The :la ve u:nus. r. .-,J c WXTAkintsalit!toaAsnYsorsair aL,r,:ti., lilliWifeiteam,Nannevalbeti lf,MWS. - - tTicoalLi 42"' JtLAIMANA nAYIRJ; RODC SOPP.rantt OthAttVreit 491)::.:40414,ib0. lost wont stands. as follow!' : qmseg 214 fiorrun t 804 1 Glant. t H . . , lori,iiiellasiinrt of 4iollth Carolina' OW tin the Governor ethat'Staie (who. Is Reiz publican) a fevs.days ago, and assured him that he "acceptod the sitnadon, , ' and hence - forth would,agreb to submit all political qyes 11°4 to. the bad.' Hatupton Agreed to this once befons.--abont t'he yettelBlls-but some , how on other he went bitch on qie i g roemen t in the summer, Of ,4 . 04 win; in' favor of overthrning the Southern State Governments at the pointief, the yoilet it is to• be hop ed he wlll,sticli‘ , . Tine New England . States all shtod once more shoulder to shoUlder In the gOoti canes, as dtd InAlietgreat President's! elections 01'56;110 and 110onneeticut bas broken airs) , from;,binAinniiinini relationship. with Rio modern Democratic partyi - and she re joins the Republican column with a hand some truijority; which gives issumnco that she has regained her abidinglibta. All hon or to her unticinc New Eng land.hinot only'? ndry a unit, but she has lir td down all the, talk of Jeering her 'ont in the cold," atO ber principles sweep ing the Union with glorious unanimity: Ve l a 'quail, el deli of land are for sale in Sonth Carolina. Of the nlootwu millions of - sena in the Star, estimated that about one:, issirth llSlmivcd . ; and of thil i not fessthan 'two and aintlf millions, of acres aro for. sale Lat this day : ' In fact, a, wiil-Infoimed• Writer from that part of the countrysaya that . the increashsg etringency of the times hag thrown • almost every foot. of, land in the State upon the niaiket 'The extreme; ofprices are from $1 to $2O per acre;'but.the general range is from $8 to, $8 Per-sere., A great deaf of the land in BOutb Carolina Is very fine and dish.- able producing cotton, grains and 'fruits in abundance atidlvatiety. There is no State in theiBouth Which offers better chancel • to emigrants and bnyem • . . . llfnsl raneitT.--Mui 'Boston ~.Touivialsays that in t conitectka' with the election' of *Gen eral Grant to the Presidency, and only second, to it In point et interest, is the proniotiOnof Mrs. Grant to the post of "Lad y of the White It is gratifying to think that the pq ,sition is one which Mrie ,Grant will fill 'With the true idraplicitt of on, American 'Woman. Then) Will be no attempt to ape the grandeur of a regal court, and no vulgar striving after mere sensation. Mrs. Grant is a lady who has nutimined, through every event which has marked the vicuisitudes of her bus. band's Ilk a marked .propriety of deineaniir. Sbe !lesbian:li help-mate in days of adversity, and has shared his honors withoutbeing daz zled by, theposition or :contamlnatial by the feolish adulation' of •those who' worship at the shriPe of guccee* .; • • ' ThroAk:4(hi*g teH eipanditutic during . the pew, or$8,07:1,9011 wee no; necegty . Biii!3tiibeionii Niiir Year's DV. it *hlch.timeltoxpueisby Conresibm* al Abilltatkoa, and ids recommendativs for theft:tura look only to continuing Freedmen'a 4 0111 / 1 4 141140 : Wish . kEgtcitly burl. istid New Omens, She eatimatefor ; olvEhleh amounts to •-, 'anti Sifil,9o". ; -, r)(44(1= nnational' , tildfiletrOgi°l4 tocAl it flit*/ piOVWOI: bylaw, shall continue till ter ther action is had Congrew 'But the - Bnrcii!!! 64.0 tar. Vatit fonds i3Otigh wo without Anther apprOpriationa The school expenditures during ths•past.year, were SS3,,- 000t000, ot whiot the freed tried Pald1300,000; Northern benevolent societies, $700,000, the 'Bureau, $94,0q0: . GRNRRAI: GRANT has adopted a; ummary way of treating office -sockets. When he ar rived at Washington three or tour days af- tor his election to the kresidepoY, be found several hundred letters awaiting his putrid, asking Ibr 4his, and that office,after:hii insug enttlint ;is "chief executive, of the country. After:n*l4 severally and assuring himself , -of thei r °entente, he turned the-whole batch over to is secretary; with orders to tear and burn up all such's, related to appointments, w z ithont even telling hint (Oen. Grant) who their authors were. • . . , ~$e alai 'instructed his secretary to Mite ' chirgeriiiltbli cerrespontionce In the Nitre. Whether 'marked "private," "personal" ,or tlcon/Idential," and consign to the tames eve ry bid fior as official place that forind its way to army' headquarters' 'Office **era; 'will therefore lair° *tamps, paper &c by "hold ing their peace" until the Prestdenteloct gives them notice that their senices sin required - If he never does thiii, thry con rest assured that Oen- Grant belleveki.hat he can "run the ~. _ Government" witiont their official help, • • • Ilx•CkmDsviDT9e, qt Youngstown, obi o , , died suddenly -at that place'oit last riidat p o rting.' He had pripar e d self tbr a journey on the care, and. while wait- ing Gir the arrival of the train; took sick AK expired almost linmediately. - 11e - tus sixty four itira et, ago •at,tho time of; ida: death, Vor a long time Governor Tod had filled ti, prominent pla. .itt the politiCs UP,untii the breaking out IA the I reheillen be !eider to this tociseprito;) , party, and belongod,towbat luxe kturwit as the Douglass w}ngorlhst.organlzation. Afteitho war be giia.hti • *attached hhoselt ; the Repoblicati •Tastp Itwittentil i ttett for. aridilected , Gov. •itiork, *.ormtizationln lesi; o$ Ib4V4PO one of ; the most ar. dent;mingrem and supporters that President Lincoln ha.. A hi fillytkbefOra ith death he was as one : th e Grant•ielictots 'at 'hitt 10 0 03 ; abgte ' C i f Phs 4 3. " o4? ' .* was isisidea ea isi''Voi4t;;i94 l 4 , byal matrotad • his --biviewo b y *if kii4Alo, olo : • I•34lMtoGinbral: - Gratit wai no niitt the xfiole comM 1,44 tjo zeSoie Ailtfriqi; POlrbeals woulil*lrthave Beinkoiefesled this tbavuoldTherliatii Wm•as • .1.. ;• scarCelywny other pablidwialk We; Willi e'er batedbafllre.*llinta OM Omsk !charges the inwelt;il a ' -1 o f meanest /save been. gli b ,. "'"Jr- , .-. . tprofaslon by ardq ds lll " n ' iw ;la the !Lind since be.ti 'New Orleans In they 4a: - of.jhe .. • . lilis erline,iin tlieis. )c9lsistpd 1041 ' it of eallingthlogsiftiff'PetWos bttair rl, b inamcs,: kiiffordlng protection to .: the weak, !and In panishlnA offenders aw their offences disiordirnrnette vithrinturb - rw - ont - dal canltt , lpy.. ~,..,G . _.,,,1.1 ad. ' - I linden , . !°F'9 l •: . ' F. - sad i off Ahead - of 201.0fnifir sr - 11,4: Ail laboted and hoped itt / titilf. 1 1118'010kt In 3fsssachu setts believes in iforni,witio,tog ig : to ,tus" ,!igKsiOlip orii 4 r nraini . ity than it gave tinn two Years ago. .Rebel hate 4uni.eopperhead . sPleFn,lfaN, 1 Pqefere, iennivol.nunthol F.ib4 n , 1 : 001 ! ° P 1 ;4 0 1 11 e *so*. s , - Tratia days before the Noveinhei'e lectlee ( on p c t both) the last LoeirCpraihiris'ici the Preskientlid:cilectitt. Was - lime& aroosier" bras diiiidayed, cYultinq' fiver `a Demeeratte iictery•in .: ..Wcst Virginia iethe eleOtionln thrit'statti two weekslietbie: - L oca l procec 4l e d too any ..•• Joi “;•il • "The electionlit-iWest ' week resulted in a tridmph of thollemoerliey. by. u majority. qt. about ;MOO, •, • ; r, Although• the returnS ConteL in slowly ? , i tol has beciilite 'customary,' (White tilien'Tlemii-,1 cratio victories , ' are the remelt, •• icnotigli been: received; to insure the electloolot Democratic State ticket by the majority above stated ; a Dcmoratic majority,led i aik latuie,which I . ' t hir IDkln tl4e, toil:States 'Senator instead • of Non: Winkle,l and a gain of two, and ,perhaps: three , Conti gn• p • :.•;• . r,, n 7 : W to inquire now,(lttlte•, Lys! made • the, above statements in. good,4itii,) why. , has nexer,ttild - Jta rciadcrs„since,itleik ILg mist4cnotitl that „instead of-West Yltginial having „gone Derapc,rntic, ;it the !other ; t; way by 4,000 * s pm:fly,. clectecl all the Repub.] Scan eandidates to Congressond gave cbe Bp, pnbiicaos.nn overwhelming insjorltron joint ° . , Come; Li rieighbor,4 out with hp. truth, o else ,you mailers will believe you,"stester" i otherlbdits.7l were only ,brouglarput. at that, tiine-.0 an i electioneering dodge by which todeceivo : tho.i People. .••• ' •,• .. I • . TILE Local, after telling its'.isaiders that the 'radical" majority, in: this county et the last eleetion witSlo 6 .4„ Premeds as'folloirs n'lle fronds Parisetnited by the Radicals itti the October.election, were repeated and. inui.,l Spited la :gOvember,- We hope .town _OO,l Democratic - County, ,Committee • procmd.;l therefore, with, the, prosecutions , it resolved igion,at its last meeting. .; • ,There is not an honest.l,ooo Radical Innior ity in this county, even when a. tenth'ofAlle DCMOCItitiC Note, is not.polled.—llenee , It high time that exa.z.ples be made of iit.least a few of those who- year after year:malco, the ballot box a receptacle tor the frauds .to the Radical party owe their hold upon , pow • ... . . , This is quite refreshing. • all means' let *us have iiprese6it nere - refered "'to ''Orecoad.7, they Val 'not from` fit6t that the".qiillealii" : perpetrated ne finials in this , countyand . none cah be "triiniped against • theM.‘ •SuPPeee'ltioligh,..'fOlt .tity 'Sithe; that 'elitirkes of "(rata :6011* militainetl against the Republican party here „ or elsewhere] in the State,..withjyrhet , pmprl, ety• could the Denwernts complalti,t Sherwood, is said to' ton holdin,g hhi:scat, nj seglience of Democratic. fragile ,CoMiiltted blare:kr in 4807. Tao Democratic , SeiKl tonOrere "epsted"fiem I ,eats ta bectinse, of illegal votes in the atone yearin :the Cent tro CotintrDistrict; and when the itepubli- !, . cans' unileitisak Xtop'to such , tufa-, Innatis rift by . fliepaismCif Astring,ent rig- ; ,)stry.lsw,they foOnd their. purposO ,opposed ', 'l33t.overy prominent Democrat 'm • the•Stafe; 11.6.1, 0 ,T0 it ds..4llte , :t 'VW!): Ah 9 thatAtroe,liot , do ,they . # tOw: Theitpu **l in, fiends Republican party; tit, lriq„prettent' tluic,” Is pnty, te'. beep theli.delii&xl ing exactly what defeated thena:at the reemit eleettens. , was not:Retitiliticni-frarals' 'brought '. - tinit; result about,'; but' a dearthef Democratic :voteni • . Tun ,Philadelphia-Press of last week con.; tains a long and ably written 'editorial in fad vor of impartial suffrage. We copy the con= eluding poition of Was' it contains'infOrtia lion touching the queStion that will he of 'general The. Press says: -Let the. Fot tleth 'Congress, In Dee crab* as'theit- flrit'iur main work, proPosn an amendment to - the Constitution conferring the power to vote for Indiana) purposes_ and officers oft colored men, under equal Lima lions with . white men, ,kind iubutlt to th , e people o under , the fifthartieli..:'tbrea-leurtha ot.the States would:wish to ratify:it, /and another laurel, ever - green' tmd . ‘,.gibiiciit, would be added t o the 'eucluiring, , honent:Of our, : - . .Let us she how the ground lies.. We coV )stein tabular form the ii!tates in • which col•. ored men now vol,e itiiiise‘nOty upreeenstrim: ted 'which, When adatitted, they trill iate; and of the remilader thoseit:bleh belong to us,and those 01.ned tbe'pemeeracy. To these lists we, attacli by the . popular majorities, for they,.too,.contnin a.esspn: : There dro;thirty-seven' tates - in, or soon to beln the Union: Colored • Men cote . • , 4 .. •, 30,000, Vermont,. . , • ; • • • .81,060 New • ; t •• 0,000 Mitmeltusetttt," • I Rhode , ,• • • 4 000 ' Wiseman, • • • - •• • • 1.5,506. .......11) • . . ~000': acrit, • ' .... ..... ... .. J. ••: • 4,600 i Tennessee,L ; i; , North..... Sout h . . .... . '1 Georgia,. ....• . ' • . :Dam .• . . I,B.labamn; .. . ... .... 0,000" it'auliff4_4 / 'Miscoun i t ,: .. 04..4. :4. oicatiVar :•.'.15;006' 1 Eighteen t.:;•• - i . ' I.•''. 111 . I° New ..:4Cr, 8 4- Ole ... 1 1i1_w 'PoiLdAtAit(4_ . ._.4. prtyii,, the colored min?•bribe rigid.: *web. under the"ld oonstituthin .lie imijoyoil; lito4 .with w °fili tit , to vot ,; , O?t i i Mi r t 4 *o l .4.i! .1...014 ~, ~ 1 . , • ~.. - . ..,,,, I. '').., 'l' 41 -J,..,vit. -4!il P.. '. Obloirrini4 arnArifiritlrobistbirnuilft, Oa cent•of colereil blood hri bbiriiciiiiiift Althi4lo ii 441r4°/4'*Ok,tlAW.'o4/810141 ME t ' • •-•'---• ToisTair --? * wbki•e• :dour and ick!--, '-. ye inieWont;still Li':roit' 'Ail - a 1 ' •• • : - - - -- l ' • - bilial0 1 • 101 ha 5.. , ,„ . , t '. ~' !,. 1- . ion, - : • 46; , . •' . - yrsermrirtutdon ',.:' .. .r,•., I ~ net . " . the foikrwing ' '`l :•-• • 00:: - .-•'• ,1 f A . . • . 'lit + "A-- ..- . • flit ' Salr ) P L _ - !Yirgialli• ' ' , . . . :::11xjai .. • .• . _ z tataL:sta..l l ie lialattiti - I t • • Legislatures "0 ` - fr. II . i.,. Illfr o i ti . i t amendment lb •• ,a • , ~:----.---,,- ---- - • - ---- . - - - f ---: OcintleCtipti. l : l ... 4:: .4 .:. - .71 . .1. -, ;444. :.I:ll;4t4 ...a,y o s — uu - New York, .... Peonybritoth . ... Ji' , :.t. I:viozl4 ;;:25:X Ohio,: .4 - ..;...:',:i.. 1 •*': .i . W...4q . ,ka...4.4400) 00 Indiana, • ' ' -%..4..4.y.., 2 41.d. ,1 ::uujc0. 1 ' ,000 Illinois, l '— ' • 50,000 Kan5it5,4'.,.'...,:.-..1..;.:L;::::: .........4.:: : i 15,000 1 3liehigan,.: ... .. ..'. . .. - 4 . ::14.1 , .-:::::4, 4.. 1; 4m0° W.. est Vitginhi,..6•4Y. i'.'.,4; .i14'.,.: , ..:..'.6,5 00 1 iteet blsgt,:.:-.:.:.1.....:4 .: . w :::,%4 :. i:i:i Z j; '.;. ;.: V: .00 0 0 :• ...4 .t;'.'4,0 0 i Mita.:;4l:::+. './ : : 1::L.: . .Q..; . .A,15 , 0 tTwelve -Statusli km, 1.. i o,:.; . 1 , ,1:- ~...“.. 1 .-.: ‘, J., ': l l' 6 iiiilY Shitt4 l 4 4ol6tt . l3r il6 iit lill *OS i 1.... ~ ~,. Dela Ware,....... v... :`: i. • .*•-•; •. '• 4 .4 Maryland;:: .''.',..',...:'. .: - ...%:•••,.,: 1 i .:'.;,'• , KOtttnekY;!......q ..:;.`...,... : ,:i .`i,;4: e.s i lgloo Netv;:erset. i.':, .:I'..'::: .. : :" . :. I ..`:'; ..4.. V:-.l,,cipti T., c, T ••,,: r.o, \ C 4.1. i1.. ,1 ~i., . ' .911 (~ , kl i g il lq OC9IO 44n,Nrocing Aingods!•hkeigh 4 ',kin States, winch are mike Tor ! thiantetidi i:Utni,' nide; a-rdi,clial# .•KhAii •• 01 14.•4 iciii6 t stltet.„TePmen t. •93 Repo 11F01,U v tpros, gives es trrt y States wife t .lhaerndant ,of New Jersey, " franty-ultia ,, felt ullareitb foittpiattiliiltriilikilx4 6B 4lol:l i t' but'9l 1 th'e..l/.1')04.4*U.#1Y t*r: Peill.; 11 0:4;; '-_ % -!: , 1 131.tsplagetiluq whole ntaUcrin,our haod, , a nd ,, thrOws otr u ll,oatbe: respoUiibility •of tie; hell nine iti disci rge the • sworn ebUgation'oe 1 4Ite tuttion, , .- ‘. • . • •• • . ~. , ',',": ''' The, signilic int utaloritiecin the foregoing ,1 tables. convey their aim i Wino. :INltero tbei. 1 coloied . :Tifeh'iote; * iiiiire'tlie'attaie s illtepliti -! illeinisni is eutlielisafe,.tied ,will•ba.' .Again,, the ; popular in+rittes against thin move foot up to abbot cne hundred thousand, Whilu grant's clear tjority, 'ott;tbttfititire • vote Is : 1 "P*4 . ;5 1. ha, I' ',a ramkp.•• : ..,: , ,,i :, ; ~ '' • t ry • Evegreat•Political str,uggle . ill• dm hiltte? - , • • , Ty of this eonnt' has Tesulti;d En a !tfluttiPlt , or •radiettilini. There liar6'heeti tiiige' r l3,i* i I taaiked`iiud:p ",litt,Qoriti4i;in Which, the. Jaduati forces ore soceessfullyied.hy - jeffer - i, oni:4lteksoni and Linenhfi. :We are . ytiltt the midst .Of tl a latter. .Ire .- 0 ':iitto e.i'thesel glettt struggles ha 'en c lerg d the. Itoihiditrie.s I of bonen. freedoin: , As the haulers were tree tottunin litre y; so far wers:o4 aneeceshat We nk pro f by , histefy. 'leffeesop, lead; Jig,the '. forlorn hew: ef trcii. iientocra42o - : • ter . a desperate struggle, , planted its: banner 1 s on'Oar soft '; 'i t :tell:4n; gathethigrharethialitimi the Peooe l defettiled 4 frOta 'IEO4 (olOilliitgliiuti: Ihe ; assaults -, 4.tite:sirt,veivratilc .oligarchy,, . headed hy: r ealliourt. - Today it Is °urger& Prlillege to Tilidce lirtu l 'ind isiablish'foresitt, I T the fabric Of • ieratic.libility,", grist! Utlittg t',, on the sure an 'lasting .foundation_ol unifier{ =I MIMI - • . - • l i t i$ spisiug ceo the, varlonis colunSeils on the2ncentpresldentini electh6P;biSiudis.l sllPeril• The,ii r ees; published at Chintlesl7l tuti,; rauo; iN , Unitifts itiffeihkers. t41,0*, ---, 'ir.C9r t : il Ti.j.+o ll itiMlS l 9 l3, -; l4 iiqic arditlit 4 ,o l -i14. - : peeled? tikele-etion woul d go, Mt It dikand • phikasophictillY , ssdes:l"-15ow • ,leslis•abandon:, Federal politics Mid dependfipma"nurtieivee. ilia NorftnC•rou'nigi .admits : l'eflid!TiClY,l that ''Cirant and Colfax hare, received ate e4c enormous • I 'l' majo r ity,"-, ` and insinuates • thafGenMol Grant will not plpisir all - of his party, but w I ; be, ettimpclititl itn, 441 Demo. cults so idisuppert 4 That editor einlently . %Infiniti tubs:don . to Brasil. ' '' , ' • ' • biliFilteltritondlitsPNl Is cbnitng,listek to IVI;e 0 :A;lit!4. ,H4 10 ,4"4 a ' i'l4o! Akrci*Ft. and oefore4onnson tanuethe.l3ofith - t iklieve that the - oktst castes' Wasnlattels ii' liteicss affair after at • it gets olf the, ftilloWing- line strain t in rehition to the administration of Ptesident Orton : "If he heconun c imhued with the tottle anabiticin of restoring bonne. ny and prosperlty to hls country; lie may vs widish fin-himself* bright and enduring funk that will endur ea s long as the country Well shall live." I' ' • , The Frederlekshurgh (Va.) ./ternht thinks the Radiv.da bare "ought a Tartar." ' ' :.! , The ilichmond Sntti Journal ssysT.'nVill the people of Virginia stand by the.result, disregard the delusion of any nther . political 1 salvation than ,that already, desired 7 The? kitate.stands twillsy on the threshold of a ninietioeli. n lier' people, eatOrir falseolatn or,Wdenit 'Ciatitin of the'sk . eininent udder which they are ,bound to• live, 'anima tb,ay expatriate themselves,' they can, by he'll:lna reffistatiee ind `t to' blind idoltdrlO of pttil,i4 74814, ii i the constant , liii_o l oi,l ll ,Orr.hl4 wounds, Orpetuate , She hell ot Anneal' and' disquiet atiiid which the 'old Commonwealth, has stood for four yew?, or they can, by, op..' ceptin,ithC situation of to-day in goo faith,, and with Lhat enlightened wisdom ,which should Cita Ctenyc reasonable men, OoMpose the itorm . 4ind command' peace and p i rdsperi- , ty, Tim geliubth4 laity, ( through': Its honored leader, General' Gran,.: Inyokea. !rticiis;l; i inibitebcd et At,. n 10, ta,,Gar'T o oo,tir a comment on the , election i _ tli f t !'. l 44 l AC_ ~ and: says the; Deniocrats-carried Georgia • .hrin timidation and pfirchtile. We nniontOloth= 1t 1 4 .. * 421 4 !)°, e 'lnuch in°olllitig %tan that. '': Att iivac . ttia.B9ukti illg6PiriilCoilli d_ .0 ,0 .1 press is moderate. They feel that they.basre dealt 'with CienCral Greet• before; and4ildfdt a desirettO spniath •at the cultset: the Inatti he hiss toAravel: ThOyateept the situating:and s from pr ent appeamoct swear a Mil:lo4w' lieve that flint are tine() p - Mlt thfAeby r ~ ~......,. ~,,,,,„,,,,.„.„. Pl . ii . ThblipilaiilB4 attqati . ***; over the 'Coals aftet dd. ollawft 5101 . 4 1!" t .'101r; Behiscast #l4l,net, Sake th e ttonble td,;, for the tielnite,ratle ticket tif itha tilt '0 oohor dal; lie tiegabie thriseir, appoirently,,, all'absut the u glicethidduring thq % er dib:, rierTrOr 'den.' 1: 1 11 Mxtiout; A ' fe :Velni.; Promlisti c , 'Won't ,' t ' Vint!' , , ;0 1 4 .. cintion o tooT „ t 6 .„1 w o isti i a ,at simtittlltititrtoOk :if ("PhY 2 , - it , i ; ' ,iiter t tslttllta' ti4p:'' itiP - 0)1 41 1 r A orpo tit i luv , .4., 1 ,, e A,i t ; v -It olitioull!mi of ti , i: g R Ili , o. f 1041 id, VS till 4 ;,- .14 ~ ,•' 70 • i tk a .. 4 tvcr . :ol4 e ' A* 141..1 ,e 1f ...:,,ev,104,113#1i , .46t,.. _ , s;:-: ~w- ~<: NE OM • 1• ,___------• „..„------------.,,,- Oestre Milbar etitiall ".74l-4: 31V 1 A- 141 üble ai , arle T hrtrii." a W NO , eW ° M all— - 11 r .• i - - ilt ell i ‘ ColisibbliE... 4. 44: f•i' . , fi t ED!' , .. , ~ ~ A. ..,1 '.4.4 ....; L i = ilri 4 ''' '''' f. 1 Milt ilk ii•"• - .7•;:ikJ•414%.1. 4- : •,: A ~.)t Fork!. • • ....• ri Itit i.. 01 i Itartio •, •t '‘a• • `"•:• 1-;17,110011 , a 4 Theill9ll "' I, o * * -4... .1911 • AtIMM AK ittA Fulton .... . . . 4 , • v t .• • .. .., ...... .......,.,,,,~....„ d 'l2l 'liner, .*, , l 'lcitt. tM.W4,.., ! 4abteAct• tha . :iairty liat Jatiiiiitii:lled-te - aintbrid :Irlikitifinsi,•l:olrninitt::: .1 ... :,.: ii i... :: :4.:00 ,: ; 7 : ii..po. ;:: ~ •nor, : ...., deAre glitjiitt fai:iiiilial',4l: iiiid***o4 i t lily leis poldar iiii'llan. - ;Orlutt„ittWvaiii witodeat 'lie!, il liitidAkiti 4ll .4 o .,o 6 gr,T )( 4: Thrift' idnt . tr.tratibt . ',o,thitt: ;BO i lig, Ni,., 1,"titrai'tyaht4toc.# l i,h -, t4,l*Pleet trealaaid.bev Ateittiittasier•time tv'l --- It:- hill' thdAlliAbWiiit,,ltiaonaiti more , ifOlatitiett--4he tilitdr*l * 9 l ' h ':tyli l l.qrll 3ol7 tit: , Gltleinsarliiiiitill,_*qtwit cell, date:bat saniehmehell ant, l itrike.TF,.pYt. .Ipr ht.nirt.! . • Ho 1 41fil,*.r.,kilti$0,, ,',14,,11.t ~' .:aiaokso.iiit lilkjpO s 'it . ,oo..!tt'ex 7 :9lkJiltn.. — : I Ire ma& it speeritivetteitpialliisAtaitAtid'rlii. fiver 'efonying `l,liktiiiiA. .Ik. WaniA:l4 , . that Ibalr Blinn!! liar •O % Opt , r„ beiV . he aecald**: • , i 7 . . ii ! t„ . a* reepatibittoreiaEd: % ;i,i, ID , # ' 7. A '' tr a ; ir k ntood. ,7 ,..Airstlyn*Oilik tux& s ivipeitOilvetr(Urit ,q o, toool . l%ed .ii•gmbisbuir; ind. 1# tisi t' n . ; . ,: -•' ' 2 O tlifirgrßUfe . ;OW . 1 10 ; 0 0 4 ..&,: t h e: .l..a • . liatit:ehif: 'l, uf - .._ !...P. it ` it' ' - ltipt seUez.:- . • • a. 1 , • • I him take Itt - dn N' a.RV OM , :Ott . M *A off under, It.' ' 4 lleVe,mtbat'l; i!itiy, stsaperier --tit bim I lxiir."' -- I tried P'surPass ll.' Feared nt the 17111. He is tatlrely ieeeptab to the &nth. "His - Brodhed letter reflex ou r views•prCeisely.i •• Dcekm Pogram's 'brake „ who lives in Alabama, krioWii where his mg•' gem ore alivin, and he!ardently desires the . , abolishun tiV dill carpet-bag goYernments, that he may lieUre eta mid redacts° .em to their normal specr. Captain HePelter's t• d' cnvikill kin • be:rallied at a tnipsfa, nOtice . and he ekes to lead em tigillit among the rich farmers uv'Snuthent Ohm. and Lajeany : and' we all desire -Oat -the •Nortbern Men ,wtcl her vane 'doirn among %W like locusts with, their shops . anil ,factoriUa and- stores , mid' mowing miebines and sltool bonsai said VAC,' 'atryin to ek•rsta tilt nigger abOre us; shet lic, hung or• abut pueltiii-outur thelehttntrylleav in ns ItYmnnage tillage'our own way. B Blare shoodent her sett So.l lie shtiatieut her alarmed the week Dimocrisy ui ;them States wick desire peace, and who are timid on the subjlek uv revolooshca. : Blare' tart is ---, 1 His letter was correct hat inconsiderate. . , ~ 4. 'Our platform was agin Hed lt bili different in all particklers; weshood her led more vet" peryided, nv course, that we lied bed different men itandln onto It.• This is eleer. • , 5. The Itepublikin_platfonn tens' nen.. us. lied they mane a dif ferent plattorni' and pitt Other men (into it—their platform •tindlbeir men ben both more oi_deetionable't.o the peo. ple, and our platfortn - ,Ohr mini. Win leuti objectionable to the neoplO--the result • wood hey been for different. This is deer, . • . Aea tefnl oxaminishen he'xiasons for, our &lint shows how neei wtiernne - tOsuceusS„ and how little stqad lmthc gray.. • " . • Ti m New Yo MR." Is tiftlids*lnten that Oran the reen w, hare: brew , kiiitioo, Bain Tvglierinan ill be the neatest td the•new. Preside taut mein hts colieseli, whether thefortiter shall bo Set rem.' ry Wer, General nr I,lentenatit-General. In onextr those aglirieitiek ttendral ;Sherniait will, &Witham reside etWeihingtitm ; daunt Ana.' so far as PresitleatVisintilshonecrned, majcp, no difference as to tibtaiiist. trinted' LliWeti anen influnhne hint. :which of there 'of fices Sherman nityi td-occupy-xfor a'n btillarti•thatt bittlonfrestkWith the ter.'; Since 'lt is ntattarof opinion, Wiwi!! :venture . to exp • thapallic that while( Glen-. eratAltint veld. .121eninal Shintrain at his true worth, he noviregard (lila .ns'Alie. intirrhyrelYAlk spine hing4 , 7 becatuori knows him. to - pulaireotraitle, and• lb.; ellpqd lamrayit Ctirgaldthipwreck a gobs] . , . .. 8er...44111 Testa, 4 Aatfia/of BC rt li o t chkliwrAle, Be ite. tp; Ohto,, fbrinany Yettrl l *• : ' nary of the BMW. distEpiseepatO ' Mi ladle,. where be Is Ereshllug Elder .rite ,Xentdahad t dlstriet, Was „lately bee Wicolbatl i t .brulsedjri mob, el Xabol3l4l sir and Mimeo ! , of 'Whom were angry because the native Chris+ i dotal geed, ; A l delll ed.4helr , . ,wells.i., A natAT° tutY.A.v.** ,l 4 . 11cied Afbr,trYltigh.lual while t la laM WO OcicOs 49 ..,three *bias .4314404,041 oe .1108,•gtati***ObY 'OC'*fd— roll teltili :without Ord: -1 11 Ftm . t l KOkit vicWo. l * l *. zoli b.:O .....y. i : ' ~•.: ..,,. ~, , : : ...., ,t. J.. , „J.! rrin! , .. ,an /*raid irked • declarauthst theicAs ran Arthie C t uban !Mb tertugolaatism •ii rf:clirtlargely. up ormiaWded. , 6014 A Wo_ft. o olour Weal war, !readrc , fee , llo military enterprise pr ra ising _ , ,parcesid) ra,tplakiags. - But th :mutt ',. t 1 1 1 .9. 1 491 1 eY In'the'dieseuieist ' ,1119 . 1/ *A n ew- Mlngthatthe i leade* vemeii - ,mous t ,,to , back' them up,lhe iiii '' vie aTill ' - romm,ttew dm expect to .Im. .1 .. hursed..far, theirouP . btys - V'TlM"prati 'Of ' i'. 'Bath-is INlArskta ,secure - the jadepeudeneo ,of:,Culi awl, „ate ' clON:ladlreMati.** 4ll .ot l :4 h4its.l.:. ---- ,i,iti i te t .- tiiM islis v(re s ad 'moils asetip; lo : 4 - ':Alior 1 - Of :.1. - " • • 'y . : 0 rdttike . IllpitiSsittle : Ili "'?.` .. - r:6AMTw liteattutitiVe. 'deli eh ir ' - Itif sett! eilieviits• 1 1 4:: .ylr !I7lii . r!ii.‘l • ; s:.tiot pir 1 • i i itiliti: - " ee Orie -1 ' thfoit tha' 1 2 Ifeliehatiiiik , *:litt t i.:: ?pee - . 1 ,0 lad . b l ew . i entkild depettil,}r, for 'the) lottiihistomantc,„...t,„ , :".111ii lrill,q*,, 74' 'pin***lo4l6lbitildttibilltitititlike.t tel t lii; .promitide - rof the WeldhklabelleiiJ , ed to liiilla= ttheblitirtenbt telßiev, ',MOW It litiOtt , buit'thiPtipti- t 1 ritcY'L ris ,: - titcylig nig -410Cttallielifgetki i s :, ,L ! fru,. •ot 9 er,l , . 9, - .1V:i... 1 ••' , ..••%P: r r The' , - viol* illiiicainti 6"-Traytinie .atelitittles• iibiatiC• tie ;fttees of thelniiifit, Ladd it btbeliirit l / 4 1 thitthey aver Aiicedt"?.cort rdes rt rrif yr u e p m pl isl itl ic qr oa nM l i ttr o l,; is 9l.m lfitoff , l.t ,-0 .( I' l ,I y t ox . • i, k *Ttft lhlat ev ', . 1, NeVeinhei 111 1 .- 1 1VreeetWittailie - , lofo the knewled&eq'thercfm*viimen t ; Vial btithret thetteen peoptiiilded stnytstl'rrtan ic Ilitvand tort he:purpageer'eteitihttr,Ansitt - ' teetltiti In lhe , Beek' Abt4A4giiin. On' the , tOth irist theAilial policeancoeitior hi ar 4intinestelve of the Taffy it . Saile Crigt.cb4,4: . Scant littairtiVinetehapt of Tore;AOni ia charged ,w 11.114 ktftiVrstftwi• , and liatiskinid tion.forthd ittointlinustir.; ,es' been aitestedi sisal bietigilt iii this cll:!_y6- 4:nidar bY . .gav• 1 *franca - ante s .% - Gee. Bithiyerkho Nis artit , = ed at:gnat 'tannin; where' bettiticil a Osocia: niatitill'givittg 'the rvotatlohlAii deli Alma'. t6lif dtrivn their emceed traielifietitatte l [m rbtst-the goretnaientls., .: • ' :it 1,. I - liEw.OFqx.xxi; Ziot'enther iiil-43eli ger: I' ry' . . T. fbiyeganya Mahn the, id:Oni,tteetion with any'Cubatviipoditlent il n leery, Witilllnt the I slightest foundntion: Ait has nEi IctiOwled..e,, 1 of it, eieepe , :thitt gained i'Mm ‘tile•publie i Orin% and tannin' be indifeed to - pi rtleifette I in any ,filibostering scheme. IN illt4 no •deJI on • Ontat "unleas under ,authoiity' of United Stator f.Tovernment; . ; ' • ,•P Ili M i l 4,11 M • uPer , 81/03 'IST ..ii .16 'llllB Set ' 115 r. "uss4Bsl . We; 41=1 lea MOO 4fre:':: lON • ins,as.i. IC K* ' Yingnek SID SCENE Ir 4 COURT. .!1• ,, •••-• - I , r • Awou4iteensesace, b? moms. = ~,iu~i ~~4,~t 1. ~;, who murdered thidgrtlre DenniiilOliitislo. wax oa•Ratiirthi n k, to.ten,. ma to be. ex*t on thelBth Demuirer nail, 'Whin naked if she had tiff thh)g ictsaY why thejnilgatent of the law shoula nal ...he red Rion , liqr. she arose arid deli an . neohenent APpial FiclAio! Cowl- ! Sh-sPOh9 Wig low lordlier rr;rils, were liioheirhyt sehbing, t artluit it was hapelishhi.lo4,:atch: 4 l l,l flat aheAriiW,;gltsaubstagee,was that a 4 ueW liioetniri4ee AktlerM,offilwillhol . s o pinch :wider. the .1 efirienee of .•1 0, ( 6 1 °r MP 1 ' she did i v* remeetherAlid cormalow or' , deed. 'She 1 %74 1 0 80 4 , 12 0 ileWsrV, # ll6 giNitio , other . Chtlilien, iirahom. she , a i m y' t i Wid,B4tow4exPriwg4 thnwish to. he permit. efttosee.thera. • /the allud94 " 1 , ha it, - 6 1he witclikt the' whirm:howl' the foul deed was, perpetrated, unit .cuurg4.o that she was the cause, ottliena. , u4sr: t rawfri furnished...the. Nol ;iAthol 4411 1 rWso*Nroolsw; •X 0 24 oho; the_ wertirgist villSwithoWl.o l °4 4 J obtainba the axe. choreic thimmpensibtlits,; o.l4loStiPor,uP.oo*.hefts4Pl--lhe 4141 wit h#rio w i-PP0w , fr9W.h*, 41 10 ,43 i5 4,01 rent *maim ermine % other `woma n. !,W PPilakia4WOrli si Pl r "elkcllwlh, weets,i4.‘ , 9: 1 4,;_4 3 .49.1 . / iioFll.lohhili A t jr; Ut ejit. : t ...ref:We/vie • W,Hpak on the jury alto might Meet thieir 'Maker bo• forefibet dui, and they would then knew what she.batitnifreratl., • SIM Itimlored,compti ssim,- saying that shejuul Worked far man!! tritest able people, mer.tioningi Mr, Ftilmtire, .and others, an 4 tlatY,waals l all tt , * tify, to her [o)(46i:trader., , Whin ,coarse; of her remarks she alluded ; to the tiosOhility, of• prison, which showalthat ithe ditioot expect ; the extreme , sentence of thalaw.- ' • . 'At the cenclusion of her remark!' judge , Jlakters i rnounced thesetitetme, sna,ss the last wo were spoken t,he'trembling i womna ecemet t t oxcalise her di!oni and ,hursto tniu a. passion of wqrping, ,the ,ananti • pf, sobs ' tilling•the court- as,sbo was -k4 ; ,arty: Yorklitaiis l ; ' The" ltoelieskst Y.)fairttiele, a. ileputt. lican•Janrinit in Its issue Of Nor. 0, inerauar itele headed "Let us birian the State."-;,Af ter referring the election frauds 'hr . 'tiew York city, toe Cloymifiewlys: We see "no nunedy for these evils but to di vide the State, and set : Kew York city and e - m county, and thantles ofllichnioad, kings. Queens, and Suffolk erns a !separate State..! We have unlit° obtain 00, consent of the State and,congeis, Andwe.are then relieved all further trouble:Le4 the new State be Or, Perhaps, if the Kew I Yorkeislike It better, Tammany. We wilt not sum' upaa the nau'e, provided_i we can be rid of th em., ;It would. be entitled,as now, to nine Ilepreseetatives • in Congress,: two Senators, and eleven Cotes in the electoral college. We should then secure, .without fear of fraud and eorraption. twenty-two Rep resenkitives and tir o. States Senators on the Side of freedom, and twenty...fair ,votes in the electoral college, :The, •laretlon of this new:State would berme-lid that of, the Pretelstate.*""3liiifee usetUt, equal wit lehigan and New Jersey_ togeth eri with ;Conzieticuti Innate Island„Ye rinorit, and New Ilampahire all tagetlier,.equal wlth ..ltldhusa, and equal. with .Kentucky. , It would htand allt.h In population in I the', Older • of Stakil.l Its majority 10 the election of 18ild was 08, .141 Democratic, and in MP, 113,227. : ;Ken- 1 luckywould lam to look to,. her laurels as the Deutociatic'GidlaherSttes, peril cularly as ler nett ' ecniiPetitnt:coii ken a.week'a no ticeonannfacture all thivot s whi:,mtglithe amatory term:cure the,' &Dr .and .the . championship,With Kew for clty:and its'eonfidertitc tiountle'S shot' out, 'the - EMplie Statemin giVelo,ooo ligePublican :Majority and more, mid while the neat State of 'Min batten or, Tinanuiny - .is . . I see.kin,g.; Congenial conitietitlon With Kintticky: we will, c.hal lee* lffasiachnsitte to A contest dot ' joritles ea,the Other side, • till" hlta I ho the &Ole ni' IC4W. York city ; 'are restive prides' the , le n rdation of ofirfropieseidatives proeiV tient Deinocititir therir:repeatMly expressed theinselves desirous to Secede front the State. Otoottrse,olt fleohblteeiniOimlkeid west of Spuyten Duyvel Creek 4 With _ ll unanimity earetnetiviit inehirr•thely;thOire:.!7he men glve , the great DemocrittleNote le New York etty,euitillO9C(WhO glve,the publicau lolcoutaide - of , it, will agree to %the eksoge.: , ,, Then by alt moos lathe ostessatt steps be token AoAcampush ,Elesfrablo:a enFtiFtmulOott• • :b -r• • cmpOisikAerrin :• r ' '1: • • I • • T . 0 gslarti „ • . .o:.x.qpio.l7tagPrn'slailfair • ;!",' .7 ,- •i o I ilLat ,(60 gunk S rca ni:T.PL l tallglVAl3/ SALE DAY gi r p:PlX 4 3l- 1 ;v: , - .;-1;!, • !.•: siiCifls lll4 l newer .: _ 4. ltiese to ;owl fr om 111 be TeOdY fur Co one! -0411.)bons_aa5 Mil El fi:v \ Naiads eicslis ~ •• 1 i lis maitt:.: 9 ....C4 l'Forest 1111Mmiti linr•liveir -- --.045 — •:7-fliriii-='. Volum • ' ' l l 017 - I Warsaw' ' • • o37— ~..•. Plymouth ig - alpsralso '" , p. t •Awl', bingo ..,.... . ... ,:i I IVIS :',.. lap: . -4 - . is' ... 7 11 A PI A! PaA1".1,31;41 Ea • 4. .4 , Cr ••.• • • '•' tiszt...rssefk , Chicago Mani Valparaiso ;1 IS 11108 Plymouth • t11.851 1, 1110:18 1 ‘ Warsaw_ ailing • misT Columblit-1.1r:v1.:..x.-.11 Wt. Fort Wayne. ..+ • 1.? t 200% , . Van Wert ..,. 7 411 Uma - 8,15 Forest ; - .1138 U cTeli pper ma ttan e tl i usky 5414 60 :-x:18 10 ,. ' litmyndi , • ' 1100_ , .•.801 685 810 P 1141 , tar- . • • 11:1101” ,11 1 7, :. 111(ittollloo• • - SW 1151 . Canton - ia:d_loo2 .1113411 Alliance • 1110411 .4 ; na! Rochester4llll4 - • . . BM Plitipbunh YOunftstown.l4eir Castle and •Erle Exprem lent* Yountstmen all:10p. UK NOW Cattle. ant% e* at IFithiburab, &t) p. m. lemeallttehorlb 1:15 a. mum at lreturn.ll/:45. N. Castle.!. SO taX "Imadirri" 6ll "lr linmeetd Pttlehugh Accumwo. datlon rem, ilikkii.ll42NPw Castle- 1 :1 0 a, m« attires A y.,10;90 Entnnal.., leaver Allestbapy.,..4: Mitres 'New CamtePtes m; Inungatcrwn, p. tn. • . p ! F. It. WIENS. Gourd lkiet Aria . • • CLEVETAISO. rirnelPt 6l . l RA.ListIOAD. . - • On and after Sept:l4, IleaLtrahm will leave Station daily (Sunday* exceptedE as fulkwrs. • I: Ft'Sar 'lnOrm 846.- inn - Ira • srii .104 ,41 ":073' .1141 ... -01 thg .. 210 .. ,I al 216 1 , 13rx .• •• Cleveland..... Redid Street.. Iludoon. Ravenna Alliance Bayard ..... ..) -Wellsville soma xoutrt. ISMEEM Wellsville ' 1; iCsOaall•SOtent Savard ..., ..... •.r.i . .,.....(' 19191 :rw . Alfbmce ' %...;i11•5 ,1 ern Ravenna ' Talvtini 1111 lindson • - • • ,^,lat ..• MI • Euclid Street +.:.:•:.ii WI - ••• ilt '' Cleveland •.' , • 'li 1* ' 1 Tis 12111111=2 i;Exii , 11ellitIr • • ; •0331 X ; Bridgeport - • .1114 - 5tenbc0v111e..., : ,,,.,..41:1 12 ex Well.rille • ' 1 4 A Smith's Ferry Beaver if • Rochester • 11 - -Pittsburgh 33:1 - , ,eotxa Nir • • Pittsburgh Rochester ... ...... Bower ' 1 Smith's Puny •I, Ktettbenrilli Mbar • iI7B4f I AWI4:O4: Ce . II-2. Leaves A nrici NVIIir4II64O II 4 I C IO I;iiC -: g " arritt 4l6 lC4t. m. i; • - - - 'DAWSON&SICHARDSON fill 'et; 71:1 , 11.10iT rEM RE ;!: • r' •: r 1.1 • I • • r • la .1%1150 .111 M OPENED . kr.AIfGE .11:1('N Or NOtIONS, . DUP./TO& SIMES, *AILAS33V.StRI3, . QUEENSWAPE, VINICARR,. • 1 :''• DRUGS,. &C. Window 014444 all flzep and , double. et h::, claLetteutiod veld 16 filling order for large . . • , size window efts. ae; -•' ' Alen. LINSEED OIL, • "CRUM BURNInG OIL,'-' •• ' ' I - COALE'S PATENT REVEL PAlntio tliontnt, Aland In Op Parcluwere will. do well to call and enntedno one - • stock of Pittnt*tbefore pnreluellng eltiewhere. .Alen. Choke Wands of Flour In BMW! and In Racka. All kinds 'of Country produce taken In exchange (be, Goods; ~• • . 'Remember tlxt - place, firet",doo . r alioie the (Mtlery, ppoelte side of , street. ' FAMILY 4ROCERIRS! THE rsozOrasim nAvren rrßilimiEn the GROCERY and PROVISKIN STORE of ,Berkimer. on Brkrhtott .etreet. Rochester,- takes pleasure In Informing hh. friends and the puhllg gen. erally.thst be hie added largely to the Stock.,and Is now prepared to furnish at the lowest possible rates, all ar ticles usually kept to a fret Oaes Prot - felon Store \ - / , • • t take pimiento' tailwind:wafts , Capt. !Mini to my old eattomere.lncttnirt they , will extend tii .blas the eame petrestege Do llketally. eapotersi grin sal-glair.. • .turFetrAmot. • ' 'G. 11. DERKIMEn. TAAMIRS risDsßsitiNgt)ll.iTitCO'fi.ACElS 172111,311 it In tborotodli repair with new lloiti. &e., P 4 hating prod the , eerwleeo of William flocileice, ottr 'Older. and leto.of the Itadueirr mill. win Aro orquired to warrant all work and give Abe lerkxt tarn Oat of any ntill'west of thelnotintalsid. Come One,l, 'anise at' mut _Toy • .• LUMBkR," . ' eb'e hesirit. • RAM.' ND'l " l(' /111 " ebea - s i lmn P. " , • , 31 : e d. . t r A co ß nay, Pa Elotourliiit;i:Dip t ag, - intl. I * Ptiiiiiikig. ~,.. •.,, 9 1 , ~.; • • ~,. ~..___: .... .4 . Tim, gal postcrAßD HAS ITAliffs -0e r Pil au* forje4'opring,Dryjpglinc! l'resAng ehoblog, lortjakfbreseeffeOcr of tworkmanobto Ea, ex ecarstmalble sow hilthe."' Ckweiinv cleansed to order trifled. thwart*. , Wolk wlll be to lan to at ut place gibollionip la Bridgewater; at: all,tkome,Atek 'coon- Oith bat DO deblv td pio intoef... . , -.. .. „ 1 wg eta atlll'Areht Ow newer bate 'lmProve4 Seleb^ 4'. bleb rekavebr e •Illeebteekaild oleo flligtorb, bolt a. w 71 . . tog nionotottloorePbisorithejommtuts! totil. 1 jeloltle, . ,• • • 1.: .1.- eAli•u• 9 ^ 4 ‘..'"" 1 , 1. I 411 g Kai, TI-0 kilt 0.. T p 3.11. ligiiedhidAtimika !IL Itielielbimaw. wooi' of , An*** "A elttut 4 114tv =Ted by tit tu4l ' cill ii . sq . utoali t r l 3 . t sl ober: atittifWi t itirEAL /fi lle A. i tk r Calm against tho Old ttnriffillownoso titoliett I. ea im a -Mr' ttlX , lndkingla If in • • MAMA textri liii ea, 1 :1: 1 94`g OM 4crart.4- Ai' ettd, 4 4.o. PI liordble. , - - ' - - - --.. . .I.* .k . ) lAcarteser di:- c.t ::•, !aeisi. A HoutTlitie . i . o ~.. • • , 4i , tit 1 . 0. G. ,wAT. . Y •, a,~,,. ~~WIIwTER4OPENINQ; .....,, 1= ll key. ~.. „. .. o.l*/..1.". v... , . .. . • . .. , . • ' 4 ',s , T :.., r ttt ~ Aci fll '. : i.r BE •, , r el • - • 0 1L.1 C°. -. Street 7 yer - • . iii-.. , , • : szT•. - Max 8110 t+t, , 361 143 1 1015 1 1013 ices art roars , se 337 Oa MO .• MS MO 114 HI 111101 E t ' ' .11- la 15 - 71141 r stirs! 450* no I 7 1801: 110 111 0 112111'. .1115 Alm . I 1120404 '1213A8 208 1 113' 3 19 443 1411,' 514 I ,Jos 367 MS . Mum ( : 08 810 330 r BlO 810 4113 ; I MI 1 641 13 0 I 1403, ll4O AIM 108 0 . IRS 113 5 18821 111 P 1110 31 0 I= MM ~~'~. R9l 910 11111 1191 MAIL. ,Acton lomat Mt • XI) VS I dia 113 ;- • I GSS I ItO ato , Isr L iii!•.lXc-i•-ii atin U 0_ 4.1 A 7; r3llr 330: 440 COO um : for) 713 i 0 15 .... in 3 .... ‘lXtex t 'COO 333 41111 SOO 'ill& • WO. (mug ' • TIIT ass 1135 $Olll 411411 I ,sott:i • .• 1 i • Kial 1, - .1 IMO IMI az =MIN 1)1' Oiening alitStock of .7 1 6 * f ; SHAWL 5.., ; SHAWLS • sl f , VERKII I ;. .• • ' • L a di e s' Sack' Cloth and lima 'Cloth& Ilrattb ehlontliOtt Palo for *ado: Oputt Moo Nan and ram Cot*. \otos: plain • • And Ihney rotors tiatatanll;abl v . • o.; . Zephyr. holt Owls,' .1 . • , hoods, Infante Cloaks. Pontig., /cc., ae., te. • , . • i ~1~ ,c~ ' n~d Handker~hici~, . . . . . , _a very good viuiety. OptaitaSal - 'Hod paSd to My GLOVER. th ' ..... 1 . Bibliald and. Seamless' Skirts. Ineladln,l tho very otyllsk NeW Veit tikirtil. • - 1 4V1 VellStogre, Cra : w c T AMMI N.G Qt every deocliptlue, ITEM Ladies tademcar. Mena! Shina.!•Pniacera aci' Snarndtara, • • MILLINEgt OrpOD*, 'Tata, Botioels' Flower?, Finite*, Frit„.; „ . Only far tbelarcest 'torte, Wltlnery Coalat4c. brought to this county aatiOteaper than you cal toy them at Any Ottla plitce. • Itiblin,_lllltobpns, Ribbens, a large stock. - , I • J0[411(410:6l - .13"li 1-101 S ~,,4 good assortment nlwasa on haul Hats & Bonnets al'ered and doe mei. eriiimiukAse PINKLNG DONEIOOft,- . . . I We invite our frifinin end the public to calla I n amine our new stock or • , . • , FANCY GOODS,! 6,43 - xot DR CYDEII-sOLA Now Is the dam to bay cheap. Nat forget thy Wet. Jr. ItENC;I • Beim ri. ovlVlVtit. ' .s,Ari 0 'ES m A p GUMS, Ilas removed from 101-Tlord Art•no,the laue and comniodions roomo,. Bli g Nag. M noon rarsifriiv, And has on hand the largeet and Net mlbs:ted it 0( BOOTS, : . • .GAITERSAS; (11:118'; in thetity; and win be Hll4 at duvet mini Skta PitiladClphia or New Y ork. Next of t u Om& an manufactured exprepply. - 1r 611 31r o.rir . . . . tweak! Invite the Cali and ttbortTlra barn+ to Call and ACiataltie my Stock before partbsaiog where, a.l yeti can rave money. GOODS RECEIVED DAILY Retail Stork No. Markel. Strect, (1 tlom yak J. B. BORLAND , ss k 5.$ WOOD STREIKL. WAN ED. Bushels BUCKII WEA. T, WILSON'S STONE bIII,LS, 'New Brightipn, Pa• x.ll-4 - -• IVIL'Op, -1111 i ifr ruts!' inutanum A*. .or writ. maw ' Itirlaus vo . Minors immitunoßATNE Vitki=lll:=l4, l _ wa vy, Vegetable lteatoratlve .1,1/ik to lb Meted Caws 11 0 ,L. moopfibe fit the *Lir Ste' p... i 417 _ .m ...r i - emi -i. iiii 1119' IS " sa= rlig higr l idie. l" t . ili f ' +ii tbs porkier as.l nil- A 4 ' ata ir elft 7 li k ' ' l ei Wiri 4 R. BARNETT II CO., PrePrkSWO; 11UOCOMMO, 111 U. .-. DIINTAL . YOTIC E. l it its w w, r p . rnf j. llET qti g n it i. O r ß n E it Z l 4 o. l o , dissolved by the withdrawal of A. M. %J. TRZiktite WhitOtte toidd trin L,t inamesunnipatatebrmolwoo; as IT. , irtl.k ml l l4 . ° !P ul 2"F ollsts ei,..4l cl i A ng,EK A.. M. WIIISLEA•ivar The In:sines" will la continued ender tos T. J. CILINCIAR Sion. who will hoert T Ct sod one to aMI so.* the shortest , porieble.s. gnaws, theta 'fa lc of the Bea* Motteriil ms perlottworldmaddltp. ' Atilt* die fining': lfrm srpassed_as hundreds of otty . noncom contot TS y. . 91, has& ~oreumsi 4;1N~ griflge in: - rift4 0 91 ld by go ALDEN CEMNIC Nhtth4tontlStz PhiladVia. II =I 13=9 p ~ A FinNui EMIR cm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers