mu irtif' -vs Is published every WednesdAy tu - tba old Argos troildipt9iegithAllblies per Ter, Pa., M$ 001 er Mr, Ali :adviticit Communications on subjects of loMil or general littered are respectfully sollo hell. To Insure attention &yore of this kind must Invariably be accompanied . by the mune o,lithrtneyttpor.• • - • 'lichen. and communications should b e imdresseais• J .WEYAND, Waver Pa, Business U.Grrer, Arii.ltect. Meehanlel,n and Englnefr or Arta nsd \ 1.1101:1.111,6 OIZCS 11111.1 . lte.ldence,ltochas ta. l'a. T. L;Eberblirt.' . ' 1 . 1,11 Enginver uid Sarvelor. Igen , Isightou. SIIIII7.OIiN I.lld PrOillei made on phurt make, Dein& lA:mpg, Glanantratref and' Chandellen, _all and qualitied at the 11105 CITY I.AMP and fll.ditn WAIttOlOI:81C. Desleen applied at NA, rdt ludeettle rated. SMITII Cation mt. J. on & Co. 11,16 IFI Liberty St., litteliurgh, Pa. _ J l‘. CAM Eltl)N, .11torne) at Law, Itraver. Nn. Orlice In the Na. tional Hotel ac., promptly a titudidd to 'ititaTta:l). . - ---- - I') ro. Marquin & CtaulUgn 81111: • 1. t .he11.: l'lm•leldtt4. nozheart N. Ones to.. 11., rag 44 A okeny'a Mod. Prompt &Mut tlOL g3%r zi to dl fan, . .1.11.. 6 , 1 y. • ..• )cas r Seminary and Institut.. ) /tl,lOll upeurd hlptehlWr 8. lAA. This 10.01 no long and nurressfully tronductrilby Prof 'l,+4l , l;and ablonnuldninle, offas extenelve CY/Wil -1 111 the Chithtlee. English and Luatc. Yor Cat- Now, addrevo IL T. TAYLOR. T . J. CILINDLZU It/ 11,1 N 'l' I t. 4 , its. e er, 1' .• 11.11Cer Shllloll building. All wOrl; war ranted. Prlemnioderate. Glue us a rail. I No , r 4, ISGS. --ly. I "kw rarturrxhip, I. H.CUNNINIZHAM.. E. P. KUHN CUNNINIIH.Lit I • iit'fitY. A Itor;leye sit lea. UWcu Mira •trrot, heater H ome Furnish,ll9: Goods, WiIobESALE and eI!TI.ERY, QUEINSWARE, LOOKING we, pro asc 'Glassware, Also. 'Japan, Tlu Wooden and V. Mow ware , itarket and Fancy Bas, tete. broke*, Kitchen Bette, Clothes Wrfugets, • Flit 1T JABS AND CAS* county, tefehinta will dant to their advent ; :e to glee or a cal/ and ecomaloa oar stock be we making their purchayea.. .J:&II.PECAN • I' CO., No 114 Federal s,:, Allegheny ate, FL epttiartf. tidwary Halt Corpany. ' /I,llllllaFfUnflrAlllll MAUI= IN TA BEI & COARSE SALT, BVliirlit BEAVER (0., PA .All pot lip In coal order stud worranted to gtee entlaractiou. - All ordoew ptTnnpllysttomied to • AMU., MAMMAL'. R. r.I.VICT. ACC. & TRW 111E4 , ' insit* I= CLO THING, I a ND Gentlemen'S urnishing Goods, NO. 29ST•C AIR STREET ( uPPTYS tbL e tl iege ', ) : Tarl ' SPX439#7 4 , t ; l :iti clothiliatid;,l,ll 4 sloleillistierit , oLIDAv, intioretiats., _ , • or:, Reim% fern & .No. •425th A.i'estue, Plitvhurgb, Pa . Aid 'f firm beg Imre to inform their Dliro.Ed an r public generally that they haminst filled for lutrose stock of Good., esPrc.hllij,erichest and e runil Ilulideys--commeong . rest &clans in Vine Jewelry, I. Gm... and •ure solid silver Wars. I . rw a t e b ee . .yea and tomb% Diamonds, rea ni .„ Franch clock. in """ a ' ter Parlan Ware arhlc. Bronze and.A" tm „. m a t e d W a re ir, btrollpa and titatorZ. e Jewel Dorm Oali variety, Pas' "I nc ' .0.1 and Sil.r % leaded, n dom. with Eastern and Wm. Cure.—Otter "e d on frequent rialto to their """"C' l ni r " to ell r eoode In our line, either 'l ' , '. a k t " . " Ale nr M'i ' clallut " lowCr prices than any house o r New York. 11.4 70' . ILLINEITY GOODS OS. HORNE & CO Wholesale rie . alera In ILLINERY GOODS, FlowenFcalbers, Filmic', Reis, roped, Bonnet Velvets aud,Velvet Rib, !rm., Embtniderips, Inns and • Roods, Handkercbieno, • and Cloak Triininings, • • • . . rrin andAbattoes. Loops Koala* , and Gloves, all qual m,. and earl% tta, floods, Monk, Cap. u von., Wonted, 'Yam and Knitting Material.. Corsets 'plain and ent be-Mei:ed. Hoop fiblrts, 'mind. • lac I.n Panier.,"fload nets. null 114 Ir Dreldr, Wool.. rn Upod., Gentw' Furn!dolni Goode, 1 ., ~, ‘,l Itoteterant r mid Patterns, .I , *thiry •(iuudalurul! Sllia N AND SEASONABLE GooDS. .krrkal or Ntl, GOMIS at New York Job. I,' Vrlree. : o .'"Nrer Collar, or the be,.t makes. itvlPr, lollelted. No. 77 d 711 Market Street, .(1, , 100g1t, So. ' • notlsly. a‘c ilurdwareSlore. LIN DS A I',NT KltßiTallb WIER • Importent null dealers In • • •-• ' :.LIBERTY ST, • '• • • lIAItDW-ARE Elia CUTLERY I:htlre New stockJuni opened and wilt MP' offer , to the trade at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICES NE,411 UNION IJEPOT, No. 887 LIBERTY' STRUT T'lTTBBtritatt. . . ~ . .. . . , , ..., .. . , - -'i ' • ?Xt. t" :•••••.•• ~-;•••• . - .4.-;.: -• • . . • . . . . s • • . • • • • - - . ... ; 4 , . --------______ ___ _____ ______ 35tV411 '.33Sat r .-• .* - 1 • i - , • , ..,0, o .. t .ct , ~ . . • ,I„.aft;,. • ~. ..„,. ... , ... _ 1 . -7.., -.- ~ - •••,V...p,, , , ;•." . - ..- . - -•"•-• '-•:,--••.•••--z-ten-••••,-'.---c-,-.- --•- - * fot•mtul . ~ . au' II k, - ••.' ..., .. ....„ ' i . .• ": . s .1 ,, z i l i u ., I 11, " F . ) . '4'43 ..i '' 11! r . ! 43- t.. ~..-,•' 2 - /.., ~ * i • LAB i ' • ft:>" i?r ;, I ,f-.! will 'IA: ', is _, s' ' ' '''. • 4_ 47 - ~.''',.g . ; . - ..,, _. .. , , , ~.., ; la . ' WI, i.:',.: .-412-) . . • I „. -41'7,ti• •':, It ; ''. • ' ''' •:,: I•, . 0( fan 011 e "e•! • ro jr :If Cit,r.7 .i WO : Wit ,` , .5. r . , . _ .... . 7. ..- : •"1"%1 '_it .7 , l' L ,......... , ••r • " -1 r 1 .:': 1 - : ••• '• • :.,.. - . .. ~,, r. . , , i, . ••••,: , 1 , , „ , _,,,:. , _ ... 4 i , n fr.,l 111: 2 1 . ~,:1,-.1114). 1 • - m - r.-. -,,i 11.-. A 'll 7' /i0•VIIIC r li t" ;? " .- "'' ' '''' - •"'' .- '' • '' ''' '” .-, : ' - '' ':" *.' : ' ' '• ' " - - ' • uil4 02, , I i, • ._- „,, ~ , ...1:.,11,!.4 1,.;:, - ;, "'" i __A'"'".! :It ' 1 ~ 7 ,...;;;;`,` Tr‘ i , .- : . , "'"geaver ra view - ' - . , e -e e ' .'l . 4 .''.) ..;!".. :T: z 1 I . • . . 6 186 ' • ' .„,.. , . . ~ . .. .... a, ..L. . ~ - ~, ~: ~ , , ,, L.f,,,••... • ..•,,, . a • , , ...1, •:•:. ~..ii,,; ry ~. 9 , .' -. ' - . . ~.. .si .. i.. , E;,,..17, - i , ---: .. , ..-•i•-•.1,,•,:-..1,•,,,;,.,. ,c, .5,... •, ipiii ,, •••„..... •,•,„. j. -I, , ... . ..,,.._...., ••• • . • _ , _ . __ . •_______, _ _ . - ' 4 - 7 ~,., . a z : Miscalgnemes. I .....,, ,, 1 tio ~ 1 , --- -1-- , ~ ..., ,, , . .., r t .7. , • 1,0; ~..:04(Mit- , - - ,‘,.,;;p • - , , ..- -••..,. "- tent,, ' l l . , harlasked i lbt • mia eheerthi "1 and sorrY,' saiffMr. Illtrilur t, • y as o l u en um ine l t g al o t with H.h4 the (.114111,01, tine; a ..; t. ,-, ........n . • ~, t. ••• 1 ......;.• • e., • * '.kr chrmnms d ,„, r t_,, = , 17 . 71 , wisairrirowl : 1 .hAR,64 ,,, , mi.,, ~,.- ~,, . , ~. .: ! ~ iv y l is, ' ' o * L ---- - , 40, 'poaching: .'"Our4t'hilnotutife. daYSIMUwaZiT ,v , , . , sval IP- . . . f r •,-, , -.. ,i -i i1 i ,..... : .., ~ , i i.,,: i7,. : , ,, .. . ,_•,.. . 1 . !:, , , -T, : ::. 7 1 7 ,1--„, 1 ,2i li . Joke' a garniture befitting the day: hut I 'shiell be only. too happy to collie rive now Opined thilipesiseiection a 47.4117,Artirtai ameAcw.m,Lliwt, ~ , ,1 .. 7,4 , fl.p ., . . mt4i, . ~,‘,.. _, , ~.... , , Birdie, Was ' in' raptures • over. the .for you% at 'an,* time you will or.- ... , _- , , anti her little, hindering 'point. '' 1 • ~. :,; . , -OALL . AND WINTER '''.-.‘' ffairi Al iis ed 4 6, 4 4 ,Zeilli7.7 4.l4 fruus ikrita iduibl ui".%: l6." ,11 2. 1" -ibi ln ' er " .. .. : • . ' '.4l ' ": 4 ', ''': :4 1geil. sves andfileicitleat"ilike°4thee'!irilitrie!bitie .. n e lA gh f lm ev r e lo r ood i ta b oTog k s. (la nn ° q u not 4 , i tr ta tj v i r e ~.._ _ .. ~ II • .O(..bCIIVIINAS .1141:1COblidtti; • :4 111141 1.1 - °it mal":4° Ilk ' " ? '' 'rt ICil. 'll lu el tn ilng .bread the ' ' ;.. e ffi l" k' ." -1 .1.'" ,.. '..b" ' '.."1' ".47; 4 , ' fIlleiVI Y! I 44°.-#1" but / UM' Plogreas ie, who had been iny especial . oh- , • . . ~-:- .., •r - •-,,, .. . 7 = - - - P' . - 7,,, .. 7. , 777_ 1 1 1 - ~ i_ r _ ,_, slww!lria.!r•__ ._• "-..• t, •'.l • • . --.' .in - 4 ... • 4 "-.‘ , 7.. 0! li, . : r e Mate r eu th . 0 :htOWTI rye; ..teCt4 ofeare, and I WIN gOing to visit „,„ ; . —, -, . . 's 7. Wtoili .4 4:rue +Wigs ill , I , :' •':.,,..: ~ ..;:ocj. ., ...ra*oix riFl i; isi.i.. - sir 7 e. tie!! , lit l y tt i l i v, i t tre . i ri 1: . 4 ,. ..5 1 r .: i s :. i s,'•,, ; c hr w inno ; dartiliwilad• bright •and : fin o i li iart .. l ,l 7 rt oat r i n be . , rim !totem Mr. .8/100)9 .. 1 I ' ..; Gliiili..iti3l - .Aritiii '...', Leva- 4- .: , 'lmv.liz ....7 . 7 ..r.c.47.•ovir, qtr ui h,-, .. i t ""'''*...-: '414. ei r=tr a l n u /n l' o w he t It gong' .When ,1 conte,out I .. ;: iwpir. - .I Incl. I born • a burt and ,birdie coming u thr walk. :...,: , .i -. ~, L , !'''..-,,,”. ~, 50u5ace,,....,,.012-: AD 11 '' ' I ' •.' ; ..•!• id, , • ... ,- 0 Ri . il l Y%; ' (', .• '. 1 Saviour." ' That day broughtu ines- I W , 114 . . going I , other direction, ••• • - • .ab- •• • .., • : cl:, , 'e s ark••: --- ••• . 1 ' v• WO ' - Wd - : - 1 1 P", 10 .9 . ,r: e.......,e- • ',....- .; maw to-me mg it never hats done be-at lage,ct!ishhrtoitleilnd '4.,..:lpo:no,rettinrarv.r.,. •.. ....„,...„f.::TI4; Lt.- ' -11 " ' Zs ' ". ' patrgAr ° - L #"'"‘ - ' . -' - r '. 6 :-. i . tare. '' • ' - • ~ . . me t e _ 3127 ~. , ..,_. . • . . li f ers. ...• e, .MO muniflecnm ofhlanto Chum, r',.•,dle , " ft, Lic•AN-or.",..'l:l,ltlcrither; .. 'v.*, - ....•.:1 4 ., . , ....7, 7 -1 'NO ' :WI uth -' 1' -# j a ''', $ ~, - Rirdlo l idellgfit wits' boundlea": .., and. I 'l'uni I • Aunt 3lii I I 'll, her T . .LL ' it i ..: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' 4uarris criatibis- ' )' '.ll- :."......z. " i-ime f" : : ye . t •, ' mo l - ;1; usellillig::•. ‘' lt,n ale .beauti l..l4 oll -w ; . '": *:;-• ''''', ;•' " •t : ' Y' ' '‘ ' loitiletrrilYear rat il li4 etu Ni " ,*:• as tlisa si p le poll ' cli , r l : 111 , 1,t 4 I' A 'i u ' n se s l- 31IMilt 4,d0 ( y rt .( l ,o ‘ r s i t 'Not papa's Aunt Mildred-419W , •I if • .11.10. MARKirr•Baritffol7r• ' ' ' 1"1104•14 72, 1 1 4fi 18 . •_' . f i k sc , - r lu i er• 74 1.°0 Ire : J I RL I la w a nuiv ltitruh .tny : , l -..,,.;;• v.. .< ~._. , e. edbactforLt monierikand_clunb , _ dancing , -• . . um. II ' ' Coinetet Fiftii kiiidaiiiits,- 04 , ;'1: trat .Zre l4 ‘ •••••• '.11 " , .no.WW ;* 'I WD '-- " .-i ''' ' ) Ili. ''' ' 11T ‘ fritt' ' 'n '''' -' tO ' Tiie, Kano um no Er slower stop funny ! She's my Aunt Mildred.' .. ,-.- , .. ' • .,- . , ,• . Atari anie,..; - ; .....foiwaria meal our - wit - , ',.Adisurromet • ,4 2 i,,,,„,..., ~ , , ,_ , .. ~ pretty,tretty parlor.' • ~ - ".Nott, nay A mot. 3fildred .! 'Mud is it iuw. , ~... : .„. • , egneadia.l....•;..tue no -:: maw sal :: ; •in weitely •• , .4.. ' ,r 4., "ea; .; ..qco.whmyrfibivrat,ir k , daim . slily then, for me. ' ' • • linea l- WI, " niothei. Wins Hvlng. friend.' -- ' why, , deeto. _ ,•• . livaniW th • ;-- "** l 177 "'' 21 .1 ' ass;. '" me ") .- Ift.olaa-t•to me I' ~ ',. ' , Il i !: • .-- - r ' ed riatitiith • 'lt '.seems wit 11.4 It did • t rillYN. • • your- slie,, • your . 11. - -I . - - ~,.„,;,,,,,, ,---"' f ai:i. . iokr!. ::: :" : "..."! ..4.:• 1 1 ..."9 4 , 13 1;i: 1Ta; M0 '-:: iti asE4 T; l : , ; 1831111 7 ;-' -' . °v-.1-11-.6 ;. 6-; r- , r .__ 4 .: ' .. ,.." 4 .L . :. : '-'''''':.: when I7ngt 4 4. 1 0 1161. ever see the ' '.Do you ratify that. asked Mr . /•.; •,I• i 0, • ';' 0, ■ ~ , a1i . j. . 7,..r 1 e i-, , ii x-, , ., , ,, i 7 .7 77 ,i i. 11. 7 — i, .. : . ~ :,..i, 7... .. 4...H...._. ~.... .- • v . •', ••• • - 'xi,,. .eanta .., - •... : ' ..... ..•. ...LT / 11 '1 4 1 i ss! ° " r iF to . , , .. 4 ,. - , ~„,'.,,.'::::, p r ke 1..a ,...40 1 1: 44 /11 ,. id f ..} , i B " . t....i . - .. -- liv ~.11----,'-i-e-i, liqrl,r iii ; l jtrer.„,, iii. ..u,„ t.,,, ez , .. i.Es'iLi iiAt. ii oes ilii , ...1# , ..... . "" ,. :P r e .a ; EP 'l ' ICXI. 7 I ' ift, - . 'liir*ja roaldgialtOtir • ' 7 .-: 4,.. lixtit"-Ti'oinitallaZirfurr. Iluitre4l4l. '.l " ll•L i t Tlaa P t all i 'lrae l frien yrS.l ZpV i tau' . l ig• Chkago. IMU WIS* 2 WOw't : 4 -Sleer. •• Rms . Rantoneresr; EV - 1 "... -'?-• .c.l" 'IA:Y* I in)*"? • ' V :. 'i". ' ••• 1. ::.: . " . • -. tee m g e..-Merely .negitlvu °net!' . 6tt'. old exten.'r and -.'"'. u°— °' .. ..1. , ,....k' . . Ili.' Va.r.r. , . tot. ,_. ,-,.:,...„, ~... .- ....,, ~,_ ~,..,- - 2 - ' -”ogi:AniliMadred;P;madikt;ll4ttY 'Will your cduseiencealloW you to ' , ~ l i.i i ; i r i:% ; . -;;;',::1- , ..i.' • Eta at iroroW': 'l , ll - 1 4 1" 10 1 76 . 7 ' 1711.. - • sciert '• • '.. '-' / 6 ; : ir,3 -.. .;;;: i-w.,...._4l_,____te7k l yes"f 7 tivlng . down roan sk foi• more ?t r questioned, point 'NW %PIC I• • SW - MSS.' MOM ,•- - • • ' W75"..r 4, '-','" S wil "'w i nk- -', ' • 1% to the child that be still kept h e VII m. - .v lexamung, v. u r at".; .' - •,„,ult : , L ., 4311- r, /Wkli iiv , a ..,,,,,Wit ~....- „31F-47 . .„ . 1r -..- . . -. snow, Birdie, that la snow; tore it Ode him. • •., •I •• r I i" - • .teet, '''' li ' liii ' Fs kis iiii• MY - : W° '' I •'' 7 '' , ..Vii. covers rho ground *lt arver.i ; • o.:-.:1- • He wheeled around ascot, and plat NO. 169 W 001) S ,_ iiiiiiiiiii,".om: • •Eir: •sao .Ma • • -.. f. j•' ,, , . ',"1, , ,. - - 4 •" ~ .."..o- - OWillthe 'now leaves Wirer oxl her beside inc. Tit'grr i . i.__ ""c712` ,._ . 1 -A 1-. .",' ,e. ' eeo ''' • ' '315 '' WI .. • . "N . I • " ... ' ''' l " . ' . " '' 7 ln be 'he house al trlTaar • • • • • . 'Now luove you not grown r4ha' • ••"" tl Se! is •••nresis •- : see 403 essai Clirletmas, and w• • ,‘„ ~,, 1.'1) .Ancl so, with that pretty childproto g i enennis in your friendship?' •' ' ' ritirinAjßuticirr , ' irik2 • ! ii.,,,a, - 0,4, • . 1 mi . . , ;rat lat . -WO . thrice, at otir h • , ' zi s i -t.akrx!, tie; and pure white snow, the winter , •'‘lrlint (hies:the term imply to your _ ' I=', '''''''''''' 1 4; Ira : cos r, to gtranyitere 0 ,, .!..t,..,.,. ',. . • - , IY had glided on. , And now the spring I questionml. . Ni ISC`Irl 70 7 •SW tO • n question . 1 •., a. - ~ • • 1 Y 'was drawing near. • • - - .: ; Itlonplies mutual interests, plats- , I • •. - • ''''' ,7 " --- • - •-'' • ' rig" ''' • lins . we - "rat •• ant • __ . _., Antal% -- • ' Ilea am •• es t:. . use. bear.' , ..'•'!•,- - - 2.-;,r - il'• IT ' '• "Neter had winter meal so plea* tire, care for (Audi other'- I . • oar ireotianui bosom at sate= Priem, mot Wei). .....,',;,r. -- .1,1115, " 137,., us o atm, ' • 'What a noon o ft , t 1 H. ~ ,-: t __. . 8- 22tly and swiftly to mo•herore. - • Too much,' I interrupted. , 11, ; will be found to compare tn ertebt am variety solaatter' e tn a l ts n . e ' ; nie 'l ni f t l e at i v th l re pu t t i t i ust rein co need toenu: ___. i , wawa er ma and Boys ___ _rye luld Wool nabs , , , - -.----- - ••`" 1 - sudeliiime lk i , fiais ), 3l.6 ' ma 7,L 4- ) S ie tWW4 ' 1-001 ,1, 6, ... 7.01.„,(..... r .4,,,,,,L m oeig,, allatedhY Melvin" ' • ~...., , •",.. - terfliT;inkdmadethiSsongorgiadoca* "fis , usehais to prtart..d, I (cur it I with Ant claw twa" in lew York.. 11" sU" "b". ' ' .. '. ''''''''''''' 41581° - 17143 :21316r:' ' c'l lid li PeBlll 4 - P h4nl Yliel l ' ) ° . °/ ':.'; :-.',,,,''' ::: . " ..; --. :„, n18' I iiii n ted ut ; n trbO nli gi e t t il la tt e i lin f use grm lik t e ha a t - bhitutd nays end Old Ca Om /Ode, mat [Maker nomm,sizedosmo k Logners,,dubme Into, p le4 AL ell artirme ng46 .l4.,..,lneeds 'n". .. l .-_.Z.:!ilip7 e m. u _lrer .- nr - lu lf u _P mut do wn - - -', o -.. ' -. ` , `"Y id Orly' hehrt, 'WOR basking ii, pain will be too much for Inc to wn t o to.' . tae,r t-• had I never had • • • • :V , ' ••- titatist- andthelittle arms that 'You [hull Make your o_ terms, a t i ta, ~. tem:est and unbimmed. Ooentr,e Yerbants me sgr il letttubar V i al . t r. a, Mr.- 41 . „Od ., ore dirbj . ~ ah to -.--,--- .... ......‘-',.. 1 , " 6 „,.. 11130111103. kik lurited to can end , OMUMAIN per moor. - nlm - • noweentr. • . l• • 'ira ro ri. Nlll(°"E4riablulliNA4. Where..lna' Lett ' ...' i' - ...F had forgotten ' their ' areadomed Aud I could not help placing my not a. -1,-7 come twee 00884821r.N ,ALI it IN _..ow , 4, !"''`,.., had clung so loyinglyabout my neck then.' " • hand in ',ism' that.. .. patien Winer Panel' Ic CM. • tune, t: ;IL let MOM aysnernak new a. .spring.unna'of m •• *-•,:;. ~,, , ,...: 3 • ...1 : - ..ltri) v• e c i a, „ p., • . • leaumnl itr iEllli r s to m ' al4 ter of 4 7 o wn fa '' ,• ' there ' * • 'Will *. tol e five Dactort" Were the rice. 37a. ur1a... 1 0=Wer,%.444. 1 . 1 '' had. boon theOP '''' ' :' t eVea %Cords my i lita, l l a'' asked.' right to urge you not to go to your hli, and, "I wish this compact gave me the Ile tu, tad Pine Sheet ii 'Bar Lead. lux"' Hall and : , 'aft nger ofini • • • •• : ' 'eil -'• eller -' •. • • • may sick people to•day. 'I see that is in the long ,; This train of th Mr. ' 7 ' ,: begin - 'lketubly, vigilant tore sa v e what .vou are prepared for. ,You tel heart' ~ . ••• !', "i'lik ta ptc. s3.t`'lBlB' ne n t ar m ---'' then and there • ' := bb. new her.' . , look sick yourself. Content, no me. me. J a I --.I 31ANOYAOTOMUS I , 4,1410 •,. .:. :, ~. ittiel4medally . Motereezerr es Mei. . theme.- the naerr;r. .• .• , .' :kW- ' Thank , (Rotifer that .' a un -1 ."' ' ' 1' .." ' 6". ' ""L ' ...' ' .' ' led it:: ' . - -. ..• 3.. ' A ..,.; •f , . • reillitthlil care we' eerecli, her t uck to the effort ofa strong will.' ----- - 1 / 4 ' tx Pig Lead,•lma Pipe, Rubber Haas, Steam _ IrremoNe. r Mao- lizr • e. , Mem ....omde I e;iiiid n ot rem: ;. • .-':, ...'' ' moth- lub, 80 LIIIIL when the demote eging 1 and wi_t l you are only keeping yourself up by 'WI• s , eu 'Ne, not so had 16 that. I lawn ' et adages, 'Whistles& Valves, hod • ... Ti Copper Sinks. muffled, Tuba, Olirebmd ... '1 ...:, IMMO Wane ' 115Srm ervbutimy.atep .. . ~...- • - .c910.1 1 / 8 ' atoloßponusthelttretttmed• h er 130 t relt quite well lately, but I Mil I 'V\ • Slam Pumps, Fern, samtareet:....•ji•en . Inn 1 liii • Wail MOO -the. : __" ' A te,- , Ott WY beat:mut Wes, acrd the roundnow to able for thbo walk.' . Pumps and For c e as ..... .. • .. i s t ig 'Alt I•;I ' 'tsar' 9=l ',,J,.. . 1'', rez her misted form, and again she was 'Walk ? You will surely let one tt .th. au master and servintit ..,,,1F4 4 .. , heti flitting through hall and parlor. take there. My horse 18 at the ` -, a gate,' I . it •','" ,' '` ' •'' !3,', ~ ''" ['ram...-...,:. r ..,t, ur i t Tu. , n,,, ..,__, ... t.itta;d,..tapita, 0rg.z.,.: (4_ ...,, .. ,....,di1...,, ~.irx , _ i ........ s e h v e ld Ee en adz ee of bum ber hori enta ,, : ~...,, ~..... =HOW - 'Please Aunt Mildred, go into the , and garden with rue. The sun has dried I insisted on walking, and set o ff ; •1 1 o ,* but I was reach old Mot, Ma. 1 , GIMM Nauru. .„ - so Merited • ••,, • ...-.,,* c'• her- upoll.the wster, and the little birds tl Water," • Gaii • 'and - •'.'.l3iiiim,. • ITAIW II . 11 14 4-1 / *... 1 . . . 'Acct.', th m at n weve : m '' - : - .I; ech ry ° I 14 3in uto flo g °° Cl e , et l y o p uld bu d ; Patti - r ati t j h bile' fur t n in rai strel ou. . ig l il t u e " - v"W o rm, - waste .418 ra t. '........[.... .- . ~... thin tier k' I - neieriateio, * •', speak In aside l my work and follow. Shedrew - tied to her : L ome, anti decided to re- No. int ' SMITHFIELD . STREET; .. g ..„ • - WW I 'WS ~.,...... 1115. •• . 650 •MO . but ode tomer ~.•• , , y - she a chair along. turn without visiting any more of x , . : itailuto .. ; : ~, ; , : a# 4 , , „ v., ~ ~. ,sse . never' dear,.. ;.„ •licoad; and 'Now, Aunt Mildred, „you rani Seed for Moe Lis. l'actld 8 • - i'' '''' 148 'MI .'".." a ..' btaf k.iir doom haye - witless while I run up and down th 6 walk, i 15u14,.3,te,„41".10,, itlx,,bh. • 1 the sick that (law. seat 5 ' e -• r ....• '• V i •'' .•.? 1 • •-•+ land 11/0 • 808 • 11013' 'to itatdreit ••,• ; 4 '7,.• .- •• • raldY and sentymbe sped.. - • ..- ••• • -• , waiting for me untie door. I' die evoked In R • -.. •• - 4/0, am- , A maitiensan won coming up the i thoo -ed nin, vntrmly for the kind- fu 1 - I .4"llNa l °vir "Lig ° IP • •• . ':' ''''' 4611 ' 4. " -*".1...' . '' -' . versation did no 7. •". . _ n C qin , our street; he opened the gate and enter- nem.: .. ..;,. • • - ''-''• ''''•••• - .. • sesinme. ..I:l;zr's ultv' Ll thu ••• P u ' au hone ••••• - '• .1"'"! ''''' :",!"- -•• • • ed; Birdie stopped, and turned.. teor "Could I•do letet for 0ne . W.11 . 6 ' has .. .I:VELYz lailfidilik, igek - .,. .L . L .,. • fru ta - l - soarliiiolo v.. , " ' • Whetheriny .. . .. , dillay ti o a r look him.raliuti..l4.gtittednonlisr, ,dor so . l i nt fo t r il v . ti co ld i 9 s ' ,e, • i I tag,. , ''B . irdie, -my lost' Bir - founti ll it pleasant to listen to hint, I - • i -,-, ; --4 r.- ' 1 t, r.+ 1 s w . " --717111° .u.m. • ••• Ili '.. .taus.. 14 1311' - .424 ::-::', l '. ll to l4 ,eiry “k) irgmo: .', 4 - 7 .' , ~..... f ., , b-ma(vie extlaimi n ' . ' . ' • saill'a terry 'al' 1 .5°2 I lit ' :i thd derethe '4l'.' . ° '''' 63. . 'lna- di ? ...1( • ' : .A.. t hilldrnd i to Birdie." ' / *Mr. '' ''''' ~.. 1 • ht -- , varied an interestingas his conver - Ap o% gn .- ik,o' no chin .= • .... , ,,, , .,,,r . . went. • _ o,n ‘ o, as un .. . . ~ .. nµ i ar t his musical voice hew , . J M BURCHFIELD SECO S • • I. ...... "'bum' "" 1 la ' "': "11' on ns be"t . . '4."` . ' ' There. the iti hri bit Elle ' Tr;a l .°° L l lll%, * rue foot the earriaqe,' he . . , „..• . ~ .t; 'till I *aid • •.. . , ••,-.1. ', &Lin hioneo;t the lntoteL , i9_ __e)ellt,__ -Mr FOR THIRTY DAYS. . 1.1". '. . " - '."' ': ' l''‘.^ . ''' 't! locceeedi h eauwa'' '' -u • luee i s uut in ": placed me within the open door, still r , retahring his hold of me. ' •• • • ' " ' • • • and 1 hrtnulaPheil.: . - SheAnitAiY,, ___ .- tour • " 1 1-••tola4 - keep Lyou a prisoner :till : . . 0w ,,,5,„,. iii m i .. , lbw s. z,,,.... . A . . 94 s or - ae.a..,_._ •-• ' efts; , :.. i . " ' i .. , c,,... ' „: •- • ~" littsidirt . Jour goklen cur .were .. . - :.:.,----r•-•• „. •-, • • —..............1...._ .....,..„4 _ ...,....4. o Bat . . : , . 1,4: - ,...•-• . • Vi. . '•' ' ", '• ; J • ._ pus. ~. , -, 41848 intim . Wens , Writ .ll ',•-... , ,- " voe. - , • .••-, • • . 411011138fti.1111 'se maim ..,),* lif t: gape:m e . oirb thimie ~ .: ... ro. Now is the Woe lift's , Holiday Presents or - . yap , ,- 'VAL BSS •- • , , -,t-- - . . , ,"?‘. "?.. ,'" •,•. • ' ~„ ,• t ~. . 1 ~ . ~, isegqnslay! .:: s limn, p* . n , ritloilr :lbw," ;hi k • uselbl ebeem ,15meree..1.4 ':' 44 , , t - . - .ala-•• LW • ~- ..• •• • „ :. -• 1 - ;•••••• ,. ., ; ;;;;;. - " - -ve.,"• . t i' . M. - • au- , ATM , _ _ Amongrosins meillii‘moral 40e, _ • ..• . ~ " '.. " „ .! . !.. - 1 . ~ ,;,,,' ! . NM- ..- • - ~. ‘,.. disth .. ...,..g .. • '.... 44 ', .. •, , RX-............C.....-•• ;;:i: ..-44;4' : ;,.• , ! .•,,,, ._ • • ."„. j i ,,,," L ki t hm n e t , for We. Mirth 1 4 Sic•• i h • . _ •- - -,,.,,; ;,7, .. .„,,,r7 . •••,-....... , v.,11„„. • • 14 ' - ► "- '. ---- -r` - '' ' 4 ' I, ___.„.... - . - • ", '.-.,-, . -... -,-,--,--.7 0. .... ....,,,,,.. ~ 4 „ A. • 4 11001-•---7-f •-•" ' . `:'"",' • ":'• '•-• • - .::. jiM"' ''' 1 .r.l -.... s. tc : - .4 , . • ."-: ' t .'' .. ,e.. . - arum , - ' ':ingl4l2.' 7 5 , ._ 4 2 1 0, . ,- . . ,,,,,,..,..,.;.. --li., 'N ' A* l ",'"'?" •-• 1". - '- - . , • ~--•-• lc, „" . -. IV! Itpxling ,_,_. : - a Jonah. we * 1 %4 ' - '- '' • ti • , 14..,„,,, ~. , , fir.... -• v- ~.......• t r 7 ' l,- ~.. .• • .'"':`...'•.`" `--: ' - . , ..4 4 -" - •:-Anitit*Itmmtittliatete'.':,`,.;,... --•-•: • • • tof t . •.- ... • 4 Dome - 14iurti H.._ .....--- -^ • • _ 1.,40,..., ....--15. - .`, • fib W• '..-..:....V.A1i 4.....r.-.j.Z.4., ''.:.. '..,..,. . ' lairs " , ' .; '' ' - . :' , , • 714 ',Y144 .. .4'. 7'''74 ''''* ' . minds in's , i) ' new'. of oh • house- • - Mi.. - _..-4. • ~.. EMI at ME ,„. 01. 51, GvW. MaatinWl, WILSON.)! ::41( I (.)11E1,1,01t, •.„•:„,., ub b - 4 ti tiiiii , hrtnnili in the ;' IA:111 ST: I - 3 ttl! Rochester, Pa. , • ';i lIE (iFFEIIII . I; • - , GREAT • BARGAINS. ALL WORK Warranted. G: W. T he Howe Sewhag • ♦AB Till OIDESUESTABUSI ON' ANY IN TBl WORLD'! nay being thollnettiEWlllo MACHINE:giverl made. and bare. boon gnenoteetured continua under the enpereielan of the original Inventor, Elias llowe;jr.. Since their Oro Introduction 1854. The tar rove. , ment upon these teacidnes Jae& within the last two years and their rapidly growing pop:dash: attests the familia% they have reached the. very acme of perfection and that they are not only the oldest established bat the best in the world. These machines do perfect wort gpon all lib. rim whether Slue or coarse, m ilking &finch ; , •ahoo, ths InyentiOn of Mr athe ntinve. alike Ipon both of the MaeWifiemettd.' tegglionaosam. ogre! and unvarying, can be elated to sal degree of tight. n 0.,, and after being adjusted do not require • ' changing, except for different threads. To thou who boys used Wm Rude Machine, It is not mercenary for its to speak and. We would only add to others whd wish .perfect, Inedible to be sere and see these machine. before buying any other. Send for circular. Applications for agencies moat be addressed to , SIBLER' d STOOPS. Mole agents for Pennsylvuta, Nsw JfTsioy, • Deli- Ware and West %IF:4'lla. Odle* VI South tdh Bt. , Phila., and No. 4 St.,Chdr St., Pllfshargh,-Pa. DONIREIVII WILD ONSIBIIRY TONIC 14 urrnins. I ARK VIE BEST IN USES Use Rohrer's Toni . . RI l' 444 Arit . ,,, fs:n a *K l ,Ai st , .; , , elifelf4l4l-4;p4frtf_4'7':, •! , ~. : )- ~-.! ,.4 .r- - ! 11 , & • nrii . ERSV. IVY CO I i . • 0 / 61 3 1 t F.i eet9; Oppoo It • 1311. CharlesV l :alw clans. and 5 , ill after., PriiSBURGIT, PA .Oflio'etude Agents for the Weer r'ar sale by JOHN MOORE, Beam Pa. la3117:Iy. V&'noble Property Vardar.— • The on dersigned orrot• for sale the following _de: neribed ProdertT, to wit: A Yana altuate about threerourths of a mite from the Borough of Bearer In lirt. Mon township, coot titling lOntf t acre., ' acres being echoed and In • good state of ruins lion, (nmrly •11 of which la well set in tim i g .. t . .bl and cloven, the balance la well timbered, a portion Ming locust. This farm la well adopted .null P , u 7t7ra be ntun i" be w r ell of wa ller e'd er-d:17111; springs, A portion ofit is well Bleated for Mt* ee to re of groper. It Is underlaid with numerous rein. of coal, and doe clay, and has erected on it a new twastoryframe dwelling and other out build• errs. Al s o, four term ofidhd, on midst, is erected frame dwelling boom and other ont.buildings, with tin abundant* of huh trees, ge..lalhil Wu. Mg. This beautiful lot is situate em tha plain mid way between Beaver and Vanport, and In full view of both. It Is well located for gardening, bat lug been used for that purpose and is the mart e• nimble location for a country residence any where to be found In the vicinity of Beaver Also, two large, and commodious dwelling boner, with lots adjoining. 01101/.11 on the tooth Ode of the Diamond. fronting the Court Mute, In the Borough of Beaver. They are beantifolly tinted in the central .part of the town, and are in good order and repair,oneof which bas beenlatelv rebuilt with all the modem improvement. both an to comfort and convenience, having attached all the necessary out bnikittlp, with 'stabling, to., the grounds am well arranged and supplied with shrubbery, had abundanco of fruit of all de. Pc:lotion, , Also, eight acres oicoal land near Bhippinirod on the Ohio laver, this laud isallanderiald ha four Mid ono-hall/eel Of Cad , an d+ opented_from a lank now 'open on the premiers. Also. one.laurth interest in It scree of oral and oil land ...Untie on Creek s near Hookttosmi Beaver county. The above dellanied property will be rod on liberal terms, all together or In Pumas to teat purbarters, by calling cm D. W. DONE lloo,l3caver.Beaver coenty,Pa..c• A. W, No. Ida Fourth St., Pittsburgh, Novirdt _ CARPETS ! M'CALLIIM BROS. \ 51 Fifth 14Itroot. PITTSBUIIOII, Are now opening* very tuts etoek et 'e ' • ' . Three Two Ply -A)ID COMMON CARPETO, liffill UIL CL(fIIJS, NITTINGS, 'WINDOW BIIDES. . - RUGS,.&c., dod real th i bolooghig to c.t.nt.rvr .rnArom. breALTXI4 BROS. psi ee.tee a. i r " : l'- l ' atbe lk"lu alt /Woks "Pir tle . i ' lla - r — la le Dolt tog so hameaftloti rw o beauttle%l leo elm& lug.. tea:.• . • and lad that we heart tot way yeave . cite. 41 so near poised= of sweet sande ea ther: Oloaesda by ,Co., New Havels t van. hest = I C the ant Vox Iliu= Stop wide! le era Oat Om 10 the (*Votresses to edam theirworth fifty fold. Thu of by ha. a frill unto lea,ohoie kathered trlbs. obit awry • Itebefflowlar diadistral to.trteel_htare. The TOOK of mole It magma Own o f a y saelote, sock at =teapots the game awl Latozniusjbe sow JIG Fermi i t iat iw thlok of wearbeeek triale dill pact kir Of 1311 i UMW ' . Tber NIPS elirirlit.l,oll, ber , ale may by WI grata. . aj .ROMAN:OIM . 'a CO.i • • -" Averse.i . ~01 rp r - tbs , . . qllO , avta a eilOsst, s. AY gialrClL B te,7o,ll="rstrr4 t mit 'paithist_.4- -cull to Call i No. trect: . , • (Pertenerly St fast, aver Liberty.) Decl6 SU cfyinsorsuis air's; ... CHRISTMAS GIFTS, ChrLlaias iki4s NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. NEW YEAR'S QM'S Mulheim'sliday Emorim. n again making my annual announcement, to my patrons. or GlrtiFPreseinta and mre ,Designs, m id dle it with plossure. asking the aged, the aged and young to MU. greet you with • —such an meorlissott ad has weer be fore been exhibited In this County as to vsylety to select from and • as to prim None will go away disappointed t would be impossible to enutnemte. I again prontive tote!! tower than can be boaght a any city in the Calou. CARPET S will be sold below cost to clean ont Pmell stmt. , Daltl . illniptiY. I 'WALL PAPER. WALL ai.Orsii. WALL , PAPER. TLe lawns and cheapest stock - is tan. taper n Beater County. I. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOK& - • • • - • • A large wartmeat of 1111itcalaaam, ached and Sa l [lour pundantly CO tudd at Pub. Ilabno • Gilt Boon bitable far the BOOM Cl= STATIONERY, STATIONERY. STATIONERY, . . . , An extend,* vutig et Pedeeelrateeebes. Lead Peuelle, Gold and steel Pees, - Ink end lilt Steed!. Le.. 2e. , . . . ;. . . We are the exclusive, Agent fertile eelebtsted .. . Irolora Gold Pon. for this Oaten; Osonewmlithra good Gold Pee, would do well to see ihm before parebeelng. We ere the Agent tor Ms Omsty Yridees Pitutodmilk PAMMe. The eilintlor ropearni otaniusinly waled to this, no we can mid Win et. rune discount as they would get bran thePuW4►erAtwater. Atwater. School Got , eminent for side at Plibtliturs • We bare etertently on bond Moat Oil Cloth In wiNipow. pripoiriii. i .wirunfo , tir ciacern.' & PAPERSHADES. . artaii.To) a Ilia& Yggl im acia., sOtimitiar tb!. yft: ' ' "" E 5 . . _ a k, lie 11.2ae 1l I .ll Taratt =orai ri ais alavi g listi l lu Siel Carta gamest lie bessillbrlbiloME: giatit no • : ~ . .. . Miscellatieotut. Dearer Ledge& nessluary.—Will open on the stei of neptember neat. PuVii. rereired at every :stage or advancement.' In the Primary I.".:ll=liary Ludglig o rti l indd. own room. Yereng men but none taken as boarder.. • • Oar puma* la to u gh the reputation of the school orr tnerough sacrist...hip ha every brooch awned. It Jo thereaao" Important that mils should be present at the opening Or lb. school, and coattails Mutat in their attendance. Having bad over one-hundred enrolled daring theput year art hope for a large 'acreage de. ring the corning year. D. IL A...WISAN. Principal. anal l'etttr. E Gouptimm,_ NtannaelFer suoWhOlivale,Zester In CIGARS.AND TOBACGO. St9l4berli, opposite Wayne Hi.. Pittebtimh. • rfir Persons purchasing Cigars of him can il. way" be ewe of getting the emit article. as he maraschino them under hie own supervision nod' can guarantee perfect satishttlon. novliam L itinpa, alsionwatie and Carbon 011, . p. sawing Al ; Meittufactuitin' 'Wholes:AO Dealers IN !nut Jan mid Fruit .Wax le tonneetion with Lamm Chindellen, Ulaftwans and Carbon 011 bade, Manson -Willoligliby'n and Newown's Self Sealers Union. O.E. and Cork Olin Jan. Bock, =sad Thi of Solvay best in tbo Wyk* le and retail.. MOO pound* arid XXX - Fran Wax rat mend,. ;dewe call before pur chasing. " Z. P. suns :187 /Merl,/ St., Pittsburgh, Pa. G. l Pcr"' Wholeitile and Retail Dealer , 9 ‘" FOREIGN it DOMESTIC FRUIT, All , Idado of Caudry Produce odd on Cow plosion, and pforopt roWro made.. NO. 49 THDERAA. EirREET, Aileilicur *Notext'ir 1111111411!Alr GOODS. We hare • Jag lipaued the latgert and dna@ wasp- ,ind Intia e et allereed he ads ety. icespirtag pa* 4 Sheer pen. Palm. . : -; Joipownd,Wore, • • • •• • Wooden end Weir Wori; , G10n14114 • • ' 'Metal Maki Weinta MA* rubol 3 ilearsaa WOodani Meson boa Tn.atm 110771/climk Bledo e Innint _ r,, I tearend enowtnek Wye ebidc OraIIIMMOIMPe ai luaNzzur; Doe' —s • 7 "" Ayer*. 'lnaba Fb. air 7 ,, o = • y u eroa*q.x.. ,-;.; 1.1 , - •1-- . " Ltatazik - , nerumtgarl - 44D4+214.#4eiii.08; ' ." • gairmsti... • intro and TEAS, Pickles, &e. FOR 7in 110LIDAtk hold: • - This may give you a faint glimpse of the cause why, as I heard the mer ry Careless tones of the happ y girl, all these questionings came to y mind: And I pictured to navel& house hold at Christmas time, mn heart yearned ibr one such scene: "I've half a mind to steal child, jrtstto hear its Joyous laugh in our house," I exclaimed. ' Oh, dear! I would • gibe if my life for one happy Christ ; and. even a child in the house wou I make it happy for me. For I, Mildred Kingsley, was so starved fot happi ness, it would be unsafe for nee to re ceive it in larger than homeopathic quantities. . Just then I sawn little girllqUietly walking in the middle of thd street, and a carriage at ho great mlstance, driven rapidly. • I did not Om long to comprehend the situation; and I rushed into the street with but just time to rime the child's life and my own. .1 clasped her in my annsand lOok ed around for time owner; but no one came to claim her. All the information I count gather ' from herl was, "Horse frighttned Bir die—Birdie going to find papa." Mine, I thought, as I carried her into the house; and- beautiful and lovable she was as could be wished for. Long golden' curls, which tune would ripen to bronze, brown eyes, and oval face. ""What be yourtumine?" she coolly ' asked me, as - I put her down from my arms. • . • 'Mildred" I repp lied. ' • ' "Aunt Mildred?" she questioned. • "Yes," I answered, catching at the relationship. • • "And what your name?" - ! , • "Birdie," she answered. 1 "And what else?" • "Birdie Aunt Mildred." That I was all the information could gather from her.' Birdie was all the name shoriewlaud when ask; ep for morelthe Insisted it was Bird* Aunt Mildred. Birdie Kingsley ale 'rejected with a trowel. She 'seemed perfectly at home, only asking if she should "go to tied papa when it was sunshine again?" "What shall you do with her?" asked Hannah. "Keep her of came. Do you *Mak I shall turn her out as if she, wire a dog V' Hannah went offmutterieg-11 Ise Mildred could de as she - pleased now, she supposed, "but if Mrs. Kingsley 'were alive, the child would be sent off ' to the alms-house, somewhere. • ' - Full well I blew that bat adifti , ent course suited mebib. Birdie fullyengroesedzny time thoughts tin wearing with play she tali weep What was Ito do in this affldr: Shesurely seemed a gilt ftem beaVeri to me. Why was she alone In. the street if any one Cared for her?: But indeep she did not look like a neglect edged elomei household be phin badries; must to-night; and be fte I slept I wrote advertisements to be dispatched hi the-newspapers in the morning,-.: As day after day pas. sed along, and formal her stint:mistim ed, I cameto thebeliet that my home was in beherb. • She was a true child of the sun, are] liked nothing maven as warm, bright 'colors; so that gradually many of the arrangements of the gloomy house. *were replaced with brighter hum— I v ir i t t pt cheerful colored carpets took the lace of somber ones; pictures the sou the tints in them adorned the walla; and even in my own ap plied slant of Color sometimes tools ,c 4 the cheeriest black, that. XIMP-b &talked, bat "whlch was IWI no oWadok cok)tas the, dull snw kh a a gfife been clad zmle wouidthpg alotor pne cif her cr 'zik r and, thrinv-, exalnbn, •• , !04%imtirea , v,erY. pretty . tested to mutter about 'the and petted sad • her; heortle . 010 gYi i VI-- - cement of r rhilti. ' "1 run Clide Huriburt, and Birdie is my only child." My fears lad told •me truly. For a moment my heart' ceased to beat. He gently placed ,me In the chair, and put Birdie in my lap, then gave an account of hetlots. . I I was too much agitated-to get a very datrideaof thenarration, But I gathered that he had been hastily summoned to China by the business of the firm of which he was a member and neither he nor his dead wife hav ing any near relatives with whom he could place the child, he had left her with her nurse, an old an attach edservant of his wife. And it seem-, ed that soon after M. Huriburt sailed the small-pox breaking out in the neighborhood,she sent Birdie away, but fell a victim to it herself. The lady, in whose care the child' was thus left, was riding in the vi cinity of my home, when the horses became unmanageable, throwing out Birdie and the lady, who was stun ned and much Injured, but the child had escaped unharmed as I found her. In the fright the chilet t was forgot ten; and - all efforts to find her had been unavailing: "Fenn never be sufficiently grate -ful to you for your care of my moth- Mee:child." • • • "Most you take her from me nowt" I at length found strength to ask. "Not if you will keep her; but I Must beg that you will permit me to see her very often." • "Of course," I replied ; "as Often as you wish." - But in, my soul II wished he had stayed in China. Can be love her as I do? Twice I have saved her life. • I'did not knew Whet It was costing him to leave her in my arms, while he stood quietly ' beside us. • - But, - growing-more reasonable I placed her in' Ids arms, and went in lo the house tobattle with my grief. Scarcely a day. passed but some part of it was spent with • his child ; 'hot, handsome.andtioble-looking as he was, I sew ift*. him only one who robbed me of my treasure; and the 1 only entreaties' of Birdie I was • deaf to were such as these: Please, Aunt ' Mildred, go with Birdie to see papit;" or "Please; Aunt Mildred go ride with hint andßirdier" • ~ After a - while these importunities ceased, and, as I seldom saw Mr. ,Iltiriburt, tha.only notice I received 1 from' him was an occasional bouquet, [ bunch of grapes or other fruits coin ing_through Birdie's hands. • aguerumors reached me of the elegant hottse 'Mr. Huribnrt RMS . bu ding, add the city bride he was ; to bring to it ; . ut I was determined to Put all from but mind,' and enjoy my sunbeam as long as she was with ''ine. , Beautifel, regal autumn, neLselenie ly it carne tons, and 'touched the treetops . with such rich hues as no painter's pallet can supply. 1- 1-stood upon . the plitzra that fair bright morning, • feasting my eyes I n the glorious - beauty. At my rii gi t- o background .of evergreens, lighted up with thecrimsonoaksand the sunshine of the maples, while la ; front of me lay the broad buy, as smooth and unruffled as it r . nirrogi, While I stood slusdingmywes with Any hand; a near step • stitrtlol me, and, turning; iew - Mr. Huriburt 'coming up the steps. • - "I suppose I owe Unit to this beau ;WM'prospect that I see • you once More."' " • "The day Is too fine to stay within," I replied. ,I , • . • "1 tun glad You think •so, for I came purposely to persuade you to go with me to see the. house I am building. The ride is, not long. I want very much to ixtnsult you In some of the details." There was an eagerness in the team, so much • like antis's, that . might have .-Won. ate the praleet; . but It/bought, "And so you•wilon bring yemr.htide awl • take Birdie from me.' So I plead other entrituestai•e and went to dram - Birdie - Mk lhe ride.: • • • . -).,, ... 11111 Alesots g . eyes. • 'I ant selfish In keeping you The premise I wished' to exact of you was, that you will seek medical advice inintedlately. I fear that fe ver for you that you have been , amongst so much' • 'Oh, I have no fears of that,' I re plied, but gave the promise. Then, Scanning my face, "I wish I could my so too;' and hide me good- Met: ' 'He thinks,' I bitterly thought, 'by 'melt kindnem lie can take away The sting of_robbing me.of Birdie.' 'His predictions were truer than mine. -Sickness Imprisoned me a longt, time. • 'When does Mr. Hurlburt take his little girl away?' I overheard some one` asking Hannah. • 'rile idea was new to .her. 'Ho is not going • to take her away at all. Miss Mildred is getting wel 'Oh, I yes he is; and before Christ ina., too, -gue...e.. why, don't yon know? He Is going to be married very soon to a lady in the city' What else. was sold I never knew, for the door was closed. 'Then,' thought I, 'I must finish the frock I commenced for birdie be. fore I was taken tack. I want to see her in that before she leaves me'. If he would only kit me'have her till after Christmas ! I remember I had' asked tbr but one Christmas ;- that had been giveli me. . _ _ The nest day I gathered up my sewing, and, taking it the parlor, feebly began putting on the braid to the crimson frock. But the stitches were perversely crooked. Thinking it was Hannah, I did not look up when some one entered the parlor. "I (tune to inquire for my inVidid, and lot • I find her lu the parlor.— Sewing, Mildred? and 'with such thin, pale fingers as these! Are you in your right mind° D0 ... y0u know you are risking your life 'But I so want to finish that frock for Birdie,' 'ls the poor child so destitute of 'clothes ?' be, laughingly asked- - Gathering up all my sewing imple -inents, he carried my work basket to the farther side of the mom; then throwing the crimson cloth over my 'shoulders. 'There, yell may keep that to brighten those pale cheelm- - How much you nest have suffered to grow so - pale and . thin! Dp you want me to tell you how the ,thee has dragged on my hands .since you've been sick ° may been think inglthat when you Could sit up I should see more of you, for, you couldn't run from Mess you have all summer. Is the Hut unpleasant to you ?' stooping down to draw up a hassock for my feet. . • 'Are you going to take, Birdie .away soon?' I asked, evading 'his question. 'Take the child away. * No. .Why. do you, ask that—because you are sorry you gave me permission to eumuto see her ? I will not intrude on you, as I threatened,', looking grave. 'Oh, no. I heard you were going OA take her away soon.' 'I do not think of itittpresent,' be' iidd, musingly.; Then,. turning to me, 'How tired.youlook 1 We will make arrangements about Birdie when you are stronger. You need, rest Hesitatingly,'.Wlll you permit Me to If you are strong enough to comedown stairs qj ?' Whenever you. Wish,' I, answer , '.A I . thousand thanks. I warn you. I shall come very often.' * * • * • 'Christruestucirericsti. fotusd Bur: hurt, exclal as he Swill eringthenkup to iskel6l, - .1 0 . 1e . Iltrered carpa. „, . ,Npal where, dirt 1. came from?, I didre,t'.berr Aunt afikirepos going tolnake suclr'S i mgo; erid she bi In.such :a,' h, to wet them aloneltekright, •yOU _ hwn't You, PaPar. I . , ''.:': . !;'-I.ii.tijiligifiedlBOit: . 'Certainly, .1f - Wfllln,g. .1 'think: she• -needs' the aid : of my stronger llalterat ; • • . tie w•e worked Sar Into the evening, Birdie begging she might sit tip 081 all Was mmpleted. Itnt;nleop over , taking. her too emu, she concluded 1 that she and Ilaunah. wouldn't see ' them till morning, when they looked 'the 'brighteie, she Said," and was Peelle otf to rest.: She mime for• her:, good -night •kbtso and my heart •inisove Me, :thinking there would he so few more. My eyes folloWed her a.:4 %Muth' curried her out. • Mr: Huriburt, play ed bimetal! In frontof me. 'ls nom no one, but Birdie for whom you have a bit of room in your heart:" '1 don't intend to look;' I laugh , ingke'replied: • • • "' • 'Then my. tide aealed,! he added In the Same gay house ; "But' I shall not yield mthopeleso. • You know we decided, Nome thine ; to make other arrangernentsa The gay tonorwere guaranty. I had rimer! 'hi tobireit` held in my hand - Opoettnitioeic •of tall cludr ' but it 'dropped from my aftss4.l. Iralsedit• end': plural it nvre=7--- • • • Birdleleit your' hetailtect - ` ' - 'Mere - Bum anYtldlteltiy piled: ' ' k • '''" .onllipotr"tme , coniilifon; nbt Pleasant to you, fear, 'Name KO. • ' 'Coming dose ilipiorre."-`That ts; that you take - her 'hitter with her.' - I would have gikiped the/chair for support, but his arta irreveoted tale: 'ls it new to you, 'Mildred, that I love 'you? I •thought 'you saw it long ago"and tried to till!! me, with your coldnem. I ntmve, too, to 'overt-:me it; Nut, Since you have let me see more of you, I thought I roight be mistaken, , and to night thought I must kiov/ all: • Wilt ) , on not haun to love me? I will bevery• patient, and bide; • y Hine.' • . He hadgathe:red both my hands in his, and I luta tbfgotteu . everything in the love helmre: di g:ly starv ed heart; But -it all " 'back to me. I tried to wi my hands. 'What does it ail mean?' rdernanded; 'your eity:bride and linetiawr. 'You speak in riddles: you mean that you think I am -ettgaged to some one else?'' " • Then I told him what 'I lid helm!. • • 'And wag it thalivldeb mule you so aild to niennd ketit yin" from km lg me?' ' ' • had not thought of loving you then.' . But rimy?' Fur all answer, I put 'my hand In his: - - Drawing:me within htkr swum, 4 bly 42/wish:nes gift I' ' I had wskest for but one Chrhgtmwe (kid had given me two:. 14.DIREAT WORD, WELL DONE. When penend Howard Waif about fo enter- upOn ,the *natural duties tiff* for' the last three • yems , 'have engrossed hiS attention, his old - ebrurnander, (lea. Sherman addres- Red him a letter of eongrataistkm.--; believe you will roomed; said ithemuuyas well as any officer can, ilWawbl4s is malty nairig i t ut rie! task: yaw 114)29**,1f I 'ended. Ath tne w ?ma, lciie=traber Ir! problem, It had !them without preparing them lll 7Vlty;, had left them animig their old mas _tem while the war lasted, and had done little or nothing to remedy the confusion thus entailed. These ne grots were ignorant, poor, unustsi to the mire of themselves, suspicions of all Southerners, blindly trustful of all 'Yankees,' lull of gratitude to the Govenunent for what it had already done for them and confident that It was going to do a great deal more.— Flocking to the towns "joy their freedom' and to esiiipe from the mastera whom they distrusted, they Insured destitution behind them by leaving no labor to till the soh, 1 - and curried destitution with them by over-supplying all openings for„ Labor.. Without fore sight, and tuiutometCto be taketi care of, they speedily exhausted their little means, and tilled the -towns With misery, want, and dlr. ease. Great unbars who had fol lowed the armies were collected in Minim; with little shelter or food, and no and forty tusand adult negroes, according to the official reports of the times, were refugees: from their hones.'rhe condition of those who remained with their old masters was better, but -they suffered from the revengeful • passions of the whites, who were enraged at once at the failure of their cause and the loss of their human property. • Dis appointed and reckless men vented their 'spleen in-outrages •on these helplee victims t • and .• throughout the South, with pleasant but infre quent exceptions, the negro popnla- I tiou was either Intoxicated with its new-found liberty, frantic with ter,' ror at the excess% of its enemies,..or suffering from disease or want. The situation was nut lead injurious to the whole Southern' eamby than I dangerous 'to the newly-liberated race.: What to do with thi3 negroes I was the.problem. The Freedmen's Bureau was the answer. Its work cannot be told within the limits of a newspaper article, nor indeed of a volume; hut the outlines may be in dicated; • . . • Pint: It secured justice to the freedinen. Wherever a 'Bureau offi cer' was to be foand, negro murder ceased to be one of the pastime, or the late guerrillas. amble:is 'were enforced. Men who agreed to pay certain wages for certain labor were kept from getting the labor and rt.- rasing the pap—even at the cost of seizing upon their crops as security. The Agent became conned for the freedmen when, impositions upon them were atte.rriPted in the teut; 'and judge when they had diffietdties among themselves. • • •- Second: The Bureau secured the revival of -industry. The negroes were afraid to ; leave the towns to labor in mew parts of the country the promise of pmtection from the 13urean Agent emboldened them. They thought that, being ftee, they need never work any more as in 'de ole Slavery times: , the Agent convinced them that it was an inalienable privikpe of the able-bodied fteemettto support hirn• self.sor starve. They. were led by' designing Men to hope that the Gov ernment was aboht to ftirnish each 'One with an improved firm, arid set hint , dp in business: The Agent made them underatand that o the Goverti f mules and lent had no _m4l4' ploWit for ,a.rpo' bergal • Th e y were 'ln" Willing to Make ns with cotton or planters • awe ' the day ; tti Fl g oit • tveitineed them •• that enmust have certainty of iefligt labor, the the sesson through, •befaft3 'they esiuld safely" attempt *flaking . , a crop. They wanted 'firit 'par, idtery weer , or, at Author!, • ev te*, Month; the Agent explained to' eas' htiw ttafeiy •of the planter ttitd •their own' Interests. • that . pati of their . wsgai, to privet of the MEE =5 • • . AdvaillmeintaV arts naertedat a ~ vril 1 ter eti'll'l47e7". 4 Mond manna nude oil 'yearly ad idiom:midi._ ~ A •Pllec cgllal id ten 1 I Hai oi iitirejp• Naas. wrist% - - .' Nigibiew ,1 .4k4 .1 4 .14 1 i enoolyiw „nion i., "li t r A4 re a lli arl er n my, will tw tmr - - e4n ts a Uno Aar enelg naetthon;:” I , Advertlatenenta abould be handed In ladoqu lradarnogra to Wan, inisitify L. , In tint Ara i l lafier. • f IL-- it' ,"1 . . 3 h. I= they faitntit tiutt,, niter. Aforkp the: year o would eta* get , tati ,of their ongs ut ihipthee; le ,dertatritig of the Agent to 'caroled the con traetti; then' wllling i to enter , into , ciontracts, , 'When AbeY became *durum! mad stopped work the Agent was appy tk i e d t o .,_ nut tl••• rid vain—to induce them Inlet ttrn t 4. their task& When,' teatime under S$ eonselotsones of liberty and Ibt lief that it ought to man mote hilt- ; oast than fonnegly,:,ther. took. he 11. ,• clays without leave, or failed to work not bears the . ...thtent was the' surest ' mune or 'influence Iv secure the ots- •": tierce:we of their bide of the connect. apt well as the other.- itad as were th e outton atolls of 1 8 art-U-Por, they were double what they would have been wlttaint this aid of the rreed men's•Bareau. —• • " • : Third: The terrible, dletitatiow among both black and white at. the South was Nam relie th ve eea d ue rev h attof ain or' nth; s the ' pito-Mug IT*l4ll tipon the Hevener; ' benefit went largely to the Whiter, , toslalyto:Rebel whiles or thaie,, negitsied fatuities. In the Arst, months of enormity' after the etea- . of hmtilitles,'the number thus' .flYeft' tut' rite .llureuu • ptve sysueu st these b.iutsi :tent away those We tiV I tiipport thenisOlves; and liMithf thor'' thaHty 'of the Ckmenutteut to the, sick, intim; anti orphans. Miff !Ro am thus tebtunied was , witty heiluccd, 31.4 &tales wens Ut take care of their' own hel till, for 'the year IFIC7, y • avenge weal only 21,Gria foe theentire , territory of the Sonthern tjtates.— The amottat of odsery dim relieved hi incalculable ; the coalt' has been • isetnlattativel%. trHlinßt 4ppd. , •onlyl there ten object to ,it Willi Would 'have our 114)111i. State charities nisi-, fished. 'Fourth: The, Bureau has bought to urge upon the newly' ehfraneMeed cinema the &Arability of sedurittg• hem &of their own. It has taught , them to seek• an. ownership of. small tracts of land near their old 'bonne wherever they ceuld obtain them, and has encouraged' them to enter homestetubt hem- the public' domain. In Florida alone nearly, three thousand- homestead outrits. have been made by negroni. other States this movement lugs been teas general ; but the'. tendency to the purclutte of entail 'farms has been developed, arid the &tett fonndation • thus 5...eur0.1 loran industrious popu lation and a large addition' to* the , agrleoltund wealth tif the country. Frt.!' : The Bureau tts&caretif .the Interests of colored ioldlamd iMstiy of thaw , bad ~ .'ametthai.e.laitas Sot bounty, pensions,the.,. of which' the landistriLsknown claim agents were hblng them. • ' When ttg wil lingnem of the Bureau office's todo this work was once known, no negru roldier, could la• induced to trust other 'parties with it, anti large sums were thus preserved to the real and needy owners; While the puok.7 of the flevernmerst. ln awardlng the uttnat was attained. tFixtit: Next to the distiivery that :ffe,ctioni did not niiiinliving In idle nem, the greatest want of the, libera lid 131.7 ft was a'penar of tine car t _ . . . field hams. spelling . their pockets, aunt spent their noise ings in study. Thousands of adult negmes, in mute of the Staters, thent- selves unable to nail petitioned that they might be' taxed fur the,estab lishinent of scles ifs for their children, ankthat, by an arrangement between the Bureau mat their employers, the tax might be deducted from their wages. As early us thespring asset; an unprejudiced traveler through the ii,iuthen: State:4, recording his Over-. vatious, was able to write: "The chef; otheSouthern population met desirous to learn and timeless learn ing Incomparably the most rapidly, is made up of negroes." The next two years have gone far to disprove the ideal hat the negro is without per shimmy, and the other idea that be n incapable of making any rapid pe • grass after lie passes the Imitative branches of tending mid writing: EU. ring Mal there have been In the schools of the Bureaus 31,213 pupils in I svography,4B,26B in urithmetie, 578 in the higher reading boots, and 5,712 in what are known' as high ' reboot studies. Evening school,: for adults, Normal echoobs for the. more advanced pupils, andeveuischoolnme preaching our Colleges in grade, have been in progrete and well attended. Best of all, 1,32.5 of the wheels; though under . thsvcontrul of the Itu- rout, were sustained by the freedmen themselves, and they owutsl 518 of the Pelmet buildings; " It was the original Intention that theexen of. the Freedmen's Bu reausd be met out of the pioueeds of abandoned property in the Rebel States. Mr. Johnson's orders soon defeated thin intention; and the hu mane work thus beoune a .burden upon Northern tax-payers. has coot but a trifle compared with the good it has auxemplhilasi—lons than five millions in all—for this guardian- L ship of three millions firmer" through their psuF n irom beeottedslaveg rielf-trup awl Intelligent done ut it ter t y„.NWeti. II 'existing laws the'Freedrntla"sliureau sore as an' aginey for refloating , the few soldiers civil:ll34Bl oubstruldinff. ,and for keeping up the schools In which the Government has tin Inter est, ceases to exist An the first of Jan nary next. Looking buck over its history, we see the record of a mat work, marred indeed by human im perfections, and liable to manyacrit !dent, but always prompted_ by , noble alms, and generally guided to wire ends. There have been some an falthini oflicens, souse horrnSexpen ditures, not airs, little self -eeek Sub. ordinates' did not always JIM dielotetly, even when therbsid tet aims; sometimes they became the mere tools of the Rebel ph . r.atiell; ht. tercet; at other times the) DelmVed en‘o.m.itthinh,eittihgattlaiaptlaniter, col a nerivici t tii h d mes ern t an l at others they used their petitlms. only as a weans of speessou. ~Therre were the inevitable defects of a sys tem 10 large sand so. suddenlyestate BAIA; but with all Its dinirlhoeks it passers into history as agrest :omit of national benifloeuce, JuWelouely de vised, and fruitful in, the happiest, re . A En.v.illt, name mmma, wan ram' dead Sunday morning, hang ing by the' nark In fhe ham of Ben. C. C9ement;4, nine milt. fMink. Lou- • .titrat:E. ii. Buuwv, United State; Pension Ageut hi in. Louts, has went in his nalipsoAkai, to take '1144 Fe!)- raw Ist.l i , 'kilt mulers Mike ix hap py
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers