)e -- "" F 1e V 2 :..A 36 . 4 44. 1 i11tiCU ' 0X4 WIS the Bt3ivetAriti J.7lliillaD;Jtitro * a kfliriv3,r2*%P.*. I==Cl Nt I. ,1 JOHN W; °M Alt Y.' thi3 °Meow trir the rigkiiiiiB 011. 49, 1 V4iiitiAr'inet**{) -I pithgcUitiiil4lll i.',41/4:ooitrilillOsO!,''''..‘ Tit E Itnpubtleit inettibtitient. the hileltlott logbilntuto heltett, awe'tir Ain lant Wednesday evenhtg, andnent -4nnte4lHon. Z.-Chinuiler to their esti '. tikintit rtir re : electinn to the Unlteir 4tateo.Setitite. . He Will be dected on 4the third Tuesday in January.., ' 'Mr. C. le MI old member °pipe ilea , 10, ind'txtnfeeeedly tittione the ablest' men' of, that body l .„ . ,• x Ifto diatingulabd 'American cid.; lams departed • this lit during the Post.*C4ki , • Johlt,/linoilicAts died at his res idence near 'Culpepper Court House one last Priday.r Mr, - B. 'had tilled many public potltloni during hie . 113;'tuiti toiMitled by all Who, knew him as an able though • erratic liuring the rebellion he was iicogtdzed as a 'Unionist, and the wri ter of this wigriph oftei heard Mr. Botts relate,during the winter of petty. 18684, the annoyances he suf. 'bred at the Wands of the rebel ail partieularlY theSO, under the command of Oen. J. •R. 41:4firiart.' Ilia reddenee;as many of the soldiers 'of the army et the Potomac will re- Meinber, stood near mid-way be tweet!. Brandi? station and Culpepper Cetut House, and on the let of Jana ary, UM himself and 1 tinily had al ready ' from . the portico of their dwelling been eye-witmaao to six:- teen , cavalry fights between the Un ien und 'Rebel ' three: That locality wage stiategiepoint ofgnat strength, iten i ce the easy skirraialm, or bat! , ties for its possession. _ General Lovell If. Rousseau • also - died on last Friday at New Orleans, . 1 Where lie was stathmed as Comenan tk‘ \of the . Fifth l i dditary Distric t. General - R . Was a ,oself-made -Mani and daring the war reuse to the ItudE ,),„ or . General of volitnteeni in the Won army. He served one term in Oongress a short time ago, and. We believe, • held a Brigtuller . (lenentPs eouunkilen int.hetvgidi arinyiat the time otitis - death. TUE BIESSAUE. • Wei place before our readers this , morning the Annual Mtssagei of the Governor .of this Commonwealth. Ilt• presents a, fluttering, yet we be= • hove It to he an entirely faithful, pic ture of the situation' with which the year isGA closed upon the - great State of which he Ls the honored Ezdeutive head. Our people ent4 upon the last year of the decade, a period of 1 peace and prosperity, with resources, which promise astill greater material. thrift from their development, with the public burthens not only dimin ished but still dlmlnhdling, with population rapidly increasing, and in every. respect With u et clearer. - fttostruttutr Orme - OM:ldtitle which her citizens . , claim, and which the sister communities concede, for the K.eysto*i State of t 4 Fedfitil Union, We do not Amiga to recapitidate , the topics which the Governor has discussed at length and with exhaust ive care. But we cannot forbear ref pretax: to his e j xhiblt of the financial condition of- , the Commonwealth. The figures deb clearly • given and speak for themselves. They eonclu slvely show a rOuctitin in the weight of the public obligations, and that for this our people are Indebted to the falthffil administration of the Repub lican ottleials. III; recommendation ofretrenchment in every brainciadf the public service Is addressed to a Legis lature which will share hi the 1411110 spirit, pd which will practically Il lustrate this cardinal tenet in the Repiabikan oust. His further sug gestions touching the system of pub lic education, the need for a more perfect protection for the right of suffrage, the practical Improvement of the militia system, and in refer ence to the propAety of so amending the Executive prerogative as to em poWer the commutation of the death pedalty, for convicted criminals, into a grader or leas term of imprison anent, in proper caSew—thetie and oth- er recommendations froth the Gov ernor are addressed to t he law-making power, with _pertinent and cakent reasons for their adoption: We 'relied, • that this document ta an exhaustive and clear stateuleut of the public affairs, and we are am- Meat that it will be received with sincere satisfaction by all the people of Peansylvanht.—Pills. Gazette, Jan. 7. AN - .OPPORTUNITY .IrOlt RR TusNeiguliti. Two gentlemen, maned Rauch nod Cochran, publish an :Interesting little newspaper at Lantaster, In this State,' called " One of theta at least, and perhaps both; have filled official positions at I farrisburg during several ' , Tent sot mita IS of the lA:Uinta re, and are there:. fore competent to speak intelligently of many of the abuses that are preva lent there. They profess to under stand, and doubtless haven minute personal kiiowitxtge ofthe folding and pasting department of , The Legisla ture, and . have recently made . the statement that the folding mid past ing tbr the, House *lamp* list Win ter 1517,000. The sane work in the Senate, In all protaibility,•amounted to half.as much more, tints making a n iltitivgate Cost 9f $56,000 for the folding end pasting Of legbalative doe uments for one ter m I • • • 'rhesegentlernen, Ina wriften Mop ositioa le the Ilepinalcsii caucuses of the Senate and Homes, itabmitted a few days ago, propesed to do ails whole work for the present session; In a neat and expeditious manner, for the sum of $7,000, and agretal to • give a bond for the falthflil perform ance of the elan - reit, 'provided their proposition was aarpted: Itwas rejec ted by both caucuses, on the ground, (so the telegraph informs usy that there was no, law authorizing our: tracts of, this character to be mitdo if there Is no statute that will permit oar legislators to save nearly $50,000 per annum, in the matter of folding and pasting their documents, we en treat them to let the passage of such an act be among the very first things they do. 'Natal.. iuegyooninValdefthett they look to the 71. en it no epeedily.por MU to give relief% a 1221=31 bin authe one ham refecrod to, the iltra f / l it)lifrel( rid atle l l members as they were never iiitlAwewee-T.Thafrytititjuailaenat 1 1110nm:et everreoludy in the State, - therryare IV lot of evokers"-err AM! !k1 , , ii94 - g iiri“ ibtexp i*.h 4 It oplApisseortNM94:4l •disietry4wponerosugariculla oake 4,4lmniiimaw-tint4ll6.lauff spa tied down into the bell& that tlie! party must itinotitirsalay or other p , vide-for thisaur!Theee pelsonsom: the fell electionse *Onl'•ffigr,•',Setititiani BepreeetatatbKo s ithoringtklbeinfor o plei arg &Wei the win tern fogw *- thither ? , end if po 1 4.404:0,40 c!!4 be,.Probnia I d-, %PEI UlO are tins; and pesting tooth, end kept there,. ornvairly#' , at Work;,trit' Orcilty doing itothl4, `,toll the'''ierhfaii eloaree: Their pey,. lueonz0111;:iii 41*.* 1,51Xt, is then , drawn hearths public treasury', when . they. titan hoinh Ira* Bari/ . l the 4 0 / 6 4 )it the "'reef ' corneal-a! 1411 e pieces,' and emoting No. t cigars all the , • • . 2661 VE 4 4 11 1r1 11 :4 1 :1C9chrim's prop crayon will tar I:nought before tlpf Legislature to another kern Wu fely (Ws,' liv - acizerOng , N I that body] can_ ruin $lO,OOO or** idiniftUYi• to the lie-payers of Penneylveziia. By repcting the -Imposition ' Abe meinberr will only rhoef that they *Pare irmni to 'Fiind.r 'to Clio n oes cppetitee, of, these .leeches of the public treasury, then to . guard the interests of the whole, people.: imite . we. seaidorialph . .. Try Benatinial noininntiorlinibta ' State Wait length rinelailtt finality.' Hon: John Scott of untingtoncoum ' ty was nominated the. Republi lay caucus oflast, week, vill ikiibtlete be :el?3tal a sena te of the United States: on the 19th I t) of this Month.. He wars ' ncopinated hYioastiMWM# Vie other bindlitatei all .withdrawing befoM is WO .WM taken on the question. We would have been nmehxejoio eil if Mi. it liad.beett selettedi ton next to hlm; no men named ler 1 the positlim, could have been more acceptable tons than John Scott of ' Huntington. Identified ' with - -; no u r n adylui'aii,o or "close cor t iora ., 1 thms " he will enter upon .thedis: I 1 charge of . his samtorial dutiM un- . trammelled with'.theflx)T,kint vul tures that: Wofdd have gathered around and Wen:taken Into thecon fidenceofquite anstinber of the oth er candlditai fot the place; He kiln debted to. 'Mite Of the Republican corruptionists of PnsYlvania . for the position he will iortly fill, and we are confident that he will keep them at a respectful tee while assisting to Make .the ofil I appoint mentElor the State. - 1 : ' Our fleet-traveling friend, the cour- , 1 teous editor of the "Radleal," pack ed his trunks In this pkice a Utile over two weeks ago, and-hied him off ttr Harrisburg to superintend the naftupof ow- next Senator. The ' Information we hive weaved from that place is to the effect that .he gave his support to almost every candi date except Mr. Scott during the dm teed. , Quay Namibia first, Kemblo his abided, Thomson his,third,:ficofield his fourth, Allison his filthand Moor headhls sixthehofee for that positlon: I IrWith this pon,derous accession of I strength" we do not now see why they were not all nominated: • His' influence throughout the State Is le. Inarkably potential, but somehow or ether, for the huit two years, the men, who:had it. invariably got bent and theiropponents made the nominations We have not seen him Since his re turn home, but are informed that he is laboring under a lively appreeia: Son of the ingratitude of Republics. Mr. ToApr of Beaver offered the following resolution, which was twicx, reud: Awaited, That wluat the Senate adjourns it will adjourn'lo meet to. morrow morning at eleven o'clock, awl that 11 o'clock A. u. be the hour of meeting, and one o'clock r. 1.1. the hour of adjournment until other- , The MONltion Watl adopted.—Leg idative Proivedings, Jai. A man whose hands and sinews are hardened and toughened by toil Is required by statute to put in eight and very frequently ten ilOlllll for a - days labor. But it seems from the above •that three hours of work out of the twenty-four is all our lily-flu gored Senators propose' to give the people, during, the present s&aion, for a days service. AS the matter now stands they have enacted that the poor man • • ' Chill work from sun to .on, And themselves only from dtretsto one. We ore content to allow something for the "dignity" of their positions; but we can Harare these Senators that it they, ' would give the :people about six hours perday in their seats, the public interests would be greatliben eflted, and the Supreme Court of the State Would 'in all probability not be employed one half of Its time In set ting aside their acts oti . the ground of unconstitutionality. .SuPp*Sen ator Taylor moves for a meonsidern- Vim of his resolution and urges the adoption • of our. suggestion. We have no doubt on The score of its practicability, and quite sure are we, that the people at large will be hene titted thereby. AT the Republican caticiiii of mem bers of the Legislature at liarrisbrirg. on Wednefslay afternoon, the nanuu of all the candidates for ,the Senatorial aominathin, except that of Mr. Scott, the subernuent nominee. were with drawn hy their friends . berate a ballot vas taken.' The declination of G. A.firow wasannveyed ftie ! I subjoined letter: , • . ; ifanutsatmoann. - JAigiN H. Witnillwp • .3& Dear Sh•-- . . ould my I!!ttigire Irressiated to' th uwcuit of the tors and Members of the Legislature fur nominating a eandidatelbr United States Senator, please withdraw it, and asettre tray frieMis that their interest In my behalf *III be held In 'grateful remetnbranee. ' With heart felt thanks fortheiruntform !gladness and proud of their proffer d support . as well as the kind expreado ns in Illy behalf of so large - a number cif the ltepublicanjoamals of the State, I desire you to announce that I have withdrawn as A candidate. With best wishes for your health and happiness, I am youni truly, &e., Giatusigit A. GROW. —Ron. Mr. liaremby,ofHaraMM.,3lame hasn't mimed a meal for forty years. IMI 11 F 3, oldegigatufg of ortted n #l., . , -, P r j - . ouso • ected- 0 Clark, (Reii,inf Philadelphia Speak er, and General Selfridge, (Rep.) or Northgnipton :Clerk. The Demo crats voted for Samuel Josephs of atsidig l ti.mllintatir.,llpeaker, antlg. W. ; /,kiprGt Orem/W.4am', for. Cleik. The,votO shied the flopitblhiut eandidateaend 117 for the Denieerals: tho k lifiLttitrle thibilchttztheehal i r montif,oritlio`44 3 9;oo6Tei astiodirt 'flaye:is* stridthi. it'lttihlator that ft is • dldld xesi o 44 l .44,l4,the,i*Wii '74 6 have honored met with:•.-.But rely -00-WeraW titakend tertninati9n.te perfiiim the dudes to the beet of my abilitor, thithfully and 'trust wilinaY•he.ablP ,to conduct the husineis of the'seatim .With idecomi4; goodAvoung will prevail, Apd that the laws we may enact will .redound to thebeihdits of our several •• konsti: iti r eic te. iiiiti :the general , welfare of ,tiitilitYsts9iiest (*rely, for this distinguished mark of your confidence. • ••• • • . • the Senate Mr. Worthingfraiell Chester was r elected'spmker over , his ,Densieratic competor, Mr. 13u • 711,74 Uzi Ptuoe. I. ,; r SpesakerWmthington afor jitc leing to administer the raison IYr&-; 'gad_ • . ,•• • . Shigethettest meeting the, • another 'St qx4Ppiliiolo4 e o Mo4,ithl6); accondaw,witb . the prnwsgonsl' oar natiotmlConstitution,.•tecisieve ry four years, and the readt," 'while tt itt„iti harmony with the wishes of a imOrity bf theiseeple,tflras 0.111 Viltb iilpTtaSeireliln -4kiiiilll the ,iitabilitY of •the Atgeri can Republic. The struggle MRS . , 'Serie and)dtter. Mtic.h seal and aetiv: tti "dhitinguished the efforts of Beth parties, Doubtless both weriitildutit;, sidty a laudible desire to advancer what each legittled as best adapted to promote the general welhire .of the tiatioh. In making this &cif:Soli' the pOde have ikored the atradte of the Ppverunient to the dimelo fit hands whickhavecontrolled.its . Islative powei kir the last , J.eight, years: The stime great leadef Who led outgallard armies, against tress- ork and ke,beillou,. overthrowing their power by destnoringthetrmanduded" legions, ban 'been elmeeit to filtjhe lizecutWe chi 1r of 'the nation. I necelscaively my his noble dells' o . patrietlin u tallmilitirry skill, Urith the brilliant,devements orthe"tnion army, live placed our nation nisi the highest pinnacle of military re nown. :And when we sill to re membranee the justne:.s of the clove for whlelt they contended, the pric.- less principles of human liberty for which they gathered around the na tional standard, we cannot marvel that the Improving of a Just Omnipotent* downed their labors with 'triumphant iticeots. In contemplation of our future as a nation, a few topics prOti themselv upon our attentien. Is in no par tizan spirit that I would allude to them upon thiS collision. They have national importance, and'deserve to bo regarded above all party mushier' glens. Some of these have been more or less discussed during the bite political campaign. Others, I trtist; looking alone to the grttat interests of humanity and equal justice,' .aut meet with opposition from no nation al retiree. " Wehiave reason to believe that the question of the repudiation_ of - the national debt, in every form in which it (an be presented, is settled. If the late election has decided any ,thing, ! it certainly has determined that the 'American people will re quire the National Government to maintain with the most inflexible fi delity the national faith: Its crdit will usl certainly be pieserved a( its honor and integrity are regarded es sential to its existence. Nothing else can give us proSperity at home and lastly entitle us to honorable dis- Unction abroad. If anything can de tract front the spotless reputation of the nation's honor, or endanger 'its fUture prosperity - and succ(*s, it will be a disregard of its solemn obliga tions to redeem every promise it has made.: Even suspicion of its justice or probity would rim) the foundation of its best hopes, mill bring upon: It the mtiledietion.s (OA nations of the world. ThelAmerkan people, edu cated ii3d 'living under the benign Influence of a high Christian can never bring themselves to Sanction the repudiation of lionW debts. For seVeratyears itn evil has been growing among us, 'which if not ar rested, must weaken the purity of our free' institutions and eventually altogether deitroy the stifi.ty of the Republic. I allude to the system of frauds wilch are perpetrated in our ballotboxc This evil has made rap id iwrogirsa among us, especially in I our: larger cities, until it threatens to defeat the will of the people and de stroy their confidence in this mode of Meeting their rulers. When this calamity Shall overtake us, we may bid adieu to a Government founded upon popular will. With the evi dence beffoe us upon this suhject c it becomes the interest, as well as du ty, of all Who love Republican insti tutions to labor with untiring -dili gence to correct the evil. If lairs can be framed to mot this meat ex igency and save the nation from ruin it is the 'art of wise legislators to en act them. ' Party spirit and party prejudice and discipline must yield a selfish purpose, and join in the adop tion of such legislation as will secure fair and honest elections. I ask for the adoption of no unconstitutional measure; task for nothing Which is not hi accordance with justial- and honedy, and clearly within the'pow er of legislative bodies to grant; but I do ask, for some ,fair and equitable legislation, which Will throw around ' the ballot-box such protection as will secure it from corruption anti fraud, Inspire the people with confi dence in its purity. Ile concluded by an eloquent ap peal-in Wainer educating the nuts- George NV. Hamersly Awa.s elected Clerk over David Caldwell, Demo crat , length Tti Een. days haim commenced to • ibli 1 thlrli lioli — J, R. W SUrl 18Pecial 41" Irb t k - *lraq lidir the test ,• irig hat shall ti . the; field was" of Runt' 'of last's Grew, lit ed their I But: this siderable pronilhent 'it-also 'this roc, teem. finding .. atest. _ _ graceftilly wl tory" of the Treateryi_ gdp.to hid only opponent,, , Bobert W.• DU& ey, Cash-- ier - of the'Allegheny-National Bank.' of Pittsburgh./ • • ' it.Was-aleomanennied this morn ingObr 140,..first time, that a Bepub.: I ma ammo , of both haters vi'otddrbei hehr.af.,B - , o'clock this aiteineon.— ' •., • .• eametogetheelikeallash nTF. g .or 'a thunderbolt in a •MeV; though everybody laughs .4141 says that it was done long . 4-1 0nlylmbody knew it. '• was absolutely nothing for helms to, de when it did meet s t make Bpe . h. es and glorify over . 'Scott and Mackey. The doors of the CAUCUS' were wide open, and .. wonder erteken spectators stood in the doer. •waygaising on the assembled wisdom of the State as they threw up their hats and.cnomlnated thetendidates inianltneusly by 'vim roes vote. Hpeaket Worthington presided. • Senator Fisher, of Ismaater, nom inated John Scott for United States •natnr.. James R. Clark nominated Mr:Scofield, but almost immediately withdrew his name." .' A' lettei of withdratral from Mr:Groiv wasretid: • Senator Errett Medea brief announcing the - withdrawal of • tr: Marshall, who had aided in rei .g up In Allegheny 11,000 majority" fo run Gt. He hoped the nomination of Scott ivetild be unanimous. , Efenator Brown', of Mercer ".follow ,with ; John Allison's withdrawal in favor of Scott._ Itepreftntatitl*is of Phi(add ! . phla, AxtrOludtid - the "sepecelimaklng, ty 'tiaytng That Mr. Kemble 'win his - &Verne, but beheld withdrawn early In the, canvass,- because he could not Make enough votes. ((Laughter:] Thequestion was put and the crowd ed aye.... There were no Ms- Mee% , tt thim nominated rat It. 3ftiekey , fiat "PrieSdrer, and the nondfiation was nmmimotudy: dorsed in the r. mune manlier, after which the caucus dispersed: It did not' take fifteen minutes to do the work. 'The Legislature having adjourned over till Tuesday all the politicians are leaving town. Of the suceessibl candidate for State Treasure r the Pittsburgh (iitze' spBaks as follows: • R. W. Mackey, Esq.,!the Cash] of theregheny National' Bank, this ci 'Jun been agreed upon by Repub 'can members of the Legislit• lure, for past of State Treasurer, He is a young man, and has evinced much more than an ordinary degree of financial abilities ip the manage ment of the institution with whir he Is connected. He brings to.ti performance of his new duties 011 needfulgurdifications, and wild - Goal les. give satisfaction to t he. people the Commonwealth, whose agent.] will become. And of Ilon. John Scott, the nom inee for United. States Senator, the same paper asys: This gentler: though mainly de voted to the pursmts of his profession as a lawyer, has been steadily rising in popular estimation for a consider able series of years. In the forty fifth year of his age, In the maturity of his powers, with a personal repu tation untambdasi, and with conspie pous aptitude and capacity for the conduct of affairs, there has been a spontaneous turning to him as pecu liarly lifted by nature and training for service in the national Senate. Of Scotch-Irish eitraction, on both sides, his father was born in Adams county, from wheOce he removed to Huntingdon county, where he be came prominent, trial served for a period in Congress: John was born in Mintingdon county, receiving such education as the timunon schools. supplied, with the addition of some instruction in the chtssies, obtained 'from the tiergynnin of his native vil lage. He studied law at Chambers burg, under Judge Thompson, and upon being admitted to the bar set tied in ithntingdon . , where he has since continued to resale. Following the traditions of the stock from which he sprang, he is a Presbyterian, hold ing the office, which he honors, of Ruling Elder. He has held but two political of- ms, that of Revenue ConunWioner turd member of the Legislature. Ile commenced life, a Denurentt, ' but of anti-slavery.tendencies. In 11442, in the Democratic State Con vention, he led the assault upon Mr. Buchamm,writing theaddress against that gentleman which created a pro found impression at the time. Be afterward misted the Kansas infamy. In IWO, he was a supporter of Mr. Douglas, for the Presidency. In ISeci, at the solicitation of wmmittees of both ixtrties, he was a candidate for the Legislature on the igtsis Of canvas vexing support of the Government in its efforts to put 'down the Rebellion. In 1862, the Democrats' nominated him for State Senator; but he refused to accept, and diStinctly on the ground that there should be no 'other divis ions than traitors and loyalists while the war lasted. lie has ever since w-operated with :the Republicans. Two years agar he. was President of the Republican State Convention that assembled at Willianasixwt, and his vigomus address on taking the chair elicited great enthusiasm. Asa Democrat and Republican he has constantly advocated the Protec tion of Home Industry as a National Policy of beniticent tendency to all ImPortant business interests. It Is not claimed that Mr. Scott has had practical experience l in states mairchip. As already Stated, helms been little in public fife: - Nor yet it assumed that he has actually dem onstrated capabilities and endow ments entitling 'hint to take rank among men of the highest order of intellect. But he Is a man of much more than ordinary powers—a good dad beyond the common run of men put into public life Milt's Common. , wealth. He has moreover, capabil ities which, applied as apply them in the sphere that now opens betbre hint, may soon , place ldm among the foremost men of the Sen ate. • In selecting Mr. Scott the Itepub limumembers oftheLeois„, laturehave done decidedly well. lie Is honest, even beyond suspicion' has intellee tual powers of a superior range and quality and' Instead of aiding In the distractions of fiction by; which the State has been divraced, will do much to restore political affairs to a sounder basis. —The Boston Post and other Democratic journals are still hard at work insinuating • and asserting ma- Bottles concerning Thaddeusinevens deceased. A dead lion Is not a very dangerous enemy, as, these pa pers well know. Addithinal alJoijanoe to E.' n..ffoag, on nuitUcontettot. • Pinned.' Alsoiat il kiiiine&impensation tO ' • tis,T . Postniuter at St: IQhns, 1.1 ; for 9 trioney ' stolen fttim hint bgtithighilhoptllie: b iti lil ltrittee' re . ll inr"" : • .:41ku .°1123trtirth m legit erli r il ith i d ivt*M po tl' i rtedN itieal l2l; disabilities W. Wst andSmnuel 2a clerk and the 'other a reporter' , " .the Supreme:eine of North Passed . .• Mr. Sch from the'emtimittee on Ways and- eons, reported a bill amending the aecortd , seetlon of the law of Man* 91st, 1868, to extend its provisions l° manufacturers of naval' machinery n. the goverment, and remitting-Ana taxes' as , had not as• cruel priest.to the let of April, 1868. On mothin of Mr. Wasidottraem , the naval appropriation bill e the special ordenibr Mon de next. • ir. fitetts reserved the tight of making potats of order on the yawl ousseetlonsof the bill. . - The ?nse at two o'cloeic went' into a .Vo . s2ltteyNf the Whole on • aNwall, out tie was opposed to the establishment of life tenure in Mike system, so opposedte the genius and spirit of our Institutions and peo pie, and regurded with so much ap prehension by the debaters on the Constitution. lie held that,the peo ple are the rulers of the country, end that theit representatives have no right to create a power not liable to their decision. The whole bill he declared to be an opening w.e.dge to an aristocracy which, once establish-• ed by law, would result in two schmls in this country, - one for civil and the otherfor, military 'education, which schools would monopolize all the avenues of approwli to the gov-. eminent and might, in the event of another war, prove a most formida ble enemy. Ile appealed to the friends of those who died on their country's altar, that this - great goV (velment might be preserved in form and in name, to see that the law should never again adopt another code that would make men less free. Mr. Jenckes replied:. The key note of the gentleman's speech bed been that the bill created offices with a life tenure, and therefore should not be eountemuard. The bill proposed no such thing. -It proposed that the in cumbent of • an, Oka should hold it' only during the efficiency of his ser vice, which was an, ntirely different thing. In other words, it proposed that eyed . person In the service of government should render to the people an equivalent for his cOmpen- Nation. Re ridiculed the idea of the bill creating an aristocrueyi saying it merely provided the means of knowl edge for the President and of present ing to him tile names of persons qualified for the various offices. The mural debate being closed, the Military Academy appropriation bill was considered , and ordered to be reported tit the Rouse . It appropri ides 'it2 715. M. The 'Coulmittee arose and the bill I was pawed by the House. , The House at Ih4o went into Com mittee of 'the Whole on the state of, the Non, Mr. Wilson, pf lowa, in the chaer, on the President's incessige of 1888, and was addressed • by Mr. Boyer, in a speech on general polities in reply chiefly to a:speech' made by Mr. Blaine, of Me., before meek The Committee rose and the Morse adjournedlo Monday. THE PITA:EC fiII:VANCE& The Annual Report of -Auditor General Ilartranit, for the past year, makes a favorable exhibit of the in debtedners of the IbMnionwealth, and the Wogrelß nutde in the pay ment the See: „. • Funded debt, cis: 0 cent Mom ftiii,3ll,lBo 00' 5 er cent loam 7,749,771 pet eentloans 112,0 S) 00 Total funded Unfunded debt, via: Relief notes In circulation, 1i1ki,415 00 - Interest certif icates out- Standing., Interest certif icates un claimed 4,448 38 Dotnesticiand none mut- Icatos, Total unfunded 13,M1 re 44 67 Total (undo/land unftinded $33,240,910 13 Public debt outstanding • Deeember 1, 1557, • • 37,701.409 77 Deduct amount redeemed . al State Tresaury during . the fitand year ending No. • • veruber 90, 1808, viz: • 5 per cent. loans N,354,257 54 41 per cent-loans 03,000 00 Ilellef not can celled, - 210 00 447443 04 Public debt Dee..l, 1868, —The trial of Mrs. Twitetiell, for 'nuttier ts t soon to Come off in Phfladei .As her husband was con vi ofihurder in thefirst degree she wl4 probed:oy be also found guilty In perhaps a leasdegrce. ..• , MOICIAGA ZiOig. , , errAN4FL The Secretary, :of the . Cenutpui ranaltlif behig intsoduced, preseutial alts Eloverricnia Men** wide!), ,was kinad b".+ the Ueda.— :_ .: ,- - • • , .; , '..,, 31.t.-Errett cdbredthe folknid4re. I solution which. waatadeeread.:.. • = Reiodect, That two theusexid:cep les , In gnglieh and onethotanad ook i les in the - Gann** language .of .the vernorrip m= be ptiptedifoll , thetne of the • Agreed to., __ .. ` - . • . ' ; • liir. Randall olibreti..the kdlowiPg resolution: . which,was twieepwi _. , 4,34, Resolved, : That (if thellouseptitt4.l presentative concur), when ,the :hfct adjourn toot. they wilt ad, journ :to . meet on: ndy: evening J ' next at 8 o'clock, P. M.. , ~, . ' 1 Mr. Stinson moved , to amend ~by striking out, the, words, "Monday evening next at 8 0'e10eki.v.,31.," and inserting " Tuesday morning neat at Ii 0 , ,e10ck." • ~. . . , . • '_- • Mr. Asada melded ,tha• amen d , .The resoltdiou was thep adOilica• ' . : vitro VERKAGINS. • , : 1 • vahe cs 1f4V;...4 d beit. stoter Ord- - 84 - rirgt if Pod brkith ()ten ' Messages,from the . Chivetnoi were' received, vetoing the following_ An net te l exetil pt money loaned to theeity of Reading front taxation. An aet to exempt the' property of the Pithturgh ChnrcliGuild . An to incorie the Park hall and. libtnrY.,coroptmy of Phihnletr An net lo'iiiithbrize and' empower the,scht4 directors of Log &wimp township. Berk county, to •levy hounty tai: • ' ' - • An act to - authorizethe trustees of the First eon • donsl church of Ebensburgh, rimbtla county, to Mt certain real estate. ' •An' :aet to authorise the , Andltor 'General to reopen and resettlethe ac counts of the Commonwealth • with the county of llontotir for State tax. An act lo incorporate the National Cottage company. act to incorporate the West impmvement associa tion. ' . " • ' An. act to extend the time for the paynient of enrollment tax on an - act, entitled - An act to incorporate 'the Girard Tunneling and. Gold and Silver mining company: • • An act to'incorporate the Pennsyl vania expires company. - • . SPEAR FIN 1)}:q1:"; , The Speaker laid ttefore the Sen ate the annual report of the' State Treasurer. . Also, the report of the Institution for the inAtruction of the blind. al commutileutton from the National 4fueoln monument asseeia tion. , •, The Ea%birth= adjourned _uptil Tuesday morning,, January 12th, ut 11 o'clock 4. M. • - • Wium. Jfin. 6,1860. ifouitE---The House met at 11 o'clock, In conformity witn the ipso. Intim.yesterday. Prayer was uttered by 11ev. John W. Stockwell, lute of Richmond. The Clerk Dien proceeded to mad the Journal of yesterday,ufterWhiell Mr. Davis of Plfibulelpia, one of the ennunittee appointed to inform the Governor of the orgnization of the House, Wormed the House that the Governor would connnunicate in writing at 11 o'clock.. Mears Robison, of flair, and 11. 13. Dill, of Adams, absent yesterday at the opening of the House, were du ly qualified. A committee from the Senate were announced. They informed the House that the Senate had organized and were ready to Iprocced to lA ne•O. The message or the Covernor then rend. After the message was read, Mr. Strang Mega) offered a reso tion that ten thousand copies in Eng lish of the Governor's message, and three thousand in German, be print ed for the use of the House. Mr. Phiyford moved to amend by striking out the word "ten" and in .sertine'llve," and striking out the word "three"'and inserting "one.", Mr. Pinyford also made a few re marks upon his amendment . . Mr. Strang made a few remarks on the mmage. Ile thought that there were at twat ten thousand men in the State who would like to read the metauge in a punphiet !Orin and lav It aside for reference. M'Miller moved to amend the amendment so as to strike out "one" and insert "two " Mr Davis followed in few re markecon the athembnent. had no partieular feeling on the subject any way i but could see no Propriety for printing Audi' as many copies In nerman as in English, and believed a, majority of the districts of the State would require no copies Mae:- min. • "The question then reemTing on the amendment, it was 111 NottigTV(l/ The qUestion then meurred on the amendment of Mr. Playfind and was lost the rote stand Ing 40 to • The South. We have at last the authentic offi cial statements of reputable officers of army concerning the alit xl negro insurrection - cat the Ogee s ee, near SavanuahN. For. a wreck.. or more we have been treated, to dispatches an nouncing n terrible state of affairs in that whole country 7 -whi ter fleeing fur their liVes,-woman and children left behind at the mercy of the insur gents--cifitens almost afraid to venf tare beyond the city • limitis--itillage raplue—ruln.Wenowkabw precisely what 'these • "parlous wprds "mean in the . mouths of the•Savazinah news - mongers. Gen. Sibley tells that he Went out to see about . it,' 'found the ,neirroes very much frlightened, and armed : with three muskets and a bayonet, on a stick! The whole trouble is a quarrel be tween the owners of two plantations and the negrees in their employment during the past year, The negroes .cialmarthat they 'were net PkoPerlY add. and seized upon part of the crop. The planters secured warrants for their arrest; but the Sheriffwas afraid to serve them, got frightened and ran Off The next , time he went out with wee of '.l) men, fired on a - boy whom :they saw, and shot' him through the leg; flied on two or three frightened negmes that were running off, and then went back again. There upon the people-of Savannah went to work arming and drill ing;under gen erala and 'colonels ofndedy renown 'and the sensatiotud.dispateles about a !legit insurrection .were sent over, the country. Anything more purely' farcical than the- on which these were based, we have never had, intho whole history of:slltY alarms about negro itourrections. N.: Y. Tribune. 113,994 57 816 13 EXIL I 11 or i~ E3MI HAS OPIENILD A IrfOltlL IN ' read was EW ZEIGIITON, . leraMro i, , - Aza52.114.1 witwi ' • "ifftiMWASlLlai risq ate, k. FAILre 1.3(thr7;11 - 114: Li:u I , ql.l 11, k ,,f i ,01,,4 1 l ll lKileperV'irloStilltAiiii 7-3 , 411.41 of • , tt/ 111 410 1 : " • if l • losllfOW.o . ritrso ,r‘ CY+ k r I. tnl t tth i) aied( on, .',(p .14 •,. l:.,Nearstoopoit, t a . 1 4 Tatiallql Ce . Va l C3 r # 11;461 .. 14 1 i 1 PC Re i • I§.. I' l 'l P ; ;v. A . If ft I • • it • .1 I I gp7; -PP*l 11 11 ; 'r&- 4 ita #401 1 : 1 #VI 14 " 4/1 D /31 4 IVA 010' : MIII 1 f 'i*, o 4l'o l %; MEM C: o463 ' B. *a l tent ",;;data is~ra ; tAT£f~lArs, koiThO'PH: 4 3h'fb! nnim - il' bK ß r Pti ' ? f"ltl V l. :-1 ' 1: • ,1 ~ 11 ~ Locking cklass Mes e .1 FRENCH' ~ •• , , •2, I T • . • PLATE NIN DOW, :1-43t1) ; „ ; ••• - • r • Elit4,l4:4:lll,s#lgq• l ENGLISIt GEIIitANbLUV, 'Y/911111 PAPE94 , Ite., me. Oft Terms, 0 _. (4064 4 1.3.81 %. 1 on 47,- ; r !WM A. CLAIM dic CO., BANKEIIS,' No. 35, Streit; ritgladelphia. V- GENERA:I. tAGE.IiTS Pecitsylvacia acd Sultan Ncw Jersey OF THE NATIONAL LIFE...INSURANCE CO., of the Uniteu States of America. ar . • ' The Ro hl Life ILIIIMIXIte Company la a roe,- vocation chartered by special Act or congreso, approved July rk Thai, with a cash' capital ff •1.000.000. fill terms offered to Agenta and Sidleltorr, who are baited Manly at a* Offire- Fall purtlctilaro to be had Otrapplteatit n at oar Mee, located In tbeaccood luny of onr - Banking llama, where dreolars and pamphlets., telly de scribing the adrantageneffered by the Company may be bad. NOTICE YEW BAK E J. C. WILSON'S 01.0 -STAND, Ththl St., Bearer, Pa. JOS. M. REED, Talus paeans' In Worn his oid bi,no• that be la eatablid , hed In blotuel. at tbe above •rand. where he wilt be glad to met and seeommodata thew. ftEBll 13ItEAD, (A 1 EB, Confectionaries of all kinds: N(/..1.1 0 1.0111. lade Iron' lull wheat, by the barrel, sack or at retail. Jan. G, 1.547# CHEAP BREAD. FLO U It , DECLINED S. J. CROSS' A; CO.'S New Year Prices. BEST WHITE WINTER WHEAT °NM Sack, i; 1 :1) son Sark, Go Barrel; ' 10 2:1 • SICOND QUAI,TrY VI. Sacks, t,llll, Sacks, • Karel • Iluctitsritn. Jan. 1. 13G1). EXTRAI!ORDINAIIT. GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION. IN 11EAVUlt could not be more Llgtnnishino than the fact that ' SMON.SNITGER it Co keep 1 1 / 9 b/...5t, largest and freshest stock of GROCERIER. FLOUR. PEED, Se in Beaccr.ennntr, And"dthnn,H It bike* nee to make a tteti o o n rise, yott relit and, if Too Yilt their entahliehment that they don't have to teem' to ;;.le to make their Goodwgo. Th oh. to would soy, -r oat in" and examine nor Meek I We Wee on Wail the abot arid beet MEI COFFEE GEM! Molasses, Syrups, &ape, also the best brands of Tobacco & Cigars, to. lie Ritind in:the plhee. We make Is. specialty Dl) ~ . _ FLOUR,- & • FE11:1), baying, and selling 'nonabsiirhei are known to e tbs TIPT bat 'wick", la use. Our establish. rent e l 4 O lll well-esnted reputation In thlsepet , WOW, and We Intend to the thtaro as In the put to maintain It. WE DEFY COMPETITION'; ' Don't tadatake the plate. -We are sail at. the "Old Stand" wet end of Sd MC, Seaver, Pa.— Come and see tic I ' Jan. 4 ISGO. TAKE 2110TICE.— Th e . nubile are hone le. nodded that sty olet, llama It• ta bat left my bed and board relthood any t cause or proeorndoo. Thhi therefore la to re notice that I will pay no debt@ of Ins contract • JOSEPH WYARLA. , D, ; jell I. 79601 • Chippewa Tmenshlp. . L • , .= 1 . 1 . 1 44* • : , 4 1Te . - iiitwitheilarti.- --- ' ---- ' i i• ir " ;att'ESTCASII PRICEk 1 ' • : " If I iii; ' • .. wodfuvit*DAMinevernuirt, !. 1 • • , i ; 2.!. lk-: .....; i It Q (1.11 ES r E ii, PE NW' A- '- - 1 ! lie,'9olEoo, .' et- 101-1 or-N sum. 1/1 .:ALE IN ifer:6,l4, ) Bb TS yiK4zoists, HARDWARE IRON, 1 4 - NAILS, CARPENTERTOOL ROPEAIitai4iPX I 6KTNO YARN 'WRITE LEAD mid PAINTS tlrt mud in Oil At, Putty MESE El= Queeinwaro. ond Willow Ware, MEE 1 • .140-FI, ' FLOUR, Billi•WoiVM'eniciririet t 014 ter arid. itirAtrekivegiseltheaffarllttebileg 6 tatahlerr .114..11., , e" .` . . • 0 NyIiOLESALWAtiI) Iti:TAIL ' v • ~ ilaAti. '. Or .4 440 Aerr..NCY . 1 , 15121 '. / • utialo*akt , GOlifiallY se w '. ll= 1 . Wo offer §allog iItIISANUFACTIII:ERS PIII4 iffil,...) 1 ..1 / . ti. tlii ' ii ifir t t i *A sT irWkiff 1:,;: t Eureia Viinn itilphate bellme and • • FULMER i/JiLT. ' SALT. :47:316 an De convinced. ;Min. tiopapDlLlTi sz, ll.kb_w_iftliE or trbov ;,,, . Tumult. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rrin,Copper;&.: Slwet Iron Ware. PRO4.oSt: rO:4IrAIitTLY ON 11A.NL. ALL NINO! , ot , TIN. coppEo AND silk:KT-OWN %V.ki:l:, N. W. CLARK .t CO.. .No. M. 5 Mouth Third ht. b. s. ILVMSELhi, Maoashtt- Tin Roofiing,'Spouting &Job Work Done:to order In tile tied t manner 1 A 4lnitilieKnot 11.Ing toll.: but the best of tixaterful. uud hxyllug nAnt but the bout ur,Oortmco, NCR WARRANT ALL swop 0..v-rmt: I. 0, WEI: ESP OF Third IStreeet Give sts a , rail. awl ER.w i d wrr slnek uttAcKElti. JAPANNEII • WARE K Err 00; ~ N 1 S. V TALEABLIK FOIL SALE.. The uoderaignedulrcra fur vale In AlleOleny county, the amount of eight bandred acres of laud In Wite of our hut,dred acre. and Ilp. unit. Solar 44thelll would be,dlelded Into 'll acre lota to Ilan utretutecra :orovlaed any two tx,llollll won 1d pa, dune: 4 Urns hundred acre:ot. ol tutor Lirrnv'will Teen by the jut or April. 1 , 4 r Ai l those farms are located Within areunnahle.dia. tam... of littoburnh. A 1.0, several hig,hly isupopsed farm. •Iturde fe the counties of Beaver, Butler anti LaWrelICC. Pa.. !abbe hat In lots rourailting from seventy-Ike 10=1s/rtes. located In the fertile ell:ions of - these count!, mot adjacent to Sohnol and Mills. Some of 111,04rart. are locso,l 0 Rh ; In flee or eiX mile* of theAratling , Railroad. pa.. shig chrOng a h the counties ales, e named. tool soros a thetas elle In the seighboilluotl 01 the Oil regions on Slippery hock Creek One tame body of Land, samtalbinz l itr,. located within FIX mlitsTOl the Phtsbur2h Furl Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and distant I. miles front Pirtsbureh. This body of laud is well cAlcts. lated for gra nle:: and for Sheep. The ecntemplated Railroad from Pine Creek to Laxrettee county will inn within a *boil ille• tanee of this body or land.. I . C.opm de.trolf• or porch::-tog.horrid apply be furr Ike Irt of February rexL Attu that•tlin they vrisahlhare to pnrchaae atiljeet to It IV. , o , 0110 year. resonneble ("oda 1,111 be given. Mop" and desaipttone of three Leung can be obtained by ap. plelag cc, the undersigned. Pont and other mia cribs undetilepttna of the lends. • BENJ.- Magi lINIDEORDN Heel Letetr.Adeei. New Brighton, Nor `S4. 1118.--de,lthis" a • ; T. PAktKEIL k.A $1 10 '3 1:1 3 :i0 110.1111UPATIIIC PIIYSICIA:s: A\.) T"tt , i. , r l-41,1 lomfessi•onal,setvices to the citizens flochest-z add settonbiling to. t.. I,s world ;Ay that 11, eay•_partienier Mletttinti to Sur;n•ry, Uhl new - oale. distlngoishing ettees.e,, Lim to titter :rest relief to persons *ulterior. with chronic dieneeses. Ile will .1.0 *LI ,thet clans in Lagery lbesiktgamee• tlifllcatf cz,es be haring , timely - nonce: - • orrice on the Diamond, two doors eat of Con. wny'• store and Clearly oppo-ite Mt. .1 oimson's ;;rocery, Rod. ger, Ouster county. Ps. Decis. conononu cal lb of Pa. I in nn• c..ert of Can.- ~ rel. Jo, Mtn., Poc a of 1:e...r. County, No. :P. Nov Mary Duncan a lutes- j Tenn, Pe - +e. Partle. interroderl are . hereby noiltled that the Dual acount of/ oeepb Duncan, - Committee of Mary 1/ tureen, above named, lunatic and unw dervaa elI, hag been filed In the Prothonotary'', pair Al BINIVI-r, and that ante.. Conictte contrary berbown It wllt he cunanned 1 1 1 . the Court on the teat Monday of next Term. JOI/N t UGIIEY. Pro. U. S. Marshall's °Mee, W. D. Or PERIISPLVA3LII Prrnmunon, Jen. I, lids is to Ova Make: Mullen the 314 day of .Deeembo A.D.1t141 a, warrant ankrupeej nne bowed squlnst the estate of Prain,ll W. 6stk. " of New ihilthlotOd the county of neater, and Sinieof Velillayianlnfil a Who Lae been adpotwed • /Lanni's% a o hL own petitim4 Mat the pa; ment of any dahti am{ delivery of atty property hdongtoil to .etch bankrupt to Imo or for hu nra• the trent fer of any protally,by him are forbidden by taw that a mr,tial; ur !Le creditor* or the eald 144 .7 0 Pt, to prove their deb., nod choo•e cue or mo lissipee•Wf eame, lit be held at a Cowl alladkruptry to he holden at the lloreo House; New. 'Prieutuel. Pa.. Warr Jo.euh' It. Donley, ••41.. Iteri•tkr, on the rth day or Friuli. cry, A. U. iumr,!t nvwu y. "of 11110.-4 t :1'.! 4 PIA PURE SPICES V. S. 7111strilhall's Office, L w. li. or I . F.NNSII.WANi.t, • ..PartPocuou, I)ec. T.I. Dia. • ' bill lo to give holici , : ITLWori' IVOilittli day of December. A. D. tarot, a warrant iu .itaniaruptcy area Issued„temlint Moreton. of John p of Roothestea„ hathn count, or Water, and SM. ad PreneyWantst. whn Ws Won *Cadged a bankrupt on this mon petition; that the payment of any debt» and delivery of any propar be o such bankrupt to hint Or for his a .... and the tranofer of any property by him arc forbidden by low; that a Oloctius of the ermlitors of MP !old ti t bankrupt, to prone their e ht.. and Ili choose one ear more &soignee* of ht. L ate, 0111 ,Ire held at • iChitt. of lirstruptqii, hullos it Me Huron Douse lu New)Jeghton, 1 . . , be MAID), U. Don. ley,eitliklisateder:ool th e rah day of Ectnattr. , A,. D., 1....C.5, at I o,cloek, P. M. - 4' i '-- ~. •.... TIIO.IIIAB A. ntAVIA.I, Jan G -ft r. S. Marshal, as Demionyer. MEI =gm Gargle. • er & Sons; sompt G4o!.stikoF.AflitYs, 00/ni VI J. 4. , -. i..” 1 AU • T Ak., li ;1 f) PLAkBTETt VAR'S 1!0:11 LANDS, White asO . Wator Line s!t Fade Asiip Rates. -. ~ -,-- DEALF.6 RI ALL . KINDS op iiitich I wall man AT : 11.0 Wiitir /1://"E REATEItt, PA =I t O, a. A xitt rm. • arlvilaiwkie4.tiAnT 02411164 W , f , iti 104{ CA 4,6 "01 -10 idegibisaNieilaiblimataKt ualS .614. 44 . ai ‘Tatioirtal Ismin t n .1041,AntWit r-4 ;itnlit i kr et • Teas. Aim") %kr, Oa; a r . . 7 - 31rt_pri -- -- 3101aturs, !7 a pt: : V V . - *MKS - Vtift*" Llit STONEW-Alt,) Oak Clatlnvi air Tlunh. Miliabirce nts y es, 11,4 . 9';',611 Pike Ctier Vinggit • . Family rimy, By the itarml win flack•, couifisttree 4.. d recTriiie 3117.10.74,9A.Mtinivirc , ottro: . • riderlsler• Pc • __ _ .11C4.4,H , (At the oh/ stand, 7rd street &wed,. Ms.s 15/?A tfritg • L ALL KINDS-OF GROGNME*, 41 GI ea! .5 .1 `.r. LE.,gi ••• COFFEES, TEAS,SYJGARS, SYR UPS, MOLASSES, SOT:OIMM, SOAPS, q.ANDIF.B,IfAI-t . • SINS, ENGLISH - "CURRANTS, • • - • FIGS. =IEEE FLOUR, FREI?, F7till, -012ATY,:,4e., They are constantly recelettg: a fresh wan lento( thewsUcks, and_ltra palate may rely 'mon getting from them aq gra . , artartkl , . market afords. . MWMMI T . o. nolocAN, • ; • CCM...O TO SHALUENDERGEILDnoS. . 7 2 fl Tine Faiaily• Groceries. Rueensware, Hardware, NAILS, WINDOW ULA S, ing'l) :AND WILLOW WARR. liAro.t. 1.7811, FLOUR,I 4 .ILI: DEW: COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In Exchange for Goods. Goods Ddirtrul Fret , ,f (I,,st7K i Ur till, yll. - ::llviklm4onix,4 A:. ,At1.!. 1 79. 4 r N EW FA . :IIIILV GROCIE111( EMI PROVISION STORE! itcpeltesit-ex- 7 : I'n. By c o:e & DARRAGH wiIEUIS WAY OR FoUND gratuity urocertes lia‘t Provlsloo..lliristt. 10 Cheat... Butter, Lard. Bacon, Ott. Pure t.'hivi V Inert:, Syrup., Mut Pan, Tp.., cotree.. tioyu., C/10ifi/.. • Tobsero, ti,".x..W.P , Ktotatare,Wlllow..tsto, tV9llllell-ware, everythlog In their litte.aatl they hop. by alikt iltealitna . buoltrom, tJ merit • LI BERA SHALT:'(' TIM V1TI:,00., N ft.--A.II I.InON or Coolitry I'm,lnce tAlin be market Klre. con at ju , ,t ni4.% 4J; II Roche...ter Oct. I.t, Iv,; FALL AND At - INTER 1:4100- t tuvr.itTaTitEcrivito A NlO% o, OY GOObS OF nut LATEST STY I. Es For Fall and - Winter wear. Genttcnicn•s Pitrnlshln; t • CONl3tAlttLy tiN If .11.1 T I' in !Meat ■nd most full fumtht• amt totlre. WILLIAM ItEIVII rialtbuinc.trun.. 11. S. Marshall's Office, W. D. of Ilecanallvaular I.llTrun,: a 44 + 4 Dft•umb.r.t,t.. Title t o to give !Settler i 11 it ott th, d.tc of N .. ,, blher. warr.o.l !a t. cy tvew laaneft * affainat the cam,. f ,1111.0. 1 ' Ivy of Neer lizialrtoo, lieneur ettnetY. McCantilefla of "1 1 ' 1• A '• • In the county of Allegliirt, 411/t ...141.• 41 I , ...•• van's, partner. ea 3lf been adlodzed Itnnkrnot. :heir Mt 0 I,:••". that the payment of any dyht. tufa delivery al' for be ion in.; to an. it talltkreptot to d. t: for thelrtf.o., and the tents ter of any limper , . then, are forbidden t Ilt.it a titrettutr el . resistor. of the .aid ban t tt pt . . t o t 0.,„„ taw. 1,1 cheer, one or Mom aaatzneya ratan. wid be field at ft Court of 11Inkrottt, he holden at No. Illletiferal NLAlirch.ly Alle,dy . ny Penna., before John N. Pon., E.g.. I:A.lo.hr. on Ilio fkl day of Fehruirt If., LAN, at to o'clock. 11. 711001.11. L ans * A 6/1 .. 0111( 3te t!...: n;.., 41* .te ll an 4 ." i e r :fn " Jun., dol SE it.' 10111110,44)tareb..k. t ~, 114 40 11, 1 %UT (.. , ddfotnt Ctosati, pnoiv.: a ' the es lbeth the viten riA, , r. • front Oat brinatrlntem2 esionnt the .itld tinnnh Jo nee. We is in ...!wen. ion the aid Jonah Janet, that rain...! other tritrilfiete acid eleuaealif ust ri ui - Ver yea 4. . - appear In yourjurrpre ;tenon twfore, our J , at Ilealrero la ltutlittvanamion pl,po. 11,, r • he held on the third Woolley At Martell two. ' laser ...the Oetllloll or libel of the raid " June.. Ilifl to .hew can,. If az.y .. a'' tit *Slit Aizlieri done., lour tie, 1...1 , 111.. I •'• divorced front the hollit of Lntrono,, to the art .1 ~ .empty In omen ca.,. - provided. nova!, nu are tint to fail Mine.. The thus Aloe. W. Ache.on. ' of Om . falit Celt at Beaver. Oda filnete, ^ November. A. It. lAls. . . AtINEW %. J. h. urri.K. shill. ft 4-3 everything. in lbw fowl Aloe for "the Ile will gj okite• 104 oral) the knol. L can obtnlo for I kat re.vion.. all of %hien 1).• o at whole.2l, or retail. Ikvf. Pork. Neat, itc. • formic nLhlo chop on T6l.d Strerf. tglo • Prieeawod d ' ei Cletlied Of C.', Dec I6ItIG~, JteiiN :Di1n14:1: 1:1=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers