Air ..............., Th e Beow it - us. _ Aliftw ifiewliestetroilrfielfsigirdwroiiilV=lW :fano last rostin ' -tit t•• , ~.,_ it.; ~I I I idvert!sett for Pr o P* l l . 7o7 7.' • !-. 1 i"‘"" ant with postage iiiigottitM "liii ifitfrisp* " Wr: - 7rti• tenalNpkitilkt,-ptiNetir ig-Ct war Zi a Saindififinef tilePdaldisii entada ' 'ait>. tracto that compaditostirteisialenar Team..,' - Or krV ==:AM • . fikiatek lefts, " •-.. 1 "I' Y ''s. ...-' stamp Irmoatlynsed I: , rt.— • ',. - - • On the threckent stamp theta is 111 finely - engraved loconintlfe. This is siwrounded by lines orlightnlnlt. Indleciting the speed with Witch letters' are - rattled on which this stamp is used. ' . The I/re-cent stamp has an eteellent *trait ' cit i Washington. .. . -g , 1 . . f , ! , - , The ten•eent stamp bas ' in excellent ntlowssitmlik . -- -- r• 1 , t s wi *. 6 i f ' eeP76l4l l ldligliii , witiabut.elairho;u. ~, tt. i L z: 2 ,„ :j , J.,.m. , .7- of Independente, nring In the !Mends at Washing- One ""'"'"1 —• ton. stlinite — ig 11, 1 c1,.. -t41)11,0011 $5,00 lis 00:10 001 /r TT". Worn., , • di , Rao ?6al i 7 Oniio . oo'ls nO; . The twelve-cent stamp, mostly toed for lbreign pee.' not Win" ' I 1 .61 * - "O 00 Jo 00 1 11 0 0 11 8 0 0i toga, has A picture of a steamer st cos. . . " , • 'CO I squarer 610 8 00110 rin fri Ont _' 21 On f,fThoOdrtylcnbrtsr4PhsA aVOM.llol4gainttitgAllith ope•fenrthroittout.:"..:.•[ .7 00 Mali Xi Att 16 - 00 M - oue-balf c01umn...4... 10 00 14 00(17 110 in 00:40 00; surrender of Burgoyne, lwiginettiftberdtttiltdit"orift use column-4.... . ,-.... 20-0012 D 4111tild . 0040 i 00.75 00 •'. Notional Capitol. .'" •,' Adminlitrithre sind • Ek4.enterOfeldices • I s 3 0 0 1 One of the chariettikittes of the stamps niiiiiiiietni , ' lbeclil Notices, per line, .... ,„., - ,* ' lit 1 t Transient ,; ed by this compaii Is that the ink, used Orli per.' irpsymenti inhaltadetbdirterly.ii:ictro Adrertking, which must be paid in Advance. sons waehlig litiAning the stamps'. a'ittila 'llstsg,l ~The fibre in'tiitileentre of the stet:ol l broken el Am; .. ‘ 1i ...7. 4.1. L. I ' {fin. 11Ingbasn, Jr., .0 Eirlit, street, Chronl , pletely, andlheghere better, while the Ink of an.' els building. Plttionxlk.ftlitg tothOrtzod ago% for: c a n u o ir a gis .....4. ,...... ,.N x . nog A noes In that efty. - • „ ~, ,- a , , .. 7 ~ 7 ; , ; ' Tlae s itgialings on a stamps ere remark:o4e copies opt" terla l 4 l cOgfattfis:trtdrelpillf tritmlit tcaftmbtaioi. `-' .-. • "i 8~~~~~ tpcAl f r AN B!!IS T ' .Ipl4 I !Fi i 7" --7-- .. • - t ; l . • The AUG uSbas now a larg/r efrenhitian twin any parkii:iiitibiloilikAl, the ennui) , , AdrtioC rl; Wll trn i3l r lli t til t, " T5 l 4 4,,,t17' 01 ..14 bearilitesidi In maw% • r' • RATER! 914 AiIIAMVXISING. IE3 • flats .r'-IlltioWklectipostiotir ll* tba rwook ipadtng on 11th of No:comer, 1116,5: •Novenitteit Isllog. 6. 11. • g • " '.410.4g 4 1.4. as de g . _S. NEW ADVERTISE . , Ritlit fibeFT: 1:41•4454 . VW IOW?) . 110 Ile. tip N. k i wiee new adverttoementa. which appear ta the ant thee Inv. .sajrn t041,r_., reolrsor Heifer -- b. K. d twill/Mi ., n': - . t,:'' rirFoT thge—John.Sientz. i . I' L. , c 4 trFor Sale—D. Donaho 9.. r r - r ' OrlAvti Rid Farifenibey- ;•tnrs• ~ " 4 1 140.;-thOiletitiprily:‘.; 4. .-1- I i . 'Christopher truietti r ir ItlievilatidefiCotOtraship; (hip conotol, 43"( 4 .14ir 606 Ile Is aged n years, and has resided Id this cothitc ! aii I& lir tr!as wember. orthe - pegt kiwi 100 Treqc• • Radical ileipt4tertlot,7-Ita gd etfoets are per. Insolent. Iniot &Ay lOstores tile color of the hair, hot the ens tityand nett* yacosioess,Pus. Sei pal. thy airtr s.A. Waits IlitiPioiThd style) Halt Itestom or Drofring, (hi (lite beak). tryDrugglaseno it. Hargalturthelteeitillthtte: 4 / 1 3t:11. 31. Don. .ihoo °Toro for pliJe in Ilde wcolcr Attnrs t o la me tot ar i • it thcir nwr.stnitiite. the, pettrtty.lAttet lain . retniing Ciet;Alet.e. .luN • • o? kaa, IL swage urisroysitivitha—vh.l . l4lll4 ptockloAlime r pfAta,jrlttalrenpfrnetinse 2114°-FirnlCOli‘t)lnaflrA9l;,l PS 4201 1 alleoyentersts In t to way'of Inyhts a now floor scrods ft for (Mean of West dam'. bonrilty: op ttm eides,Ac.,Alkoftrhlsit ettegegaylifitalilla Deltql!'3l? 11000rJ WWI& • '4 l 1110.443114144.011n4nrishilidialik itr taw copier ofihe Argus heliwe we i diseoverell that -the Republieangains hi Hopewell township were omit ted In anhort article referring to gator throagim'ut the ennnty. The correetton war made i lia soon as the emission was discovered . Hopewell gained 8 Repub. olkap votes area- the Wolter election:. =I Large Varmx.—They havesome, rather extensive fatter in Bic ,Weatetr eornitry. as xe 1194 Iror,lhe fol- Ovine John; Xleictinter flap 11 . 011 4r.009 Item - In lbtfiaPaleti h*F':l.9ootaillei and 5.000 acres of earn.' A Mr. Sollirant bee a :form of 40.000 tyres In Ford county. in Benton etiunty there is a farm of 1111.000 Ores. It as Id wiles !of board, fence, snd II) miles Optage orange fence. . 4 " . " Liceittre:—ThittltiotishitNinelegi • • Ind vicinity travel rare trent outßext Thursday evcning In tbo,way °fa Leotard from die distinguished orator Ours. C' Suriolgb. Ills sult*t..tWillot,„pito • ninke (litho HOB of the 'eine-floe will .no doubt bo Intelligently and eloquently " handled. 4,dfolselon 25 cents. Prat:Ads, ditto rfedicitniksVerisits,- to go to the Brass Band of that place * • j . . NVlttpplam An Editor.—The cop candidate for rani:reps In the ,illJotbitix dblttlet jti clack, recently ulnae a trular attack upon the editor of {he The editor succeeded higettlng out his cc %elver and woold have shut his. a.ittaltaut but the de teafrd candkiste's•ann wrenched ilea lift-14ton from his hand. The name of the attacking 'party Is Daniel T. Leonia. It 13 a good thing for the pdeple of that dlit in ct, that they 'dotted hint to *lay at. ti . oese,, • ' Change lu Dint rlet Attorte er r e Oinked—Mar. ing the'pept 7.teek J. 8: Ittttni,.Eaq.reti-ettlreim the District Itttorney'a office Ofihitictayliti,:a94.r. R. liar. 1 ,. .. 1 / 4 1. 4 . wee ascent teL. • • .0! Mr. It. has had Charge- of the o,tro itti the part via yp Ai& and tiariug . that jierled ni,:energette and efilelent prosecutur. Mr. iLarrah is er:geollo... man of good character, and we hare no doubt will tanke a prothitt add finagle iitial:rl • =I Tenthorls Ittiatitte•—Tkd Teacher', last Muth et Beaver hot ougk Inntatllto,lntklte icknot,houso 1n dile plate . on, bteilMintlpiny, eyenaPet. orperrons were In nitendonce, but ai \no programme hd been prcored Revleruslt r theprwietiedlngs ribald only, to litudnefro: connected willijutuits meet ings. tri foliate tneete &gala inf• rr;tl ay evening one week. Alrivlto feel en Intereot In th o u success of our common Intool2 Or: i cc A ritaitx holtel3o4tcAi. A • Ttinititaxlvlttig Dinner nndl Suppne.—We art , mliembetti to dlatwthat tku 'ilariconnler tlrktb thel. thatch illitocboiter, Slgivkig,,ln 111111 1 - net and Suniior 'at the n fowd 110111 n that place, Oil Thorollay the lost. 'Dinner from 12 M, .InAl !Ai suppe r horn 0 P. )L. to 10 P. M. 7ficketi 0 centk. l`r treettifterlte itett~glt of the Dl .' E.;l9th~ ' iti(ltlhtg euterpriee l Tite ptiyilc !NI , co,rliniik ,it 43, axe preiett on the Occasion. . • '—' • :'•'•'" The newpapet4toiealtri. Pita *it", it E=tltleg a ", , 0041 deal of fut t ercit atnooglhe pewidnnatle. paptirs of the State. ii,,JF4l4 ( Vain. ihe Waynesburg mreene rountY) itiwief4loriiich Is a fair sample of the ii i tto which the ntrojekt It viewed by the enemies of the opubllcan party t" "We sloe ft' leatilid 11 tO he-a sew Rad. cal paper started lu - Bearcr I'a., said to be In opposition. to the se:nora Alan itri:lo:l3ei6 4 :',l:7llNl:iVi.lti4e. Abollie!itadhaiii4orianaiiiviitylll 'WOO make that tonnti Deutocratkooront observations In 'seek rust las atvtol.wOrth ranch." . " Siwit!aitee*JesSist(utill. r -ibr aom'a time past a utimberlifitoyuliik itl tiena4r!ealf-tespeet,c hare been giving trot. Taylor a good dkal of trouble. Their outrageous eondnUerSneits Ih gat4ring near the Sem inary building. lute sit Ulght, (afterthotlnmates had re tired,) mid Indulging In "Obseene language, hooting and yelling, and on opp rp . rll,r4miecnollinan firing ogre- •open. lte boro We unlit !lottlence ce sed. to be a •vittnarmat ttqtastfctisthrOprilbfaigorFlCtilikikia *ere ; 1 10aniett thalireit 'WC 4u 2 s , ?GIOIA Ifi Ott! l e? (*irk avticlidieble iiatiagathirin aVeildence sallicient to can= - the arrest of others. We one( he • •Will sucali t yl o isystlpt thenasilkattlAalyinflicting them with eictpuntshm_int:ther ticbly deserve. Some otehe PaT4Pfr m 6111 BAki et 4 ifrittoiratet. l'altst?tiastl . 3l!ni eld l4inptott, ' _ • , • The Coat tiaLeistoner4Bollllce.—on batl'hurs eggkk' M,l* ej”ropimper4llki** r :M oßm,Natis 'county re- tired: and was It bata , tr.Nott, Esq., who srse,clecteti at the Octoka electrk • i • ' but say what ' is' alitlab throughout the conntAlblaillr. n as been one or the Moat wattVyl, !1/411tiffilklITAL56TIFININives• .•ionce ; the 4.0441 0 4,64,,F - et, iV r t ii rtyk' judgmeo , otef pt F. he rettreitgrd= tit att e and respect of all who fratOino tWtlWhi transacted lith;l - to theiggappligiugmagoiougogalitlitithrterm. ' lice successor., is a :gentleman of. Sipe :Judgment pracUcal abllltrawkgesal,SharaCtliff t e hik7fl* tleabfaillthalteribi PUelrefit dirlitiffas ones. • , ' 72101•1"14 composed sbf , das.l tWdestock of; • fieitthitewickley,,Wm. ttwing ofitaceocraild DaStftt W. actin cifitriglitatirtoiashVe. BM Dees. 3.-1%.11 1 r. drk, , • ,3444 i deg . - &J.deg der 39 deg. Ms de.. d iE ~15Y 51 deg. 40 de-v. 711: 111 T. TAXMI7,I . C.ocirt Proccillingretrhirj (sport" tuimlntal curs acrd bath' thil Cuistilthlch hs session in this place f 4.r -a-1 g Conr,,is.4lo6t , 4114tpti unction itill,ho;hirdf.:. Tree guid JR' Ate"aniin of tiltl4 inepaiinco'nt nett term Of Corn. iv. Thomas Calhoun. Addicted fuareo phut rs frrocioulssiug. VAC 1411:12410wstill Vonllct nut guilty.. Defendeut to payrdi tits own,costs and. one. .third of the coats of prosacntlnn. Cont. is. Sampson Marker. Indicted focussatilt and Wpm' -MAWR, Jr"' syrortuA Thiolidelpo4 kilted io ply efi n trietoltitfirtii'the'itnifrtcincreibili. to ray,thq,cpstkof prostsuttkui, and! shout.. countrithd until this sentOcu 4n camnited,vilir:t,.' ' 2 111C . Iry 'farts. -Indicted for scAnctiou apd bashirdi. Trus hill.. Process warded. —• • .5010.,ea 1 G00. It . thorage.-ijudMarl I . 'ooo,llga - 10? rocithia dog. 'rrue.bili f :110. ptloe. on ored on' pay ' mant ofctiata by deffndant after Ara day of thib term. Coin. e!. dlfto T.iirrtice.-ledicted for rednctlon and hartariti. Trott:OlL : Proceaja entardeo. ‘ ; , ' !Mak. - C:mixts td j auteei of jlie . • peace ou oath of William Lockhart. Dufendent, die chr.rged on payment orsoete.--; - -..• Coto Ve 'Cliarte.ot. - tiiarjhe peace on oath Mary nape: .DuairoCat?faich:Wged ate payment arcoettiotnA4ii, ,#:atli.o:llltAteitttrimut CUSid are paid. f; 'A Coin. vs. Mary SuMinn; .91110,-Otlilltpty of tho peace on oath of Remy . ..) `Ro' yiiiii ,. RithrAtwo for feited nud mold ted until. Dolt • Com. vs. Mary Sohliinitid,j_gßOßtillffint. !Chary) of surety of the piece - nu (10th of Small Re cognizance forfeited and reviled aril! next term. Com. rs i peorge Boyles 4;4 ; for assault andlhattery.ll:tie MI ns todeorgenbylmlandlliatzaret tkkyles Itecegnizance terfet t tml ned i fervitqd i notti 'next term. I X.. I %144,.}: Coen. vs. the. poylet .t ,ll.argaret Boylis and Sarah Ammou. Charge of tinriny of the peace" on oath of Mmt. heifers 7 geengnizance forfeited Wand respited antifileft.teA. ' Corn. vs. Geo. W. Brown. Indfried for seduction and* s usteniy.: Vontlirbedl' betendtaleki 4 ifilinll ine sum of POO. Com. vs. JeNntah White. Indigett for assault sof haittif 1 Vie ;Vietiki: l 4 %UAW ka , biome Wilkinson. the prosecutor, to pay the cost. kept. vs. Dotty,. ludictapitsmintit. i'yfon WO. Delendnt plead kulltS. .Sentenced to pay a tine of and noso l ß.4.tgiseClAlßß.-•7 Cum vs. JaitAirtlii: lidfeted4orlireeny.- True bin. Continued. Defendant recolonized la the sem 0f...500. Coin, vs. Parry 'peliwtit' tlndletint .for assault and battery., Than bill. Conttlittpd. soot giftutiiiitot, 4 tia en ter into're?agnicance In the suaa oPIPXI4 . Rectigni. zatict forfeited and rikiitted anis! next-kern': ••-i • Public 6upper,,l9-nat-forget the. oyster sup' per on 'Thursday evening est, at. ,liTynn'atllall. given «b.Y.,1110,42d4atpf Ay,rch,l4toie+m, 0001, , The' NW,LA...Chords of Floelteaser.— ThelbiltelittUffiltille2ilßhrtra. • . s. , • completed., ~..• , , 4 • , Theltrlcitldraliribuft4;atufelrirytlythgAitti tie an early pruattar. fdnnO.,ot tbdt`bulidlng in the epriug. • The nude building is to, _be 22x90. Two stories in height, being reepectively lift. and 20 ft. In the clear. •The wake arp to be supported by buttreastat,,,:ola building arfien compl t eted la to be surmounted frith tourer and spire. • A 'projection is to be in the mar, intended for Li brary room below. and: Minis tar% Study , adore. The Interior arrangements ere new In design and • ver3l"lrt,l4 r i :F4 ~. gib"' formlion of the bnllding'ti one of the most • proininent In Rocherrtei, - oMientititand - einntor6iding nitric view; and finnanthe' building will be an orna ment, runt °realm!, not Maly to Its own locality, bat totlin'stiterfniodef towns: ;' :"' ' • .• Burial of Sir lobo (Seypziour. , 7 • Not a high Mat hedni."Vor a ration) As up the Balt Inver we ecudded, But we Longed toleavelittrcold corpse alone, • For we 4earflly wished it was burled. We burled 'hem deep ou efeitioti day, ' thiAblult-V4P.4.4°CMWIDes 4 1 •3 11 4) ,a4r: A thtiteglif "friends" „,,, rt Ly • t • Would weelt for l lthi evieere;riasitig. No. etarrpangted bantreSicitctosed his brettatr''' ) But in a wet &kinks/ we wound him, And he lar like a grFyletek taking his rett, " nsfunteci44l4miMrOiindthri:'' 7 Jest as our lolly 49b was done, .:Etaltitffet t the , nirtonheants reflected; Aod itnFW.l3,rllte booming of Uncon,tnnsi That Witt and "OliVElkir , wanct • Quickly and gladly wopickedno our tools, all+Wevpakinotri,irord Fc ism litilidaktit if we 11i4.41 and ird Sonic, 64netor-li EINIII •-•';'-‘. lit a vt I . • .1.1 • i NYE—FOSTER-OM. Ist, :1 Rev ., J. ;Marry, Att:Viite:sivrandllist i tb LipMa- IIERESIIHME PILICE--Oct. Ist, VW, by•tha tame, Mr. Adam Meresheme, of Sharon, I'a., andMtss Jen nie Price, of New Brightob, Pa. Chas. 0. Power., of Rmthestar; Pa., and miss Jolla D. Phil ils,e9V, qc f ° 851g14. 012 .1 „ - • , fittfTTEIC-;•fit thtiteelifennYof ber anti, Hunter. OW IStil; in Bright/Ai tp.. PirsYPl Co.; Mrs. Mary Hunter, itt the layest ber•age. • • Mrs. Mater was hOrtiln Ireland to MS; end itittar ly•life, In tiomywny with other friends. einigiated to this citelfrietaldliik . hems ; in"; piteroalie =Nod Marriage with ( Nr.IVIn.. punter, 10 1 44 kba: l 4bill %Tire OW** •.Thiritig Wei er part of bevitte rho WM • metiiberettite Presbyterian churl of 5R1,0fn.:44 whit*. het basband,Wag for,(Weett tt . 9rth7 eit)Pg , ; PA U 1 MT*. she .enited with t he KferPYtefiff AillreN - 004tryroir, where she eand e ned Wadoirii the kattriwes, er ge n i i , 'C hr i st tier Savior, Ty keofirem#liptibstittelag the gospel, un• 111 she Hry romo, Ned t pl the ektircAk triumptituit : From the tirstnibicli-cif Andy liscisearst i t rilitgaiiiiitiwtiMite At& wnedr , quentlxt_onveliti4p. .sissor StillMAW :KW IMMlhicibe itlllhintWeli~iiate to be inber pres-1 .S.Li tote? 4 791 tytrrft Israel = iildiVeted 411Ue hie indagEt&efir of IhePreaserintfria grid to I PIPAPPC cll4oolootallfiannertuileSnwtiklife self consistent members ottho Presbytesian church.— .ifigarfah4e 04 Ow died smcgigl2Nes, luildera 4111.1 dured , b . Altpte:itit.etpb eimtfeetbd,ifith bee , !ty :661 tr 4,4 ihn.lo7o'olk-1000 sietihrei Ofil; and: etgbi,itreuvaiiiienwuisly • • . rannenbag th e do" fii ettristtedinithii_ 7' joieing feat"" • t .65 =I We'd all take a eleue'eti . theleelf9W. 7 „ r E• , ,7 , '• • - =NE= CORIUM , I t . ' •., t te l l " Mi l t re reqn pu follow We t i Adlitiett — Mt - a l liftbitr — — 1 • . iliadiesnitetberisiss - Iprociesis::- - -..• •'... 1 The; Online RiningnAms oranalten?Wren.-1 ties, eftereis4 of the Li - ,OntileilOs,rettitiefii of stwiA. - idA , Faiiiki • cliat:..tninnl College for . the - itApAn 01808, ' lat*o . just, 'closed;hining cliciWint only general inter -1 it 1. ;' ' , - , l• , 4- 4 I,le 1, I ; - •''. I On -.- I , te , s v - . -- . Fi x • 4. • Apr r - . get : i . . a g .-. . .g. . . ' . i te li nT;r r ::i t4rttMt kt=t r tit' • lii stuointw_ong forth imp thininsUtutton have . . , .„. taught Oil° sc , : nEttegairt ' ;_ i Insittat n == filoifininWfiMng, 4 Ali .. _ . to the pubiloconfidenge andifittrolpgobrriiit; crousiy} • raticitt*ithtifiltsiv, Teliris justly earned 4:nolile 14tion among the - best and . most Atsvasvgap 4 csevot:Oillittpeinym- Th9ng at Gat It otiCi l ipled o very low _posi tion, andisosseased - bittirelylimitOndactitit Id: . lteliPagitiiiii4ls.Xelfl4o4/.44 • ll a ((mode , imilec,thoguidtwicesiiiikblisslng-9fl God, it rinks atigd i class : .gol t lego, possessing' 114W.} 1 _„rig l il..leMq.kRan1PP.di 1 1 .411'1 modlnasjiti .dlntis,MictellAiilanct:rareleol lectitair#4iblititluj ifratillidlOtAiitli Vocal ty of. t ive c i#t# inittitt+gLy:titfalitled TeacherS; and i perf‘iiifidt.e s volionent hind of nearly $1 ,Q of money, the i lute fft . leti wIII 411 n dgfrayinigAo ex- Pali „ rt-ilirhig9.tir current Pxl?F•i' 0.:141 Iliffil _ ..14IP.SilkiIiiiiitiA:444 1 ,. _ m, 19 at riff idcd.tolbotli time fifrittkly and glad- i uatitiOn'thAleientitlitolirle; eitiiiiV 1 4 - ti.i bleiif tif *dtreetitiniiircattliDk:ol Fine 111 3 Musical orc . COintentrolal - Reps rt- Pitnis• l' . ./...i:;i:I.T;-::.:11'.;f»: . -. The: College Buildings. including the en wit:l3.o'll4r, RIX nre AP nPvi-W...4h..4 1 -P?! dioits, Vie various apartments .being fitted - up ennve+ntly and--pmpttlyotitd:tpr . 9 l 4ol "'We groun4of some twenty acresiiCbcfng taste; tql/C1,144941t, fenced nail orminicptsek s J.... 4 1 Quito I recently - liberal 7 . expendltu res have been nei l tic 411 . diii..941 . 901. riiNpartments - 91 NaturailScience, dloderrLangunacs, Instru= . inQa(S usiiii at i th e ctimtnertlft 9 ciAd illiitiess Depa to ' ".1 A lferp Ruse' of Sctenec s and Art, einfiracing numerous and rare silecimens, seniii - of iiiiich have lately, been pt4keliased , in ;Enropo,:bp. Mir. 0. N. • Ilartsh ern, LL. D., President of the Faculty, ' hill lets ',1./ecitirmiliciflia largra mulAi r eaull, ful apa tmont. Every speciince in this ex tensivOluelttin-iirilltiStiAllft (Nano useful ,pringide in Science or.Artoratgrcatly tacit 'itatoi boll, the I,iorii of touching and the pleas antness and progress -ofstudents. ' 41 e ilt itlern 1 , engw*:mfirg ht '! 3*-41 4 E. 'A. ogyton, , i) t th i ol9p, t hly seconyfiliod Teacher. - Flii. siiiifeTcars MISi IlaYfon : Was I the Professor of Modern Languag,eslittriiira • CollegON.:Y.liiiihltads, siiiialcW. inid'iirdes • the .Gcrinan: and French languagesiticcuratc . ly, middararly as readilyas liernsitire tongue. ~Tho.Department.oflnstrummilikl,NusAc; is taught,hy Professor.H. S. Leland; A. Dittodlso tinguished- Teacher of: profound-mustest-ati bilioucrits aud-firesklllitwhis •etterisii•e4x • perienee t pl '4&010* 411:didAiIiIiiictilidirgir, organ;ilute,'&e...ln:iinne4 . th9:1) . 0,441,14 tionSoflNew York istishictlwily : attest: The Vaedr - • *.petaiot pi : pig-a:lv:di* A.M.,. • 11401'4i:40* oititi-tia:sti ,-,y. ~ ~ •• ;:,. . I .-: ;The 415tousilistnches• of Matli - encstiai,,'"atumraltiferatfa lAto.-.6 turc are chiefly Mught - by Professors Ira 0. 117ppipn;-4. it.; E. X.'-.llarts4rp.44-1L1.,7. ir.vrigisl thpriugh:iiiimirreie lions and distinguishedsuccess have insplrel general: confidence. : TheWgintiridid pr apiallaustlooll4.part inenti Sitlit,VPiors, V.N. Waitstani, A. M., and • Hinson. ‘lTlliDeliartinerit'lidi I • recently be9 : 9 / established , In !mho. to supply an eitinsire dtii?aVditilsitti 'Trott a convic: • tion tlial,..evcry• young-gentleman and, lady while 11:Clinking a libeialPtcroryEdues'tion. ..aiiiliCalewiti-Ifc . *6' - nid) , Fiii . ohia3 a- iiiiiiliiiieed Iwith admit bugincss, based upon mce end the usefaficddmiti'eflifc. ° , r ' ' 11 "' •Cnin:motllous atnilatantlltil rooms have just been fitted tfiriiiitv. pi,iioiiriiiio , o4l:, anti fur 'allhAr*iiiiiiOt''. 01 3 4 1 *' ' -‘ 41 ) 16 0 i ; P"ltsi slOro4xaiaiiir, br4 cragc, gilgllolllr. :ems-, mission, freight s tanittuboat and'elpress offices, ic. The Collegee . oo# l 6' tie business trans actions IS being . e.pgravi4 ; also the, business .courseet stndy,i : and, rile iiirious bfanki and '1 forms; of.corainerclal_pipir are properly pro . • pared: r Tlifi aleitialblisinesii featntii"Will be thorerhly, tau:ld-by Prot ILTAAutscar; ' *Vasel extiiiiltre - Viperiefia iiitommercird Collages. of St.. Louis, Chir.ago: anctNrosr :York Are' WO known !P • t4f.3 P ublic; . 1N 6 t;;;#4,90 1610:4 iicil years the principatteacher hi Eastman's Bniiness'Collegii it PiitiglAiiiiitti, prow'ipoc , ,,nd Is 9ae9f tire lipt , iiTiptior . 1 ..'f•J . Student's arc received at all times in any of thiii.Departinentiof thaCtegf, ir a 3f As ••-have fnuently visited this Colic i vrait, Ski* Vtiftiii, radii AMAitt s ,l9lll.9,9nttaag .13 , obServed its practical workipAlleiVellik. • cn,,,th'im4re libertY y .tiseatsflan,!lnlmweiko Of iititkier'ititions. . 'Un er4Wpgtawttleso4ba torriOt ex*r iciicCil rabsAfy;ltitChlic Zliteleiir Bona o True : of whom I.Aw_la Miller , of Akron, Ohio, is President,. and C. Aultmen, of Mans- Seld,i isl% li,TlvasErera•angurprthli.Clot ir lege 0, distmgnished carecrnro6o6sliii'iise. fulni4 i f: ::: ..1. :.... 'l' P 7 7. : : .a :. a ' 1 . Wir i t i tAst Coi. 7 . 1 4 1 71.74hfiCCIIN, N0., : -11, 11#1& ..•'- . 1 ° ••••• En Ton /Mous • a Alibr article last week _ .toupb[ing the matter of 9411 f it.nP,Pnirin teriiidßlPAilatiff4l-on the trait - 4AStates Senaioral questioviislimelyradd 'the matter should be investigated by the people.. Penn ' .lvarlta Las never batilioted for having her ablest. pant thli, cl. a ‘ 4,4 l gpAct . , con trarOhe ecn represented in that bodyby fuild i. wir succeeded in getting theiFlße4tiplite : .by the free use of money or 4her ' 4Kinal 7 Puta E ll i f fMN Ala islitrofffimocitits'Weed as Republicans. 'Leta/ 40011 1461 Watkitlia vogi al n ag lAihßite'Etlbillotruct inur fk t woo acip ve r t %.ffhWastifte Poe et -boa, utior him who has honesty, br ai n ° and aixakiPr l Ny suißcicu4 to "m*ettailaw iii se*kvaiiiieftiltp4 Ovitiva 40 16 1 claims to the' ''i;refer that the etk ) man the place, and.OPlTEar;9l.ll9dgkitattention • 6 :Wi r f n'titr eli 4l : ~.' 7 1 1 0 iskTnistY "toot 411 40tit t file the g ___.„„graii pLibl c garrotte qs, OnfreolEmtk.stia L'l tY :' W PL :•,._. •...q• le :,":, n bstereete alio* eput 7 plan Into an effort pis& trie'thif-' -iit one from one own'lopallty..: • Let men oll then to the Itepiiliiktiiiiiittegielkatkainitit upon theirrightkatetto . - ~., earl a darns pme . I .T. . --- . tiLegree ith you also that the question should be init. 00 taetitiAtiA ngkibicarie - 40144 4i4 ly. Their u ut di lLtlttly ApuKbe.taw, andEfsa ;an te Pres en t i sti ''' T 3 !. O&M/VAIL , , . .. ... -,- .. • . : . P"Mlaseyeattu. . I:swratiottigorertelecigo tij stattoldialik.tiimidaratik. • (2) Why are the stalksi4pnts of light stru„tßZierintl44 l 1.. n (4) U. 413 rth.;-..stenta nunnetle—q B." 13. Lakin. - • , • (41 Is It probablofthat beings like we arc inhabit our moon? • " (4) et.'" - Wri!" .. ' (411) 1 y • d ,to d dinettes IM. WlTairtr PrAvaricknl wh br a are moskabun in warm_cliliianly (7) alellted -1Wj10119, , 41-1y22111.4.& Mar quis. • : , 11tiogul)11,(thiyfibatiA (14 tolt Ittlinititc• an or a Monarehicall. - -form of Government' mote4ionandl4lVt'staektfrl - , Aft: finn. ukaV,Afitgi ;100,: - s: Cam- ' era% Es 4.• "'" lathes oremsti4isTer.hextiltwqz Mrs. a Iliyit•lt.'4ollllo4,l.24,eoailick; . Miss “uti . ot4l - ii 2 4 ' - 1i fo i l A l”. ' 41aa ~ - • ~ . -.. • the. :otlidtObirriia':.. ' - ' , ' .. .;.7. 1 zlt 1 . a & ha-; bwe -~,i:T o r.l 10,; an iiitened4*izton, w cit.. son porn * Ofelflff.Daff,and,t erarorc _.. • : -, le„ rob h Wear , - ghlri me! *. ti . liii , 110 t• iellii i t L. the, nit y ma .roler ' , T.'i cit • ti:. . Mr.' DtlitilWlitillijityjil-to , ' ..,. , I - 44 : angle en-. to MO Vanson'cold Ihe - I - . , Vmt . Suff, on eIeIYM •APUttiO 3 ,2 l. °- 1 :-4r .- ' ght , i relived. by wmpft: the tica,tiAatarigiiidAllat_they: ; i e4Pli*t.ritOitie:; l 4oolf Eli 4. 4 .).F.k.-.4/Migf wn as 1.114019*.1 0 1K A* ! I . l 4tAz.l l . lB 499 l ¢Mland, t,ilieq fice,iwr.,...t.:l.: . 'i 1 .1L , .; T•iC:. . ' ITV) Viiif f ft• 11 . 140 44 :4, 0K 1 *1 4 ( PittlYzatki the affsbrpattd anoki,:itniit*Wide4.: fro)* &a -: Maiadi studAi& tarkiikiissonf. -tliflesed 0 ll ileaiditatigaini to:Oilfield= itsr.staxiatid eal,a .Srit__li'.3ll: l l. 04.44itritrit in 'commit iirkgthoVrnit . otiiio . l4l ..1,;: ,. . :iii•ZkelThe boy !'rnlert*44:-.. 4 ' p:. ''. .•':' ite.Riad - . 1 .0.. - I . II . Sue P lot .• 0 i , .. - . ' . . ' ' ier 1 Vitkainifi ' Jack son and intiiiimirrOodrimaiwitt to Beaver on last Monday and, co - nYined hi Jan. On the l eientw..44•9 l ?'? exini:',4okVipx - :*tiliji i ti fi ii before the court (it being then in session)' vi(i* ircii_hiiiiitimitistioi - Oiretifie) , 64 l . Mr. Duff and othei . a, tifiTOughk,iiaadtscharg: ed and Jackson bo und iti the seta of 5200 to keep the peacrticavargmllr.TiDnirmid all lith e% for a parlor) . of ?neya . ar. : • • ' „ . • NiStire: BAMIETIT'S VECIST.MICE HAIR ,11EiTOR RITX-,.,We speAkreiligronce,"liaciw AVI.J I PrA tickt AU, INV it nowAtd P oration. .M' other 4air restorative has ow ' re ceived or ;: creffroilj,figif# tniitervi i ttlan'Brir rdt's.-1 3 titarlitivra Conunerrial. ,~cw~.s ; ~l,?vc~ticm'cnts. 'Strá H`eifer":'`. - , Caine to the premises of the subscrtberitt-Pulttkt township r iteararmointY. ttn.or;alwint.the...Zth, of Pc - tuber, a 1te.1 1. 110 4 4= • •tween two and three 1 .... yews old. - IsT . •• ble.l The ownerd Is requesteOpp,ox qinip • ~1 1 . .*...":1_ , . •. r : and take her awl :., c.,,, ~,..• _ • , ~, • • .....' BERLIN. Nov. -.4 - 7,1 --- ~________4;. -• • • • • 47artAT E a3r • ; " , ../ . ..iit, . 8 4,,, / or L . la ' , ‘ V ,;;:› "..,,- •• • 6 ' 3 ionsti l"a ligil 'f l i t 14: 6 1:1541iir leer. • dam— a • nit; Attuned , - alk WI 1:4 - histkyloilishlP, A „. d iv 4. ;or aninorhyi o• tato.. .. itliitlaitt i _____7 _7, I 1 ... fie t t .. q .,-- - • • . Alir - , %-""'" :Ss . mber .. ..e. ~:•r par ' ;411. "ma ' . 1 all " • a ' - I"‘.ld on ee .A.. , • ;Akre* It` ~,: • • • .1. 1• .„,' .- i r the .., .- . n...- . .',..- " ..t"- •. . ~. 0 11 0 0 In d -, , ..• j p it • . . ji„,,,, 71 '. t. ~i. ... : , _,,,, of John . Numb . 4 sIIKA • II ; ilittlo.:. .. ~,,...• .... .' „ ot s h e e t 7 ; St: ',' - . 1 :7:. , ,,,t,,A,,,k u 1x; ....,,,:,. log house on th e e p_ : 4.l. ..., I ' .„ . , :,*.• TERM '' .. " 1 . , .7 • ? . ! -- s • . ~ - • -Is delivered, - balance In tw . edit -14 ?'" , ..." - . 71 . - Wincing with-interest from &1441010,siAtlic be Intretity lent bond, oniona anit Wllstgltte.--,,„„ m „ .• z ., u .„. • • .." - donas to •Nr.#7,EacTitor." , Nov. 18;11411.4ts•I ~. ... - it ...- L .:. . • 7.i" ~.,-... - VALUABLE PROPERTY _ ,eep.itt.* r! . : f. AN .11 -.1.L .: t:.:•-7 . The o r ..0,04 I Gar,eale 4.. 3 fo g l i tiing, ettsi p__ . to;witr A Iripti4 el i_ikate f we e learn the Boron:not vet, n Btu - r ton township, belittle** lOW swim ibr acres being WArty IMoo. lo te Pr eeXtegitniateitf Ali is . t, l a n thnothy and diva). t e lance is , well tinthcrerkitvoOpolMn'beingloceet. is firm Ls well adapted for sitit•ft. .pttiteses, being well we- • r lßl gl4:AiloPrZTATivaltr i rTaa of .llt la' deriela With unthe veinfb an ' ' clef; 'opt fbalt .etectlid'OCKVA6Wltetibliory [rube dWellWe‘aladP.4 l er er alß•itn ir s, ' 'O'Vli tam • Alio,' featectte mnd, , , Allah biCalleted a 0 dwelling. toxisteentrother onthuildi within abuts. dance of frnlktreee; Jittil _ . This bea ful lot is situate on'thePhliall a i fat Beaver and Valliant, and It NU ties both It is welllocat ed-ittrgartietting. boring been heed thr• t. pa and is the f endffdadadvieolittith l itir it - dance anywhere toot !band hi the 'vicinity of ' Also, two_ _A ,ind - eosentodiona tietalllng houses with lotteaAloWingi elflike on Scrienth lside 'of the rd i ,ling tew ...,.hp r ommigh tl ti.t.,4,,,iiiiiiiv44, 4 ,...ip,"_. tee =tient. " to =aid con li Tente tbe=l:ll - Ole Y intbUild withetals. 0 1:c.,the gre irovvelt end-to bta aaraaberY. en in abundance of.. _og i rV. i >1 ,,,„ aer tt itrCogli .1 1, - ' ' 1 mil timid Mar Illtippinipott on , the h ' *et, - 'it le allinderiald witiefour all& ' . •bnithertiOn otitholtweilll, andliessely-ope• to ..: .M.l.Vire..t° l l,lttrer.ePr=zisii F• . ,r.• • aiL I ctese st Ait r kstowlifer ':,t 4 ' . 4. , ,tatarelleatrthed ' NIA, on Ti t . :,-. .. • • .... ll_ ile . r : tar it , - ... ... 1.. : • 40.4. ensejk or„, . r' - -'e;.• • ;.... .' 3 • • rlt:ei V 5 Tr,I.OW N0 ,„„ i ,,, . .i.'7,• 1 , ) 7 , -;,,; ..v..b. ;• ~ . ••' .C.,4 • I't 4.0211 rat, I. -,-.s, KE,; , I Jo, ,:, , .... .1..-.4 1:•: 1G . '74f eA•; `1!7'.. ,, 1z rilL i ir7s/ "”"•^.'"'""•••• - "-7 - 1,.7—", the emolowouzm, at • • • Ter anudg tBY idt Q dent ron add sad • ''!t H " , es; ore s • • Wi. - :-WAIA;LANILY. (MR" octitilt gkaE r agtSfelif n granted to the undersigned, an permna 'Misted to said estate are requeatid to make immediate payment, and_4lmiwt, ".. n iMagabit the mune *ill present fitlinicrthWu e illiPALL.4altinnistratov„i A mu uCT:r gamcn' late - on t telliMibla of Economy, Beaver county, Pit., deceased, having been granted to the undersigneitt.tAlt persons indebted td add estate ar e iit nested is to make immediatn i H =WI ageing Meer* L. HALSEY NfILLLat. Admr. zatil no Notice.— .A.Vgnarto elate of AtmetinC l UM, of Rochester Borough. Alvin been granted to the undersigned, all peraout Indebted to said estate are gtr t l i a es g . t littsVt i r di4te ireinitetil r"" thri as them properly anthem tett for settlement r• 1 •:/I • 11. WOLF. eild rook r` .. 2 tifttlnistrotoseis N0tice...7;44 wirpt itdmlu 4 istrationon the estate of Uri'. Ellen Castillo, dr gen , late oI4M/11WW,IP0011teing.been grant ed oTho undetred au. won,. mewed w o od 4. tat soots to make luernedistr,paywient. and thou. 'Tlil claims agalbst•tho same'edit present them pmp t antblentiodrd bet sedtismetit2. . I .1 REISVES, .Idrolatsfrat ' - cia - CX tstration on t es to of John late of Brlghtelpiren l ui ,Mallzder- 1 skne id de nest od to make mut lake pa meek andahoed imylog, ftitfitlsltilini=arlrietrilreee rrT, UV ier_4l[PriiilLSOX.,tamtotsfratior...' ,i -lecttto NoliteerNticreav letters testament t irojW . .. - . 44 Joe . . d . n it . 1 4: 4 031 t ei ate, = to make :India e payment, tttitosenlz,clalkusArzel Alava I'l4l e nd'il' ' 4 i Zen ilict Rxeesssores Notice.—W hereas letters te e 4ment li as t rl at O n dectragyrnel tate, are botchy no to matimmedt ate payment. not those twine claims; to present the same without delay to t " i i .... 44,,... • • o n . , - Mara 11' tor. 0ct14.6t. ' , , • ETigtt.'°o47cliati, e r a I P c l i t ' o BellTe e f d tp4 RetWert hare been grant g . to the undersigned. MI persona indebted •to said estattVeT =Mediate pay ment. nd: uk kla 4to the same nide delay I . J.11:1.1111111g; Adsaitharator.• E=1211 1 11)a=c Bearer county. L . dec'd• barn been granted to f =l r 11 paw . = payment. 11 . persons lode t to raid estate wl I k=lb e IZA. 1100., Hanover fp 146 art' f Liceaser - Notice. Applicanti for License at Ncreernbet itesslons, 1931 . 3. fl. ;, , • . 1 , .11,11Livaltoran,...7 :. , .: 4 ,4 : .w.:w.seely . , . :.,...:. .... .4 ;.:110clienfor . John Malt • ~: , %Rochester B J 0 tutaneweti—,t... ;... —.' , ..c.":-Bleittgon Atimi. • Oct. i '._l2i_ i_ _l_ • - •_... 2cat..e,. ZB A n`M s 4 , Chi*. `c 21. 1.. : — 4t7 , . d. ,C. • In - diet 'Cluirt-t -ebtdmozi Flees Of ea., Beavereconotrint.4 ftedreztr 11.13.2q , 06:. Foistirit Attaehrnetttilt . • , 'October Ifkladtaarwitkml tk.C•tittr o taidgmam• aohiet &tendert ' me day H arr au , 4601. , claim WO& PO WeSdk the o Ptotteme34os , to. 1../ ;; •* , I ! flatlets - fa there re hereby Oren that laid dautige, will ha sysepoed,o, Protbatatertesadlce..or. :the Hat 41- Itectla hei,-.1898; at ClAdck;P...M.:f •!- .111111`1 I.Cw. Ut,toer . _ Michael Grim I . in the Court of Coratennineas of vs. : Beaver county. No. slll.lllareh T., rt. Pritchard 45 Yore:A Atinetonent In debt. October 19„.1904, On Emotion girt Ore! judgment again defendkot. 2 flenig ifitf iumt Affidavit of chitin being lilltki - rnle on - lbt honotary to !seen the damages In the above die. ;Notice Is hereby even that said damages will be as. teased at the P.rothountarre office, on the 24th - day of T r, t f i r l . k tt iki r c'elr ei=r 4 TviGrE • i .ifetjalCit; LTUU•Th-1:1-. L's Office, • W. D. of Penasylvivallay. '1 A ' * 4 togffer oee i Eon tttBloAt day of • Ziovemhe r..IBIGEt; a warrant In 'Bankruptcy 3 , 3114. sued against the estate of Santee! Bailer of New Brighton, Beaver county. Pa., and William O. Mc- Candless of the eIITR pound.. I n the-tenet/ a lit Allegheny and state of ennaYlvania, partners 34 •", ley it kleOwidless. who have been adindged Bankrupts, on their own petition ; that,the pa yment T ot any debts =l M isa Al P a P ou o ' C hUk iny proporty, by them are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the • milkers ,of the said . bankrupt. to prove their debts, and to those one or ore 'as of thelroreete-7.4 ll •Bebeld at a t ir of Bann- ruptcy. to be derkat No. 19IF de Allegiumy City, AllegkanYiNo.... toilniebetbri. oh* N. .Parri- Ince. Esq., Register. on the nth day of December, A. D., INA at 10 o'clock. a. m. • Tllo.ltAll A. -ROWLEY, U.S. Marshal, as Meesenger. 11. 8 ~. r . . vit.rcuP.Jl • trivric At the new Monitor Lime Kiln, 1 . 1 43 Tms Limn HAS BEM(' PRONOUNED "BY ALL who have given it it a fair trial to be the best Limo they ever used. Thereltinw ashes or cinders in ; it for the coal is not mixed with the stone to burn it. As can burn Lime much cheaper 1 ?rill ( tell lower than any one . elve, and give 7..)+)Ci! . _Tr BETTER 'PRIE& • • j;r ' '.!; .', A At .):1 ' Contractors, Builders and*threnaluigglargoAmoint of Lime can bay from .2 Sol ii.,celjappir i bushel leas et the • ti';7•' - 1 . ) RIULVAN 44111 E KILNS than they ean4gtethit4e,iititrd get Lime that is worth nearly live cents per bushel more. %qtr. Fri 107 , 1 7 :#0D1r. " I -m- i ,•tr. Ime tiolivered in Porbester et, 95 .ctit,3o ,bitshels end .ordens to Multranon time Rtftio vaapott, or to 1 1 (' Or'fil•`;.l 4. 4 ll . trigN, ,?; , •••. , 4 f 3 .1 - itlav Eß p. P.. itiattit ore 'ls Waif in the Lime. . . t0ct7.03873 .Chveigll3 l .llElittri•igf4'' N,tiOr , ! ',-t, ,, t%, , ,iind. , :hvgarancle- , Agenti .1....14: IrIEBEiS" AND AGREEMENTIS WEVITINZAND e i-Lackilbl7°ldedgess"" Agir= tak.ll lL l V - 4 -4v re ' Ateb li ' aka ' nye *ea ante; is ' ind. - -ittne pol the meet liberal terns. , • - I ' Mao, Agent An the " Anc horc Line" of that 0 Qom Steamers. Ttc.kettrinlA to and Awn allportlass Ziff Inland. tkiotland, Germany atnrFrenee.! In t l, lnlagredeielvidwpffteoiA Seklieettelj r • i11t., - ni :/:()1 , -1 0 , it% tw. 1.:.., ,, :., r.,47 pa atiJtiOq 'HIRSIEE&Bitts. 41t5,7.1 • , •7 1r A l ,OPP!# 41 !; - ..WIARIg i t P 2 4/0 11 4 6 7 1 4. •.;:,.% raft '••• !:•r7 - .40 , r. 01[1:70.:IT 1.31,0 .viirigs%q Info 'ataxia i szturdo Ti -Rontlentelesirliiiii . T - ,nIV.I ail • •••. 1 .111•1t111 29-6116 , --CLATIFIML • .i," {. .s 1 I Wi s:: (914 6 0 41 1/ 1 / 01/ UWICA.11 111 ): 41'' . —"P dc R ;I ?All I I JP AVOBlROir:PA'a,'"fri T 1: 1 511 .fr I MIR = i 1 2 ,- ; ' 1 , 7 • " tt ; 7ymdd ".40) ( f.f . P.Rkfi-Jto a ~. . ler •;i,„s! .• _so) • sit a' .1. at (Ye - AT • 11.• 'f t !R0011?4 .WOOll 't J:Cro4f4 gs dc CO's' •.„ e''_9 td t il5l 01, (1- -;‹ (i Fi. At:..3. • 11 ' LL atatEgiii . agroicdp f PRY D;Si fit OOD ,77 i bottuf:ll FLANNELS. TAA %Melt lailiErids, Opera 1.4/41autelso, Wnit ovol . t 1; A 1" 1..!7/ ti - 4.t.„Thapateas, t ...Delaines, Prints, ge tt ai, 0 I C ''• Glol7il 'l2:-WitZ.l.g. 001 Os .L; •o *mica BALMORAI - SitlitT.S) , '1 I c .. 5 " MES'Xi+Ib'BOYS F - 4 1/gAtio • r. c •• • ''.. . --....— .e . " ~%. lie. .-- -- • -2, /Re' - iii/eAC 2/1)-'Zill'ir 1411 1 70. '‘' l-- re- $ -, 1:_.,11"--1- ‘'... -,: ....... . • . f ..,„.. . ..1., "" -- 4 ,' .., --...., 1 .., .-: i• , ,7:1..T r; r,l r• - ‘.; t: , ; ."'•ifiltAW i;. 1 .; i 4 1 .'llitipt sitiltlir." FLEADY f 1 ... • . XR B ?- .t..i• —.- ' 0 F- ** ' . • t. . ' ' ' ..., .. '‘. •• .-• .• 3 1 . Cs. 1 ..." ;...,.7.7- ;.•• , - ' *• f . • ' '.. , '..--'i ."4 - ;-;:-.•,—, ,' “-' 1„!: A ~!.,.: • Li: : , ,:, ,-, i ..•,- .-- , ~ 1:, ..f .-.. 1 MS J 1 , . - , - .1 k 6 5 ;) --• -, -,v fi' 1 41AT s. INDLs . '7:7 ' l. 'i \ ). ---4 . : 1];13 -' . -E i * ,llf lT ri . :: ". ".0. - - . 0. :: t is ll :* ' P L O ,l 4:1 . . . • • ~•• s . • . 1; . i ••' • • • 1 ,'! .;!' . to. i•••• 7 ..• , 4 0, goo t ts4, 1 14 hpeftt, . r 4 - - f J _ • A larger mad knife Stacie than ire bare erer before. kept: Mena' and Boye.Wamente, Mom' and ' - Childrene Shoim and Gnm Mutate, pat T Lille, 0 Ea u g h LAT ILav 2, T 1 7 1 01?) 5.A.T434 IRT emiJ lo etnrirao:l9 0103 W iIiDWARE A ND NAILS. GLASS QUEENSWATOE'd CIrI=LCOCI.IIII=I.I3EIg3 Bacon, •- • Gnat' 711;;•If1 Grath, Flour, Salt, Feed &c.P act ALIT .betsualr.7l ;cod •:' ALI?. 4e.:, - ( -iia"t l itir atm snd keep oi; Bfoek always basing something wow to show oar ettatootedtl i *.YTZ7JO3 :411../.T e; tl r ) E t Tysr..p ANII IA • • - OQ.'• ZIV.B 4.. . • 7V4iiii4k.:4;* ;I P. , • % .11511.4t4Vf .11,1 MEI :GAMIN/-FIaNNEL; \„'l 1:%.? MEM tr'o ' C • a..• a L T : ~4. l ±c . Opt inallibelt of •~~ a. ~ 1 =MEI 4: 3. I ()it: (i ' ' c Paints, • :fi...)41P, .(fr 0 ,- ; AND:: SEE.! t - 0 . 5 . • = vebooss . tu- sna l r . 4.tis • w • ,31 itri: 7.: t7l :stb . v . l6%eit . te ... vit p uotr o••• .... ... ..- • , . ph o idik w ... .. . , • i t tl o l2t ( -., , 0...,:i7. ~. • :GIS 72:1.2....•• ,. .I:;i"!.. , Gurt t, 4 ~,, ..„V4 !.i.r. ~. `:' , -11 . .. , '..• v , :, ~ - ....1, -- . .iii ': 'tf•rt '4 ':.,: .! ' ZF . ' 1.:2 1 :14.3 1..14,;...1.0., 1 , ..;;;;;' : ;: P.l. 2 4 f ;;II: ''i• b.'i ":'''' , ; •er 17, LI V. ,i,,.! .. : t; -;!-. cf! h; ;:");1" :'1..,g 1-'O4l I J,, • •i..^ ;f:rt , 12' h'ii;l 1 ,;• ~!i ,o-Sl'; .10;4 J 1 .1.0 „61r, 6 ':: ::4o4l.:Att/te,424lCltit I'31 '3 . . !WS.. !"1.1 ....'alt •,,I. 1;4•1-1, - i.:‘, 1 1, ;;'. • '. • ~.- I. ^r !I 1 1 ?..7,11 4 -se. !,Itr , t.'“,,.../ .4 4 . 4r1.1 ; II:, .. - .;......:, 4.1'.......1.,' sc s . % /04 , t.i!....)1a.! , I 4.1 . r.:itt4 . tz 1:11 . .1 f...,... oi;:i • iir - ..: IMMUNE ... • _d- ‘ , 4 " f - L --, A , ixacinamad OWVAT NeYea No. 8. rocaTiMiallitlositerlm.. No. e l Spiooditilokor;Lu ire 1 1=4 . 1 1 4 ' Ykil „.• . , il p,. ” • . - e ro _a•_,..‘,.1,.. ti ftitt: 7 . 2. , r • No.:, I ^. .lbbo -. d E-."••• n • i !•: ya, .. l ti•:i,i -. ' • tf:.....1 1 0 0 94 d i.zr .er c 1;. ~.,":‘!f"1(!• , PC t• ON . --•:..'.'••••.:,.••...1 7 I:. '1T.... ..- . , , Enameled Grate Propts, •• b• antrtt ll 4ll , K iri: re. v . :M : y(11 J Stt i a • - ti ' ... • sje ~ in. lO •• ! 1 . 1 I . 3.15 " , ci:.l.. 1 . , ...LBO . 4. 111/'...' .."' r4."1 <. '.;:..!.. .:• - ,.rpi ;!'- .. ..tm0 "- Ilk •, 4.. N.l 1,- , , -t: ~: • ~, t . t.!1' , 11•F4 , !. -11111 !!...rta,pi t" 1114 .1.(..;.; , - o •.,, , ..., ~. ::.. t,,, -.. 4. ." t1.Vi:!...4 -*W.!!! I,i,A , - : •, , ..-, . t vw ~.-:;j: ..itr. 4.- fg,. 1. Isg #:;..i... . ...jd —1 , 4 '.. t0,,1 1111118.3 rrpi t g e kal e •i4; J-#l2,r; 14, " wlthoitt 1204;- . , " c adfiludft,i, , _too " ROO; • 3kl Er,tr" , !( L . t , ,t4 I'r ' , :,::: • ! ?... 1.. •• 1 ,: . ,. ! ,- J. i ., : i : i.,-...,1z.,: :, I. Mina; - . s bief- ffrowilimmeilkieet I pui n k w aktitil' ir 1. - , 7 ::;._:.;:f..;. , .. t! ,6 1 , a - T,1 4 1..% : * ft 6. 11 ,,,Ai n ga cd .4. 4. :. : , • • 7 . Al& r•.•!.r:. a:v.,11,,r4-17.71777-7.•!':‘'4. • AU .Work /Waved ~ drea,f, ! ..; ^1 7 :0%1' , .• •:I r .1:1; t . :41 - 1•.;•!•.• J 4. ,71:41 • • • bi• - , trl l ifi n i es„ - i • az, . 4 .1'1 ! •-• •. /. Ainauct 4.011;J: octlolB fillUNgr MHO I r•ir 7 , ll rT. ? • *kir IN ri,.'AZii.‘l[.4ll.)w, 'V; -!, , • ~.. 1.1. k .4 BEAVER t'46, . • f : : • • • - • "trAVING refitted and enlarged_ ear stociummiduz, .11; err and lonli, aaalliktidg , dedarmailii verily* bf the beater mechardee, •I- am prepared - abilreatentvil w df o ¢ r e done to o,entlre satief 6 P±l. ‘Lfielsinifileell • , awes pwicias Rolls; rsa& an Wawa. or ftith alt Ilona et of nelballadde 11.174‘ : °V424 1 9.k: Mt?* . . I byre all the best ploW tbat eon thismarket among wtdeb tbd athwit . Westeht • which bee beeet sravaslz 'Krona.' t niskiAla44 - SWiriC alidumfd"iiii . ;"A'r a large usortmeat et COOKDIG; ;Tows ottneFlCtifit Oiler tiTisiritivatiiteAftibsz oe went& which I will sell sr =deur these te the GREAT REPUBLIC. • Mb Stars him Wirt; gr h mAta ve rt i tit=r i firins of Me t and most neonamtad. Mho lees Mel and mble:•• .. tenth o f -- - -- sliThWeet - 7: 7 " titat k bete said 114 C a e r" John Hrs. Geo. /4 Wil Weir" Dant eGka olt a Mrs. Joseph- Milo .311_ Drrid N Led& 4 Capt. Jima' f " Dr. 0..11. NllllBO, Kelly Hi John W Danner IK. - Jae; Tioniluf John Dim iiMardilltonjhr s Hi JoltalliteD AI 'V. Hr. C..err, IPtedettek rgoltrun., J Geb ohnlacketnt lidter Durham :71.:T.DoeveiWi]iWY ": =ME gAmmrniAND 111DINEMAN• ~,.. .1.ri.:1.% , „ tr. L !..,:...!....) ..,..: ...!. ~?”...., .•... ' - i titOsib i ill!' ilick--iii4)l4ll-IL-Sreeti. . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers