. . TIIE BEAVER IRGIIII:• ;. 3 ' ,, '.. : • ', • . IS PUBLISHED. EitE,,RY WERNIVIIDN . . ~.__ , . . • 1 in 'the old t inting tialldlitZ , ol4:'.cusglit STREtt , - ' peavan, PA., at - , TWO DOLLARS PER TRAD,IN ADVANCE. t. , . . _m e & , Eckish. of the. paper:RlD be ferdtled, .; .' •'• - . : 1 ' wraPPoto• et got coda With.. -i.t ', . i ~• sSi at. " • . 4 .... ' ; , - Communications on subjects of local or general in - • ... - wr est are respectittlly solicited. To !name ,attention, .• - - av e r s of this kind meet inviriabty be icontpittiled by •'-• ; •- ' ' the name or the author, not for publication, but as a g oers:dr against imposition. Letters and eommunications should be addressed to Vol: 5 ..... J. WEYAND, )I:Mr eft Proprietor. .4- - . ~ . , • - . INV/it STRAW I I SRRAW 111 a ~.T .- P ARICER... . _ ' . rIA it ERS SAYS. TOUR STRAW. AND; %, JI 0 ,, -. , : ,; . , , • :.' • ; r bring it bite the (1,1140 Works.' Milo bat" per. .Homeopathlo-Physiolan aid Suir eon. 1. , , , cash on delivery d for good 'mond Odle minor. , , . .ottifrstain , ; gEMPLD a FRY.' , FrINDIRS HIBTIIOIII23SIONAL SERVICES TO . --II: the citizens of Rochester andanrroandlng tolvall•I • i'v • L. EIIERII A It T , - - I : ha would say that het„pays particular attention tot nr. , tlra gwy. - lite dew node of dbdinguishing dismal !ant- '' IA Vi I. ENGINEER a: sußitorem blot blot to tar Frottrollor tO Persona flor with. . . chronic dßeases. lie wlll also ald'othes phyriedans in NEW BRIGIITONiTtmc:I', • •rgery and the dhignpsesofdlilleult awes ,by having c U EVICTS. DAM AND PROFILES NADI( ON timely notice. ' . s . • . . . • C.l short notice: s . DOIT6B. ' . Odim on the Diamond, two doors east of Cm - twig's --- , store, and nearitoppotato Mr. Jolatunm - 's grocery a lto ' 1)R. .7. it LOCKH4RT, neater. Deaver Comity. Pi.,etPl3ll6. , • ... •:--1 • .. - , • .. , , .. FREEDOM,' BEAVER COUNTY, PA., BEAV E R ACADEMY .- , .• Al: ,„ii, promptly attended.. ' l'eept7:3m. rrIIISINSTITL - TION WAS OPENhDONMONDAY. ••• Oct. 12th,.1808. ', ' • „ J. , l•V'. CAMEUON J I —". . . ".• .• 4 " " ,•: .. • . ••• '" ~ i .. REV. JOHN W. MARTILD. Di ! ' ~. . .. . Attorney at . TaliNV lisß he4.o chosen Principal •, Ile was • formerly Pin:tea pot of the•liletet Ihstltution for the deafdumb:Mid thel DEAVER. PENN'A.. blind. Belfast; and Headmaster ;or the. National DP. ()1 7 , 0 1 , ' .. 1 . CE g0 . 7.7:4, NA . t ji o r N w A iliylg l eTa L ed ll t t o 'lLD si u tlr a fo n r a t r h t e ,c d cu m i t i f y ld re l i n a m en b t ol l l t te te ltd l g n ter i e j r y n c :,. : emu sulAy: • : • • j : . • ••• • ii • ' ' I " •" s. "'l' ' ' ' ' , lily. .ii - 'e are assure(' that Dr: Martin is a tine. echoing. and a totetiessi al Instructor:l Ile purposes to revire.the . "IRS. MARQUI & CUNNINGIIA.II iehou!,lf Uotl.llll. The Gist term .w Illba ,short,in con , • ' ..• .. :. ~.- r I sequence of th e lateness or beginning. ' The tuition , . will correppo d: A liberal dineohnt *MU-Allowed to l'aActicilie , g'jiyeiclAlrs . I illo orldmit or soldiers and children of elergymen.• •,- ~ • • ....--.. .. .. , ...., °-, ..t..i, f i,...,, , .. . :.; ~. ,- D,L. i DEMPSEY,# IL .P WWARY 4 .°Maittlm ' '.: I . ROCIIIBrAII, A. i• • • • grOgice two' dome east .. Ankenre Rot st Prompt eget:igen given to all calls, _ : . ~ . i ' me:9 66 : 1 7s '''•• I' ... ~ e• - • FALL AND WINT . ER ..... • .. , . ...., W INE F '"i It S i, A. i, TA.E. ''' 0 ORS 1-•• - rt eblit UN DF.IISIGNED H AS A LA.__ rf LOT OF - . - , .• .; • . 1 P are Domestic Wine. manufactured by himself, TUN 17NDERSIONED BROS t E.5,1:R TO,INFORM at., ill. vineyard near Industry, Beaver county. Pa., ... , his friends and the public generally that. he..has suirti he will 4011' at ynotiergte rate*, 'fhis wine it just 'received a new stock of goods of the latest ~., de from the Concord anb ..Untattna. Gripe, antlimill - 'style's for Krntne and Moores wear which he • b sold by did tattle. pillion no kegt ..1 , ,I:-, • . , • oilers at very moderate rates. .I . ,•oncerd plants one year old. for reheat my eineyer& 0 LINTLEMENS' FURNISHING (ODDS, 1 ifrru..co:tr l. . • . CHARLES MEMEL. • .... CONsTANTLY ON BAND. .. -------- --,----- 7: - ` - -------. Clothing made to. order on the ahorteat possible TT ',lseeotortallottee.-Whereas letters testament. no ti ce . •,:• .1.7./ toy upon the marsh: of John Shane. late oillon- Thankful to the public for past favors. Ilona: by ° sill te.. Prayer comity, Pe.. deed. have been minted close attention to busunesa to merit a continuance of • wale Stirlen(' owl, alt persons Indebted to Feld es- t h e same,. . • tate, arc hereby notified to make homed; ate payment. ' • • DANIEL TtfILLER, . sad those havlint claim, to present the same without . DRIDON ST. BRIDGEWATER. PA. delay to . , • , , alllCB IIAreSIIA, 1, „ Ex t ISA AC SHANE. i sun or. octlt et. G.. W.. ITSEY ... 9 k'dmlntioratoOs Notlee.-Lettera testaments. - • „.‘ ry on the erode of Alex.= Mars. deed.. of linden NVhokaaleand. Actual Dealer Mire., heaver county, having been granted to the nn-' dersigued, all person indebted to said estate and re. yawed to make immedittle payment , and those hay, ' 112 . nip claims againat the same Will present them toJohn , • • IL (Utley Monongahela lie. Co.. Pitteburgh, or to CHOICE rAmuiy GROCERIES tuiderslgned, No. VA Reeser Avenue Allegheny City , - WWI. 'MARS. • I A ' omr , and 'a . - W . Id. CLANEY. 1 .-- : ' ' TEAS , octlte•t • ', . , . FO R EIGN and DOMESTIC FRUIT, Law , Partnership. _..., ....:.. ... -rn. ...•,,-,kc. ~ . . .1.1-1. CIUNNINGPIA3I9 . E. P. I " N. All kinds of Country Prodticia *- old on corna - itsslcti; 07:tYlefM10.;1 if te• fitinr. , , • • . and prompt retr.rus mode. —, : . , ..Shi:tt 37 1 1E1L tnot ManoNAT.. . OFFIC.E, 1'.111RI) ST.; N. O. 49 FEDERAL STREET, • opreir;:ty. • DEAVER, Rt. .. , 1 , . - ---'' - Allegheny City, Penn'(': I.)3MD•T r IVIIS'X'IE : I- - 16 7 "- • . 9 4114 UNDEP.SIONED WOULD R&SPECTFULLY • asoffrAnyt•e , . y ' .1 In t one the citizens of It-aver and vicinity, that • be pas n,nened an office in Veneer, Pa.:. for the practice RAIL RO A DS„ ' sat Dent lostry. Its has had coneitterable credence In the pi ofessslon. Ind getters himself to to able to give gen ei al satisfaction in his haziness, PITTS.. RT. WATNEI CIIICAGO RAILWAY. ..Z - 'ogiee la the old -Dorraty lintel" holding. On and after JualBth,l66B. Iratna will leave ,Stations 5 bird street, Repley,"Te. All work warranted rot one d a il y . ( s o o n " excevte d) its follows. (Train 14,„.big y ..ar. J. 8. DOtillORN. . Oilcans) at lint, P. M.. leaves dally.l ('Pain leav el7:49:ll. • :•• - , fog Pittsburgh at 2.15 P. M., leaves daily.] '• . . , DP, WM. li. SU'rIIERLAND, Tastes dOINO Wt?.?, • •- 'lrxr's. B.T.Ps. [ALIT'S. ExP'a i t:— ti).Je,N yrJ S''T', , :: • Pitteburgh • i l 613 an Alt 915 eat Max I la' Ti .I%"*Lit"r''' 7 2BAN.EB P END' 'A Rmheatt . ' • -11E6 - 1040 11:M . . 196) T 11.4. ---,1.e." , .• •-•'-j ...t. - .... •.. • .......... .., Saleln - ~.........,..111011 .' 19111 rat -1513 ; 447 • h";'"., • . ' 7.74 ',"'''.A.' . •:': .: • •37ithi*lit' s•-•,, ,,. .,. , ,,- ~, .- *iglo .-•i ' - - - ...; .1191Irt` -lir - . • Nal•••, .MO • , It . •-•-••• . . -.. . -. • 1 it d I' 717 at' .411 l - ''' ' -''. ' ''' '.` . ' ..- CeOl_.:e ',w i mple: „; .. ~ ; ... .., i ~.11.207 853 '1:08 • 145 widtatto • • 1 - * - • ' '..`..1.- , ~.,t'. .- Vriort r e B : l T Mansfield .... .. ...' . . - ...1 1 400 ' fito 913 . 916 T 1 JEVNET. 1 , 1 Bncyius • •t 446 5311 1015 , 945 il 1129 c fa t i o . , 1 1 0 015 1 .; - 6 5 010 -I , • ' ' 'tipper Sandusky 718 719 'lll4 • 1066 Watch 2714k5r and !To erg , Foram I 740 . 751 1147 . 1111 ; 908 008 11501 Ll97rx Third Street, Beaver ; oral a., Wert ...., , ,, n5 unn 207 228 On room adjoining J. C. Wilson'. office.l" . • Fort W ayne • 11210Pli I IMO 890 MO ' Gold watches and ebronometers.repaired and war Columbia . PM 1237 an Sts6 , 337 tutted. 11ngrav tog done to order ; • Warsaw. • . I 155 135 419 • 421 //The patronage of the public is solicited, and Ply.nouth I ' , 300 Ma , 1155 ' 510 eattsfaction enarato eel Give us a trial. Valparaiso ' ,1 447 4 415 TM 635 stertrtigi:4m. ' • ' • ' . Chicago it W 1 MO 910; 690 . -. . TRAD.:9 COMO EAST.' FARME. ft S • • T is:t 'Nit e. t,i' 9e I --------.IEIILX ExP.° ' E IP'11 •1 E3r2 9 4 ,.. rI.IIIP. .. wooein 1•1 ED DAVIN ' P CU_ :riiKut C hicago . • 'i l 320ast 920rit 5.1.5rx 450 am Grist kid la thorough repair With now ooltsitte , Valparaisol l s9 1106 710 657 end haying secured the services te . Vilinftrti Soiltalve. Plymouth. . ' 1 1125 IL-TAM 9(1) 910 our'old miller, and tato of the-Industry mill, we ins wa ro w ' illtitrat 183 950 1020 prepared to warrant au work and give the largest tern 'Columbia "100 111 Iwo 1116 eat or any mill west of the mountains. ,- ' I Fort Wayne 1,200 815 1116. itdOrs Como One. Owe all gait Try .1,18 I Van Wert 1 ISI . '440 1215. as 966 ~ LITAIIIBIt, SHINGLES Lima 585 115 319 Forest ' •1 NM . f 63. ' 218 443 AND LATII, as cheap as threlseaoest. - J. at 1.1. DARRAGIL I.l . pper Sandneky - • it 5,3 a 718., 242, 514 •il 609 801 816 657 ' ' Sharon Mille, Deaver.costaty, Pa. ' Bucyrus ) Gal . 910 355 8 1 635 . ,880 840 G3O inertia. .1 Crestline ________ • Manstleld I 110411 II 723 1917 424 610 ,- • Wooster • II 815 1100 ' 550 810 i • Orrrllle • ii 515 1197, 615 841 • Massillon • 1( 946' • 1157 Gt 7 920: A Canton 1;1009 1:418rd 703 940 - Alliance , '1045 1235 if 5 1040 Salem 1 :1114 159 1125 Rochester • 112.56 ate 862 11( 6 . 125PN Pittsburgh ' 0 155 .. 410: 1110 180 JOS. ORFiEIZ I ricutingury MECHANICIAN, 7 AND' EVinlrr -,:9;11:1rts ilankfaclurta. ettee u d Itesiticuce, . ROCUEST£II, PA, Beaver .Seminary , & Institute !,!, F, 8s LON OFEXS,F , PT; 81:1 31 41. 'rill ,b s seGOOL:I4O LONG ,lqp 811AcEWFV11,LT 1 conducted by Profdravlor,inddble huubsthntP•ofrdra cztr utln courpee In the Oldreice, f.ng/biG end Miiste. Fur cutabigues addecus G. T. TAYLOIL, Chas. 13. Hurst, • Notary' . • Public, Coh*eyancer • and, poartuice • • , --r- N EED:4 A 7,10 AGREEMP:7 , .tTS W.ItITTEN AND acknowledgement* taken, &c.. , Saving been only cetimagionott asAgent for sever• stl tir.t inuorance Caropontro: representing the F3.lr, fife. Archrent, and Live Stock DepattmentP, preoliTNl to take riekp and write polities on tho most bbr.ral term*. • AlatkuAgent for-the "Anchor Lino'' pf Prot., diicesn Steamer*.; Tickets soid,,to snd front allpOrtlaas En ttland„.fteland: Plcotland, - Oermtuar and•Fiancie.s In Car. iq Lease brick row, Diamond, Xocbeater„ ;.prty'ca. I ' ra• J. b. lIIIOOI4IIIIIIAOHIL SEC.. 6 TAZAII INDUSTRY SALT CO. mAxtricTumni. JAI) DX.14.11R11 IX ' ... TABLES'4 COARE. SALT, Industry„tAl:er -Co.. Pa. ,' . • . - AU Dolt Put up In goodorder ood.warrdnted to give . . eatlifsettion. • AU orders pronaptli attended Io seopletf. \ One of the Largest & Most Sucoes,sfu WIIORSAIKIJATIOURIS, is the old extensive and reliable house or Wm. Flemming, No. 130 WOod street, . , •- • PITTSBURGH, P 8.. OGOODS WILL BE SOLD AT EASTERN PRI kJ oat, and will be found to , compare In extent and warbity with Ant class bombes in New York. The etock ontudets of Men and 'Boys Far and Wool Date. Silk and emokimero Hata, Men and Days Cape, Ken, Boy* mid al Ildrens Straw goods. Palm leaf Da ta, . Sha ker lloode,Sundowns. Idullea'andUbsees Untti:2l%tond end untrimmed.' Country Meruhentdare huelted to ell and examine our Stock. . • ; j ' " • „,,,J,F_ -.; " -"," -': ,',:;•4 ',';' ' . 4l...r k W. - .,;: 0 1 . •-„Z"..,i , ••::: •''' - -e".: • . - •:,;...7 , t ' 4- ;:: ' V i : , • 1. , ..• - !:, •" - 7'.., ; t . , •,_ . „ *. ,„., , - i 4.0....„,, , •;,,,,, ,, :•••,„...„--.:•_._..•.,..„....- ...•.•• r• ....••• • ._. ,_,...._ •••• :„. . , _....___. _... . . . -_,•• - • .....,„..-5„.. ___•• • , ei;/.7.7 77 --7.- - -7 ,;. -.7 '• ''` 77' •• , - , . - ~ •, . ~ b s•-- , ,‘". 1: •'.. t: •-•; 4‘- - ... ..(5 1. :":' , !:.,- , t't:C: :, , .P , ...a. , 4 , ,,.„-;;;,,,,- . .,-. ; lr 77,, ; .., w. -.. 1.. „ i ~,. 3T_s ,/ 04 . . t.-. ',72 , ..„•,., '..714),144 . 13' tpq.:41.1.V, „ ;_--1;11 ( 1, - -, -. • a ilcit,-t•:. ...;;;-; ..,•: - .4 .9 i .... - • ' — 0,11. i - - ~;;:, ii - '3" = t- ; 2,- - ,7;,• - •..k, - ; ' ;,,'-` 1 -:. '..: -;.---,',..•. . - "•:..;; ,-: ... 4- : - .' , *' , "'•'* -'' • . '''' '7; 1 4. . ' ''''''''. -.., '''i r>i , ':l • • zi.. - 144 - t rtP • ' '' , i• • ,',•• • *r - -- 'c" " '''''' •• 7; f ~F . .,: • . ;.",,,,,,t. ... ,• • • 1 . - - - ..„,..,: -; . 7 .1" : • •••• '.' ..' , Vi•P•,‘''' '..' --'' -- . q 4 le'' ,- 1 - ';„ .. . , ..-;•.' • ...: :•• ;,„ ', ' r.; I-, • • - i. 5, • ;1:1, ' ''• '.• '., ; ' 14 :- e . •'' Ki... 6-. .• '• '' :•.; nfiLt ttik 2;t:i r ii•": -. , t•; • } 41 , ... ,? - i-'-, c - , . -- -`r, •::3:. T 11 „ .. .....„,,7,,.;,,,,..„, ._,,,,.,.,t.,•....;....,„.., _ ~.„.........,..„..........",...„..., „........., "ffl 4 ; 1 / 4 •14".", 1 ) 714+ _ I , ~:kr",, '' ':'•,,,•) , ,s . ' ' - ;•. ;•. t I: 11 $: '), t' "? ' 'i • ' ' l4. 1 •L - L •.•,•15 - ~, - .ts•-• as, ~.. ' , ~, .• ; • ,-,- ~'.• ~ 0„ t• - : " ; ' i f., ' .-.. ,c 1 ......_ ,. • : ; 1);:: i• . 7 7 ...,.....• 1 - ••:, ~.-.,,, . - :..1 ,, ; - „ .• :.. .: _ i...;i: ~ , ..,..,,:littliwi ?;, , ,, , ,...gtn " . , :4 . rz.lo;, F • ~.,,„.,,,.,..,,,,..,..., ...... ...,,._...;....,........„.„.„...A ""="A "'Of ', "CI " rkz '• -, ~ -,- --: ~ .... -, '...141'14:qi,ct ,: - - ;;; - .."‘ ! ; 1,. .. - A'' 1 ' , .., I . ,' ~ •,,, ,; [ ,•,,,, " ' -• •• ' ••:' ' ' ' ~' • - .:, l' ,;tO , , ,41 '1 4 '! - ' : • - .• ..• ~..,.,. - ,: ; •• , , ~, ,- - '',.. 4 ." .": t , , - ~..'," '''•,-- •'`,... 1...;..1 - 0 : - .. - . ; ;I: - - , -- .2 ,15 ,',...). ,-r - t. 8 4 / 0 No '45.:' • - :-- ~ . t . It S • ..• •••1-protILL, ~. "A•L + ftt pelt' ..S - , , , , ,:tti 17 ' . 11 , ' ''' ••••I•'" • 1 C .2 ‘ Z 1•• ' s „)--. • eit'inili,.. ~..,- • . '':-f .-; 7 -.--- .: --- - 7 ''21.-• ~ , ---,'",''• • ' • • • Beaver '..:Pa 'Weciiiefsasi r' 44 ' ' er - 4.- Lo Inca vol. Colitity, " Tea chers ' Initt. iilromunars'''lo - iiiiiiiigl.l .;'.,,. _AT 44 4 40, 4 ; 4- ' ' -late. 1 :; . ; _. , ~, :- ' tively'dqltillltstellicegy. .1 ..'.. , 'i, : *4, , , ..ii., ' I • BaiDozwerms, Oct,O 27, 113 M. ;.- ' ritigia'Arki t i66t,, 'O -. 0 :•' : ; ' alieNt' • Yonngstown, liew!Castle and Eliexpress leave Youngstown at p. m; ; Ntnv Cradle. 4 „E ;00 p.m; MTh ep, at Pittsburgh, 6:00 p. m. Itetnrning, !elves Pittsburgh Tan a. mart. at Youngsto;rn,lo:4s. N. Castle, r4O a. in; Yonngstown. New Castle and Pittshnrgh AcCommo• dation leaves Youngstown, 6:00 a. In; New Castle,l:lo a. in arrives at. Allegheny, 10:00 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny, 4:15 p. in; arrives New Castle, 7:05 • p. m; Youngstown, WA p. m. P. R. MYERS. (tonere! nag Aggiu' '--cusvatianrs -prrrasuitou- waimatuo. Off'stitattet!Sepf:l4,l.B6B, tridne rtlUeSve4lltallon• -dallr(Snidaye evoepted) 4111 folltOsl 1.._1. 001140 fIOCT/t IC=l ... I szzAs istopx :... ...!' 84d 1221 :... di 950 10E1 , :... ...i1!025 ' 141 .... ... 1220 920 .... ... 1154 MA .... I 'r3svit 400 . ...: Cleveland..... Euclid Street. llndaon Ravenna ..... Alliance Bayard . Wellaylife:.... G.(4Ntil sorait. '' , • _..--- 14 ______H• MAIL. Exr's! Acco N ------. --- ---- 501 , - -,-,-.--- Wellsville...l.. :.-.:-....) 8.104.5 t 400rx . ..... .... Alrance • rt 1,1022 1 022 11'20 5•27 . .... .7:liast Ravenna .., i • lVIr• 004 ...... 831 And • ,12210 •ral fAll - 910 Eyelid Street • 1•137 714 .1 - 7107, Cleveland ' 1 150 715 ' 1030 '''- . , GOTNO riot.: ( s .--". ' • . ; . • . IBsp's Exe.e. RAIL. retro • ..,...- ............... I Wort tellalr ' • • 1 105nair 2 0 0/34 :ft. • Bridgeport 1111.5 in. , 5 :210 ' ' .... Stenbenville ..... 11 1 / l eat 7413 'IIB7 . 2 1: Wellsville • ' 145 350 430 ' :t41344 Snilth's•Verry . • 1 207 212 ' :45.4 655 Beaver • - 1 Rochester ' 11145 • OW .5.15 , Tao Plusburgh II 1153 lOl5 , 310 r i3.113 , GOING WINT. • ''' . • ,r '- - 4 ;:ibitii.. Earn. Err's: :Acco ' - 4 i ---- --- ---.....• Pittabne,,h - .1100sx 200 Pa 415str =re :Rochester • ' • • 710 • 805 . 1550 440 Beaver . ' OM 000 1100 Smith's Ferry A irn , iiBs 533 •MS .' Wellsville ( 82.5- 405 . 715_ . 306 . Steubenvilles.... 1 SW 500 • 8(6• ~/.--..; Brideport IMS 210 9:2 ~.. Bella'ir 1 1045. 020. , 925 , ,• 1..... , TrBCARA WAS BRANCH. Lamm, . 1 AITIIIII N. PhP.Adelpbby 900 i. - m. I Bayani., , OW*. m. Bayard, Itlo,m. • I N. Phllndelph SOO pm. ' R. MEYERS. General Ticket: Afoot. License Notice Aptlleaata for Levine •t Ilovembet Saasiona, 1068. EATING n 01331. Rochester Vero Rochester Bono JOHN A. FRAZIER. Clorks W. W. Mealy . John Chalic • Oct. 91.1868.-81 . Beaver, coinity 'Teicheral annintl. Institute 'conveyed. at ihe.call of the netiotY snpc. la& Whithem, Ir. the . Union. School building in Rocbeeter,,in Monday, wonting thc 19th inst. and wascall4to order bi 'whtchats; and opened with - prairer. by the Rey,. J. Rockwell, Principal of the Roclurater Union sehak • • A temporary organi s r.ittton i licas 0.04 'bir: choosing Prof. J. J. Rockwell temporary Sat. and' appointing a leonitnittee ot%tive 'for the purpose Of reporttni;permenent offloetil for the easociation.., After, as absence of. 4bOut . ten taunt, the:committee: reported, the fol. lowing , nerned Potsciacythe wait, unanitnonst , chgsea. tO ierve'foi l. thd, Pplairlentr-Shpt. •James -Beeretari--T. H. Donets. 4.4 86 # 61 4 1.3 Maiver.'o;lo • ; • ir Treasurci7--J, J. Rockwell Ravi:dive' Camtiattietz—G: .31. Fields; chair: rant!, B. A. Lakin, J. IL Christy, Kate Rood, Jentile Dicicer. - Committee to providolomes for Teachers from, abroad—Prof. J.' .L , ltockwell and .hts. worthy itsslste . teachere, Misses Rena, Gray • Herce,r,,,lll.6nrhead,peetter, All persona engaged in the prom,siois . o teaching In the county who were present du- ring the sessions of the In s titute weres.;enrid led as t!cilre meinbeis ; at/daring the a4stotte which lasted until noon •61.7riday, the:2414,. 100 teachers were enrolled ; and the average daily attendance , was , seventy-one ; besides qultea number of 'clergymen,- CUX:01111,' and 'seek agents, who were enrolled as honorary membeis, and rendered much to the prosper ity of-the Institute. Having etrecteda permanent organization the - eseentive committee - repcirted the pubject of School Government for discussion for the I remaining part of the morning session. • . Prof B. B. Li4km opened the discussion in some•very appropriate remarks, and was fol lowed by Messrs. G. M. Fiat* Dr. Bracken. Whitham and . others . tit brief and practied*rdniarks on the great.nnd all impor taut subject to the teachers of the present gen' oration. Before adjourning for dinner it was unanimodusly agreed, by resolution.tbat the sessions shoidd be as follows: Morning ses sion from 9 a. 31. to 12 ,st., afternoon ft•ont P. Y. to 4% P. IL, and the evening session frown 7P. 31. to 9 P. M. Adjourned. • • • Afternoon session convened At 114 P. 311. Supt. Whittuim presiding.. Roll was villed and sixty - three teachers i•espondiol. 31inutes of morning session were read and approved : The executive committee reported the tol lowing programtuefor afternotin session: Discussion-73innners and tbe.beat metbpd of torichipktintm. • • • grill In 'Orthogi4bi.lix..Prof. G. 31. •• r - Class Drill in Reading, G. L. Eberhart. -__Chiss Drill in Engl lab Grammar, 13. B. La kin. ' •The question for discussion was discussed, teachers, which was well receive). Rext per et length, by Messrs'. Eherhart, Fields, Dr: tormenee wile an, essay by Alp Iconic we: cer. Subject: The. teachers responsibility lireekenridge and others, all sgreeAng that b_y example was the only true method of tench. for the morals otitis scholars, which evinced ing them, and that It necessarily followed that much thought and conviction on the part of the teacher should tie mannerly if he 'would the essayist,,,and_that she huld herikli respOii- t teach manners effectually, from the fact that elide to a certainsextent for morals of her pu., we are ail imitative beings; and that the pct. pals. The question 'of the teachers tesponsi pile will try to imitate all the actions of their bility for the moral training of his pupils was teacher, if they respect him aa'they should. discussed by Messrs Inman, 'Rockwell, . Don- At 2:15 r. it. the members of the Institute Om,. Eberhart toulGilehrist, all agreeing that were divided into , three divisions—A, B, 0-- they were to a certain extent as much ie.' and, given to Messrs. Fjelds, Lakin andEber- spensible for lie moral as the mental and pby hart each one division, who instructed them sisal Lublin of the Puelig: • , . in the above named branches for one hour Prof. Cooper next , entertained the audience arm 'a half each, as folloWs: with one of Ids usual interesting and instrue- Prof. Lakin took A division into a,separate tyre lectures for about halt an., hour on the apartment of the commodious , school build- best method of teaching English . (}rummer, lug and instructed Its members In the subject but apace will not permit me to give his of teaching English Grammar. .• , ruethod, and those Welters who were not in Prof. Eberhart took B division into another. Otendance at the Institute will have to do apartment and instructed its Members in the without some of the most. excellent, ideas we subject of teaching reading. - 1 . have ever heard on the subject. ~ ~_ , , -After the lecture some questions were asked 1 Prof. Fields remained in the , general bust- t he le c turer , .4 . • by Dr. ..ureckenridge and a . 1 - flea's' hall of the Inatitute and gave instructions - , - to C division in teaching orthography. swerial satisfactorily, I thank to', the majority c I the teachers present; but the Dr. took ex- This method of, imparting instructions' in the several branches taught in our schools was c 6 i'l mns o, hnd there thii'excleise 'dello!. ' pursued during the day sessions of the lamb, The oi?ject 0( N eitlir o ton was next consider-, ed trine b y. Prof. Lakin In some consider tube until Thursday at noon ; and .1 should tora short t brief remarks:o,nd %mien. without appearing 'State here Melt the dlilsioni changedtubject, id, each drill, and iii this t4thod all the nidm- to solicit any remarks further, than 'those here of the Institute received instructions in litalle IV .hi In. , , 1 ' " • ' , all branches taught. Aster the time speettled The subject 'How to make progrent in teach" ' for dustbin closed Ad reassembled - in the tie was next considered by. Prof Cooper at general business room, and' 'fifteen , minutes some length, and as usual With _ids leettires was devoted to criticisms on , the methods of on all subjects was highly apprietated.nnd 1 instruction pursued. ..- I well taken. , After which the association ad- • The subjeet* Of teaching orthography was Nourned to meet In the Town Ballet 7 o'clock• discussed at some length by Messrs. Dr. .. ' Tovrx MaLIL E;te.iittio "Ssuision. : . Breckenridge, Rev. J. W. Martin, D. D., Th e Hill i in the evening wasrlilled.alinost Douglas, Whitham and others, ill advepating the anyletic and written methods, also the to overflowing with teachers and Out friends of education who we r e highly entertained by great importance of teaching Phonetic spel addresses from Prot R. T. Taylor, or Bea'ier,, ling. ~ , - . • , _ and Prof. 'Gilchrist,' Supt. of the common After the criticisms on teaching (orthogra phy had closed Prof. Eberluirt entertained the schc;°l° " I.W.4shingt°l/: county ' -Th.! former , .espying nearly an hour on the suoject 'Tee audience with select readin,g until the hour ' Teacher: and the latter quite: an . bour of adjournment. Adjourned to meet in Town comparing the old system of Witching with BO! at ''.l 1% AL " - • - ; the present. and from the strictadention gilt, MAIL. ACA:ox. *2Or 0171 T9l/1 4 2 HALL, MONDAY EV251510. Institute coniened at lo'cinek, Supt. Whit. ham in the enair. Minutes of afternoon les s on weni read and apProved. . , , G. L. Eberhart entertained the audi ence half an hour with aLectufe oti the very important subject of .''Little Things" ,and his addresn pointed the teacher to many little, thingehomikaguilty ofgoing that he should not do; also to many little things he was hab it:tutted to leaving undone which heshould do.' Nest performance of the evening was an elegant :Lecture on the subject "Parents and Teaehei a s daties,to the risinggeuiration" by Prot J. J:ltoCkwelt .which was well receiv ed by all who had the privilege of hearing it. Andlist, btktbY no` means the least per foment* of the evening, wet a 'cetera by Prof. B. B. Lakl on* sublvd or giaglish • Institute convened at' . 11 =4 PCB: adil Was by Prot_ c 436 10ri: Normal &boa. • Alteresllingthtroll Proving the min! Monday. abciat lidded to.the roll, iadng D of ep3rciscs wcy,O, plinassdrill it claniftlii twit ; Clan. diii! ger...cf D. Clam drillin Grammiir, , sea( statist:o4o'lo ''l6-nsrat. A.. ... as Olt . „Tr Mor. l 44. l idd WesOttstifii. th fr GeographY, eeD,idivislr..eptaining apa 1, ceiving instricitions frog} PO; Cooper in the most therough,litteriiitinitinif itistreetlio, drill we hails everhad the p hof Witnelii ing. 1.•.; n . • ; If !pee wouldjmormit I sad;o01.1,111ke low him through hie frill *Vial and other days ca; he aultieCtisnolthall , • have to let a very, few nunniki(stiffice. commences the study by: hattinin - the recoil*: ites for studying, next assigns definite' let son, th'‘ns3.o4nito time to `stedy tho fsason,, and explains any thing, Wet may be t ' to understand, next 'aces •that the lemur , is studied properly. !whaling 4 classesk' recitci • favors taiitigl,bCelist recite .as Mimi c without the teacher *Wei, any cinestiow Ist, giving the location of a country; 2d its extent; nd introits; 4 its boundaries; 5 its reliefs; titbits Waters ; 7th tie soil, 'climate; runductions, animals, education,„&e; describing all end giving the custoner, ;and habits, and buiitieSsof the people in the 00130; try described. itp.aisp favors TriniOnt_, . 1 %;• views, by reiiiting some of his pupils td Write out .upon the plackboard the subject ' matter of soul. presionsreoltation, lbel The specified time tor' class haiiiig eipired and Divisions A:IE44 C few minutes it was taken isgin general dmewefien 013 sub; jects in which:instruction lied been given. Thu subject of genial Disciplthewastaken and its impoilance discussed in a lively and. entertaiiiine*ussion, by. -Messrs per,. Dr. lirixtkeridga, G. L Eberhicriand others' until the heati:kfor adjoutiment. ' • - On Media/ ik was umnsimistudy • agreed to limit on general_ discussion • 'tod five Witt* except the nopening d gensaleis, unlissWilims: be given Institute Institin adjou Thll4 - ' — ciosW 20th.1828, • • , Instituteloolitteet - t. . waen aillei! and minutes of morning' session read and spnmved. Miss Anderson of Rochester Union school sad snelegant may on,What tn. centiv. s tc study shehld be eppeiled to by the , - en by tho audience I think both addresses, as they should be, were highly esteemed. After souteexceilont vocal music by. Profs. 'John Carter, 0. R. Coo,rand nthers, the audience, dispersed and the Institute adjourned. ,WioUtuithor Mounixo, Oot.21; , Institute con:Vont:4 at 1) , A: u., ' andwaiopen.. ed with prayer by Dr. Breckenridge. . " Roll was Called, absentees Marked. and minutes Of previous session read and approved, :11ass drillswere conduCted during the morn ing is at previous sessions. ' Drill in written arithmetic liy . Prof. Benj. Franklin. - • Drill in English Grammar by ProL B. B. Lakin. • Drill in Geography by J. A. Cooper. Di ill in Reading by Prof. Eberhart. New divisions : were asaigned to each of • lnatacttoa'Ocinii:dies'soriessi 'b r as' t meds4ilit! 641 . 11014041.0, ,iiiikou**) l 3., , : theiltOan'a for lifte6A sohiatei itter Wttoti WS rooted liVi," l :9 l eadki. **V *aaNatit. Assderalol9l,l*l.4l:ala' the dodo orpoi taimAierl l ,4fost "letialt `TeOst::Ar3inii *siviabiA`iktik* Oatiiit *hook the Efttreeed3or'hii* inut The :Vakoidr a t in iridditli3:vOir,.innasied 4*aille*elta lil wtkataa:ll a Vaal *it 4:44ottiogio. find reagoplaii.4**l.6;24o (tag itst die lava by rm . zb.trbet***, ' . *Pd ”t -r: lc • 0-, :•1* i iputhata Aidarittatrat' tl#P 34ige* - 4 pAptinte, of t pyr*Ailitui lf lyrlANipto Ox: 0 440-Witli tllle knowing,ist jart" riVartffiagfakeitais44oAtlo. #444foraidwil*;.s4°.**42l-1-3. tee on on pernetnetirmititnationwasltO'Welt, , proceeded with the election which resulted in the, eta etion B. B. .Lakin, J.J. Rockwell,' G. if. Fiel4, Jennie Mercer and G. 14. Eller had as said committee for the-cawing year. The itonimltteee:ect organized by selecting Pri~f. Cleo . liL Fields thairman.and Mise.:Jen uiciAlercer Bee., and- all persons having-bus.: ineas eenneetC4 with the examination Will sukieis G. k. Fields, at New Brighten , or, Miss Mercer RoChester. ' The . ieinainteg portion of the atterucka. VW occupied- by a 'lecture on Physical Geog raphy by - Pear , Cooper, alecture an Phyaint ogyty Dr. A': W. Acheson of Bottepri ands ecture 411,1 Theory and Pr+►ctico of teaching by ,Prof. Cooper, each of Which was hig instructive sta. entertaining. ' • Yd tho oveningithe town !mil was crowded with the friends of education who •were hig )y entertained with lectureipy Profs. Gilchrist and Cooper; the former on general education al topics, ;and . the latter on the subject ."En , gland." - - • , •, TnVitsperliosaina,"Oct.. SW 1868 Institute convened at 9A. M. and was opened with ,prttyer I Prof. G. M. Flcth., Minutes of Sessions of previous afternoon and evening were read and approved, and on cal ling roll 83 teachers answered to their names hetng the, - greatest number that answered at any call.during the Institute. Tile first Per formanco of the morning was an easy on:the subjectof public/Rxhibitions and examina tions by • 31.. T. G. . Hillman. the subject was dimmed at 801310 length by Messrs Rochwell Rberhart, 'Whit ham, each endorsing the im portance of tiotbbut differing vastly as to the manner at conducting them. ." tier Cormadee wei an elegantessa y by Miss Emma Hays on tho subject Random Thought's... • Piot Cooper next entertained theinstlinte - with 31 very_elOtOt lecture:os.lollianivs, In which ho explainixi:the theOrlesiiitnanlng to sli. volcanic eruptioni in a manner. - ; which shcwed him to be a' teacher of alrmall. Inman abilities. . • Prof. Lakin occupied the remaining por tion of the morning correcilng•and it giving his method of teaching to correct false syntax, In revery:able and forcible manner, showing that ,he thoroughly 'understood the subject which.he taught, after which Institute ad• Mourned until 1-80 r. sr. Afternoon session convened at the usual time and seer calling roll and, reading and approving Minutes ,of previous session the Rev. dairies Shields favored the Institute with a very interesting instructive and entertain ing lecture for the space of about about ao. ] minutes. . • llihr•day having. been designated•and 1 notniced as Direct Ors day of the Institute the afternoon was act apart for discussing mat ters of general intertst to dii.ectors. On cal ling over.the names.of the different school districts of the county, but seven directors of the _c linty responded. Viz. Messri Shields and Inibrie ni Beaver Brim.; S. Cross or Rochester Berri., Messrs, Fields and Franklin, of Fallston Born., Mr. J. Mellon of New Se; Wickley allorough Tp. Some 'general remarks • respecting the duties of directors and - the -advancement -of the schools were madaby !deists Fields, Cross, : . 11 ell on and Shield's; aft ei - wlitch'ofir' Worthy anct ellicierti.Beputy State Supt: Mr. Coburn, favored the institute by deflate.; the: portions of tir 'school rktho , State , relating to teaelier's certificates &C.; lie., after which the Listitnte inljonimed. • The Itistittite 'wits andressetl in the evening by'l" .; :rof. J. W. Martin - D. D. •en the subJeet.' of teschingthe deaf and dung) alphabet . lit twoorsepernte addresses Of thirty minutes each, which were ofei very entertaining as well as mufti character. Prof. Gilchrist entertain.' ed, the andlence with one of lain very interest , lAand instructive lectures on the 'subject of oral education until the hour of adjourn. , , • • .FILIDAY MORIIING Oct. 23d1e83. • ' • Institute convened at 9 a.m. BupL Whit ham presidiniand was opened with Prayer by Prof. Coburn. . Theron tuna celled and the midutes of pre; vials meeting read and approved. On niotionProts Lakin, J. H. Christy and Benj. F ranklin were . appointed ri the iii draftvesolutions cipreasive of, the feelings of the. inember'of the Institute.. On motion 'Messrs Itockwell, Fields and Laken were appointed a committee to solicit alms of the lectures delivered by Messrs Shields, Cermet:, Taylor and Gil christ from them for publication tor the ben efit of the teachers of the crinnty who did not have the pleasure of hearing them. On motion MCssrs Henry ilice KM. of Bea ver, Rev. W G. Taylor of Philipsburg, and Capt. Geo. S. Barker of New Brtghton . were appoirii4 - a committee : to Confer 'With like committees from PintlerimlAlleglumy Conn tiei with regard 'to establishing a Normal schoolin this the 12th distriet:' . The committee on . resolatlens presented 11,,ffte'resoTutVgiswItIstritwirietacceir• edlot:., '.•;mo r igiiiig n itir. - ,1. ft:th 1:- 1 '1) 1 11Ori?!i-7,/:; 'OA letiC)Aiiiitlii4Aiiiitil ty , 411 1 4Pfeil:, 4.icaiad"aliirtilibililist la?* 4, l ,qie94. ll al.Wrirail'ldititfteWkletii n 44:94!bin4 a ndtir s lV;iiiii#‘ iiiivi - 10t.ea, 01 4 II i 3 •; %(' 0 1 ( 1 l'ef . :Pe - . 131 : 01 t .Wbl irrbr r in& • , 1i 4 ,ti,7411i . , Vefsio43' an4 .- Titas*clilesliiito ck 1 0,-*- 41 0 16 Pr* aiina :iet.li re tti lila ii4ic ' tgate4 to th_TF 6 O l 4 ;Ilia ‘FP 1 1 'ii no- Mee Thiletli leitelieri"tinlfrfenttlifrifiad nailiotrartiindeliteetii otii 1 iiiptrAuiiet 1 $ '0 } ill i4iiii •liiiipi,iii6iilll eftittaii asi: - 11 OisiiiiiiiViitiiiii:*4l4 11 Ifii r:1 0441iiciii:tintraaifvii#6146 ) fitiedot iii. grkitistitiitei:4Nkii .ilieclil64 iinlorciid #OO l - 41 , 1 *Si u 4 t itO t tleS r il i jit ee h l vig4 ' - ,- =r • ArktA:Pl t :9 4 o.ci rtfie, l ol l . 6 irt!PlPOidlr„ LIRE, 99)41!:.*4.8Pit:Pc>.. I • ;; b 1 ;17 3 •; sPlit PO: 1, -AptS 4 .6ift - .o_:Phi t h. , , i, d filliAlcVl 4 iitio'nynti;.9 ll .c3?,44entzul-,, ***W4lo#l44 43 rVlSk a ltifie s agtl P4furre4 thq c-,iii,. an la .. .n . render, the institute Interesting end' tnstnict ipa Resolvc i k That vie . tender our' iluinks to, to ministerspt the Gospel for their, presence during; the.. sessions of our Institute, sod es pecially, .to Roy. J. Shields and - Prof. R. T, Taylor and J. W. Martin for. their able and i rite reAing lecturer. ' . Resolved. that we tender our, etrnestifianka / to the eitlieha 'orßochester for 'their interest in thelestitute "; also they are entitled to our grateful reniembrincri ` ;or having so bounti fully provided for the comfort and; conyien- Wilke of, ilie•teacherpt. ' ' Resolved, tbat we tender onrhearty thanks to Messrs Ca-ter, Coe and others for the excel- lent 'lneste . tiy .'which the Institute wars° highly`enterta Wed. Resolved, that we tender our thal!tts to the school directors of Rochester for the use 'of the excellent ,and commodious school build. ing &Win& the sessions of our ,InstiOpc. - Res4iied, that we recommend, whercever itractiattile, the formation of distnct Intl- tutee, in:Having that thereby a class of teach cis can be,reached, whose presenee at a coun ty Institute is a rarity; but whose Ideas need revision. Resolved, that the proceedings of this In stitute be , published in the county papers: The last, but not least performance of the Institute was the closing address of the wor thy and time honored teacher and Deputy State Supt. Prof. Coburn, on the deties-of the teacher, pup ressing on the minds of the teach ers the,sorcem responsibilities of the post thin he occupied ; the duties and responsibilities the teacher; owed to hicaseir:to his God, to his pupils; to the school directors, to the pa rents of the children in his elta.rge,in taking care of the Physical, Mental and Moral tram tog of their children while entrurted to MTN also the duty he owed to the Stite.as the State 'Owns the children and has a right to damn d at'bia—the Leaches hantisrrthatAli childre shall be good men and- women. _ After a briereddresa 127 .. ,0ur worthy Sept. the Institute Anurner.l thina'die„' Add .1' treat that'all who lied-the pleasure of attending tha sessions of the institute will find themselves greatly breathed and much better qualified to perform the Many ditties (Mirth-lug upon them in their sellools.' I - The remarks .made by all p resent seemed to evince great ritisfactien with results of the Institutaand the general good feeling winch Prevailed throughout the sess'ons are tokens of much being 'done. T llama Dount.as, Sec. TOE TWO CLERKS. AT WILLIAM L. WILLIANIL In Slarket Square, in the pleasant city of 1 IderrYport, was a crockery-ware store, over the'door of which' was a block' sign bearing,, in gilt letters, the name Benjamin Hudson For many yiers.thiscrockery.ware storohad Sheen there, with the great pitcher hanging in front for a sizn; Indeel, When 3lr. Hodson first opened the store, some flirty years pre. vionsly, be wait quite a.young man, and the sign over his door was very bright and hand some ; but now his eyes had .grown dim, and the owner was called Hudson" by all the boys and girls of the city. The windows of this store had great attrac tions farall the children thatpassed tha t way. There were beautiful vase*, baridsome China mugs, with "Ellen," "Fanny," "Williitai," and lets of btlier"naincs• Inscribed !npdn: them there were also plates, .with pictureken them representing Franklin's- maxims; and fupny clocks, shithed like,degi,that would roil their eyeballs tocand Ire 'every time' they ticked, and man i - other' things, .curiout .and Rime , . , - Aklr. Benjamin Hudson bad grown , rich in lira_ business, for he tend cimilucted lt, all him self, taken care that nothing should he wasted or lost by neglect. Fie had Wale mis takes; to ha sure; as eveiy man will , make' some blunders during ow lifetime, but by skil ful management be quickly recovered from them. Sixty-five years had begun to bend ova. Hr. itudion's shoolders, and dim' the brightness of hig eye, and ho found-business wore irksome than it formerly bad been. must have a partner," said he, ono day to hitntell; as he sat 1 31 fare a cheerfar must have sonui one interested in the busi ness who la young and active, and will take the weight from off my 'shouller, for I can not does I used to do.' Now, in Mr. Hudson's employ ! were two I young men—Herbert Bond and Charles Sett mour. They had been with him an equal length of time, and had performed their du-' tics faithfully and well. Charles dki his work .quiekly, and had a smart, way 'about him that made people think he was greatly isuperiorto . Herhort, who had a more quiet demeanor, and accomplished quite as much without making a greststir about it. ' must have either Herhercor Charles for a partner," soliloquized Mr. Hudson ;•"which one I 'cannot' decide. They both do very well in the store, hut-I ought to know some thing of them out of the store, and I am anr , ry te say that that is a point I have never paid proper attention to. My clerks come hero in the . mornmg and go away at night; what becomes of them over night, I know not; and yet I ought to know. Neither of them have parents in the city; they live in some of the numerous boarding-houses, and I hope are steady and well-behaved. I must see them in their. home, and then ilecide which shall be my partner." The nest day Mr. Hudson ascertained the boarding-places at his two clerk& without letting them know for what purpose; and af ter supper, that evening, lib; wife and daugh ters were somewhat astonished to see him gc to the hall, and put on his coat and hat. "Where are you going, papa?" asked Lily, the youngesSdauzhter, Who could bardly re =:MI airs om munt o t o,.- ; ,6,4_ ,. ADVIII _at " . . .tamitL tunosis " - Niecualety stese the loeal afinivolle bodies...lMM eft tea ante a Heeler sielklitielbst r , " t 4 ise = a" al=a , • iiiel - VieFtelbriblOOFlOVlllNl‘le erberieese44lo ibembebbi bt - ack ech; Adetrftokleitekcelb bilm* *Wel •• .1 44 :4:‘, 1 1 :1 '. 14 !%ii b Vr.1 . e.:: - "••• tt tOl, - itJ'-`l,•;t ,ed 4 .Sic:: "t motalreribtrettaini , ieiabeilkebeoaokaki r ,requitkedALAtmult.t!. ~ • , ..., • • ...... , ni y go . lng to insk.. ed rid l i uri S 'de' unit'' ritiligmen bf ~t _Spr W ftW:;" Ix:ego/me! long,'" lop liir-BlidiestivAirdiW • , bidding them good Idea, he weeeeatte a : - iltirserer boardiag.bowie . aseibe of:the two. and-bore Xl', ,U,110[4!.1 ~ drat. , • 4,,,. .f. .s; ei , „.. , , ..•,... „, tx It:witi k neat: loOdistitain,*jtjejl pleasant street WS.' ftaWA glikiltilil4lllllWfl openoi the doors viltittlikk , Midiwir MO •47 films a TIMPII. A54 3 14:** 1 4..4 1 1 1 [ 1 4A boardlene Y.+. , , .. it . ~ ,_.=k -f, - . • -Ile iimic• Jitiz i r i vortieEiithan• WM ' repheilikto i • , ,,ftl.:l , il, a m ,-it . .. . ,i, Rant gdttsirlkileOrbgtriairM ll . l l ll tVil - -' where 44;44904 1 A - 40 14 1.>;11# , . MT :1 1161°8 ho ll so hilt / ' .' • ~t i . , ^• "I think the iseeklaprotit its' ' ' r !is& u p ' cattlitexiFik thilteartealita ir e , soup win litzati; lidiflthirtisoddiew . arat i tik t l et riAlitilll liie ober. moot lot tawaOswg.ti . , NIS an paffaaparael**llo4 , f, ...." rs&W ' Ica tP 111 .1, 1 104011ft01t ). • r i .• Irak IR by Beriert;.Nruc t ; -,... i i ... ,iii,' *bailie sairlittekbpltirit , :. ." -j • f;:lir'N .1 , 1 L•tt-- - ~,. 11 1 W=" i;44 1101 1,1ti raigrabi - thilikitria. • r 0 11 0, 14 f - 0 10 4 460111 ,A way, I•hoper ..:, 1 • t 7 , -, . .";.';t::: :' , . 1 ." ..., tt ilit sr.V`',; 44 " 1- ''S • alb-Latithing—nothing ittli,b,P vial & '• 4 ::.!' Unison, walking in anti isklitglholudr-i -At took a notion to call around andasehow ymi ware this stetting. j ": , (. ' ,": . - - 7 _,_ a' . Bond cairn:med. himself as 1 4141 1 , 1 1 , t Waall to stir his employer ; and while he too Itlp hat and cane, Mr. fludson glaitoedarelltid Ms chamber. 'lt was , en, auk, ' rooraVedillk - Awor dormer windows; a good Aromas , banded • *an open. grate ; ; a , book-rack: !Pled, with books, adorned one aide, of - the roma, *bile the centre of the floor was 'occupied by a We' ble, on which were writing rakterishr.... ,-,,„ ..-, "You look very cosy- bere„, Hubert i _ lan.; why do you have an attic room? . .Axe•theilt noun that you call have below'stinft • ;0, yes, sir; but this room le a dollar Pet, ( ' week cheaper, and I have all • tb6 , more mew ' ey to send to my, tither." reaped Herbert. .: "Is n't your fa t ther wall oil t" ittquilisk3(4 [Judson. I • "Mit very . * ; be used to be Proattfileig 1411 .his basheat was! diesstrons...sal ,- • be :ba s . great deal of money." add a m''. ~., :..,, i 1 i i •.1, "What do. you find to . d4favritliPt polPai Almellapg heavy 7, '- • ' -,.' '': ' 3 “0, no sir! I have boOkt wiestastlifto ha to write. Tornigbt Iva Wilting. want me to make ; them , a ;shit ;,!Mgd o rsi father that It is a pretty busy time. k but when it is ever I ihs.li ask yin , days absence," answered Herbert. • 1:• - :fii., "Yon shall Lave it willingly," acid J Hudson ; 'Md.*" be added;;'TOO OUP. ever call upon you t" ' ~ , • a,No sir. I haie asked him to dosololltut times, but he bas,never called." ' "Are iron contented here he Ws boarding. house?' inquired Mr. Hudson. _ "It is a very , good boarding-ImM And Mrs. Buntin treats me very kindly ; but IV ten wish that I could live at ,home wttli ray rather and mother " answered Herbert; "And viiki ti osiay,Oti? Saw far la it iron . hero?" ask hhitmployer. ,• ' "It Is twenty-fiVe miles, sir; rather 1a travel every day;, and kbr I *smolt sibyl the expense,7 was,Merbat's reply. :"What time shouldy'ou reach the skin La the morning "At - halt past eight, sir." • "And you would have totem at what keat n the afternoon ;7 _ • “About nit past lee, sir:* ••• • • "Nut verrieuf bouts for busmen Per. baps it can be arrangktio that yeti tsltl Hec at hone, Herbert. • "0, !Should like it se f could II am so homesick hero In tine ftl w was (be c'erk's reply. , ' • "Well, I'll look into the matter,. lintbett. It seems a pity that one whole [bed GC, hie home can't Hite there, in One times 4i tail- ways and fluttleaveling,” said Mr. Hadion and be lose to depart Herbert thanked him for his visit' and said it would plume Wren see Mr. Hudson vain. The nkl geetleman descended. the Mahe, well satisfied with the call, and add le bane self: "Now. On Chides Behmour's I Wipe I shall find him as well occupied as Huebert Bond." • On the way to the bone, which was And or four streets distant, litr. Hudson's stiett tion was attracted to three young men, who were talking• very lonely; and acting In a rowdy manner, pushing each othstr nate* , the imagers-by, and nutting rude, insulting re. , marks to them. It .so happened that . Hudson wore' a white hat. So When Owe fellows passed him; they looked behind and said/ "O. what a hat!" "Who stole theidow key ?" "The man with a while hal r lux= liar impolite observatio n s: As lktr, meek faster than he did, tbey were seen sot of sight: - . • - • The bairdlnee horse was niched the bell rung. and Mr. Hodson admitted. Tbetior" 'ant said that Behmour was In, and tinned • him . to his chamber door. 'ffir. Hudson kink ed, and the door intreediately rinutg raids open, ant a voiceexclanned ,• • • , "Well old fellow got sing .at lad„ betel you We're all re ady foiyou ; have you g ist the Belutionr stopped ter* •, and his face turned deadly. pile sire tag, ne!.! stead of ono of his boon °emplaning his yes emote employer.. It' was several encode be. fore lie could, recover lit, speech; :"her,'. your pardon, Mr Hudson; you mai Memo use ; [expected a friend this evetdnip• met la r the Will light of • tbe en try , I though t.. Volt were he. Walk ut Mr. and t, down, Mr. Iltidson entered the room, and we somewhat surPrisid to see there the identical three young ;men who bad :insulted his in the street ;. they were • imoking cigars, and had their feet eleiated on the burn a, mantel piece and bedstean. 'Mr. Hudson new at once that he was in confusion, mid Satintrata actions were painfully awkward' Nintrthe less, butemployer started a convenien t and had been , there about ten minutes, when e footst e p was heard on the slain ; and then t h e d our u peeed a little !way, and s bolideed Champagne came rolling across the door Ooi lowed uu metliately. by a round. Dutch cdeems a bunch or ciwtrs, and two more boWear— Sell incur looked dreadful distressed, but could do nothing. It was a fourth Mend who bad been out for refreshment, Ind took this facetious mode of Introducing theta In to• the chamber. • • Mr. Hudson thnight it no time for bins to go; mole took his lenyn awl returned to his horn. It la ninon to say that flash Behmour's enjoyment GC the evening was deeidedly marred by' this unexpeeted , Visit. He mild. giant had arranged fora jolly good time. - , • • Mr. Hudson begin maklag ap his rnind,va to Which one Of hti clefts would make the most faithful and efficient partner and in less than s week it-was announced bs the papers that Herbert,Rond was SillSibbtr of the firm, of "Benjamin Hudson di 0o." It was a happy day for Herbert, for he could live at home again, amid the semi Of his childhood, and It was not many yeses Wore he managed, the whole;of the bunnies, him - self. and became a wealthy man. Charles Sehmeur knew Very well the Yee on of Mr. Ifedsonsli choice, sad he always to regret having formedsuchunprodiable se quaintances: as were assembled in his room tiut unlucky evening.—Oliver Oeice £tQ. I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers