11l El IZZI OU RAI?' 1.1.20 Tlt, Zi*lff `3lto .•• • . One *trbJ will venvlnee anj , woo Matti' Isibebest - 1,13114 , ever hieos4 tainrnleinlq, bat leaet , lgper eent bettor dos Umaltraed the old way, and wig be sold at the ram Come sad ste itand•tryWow! Erb Ware Nuking- Cordnete, had lave • • , .to• *- , TIME; AND IKONEY. - Ttiti soil ta'neriialked with the stone to born It; se that ICU esdrelrfroo from dollen Red ashes, and we bent DOUdzigbut tbe beet otone. Mich !aye's need not tat. It off ORIt to make their Weer. be Obey get nothhar bat Itine,; u we draw every four boom Ylsiteal? alßsy~ het ft . • IP .1:6 .1C 8 . LIME denved:ea poodiptlr Whiner& oraprea by:wag• Violosa, ear load. or to addlimet. • P. 0.. or to.the • fiend mews to W. J. Dunn; Deafer, !Solvaluirt Lime IiCUL 4 .I," VonpOrt; Beaver eonnty, • W. DUNN: • LOOK HERE! L IME.! 11111 . . ri'VS UNDERSIONEIi IS zscieuaro vi XXV C, basting Lhas u Vispoirt,,Besva county, r• NUN ire ItsowA se ' • , I "Power's Ms" • ?Pali Ul free of itones, can always be tad. on short aottoe.l wia sell as deep ea the ebeenest. AU order lett at Ito Una. or letters addreased to aka It itma,deUnea xt„ Wili TIMITO intost oc ent attradbxn. AMOS 1X)IITT. / 1110 . 014'S DRUG :STORE, tN BEAVEIt; 310 be Sound the bat' imextemit ei 1. , DRUG-S, AC. e dI a 1 xi e 01-1333 ISE.IC " PITP,XI 144U0ktS, WINES •And 13rancli,etg, „ • , t s DYE STUFFS: TOILET ARTICLEts, SOAPS • 18-P , USH PATENT KB D 1450 Wino% lozioki, at of the lied quality, rind ookiebrop. thul con In bou6l.at soy otherVinig . • Sbors ; coo!ity.- j Dapartoo's Female Pins, TS coots per bog Choose+ van's, $1; Clark's, $l. • The_Large4elt of LAMPS a LAMP TRIMMI NG__, LANTERNS_ STA. TIONERY, WINDOW GLASS & PUTTY. Ever offered outside of the eitmat, Moore'. Drug More mod Bold chopper Own an be bought anywhere elect. Let those who doubt Mb, nal 'and see, Red they, wll doubt ad more. • Inlylll7 , •.* • a. MOORE. VALISTON FOUNDRY! ENGINE '& REPAIR SHOP IN IP.A.I.IIaSTON., LIVING Minot sad estenred IDy Meer otmeettm• tey sot tools, end bsetng Neared the minims of ml beet of methinks. Ins micend td warn* an ' meet dose to give molts Milettepoo.. I met could gnibrest Pattsmie end styles of - piglet., Flee Clay nods, sod am prepared to make or reper all deeettp . Owe or meehlsory, oe mesosable terms: I' maws AND PLOW OAIIMLNOS. rawer bans hies is "G 41 asat piorow *Wm. that ran awskat s the Which -has bees gi n s plow of the county br *Allot Sheen years Also, shoat all other Pram sow or pnrrlosaly Is sae. , BTO VHS r Brom r r ham on bind - sad wID esettast to Ammudietnes s tags assortment of COOll.llO, FILMILLIN ►ND SEITINf3 WIOYES lit Ow latest atrial WWI with an the twalern Improve. 'mato, which I will sell at modern rates. Amos' thaw to the GREAT REPUBLIC. ' The Stets low la extension top, which giVCIP it a lame KOK* afthout ' tamed up much rools,iind It Is now Tooted upon at one ecibe and waist economies', dovetail Iltakselaw Newt*, mope darabletban War la oaaaha (allowing Votter Wain used ibis stare tars considerable o f um!, ,Rai be retard tont prootat anal la luau Inchereaoll. M. . rawly, own NeGehen. Eli Reno Cap f, W,oodeon Clem hp,i, Th r -"" m 1 wr e_dbak " I riot l e tl. r 4 l l=s, Wtlllina SKr*. lore* Dare William St Retest Ja•wpi!tinaerriffors, Mrs. Joseph Moran, , Mrs. Miklos Wade. Dr. J. U. McCreary, rai led; Blawidkal cap'. Ames. • - • BAY 031 'ai _ m • 1 am Jobs Thwilay. mtitooDob, Morena Baldwin, .Pevtd . luhnßunniia, Wrnanr. Bobt: Prederfek Xaniriar. Blinpanln Capt. intitc.4 MOW", sunset Kennedy,. .Evans‘ John Jarrow: Baiter Bathes." Mrs. Melllloniy, W. T. Roam. 'fflßllan. Mem, rW*lj El IMO AND BAAVSR CQUKTY, PA LA inifiy, 0 astm, 1 :44121 . We. I l iti Bruns . Vitus, hi4l, Mi. , . Btephouw. Josothan McKenzie, JadiuKatrair; i. RIMIK I EnMikt. Salome nook. ' Jaws Knowles.. , David Maas, . . Rlebard Staley, --; , Joseph Worm. Useoge Wiwi,' Immo Thcsupsov, Mrs. Milton Houton Reed. ua ßood. Baotou Gram .. , WWlsat IMOTA, - 1 Igh4 S ta g a,-. torn ArZm.. 'o.o lw!.. if VW* Beet" ' . ost D stlhmilthous Irmsweß, ' J.- W William Wiper.: Wr. Mass% M Beam B r. Wtig otha»; , 1. :' , Bold Ririe& , JOHN TTIORiTLEY. ME M M w_ 9 II ARS TIM ; 4 7 .`•-;,:::p 'VI Tke verf ilia in , the .10*. ' • - R. E. SELLERS: ,& . No.. 45 - '-Wood-streets -- oppoiiiisiMuntillcitei.:gilik-intiati O. Wend tOiTtilrd rarsourton, PA. Appts-frirtke W. For salaty10111! !1008 3,tiiirtii; Ps. • Scour ng , Drying ,at!a•' PPOsing Uii) 4u:wisp - an ' TAICEN "MT C,PA.T -• WV./ tn. 5 • coming. DrYlog—Ffellldnif : Xl oo 4 ll ll. 'stack for eseerienie , of workasesiblp ang„altwil,:eu. need anything now' Clothing cleansed to Order in Initcouessio. Work 1011 be taken la, at my place of business in Bridir,,af all thirs t sad .rensrra ted with bat Uttle 4e to t he owner: . • Ism $lll Agent W in ? a West tored 'Balm lliselilnes,iuml also 8 a. both' of Which are .aprpw. In s more and more la Tor, th e longer. Mei •are used. .lelo'6lktf. ; Jc151112 ! • ;MAW. . .t.lsll, 4 voirxMamqvg, DZAIMS ' 4 iron, N.H.,, Glass, ~ a n idea !tura Implement.. , immws asiuiwimutzoaiina e WORDS SWAPS* &ND 'WO .11 5 1 i OB= o SURVEIL sad the TOIINJUDO IBLUEIL_._ 1. larEsomptOt resinky,lretw Mrfattos. Pi ,a• logrffo y,IMMIX miaow — . • — cis , itziat . Tmw , 'Ray. warwc4oneatibilmbreiptedieu.s.ei FALL, AND ,WIN TER,: /3POTS & Which they are selling at - .GRRAT., BARGAINS 1-10 7 W2 2 1 ; ? - 0. 1 . 6 E -S/ Call and mambas oar Mock NO: 100 iiirARNET STREET, Cornir of Fifth, 'Pittsburgh', Pa, ninr•Mi. SIMON., , ':SNITfr,E.R„4:,'CO,, At the da dad, *ea street Emir. denies. 5, DEALERS IN ALLKINPS OF -, GRO,CE,RIfi., Sum COFFEES, TEAS,. SUGARS. SYR MOLASSES; SORGHUM, RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES, SOAPS,CANDIES. RAI SINS; ENGLII3.II. CURRANTS, „ FIGS, FLOV'I4 P,FED, Firm GRAIN, 'tilt, .ele: They are constantly receiving a treats sesotiment or these articles. and the pabUc uta=apon getting from ;Um airtas the Market All oda d acted If requhed. ,R. A. Wilson, (Late WILRON a ISTr. WART, ) I DEALER IN :Shoes l Rubbers, OLD ISTAND DIAMOND, _Roau*ennt:;.is DAWSON & RICHARDSON Beav•r Palls, Pa u xvtra atsr ormirp A LAMM MUMI=Nt. NOTIONS, : BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, - • • GLASSWARE, •• ' QtrEENSWARE, TINWARE, , NAILS; j • 'MEM; &C. . • lilddowGlies all sties and &Mad ilreadth. Spa. sendos,poid %Mid eiders lbe Mpg • " window diem ba - • wailED' off, . :CRUDE ,, suariinsi 414 , BiNztss i , , • - coAIX O.TATZSZ Darsk 2P,""" oi,ii P° 414 gf,n?"!1:1" m 4)1/ *sod** 'WMCoke sock of Pitittspererp pareambut weirmink ' AiiliesAiiidikot• Moir la Demi sad pi adis. aii.xisatry podium taloa to , 111;' 1 / 1 4ikeriition'14 • . `..4. , • • 1. 1 r• • " • r • r, • : rf: l r e I• osiik i gt ‘ OW street, Boer take!°lb* " le' in' se higl ierse ti M ilna ttre Il a t=lll= tlie lawedposelbte rates, an sr. r% N e ire . d ura t s 4o) lr ir , 4l l l 7t. ; • . S ig erea gi tindri ill r ur rolga rni rs. el) O wed . a n gla m al i k • GOSINGE SIIMN I ER DRY GOON .AL 'l' C 0 teir I 91 1 1 i 7;01 " i ri i f ] , l i tl i I , , ItiiiiitkPli:Potte 113 IN • THE DIAMONIN ROCHESTER, ,PENN'A. Dry. Goods of every Description. THE CHEAPEST IN BEAVER COVNTY. STRAW 00OD8111HIN AND ROT'S HAM HAL MORAL AND HOOP S N KIM, THINWINGS, CfrWRY A OLoVES, f,T rolicv spoonsp a "MAI and &cure ' As we are bound to sell at ME PITTSBURGH PRICES. Stamping, nit v igg iti l Marblngaging to order; mad :NOV the e i b % EP IP °N C ) tee' Mem room &Merl' y oreitidea by Nelson a Roomier. -IN THE DIAMOND, ROCHESTER, PA. • JAMES. A. FORTUNE. • P. a:- IT the serylia of Wirt (ILLY formerly of arldnwatet.. NOM. • -„ hiltDRIsSlll6 restore Gray Hair to its natural ,olor and beauty, aid produce, luxuriant, vow& it is perk* hirinle* ' andariareetied over way other preparation by those who have, a ina heed of at well as those who wish to restore it The beautiful slosi,szd 'Pan= impaited to the Hair make it desirable for, old and rung, • ” Vas Rale ,by all Druggists. DEPOT, 1881. ,r• 15(idtignen,0* s ►•: J. 11:11AttRITT. co.; PlOriiio l ll. itaxcasania, Ir. R. Bold by J. Moons, Buret, Pa., sal all other end dealers 111 Medicine', . mar1816:11. WINE BITTERS ! FOR THE WEAK. FOR TOR PALE, FOR THE RICHLY, ' FOR THE FOR FRIRALES. - • :'• • I.i TOR SPRING USE t WO BITTERS EQUAL TO THSMI Speer's sandard Wine Bitters, -MADE OP -4 Tler - 14. and Roofs. 11. TM OP i'l...s' \ trszies Celebrated Wine, so well known, with PralTVlAlLLAmcil%az FLOWERS, " OZEk I MI Bil and seefi other Baca sad Room se wM fa all awes sestet Digestion. p' , N the Beffedons at the go. tem la the eial chamois, sad glTe TONE AND VIGOR — TO T 1 . 1 1g7 — ..- YourMOW : acid FeMO All use it with wendestil nustess,- Brings - COLOR o the pals white UN • • BLOOM AND BEAUTY To the thin film and are worn countenance. ••Curen Film and Creates tads;M d saltai r at bit t s 9f in i nrri7 o ray *nature is over thteork of each boas. eae • Peseate. N, J., and slllBloadway, li g eW C W. 7 supplied J . Johnston. Nollewv a c 0.,. itTh2 l 24 o 4l ° W , i:l!, •H . " Da ' ". eifeta. 4 . 4 . OF 3111 qi:I[WNUMW kai rig i EdVaievt il =r the ~ . 101kar r g steal itne larelnolt • lbe tie =A • faMt= lifiriffinitteaddemil uldloaletkai is • • _topill_tit• snlitiVa , • r v.. ,-;,,,,, la ;,T:141111111=ICTMEd* .nfy, f lasswase-iispopt - i - Carlion O il . ti ,, lC,iiVilt e tnalillt 44 CO4. t , I:1 , Frilltirititt:OPßUCC ., ' . artspanapa,Chi_jkkelantailw and Car- bar , •Ildanson. Mund.'s mad itavromsla Selfseasers Wal.% ,f., and( p* Abuts Jalll, Iltelckw =manta cc siii verybeit hi the Mattel, *how., a 1 ietall. - 1000 poandsTer tad= TradtWax ! plat seaalsediawastaladoll .i ::•-•:. -/. j e IVIIIUM. 1 ilk :4304! . • ,trl •1 ~ ... 7:71. 8 7# 4 1 1 .97 ,e 1::: 47,4* VW is.oommgnistog Au. lirseurrmais NA • =Me, dapple atiWeetaaClDasch . s. vils I .1i t . h .e11ti0ke....,.. r', l _ l ,' ro ae 7 , :*.P". DE. GlWlllkifi n *IND 413Intath , ' u Vabllea of the te . oo , s H-41EU re e rnedye tli i iii c:1 4 , or irr .m , nowt am a CAT Nrllballtlyelkollft die' - rimutrir. -o =xtraw y t else ee , For sale 010:0 1 . 1 DEMON / Caa AIM 160 Meal; et., Mar . bargh. Pa.. Wholesale Amts. FATLIZiM P I 4fifI o'P a "? Glißeit& IFINIXIIASS JXD arum Damns rn y • . C. 14 H .• $ ;SI ; .Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 0. 29ST. STREET commis now taw cow.) PITTSBURGH, PA. to 0111 4 1 1 Nn 1 101% PagkeZ BAILEY,' FARRELL & CO. ! Lead P 441; AO Alf Lead 'lg . Lieadmia,lmi4hPiiitTeet; a l c lu V l jv r es. B lT' Stam , vopper.Blnks ond Both TObt‘ n ' • 81.1±1Putnps,11104 rumpi' • ; • • tied Force P.umps.• • • • - ibui eysy daseriptiais of paktor WA'T'ER; GAS STEAM. No. 107 Smithfield tr eet. PrI7BIFRGA 1:1FM44.„ t#eoa flora ictatitit. • lipttriketi; ITSIC IN'" FRONT ! uDom, I , thimisnitto rao34 , 4l:Tyytlf *witted lierinitv Silver &et-tenants - . 3rt AIm:NM on Tina : - Aue, Brew and Tenor. prams, Crossilpils • sad. Trlsagles, Ake., illpeol• • Airless loweilhan i nt u r bt . a u t y an . y other Route b 4021 halnceddelda otte: 1 1 to iF 9 • BANDS A:CD TO DEALERS. • Sold Ibretrenkr aad Mot Eat ' .&. - co. 4' H LIE T, prltea.Pt o 2:4•gA . • TTEI►LaESIN'pIJ O 8: OBO:94 AND NIL& •ftono, tthneilhuic and Munk- Books.. an hd. p . of Instramenta and Shim. apri'dtM. - • . , liebienian, : Moran & . Eleidle, I . 2A , A4 FY thliotil f,korfrf?ni WO4Pil~f , Wholesale . and Retail -Dealer in yin ~EVIICIaIIt. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, PURE V Saver Ware, French 4Cloas, Plated ware of every deAcrlptlon. Tea seta, Spoons, Yorks, &c., Watch Rakers tools tad material, mid agency of the calebra tel ASTIntiCAr ,WATCHES. We also keep the 'largest and mat varied ,uno at meet of the very best American made .1 - .C.1.J : 0 OKS i ..' ' CI De mama bi thy cityiant of Pint '-- - ".. k , ' Persims In want of any article in our line either a wholesale or for their own age, will always find , CostrZj lower and oar aseartmeut than • any to be round - ''' ' J ' west of New Tot Ir ei ti. ~.,, _ WATCH RHPAHUNIII. > , To thls`brinich tot our thee (being ourvelstas practi cal watch makers ) we'pay Vey ameba- attention ; we employ a lorce of the very best.istisys in the c and any and all Is e;' &mew Mid difficult wo ken=trusted to our care—for the trade or Indlviduals—may rely on getting the utmosa satistudkni. Wodunarthe ' sent lb by exprase or othefwb,e. . --•' - t. t-^ tiEINEMAN. IIBYRAN A SEIDLE, Wholesale and Retail JaweAre d : e n e d i liverstr 77sß as an apflrethly. Spring and - Summer ca-C)cit)is a N y 4ii HrusT.R 4 cErvia,• A ) I.,Evir OY LATEST STYLES, For Spring and Summer Wear. Gentlemen's Furnishing OAKOk CONSTANTLY ON HAND CLOTHIigG MADE TO'ORDER In Wait and umadtalistonald• atlas, and at sbartnoties. Ti N.WAR K. BM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DsAunt IN ALL ILIIIDS OW Tiny Copper & titheep. V Iron T racartia ocatirrA nAND ap kfoolo of TES, COPPZIR AND BIERIT4IIO2I WAI R L 4I/1 0 e !" V /1 . 1 1. 11 ' • . , Ar .rus zormr . .? lll CC . . gat59 1 44 1 0.4 . MONO* Done to 'arose to CM bestha vot miumer, : tes., t iplagn . one:baithatest oCia-al4 lirethstacat - Illtr*W ot ; • WE . W 4/W I T! ALL, NOR _ 8110 P - CNrrgE Al # 4 11 ; 14 f D :°T.: , 71"MiLIVVIL Sit 1" ei '0 r rP, mot 14,0:.t 00:11* a" 1 1 r. err! aedt. *thillanisd ware koptOcutitintbron hods ~"' . • • • 07*** 1 0.. it 3 40.• .. 1 4 461 0 1 *-• NO, • arilittiiipiataciaingsaAanir i v . • • leaelteeet. . ihoel4 Orate Bwitaisele irkett, INNeremc PoliisettWtiodoitikidtietikaleki 'Ai lite 16 Wort totneelnift new fat Ispottmt 10=10* _width Noe ItilicbileitatareanAtracra. o "' trktlma dot fair Tin Itteentineft • * yet bet Ilttle 010 ,;; • ••! EXTAZIS UtinktagcSieg:e&entlprieniglf etia: Viii:::-011:1 4 te# 1 4:304 - SF: 610000 ~.„,i. While the itatinnet tereretter Abe least ' groaltuis, , Woe teelle4l pa:tett. • eaufenewil Ott* bete; I trto 'Oomunded tDeunitithlelice• MOWN (stibliWeet '•eil Kr: andteson) 'ebbing:lllo , 6M 4414 Weed • It -sittieleotios. , Lei* Yltit‘e Amgen new atom' Was atttectetrbylla neat appear- Vick Ltd 'Grenoble's, lb Melt enaletetter ifteoge• ete4lotmd.it poetreeed sea IMITIStere lover.,elT I. mgt. Probilmk4. l futte,one now In !we. We 'cotenant It mem* to wen! Ilere ever Wed." . It le en thebrtenter elatmly Welbla, lather cetild los Itseirelte n Cooking stoteit • „-; trot' --- tt t , " t ti t: f . • t C O T. 91201.1417. F.• Itstl it zontlitNt , • Anileion's atitw 'Stoves tit Icor .sodorse 4.l44iPestlitt.o ttatemest. -a. , . • f A nersoaMiiitiStilives . tause,, hilly itadolve Me above relmanseudii • -,.4.lWoonscrrin . . . • . . Haying one of 1114,liodentreo..Ofw anli si t! h uton Ire art fullyoittated with tor good qo et te. .pects. • • 'Jour!' low! ex) e , . . • • ,Iloorizarao, 2309`: OM, Marto/ koirtipoietig loog lbw sod area wind atimberofCookStoveeofMft• out mama sad Allah eoarliaer I; •Auderilowes aft MTG. :hr , *dug of •=ormy la kW, . aptly , tookilort lookka_for Ito ,_eoln=rl=ll "gltbialM: • Fons.*: • . • ,•• :,,.ptimpurzom Ito him Arai of Ilri t a i t e gc o erklN aka tactarod it tbe tams fterkidoite 'WA erksorlaay op taidl tlat bat boo olslatodAr i INall 5017.111Pidtt, take' I=ll, fail. Rao, a local orac.uoat wee. An. luirixoutratulotratalair %Mat lakkero4 Otto a trtaspilla tawny% df Cooklogiltovar.. : • '• .aiivir.*o•AMlC Wt. c•lfa7:B.llaieint. lEZ WILLIAM Eaten. BRIDOirWATKI VA. ~.: .- 'l. ~ ~ f~r!. O. a. mann= • DICALBS IN • , GROCERIES ,es ntoimoNs =I AVO NiCinmetvware. IEAVINIYON HAD A' 141t0111 AND. Teas, , Rice; ' Coffee, •,- -- • Cheese, Mom , • , eo :Syrups. , n, -. *Etri47ovetre•,,, ALis AND WINDOW GLASS i'STONENARE. • Pllie Chiitnfi, • • Peck lfeaanres, Oak.,Cluirns' 31 Bui3b. Menu res split ligadts. Pure, Cider VineWtr. ALSO CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR By the Banal or id &AL constantly int head: glrPrices Ter/ and ri. HAMMY. Bridgewater. Pa. ocrx67:li. Beaver Drug Store, THOS. A. :ANDERSON. DRUGGIST ! Corner dd St. and Diamond, 333314,V133:. lEVITES AIPTEITIIO , I OF THE PUBLIC genetally to 110 iu sortnietit of • " Drugs ' ' Ntedieines, T 01 LS, V, A I ,L WindOw ,016184, Ai sae * appo s tn a le d the geteet=thle in eoode r teirl wlth tl it dee re t • tadtoWe hope by sittet and eitrefat itteeticin to talcum to melt and receive a eoutintumee 1 the pa tronage so liberally beetcoted.tipou us: • • • .THOS. 11...ANDEREKT. , • NEW FAMILY GROCERY -MON ITN - ; Oor. BalleoM Woods& fia& Now T•itig St. lEtochesiter‘ =I ,liir ',':':.4roll.*: pi'a.g.4.4,a WEB Sair VMD , rain* tiroeeelle - mid Prothicm, - Inifersebevee. Batter. lard. Bacon. OU, Pun Cider Inn -..--apr;1114111811114111111; •1111% — ecdhelle- Cream. Totieceo. Clout, queezennire. Wfilcnr•wirs4 NPodetarare. and ev , erything ib thee; 'end they Dope , by tc :t w ei m e2= r a =e4itti tM • 1 . • 21. B. All kinds Coso#rs Produce likes ettbelear. • • • cds.k,bmuUmi. atesbeiiie 0.4.144 iliNg-ealrati+ . 0 4 ).-4 . t . sit as eir , . . -. _, I 'a Nit .f:Jlr.'l.',llP:'l'l,flF.o 4 , :1i 1, ,, ,1 , T1.-:,:,,...!11 - , ! I• ,t ~,,!....(. . , . E..,: - a 4 , , 4 .1 . :17 I,- -, .;,,q..ilvt..--:-.:4'1) , 0 ,, :. 1.t4:44:4 z,;,.1.• , .!,... , r!k .f..1'...6.0:!•„ : ~ 1 , ..1 :'lu: ti,... ,. . , . - .1 • • ~,.::..., ~. .r.:l*-Y . .. )61:1 Ott , ~ ..0 . .V% ''','• ~ W . '‘''''' '''' EEC !j41171.! •, , 'l' ":. • • AT S. J. Crosse Co'., ROC EST WY TRs XAST, A LARDER U in:Abetter oat* Stock of rood illefelloodise that ever toolbObbot %Ouse; eopoiottes or NETf , PRrNTS - ; EW .DELAMEg-; ...-:, X:LAN cliNftpuldi4 7l7s- . .V. I " '. 4 • „ .. • , • . • GINGIIAMS, , • . , , CHECKS, - i TW.ZEDE4' ' ' '' '' CHASM 71 . . 1 • ' TRILLS, 1 ' " BLEACHED and -• " ..; ' - ' BROWN NOUNS. OOP and BakORAL MUM. BOOTS ind SHOES, Parelmo! ahoy. b th. Bast at brat orb pekoe MI midst a very admit*. : • . ii t=l as sSrmdt lost palmed In New T ork sad MECHANICS -TOOLS, CIJTLEItY; A ED IMIE EU= ~~1 !';!i 47.1 , 1,`... s t:: MEE ME IRE =I OEM 1 , 4 4 ; • 111 11111 MUSLINS, /407101111 nr LAROZ Velum. Saw(lvv•Eure. TAttLEiz POCKET STRAP HINGES, SHUTTER HINGES WOKS IN °MUT VARIETY, NAILS AT MASUFACTURING PRICES WINDOW GLASS AU sizes, gni& saddoable strength. at Pittebugh prioes. & FIUMII RICHARD a 011, , CELEBRATED BUCK L.BAD, at wlx4epalo sad retail COLORED PAINTS, GROUND, DRY AND IN 011. MINERAL PAINTS, LINSEED OIL, LARD OIL, • • • PARBOIC,OIL, CASTOR OIL, TWENTIES. BENZIEfe COALE'S • I'ATEBT DR R. Book's and Stifidilary 42r , ca e. se 1 0,• • coincrx .Assuirnisvcr, psoox.iwtwVh o sNlnFa.ltaivoitac FLOUR In Saab and Sarnia fresh 1701:01111, dire..d from Can • tan Lit) , 31111 s. , Ohlo. All Nadi of coustry prodiice bikeo la affOokire for Anima vOlii dilinied he: of ebaxQs CAD AND %%LIMO 1 001 . STOOL .5.3 04055.14-0). Waif ifiTlißß4 r I NEJI;g •RA.ILROAD CROSS/111e, Ea= rt, doh dwie ra,. oiikew • _ eigtol itne: wass.liiitCi li ftafit ?. iltrudea, Z i t ' ....,..- eouty ballieb ea granted .tbe all = ite btdebted t e astdAdate tweaks sad thaw be deism iceboat the edits 41 I M. a d lidalea_ibe _wee et Übtea delay; ......p.... t. , , wiLLIAN G.ILL''M Muer. _ _ . .. _ ...?..m.)..! ..F.. MEE nik - WWWITO OPIIIXONIIII-91? e g e rved at everiee of adtgoo mort Mee IMPartmess , • Add sblit oared. Toon, mesllteLattelisteld ova week „ A atrinut e rtlteb. the .femitatbi of . wow te, retry ub dub. -- a an le t bestow Ifefirt that Ptiphe show& I, „ea at the "wax the seboot, and coodone tbdr attesdaset • bad over one hundred' etmlkd chtioz th e poet yeaGIMPO:IKIPS forilL lute berme Wog th s m a i ll+h m you% D. IL A. 111 CLEAN ?rincipit . 1 11 8 1111 M • : '..: . I . ",1 ,:, 'l-; G „OARLMMOnd, • 7 El • DRALER IN ALL KINDB OF Flour. - "Feed, M3izleco., • flaAnq ()PALL WUXI BOUGHT FOR CASH A • good Atitalment of the Warrant kin& of p' Ma. toss always on hen., a.. 11 go6ls. thalveret woe SC Call Lad too . street, near the Pat.. scazt . Bo u t % in Rochester, ha OunaTtralf. R. W &W. J.SNODGRASS, • - .wHotzsms • . D.g., C+CIIS CORNEA OH Fedora), sad ..Laeoek Streets, Ailegt toy, (Fine corner below Depot,) DrALERS IN Ming, PAWS, ,OILS I VA6l.Z;itNg. •DTE-STOPEA DBMS, CIiEMICALI4" PROPRmF4RY MEMCINES, FOR: . Era 'tied DOMESTIC PERDU MRIIIEB SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY . GOODS, tte., ofe. 40f, pr•OTT. , - CROFT & PHILLIPS ) Real Estate and Insuramie Brokers . 139 FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. •Tirit RAN% APED:TED REAL ESTATE RIO VT. ter containing • MI description of iambs price and tensts o f J 1 the properties entrusted to our care for side, These consist of Farms, Grist lioolloo4 LOA Stores. Coal lank Coal Warts, Coal t n . terest, Western LetnAllotels.. Tanneries, City am Suburban Property. This Register we. print nr,, times a year, on Ersi of Nun September and Jan. nary. Pasties wishing to bay or sell Reel Estate, ter where the location, should not Mi to e oopitpaa Register, a copy of wMerh can be had by soadlai id 0 s ddram. Ray number sow randy. n 73r. - • HATS and CAM it •+•.- eTt,valr./ANts .4) PALMER & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS • • • 41111111111991011 AttrOants, ppera Boyne Auction Roomi xO.OO FIFTH STREET, PITTSBCT 011 Soots, Shoes, Varpete, Dry Goode sad Notions AT PEIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. sparlttli. DEParata) igilE STORE. • MEE OPENED I NEW HA R InV A:RE STORE , 79 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGIIEN); Near P., Ft. W. a C. R. R. Depot, WIERS THEY' WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY 0 4 VT nand eery description of HARDWARE. locker, Mmes. Nails, Glass, Sub. (inn d Stow char. • olt; Mks, Axes, and all kind. a . Fans and %AP &sling Implement.. wholesale ano retail. ing Carpool and Madmen Dealers can always ad a supply at • DRUM'S • BUTTS PATMCT 11111311V1 . 111NOE AND SAKI PLUM; Or prices and tetras will be as faeorable is els le H found elsewhere. Purchasers Ilrlng on the Railroads, ran bare thair goods delivered at the Derroto tree or ebmr. DayicatBre. AVIIITMIDI4II DRUM. •L. D. XlDealcie. e. Main, D. DI: 111:7611.1elt J. c. ETICLIT. - KEYSTONE STOV)I WORKS NEW BRIGHTON, PA. AtAmpreAtas OF A.YD 1111011ES.ILN dru roeKrw r imuse AND WHITESIDES & DRUM, Car Factory Buildings, MERRICK" & CO. RETAIL 'MILERS IN COOKING WOVE& , HEATING worsts . I GRATE [MONTS and I/UNDESS, ke., de. , Ruby Molting Stove N0e•7,8 & • T u n STOVE tOtIK TUC FIRST die OtalArrear us • Cad .C•okbeg Stove WO+ at tberlateConnty Yalr. We nee no scrip Iroa inannlactmii, butvoake Clam exclusively of No. ! vs! Metal, Ind *brie them In every respect. •,st MI Tim Ruby has the lamest oven tn. Me consumers but littler !het In baking, owlet wfb 1. 4 proved (Irate. GRATE FRONTS AND FENDER!!- we are 141 4 3, engaged In the maw:Moll:re a Cese Fronts and Fenders, which weenitmel In an oven mar ntort, second Quality and Ans gash. This naiadvia re: talus Ito Matra U• a long t l ute. will sot Darn et milked • almueh stiatericw gni& to tto4 of Coal he SEMMER PIECES We are goo idtaking Sheet Iron Sultana Mei, *hick we barpram applied for a patent bier of Ttl . - Bydraalla They are I t rera, as 4 mark cheaper. . . RIitATING STOVE& 'We claim the heaviest bean Noce In the :WO bribe site, and • use the beet Stock In their tenant, tlogt.. • One Patterns are not yet complete. bat It le ow WI an to keep a general assortment in our line. We also took the Pratt= at the County ylir fit . CluiVr h .10fteralf.seiwe have entered in tothe_ a Less tne detenn t ion to ass theibcet oatii 2 mod make kood work. Mi r s . 10 rettcd_, IT rupee' a share of the per% tr "Nt ir auwwould pleased to see those anyth In oar line at oar woks. Pekoe Low to , watt the Moot. r ZittRRIOIC & CO toierittir POUT n*iel
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