CI 55 1 MI ~. ` •;~ MN 111' t The Beaver Argus. J. WEYAND, Dhoti , AND PROPRINCOD l!eaver,ra., Nov amber 4, ISGS. TUE NEW paper project La's assumed a tali gihie shape. IMr. !Quay is the leading Spirit of the enterprise- , --is to be editor-in chief, and *ft be assisted by Mr. Wharton, !taboret the I 'Aqua antl-Quay, nit' cies that have aripeared, iota tiin`to tinip in the columns of the Local. The mechanical 'department is to be in tie hands of disaffoled persons formerly employ• sdin thiS office. Power presses afit to be ,used, and: the paper •is t be conduCted on n . • scale more extensive than has ever,' before been attempted in this region ; and 'according to one of its most zealous advocates, will iuive erotical $30,000 outside of the county, to draw upon. The impression is Industriously 'Sought to be made upon the public mind, that no Warts intended to be irettle,,upon tbe..tlr lus—that the enterprise is MI individual One —that the wants of the county, and.tbeiriter . este of the party deinand the establlslimeni of another paper. Mr.lQuity, and three other prominent politicians of , this place and who are known to be in active sympathy with the niOVelAnt have 'all, at different times; within the past five 'years had charge of the Argun. All have admitted sustaining heavy Pecuniary losses—all were exceedinglyanx ioui titsell out. Binee we assumed control dike Argus, its circulation has very nearly doubled 'itself. This indies . ttes no ,backwird, gietl a and Would scent demonstrate that no' greatir . needexisted fore new organ now, th'itn during any previous - Management.' Is Mr. Quay any better fitted for 'editorial duty ndw than he was three or four years ago? If It worn toring 1)1104116as whim there was no cont• petition, how does he nett those :who ire cm-, barked with him; expect to make It Prof ita-) Me with a divided patronage, and the greater, putt of 'the ground already occupied r:. [Thel minelusion seems irresistible that ; certain po -I litical'sehemes are to be worked '''ont----sorne ' special interests aeltomier abroad are to be advanced. The secret is just here : We are not pliant enough to suit certain views end certain in dividuals. ;We have never waged war upon a single Republican of the county; have not eougbt to influence noniinetion9 ;- have taken no aetive •part in the contests between our , party friends; have endeavored to treat all with fairness. and ; labored 'zealously a for the UP-building of the party. i We hail not been In the Argus five months until a proposition . . was made to'buh; us out entire—then, for a ( part interest, ecl lining to sell, threas were resorted to-anonymous letter was gent Intl threatening to . ' hrtok us down by establish 1 ing a new paper4our hands were, tampered , ' with . and'aecrets ,i t if the office wormed out of 4 .,tilerie,a ..sciirrilons attack was made upon' ttabY •,a PrOfeased Republican through 'I he: eelunins ofthe Lp eql. A notice was oinked . ia...Our dmr bidding us "beware," that we ' 4vers- i istratcbed,". this.* we were "marked," and ligiarVf . Piforts hoer& been made to seduce OurarprenticOboys from us and into the new ... , • Since the adoption of the popular vote lye tem,:,,the formation of th 6 present 'county coraMittei. soil it: Congressloral struggfeet ,Pittalmrgh, -.the feeling against ourself and against aunt:n*of our friends, has been bit . tetand iinrelenting, Manifesting itself in varimia wayi, and finally culminating in the stattink.of it new paper. ' Disguised as the.true Object is' studiously sought to be, it requires but little sagacity to fathom the real motives. 'it is to make . war ' upon the ,re•nomination of Gov. Geary, for . that was emphatically asserted as early is last epilog I 'to rifle the polities of this corm ty- es ,With a rod of iron ;to advance the Claims of a PlilladelPhian for 13. S. Senator, ; sons to secure. ibe Collectorship of Customs • forie citiiiii of Denver; to crush the Argusil' to . slaughter certain of its • friends, and to" leave:no suine'liiitorned to procure the noni. l • illation! ofspeclil favorites. ' ' 'We Ito riot think t nit these well laid 'plane • oarraecceed. W'odo not think that the :Argus, I cabs Overwhelmed, even wititko formidablel a combination ' against Its .I"t.bas held on in, its czntraii . unfaltering for' 50 years, turning ; • niltbario. , thii right nor to the hift, hattlingl . 'carbestlY fetthe Right, through - milli ne and . stem, and hibering in Season tind-out of gelit•' son for the triumph of the principles brute .• party.i s to' . #lllch it Was. devotedly atiachea, We were M at. 'the death 'o'f'the W,i mid, at the' birth or the Rilniblkun parip Having assisted In wrenching ',the , county fret: t u rsp ' ',of the DemOpracyend plain:. Ventltie ' rti' upon, a proud' vantage 'ground, we ' ot believe:that-en i Repnbliscii friends will pernilt their. old' nigait to be 'stricken' down b t wilien, ainrufije - :w*hom, at least, were either not' 'residents'of the county at, that pe riod, or were connected with hostile Orgtini salons. We'grestly Mistake their . temper, • if they donot' frewn with '. Indignation upon this attempt to divide the party . or make it. subservlent to the interests of a fon? men. '. COUNTRY BAUD ! J. Itp , oice mid be Merry: z hea diem in the. Last Ditch. Copp IATION 'GONE UNDER!' REPU Thum er All Around the Sky' GrantiEleoted by an Overwhelm ing Majority ! • , • Beaver Cou3;ty Contributes Share. r' The electioti in this .co unty. passed off.V.ery \quietly., :The full 'vote Vb-e judge Iva - s not quite Out. \I ' • '. • This 7sult is . o`7lrigi. to the*ct that t e, Republicans were s 4-: o.f' SuccesS at any -rate'., thp Demberatiljrtually P\ the 'Cont i St immediately he' ? ctObe • election.. • Our I Majority in the county 'exCeeds 1000, land it will I;.rObably reach I.IQQ.,I O At is writing tVe----haV4 • . , no returns fru several preCincts but judge . to Republican major ity will varY but little from 1,050. Well, done. All hail Republic. cans of Beavl igume crave after pr County. SYLANIA AND THE PEN OTHER STATES. Pennsivania has given Grant. a majority of about 20,000. •All' the other Northern States, q:xcept. I ; ma New York, audit is,in doubt, I Have gone for _Grant and Peace.' • ~~Of the Southern States, 'North Carolina, ' Missouri, Tennessee, ' 1 Flolida,South ; Carol ina,and Virest Virginia have joined the &pub •lican!column, and instructed their electdrs to vote for the conquer er of the rebellion. .The elee 7 Moral college be composed of States ; Casting 284 Votes. It is quitecertain that of these Grant will have 211, and probably quite a number of others.. Seymour will Probably have 73 votes---giv • en hini by New York, Maryland, IGeorgia, Louisiana, Alabama, .lentiicky,• Delaware and Arkan- Stis.. Our victory is su re and over. • whehn i ing. Let us be thankful that the country is again\ saved, and that peace - and safety will Once more reign through4ut itsborders. . ` 1 Wv, ... „. inr: deeply; indebted to a great i many leading Republicans' in almost every section of the county for their kind words an 4 prof fers of fast friendshin so Inns as the ptesent raid continuas against the Argus. Their words of Cheer come from every hill-toii and from every 'valley. in the enmity, an tie ainount of. indignation express ed against the disorganizing niovenient, above refer red tri,ezeeeds AnyPiiegyrtiliave witneas ed for piny Yeara.. , ~ ~. •., ~ • - ln.ths meantime we can assure them and 'others interested in thewellare of the Aigits, that it iiitl.neather th e present, storm, and Hie t4)3,130 its wnald•bo. m trde re rs, mourning over Ithelr hlasted •ant keenlk ioz,rettng the hour they concocted their id entity scheme egal est it.. . In n' Ot: very slant titn be enlarged, printed` On a panTer prirs3, and-otherwLse proved. • - • ' . , O . THE. GAL LOWS IN FRANNMEN ; , istaiitliiin et itlio *lntecarsi tar I die mrardet or.rrld .. —lle Gaullism . hl .., : ,>;; •,,..- • i . ..- J.. , ! A• • FitIiFLUT, Oct-28, 1863. , Teidirl.,Thatnas 3rient' ty suffered the pen ally, infl atoll ler the ;raw ?for the murder of David tarry;k.Majdastiocar the villagt of Waterloo_, brenango county .:; From- the Evi dence of "Mrs. Barry, who waslhe main wit ness f or the . prosecution, it appears ,that the Mniderivas coolly - Ind delitiemteif-Zimiiiiita; withouVauy implecoreprovocal: Mg ( 2 canto' to the hottinfo,f.Barry, 0 'te thtetrt 0 Jaraest own - Stu d 'Fritilltlin Rd t 't e noire .i..4.41P.1.04,4,414 ,41r': t " etOularAt tatn, friendship ate at his table,,... i .itmotred - and talked for rkiVeral Ileum ~. :}lblekiibbut dark. and. at;lintdnight ;Vaunted , : and awakened rarry and dem red Id stay thorest of the nightv retending that ha, couhl solmstehythd,house it a. friend, with Whom be.*Aidit_ Of iltdpiAn account of being 'amble toevitifiindy creeL Barry.admittal -him, and iskedliim to:go,to bed... McCarty said hewotdd stay up amit!le and. naked :fora -' pipe , :and .some . i tobacco. Barry thew retired bed 'with hie wife. and was, soon asleep.: ;About two 04:Wei:they wore awakened by %a .autise .: reterabling• the anapping.of ain't' cap;andgboth7 sat • .up:in bed, when fdeOdity stepped. tip 'to the - ,bed and placing a !revolver against)Barry's breast,. tired Barry Juinped to.the floor,l but.inune diatelY sunk down insensible, .. and , died in a, few lours. McCarty fled, ,and ' waS not , np rehended until July let, when he.: was! Seen hyy. Engineer Jones, ,cf the Jamestown.: end . Franklin accommodation freight train, which. runs, front Franklin to Girard, on the . line of the Pittsburgh • and. Erie Rallreak between Jamestown and JOimrd.... The train was stopped, and after considerable of a chase Iltßarty was overhauled , and brought to this city by . Engineer Jones and Conduc tor Belknap, who received the reward of three, hundred. dollars previously offe - ed by; the County Ceemitssioners for h a 'ea tare. 'Prticeding his trial MeCafty, 'v t very. jovial and good natured, protesting Ins nno cenee, and expressing the opinion thal: he would be acquitted ;„ but at his trial there evidenca'offeled in defence, while the ovidenee for the proseenticn was ovetwhel• ming. The jury accordingly. brought In a verdict'at guilty, Judge Trunk) , pe - ouounced sentence of death upon him, and , this day, (`:sth) was appointed by the Governor, for his execution, t .., =II i , • t • 11,, I= 1111 •. Until recently he did not appear ,ici . realize hie pm ful situation, or otherwise had; madcap his mind to "die .. When Ihn-artiedif read the death warrant to him, -. he -Said that he, "needn't try tnscare him." . • 'Az AIM d approached, however, he became more -seKi mu., aim sent for his spiritual adviser, Father ' and seemed aasiotis to by pepar ed for that "groat and awful.. change" Which I . sri soon awaited hits.- . This morning'. considerable . excitement was manifested. among our citizens, and quite a numbercongrepted frontc:of' the jail; hitt none were adirrlttial, 'The time :for thd exeearion. was betmen : the,hoUrs of tog A. Mi and three p. sr. At ten o'clock, those who had permits or were; deputized, about- Cr: i rty In number, were aclinittrst, . Father of.t hp, ;Catholic Church,.: with . two ether Catholic ministers, (whose .:names we did not learn, 'engaged with the : prisoner 1-1 h pra,yerand supplication; after Which' McCar ty wes,:prepa red, Tot trte.i,gallwL At: -halt after twelve he was led from thn.Cell by,ShetillGray, followed by 'the ministers;, and he mounted the galloWs with vfirrnstepi l A4er thp„in Misters had rendered. theservides usualion,snelr occasions, he was asked if he I .had anything to say... 'He replied:in-the rieg utive, merely:berriag, thott i e' present,' and standing very erect apd Theisheriff then approached, I drew. Alio:black eitp over his head, . placed the rope !wound- :his neck, and stepping upon the spring,. at .exactly fifteen minutes of Ane &clock, Thomas • :Mc- Carty was nymphet' into, eternity:, ~tHe :died without a strtiggle, his neck being broken.. AQer hanging about - twenty minute!, his body was examined by the. physicians in. at; tentiance, and life. was pronounced extinct:;' his body witi 'put I into a, coffin --and' taken away. It appears that:the rally confession 3feCar-i ty made was to his spiritual adviser,' Fa l** 3ladcligan to whom heltaid he was gulliik deserved thepimishinant liiLligted by the law, and that if his death Weald Mena for his crime he was satisfied. ' This is the firSt execution • that has' ever taken place in'our cc•onty, and we hope It may n..ver he necessary to have another. - Admlnistraltar's Sale ofnemeernt lc Elleets. • Since the Deniocratie party is dead, it is desirable that - itt affairs'should be wound up, and its .elrects.iniministerect upon as .speedily ns possible. The following articles constitute the balk of personal property of the deeensed party, which will be sold at public itudtion at an early day : • • , 4 , • 11,000,000 pair agedave. manacles (uncott.• stitutionaily dam by Abe Lincoln. They will - be sold as 'old iron). . . • . . 30,040 slave drivers' whips (lashes consid erably worn, handles in . good or.ler). 11 ordinances of secession. 1 old window sash—somewhat damaged by tire, removed from its original place uy order of Governer Vance, in order that "Yon ketis ' might be piled so high "that their legs would stiek,out of the windows." : . • 1 Lost CauSe.. 100.000' GiCy Uniforms (badly worn). b0:000 Seymour and Blair 'banners' (perfo: 'rated with numerous boles, will be sold by the pound, for,paper bags),,„ "i - •!. 24100 portraits Of Horatio Seymour, label led "The People'il Choice" (Very handsome ). 1 "Yeller (manufactured by the Tailor of Tennessee.) . . - - 1 Rare manuscript, being .theginal or 131ifir's 'Broadhead -letter (interesting as an historical relic; since it was ln the hands of the deceased in tit- hour of Death, and bears traecs!of tears shed by disconsolate ) friends 'on that occasion.) - .1 lot otold lumber (used in the Denincrat le platform. Hampton's plank .is In a good state'ot preservation.) • I lot of type .(damaged by printing red-hot Democratic newspapers.) . ' :I,,tusk Of the - "Democratic elephant," 'bro., kenoff . (hy the World's advice) In the vain at-. tempt to hold tort he ice:and escape drowning 1 geological specimen cif great value,.beiug the "superfluous • fragment" struck by. the I ",stone hamirier" - from the igneous rock which the 'Democratic - Ajax was unable to throw in to'the Republican.camii on the 13th or Onto , her. -" • . , • . 1 collbe.potirnsed-in coloring Naturalise 'tion papers for use In the Pennsylvania 100 hales- of Penillatoniati greenbacks-- nominal value s,i,sonokoop (will be sold by the pound. The attention of .Paper-makers is especially called tO.this item.) . • These articles will be sold at aslow a price and on as-long a time as sire, since the surviving relutiies are anxious to get them our of rho way us soon tisilitssin, blc:. •" • .1, • I- Tiffs money article of the. New "Perk No mereint Adrereter:doubts ifthe exPedatioll a reaction and a: tondltion of great 'perriti nent ease in the money market • will chile* the present stringency. It ix of 'the! opitdoi that there has been no "lockipg'ep" as has been repre.sented. says:' "The dormant reserve of the bankslitts been' - reduced' :$ll,- 500.000 within the month by the redemption of Three Per Cent. Certificates; -re quires th be replaced . an;';eqtie sinount .uf plain Legal Tendent i and ttib Sob-Treasury having diminished-its , otirrency Is'balande tO below. , $90,000,000, by these :LredentptionS. lutist be-ex pealed to repleulsh its•coll'emagala at. an early:day,ltaking pOssib V three, to 'Bier millions ont,of the banks.• !Again; about 'the middle nfNovantber, the- South' ' begins • to, draw a large amount of currency -.lloitithe East, and, alt houghts that period money . be gins from Chime, yet these' re celpts,.andtmore, are required by :Ouch:mut for morn* the hog crop.!!, , t A - - Vinosity: it Litendu*. • murnneftmarnip 4ng DitX4* -I *Fra ' ,e'r - eraimpia 110 x *k. Estimate cbilloestert isfiseiry,det. 5.]. i• A, • •n is 10800 a thattbit book etstitlefleills on Liar eifliffersel - RM.*" IntrPOtting to betwkork. Dr.llraven, writtealn nine - the hie Genei:id C. G I Hai pine.o* • The abOve paragrap h is going the rounds Of the press wan item of strange news. , 1- T ho book "our readers will remembek came- out in ' lNWYtili c -sorniiiiiirlEiiinWe .of Mr. Dlivils on bail.from his inprienp_ment ttli illson of lie ay, bud' eeP hit es fok the fat PIoti44O4OIIWOStbOALAUFACitrs4 " •-• - were; - While 'it - stirred - I - be - hearts . of the Souther:lt:maple; .of whine flostAituisti:tenwas the offiCial beasbnt awakened thesuriosity,re moved the 'prejlidieeseaud colistetithesymt pathieS ofßort horn zee !wirehair of one -Oil ium-from high estate:a lrearirofeeble captive, yet tiWienipis admiration, for the equa nimity of his bearing and the accomplish, menta of . • EOUticradc , rvivill be astonished to leant that the, statement is true, and that:this popular Wok, _over tvlitaso .much of tailing, of im dignation, pity, •interest, and win/netted has been created and expended, is a Work orim- L.,-.7w4veir,upart". slender reads effect. ' I 1 I• gibon:after•the ads psssion OPMr. Davis to t'avenritlie.,49lVOQll '.ot,the - post, went tolfew.,tork, WOW Ink quondam' messmate of the sadist *tail; GeneralHalbine: This literary . friend •augnitrilatod him forth vri%h on this opportmity-he had to Ammar print •Wod at the :same time. mike money -by boohoo JetilDavis. The Idea Vented newt() Mr. • Cnrreig:Ond he said it was impracticable.. Halpin asked him where were his notes He replied ; "be had nose, and could not digit. " "Then," said Hat. pine,,ltivo me whatever materials. you have and I will wnto in your naine, And we will share, the pmilts." This was agreed to. Craven furnished time letters of Mrs.lDa vis to him._ and some notes written ' on , the margin of a Ibruld by Mr. Davis, touching the points he desired Revertly Johnson to mak& in defending him tor • treason. Tie.s was all Ifni authentic matter supplied. I At the request of General Halpine; Craven also Made out a list of the officers or the post and their days for •goingon duty, and other little details or the post and garrison and of air. Davis , • • , . Ipitie then palled Ito see Severitl,Conted- - crates ill New York, and , atuongrothers Gen ctal.Dick • Taylor. He pumped them ns to 14,1 r. Davis, his views and opinions on public matters; also in regard to , leading Southern men and Mr Davis' relations and feelings to wards them, &S. ' A Philadelphia publishing house now ad vertised that it was soon to put forth a life of Dais; and Halpine saw the importance of• anticipating this. publication of his book. ' It Pigs arranged:in New York to get it ;out tin= mediately. ./Ie agreed to .furnish his Pub: fisher fqrty pages of foolscap Manuscript dai ly.f An( he :sat - dowa to writes and wrote orty pages &Sly • for -nine hays; -osiftim-thti book was .tompleted—the.vieb of Ms fertile brain and accomplished mind. • • • .. The book was ofgrentselvisd to Mr. Davis; and : Generali share of • profits waS $7,000 laardifarch, when , he •Atomtriunteitteltil. us the, above &eta from 'hitt own • graphic' and eloquent dips. • • . '• •• .:.TiltS,is, one:of the. .curlositiine' of literatiiii andlllUstratc's The :talents of the i Man' whh could so.plaustbly manufacture out .Of cloth the -!!Prison ..Lifti 'of Jolrcis - On..Hatis,". wlth;his privatoxiews axid.opiniotig toilterti, ing men and things. , • Thanksgiving Proclamations. COSMO-A wE-4111 o Ss: • Unto - God,' our Orestoi; rive - indebted for lift aitd nll ilts therefore, becomes uslit• 411 tinteslo' vendee:Unto Him the.homage of gratefld hearts; and'io the'per• forinvined of our sacred'musid, to sel'aptirt spe psriods to '!entei. Into' 'gees 'with thanksglying: and ~ into- l eta' *with praise." For this , urposa, ccprdsnCe with in ostabl • , ' •"` t .1. - `tliti-Coinsnonwealtli:On Iy.relrain troni their usual avocations - and 'pursult'9,:and seinble at their.eliosen phices of "Worship; tO "praise the nanie'of 'God and magnify llirri. with thanksgiving ;" devoutly to noknowiedie tifeir dependence, and lay. upoii his altprs the cheerful otferings•of 'grateful hearts.' '• , Let ustliank Kim with_Clirlatitin htiintllty foi health, and prosperity, aliundarif harvests, the:, protection or , commerce; r and 'advance ment of scientific,; mechanical'and' mann fee'," turing. interests; our progress in education, morality, virtue and social order •; the increase of onr material wealth ; exemption from pes tilence and contagious diseases and the de structive intine:nces of war ; for-having bless ed usas a people and a nation , and opened before us the brightest prospects for the fill. tuns; and for all other•blessings, hoth lempd ral and spiritual .. " • 'With sure reliance upon • Divine favor let us pray for the forgiveness hfour sins;,nisk ing. public confession of our dependence, that we may continue worthy of Ills parental love and protecting care; .That our civil and religious liberties and political rights may remain unimparcd that we may 'remember with gratitude our country's brave defenders, and cherish with sympathy their widows an ts orphan children ; and that our paths through life maybe directed by the exa mph!' n structions of the Redeemer, who died that we might enjoy, all the blessings which tenuifa4 Oily flow • therefrom, ind eternal life. in tin, world to crime. - ' • ' • . Given under my band: a'nd the Great peal of the State ; at Harrisbnig, this twenty-eighth day of October, in4he , year of , eur Lord one thonsand'eight hundred and 'sixty-eight, and of the Commonwealth the ninety third. !' VOILti R. ' GEARY. By the Goveinor: F. Joni:l:4x, Seep of the' C Jrnmonlicaltli i t Murder In Butler cannw Pa. Deathbj Poison-A.rrest . of a Wife and Attlee! Paramour on Suspicion of Poisoning the Former's husband. " • Boast PA. Oct. 27th, 188& Mr. Jacob resident of thiliplcee, was out' husking corn on Monday,. the 10th instant, and to a_appeamaces was in his usu al health. flit little denghterlook out , for him about dinner timo some Soup; of Which he ate. • Not long' after he bad eaten, it, he was taken with violent cramps in the stem ach, so much so that he was unablito amid. A"neighbor going by; ,in a,. buggy, motioned, with hie hand for. him.- - On going to him he round Mr. S. very ill; but was ena bled to get him home. - a half hour after his arrival homo he was aeorfose. „Mr. Shu gart was bawl. :uinr,king and, induatrioini citizen, .' finierattdoli. place en the, WO iOidayloll6:wini his death: . • , Sip 0 Writing On a l iPie.nni:Sh‘ngnit a4 B, a'(lcrtnsn lip thg naute of Itar,tia,...have Kr rested 'on ansMolOn poisoning are nOvi in prison . to, await : further., InyeSti gaticins:' We niiderstaid- that the contents of the stdmiieh ' babe: , been analyzed and'"the ,p . resenee of iisenk disOvered. We., forbear sayinwaifythltigtartheeasAlie.whole matter' undergoZvi jtvliCial ' ...„„ , . IiBMI GEzi.Folutiepr, the buteltn; and: Basil Dittd,*yirlio spent n. Wang.. -in the renitentlary,; think Pen . . ltiipatiick, not, a_g - entletaan. ,Therenpen,nne.,nr, thn,ta mints to shoot Oinu„ancl, thil• other, eivrieto ininitheiiistol.;nndlOtingaboht,thiehippy fliiigiinulatlon,` rxest 4fis On en" raP9rs Witk a letter .fie**nellitKOW• .rick a unnimareti tcrtus, ana de(ging ,nun ta mortal «Anita, Stipa** hait,ilepi lue attare in fighting iiraie Whole qua, aireid univ:to fganeetheintllloe.-47. - Y. _tribune:, MEM ree - hentlitin vote of Pea Alvalldat. . -I ThirOlotifilibtlitai vote for Governor is i'~tins~y~vaulp since :LIN I Lay t 4 b y for 01 • 1706-4honlas Dem. , 27,726 ' ' Arthur 84 Clair Fed. • - 2,80$ .; 00,521 mitmoi majority, 24,923 Detn. , 18)100 - - -- - 7%-:7;1L - 1106146116rg FECT: 10,706 • fa . it l 7l 3CZI I 28 ' i* I i T4 I • 7,794 IF:A".ll!t4ldiffnligil:ext ' Toth! vte, . • - - majority, l ••• 1769--Tltotnas:3l l Ketn.:Mca2.- - Ja . mpelioss Fed. ; 27,244 22,048 vnte, ` ' ' 80,887, 1 3VlKnati r s'nnifority,.' ..'•••• 4,001 1 1802-LTll,Oli. v , em. ; 47,8701 James Rnns, , Fal. - 17,0341 T4al' 4 ". I : 070 Ir/renn i n •' I, 8(045' 1845—Thos. Al'Kean, Dein. '44447 Shnoh.Snyder, Petri. •1". • - 80,485 Total vote, • • !.1 • tiv. ~1.E0432 majoilty, , ' -0,12432r 180$1-7Sinxnn'Snydei•Dan t : : '67,718 • • Jag. ROI; Fa' * -:" • 89,575 •. • Jobn. Spayd, , 4,000 BnYdernyer,b69l;, • 1911—Simon Snyder, Dem. Wm. Tilgham, Fed, Total vote, Snyder'a tosjorlty, 814-4Eilmori'Sny4er. Dein: Wayne, Fed, „ . .Total rote, • • ". ' - Snyder's majority, • - •• . • 1817=fpm. Findley: Deni. • : • f ;„ • ; Joseph 4etstor, Fed. Toialyete, e Findley's majority; f • 1820=-470.4enn tielster, Fed: Findley t -Dent. • TOO vote, Ileister's aniJnrityi I; echoic, _ Andrew Gregg; Fed:: • Tot:tit:vete,' `' • - •' ' ' 4 144,169 Schultze's ifanjority; •'• .+ -+ • :35;01 SeluiTtze;'Dem: 6 . 011 JohnSor,, ,, entit. red: 1,174 ••- g • • 63.037 . 18,219 51,776 13 - Xl--GcprgeMirol Cc ; nem. „ , Anti-Mason Ti)elj, vote. • i -,, - , -; ~ , . ; ~, . , .., ; 129 i 905 ivoir ir = es, jprA.P....;, ..• , • ~ ~ ~ : 1.0,448 181 M el ;Wel re, Dlll.' t. . ; .•,. 4,. :91 , 835 . .... , aitner, *Anil-Mason; : •'! I " 88105 ;;: • ::- : .1' -- , -..-. - -;. • .1. ' , :,' ••---• Total:yr:tie,: .r.• ... •.:+, • ,' .. - . • 179,500 iyolfe's teajority,:' • ; • ~. • ' ' - Pc ' 8,175 1935--,Jos aitner, .A.nti 7 litailott, • , 04,02'5 ' ,GeArge W,olfe, Dem. . I . • .419,80 T • r. ...i..3f.tthtiltibe . r., Dem, 40,580 't'o'tal, voto , 200,410 Miner's 23,202 1038-f--DaYl4 Dem.. 127,821 , Jos. liitner, 122,825 Total rote; 9 .• • ' • Pollees tnapititr, John Banks, Wbig, Total . • ;., 240.982 "" ••-• - " 1 1.- 24028 18144,1icShuok, licit. • • ' .166,323 Joseph 31arkleXiiik, l• 156,030 ... • . Total vote, • • 810,372 Shunk'smajority, • - 4,272 . . 184 7—F. Shunk, Dein. 115,081 • .17111 g, ..148,148 , 1%. ; B. Reliart, Iccttive Ameican. 11,217 ' F.' luppyne, A bolit,ioniit ! ~ 1,851 . . • Total gate, . . ; • 230;337 Shunk•over all; . • • - • 8.8;15 1318—Win. F. Johnston, Whi,T, ; 108;022 • ' Mortid longsttegt It, Dent. " f '168,2 , 33 Totsl vote, -• ' ;• 330,74 Joimitothrmajoilty,' ' ' '• '• ' ' 29b 1851-4 m, Bigler, Dem. . ; - 188.499 Wiu. F. Johnston, Whig, 178,034 . . Tqtal rote, • • 364,533 I3igler' s sinAjority,. • 8,465 • 1851 2 -,Tas. l'ollOek, Whig •208,004 ' Win:.Bigler,, DCLN• • !. 6 ;0 09 Total vote, •'• • ' • 371,(X1'1 Polloekis majority; . - 37,007 1857—Wm. F. Packer, Dent j . 188,887' •!• David Wllniot, Rep.. 1 140,163 • ' Isaac Hakleherst Amer n • -28,132 Total vote, . . • Packer Over all, ,; • • 18130-lad;"Oviv . HenrY,P,..Foitcr, Deus. .. Total' vote, . '',.. , . Curtin's innjOrlty, .., , ~ 1563—Andrew 6.-C urtin, 'Rep. ' - , : ' - Geo:.W:Woodwitrd; Dent Total vote,, Curtiat's majority, 1868—john Geam'Rep. Heister Clymer,'.Dem. Total vote, • • .691.870 Geary t a majority, • - 17,178 You may put down Geary's, f0r.1869, at about 20,000. . • Yours G. N. M. Mil Who Ara Extravagant? .' „ • • That old of the eiril administration of-tlits Govennuent under PresideriLim6l&-not withstanding the war-Lwas one half less than under Bucluinanyand nearly, one half. ,less than under Johnson;' conSeque tidy, the Ordi iiary reempt9"frieripin4orn%.wipentinerellie of tllo tariff, would' not only have ins t,'tkilis eApenees•ei Gesennuentr; „but.lroo/dbavnleft alame surplus In the frreaiddy i •-led • not: its Vtl l4 Plittire t h e • • Here ant the'fighree,l4o# from ; the Trees. ,uty books, 141 prove this , statement. •• „ , _ Expenditni*ofl,lo3.Govevement• for. the ~cbg t 186 ?; * * • _ ; r • - ;10P1j; • 14981,510 BU , • • 408,4,91 1647, - :57,800;409 '1665; :Tehnlteti : *1866,. ' . ;32,420,820 1.867 . i ” • ' 4lO ;• • ' 46 it •• • •• • • WMO2I /848 " 4 • r!r• •.••7 52,755,418 • ••• Compatei:caiefidlre tiaeb year ender :Prot tarleolift#llA, Ibeg; and r jritli each Of the uniferVolknairii. ' ' . • •t-' , •• 4 ,•4••••-,-.rer• , 4 • •' •X_ 'SURVEYOR ~, ...•• • --- -..., GEN : - GENERAL - . ~••• '... , -- t • It l . ' . e •-t.. .. }. ' - 4 ' '-' ''.gs • 0 s. . - g' .S. a 0 T. i -. -COUN'iiltE. r ' '' •1 1 •" 2 ' w fS ' ' ' • --5 t •••.' • .'„ 1 0 it • ,_.1, , ; ; - w.. P • ' . • ..• : ' _____ ._'', —_...........-- ---- ~..•,----- ---r ............ ' 2 4 12 4 1 .1 7 .. / "" 8 .4 Aliallhearr. - .••.• . ..... 113• 14.9ft1 41 •AU / Armatronr. a 3987 ' 3,419 Beaver...i IN IkxSbril i iii .„„ 0 if 1. ill Berke • a 13 1 7, 4 8 Blair 8,g41 &KN . ' 1 4trn & _,, .4 •• . ':.'.`•:*.it`.::.*:: 'VIII '11.1353 -7,609 Unc1e........ 40,11 7,88 44 , 11,VM - 7.833 Butler . ..,..5' . . g. :: : e 3jps I. V" SZ 3 " is 0 - me „1./ h. , ' RAM, I. 2 , 861 3, c crrritfr• l''')• •i• N• • jug , x f4 -,_ kill ; - 441 cd t; t '''.7 4 .s . •''t is, kso : . ( 3. t. , • canter.: '. ..... . .::.; • e.sso '. att. Marten :' •• , - ' ',— 1.900 t''S. ' 1 ,906 ,,,,,,, - Clearfield.. :,.... 4... 4. • 1.406 • 8.0371 "....... 211•040 Clinten :• ...... '..., .. i ' 1,901 •-;&762 1 14 0 91 • • &Mk Columbia : t . ' . '•'' oILSIn pad 706 3 f. AL% Crawford ~.•;••••: ... •... '7,00 • ~ • 641.1. Cumberlanch.,',4 ,; , a ~,4 ~dBO, ,; i .- 1:1 Denphin .. '...' . .......•••• .01/S 9 - • 6.17. i. o Doll•! 4 !9 ,; ...d' • -4: .14. • 010 ' 4r4 1114 ' . !8• I st? 4:eilet X 6 r - - t 4 7.70!'4A31; . 7, ,. 699 •-•1 Fayette .t - .3,745 4 , 4 '"'''' '`i , Frani..„,: ,1.,: .4 i 4• • • ... .., „ ~; . ,..1 ka11.i.‘.. , . :.1-...t.1.. i.: 4,311 . 110 •• 4, ' Felton, ' 783: 1. 1 4 • TR2 1.113 1 Greece .1,:.• ....4 .pa ,1,..i 14.721 ..3411, ligi a 2 theffineen . ..... .' .. • 3,472 'l4 Indiana • 4.£141 23011 4 4 843 2 4* 5 Jefferson..::: ' • •201.. 4.001.'240 1 2,095 Juniata j, :, 1•..414: 1 Immure! '- '-' , • 15,3 • 8,5 / 5 4 3 0 1 ' MI Lawrionen,'• -a3.491 : 1.7,1 • 0 12 ;I R Liben0n:.•::•,....,„.. - .-,... ,T.,908 11,811 . Lebtab•-•:..-.:.:.'1 , .: ' 4.131 . 41,11:_41 "i 4 4_,...pat Luzecue '• • •-' ' • 9,/15 /11•419 ..9.eue Ikess weedni....., 4.(x0 • - .. Vrn 5 01 Kean'. - • - . 268 - " ' •• 4,700 4.177; 4.* 4,111 11111114 • LtOR LR2R, 1.854 1 Monroe - ' 735 I. 753 Via M o l ll llommy • • - . 7,INS ,1. • 7, 9 01 , .WMO Montour -•-- 1.191 ,4. /4 11 "1 JAI Northampton 4,452 7.701, 44 16 •4. - aai North umbe rlan d.. „• • 'ELM 4•146 3 • 43,40 , 44 Perry ' 1..570 • 241* OW; 7.„ Philadelphia. .... ~. 60.613 90,808, 60 4 600 -v...." Pike ."" .., 388 1,20 . &17 1,211 Potter 1,c,,t4 441 l i - 1.605 811 SelinylleM• '' t• • ' 8,191 1.538 ; eagi . 2 4 586 Eayder :.. ' - Leen ";-43t1, 1 4 61 1 . •/-6 14 Someniei • • - 3.1 0 3 1 )800 " 81 1 ' 1"11 SMUflon.' ' ' 461 80 Oft. RN tinsquehaiiiii - 4,582 & - • 4 4ein 1 14 2 'flogs ' • - • 5.410 1. . 6 4 41 i ' 4 . 4 J9u Union'. ' t , 2,05.1 1 1 2.048 4j 1 Venting° •*-. '' 4 431 3.711 t. 4.430 3.4 w, Warrra. - - - . ' .:, .: .1.933 1.,01,1 2.te; .. ^ 11 • 1110 2 4011 ............ " 1 1.911 ' l lOlB . l 4,135 ~ Wayne ..- . ism. 3.37 2 - 12 / 4 estmorel . tad... • ' • 5,513 CAM: 51•311 6 • 578 mulng • , 1 -. • • 1,540 I,7tei 1.512 1.787- k......... .......... 6 , 953 %owl 0.048 ; 11,915 :1 zu.ixr; ;____. !== am 31;031 20,009 111,530 1 ; . 24,4 CA • 6,319 • 3,609 =ME 50,928 49,710 • 51,090 29,543§ 80,665 21,583 66,338 5%272 125,803 y: -7,059 67,605 06,800 , 131,005 1,205 80 0 0 8 • • ,241 . - - -- Exerutorla.Notlie.—brttcro . te , mmentaTTlPo o . the, canoe of i tionos HOWL 0;.. thutover towthollp. Boarocsounty; tit:. dcol . lhrnin g tr esigratttod.ta tbe tttuferegnect x: e c ,ryrrookao *. tow trg,c.l4 Pi, azolnst 141 d ciltoto nill " pOliein 'proverly a uthontlated for ii i paymetg. persons ladebttr.l ,to said alai(' 11 . 111 malcopa ! yr IllimuttgrolAell. . .., .. 1 _,,A. NOOK,.'llookstbsior, 1 i * '' -- 4 11)1LIZA'1300D. !hoover to . Executors MEE LICENSE NOTICE. applicantaor Ltglnse;atjgovembertsigstima, 4 L:e , f,. -, -- :iir: .17 tlincet u,l,k_: uti.t .4..- c: • Ilohn'lt ., ii iohn O _fi , T • „wutt4 4 ct. 1,‘,1 —le t DENT 'AL'"' Be r irpkr.. l 4. • dissolved 14 sewal o A. . 8 4n,,v person todeVed to !mid at T 43. AM. pkotneattlitoeiltatelOndyeettle, as we duke a tettkutent_of sinLaccouwts, .1; ) i! VI.IIIIHANDT.EII. ••• A. WHISLEtt. I buidnese,wllltspeoiltlisued,ooder .tho atuatt4 of 71r.'a •CtIARIMXII whtt will blur t Teeth; free ono td tifall pet,: In the shortcut powtile 'notice tad . gattianrf them to he of !belted Xpteital nod of . per Prorkmartehip." Ait lbr bar !Ulla:. it cannot' 1r tittlpubit*u hutiereds of bur patients can temtfyi. •• " • t , .• T. - .7: cilArißLEg so . rrmbrr _ f00r4115-: . "( 1 ' .7' F.. 1.0,11.11, DE CL IN El)! ME 250;140 ' D,496 *564 113,478 . ." .. . ; . , Best Whte , Wleat ,Warra n ted ~ . .1 . ) . :..z ! i : , i •1 1 ~ j • I ___.__ 44 1r 25 lb. -Sack --e•- - - , - 4.1 50 lb. §itck •- -'...- -,- • '-':-. '2.65 'Barrel - ';, - -- - - . '-'. -% - 10.56 0 , •! i 4 a 8E001;i0 QVALITY, 'STARK ,C UNiy.' 125 ; Sack-, - Si .1 O. I I ,Barre - - 8.Z5. lioci;eator;soi. 4th,iwtat. ' ' • TIIE LECTURE tOMMITTI:3- .• mercaliwe LlDra assocition, R ro t laT iL. R_ES L of 18138-1819, THAT; Ant Lectu ' re . f or Coarse will be delivered early •Im Hereza: o E=l l w B69 t; have been made with -TORN 8.. COUGH. Mire - NIB DICKSON. •11 ARK TWAIN." Miss OLIVE . I.AllitAtik j,.H,MURDOcai.. THEODORE TILTON, alionuk; 'Amman !TOWNSEND: HENRY VIZ. 'CENT. "PETROLEUM V. NASBY," General KIL PATRICK, HENRY NICHOLAS, *Rd othcrcelebritt ed Lecturers. : • L - • 363,1£0 14,692 202,02 230.230 492,1342 4164 269,490 834,171 or 'which but a thatt rd bo Issued, ontlL thug the hokiera to Relic tYi, SOzte Vldtont extra thane aro now ready, and • can • Int procured from gr. GEORGE APPPLETO N. at the Ilixttne of the ILAIMI ry et the Stowe of M.,Mrlk WEYMAN .t BRO., and ftEO. ALBREE,IiON & CO., or from the, momberi of the Lecture Comuittice. =B. JENNINGS, ; • ,A. H. I.ANE.. • . 4 ~• .• It , MORRAN. Jr., W. N. HOW AR D, W. L,. CHALFANT. . JOHN 0. HOLMES. GEOROE W. DEAN, Lecture Committee. ' 523,667 I • , • 15,325 807,574 . 200,099 ME NW..4ARDWAP,E . S - T6.10E HMtDWARES • . • ..L ;.; • , T • •-• .; - • ,—,2O OUTLERAT I . - • .“ •,' I; • Entire New Stock just epen4itia 111'11'16 : iikeigcriO the trade at the - a v.. Tis ;;' 0- 7 !"! •!.• LOWZ - 8 1 / 4 'JJ s''Ktit N.PiR o i i NEQIi itt UNION , DEP97:-'s 1 "r; ;'"1 I ".":. .1 t....',..337;14113E31.17 mlimrLvAlru..:AnrinociL. - zsifa~l~ ~~~i alii rzza •-7-- • - , Nltu, abutrtiricututs. U. St 1~ `~`° t~.;.r S. J 'Cross ii - Co's Ratan Prioes rirr.ll or TII T. - I 4406/46 SEASON ImOorters' ond deardts ih ;11 , .; PITTIOBURLi, pA !) T . ; N .)I^4 trAnftt ,t 4 1143i0D 81 wucl 1mac.p..2.: 1... .•-ristrrinuati 8011. • • - • sins To • .Iv.: • 0:. -./Istring... twa6 Nretanied., from . *• •LLe Ps% ititis a large ( inctiti,,bouglat' at LOWEST CASH PRICES, ofrei: td ll* pubild. 'at Ode QLD f , r, • rSTAND, • ;ctotNEß:or )14TBRIND JASied ,BThEET, R 0 C11E,4 41 4' . .4 0 r lifi4ill.3 LYI 4) tt Bity Gooto. NOTIONS, , ITATS, C. 14, - -4/ R710E4 HARI~)VAI IRON' litegmlogiwimilanca,s ROVE, PACKING YARN WIRTZ-LEAD • and PAM.Sdryantl in Oil, &Patty, Queehriiire, Willovi Ware, Fi i (mu l Flour ! still having the Sole Agree, of that CELEhRAT ED CANTON CITY F19r11.107 Embener tad daily. We of fell dealers etrlttabaret tats, gins: BED; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . , --- , - ALSN,44ENCT FOR BUFFALO SCALE Co. aii,oo7 i I We otrei 'SPIN' PBICEI 9.119 . • .A i -.1 . : : " 41 . 84 ! 4 0 Fin iliin--- Eureka - 13one , StilphAte',of Lime tni - PLASTER PARIS: FOR LANDS, i i Mite and'Wntii:t.ine'at Wt4isn 'e Rates. BEA . . V.1!..,11':0411yT.,V0 , N,VA :7 T'S SILT alway on hand. .We *rams buy for cmb and sell CtltAti,i — C(ll' iillie!lKu r ribii' boats and be cm- Einit i d; . . ' ••• ;.- • , ' l,O . • , Reba Gelid: &oaf Chirp OP WING -a .".`~'<, FA GOODS! FALL GOODS. r • . AT X,' ":11 . BENCE'S,' i3' - v3t. '. .._ Third Street, Beaver, Pi. ltoar:Opesdni a lisali . i4ock of FALL AND WINTER ---- Hats &A Bonnets, PLOWER§,It ITItERS, 'r Andeverythin; in 'the line of 31,ILLINRALT . ME TRIMMINGS ll= Of wren' &catalog, also i s I —tEP : 7 I -I L% , t obc..LifOrtlikil ttV. 4 , ll° P . UORSETS• PAZWY.POLL.k IIB . 110;i1S .. 'ERYI GLOVES , BETT°N6 FORMS, Ll2il CGS, : , • VEILTITFFS,, , "TARL r ftit -i . TI-15! COVET!, DIENB • SHIRTS, -17 N DERSIIIRTS, ,DRAERS, • BIISPENtTIIB4; Ml3 - 11,ELL ASI Brab A, ablarettled2oolWl7s - 01 Everything deetaibre In de 11 . vine aitdi4 to oar ' rte. f lc riVd cmn v aar= il ate ced r pit hi ttr sttavars rve' • cotaismileck arra urine teem tilt I°l live dari*g et and tritoventr.? "IN ratechP 6S P .l4 • 4 • prrissvuorrynToFA " . We Solicit -:•anHreary Call, .311 11 BENCE. • agititrigrjy t - • r' I - - Cr(*M' NOTICE. - THE iPOPLOPIINftiMPPRABIEB VTI3 MOS the act of Amere ty PC the 14th 'of Aprll. CIV r 1 11/I°-Xelt tal3 04 trx Wkdona or ottnir• I °' docethml W the Maki ammo ay , been Mdi" th !!!!'s Ofithe qogro(tha,casackcciftt of BAree" 'a°441140,114-"ii. ' Pomona! protiefrito inuientimooret.thsed_ S int ow, of 4obtk,ll: ems*, dee's4 WSJ. cs " - adre'r. • • " 14"1"111 Pnleerfiteentonot off Ste retained ow of ilobetl nmD t ttic`4. Binid Beet, edlo r:,„ ; Persons' Port; totolonet of $3OO retmstbd ow otJas. kllalls,dlM.l.....X.,_l.._Kulgbt A -.I" ' • ret , "2. r.-111greTrittOntionntAP ;011,s1 widow...lsms Brinson Otetrd.John Slentn. wal . " •Pe i reoonl ' , Mel to ealoont of ;W IS mutest widow of Joseph Amin dem ;- Robert PIM= rY "Personal property to Imam of gm) ret doe hi.ll";* ow otloneMn Batty deed" Wm. .Ml= a •'' Penland enmerty . 10 astreetio44:loo reAloga b i my el Paler tlee'dt , -Atm 11Csant, , Ker. Pemnii =errY to amount Gail le re I I / Widow oars Otemeldeed. W. Oleos. Nodes Isheeeby glow to. entatton, , beim dlittibutses • aid alt otbmittntmeemd to appeorsr next taro Of the said emu" and not later dila dos biting the 11th of November next,, to show 'si. if Dr thenteell, sjralest the an amensittro °xi"• • ' Joint oast. ..-tt •,. Clot =ME II I=3 EM=ES . -6v, likpLES, RIBBONS, FRAMES, &C, .
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