. a written, or partly. Written and ; ally prinks' affidavit, ' Stating b the best of Ms knowledge , • aid belief, where and Wheat . born r that ho hi a titian monlivaltboffistrailofthe United Weithastiahtel raided in the Oxitniceinalth'queirl , dr: If fermerir < dtiaed • tne' • arid has moved therehrout„.that b = _ e resided therein six 'sheaths' next preceding said election; and -that he bur not moved into thedlstriet for the. .pose of voting therel , • n; that he• line paid a date:or county tax within two ymrie which wariassested at leastten days betbre said election; and, • if: a' naturalised eltized, shall also state when, where and by -what court he was naturalised, and shall_ also pro duce Ida certlfieate of naturalisation for examination ;• the'said affidavit shall a/so state when end where the tax claimed be paid by the I allied, 'was mewed, and when, where and to whom paid; nnd the tax: recelpt therefor shall be prodneeddbi I exam- Ination unless the)affiant shall state in his a ffidavit that Rhos been lost or destroyed, or that he never received any; but: if the 'person , so claiming the - riglitto vote shall take and sub scribe an affidavit, that he is a native born citizen of the United Suttee, (or If born ebeivhere, shall state thatfait in his affidavit, and shaU produce ev idence that he ha been natutulized, or that he is entitled to citizerehip by reason of his father's naturalization;) and shall further state in hisaffidavit I that he is, at the time of taking the affidavit; between the ages of stwen tpone and twenty-two years; that he has waded in the State one year and in the election district ten days next preceding such election, he shall be entitled to Note, although liepludi not have paid taxes; the said affida vits of. all persons making ' such claims, and the affidavits of the wit noses to their residence; shall* pre served ;by the election board, and at the clew of the electionthey shall be enclosed ,wlth the list of vders, tally list and other papers required by law to be tiled by the return judge with the prothonotary, and shall remain on file therewith In' the prothonota ry's office, subject toe:carafe/Mon, as other election papers are; if the elec tion officers shall find that the appli cant or applicants possess alithe legal qualifications of voters, he or they shall be permitted to vote, and the name or names shall be added I to the list of taxabies by theelection officers, , the word "tax" being added *here 1 the claimant claims to Vote on tax. and the word "age" where he claims to vote on age; the same words. be ing added by the clerks in etch case respectively, on the lists of persons voting at such election. Sze. 5. It shell be lawful for any qualified citizen of tho district, not withstanding the name of the propos ed voter is contained on the list of resident taxable s, to challenge the vote of such persons; whereupon the same proof .of the right of seffrage ash; now required by law shall be publicly made and acted on by the election board, and the vote admit ted or rejected, according to he evi dence; every person claiming to be a naturalized citizen shall be required to produce his naturalization certifi cate at the election before voting, ex cept where t o les been for ten years, consecutively, a voter In the dlict where he offers his vote ; and on the vote of such person being received, it shall be the duty of the election of ficers to write or stamp on such certi ficate the word "voted," with the month and veer; and if any election officer or oflicers shall receive a sec ond vote the same day, by virtue of the some certificate, excepting where sons are entitled to vote by virtue of the naturalization of their fathers, they and the person who shall (offer such second vote, upon , so offending shall be guilty of a high misdenican or, and on conviction thereof, be' fin ed or Imprisoned, or both, at dui dis cretion of the court; but thefine shall not exceed one hundred dollars In yam;; , likeo imprisonment one the punishment shall be inflicted, on conviction, on the !offi cers of election who shall neglect - or refuse to make, or cause to be muds the endorsement required . as afore said on said naturalization certificate. SEC. O. If any dection officer 01011 refuse or neglectto require such proof a the right of suffrage as is prescrib ed by this law or the laws to which this Is a supplement, from any Iper son offering to vote whose name is not on-the list of assessed voters, or whose right to vote is challenged by any qualified voter present, and Shall admit such person to vote without requiring such proof, every permin So offending shall, upon conviction,' be guilty of a high misdemeanor, 'and shall be sentenced, for every such of fense, to pity a fluent exco2ding one hundred dollars, , or to undergo an imprisonment not more than one year, or either or both, at the diScre tion of the court. • SEC. 7. Ten day's preceding every election for electors of President and Vice President of the United States, It shall be the duty of the assessor to attend at the place fixed by law for holding the election in each election district, and then and there hear all applications of personswhese names have been omitted from the list of as sessed voters, and who claim the right to vote, or Whose rights have originated since the same was made out, and shall add the names of such persons thereto as shall show that they areentitied, to the right of Isuf frage in Such district, on the personal application of the claimant onlyaral hwith assess them with the prop copy t tiiik„Opr completing the list, a :door of :or on - iti9L...._P hleet i eg " the ' election is to be held, at 'IL the ero days before the election; and Brill& electied the same course shall be put. sued, in alLrespeets, as is requireci by this act, and - the acts to which it Is a supplement, at the general election in October. The ,assessor 'shall 'also make the same returns to the Colinty Commissioners of all assessments made by virtue of this section ; and the County Commissioners shall fern ishscopies thereof to the election Offi cers in each district, in like manner in all respects as is required at !the general elections in October. 1 Six. 8. The Rune rules and reglia ' Sons shall apply at every special, and at every separate city, borough or Ward election, in all respects, as at the unneral elections in October. SEc. 9. The respective - assessors, inspectors and judges of theelections shall each have the power to admin ister oaths to any person claimingthe right to be assessed or the right of suffrage, or in regard to any other matter or thing required to be done or inquired into by any of the , said officers under this act; and any wilful Wale swearing by any perion in relation to nny matter or thing concerning which they shall be law !idly interrogated by any of said ofli tont, shall be punished as . perjury.! SF.C. 10. The Assessors shall each receive the same compensation for the ti me necesorily spent in perforin ing the duties hereby enjoined as Li provided by law for the performance of their other duties, to be paid by the county Comnalftdoners as in other costs; and itshall not he lawful for any Assessor to.assees a tax against any person whatever within ten days next precedingthe election to be held on the second Tuesday of October, in any year, or within ten days next before any election :for electors !of President or Vice I:rassident of the United States; any violation of this provision 'shall be a misdemeanor, and subject the officers so offending to a fine, on conviction not ex taisi- In; one hundred dollars, or to. Im prisonment not exceeding three months, or both, at the discretion' of the court. S. 11. On the petition of Ave Cr more eltircns of the county, stating undor oath that they verily believe that frauds will be practiced at the election about to be held; in any dis trict, it shall be the dutyof the Court of Common .Pleas of said county. ! if In session; or If not a judge thereOr vaattion, to appoint two judicious, sober and Intelligent - citizens of the County to act as overseers at said election • said overseers shall be pie *ted from dillbrent politkal parties, irlietestbain eat endwise:h .. Ines Or salt insPeeters the to the oU U ses'. tel Party; botli ' nillfal be taken fromthe opposite politicsd ply ; said overseets . helm -the right to be present; with tbe . officeri ofelectlen during the whole time the same Is held, the votes counted, - end the returns made out and signed by, the ells** ofiliers i`4kefff ai an y Ifth4 see Proper. toena ,, any pessotteMing to vote; ;and In terrogating hhn - and his wi underoath, in regard to his ri= itutheige at add election and hi' ex amine his papers produced; and the officers Of said election are, required to aflbrd to said overseersso selected =elated eve convenience and for the dtscaargo of their du ties; and if ado election officers shall Team to mull said overseers to be present and peribem their 'dello as aforesaid, or f 3 they shall be driven away from the.polls by violence or intitnklatioe, all theivefee pollediat suclieleetion district inay be' rejected' by any tribes:ldtrying a contest' un der said election: ,Proiided, That no person signing the petition shall be appointed an overseer. , Sae. Ifanyprothonottuy, clerk,. - or the deputy of either, or any other person, shall affix the - seal of 'Wee to any naturaliution paper, or per. mit the same to be Mixed, or give Out, or muse or : permit the pane to be elveu out, - In blank, whereby it may be fraudulently' used. or furnish a naturalization certificate .to any person who shall not have: been duly. examined and sworn In open • cour t, in the presence of some of the Judges thereof, according to the net of Con gress, or shall aid in, connive oat, or In anyway permit the issue of any, fraudulent naturalization certificates he shall be guilty of a high Wale: mennor; or if any one shall fnulliu lentle ,use any such certificate of na turalization, knowing that It was frauddlently,bened, or shall vote or , attempt to vote thereon, or lf; any one shall vote or attempt to vote oh any. certificate of naturalisation not Issued to him; he shall be guilty ofs high misdemeanor; and either or any of the persons; their alders or abet- tors, guilty of , either of the - misde meanors aforesaid,- shall on convic tion be fined inn sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, and Imprison ed in the proper penitentiary for a period, hot exceeding three yeare. SEC. 13. Any person who on oath or affirmation, in or before any' Court In this State, °raker authorized to administer oaths ; shall, to procure a certificate for himself or any others, willfully depose, declare or affirm .any matter to be a fact; knowing the same to be false, or shall in like man ner deny any matter to be it fact, knowing the seine to be true, shall be deemed guilty of pajury; andany certificate of naturalization issued in pursuance of any such depositlon,de claratlon or affirmation,shall be null and void; and It shall be the duty of Court issuing the same, upon proof being made before it that It was fraudulently obtained, to take Inane. diate measures for recalling Mourne for cancellation; and any person who shall vote or attempt to vote en any paper so obtained or shall in any way ald in, connive at, or have any agen cy Whatever in the issue, circulation or use of any fraudulent naturaliza tion certificate, shall be deemed guil ty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof shall undergo an im prisonment In the penitentiary for not more than two years, and pay a fine of not more than one thousand dollars for every such offence, or either or both, at the discretion of the Court. , fiEc. 14. Any a....essor, election al.: eer or person appointed as an over seer, who shall neglect 'or refuse to perform any duty enjoined by this act, without reasonable or legal cause, shall he subject to, a penalty of ono hundred dollars; and If any assessor shall assess any person use voter who is not qualitlal, or shall refuse to- as sets any one who is quannea, ne shall to guilty ofii misdemeanor in office, and on conviction. be punished by tine or imprisonment, and also be subject to an action for damages by the party aggrieved : and if any per son shall fraudulently alter, add to, or destroy any list of voters, made out as directed by this act, or tear down or remove the same from the place where it has deen fixed, with fraudulent or mischievous intent, or for any improper purpose, the person so offending shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprison ment not exceeding two years or both, at the discretion of the Court SEC. 15. All elections for city, ward, borough, township and county offi cemshall hereafter be held on the second Tuesday Of October, subject to all the provisions of the laws reg ulating the election of such officers not Inconsistent with this act ; the persons elected to such offices at that time shall take their places at the expiration of e terms of the persons holding the tine ut the time of such election: bu no election for the oflice of Assess() or Assistant Asse , :ser shall d, under this act, until the y 1870. I* Sac. 16. At MU . elections hereafter held, under the inivs of this Common wealth,lhe polls be opened between the hours of six and seven o'clock a. and closed at 'seven o'clock p. m. Sc. 17. It Wadi be the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to prepare forms for all the blanks made necemary by this act, and, fur nish 'copies of the same to the Conn:. tv Commissioners of the several the ( A) l """--tfet of the Commonwealth ; and e . )-. .buintissioners of each county shall as 5ah.......u mv neette saty after receipt of the th e proper expense et the county,. pro cure and furnish to all the eltx•tiokt officers of the election districts of their respective counties, copies of such blanks, in such quantdit.as may be rendered necessary for timea discharge of their duties under this act. . Six. 18. None of the foregoing provisions of this net shall apply to tile city of Pliihulelphia, excepting sections twelve and.thirteen. "Sax. 19. That, citizens of tills State temporarily in the service of the State or of the United. States governments, on clerical or ether du ty, and do not vote where thus em ployed, shall not be thereby idepriv ed of the right to vote in theirsever al election districts if otherwise duly qualified. &c. 29. The net entitled "A fur.' titer supplement to the act-relatingto the elections of this Commonwealth,' approVCA April. : fourth, Anno 4otnini one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, and all other lawsi altered or supplied by this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. "TUE DEAREST GIRLS IN THE WORLD." In the midst of the, reign of the girl of the period, with hersiang and her biildness—of the fashionable wo man, with her denial of duty and her madness for pleasure,wecomeevery now and then upon a group of good girls of the real old English type, the faithful few growing up silently among us, but none the less valuable because they are silent and make no display,-(loves who are content with life as they have no desire to be eith er eagles, dwelling :on. romantic bights, or peacocks, displaying their pride in sunny courts. Wefind these faithful few In. town end Country I alike; but they are rifest in the emu-. try, where there Is leis temptation to go wrong than there isin large towns, and where life is more simple and the moral tone undeniably higher. The leading feature of these girls is their love of home and of their own family, and their power of making occupation. and happiness Out of ap parently meagre material. if they are the elders, they find amuseretent and more in'their little bnaithers and sisters whom they conslderimmense ly funny, and to whom they • are as much girl-mOthent as sisters; and If they are the youngers, they idolize their baby nephews and nieces. For ' l rtte ' .114 =1 111411 *. „ . ilaul Mate ,„ r VOW: sediment - of: home' ' . - la&liiitiakitkP'eklitanid - Vhielt . . dal Altera. ~ 10 - papezinff ' Athena theffthinkitte very id ' ' - ;queen f' of • humanity,iunt 11111ornffslenot '.ealkbY:, - evetres t ., &wino , ... wa wa, !',.-It e h as -•-• ' erd. to.critkigie ten as Ordinary niertala;iutff, as .' have net:We:in the way of - Parwillt the d* email of disrespect , tbe2; iet shaken off • that- - alinctstre-, liftustreeeratiots . Ibutheir -Wenn) * eh all iyehng =tuill Pad• paw rally, if t4ek have ' well brought Up and er° not corrupfted..,:. The.yoke In raiddkfclass country bolters is one fitting iterYloottely, round 4111 peeks; and ~ .'e Within° power of "'water freedom - tfeven they had . % the' girls are not f retted' e by. ;proud% and iire'eciatent to live under it le 'petite They adore their elder • brothers who' are from 'lmmolate beginning the great tattle of lifb forthemseives, and confidently. believe :theist -to -.13e the' finest fa:ma going, and the future great men of the:day if. only they care to use those splendid talents of theirs, an take the troubleef Nock lag the priz Within their reach: They may have's alight reservation gre, In favor of. the .. brothers. , ft, , whom they plitce onirpetlw - tat of almost equal height. But they, keep their menial architectures pro found secret front every one, and do not Milner themselves to let it 'grow into a, solid structure unless it has some surer ,foundatian:. than their own IMO:- For though -doves are lo , tit' ire by no. means love gdck ' ; they sue. too healthy and natural and quietly busy , for wholesome denim . If one of literal marries they all unite in loving the' man that comes In among them. He is adopted as one of themselves, and leaps into a fsunily•of•ldOlised sisters Who pet him - as:their brother— with Just that subtle little differ ence In the petting that it comes from sisters un accustomed, and so has the charm of novelty if ..not the excitement of naughtiness. But this kind of thing Is about .the most ' dangerous- to a man's moral nature that can befall him. • Though pretty to see, and un deniably, pleasant to experience, and though k perfectly innocent, . still nothing enervates one so much as thil idolatrous submission of a large family - Of women. In -a widow's. house, where there are many dough lers.and no sons and where the man who marries one marries the whole family, and is worshipped awardin ly, it is•of: course - increased tenfol d; but if there are brothers and a father, the sister's husband though affection ately cooed over, is not made quite such a fuss with, and the association is all theism hurtful in consequence. Doves-know - very: little' of evil. -They are not in the. way of learning . 'it ; and they do not care to learn it. The feW v illagers who are supposed to lead ill lives are spoken of below the breath, and carefully avoided without being critically studied. Many of the doves marry men whose work lies abroad; these quiet coun try houses,being, the havorite matri-; menial hunting grounds for colonists end- Anglo-Wiens._ So' that some are always absent whose bealths are drunk intim traditional punch. With eyes that grow moist as the names aresaid.. Doves are . not disinclined to marry men who have toga abroad for all the passionate family love corn-. mon to them. - Travel is a golden dream to them In their still homes-- but travel.proPerly companioned. FOr even; the 'most adventurous among them are not IndependetiLlas we mean When ire speak ofind4en dence in women. TIT? , are essential ly homeghisifimilly ris, dove; who _cannot exist at all without a dove cot, however. humble. The family is everything to them, and- they are unfit for the solitude which so many of out self Women can ac °opt gneellv. Not that they are n y nelei. as breadwin ners.- They could work if pushed to it; but it must be In quite a woman ly way, with the mother, the sister, the husband as the helper, with the home as the place of rest and the ref uge. Their whole lives are laid! in love and quietness; not nesessarily In inaction, but their wishesand their alms are all centered within the home circle. If they marry, - they find the love of their husbands enough for, them, and have no desire for other men's admiration; their babies are all the world to them and they do not think maternity an inflic tion as so manyUf the miserable fash lonable think it, they like the a:Cu potion of housekeeping,and feel pride in their fine linen. and clean service, and In their well , ordered table. and neatly balanced accounts. They are kind to their servants, who general ly come from the old Itome,mid whose families they therefore kneel.," but they keep up a certain dignity and tone of superiority toward them in the midst of nil their kindness, which very few town bred mistresses can keep to town bred maids. Do not let our splendid passionate creatures lead madly wicked lives and make 'miserable uncomfortable homes? awl are not our glorious her oines better in fiction than seated by the nursery fire, or checking the bak er's bill? No doubt s the quiet home staying doves seem tame enough when we thinked the gorgeous be ings made familiar to IN by romance, and history, which is more romantic still; but as our &Hy lives run chief ly in prose; they are better fitted for things us they are; and to men who want wirce : and not playthings, and who care fi r. the pence of family life and the dignity of home, they are beyond pricewhen they= be found. and secured.i So that on the whole, we can disixiose with the splendid creatures of eLaructer and the . ntag.; nificent queen.; or society sooner than with the quiet unobstructive doves ; and though tley do spoil men most monstrously,} they know where to draw the tile, and while petting titei r own at home, as women should, ..i .. know how t *keep strangers ab ro ad at a distance, nd to make themsettes respectexl aS nly ;modest and gentle Women are- Npected by nlen.—A'af• strday Red, ' ' - • Gov.. 11111tMes dismsitton. if we Way takqhis own word for it, Is sensitive but!not Sanguinary, In fiat the lumpiest imaginable. In an y fh terview will; aNew. York' Herald correspondent bespoke in very high terms of the First Rhode bland, which he said was made of the hest material he ever saw in any army. While that.~ regititent, was hard • at work on "the perilous edge of bat tle" Gov. Sprague thought be fought like a lion; It was like a scared lion, racing out at tremendous speed on a horse to thellue of fire, then as sud denly wheeling :round and teeing hack. to get a drink; then racing out to another Point and racing back just as fast to get another drink, until 11. nally after Ids last drink on the field, when things begin to look • blue, he 811140 off to Centreville, and got. there In advance of . the regiment, which WWI therear guard of the re- : treating twiny: • • A Lai from Rome rays : "The dramatic representations of Madam Ristori have terminated.- and that eminent tragedhin is now about to say arewell:to Europe for a. time, being on the eve ••of embarking for South AmOica, Where she will com mence a professional tour In Brazil. Ristori• intended to produce; a nett Biblical drains entitled Deborah,ruid written by Bosenthral, the Emperor of Austria's private librarian. The author has comp to Rome to be pres ent at the de! of his piece, but thg theatrical censor disapproved of the production, and absolutely refused to permit its presentation. Count Trout mensdortf interceded in vain. and finally Judi* had to be substituted for the promised novelty." —ln consequence of the inclemency of the weather. the commemoration services. for Confederate dead, at Memphis, Tenn., was postponed. • sow ' Edna.1)& 1 4 40 % se na num mom 11;1" *)oys ,ibpve 41r rd, PITTSBURaII, PA:, - Whol4Mo - 1114113W) Malang is BOOKS (t, STATIONERY ALugo Asiortment of Standard Books SCIENCE, THEOLOGY: • • RELIGION'. BELLES-LE'TT 13abbilk School Books; Beheld sod College Text Books,• Stationery and Blank Books, Kept Constantly on Hand Con s ult* Merchants 'Sappho] with every thing in our line at • IT-Krvor R. & DAVIS & CO, ' 193 Liberty Street,Pittabargb. NEW GOODS Spring and Suininer Goods. I HAVE JUST ARCHIVE A HEW STOCK OW GOODS OP VHS , • LATEST, STYLES; l'or Spring and Summer W ear Geutlegnen'sFarnliblng Good CONSTANITM ON HAND CLOTEIINCI D Ig..TO•:ORDEIt • In latest and moot rublonablir7tyles.an4 Milan notice. • VELLUM =CU. Jr.. BIUDGZWATZ7L, Pa. E=3313 SPRING ; 1861. . . , M'Elroy,..Dickson.& Co. 54 Vaud Str;:et," - . . Pitt4burgh, Pa. OFFER THEIR • • SPRING STOCK OF DRY - GOODS And „Notion*, Aft WHOI SALE, And 'lnvite their customers, and the trade generally. to eaIL marto:3in. Dr. E. S. Warner. =1 "INDIAN PHYSICIAN" of Pittsburgh. who has had twenty-five years experience in practice, - and whose father was known for roily years ; as INDIAN 'PRACTITIONER, treats with success nearly every form of disease. whether of tecent or bag annum. The Doctor's management of disease Is, in inlay respects pe culiar to himself and predecemor, and soy per sona who may avail t .eumehres of 14 treatment for a sutticient length of time will be greatly bens lilted or cored, fret all curable. No matter under what system of practice the patient may have been treated for chronic diseases, among which may be included many female, complaints an well se Incipient Cousnmptlon, Asthma, Colds, Coughs,- Dispepsia, and . those various diseasea of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Kidneys, Dropsy, Berolula, Tester. Rheunuttism, Ery sypelaa, Bronchial Affections, Sore Eyes, Nervous Disorders, and many (ahem generally yield In his well known practice etnbmeingthe use of many Indian Remedies. Where. desire d patients may be treated- by cor respondence, and medicine sent by having the ease oeseribed, giving age. MX, Sr.c. Office, medicine. and consulting, rooms,. formerly oil St. Clair, are now located at 211 Penn st., near St. Clair, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' [inerlo;3nt 'c '). ' `P;° - . . . P . ,—. V • . 1 .4: ...3 • owl bo C.. ::: : '2 • .40 F 1 :5 • tit ' - .1 "—% . /.... - -.1 ... —.- 0 :4 t c,t, b. *. iil = S. ;1 . 1 I. m " • . • ~..... q r. ' •,.. e•••••• y 4 t' f'. . .. 0 • r•-• 1 = , • r N. , a • m't . 0 ` 6' 4, ~ • 1..r.4* re: CI • r" — P • e r,..., *t .fm 4 1.......1 0 0 ~ 7: --- :4 tml , 7 A 1" • t 4 ':t c,c • iv :.• , 4 • • NEW WA AIIiLIF GROCERY DM PROVISION STORE! Itocheieteri. Pa. By 130 E,& DARRAGH WUEIC . ILir BS YOUND Funny (trocetiee Red Prowl/1:64 nib. flour, egyese, Better. Lerd.Becon. Oil, Pare Cider it , e n tr 7i. byg is pa.....lfolas i ;ea. 1141 0 % . VA: • Clore. queehetrare.Wlllow•ware, WoodetiArare, and ernything • • in their tine,and they bqke by strict attention to • bartneee. to merit • LIBERAL SHARE Ole TUB PATRONAOL N.B.—All kinds of Country enxlio? taken at le whet price. ' .. . , • • . . COE & DARRAGH Rochester Oct. Ist. 1847--oclire7tl.r Nqx 83LPU):MM. • The New Wight Petroleilm 'Fluid elves twice the light at Cestelp all, Cad Is sale under all dreamstences. • ' • Can Not be Explcxled. . - The tted lie sew imundeetorielt. have for Isle I None •Peurolemm Phil& Made by dhtilladeo, witheet the ald tdoespoanda, chick hi gradually taking tics sheerer Gybes Ott, In ad plaewe where Introduced. - • • Ammo wasted 111 Om tows, Bead for ttlr- Wu. Address. • .1. 0 /1. PAI.NER & CO.. - - Xo. S Dorn Brain prrreßuicali. ..CN;g'H .404\ 14_ ~i 'ST,OV,ES!. &JIM WAR : • z i i,,„_ -.,:„: ,ty; . - '.....j: ' , i)Enigictre'i.:' , :' , . -, :' , .. .:Tiii . i- 1.1 C . " 001*:'-'$ . $40t. ' .' Iron Ware;:' 4402i80 IKetidi pm:l)lde Aisortinent 'or 'mire -Nercon.tis, Gtates,Cooking-Stoves Alba. cos, aatierielai and liqmstlaig I • • • ' • Dopelo Order promptly .and 011 Ikaaoe able Terms. Pa;ticular Attention Paid to Job Work. Jappaned gait PRESSER WARE Held. Constantly=4*-Bartd. Fl* on ihe 'lower end of Third Swett, lßeaver. - Call and Examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. ruutrliktf, Danes* Warren & " • • Lead Pipe Sheet it Bar !.ead MANIMPACTUREM ALSO R i g ' L ea d. Iron Pipe, Rubber How, Steam ;Goages, Whistles it Valves, Iron Copper Sinks and Bath Tubs, Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps sod ram I Pumps. and awry deriptlon of goods br Miter, Gas and . Steam, la NOJ AID SMITHFIELD • STREET, prie. H ust. Plit!bargb, Pa. avr- S J.Cross Et Co., .laOCll - 014'rElEt, Fa HAVE MT RECEIVED • One Ton White Lead, 10 BbIS. Linseed Oil, 10 H N. D. Molasses, 100 1 " Choice Flour, 100 Kegs Nails, 3 Hhds. N. 0. Sugar. Large )5 , 11 ock of HARDWARE. Frefith Sigtock ;of , Boots and' Shoes ! New Spring . Style DRY GOODS. All. Bought Low, and for Sale' Low. Mardi Ist, IRV u EmovA_T, AND CLEARANCE SALE. HAVING found our present store too Small for our business, we will 4e -11.10111 10 311 •LII3RR.TY about April Ist. To save trouble sod expense of moving, we are now closing out our Stock of HARDWARE AND 4CI 117 T Ma Mg IR. "'"Sr At Greatly 'Reduced Prices; LINDSAY, STERRIT & EIJWER, 337 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pa. marlo tr , • AIIDITORX Atoricr- Mine coati of Deaver county. In Um mafi account of Wm. P. Towmand. Wro nger and Treetop of Um will of Elba Van Wm. kirk, accataml. Aid now to wit: Worth Vet, 18111/. Oa mourn of n. ChootherUn. tbe Cour. appoint W. 8. Morton, .Zao.. an auditor to sake apportko omit alibi Waft dews! the,boode of Irat , tutor. le n 'ta ditufbantas hardly CID, " hos Me mod: Aitot CJOIIN A. rilAzinn, IEB - attend to the did.. alb, above aftolet-. mast at my oleo Is New Brighton coa the llth day allay. MA ate o'cleeic A. AI. vilies sod where.parbu Istereattd may attend If they thick • W. S. MOULAN. 0r21.3t. . :~~ll'' : +~r" mem Spekerer & Sone strottissoitsro- . EO: O." gPEYERER. )u , Harnedving-. ietu front" • • tbeZootulth • huge stock of Goods. bought at LOWEST CASH PRICES. • offer , to tbo public, at their OLD STAND • - • COSIER OP WALT= AND JAMIA STR tr. .n o ORBS izn, PENN' A. 010111.11111: DILALIMILS IN DRY GOODS. ROTIOXS, HATS, CAPS, 110029 AND 5110161 rthw(mimm, HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, CARPEirIatTOOLB ROPE. OCUM & PACKING YARN, , WHITE LEAD and PAINTS dry JAW in Oil; & Patty Queensware and Willow WarO, FLOUR, -FLOUR; Still haThig As Solo Agency of that Cal BIIATED CANTON CITY IfLOUR, fat Boehm Strand •klulty. wo tato soil dealers at Plttaborgh .utter. owing freight. • FEED, WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL ALSO MIMICS' YOU Buffalo Scale Company, we ore? Scala; at LANUFIC7•URESS PRICE • ALSO AGE.NTS YOU Eureka Bone Sulphate of Lime and PLASTER PARIS FOR LANDS, Whit . . and Wider Lime at WbolmLe Rates DEAVER SALT COMPANY'S SALT. . . Always on band: We always boy for cu b and sell cuts.. MI and exataloa oar Goods sod b. caorlnced. RETAIL GOODS DELIVERED FREE or CHARGE.. j • declG i9i9ll9iiiiii To Ina leonstria am acre prepared furnish all elasves with complain employment at thir homes, the whole of the time or tor the cr°nne s;ii and penal., able.! Arty cents l per evetlnla molls ears ea by persons of either sex, and the boss sad merits nearly as mach as men. Great Induce are ofered.. there who will devote their whole tune to' the business; and, that every per son who seem this node. m i l send me their ad dress and test the business tor themselves, I mare the following unparalleled oiler: To all whet are not well &sagged with the business., I will seed 11 to pay for the trouble of.wridng me. Pull particulars, directions, de., sent free. Hample sent by mall for 10 et. Address R. C. Aura Auznsta. Y , e. MOOBEIP irronz, IN BEAVER. hisi be toned the best ansortiseut of DRUGS, Mea. 1 a 1 33. e , 0 - 1:1 kISZEIC A T .9. F.T.T . RM Ltiquoßs, .117 I N Ela And 13randien, Paints, Oils. LIM iIMME TOILET AItTICLEm, SOAPS 31.33R,U55-IES. PATENT hiEDJUINES Iu crmt "Aridly. all of the beat quality. usd sold cheaper thus um to bought at any other Ling Ettore tu that county. Dupopel......Feaule 111 L.. 1+ caul.. per Luz ....laaveas.a.. $1; Clark . .. I. - The Lary.,d. Work of LAID'S d. LADD Titaamisum, LANTEICCM, STATION MIT. WINDOW tILASS Ever udered tensid• of the city, at Deere • Drug Were, and veld cheaper than eau W bought any where see. Let Mouewho doubt tido tall foul's., and they will doubt tut wont 1.1u11"6: C lase l I.larst, Notary Public, Conveyancer and Ininrance Agent. Deed. and A:ieementi written end acknuarl edge:nods taken, Av. Halo: been duly euunn'ealoned as Arent for see. oral Arm can Ineurancit Companies, represent lug the Fire, Ms, Accident, and Li.. block Dr. partnientr, I. prepared to take Hake mak writ* policies on Ito most liberal terms.. Also—Agent for 164 "Anchor line" or and clam, Oceas Ntramers. 'Tickets cold lo nod from all ports l• England. Inland. licotlaud, recnuan♦ and France. EMZR:I;S=II:2 `gall• Paper ! Wall Paper ! Wall Paper ! OIL CLOTH T. 01.1 Clcrtla. OIL CI.2.O9V3EL's CAl27Pltl'l'o4. CARPM^JCS, CA.111.,90T5: Beaj. Mulheim, BEIDGEWATER. PA.. Has Just rt..ceired a largo *tots of Wall Pnlu•r, . C_A_IRJPEITS, Chths, bias, Stationery-; altititt r ds nr Window - Slindes Looking-G Tni nkt TRAVELING SA eKS, SAtelselg, Baskr6., Children , ' Curringer& iVsions. All kind,' of my,t. Fancy Gonda Alan, An Extensive Assaartnient or STE REOSCOPE S and STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. f This is the largest and best . aeleoled Snick of (lends In the county. and bnught direct from manotactisrera, at the lowest price, and will be wild hirer than chw where. . BENJ. MULHEIM. • riorti:tt QPIPCIAL NOTICE.— Arnim* Meta; but. to was to trusses with tbs County Cetavanaloa.. ars, 'rill dad them evasion. at *bear an Friday alma wet*, Rata Slept. Ist, :sea. 117 older of as Hoard. JOHN It. /LULU!. Clair. = VIDORTAILIrt TO SOLIDI:Ims ; 'I7IIIDER'Our provision of Me act o g :Cosmos approvadJuis nth, 18(03, Paulsson am Witted to worsions foa l date Ail disinsuge (or dads lo c ue or hen% providing 'mikados has b ere or *di bersattar nods within pre pant. Sul : . • . THE 41.11X4.111 CAlf Now D A . 014TAINND by thaw who bore onlyllinews from dg e el "ppikatiou. tiokliveit discharged fo r Hernia (nlpiore)01 1 1 sow 01,1414 was mums; MO *tat if discharged f ur wctlttdy it miters sot Loa Inn x t h, 7 may. lave mired pr rad!se the Injury was received In the service. Yor ran k . ultra nspoothatood discripilaa at army , or wral altar, mil'on or uddfea (add, stamp)_ IL P. BROWN, ela et., opposite p.O. Plusburgii, Pensions (Irian Betni.snaus!ly le m y pot of the United States, aning pen,loa us tau trouble and expense of guteg Thos. McCreery, BANKER, Coma Street anithatoed, Bearer. Money loaned on Goverment 11;n4i, Interest allowed On' time 'deposit,. 11, will Ono receive applications for policies In also Madman' Llt•liesanueet Co. of l 6• Ainn Merchants, Manufacturer* and a t amnia Fire Insurance C0.,"0f PinAnrch. • • Oikebeloir the Cbwl Row s rl7:tr. Nett beads for tie !gelid:. 3 t. L BRIDGEWA.TER, I'A IS WSICKLY RECilvtxa A ritm4u sim•LT OP GOODS of FACH OP TUC FULL(AtING OItrARTIPPITS: DRY GOODS. Steubenville Jenne, White Woolen Blankets, Army Blankets, Brad ley's Barred Flannels, Merin os, Alpacas, Delaines, Plaids, Bleached, Brown and gold mixed water Proofs. . • Chinchilla Cloths, Woolen Shawls, Brown and bleached Muslims, Dril lings, Tickings, Prints, Canton Flannels, iloisery, Gloves, Buckshin mitts, &c. Groceries, Coffee, Teas. Sudar. dirolaUen, Whit. Silver In[a, Golden and Common Vyrnpo, Candle., Soap, apice and Minna blast. Hardware, Nails Glass, Door Locks. Door Latches; Mara. Mmr•. Tab'. Calory. 7 able aid Tea !Spoons. alalah Della. coal Boxes.. Fire tibovela and rotors, Nalls and aano, WOODENWARE Etneketn, Tube. (lianas, Dialer Print. and Ind,. Linseed Oil d; White Lead Boots and Shoes YOU USN LADM AND CDILDUTN. 'Rifle Powder .and Shot, Blasting Powde. and Fuse Flour '1;•ood •SzQueenrwure 'al heavy goods detlyored trot 'galore., . it, claw attelltloo to bastnete, and Ly lerp.l4 conetently eti band a welt 11.1410111 ed stock of ge44• of et the different blade ova/illy kept l • comitry *tore, the mu/mignon hopes in the num. ai Ii the put to merit end realm it Motet share or Ise tinblle'potronage. dvetVGS. I/ J.... H. 0.111111011, J. !WORM Beaver Palls, Pa ILIVINti JUST UPKNED • lAIW ==2l NOTIONS, ' • BOAS lc 8110E8, lIA RDWARK. GLASSIVAIM.: QUEENsWAIig, TIN wAng, ' Int Cue, • &C • Gla. all 'Aces mid double etnilth tipeclal s!teutiou °nitre for large riot r tailor ,tc. Algo; LINSEED OIL, CRUDE BURNIAIT OIL, • • BENZINE, • COALE'S PATENT intyiut aratuU or an Colons. OruUd. Dk7 and in 00 Pitch:two. will do stll to tall podexoulto oftr stock or Palate before parrlkapit el.•orit - _ . Aire, Cboles Brsoas . of Flour lu Fa:rel sad I Backs. All Skids of Country prods,. mien in saxbangs for Goods. Ileosember Its plus, drat door above luty Op rld posite side of Orin ! sofaf 8(040 and County Tax. Tll6 Treasurer will attend In the - al towuetilpa and boroughs, for purp,* of trceivitix the State and Calmly lyrca ter Ile year Itl6Y, at the limas and Owes des nate4 be ow. Ill:, • • . 'f& gl• Dome. limot. Jr..., Itlllpsburg bony. May IT, Blckeystars 110‘,I, Freedom borough, •• 18, .113.:ma t ., S Kerr', Hideo J: Bcotonny, L m 19, J YSloth's oon. ItannOny townainp. pm, 10. Ifotel. Itoebester borough. Id, I/occasion, !hotel. ikichester township, VI, du da firldreWater bon,. di, Dr. Levis' atm. ghilston borough. u. 03. Tull !louse. New lkighlon born. • 94 ilurou Huhn,. do do do '• 17. Msystr's Hotel. Patterson d. Beaver Fallla. May Ihnel at depot Glaogow bor. Ohlo Stay.3l. a. so., Jeer.. Georgetown Inca, •• 31. pm. Calboan's outs Industry tp, Joao X. Aber', store. Brighton Ip, . do 1. 'Betsey Akle's Big Bauer A New Galilee, June 3. Om woe"' do do Iluescwood, do 4, Jolowtes North Seirtchly Ti , .. June 7, N. Ihmete, Fraluklln tp. •do 5, Autenrelib's store. ip. Marion ask do 9, Geo. Ilartcelfs. Pulaski tp do IQ, .It. Wallace's. - New Newly hiey tp, do 11, Bee. Itauctees EcOnomy tp. do Geo. Seeley': do Darlington bor. t tp do Ili. !t:Cook's store. do do 111, J. C. •Inlerostlio. Booth Beim tp.. do In J.eph Lawrence . .. Chippewa township July 1. Lo Lloanteginese. S. Oftver £ Ohio do I, Keres Mom Ohio township, slo A 01. It. Beringer's. rnmirJort honk do Mrs. tittlenson's. llasontr times. July 5, Itweareagen • • bElc sbop I n tp July T. Reed's Store. Independence tp. do 8, Jobs llonsee• du o lA llopewell,, do 9, J. Undo: store. IloOkatwn boro s . do It. Motel, s do 2 Green tps. do / 3 . do Buenos Ip. do 34.1151 r. atom 11opewell tp. do 13. McAfee 's stons. Woo. tp . do IS, Wilds= linkers. riets can be made In ed)oluiss townshhs. AU lJeemee most be paid on or before Jane ISM. or otherwise they will be collected by propel! ears with costs. ELIJAU ROOM • 'Apr 143 f.) Treesete;. • MIMI U. 13. 14.1. NC: 1.1 1 t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers