3 ,- - ~. _ .: - . --- r .. t ..', . 7. ) , • ' The( ueave =cnlmm "F t 2,11, , , i17.7 •niz. 61' ' SOL - .411•‘. I igir • Kr-161/ 008 . *OD 63 00 $l2l SW /61 e qurra,.do 280 CO ICOJO OD 1900 3 ag oaro . 40 aOO .; 900 110 D 1115 IS 00 4 noires. de. • lOW IMOD II 1. , 501am0..... 800 11 00 MI CO .30 co as co h column 11 CO 'll to 1600' ID 00 0000 1 colas= !Oa *OD 8610 moms° Admlotalrslore aid 113388030r5' 1i0thx0":..,135110. tpedel =odor pr hie, len 08061: ' •-' rapneslS •to b lade 'Qiarlort. esteept for transient ad0w1180218166, whlcligoo3be paid lo adiante. :i ' Mate a rthe Thersitarieterr Ibr the week ending tho Mitt of .I . tinitt; • lank Apr.lB, 45 deg. • 72 deg. 64 deg le, 46 deg. '76 deg.. 65 deg 20, 85 deg. 64 deg. 46 deg 21, 47 dog. 60 dog. 60 deg 48 deg. '6l deg. Id deg 23, 30 dog.. 67) deg. 62 deg 21, 49 deg. 71. deg. 63 deg R. T. TAYLdIi. Subscriptions to the lionver-Ar.. fallowing named persona have paid tho sums set opposite to their names -on subscription to' tho Beaver Alums, since the date of our last hunto : Wm. H. Henderson, Foilsttm, • 400 Janice Smith, McCleary, ' „2 00 • Rev. D. W. Canon, McCleary, . l.OO. Mr. McCullough; 00 Walter B. Dunn, Moon tp., - 200 Ruel Rood, In, Jollies Craig, Ilcxikstown, De r Orr', Dobbs, Moon tp., :NlAltyo. Rochester, S. B. Nasi?ii, Beaver, stlentlon.of the publle Is directed to the following Now Advertisements which appear for the tint time In the An: gem to-day : 'Special NotleeW—.l. 11. Bence. Special Motto - P. Jenne - t, Special Notine-fe. Somers. Special Notices—Mrs. E. li. Flamm. Iteport—Nailonal Dank of Beaver Co. New Spring Gaels—A. W. Erwin tt Card—F. M. Aiderdeson. Adiarls. NotleipTlienry.Bunw Republican County Committee. —The Republlctuis of Beaver County arc regosted to meet hi Mass Convention, at the Court House; In Seaver, Thurstlay„ Nlay.6th, 18(2), at 1 o'clock r. IL; to elect delegates to the State Con . ventlon to be held at Phlladelphia, , on Juno 23rd, 1869. [ H. lltce, Chairman. Fnamu Limo always on hand at. the Mulvanon Limo 11Cilna, Vanport, ta) its. per bushel. j apr2l;tr. The neWsnnounceruents made in this week's Ammo, iue. W. 11. Lukens, of Rochester, for Atioßtor, and John White, of lloppwell twp., for Poor Rouse Di- recto. LilnYsn' Hatki and Bonnets altered, cleaned and done over cheap at Bence's, Third Street, Beaver. apr2B;2l. Jamtleea• earn:int:along.— Jus tices' Commissions have been received by•tho Register and Recorder of this county, for the fpllowing named gentle men: John Slentz, Ohio tp.; A. It. Wolf, Brighton tp.; Sating. C. Trimble, 44roimo tp.; Andrew Watterson, Brighton tp.; n: Alexander, Rochester tp., and Rola; 'rat ion, Beaver. n. tresses man's imperial race en snare, antl beauty draws us with a 'single hair."' Ladies of this country now-a days are losing their magical tresses by the use of Nile nostrums, or by neglect ing to apply th4l proper remedy to pre serve the{ rbeatitiful char Ms. " run's Vegetable Ilalr itestomtive" is the safe guard'-B.yrocu.4,e Journal. [lt. EXTRA Inrge:Tremaplanled Cabbage Plnntn for RRIO. Alae , Tomatonnd Sweet Potato plants 413 , ea.101j., C 1 Oousits, apr.N;2t.] The CoHeeler's Offlee.-42. M. Merrick, hlsry., has received his commis- Hien as Colleetdr of Internal Reiventie, and will enter upon the duties of the of fice on Saturday, May Ist; in the mom formerly occupied by the National, lian,k of Beaver Co., New ; Brighton. A Sad Case.—Rev. J. Welker, for N.,1110 time past connected w ith Rev. .I'as savant's Orphans' Memo, in Rochester, showed evidentro of insanity on last Monday, and was taken up to Dixmont, hut as the papers in tho case wore infor mally made out he was brought back. guarded to the Orplums' home on Mon tiny night, and on Tuesday mOrning was brought over to Beaver to Jail for ware , keeping. Before night., however, the ro guish° authority waa obtained,. and he waa then taken hack to Dixmont, when, ho will remain until his malady yields nu‘lical treatment. NEW I)rmut tiogabt, 'Mack Silks, just opened at: Bence's, Third Street, Braver, Pa. : apr9-B;2t. Tree Plantiug.-:Tersons who own 'property should make it a rule to plant trees or shrubbery every spring. Noth ing makes a 'home look more cheerful than a few abode and ornamental trees, and nothing pays nutter In the end than It few dolliwitinvaded each year In buy and setting theM out. Friends take our advice and plant something this spring that will either make you a shade or beautify your grounds. . Go to P. Jeunat.'94lpOp p e ver Hibbard t U '.4 . Drug Se re, In Bea ver, where. Ito root4a 711 1 419 3 Angraves,. nutkoa and mends Jewelry'. - Ifoititutrori I.do work and doOttA,E elfeap. • `" ' trujialid Lclterm.—Tho attention of the new Beata:lister Generality' been di rected to au erroneous construction plao ed by hfs prodoixassor upon the law of 18115,:whieh.proVides that all letters de posited for suaiy.syg, paid only in part, nitall be forwartlOd to thr.ir destination charged with' the unpaid rate, to be col leen-4 on delivM.y... The practice in the Postollice depar,tment has been to for ward to its destination every letter bear ing a three cent stamp, though the cor ral postage lobe collected un delivery i~ air or even twenty-four cents.' But if the letter bear only a two cent stamp it i. sent to the Dead Letter °Mee, though the correct postage is but three cents, or ono cent additional. 1,4111/N, ■nvo'your money by buying your g 0044 11t; Benco'N.. 4V 11111. i:. etock just °penal. Soo odyertisennutt in an other column.% nprt;2t. I The.Yeloelpede.-Dtt ug akisit to l'ittsburilt,oWhist Saturday, we had the* • gratification; of Seeing a velocipede, limit at a rest, and then under a full head of sail. After examining Its consttuction and wie(ulunsa as thoroughly as our limited time would permit, wo have set, tied down into the belief thaVvelocipedes are not..)nst tbe , Vbeeltarroirs strike'ils titacTiikio - rera+tirtibly; and our ritlyire :the . yOvolvi America, is; if you want Id become a proprietor of a concern having a laniard wheel to it,' take the latter by all means. It will an. duro longer, and tho " divvies" , realised will be mach heaviei. Take our ism* fur that. • ALL The latest styles of Bats and Bon nets 'ln large vartety,at Benee's Clhocip l'kf Winery Eatabllshment; Third Street, }Seaver, P. aPr2B:2L groorypoogill, Immo.* of IlupertorMek It. Mrs. 4. A. Ammo's Improved (Saw !Vie) Hair !Loiter er..or Domelng. (Is ono bottle). Error DMIX I43 malts 11. Fries ens dollar.. lmersl:lm Witbdrikwatl..—We are mu" tad to w ithdraw the name of Ai P,,./firtta; or Darlingtrartli.; as latilldate Ibr 'barn& . • ouoharaiter oadml-4101. 04 t* School Bottle; In Iffg B Ao oger townisldt s Wedomday ovettlitlfdrlhita Tho Leta as correctly as we can. parer to we itkoutv Wows; Huri ng the 4 4 1 64.1*40d if tr i '••..,:the School House lam' • - ;•Iis has officiated as door beeiper„ , .:- 'Sewed charged liza" . l WA*. :tidied mcffoMtsoo7 ail" he biKl soce„uPtr• • bd for and intide'sionit pit* ititet to that effect to the school house; on that ( "Ping' A fte nr ili g :word!! °turned between Steivazt andlpiqph A:nlis, and .4alki i *hu T. lifetAnlis gOtiool,Msd Stewart, strode bhp a powurl'ablow on the bead, rising the handli of a semothlug iron as a knttekler r . 'lt Is saldhe mimed Stewart.' bead thwArtittitne.hoSOph,lot,d - made quite a alga in the wieffter boarding of thigi qciool house withilßewispon. The 04 ° 0 ':VOlrelltawarA Ptrack ifzd knocked down. Ho was carrioehome, and Is now lying In n critical condition. MeArtils broke :from the erowd. after striking and has not sine been found.— key 'Castle Cburcat,'4pri4 ; 23.. - °Kul's% unite Piholle School.— On last Mond. the Public School of Beaver opened Its scission for thf-prosent year. The tiitcheri ieloeted . *reread present, rind Atli) A. w., rOplareti to their respective rooms; andlaik eharg,i of the children confided to their care., The at y,tadanco of pupils onlfobdity morning was largo, and it is to he hoped that the sebbol will makesuPid progress during the torn. 2 50 2 00 4 00 2 00 l'lrw EATING Hovel.—Poter Angel, Of Bridgewater; with in oyo to buslnews and the wants of the public, has fitted up and opened an eating house - nAlpLuing his grocery and confectionary, ,whdre meals will be served up to order at all hours.— Every article in the eating ling afforded by the seasons or the markets, will ho found on hand, subject to the orders of the bungry.,' : Entrance through store room. a apr2l:ll. 111111" . 11br Nale.—Tho Masan. Baker, of Industry, offer to sell their. Mill; In that village, at a bargain. They desire to change their business, and on that ac count they propose to sell out at a very low rate. Their,property is mted, is in good repair, and at the pres ent time the Mils have a good run of custom. A man with a small capital, would, no doubt, do well to take hold df the Industry. Mills. The Village of In dustry Itself lea thriving place, and prop erty there will command a much higher price in a few years than It does uow. AP/nu—Wear your learning, like your watch, in a privateirockat, and don't pull It out to show that you have one; but if you are asked what o'clock it is, tell Bo if you are asked what the greatest tonic in the•world is, you can•wlth eon fidenee say, WO lingari Bitters. It is recommended by some of the most emi nent men ,in this country, as well as in Europe: opr7;lm. Ilooc and Over Skirts, Corsets, Hose, Bats, Bonnet, the Genuine Alexander Kid Gloves, and everything else which Is generally found in a first class Trim ming and Variety Stoic, at Airs. E. H.• Beacom's, Beaver; Pa. - • Card From James A. Anderson. —hid(for Dearer • ram: Man Stn :—Al low me to say to tho Republican vOters of Beaver county, through the modiuni of your valuable paper, that owing to the crititxl condition of my health for the last four weeks, I have not been able to canvass the county as thoroughly as I would have done. It is impossible for me to sou every 'Republican voter in the county, but will endeavor to see all that I can, and I take this method of sending word to the balance that I am a candidate firSherili, and if the peoplo of Beaver county appreciate my services in the pat*, for over twenty years, my services to my oonntry;and my present condi it lion ot health, caused by wounds receiv ed in the services, and if they have any favors to hostow on me, now is the time I would ask, as ihia is the last time I ex pea to Mier myself as a tmididato fa( Sheriff. Yours Truly, JAY RN A. A - Nuansoa, Darlington. IMEIE • A LARUE assortment of Ladies' huts and Bonnets and the necessary Ribbons, Flowers, tke.,•for trimming them, hos Just been received by Mrs. K IL Bea com. Everybody cull and moo them. Mall Chaage.—Tho 'Western Mall, 'heretofore duo In Beaver at 3 does not reach hero now until ir. n. This is a great inconvenience 'to the people of Beaver and vicinity. • Evr:nir Variety of Stationery at Mrs E.II. limeones. Reisolotionm or liespeet.—At a regular meeting of Beaver Lodge, 1. 0. G. T., 590, on Tuesday, April 13, tho following resolutions were adopted: Inasmuch as God in his wisdom has seen tit to break our fraternal circle, and take from it our beloved slater and asso ciate, Mary Emma Bravo. Re.golred, That we, the mOnibers of Beaver Lodge, No. 3W, I. 0. G. T., take this opportunity to manifest our appre ciation of her worth, and mourn that'she has been thus early called frcim the field of action, feeling' that our Lodge, wad the Temperance eausOjuus lost a faithful friend and zealous worker. Resolreil, That 'wo; as Members, NM redouble our, inverts in the good cause, and endeavor by renewed zeal on our part to fill up the breach' In our ranks made by the destroyer; Death. Resolved, That we Milder our heartfelt sympathyto her parents', and sisters in their affliction, and although wo mourn her loss, wo find . consolation' in the knowledge that she has crossed the dark and unknown stream that leads to the light, and will live again. • Resolved, That a copy of those resolu tions bo furnished her family,' also that . they be, printed in the importer the coun ty and lifbd on our records.' Y. M. S3IITIT, JIARVEY MeCicEnny, CSin WII. SUTITERLANT, ) Card From • 3giltion Towused, Esei.—.EAWor Denver .Argim: It seems to ho the innivesslon Of a good many per sons that I am allovibig my.liame to be used, es a candldato - Air Senator, in the Interest of J. S. Rattan, I..7eui. If I should be so fortumito as to got Mere watts than he will (as I shOuld be very glad to do) I can't see how I would be advancing his interests. The fact Is that ho or his friends had no intimation of my offering my nano as n candidate; antll.4appeared in tho.liadi ed/ of last week. , •. , . - 'And I want it distinctly understood, that I am running squarely on nay otht aceeunt. Very Respectfully, Mittort'rowsniExia; chleago and St. Lanie t —The busi ness men of these twn'Ait s es aro Cal Wing vigorously to secure'-the grain traddof tha:West. The merelnitabf St. Louts propose to place grain at Liverpool one cent per buahel draper than by the rail road'ioute, tdtbotigh thadistineaby way of the Ilisstatipplylver is much greater. uoste carry grain fnini th'e 311asissippPriver.to Chicago, a Ms-, lance of WO nolles,while a ton can be transPdked f dm' thitioporldisalaalppl to Kew - Orleans, ZXXI - ndles, for $B.BO. fn view of thetai Dicta, tho mercaries of Chi °ago have decided to invite a ConventlOri (Alba BoartbtfilTrideof Oswego, Buffa lo, Cleveland, Toledo, ; Detroit, Milwau kee and, Chicago teeonsider thequeetion of chea pening transportation to the sea board. • Ir you wax4:mr Yfutl* . ±)'irt?P so to P. Jmuso IRENE INM MISIEN 6 , 1 ifilipiftiliteme7: ' kW** eisinGlrAblie l eeNtfta ttp Itilituttilieirfrold ireletuti ti".11:414 4 4+4644rt = rnthebgaii ,:nOws4 the pip scream, now the ganiewar lei ow the sigh; and - natal. l his= k ri ti r ,4111 41 6 4 i b ed 4 Nig 11 nd - "P b Y eocittnikett , kre singing *ape. 140 aMillgthrd thrf .Nalt 1:0111.. be; 4000 the musket*, .ftoe, gm outlined critter of destiny, solltarY,andidono, eu aminin4 bin brit ymp's Mli. met 001 , be hegOiartiti.* *Oa *if '',4* - -40 4 045, jbMiltbigh bawling the parnydrd.,• .• ' - Clock fitidesh— Un a list week a. clockwas taken from a school house in linccogatownship by some petty thief. The Cloak belonged . the. yeting lady Who was toachingthere ittthe'time. A stranger,wasPen►neer ; tlu.bnildlug la the eveningbefore the clock was takeit; and irosPlcidolmtittg Intr.( rant for his arrest was Issued by Justice Janteskimith, -and ,it; ponstable.eent In 'pursuit: , lee Miro *leeched- Whether hetiaughtup with Idni'or not. Tho sup- Posed thief watleading towal4 'rank foti'when last seen. e. Pritsilsig,.oftlee For Alliance Monitor, alirge.tkioliininititir Paper, is offered br sale =amount Oita 'proprietor's filling health., The business of the paper Isnounta to wOOO per an num. .Soseya its owner. } Mrs., Mettle . McClellan Brown, the editzesk kasyrith-' drawn from the paper after being con nected with it about three months. Wo twesume her experience is that Oft meat many otheni, is: That It IR migrant deal More difficult to manage and edit apaper thin people generally suppose. ' ' . The' Maryland Amplelde.—On Wedneiday Miss Cairns was arrested by. Clonatable Rockhold, under awarrant avail by Justice Cathcart, and brought to Belali, where, waiving an examination, abe was committed lapin by Justice Ful ton. We ... Understand that,in'enasiderao Lion of tho condition of theJall, the sher iff procured room for her at Gionn'a Hotel, Where she remains in his custody to await the action of the Grand Jury: Tho cause assigned for the above affair was the tact that Maecenas bad been .a suitor to Miss Carnets, and under the Promise of marriage dad seduced her, and she had taken this method, upon re covering from her confinement, to to-, dress her injuries. Altogether It is one of the most melancholy and heart-rend ing occurrences that ever transpired within the limits, of our county. ~Both parties aro widely and respectably con nected, and the event will long .cast a shadow of gloom over a large portion of our coihmnnity. The above are the facts connected with thik sad occurrence, as nearly as we have been able to ascertain them. In view of the filet that farther investigation will probably be made into the matter, wealistainfrom all comment that will at all tend to influence public opin lou r tetiling that many ii:ct linable cit izens connected with both .parties, who are already so deeply distraesed at the calamities which have befallen them will thank us for so doing.—Betair: 2751i4 and Democrat, April 16th. Tho:bodar ,Itapids Times claims the championship for a young girl, "sweet sixteen," of Linn county, lowa, as fol lows: Per six weeks last winter,. dni•-i lug the sickness of her father and moth er, she attended forty-eight head of sheep, eight horses, twelve head of cattle, and two mives,lmsides milking three cows, driving the cattle ono quarter of a mile every day to water, cleaning the horses' stable, doing the house-.cork and taking cereal' her sick parents. - • One of the most extraordinary eases of peculiar formation in the human body we wi lessed a few days since in the per son a colored man, a stranger in this city. It is hardly correct perhaps to call /case of malformation, as the phenom aa was entirely internal, the man pro- enting no, unusual appearance wind over. This person by some inward mus cular power which he cannot explain can shift the position of his heart at gin. We went to see him, not believing more than half that we had been told, but were eon vineed in less time than It takes to write it. requested us to satisfy ourselves that his heart VIM in the position usual ly peenpied by that organ. Placing our hand on his breast we could feel Its beat ing distinctly. lie then commenced a 'series of contortions with his abdomen, rolling it over and over several times. At the conclusion of thisstelklng exhibi tion vre placed our hand upon a lump in his left side below his waist, and there WAS the heart thumping away as ifnuth log unusual was the matter. A few more contortions and the frisky organ passed across the alxhimen and on the right Ride kept up its work of throwing the blood through the system as regular ly us if in Its natural position. .Bore contortions and it traveled back home, its course being easily traced under the akin till itpassed under the ribs. The man then commenced a sort' of rotary motion of the bowels, apparently turn ing them over several times, when we felt a complete set of ribs covering the abdomen, the regular Set being in their tenant place. Turning the bowels in the oppositodirection the thine ribs disap peared. On-being asked Jf his 'parents' had any more children like him ho re plied that 1w laid a brother overikli feet high who could reduce his stature to seniething less than three feet. We 'ho neyed hint readily after having witness ed the above performance.—hairrrsce Journot. Tribal* of Iteopect.—At a regular meeting of the Daughters oißel•ee¢a of. Robertson Lodge, No. COO; I. 0. 0. F., Now Brighton, Pa., held April '1.2, 18119, the following veliolutlon.l mere unani mously adopted. WHEREAS, Under the dispendidion of the Divine Grand 3insler He has seen tit In him. provbienee ,to remove from our midst our, beloved Brother, R. D. Cowper,' TitxnEfone. iVA, RS ells tCrs ef Rebecca, desire .to- reowd our testimony to his worth as ace-laborer IA the great mission of Odd Fellowship, therefore, Res°lrefb. That in tho death °four For thy IliothOr our Society has lost a tried rund true friend and ay/infant worker In the cause of benevolence and charity, and to his wife, Sister Cooper aid ciiii 'dren,, in this their hour of trial and be. reavement we would respectfullY tender our sympathy and prayers that their journey through life may be continually brightened and cheered by the hope of Someday clasping glad hands with him who has been aununOned,, as we trust and believe, to the celestial lodge in Ilea vett. ' ':"; 4 1:. . ' Resolved, That the Secretary enter the:* resolutiOns ou the minutes, and .send a copy to our bereavedidider. Also theta 'copy ho sent to each Of the county papers with a request that they publish them. SISTRII J. ISOLA nir, • •R. gow, • Com. If..Srrrr, Valaas_mie.‘:.‘_‘4 Preparation ifbr rinarm.±,Messm Stoner Marlott, Carriage Manufacture)* on - Penn Street, opPosito .CoCil's Alloy, 'Pittsburgh, use a very valuable preparation for protecting their vehicles from the. weather. They have found it better than anything pre vlernly devised for 'that . purpose, mul thoaaoho have tested It pear 'MatltitonY' to it worth: Stoatter'*.lrfarleff/do kinds'of,,ranalAr.4 l 4 : on, .IppdaraW tends. They oiler ak in rob etifitly aroma and: reliable aasortment of Bunt* Cavrtagemoutetothervehteles fin4c tlte.trarrit itriar tad Of. tin) bon material= "Tiny are liberal ha thefr.daii- Idapiatul Invariably *Ore . satlislwxton to -their pMroas. t. Orders bopioniptly. ' • „ffailiAL''.', I;4l44'iiimuow silo ot the ekettaloniwthlgibit. will ramni yearly while titers vinuainen heart hiyal testimonies in Whiehliatrd rates tbli , sardWhUti the (aiming lorlneirt pie Ottbstatraggleiliticirth If our "41twort itd - be other eitlech that alone of 'keeping:green the. raiding Oltaxia of Qui:l4loWe tkfP4ll/ annual comMemoradon,. would:barna. flue enough to hold us together in . afni. .teivial band.' The Cornetuttular4n-Chief desires to thank tho pateicitiebten and women who gave theireldind sympathy on a fernier menden to Make onarcensful this Netiental Memorial' lay, and they are cordially 'invited to Jaftitp - Vrith`the comrades of the GrintrArmy•in the apt preaching aeremaides; .eitd: hiti ihiaka the lop' prow of ecywbanic through whosegenerous ald a lasting record bait been made of: the :observances ono year ago. To the Congress Of dsirUn lied States. the &tirades are especially endobted for, ;sada:wising tho publication, in book term, of the proceedings Of las t , for the promise held out that eaCh year w compilation will beau& eindlablisbed Ma nationail iviticiri of 'sympathy with these taelnerial observatiens. 'tl,:ltlleaiaeeu.deiermltoto".V) itribearty:town OteernemonytiOinpnerifil - ail` each Poet, oz' 'nuuiber'o l f may . arrangej together such littliiiaendrist aez elaitegititlitter per Deliartnient Conimanders will WRYeverytiltart atitikeaCiterange trientalbr the occesloa....74:newsPlPer Press are requested to give .publiestion, to this Order. ' 111. Department and Post Command ers are specially empained to preserve and forward to these beadquartetea copy et the proceedings (in printed. fOrm solar as possible) which takeplaco to carry= Ing out this order. • .. IV. As the sap of M ay °ears =Abe Sabbath, Pasta are at liberty to observe that day, or Saturday, the 29th. By order of JOIIN A,DipAlt Commander-in-Chief. Washington and Jetrerion Cot., lego.—Western Pennsylvania has mi.: son to be proud of all her educational in. atitutions, and.m6re iorpailkilly Of the old pad time lionered Waildngtpa and Jef ferson Colleges... For long years there "have steadily koP4 pace with tho times and furnished society here and elsewhere with many of Its most accomplished members. Reno tly the two instituticons were consolidated in order tie render them more poiverfid to do, good under ono control and managenient. The Col lege buildings, apart from each other seven miles, one being located at Can: onsburg and tho other at WaShington, were not adandoned when the consolida tion was consummated, and for several years an experiment, attended; with the most unsatisfactory results, has been tried to carry on ties College at the two places. This . course impeded' the good fruits expected to follow the Union, and had to be abandoned as net only imprac ticable but prejudicial •to the interests of the College. After it Was annoonced that the Board of ,Trustees had determined on abandoningene (inhale College placer, great rivalry sprang up between Canons. burg and Washington for the ; honor of retention. Roth places had moch,to re commend them, and after a prolonged contest, the thriving and enterprising borough of Washington was yesterday awarded the honor. .'lts location, health, society and easy sweeter' were strong ar guments hilts favor:6W siolielaantrad that the consolidated College! will be more than over prosperous ender ono ,roof at Washington, and will 'continue, as they have In the: past, to aukonfolly work out the grandmission of ,'edriention undertuken.—Pitts. Ga:ette, We take pleasure in calling ithe atten tion of the public to the extensive Marble Mann rectory of W. 11. - Marshall, located in the town of Rochester, Beaver Ca: Pa. It is seldom we have an oppo4trmity of referring to an establishtnent Of the kind more worthy of public patronage. As to Mr. Mershalre skill in the use of the chisel, we need say but little. I Ills own designs are a sufficient recommendation, and will show, on examination, that ho is worthy to be ranked among the 1 rst of our master mechanics. In combining taste, beauty and symmetry, at well as cheapness, ho can well defy competition. He brings to bear practice, experience, and a thorough knowledge of , tile bud newt in all its various branches; having visited the principal Cemetriem of the East, and made himself familiar with the latest styles of monuments, headstones, 4:c., all of which he turns ton good ac count in perfecting his designs. Ilim material is of the best Italian end Amer ken marble, and bought, on the most reasonable terms; is Much seas any es tablishmeutsEastor West; Mr. Marshall has an extensive trade in Ileiyer, Law rence, Butler, Allegheny; and; adjoining counties. This is readily understood when we consider the fact' if at his expenses are much lea titan these of similar establishments in eitiei. This enables him to sell at lower rates than shops located in theeltk. An examination ofstock, and compari son of prices with other estahliohments will convince any one that he can offer better inducements than any house in, the West. Ills present stock ielarge and well finished, and embraces some rare speclinens of art - bettor described by the pencil of an artist than-by the , pen of the writer. Among many speciindns worthy of special mention is a nfontiment Just I completed and placed in BeiVer Come , try. Il is to the memory of the late li t Frazier, a distinguished I citizen of Rochester. It is over twelve' feet high, the whole structure weigititig about four tons. Tho beauty of the design and harmony of proportion, is only equaled hype artistic taste and au perier mechan ical skill displayed in the - execution.— The Whole reflects creditably on Mr. Marshall and his assistants as artists of the first class, as well as the !friends of the deceased in making so wise a selec tion of such an elegant mane:At:lnm. In ntilon , wo would advise our readerti wanting anything in the aboVe line, be fore purchasing elsewhere to call at the Rochester Marble Works: ' • BEM AN eminent physician, •or Olio, in speakl ng cif WhittlMey's Dyspepsia Cure says: " For students of sedentary habits, it Is the very best remedy in' the world for obviating the constipatientsetmuble some and health destroying to them at that important and Interesting period of their. lives. If used regularly, their bowels will seldom; or never, become constipated ; and the use of tho remedy' is not attended with inconvenience or Irouble, and never interferes in the smallest degree with Muddy or diet:: !earn froasthePlHOurg ,paiWOW that oreSidn day night, the iBth about, nine o'clock, while returning:home from her aunt's, a little girl only eight soars of age, a daughter Of ono of the , most re apectahlo citizens of Homewood, wax waylayed - by two riegrocB whO outraged . her person, and inflicted and i "unions in jury that beetife la darpetred ot ThB, fiends have been provrlingin'tho'neigii tiorbood tbr the poifewthsr,stadernma.t amplclour titnnwriatatit4l444lBl.sia-nsgt tei cittlesp"rtthst thtriiera tin az risfed thr 3nnpaiseyk titeri*fiirtia intoSelo.i,etumAr.eimitufe• inirPose• The Mu* nmptintit*the :.'•, 4oll l, o l l .ttftlefita sf ilelegsted hi thil3 l o- 00 Witention was , Sand tbenwesdinvigstasat biletinwr: •i ;oilier 13 4 t1a1 2,_.' t n e an ak at i k t4a l pr .'''' - , ,f . t. - . .• ' ' - 4.4 Vointy *: r.• ',-, .: tie instritenalteitotn= iniu - 49 1 4 tiltWY2,4ll4"intd'Vont initteti of itianthingtotil 'county, on die guided' of. the Beatitanust Itepreeinta, time of the MAO:"I.To ascertain the vlinnt pndwietil OA itertkliput par; - ty . of Weeldngtett.o4 l 4 l 3 o to thedtvla -11.1A40R-.*spAdmeour thit:mitsting election. Shcaila ikeillinghlirelaho the sonalotem. tgaim,i4releatittell. rya oflinkhiernlnStSto. Pooltirel,u. 11 W,, waves ditthtg 4kla ne*t thill1 ; an d dud ' atimaisn& irs tiOgn4llW. !Rt.' , • i t y .. 4 ,obi Of Coln* -'' ; Ttds 4i andihOltelt, and - Of . eourii* one- .,Cimunltteit ;liar bititniiidigtelrfilllicsl , 44ithe?: to !adrateridati tittertittioritaltalkimnede to the prOpaisition, We• _ildiett. for grim : as a matter' ertireek.nhat Washingtan eaninti Will trot corieetthe Senatorship. That is a more important and morebon- , a tablesefilee than limiesentativei 'and Beelute. shinty -siha, bill'. llol ' term. :It la nor turn, Mid intinauredly,:mealt herelafni it.i With reird to the matter. of allerwingallegara monism+, Wehtialftinee to -"} if thit Cotudr • Conainttra riittnejto eld - :ht this reattoof,'" tit have no °Vedic= to offr., Wanhington county bee notquilestassi-. blea onough.to entitle!berla two meta her. Beaver ' on the.lather • hind; bas a lietsgseelits4 l o 4 Slen what le:Ma t Alto ear one,andholila - balancatiorpovi ei politically, halo' . bargain. If .our aunty Committee , her an iddl ,thartal a 'Umbel:it wil n eif coarse" be 4 en, alhe strength of these aidemtiona At the game time we . deiinit right that wo should state that no Me. hen .egreetitent was entered into, by 011y'one authorized to do so whim the diatttet wee first form; ed. The writer we. is 'member of the House when the apportionment was inade,*and knowitwhlneof he apelike.— 'Neither his colleague, Or. Reed, nor him atolf made any', suchlegreement. , The proixedtletian Make 4utt a Reeprosenta live, as well awe Senaterial district, came from the then member from Beaver county, Mr. Henry. IHo urged that it should be done In 'order to make a Bare Republican district.' , the writer mid his colleagueneeeded, to the agreement; as-. curing Mr. Henry, however, that 4Wash ington county , was lanndan - ablate take earn cif Itself,and Stip distinct ly that there should he no ange * in the representation of that two counties.— Washington was stilt to retain her two members and Beaver Pne, and the Sena torship shintlei be alternate. tVe make this known as duo to . trutb, and in order that there'may be no mistake as to our statue in the matter. 'Mud we are clearly entitled to the tionatelhahip for the next term, is beyond question, and we do not imagine- for a moment that any ono en tertains the idea of eedingairay that right to Beaver . county. With regard to the appOrtiontnentid hielpbenthip, we hie n, little to say. If an additional =ether le given to Beaver, it 'hilt ho upon the grounds we have stated, not upon any agreement that. was Made. Hone friends think hie duo to , Banfer that site should hive two memberafrent the fact that she makes up What • Waithington lacks in tasableas, and thus , adenine three 3110 M. berg for the distian.,l, for the reason that luirlleiultlMMWOrliyiti atiiirTn ovary emergency. *and guarantees a Ite- Pubileart representation from the district, then let them aecederte her request in that regard. Viewing the matter in the light of,piatlee, Beaver county makes no Inordinatei demand in 'asking for the ad" dithinaloneatiber. Tice County Commit tee will4owever, ho culled together aptedilY, to consider the subject, anal We 1 Awash Its action.= Work. Reporter. April 18M) il The officers and malinger; of the Bon ier County grleultural Soethy met at the sheriir office imrsnant to notice publislUsl In county papers. On 'motion a Committee was appointed to revise the premium list for ensuing .year, and re port to. the Board for amertaner, A Committee was . appointed to repair the grdends ailiftsPilillngs belonging to the Society; the,iiiponditurcs for so • doing not 6 ox owl 1400.. A Rood from Ram, 11. 'Wilson and wire to tho Society - wilt presented, accepted, and.: placed in the hands of the SoeretarY, who was I: istruel ed fo leave It for Record. Adjourned; to meet May 7, IVp, at I o'clock n.. 4. : R. Itoouv.,§eey The Indiana begislatitro lots hit upon a plan for beading off the refraebn-y Bouniciatit of that body. Both Rouses havispissed a now qloction bill that•Leg7 'shake elections bionniiii instead of On, nualinnd• ,what is mire to the point, makes It the duty of the tippoi Ming. pow ern to fill Vacancies that may occur, ontil, the election of wo, by tho explratinn 'of terms Off.d . fice. The Democrats Opposed the - bill :upon .thelkonnd that It took from the poopleihe right Milli yactrufelos, and . that the Leghhttete,-Ir What:4 the' powei to pralong4 terms ters Of ofiletits one year, •• , by_ the same as sumption 'Of Powei, prolong them •teo years, or ; intletinitoly. " • This action virtu ly_sectifes.for tbo tiiiiffragif Amend the itidoistvniant of Indiani. .tioutitint ;Ito final ton of :the timentimicit may now be - 7 ... missed. ' !• • 1r phobia is .ine'd y for bake s tated to hero bins:llmM sin" great suertus for fifty years hy kalltepus- forester:. The method Is as follows: The wound ausi, ho Ininmdlateliwashed With worn: yin: egarer tepid watea s .and. then carefully i s low-,drepsimf; sulphtnio . „l2:3l:l' tuma ktiO he pours..We ilitt plice, and the action of the ISofiiMi, Ills asserted, bine'u teal Ind. ..Tli:lprirtelple of tho cure would soomTo depend uPiin the cantamf the twhl, as a subslltute for tlio hot Iron, butt ho' itcclrlty of LIM remedy renderi: It highly . 7regerons.excalit, In cases tif hydroptibbla„ The pain from. the acid upon healthy tissue Is Intense. ~, . . A youth of nineteen, in * Pittsburgh, has Wad polition in - the Contir. of Com mon.Pleas,,praying that hia name may ni ; be changed from ' mew T. Smith to Thomas T . Melnik White reprMents as beings much . Sate than that of. smith; thelatter or siblehi owing, to' the great tnimbor pommeling it, piling .liable' to lead to inuelt 'iabonvonlencr. , f , VD . Idmi °rimy Man goitaback on 1114 name In that fashion ; ..thorlinportst blood of the Smiths should .itself 'and take' aummaiy ten6eeni pon the IMO Wild to irl is asiulinectot him I - 61 noblolinio of mincestimi,voi for m' • whom linifonbv . edly enjoyed a, , I* i Nantes ark it the tub of the It . .'''fib, 'it• T O. and .furies; Mem onbiet and rend idre,i and thee vindicate the honotdf the original, Smith, miitnoirutrQtrtsepreoo;dejous. : um of ehanlener foi 'Matilda . 4ime' kai • wr...r.r. from UM WI es Tom . ...-14=== 1 1. 4; 3 a1 f t 41 47:4 :Ma, ' • ' . itlik a.,IN: : 11111 1 km, fle livly with remoras.. •: l iiiiii:i.jerjrfili :ii l. .iTiittiall'hille* 1114 be * 41 , 3. P ° l ll. ti* ' r '* - :' ''` .-.....,... i : t I ;+. 4. .......r.• , :. -:, :-., t ,t 7 :.,„-i ;-...-. 'estorday waii dg ponyerted Immediately (PAtimetday) Mb expo:tad, wi l l be Pr°6-, ix Pb isiiihteh be ilk.' No one 7 ,—__ Iptinn'tp In-, : inciliovsili, and : yot - the!cs, hi„ nun** , min iihakespi! Minigolf noorbylinhile. Mg tit lig ::14).*Ine : tirotbnami, of ski a day ap:*kcortt6opypintrunftselOaki. 44 . 14601garscomafter,oack meal, nno foundred and pinedolltun and fifty cents; 'boird:fm ii.blicaost, thlrtyifOlkiM4ll la ,mo ysai,; two kundrod .urt:tWelve daii ilanr and fifty amta-traflictinit to buysix: barrels of &Mr; ono barrel of sugar, one sack of coffei, O. good coat;' a resturtshlo dress, a frock for tho7baby, and half a damn pairs of shOos:. If you don't bo- Ikrialt,.workliy , man. Figure for yoeft , soft—Din:en U nion." . , ttit rsetof the General An; 1 *Malty of Penneylvialit; ;the 31st of garch4: D. lON. aferialtyM:los lerimicsied foe the killing otanxinseell -0100:.ii bird, One-NOM-title fine to be Will to tho informer. z I fere to in °liar.' tartly to make trial triffollare nitd a half; and rapider the community effective sera ,vide.. 'Thai is no Pnietlee so Intiunnin titakillingoftlio Pretty MOS songsters that iyarble beneath our windows find gliddint 2 mir Warta: It is-the duty of all good eitlienVorevent their dostruLtioni and this can only bodoneby prosecuting those who violate, the law. The Ards 'that aro elstmatundenho head rithuioo• tlvorot*;hirdr - Ane.¢bUlne, martins arilloins, blue birdsOroodpeekera, dte., ht &et all thy ;rufous small birds getter- • *.‘t Feminine Italisplittee.—no icayneabare (Greene county, ) Y.. Cali says: Thhie lie woman In Morris townildp In ibis county, 'who run ',IOU 'one "Mtn drod rails In a day, taking the timber from the atump. „If any other townablp In LLo county, or any other county In the State, ern boat thin we would like to beer of It: Contion ' Correspondence. UPPED SANDUSKY, OiliD,'Apr. Agitorargal: I saw ashort column nicution In the Ana& of the 21st from a friend at 11orrtaburg, declining to rim as a candidate for Register and Recorder, inillivcir of the present inentrtbent. This Is trgenenous not on the part ofMr.,llam- Mon, and lends us to think thatalthough he has an armless sleeve his heart is still in the right place. ,The weather Is delightful, at present. the risidS are OM and In asplendid bon dition for velociPede traveling; there has 'siert a number of those vehicles in use hero for some weeks past. The Miller Brothers of New York have been here for some days past, teaching a school in' tho r art• of riding them :safely. Their school has been well attended and Om .first prize 11111.3 taken by Col. Ad. Kahl of this-place. • A e:ovor trick way attempted on a young man who lives In Western Penn sylyanla a short time wince. At the next station weet of this (Poreen on the P. Ft. W. tte. Wad, ,two Min ,came on 'the train, one Insisted on the other paying him a certain cum tine him immediately. 'The firmer mlitiwed a willingness to pay brit found thit he lacked sds of having enough to satisfy the claim., Ile asked a loan of the amount needed of the Venn : . - Ivan's : friend, (who was yet a boy in his teens) and (Inbred as security a nov-• oriiment bond for one thonaand dollars, Which the boy rejectisl, Ito then uttered a gold watch which. he card was worth $l4O, thl4 the boy also rottulti, but gave tin+ mati ;the needful. When the train the Millis - oms - the scamp -who:rho& Imrrowed the money, . (with a prom's.° to return I at Prestllnerstepped nut' tIM train ant Item'on to' make tnulcs. "rho boy nht f xding willing to see his money • t k away so coolly, stepped ratite can. and caught him by the throat and called for assistance, and soon had him walked into the qounty Jail, where he remained l t during tl o night, and dm morning fol lowing us willing to disgorge and re fund the l hey his MOP** to get OW o f his unpleas. nt boarding house. The bond 1 ..,, proved t . be a ro ]. unterfeit, and the wale was an it iltattott of gold, and not worth five doll . The young Pennsylvanian left filth `I Eastern home, vowing that he never wi I lend molter n,,Tain to the linek eyy.:. ', Respoctfelly L. - . l nrs, -_ W • A xnarr. Announcements. WE have lien requested to annonnee the names of the following gentlemen 113 ea nlitlates for the viirlous otflc in this county,suhjeet to the result of the Ite putilietm.pripiary'eleriione: Seuate, JAMES S. RUTAN, Roarer born. MILTON TOWNSEND, Now Brighton. • Assembly, JOHN ROBERTS, Brighton tp. Dr. WM. U. SHIIIILOCK, Diniingtrot J.'.MES FIFE, Nine - Brighton born. JOHN Y. MARKS; Baden. - THOMAS J. POWER, Rochester bo ro. TllOl3. J. CII ANBLER, Rochester born. CAPT. G. S. BARKER, New !hightail. SherllY, - 0 F. M. ANDERSON, MX-Lester born, 'TIIO:SIAS P. PLEESDN, PtilitAkttp. JO/IN C. 130,1:111, Now Brlglitnn born. 'JAMES 'M. llea BEHAN, S,nalt Bearer. 11. BEIGHLEY, Franklin tp. JAMES A. ANDERSDN, Darlington tp. A81Lt11.1.31 11. WOLF, Brighton tp. S. B. BRIGGS, Industry tp. • :JA:ME.S.II. TRIMBLE, Greene tp.. , - ARTHUR SIIIELDS, Independence tp J AMI I*j. DARRAGH, Bridgewater - . JogN M: DUN LAP, Beaver burn. :THOS. 13. HUNTER, 'Brighton tp. •r • -- Treasurer, ./ JOHN IL EAKIN,I3Lwrer 110t0. .CIIARLEg . P. WALLACE, Big Bearer EDEN ALLISON, Ilqiver*rn.• • ' CLARK - A. 111.D.ZTE11, Ohlotp. ' 'Bx.rASPt*.F.itiNKTAX.,Faliggin• UtaLster and Reeordei. niurepsmuLETos, Ileaver borti ELpF4t,...Darllngtpn towngliip. - .ttnerli or Cortrl, JOFiN A. PRAZIEWReaver WILLIAM R. BRUCE, uopeweli tp. JOHN C. lIART, Diallngtori Wirt!. CouunioniOner, ZAMESIVARNOCK, North Sew.l4l* JOSETa DRITPAIN, Now Itrigltton. RDWAItDCOLPIAN, Marlon poor Manua, Dirertior, . ROBERT COOPER, tp. DAVID REID, Inderientleueo tp JOHN WRITE, ilopevroll tp. Auditor. - 8.111 . 1 U EL IieDINS3IOIII . I, Beal . et Writ Vt.'ll. Lumcca, Rectiester Tletsteers ut Aeatieuiy. D; Diarer. JA$. M. . • County thipe!./Intenden.. : FIELDS, Faliston bora. . S • . .• . Married. REECE— ITALL.-4 - bi the 22,144 1 , 1614 in Itaecoon tp.; Ilonver Co., .rci.„ • by /Lev. 111r.:(i. W. Bruce, id 7ilbrm' tp.; and - Mbiri E. A. null, ar linearmqp. , . , - Died. IttoDONALD.—On , the , :gth /net., in 'Bridgewater, , Pe. , .. Emma J.. daughter - O°C ettP_t; 3 • 1 '• 3Y/iil*ol.l.4ed Yrn4. 'rho' funeral 4 / 1 11 hike pima to-clay . MrOdhil4ayigit 1 )1,411.0, the reildonoo tit heeinwerae. The friendeof thefamily jai iftepeEettaly witica to Altai& MESE' =NE AdCiY.=Ou the tali ilia.: Industry tp" ;Rover Co. Pa...)lnr. Clubs. Mo. 4 !?9,?,rf i . 4 151.11113 1. 501p-04 gf • ter, ra., at Ibe 0f.441.; Amy. her wo-In-law, - mint) DON aged fri, yam.; Derosowlyout the wid ow of Dorld Bete, fir. • - • :4' r ireiv AtbmwMten,ni'fits. riC.IB4 . ADDEDDIOBI;r: • •niantlVloiti. D•toes , a. Ur* and Collastren,Mtant7. 4,1 8 01 Ittoo • d Dosser. Ittoo:borter,ltearer 14: . Mt badness sotrasted toony..otra ortrinotelva peon . , : sop strondlae.,oa twasottabie Wens laperVlDA dailattierostoni:7l — n 41„, era ;Dr fonts If UtOrDo Cot* ' .te.;den's...'nf - Donn Starlet:or- toroolms,' 10.1,efu: hega crentli to the an dornoksed.,4B Talmo Yoolsotha theassaDesbnialgsd to said. Wore ars ettltarste 4 to Dildtalataledratt PaSetent. and D 4 having' Wats or detasnds scalait 'Dr 'arms WI peasant Mew 'potoody autlmarlestood_Doe mental. ..; 130824; , sprlditt . Adtildttratee. Itriaiet ebbe eeedUlno al ti, ltarreall %B.f. er•Pasinot coastv; New ildighten..Pa.. at the erase of Dupuis:on the Mb day at ?trail. lam twin 'red Dlsearnao • 808.1 1 Droa Owartrarts.•4 08 11.8. Beads to *more citentstran,...' .;:nnisso m 17.1 r. Bonds en band • '•"SUMO* Due Item Woks. ....... • . , . 731699 Heel liodata anditanlttag icrin ramitima ttrnrei„... A.; . .. 11.874 XIP6IIIIO Ammar sod Taloa 61 rals Thom Trader Dan% Dotes and ' Meek., '33BtS CS Inil o : . -- . , • it.... ..'. ' psi draw Nodal Stock ii..gettn.Mlllo Contingent turd • . ' - ‘• ••••• r 1 1 . 107 Xl Diseount. Etsettange and Intermit,:.. 7 11111 an rstlonsl etentatiou outstanding. glitt I en State. 4 Mon Duo neon Mors . ' • ' , rat 1113.57. Tu• Bast" and Banker., _ i... . ,6,07731 - - • EPS.WA Thit Aistairmall Is a- torrect 'Minn hoe ttio.Wlmwt to the ententroOn atbe Ctureney. • EDWARD 1100P8, (*Alm • 7 6.6eri—Attime: ; tDirector,. "tx: ; -It. 1100PIM 3 itiiff SPRING. DRY .-GOODS,, A Great Variety, Consiming of a ink . Line of Tofisoketping Goods, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, COLORED : ALPACAS .CASSMERES F )R :q EN'S WEAR, CAIG4IMERE:4 1'911,1101"H WEAR TABLE L21~7 EN. TICKI !CGS dF.~SS Prints, Delains, SHAWLS BBC.; All Bought YOB CASH, Fr. , 111 i tie Flaqt , rn M'aminteurt•r;. OR 1311PORr.F.ERS, hd to IV Invite the Atienteon NES ho 1 esale• - Trade. :E.HW I.lr & Co 173 ri,it•na stee.o, np r-8: I un. IPOlg SALE.—This Reeve, Fall If suitfaernslag l Company °gm for lace their works, locaved ou Raccoon Crook. nue-lull loge front the tilde Hier. un the Ism of Robert Potter. Ball. 'lle work, are well located for fhe 111111190crt are of salt. These are two good east wen., two dwelling hon.. rt. a cooper bop anu coal bank eouvenleut to the works. Terms easy. For lumber Tairtirulars fall 011 - H. It. Fla... Nell. ; . ; Bear er, Pa. IS ILL FOR YALE.—Ws. offer far Sale. oar ill si.:Mild pill properly, in-lhe vlua r or in- Cushy, The 11111 s -we new. here s. rood The of cii4lorti tuff row Coln:, n good not of business. We will toff them fa; 'below the real ruler. and on terms. '0 *Whin aware tocbauce our limiters —To men with small capital Mb is a rare chance for protlitthle • jhrestment. Call ow or 'address. , • . • BAK Kit ISICOT/IttllS ' Indttetry, Bearer evs. ' Aptlt 11. tag_ Ct. ' • - l's.. MAALMIIAL 9 S IILIPFIVEs W. 11417 Pans's., Ptrranknotts Apt tird, 131 J. This Ls to Fire notice: That on she hytil day of April, A. D. 114)9. a War rant, In Bankruptcy Otte Isened against the ilstato ofJohn W. Cooper-of llaayer Fails. In the County : of brayer. and State of Pennsylvania. who has been adjndlett a Bankrupt. on hie own petition: that the tal.tuent of any debit. and delivery of any property. beloncln to ruck Bankrept to Mtn. or tn. his use, anti the tnansfer pf any proporty by etrtiatror ef o o r f b ( the e u sold e Lain n ts k n re ut . a to p ro ve of the their Debts. and to throne one nr moot assirnees of his iEstateetrill ft held at a Coati of Bankrupt , r„ to be holden at the iluroollouse 14 Mem Brighton. Po_ below I'. "A. Sony. Earl:. Itecteter. en the Nth day of May. ISM, at I o'clock P.' M. TUIJAIAS A. IIOWLET, , apr: it. V. rt., Marshal. .e Mee-peat:or. --- MNLIKCTION.—The etockholder. of ...the Boni. IL ;miry for Erectlog a Bridge 'over Big Beaver at. or near. Wolfhir.. to Thal:corny of Bea. cer." are hereby ootilled that an Election for one Preeitiriii, alt Manager.. %into Treacirer'w In he 'held In the 01l !Inure of acid Company. 4111 the hid Monday. the :rah dire. of April Boat, corn. rnenelar at in o'clocii. A. if. / inor.l7.fit • JAMES DR Y GOODS., - Fresh OF NEW E tTALALLESI 8. DIAMOND, DRY OF EVERY I 'D At Pittsbu CALL EARLY 33 C+ AN - tgi s 13 Eltt •B E-R DIAMOND, JAMES:',A,, Krelirt+l the SerTicog w , . . , lifileepatti,ourf• - - NRT; 1306t0i ESAd. Sh 9 o . lotEltir s iND33I4I'PEI:I4. ' • EN ..4i4 6 *, 7 " ix • hair• fa am tom : ! keito• : •rigawatiebt:.- - wah tie , skid oat,: froshitu— of i lk, ' ' TM& 31 , ' OIIIVEIt , , M'CLIN i1..;i,,,..);1;--. , .., , 5hkk...„„,., - ..„. lia.,eftoo though . not alitayag.tanall -. . ..t COMPANY ' ' -.'. i'r-b7:l47 ' llife. .I:4llking " cliku! ' rgilliwilte am ' ' ' 9 ' ' - ' hair * re'f b fc l. 41*. * *rts r lei - - • - •,'' • ' 1 '- ' ' . - '3r 1 4.4riae *lame' end , decayed. . ~ IfAVP.) , ,i reetivirdperOceein tram : It . -• ` '* osi a . t i n ba r . sisA fa? • ..+, Minnedkita, China, Item ..I,nriii; ;fic. ~..1 _ ~ _. L _,,__.,..__ or London. 'Anil cor„ar - nal tot Mr.: rlemealt mu; 4lPP__,LicaLlW,imi,, 31/4 38 / 140 _„,, the tarred assortment 4,r nn4 utifitl.'of iibiffilt.thollair.' , Wia;l l l , . :5 4 . , . , .0 • . - 7 'mine; it will keep it clean. ' . e. 7. • C 1 • -.' '. hair . ' ' " - cell will 'prevent the . . . . i t • "rt ~.. from \ aiming . gtsz - or • &Wig or ; god •••••• l -- . ' 1.. ' • g anwainently prevent' lealihentel . • "Free .• ' • •-• •It F, i .. .trout thosq Meter - ate* enbet#4.,tisiets if' . • : . lathe some. preperigione ,. .4l.o4* (l . . .. '• "....; p . , t it.k.,... tho,Jair .' the r .fiVICA O I O. . , y benefit but not Laren it,..ilf wan* , .E , . .m e refy for a '. • ....:,•.• • • ... •••;• al Ji . L li. l f :. . • '': T, . '1 :HAlR , ..tarssmai,...., 0 ...., - .•.„ ~ ~ •,, ~ ~ ~ .c:.-, ~ , ~,,,.. ~.a.... else Cliti b 9 f 4 1, 3 d: 31) de. l ,othld• . Containing neither , t it nor dye" Alien: •••._ Etter brought hi'llilt Vity,arluelint , eat. roil 'whits .ciathriev f awl ; pi. Is h ii: pun directly Ohm the nowt inlet led 'l o b s oi, ,the b a le , 64. i.•, ,, it, frikk .k,... tuanuritclu rem of Eu rope, mut co tient- 1 .1,,,„„4 m t. grat aidi c T r i kum; . ,•77 .ity can o ff er at illy very 'merit rate:i. They *•-•' .. • . , . cull oitieclal allentlitt to rho , rett• low , , D.....,.1 by .. ...... - ye? .... prices of Ingram Carpets for. all do trip L 11FFLOIT4 ur J . V• A GI 'UP!, dom.. - • .• • ! - . • Pnicrnoev AIM ANAL - situ:. Canaitas, -.- 01.1_, CLOccll.B, 1- . _ .. . LOWELL, '! .101,88,, ••pawn *Lao.* - • , MATTING,SHADES',&c . I Ayer's . oathFtio, ?Me, tiOOTEIA.SLIOEfi SLADE TO orktizu ; MOAERATZ-. ,Sliopron Tisfr.l l ,litrect, (Nem Ule,i nnok tit..o),l l .lvpr 1:1y4 ,u; ODr 7 : I Y, .• , -.- • , „ . I Yoe 11l MO glafgaiot at k •para4.ll* Oliver NlTliiitock &Co. ! "°° . - -; • rt.....:,„ ..‘6,.... • eith so ylo , . • , ', 4 : nuked by trapyloody so t• , . ....... . • cathtirlA nor 11115 lOW t ' ! ''' ”. -i ' f.711 ,1 =2 . 440 1 " In .` ;t r . i .. 1 ' all Oa= thrml ia ll, ' 1 ' '; ):.• : P a . " l 7 ll % . """ Thookrlemar ' "Irirlii" rinie 1 • . ' tha la, that at liaisons re• . ~ ......L....-- . . •••- •` liable and ear Isom erred Mal' muddy aria ' say Itil • ' . : , other.. Th oth Wisp hats .. s 1 . • Not It, know the.t it mired thiun ; Mes* was lwril MK, know that It rums their nelidthoel mot Merolo. • kid all know that what Oaths toot it does Minya •that it never Cads through. any lault *Zee:a .• AT .. IRim . ,i n reitlon IWe hare Wounds ,lb 1 ' otalat ttlde Z t but antis allia , art o l 4 , l l ' kik i troy neighbor Mod, sod lita Peal sotto Malan. &Slott') to all ages im4 coo Wall eknoillot sontainhorneither colonel at tray.. Awry maybe) tots with safety by enktllie r . toga: (*akar ortnierscrthern CT Li Rah &Mt miles ' them pleasant to take,Whilorsthig poetry or - - to harm can wrisollonpithoir too la thy quantity. , They °mato by their lowerhsl 'Diluents on the Menial ithioera to purity the blood and othmlatek nto healthy action —rewarostle ointroassoot the nowthelb bowels, Ilea, aol other oopas of the Cody, restoring their Inrslat action to health. and Sy eorrettlor. wherever they ezlst, thek viorasgto inenta as are the tint mien of Moore... . _ Min u t e directions am given In Ilta Wrapper on Pio box, for too following comolants, whir,/ these NM raphtly tate:— rot Ifweiropski or Assilthrestliew. Llsainos. now I,iinaguer pod Lair of Appear*, they thatild Ile bitrn moderately tostinurLito Up Owe* lith and reoarn its healthy and ./ rift , ' • I Nor Idlorr...Complistoits okras 'rm.. loins, Illlloves Ifenstriaekse; kirk areadlMM. Nousudleethor , Orem& . alakamsok :111Allsio• :Collo and 31110loois IPortemi, they shook! lo Jo. Ikhotaly nth.= for each We, to correct thr dlleased `setkot or remote the obotheatant otkls tooth IL. loth'tor lay oso thitasery or lansumithen ‘ tatt ono still b milly rookd, • t , .t - or lltbeiamattens, illenst,orsiinell. 'dotal . tattoo of am 10.11,5, Polo Iva am s nook mkt 1 0 , , Or they should be contlanowide --- taker, a• ro,mired. In change tho diseased *cams Or the system: With' such donor dome worplakits ilanopthr. ~ : . Fur /Dropsy lull livrelltatan tte: , /maid he taken In ktrnt,., arV u lleptont dowvito pi. • hwe Wm tarot of a &solo rth. . lot kaipprewilensi • lame Sore thould he tit ' : i a It oroduee, the lifairtNl etret by tytnroithy. .1.11% 11/,,,,er Pia. take ono-ow two Pine 10 or • mote dlreitioi and reams the etoworh.l An oothstonal Sows Othuthstas tbo'stninath Cl. I • bowel, into healthy sea,' revforts 'the impeth.. and bl'figortlla4 Ike my Spank. • :Ritmo WM Wien a • vantageoussthernSo winks danustossiont cab: . th ie who feels tolerably well. ofton thids that ado , . If there PUbssnakes him hostdeadrvtlybotter, tr‘, i , robe ths Paanalorrli and raorsUng.otrool to Ow vii Dir e ,“ aphm ..ncr. Arzif a ce:,l , ..46lroOratipv, ~ • - ..,: , zow►rLL JicAss, v.. If r ot. • ......._ ~.. .. . art: oy. J 7I LADIES' RE.IDI MADE UNDER- ; _ • . - : : , .. .____ . _ ._ 23 Fifth Aivilmc, Ptusburgt!, P.l SPRING OPENING! SPRING OPENING! 1869. AT 1869, J. H. BENCE'S, J. H. BENCO, BLACK ALPACAS Third Street, Beaver,. Pa. Now Opening, a Spam,lid sukk (d. 1: 0 R Y C+ 00 , D S MILLINERY GQODS;I .TRIMMINGS; NOTION% &C .1 ' • • LUSTRIN, Aid'CAAS. LAIN} . • GMIII MS, PIKAVI. 'I'I{INYS, NAINSOOK, • :• ' SWNSES. '• ' 111{1(, &(*. co'rroxXr•EQ; Spring Shawls Spring Shawls , NOW style tl i rti,skirts, & ~lcnnr..l and llirsenitilt-ts skirt, lino!. Skirts, • ii)mts.ltan.lkcrehletslitiiiitry, • . . tai - Spcinl paill fo ;;lore A leinntler's ln,t al n:hys on band. shing Coo►T►B, MILLINERV GOODS ! flats, llo,mefs, .rowers, Pit tow, tce Ity far the :Ivi ari.te.t oilihnory .1 go.B ever hght to emi', l ts, and cheaper than 3`oll ran bny 'them at :my other pitted. Hats mid Bonnets WA-red; rlianeti and EMBROIDERIES. A rt•rg large erl~rti.ri .9? . 11a1 , 4L F N G O() S STAMPING Ail) PINKING DONS I 0 OM NI?. Our devils era sold at Pitt.i3bares ,pcitya. Thanking our tunny hinds and pat .mna tar past',llivortc wt.• . would, reflwel• fully ask for a continuanrk..44 .the , :trou,' as uring thun that we will leave nuthlug unduno to deservelbc.same: 'lts:member- Man or uutler6ig fled will pel Lis Hot* and Lot Nei( 4rightoo isenier county Po, ' Ttiu lot is 40 feet,. IT Itio. The house is i! con toining twelve room.. Price #l,OOO. Pay. itter,t4 to sttit:ptireltattier,.: satin. to - fir aprtl:thvl 3AMIUhI. 3IAGAIV, Esq: j):4.-T,• . q..p ol?:p Arrival EIS T - mrsdazr..mrcrivnne; ROCHESTER, _ _ _ LECECEI COOPS ESCRIPTION, rgit Pr ices.. . AND SECURE ° Tt" -1 0 04DER. • TS E Is A 0 R, ROCHESTFR. s F r a : truNE„, ut atiers—cdY II •,', ,f ; ':OEiLICtt iriiii BEE titling White $ iirt" cloOe orer, Vhcop t•A,r.roa BS,urvoNm-sovi Nowlt tba bc,3l..tioto to buy 4.:As. anNet.. Taira t.iirei.t. =ME 3K34tayieg. • - .'",--],-;.:.:. ..,_, : ' • MEM - . rdiamie • 4 4 1 1 ` 1 " 14- For:, restoring Air te r naturallltallty anit.C4l9T, N J. R. BARRETT &CO., PMAPAsion. - muczorris, X. X. ' 'For sale 111.1111)rtr,,T„I•t. amt D..11..141 in F• 1 cult. everywhere: liil3 .14 • . $ 121444 4 1 ,i . IMPROVED .• - 111V.RESTOQ .gait.DßEStigfi elite _ in . o il p .t% •-• will quickly restore. Gray, Wait' teimpatural color. and beauty, andlsiodsx:e. luxuriant /rousts: It is perfeetl,:hirtidess,')and Is preferred over: every 'ether . preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as:well 23 those who wish to reatore it. 'lThe beautiful 'gloss and,,efuroc imparted the Hair make it citirable • • ' for old and young. rise Kale by - 4131 Mritgillsila. PEP() r, I3s , 01:EENwten sTy IL-T. pluesONEDo4lit .bom •ICTCI or any intrnnegiata uy,c, Jdor Mop , foe rongh land or amour *Mils Elr.t wool/oat fir' ban mood= Olwad Gold Arnal tom Mead Valley .4 Intrig noclet• tar three gays teat at %NIS, nth and An of J Wt. Farmer., egarnta• !Outten maralrlo• 010 oar ma &Moot.. wale, i.elore MIT. 4. Comaltarui 0nce......yr lo'n- g Witoratago of larylerr • nothing arahurar twat fonvoolao► to the plate *hare pool, ifiarkrrianloo oar wort, • 111731=011 ASTON.% rum 40, latu • it:: Illhoifiticory, MCMINIK, Pi" • EMI DEB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers