A ileaveei ahly _ • • sui(*** 4 . Avert gW l lo.l6lMilli Batesor, Adreittilago: TINE. 17+4 10 et mm 1:1) rco 'Co 00. 03 iiv . . liw. ,ill.. '43:, i--- sege; 1._...:.-:: .....--...:...._.. 1 wit---101 Ines is oo is co 11$ OD $8 OD $lOOO 1 ~0 7 60 8 60 TOO 10 16 00 3 ' 1,7,,: ` ,1 2° ,, 600.6 00 001 4110 -16 01. V , i „mum do 600 • 900 lo 00 15 00 itoo 1 c01umn..... 600110015 CO si sew ‘ !, to h m ,.. .: 11 00 10 - 9000.6600 , asps • , I trolotnit... t 66 . 00 01 . , 66 00 OD 00 100 1:0 ' and .11;ecatone 'l l / 6 1 , 0 , 65.,;5600 or One, bind:Ms. ' '. - ` j.' to ba'loo46'tjusite'rly; eitejit rtiseMosts,.‘"*Ch.lslostlet,l3.ol. Administrators' Nadal notices f,, , r Payment for tracrl eat sd In akronee. State of the Theiottnoteteifoithe week eliding tlieSih ofkfay, 1860.; 2r. ' O r. m ISM 45 deg. 45 deg.. 13 dog TO deg. 51 deg. "95 deg 1, 52 deg. 61 deg. 50 deg 5 , 40 deg. • 62'deg. 54 dog 0 51 deg. • • 1:4 deg. 50 deg 50. deg. 54 deg. 50 deg s 55 deg. • 64 deg. 54 dog R.-T. TAYLOR, 111123 s u bmerlptionN to tAineavei Ai. o..—The following named persona ! me i, paid the mums set opposite to their names on subscription to the Beaver ,leers, since the date of our last issue: s. Swearingen, Poo, 2 . 60 J. 11. l'alkins, itoehester, 2 00 P.ltent(A,Freedoni, M. Springer, Green Gunton, W, IL Frazier, Frankfort, igloos Marquis,.Fallslon, .. 2 00 Johnston, Rochester, 2OO Ji ,, eit Phillip', Wuriuntburg, Pa., . 2 00 11. Ripple, Beaver Falls, i 2 00 Oifo, Teets, Zellenople, 2 00 Thos. Bryan ; New Sheffield, 400 S. Nicholson, Falrtiew, W. Va.,' 1 60 W. Welsh, Bearer Falls, 2 00 The attention of the public is directed to the following , New Advertisements nhi.•ll nppear for the. first Limo In . te-dny : • ~ • spoviall Notices-3:H. Bence. No% hoods—Spot'orer Sons Web.ter's Dictionary—q. C. Tier- mid Silvpr Stiiiths--Nteyran sie.llo. New Hoodm--.T. W. nirkor & Oni.unTtivem—Rev. 1;:(1. A. Errors of Youth—John D. Ogden. Mill For 11. Bente]. ; i oovries and Provisions—John Sharp At Ey at I4ni•—.l. S . ltutan. Notive-11. Bennett. l',ll,li,sale of Real Estate—Jos. Ledlle Supersi,somr-The Supervisors of to:ilbi in this county aro now entitled by law to two dollars n day for services ran-, dercd in the dischai , ge of their duty.— MI , is a step, in the right direction, but the wages are not high enough yet. Puttnit Lluio . alwhym au hand ut the NI ulvauou Limo .10us, Vanport,:be et.% per bushel. apr2l;tf. Take NotlCe.—Capt. John McDon ald, at "Stone's Point" desires us to say that he will no longer tolerate the' haul ier mid depositing ofrefuee matter from die streets tind allies .Of Beaver :and nridgewater on his • premises. Paiute .dleneen of this kind will be notieed,and the offender rigidly dealt with. • Ilats Bonnets altered, eleaued and &lie over cheap, at J. 11. 'ileums' cheap lillinery Establishment, Beaver. ;. may 12;3t. Prof: Tayfor desires us to say that pupils may enter. the Seminary this week, being eltrged.only a half term's tuition In the Literary m Musical .De partment.. • , Dress Goodin! Dress Goods!! j•at terns cheap, nt ntyl.2;:tt. The Ileavei. County Sunday School As , oeiation will meat In convention nt i'medoin on Wednesday the lath of May, nn4 continue In session two days. The friends of the cause in Allegheny anal other adjoining counties are respeet ly requested to be with ns. ill! religious autl secular papers of piti , barell will roarer a favor by ropy- notiet order of Executive Com Whitticotey's Dispepsia Curo la to every Itotuteltold. It invailit hly vares DiNpepsin, creates an appetite, at) the system, and atrengthen. t 1,.. ililliel4 for the Legloilattre. Washington county prevents four t.an .llo.lte. t'or the Legislature, viz: A.. J. 'ltitnington, IL J. Vanklrk kola' mem )ati Jonatlmn Alllaoti, and J. W. NrENte White Shirts, best makes; nt 1:1 . 111 . P . M t IleaVer. [111:1312;31. !in eet Potato Plants.-We are re ye,ted to state that Dr. I). h. Dempsey, .1 this plate intends going to Marietta, tad.. where an excellent quality of 'the r:oootis *ansemond sweet, potato plants obtained. The Dr. will bring these plants home for his own and will also bring plants for others 1:,: will give him their orders between :aol the _'oth of this month. lit I: V Elf 111.114.—Th0 vehicle . ; mann.: tol area Ity Messis. Stoner and Marlatt,' of do , Union Carriage works on Penn Pittsburg]], Pa., are pronounced. to I. among the fittest offered to the pub- . 1....5rh0y combine Lightness with strength toh ion and handsomit appearance With .•nience, and elegance of finish With •al,tance. Messrs. Sooner k Marlatt .I.,sess large facilities fire tilling orders, ~ : 11 all which are left them will be attchd to promptly. Just now Masers. Marlatt have largo asstirt la.ot of Buggies and Carriages on hand tlo.ir warehouse,' which they deSire :Ilona purchasing to Inspect. The ono VII be found very liberal and satitt to.tory in their dealings. * [14;2t.. The. Lewistown! Gazette says: An , r, ly resembling what is known as .11, Pro n k lin he of Sussex county, .New was discovereihan Friday last on u , ,lands of William A. McGanigle, esti. the south side of Long Mountain, ~i,u t four miles from Milroy, andi is ;.: - ..notmeed by a gentleman familiar .nit the business, and who tested it, .to lane in connection with it the vein of 9re almontinvarlably found side by lc with' the Fianklinite, wlieh is de ms a Mineral, of iron black color, a! , ,att as . hard as feldspar, and slightly taamet alid,is considered as peculiarly .o:Tied to Making' the 'best 'iltiality of Lr,,1 1 and steel ENT 1.131 EN, go to Benees' for your ~b irk and eollars. Tin. Star Shirt in all ruayl2;3t. imitil ent 011 Tuesday afternoon last;whilecOns ,..o,le Watkins, of Mahnnoy' township, eunveyiug a man named Hobert gieridge to prison in this borough, the i' r . , .!ler got off ilia earsat Combola while tie:) . were in motion anti attempted! to •e.q.e. Mr. Watkins pursued him. and "lee within n few yards of him, BecCr id,o, turntal aroundiml • told hint that If neirer he would knock the head nd lain. A struggle ensued, and IlecOr hige grasped , hand in which tiler.. was a pistol, while with the other he attempted to Alike hint with a stone. In hor-derense, then, Watkins tired, the •11,4 hit tingoneveridge in thagroln,fiom uu elleets of whiehieo died on Thursday night at eight o'eloik.. Beveridge was with ideating ti p irof bootaf in Mullaney city, and the Justice .had or. ..I..r.ed Win to be committed Air, tibil.,-- Ntrwifte Journal. • ' . • rr te.t. inducements offered in cheap goods 11111 week at, Beneer. Alayl2;3t, I Arressed..4h i liii Wedruswisky. 134111 "Moirrailittilktit eitApi Allen, baggage :niastur oh Awe otthe trains on ;he o.*P.4l. 4 .R4Oir*Matilt and battery, on with .Of Java) Item, of Industry: r 3llo,prom?utor alleges that pang iiim trout the than near !toOtiti% ,my on the day previous. The defend 'ants, we believe: saj' thifltaigt, ratkiamt ;topaYthtfar9i and th at tIWY o a3Y( l3 aad m re enough to •ideeiblin frOmtliii, . Earl.* last Elaturday.mnrnhig the res ! Nonce of Capt. Thomas ;hielkonald, in ,Freedom, was totally dostrOyed . by fire. .The fire was fortunately, disOverod do time to save the, 'Treater portion of the 'valuable furniture; and had the Captain been at home it Is probable that the loss would have lan confined exclusively , to heroic. As la nimally thocesendefaelive flue was the cause of the fire. • The loss will be at least $2,500, open which there is an insurance of probahly - two-thirds the amounk—Local. ' ' Huntingdon it; exulted over a sodas of fobberles which were committed in that borough' and vicinity, last week. On Sunday night a Pair of Valuable horses with awhile, harneea, and buggy 'Wore mndo way with; oh Monday lit9e/0 worth of gouda were taken from a storo; on Tuesday two citizens were stopped by four disguised highwaymen who Vqblied them ofabout 810; ,and on Thursday a oun try ittiro at six !knit Run was enter ed and4ispoiled of a quantity of goods and 13`otito 810 nioney. .Tba :potpatra-' tore hatJe yet to bo dlsoovored: • BM . . . . Ono day la'st week Reuben Minor sited his fatlicir, John Miller, beftwo• Justice F uhr, 4 Knox . township, Coamblana county,vio recover Mg which his father recoiled and used during - the absence of his son in the army. The money was paid to Reuben as a load bounty, and by hintgiven tp his father for pare, keeping. After his &turn Reuben Abmaikdod the money, but pater familiria refused to dis gorge. lieneo the stilt. 'The old 'man plead - mitiority but the boy proved that his father gave his consent to enlistment, and the Court gave the plaintifT a' Judg ment for tile full amount. A Substitute for Cforpet.—Save all your old newspaperd and when you get enough for the purpose make a paste Same as for putting on the wall, and lOy them down ono by one, pasting them, till your door is covered, then lot it dry; then lay down another coatink in the same way. When again dry got some ;said Nall paperof n suitable color and paste all over it. When dry go over it with a good coat of varnish, and you will have a fah* covering for your floor, which .will Wear as long as a carpet and look as well as oil cloth. This is a cheap method of covering bedroom floors and other rooms which are not much used. When required to bo cleaned wipe It off with a wet cloth. Valuable Property For Sale.— The village of Freed6m, in this county, Is about 22 miles . froni Pittsburgh, on the Fort Wayne Railroad• It is in a pros perous, healthy condition, and before many years expire large secessions will be made to Its wealth and population, by removals from Pittsburgh, This is apparent to all. In this wades Antra; Mr. C. 11. Bentel offers a valuable saw mill property for tale in that village-- The mill is situated between the railroad and the river,and has a river front of over 300 feet, and the site Is an admirable one for building barges, Bats, &v. To a per son or persons . wishing to engage in the lumber business, the village of Freedom has excellent facilities, and the Bentel property otfers fair inducements to buy era. • A Comous OFFEn.—Dr. Sage has dis covered a perfect pacific for Catarrh, Cold the Read,'Dizzlness, Tainted Breath and Catarrhal Ifeadache. The proprie tor, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., offers $5OO for a ease of Catarrh that he cannot cure:. It is the cheapest and best remedy for that loathsome disease over elThred tii;ihe public. Don't ho put oft by your druggist with- some miserable substitute. If ho has not yet got Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rethedy for sale, let him Lrder it, or send sixty mils to the pro prietor and it will reach you by return mail. For f:alo by most Druggist overywhote Decoration Day.—Wo nro glad to notice that die various Posts of the Grand Army of the Republic, throughout the whole country, are mak in g arrangements to decorate the graves of their fallen commies on the 30th of this month. 'Post nil, of this place, proposes to be not behind in thelpatriotie duty, and we presume commit tens will he appoints! In a day or two to make the necessary ar rangements. An invitation has been sent to the soldiers' orphans nt Phillips burg to be present On the occasion.— Rev. Jas. Ifollinphend, of Beaver, has been invited to addiess the ex-soldiers at that time. It is to be hoped that the yeople generally, will turn out on that day, to do :honor to the fallen de . - fenders of tho Republic. Gold Coin is . good for sore eyes to look upon inkhese times of suspension and premiums; and it ls seldom our eyes dre greeted with the sight of it, even of recent coinage ; but we were shown an Cagle by Mr: George TeCU4 of New Se wickley township„ in this county, on Saturdaylast, alined In the U. S. Mint A. I). There is a medallion head of the Goddess of Liberty, surmounted by the liberty cap, over It the word "Mei ty," and, beneath the numerals "1795," and fifteen stars. On the revorsoaspread eagle with a laurel wreath in its bill ruld nn olive branch in its claw's, surmounted by the words, "United Slates of Ameii ca." We hope Mr. Teets May secure innuY more of the same metal. The New State Trensarer.—ltobt. 3V. Mackey, Esq., was duly qualified and assumed the dutief of the Wilco of State Treasurcr yesterday morning.— Ti10111:L4 Nicholson, Esq., of . Beaver Co., has accepted the position of cashier, In place OW. IL Taggart. All the former elerks,and inemengersovill be retained, the only changelfeing the appointment of Gustavus L. tirauwws-night watchman in .place cqird. Dontbade: 'Steubenville has had another murder oommitted within Its limits: : John liteCaffrey was :dabbed' on last• Saturday tiiiht• at the corner of Fourth and Market, by James Coulson, front the 'effects ofwitich bodied the next day about 2 p. tn. The particulars as near as wo cwt learn them areas follows; 3 leCagrey was pas sing tip Market street with one or, two friends, about half pask;lo o'clock, when he met Coulson with n party of his friends. When near tho corner above noted McCaffrey and Coulson stepped to one side to have some conversation. (We might here remark that it is said . that an old feud had for some time exist ed 'between them.) 'Pretty ...eon loud conventationtetween them Villa lusird, and they were notice:thy theireounian ions te:hts in Closaintoximlty to ono an other. Pretty soott McCaffrey started to go across the street, toward Sberiard's . bank, Is aid taut stone's were thrown after him. The next heard of him ho wax at the Mansion Mouse, corner of Water and WashingtOnatreets, where it was discovered that he,haii been stabbed in his abdOnuni in a very'fatid *tanner. Physicians wrote called who done all they could for him, but 0f416 . avail. After suffering Intensely he expired the next day at two o'clock. .Connor Siepheuit held an inquest over his body that after.; noon, and the' verdict . of the jury was that he cat no 14 death . 'from wounds inflicted by :Janice Coulson.—Steutsra ! rift) qcfteite., 4 ,44 6*!: f., 11 00 1 r0 111 40 11 1014_,:_A444101idli* I *DP zpsw. cowl matlolt oiop r ishi l i the lit:lista - aid itate: , mond ~ ttorlt ; ' baveteeN* advatitealiosii I yar this dark froM the !rational Publish ,Mg couipaixy,:yebo It In preee, and wia lr 9l ifk. ll #4_ 2 4r 1 t ra4qt, ;hail wel/ mraed rronatienticapla Mkt Matt Ittn,,'sutd-hhtpoliticitr; isciatjeurnallst close proximity to Atli Davis during the existence oftha relclifilni;gave him ash. Ph ) 9PffuttunitY to study his charades and,to.ptiatneldni 1141$11tratidtt With a critical industry. Walls thus Made acquattited liclth much iffthe myterlai Mid inneracenes of the weak and anomalcius governuient that wreck ed the fortunes of the confederacy." The writer thus obtained tho secret and un 'Written histerridthe "ContbdOrapy, In volving Mr..paelsoyhich.for "pacuitar and impressive reasons" ho has hitherto ritt*ltlA tuttUrn 2 bAsh4o4.- Ustria; he. did not publish It bemuse it was thought it won't; prejudice tho trial of, Ur. Pavia: But now when. tbizt indli , idnal , hair be come a tradesman in a foreign land, and there is no reasonable et fieotation-ihat ho will ever lie brought to trial, bethinks tho naked *is may be given to the world., Demi': "Jefferson Davis should have an acute arid truthffil blograpger—ono who would do something more than echo the shal low clamors and interested opinions of the day.. :whicleicer the, acclimate of his person, ha performed a great part in history; and his character, mixed, angu lar, abouding in surprises, full of ca pricos and apparent incoMilstenclee, ie precisely Oat which Sifoide the Moat in teresting and' vivid subjects for blogra= plcy. The writer is conscious of attempt ing a high and difficult task—an extra ordinary' work. lie comes to it not only with-ample literary preparation, but with an unusual animation. Ito has been accused bir personal hostility to Mr. Davis; and is to.day, 'perhaps,' in all his literary copocltios, most widely known to the country as censor of the Corded. crate chief. Ho repels the accusation of any prejudice In tho • very front of 'hhi Work; ho Is able and willing to do exact Justice to Mr: Davis; and if ho ever at- ; tacked him, itjwaslArough 'supremo do :votion to a great cetthe, tiled from a just resentment tewardp the man who mis guided and wMcked it. "Those who suppose that they will find In the work of the writer a declama tion against Air. Davis—a mere amplitudii of rhetoric, or an excess of passion—will he disappointed. The writer designs to give facts—many of them new,and all of them capable of distinct and impress lye evidence. • He propoSes to address himself to tito serious and inevitable historical question:— Who wercresponai ble for the fit aqroof the Southern °coifed eraeyP—and on this issue be' will insist on asserting that rule,, familiar to the world, that those who assume power aro responsible for its discharge according M the exact moon re ot their assumption, and that responsibility in any groat cause is not to be squandered through subortnates. To do this, indeed, would be to scatter and et feeble all the lesscins of itiztoryl.to: render impossible uni ty of narrative, and to nullity its philos ophy. Responsibillty much rest some where in history: - it naturally and in ovitably_ascends; and in regarding Mr. Davis al; the prime cause of the failure of the South in! the late war, 'the Mathew has but simplyj recognized, and submit ted to the great' law'of logic in historical composition,—that, id political affairs, where a certain result is clearly not an accident or misadventure, but must have come from a ,'well-dillned cause, that cause Wilmot:3lY and inevitably rests in the head Of the government." The work will be an. interesting and a valuable one. No library will bo com plete without it. It is to be soldon sub scription, and We know of no one likely to have a morel popular run. Address ;Cptleinal Publishing Co. 21; South 7th street, Philadelphia. Instructions In Regard to Boun ty Fee.—The Second comptroller has given instructions, under the late boun ty law, that hereafter, in paying soldiers' claims, two cheeks shall be given, ono to the agent hr attorney for the fee allow ed him by laiv,atultho other sent direct to the soldier for.tho remainder clue. Tho fees allowed stn claims of white soldiers are ton'por vent. where the amount duo Is under $2OO, and five per cent. in any additional meant less than $5OO, and $5O on claims in excess of POO. In colored eases, the fees are $5, $7 50 and $lO, ac cording as the amount due is less than $5O, between $7.0 and $lOO, or over sloo.— . 'ln colored 'castri, but not In white ones, advances and notarial expenses are in cluded in the amount paid to the agent. ATt ELOUS is scarcely necessary at this day to say anything in praise of Webster's Unabridged Quarto Dictionary, 1840 pages, and 3,000 engrav ings. Haying come into pos.sesslon of a copy of the latest edition, we cannot re frain from expressing our admiration at the marvelous industry and learning which such a bobk must have called into demand. In the book line, this Diction ary deierveli a place: amongst. the tri umphs of the century. The publishers' part of this ponderous volume has been doh!) with a beauty and substantialhess which also desei•vo special commenda tion. "Reading the Dietlonary,' with this edition. of Webster before you, is exceedingly Inteirsting pastime. A copy of it must certainly.be considered to be long to the appointments of every intel ligent family. Its cost is >jl2, but is chap` at that Prlce.-34brarian. [lt. The Dandy.A correspondent, "W P. F.," Semis us the following. We think ho is needlessly "hard on the race of Dandies." We should as slgn think of breaking a .buttertly on the wheel, as pouring out contempt on the ,Dandiacal order In this terrible ihshion:— G lye men dcmiJOhn of gall, A I;ch or cane-rood, split with a broad- axe, A sheet of paper IN broad as Congress EIMEM And vigorods nerves as tough as cob -1)16.1i wax Let me b 3 titarycil, and poor, and meanly clad, Lacticle me with dons to malt° me mad; Coddle my Pkullpit with the flames of , . brandy, , 1 . . . . Then let, inc write how much I hate a daddy. 1 . , Ye mincing, squinting, smooth-faced things, ! With corsets laced as tight as fiddle ', strings, Chokettas a toad; and supple as a eat, About the trqistl) sharp, the pate 11 flat; Ye cringing superserviceable slaves,. Ye self-complaisant, brainless,. heartless knave., Ye limrd-lookingapeaivith tint - fish gills, Ye Neoundielti, go and ; pay your tailors' bills. Saturday 15.C.T4ng Poid . Wateheni. Clocks and Jewelry. —in oar advertising, columns of this week's Paper, will • be found the card of AluYtell auccessom to, man, kflhadie, The new flrni continuo in the rad stand, 2.41.12 Fifth Avenue', Plttabm - wi, Paz, where OMp are prepared to wait on all who call on them, wluiy have now On hand ono of the larg est and finest st4doi neld'ana Watches, 'Ono 'Jewelry, Diamorlds, Sli ver and Plated Ware, Pine Table Cnt 7 Ivry, and ,Musical noice ever °Sired ln this city. They itre Also Agents for all the American - Watch Zdanufacturing Corupanies,and; also, the celebrated Seth Thomas Clocks. I Wewonid- advise our readers *rho .wlab .purchase for their own use or to sell' again to call on this ' The:4ll***llistir"al .10414177 - 17). opla itOio Mieto*liiiitei.Wo maga silarga - mijcitint iTtfitlport =OM YelM til tgr.9F-Ari/. 144 ayilrp . ui4...dl..p,dvr ' itia,itlndudeil3l ...,. .71 the ~ . . . .., in , t= phenomena MOO; . O., 004 k9iii1 0 044 0611 ' 1 time for $75 of the most important Wee on Ate-plodei apef, of..the , prealdenth,, Irideprealifenta, inehatete - Wrihe inbinek,. judges, et,. mince 8780; and of thei'Cietf ernotworillife Stanitind Territories, twin Shah. organhadien, .., . There la an account of each diparintent of the general (invention:o,U - with, lie ini- rpaws, chief officers ;mil their (hides. In thefitahs papart mewl, under the head of intercourse Foreign there las full list of ministers, diploinatio agents, and consular _officers, with; their .otliclal rdisidenees t embracing all the -places at Which our government is seated; end of the foreign legations in the United States with tho consult_ Of foreign countries, and' their plaCes df business, • including, in all, morel than fourteen htmdrod =Meat . The-full, account of. the 'TreastlylDO nutmeat; onstServeiMul Light:ll . °mq), Districts; thaA.rmy and Navy, the,mlll - and naval, acaderaalos, with lists Of army and naval otflous; the oneritionis of the Post Office Department; the Patent pifice and the Land Bureau; the Depart- Monts of Agriculture and Education; the listfiuf collegeg,'colleeate - inatttn(lons, - medical, law andaormal schools, will ba of Interest to many who have not access to a large number of publici documents, and who could gain the informatioh on ly by long and laborious investimitlon. There is .a condensed account of the proceedings of Congress; including the . Impeachment Trial, fteconstrutign In the Southern States, and other Import ant matters; the national debt at different perlods,'recelpts andexPeeditures cif the government, sales of tuerebanlise Na- Clonal Batiks, and Abitracts of thcipah lic laws. A brief historical notice in given of each State and Territory, with a 1i t. of the executiVO - and 'judicial oft:ora: the number and term of !service of mentbers of the Legislatures; an tnieount of the finances, State debt, educational, charita ble and penal institutions, and the POpmj fallen, wealth and industry of each.— There Is also a summary of all the foreign governments, with the rulers, expendi tures, revenue, army and navy, and other important' facts regarding owl Country. • The statistics of the religions of the world give not only the general claasitl cation of different nations, but a dettilled at.count of the number connected with each denomination in each State, and in other portions of the civilized world! Thom arc miscellaneous essays tipon Agriculture; Currency and Finance; Mining; Literature, and tho Literary In tluenecw of the. day; and full tables of- Presidential election returns with; the vote in each county for Electors Once 1836. More than 30 pages. are occupied with the Record of Important Events in 1868, and the Obituaries include notices of 140 of the eminent persons. deceived Ma; - 41, copy of the above work may be *- ' • seen at thiaofilee. _ . I At a meeting; of the ComntittoO on Arrangements, of Post No. 103,0. A 4 It., held at their Hall in New .Brighton, on Monday evening, 10th inst., the follow ing rmsolutions were presented and adopted: Ist., Itmolred, That this Post do '; ob serve the day (30th of May) set apart by , our Order, to docorato with Itowersl the graves of soldiers who lost their 11v4s in the late war. 2d. Reached, That the ladies of this vicinity are respectfully and earnestly reipteited to assist ns by forminge`otri; mittees or otherwise, in goithig bpi bo- . quets and wreaths to plane upon i the graves. 3d. Reaolyed, That the proceedings of the Past be public ccl; for the benent - of the community, in the comity papers from week to week. , 1 By order of the , emdairrny.. (Beaver papers 'demo copy.) • Maim Meeting wits held at! the Court 'lonia, in Beaver, May 6th, pursu ant to a call of the Republican County Committee, The meeting u'as organised by !!the election of Milton Townsend,'President, and M. R. Adams and Gen. S. Itarher, Secretaries. 1 . on motion of •M. S. Quay, , David Shields was elected Senatorial Delegate, and J. Harrah Itepmentativo GOO gate to Republican State Convention, to be held in Philadelphia, qn the . 2;ti jlay of JUnci next, for..tho purpose of nomi nating a candidate for Govern Or. D. L. Imbrio.offered tl ofilloicing Res olution, which was adopted.: Resolved, That Goy. Joint W. Geary, by the faithful administration of Ithe Government of the State, during the past throe years, has deserved the confidence of the people, and that the Delegates this day elected are hereby instructed to \iota for his renomination. i On motion, adjourned. MILTON TOWNSEND, M. It. Atmots,i Gao. S. BARKER, I " C 0". Freak or a Somnambultat.—rhe Galena, 111., Gazette givesthefacts in one of the most remarkable cases of wim nambulism that we have ever been called upon to chronicle, A gentleman wlipse Veracity Is beyond question furnishes us with the following: • I was passing along' Beach street lust night at about 12:30. When near Hill street I saw a strange spectre mounted on the back of a dark bay horse. The animal was moving at a very slow pace, whicitgave me an opportunity of scan ning the remarkable apparatian. It Was a woman iu .As the horse, moving along at a snail-like pre, came opposite to me, I took idat affiance the entire situation. I recogtilso4 'the face of the rider. It Was Miss —, "%Veil known in Galena. Her eyes were Wide open. They seemed to be gaiing at nOth- Mg. Her hair hung over her shoulders and down her back. The horse inovcd 'along without being guided by hisrider. My first impulse was to make a no so, bin. fearing that a sudden awaken ng Would throw her into a lit of hysteries,4 Concluded to follow this ghostly rider, and thus be at hand prepared to avert 'any danger that might threaten. • The horse moved 'down Beach street to Spring, turning the corner of Spring' la: swung around Into Main street. At the corner of Washington street, a iitiy ditching sight of the remarkable yhe 116menan, becanio so badly frightened that ho began bowling piteously. I has tened to the side of the yoting lady, Nillo as I anticipated, was awakened by this fearful screaming. She lost her balance, and would no doubt have fallen to 'the ground if I had not caught her ill 41). arms. I secured the horse and conducted the 3.7Oung lady, amid blushes and explatus• Lions, to her home. The horse belonged In a stable situated in the immedlate!vi einlty of the lady's home. Ho had blken plamd in the:stable that evening, and fastened with a stout halter. How the Sleeper gained access to the 'stable 'dnd 'liberated and utounted the animal fit i tnystOry that'perhapa wiil naver be iq.7, planed. . ' ' - - • I •• BetioolDireetors 4 tonifentiott;:— Xhirsuant to public notice given, the Eieho BirOctein of &over :oounit.ziwt in: Convention at the Court House in Beaver; on l'iiidiaiii:243.,4th,lBo9. *), p. ph; and Onsinfiedlry electing:lkm Jas. AL Shields Or Bearev.sail'nieldint,l and Capt. Geo. S. Barker of New Brijith tOo, and J Wrin4otlkr4s. szaz erk*-.1. Thm e wbote TOO/4C!: 4 4 1 F / A W O • 'lntliti#4iltrefic#l l o4 l 9 11 144 410,1 .41UttrY.Pt.thitPlidif!itg 1 3 9thlifsientYiNgligi 4 OOP. 4,- - . .1 ,4.111,-r;.';‘,;.; The turtbo. usergetoint was eruannwrwes a. mods.: dal* for Ontinty,'EnfeninteittihnitX, , • Ttie - tifori:reitilnt then` i ededEo iota - 141 . 14 OeCfbrapolaon tort* ogisto.tinipettatendikit4tAegoret, cocus:' fqis 4 4 4 34,ii:" 41 * v 14 .640 6 d ‘}or , O A FJOdirpt, 01: for Jes. Wititlum atilassosertg4ge The President announced the result end declared Mr:Melds elected. > On IllOiton r committee of Ave to*ip.. pointed by . USt-eltaitaisii,was ordered,- ;whose dMirit - tYiiohultiliiintothe extiodietioy `of adOiting, a,,unifonpity of test ; manta gold oc, ll mltifn,io report stag meeting state antwia county Insaltute to be hold pest October, , ,;-, ,'• - On modem the thanks brain directors. of Deaver count3c . were tendered • Prot. Width= ftwhisihithfulners and Melon ey while tilling the c•lllcent °study tau. POrintilident• : ' • ;On motion the convention 24 'tutionmeil. . SHIELDS, Frei, G. S. Itmixsn, see ., ‘ - J. WILTASD, , nmosfements;,' rys have bcen;rogoosteq to tinnounCe :the =mils of the Mowing gentlemen as' candidates for the various offices in thli county, subject to' the result of the•lte penile= priniarreleetions: ' • • = • JAMES S. RLITAN, Desiir ioro. MILTON TOWNSEND, New Brighk4i. . Assembly, •-• JOHN ROBERTS, Brlghtoilip. Dr. 'ON. O. SIiDELOCIf, Ismltngton D. JAMES FIFE, New Drightonboro. JOHN Y. MAREfi, Baden: , • ~ THOMAS Y,,POWEII, Roehester THOS. J. CHANDLER, Rochester bon% CAPT. G. S. BARKER, Near' Brighton. . Itherfir, F. M. ANDERSON, RVeheater lioro. • THOMAS P. FLEESON, Pulaski tp. JOHN C. BDYLE, Nopr , Brighton Loco JAMES 31. MeGEEHAN, Soap! Beaver JOLLY H. BEIGHLEY, Franklin V., • JAMES A. ANDERSON, Darlington tp ABRAHAM B. WOLF, Brighton V. S. B. BRIMS, Industry tp. JAMES H. TRIMBLE, Greene • ARTHUR 5H1E1.45, Independence tp. JAMES DARRAGH, Bridgewater. JOHN K. DUN.I.A . F, Beaver horo. • THOS. B. HUNTES, Brighton Treasurer. JOHN IL EA.KIN, Beaver boro. ' CHARLES P. WALLACE, Big Beaver EBEN ALLISON; Bearer boro. - CLARK A.•HitNTER, Ohio tp. BENJAMIN TRANKLJN, Falleton. Register and Recorder, • DARIUS SINGLETON, Beaver bore. ELDER; thirlingtou township. Clerk or Court,' 4 JOHN A. FRA'4IER, Beaver boro. WILLIAM Ho BRUCE, Hopewell tp. JOHN C. HART,•Darllngton born: - Commissioner; JAMES WARNOCK, North Sewickley JOSEPII. BRITTAIN; Now Brightdn. EDWARD COLEMAN; Marion t o . Pacirnitauseppreetor. ROBERVWOPEDodoon:tp. - JOHN WRITAllopOo!ell tp. • • Auditii, SAMUEL 3f. DINSMORE. ' Bev or lioro W. H. LUKENS, RocheNter boro. • Trusteis.pl" iteidezny, • D. P. LOWARY, Beaver. JAS. M. SMITIL Mayer. Markets, PITTSBERCIK MARKET. OPIUM OF THE Prrrs...thunrrE, - MONDAY, May, /0,18G9. j Bushiest; generah fr-is moderatelyme ttrett.bougty morels :yet roorfr Tor-Im provement, and it is not what it should be or generally is at this smeen of the year. • There is a continued lair local de mand for most of the leading article, but In the absence of anything like a specu lative feeling, the operations tweet an unimportant character, round lot sales being of rim ,occurrence. In regard to values, there are no changes worthy of special notice. llwrrEn—ls in steady denuind, and we can report regular sales at t 15440, for good to choice. Cuyearc--Sales of, new Western Re serve at 15®20, as to quality, and ICew York:Goshen at 24€625. Coitxur..tx.--$1,7561,50 per cwt. - Druno lenuty r -Is quiet and unchang ed. Peaches, 111@l 4. for quarters and 180'419 for halves. PlA:tun—With the exception that the market is firmer, there is no new features in the market worthy of notice. We continuo ty quote Spring Wheat brands at 14,50@7,25-, and Illtiter Wheat at '57,51.1 (8. Rye flour, $7(§7,25. Gstatx—Vlie can report sales of NO. I Spring at $1,42@1,44, and No. Winter at $1,50, Oats rather better - supply, .but with a fair demand, admit are sus tained at 70(5r . 71 on track and 7 . 4@75 in store. Corn, underthe influence of 16-' creased receipts is easier, and paces are barolp sustained; we quote at 75@78 for mixed to prime-Yellow, on. wharf and track.. Rye Is quoted at tf1,40@1,42, and the receipts are !increasing. Barley is dull and nominal: .' LAUD ott.—Salon NO. 1 4 }:xtra at $1,52 €41,53, and \o. 2at 111,M 1,21 Pnovuncimi--Markets steady with a fair jobbing deatiand, while 'prices re main unchanged, at 14 for Shoulders; 171 for plain, 19 for sugar tined Hams. and 20 for canvassed do.. filblmad Sides, 101 ; Clear do, 17/1 briod Beef, OA Lord, 19 in tierces and 20620.1 In kegs. , Mess P0rk,402. . , Por.tvems—Yery dull and with a sup ply- largely in excess of the denuuld, prices have still. further declined, sales being reported on trackat SALT—May be quoted at 91,43 @IBS by the mr.load,l and . 11,95(q2 fo4inioll lots in store. • To Coilisumptlve ' Tug advertisei having been - ,rceforra to ilcalib to akw weeks, by a tvery atm* remedy, after having Coffered severid years will: severe long affection, and that dread dims. th, C gumption, is anxious to make kilown to his Wiwi sufferers the. means of cure. ; I • To all who desire iti he will stadia copy of the prescription used Moe of chirps). 11th the diced , ~,t. lions for preparing and using the sa e , which they will and a areas CORN TOIL cONSUN lON, ASTII. NA,BOONCUITLII, etc.- The obJettof o advertiser . In sending the Prescription Is to be Tit the 51111c to& and spread Information which Ii conceives to be invaluable; and ha hopes, eve endhrer Will try his remedy, hS it Will cost Ike nothing, and may prove a blessing: - Parties Wts log the prea seripthm will please address -. . - ' Rev.EDWARD A. TILSb...i. . Williamsbtug, Slue Co.. ow York. Mayitly . Errotik of Tooth. • GIOITLIMAX whoaldrered for yin* from Ner vous Debility. Premed:a Decay. and all the effects or youthful ladLieretics; wsli, for the sateof sof; teringlumanity. amid Dee to all whhneed it, th o receipt and directions for ; making the simple rent. edy by üble.h kewas eared.. Sufferer* wishing to pmgt by -the 4dverdsei's experience, undo so by addressing, In perfect eoulidence. JOHN H. OODILN. No. a Cedar stmt. New York 61SyLtly1 Married. MOLTER—McCuLLOUG/1..—0n the 9th of May, 1899, by the Hey. Jai% Rol ' Hogshead, Mr.: Hanle'.Molter, ,of Bridgewater, Pa., to :Miss aw McCul lough, of North Scwicktey, Beaver CO., Pa. , New Advertisements. 1101 11:111LIC SALE OF PEAL ESTATE,. A BY Virtue of an Order of the Court or Com ment Plea. of Beaver COMM I gin offer at Public bale on the prendsor, on Thu many' the 101 lb lowingWe litilst rt- In.. Ma fel described property, Welt: hbotithl amen of land enlisted ht 31.conomy township, Beaver county, Pa, bounded on the north by lento( 0: C. Minis, on the east by landiorJaeob Biller and .7, Readmitted. south by land Of Mary Veneer, and on the Wert by hind of John'Diptioid: about thirty Erns cleated pod under fence, balance wen n/tamed. Thereto erected on wild Win a frame dwelling home with kitchen back, and a log sta ble. The abovedesatbed premises 1111 earthily underlaid with coal, and on which them is agood orchard, -consisting (dapple, peach. cherry and plum trees. The kind Is convenient to Churches and Ikitool Rouse', AIM .1* only about two and a kelt mites distant trots Leglonville Station:and about the mime from Baden Sullen, an the plat,- Fort _Wayne A Chicago Railroad. - TKR,lll4 . One Mid bribe purchase mortar to be' condonation of tateby the evert sad the In twouquataaudal psystents with War, set Menton from the eottlirmallon of . said duties ,The generation of the deed and all staiep duties to be paid by the purchaser.- JOSEPH MLitt, maylltin; - - • • • • Com. of Samuel 4ffia ~'' :Iq`4ea - ••• .7 • 1ikn...••33 • • 3 -I Sprikaild'Suliilnetaftls ""‘ . . . .:,!,., ,..1.y . ,, . z.z . ,. .4.. , • . .: .. .. :•.1 . ?...:'. It /1. ff:::...': , :.; ' ,1..C, ;. !'f l- . 1 ' 1 . , i.r4ii.lVlt:V'-`4..ili.i'' ,:=O-. T!?`'llL"''Tt.' f`"77i-S-4`, ~ ' ..•: :., r: ::•,,.•1 1- --- „- 7.-.. -• .:- 'A 4 P * , ;0 Pil * , t..... . . ..„ ..._..... ,7 . t • cdriii;'or Si** MU P . 0HR 8 : 7 T. 17, 14 111 N2P lIMOION= lisrp.just returned . from', tbe esiL 1r lib a, large stocker goods bought at= thOlow , est DOW prlces, , Nlnch they' oftin to Chi pubbo at - • REAM/TAWS MOM C"%iltingq DRY GOODS. 'Gitcrozarzti 'Tnoviszolis ic4r13,. ,, 22,0'.0$ AND-14101th HARDWARE, /RON, rrgui, QAllp=BTootit ROPE. OCUM -PAOKIXO , YARN, cbotca brands or-WHITE LEAD - and. dry aml In olli.and .; t. general variety. of Oil Duchy.. ! 1 and rutty. i. Queensware and Willow Ware, FLOUR, 11.0TIR, We still have control of the celebrated RANTOL, CITY KIS FLOUR, also of that favorite brand, Clement ',Si . ' ' , fitoveris high grouuci flour,, • NI.IWCIZEEIK • Tsm,otrn„. We reeler° the.above Wends by the car load, and can sell them at Pittsburgh Prices Thus caring freight, we Man otter at whale • sale end retail, NAILS, WHITE '& WA TER LIME, BALT, SOAP, . , ' Feed. Grain, &c.; Llf - Thanking the public ifiir past pat ronsp. we hope to merit a liberal share for the future. We always buy , for cash, Anil Sell chc p. . • 4 ,..1 •..: 1 1 .1 4 , CALL, AND . BE COJOLYCBD. RETAIL GOODE 'DELIVERED FREE OF , . CIIARQE. . P. S..' Also agents for:the _ . MIL mt . AND REAPER and .Piltrourgh Aalionat Plow Cb'e. 3r-i NAT ... Irnoyfa.l7. - - ' • • • Taper For Spring •011869. Al No. lel' Aro rket near 411'11114 Pittsburgh, • Pa.: A. largo stock of new and elaborate do. signs of Paper. Hangings; suited fur 'Drawing Dooms, Parlors,: Halls and Chambers, together with goods or the Lowest Cost, now opening, and to which constant additions Nat be MAIM. ' All to be disposed of at prices to snit - the times. IfUDILIES Rap. marl 7:31n.' . : ' .• BAROAINS ;IN • DRo'• GOODS. J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO No. 52 - St. Clair Street, prr'rgritaiGi-r, Are sellinz out their stock of 1100 P SKIRTS AT COST. CORSETS at 15 OS, Wotth $L Figured P. K's. for 50 etc. worth $l. • Mild Flannel for Sl3 cts„, worth 37!; A lot of soiled blankets at 43.56 worth $5. A lokof reutnuals for Cliildieit's dresses, IME A FINE tiTOCK OP FANCY SILKS. Gray Poplins, Plaid Poplinetts. 1142 St. Clair; now Sixth st., Pittakg.. , `" Der.lo: inaya: : 11,0CITESTriaR . MARBLE WORKS. W. 11. MARSHALL, Manufacturer !of iIONTTMICEN"I'S HEAD A: FOOT STONES; Maible and Stone Posta For Cemetery Lots. We have now on lointlA a Large nod SM . perlot Stock of Plain ' and. Ornamental .31'onuminM and' fleadstnne& .We alt‘ now ready, to aupply on short notice, nil onlersfroni the country at'low . • rates. Also, . i-rilxicleat4=orkessi And Fixtures' or a Snpriiiir Quality ATJWAYS ON lIANP. Our Neighbors represent that they sell Cheap, but we practice ' Selling Cheaper : And Doinias we •Represent. • We Emplay 'nnAgenN,"te(we'onn pelt 10. Per Cent. Cheapet at the 'Shopi Than • by Agent All persons ileslring any thing bur than Are Invited to Call and Examine OUR. WORK 'AND PRICES' a- • " Before inlieliaslog elsecihem „ f -1/ lirnhOilmataa a caviaciikainirair: 44406; .1104. Prittec i alti gr=days- eacepied) te.34 P. X: Mint V) ' at. .10 r. • a., t •44 I= 1 4T+191itk Cblowa , 5y0rt,4146... , •., f'Szr's, , 1 T ,... : 421. cmkit* , ' 4 • - r 1 836434 1110r8 540r31 . 43out VsJpstaloce. f.IOIS - : 1161 264 , am . .nwouth,.... r , illll. . 1331411 1113 lOW wsrafsr_... :..: . - .....131311rs 130 1001 ' 1111/ Volttatbla.::.l.i..,llll4l • I'S 1046: 1103 Yott Wayus.: . 1 - 1311. 313 - 1130 -1 1 37 -, rel . 4331. 3831.6 1.17 Ulm - -•• • •:.... , i 034' . 3111 133 310 ' formMl.' . . 11 Bid:. 639 ..131 .418 I Upper Basmlalki i .y 510 533 .953 411 *Bucyrus .... ......r t 55 ' 133' .734 334 • ' ~.:...1-A -, ;1 081 • 830 400 615 Ciegt.9 , ... 1 i 610 t 890'. 413 . 1000511 31itistell ' - ' 7011' ' .848' ' 413 . 1040 Wooster' • 836 :' 1317 ' CB ISIOnt Ornilks. ' 900 - Nit . 610 113 -31a5511106.... ......... 1113 718 IEB '43satcsu lMr ' 1133 134 319 A lll6 Per ' BAB . warm as- sto .. nova. ! • ping , .133 ta3l .. aso 1!r , 12.650 613 1013 4913 Plitsbargh , • 11 136- . .4130 1130 • ' 791) MID l e conustotru, Neu; Cutts. sod Eris Papresa hut Youngstown'at t 95 m; New Cast* xiA ar lizth *S. Plqabarsb„ &* Panes Plitsburuh It; sir at rosogsbrun, 10:40. N. CostleAtiO r ug You .New Cull* aud Pittsburgh Ae. co in Youbilutstsru. tor :isle CrUe,l6o3 p: You itt - . Allegheny, 10.10. •. m. Returning, lames Pittsburgh, p. Ir. rives New Cassds.7•GA p_Asfrollisg/Unrb. Tapp. ,J.ll. &sera 7lctur Apia/. CLEVELAND t PITIREL'RGII RAILROAD. On and utter Apr. SUP L9e2. Ogee will leave &Wont daily (Sundays excepted) es follows. STATION/I. M►[LBS!•Y Cleveland MIX .1391 en Encild Street.' ("nil 1815 . Iludion • - ' 945 . • 130 • Ravenna.:.:...:'.'“ll.ll Alilanett... Bayard ..... . Il fl 101 WrWvflla ...• 11133rx. to ItTATIONO. 111 MAIL. Wellsville''' —, 11503...11 Bayard . ...... ...'llDll. • Alliance .ills Ravenna 111deas Lindens. • 1114 Enellalltreei I 1156 Cleveland Iril —____ ____ 't_ ersetose . .. i'Exr's I_ • iblonsistecoit , , ;,----,—; .--s-- --- ,Ltellair . ' 4451 x; Silt —• Eihrs,.... Bridgeport ' ; 5.16 1810 tit 0 Lt.: Steubenville.-- I " :CO : 11-At aio ~ .. Wellsville '',10.5 ; I.loros 130, r..... Smith's Pen 7... .I t 8W AI iiii ' .. Bearer::: .... .....b ' • • .... Rochester...... t 913 'BB 630 . 1.... Pittsburgh . i ; ll4lrd r.lO fiz , ' -- - ' ._..1 . . , • ootxts Wire.. S. .. . . , • Wrlll ON,. ~ MAIL; Bres./Rxr's. ... ;1.---- • I Pittsburgh '' ll (710 ex 135exigsdarx ... Rocharter. ' I 710 rsl ; 315 .... Borst ' Sinith's Ferry 1 Irellsrille ' 835 110 700 .... Steubenrille.....4 91.1 210 .... ' Briogepart...s..;. • ' 10:41 ' FM • ' .... i ... ' BelLstr.. .. 'him co ... ...: ... - - - • Tido is • mixed Rata to Weikel* slid est Dress trio from Wellsville to PlMtn/3k % • . Tusc.in.n.wAs . pninca: -• rlilladelphla,o2o a. •s. Attputt, Slant, X. rial4dePllolXOPol J. U.l 11. G TWket Agelnt. A disaltdairitton . 144141. 1 -Lerters - et ad: ministration thee edit* oftleenie A. Bon g . so dee'd, of Newickley township. basin. been granted to the • stardendgned. all person koowtog thentines indebted to said estate as 6 rconested to mate immediate mine tit. and thos, haring stalwarts d mends apJnot. the sante wIP present theta prop icily •autheutlerted ter settler ritentto • , .• ,I:I4NRY.EIONZO, aprkt:Ct • . Administrator. ;13 sport of the condllipn of the National Dank 14 of Bearer county, .New Ittleiton. Pa.. at the close of baldness on theTitti day ol'Aptil, len% . , . 114 - .BODRCEM. ' oLnan arn..ud Discounts $169.1.63 ta ...nt a U.S. Bonds to recure rituals:kmUM titi 191,080 00 U. S. Bonds on band— ... .......... : 31,5M1 CO Due from Banks. 7.116 OM Dent Estate and Banking Beare ILikkt 03 Furniture and. fixtures 2.41 ti 118 ( Bagense Account and TASeI • 3.3411 61 _ . ... 1.5 3 40 Legal Tender Bank Notes and Chee — lts,. SI,ON CS Capital Stock Cuntlomat find. Diaconal, Exchange and Intarcat, National clrcnlatlon ontatandhaz,. Anne, •—• Due Dap°altars Dna' Dinka and Danko,, , , 51,96 S G.l , . , The ohore statement 13 a correct shetract irom the Report to the Comptroller nf the Cntrency. EDWAI/0 1100 PS, Cathlcr. Correct—Anne: : 13E\.1. MOE. N. It. EDGAR. uThmetom. It. E../100PW I . . • = i t oltreer. TICTI Cherry Tonle Blum * 11:1•: Tlils BEST ESE FAUBER'S * TONIC BITTERS, The very belt in the Market. E. 'SELLERS & .CO., Opposite SI. Charles llotol, also entrant(' No 102 • and 101111 rd strict, • PITTSBURGH, ''sPENN'A. Wholesale Agents for the West For ease by Jobn Poore, Bearer, Ps In1:67:1y. • • • • atm MULINTOCK COMPANY,- • T_TAVE just receirrdperOoeun Steam ' err Minnesota, Clona, Russia, lowa, City of London. and Cily of Baltimore. tha largest:- assortnient of most beautiful C A S R E R E. A T C S Ever brought to this City, winch they im port directly . fro - tit the most 'celebrated manufacturers or Europe, and consequent. ly can offer at the very lowest rates. They call especial attention to the very • low prices et ingrain Carpels Ihr . nii des , r4ip , trots. • - . • • • • • • OIL CLOTHS; MATTING,SHADE.S4c Oliver M'Clintock & Co. Avenue, PiltsLureh, Pa; ninr243y • ~• • . DEANER ACADENV.-5110. , 11avrcr•Aes• 111 dugi7 had bmire-opeqed,by. 10fili W INNS MAW Es•Preskleut of Lincoln Uotwmity, known me a Onto:costa rettnestor of the deaf and the blind. The next items will [eminence. P. , • , • - • MON DAy p MAY, I OM, 1869. Students of both sexes. may bore kir . °uglily. the ecwitroon School Coarse. nndct stria dhelpilne: , Stionitt - adequate doom apain... l * - • airnettem ,wlll be tlren In most .parts et the remit) , mune. Creepositiop. *location. rhetoric and ' Ittrotiotny; the H h ebrew; Greek wad Latin . tangelos logic with piltre:whir ellasisb tat and moral, .dinitently !tiy the Principal. " " • pawnor. end to rffiien'i Sw ahili!!bad ere; Mitebelle nione Omit rtwwtws with Felton • onnhie .111aps. areenlitaNSiabemstleal Series and Dub lionn ComawldV: roe. mbiltlehal Milan Ikkx 111, Deaver. Item* County. Hi tantAti wari7A3, Ballroads. QM =I 12 11 ri l g as the al :I. N smile ■ODTg Man. Accom SIG s SIG IN SSP Gl5 coma *arra: SW/ Iligii =ter Lai 117.. Isvo ll.. :I ell .1 94-3 tiWIG664 lE3=3! V00.(110 ro 17.0(0 ei() 941 HQ 04,1111 00 100 00 614.913 13,fRIT NO. 43 WOOD BTR E ET IM -4fiscegaisea r .-- . 130.0ti5a44 Shims I „ f. Ittadjo/910 14411Enk; ,It#/),P IMO APFPSIB - • •,; ; • ••• • •• it bun s. • ' • k • ' mud) el , -. • , • - , , , BOOTS SHOES 11ADETO:ORDSli: TERMS. 'MODER STD. 8111 % cm , Third &red,. (Nair Miller's liapit Sture)jicavesk's...(Jlre us f (AIL uprlly- .1 NEW' SPRING DRY GOODS, - A Great . Variety, . • • .• Cohrliting oil full Llg4 of 110iisekepilid Goods, DOM2Srd DRY GOODS NEW SPRING cOops, BLACK ALPACAS COLORED ALPACAS• CASSIMERES FUR MEX . 'S WEAR, rAltslstEitp.4 volt mirs,wiait zia3El - r,m EN. TICSI\ 08 JEANF; e corr:oNADEs, Prints Delains SHA, w &C;. "i'3zb.; All Bought FOR CASH, Frinn the Eastgilkanuisourcrs.: . plt•rlsry,ol=t7rEßs, 4 . 0 4111(14,cl i 1 0 .3, invite din 'Atient4in of The ' Wholesale, Tilade. & Co 178 Fetieral Steed, Allegheny apr23:lln. WALL-PAPER F0r1869 Tliosuas Palmer, John C'L Dodge. At one cOmmodlOns And glue iocia 'Soler Mom a comple to aseortmeo t of Now and Etta.tvretyl Or both ling loae4 And Satin abb. Cheap BrOwn'and White Papers; Aho, °Tory l'Orlety of OIL CLOTHS, .Trnilsparent and Paper Window Shades Figured ntid Plain at ;lowir prices than 'ever ,befo.re offered in ilia „ • CALL AND MEE. Enecia; Ismlre:omen Ls ortered Wholevalo Dealer.. Tuomm; PA 1,11 ER CO., • 'An. 91 Worn! Street. betwe'en CIA and sb atr ium...ad door below Dlamond alkry , Plltabur,:ti, Pa. mar3;3ro. .• • FAI:LSTON F 017.11 p • AND REPA/R, §I3OP. Endues and machinery made and.repalzed In the but style. Xinin great meriety of Catlett.. I can with proinglit ad o. accommodate restomem with almost everythlnglin • the casting line and at lowest ram. • Plough and Plough Castings, of ',tighten! patterns,lncludlng the (treat Western. Whiek it:mka for itself wherever it has been coo RTOVThe most pot, • Cooking. Franklirs.,-.MUMog Mares the Glum? tam hoops Ma best ns It takes little fact. little .11sorto do the moot work. best linker, and moot durablet.taken altogether the best stove in use, In cutmection with the store Ihavo got up a • Patent Portable.lfatenblon Top. . usibich takes very little mom. no additional reel, ~an not get out of order. and not liable to wear at, 411,o:using with all ripe, can he put nu ur taken off at any time, and' made to suit all stores 'of any *bin or patterns.. Lh haitimous of what be here salsl.l offer a few names of permits having used the Stove for some time; 1 Dr. Isaac Moan., . RI John Drove _ • 2 M.l', Kennedy, ll Abner 511.1.011. '3 Samuel Kennedy, ilfJohn 41 Gibson, 4 Robert li'llinron, •G Jonathan McKenzie. II John Watson. . ill Mrs = !loosen. 0 Dr , Jas. K. Jackson. .67 JOhn W: D. Siulth, 7 Dr. 1: S. Killott, IG3SI S. 3tTerrun. • s Dr Parker. (9 John Jselzson, • 9 Dr. J. D, McCrary , 112 lien). F. Pugh. 10 lillo W. 3111Ier, 71 Samuel Kennedy, 11 William I.7uu ' ' 111 Otpt.Ja, Johustnn. 12 Andrew Morrow 73 Benjamin Franklin 13 Rios 11. Kraus 74 Jacob lougvccker,' 31 Card. James Roneyll,Jimes P. Couch. ' .1 15 Capt. J. S. Winans • zg Frederick lio' tarar, 10 Mrs Malor Walla .T 1 Mrs Robert Andrews, 17 M ll . - G'''.• P5llOl . ;74 John 11. Doman, 28 11. T. license, • . • , .19 Mu. Mori. Maldtelon II A. G• Werooz.l - ISO James 11 MorLin 11l James Conklo ' til 'David Lloyd - 21 Thomas IL Dm to'Al Thomas Bcaeont . Mlliodb Shells ,1.1 John, Dunlap Copt W. (noon, • SI Androw W. Jackson. 24 Thumbs Bradshaw, Sr 21 Simnel Taylor, • zs 31110 Bradshaw,AlHiramStowe, 2ii !lota= BBradshaw l s7 lira. L Pottemon,_ - i 7 Tin* I Bradshaw, Ir. SSlTllliam Davidson, , 921)1.z0n Reed. .. 149 Geo Shierly. • 29 3111 tun Reed . ~ tat Samuel Donlan, 30 Milo Reed . lf -11 l lice. 1). P. Lowary, It Wit/tons Rekil, - , 09 Robort lattnie. EC Jost Rerd,•, • • - g 3 (leo. W. Ilamillon. 't '3l Mrs Thea urner . 2I Fronk Wilson, ,Esq. 14 Johnston Lan7hll2 91 WlilioM Duna,' . .37JanseaTbornpoos, '. 94 George Wilton 01l Ma.ttin Knight', . 01 Jason Itichardott, - 31111 chard Staley . '24 Mal E. Sankey. ai William Roves ' l• PS Alfred Pierce • 11.1Joreph licrenlot. 115:1 Amain nerve 40 David Carr • • till John Pierce ' 41 Dr. -- Moon 1101 Sin John Thomas ' 42 Solomon Fronk • 1103 John Lowery • .1.1 James Knowles Gill J. W, I , lmM:wooer • 41 judge Canna 1.111.1 JlOll4 Thomas. ' 45 William Morrow; • ; 1106 Robert Wallace '• '4O Wm. Viekerstalll . 107 Daniel )(omen' , 41 Semnel Croimen 1 0 M 'Thomas Moron, • 4.2 Joseph MeDermlt!' ' 111 Dr. C. R. Tuttle, .49 Alm Jos It'Dorsoltt.. 110 Prior O'Rourke - :A Walton Wagner . . 111 ileum' Fetter . II - nee II P Sawhill ' 111 Francis lioullet —, Al Washington Enlid • 113 1:11 8.5., ''' -- 53 John Y. ;Marks • . , MR. L. 111221n0, 34 ('apt. A. It'Dooald . 117 lleuricl 4 Leos. i AS Copt. 31 31 1 Donald, 114: lebsel Wenn.' ; • 74 Wirt ll'Donald. 117 William Petetood• GI Mrs :fumy It'llonaldi 119 ljes.Wris Smolt 124 Alec. Whlto ;119 Henry Ibadra:ll IM him WWI* ... . ' 1.120 William Fusel, • CO William Grove. - 1161 Joseph 1. IllockatOre, SI Baotou Grove '1 1 . trod 111 4 nu'r store air'reeelio In part my 1 a ono ' u t troori Q ber or otOses rotT l _!nr ins . n a nfE re lnen. ' and sold by. other portico. frApoo. . ....I thlnr, aro nearly new ,and : w raorotO the th.. and razt s t ra. pro umi red n geo r . e o zr. ,_....47 4 .e u • 1 'Xi 1 e0 413 . 4 . al very /ow rata. ; _ • i— • , , , . Ifavlnd throe Oro( chant rmie. on had. shoot Illteen hderw power espoetty they are offered to Ms pollk at reastmohlo rata*. - • • , , 1011 N nioanuty. afetoryttr ' - r , • • . F o em s ALE t —Tbe &tree Noltßanntorttufne Z. Ore. Sof p!* . IWO work, , loaded on 'lts.:toan creek, ono•ninr mile Itoto toe Ohl* Herr. on are farm of Robert , Potter. Roe. Its . ire wag located Ibr t be memo.. Quilt. Their are two_ gpod nit weVe , rep dwento.4llcoa. mioper , notr end met bent emirestebt to the worts. Terms miry. For .60,_pamac. mil on. 8. U. PRik.Nt.ll. =Stitt " , Beltran re: 11/111 -10adleitsal. :ram by i Jutir atroptua. i ßut au as remain can be xts for usefulness by this application Qlnallid ;of fouling the hair with 'a pasty sedite ,ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous." ;Its occasional use will ,Preveits the hair i from turning gray or falling' off, and' consequently prevent baldness. Free' from those deleterious substances which make somo preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair the Vigor inn only benefit but not balm* it. : If wanted, merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found to desirable. ,COntaining neither oir nor dye, it doe* :net soil white cambric, and yet lasts 'long ou• tho hair; giving its rich &Nisi . lustre and a grateful perfaine. Prepared by C. Ayer & Co., Pascual. AND .ANALrric.a, ' Cann% LOWELL, Miss. FBI= 31.00• Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Disesees og the Thins: and. Lungs, web as Coughs, add% Nifhoogung Cough, Bronchitis, and Consumption.. Probably never before In the wheiki Mattel ,medleine, haft anything won so wkieJyand sodeepit 'upon the confidence of mankind, a.. this excellent 'manly for pulmonary comp/amts. Thump a lone, genes of years, and among most of thins-ace. of 'men It has risen higher sad higher In their cilium. non, as it has: become better known. Its =form character and power to cure the various affections of the hmm anti throat, hare made it known as a re liable protector against them. While adapted Is ander forms of disease and to young childrce, it is at the same nuts the most effectual sensed) that coo be Ewes for Instististat consumption, and tbe moos affection of ow=land lungs. Asa pro vision against iodine be kept on hand to every Ounty,=ll? ty ore sometimes subject to do and eou •stiould be provistml with this antidote for then,. Although settled Consumption 1.1 thought in curable, still great numbers of eases where the este seemed ...nisi, have been completely cured. ' and the patient restored to sound health by Me Cherry Pectoral. So complete Is Its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. Wheu leg ebe could reach them, under the Cherry Pec toral they subside and disappear. SiMgCrl and Public Speaker} nod great pro, ' tection Item h. Asthma to abrays-rellerat and often wholly rural t y it. " Dastachitti is generaltr•.rural by tatmg the: ,Cherry Pectoral m small and frequent doses. So generally:re its virtues !mown that we need sot publish the certificates of them hero, or do mono than assure the public that Us qualitles are IWy =Wattled. Ayei's .1.1 4 .ue Cure; Vivre 'and 4val, IntermitSent Parer. CUL. Fever, blethittent Fever, Dumb Ague. Periodical Cr Bilious Fives. am. and indeed all the &Sections which arise from lariou 3 r ;manta, or •mistamatio poboin. As Its name lmplles, it does Cure; and llocs net NIL Containing neitberArscule.laninme,lllisanith. line, nor any other mineral or poisonous substanro whatever, it in nowise Injures any patient. ntutiber and importance of its tures In the a dui. Mint s, are literally beyond account, and we ieve without a parallel In the history of Arne inedielned Dun pntle pratilled by the aeknotrledrotenbt wd receive of the radical cures effected in 01. i-finale rases, and where other remedies Ind wholly Unaeclimated persons, either rcsalent in, o. Iravellmr, through miasmatic localities, lull be pnt.,..„. Varied by tabu; the AGUI: Ct , lW daily. For Liter Complaint.. ansuaz frorn )1' the laver, It is an excellent remedy, annotating' be Urn Into healthy activity. For Won. Disorders and lArer Complaint., it IA in excellent remedy produeme mans truly In makable rums, where uthenmedtctnes had falls.!. Prepared by Da. .1. C. Aran & Co., Practical tnd Analytical Chemists, Lowed, ?Sass., and sold Ili round the world. .11 4 .121(1.6", $lOO PER JITO mirl7.ly J. R. BARRETT ✓F CO., Propriei.or, ii.i.rcaxanaa, X. S , Vorenic by an Drayglata and DeMery In 11,1 till. everywhere. The 7 Last t. - Suecest. FM 4 5 $.A . A t ittg 9 Y -. 'IMPROVED BAIRREspIa „ RAM DREssititi AviOtYle in oneilotat will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural s t pitir and beatity, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other • preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those why wish to restore it. TICC beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the-Hair match desirable for old and young. .Per Sale by all. Draggl■tl. DEPOT, 19 . 8 (1 EENWICII T. ?KIM ° EDoVia erlhe naltrim honer aria [temper: I Challrazes all enspetlilou for t 4 lnso7tetty, Du ability awl lass of Itanatintent. Frost awl rear ant obtains,' on the lams machine at all!. ir t h w ,,,, to ow with antler elevaled; (as la rot abose) the halves lb 111 parae tail as le on the west or any latermsdlata anx.e. Just thi for roorh laud or swam stows and stumps. Flint premium for brat wean( snarlalba. a Illraad (1.14 Medal trota Mud Valley Agrkultaral llochtly theta days trial at Santa. nth has MA 10th otJalY. Wt. Fannera, 'rim:lane the new maks wade la Bearer county. on an drlttlliiiie Kale beans parebaslan slaewhem Notsmasent nicawary =the advantage at buylna a asubbsa issaalaw tumd consented to the phft share slot Call and manias. florally% PITTADIMUJOITATIONALN.OWCO.' WPAK - i A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers