II .1: J. iew:s4,Miiitaigdoi*,plW{:*** 11110" 1 1 PA. • " • ,1 , .1 !ti n' yy gra. v,All igovtki?oLputsri tiAlor;r , Atevesciti: ,, :b , • l' : :2r , 1 hPI/ , )• t'oll 7 oci r Aliii4i•4ll" D,lll "wpm „ . SIO -;osltito ()A vqtri •ItOilnlimabilti ollll CM matjeeturdir oftbassithr eroYpi svonot th 512 01 10.11114 114h' Mw WIND kit the inglicitruati fbr liablicialldiVidiwa . :!.;11 Llltteni 11444:4544V0C.0404.401444,444:4 s AND Alker4 • i• 7 v•I• ! ,.! ?I, N I • t , Beavee.80141100v" '" 0 041;thitel . FA id; SESSiOIg OPENS 13EPT.lic • .N. efti, 'OUT • ri , MS SCHOOL t 4 0 LONG AND BUllatidriclUX oOudneted byfrakTsylor andabiaaadditanta,oldal pstellPiTeroallie• ur tad (Danko, Enalloh 'and ' , Name Vor caidognet *Mai* , .;...r 1t.:T.119CL0R..,:l • . ••• • , • .. . ___ V. - WIN E: Iv oit :, SALV. ir ny. lit DEIMICINMILVB I A t..4 4! 1iS V A Pore Domfttle Witie,i'lkiatibleb ' 11)$ r. ibia.. vineyard agar ilicilltiz; BeeVer ei . Stirifiy . „. .L. ,wsleb be will .elf it moderato • rata.' 41ilis Win* to 'lode from the concord mid Cle• tawba.l3ripe: gm** will b *old by the hottie. gallOti or keg. ; ~ . •.. • • coneord pleat* one y • ettr,ofd : for Cat e at my iimi*ll . spriVaMi., , CBAHLIS IMEDEL . „ J05...1L: , , GREER 9 . • " • ABC urpscr, mECUANICIAN. •B a ctry* v Arts ~ ..9kpriraclftres,' 1,, -.- mg *id . ' " • • • " ItOCIIB9 ' CBt~, 4A •.. ~~iwvcn~Htx aAs-!; 01fli AIL TEVIIND HIVE BRENSUFFICRINO C the untold attsetries of toothache. Ind Areal:loot an nation. sad you'. 'dad- that , •Itrocbsadlety & Co. ire Toady In relieve you by the naeof tbetyrtat'Wn. destroyer—LAMMlNG GAS- , end Inaba theirsta&ao.. too a sontri of pleasertaranher than of t dental operations performed, bt 'tile best poesible temper. and at manorial:de taus as byJuly .good Dear net In the counts% 1 . .•• I ..trOdire Id, tearer Station. Boeboater.Ta.. , • , yt3tY67-17. • . Mir CHANDWI /la CO. , r)3E l ll l 4 ll l li tig ir Aetr i jt ITOB t - NDRIISTaIt RIO NOOVLD fiItaPIXETFULLY 1 Inrorat the cltlacue or Iteaver and'alelnity4 find ta ha.l tooted otactOP Beaver:Tit.: futile practice o r 11,1111.41; Ilwhis`hadconaldeableerpriabee In the 0te,..8.4t0n. and datterf'fitnainetr to be iblato-giviVu amt tatiatartion laidelinattleem. • • 1. tP - Otrtee to late 'old - ' , llortnly ra cregt, Beaver, Pa. AU work Warranted remove ?tar. ' • - J. S. GOSIIORIP. " Law Partnerstap. E. P. Kill etrN.V s 93f ot KU M. . ii:ttW 9 l6. t OFFKT4 TITIRP „p 4 •67:>>. REAricR, PA S. B. ni azC. L VMS INDUSTRY SALT 'CO:, mi.xura,truninerpin Dif.L .I' *nt • . • TABLE A COA I RSt.SALT ' 1 . Industry, Beater CoAVii. Allealt put' 4) In good order•ind listrinitad to iiirn satisfaction. , . • AU orders promptlyitt.odedi to. • RB MiR Q CAS:. aL• . ' ' •• IioCHESTER, PA. tironiC6 taro doors esst of i,nkeny's Prougt,stttnilori siren losp . . G. L. ;upitnetzt.,(. CIVIL ENGIN NEW BRIGHTON, PA. ;,, PROViaB 4hort notice. • aeiros. • ' JEf.TNET., • ' • ... Watch - Plakter 'and .Te • -MI- . fitreet,. , Beaver, Penn'a., • (lu room adjoining J. C. Wllacm'a Mace.) , • Gold watches and chronometers iepalred Mul wat • meted. Engruvlog dour to order. t . ir - The estrousgc of the.public to Solicited, and mUrfacdon guaranteed.. ' 91re us a trlal.'! t' • • t prl76klm. Chas. 13.: 131.1ar l st, • . Notary Public,' . Conryancer and. In-lurance Agent: TIE.E.Ini AND AGltEhallitNTS TH1117E2 4 1 AND 1 ilcknowledgrmcnts taken, &c.. Having been duly comnreAoned as'Agent tor enter era cleats Insurance Companies: rapresentlng the fire. Lire, Accident, and Live Stock Departments, le Enquired to take deka and, Witte pongee on the most ineral terms, . Alen. Agent' for. ib'e "Anchor Llne"lof drat c. . (wean V,tintncre, Tiekcts pold'to and from aliporthwa England, ttcottand, Germany alrFrance.e (Ake In Leona brink row, Dteraond, lilocheater, DraireB. _ : - Pa. e no in • Sands Ye SO Irffth Sreet, Pittebuugh , DRAI,ERS IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS., 4,ZDN' VU AND PLATED WARLDRITAICIA. JA VI penned, Wooden and Willow Watt. American and French Clocks. They: have /dwell% on, hand the tbilot Int; : • Table Spoons,' i Tea Sethi, •I Witter Coolilicie• Tea Spoor* 'Goblet; Wahpat Brackets ?radii Forkr leaTrayi , I lion Tablet,— • Dasset Forks, Salver , , , Clothe* Hones, Corte* Unit, .Ice cheat*. 1! at rid lIti• 1 UM Boot and Shoe iloiiese I X TIIR CITI,. i. • J - Borlarid ANt'FACT U Anis, wnot.v.ilat.P. - a COMMA AU lion dialler% tn. pouts, Shoe, & Rubbery. at New Y and Boston Prlcee, than saving of expenses and freight. A .Agent for Philadelphia C:lty . thade pods at r !arena prices. , " Iderchantoi trod 'Ohne Dealers ire more t . :!bk on hie before going East. • *. • - o (to R•evetve . d•lDaily • • ACNO. 102 Third Street,' Neat W004.7' rmsecnoe, STORE -r No. •98 Market • Stireet W., DOOR FRORWIFTII my6118:61n.. J.S. CAMERON; Attorney . l4iast34 - 4 DtAtratt,TialarA, FFICE: IN THE NATIONAL MOTEL BUILD ;ng. 'ColltOtions; TirOmptly iOttneted to , !gyttellt p, • • T. 14_ T. PARKER:I .1. 1 ; .- -c - :r • :. 1 .Homeopathici Physician and-Surfaon. r rt:Nbitßl4 HIS PSIF11:13810tAL if iiiVicssii) . J. tho'ciL , Irene of hest ?I' and anttllltd/SHPir ITO.' Hs would say that he yepartlolllll.l _ ! Ina' Fer.Y. Ws new rode Of dbillfignlsbNidb 4oll K"it t ; • Lira him to otter great relief to ; petiole eatelliggi n . thronle disra.et. Ile will also add °that phyc til I Plato•ry and the diagnoses of dilflo9tt,plftelt47 !OD I N! tfintly nonce. 1 Office 6it the Diem nd, two doorg . i 3 st " ' COwa ir li ~..store, and neatly eippcolitite ift. 4o o l iiticlOgrOF er it G 7 water. Huayer.t.ounq.:Pa. - , 4 - ‘,!, ! • - . Coargot giaAti , !::- A-: .'...: , P ARTIIVI,IVIStONO TO LAY IN A SUPPLY OF of, qa 01 Coil tamest Inter's oa t can ba secommo * toed by calling Sit or ' drestlnjt , .( it:' ISLIPINT. ' -, ' Xr.l,llr, ra. littOr3K , At ~.oir.ro,t.r.t,ll j trsl a r iiao i-0,-*T. 4 4.71.' .."111 " 1-"a71 -111-4"1. ~.., ,: ... . t . t ." •. . - .. • '''..' ' ' .' ' , , las it ,70talbinett ,it 31- 'tittv.ol ' --12 t - .11011 C . . xt„,,, aNtlb rfalt; • n;QZI • tuld tit Et Ivo fart .5:40 ' , aim • , , _ I iel d bat ~that'd. esti& e' li t ca' . cid atrial-03 cil .. , tt lba: 1L.% WWI +rid 141.11 l'aft4tWil 'llll4,ltlrt t ti .111d.trAX:r9ti trtp") to :::‘N3: bus iv , -mr: r .bet, , .1 306 flt: 'n! N 0114 Y 11:610 W4i , - -t , t4 I' St ).,cital .ra ..11 430:. l- .3743f,,,__1t1ttr. !,ti, • I .gr7att.l, 5r...}7. .r.t.!-.?1 lec.x-, /e., I 4.6 ..... 7,l ' lo er , 4 'um"( 13 c . a . . Al rf.i ~; .. 7 ,,.. •mba.-,1 41101cOini NS) % , .S , lrkl4l tAtAI:t i ttltiffl ;.. rtr, of C. ,rvr: 21.641 , 1 , t 135.1.1. , Alr.v.dt''...` o .l , 9l> VI-01 , a. .7•Arll.Allf. s•lv .1. 4%,:1 •7°7 a IT 'TO/ 'an A. rf.141 , 177iy1{11f7e,/ e.rit . A v.ilfr k - fhb f I°l' n:f.l :y, • , • t.n s.;:u Q 3 r! . y; 4 - V, ' , frig l• 11. • ie. , H 1" zr , lr,,ii . 4 4 .7 1 . .7. 'llliP tfrtli V • imr i isytr, irr:: - 7 ,, ._",11 ,Tx..-41.1, Iti:W.3V , Orlf • f iv: 1' f...r1P17117 'r7t :i wr 1,:c) , t, -0 , !'..) 11.,,tP!3 :ttlit hilt/ !Wl' TO: IL:;!..M.:1 1 F. t 4 4tiAti AAP.: NILNII 47 *# L'il t:t:,ra la - , GlOO. ' el St7 “ •; .: ;:: i 7 1 :: ' b 1 ' -; ,:i !i.', , :!..1T !g( e i 11 idett 6 0440164,4#10411 . 0 :151 . 111ja hr F eT ed 8rgtf al ki li PSK • 45;W itnil IP9fl n.ti 1.1 `...' ',." =PR "PC. .. "1 1 . ''-tb fn qXI7 GENtili Pru zie.iloona s "..,,,,, ~/ 11:11MEITAXTLY-QIIII,NANIII 6 O-,.. , ~ ,, T - IxlClotblotg..;otstllo,tttottler:4l:lb4r. shortest olosilbis notice. I' .- I , i.: 1 :.:•; ; ; , ...:.: ,flienktal to thel,pnbtlettor.oestAltvors, lkhopche close attention .kizbusinces tome** oontinciaacerra the Iglelei.. ;:' ~ !...,T11:;i , ro Va.. 1 1 11 1 :: .1,, -,•;, ,:r. FEE 51+.:i1 , 0111, , ,, ,,, :•,/ ~ 4 ' ;ik t r AMPAIGif .! (Ming ',` Br e, S:. ir. ,;‘,14.111,it . 41141 4 1 (4 1 4 11116, ~ J43 14- R7P*.... ..searies_ , o.' 7 •; • Jiedliasiki, Math:dam; sail lievaisidere • •e' ./(: - OppalteTte,ol62l 6j ii: coolr Deakin ~900001?ifg:464gj,T.: Iretut Tanner Latin vspptted *rah _laliiiy• F spesdkihd fordiesi mod your Ordetv.; ~,w • 'T JyBVl:l6w. if *se of tin Largest & oat sueme WIRRAIIIINFROUS 8 L old ce m nOTe alid - ItlW?)liweVif:; 4 . L:f :; :" . r... ~. . emgmig,. Nar....1.30 . wri04 A4ret,,, ~..: :—......,—PlTTsiitqc9gi•*-4,.., V i la. nn kl,o AT EASTEMPII.I - • , .f , ces.'„at in foußd to .COnkpara In , extent • and variety wit hand claw' -homes in Saw. NorkiTb• atockconalsts of !feu and( Boys. Fe and Wool Bats. Silk and Cwodmere Hats, Lea alol nol i Xsoldoo. , Soya andllldreni Straw godaartirn „1 ..-aba.! ker Woo& nndowns. liul *andliklecta HataMtemuod anti antrinunad. Country .li/orchards ars tucited to cal and,aritnine our Stock. , ~.,-, ,:, , Inuonotalrt: TTPTS:: PT: WAYNE aI'ORICAGO RikILW A On and after June 13t11,1868, :Erattnriitifieeie" ittitiona ) tepull i an excopmt)art4glamk - (Tr& )(milt; - Chlrausl gets= Pvwf.lestrs - dafllL[Train Pittsburgh at 2.15 P. 31.. leaves ly.l Pt ßoo ttli l b eiw org' er h.... 1111g4J.: ... *mono. ;51 • WOCtiter • 3flunaleld 1 4 45 exclaim ...... mu ilneyrun Irv; trpKa Sfillitt!,k7 1/ I — I 7.1" Forest so* LIMA • • •‘• •• r ...... . ;•• •• can Wert 1 •• • • Firerx Fort Wayne I 100 , Coltraggs ,• • I irotelw . ... .. Ply:mouth 3.71. Valparaiso Chicago R dcSURVEYOII , „ • • .21:43.814 oofito ssor., - . , . r:F.Zes Ex 24. i Expo 6.1 Kir, ' i------.---7.4 i li. - 3 -17 ;7 31 Ch1cag0.....6.......,..1, 8204a11.920r ,• lig i 4. A Valpsralet) .... It 04 4 1100 '1 710 .. .657 gitylootatt .., „.... 111 ZS , • 11=75.9 1 .000. ' . 910, Warsaw ' '1221.1..44! 1.89. .. 450...; •1030 ColUmto I '1 40 1 1. 1. 217 , 1030, 1115 ' FOrt Wayhe ~ i 200', I 315 1115- ' iht,TOrp Van.Wcrt. .......,;, &I 440 -.- 1121(sai 404. , I.lms I i, 400 . 1.535 .1 115 , 1- •811 1 . „ Forest.' " .. ..1 509., 45,7 -,.,1 .218, ! 443.. rppor,Sandesky,.,.,.... , . 533 , ;44., 212. 514 . Bucyzus.... . ......i1 605 . .601. - 816 ... ,567.. ci est u ne .. . -- . ; .. 830 340 . , .1;30 • . . . WI NO 855 :. ' 580401 Dlsitsfield . .... ... i 728 . 997 - . 424 ;...610 Wooster. 4 1815 • 1100 550 - 7 , 'BlO Orrvllle 11 515 ° 1127 ; . 615 , .M 1 ~ M 64 0 1 11011 - 11.940..• 1157 . MT, t:620.. Canton 1002 12131;9 .703 1;210 Alltauce 1 1 1 1615 1255 1 805. 10 , 10 - tiojeut. -01114 1.. . Mt , 1125 Rochester...,..... ... . . 1,j12554.9 :am .. loos 125 PR Pittsbar2h if 155 410,,,,. /110 .. , 810, , CIIEAITST, =2 I 1. , . IL" ".1 1 vmb ; tr : 3 !,./77C-11 "c, ' I.IT •‘.. !:itt.l , ,,fe-eit • ' . • : tt+,:t . K. . DitNIEL-NHALE''if " nAIDOF BZ,'BRlVOilraapler: '4. • ~!• 1:1 ;•T:T nig Malidgetair . toversioti o N , yri •,,c; lEEE El Altai Ala% l'ilza l illiariss,fit , /0m . -1 r 9114114 •,. •. • Ilmsagnipisof Oaullatair • Sictlloolai, Malaga Ihiguniata et Mil k, R,A,IT,':ROA'DS';-..:-" ••ESP,I4 innotown, Nen' Castle "and Erte Express - leave Ypengstown at t3O p. New Cainle.. , l:oo p.m: ant) es at Pittsburgh, 4:00 p. m; „ Retnrning, level! Pittsburgh 7:15 a, mare. at UnaptOwn,lo:4s. N. castle; MO 11 1 : _Yopajletotett.',New Cast/ and Plttebargtl Ancomnur dation wares Yonngstown„, 500 a. m; New castie„7:lo nn arrives at - Afleglictly,' 10:00 a. in.. 'Remaly, leaves Allegheny. 4: p. In; aertwelfew,Caatle,.7:o3 p, ta;,Youngstown;. N 7:50 p, • 7. RYE It 4, Geweral ?tad _ CLEVELAND; & i'ItTSOURGII RAILROAD. : On.'atitt after Sept. 14, ilSactroirui will leare!Statitna daily (81mcleyd esooptod) 'l4 fbllows. . • ! ' aclifo sorra • I!,'MATIL. • • 1210 Pi • • 7 516'1 elevrituid. .. '; .: . : '....: ~1 ,...' I 'Euclid StrecL...:- . ' 1:..1. ffadoon '' ' .1 %met &Isn't , - ..‘.: ... ' .......... 111701vIlle '....', 1 . , .. ' . .;.. • • i 840 1191 '950 105 :025 141 1110 • " 1154 I - Mex. 400 • , , .. 420 . 0 f9 If9Frg.::, ,• . ~,,, ' • • -• • ; , .. ': .• • • 11,341/.. Xxe li a. c,com Weilic lllo - 4 -4 .. ,- ... •••• • 1 {; 1 0 % 6 V itix ..."1,.: ~.",.:;,', IZEdel;:.;., . 11d0 r" r 1517 • , , 1 4 5-01 1 Ila na ..., • , 120 601 4 , 1 . - \ 'AM . tladson e ..,4 . • 19004 GM,: .. . WO • linell43.l3tveet‘.. , .• . : i 137" • .71t, " 7107' 1 Cleveland 1S 0" "715 . ~ top.; •1• 1.• ' .•r - 'anso'nufr. -.• • '': ' •., ::. ',.: • •'' . 1, '; i ll'Exi , e l Err's. NAM, yletng ..—. ...(.6.0.... 1 Denali' ' ''' '' ' 111055n4 -110 A 14001111 i.. .. Beldeupurt ' ',r'• ''" .111,1. " OE • . ~ , 2 10. ' ; ,2.i." .. ~ Steubenville • ' ' 1218n* :7 4 8 ' . 811 / 1 ,„ u A , Wellxiillu'. t , '.:' ' 1 4 5 •,. 050 , 1. -WV , ...... , i Stnltlto Ifirry, , iral, ~, . sm. 'l'; ls '''. ,m 4...., Itoebetter •', ~, 8 245 ,, ;too,: • easi , ' 710 rittobuigh', , ......' :: . ....'.....1 , M 5 • Mil ''', • ? 111 8 ; ' 411 :r • ' . , . " ' • "i • - • , ' - 'ootna'wistr" •• ,;',,,-, -' , , u• fi ,l , '''' ' ' ''' 1 ' .''' ' • Mari..,- W--- s, R.uosipAello ' 0 ................ - ..,-1.1:.„'... 1 ptttot H ait ) ... ':' "Whit tare: ;435"tin Pork'74 Roebastec. - ' ~, . .71? . 8 8 8 ; 1 , 1 1 6 8 ,,,, VG, , „ 8ea1r,:..:......: r .'. ', ' ( 0 7`,,„ ~ ;MO /, 7 '6. - MY stolai ivory . • ...5..7! p i s , • -imr,,, , 1 :In 1 1 Weltde4, .... ••,••••,, • .„ 1 - --- ~ •...,. .., i 1 stea A11P1A.:....,.„'.... • '; • , 0 7' ;Fi:,, rya / SkKet,tr.•'%t .... '"' 140.. • :is .- :;,1, . .. . . ~ , ''',/tAlr,g34!4*C.l r 7 1 k 'r'. Bi 111; •, • ! • I ^ . . A' , .4 iwiey - Ta 48 - 11 *Fre roe% elrb , swore. lOph 1 li tt tl V,nt. - /P , Vt . :41'. I.•A vitZ:, t+.e..V.ii 2%M. • • • '.%h°''' " 9 aver ; brAt'•(.,..,l.y•••)Pl , • ' •In ; * I 3 ThoreitaieJO 16 -iifik; Ali 4 tipikikWie It ' Or JICi :,I:43YAT 4;LT ;'1 nt.i r?, --1 .. ... !VT t.nT,h7g - I ;:1 :4 ,::4 ":;4 , , ~' i1,11..,q1) - , 1-12 if 0. , ...<:i11; '4. / MOE ilrAlMie dab . .. :rifYlik(WAlßl*, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FR LIM ' PlCtaea, &e. mSt TlO* . iti ;11. irtndiret Conntrilcoduce tom:mimics, and pr!mretwrojiple:z- ; n l.7‘ EZI • X.100 . 0044 . :-$2 4 101110,, •^r • TN. ::!‘ • '• •/ 11 . int fr i t; • • !..• 1•1:1t1,3 T ! ' . 1 f 11 . 4 4 1... 2 : b .&1 1 6 4 - retail 141 R . " VV. iIAIUMAYIE r ininailr4% Nll4.ofrii . !,o 12113Bentqtal.Avill • AlgtiniNkatis." . .0 , 414 ds, 11*" .4 e1111111f kx°ll. WLIOI4EB.44E,Aud RE 114 L. , .i CIFI QUI;gIS,I O NVIE, gOD NII T X-' stu 'Glasinsare. - lao. Japan. n, w ooden! eall'lrelear 'wart.leine;el Flow tradteel.eamek-, .es.7Eitclien Bette:ol4o4a W naara.,ac h aa...-hisq , ‘a , -,,, rn .11111011T4A RS ND CANS. I , ri Tee 1•;:a .n.Cosatty Xerthantawilk end Silo:lb/1r aeria= gerKaa a mile* aaalalaa, Dar aloalt7-behoo4 their parEltavem,•:' ".f , , , 11 ..rt: ~ 1..1, 'f* ;',I e 0:i to, si.. , • " No , a. pEcialVt. c. . • l24'redeial St. 4 ,'Alleybeny City: ora. , ' seperekl.• , ',/;1.7:- _iiatir_lll - EIWI , - _ • ( AR a Eli 13iU IT queonsworec-flardworii .. torati-4,37) •WARH, JRAOON4 Fledir,• • • f—LOM. I !- ..;.•.•-, w•li: ti OGUNIGY , PRODUCE taken in Ex . °hinge for Goods. -' 644;;'6/11;t4 4 411 the • , :(, •,,• %lir:Rages.? •••.. • f '• l l3taxitirkirititit: ; Pit.imie tr,1611,.-"i , • • • •- • 'l4oi3l.l 7 ;Tii; 100 tp% reArts 013 ': I 416 l' 0 0 0 ~ 150 ' '6so' . 218 'I 711 ; `i110: 320 SOS • rs t o 7 ' 1 1013 'lOl5. ' -719 -.. 11114 1 ,751 "''ll4l_ ... 1 gyg 'MD= 1101¢' . : ' tar , L luso : .3t0,,,, 123:A.x., ass : . :132 • 1 112. 133 6.'w 1 - 415 121' ' . Wll - `9lO , :, .;.--.--- .7 . ,:r.; :::.i:: . -• .. :• ~7 . : . , ..•., ,',.,_. , 4 „ _ j : • - - rim,. . Coln - - RETAfL PRIM'S :RED . VVEA ,_. • 422 81 GrZ I 620 41. fr BEST" WHITE WHEAT WARRANT/ID.; • . . lb sack, 1(4 tt:lo' 50 " " Barrel, . 50-.2 Seeo"ndtkuWityi"STAßK COUNit' 95 T. sack , •• * 1 , 22 • 856.. Barrel, 9,75 ',ltoClteetee. . NEW , GrOODS.I . . . ..„_ • • MRS -E H EACOM • !us It's? RzcztvED: a - setoff assoititaat of Fait €lOO4lll , ' irbfeh.eba'ofen to the public, at the•brevet: poneible , 1116C116 The stock embraces emery earloty of Ladle's ind. Geontlifiiips Woolen timid* Minn ',find • Fanoi:Yints DRESS TRIM3I.4IGS, -1 1-iavaoOP SKIRTS,. NEIL -STUFFS, 9RBRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, (I.l. l if y , c; CUFFS, COLO its RED CAMBRICBr y.f S, Mal EMBROIDERIES, LACES .PBA L lfitur. - ' FALL HATS 0t.. 4 whlca ne Inereasea as tne oason advance... ,sliaisks , a aeatiatualawat.-4e jeaege Va t vid the pablte.geaeratly. - 0 ,Atotsu Ilea* .4 1 .F . A 1 ?)*atitI v enqA04 • Call allot:Etammet , jaI3I.It!.ERRITM ad Rt. Opposite the V P liominarp t AIM! r ..•• ..k1 • y • • •- r NEW HARDWARE • HOME. :41111.1 Z0Z16....1.1'.1111.i. 1 M l 4:' , POPP Alts Importers and Dealers In • nyvv nAuti ,Aiscd xt.4 oug ' IRE BTOCN RAVING BEEN BOUGHT. d the do l ino prices, we are enabled to offer than old Muses who wre earrytnt orer stocks at old prices. Country Nero china ~1144 WI to rialt us when in as otkr, Lindsay. Sterns _ dc Elmer, I i ;iii i ii ;rt4 837. V 77.,97.71,E1,- "Min Man: ` , ii diet* 111,. inglitiely. - _ , FLOUIt FA.,k)UR-1 NEW Cik OOPS I =IMMO pcg .. - M2ll=Siiii2lEll= MEE sa,"lrtiir •ev. A t; 91!!4!4 I= Warll44,W elicit. ,loci. tgy WAIL, !I tge l or 04. wjr r-• otibi,lo4esy 1itif06144.0 for b ins a ny land s v44i ahlogito rF14 . 4204011 1 - iitiiptie 9 o: 4 4 * :; 0 4 - 4 4 *pea iikiy4l:oollo4') 4'1064044 VA* *ll Ot.hi (4)41 hardly Wit pt '.41),5r4 tt crit lltoy MOIL, /10_41.0:Was.anougikto mist turibody., , iTheintrivabeure cat-tails and playbirthe miscitiefe with 0 "eir 'waders prOperq,A, ' 1 Inorder to keep thesa-Oinblesonte ; sorynnts at work without...being, compelled i intutatay; to overlook them An , puraon. .procortil stout out ang outang; armed him with a whip, and made him thaakeYsiirirer andoveisect of work... Bat he outung outahg turned' out . to'be !lido bttteir . Alfr more 'trustworthy. ,than theidleakipiamot under ifts charge.! • Drery thing - went ar.sixes . and sires". While ,11111 was awaylishing aodetcbting; or Ipimbling and holm mcing, the in 'key driver and mon ties werriplayingthe it with his proper., • t • • , f' .• ',.; `. . I : • The conseqneneshof idle habits amllla 'bad ntanagemeitt Ville th t• be got :Aleeply:in debt,. was • harrasied, tb lexecutiotor add threatened withtinkru . In this difficult what'dms he do? bread of getting rid - of the monklesf andauing to stork himself, 4 0 hollietitlOns his hither g rant : him a grant nut bi;throe fattbkigi pound• •on his] eat. talle; !alleging that he mint; passible • get a living without thie ' u to Itlefndustfy • olndustiy I" Vanillin my Atnele, "taker. your indlistiY.: 'hilly yon4do no: gait lir- 1 log it will not be f ir dant df impudence. Though injrlinele•expassed bituself iu this 1 wisedlevviiheines, bei • a gtexl.aaturedaual, and hattigutlie ',Alfa • ' sMille , Children at i heart, he gnuitod_ the .• • • • • realign!' of thtue farthings poi • • (Lowell WA eitiri•eils growally his eon Bilt . With ,this help , 13i11 . got ,along .toleraide 1:11 for. ; a thne.,, jint neither thou did:beta 03 ve hielitniA„, iFoXIPY his debts i but on, thalintraty, Ito,booooxpor_ ,pwiatbje,ntore idlerantearelese. than , eYeri7 - 1 "Tills firctteetion:!•eahheclque fine.goPgtri,,t , will help:to krop utela [potato& 0g0z.19,14 . i' nothing elec.',!, „ , 0,1 -; ~, , . _ k.l I.l.:lnAlta Inaluktime 10 wee,intlestriowkand Avitig„,iThough hie And, produced, lop. lir AxontrivattOY. tung 4 4 11 •4 1 *tii.AiMIrAf t Y'' • of4hings, and'inannfeturingtautdryinotionn as he called thoutc.hloatiqiie,tolernthie••liiell *44.• 4Pd ,!•c',4,4 1 ., r t i` a' ilaktitair i k he ditlaigiit 004. i i ' . I'. h' he dontritiod .4Ertnia °tint, wee -woodei f fii4alteo;ykideil l he inithrie tuar, pope $ pl 4 t :#e lreitik Yek.Ofteiitf, ol Y,l*" . &eked spy .idd kg* 4140040=4 *II , Billiihit otitatoodtti Preintoui• on Ale .cat 1111)?irt,W,ffeill.# f # itobiltidlO , thaOho f rovoii , !,o*•ie s e , :i . 1i A 1 i i g i6 4 4,40 4;0 11 1 obtained a premium two farthingipa,efplt liftheialthiviirturediat Minim ; ; ot fir ' . ni#0 4 .1 1166 41 • 16 thfir.4 0 .4;eti 11 0 14118 TOM•ii44 6 .':: : 1 04;:fiik f i lklfhtl4l 9 .o;reoniny,!, hogiikto . *Wail , 14,1144 . 04g1i . 411:11 - .+Iloo : 40 ' 14 Ms 'bro th er rq• i t „iit a° l; • • * r 4 l6 2' '4,0 ! ,1 1 1fd . , . .• • ,, . J , , op . . fax, : . .. _ _XI-IP,°"___ . ,_ . r.c.".4 *lv padtidn, aiikticlato mom . iWilla ' ,j ail 'hi: 041 1 1 1 140 1 - t ..ifoOtior'forli otoOdeh .14#40 4 6,0 ) * / $ 6 41• 1- '4O l- 0 46 i l aiO foiiiii- J~ •,. ' To -*al joseio.kili ( . • , 00 3 fileisOe. 1 0 1 1eilit! i * awns etof tylps 1. . , :rolliooktosmohoo& ,41 #ft Wii61 0- intiki *P:Tilt4 l 4o.. . ItSi l iAl.* l !P nt , 1 getting , ato 41k Ail 9rn4ll.Tl44ifinligin -Ibkt f ant'thatit , ... diteits net:Adria-1i }e .the princiiits that caliend likidiAti'''' • ( 411 0 / i i t Y lii; orklibiati ids 13.111" Jyr:rit li ,a ;tricr,..;l:: :,:zt ti +o 'ilolt a3 . ;04 1 1 .14qqb -et;lit -,.. ..., r ,,,,d, .1:„. 4 nc,lt ., "clob ..:-.)7,r,..1101 lo i ii, prtort L:o2<,l,x_rtg - ~ ):1 ; .yAc. am- Cy v"? , ,,q ^. - Jb - : .1 , 1f , 1( 11.4, ... • .-. vxtiriiiiii l fdeill4ttnigilittiltiiO tikebitabliirlitcr e tiditi•ltien aaci6i? Irv& toiet - 4 ifoimbituttoe he;tifisikklininftift on'the • more honorable' brideeeeNST t 4 ): *Ti c t-plrN i Pf l, *• ] :4 l oßA l " ° A;* / 4, 110 C 4 ),k: 1 41449, 8 144 0 00e.. 110 ; !Wen .10,itilatkii!,p514,M,Out an d Idi biolttlbotOtioooktluteptsitediew ortitolii he, 11 14 1 lko reedylo T -fvor ulSitt ilarreirebtritrAbei attempted Ito'rei ic*thellrOlttoleht, Seesaw ItitroliaodoC, ftwoilliwbotivto oritevto4opesao him 'mid 'prenteliinkeirribeldedly, the , eki: !gentle. Boa w cedeleded to emirzfromue mdtters;•bire= g the pram to4nicrartidoi, itic/r; •JeeteJetratiiips: toneopuoo, bowel*, *OW NO 116; itrtw-thio • phoiiplo 011 centind)sielatq and 41 the re. re , its:, tem* loiW., Iwo . PUIr El AV *1 modeler Slims inibmitito It, Fit blow 'Sties sialrispitlefisettire tkr-the otOintifil Writ, indtplartbh fstry' do+ll with' tHii • • • ''PPTlttiel , tbreats • lici eipreiseii 'openly, hot the ..-1 0 1d i-geritte mut Ole -seem* were ••10: ',be morel witr,Y-,e/R uPo 14. 1 4 a, inCtirt4ents A?littAeAPPrrirtg.T.FlNlSt t:: ;itFLOS PRIIIPOOMPOSY: tb9; Ingri - Wl l BO O 01 1 4/SPRlFithit malt .f9ut_rts. l 44o , Popgurik,be at *stead . o! the nileirth ,ArrAT ;to' attack JCl,ek hi his 10141Aut iosk:frots readzAw HP cisni; done of 410 . and prepared , ky r 144cit44;ontotoWittsir 00 *flanged 1104„*. tro4liNr.*Sring• be einad upset the_ t wholn of Phew uPollt his 11841151114 The. , door ,bsing bsyriesdea, the montles were sent,. esihe,es vetted? to seale.thevalls- and 'enter 'the witireAtiftnOsedly tho lavret: esio -tOg, he Ine!iets that ldng PO' them lora, 41 Aa:4o. Maki • i:hii 'tint "iOL r. , JESk r , ':Arysilkij'i'.'Seit. io. - - rtitisteivtdPiii+: be. .fore yohr reallehr tinicchtifit *of ' the men_ important events in this ,seption. .pri the i'dth' Inst.; CaPt. "Williain 'l l . Piwee, a' Een ttioltian by terth..a 'gallant officer fit thE •L'n-, toe ennk ()tiring She tate 'wart 'a stanch Re- " publican, and mftdarnoutinee.of.the•Re- Apithlicans of mil, (Bp coo,posstooot gist riet for the tritlr.i..4 Mittel Congresk proceeded to 1 4 /Vinci-Vita - , Sunipt.teCotinty, a town bete few F mite!; from. Awlersonaille , for the purpotsi - of making' his first speech in, thq.canvass of his district. .ge ,w as, by air. "John "lf uridiSJ,' a Mitre cir Inditina, and.now a dil -1 ten and the Sheriff eledor this erhintY, Wet ar by a republican' majority of abbot 700 la a poll i of.' alma, ,2,200. , Reaching Americus; they registered their.names at the hotel. Five minutes thereafter they were informed by the proprietorr - that - his boarders insisted tziwahit turning Mese gentleinea oistej' the ho use. ,They•wqm gatt!cniti„. they,. must leave,. or, he ' could not be' Innipord of theirs .. The gentle l'. men 'ieplied, "Erase our 'names from ,your . books:'* Shortly tittir this they addressed the colored • Republicans, amid 'the-mutterings atnl,euraet of, the white eitizena, who were iti toWn in force. After exalting. they went, lii invitation, tii the ' heed* (WRAC.' MCCoy, I alispabilcattlimt , asseiiatel•Chlef-Justica of 1 . the MO& - While there-the colored Republi [canKaftemptedto march. through the public square withdrums arid 'di; - though tinarnied. Ttlett Were ardered'by the ,liiiige hr the St pei.ior Cotirt,,ibenln seeithik 14• stop the noise, meaning that of :he drusoand . flee.-' Some colored cuath.not,leariag the order of the Audgeory comprehegdlng 'the cause of the re:nation of the music, called out "gi) on with theinitsic," wheienpon the tehites - drew .theirvpieteit,' ehetvine, latines,vitc., aidi drew the ' .colorsd. men frees 4. 1 1.4701egre• • . Mesas. Pleree and Murphy, ,knotying rinthing or this approached ' tpublicquere, psying little Iherilln the w h& tersirif .s the colored people wbo told them that the agates had sworn to kalf•Arnt.,-. Tito Meyor , addressing ,tha mob, sew. by angry . men, that . the blacks 'shout at be harmed,.bitt Ow "two d—d sedate "iiiiiiitretr'shostd die. ' La Messrs. Piereeind Murphy neared the square art old Wilt* tiall said, more to himself than to either 01 t hese ,gentlearea.n God d-rn, pay iren7l - .neser tease Alta: ntyfird,alise.". Th e y Altert Ignited. ; and by a el rcOrtioui . route` renClied . the,office of Mr. W. o.llortill,. *gent Or the le reeiltmtnra Bureau! where they took refuge, Thep; iiamsiiird mit -4044 titutuAta alieraigAttaa•lFl/P: litrAkrik gent Os ;servant .v!ittijfiem.,thruttO•ae c tus to, Atinint'blitaide the town'WhLire he Met than Wan a Waritti,lit Which they'list4tpal into Lee •C on nty, and I hence Units place. - • 1 Returning ' over the road upon ,whlch•ihe..bad,, taken out' the ~ wagnas,_ Al. Morrill found it pirixted ..,hyr W a dozen - armed nuts. rheser"men4ifiquired kit rthiV colored' men' who passed neer this med./Ater litv; Xorrill• for, tar.omgo,... giviajustileareet: docriplio)C.re ;Ma:MP slimes' . • T4t P!ght elre* rl read I tratson any'direo titiii,StwOicbad We:text bodies of *idle Swot. BWler-bodierannen kept watett ovar home- PV o o l efe t h e two•-11eRgenten will , ilin to .beconeeil ed...7rene gad e o D omai d - /4) , m d 'serer qftheir i tete/Woes str ataidein`e ' - Plate runt Misiithi," 'Telltale's', the Illtblakt. , Materstractompeatodlty lizr,Mterphy. 1 0 Re: 4 ) ll %&TKY•: , PhillillnialliP ( it .cot oral man, Moen y a member of the deorgla Leglslattirkbut _who was expelled on sononnt of hiroolord - gaboet wyciszty-five colored mea appme;dialthollownWCetalliej- , llUtell-' Nil Cstri , Irlitgfn i g.l,4o ll 9m iturP,lt an4;itififttatelq _ ro3o.7 o l'ed,ReP: • :11•WneuriiiiirthMa' ' Orkinliti,they w re ' 'meaty , it widaraintruemedJusatisirohnvehe I SI Aret t siatal , lbekrwitek la: slinralsotn !./Qc. ,- I Ig I VIrVy i llt!g i Vn w aVg.ho egrZ les telearned tber eltirsitir Srite tip. preaching, be deetaittf shimeelfit 'i;ourier" ,d~()ic~ri ~di :,, ~.'~.i ~,~ .. . ig 'the . iitri► .-mu' oulil Jack. \And UM- "ATED.. 11.11^311! _ . 16e4 Ztri;ll fiSiaf.A.efifik3 7.ll4nulcsi .548 p nft r Nat ' a ..401101Pitro.'" , kilraiiillitlithi e 1 4441 0 i1 t I Akimaia mit ire jilfehdeWnitikae: ' • I! no 11044071 0 1 1 4,9 in- annaksAllialits 0?‘01( i Iligger94Mitio i ttitris pa'' . i.: ritleftrtnifartt did' , teast4'not " belielltog that the`people weal daeforee to preireaf ipallt; 4cati. &IWO , . • 4;4 1 11 P9 1 : 41 .4, lbawelrer a . i breded the parn(ng , of. tne man , 4,ohua so . ;nett • lie roidnd a iibte bs t freeduthlb the Oho& o f flareattatei tbei ieniente bf tht itiote are tin - lideivi; le iyoattetorregiondthtv bat yeah= f a CIII/Fa4 II4 IKTI Prit4a Stlliff - lit auPp%ad to tiare'been• a note acing, ( ife protection of hitic frOin Mir lila aueunitintr i At i a• at 'twolbilea 'Nal the' awn; itiferrty w - met by) the •Sberift 40 a posse, . he ‘ 8 nit asked that iii.dpfe r r, to Vie * hof 0 e4inala t .34/ 'Pierce 'tad got enter.* low 10 Plergo litigate that hit'Wai 'violating iii laic "of the "ootnury;•amitio tight ottheibeopte;te mrouki sP Mk• in • iCafillitlito- ile thaiight , he' bed OW 1 4 401 ,40 'inn .3491? flat.'flat.' lll° 04r.J.ff AO 't a posse' ail beinif armed mu! snoun4d; dafil,l :bff_ to 0 , 11. 7: Pt ' 4 , t; ,ii .. ;.: • • .r$ J.l. . 1 ' •• Mi. Plermil a:lbaggy, Ida Mii•l Pet*, prefeaded towtat.the mail, fdlltreedat sow dilltaneftll Ibai rest at thlAilatt y , Witli•lhe* latter was gt.libuitatkon wept°, rawri t tr bullets, etwitalnl rig' the &R&M Itthol,'' fit of two drummers stud a fifer .. Meites;:P er and Putney darrakitio Ike. fown,dtsmounted . from their buggy; ddti hitched their ho at the 'Coartaituse. ;At ss 'alliiischTed ' 'Fedi Me Dna- Haus Ms Wad "itetithicT leaf seer the 2 14 A 4 11; lit - 4 ~ d oulikel ______ 2 , l44 9 4 l l il ids he deface girs AntOilto sown, Eur9se 'hoo'coloi•ed flan,. : U pon Air Merit nit* viftons - taker . . skkn Otte road misdif *McCall &•41'W C i Pla te e mii PPr iglehin g aigime44 ll allla • Rigli Of lA 4O *Oh AO hfift . kV, OPPellfikti -4 4 r 4/ 0 "Wa l k WhO VOW ot ci*O4jito upon llie ploplo in die feted. ' '4:few of the °air ed pie, having' illsiolii" budeavered te de - fen themsel res.( ble. a majority of them • fled. Near& Pierce awl Pciamyrushed tuivard the centending_parifes. Mi. Pierce throwing uP, his hatids and callideufkm the freedtuen us '*, saying - "don'ido Liar,' doal . OP IMP " Upol/ .UM '‘, the ;ilWhitCk . or, .11 t ,po4tiOlt ;V; .14epi.- - 4r 0 04; -aSaa , Plaral; , - I,nd arm, and' flrect. woUp ing " Ity:Yiettxtilt l'the leg, and Mr. 'Putney In the- efts,' ' Find alastlder. 13coth,•Itonsrrer -Wok totherwoods and • ea:vett e ~ reacillaritha PlautaLlaa of Moor& Fhtar,, 101 piin, tw A ppilenteu,fronf Missachusetts, nt* o dock thiS morning. ' TO return td Uri battle or massacre at Me in& • The freedmen who were armed haring ' alptiad.thnir plakda, fled for their lives-ao 1 had mot already, been placedisorr du combat aa, .liistiring the *ounded on the • ground. The . I%llpieritiell seinVegenijbvt nonring think adres lAd ghat More: area left on ,agt fprigna l sere OtatAfirli 4 Ned f 11 0 " of, their PNlgnifr • A had ',liitilli f itideaimed ' ib exape In , tint rbuggy. , baa eight mike feint • Cam _ilia ,leatt ofirtakirclico or sis.stountodowpt balk', I dhnonfte#Srout tllO buggy. laglriglP .the,woet , Ana Will*PU takin greniZ In A domed' Mize, *tin& 'prepared to This life lardearly.aapoiatible:l -, llla;•pureaersi ism-, rouudedikelsoese antrdemanded WS itgletl• Aar, : Ito rergafx l ,4lo)takt Alia k •? 3 ,c t r iteu F s Wag.. Aft. pr so . pence u u .. pkotutile'that bil t illd'lliAlie lia r r a: tained,ite*the ' aOdisidifis tilktot %Dime - 'bes. l4 • l o. ilikendbloll9w,99os•l afro _ ririiidniaio rTdte pet; plo were still in rairsoLLor the _fleeing and wounded,with.horses and bloodhounds. The'icidtepeople in-Camilli boast that One' pond contains twelve •dnut , .Tid e pond is near the house of it .or. Dasher, some two „ Qne-freeftan, knOwn'to your torresliciad ent, stated that 'ltelaid•:ltiSt night-'eencesied - in a swamp With' four: otheott, that he heard the White men scouriug4lie.woods, shouting, cursing, anti 110 ng ~t1.44e fisheord theories . and shriek* of the negroe-i a 4 tleey *gyre . shot doin or torn by the bThoilhinencti • 'that Aro of his commies trho bees:nee frighteited aid attempt- It to kayo the yummy gore shot trithiA hear; • mg.!: Orte,Oegrp Who was captUred and'who escaped. dnring•the night, wall•com peltellbyihis captors to audit in removing the dead and wounded In ..the •st recta :of: quotilla-, Ileignisted in putting a detul.Wuntaa . wagon, she' WM shot .through Chest . ; ebe *as thrown, his'arptcirs told iihn.,'itito vrell: . also 'assisted Iry retnOving tour lmd-. iy wounded -negroes, two of theau,,mortally. _ The Wan James Jedins,,who tired the firit lip 4 at the colored men, is reported stint (ice in the fnrehend and' twice' in the. back, land Mortally wounded. "Another of the: 4444- :Mg payty , is reported slightly. wounded m , ,name is Charles Collins, The ' folloninfliet of 'the fillied'and wounded to correct; to' ter as it gnes•-••":''.•-• • ;John Murphy, vrhite, contused and.larcont ted-waunds.of. the. head. liy,, a Musket bsrrel. V. Pierce, Whitti; g u n-shot vriaind iii • •• •••••• ::0:: Putifjelblie, , gun-shot wound , of elbow ilnd - sh • • , • ' . Howard : Bunco, (colored),, el gunshot 1 wounds, head, ear, shOUlde:f t elbow, Ode, and 1 foreartn. "- "' " t. Ben 'Lundy . L(6)l6red),.gunithot -wounds, thigh and below the knee:..:: . , :,• Hardy Robinson,. icolored), gun-sho • t • wouuds,, troth legs. ; , • ACM Noloretly,' guiOdsit *Onia of etioulder. •• • '-f- • •.. —.;" (colored), gtmidtot.Wound saJeg. , . . . . , 1.. . I -; • Bung, Johnson 'OO/40), pa.ibch," wound ' ; ' ' 1 •'• • Wihiirit — Eands4o6laiedjbotitused 'wound 4if scalp ty but of, musket, ;:. Sam. Dickinson, colored; gun-shot wound iti arm. , Wesley Oiiatmiiir,Artire4, gun-shot wound .wilitlisin Dessen, cohned,•gun-shot' sound ,ot. shpultier. . .. ....., , ~ , .. _.-- 443 Ted ,woman, IY4alel • 1:1 ' 1 4 0 ) 1:11 % . ' 1,1 1 91 dead. ' - ' l- , '' - ''. • ' Al r il"•'Cotini,t;oloted:Yttfeit ' mi4;400; edlY *kite lying on-the gaiindo , ;, - 111 ..-.! : " n .liv : . i J iliaa intaklW CCl°redx khlleti 11.; 1 ; 4 : 4 To *tally ing,u,n tke,groood. , 'WO, Hines, aiturett,''settoorteiteher; eoni: gun-sh ot Smunde hand, iiiist;netit andlek4 • "Deek'''Polgillicolotek enot dead. •-• - thatiloilltor 040fedv . -.4lo..thmilel• b0.‘9 1 1, 1114 - 41 Itte,4, nttprndly, , ',. . trnimewn, c:bleted, qanlsiio(...woiiiidla ivitif 1 "..i!..1,!.. ..: 4) `.:._ .• • ..! ' .., ....I . ' Inkw*OlOredegunisttot wounds; knee r f , Unk* . • - *4 -014141.;i wound In hicit.' . ''; l l Z. ' •' • ' - 1 . , • thripia: ' at t iofeat*Ai,' unitadwn; In - De. ort reputa.,4 WEB hoar , 4 t,eiolerfd, glee Vial thehOiVis Ot 'MeV Howitokbf W the O: whok itOommlielohisbe the' Freedman's Baca; and begged ROW allow Ao10,1:;0s#:(Ak *gum ifp'i•cfi Ili "Anitinielii Aglat= fet pliesttegi 15ka1,g 4 .4, 0144 e itadMOINIMP ibliatimllll4olllllolPPageglia I inure helitilpa fs thammleil paper. 1:0 1 1# • 11, , ..aaTi_:4°1 'file 0 - 1), ed tsgptidelinselseeit otttrilAsiftleettlikr. Co-. Walla, el)itillreg ~tit firellteaS dllliettlO that they were daew from doling se.. ; It Is reportitysitietlibil. JieiffirdStipoptuclisd a, r i nAhmtlii u t z ezu n ta r z n et flitn Y . He tilspathhed Eitlin'ilitosbenbggy; Of the Freeilinen'e Bitreitu, tofbliteletif emir, ty, this morniiieto lthilid fteipttuded.— Vfountkilisefi have aesittietiviii ' ilit -Albany hourly, since/last 'night 4-.1141 amt. Jrart T rending acconnte RE the balietrilles pri•ctic ed Upon thoi ;A p ed. anuradesi hy i their mii r• derera Ii is' reyerted tlpit t the Sheriff of • Mitchell Coenty' join& • tit - .llto murderous work, whited lir the' Aiilie posse that accom- • panisdrkintorken he Atixxilltistifillrif . lei:ce, In the morning. lik.,, I fl‘ .1 i ; r, I' i ' ,•:.. , Intelliglntenlitnitinek.h;re , . ; that &leading clamber of Lio;Tonny ...ifsitie f,, , , is Club ii (white) ttf,prii, g . taint 4, . v„, .1: , on Friday night for' va . irc 2p4,4).0/ ,r , . tag the pm. . , pie to the ads ag:' is known Hutt 4 4, ' the penind l ii ' finn"wenttetdmilla at the thee nienth . —, q, 4000n4 people have a declared that •, h to people lest*, gated the o,t,pto- -it• • ...rtrqr so loodlyi condemn. • An titer CU news., • this evening, that *Mir t; o'clock this morning the ligliFres lierii l Wog hunted down withildoodheandhlksiffiri being fill ed with *dined. pboylo'4lllWlLAn front lour: rounding plepteti 'lt, . . vri, with excite, ', -`- ..... .. • . . oirthi strM„ex .. c. 0 '.. • .• ti — l 4 ' eii, their fell,land all' v • . 'r _. • '. rallied tot go ,it !wide. lb the' rowan: . Armed Litegines #4 l PeercOri Psadf „as irlawittlePPit fr9tithe. earth where t Ystona. 4t thisltuicturc Ay . meycienf the' W' alil*Ted r nit= accompanied by Major Hint* ;fithri - .. red thercnikwed people itracunis: kalgtit. calm' seling_ &ode iMion' ,attd m 4 fine!kud ,:a 4 fullitt the cdoretbsople diet the uovernment,w9uki use eierrlfidet is at its ennimand to' brlngthe .. toetpothttdii oftliickAttrattii tot onislitneK sod promising the protectlon of the onoilittuir forces against timber outrage it 4 flrr. They,rccetyctl .theminomim plent , ml stalctill.'but n i ltiniately 'dispetied,' th not tielOngingin The city 41eikitliintfor the Ai& cation, since which; up tethlig hater,st !cc. ail la,seiet antk , The coloredc4M *w , rert . . 1311 1c.tit$fia W 11 34% ar 44 ti thniic of tkeut nj,owp, , Mil: V runf i rsi.: tor Of th e Meth lit*Chnrehapd OA Id; color4Ropublican here, ,Ifil Ilene rot ser• vice. In *Ali the exeittimenti. • Difer; 4 —lt le rekrie that themurtfCre" lu the, lioxrible massacre of iresicriblY se re 'lliei act' (rout Mitchell • County ft ono, but from Baker end 'thus (Dotigiterty) . counties"; and it is beiteved.thist !inns been determined ' by the ithltelpeepreifiitt - tbailidlifiry having bein•"iiitthilmwn, aid' fitittnblicattl 'NM not • cievasithlstitstrict: .': • , '•vi:ir • .' _ ,-1-r-r--- 1 , , . ip-. .., .. . ~,Bl'llFoB;l4l.9c—TheiFeeSPlmlo:o 8 1 7.0 , 6 ~,pq,,p,.,,,,,,,,„.,,,,.;!,-,3.,R#1. :5L ..-41rp /I . AvqcYlpi,lt ,autAti,a_ .ea FAO districts pi . ..0 of tupdcF!st g siso,*edili - thick and -BM et AA-and tt abort; crvk 4steni2 lit i itikekti leis i rcialifitc efinhial bilis t ik6it ainAMtiriii 1 heiile* ip friridooi, ititrmiture'additifiripl-MM ry unaeratood:bY qrigatio doctoth•ltine4)o col it was kuour* to foreign nation& “D),4 and tqlsh-ectle""are two of Its Arabic tiro It is shitiiirthat'itt preSent the Unities a '111.;. - Gegen often takelt for Imeity months, 4- tinuously, in mach the geoid way as. the ' um-eater eats opiiitiO.Their commence with. .taking the eighth part of a ;Out a day. 'and rEtxdtawJly.tnercan their allowance to en en tire nut s which would be about, twenty gralne: jfithey eat it drectly before or ;tiler food,iii; kuttdeasant effects are produced ;- but If they neglect these tirdeauttunt, spasms. result. 4—. According, to.popular rmner, It ie. chiefly , neva in chrtithm. lona tltc,, nionuctiet4rega or "pure Imported Itileuqe.,. r. . 1 Ottoi..--Admlnn 'Knife, • when 4 ; . 'irag itnte hastily . ' • awakened th'e `thniiiglit by the i lleuteriaiit of the . irateli, who Informed' hi*. with 4reat - agitatitin,lhaf tlto 'ship was on fire neart ho magazine. 4f.titat I.le.,the case,". Bald. ho; etskng. jelsurely to lutt on his clothes,"cre shall soon hear another Aniof the mat ter." '" • Thelieutenant fle*-beek to. the !tome Of danger, tied.. aluto9fi returniog.tfiX . Clair "/;°4 nedd ONO. ;Atr Are • , paelahecd. Rowe _: '!what y;tik deannevelt ,was Afraid In tny Land' %eking the lleutentiit full in "the Gum, he added : "PDty how doss a manfed. air. when .he Is Afraid?lnc uoriudr,hew , he tyothi." - • , senoot, In Massachusetts *tinder eC - atenitthit;',VbeifiottiTOf thtveititmlnors saM : "zir gliO'thttro i.ivelfthertoVottil, thteserelfthi :rad ki.t;plet? the . pre inyielt whit: frouid thererbei tart r • ",.. -1 ~ Thoro.wao a profane* study' amoot (tho & holars, but filially one lad' held aphis bend as a signal that he was Brady answer. air.oehat. will them be left ? Speak up loud. 80114,01 can-he ~. raid the mom :Jaen . • t 'affo'ate‘ ::t 1'r4 i1 (0 .4 ; :I. Aboy,rpalag stub?* life " end' 't'elT ..on :the • paveMent. • ' olieter .. mf lied& fellow,' .sidd • a bystander; .r you won't feat tho Kin .0.-Morrow.7, ' • " Then 1.10,1 iitot cry to-utotrow s 7,sald • • • 'f r"pti4l. ii4--41_1 . 1anker 4!d!,ci a gnhner aurhig th4tev,olutioniiri, .411cnd,1 iminsnl no filon*b . ll; but. Wit lie Ifirdeslgn'to Mt the tittle' itt 111 the blue jacket.' 'point thine •Onitne I , three Inches low Or- • ;44.•iionitsosbi pubho afisopsoy, swain the Itish maim with' being tho ittneHt unadllstt .orttie world.: was; mildly • awswured- by an /fiat goo pman, "that it ottglit im other wise„ t Ifish;roet with hard litho enough to polithlitity tip% dirth."• 4kzi4lfne , --An elderly . !emir; lrafeOng ciuich ' ~r¢raina~etl bye boriatrintfire•of wattle' between tee& halm. Onii 3 Of them ;at lest , Iktnity Inquired It their en:lntention did not '" maks his Mint ache. when he answered with a great deaf oc nai vete: -- "Nu - , - Tna'ant, Pen filial:tarried twenty eight jimtan I • ; ; •• • . A. Pticievoi PRAYan::-- , liik - do sod findo 4ll _,Pot fordecrot prayerV , askod s, coin, istetof ff,l4Jibtetn.7-1, :'9;11 re.s, sir f, Witt 144 f O l3llCille c ti Y kliTt i ,;,, , s,ndilt 17 Ale bei , spa. u - estio. Whdo theft - Den bisit pray, tt la - sissy o,lldth' roftbd k plat:. El ES 0 1:1 =NI ftiilll‘. 4' 4 ••*, • . • ••••) s:r • =1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers