i • n S Di _..„................. _, infEr„ .-INuE, .• .....„ ~..,:•,„..:-.:,:,,:: %;.2•2'..r ,e! 1,7.,,, i. , - , , • 1 1 , ,,, , ,p , ;. , T , , . , ; .. . d r iPr i 4: dii YOUR i i iii - ig l iicilli . gift — itdi ,ItofNl ii ilit LIKVIttN.".. 0 -itilitatfi,it. alit' It litho West lig. 18' orig. , i i i. et tenet West. t . 041V-141naMa, 1 25 1 . 01 4 '. 0 ,11611 . 111WW a ) olitios, ON.. tortleailiti.l.# . . 0 mama cionteati: ,:_ Y . ...,':.,,,:,•:;!,: 14 vli. iriMME AND. 0r4e1p,,:. ~...., The .0,1 hi not mined ,wtok Ile . simie if 4 iidin it. - 4,! twit a ntler 144 e gruel dntlers andasi!s lt ri dii fewl b o r t Mons. 114 t rk wir t i rk ey. g el n 1 0 1 4 1 1 1 nAVI'V etterOrreirl:lll2 b4 Pli twit ''Y „ ,_ W,14,11,0 it, .d . ,: ::. •:' :. ::.', . 'i:i :, , . :.. I Pr::.:::1' lo -.... 14 p..- : S. 1-1 •• . ' :. • tIY/ieliC*loliirlimvfliwbetterci,..oillernatOnqc. ontnitd:Orrinsa. nr in'une ogirretv , . - •, • • - • , . Send 01401 , (0 W. J Dl2ll.ll,lloaTar. P, 0., nr.to tlus 11011%410 linotHins," Tampon, Hector 0011121 M 1.. itip111411141(dIr.l, 111 .. "• .. ~ - 1..:p.,.401C! :HERE I EN ; :A: ; •.' ,4;;;; LI 1 . . . "I , • i TUN ITSDERSIGNED SICOAGSID t MAR tt+ bdertog time et Vamped, pesiet , county. PL— UM Mter ate knOrn ee the • - • =II ``Power's " a im _ Trail' Ume; ind !reef Acmes, tin al r e hei ad. on abort votteo.l will menu dimple the t. All order lett it the 1111 mi. or letter. &Untied . mem Braver, PL, will receive prompt end menu Hon. Lime delivered, whenever wanW. , • ~ . , . AMOS DOUTT. i Tw0M . 68:14 , 11.00 RE'S DRUG , STORE IN BEAVER. A; - Mer be found WI bestassortment of • ;• •DRITG9 ' 0-* pop 7 •• —• • • • • t.• . fo,i 0111331611ICA:Mgeh i . ~ ;.:IJ% :Y4f: UNE (;;t14 . u,0.k . 5 . ..;•: : :1tif.:V - Efi And brandies, `sr X' aLa t I; , ' s Oils, AND-. t NE AliTicr;its; idipt4 .Et it tilB E S In great nartety, all °Ube best duality, and sold asap ,. sr than can be ugllt at any other Drug 4 Store int3s Incounty. Daposices resits% 25 seats per boll Ctweeo• qua's, $1; Clark's, $l. • • Tile Largest Stock of • ! • LAMPS & LAMP TRIMMINGS, LANTERNS. STA TIONERY, WINDOW GLASS & PUTPY. !J Ever othwed caddis Of the city* Moora'a Drag Store. . sod sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere else.._ - Lat those wt to doubt this . can and see, and they 1411 M7ll no moro. . ! M 7117 • ! J. MOORS. ALL FOUNDRY I ENGINE 44.1tEPAIRiiiiI0'014 IN. F.A. .3LI4SrrCIoN, BEAVER COUNTY, T'A. tedtted midenlained my stoat dyne:lnn -12.-tay and tools, and luntrog goateed the borates, •of the best at mechanics; I am prepared to warrant all mirk done to ere entire aatlidacdom I have on band Menet patterns and 'styles 'of Bnainea, Fire Pay Role, and am prepared to make Or, repair all daicrip• Maui of atialdnery, on Die Wimf rum AN PLow cAsTrsas. I hire 111 the best plow patterns then/entitle market &Tame which to the - Vega Western: Whlch has been run plow bribe twenty for the lest Allem yea,. Also, almost op other Plows now or prestonsly in nee. STOVES STOVES I • r. a large I have cm Mad smonmaut sun wlll • ea:titans to manufacture of ; *UM% IPEAiKLIN. AND IIEATINCI fiTOVES -Of the latest styles tad; *ll2l all the madam improve ' merits, which I sell at' modern rates. , Among r • 'thew Is the GRIM REPUBLIC. ~This Stove bstran • extstishM idd ,give: It a Isrizstrface piftiont 1..31up m ash TOOM,Ind itiandorloo ked noon so ono ,litieuand most =Omit, mad it taken less fuel audio more unable other% usetTbs ibtlowhig ' =, after navlngssed this stove fora coneldeteble It of Ilme, may be'referfd to In proof of what Id • Mae said r .• • • • -M. T. K Dr. leaseenn Moin =Ms e, .• ' Jason Richardson. , • edy • ' M Ell Reno, • Capt. Woodso n Donn, John Wation, Thomas R. Davis, , • Mrs. Geo. Fenton. samoelaluipliv •.: Cam... Winans, • • Mloslikolddldp, • " William Rinds Stowe, "1 • Joreph D t aVg% ldm.iikttenum, • Will Stain, Jamie MeDenefte, • Robett McGowan, • Samuel Duals . julep BliktkO2011+; Thomism Johnston. Mrs. doser;X Mr. ta, . :Mrs: Meier ' , Mn Rev . Dr..J. D. • Jedaldad Memel* i• mu o N. Niger. •' • J udge • David . • • Rickard Knight. • . Capt. James Biome, , 8010111011Froak.. : Dr. C. Tuttle. :, James Knowles. • William Reed. .; David cellkum. • • Ray Ranter. • • Manuel Staley. ~„John tt4Un. 1,._, tila,.„__Meresfal4 Samuel Tim_ t or i • .. - aria , Dr. Jam R. JadMon; George Wl dn. . . i,Thoines lkaeode.; Jinni% . , rbn Mrli•- . • ' Rams Baldidp. - Dadd.411& ..1 • • •i ac ' • P l c! WhTtail= ir • ••• • ' 144/. Nes Rebt.lladremar 4 Mr. tablet,. , • Mr. Cass, • ' einaeltak Frederick Satire. Milo Draddludy, • Franklin, - DIMM Re .611: Cm lika rJ an atoes Joimmou n ri DmAddlatarell,- JaaJac Samuel Itennedr;', - J:Witunkhousee,' j - George am* • 1 , 'llMsmem_f .?„ Mt:. .);t;• - ,1;, Weber :••-• Meng Thnoir Mrs. Wk.Pliillinny, H. Reetes. - • David • WfNtm Boon. inarlWGStly MI rzg IndalstraterfsNotl i „ - tration Ms Mee dedu ct X 131=200antl. iLlDg ionsia bela s We re the cump maks . . 7.7.111. 619•10 • cul=ela • sopmen .0 4r imet. • f~~T~:~N ; ,n Scouring, Drying and Piessing -- tr r PAT. licciaTal=ld. Meg l clothing. l iti Eugl ) which for eacellence of wininnanshipassus jeed. need anything now in me. wor d In lirst class style. Witl= la at my place of busload in Brit li4rl,at a ll Ones, and nooks ted with NM; sii izo liga t ll i riiii ..1,.4- Bor i s ' s lam still et •Nachines„ an also gar's, both of wgrelie grow ing more and more In WM', the longer they are used. jel6'6B:W. JOSEPH 'MUM. Tot the ' Public. . E, THE lINHERHIGNED HAVING SEEN the MIXES 'CIIVSN• " patented July 81, 1806, and Oct. 80861, by the • Prize Churn Compaq, Springfield. Vermont, and being sattsfled that It does its work well, making good nice butter in from t to 8 minutes, •we tecoMlnend It to all as the best Chun' In market, to our knowledge. • ' !. • GEO. W. HAMILTON, ti• r' 11Pli rr 11 a7 14Y1 1 / 144c "1i , Al l --6...,-. 9o.via. g fo ws. ',... - ! , Mn. ALL &horned for me Ails morning with Ms prize churn, be need no tot water or other unusu al means of hastening the butter. In three •minutes the butter began cowling and for bout fire yea ready to take out. Most patent dtimnare ohjectkmable be cause so complicated that It I na more time to wash them than It does to chur bntter. Ms one can be cleaned tales' time than old feshloned dash churn. I regard it as a great Improvement, and calcu lated to rave woman much labor. DR. A. W. ACHESON. Ell UM E ar c'tX.....Vit?ll°ll4''.l2lA•7. IMaAra - vcrare, !V•on it Oils, and #ffirlepl• ri . , F .ITALDgit'S HARDWAIMEECRANIC'S TOOLS, • always Iten hand. -i . . leo, - a Ow the WORLD'S REAPER ANp ROWER OHIO ROWER and the ,TO ADO T HER. "LDlO.‘l4,l3l9adwax, New tali' ] mayrlS, ," I.) rl :A IA .1, I' l , 1.1 1. wnsauca WILLRIOR &' HARTFORD . Ilatte new Opened the Ftnest deleetton et _FALL -AND WINTER Botyrgc &-- STICAISINi Which they are Felling at LOW PRICE S • Cull and examine our Stock NO. 100 MARKET STREET, Corner of Fifth, Pittsburgh, Pa. n0c2r67:11. • • SIMON SNITGHEII.: 4 II'itO4* (At the old sbuith litstresi - Betysvil•4 ol .) DEALERS IN 14 ALL .KINDS OF' ti, - 5" WO/GRIIIIE S, sum 491 , ; cOFEEM, .TEAS, SUGARS. SY VPS, MOLASSES, SORGHUM., 'RICE, PEPPIRS, SPICES, SOAPSMANDIES. R 44- - SINS') ENG 1119.11: CURRANTS, ~ •• • , FLOUR, FEED, 111811, 4fe. •; They are eonstantly_Teceiving afresh aseortment of these artic l es, - and-the ;public may rely upon getting from them asgood as the market allfavas. • All ge ods delivered i required. jiml3:lT. 301 W TBORNLET RE DEALER fl* GREAT BARGAINS ARD R. A. Wilson, ISM (LAW WILSON & STSWART s ) • ; 31 bEA.F i II, fl ... ► ots Shoes Rubbers, OLD STAND DIAMOND, ROCHESTER, PA DAWSON; & RICHARDSON Beti'v.er ralla; Pa. I= ~,f Y ;c , = T~jJ.V JUST OPENED A LARGE STOCK OF 11 GROCHAISS. cita l gr as i. Y q T-; Y. • HARDWARE, • GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, • TINWARE, NAILS, , 4 1 Cft.111.11)IIIHIET Virindow Gime all shwa and double strength. Spa: dal attention paid to e ll lng orders lbr large • obis window , glass. Le. Also, L. LINSEED OIL, • CRIME BURNIACI OIL, • BENZINE, ' COALE'S PATENT DRYER, .ErN3v,;,- tit:4J ark —IA klOl,l Palntiof all colors, around, ELT and In Oil. Purchases will do well to call and examine stock of Paints before purchasing elsewhere. e .♦ t inleeks. All kinds of Codatrysicen in exchange for Goods. EMllember Ihe;place, drat door *bow the Cutlery, melte ride of stmt. • 1y10.620. ng ; F rireatt i n ‘.. aglitnelltßagraggri illeclanutr, on. : - Rochester ;takes pleasure In endlyahst =IR r.‘ „ : ilireseqpirerit t • 1I take ~IA old custateren . air haSe r e °l 4ll=i l e igtrAVIII°6•:""4"I.II:9.,,P '.i - . GLOSINGrOUT SALE i tt.,••• .1. , ':, ,/ .Di''') li•OPi.`•• , ::,,t, 911.. , •ii.1e"i . 1 ..et li:inia ',:i 110,:t.: ;fltl'. 4:1 A • - t .*:‘ ' stx)tt i n i tity Goon ~... . Ili 1.4 91 ....A. A , : , _ age:, • .; James A.,Fortune's IlltiliktlDlKilibrtf 1 3 1 pc AIR,- 1 ' Dryer .I tt*a M••t rv e c v i g E fi s t tP-o W y ote l-1 Vl ev'e'nonlm. k FO ia CIIM 4 pti . o 7 n ; . ST - r a rA fi iij r e4 lS t ie l " ° FANCY GOODS. _ *, 7 Cati raiist; tiitd Atrileiro›Mid to sell sit PITTSBURGH : PRICES. gimping, Pinking and Xs** &titling 'to 4.6 Men's Skit:fs nindo to orate. NO TROUBLE: IYkIiTIOIV ,O,OODEL , i • Remember the place, room fbnocrly occupied bl - 9 41- ROCHESTER.' PA. *TAMES. PORTUNE. P.S. ; have siclUed the serdces of Vial7o!Al. T Cf !" T bl ‘ 4 , I4 IIC S WP . rTIT 111 am . , 1. ORIESTO' Ni' ‘ . , rAVC I ) , I T r bait_ DRESSIII6 t . .: -. ~. : 4,„..- .., i, , Apo..' YeiiNigido il e will quickly restore - Ortlair ---- itis neuralcolor,a i l sr 4 .. u o tyi • 1 • and produce luxuriant • owtk, kit perfeedy harmless, and is pieferred over every, other preparadon by those who have a' finebeid of hidti u well as those Who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss ande imputed to the Hair uakeit perfum e for old and young. . re: sue by au Iftsighda, • 4 1 fItYr '4l9g „ i - . f-41Ornelritt Ne 14 nadteSED9l4:i . - il-r . • - d '' 1 t e • • R*t e , °ll. . BARRET! -H4RPMRATVE. BAR NETT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative Relaxant Ong Oak to Its Mama Color s :F_ loges the of the Ran chugs MO Atoots N .. Ono • elle n al g iet* lctien eied end the Ode &Mete A.! l,! ir oat me w %Zs/A Weg. North. tadfi t • 15Imill• 4 IL BARRITT & CO., Propeidsdi WINE BITTERS ! FOB TEE Py to VEATKA P FOR TEE AGED Fon FEmatas,_ FOR SPRING DBE 111 NO BITTERS" EQUAL' TO TH EMi Speerts Standard Wine Bitters" 1 %.. • -T-XADE OF— ennen'e Celebrated Wine, eo well known, with PERUVIAN Milt I. I. CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, . 1 - I f f ! 1111101411 - BAR efl -.• S out Gait. WneiereralUelp,andgteaT l7 Young and2Ald, and,• 'mole AD use It with wonderfnennecesa. Brings COLOR . oemplemwelip„.. „littott AND :tilltAufrlt and OM Ir countenance. teil TIM. Bold by tints:gm& and Groan. that Any. signut3fo, B laTlAP ° . f 4ICI AMWAR. 8 ' Passaic, 1 4 1, J., and 213 Broadway, New York. BirTrude supplied by Johnston. Hollorray k co, Philadelphia : GeoTZe A. Kelly L rithibugh ; and by all Wholesale Dukes. • jyB'6l. „ 1133 d all Deng TONE AND VIGOR • • 4 . 110: *MOP si A. %Imit oi.,,,,, xtvdr *opt wr, bin ,saa:,-;, .0-0000(#05Y ;fit" ; a h .1 4 • 60/4 4 aniniN4ll/Mrriditaß I: I JARS ANS‘SILVAIX CON*IIV. dim with Lamer. addles. Glassward A e andCsr boritflrtsaSlV Mason Willellisilbessa' nirima ths. Vu 4 _ II MM teeelal‘ll;iee ASlng. ; 12.da .ti 48t Bt. rok Blltott h.u Tall, . he,. Co .... , .• • • ' stet. bras ne nu. 140 So '( 1. ; IPAdellnig - -KC: lOUS PILLS reubitietlltrelvet twidliV6= pi t..l They art as a CATHARTIC without weekeninft......f: Stomach orlkowels, but on the con se to tone those organs, - difsinkigi, - atrium ' VocUltiii lensing new We an gllrw . For sale by all Drah , Sts and ' Ilerebwoisi 1 IVAlhnictrAtk**4***l4l'. lAFIN.P.I I :I.. leso"W l lt i . 4 ,- . '- ''' ' '' '''',i' *bout anilla4 ()Wank. tanar..._,,AtioN.M ll ,W,) , , ILI RSIEVROTHERS. a 1i e ... • - - Into=WM artuM? pi4FFA,! 0) e :-; C L-04 V-1- --- ,:.-_,. ;MID 7:1 03!nclemfl's Furnishing, N. :is : ~zioppoots 1t94 cat/A*1404. , P/TTSBITROH, PAt: BIE OM Medi - biz made 46 brder oci 'abort notice. 5tar2767:13% Leak.; Pipe- Ofeet . 'it 43er tead 1. . Jab . " r*, ciwL°Vv4hrtt PVlT4Etir!' ()poor Sinks and Bath Tubs, tatelda'tmtlin,l'arm Pumps - - . and Yoroe Pumps; ,t And mirk (kick*** of tiiith for • W ATEW tgr. , sriThattJ PrITSBUROHMENN'AL F Na; tbitt .tark"*"P" MUSIC IPRONT, Braftan4 OA 1;11 Drain and Tenor Drams, C ymbals .. bad at abi' et • ; -•. to ado COolltayi:/ , • ,-:;L • Spada Inducements alkted to Or 4l7°D Y*F til t I %* Bead for wawa sad price list #0,"101111_ ,hcrj% 3.ixiyer ET,: ' I :, • - i.f ' 1 - Ni/um's IN mice: ORCIANIi taiD• dam., _Sheet Mule bleat Booka, -bad Im parters of WOW t laststri n aeata andtltrOga. , -• • apartiftly : • • - . 1 Beinemano , IkeYran & , serta, - No. 42 nth st.,l doerffom -Wood;Pittabunh, WholesaliVrAidliktail ‘, Dealer in ?ELJiWtriaT;IVATCUESMAIMIONIMPTIRE Ware, FroAl 0/00.1 1 .0 1 0 4 weleet ewer/ ' dederlption.-, ler sets, .Bpooni.:. rerks. de. / W eta _ 'taker" te° l o l6 4- hil e and 4 1, 1 .9 ke bTl ' • • AllitalCA.VirdlliliCa.. - •• • We &so kiwo the largest end lack Yelled aseeSt " 1046 454 11 Bust or be found In any city oust Or west. • ; • Persons in want o article 'Etir line 'either a wholesale or for t owe ese,wrill them and . oar prices , lower • end our assortment , • , tiger than* nay to: be. found . • west 'orbtew Ye* City. • • , • WATCR REPAIBUCO.." • • , To tide launch of outtrade er ibetpg o urselves :ell watch luau's Iwe pay ,s equitell; we =toy atom Of the very Nos A In toe- *country, my lad an Size; delicate 'an d' melt work 'ea ' trusted to our care--for the trade or. Individuals—may rely onthe utmost satlsfaedon. Watt MAT be seat In bye sprewor otherwise. 37.811 , 1.131dAN-1183rAdri d BEIDLE, sFholos* sad ti%) Jewelers and Silversmiths. • • • • 411, littystreet, PlTZTlBpilitt stareEeli ' ' ' arC),CIX)I9I I. • TIIAVIE JUST RECEIVED :A NM. EltoClc A , GOODS, or this ' LATZST SI"I!,ES, IPOripring Sunnier Weir. Gentlem 10:oriiiiih1tig Goods torteriorrix OR lIA D' :C1; . 0T111210 IitADIC O TO OAIIEit inkiest !old miosittebtalablo styles , end at sboft !Mice. * • • - BIUDOEWATIM, PA. WADE: TIN, r: , , . -. , , wuoimseLz,,, AND 2,3.174,1 t .`1 "ii .. ; . ;•:-.. 51.-; 'I "''Z iirALia, IN ALri.NI)B.OP ignitiekt. :. Ikon Wareio-:, ___, 1 PROIMEFIMPRETha tIONISTANTLI of TM COPPDR . 4.19? !ROD Aimorbitill will *ell ---- - - - --- -I - - iI. - H gil l ig2Tir zoiatkiciffifl t i,_:,..1 Tin Rooming, n AO:Work; &A YilildWZA:k l3 1 47 : _ _,--,/ __, 1 . Done to ordettotthe best mnw: , 1 one on J1G:00-D _ antsta.AD . = usAtretillg=iggM' °ft • ',WA ;..„ VI • Ar -wog . 6;•, is.-0 E c ex.r.rwi izseeia I ' , A willafi44o4~ zvireksiiivziwode Aonvilq i I HCL r.,EttatntiaTZMAKQW Ina , rate ttiltivis. • q4rl3•es. - t. te• • Japanned war, kept donsmaton ten d. ;“d'AMßEErnnitini4e:g saw lJ _ :ftledit al i t l Th ----7 1 1113 E I LAgi 17- ----- . •! 4.."-- k 4 tf - kr '"— alliwadatalt,t , but igil*P.l l l4 911 1 :f - LC iL:r.:3ll ttisfiz ; ir:. , .'1.J.. ^„ =1401140,011167n01t . 72.1.,;11 .:. An oionsthaindonifecevest!inaillowstrania. fi ; INerVia , ;AttinithllCicil lb* ;;Foilowino 1 'lin . ;zir:47.xof7, . I illidtblitt • t 1 t vz i - u . o zi o it,t t swi i iii t a . • reTiiiiiii*apintettber av i t i ct u allViWW= E4 l ,9 l . tVhiatiebto -4 1e brit , . NM' lot lb Ida:good :matislbetioa4loina latrallaudn , =5 , 0 nalr:starsAwlill Smaialtita n k 4 = anoe and on standolnt tiOyeti an Interior ntraW:ltninditpoWanna MT to cover.4ll I had , ailed. 11 piths's& . Footway In tit. Wo 'ainaldfn" It kilo:41000 hive ettP iire. , lt WWI*. Mentor tildtaik and, OM:4U that could badeatwltkaOxili .., -±; ....,:- . ~,,. , . • • • . Cam l'unittrit., : ....:.if ' , .,,,v:,..,,.. , • I.io ..F ~, ' • ari ligi. i . , Ailiwft- one ondil. , Aiatilg o ia at ..a Tesin ane, 2411.14.dgreogOtif.dapt? We r I, 1• 1 . - 1 otor MAL' 0 daytw. one of Aiderwaes new itosoiln nit. rcen 1 ta4.1 , Pfirc4sl! the b ore w??Tt i r' i d lttl Avo - `+ •'- •':- • • • •-- 1 J: tittoii. !. Ilatwptioot.lW And e ineWittkikiniale, laUffiadlytth Its o u r .qinditloalit ad tet J row; ,aiwiliflit.. - . • ~ t , :', •1 i' _.• ;.,;-; •..• --• •• ROcatansahliwr. l lititb. r , Mi c qd Onalrlar. ales, sad WV MO i Man oak Rollo( matter& atilpo t I J.' ‘.adli a i ' store. , trf point -Of nebsosapin ,: di* Iwow mod s Asoktn io cell baktnlts.ftit atto„anpotokto..noy . comsdend It, ocnettm it- trni ii at — in . don. • . -•• • 11 Cam Luital.;, Ile hug '4* OW J. 3.14d 0 )* 1.6 Ura , iftetszed litibedgetbrdel. • rawyWiala , fig tt. titbit*. wq inditgaw s cry . ;s niux.apV su 141 “ bia been elign Oar 17.. buO vplay, Lim but little (tot mid Inmost extemt bum. xr. An do-rim may ocnivatidate MON oti bswtDg hcblered qiifte • triumph In the 11140541 1 4 1 0th1it • Vey" respectful'', • Barer; Nov.111&1801. J. B.Makeirs: . , -; •• • ••,-, DEALIa i mo ~1. • , 4• , :; •,.; GROCERIES & V: PROVISIONS TIAVINQ ON 11A.NIV A Alliebete4 Eitak of Test . : Coffee,• :1 1 .• ••• 3Ereter4:l.lggiraWej'' 7: NA,T t lat/ ANT) WlrlintilLASS:" sc. , reeK a. YIJ 'IR Lt.: %IT t: S i r 0 11 1 ,`10 17.111: RB 1 ,1 r,•!••• -, y.al,•"ll' .% 1 - • Pthe-Oliondi? Petit Measures; l , ;Oidt -%/: K Bugh.- , Meusures, 'Willow Baskets, - 1 Baskets: =I ;MI •41 . 5.4:./ 0. R. anuran. , - 4:::::$ . ..: -- 13. ; c1...ve . Se.; . ;:r• • . 3ErairiftVCrati.o6l =A rr f: ~, _ ~- ii. EMI I ~ ~ • NK~I ~IDL~ i leheeee,- ) ::Syrupk. Pthe Ctideri' Vinegar. :ti6o `.:, ~ f ~ tHillee. VAIOIti r ' FLOUR • . .•- s; Bairn!, or In - I§ackii, l constantly On hold: rirPriens very' low,' ad( and see; • • ••• .I 1 •2.ll,llRiiiiY A , "14 " 1 , • H ""dFriatCTS, 41.• • BeaVet%Dug Store. MN T1105.'..ti. ANDERSON. 'DRUGGIST • )13110non - d; ..13-"ZaL-V*EZ, • • I -101 t 01P TIM • 1131iLle rgziTedfig.guignent,,,f • • • " • • •.." • - 4 2 :A- If. 4rX HI S' OILS, putty, Window Glass, lks; Tit ie:t ud err=doE f r i erna%fe c t 11 ;11: h iieli wtU tpoate at 'd tiMeaturenbletirope consistent with a duo m g" tot tY. a butanes We hope bretriet anti We attee on to tomtit and .teeetve a continuance of the patronage 4011 §Fahr *ltTrettt, • 1 • . „ . NEW-Iraild ItY ' GROCERY EOM ma ll= ?ONION MAR SY"' BEE VtinittilkiW . Hiistl •,, SE =II . , A It It AbCFE ' •:..} '? 1 ~..J, ''.. : ~ 7 .•, l'' , l i' ^.:. 11, , % . . ,,. F r•• •`• • , • • , • •,. , -;,1 i ,!;,/,.ti ,i. •,• . •:• ' • -..:••! •• .' " " d " hainaWirir ini:74sllliD- T :',..,., i :•':'.. W: .7 •;.!4'.1. ,-, 1, -, 1: ,' : ,- kf . : . ,"`71., 'W . :- 7, `' , .y.fr ' .*- , r, _fd.;0 4 ;4y4 z45. ...+ 4 ol i tt r„ - • ZA ~.N.tv vv.. ..... civil, . ; sr: , 1 •.)--gegiljbaniik: 'lertaiii.Colllek ,I , . Vlikeken, Tobjeoto, ~, • ' Wlllow-ware; 'W . mad - titu - • - 1.:,. - ' •• • "Ind OAT 49 41 ~ • 7 .4=or.s . s ....tit .....- ;•,, . •• %;,.;..4;.1 0 14 10 ferttri.3 i ~ , L A zr..i:i. 0.4..-:- ti.:, , ; ..,ti4...t , leutt 144 L: A ..'..i .., . r to!eare. ,J '!, ,3: : .\, .$ alco:t .ta:41,11t , ..11......! :.• tr NAV inidills**lel ' Iscrisecnekeir A thsasitii ket-i4lec.• , • f •.1 . ' • ~r 1 / 4 ' '! 1 .. . , -... • : , , tr-T...!a:, lu ...y.a •!:, cOtailoAlails.ttyr.' REM Eccicetc Oct. 1 .1807—oc,161:1! . . . ._ . OW .: ; .. .• . 8 10 41 gr il"); f ',!itcrtrbp•F 05011 :C/1 , ...:1n5f//1.1901i , 12:01t1,/ ?Y. .:-. ' --.,--- -, • '.:. "• ; ...1!"''. t. , :s t" , 114-1 rtfkbi: A 7 •il - , •.- ..j •' ', ;0 - ' ,l 4, it/-,/ Qin the -- 417,n1: - .: .. .r• - '.. ' .;•1111 , 1 FRESH ajiltlT,lM/ i •• /.4/ C ' + r4t ~ ,:ac ilt - if t • • - ... Au/toll - • i -,- .'•.. : .•;•,:m.i.:"a•l ..-vg..1.42cg ,t:,. 1 - • • ) , imp•i' el .7,,.. / r+.ft vd" ','fratritvi Lr'T ~.; t..: 11 . , 'i . .iturialo.., .. , .: . ...1 A. cli . t...;stvl t.m. It'd". „• - - :01...faitlir '..1 - pc..l veir.i., ts, - ; T 7/./ .1.; ..'•, .. . „ 'i 1•101.1/ - f,a/11.4 N%•ltit/.11 - 1, -- ./ Alp .. i irtilt.• ' .• .. , i • 7 rf. , -r .1711 , :::ter.'/N•4 , 0(...; - -.. - i - - 1 , ~.., "rir 4; Int, ,• t sIfY:4 -•• . • , ; • 1 . ....____..`,l /;_i r.- :::;‘,„ .41 :!' - 1,,g, ~: ,i: .!..0. !i ' 1 .01 . :Ari.r.; , Y 1 ',, ,,, .;-.0 VA-,-. 1 ' ,T40 . :14•4 ‘l, • ...... - 2 -- ... , '' L'. : ' ) .. 1- . - 0, •.../ inn cn s). - : , :.•::11. L-- ' 3 3'41 3-3(4 :. . P. :13 3i •t.'r • - no • • .40.; t.' • r ROCHESTMII,. . • ,;;, '.'°/•; - i . 4 - Tug? asckitzDFlßOltirinticksT , tJ nod better assorted Stork of googol)reton:4W then aver before to ocrtioacc, cocooning , . s impßinfl t .•1 • . . NLW MU , S kgrbELMN.ES. GINGRAMBi • pi;-'lPliANNntogor,•• =,ILS; P. • VASSIMEREEti• •• • TWKEDI3, " • • . • • •DRILL •. •. •• BLEACHED : Iira • BROVai MUSLINS Nano:s ' IN LOGE VAntsi-r. HOOP, and-BALIAQRAL bRIRTS, sturEr sad. =SI . tis thr allcash *ltrai aadlo ld at a ye p ry small advaulea.• tti!*raxnit'ixt =II . .014Pleie NMI 164 PUrChilkid * * Fiew To* sad of , miclist*lcs EINEM , • - dtittJ. titY? sr , 71- • STItAP HINGES, LOCHS Li GREAT VARIETY. 811;g ' lc; pad do ids atonal, at iitt4buiii Paitifs & oils. OELEHHBTED'BUCS' LEAD COIOItED ,PAINTS OBOVNAIRRY AND OIL it=iuL PAINTS, LARD: OIL, CA.STOB., ~ • 13.1.1uxi COALE'S • • PAT,ENT .11RM , ' • • sooki and Sta:tiol ty rsvr'co,cf A. .A:colitutTE osorrmidel . • satpiqiiiiti,sinzt4_,sitotrunuts;iiiss.roux , Lail" &O. • - • .1 7 1.40 1 . 7. • , 111 &Ad batielk urion . tre4 1114 . died !Kai A t aiiqc 43Oluitri produce taken t4ittiOlitigelx goods. av pods dthveredent4 Ot thaw. ME S 4 J. CROSS & C O. •p. •• •J! 4 7.1. , 1111 . ;- •,- S" tg• 37.i)1 Fvl - 4 "i 4 111.44 A I lellOAlN•rekli it tit • In; set :11., r. tqe, n. 177 • Imhoenc , cr , z7r a t. 11., 4,7:1 (la • If • 1: . • ••'" • Li.' ' .11•••• ior•A trolassa.z o'oh o.g Pa. fazAlaly • , • MMEII I= i : ( MEI -HATt3 and VAPt3, t. , ri, ' - t y 4,4? f TAIiLEI - PO'CICET .., 'STITTS; sHurrEtt. itINGES, 113 illirstrioatV . rttrulb melts *1:Y1)01r .01,41:98 FRENCH RlellAltD & C 015.. at Irliiilepale awl retail. LINSEED OIL CARBON OIL IMIII =I CALL AND mums ova mem I=l MI MEE „1"..! ME .• cc, Act 0 iW. vtraz(innortileariFarizamix t - TT p g : 2 . 1 . ; Ind . . 4144 1* the . .. . . red. , • ; , vh gelosig. 'receiv t a iy 'kt -I li ' :- .-111 No own npa , MN W UM • • • . 4 . 4 _ ,, .. ,,, v ai r ti t 1, p!,,=3lMtiiirlftt Pilidpoll. :‘ palabd ' ithkr - TuAllidniddlok fib t , ° leir 1100011:11rd low ihnto: tb. com sug l te: Year tk . _ ...i ill2,:til lia .. 1 _ 14 4 1 144. _ r . _ lEEE •J. Alosnr-11:1401. Hammon. ~, .., , , ,;. ~', t. , ,, ;,• 1:1;•,,,! t:i • • • mi l '.l f-i• - pun:ant ALP, :MS or ~ , i -4. t ;'4' '' s••, -. ' . .. .i ' l ' ; ''' • " lit i ' I X! , - ..r ... its . e s t 1 , ' • it i . .11:;. s• I sit I , :'. l . l :. , .)rrlt ir ?l - . 4, •:, , litlailitlOUGYlT FOR CAM A i nor t mei s of the different kinds of pots. toes on ban WAD pints delivered when de. oaf and rt rug .cn Comedian street. near the ran. Se.:4c. Cease Lp RAXliedler. Pe. Lluneffesly. R. W 13NODGRASk D'ie,l:3 - a- Ists ved,cisa alma Leoeß sgrie6, <VIOL Coma belo* Depot,) • DataßS LEADS, PAINTS, OILS, I 'AIINISHEei, • Dy2;!.stuFFs, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PROPRIETARY _MEDICINES, FOR. ' RION nerd ,DO.Mn'TIC PERFU MERIES; BO4PS, TOILET __ARTECLES, FANCY oops. &e.. Anti - snort t /own ramurs. - CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate and Inawanee 13!okert, • 139 kaltarril sTRE •T. 'u . 1 0 1 1 A"T911171IGH, PA. IE RAVE APRE4TED IItALZSTAIE REGIS ter containing a fell deemipdon of karma rice and terms of all the psopertlesmitrusrm to o ur care far sale, 'Thes e consist of • IstuA t o 4lst Rub, Room Late, I 3 e as Ci l ral Land, Coal W Coal In 'crest, Western Lan Hotehl, Tannerka, City and ButnuUn Propel. ," This Register w4rint CM*, times a:, year, on t oraily,Eeptem and Jae. Pasties wishing to bey or sell Real Sinai tererhsnr the location, should not fall to Recister, a copy of which an be had by s R our address. ay numbezzow ready. n etlY. • • , cossunatrrrs soucrrzo PALMER & PHILL PS, Alf OTIONEERS Commission ,fittrebants, Opera Howse,' Anttion Room, NO. GO FrIeTIISTIVET, PITTS II r; 17G 11 1 Dry Goods and • - - • Notion• Aiiinvierisiiii DAY AND EVENOD. ozeollisitlYinto non iNtinTSIDE - 8 - & DRUM, HARDWARE STORE, Ausuilsyr, . , '.• ItaarT.;lll.Nir. da C. It. R. Depot, . UMW Tfirf Ing.itltSP coserTANTLY band ovary deserlirtion of „. . AIL Locks, /1. 12 M Italis s .Olass, Saab. OnndSionelf. Shirr. elr, Plea, Ax.ea, and all kinds of Farming and Oa =lnn, Implementor, wioleaa/e iusd.rerna Omega Haadairo Dealers can alwan get a Imply of ;• IYR.O I :7ISIV S PATENT SHUTTER MNGE AND RASH PULLET; I= Oar prices sad tams will be u favorable as ma be found elsewhere. • Purchasers tiring ea the Itatlrt;als. tan lure thst goodsdelivered at the•Depoto free of claim. • ahtetliktra. IfIUTESID ES et DRUM. D. D. stnnicx". c. Y. zzarticx . KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS NEW BRIGHTON, PA MERRICK &-CO: MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLASAIN tLYD 1 - RSTAIL DEALERS LN ' MORK% STOVES.STOVE REATING 'S ORATR FRONTS ani ITENDERS, &e. Cooking Stove N 05.1,04.. , . TifeSTOVE TOOK TEE niIii,PREMIU 3I A State Fair as • Coal Cooking Stove, sod de' at theists Countr Fair. We we no Itou that manufacture, but make them excloatvely of 7.10.:,1 11: Metal, and warrant them in every respect. The Ruby hair the baleen owns tn the marktt conamuse but MI6 fad to baking, owing, to to oat ILA prived Orate. • -ORATE FRONTS AND . FENDERS • • We webarb' Mawr sd la the manufacture of Grata Fronts and ndersolhich weenamel In agoren com mon, second quality lad am finish. TM' enamel re tains its lustre 'a, long time, will not burn off. ma takes was& superior nub to th at of Caul Tar. We arsaloo ssieldnik nest bed !amulet Sew Os width we jaw! applied fet a. patent urreesed lir MO; WM.. no lire =deb Vacs dual 0- 4 MO; ead mactudieepr. • •' • • )Ws tan thhltearleet heiAbg Shale to the maitre thesiesielod *lir the best Stook In their too'tole7 -.Oar rents ere sae yet t eoritkete, bat It It ear 1, .. 1141.111 ! We eleolftliptooltatrallarreasignallet tb:lo3oo"laretreM telte4 o, l toV r t* seAteeke good de work. I us tranarc - wo ItiliPecifo7lo3l3ol4 e..ehltto of the intblle aedwegil.. dam,*twod.to pea thcwe- 1 " 4 "' Wet' : Pt d • teithe at Oa! • traelatiNt doe Clio time& . tosrstretl• • Aftt CO'. 1 =NM MEM W==fi ES - CQIENER Or I= = AND HAPS OTZlilLp A NIN r. A. 3111.11C11. J. E. ACCALET. Car Facto)? Buildings, 23UMIkER.PWCEB =II itarniO STOVE& !ME ii In i 3 ES EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers