Tittle rr a T. To publishedSUlph in Ilia old Argot traildlagoitlidrdat.l 3 eit NAP a per row 1ii.46 1300 * Caramniications,ina 'Ur gonatal interest are reaiwaittally: sotto- Ited..Abinkar4ll44Bol.9tn"..linoißT this _land : triage' Inviaintdebn-linno Ity the,nanio °TOO author. Lialera and . conuninileOloall should be intdreircd_ !FT . 3 . wrrialls;l3liiiief PL . , Buiiitiefra CnY IL Greer, • , - ' at Art• tsn and =l, 'mud Mandietwit. Ofilee and Roebei• . ter, PA. 011.11111111 deitleur ,Beeitst, 14= purls. TM, AM. li lege Street, Ortdri erster, Pa !Dec. - ------ ii N -I L. lliberbort• • . con Isitheff and Sorresor.' View ltrigkton, 1%. Storeys, Maps Lod Profiles lode on abort botico, UeinK JAS. CAMERON, Attorney at LW, Beaver, Pa. ome. ill Vie Ns. !tonal liotel bulkt:nZ Collection', &C., Pron I P II 7 attentle4 to. . ~ ' epttrfittly. --_,......_ 1 )ro. Marquis ac Cunningham. ' honking itynenoi. Roizester Pa. Waft to o doora eut of nkmy's ilotel. Prompt alien tino :het% to WI dal.. Dearer Resuldary and Institut& A 11 "eitlon coned. September 8, it Thu rrbool po lou and eueeesgully cooducteilby Ito( T,,,FloCaut a bl e" algal', olhn sztetolve roam . I" lne Curogor, X.ogllib3loge, For est sloturi addles It. T. TAYLOR trAtlf • J. CIIIINDLUU RON% . • 1 • :'lll),liiri'TlH. ni)olicsotur• oak . ° in Braver Motion hundlog. All work war. runteit, Trial moderate. Give us acall. Sul c 1, , It ivl;artnendilp; • X. H. CONIrIA£ LUI,. 12. p vomit: I aIiNINGRAIf A itoraris at Wt. Dace Inardwittrint,Smivretl Mil Howe Fiiinist!liss Glikods; WHOIS43/S.LE, Q[ ERNS LOOKINg aci and; Gas swacte. Abu, tianan, Tln Nvuoden and Vi Moat ware, Market and Fancy Ras, I,ta, Iteuebee. Kitchen tietia, Clothes ',fringes, ac. Alen, FRUIT JABS AND C. 10,15 . . , . • • . , Country Idetebaute will Ind I.to dielr gaunt. Logo to give as g an gnd examtng Int stark be fore waking Muir purebseee. -4. a u. alickis a co,. - No i'l4 !laden] gt., Alleiben7 VSth Fa: p. r iale.tt. , —- ,-„' . - . I ndustry Salt Compainr..,. , rric-rirrrim Dx.o.uut • TABLE& COARSESALT INDUSTRY, BRAVER CO., PA., All oalt pot Op good ardor atut 'warranted to t ole satisfaction. Ail orders promptly:Mendell to. 5. T.. k lnno. VANAURII. V. SWIM, .el.lOO. lit sty h unowitunri, 110/2.110. 1 All 7 1117111. ?M711.5111 1 1 V 0 THING, IE3 Gentlen4n's Furnishing Goods, NO. 29 ST•ti, Al 119 T WEFT . o p poett ! ; . CU Co Clothing Made to order Utr short notice. ilor/T6l:lr. 11 ou1o.rsr Pnitscrms. Mon t Evan & Seal) L ri,,. 42 nu t A...vostue, PlM?burgh, Pt --- This arm Img leave to inform their patrons and geuerillr that they !avert:at opened an ininietuu stork of Gonda; especially imported for tie eumi na 'Holidays --comprising tne &halt and curvet dollen. in Fine Jewelry. Pure Soad sllrer Ware. Wan,. in Group. and fterle, Watches, sod lawn. tatty; Musical Dole., French Cloaks in :Wb. Broom, and Alabaster Odes. Wa re ar in (ru n pe - and tnatuettee, Wirer Plated in kraal Nudely, Pahl Fancy :Conde, Jewel Bele* , triad end %flyer Headed Canes. &c.. Lc. Yore.—Uur eOnnettininl with Rodent and Wes. tern aninedactares minor frequent •isits to their tuarkets enable us to sell goodd In our /Mo, either who leetde or retail at looter mines 'than any hoes, weldor New York. lleesG II LLINEILY 0001• JOS. HORNE &,C.O 'holesale thitlers Is MILLINERY GOODS, Hato, MbLens, Flower, Feather,. Flamed, Nets Ilonnet 'Velvets and Naive% 11113, hens, GF.oodp, llmbmid andaer erles, cidLa e ced and . rs, • Dress anti Cloak Trimmings, • and Fringe*, Urnamente and Dutton', Loops, :Imps, entitles. Hosiery and Mores. an OM- Ides and ea Wonted, Ho Shawls. Cepa, Leggin'. Yarn end gullying 3lntertnlo, Comets plain mad em. broldered, Hoop Marti. Maud. tor . Le Psoler,"ltexcl neto, Ana Hale Dralde, od Wool. en Gos, Gouts , rambling Goodc, hilt and Boo&rant Atirts, brit and alyarth Patterns, Fa»ey Gond , ' and .50aU Warts; NortoSS, UNDEUW GOODEARS, AND SEASONABLE . --- ArriTr,l"r New Goode tlpy Mt Now York Job. I!'"l'or..r CollAriof the brit ntikti. 4,4114 , r0 .01141t...1. No. 71 .t, 711 Ntarkot Street, Plit‘hanin, Pa. , Posl.sly. _New Hardwire%lore. LINDS'ALSynIinIT& ittrWKII sand ilenli•n In ZIM! EMIN II AUDWARE ri- CUTLERY I,:iire New lAtecir.yettopetled tad will Ile ogee _ e 4 to the trade at the • • LOWV,ST EASTERN PRWEB! :,VE.4 /1 UNIOY .DEPOZ • No. 887 LIIISICTY BTU* PITTSBU RGH rammiaimmin VoL 51-LRo, 3. ri~i►.FiGk 11141111X11 004114 Rs • UAa OPRIiND x LiTOEi !NEW BRIGHTON, To WEOLICSA Sad ItlriAlL *UTE LEAD , • ' area, nrrry, BRUSHES, , NAI ' "Mixed -Paints, Colon, In . Oil 'and Dry, ;Carbon Oil. Boded 011, . Neat's•Foot , 011, '• - . . Lard 011, . • Spirits Turpentine, 100.111C1k1101111f VArlllllll4, :! • DAVAR v4lmmu, SHELLAC AND . '' I ' BLACK VARNISH , Cole's - . fat ,it Japa?s, . • ARTISTS MATERIALS, fi;litile;. I LOQ,KING GLAI3dB, - LOokmg FRENCH AND 'PLATE .WINDOW OliABB,, wievion ',ENGLISH' AND • • ' GERMAN GLUE, SAND PAPER, tk., dte. i2MMEiEI Jan 1, VOW CILAIIIILt C 0.,. BANKERS, 16. 35, South Third' Street, PI) GtNER4L.AGENTS Peintylvata ut . buten M l le! ey. OF TAE NATIO - NAL :.INS 44 lIN of the United States of America. ,The National Life lustuance Company le • cot , potation chartered by apc . clat Act of Conroe . , f ; ,itt proved . 4: 14 T i til l tUth 11 =pi Abe r e offered to Agents and Solicitors, oho are twilled to apply at our office. Full particulars to be toad on applicath al oar °face. located In the accend story of bur Itanklug House, where circulars and pamphlet.. folly de. .cribinn the advoltagea offered by the Veeiret may be bad. B. W. Gq.AZIR a ca. No. SS Moils Tbisi St: D. B. RU88,11.1., itassgWV • NEW B A KERt E J. C. WILSON'S OLD STAND, Third St., Reimer, Pa. JOS. M. .REED,, I.llVglmr,b l Virorttost i cgirtst.€ l :* he irlii be gl,gd to meet and accommodate them. FRESH BREAD, CAKES, CRACKERS, NUTS Confectionaries of all kinds. NO. I FLOUR, made from fall wheat, by the barrel, eat* -or at retail. Jan. 6, 1849. XTRAORDINARV. GRAND BALLOON AMOK IN BEAVER, could not be more astonishing thin the het that • SIMON SNITGEIt & CO. keep the hest, largest and freshest stock of • GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, .Cc, it% Beitref county And although It takee gas to tasks a Balloon rise, you will dud, It you visit their eatahltelattent Goodeey don't bare to retort to gas to make their go. To all. we would ear..'r tu b In" mad riumitie our stock I We hare on hand the least and beat • TEAS, COFFEE, SrOARS. PURE SPICES, Molasses, Syrups, sups; idea the heti hreude of Tobaccciak Cigars, to be fiend In the place. We mike .e specialty of V1:01.341 FEED, bullet and sa6it aorta bit . aitt areireHrwa to be Ora tell hest varieties fa amt. Oar establlall fgriere.traliVall.2l.l7:Za:t,tgr„:i w DEFY COMPETITION. Doan mistake the plate. We Sib ISM Si the "Old Stand" west cad of lad 9L, Dosser. re._ Coma tad sea as. Jan. a, Via . , • Comosouired th °U". la the Coat of Coto. Po mi. Jo& Pusan, moo Wu of SOUL • TO., • ClAtati. (O. Ifoo- Mari tooloui V0n0,1013. Partin inteneoted oso Mob) 1001404 UMW dual scoontollosopbriseso,lo3 WORT TA 'WM above aimed. • huotic lOW doom. e4JONI two itiod Prolboodorro Moo at nuotr.soil tbor „ookolo vidlleioOt WWI tO tlio ooetruy boohoos lt, win to comitflool !ly Coortol tho tirstliosittroloettlies 6 doen-ftw , 4MT caporal, Pro , . • satillaa that 111.7 has tOa s t ou. aal fad pw _CV& • MIL i Win pay so #4o_llW iro us!) • cbspwir,rao• ELI k. Car faun- I N'evr, INlove's. Orals Frosts, Pasiaims r Nsb. ifSeel••, , LINSEED 01 gnu= THAN NYRE NOM IN TWO LOOS Irivillikthisii:ll ITBST PlllOl4 COON ; 4 • 'lr. • t 4 - 4 8n1 i ai. 17 :7471 1 ,61C On . 174 T. redid 1:0 ralW it tneAlt at i =„ froter. h ammitems ona. •- • • litanirlialtdor Itagirq X 0.2. tot ivaitoir. sew.. •, - , ,! vas STO -1 411. • Po.; gibbed Apr, Teo harry 1.• "' 4 1. ' " • 44 • 11111 CO - WO 16/41140 Gate nautil i ; : 1:), - to “ ' In. `• n •,.. - .>.:. 4 .vs„ : .. 19.• 1 " , :, 4 ; 4 ' It :3_41 j ,•,:: , ~ . PendicaNE4.-::-: 4, ? .4 . a. /14 . .111414241, Wide. ' '''' '" 3 6. iaites :" 14"..... 14, without DM, Itl, Intla Rod,' , . x, fwd. lks"411thoolItod. '• . • r . -:, Frosted liked iron Suman! Pioep, r'. AZI Work Varreated. Merits ,a et Broge.v.. , Bole spats lbs listusisyliunts. Dabs IN South Bth UL, 'Slid No. lt 01. £Wi St., Pittsburgh, rta. • • •• 4 !!! t e ll Pi . ' Vali; ea,llO4K;• ' , , ••, j •• Ditr.:40:0110 , 1 7 •1-471,. ..c . ak•Oi• '1113":1414g Irr°F relit :'.14 • • UNGINE REPAIR SHOP J, ,W, ' 003141 ; tivtikoi3n:* ;) • • - MEE f umA,lllvom rovssair, !ZEE CE CO, IN FALLtirrON, -C BEAVER COUNTY, PA flaring refitted tad enlarged tay stock of Wren-' 1041 4 2, h eaLT= .17,. * L er 1:4 rintAllene de to e cadre astleeeettea. barren Wed ithineat patterns and styles of Jew Om. rim Clay Stotts, and m om s or repair WI detertrittene undttnety, ott tesnon. able Serum • PLOWS ♦ND PLOW CASTIXOS I bars all Ms best plow pattern. that Salt this market among wbkh Is the •'Great Western." whirl has Does TOR plow of tboosasty be tbs last fifteen years. Also almost all other Flows wow we previously la on.. lIISSe an hand and wlll anathan• lo mannik , Ma slaw assortment of coolimi. mamas a ukATnto trrovsis • Of the latart44lWe and ulti all tba Imam tut preettilletalt, wikh I will sell at ages Wm Amour thou la OS GAUT wow% • Tab Stan has an astaaske top, width glues It slum satiate without taking op gawk room. and It U now looted upon u are of du Umlaud moat eon omkal,atavea u Ittakesleas reel sad lemon dura ble than other% Iva 'lbs ltowtnS umiak alter myths lured this stone fora considerable Web of ORM Taw be Weird to In proof of what is bars O Dr. ]rase Winn% X. T. Kennedy. Ell Reno, Juba Wiwi. Um Geo. rulkah ow. J. B. Wthasmi, Wffiliost im i m i sue" Robed Joeephillechloort. Yea. Jamb We. Maim Wad - Dr. J. U. McCreary. • tie N. Miner, Davidl.netck, Opt. Jame Roue!, W 1 Bt. 111814 KeeK C. K. . Kelly Mller. • Join, XcLaehahhh. Samuel Taylor. Dr. Jackson, Thomas Deocom. Job* Dantoo. Milton Darla. Mums Ustawin. David Lloyd, John M. Panean, J. V. Wing* Wm Robe. A:Merry, Mr. Lobley, r.Caos. Ponlarich MMus,. a kUo, centgame,a Johnston, heansal [woad;, George Era" John Jackson, Usher Jack m an.., Res AleMikarrY, W. T. Reeves. Wilton Woo. = 1 1 0 /11 iP vain esonum sit Model lir , • • 701111114101 To 1111111 M. 101111MMIVE VV:44.I3=OLVSLA • Aa. a Itilrgoll - - : ',MOW Kik Ikaiwathe i..... r . .„,,,......, .... 4 ~.., .. .....wo- a. ~ a ilia:iris iii,:ii, , sioninu, am. _ i 4t i I • MOUXIIII•ALL mine OP . Pknl..7ded, SW, &C., 4110; Oren etell itteeitemerlit 6s tea.' A peet.:lo soceseet, et te• Meenet Weft of pelet••• al ways amble. Allier& ,tistoerea welt •IO• 84. 6 a k a or aitmedeet 'etreet...esir Or• "We &keel Kele• 0. 1 g,,X10 11 %;Pe• PeterilltAti ; • " ' ' 11=braWeriall' 111ORVIart WAYSS WAWOVIEL. st 3owast. Irbaleply , OIL - co; In pplittrei4 IMMO" ze+. 7 T; 111:=01 i>., , I 7 ...'t ~ f - i • • !-1." • li tt tt «,;11 1 k • 4NI • . ." p,a) I ILE ERE El =EI x:asscca ob:, EMI 002 sron...s t BMVM I I lanes IMMOben . Jules MeGebea. . Capt. Sanwa alma, Saonel : ' libis li V oloiship, Ulna* Moira, " NM PitteriOn. Immo SaSeeraiii, Masson Dunlap, Tbeiepoon Johann. , reso. See. neenness, J onathon Reim oindp Weed USW, * Womalirsn heat. Jam David Cslloo.. ilkhard Maley. ideftlit Igallerleik DOM Carr, ' George Siloam Janes 'Sampan. kn. Qur, Samisen Mac Illitan'itied. . Breton ollesne, iWrings Ginn% 1117siadagiqf }VC Janes Robert Clash Ms. • Timm anadstaw, 4 WO BriliPhillr, , Dram Reed. Dearer Naxwen. I. lir. roaltimar. , Will Ciamlig Wagnerliti .. Mr. . Dow nand, girtjarbell. TOON TIIORIILBY MIEN 1 101 -- • 14' for .ti ,c,m or: /- , FERK ~. 1 •I{l^.. "`~~ ~i •+ • , k c”.l. 1 t , i l'el:.g`A;rl(l, :t' +.7t ittleatecut 'To Z./a' +,• •.++l.t '-' 800ta r - I N C , S 4 ';.: 4 , : • } 1 440 .'. I i.: .7:ii'lf iriVniiii4):l) 11',10.i) ; ~. ;. , :e!;""r1.1:441 , :.; '1 , 1); :. "41 '...T ].!%ei,,,,r L7:r.i9 :', Rlibliet:g, 4 •:. i.,,;.„:„.,,_-„,..,--, .I'l f _ 11ktlitivid iitsid.i,i4.y:, , , ~, ...,•: ~': f 7 : ,. . rf:ii:ril 1t,.t . : i . a . %..... i.: rizAI.3I(:)k,N,LIP. ' i i o• Jr:.' 4...":: - : 14. I L4-1.1c41 figleiilstiiria'aini 1 , A,, :"::'9 :vii 4.5 c:)../ : - Ito ft.'r7"....b1f:4 .i. ...fi01.,.:11•,, , T ''.• '. • *UM 02 0, 1 141 21 11 ". ,-;-• • x100.2, "4-- , re - t - ort.'..Fhi- • , r f c; " • a., Iv' :41Aatirk,,`, . INTi iTis• .*" 1 ‘ I / 1101. , ..'oepiilli-sitiVgripl!... ; . :.• " It . ; Ma ioe iii;t eitEll ea 4, saailit, uletliar• 46106 cotthiskui l ! r _tel a ! , 1 5 4 qi . ;' 1.601 tteli Arai rilibdOetir lili•Vrksz s r m r be Vtmgottir,t!bt. illo-perfbetwaFiNre..Ta ur Adstiorlimiurainglsilthis asomeutilm li al ail inr " 2 l4l 4 l4 r " teadalla,.. 4lkl = we, WIWI direr COW vlair 'War geutii: 11,.mpip • .styr_p2ler*mak ,, sik watiH Ti 7 =1 7 7 Wibetter lijolesgabal .Sl l 4 OftlitareantScr.!- • Oillabutg • "Linen, 1" • Cinch v, Dreso Goods, Cosstuteeet, - ,•Sneotitito. • • srting', ta • • [foolery, ' • " Satinet*, 1101..l8}: FURNII4III3(i .13Q01111. Vidarawar, for Wl. Cads sod ebildned Cloido aid mods* t o bind Old nod* to or .. b*icli Malmo, all wool choice nal . . mai COOK *omit, VAIL WOir-Pfaors. good quollig. st,co. MOO 10:0.1111roollt,01% . . Beit Ms% On% ••. • 11111Moustry Yerebeabi "applied by dries pat- Nymph"s car wine et lowest gaiters Mob cutrami. CARPETS ! NOALLUM BROS. 31 Firth Streot,, PITTSBURGH, Ant Roy °peaimrl . 6l) , logy mock of Velvets. Iseuisrels. Three Ply, Two Ply a= COMMON CARPE'PI s OIL' CLOTHS,•- • WINDOW SHOES, ' • • MINI 4a. itdi And inen thing ioelonglng m .thn 4vJL.it xt AD Ir . realm( mos_ • PIMA lure!, ra. Romnouve wiz*, cassaa*Th* , t, ' ' ! •t ;ANN THIF, • - • BEST • IN USW . Use lb:throe"; Tonic , 131 t in,h 274 wry boa (a the R.-E. SELLERS & CO,. -• • zio..4s.WooaitTeets; pypalMSt,Lbiell..Aolelskit *nuance lick. , • sad 1011 Tlk attMt.' • . . • • • .• • . • PITTSBURGII, 14, ;Viihokiele Avsts „ - ,; Form& by,Jouls KUO!ti., ben!r. Ps. t piTt:l(.. • • plallita IPPULLII% , „. ". AUCTIONEERS' MED ) C051111M10N,1111130611A1 111 6 6, :ooolicise‘AitiOl 601 ' • No f :CO .8 6 . 1 1: 61 00 3, - Dr Y t. rind, NW* , ; :; - ~;~.. ~.,:, ; ~- ;J .. ; •1!1( I , ii.P' 43:71`, ; SU 4011' ; 14?-144 i~ 1:i I ' ' i i.Wkn~ode:, half: brateal4on 4 , Matti VO3Ol0 - I pew' re' pan. the 80111 /t- to , teroi, 71..-Raahv !By the a., imotbtr* ttusbaidltkir fissrt'stf*Ate ?herroota94 - .' Ate- - • OMEN Orte, IWO. whit -ht INI & 141 * 11104 ni,he s Dirzr Pirract, wasapradent welnan. But she was what' our Mew Dmiend friends call' "set in her trays,' . . and what sbe.did she would not like and what ''she did.- not under stand',' she waild 'not learn' - --infiess shechoiw/ Present the thing to - her 1 in the itmilnous aspect, and she maintained it was still opaque. No*, is we have said, she ensure; dent waterer: ;11he had no objection to inrsuranee *dna the in the ab stract=but she:would still think the money paid was thterwn away. As to IS AreuranceLlaut we will let the incidents tell their own story. liarrY Prince, was proud of his wife and his children. Ile liked to see them beconingly attired; and be would have his table well fitruislied, ibr themselves, and for himself. Mrs.' Prince . was continually inter poidng her veto which' was not al overridden.: Mrs:T. was constantly hinting at' the neceeity of making provtsion fir'. did' age. She -etas thinking, 'too of the possibility of sickness or of death. All these things annoyed Marry- Prince; and the more, since he' Ind made 'provision against the valaralty of her widow; hood, and did not dare to tell her. "If you' Should tone,. Harry, what would become . of us r _she would sometimes , sisk;.when he persisted upon an . expense .to which she 'de.' marred.. And &en he would 'shrug his shoulders arid airy r . "Wit ,Ikr i d hency ially, yon: must, mtekNiiit... 0011 when it arrliWi, mo ik r e tot "net suffetur to provide ' • This was-thp a"tiff,* that! they ever aiwtreihed-To Understand it, we must=tr o little. Once on a ;by, Mr: a Mend were Miner*: noteic,_ elk Young Mar' fled oivs be canal-ropttien ; gou arid° - Ai l e same , yiiat know • thmsyldch. the 'oonVenia. op took Wee OW tbe_q_nestlail how In me event dub oi the briwtstids their Wirea•weekibeebiete meet the 'buffets -clan untrieeidr,y-Worid. •A•od the result of the reliderence was that the twogentleineltook out,We AS; sugince Miele& „ . • VW! the filenVotight we not to const i d a rves?" ' • "Yes"! said Pri "after We haVe ipeactedl fhb ' geinenta rt ,, recall except litho ofthellett premium: l r Pi: 74 . Prilre hee married the longest.) , " • And > '-what thel:ilinke Were ell: imedi ',gurgle aortirefed;Wxl. weir • launderers% bed given olilidgiott;trioee %air, Pro'• - iiiirnced a. ruts Oak; arid utter thnlolleY, rtgeo.Pek eelei. l ojod wmatte warrjocklact hi Ms • ure. proM, 'Hen* Prince to* his way,homg,iptitutoidechied beW the flee el the pretevithe were to, be Iximmunicated. - • • • "My deat *he •said at tee time, "delft ortitild•be well for me to get muted?" " ',•• , perktif ogee looked np in Astonished *QS'. 'Bir=rhe of Carmen , ready; froman swer; to judge what ildher's bentedeould potently , lawn :A 'oneTier Of elderwyerspake terrified ' dvetwitepreira tk ikat " itt belbtlitiehMt•M•ersay p t of coo-, re " • Before thecifilihero -Arista tyr; snore abridiguilentofilibeet hi theeldstencecif those add rile ttore going to say iwesentire, but in Our Awerknn'-households;extst eiitti Of eldidreri usually means pre*• wheuev*ltithee is at. borne. Perham is the be 'detour—but • best or. >Averse , the- mode ready is; th a t , the ehigrert shall be decidedly. &dent while the parent" are awake: the'idegi of shelving- diestE hi their '..e.ats it a reasonable Wonted letting ricmaelittle• titutPundisuutesl,is an obiiikeie•harbeltt*,, IFitsiiitte it may t rist efuel to WM* them to lass *fintd•rest, p ia bangatiout ' tiroWietad tee' tiwes okWiriltottfie • .1 `, .11;; :=7; - • •-.. ''" • 1 0',G91(1' f'7l.'!! . =I ffrififfi iiiiiiki.;!ij thll 20c.-186ine, ad , • •,, , iiagadeithi: , ( America' h as" pri ' -these days,. l them • rit 4 1 : 0 = aliff4teasjoing 1410) , y flitetply It'e ti t= llle°t. ‘:! ". Mr: Prince. 'thelOok:everibetbre the Aniadothlit-"enehstildrxts ir4L - bmiliseitiosi at some !..A1 441 - /4440* cm - , waft'lwatt, anifithot exactly un-. ~th~tiflittle cad ibetifyoffng= Avid *hile the .7, - and as their miltehnii- VPwsking. liours',, the Agferyist,:to-eeimetip totrr hum:eyed by the Candle.- • - • 3, &quaint didiproverb, ire. 'fwd.*. Primo, • dint be lees le a di , linproved his' leistuisin gm g splatter earripOdm or management. ohacl • lila to bleprovoked; bet nl uuddeeda ,e; to . 'he • einiteedf the Ugh ' ' ' 16.01Plcids good wife over: isigekifiee4kb= latter' . td•VoiWiiihei rr I)tt i rstdapiiper.- Ishont the terrible ma ied lIV-bad been almo s t broached; ! lite Mt :;:Prince's .face and inamimr ritnkened that she did not think her rebuild 'Would live the week out. he had the same horror of I.ife As surance that some -people have bf Making:it will;. that, to, exegete the doetnnent' is -equivalent ,to signing your death - warrant. • To every:•wearineef Mere is One end, Md . -the-Mac earnest larkwhen, every indult, voice in the ;house was hushed; and 'the:coronet OC.Eklinntis meted on every childish temple - tem , - Then,' roti , think; • the Hulaieet came ut ? in" a hurry. ; These two persons practieed - Fabian tattles; theconteet . is one of masterly, inactiv ity. i•There *rem ismer& unfinished abeeticaii to be disposed of before the last-mentioned:totems in order.— Prince was - so felt of schemes that: It kept' his good trite busy all the day to devise what she would day to Idm while the children, slept. :04 ho was wise enough -to carry' all ' the ;email 1 points, at.-. the appearance of great effort, while his own- mind was wade. up to submis sion from the , beginning.. In that way he . =lmagedher Oceing many a Adrinish •in order to- win. a bat tle. • But the man was, on the whole, well dispmed . so 'that' alter - ail it made it difference. -At last; all the minor points.dispo ;sed of an Met... Prince being flesh - ad anti !Tapp) , witii!vietory, she tame ;down on the Life Annirtume . ques tion , like -a 'hawk on-a- ehieken.--, "What could imam* you v lienry, to mention such a- ,thing before the - "Why— what:, do you mean "" • "You know' that I regard ,dl such , transactions as tempting Providence. It Is like betting on,Your 'own' aids; fence and winning : . tlie 'stakes for 1 your heirs, by losing Your Own life! 1 ' I neveinaufd. enjoy, such !honey so 1 obtallied=rnever P!.. and here Sarah's v o ice was it little "clitited. • 4 4Blesu you, little woman, I never tbeeght•ef it in any such light, and - "allot see how you ahead!. Why, Sitn*n; his li fe lramie a bet ME . eh is 'Not best , ant )ll)ea. -nsh thus rAe pr 1 st - ,1 To the thO-nren the Itife 411 9 8 Elea '4O that t the, to the which delcv `" Ili _, dint :Iniabtuid 231 even . fyear.- "Three hundrell." - "Three t• And - with his limited In come I Starving himself anillamity 'and putting his money where it will do nobody any good." • • • "Not when he dies?" • . "What' n horrid thought lAs If'' money would make up for the loss of a husband and father Pt,• •• , • • "Nevertheless it is convenient to widows and orphans." • "NOnsense, Henry ! Don't let' me •hear any more of it." "No, mum itt Henry toil with mock penitence, and pretended to go *to sleep. Mrs. Prince soon did so, 'and dreamed that• her husband had invested all he hint in an Egyptian joYramid, and died, and left her a lawsuit for the pylon. Misers. Simpson and Prince had a hearty laugh t henext day, when they compared the history their domes tic conversation; which were won derfully alike. Mach decided on the same course. The policies quietly reified in their fireproofs, and there ;vas repose in the hearts of the ma ternal Prince and maternal Simpson. No less were there peace and confi dence •In•the Minds of the two bus bands,who had done what every man of prudence and honest poverty is bound to do, Übe would provide for his own household. Weeks passed—months--a year: Mrs. Simpson had looked at lkirs. Prince wit)) a neerved plty, as on a womun whose marketing and. pin Money wereabridged b a very use less expense, the faultof y her husband, And Itlr&Prinee,,in like manner re graded Mrs. Simpson as one. whose • inaternerright to alimony was ti'MF *TM en: But as' neither lady • wits berseitecirmilems of any pecunia ry suffering, and as Mrs. Prince, in ..Vicular, wondered how her bus could he so careless of the fir- I titre with a growing family, we fen.: that thepily of each lady for the Lottber'sdetltution, was to some,.e.x.- tent miiipbsced. • _ . A year " had passed. "Opening his morning pa Mr. Prince gave an expressionof pain. Thesuddendeath aids .friend tileapeo' WllB . recorded.: Jilts . ojes. sated with tears, aerobe lookedround, upon her family [ group,. and .thought that the bolt r might ,have fallen- upon their 'own 1-happy . household—that, Indeed, the ' . .day must come:when the,entrance of death would break their circle of do mestic peace. - . - • • little was mid at braikfirst.: Du ring the long forenoon Mrs. Prince thought of the whioa , and children, theirb helpless and almost -destitute condition: It was hours. before she remembered the Lik Aisnrance at aI4 and though at flr M the memory came with a sort of protest; she rea r awed herself into the admirelort that it was certainly, fortunate, under the circumstances. Their Elio mentally !• corrected fortunate to •Providential ; and, while she mused, her husband , curie in. • • She war the 'find to speak' of their deceased friend's family, and to ask rwpe ,Wng.the policy. 'Mr. Simpson's • foresight had secured his family from shied. poverty; and though orcourse 1-nothlng had as yet. been said to the widoWythe hearts of those who cared for.iher were relleVed when . they fourd.that he whom she loved had proved himself thoughtful; far-seetng 1 and conaktemte. a' Is walla, was on ail diatribe, and hbs, ma:personal friends fumed, soi,or his liftrot justification of theairupd_opinlo I ...."pertraps,i t add. _Prim, that evening to. bee .husbard,, their, hour of 'domestic Auld, "perhaps 'l' Vas wrong - In' objecting to . your to !dart a pony."-. • " erbapayou were, my dear." ' - And- then ; ,lhere , was silence for Hamelin:ie.: Harry. Prince, how Wald:you:tease our Wife ? She satin° tnore.% - .„What Gould : she soy w "Ikry o urersily,lhinki Life Also-. matewropgr he mitred attlength! , wet .. ImamitilinelswwialOndi so.r Awl makapanieknnotat son love -3PottkilVt _ : ~ - ~; .!•,e , t s., Mitalrieit tali 1 1 Ir. a Oilit a *AO own eannieweand *A eitecV!.abe..ddst length.. ',I dtd to -0 yweingo,, ,/w ogifwegy., - - • "Why,ifirgpi Wan/Maw/44/A mid her bee a=lemor AO his.. '. . ' l,l he iied, -I =imis: ' 4i4 npw allele mosneOug hhali blet by.! . hind, the inteeede A'. aLtti PAY WO Annual .pketniwn, ~ She thinks he does not know what what he 10 i4big.. , :ittit- Amex with yes at., tiwright: sort sad coanknaltet. nitta IS try. what he, esn do, , toward „ , onoShad, end t when he illearewnt that their: Joint ne * __vint.wlll 1 0 4Fi hnit the neeeenary Ann, iwirw l4, t with his ,ow n - . t "r,,,,T:h ea t th em .wheit the ' . bpo Net in diecovend. , .' , : -., 1:1 soirEswitAmpc minx: Idtai Craatn, lahis it4ter to U 4 C ua Tit 4 twkt describe. the /tam at Buttner:ld, - *Porblan latetview with: Total Vim and givm some acciaintofhlatraVels, Qf the while* on' the banks of the, afar the return titthe boats, be says : "But tbe next twen ty minntee hung heavinn toy hands. There was n othingin the 'lvorkt to look at but fiv e "hundred umbrellas and occasionally a fleeting glimpse of the water--and even um brellas /Me their interest In the king Mo o R find. There is , nothing exit. lug about . umbrellas--nothing iing• One's pnise,*atalast, as Mini in the preeenoe aumbreUm as if they were notthere. Andtheydtseht I ly amount to attYthlng Mr 'scenery, yn *•• ing ano n otonous when there so • -Mr, Twain thinks. John. Allen a !last , nun," and adds: "Let us be Consistent, is are nothing else, and surely there is tittle of the %beep' in John Allen, lostor otherwirc. Tom , my Madden evidently has Mark Twain's sympathy s "Another pa ste, hungry for fame and jealous of Sohn Alien's brilliant fortute, adver tised In ill-tempered th ig hti t n e the matter of awful and , wickedness, the boasted John Men was an innocent lamb to Mm and proceeded to prove It by a series of evidences, either °nod - which ought to be butlicient to damn him without even• a glance at the others. This man iyas naturally incensed at the Injustice that had been done him, and outraged by the spectacle of anOther man wearing laurels to which he him self was alone entitled, as the goer don of tong lifetime earnestly and In:- selfishly devoted to the COlumkoioo of pm. , Marty revolting crimee. such a wind, the , re,md.on that atter ulnas life had been a' failure,eottld not be other than agonizing. H i vited attention to his ease.--irudsted on throwing his doors open topr*Yer —flaunted his superior sins before the public and went on railing at the feeble . imposter 'John Allen." • About this time the ' Wickedest Man himself arrived—a tall, plain bony fellow; with *a good naturtd - look in his eye,- a Water-st. air all ahouthlm,' end a touch of Irish In ids fao . N?. • lea stood in , the door ands ,trotyagshonds oatho , sidewalk • 4thi.'"%ini44,ld*l and said I wasn't notorious 'enough to have become an object for people to stare at. They if tbut'sso,You'relueldy„ They stare at me till I want to knock their heads off. Why, they come hem and - march. right in :bad ask.rcto —well you stand off there and. I'll show )7ml:ow they do. There, now that's about right." Then the spotker stepped Into, the street and Monied with his hat In his hawed; and walked up gingerly and a aid "Are you the wickedest man in New York ?" oy m o , • "John Allen?" • .fiy e ,„ . ” • "You.?" , "Good God 1" And then they walk around me, this way,andthen sidle around tether way, at:ilex:mine the back of my .head, and stoop down and feel many l e gs. And then they go off Mum bling to themselves, as they wait possibly understand it anyhow. Now .you know that bothered me like sin, 'id first, but it don't now. Pveleam ed a trick. When they ask sue ques tions I ask them another. I'm like the Irishman. The priest met him one day awl says: . , "How's this Paddy, that You've not been to the church of ate?" "lie me sowl, seem it's yer river erence, I can't answer vo—but It It were the Protestant bioggani over beyant, I could do it." "Very well then, Paddy," said the priest, walking away a bit ; "now I am comingterward yea represintitive of the Protestant minister, and so ye Can answer me. Paddy how is it ye have not beencto the church lately— "lifohiNyour Own tarsi nem, and get out of this, yed—d °old Protestant limb of the devil." • Of the Sherman House at Chitligo. he says:—"They gave me a. room there, nwai i T do not know' met! iyhowld , bet water boihruptliere at 468'. went up in a duinbaulter which was attached too balloon.. It was not a' Saltublo.,place for a bed chamber, but it was a promising al titude for an 6bserVatory: The cur.' nitnre consisted of a • table, a tamp stool, a washbowl,. .a 'German Hie. armory, and a patent medicine alma nue for 1542. Ido not know whether there was a bed Or didn't no tice. 'However I was glad Igo% that' room, for I stayed there 'an hour an took notes of an -instructive mover! !salon which wits going on in an ad , joining apartment. I overheard the followinglegend: • • . , •• I No, she wortithilmarry me. , You were.thisinformed. It -was broken I 'off, and in the saddest way. was not Inlbeicast to blame, upon any rivonl andbonor, though neither the rl nor her father, the deacon, 'ever believed me, or ever forgave was during the big ehillon canvass whenlAncothranthalizettime. TWo thinls of the deacon's honest soul were in religion, amid tbe other, third was in politics-4.1nm% man. I 'never was a metier at religion to rtgyl life, 'but he half believed •I: was :Wen, there was to be a, pantie* , pow,wow In the village church where - he lived, on a Thnry night; and lie, Wass to 'preside. • 1 never thought anything about the Matter; bat Wllliaaw Wt. I ed me otter afternoorq . offered•;frig, seat in his buggy, and away westart, !'ed. 'lt Was • W—Agee' the plot Awe never tof it. I Going io town some 'dery In. , Millet it into my. bead that. It weiuld help my case along if Inurch ed inter_ chit with a , rall On MX Shoulder, se6w; that tbe doom gnu the would' both' be there. •So I vt a . mil and we - Orme into town Should and 'maim a grand %do werreutby erection* windows./ caug ofht a 'glimpse of tar bonnet and plenty other bonnets,.. and I was happy. , ; I shouldered my h• 7 7 .1' • -4 7 t • ; & , 11‘?11 ti f tit .4147) a t :ft.-t. I= - eailiad,l l l6 "too,' Wow Inuellett 030 kieo l r d nWall'At 1 ottp i thiridteirimoingiapiew dldl .4.weat should* Who aide At 12 2 .72.11, awinginif Kt boat P 44. hiUr T" 00-3 fly IheTlitookertdkontter But line* a yelp 040 MS Mk km.gattala .PrW*.tr". The dencon ; , • • 4314 we were enguredAn 'Mare* log the Throne. of aurae; . an. reemly eablbitioniallfAttad 'to- the, aciesunitteaef ity , Wee IblkooldokillinY 71116 neverliek a much hirer tame walk."..ited' don't ' roe kW." Ur 4. Mood lentore beefs that , itofnadhave erns arniiiinn e l,l rte r c rni Ttr ireir a k=a wedi wib. itiridisee . thew wit atlionot hoar inuellcedrilhobingbeekopial,d d E a r rag td. r ftI X:VY 111016111 - 316irfe4Yld thif 1131111$1.4::. • Ik Amble ended *eloped., • Piled a° ties t0 , A4411A9; .did anyWv. ' -Isl • I PS% Vleltied`the'lentb of Vtuildnr , ton,' kir Chicago; utd also the bid& rof Bonet and Ilichari . .ginge• !.4 . wq, tzL ii. nAlaufnet. 'Arn e t t l en that they cid* 301)OX) 1w tint Prondasxlcan A *sins cata of .the 600, streets • hi t.W• .Euclid le.huried at one end 'orll-the old orighad Eked the. Invented the 'idgebnionbsfbrfune overtake blin t la is devoted to dwelling - hooves entire., ly, and Ifstutoyou $11.19,000 to !borne Threckwe noco.,of your rear 'White' WO can live in that street—, 'Vbn have lb be rendoient of that. odor of *notify which , tenses with , eteh. ; , The dwellingemayery • large, are often , prettu rel rethrua In :the matter dutch! and the sy and flowery=nd in tire then Ifal=frontandlOn htetdeep I stmt. on Abe avenue far another hind on Lake Erie: ' • . _ had a very good tittle' vletthrt In another city! OW ors backahud;and broke tnytkallt i ti= places. Another Um* • I fell- ht the river* and when I oatabag thu bank I got kicked blgiory a hone. Al together I had a7splMOd Mae.' I have to lecture-a great 'deal lit the ttrat this wtater t indl expo* to have some more fun. (k tuna the Santrandscothem, Me rattle iltaibßamia mai ay tither Vedas. • Enough is - known or the White Pine silver deposits to warrant the belief that they will _soon rival .the Comstock lode in productiveness, if they do not surpass it in relative profit. A correspondent of the Ital. %tinovho. he a 'very a,* and cool-lisaded man, Fed i = the yield troni the new district. will not be len Oulu $3,000,000 'lbr the that vat, while othenootaint ,* yiekt /1401.118 *3,90000 for the ems* period. Although. the instan cis as great persOnid we *will •be eiceptional and ',coinforatively rare; as they alwaysare tn - the ease of rich mineral discovecks, bulge sent& meets must be created in , the White Pine Dikhkiet,,.etur the '*dlacent re tch*,•lediarlard to,PailmhultAt and, the Cblettadai most . be: the _scene of I such esplpeationrand.ropktde 'i lop . de t Wowed the n I -- WM** ••r= wmft..h.l 11011balt.; 4914-4 144. gneissic ,g41,4s unifeiteiiiWcWTthtteleftiemeat or this Ovid region 'the mat two years, w tome the nmetteills andlnducement- kw nallroads_uan fleeting with. the Pacific Trunk Line. A railroad was projected., some months since to run from Reesq River via Austin to Caliente, at the head of navigation on the Catered°, thence to tame. point •on the meta of the Kansas and New Mexico ' _ or Southern Patine mist The line would pass through the region - now !shinning to attract, attention. at railroad will be a comtarat early day tram mime point on•the MAI PaeMe in East-' 1 ern N evade; through the White Pine and' Pahrtusigat country, and ulti- nudely to 'the C'oloratio and Atha- . na, may be reckoned certainty— The topography of the A mem . m favorable to • railroad building as that between the Truckee river and Salt Lake--a succession of table; lands between ridges of Idita, the lat• ter lying peridel with rather than =tom the route that the road would =Such a road as we have In would also have conneetlouit with the thrifty • wicultural flettlt meats of Utah, which also desire an outlet to the Colorado; and may o f a market in the mining dtstrida aotithembint Nevada. - The discovery of the, `Mate. Pine deposits mayr ... , es an a ll ==.; 7 %Z= llll IL" IFC which mining 3 discovery and • t Lo fty are playift! •In Ahir•sattlement and developtniiit of ROW vast re. eons In this western pest of -Ahueß o7- , public which Woald else MVO =date une4dored and useless 'tie !nowt Yews, bar°to'• etvlll on. and a; Wrier; between the Atisatk. and Pacific. These centre! zooms tiro., now certalit to be treversedlnt edirerar bYt&it to the Pada "rmd." • NottretibP; themigh• WcYarr and Startheastern-Nevaibind South: 'ern ;Utah twill" them. be built, but threMh Northern. Nevada to. 01%; bee, Oregon's's] Idaho. • Inded, ~U* COmpaay • hasstremly, a ratty lit , tho' mconnoUretng foe a rsurabi t0..101 10 , wh il 9. the (karat Pacific anqsayllaVe _pro. e lected a , branch froufresteru Neva da to the C 016110,16 River. • ' , 11111121ty Mien wornen..4l2t ow* le Et ;toy other women . an la attract men or to amass thenirielvee. evils hat eforml minx* . with whim* &Maxi husband is in eny way toxin ?able, let her look mil koWatij t The, woman oho, bid win fake her sevens by II 'mere lc lens openly' withlerMekong% tiq while leading ' the einerotwithu tat, tory, if allele stria of beer _or nils. him her, without, much, Ougrose' If she. Ws has& the 'tdronges. The Wife ctuntot tienelfrnshenstilnge 'earl fir Ibrebile patens. ' A. gtVl her , strait the whole word of worries liken siesta weeps *bait her elmuses Is wine she will ignore • what eke . mond W ic iat ; if eensitier she will het ; if tfbe wig repay . , ,ATlne times out of .ien . she dote ale hulk and, *nay be, with Were r*l •en ;goes on tb6 41114 . thecigh- oil, • the *hoe : th e hieltiont4wiresmAto nothe osttt , Intimate Idelme.• the .hedlocl94bls fn O4 l. 3.• " AZr frimmotA-A, IgunalAsho skimin cYntkiima aluift• boo proved herself to be ORO of, the /Mr* of the Ilarcouitt noar_ln the vaults or tbe•Birdd. ' The =ixtamoseatto u • • • of 112rty. poancl•-• =e l a quarter or a zullllen In 112011113414 W, Some.. fifty or slaty =sses,--two the: lissome. ernlosted Mum /441;limut 70 this rowdily, had the .laelqr , wasp is a deika2ol4latat them, :4: left !ITO trzai It 10 rAN . • . iti t't = =I ,iir,Witit,777-' llMPOlliklii tatvilipaNlot 44. Addribiwormi. 1, isvtli xla , kid . '''.l 44 " -sold bricit iile4blitiainirli*Jlllllll4llol tut the PAW dow s to.lo p-in u t a i wo, , theTwitevezi . 4 . ' demo buti . . .. , -IQ ',4, -' -'',-,' ..-‘:.- ' • • 4 . •' 0 ' , -, 1; , -. 4 'di 4100 And 10161: . ei l lIM: :I;tTi l 4 ' A 9e Ns . tecip_ r a _ _._._.: M r 4 l . l 7o llr7 ft l4 l .fi f* , :l i t doe. .. .. . . ,:.f.44 r * 1.7; , , ` ' e' Itfentikke the gain , bat l eM c letateneinotakitill bill**. kr koF h l 4. Yogollr- tddltr - tent— I of lex Open theisft Nei end 'one or twolienee ellit *Mal too i Id .he ablitkr- 1 2W4fee:1 &Mier Vueqed 1 note In hid pllellb..l yeensynon wee tolditOlktfloSlll4t ! l IIPUT a iI t , il i o!;•.w rot tt. 141 _ _•l4lsreibite4ifieito? Weir Teemed ?lbw yeildeil :.!!/tve , Lost Alt NWr' l43 4l l t l 3 4 /1 1 11?.; IC 4:14-. !nisi nc. 9l v Aso a beggar. , 1 •.. . . _As tick:Meet &Merl ini ' eC ndne till 'X' : ehno4 `ene&l ; 46 Loet Oro eihninieshow ..,,,,: X te . rnMte e ,o: the 7e i o A t n W n th n O , V tOki * gn:i ,L 'to,theqb lonebert hotend den-pe *weden, mytenee•Mai Lo ts chime; -Rio , dank, for.,th- AitttiMM'•;ai, 3 4. , ,-bel; ,PoAtttl4t 1101 - • ~,,,,,,. , • 4.trufp ewe the*. gammen - I j' .11a e ns i dog In' the 'cabin. - 11,,1, ,1 • , ri andy r !dry,' .-wpret ,• e - lI Y - ehtutithloS to Maw tatir; ail. ...ell stake . aid lineeop tmmito. he nob 9 ly • ,defended. tux nnenkeed Whet .. . . . ; on "Then your er wie . neirtieri lidr . . - . 1. ' - "Yekt, eh., It .{ or.' Elmo deknded him, the deakweedooe, ir..._loit :Dot be . le hisd kit the nbble,' iiiiinud'e "Conte, be seabed; dr.. -Forinoit in waiting to Owe the lowed , ea_ yew b(ow,f? raid the @ashler ;,apd .as, he spoke I,though his voice isembicd: The ear& were_ a‘!alti keg,- and Bruno chneged bands. The , mate tlllll. armee; end threw the thelehetk we* while the Itileati ; ",90 1 7. Vitt ceededZMaki the Alop.,aad deede "Note IF am a beggar) bid, Whits) Bruno is not r, • ' i pitied raw abtinekt itecied lath et to purchase the dof t- higiupbkr 44p4olp i ldnitir Irovapr.-"' To .metiter,the young man, returned Collo:wed y • , *pet blafrieede Iv • • inktikivrifil.iil his eyes, was ememiag 144 , "A nobleibllolbUr I oPtisr r t ex' delmerithe eed-buy, gamb nohlo ler '?delal•' by fled gomtiase • There lie "Mir unreel' now . I" Mid Impended fu- the guabler Tn galoamonme h lbed.,,, ~,. t ld man a, moment; ur then In one cry, half yeti, ball' theft/ hi ( forvrard, t him , by. the it Mid hatted to the bond i. . co M i k i limo, what meats., thk ' • faded 1 the youmr mark as he, sleang • for , -warn; torethoMmelletasolnd ahem him against the wa11... , \ +' • The gunbier was tended in what wascalled the ladles' osidui and laid upon a couch. Ho wasilu it dying condition, his throat ash horribly ntangied, the &Wake* had seemed I the jugular :vela. A aingeoh who was present lest ids aditance. but • it irc when: Whin* We gathered I around him, sod In whispers discus sed the strroure coodnet of the dog.— At het the gambler raised his • eyes sad looked , ararad M. tbUif• rook'd upon site young niu. _.•,.• _ _ "titrange," he maid, "theitthe brute I should kw* me. ' • • • , "Tie tem' nor year helbre." ' 10 0, sir, be did! I killed ymarilth- . , "What you m u*stberi" cried the excited son, and., hii Item treMbledlike a reed as her beat Ike imirdhilisti . send - spas Mir dying •I .isiam•: ,, •,. • . 'Lite; iMigkaligUageSlL..._tilt ret jibed= 'has. evethdrap4 sae, • The dirt* kale klisr,..illtS , ea& became 14° sven ocg " ' w %rick/Va lle Matti died, l'" ..: a i r o 4mtattabriabal.l sit oaths bestatlikfillirnt • ".49fg've 511 IXstraiiiiiiiiifineal1 ; 161"ter , ventiy irpoire the lame rillin,=sind I knew the heart metupesdelliskrords. "All right, %eke il, baildraks - ... - tensor the way. grows _j eo n' tbo rue/theta desth'S s .. itud I ,to the host that Rift WO Muss. I Ph-VW by-=Clod pradosime,e—" :) /the death. rattle • unanied in,, his mangled throat; he griped Charter's hand tightly, and John Cummings, the gambler, Ilberthai sad laurderer vord e id,i •: • • ii .. • •••••••i• • ...I • . • The: next, Alay the•host, stopPrd. and we buriecthim on fiteriver bank rind I placed a list stone, whkh la; 'noir, at he bad, to met his last Meth* plate. -•' ' _ .'•:' •r _• : ilearsobecarea the hero of the &Y , aud warp petted and praised by ail. Orbuelo Christie reeevered his money alb that of the . dead rinibier was -divided' *Moog the teem - I .M 414 I:llldutir not foe; age. flis • heal Ls thisklyspr withailverY threads bat he yet vividly remembora tbe af• Wt. on Ibe "Dora Blanker." •i' •/ • ' Share tbrit time be has noir toothed aimed. Bruivolles Imatailn *grave. nal, with, Dew tolitpp9 !hove rcilreiill— . tuife ll 'iitu *.ii,! tow edipsee molter, **Wen sea and two - of thesalten.4l4ham will be uhiblatel the , The Brat =PPM Oft the 27 f ault At the Moon will ` lagoon- IMi kt twenty-Mr minuted tumuli P. MI, IMllVielliPir.llt lbeeleme keenutee post eleven, r'.. a.; MO alkillt the eclipse will k at Olt. ruble*. nine P. a,. toWitilpit fhb will be the,* of N et V* . Ind le visible tritliarth AmOintand east ern Mbil , It,will bugla at : _l on at twenty-tour mthutoopot ;rag. xr.. al? I lF. 1 * 14 Puilletr ' ItroktZeld littemerekuretb Setekty toe 'keedikr Aferiekltsee;eutettj at a nuctikkirtLeaor tefP4 Vflaeli ar 0 10 aadaS far beet_ 6119d:tweet in Sktte tke 01.1Weripropegetion 'of Sob: • '." • ' ' • trio iill{} J:.. u i ; EMU BEE 11 t at tt 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers