The Beate-t-Axiggo, MIII=IIIIIO ' ' Blir • • ! 6 :11,11,111V1888 .pt..',.. LOCAVIm C3+ l-- 103%114flirs:. n GA- a than plvf.thed, ist ipt,she l o ; ,t Y A dtttrillicrrni , ll,t rOifi t il'p*Tr .inar• imt bit T.c"24;44.1.i..41.• . , ~„ ~. .......... • .. . smirmstotr xviresrirrgtiNer. “ : 1 - , -6-. , ei,.-T :. •-.. 7 7 7 k '. ,H" --; TV, • ' ''' • ''• • 3w; teir. rm. rem. ly. ; , 1$0(s.! ; . z........; '$ • .......,;. z.:....4.. ono ofinnie-L:10 Itnee... • elleoleteoo r 50 0 1 14100 lo no. Two t1ti11itt01..... 5 ...... ' ' ''' - " • 1 1 on' is 00 700 10 el 13 00 Three ontnireca t .... - , - ; '5llO 8 00r oal 1713) 18 011 I Ponesquarti. ''' '.'• . 1..... 1 ." 800 1100 10 50 15 00;11 00 (mc-fanrth colnnuf....:::l 7 00 10 oo 13 no ID 50'95'00 Onabillf: dblioni.;:,,,;;-. 10 no 14 00 17 CO 13 00 1 40-00 M 0 cOlOOOl ' roomoovmmmisoo . -:: ~ ',. • .:, :. 1 ..,. :r. . ors' 'hakes • "13100 ..ginizterly,eieept Translon be paid lif A:6lmi* 1" • A4mlnlstmtore` and Ex 101 0- Txrpel2ti !o too Mft Atlllythillig; I'll4* ilia stag. *Ps. 9M° .-V 1 400.004 11 .ei 14. week 01241ni on Innolit Irt-tknoner;Ates:".. , !,• :•••• : • I 4- 3 C. • ~ .1. M. , lg: ; 9 .01- 1')101iik; r.,.. . 7 . - 4 - 1 - Crei f : E 4 deb.' , ',, 7 :'4B se g: I I 25, ' ' Ardbit:" ". ' 57. deg. ' 4 l) deg, '1 ! , $7. '47 deg. 6S oteg. ' 52 deg.• l I I ' i 11: IV:tile C:Wdfia ..!Iftta deg.:9 . '. 131 g-) z), , 11l deg. . _ 55 - 5eg,.. ''4 deg. . " 834 ,, 'J 4 1154egi i 7 15ef an: '.l, 53 deg. 1 , • ..'!. - al, ;...)..,1 1 14flif ' . 2.i 4 1 . 1 4P-P.f.:... ).,112.9?4,!). MEM ' • ~,, Wmf Bingham; t, , Cbreni ale building, Pittsburgb,lis the-authorized . agent for Tuns Artaxe that ' • r T NEW' Aii)visilbin-iramrirrs. Tb. alto ntlti, of, tho public le dirirto4 Wes fol• lowing new a4TortlEemanti.' 'libber; Arlpear• for the Matt titat,La,T3i Artova torrl9. •• i • • I 2_ • !SF .: 4 1 , Or:Coital Nhtirtf. J'. clsadfer. OrFloari,E 1 . 6 i I t . cv—Libniry. Aosoelation--Lectnie Commtttee. Ilartivery,Storc7 , :-.lptapay Sterrett if; 'Sower. .e-fr'New Oom1•1—Go. C. Spey.einr. irßTSpee . 4l:tinticelrllfr, •••• ' CV — Execatori IsradeLltliza.lloga, R. A. Zion, A Go Oir lnetttntion.—Tbb State tOrnialSchoo i• an exealkent echooi. For Nrther. Infonpatlin ad dime J. A. Cooper, Edinboio, Erto Co., PA: The Walnut Trade.--The walnut trade in this vicinity is' pretty brisk at the'present Uwe. Black walnuts era selling at $l. per bushel. The supply Is unequal to the demand. , A erdenbltareward night! given to the person re turning a.revelver which Was left In one 'of the rear build!ngs kit the Ccittitll l Kse f on t Sncitrdziy het*een 3 and 4P. M. Call at the Treasurer's , . . itadldal litesiornltcm4-7-Its good effects ore per, rnsuent. IC Ilea only restores the dolor of the heir, but the quantity mutt ustnral glossineis: !This is said by every one using Mrs. S. A., :Alletis Improved (new Ftyle) Halt Dreamer or Dressing, (in (Ms bottle.) Er, *try Dreplistselle it. prlee One Daher., - Brouilit „ifionie.'—*beet'one'year ago, 'a 'mat: rled daughter of Mr. John S. Sh'eplar, • Brldgewate.•; died at New Orleans. After her death her child also died, and both were burled in,thaVelty. -'During the latter part of latt,weeli. the, remena, of both were brought to Bridgewater, and burled, again from -Mr. Shrplare reptilence on.lolSetnrday. ' • • Pub Len!.ares,f-Wntue marlin obltgationsto. Way. F. Jrul lugs, Esq., Chairman of the Lecture Com mittee of ibe roug Men's troc..r:ti Libraiy Aseoel at,.en, of.kttsb±wailarter.a.saterisitcket to their :lec tures. We shall avallperseitot the privilege . °rat. tending quite frequently/luring the-season. See ed. Nilugettient of the LeCtitru Committee in Another col umn. • • 1111 DesidctihislittksM &tug eft tle)liroad, at linden. in this cOunty, r a couple of weeks ago; ,and no ticed at the Smolt!, the died . on, last Saturday. li %,:te adopted bf af` . 13turfealioofiti, 'jam took tot best pow/Ible care of the little strange; until its death. 71tcy had given It thiiintrie 'Mary Stough soon altst it Vl'7ls taken into their faintly. • it Teaclicrie ikonttoritc.--tit th elOpitll ti Ar 0.146 w ps.t.we soppoS'e the , exeitenientor thb 'Sento 4111 soon subside. We now propose to again open our Initititte st.the pubtfe school building or this place. And .as ibeasslstance rendered initieretofore has .beoh one liberal, and we have had a full house at most of rieettnge, we hare reason to,. hops It will elect with slmllsr favon)igalar 2lierefore attnotonnee that erenlng, Imitlinto wilt convene at the usual plate, to which all %slatting 111 . 01'11dpi - 10 to the exerelses'or otherwise eneo6itige Ilk Institute ire respectfully ll:titled: I. 1 4 1 14/114111.--Illehard; Walton„ Ifs+, ,tic Indtfittry township, Ariowihow‘te do the' handsome thing" atilt the minter. Along'shont the Ist of November ciery year, he makes the Anpus a donation. of *: jag filled with Sorehunt 0614 nwn ltilnufacture, Oit last his tumult] visit was made to this oface,.and With Venial face and Jug in hand, he left us as ankl of the "sweet" as will carry us tip torfiristmas. air. Wal. ten's family understand how to make sorghum. as ;he sample left us, is a tip-top article. Long may the tO.ndly donorlirre, anii.May hilliartileatett foxes sod vote the , liepublicari ticket for at least oneitan 'dred Years to come. ' Thieving to New Itrightesi.—On last Wed regisy,l3lgbflo tia.puvon or pereoplitirdruown order ed the dwciani.of.ile. U. 11..Ande*rij'it New Brigh ton, and robbed it 01 about 000,00, . besides taking a coldwateh• • The thicyassext !Wert tlAresidestee oID. B. Brad ford, Esq., and succeeded in Zbtainiag, about $175.00 In rumh, , Mr...„ll.'s gold-watch. and...arerceat— A small gold watch owned by Willie; litr. Bradford's eon, also NI 11314 the luids - of the ritaTT udEtit. -- NtreTaii - to - the perpkriters of the villainy haiptt beep, ittfialneir:27il:l . , entrance to both of tho dtellings was elected by fore trig open ilia Wp.E11.0e154.1.1?.i.17-7fr. 0 . Ott Oct litti tnaartalekrit, Anderstm and Kinik 4 , wooed from tile G rg Mcstru4eland couhty) Jail. It appears they MO the*lilet, aid from there to a recces betwee titian' ontaide wall and the Jail. Going to sopa ease knife, they tore down amine inchlhick.,walrajaming . the Outer, wall which is °fent stone. A row inimatee ranked to remove the 'cement from around ontifentm iotaneA; and 'ioon they . were at liberty. ••Av leitii'ele4icio day. and ilenty of persona passingtemd ,reptundog, It la to strange that they were ndfdetected.' Mkt daYAndenson was recaptured. bat kffig has managed to atcar cleat of the ministers ofjlastlee. '' ' '' ' ' ' Independent,People.—"God serer made an tadepenikta ntat4". Is an itailatiei eV, Limpet. se the u arid 11604:51d so trnci that /time received ,tbe tom /awn couieniv:pyer T fattens] Ind; well thittelog per We are iil alspen'ilent uport cacti ..• Other: ' .The ' . al tb are dependent nptlon the poor•ond,tbe poor upon t heleh. Capital 'Would be dead inenesesilable with oat labor, and latioeironid be ihatitive aid' lett net con; *I enee without capital. United, they, control and regulate the society and lbs world--ilirldeit..lbeT eleo Loth ealneless: The man' who , lilt the bruit ha lain' Howes earns the money whlcla be receives Swim Mar rise from his more wertithisnahrbbtay,, The r Ktor feed the price of it furnish material gd andrpelprocad do- Penance. We *should remember ' thes e things When vs ass disitot.eiVin regord ouraelvoihs 'otitlisli "iiid . d" Pendent The wealthy, !specially, should' reinember them, for their lands could not be tilled, or,!lit Lonna shod and barnesied, without the aid of 'trollg raid the Winscularann which bolds the jiough . vat wields the hammer. , i '. : , . • . ' , . ~ ... ' • . 7 • TOlWboisi It *if - Voile" erii;=Tiallatit! - *II /04#..! ;1 4.,t*: !', NeitrollsbattoWlwe Friday nightsonsowersot dritNOTENt ellboted,Aolest- • transnahrabgthnwindiswin ineassV o iheiliatiptillite building, Walnut • stissr4 L opost:44 duple centihneg stamps ntadAtienposil .arts .110Cillitd setae 112011.worth.i. , Itisthdughbatilettassiwsrptaien, Nowkwshas betwiliund taitherobbersA , - Menem aYtag. has passittidites totittuarter Robinson was Issitewod of between Iwo and $3OO-in planer belonging to the" Of t cr, -ft . y t , ; • ligs°l4' . t ? 0,7 r_ pl 4, ad gentle y ele to the Assess t internal Revenue, for this District, for the following statement the number of persons inlytarineoine tax in the ilith thitrirtja., tor the year 1468. • •01 l7 3 3 I. (Li •3 to t? ")%,- To.wastraccouTorr I 131#1.1 .4.'*41114" 10 43, ° 4• ' :44 . : 1 : ?1,0 . 4 t'd t of. „ 100 pirsonswpsid ineotruttsszes•&llown: 4.1 letl Twatity:ddliarsotire,:Rapdnuiti.':!-J 1 !. • ‘.;•! tdm9:l4.ivritityloiltird,' 'not ova persons. • . . tl?t, OVet i :!trt / y; tiotblrt!biletynndrett 4th. Over'one'lntd i redand not over nvotnandred 14persone. Total 106. - • zi*Persouti=hrialt‘. z as fc 4 /1 9 1 .1 1 ":i .7 . 1: ) r h Ist..Twerty d or leis, anersoits. 2d. Over twenty and ! not pm fifty dollars, 4 per anna. Bd. Over fifty, tad not otrgr eneltttrtdidollnra s no 9th. Overmao handre4And not over Ave_linndreo dOitoirli,l 3 o`eison. >Mil to: k z; t. /7. • Total InLatvrenee county . , 115 portions. • itAvgrattnrit:" Ditirtol Agessor t , AtithtwO prnonit.3l.l4 igromq Or* tap*: Ist. Twenty dollars or less 27 persons. _ _ • 2d. Over,trooy p,nclipttp littiOopitrieSta per; '24. Over fifty And :tot. Oyei , .??:nii- `donate,* persons. . • • • 4ttir ; gritisinto botiftroirittni not over An hundred dollars, 7 ppreons. Total 62. • Pio) .11 - rii4.,;4ll"Renti," Aria :faieuoii One hundred' and twenty•one iliereene ; paldldetiiio tax ai &Howe: Ist. Twenty dollars nr 1081.'26 persona. • 2d. Over twentL94 ncroyarAlly . dollars, 23/per sons. 41 it •if . 3d. OTenipy. - 14.1adte'454tehil!pdeekdollare, 10 rt:) . 4th. Wetnira hnetilred. i alt4.4l/ti qscr i ll.luttadred dolleja,",o,peesoll. •• f• Over t 7 a huitdid..doners, BJ.Mratalit - Total 21.•, • •. - : . • TOalgn • ltedespa4edy, .• , ?r, ' 4 / 4.llMtroarconerrir: : Z:Tr,..lkniford, dislat.:Asseitidt;• liens pant Income tai as tollaws: )11art or less, 29 persons. . :, • t. 3, and not.over 11t y dollars, 14 per. /Ai. *0. 5 Forty-time p 1 Ist. lsre3 , ltr d 2d. Ovei tw ... • sons. • d not :twee: one Inlindrod.dollam Gd. Orer 111 pr persons. 4th. Over one doltars, 3Feion .Dlr..iVo. 61 hundred 'owl not QVCr Aire hundred Total 49. .; ' gill, ;4_4 it. .4seessor.. d serenty . -eight pusons paid Income. One hrindred • Mx as follows:* W. Twenty do 2(1 OVer twent. sons. ars or lese, 81 person., and not over Any dollar., 57 pet. M. Over ifti.... , •d r oyoszr ona-baodsailollars. 21 4th. Over one _.tindred and not over five hundred dollars, 10 per4ons. Total TM'''. IF Harper. 4nist. Assessor , . Forty-tive peisoris pall theoine lezas foltows Ist. Twenty dollars or less, 25 persons. 2d Over twenty and not- over My , dollars, 10 per- #Ol. .. . t' - ' 8i..., pier 111t1•andiatiover :one bnuaioCoollspik 0... persons. I 4th. Over one end notoyer five 7.1 mama dollars. 5 persons. Total 45. Total In Washington conny.272. -) A , L'l 10 ,1 1 . :,. a e . ..I . .rr”:it.':,.:: onztin Corm'. , . Atm No. Noakes, Assid. l 4soesior. Forty-two persons paid Income tax es follows : Ist. Twenty dollars or less; 21 persons. 2d. Over twenty and not over fifty dollars, J 5 pzr . dd. Over fifty and not over Ona'filttldred ddllirs, persons. 4th over one tnindred.and not over dye hundred dollars, I person. Total 42. 11:-4.4iiiiiehart, Assist. 4aesaor Tvielveltenons naid Income tax as folleirs : lat. Twenty dollars or less, 4 persons. -.. • - 2d. Our twenty t and not over fifty; dollars, $ per sons. .. , 11.1%. 'l4 .-' ;at ...#,-. fiftyad. Over fifty ef i Sot cArie et kriffilted dollars, 5 persons. Totall2. -. . Total in Greene county 54; . , RECAPITIILATiON. • * 4-- N 4Si' . i d . fikilif *-- i " ;:510 .r. '' IC .1 '' ' ..... , 00 fi 0 pr ess. _Versan ~, ,v, ! ,V, ettwenly 141 not att. 114 f. 4PlAni. : lsllei- Cons. 3d. Over fifty and not over one anndred dollars, 69 kerson.. do lt i h i: Over one hundre , (ltan . c . l over five hundred stljo s 4 l ,l9n r n p a 57 pone. Total 6" . Rf Vet:, {is : Began, and After.—Before Gen. Grant made a distinct avowal °this political aentimenta the Demo. cratic paper" qokti of him •artellowa EXTOIXE. A great soldier. 7'y Atf,ekafaple7oilltagninliiiit.t. A great captain. The stuff of which statesmen are made. A leader 47frarefadopre. The man whose tra7oteave# the coin ft. The comineiir of th;kftelloil. The hero of many victories. The savior of our Institutions. = lie luta come oat Republican they talked about blm thus . . i: • _ generai whose rk:WFiesire,if3 too costly . . ici'b'o'jYl'- • Tilc lucky man to . whom Lee ourremdOriat Ilrharti ought to . hitch inurohaered to L. The mtNtary blpnderor. The butcher of the na °nal may. Tho brainless tanner &rod to military hon ors. ' f ' ' N --;:' • . 11 t 1' • . A plan who nee d 100,000 lives in Ids Potomac campaign, .. 4 - * 4 : Netorionsly agisre of. trfith. . The willing tboßot. tetr'tld a Radical Con-' green . • Tho Butler 4erviis On Saturday evening 128 4,01 yen 0450141014 X . To.rgislC et AtsCand= lead; ii-Prarkfk, tirilfrithipiAlOcinintrivweet eating supper with I#4lll.ly4shot,ostas. fired through the window, Mt 4.dayAle' rialis Ann McCandless instantly, and wounding., Mr. MCCandicas slightly in the head. A . konOw.entillour ifisg tic*ot entered the held of tAdlyttnr,g hEsAgrribjy in the facp., Ow* *fel or florins uh 64 liet,hpown. Aonntiiiitiliy Choi:Lame Offec.harylattlilockit; ben) , 'WO noodged in tali to it , i;reffoea ,l obe . rlT 4 ,511 0 **° re^ t i .1 • POWSLIr-IicEOWN-LToctobeeM•bitßer. John Stmts. r. daceilk/VT(IE Ma • 11COrti 111 offriciliTl4o.-"Beevir comm. rsh.;; ii WILSON-JACKSON—At St. L:ke's Church, Brook. TneedaY. October 4Ttb. br the Rev, 1)0. moo. eke Mteosi of/10w arliztitA4;.P elnutft - iu) Miss Sediall.;lburgbter of Thoe.7aUedt4Er., Ikßrook. lyn r .t.oug Aelelo. 171 ; o cards. ' ;•1I !: • , - 311' 57.5 l MbitilifP-4.4iMilat .: Oe &toilet:ld Bet 44 Pa., Marithlttleesmar. infantdaighterof;4loltit . & ~it P-1 11 ES 1 fF.N e 9V 41 11 'ty ( 1 ___- ' _ maiLV ILS-40.. Ph. stildst reolpici? r /taw Gal' Mee; Bea 4 er.uo.;Ph., o dAsilmption; . John Me 421gre tillittEgyatig.w.:l - 1 2 t'.? 1 , 1 5 J• ts - - ;1" i The deeeluiedvara Inteintoin ti r C the n Covenenter, now Rtl i r glitablterlanStittctirany years. Me wag a ottfitin,lllllba neisb and an Onto *nate ' .111110With4 Otterdielki qiipp ago, hie olden eon fell In the dratoattlebefare - munncred, and a iseerlZOore to the haven ot # hit Orr a ran an iolitio A _ mourn not as thtisepithpAhope, Me lived Ilk or Piety, and Ma enterlfreMtheltiiiithisoeft prepared for the redanuellat thit !lett hand of God ==3l I llitirl bulk t s , l bylteni tliie,tki irekOtild En )Itr).; pi Wive. 4404 , 4,4 t4. 1 V 4 4:71 pales; waspurAjuiodtsomapiiiicariaitOi,f 'Mr. Dewitt itiv-.,ni;:r.Vf ,r1•11:-.1: - • • • . , • - • 4 • l ti " PP* i g ) Pll l 7 4 ::7 G9".l : l ! ! X ll ;Pr id q arrested in New York ci't~q. Old .- digoidrgYas4 l 3.4'S#Ar!Al_ 1 44 din! tionndito keeri:tliii powbrq 'Sow aro,the•mighty fallen' 17; . ; 'Xogrtale,c.itt , Sheflceg l 94so l lo::* . Pft ; held Y i 4k -rl / , 1r 4 ,4 1 ./ 6ur _ ! . . W . I18 :07, 11 ' a vex:, lidghirasic in tin; ivniumen4carinyfr— oniy l ee YOlinstinVii.44 410ti r ireg0,7,ter'e, atioire federate army4liiat:stniva long at Yorktown. to do him reverence." , 0) 1 4V3iir'`a 4 ramous regiment in theftehe army from first Bull Run untll i pearly, annihilated. ip a ilesperate. charge on.this :Qatari lines at ,GattyabiarklL In a work-by it member of that organization who it'fittilded and •hijittrred%.•,:rnr , that, eluirgd,th'ilneltementg to Lee's wi dtditenee' into pensvlvanja are thus set fl' "040iiireera h 0 hien a atl,, c thyk.' Northern party opposed to:the war WOnid: rally spell it forgo' rigainst the draft in'Nlfw :rind • BriltirnhAj'l4l - ;:tri, esusovinseiliiiis.dilirsion in our Won- and erowa vrithaueeersi_Our gloriouscante.. &4 ' "It*tts currOritly• reported anClufl - tßliik lieved thrOugh all the army of (len. ~Lord ,that Irtillandighant and'Other leading Dediocrata of Ohio. New Torii 'rind ,Perina., had ArntriV. ed a Van by, 'which. Visingi'and,ribtons:ineev ngs should,beinaugarated on theAth cifJuly; in all the, great ,Northern cities: Theteheme eitcllpt aralthereifiams. so late aslo be of no avail in our behalf at Oa GettYsPUrglil3attlei"l ~r,' r. i. _ • ME InirOntlatioir TO Artatoan NM - srEns.— The follow inglrtitcit oillieter4" are based A upon lcAnedielsiets,744 4144, ili t be ` b 4l iv l*asti. The cinirtativ :l i lted ihaCalViiidntito4 l l# o , jg".?; 4t4itt- (4 4'6 . an t ki , *cad if theitoltiototieethe,l'imact arnffiltit of4lie:lr. : fare. ,ConilAiErs,La t rp,npt belied ty maktrehangi,, ; 411 ridlrefyi flak, tit are P 44 until used renntlition,a 4iiood Vt'oir this day onlyill nrretlterwt* adiiiiqinglimelegrin inengstaVeof lip 'acceairit.Pasieilitirko iose tbidi tickets den`bii'elected from be cars unless they purdbase a% isecomprone: Pargen gets are -Viand 'tii nbrerie kleoridina tittle cars, end are obliged ; to Comply,willt 21;11 rea sonabledemiinds:tosbey theirtiefels. litand ir.gim Clip - plat few or..operwiscrola)ing theinleinf—the i compajp;, , fendetaia ..r . tio n liable to be put ?lnife,#*7l , 47:Alin person has t 'Air a rlitht 14',rrpnpoliie mortose4oan i ff y s pal 4 , ,; , Ittly article 10144 a sea iiiiille ir : e order is temporitriWilbsent, entitlei 4 t . tak .t 1 1 1 04ii.i.ii:, OF telkt . na 4 . 11- ?„ C:iT iVI U A question thareXateslairnalaernble'iiiieti tien arnsotn the itiidebtny t'e ceni_eidctiOn. li7;.iipPeiiri tint (J .l..Piniey Thorne, son 'of J..:ltilliari*Thorne;:;iiiine;`..of age oitthe ag e r eleetkii4.': , ,T . lie heads, tritiionattreietudet` eV* Republican ballet, , cbtillenged,bis vote. upon the - ground Aliathitiovan not born - until seven o'clock :in the evoningottivldeli thine. tbe )aw ,rprovldes ihat . thi Polls - 114d cIW • .Itfhls grgu:ed on :behalf of the correctly ton-- 'that the I r aw recognized-no fractioiirof - days and that be was entitled to vote even though ball&frialeelXitsfltkifitil 11APVIldeltIP minutes P. 3f. on said day. The Democratic election officers, however, contendel' that lie ' ; must be betweenitheage;of vtiventy:one and 1 twenty-two years, and that he would not have reached that period until the hour of seven had , :pametilllitiliply to tkietits.lloruciSE asked the ofaceririf the:S. recognad 365 days and 6 hours as a year, and they replied that they did. Be then showed that six leap years had opeurr . cd during the lifetime of hisson; fnr(hei rriail_ie4ticallidenninattati44 he had lived 21 times 365 day* and , ll inahs and had eigtireqn hones, t0,,arrf.,. 1 .,71,14 rather dumbfounded' tbe'Denioeratio bilkers, but the . " stal accept_ tba ,At three Aliiiii:dslAtoig the i nc. publican judgelonktbehalltii Mid deposited it In the box, much to the chagrin of the very ittelligent,Democraeyl, The, vote ,was feetly legal—as the' la* doeil 'hat' recognize any fraellons of days, It clklnet,mattes at what bourlrillie dui he' was Tairiir-' 2 Chester Co. Republican. Enr,r,o, l ? - Ause7Purin, Off late:war, and in pne ofthomany battles in theSkenalid_ofh, it is iratirctitiOalls , tqat'Sloweirldll Jackson once jdressettnrnember.!Gf his staff in Federdl uniform, and sent him to the Com mander era UniOn brigade 'with a teritteh or der, purporting to come from Gen. Shields, to tiir4a; %rig! river that lay in his front. The Federal brig eater itiPP6sinehe order to be genuine has tened to obey it, - and had his - command we'll nigh oyer.She: stream wllen Oen Shtilds, in great surprise htippened7to,nOtice the move ment of his suboidinitiCa,nd ordered it stop- The written order was lit once produced, when ; pfcourse it was ascertained to be a - forgery,:, and intended to divide and capture abut one- 3 hArOf the Union for& • This circumstance In the military history of the country's - recalled to my mind by d movement on foot in Beaver. at the present time. '- calm Vs couple of years ago,: He took his place in the column of the political enemy at once. Re has been in their rinks continnouslyfrom j'that time until a Month er,,'so'ago. - . 'll'ou fie is ostensibly over, in the Republican .party, and'rumor has it that he is to'be one of the ed• )tors of thodlsorganizing sheet to be ()stab! lished in tbla County within , • *w "days/T . :pi it not probable, to say the ledit ofit, tlfat onO or kaktpcheringDemoCtlits hdra pty,‘ Union uniform upon hid], sent hum over into the 10i41. 70114 1 ,Vidint party, so that they, Stonewall Jackson ' miY capture a portpurof,eqr Poo! ktfin-DD3eIBOANIZEIR. • : - T tiiiitat.• x!otifii'i"'!' Dn. •I'teit4qil Pittibtwgit, the-great Indian Horb Doctor, who is causing so much excite ment through the his wonderful cure', bas taken room.q at the Pavillion Hotel, earl until INi,x . te. - nig : Pr' intends vtating Rochester' niehthl y. ". Y ou That afflicted should give ItheDr.A tHeJitio humbug, but swell poste&physiciala .C0rt °!4.4004 gok ME r .•!% :4., , , ea t:Loa - 049h M. btu , .... - • —4,, ,, 5 , ,, 11e,, , t `,..041.4 ,swowtes • (Et .LlTictialrfeitiFeWes sayett . on Iced out of the Coutt tiiCOftthft' cTlM:l7nattY OfilietttetaiWio oirilittigettObidtternereantd4tattitd tato at the ShetigiAllllo44 Ageopjh of Beater, in the county *torment, : ,„ • , 04 ;9 4 X11 6 ‘ 1. • A rtAr : AA I.:V..A.AI.'ziA at 1v All rtgb.t, ta t Ze o teliorditaL In and to tha. Brined Melo*. or piece aloud ibintostb.9owlet,leArver county, bounded and described ay to trl .1: Bo !awing at a whlto l oakou 'IWO 'la of Abratuun dui:bowie" befit; thence bylaadsof - johit shawl!: r sW , lii!B. , Pitlikturatirretiorthifideeeltiattlielibr. ktellighl i r d a l g i gttdi l ler= 4 4 ll o t i ttimoaThoputeiMlb 1 devout 4 "gr. to A thencorhi I .l llX i i taunt Iltig • , arcs 111.19 b , r ... 01,g.eagt. -10 Awn Vy sat hut •rt orircigh rtlr tog.. 11 .•jto t- t• - Imo of above mentioned lands of 1110M1110: then& by last mentioned lands son. Er TX deg. east T 19410 per. to a whltscukatf. ll uelflarptilAttioAßVALltatnee by ramotivirsti4: CIO Ter: tit Itio come. , by la* Zal e l* W tis i r 44o— r • deg., 14- er:o ,_„•hrfeirld MAUI or Boswell north tier:Wet tte3-190Pert - 0 a locust in pnlAo•rondittletrapnipttt elpaffietbree several corn ers atid - cffa fiimel fOitoirk.`ZTOrileBBl4 deg., west 19 Igt-100 per., north 82 deg:."Tait - 14 per. south 88 deg., west 49 Peiracrs alakoun Itntr• of. .0,49 , op Altelitill'a heirs. thence by last mentioned lands antb • Jaruk,at Funkhouseea heirs, north 9 deg' west EA 51-111 tier. to Mg piece Qt Ina*fpg.tcomuliPtMALuiliore. 111eri t sfrIcinteisurtybee•sitWe more d r mar. On ch lelrecte•9 a Itapplyprelling i tne Cd2t4P. 17•Frdn roonik• lottonse co, Ingttureb rooms, and two.log stabli• • Abo . awe cleared andrmAcr fence: on W hit 'Met ols ala Oirbhrd Contain, Ing 50 apple tiers. ' The entire term rtindezbild Within 'three toot min oteciat, , tivo banViro P ini and'ingorklng Seized and falcon In .oxiCniltUi .as Alm' property of Joetch Mug,. at'the Ott r - or.rotintlatignorty... NO. 2. . •• •••• • AMEX". • • • ' All tight title, intitreat and delta of siefiidint of, in al l y° thelndo ( ing . pieoe ,of ground in North tic el t ly ~:tojsieet ecountyl". el/muted and 'Ae follows: Beginning at a black:oak, thence by an of Wm. Fitu7theamea,socithill Filogeglip 14 pair to a stake, thence b y natrielatiMiannth`39% — deg.: Walt 22 prr. 10 Itt Ledge,: Ott* falttford, 'ffi(pdh 66 d eg., m west 32 per. to a, white oak. thence as before month 12 ne east 20 per tcra stake. thence again by said teudeinbrtfamti deg,. atul.67 nets stalo),,,Plepeg by/and et.b,plrEpt WithstitarilAik agog...l l lk pr. •2 0 1 i. stake, thence by lands o r mo rt gagee ; tchell's heirs south 6:3% deg., west 72 per. to Big Beaver creek, thence up said creek north al) deg.; west 19 per., north 42 deg., went 10 per.. north 50 deg., west 81.p0r., north 42 deg., weat.49 per„Mor w sort 35 dm„w.t.ripor,„ L north 27 deg., 'west 94 per. to a pluton line of landiarJohn Funkbouser, thence (leaving said creek) and by lands last mentioned, tort , 6354, dm.. east A2B per. -1.9 ti; place of beginnink.'erintaMlbt 66 acres; Wtlict mrarer more or less—on whiettbere itrndlitin tense and log stable, about 25 acres Cleared and under fence, about 30 apple trees on the land. ApoTtlon of tt!e wetntses? underlaid with three foot vein of tidal. • , • • • Belted and taken in execution' as the property, tor Itiosiblißing s at!hat'anit ofilOsepli Funkhonser.. N0..3: . • ' ' j‘ All right. Vile. inteiest:said clalni Of defoliant of , in and to the following rract-of land to North Seerickfey tp.. Beaver county, Ps., bounded and described in fen lows: . inningata white oak corner of Tend IMO. or John Clarke; end non owned by Jacob Cabe and Ben nedy'rheirs. Meth 89% deg.. west 90 Per k to a post bra the road leading front Now Brighton to New Castle; commonly called the State road, thence alongsald road la post ow the line of•Jampa thew ong said land of James' Thomas nor - 694, deg.. east per. to h saMil hiScory, owner on 1 of said .7 Gabe. north 1)5, deg.. wesclln per. to }post theil of beginnipiro Containing Slams, 2' reeds and , Nearly alteleited and tinder - fence, on Which trefs a Immo dwelling house and log stable. ,Premlses tna derlald with coal. Seized and taken in execntion as the property of Josiah Ring, at thd at4l, of Fergus IftePegluid ,llBl 3 l / 9 of Jinni:S.W. ,Ifyileit , • , NO: 4; ' ." 7 , . ' AL8Q.....-, .., %i -;I All right, title, Interest and claim of defendant of, In and to the following tract Of land in North Sewickle, tp., Beaver county, Pa., hounded and described as fo. lows : • Beglnning at *post on the New Casie road t betted by - 1,4074nm herth 2,4(- AM: Teat in 17400 per thence nealtp,t2tteg,f4p minces; egstfma pet thence north %) deg., west DO '440 per., thence south W. dcg.. west 1215x10 to a post by land of James Evans. thence south 2 deg.. emit 88 0•10 per. to a stone by land of Jas. Wibton. tbeAce Via; Zkftlft per. to, a . post, by, land of lamas Tlitas,theacenorthl9 deg., east 11* pc;chge thC 7 l . 59 deg:4414.12 11$40 - per.; tbenee. north 1 deg.,. 20 46400tier::.theiree ;nerthLs74( - 44 4 ,604 4 540 per4taftft. ~east7s.loper, chimed notl4,49l‘desy , r.4.4,henetr nev4.lllsly "Ole deg., east 4.24 ~ th nth 10 deg.:*st - 411 - 840 per bylinidli. lea( MU' 84. 1-10 per by land orals Thdntrui to piticenf be:finning. ivn tattling 66 acres and 4 per. About 50 acres clftred,on which there is& frame dwelling house aud.log kitchen,- double' log" - barn, Wel :liki le ßsql:9 4 l.l7eM'p tin Josiah King, at rho snit of Thomas Ramsey. NO: 5 ALSO. All r l Otitle, iderestianitclaini of_defend*o ttlf,. in and to the tidloiving_tdet Of land hrisortittienlcuJoy tp, Beaver County, Fa. bounded and described as fol lows : Beginning at post, thence by lands ofMcCleery and Robinson, south 894 deg, west 191 8-10 per, thence by land of Alex Robinson, north 17 deg. west 81 per, thence Illy landx.f Joseph Funkhonser north .89% deg, east 24 per, thence by land of said Funkhouser and "Mitchel north 54 deg, east 563-10 per, thence along the public road by, land abase and John Daugherty north 88 deg. epst 461er, theneek. oath 82 deg, mat 14 pa thebee aohthili • xleg, emit 19113400 "per Xif * lot, thence south 7 eg. east 8 85400 per td it' , angar ' tree,- thence by land of George Boswell south 69 deg, west 12 per, thence south 19 del, east 14 per, theeeenortl(66lt deg, cast 22 94400 per. thenoath..B4 7 deip freer 11 15.100 per, thence south 89 d 101 "P:I9 wb lie oak , thence by land of ' enrol Join Daugher ty. smith it.ii deg.l2l 849 kier.hi th e•PlSCS of beginning. RIO a croi Cleared, onesidett these ern two large frame dwelling , bonne:, adonhle log harruintt other out-band- Inv. two orchards of bringitult tree. Promisee %m -aintaining 154 acres artdoBPl4Strict measare. About derlaid with coet, ,- , • • • Seized and takes la 'etecutlon ,as the property of Joehth King, at the suit of Ben). Whittler for use of Heuricl dtLen z, Trustees itc. • -.. „....,- 1 ...,...d.,„ -q ICOAV: , , •.• -• ' • 7 , :AL146. " ,:h•-•...• •a • , All ri„ltt, title 'interest and claim of defendant of, in and to a t! the coal in that stratum or bed of coal known as the three fact or. Daugherty vein In the Alm on which the said James Thomas now •_posides.",l6 North Beaver county:PL, 'hennaed : lnd de scribed as follows: • Beginning , at tiavhttdoak - on line or !antis of John Ferguson, thence lry 'lipids of...Jebel& J Daugherty, no* 11E,dee, West 77240 per to a post,' thence by Same notthlM deg, west 27840 per to a post, thence north I deg, west 33 540 per to a white oak, thence north 404 deg, east by lands Warne. Wilson 69 2-10 per to a stone, thence by land of.Thomailtam. +ley and others cast-13344n per to g a post , pliepce by Imids oaf Factor I Freed 69% deg; east,79 5.10 per to a post;thence by lands of McCleary .t Feiner smith 14( dog, cast 102 6-10 pp* fp a post, thence by lands of Dep lete snuth 88 deg, west 92 740 'pet 'to . - a post.' thence [ South t•deg, , ii , est Of 4.30 per to C*o ' 'Menne Plinth n, deg, east 8 per, thence smith 874 d , east 14040 it it poit, theneeby lands ofJohnlse north .9115 6:10 per to the place of beginning' etintaln 'lnf acres and 153 per. • - +1: - ... .• 7., Seized-and Wren in exacutipn ite - the prenert7 • of ..Tokiall Petal the anhof illimeefhplakit.!,..ifl ft IV. NO ; ..w Ito .... ..; I 311 : 80 ca ..1 - ..LI Li II: All right, title, interest and claim of deferidant of, In and to the folionleg Woes. PatOcls,or tracts of land lying and babe elniatti iriChlppetva tp, Deaver Co, Pa. bount'el as follows: Begin nino at a stone, thence by land oWspitkel curia frighata's heirs, north Flts,deg, west 84 per to a stone, thence by land ofJatries Welsh 4i deg, north 100 5-10 per to a stone, thence north 88 dog, west 445-10 per to setter Owner eastill per to a stone, Qs try rand 14411. P. Alcorn, south 88 deffi, t 152 per to a t e, c ob land of D. Cochrane heirs, S. McConnahy and others south 2 degavreat,6ll~o r•steweat the rtiteo t g=2 ToMlnlrig IlWresftntll2l e.'r; With About 110 acres cleared and ender' fence. on said; thersrA a hwge fransetweiling _bonsitanttEdwalsio l log house4nst Fergitresoelssfru.4964- CBo' Itnybant,- two orchards of bearink fruit trees. - Premises underlaid: with coal. r--... - ~. ~... ALSO the follt e4cribe lpTeck.of land, adjotng-, ing the above : i n ning at a poet thenceby land of lease Cot, - north 44 deg. ftastt 3 Per to g % 14 1_ nfacf; by lan'fistasid Cochran ` s holm north Geg, beet`. HO per to a'poet , thence by the piece of lan last above described, south I% der, east 51 pay tom white oak tree . andpost, thence a rock,; thence !both 884 deg, east 55 8-10,per to a post. theneet mouth I deg east 10 per to a poet, thtmce north 89 deg,: east: SI relo per toil 'post at the trail. co*" tattling 410 erre', litoodslnd - ore o less. About 40 acres cleared and and enCer.' Premises air ' , I r deriald with coat. Seized and taken In Weal as the property of X. B. Welsk, at the suit of D. X • NO. 8.. ,; et ' A r• '7 ~ , A L , _.' - , ~.._- _ . 1 AU th 6 r 1,2 - title. Inteiest an cialutofderelmant Of.- in and to the undivided ono. of* tract of land situ. ) Ito in Itrlglttort tpihr the Cotin of Hlnseer. 104 Wit! of 11:, bounded - on Menotti - 1s land dr Wiekbam Old Hurst, east bylands of Sarah sand Barelay's belts; south brie:lds-of i l itelaylh and west ley land of Hindmost:sot:Want 414 acres, It under knee about nmetv acres thereof Ind clearel and In a good state a t' gemstAidontztle """ sit, it d=2 buildings. Th ere Is a large o .of Milt trees of nt..veriellsociattrisPraM Thst..INIC is an gerlaid wthrivelaa oteostandir c.injc . ., :: . 1 ..1 Aroci,- At the mut* tballst4 P Die iusahided Si i ifilzia of a piece of laud' eitua lad tp. in said's:on/Id tYbounded by.the Obinffiver .of Dr. B.P. CM*lngs; counfthriebotiVhs . *Wridelisro erected two comfortable Dania i lbighoweti inane stablest:6 other out-intlldinge. is a _good Ikat Yard anda variety'af frail treats We premises. _ _. 4".ll3eliaitioid tiLdn,itte tXdffre2so4ls444LL Phillir."intivivinraterief.T, 4241 at HA anit'afht:L. Hsi C. , '4 V , ' 4, ' t l' , li -, 1,f4: 4" I ' .. .i 4 1 - 7 ,• .- . No:I), r-e ~: , a ii• • , ‘ , .f Liliti : ~ . ,-, v ,:: : i :t , ,1 , d4 : All tight: titie,iiiieiiit afiC . lortieeisifit et,* bud to,a Certain tract of land in a ppCiVelatig Watt , 9 I t,..4: ME more di tent olleed =Oa 7Mill A. shit OR; rano 5, 13 5 1,11 i t , eft: • A . eltdolt, bac. Interest luol:elelnt ortdint et In . mot to aiiiblldedokinet et droh_oalliel Nal* In the ate : gloomy phufor lotsipaellrer Ile.flearar county,PutrOthiesit elpflorettOutele(2 north by Mdelh'ettt: -Cat: ' month by lot No. Mk and West by third etreet, - each lot berme Atm* 01(43,1tet/inillUVihroAt ih&exhosilhig back MrleCellcieller-d'ore , :On which -there Is erected . a /NAli'llarg. 41. 84 50tti... t' 3 qq‘14 1 44,.. er a la g r a c igi .0 at jhari e l : Set Ofs. 4-7;f774-erft imiwwwwv ., 0 ,_1 1 „ 7 404 114 4,Tir 5 ZY12.4,r c.. satsoltg.tvierriop; ±_-•;* tigi=riftc ••Call Fa 4ciiiiiitl446 Stock iffiff.f rf u otp 7 ttebur.V.Ps ,KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS , (slat 1 - PH:',4ll -1 t. ;);',:ii3;l"e:Tl: t.-ni I'l4ll'l rl. !al! f..;• , dus t jictory, clinge f , •;:. H. P 11, IS STE f r 1; t lIIMEM it: 7 r . OHBAPY.S2tjA]IEViRSOLD'IPAUS COUNTi • ;, 3.: L ,111 1 ,, .11 • Iv: f, ~{ n ;7. , Loctir,AT., TILS•:TRICES:i iT60.413 . COOtriZetr4 ''•1 2 .11. - 1:113"V":: ,: ',' ." t. r ; .;,., No. 7, Splendid Baker, Largo Square Ovon, $11.50 No. SgSpleudlel Baker, Lame Square Oren wet 9,l3plendlet Baker, Lange Squaro Oyes, 28.50 - . FILAN=Nr PA/MOR STOVES I...TnnoTti;for ' ':; . ei'itia l lii.:ivy . ‘, 4 ; 0. . . ' 5 STO#Ptg " A., NO.I, Ergi nrybitivyj t 8.00 ,"•••••—• 1 r -- r •-,„,„ • 1 ,34 2 1.;....„ - 4 • 4.; A**ll . Goiter •7. ... ,2 AraraTstfeti, 8 0 IS: 0 1 8 0, , . •h . , 515 ' 3.55 .• 19 335 6. C 66 SO 11. 5.50 • ,iB,l#lll, 'O4 „210 ki;; . . • 711- f i4AVE 1.:120vec...0.1 914:1•': 1,::. :t • ....1 , 441: 5, 21% 675 - roil ; (lye ,4111 t I .1 4. - • •• • 6.t. •• -N itritir; v• • ", 14„rancy.. Rod, ' • " 82 . , A 0 z11dth0q* 2 4 1 «. , ; .•••/ • .1t 'Presied Sheet Iron -Summer Pieces. :poi 2E04 r T i f irrfi i I , 11 25 ; "C k.rivq‘Atae*Vdeitnit IA 1 !tra ' AR Work Warm - hied: - Gins tia a Cidi (1011'...! '11.1.77 jiLf ;A:VE.47% • 'TERMS, CABII. • 17 NERKICIC 00. 1 7 : !XClVelri: T SANDS AND ,REINEMAN. No., 80 Fifth Seeiit, Pittebungh t•,•• .t.l) r . • 1 1 RovErsuftrßNlsturra - AsiaoDS, . rxrinY *MIX: BtrtAini.ii4 opanned. Wooden 'nod NVlJlostr Were. Anterken and - French Clocks. They bare always on band the Table Spoons,. Tea WO. , WatetCoohnei fipootle., • :goblets. Waltenti lriekefa Tote roach; Tea. r Deletertivotlia, . oinev, Cabe 17tna, Ice Chest.: • CO, , -- • OUECIN Or E_NCLAND .SOAp .- Iig..LEN .0(-ENcinvc , CAF • CV•ENJILANIi. S - Cg 4 AP,I •., For doings thatUy washlogiln the best out cheapest manner.. Gitivinitool Keg IP KT to the weld In the' streo v aote tato, sow WA th is ofildet ht i ftrbg olkmolne_r_46llle... ftthlespletti did Soap._ 1X1f1=.1904 !Q'orth Froatlltrott.rhtlastelyb M k.'' . A.. l lz , Si ALTA . ; t r E4 PHOMTE. „ TT 113 COMPOSIMPBMCITAELT 'O7 Tllii OIL ebratod, GUANO ikons TA.. V E'L' 62"41.thrite Par Oil : Cif, " • • 4 • • - 4.,4 4 .1 . • . . 1 • I , ' ; 'l' 4. • ;r.' 4n ample younii aVvi activitt(witanitAil§Ph we ycgeni=nanka s t ows quanu9 , nolums te. Boos Phosphate of. time ,` • • { . • , {r7 ‘Togretherithb POTASH - 141d sops., the esuattal ale "eats ot .1 . • t ••, • 4 i• .1,74., • t • , I,•Ln -••': • 1..,t ••.! ' •0 3 314 . MANlnag: • „,^ ,V. • ,211 . ..•', • • •• . 1 1:11• P • 'The tlut „i figitkiiii which It ig ; Iti r t riiY thous an Whowtenalag it to prefeteriee oth-t er kinds, Is a sure gamete° of its salier."Prfee , lo Itr„pt,d.. Pamphlet t Address--The Alta naltitidelpomPatiVsl Broadway, New York. =tekiaiid . I an -401/4w bad ;by end • • • `l.l tel %.%1111 At 112 zl.llr.flA. m - gotna/ 1a laika Itat4 , ls 11.,bila I ...rvar•arl rfa/ ant net ni ;r4i.nd.N.lli.); • al.trahrtia drift 01 Lai titrran It:drafts Lt•iinia art , a 7. td: ar Lotaallea.t. /4e' - ' I4 "'":TV•I' 4I 01114:4+: 7 1 1 :1 , 1•J 'l:al!t> , 411;3 qt latatalt Saasar;a*.aol.l Tra 1.411::::.gilat *r.+l 'rani; a I.Paar 110 ; aat j rs V.Ab a 1.11 , 1 ‘l , An3.47)4 :'•^4l .itt!intr.4 • • , - e.ryimittrA . . ,F..1;1131111d, NamsErtface - . i .3TAIIS.EOEII. .14 8 • r `ln 1•3 i %.! 'R()CHEASTEIt 1 4 1ULL AND. COMPLETE STOCK. OF l a- • ! `DRY, ti'„:GOODS; (,11,41 . 4fAci . cna 1Y ~ ~~~;r ,FLANNELS. Plain • Piannelti, - - > ;► , lfaii.Od Flannels, Opera . Fla, L ' . 4 .4 ' l Jf L.AfP)ccas, lAerin . os; Delaines, 9 1'4 , u [TIT. Shawls, 4001.1 . . riosiery, Gloves, 74 - , =I/ y.. ME =II WM B L S& ' 1 ,1 1,1 r s 1111 10.25 18.00 Aria vro mi t bta.lz2 ? 0 8 PAULI BO , , , r • ir• JEIINA ° CAVALciritse,Vo A-IAV , READY - MADE ZDJILTS AND DRAM- f q .•ii r~ •11. - 4,n11 5 ) tni i"rie ' a. or 11 -2 If 4) It F. A CI: 'Boots and Shoes, •A tarter end better Stock than we Mei . ever before kept eldi ttr s t o l e V i nsl i gt= t and • tgbt and M i t)Velo; Atel:ri ' if 21; /:::Ff i - t(II)MAISS . k.,13 13Plf H 4.RlMArig Al 'ItAILB - 4 1 C A: 8 1 8 19F E1 . 1 1 43 Irrt I- Pt 'l4 ; lr• , f .4 - I , s ' 54tc r imaxxiiii t MEE Bacon; „.! - MEI Grap • ,: . ; MEE Grain, riour;:road, , ecn. ME .1 . n =I MIN tl,i is • , 11(111 , 1 WO bu:T r oftirieoarl tear opt' itoolcitll and fresh. fogeys halos sbiztAtblng saw tallboy our castomen 11121 I , ot*.ii,X:'o.;: . 4'*.;4?!;P T ';':.X,;:p,i;',O.illi ~.;-,-J..1..; •Kn.-. 1. ::‘“ ''. 4 :7 , ! , ; - '" ,. .. •!C.A.I/L' "AND' BEE' I -'....".'‘." •,.. 1 ,.. co Rocusairs, 00.1p:11418a ME . '1 - 1. T .. 111 tOPENNM. 41•101, : IL. •; 1 Z - :I ' ol - ii 11'x7. A•! =1 =I In UNA CANTON. oN•:" .FLANNEL. ERS. MI HATS AND CAPS . a INE =ME= Oar &stud Stook of - Paints, .I. i; •: • Nty, ;'•• . i' To , i t Lilo ',- Tirig.- . iLtithe neviliVinitor Li' • Eilm.. • AQ:9lO ' . X gir. .- - nts 1.1161.4A13 IM ILV PIioNOVAIDST AL who have eves it IN • Gitir Ltistiobt tits hosOLlsi they ever used. Thews iv °Wishes ss•it Wei Is Is for the east As lan burn Lin t galtlanClat illi mse then sty one else, sad give 7 13 ETP160 2 444 35 • flotract' opt. Bollttero amt. Main odes ,Wimlimor, of lame coo bar from . SIGS 011411Pir 8111 M MULVANOIIt LIME KILNS - • • r in. 113 .7 can nrsNtatinto een i s a i t r i l tg:r OW Ismaili rrity:rr Fret RYBOIDT i. 9 riolgttio 141 4 44 t I VVII S T *.Avitint P. 14.—N0 thane to stiy awe ski Is boa *at Li me. locarnn• SAM .011 SNiTGEII.4. • (At the DUI atrcl, 3cd.m.t 11141n4..1'111 ' 01:4 ALL l l j ic "D 9 1 -- ti g'ADi - GROCERIES' • • s rtaara • Fi.looo YIf.CE COFFEES: T BUCK-. 88, SYR UN. MOLASSES, SORGRIIII, RICE, PHP!ERS. SPICES,. SOA PS, CAN DIES ap . RAI ISI-IfilioEtaalt •,,C UR RANTS, FIGS, - - • FEED, rISH, GRAIN, They are congest, .!setairbti a le* arsortoolataar: Do e g t= e 4'47 an O i d it e lgTgi e rk7LraVa: l44ll 1.11164 t • All ort oda neurcred If jaulAint.. lEEE BS'MEE 'r~ -1, . r~i .J •, , i ,f NEW GOODS : NEW GOADS MRS. E II:BEALum, OAS - JUST UlttailigiU I,;weiss • IBM which sits on to t ra rp„, rates.. Ve Ladies and Gentlemen* Weigel de . • , ; ithariC 7: DRESS TRIMMINGS. ITO JP ' , SKIRT* . VEIL STUFFS, CORsmirA.NDRERCHIEFS, GLOVES COLLARS, CUFFS, HOSIERY, COLOREDIMLYBRICB; • EMBRGID.FRTYS,z • ' LACES ' DRILLING, PAPER:3 I EIff rpr ,•• Mao i_goot .. ce 1 , •‘, LADIES MLISES,A ND r ea f 7 r I 1 ‘1" A. Li :Hz A. e, . . - '— which will be !meta ii as seia; • ''' i1it4134. I • sbe nks a antlrentloa at the P B6 llllllllok Mends and the public generally. Goode cab be had at twenty-fonr hours' notice.'; • , i E 970 sa q;:.) ! Call and Ex ' g! au4 .• ICEMEMBEIII ; THE 8d Rt. Opposite the V P ea rs. &QM _HP , r-d) F eirli • T. O. MORGAN linoinati gaiILIMBINtGR I . UW454 O y: DUIKI II . . , - fINEPAIRY, 91 Quewairrif , ibrissoiltilk , 'NAILS WINDOW GLASS, WOOD 4:11i) WILLOW WARS, 84007, 1 n814 FLOUR, BUZ COUNTRY PRODUCelskii}im ohangelbriboadt,' ' Goods Ddiceral Free 4if i. 14- Mips- B/ 1 . 113 1/nrkTiqfriVigtiftviffift:lo - 4 •inez, •71' .?arinrs'xii4X.o7..loMll4tr! PROVISION Freitr- • • Car. Railroad crosmig 824 Ob li ir. ' &at ; r • Roches:Moe:Ai: 01' (a C-17; ; •( r By COM & D Akita wain Jut ni; 70171131 family Grocerlarsad Prosisloa,ltskjfkleir: Aram Batter, Lud..110:04: AUACIIIIIMTIIIMCgr, f ril. olasses, Balt. Tar, Cease, Cra M kes', Tobacco. clears, Qaeassisay. Wlllow-Iran,. Woodevsnao,_ asia es. *tithing la diets KW, sad tbaltaßss " by mica attentloa kslmams, 411 u"mrt urti+l 111 tfleeat 1,8 N. B.—All kinds of Conintriakat 'ea the motet Price. • COE & DARRAGfiI. .011 ' "t 7Ali,tYl Roam" itcr Oct. Dit i l p—c otiorkLy. fiRA r9470 ' 1.:)0 Ln: .t" t:, . Li i, G i IE Q liE MIMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers