ESE= ADV ..v•-•-r, Advertisementaare Inserted at the rate of ,i,OO per 'guar*** firittUerttogripild for each aullsequent Insittlon.lso tent,: IllacouM made yeiglyso.! vertisements. • A spite° lug lire. to Um lbws ot,tAlda•typd inomums re. . - nosiness, otiose set uhder a bead b3r themselves irronediandy alter the local !Ows, will be cha charged Oneonta • lltio for each husertion. l! • .‘iivertisernents 'should be handed In is:fore 3lunday,noon'tu hunt° Insertion in that week'm paper. - ' ' Business Cards. K131: 4 4 Attorney at La. 0121ce io Ue: Inlay's eut pfPublie ' iy. IEAYRIA SIMINAUT AM) RIOACO. ) A L INSTITUTE. will make corresponding redialloaa In Taidaar 50,1 MUSIC wbn mar u.e su e e . r . to rost iii (or iniiiruction. Term opens April 1. 1111. sisr.l7:ll. R. T. TAYLOR. , rhe Darlington Academy high School .ull illen on Oictday. the Wit of Aorli. '1..0n. thirteen week.. Clarinet !maid In the (11A•ir, higher Itathematles, end COlll. ELIFIbb. Pato open. Sept. 1.1. J. BRADFORD RHODES, wr. g. l'ltterson, Principal. Itonni•of T1T1.111 , 111. I I:W.11:11111. . I • - siiiii3 . 1 1 1 I eat L • ATII AND FLOORING ; 1 t' ,I etantly on hand, and oold at the loweat rates In 1,... tilarkm. Fagan° timber sawed to order. hble, u ..1..t. 11. DARRAGH. L. X bort] oirt, Civil Engineer nod Sirvey- I r• or.. Nor Brighton. 1.3.,,50rr0y5, Map. and I' oalrs made on short notlcel, I Ilen,•88. .1. Chandli•r d: Non., Dentlets. lieiehes • ter. l'a. UN e. in Beaver titslinn building. AP work arranted. moderate.. Givens a litoe4o:l7. 1 )';!!;.f.. , 1 1 . 71,."troeg•elidei:: .146 of women aul h euildren. Office co n usultetlou V, l eVe n' t o t1 1171 " C: f ilc e ep t 'll ulle D n °c a t t . t 'r e w tfi;:r b e- e lotted. , [Jau9'69-17. ))rayell Seminary and Institute efirting I /.cilon opened April ojbool po long .11,1 nurreafully einaduered by PTOr. Taylor .n.l uffery exteorive councs th. M -A.... Regina awl Mule. Fat Cateleges• ed. .Ir,e , R.l". TAYLOR. f -,, t i n e,. shingiee...-tho cadent:nod la IC I ...I.naltaeturing aid will always keep on hand iir;:e stock orNo. I and No. 216 and IS inch 0'0t..111.0 will lIIMINIPe of at moderato Ow mill le located near Beaver elation. on Itailroed, ' D. SIIUMAKBB. • .„.1, nodenttamed is prepared drlitt r good borolog Coal to all persons .:am;; the article. Orders trill receive prompt ay. :Aida. S. I'. CUMMINGS. MEE f e C.IOIEIION, Attorney at Law N it n r, Pn. Mice in the roniu tor. by the late Judge Cot , , promptly atteded to. =II I lESTISTRY.—Dr. Murray, of Bridge I / rr. hen an ••O Ire Richt" to me-the gun •• h.• e VIRA It HARD RUDDIER; consequent h • du., I et use the Dry !Ribber., or sosp•stode , 11:0, for teeth. t.ohi Ad Silver Willing. pet In of the beet ma p io,lllll all work warranted. 1'..."1.1., 31la newts. T. 0. MOIIGAN. ::ItALLEsnEIiGEtt pros. ne•LL'R Ix Fine Family Groceries. Queensware,, Hardware; kILS, WINDOW GLASS. WOOD ND WILLOW IVAN!, BACON, PM!, FLOUR, LIME, COntrY Produce Taken in Palm> for Goods. 111 , 44 delivered free of eharge in all the Villages.. MEM NOTICE N EIV B A . 1( EII Y , CM= .1. C. WILSON'KULD STAND, Third stri i t , Beaver, PA. ~TOS:: • 'rakespleasure to lutOrmlila old Mende that he ms Is taldtshed to hi:miners at the: aborts mod, %%here be %%111 he glad to meet and' accomodate thrto, - Ilre:141, • Crackers, ;cuts, Confectionaries of all kinds Nu. 1. FLOUR, nt.h. from Full Wheat, l v the bar rel, :Rick, or retail. A I•All 11011,14'11 Wild Ch e rry INTIc 1111tierr! .1 1 E THE 13EST 1N CSI I Sli 11011REWS TONIC 11117'TEIIN, Th . eyery.lx_Nt 411 the Market. R. E. SELLERS, & C 0 .7 O. 43 WOOL STREET, Ch.rle• linlnl, fib rti!mnes Nu IN and IN strert, . P i"I'S AT; PEN N' V. hole-ale Agent• for the 1,) John Mootc Beaver. Pn 1 4!" 4 r,5, f' CyCi OA' J 0.35 Soup C*l-; ko; STRAI PEP,V) . :II—PIiLA. I • \ ;• , AND • ,•• • • OM Effil C'l-,'ERICA Cat 04.111 1 .171 T : 11 - • 44.• g.•.. 1 14.1 ut 1.;••1111.1.1414:11- • 1, PAID. rrv.rl a •• r.ltt• ts New Sprlng Dry ;Goods J. W. BARKER 8i CO., :tparke't Meet. Plittaourgh a•mopening a Large stuck of • XewSpriiigGoog 1.. y u isli particularly In citli uttcrition r large Roil complete stock of Silks and Dress Goods, • • I Wiil4 It will l lillnlll :131 the Lie Si. tltylcs 1,,i.te.1 to the Nea•ont. • j o.•-• F.,otern amt. of their own M: !Julies' liktiht 'multi to order. sietwk m endle,4 variely.jlfome- • I,eridog Goo dg of Leery Dus- l'unrha4ers caw. rely on tioding every this establ6htiitlit , itt . the very ''""q Ministore: and their rand. 1,, allowed a liberal dim - mount— W, HARIKEitdc, CO. 7 i9 Market at„4th avenue. nirlOtf =I UM 51.—Na. 16. - Iy . eulAgrertitiemento., . ' HAS OPERHD A iTouu, NEW BRIGHTON To WHOLF4IO.IC sad RETAIL WHITE LEAH,I , =1 untsuEb, IstAlr.s, Mixed Paints. Dolor. In.oll and Dry, Carbon .011, 11911(41 Oil, - Iceat'B Fo:A.011, Spirits Terpentine,!! toa' Body Varniski! LIOP.k I, V-A It NISI', ' I,7,RNITLIRE VARNISH DASIArCVARNISH, BLACK VAIII4IBII. COALE'S PATENT JAPAN A RUST'S 3IATERIILS, Picture Frames; (to onler,) LOOKING MSS PLATES, FRENCH AND PLATE WIN,DOW WASS, FRENCH ZINC, ENGLISH AND : SA til) PAPER, &C.! Mx termini ure CASH on de livery or Goods. Pm 1:69 U. 11. S. W. A. SMITH. ISSTICANGER TITAN FICTION It I■ a tamillso Gut that DR.H.S.HIBBARDS: CO B. B. Anderson's Old Store BRAVER, Drugs and Groceries. Which ihoyeellis cheep ea can be be to Pittcburgh. They have on band and artily receiving . . PURE DRUGS' MENCINai. -..-..«-...,.~~.~:,,P Palent liedishiem.of all Made. Legal. Cap. Letter and Note Paper Pelee, Pencils, Init.leanry and Domestic Pure IVines and Liquors, fur ledlcal purposes ONLY. Burning 011 s. and other articles uanally kept fa Ent nits. Drug Stores.' • ME The Doctor having had a practice of tan years feria confident of hit ability toßif° eatiallactlon In the prescription department, which is tinder his special charge. De charges nothing for .advice and preecriptlone. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully C ~.,,‘. t all Hours Day and Night. DoitudeL We also mama C. J',• ii. 03=1! 4-1 1111 l 'Fruit/4, Playeriug Extracts, Jellies, Candies, RAISINS. CHEESE, CRACKERS, AC Our ;Towle; have been bought ow for cash, se -brunt with great care. and will be cold at the very lowest prices. Give n• a call before purchasing elsewhere.. Country Produte taken In exchange for Good.. 11.11. HIBBARD R CO. tin. o.lfela. GRAND BOJON ASCENSION IN BEAVER, multi not be more aqtnnishing than the tact that SIMON SNITGER, & CO., .eci) the beet, largeat tn,l freshest stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR. FEED, .te, In Beaver county. And although it takes use, to snake a Balloon •ou will end. If you visit their .tabllshment that they don't hare to resort to gas to make their good. go. To all, we would say. '4..6 In" and ina our stock! We hare on hand the floret and hest' ME IMEMIE ..--, ... I, Molasses, Syrups, Soaps, OM - al.n the last brand:: .)r , Tobacco mad_ to he found in the Oleo ' ift, make n vechilly of FLOUR & FEED, REM biotin: and selling nova hut what ant known to Le the very best varieties in tun. Oar establish. meat enjoys a 4.01 earned reputation' In thha par ticular, and we Intend In the nature ai en We past to maintain It. WE DEFY COMPETITION. Don't mistake the{arc 1. lace. We 1111 at (ho old &tau& neat end of .I‘l ht., rower. Ca. Come and lee um, Dint T he Howe Sewing Machine. TIDEgr ESTABLISHED OF ANY IN TIIF. WORLD . Tiles being the :Irk Nearing Merittripe ever made and have been manufactured ematinnetly under the •npenbton of then:iglus] Inventor, ICJJAS UOWJ Jr, Sines their first introduction Isl.l. The ler rove. meal upon them• machines made within the last two years and their rapidly growing popularity covets the fact that they have reached the very arms of perfection and that they are not only the west established bat the best in the world. These machines do (*Sleet work upon all (*b ee. whether fine or cone, to ;king a stitch, also 'rbe invention of Mr. Howe, alike upon bulb skim of this fabric,Sewed. TM fenslona,nerm, novel and unvarying, can be adjusted to any degme of tight.' nes,. and after bring adjusted do not Arguing changing, except torelifferent thread.. To those who hays need the Stowe Machine, It I. not necessary for as to speak; and we would only add to others who wish *perfect machines to be sore and me these machines before baying any other. Send for circular. Applications fur egeneles • mast be eddreored to • srBLEn 'STOOPS, Solo agents for Pennselvanla, liewJersey. Del*• rate and West Virginia. Office CI South ititi St., Phila., and Nu: 4 St. tisk , Pltilintsti, Pa. septftitely.' 1% P3=l . ~ .:4-• , • • • , . - : ....:t . ; -;,•. ...-". '.. - - . / ; :i . - \,/ ‘l4: , ..!;; r , : • ',,,:., -` 4 :: - :.` , ... , t'''' . . '; - ' - r; . :---. :; , i' . .. , " II - ~..+1 ; .. , - CI - . id / ht ... , ; „ I 1 - ,/ ./ r t ~ ,,i • , - - • '-;-- -- '-- - "- TANSV:ED Of Lard Oil THE LA= usT STOCK IN THE MAR From the Pineal: Qualities to •th'o Very "; / Lowest.anulea. SHELLAC AND' WINDOW SHADIS. Mau and:ol( . lmi TAbloCovc;rs. LS;c., &c. indaatry salt Company. , 11•11 V rAcr wins A XII 1/ItALEILI IX TABLE & COARSE SALT IIsIDUSTRY, BEAVER Ca , PA. LOOKING GLASSES, put np In g r: .. wl at e i lle c r tio rd warranted to Ad rat. SUIOO,II/4110116,, t. BLUNT Ifte. and ?MUD neptl6 GERMAN GLEE; DRUGS, DRUGS ! Rochester, Beaver County, Pa. • Keeps conalantly on hand, and has now. the keg eat mom tment of Drugs, chemicals. Sc. In Beaver county. L L URli DICTJ.OS, • , Patent: ,,, Medicine's of all ki oda, Paiiikts,.olls Dye-Stuffs, Perfutneries, Toilet snit Fancy Articles, by the box or. in Icrvianlitirs. Comimu s nil i rd at :01111mm—day nr nide. = All other kinds of TmmitN will he deliver ed in a short time, when allied for. IN THE DIAMOND, Rochester Penna. tOMIZIEMIZII Farw"n" ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE, It Is composed principally or We celebrated Guano from ~ ; :,;%:',,, , °:::::rot:g7:Vgi.:,Zulit"tlVl ..„. Together with POTASH and SODA, the even WI eleweut• of • PURE SPICES The Ligh estimation lu wh ci It la halo by many thane and farmers who are owns, it iu prefer macs to other kind., Is a sore tusrantre of Its value. Price 156 per ton. Send fora pamphlet ! A ddress-',The Alta Vela Guano Company, 51 Broadway, New York. A Safe mood Purlfyer. A Splendid Tonic, A Fleagant .Ileverage, A. CERTAIN CURE AND PREVENTATIVE OF DISEASES. The 2:IN G Alit ntrricret are compounded from pteseflptkm of the ceisbratod Egyptian Physician Dr. Client-sr* n ho, after years of trial era exper iment. dhcovcred the &Stant,. i Ilene—the moat remarkable Twit. produdion the esrth , per hapv. ha. seer yle rd—certaloly the moot ellec five In the care of disease. It. In combination with the other valuable properties of which the ZITNGAiII lIITEltrl are composed, will cure Dyspepsia, Fever .. and Ague,lslllluus Fr-, ver, Clio] ic, Colds,Brnuchitis, Constunp that, In Its first singe, Flatulence:ls:tr. : vans Comp!nints, o Rheumatism, Dysentery,; Acute : lid CI, role Diarrbaat,l bolero,. Alarlte, Cholera, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, &Tofu. la, DiSeases or Om- Kid- • neys,lfabittutl Cott ill: • &e., In the preveutlon nod ever of the above dbous es. It has never been known to fail, as thousands °four mat prominent datum. throughout &Upsets of the country, will testy/. Let the allUcted vend for circular hmtalnlng lestlolordall and amid cotes of those who have bceuwad altar their are had been pronounced hop eless by am best phy•ltlann. Plinelpili Depot, • 12,111.TE:11 N 0.6, N. F{Olat Strom Philadelphia, lifieommesided by F.x Governor - David EL Porter, of Psittegbraula. lion. Robert .1. Ylvher. of " • - Don. Edward McPherson. lion. Joel D, Dant,r, Ilan. William MrSherm'itad others.' ' • . • SEND FOR CIRCULARS.' feblo3 ' . . BEM 7 ileil:;14: • 6 , )., qEI • Eii .r !•; .1. OMMI • : : , h.• I • - ISE t Dry Oaoda« sPaIN6 stpcK: R P T S Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc. M'CALLUM BROTH'S. 51 Fifth Avenue, above Wooilstrreet, PITTSBUftGU, PA., line on hind DM . • Prim uniform to nil, and the lowest. ' ' j 141'CALLIM 111108. nuir24:ly. • k, Tell orders promptly attended to WM. BUECKING, IN TUE DIAMOND, TOBACCO AND agAlts Physicians' Prescriptions I ALSO. DR. HETTELNi PATENT 'FR LTSSES. ItEMEMIIER THE PLACI• Next door to Jos. A. Fortune's Dry _Moth Store, Formerly Buccbling & Brehm. S &bl 7 Stu. • • TRl"l' I I E _<A VELA. I= _A_EIZEONI.A. I Bone Phosphate of Lime, CdSIPLETE MANURE. THE GUEAT Zingari Bitteis. '• ; • • • Elia :. .C.l ". A. ~. 1 4tii:,121, ' (..t '' Mr Mlalellaneoi~a::, KIKVINTONE STOVIR WORKS. is • Car .Factory Bultlllp r, NEW BRI6-1120N,. Otsiesi Grate 11 1 1.siita. lieadiens k gain- mar Pirees; CHEAPER THAN EVER .8004 N. • THIS COUNTRY. • • LOOK AT P4l.q.W FIRST PREMIUM COOK STOVE 11,,11.8Y • •-• • • -,• ' • • No, 7, Splendid Baku, Livia Inllais OT 0 b; 444 56 No. tS Splendid Hater I large bosun Oven,- ISM No. 9. Oplendki Dikeilclelenn *Wen (ken; 40110 %, .13; I .FralOgibl ParktStiires-'- No. I; Juno Puetuq anOrs heavy, • 84 66 HEATING suroyEs; No. l, Ribbed L. if * l 7, . Enameled Grate Iftants,/ No. td, Gr*t 154 Incli, W." IT U, " Is 91, " 19 " 7y 19 "1 . ". " 81, " 51 " " 19'. " 5 , " 9l' " '•l3t. • MI 6 .• .. 78 , " 2C1% " . .7 1 -Va\TID-W.h6ea No. 73, Plato grid, Wide, • 71. •. Hartitw, `• 14, Fancy •• •• 14, •• without 1611, 32, Plain Ittut, " 32, Bur, without Rod, " " " Pressed Sheet Iron Summer Pieces, Plain 17.n3Inee•11, 111.23 •• wil6 Orostueutal Centre. 1.30 All Wurk 11 iarrinika. uire us a thU. TER3IB, CUM. uctlfGEL) c. us Demler. Flour, F ROCIiESTER, ;ON Tux PIUOI Flour at wto soti'all. Mai quALaw "" CORN ME FL AL. OUR _L • RYE • BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. , CORN AND OATS, constantly on hand. Alio, ■ cheap and couireie. lent Wooden Pump, the cheapest an ass. A qaantlty of the celebrated Alta Vela GUANO OR PHOSPHATE. MMliZ;il biayfor CASH. and sell for the same. Cash bay ors will Sod it to their advantage to call. 11113-All Goods Delivered Jan %0:0S J. C. Mit 310:1D WALL PAPER WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER Tca largest sod ettespoit stock ad Wall Paper In Beaver County. BOOKS, A' 'aro assortment of Miscellaneous, School and Religious Books, constantly on hadd at Pah. Haber.' Prices. Gift Boob Sulfa E el for 2e Holidays, UN HAND STATIONERY, • STATIONERY, STATIONERY, An extenalve rudely of,Papar.lturalopire, Lead Pencils. Gold and Steel Pans, Ink and lulr &a., Se. We are the exclusive A l geut for theralearated Voloyous Giold Yen, - for thlitouoty: those seeking a good Geld Feb, would do well lobes them before - . purthsaing. We are the Agent for this County for irrhierl Photograph Manias i Certificate. The Glee:Jon of Clergymen Is respectfully called to dile. sa we can sell them at the same discount as they would get from the Publisher. Atwaters Bidiool Gov. eminent for sale at Publish., re' prices. We hare constantly on hand Floor Oil Cloth In large variety. Wz MIIA DIMe WINI)OW OIL CILOPII, RUSTIC & PAPER SHADES.. -0/11— , 1 on hand Tot. and Variety (tondo suitable ine the IloWays. J. F. , , PRICE, =I FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES -1M.,5;), • of nil kind*. ALSO. BAGGA,3E BARROWS WARE • HOUSE WEE& et)i. v cr• E4 IE IMPROVED HONEY DRAWER& Valrbunlve. 31Lorlre & Co., 102 Second Avenue, Dear Wood St., PittabalThi SCALES REP 4 1112 ED PROM PTLY n1)(1:411)(36. " VALUABLE PROPERTY FOP& 1€111.10131. The subscriber ident for sale lots in a Town Which lie has recently laki out, ad. joining the borengh- of Rochester, Pa.; about lifleenminutes walk front Roches: to Station, East on the Pittsburgh •rotuL The lots all contain emit acre of land and upoiords,and purchasers are at liberty to take. otwor tame, us it may suit their convenience: These lots present a very, desirable location for ' PRIVATE RESIDENCES, aiSuas mai sal nt4eltsnia. TERMS rezisoNABLE For further Informatten inquire on the premium • . G. W. JiIILL}...IL apr7:2t. ME .1 Il 0 INsver"` 'WNWOidat 9 ' SELECT' I= 114z_aitAcE DmaszeWor- f ilartY Yearstigb loaf of • a stormy •noptatuqux Grace - Darling the hor the Loricne fi ght' the Eng , uporl with her t at p the ImmlnesitT ...andas from he the Fairfaishi t ra`., fearlessimd neble 23d year, 'waists' and. heaped upon tier in la $ &tot $3,500 was t her , eflt, the minim. of her: life Were crowned comfort; and her - name' Into current usage • for au unselfish azie Two-weeks since, of a stormy • Morel Lewis; the. Intrepid „Lime Rock light-keel (a. I.) harbor perfbnn placed Mr aide hy aide, selfeacritleing courage Grace - Darling' Of Et rounds a career of eve, fulness in the tsvothe Themalit fell that , f torrents; and - fhb uitystacross th , "" .thattaxed tho of the'nrost In tberrhldst boy, semi somehow u. _ 'of tbesnialleittWai'L :boats . in - therharbor r h the !'ioldierthuowner, ,perstmdbig two sahib Maths; and Pit Ltaighlln,tolet him t from the city, wlthei ~,to.miske some pun% Admits, Where they we, Anxious to escape the di mile -trump by Unti l ano the lad's assertion• the' manage the boat answer they trusted thetioset made half the- .trlp about midway in the den. blast struck the m boy Jammed the helm direction, the boat - capsh stunt, and the-waves roll over, like the verdict , For a long halt-hbur Hal pante clung to the keel, against the' blinding n fierce salt Waves with all of despair; but finally strength was exhausted, lazed-one clutch at 7 shoulder, with a feenklo his lip, h e was gone!. truce of him sine; Of paralyzing with cold reft of hope the two choice left but to cla last embmee, and? grove--g e lr r, n h zige little beat driven and sure, straight waves toward-i I lope kindled it but faded when -‘ only a slender you derer.woman plyht; swiftly camer - bewe was almost'reechlti graspp nearest . _ quick UM:tattler: Hose we - WAY! ' . i~ • BAD 110 , lUD I.M %.75 :.;5 - IMO 1.75 1.50 DM !=i3 rain, Jrgea was able to on shore Se , b ut private MeLaflinlurd to be carried into the light- ouse, where both of thew received .the utrneet care and kindness, and were safely conveyed to Fort Adams the next day. The heorine of this daring exploit was born Feb. 25,. 1842, and is thus In her :Nthyear • but her tint rescue of imperiled lif'dates back to Sep tember, 1859, w hen she was only 17: Four gay young fellows, all about 18 or 20 years of age,, and all sons of wealthy gentlemen, one from I'lla delphia and the rsat front- Newport, went out for an evening sail, and one of them, more full of mischief than the others, chimed the mast and up set the boat half a mile from the nearest shore. - None of them could swim that distance, night waft rapid ly coming on, the capsized boat was too light to support more than two or three of them at once, and they were rulefully awaiting the bitter consequences of their mad froth-, when the keeper's daughter, spying them through the dusk, ha stened to their relief, and rescued them all from their Impending fate. The one who climbed the mast enlisted at the opening of the war, and received a mortal wound at the dlintstrous battle of Bull run, but the others are still living, and doubtless cherish grate fully the roetnory of their youthfdi preserver. BOOKS, BOOKS During the intervening period of ten years, this lieorine of the harbor has saved five other lives. One cold and windy February day, three in toxicated soldiers stole a skiff and set out for the fort. By some drunken nekteenes4 they soon stove a hole in the bottom, and the boat rapidly filled. Two of the men succeeded in swimming ashore again, and were so alarmed at their adventure they ran away and never came beck; but the third dung to the submerged ski Wand tried to paddle it with his feet across the harbor. "When dis covered and picked up, with his hat in his teeth and a bottle of whisky in each pocket, he was stiff with cold, and barely escaped perishing in his desperate attempt. The next rescue was in January, 1867. .t Valuable sheep escaped from those who had it in charge, dived off, one of the wharves, and started to swim around the harbor. Three men, , who . Weld in pursuit alone the fort road, found a skiff and put - out to rescue the ani mal. But the fleece south-last gale was too much for them, the boat be gan to swainlk" rapidly, they could not regain the shore, and were staring death in the face when fbariess Ida' went to their relief, carried them and the skiff to land,, and that went out and saved the sheep! In •the remain ing instance, It seems that a fine looking but reckless fellow stole a large sail boat from one of the wharves one Winter evening and put to all with it, but the gale drove the craft upon the " Little Lime Rock," about a mile from the light, where it sunk, leaving the unlucky thief clinging to the halyards from mid night till dawn, when the heorine reached and picked him up. "There he was," says Miss Lewis, in relating the incident, "sharking, and . God blessing me, and begging to be set on singe, and bast I saw of him he WWI crawling, on his hands and knees!" The heroismef Grace Darling was the result of a single noble impulse; the bravery of Ida Lewis Is part Of her daily life. Sixteen yearsago, the light on Lime Rock was established, and Hosea Lewis, a veteran ex-reve nue pilot, &miller With the coast from lialUax to - Norfolk; became its keep er on theeth of December, 18.53.. .The southern line of the harbor makes a wide, deep angled sweep.,:with the city on one: side, Fort Adams two miles off on the opposite point, and Lime Buck midway , between, about 300 yards Nan the shore. • This rock' Commands the widest view of the harbor, and upon It the keeper lived I alone threeyeatand et halt - Tb.en a Ilwidway,New Brlgbton MIMI &~ toA ,"•;- 3 .* - 7.:' . * - 4........t.—v '- - --!-• ..":, 7. •....._ .„... .. . •• .., - •• ..vm•herwowifflaglarla Is ;!.',-, .•,.• . • . .',.. r r , 10".• , •. .;7.11 . i i k .....04.1: e.,;. k ....-,:: ' ' . .er:,• 1:'. • ••• T: 71 ' Eli ,:":? 'c; 7) . •:. :, i ~,,, p. -., ..; ! ~ _. ‘8. 4 ~ r . .......• v • : 17 •, - . • 'l l 4' e a . • R:6 , 14 . 4 *it( ;: , j r .ti::"riri- It' . 1 • =EMMEI Aliqt'gjf , hick JeueilB476 tor 11fujisis-7 eifeislnetrhin. ife, , da 1 -. l* :teem the the flimsily ! , -It was she her flitherinadlighten sgs toll,l andAttatched Or sister. Harriet, and 'others ; Rudolph and it, and eked out the lender pittance with itberfeminine labors, rescue of imperiled .Instinctive courage that let her worst enemy slut - risking ,her life to say tillpearancsi this No , ea rcely attains theism women, Is remarkals would be thought niuc WU) 27. Light brown hall ,iteert lad kind, and diet' lu_shed,„;ithough not , ror , beauty, attract one I legal& smile and fri , manner ;lion than: ;vital& educational Leh suchu life must al one can talk wit' lieving tier unselfiSh Ind the fame her I; seems simply to out exidtingthe least has she thought of 7 at, when first asked, Some time in mush she could say"env Any liven she had saved 1 , , . Err, t father is still a taxi • old gentleman, al , ' ti ,11 de; but spending tr Ztin rig hours in his el lA3Wis is wfree spoken um entree, devoted to lair Ln vfotirsks7 papers, of wilt Ledger is one, and to thr lamp whose flans) hasglb. .the I harbor from 'sunset , hese teeny years with a unfailing a my as gleams light upon the Ameriee dolfilt isa young sail &Out op a voyage, (Hosea) re tie and a pore. Reale Is Only p.,wealth of personal many a fair Fifth envy.. Roth the r rings: and ear duo ties dear te the F fi wfien they, have re turas of their ward' chiefly by Ida's in ;easily be mistake, 13 V e. a . h t num in 'Nita trashed tie' . .. _ wet do years ago Minato— paper, and ninny compli ments and requests for .photographs ensued. More than one romantic gentleman tried to persuade her to change her name for his, and found a friend indeed, but no wife. Two brothers, seafitrizig men, from Black Rock, Connecticut, have pressed their suits with more Success, and it is quite probable that both the sisters may be married before another ripring. It Is worth Writhing , perhaps, that Miss Lewis Is rightfu lly entitled to the extraordinary and unprecvslented name of "Idawalley7.oradia," which she inherits front the quaint fancy of her maternal grandfat her, an estima ble but excentrießlock Island physi cian. This name, however, she has wisely discanled, and writes herself simply " Mt" In France Or Englund, such a heoine would have long!since received many honorable and substantial textitno nials,butseareley any gifts were made to 3lis Lewis until the two soldiers, rescued on the 2sth of March, insist ed on her acceptifig it gold watch and chain of Swigs manufheture, valued at $lOO. L. Prang, the - Boston chromo publisher, sent her last week. a kind letter, and lialf a dozen choice pictures. John Carter Brown, esq., ofProyidence, and John Auchinclms, esq., of New-York, have each sent her a cheek-for $2.1.; and a Boston gentle man transM it OA to kyr last Friday the sum of $lOO. Ah acTiveNewtxwt ci fi ten, of long emit vatcr experience, is rapidly raising in that cityand Provi dence a subscription of slBi for the, building of n. ceder life boat, to be finished in the :finest style, by one of the best New Port builders, and painted white with a gilt stripe.' It Is almost certain that this will be completed and presented :0 Mist Lewis within n fewweeks. Another energetic - eitized meditates raising n fund for her beneflt;this season many enterprise.; of moment for her benefit are also in progrem. In the upinion' of the best judgrs, -no truer or morn fearless heroine than Ida Lewis ever found a place in the animals of any .liumahe society on either side of thd Atlantic, and none more unselfish ever received honors from thosewlusw r position or wealth enables them to crown meritorious acts with suitable rewards. A NIGHT WITH A MA NI AC. The mullet: was a giant. Ile had broken Ii hi.Nty chains mg Samson broke the wlthes;bad torn open the door of his cell, torn the keeper liter ally in pieces, burst open the door, killed the watchinan with a heavy Iron bar he wrenched from the door, and escaped with his formidable weapon into the city. The. whole place was aghast at the news; and we students at the hospital and dis secting room, who were connected with the asylum, had to nerve our selves to help capture the escaped wild beast • . I had gone to the dissecting - room alone, and was about to commence using the knife on a subject. There was a storm raging, and with a low sob the wind swelled througit—the long aisle of foreSt trees, and Hashed with tl ll, - i l e a rithered force of an emu) wave not the dead-house- Simul taneous y a hand Struck the light door and theyell of a maniac ranglhrough my brain Above the door, through, the small ventilator, the face ofd the madman and the murderer peered down id me. "Ah, ha! I have caught you et het—hem—and alone. I have been Waiting for you. !You I took me once, didn't you ? Ha !I ha! I Let me in.?? The coolness :of imminent peril bmuht my powers into action. I held" its eye an instant; hut It was evident he was too wild for that; his blood was up, and it in'yed with eager,' ferocity through the rem and over the frail - Walls. With the light botmtl of a leopard '1 gained the door, and nnd shot the doubled bolt. A gleam of am IM! ,-'I • - Altin :Jai • tres, , lut• he . 11 4 1 11tiedift`44 1 :110:TIN PiMs that kr we. td grbtuid.' rre t the' lbett;wis tuff._ • "'Lc:10E1.1 0 1 howaifeapor) `t hand keen as •a- razor. It Is 'by the , dead body haze ..•king on. Thirst the' dtior, plunge It in yet& heart. touch you, you area dead num. lay kill me, but I will kW rn.l• (*radii as there L 4 a (hid.", warthy giant shook thtidoor hinges creaked and grained his hand. • Thea •butgiting %iv to . himself, muttered, 'll out wit you yet." al stole off In the darkness: I im, for an instant, pressing the wall of the building, and red and bent, inward with the t. Then, Baena.. The did of toast made thunder in my airs, 'ed to hear his stealing tread sobbing wind roteanew with auk*, made my efforts fruit- nomad times I limmtlibi . murderous laugh. A thou felt his bmwtieY strength the doer, and saw his wild down at, ale-through the but still he did not come. I think he had abandoned the and slunk, off discouraged; low !twos not so—,l knew he Jelling in some corner on the , spring on rim when I, passed. I stay there all night? No, ly not. - An hour acorn, Harry (my young wife's brother) Vme to seek me---tvene noma d' the danger, until a blood d his thruat would choke the lung life down there forever. ' ned in the Intervals of the fid storm to Mar if he was lg maw me; I waited for the 1. It mme = that deep gush 10176 the gusty wind, I - put 1 in the Sense of hearing, but': am shadoiv of mind greeted the storm, swelled again I te bolt and looked into the a black pall hung over the aci sky. l bud a good chance him an the obscurity as he to ae. With nay knife ha my and the 1111LiSiVe thigh-bone of, ) to fell him with, If I must, I draw shoes and stepped out edarkutss. A sudden whirl tempest almost •took me off , aart a brick, dislodged from the °chimneys grazed m Its passage, broke in half pavement. heated breath, and a step like ad of a • panther scenting his parted the thick darkness and my facetoktud the hospital. ;ht bp. either here--at any step impassage—or hid in the le mil at the door through AO rch renter. This seemed 'meet te; but there Was another door only. to the doeton): WWI would elude lam: With diadlition I begatt-tenta-s eale Ahethar dreadlnel . lu -lest lad** Wok theakint / 41 9 , . wll4 *To! t no. „ 4 ". thtieuntirdtit :riiielcrthediscitit; and felt lksik ileibedejt vo.but the lamb. A VVE 401104vra,mlidotItte M I L IIN ck 4 e15. ,. • &aught) intneertalnlY,' 'and ._ lug a weight in the air, put out my hand to grope for some -due to my whereabouts. I was in an alley— flanked with stone walls fur above my,head. I gave u sudden turn. In an. instant I knew 1 was in the sub terranean IKatmgca of the asyluth. Turning to retrace my steps, the (Vague density' of 'some heavy body crouched between me and the outer air. I - heard Its .stithq breathing— its stealthy treid apprmwhing me. Just heavens 1 , he had followed me from the very door of the dual-house here ! A struggle for life with \ a mad-man in these narrow, glootuf vaults---to lie in the pool of one t s own heart's blood in this undiseover ed tomb—and my Young wife, Con stance ;—was maddening. For an instant my brain was MI fire. Then I thought theremight tx! an exit—other devious windings in which I could elude my , deadly pursurer. Uoing deftly backward, turned the angle in the wall, and then plunged at the utnmst speed of a young and active man among the kick pussad,•e. Instantly I knew that I was pursueds. Meeting another ernes-path I struck Into It in the op posite direction. What a race through thisie cavernous depths of the mad house! What tragic pitfalls might lurk at every step f.' 7 -what black and stagnant pools lie waiting to engulf Inc I—what deeper depths of ley blacknas into which to fall—and kW forever! The passage - griw nnrro'.t'er. We . were, perhaps, under the very centre of the building, and farthest from the outer air. I had tried to Menthe noisele+ily ; the effort exhausted me. I knew nothing of the labyrinths; could only miml at our position by the castanet, front the entrance. I had counted the turnings we had made. ' I thought I could retrace them. My strength was failing. I was fleetest. but he was most endur in. Presently he would run mu down. It was a terrible venture, but the ne cessity was imminent. I would try It, I darted like an arrow on into the darknes.s. The suddenness of zny in crensxxl Alec(' baffled hint. I sue. Meltedittty. ing fifty .vards between ;,animal and turned the next angle ,• then, drawingmyselfarNinst the wall with every nerve and muscle strain ed into preternatural tension, with `the mighty !waving of Inv spent chest crushed into sileme by an iron effort of despairing will, I waited for him to pass me. I heard hint COMP rushing on with new strength through the blackness. reach the angle, turn it, striking his massive body against the Jutting stones. I heard hint spring like an -animal on along the track. I felt his hot breath like steam—the foam of his set jaws tlu int across my face—and he stopped. I felt that he wns failing for me—that he was crouching on the stones! I isaw . the red of his eye-balls glare up to me through the darkness. 1 felt the touch of his Icy flesh ott my hand. Like lightning be raised himself, and throwing his vast • weight against me, pinioned me to , the stones. And the mad rage of a titan at boy surged, upward to my brain. I clasped my knife convul sively and woad Mtn by the throat, riasilved to die hard. It was hairy— it watt shaggy. The hands against my chest had n thick coat of fur. I clasped hint to my. breast.. It , MB Lion—my dog Lion. • • • • • • "(hest maven, Keene! what kept you the whole night in that cursed dead-house? It is near day; the door has been open these two hours, and , Derby and King have been asleep, I was getting on my boots to look for Sou.W "Why, in the name of common sense. dkl you let thbt dog out after nie? Will you tell Inc Matt"! . "Why, he boWled like a Mahler', an and clawed at the door till I thought you were]n tome flamer, mid I could not Itmtpdni Elm =I J:l7 Iv :NtiiblishedlBlll. VMMIME .; tOIPP I II ent • IVe •110 w.!. IS . ouse y N Otirtiegi i PMl tgyelirld interviefir VlOrttour ManW;m3dh6 Is prow Unit rotmdlthe "grodadit'• after: inq now. up, the _meta r .1-tuust 'gp,atte.r. : . ".You don't Say "Yet; don'fwahte aSiadoed."" • " In live minkiteiethe whets/ force of the hospltalmus. outfit - Um. groundrt • We too - 1;111111 intim) angle of the gnat, dour, crouched. behind the jutting _wall? welting ilSr ins!' lie drew hip lips back over his teeth, ht the dumb fortheity of st...nrul brute, as ho saw lurid glare, impossible to deserthe out ho hissed out; "tile! this Is tivim you triumph;_ wait till the third time!" Around the blazing grate, in the closing hOur of MS tempest-teased night; we shriek harida 'Over the ghid nosi of our fe-unkut ; and alter the story was over, and tlte.'hortor first, and the laughter after, (at theelese of my adventure and Derby anti King had lett,ittal Ifarry Leighiand I stood at the wiMllaw matching the young winter day. rise over the hills, Dare was something very, like taus eve{, the Iteld, bright blue of Ills eyes us Ito pointed to the granite walls of the wad-hour, end • sold, "Constance would have gone there, .lictme, or I died, and mine would haVe been a Imivy, Leavy life ever , I ' TUE TWITCUELL CANE. . PHILADELPHIA Apra 11.--Tic Twitched DISC still ' exel le; euiisblera ble interest here. The .S'euitlay Wail script publishes the. following inter eSting end authentic *litstriry of the family, nut herctoforcvmude - public: Mrs. Twitchell was born in Washing, ton, her mother being then known as Mrs. Werutz. tier father was the Roy. Oliver Spencer, a McithodiA clergyman ,of some yeputation. 'lt 1811 the mother aniMaughter moved' to Cincinnati, and; remained there four ye a, which time (Wall is was known us Miss Sawyer, her mother having . a married sister by that name.' (This is probably the origin (lithe story that Mrs. Twitch ell was the illegitimate daughter of a member of Congress.) Frons-Oldo, In 1848, Mrs. Werutz and daughter cane to Philadelphia, and Ilie for mer married Mr. MIL Shortly,after Camilla merriest Richard Martin; a clerk In a dry goods store. After Liv ing to.'ether five years Martin left his wife, alleging acts of impropriety on her part, but she took the initia tive in the proceedings for a divorce, which resulted in n legal seperatlon In Int. OnailLs then mams' the name . of Sawyer, returned to her mothers house, and lived there with her and Mr. Hill. She there beams° acquainted with Twitchell, senior, then a Widower with several children, Issicka (Mega S. Twitchell,,an Wel gitimate son who had been born in linxlklyn his mother dying:4 Ids after birth.' Camilla was e as housekeeper, and reserved. Twlttitell; ender,: to,Dle3r J is deulcd mot pcOlvel by., imp: thslthot them mhil , , 4 ar r 4 111114 ,pliiiiitl*dooteint; -been t himeletit. re .WZ li t ) t . • ' bee Of Dr. .Lord'e 'dineV, In 1104414, near thestietti and''ln her * Les hoesekeeper•sss *ld Inures, and for attia.servkm, )I,o3reti At% . s P I Y%, , W* I O4F9F M .Wir= ren4e • 11000 , 0 2 italrhe . dr V e ht' s =llcimidkeepkfr,4uid hi U64-War 'Weibaverolseettateskittot, lett*.T*****•*P - . _llo44elagi.V. - to: ' 1 'fir "Y t tll ou r' iiitivitit l l ' telu tr e t n a tooctriilMaVilet 'the' wh has never beCil pti lla ed. 'hen informed of her, husband's conviction, and the prnbuliilitka of her own fate, she remarked: "I know nothing of this murder. That aftermxm George and I were out riding, and when we got buck to the housemother was getting tea, as Sarah Campbell had goncout.. I no ticed that George was-very notch de pressed in spirits. Ile never was much of a talker, but this night lie_ was quieter than usual, lle seureely spoke at all at the table, and after supper I tqliti to mother. 'There 'is something the matter with i;eomr surname you go and talk with him, while 1 elmraway (nothings.' Moth er wed up stairs, and I did dear away the things, and when I got through I went to my room. George was then in the sitting room rending a paper . andrmokingueignr. 1 weut to txrl, and don't know • how long I I was asleep 'when I was aroused by the cry of Sarah Campbell in the kitchen." This Is the only statement she has made outside of what she may have tommunicated to her counsel. Why 'Mrs. Twitehell erased her visits - to the prison at the outset, It may he . well to remind our readers that on yen; the day of the Inquest, she ap pealed to her husisand to tell what he knew of the murder, and that if he were guilty, tenet liken mait and relieve her. Mils he refustsl to do. After her acquittal, she did call ut the prison, but instead of the greeting on her part being warm anti affec tionate, it WWI cold, as might be ex wefts' from One who looked upon her husband as the murderer of her mother. Immediately after her ac quittal,. Twltzhell and his friends anumenced paving the way for a statement from Mrs. Tw Itchell,w hich would take hint from the elatrw. and fasten it upon his wife: So shrewd were the parties engaged that one of them visited Daniel Dougherty, e. q., to ascertain fronillim whether a pris oner once acquitted on a of in under, could ,ke. t escrow! thee, by a confession of guilt, response be ing there could not twit second trial. Efforts wen. renewed with redoubled vigor, until Mrs. Twitehell's friends Mani of them and advised tier to ab sent herself front the prison. She always denied any romplicity in the murder, and her films of a:confeKsion by him were based upon the fact that she knew that he did not believe in he immortalityfof thesoul, and that Ids professions cto Mr. liringhurst of piety were . only shams designed merely to retain his seers lee in the game for life he was playing. Others beside herself , had every reason to • feel assured that he would not hesi tate at any lie to save his life, fur there is every reason to believe that to at least one human being - George 8: Twitchell, jr., eenfttised, 'lds crime and made himself sole actor iu the tragedy." Throughout„this effort to induce his wife to take upon her the unjust J.Kusation in order to save his eAVIT life, Twitchell had frequent cmcvencation.s with his friends, who, anxious as they were to assist him, could not overlook the damaging proofs of his guilt. They saw the in herent impessibil ty of his confession, anti they were anxious to have seine part of it explained. A day or two before his (kWh hi.s strong love, of life led hint again to refer to it, and he remarked to hlsnunt, Mrs. Moore; "It is heal that I have to die ter this I thing." MN. Moore then innatinsl. "How can y ou stemmata for the blood (mind upon sour Twitchell t rt h :l e u i t i etl iun t l er / lin`r k ti t t r c i i n ri g v! ‘ ns vit taut h it i t iwri nf ailltede"nagethinb. Ie y w to l l f ( e l he vas am calling to howthe went down. to the tiiik 'lag room, and was there told by , her that she had quarreled }with ' her mother and killed her.' 'Fie Mid hits lint impression VIN 4 • tO . • neighbors, but-,my second, to save my wife. Twitchell then stated to Mrs. Moore thecinannstaricesattend ing the thfairing of the' body hbhr the window.' lie menial that: he Ja pfb hod C 44 Arms tt oe ve01.114114 Cos una n 4ll4 o 9 4l -0: 1 0" 4 4 , ~al lotorost. aro , 1t44.i To 14/ 1 / 7 4 14.Aa d. met -47 the mum, of titiliodioWl l o I : 9" " 111641" 1 :"114 . 7 61reAlkfik Lair, gh. OE EMI MEI] Th4litr . whlle his Itimm now:„ They, burls Melody to sheirtilltsr.i•• ai l dmg ol gt At on thealli;ln sided it was betel by hint ( While bta - trilb tali out into thel yard im under the aindow.. , .When she tbiri quietly '<Maui the body into, the Anhui of ids wilt; !by whom It wee laid Itt iengili upon the pavement. In this way:. he; 50. , -; counted for the cheunuganee that Abe Wily when found, was not thrown together to it might have been It hurled violently from the window, but laid out In and ghtened condition immeluded by saying, that .. he supposed the blood UMW upon his elotlust by lila laving ,hold Of the muniensl woman ha tbarmanner do scrihtrl. In the Stec s( all these con-. , fissions Mrs. Twitched has remained ” quiet. She has milked than If. she i. dented the dory while her htedand wild alive mite would.lie uoLlt,ed of an, utteiltist to 'more 111 A death. •Sh‘e was willing nut to tell what she knew, if that would Iv of anvoleivitio to him, and she was Slav willing to assist hint to the extent of hex means, but when he wiahai her to Ku u step furthur, sad assert herself guilty of a crime she did not outmult, she_left. hint. It is Ituctelinteil that within ti few days Mrs. Twitched wilt make • tt full ntatetuent In her ownbettalf. NEW* —LJUeks county Ittpft fever. tde Gettysburg has peschool.. • • - • I • —Meadville thrmen are ezeawk from all city taxation. .—McKean Buchanan is with hia' (laughter acting in Erie.. —Doylestown Is trying to tame by drunt water. We Impo It will tturrootl —Miss Agtiita liagun is to give a ' rending in Johnstown _curly • next month. • —Erie, generally', seems pletaxml At the appointment of Mr. I. B. Clara to the pnstoillse nt that —Two 'tend of cattle and two dogs have retently died of hydrophobiala the neighborhood of Norristown. ' GioN. W. ot:Nieholi,A.diutunt Gen era of the Military litvisten of th& 311wi:eippl, died. on Thursday omitting.. . , . Ir.Ls rumored at New York that a late Yrurohu► mail from. !trauma to that port was roblsil of over audition: ,` dollars. —Tin! 0 reen iiil le itr•ejna W I illeink : ed proptletorn'und 'lmpntlyncl' fn lir; pcnranne.• It lit novas bindionivaN minty. paper's's -any , fit , /Al.!, I tern . : l, l i nnayivanitln-,, 7 ~ i., ' 1.." . - . jrhei; Moiotigeheis-, Repteliewih. inysliewVioneejlicllageorpieVAß- , Alat qmrdarjrriurk iyii.4ppe mtmed eon . are ofpr#4o34 t. , o no od. , . int ri fi IseNt...lElrt . 'IA .I..WitVia .. " *ilk' 1 i l oStetdi n ikvi, 4, :villefininertreltdethinntar thit4pc; , , pepasylinifita A3niials3r. thitZiik chatitenf.thencientine dexart nt , i, 2C - 404: 1 4fipiit 'l,Lifli 11 9 13 1P j ' 1- ". Zennesi, tietieniiJrsnfl ii r nii:‘ L and flit lOWA ltontnltted IntOn t ildz i l Hail FrAbo in t Wednenclior,4llo4. - p Grt Itn totnatinenanottibet desltvel , heir 3vlto thgaiOn-• ,• ,: . '„,i. , 13.Attniixiiiil ( ittawatinn.. ~, ' ' Tb i orbet. MI throw Own °UM °Mai. , a -) - - • . _.. St ''- " •t4I. '.: ' a.:' ' " , • . truth trAir • A salute of fifty gums was fined on Ft:aunt:ly evening from Federal 11111, ntar Baltimore, by the (lemon Catholloc in honor of the fiftieth aiudverstry of the pritsthoixl of Pope Plus IX. Festivals wont held on Sun day in all the Catholic ehurehei In conimenioration of the event. Mteit.tEt, and Mary Wall. TlNltting• at Br•giklyn, ha•l a family quarrel a few nights ago, during %villa* Mary threw a kerownelanitiat her Aland tautly fracturing his skull. Ti n lamp-hrlikr, kt•ronetto exploded. setting tiro to her clothing, and she was fatally lin rtio‘l. A N t:w t trleau- ttilrat•lt SII VS ft tor cxpoliti4.ll, un It r I.'rutyl; I'. Itlitir my] (Al t here te, at.miist t Cultt ti patrit)ts. tlr,t LwWtt.aeut ul the exltellitutt Le sent oil LI :•itaitiltx..ti, luCuUa,and it there ace no hair. 0r goven.• molt interteretice. Ax eXpio4ll4l of nitro-glvet 4 rine, Hudson City, New York, fn n black smithslu destroyed the bullditv nod T, Nathaniul. Ottani ou. right, Ids body being torn to shred- John Coal IV:L. , hurtled twenty-five \ feet, but not wriously hurt. ttt; prover lli gs before the Refer,, , ht the Union PUeitte Itnitrigul ease, n' New York, were brought to a stutitu.r. Ist9i) yrsterday, the wituttibt% ing to Lustily under the deelstou Judge Rhine font, deelartu r , ,, ,the ee..tlings in State( null antt void. HoN. 14:onani Swett, of rhicagt,, and his tts43. Quiv, were sx•verelx injured, Wellneoda:• evening., by being thrown front their eitrringe white the - liorst were rtui • fling Lit full speed. Mr. Swett r ePiVill the worA injuries. An Orr sa.VVII morning, at Peoria, Illinois, a ft n• wam di,enverd hi the round house m" the Chicago and lta•k Island atilt was. The binding aunt the luetnuo tives were entirely. detroymt. .1.4), a cstinated at ~•, : k o,oaph; lit ehivago °films. " —On WedneMay morning , last the house or-Rev. John It. Seeder:, one mile below Itiehttehl was iietatroyed by lire. Thu iusunauxexpiredabout a illealth Mall and had not ken retww etl.—Juaiahi • - e —The Carlisle Ikruld vaye:. "It is ru ((((( red that u party of gentlemen , from Lebanon county have been look ing along the linelpf the South Noun- tam Itailmal with the Intestkin of building htnee imn Works." —The Raftmtan's JOlffnahlayB ow ing to the cold and stormy weather that previdhst it this region forborne days,rafting WILI4 very nitwit retardtsl. lint now, that pleasant weather pre vails, we may expert• that running will be resumed with renewed vigor. • —The Mount Irnitat News sitys that u little child of 31r. Allen. . Barren townsltip,--aged twenty-twomnnth.i, nienths, on last TueAllty a week tin- ring the absence one; niother for ai " few minutes, fell Into a run -nearltie;:•.: house and was drowned before %left dismvereti. , —lt Isstatcd that the CorryinaCithie .., , Works, which am now turulng ou :WI , ~ , climax mowers a week, urq to be en- ' !urged SO us to empldy one thOusand nun, and turn out one thotmlnd no.- chines per. week. Ily thls calculation: it take., one num Just a week to emu- pieta a utachluo., , , j ; ,. ,- k 1 ' r Os WedWednesdaynight two b. , ......., t0 named ; . Jlontgoincry . and Byron. ' Leach, inurdered a young man nani- " ' et! Pierce, at a kinglng school in Libe ty township, Mama coontyono hum ~.: died miles auutlt (skit of caldna.iii..,, Thu two Latelmlwent to the alngigg school and asked for the teacher. ize ' refused to' goo the door.' Prlcevient outortml wan'ltistahtly atalltird.sevecal , time; by both adze Leadtes,audtUdial . , At linty.. 'l'he uturderera tktd. The , , tragedy Is the rtmult ortatild fluidly . . - feud. , ,:~' --
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers