The leavOT Argtigi 111,011*. 74174474 I: glig„ • , :• .4 14.• : Ica • sersollibre iibsibbrbieillbriyibratrealsdos o w . mil' !War, PIPA 6 44 41 .. Atterthopm will prembesiatar *mu 0. by bearing -II& • • . SkiZS Ow einvim — sits o. mes. :02r.1 844.1641 a ••fy. nos , i ntre--10 lines... $lOO 4800 l sa *vow 10 co "50 s pert so ono 15 00 Tree squares 600 1 6 00 i 900 11 00,11 roar rtlnxee ..... 4. QO 8 11 15 00, ous-roarlb evi1...... :4. 10, is Kok . ope-tilf entomn : . ...... 10.00 14 12 25 OD 4D 00 OD. C0= 111 . 4 4 * . i•isa: 4 SOP 850210 40.4,00 WOO -Atilidnituntnts' and NxecutoFi• Notices $Z 00 Ices, per iioe. prPsWentS tobetisittle'QugiertlicfeePt 742 =Int Adrer thang, which mist bepidd lust° of the Thentiblisetel IbePui week endinF on the 30 hof Accuit o r : • 7. A. X R — deg. Videg. ,81 deg. , 41 deg. Sten. ' • 77tileg. 85 deg. 75 deg. fel deg: . IS deg. 85 deg. 74 deg. 80 deg. 78 deg. jag 'l,t 21, gi deg. 61 deg. 26,' na deg. 2, 61 deg. 2.5, -66 deg. 294 , 11 deg. 39, 1 7-1 deg. W Blngbaniii,Try,7o street, CArotii. elf buildlnF, Pitteibtugh;,lll : l4, ea *ht . for Tot Armen tn#lo.4city.- NEW Avvilirnskichrrrs.. TM attention of the. points is director to the tbl. wingaditiisreiikente. vi t ich - ialibeirthil the • tit thne ilto-ityy" • 1 • " F rubet-40. ifdeison. l t • rlleetespathleßhYstchm. 1 4.• - ••JL..T.'Ptirkec• rritone. Hoil,t—Aldett Chemical worsts. ' • glrFalt as WhitseClooths-Meotel Killer. • ter - Ftsos, rfotul3: J: .Cress & Co. girspecl at Not Heed. • vrtipeciel NOtice—Allisou & elohneon. • • - Wirtlpmlat ;40tice—G. A, R. • A. U. N 14 0 18 ,, S 1 14 temporarily in .t be 01l glans of dile diets, his orrr 'thankti thr aerini4 tat and Wr gnu payees: . • • _ !Smith of Wastiliigeon.tenn's.;lat4 •oht n voting twin in toopkry tae the waggis. 'lle did grease It. and Wake It ey—tongue, ax es, brd and cushions , . ' - • }. T'hiinks are die Elenii ilaehring, DR:, of N.w sewichli4vaohlio. fora iiimltat of ripe applec r - They vere.of the i "July sweets" variety, fad doeiSted• If Pleasant _ Ji :1 ." At vinte• Reppbutaii pibealeiMv reentV, thitieo*nakiipfnitofhiiry hevra4rd thlepear of the 04oetn. .*.We4re at prlied at thiil • It le just what they were employed lo awing the war. was:. • t straaw..-si .yote talieSt Lutz tr vet : 6i; the l steamer running from Baltimore to Waahlogtotr,- 111- lid with the men booed faiths seenkbetiteprisi Ight betwiiett Collyrr au& Edwards. MS* h the !milt liqueur OS ; Omit 4. ~..Roogtt, tint It I' • • , .• • ,Dra jr John.non said, "Irani' MmAndy whiht, von are . *To 'dike ifirsig , education. :Yon can gni attain! for your time lind motley at the Slate Nonnal.Sehoot at: Edinboro !ban am a other tiuditutien tome to nu. -Tesieler Selected.—Mtsu Claes Donahoo of Neover mooielooto4Om 143 Ifridaf liver43s by. HO irelmfol '34M:fon Of ifdt pliMi.`-fb fake charge of room No. 3 in r e g o publie Khoo!, for the , rpomincler. of th e present Ochooloteiiii oa MN Monday. nod& fa arable ausploes. • t*ltirllba+4; 0.4 coPleditatlinonditeo tor'pongme; 'treat month to add the yebele. He was Cu open @epee dente during Hie war. , HH Mends sere! dented It led he does not danrit mow.% A • Knight or the Gor den OM, poots nooks bane repreaenthe In Congrem Tram the loyal SIM Ihittlet Washington ittporter.; Ropewefl Tp.—The Repel:Alan" of RePeuell kniashlp, %la county, held a meeting , uorew abet linos lad Monday. night. lean, Rberhart Sind Itunervreriasieesidusteetrupeakunt:-.1111•11siesill hoed the partici:len of Ihe meats/ but bare scarcely doubt but that Items a auccese. *4 these is do di* thaw ea the . Repaired! Reptalkuns. • • • 14riiths Aectdent.—On Tuesday; vening hlnt, dilohne Italy Ilopklns war crosPlng the race on it Oink at the paper mill above Beaver Fella. she sUpp ed and Pit th e dlitance of 15 feet and !broke her col lar note. Trained her wrist. and bruised berp.elf,conal dembly. A physician was called in, and she la now re coveting Our Widows and Orphans.-4• The Income§ o ha widows aid breloo* wbo nre . poudoned hecauee • their husbande or Where were killed by the rehabs,. depend upon the credit of the Goveniient. The De.: moerney advocate prahtical repudiation, which will destroy this reedit. The rebel. would rejoice to beg gar the a mire?. of 'those %Ohara they etervedin EdiWr of Me Bear Argue , 1 nutlet improveineuts in the streets of Bridgewater and Rochester, which will add much to the coinhort• a travelers in both plaeee. would be platetant Itmtild the [tame spirit a else our council. We are Pad; ly in need of side vodka in this borough. It would be tubbable to part an ordinance compelling people to yore their Rroperty,-wituld It not? Caine. - Peraonal.-11r. F. F. Davis, of 011 City, and the rental editor of, the Oil City Republican was in town' last week on a visit to some relatives residing in this rl els Ur. He reports the Republican fi res to be,torn !ni.' hrtfhtly in Venango county, and claims that that run my will give , ' heavier majority for our ticket this year than It ever did: before. We are glad to learn that Inc Dr. le goixl business in the oil reglona.-n llcqeserves au getaa'and is receiving it „ i , i 01110 TOWXBIIIP. DIAPER Co.. t i k. 1 1 f August 28th, 1868. /*Aloe ty 7 'h Bearer Argua : i • 1 When M. , rawford. the Demeiratic candidate for Congress, and his Beaver town (newts tome out here) stain to speak to the land. Ur they did; on last Mon= der nicht.pleeer tell,them to lawn their whisk' , hottld a littlr more private when they are about nor welle.-r% We don't want nor children to ere the ocAtter."Mneh lee learn to imblhe the ugly stuff. Sea/theone who wag Trat. ' ita. 1 had Ma law Broken.—On tar t Sunday amen nante4 Jahn Planner/ was dipcov,ereCH,'oPl/P#91...' of Beaver, under broken , still a nomiter of hale? .prate-hrniaer on the rend aflame*. Be rent teeenta that Inn debt the nicht before lit Beaver Falls rm.. one axed a along•einit on him and, dammed hint to the above ettent.• Ile Ilveg to or near IndnatrY. ltdp inenty. Illp Mother, belne Vary 1116011!. • clitipte of linen wiestrovlded,and to the evening' haler. forlda home, ar,the town sqmvo named.' Re tonld not give he name of ate appellant. '• - ,• • • : • TO.—The iiennhlkene of Chippewa notnphip held a large- and enthrtelaetle meeting at School. louse, on last' Saturday eveminr..— LIMP (IMP:Onions were In attendance from 'New Belch len and 'leaver Flop , . Wm• Thotnif, Pre' 44l4 . iteepr..}:herlirMetilan.and 'Met sestrATl ofWetwllrigh ton end vicinity, delivered the eddrweies. which were rocriveti by those present. Chippewa ,tot begirt bite np to the feet th at If we want mates ire :rapt elec.'. Grant and ; or. if it le , another war stare after, then Beystiotle ascl .Btair :should be OM' choice. , . . • Blicxtuwx: , %Mb. leek • Editor A eme I Wei r:I am inforined Chat fletitdalts . (never nndckfity have cadged a report to be cir- - enlsted to the of ret that I have abandoned the Reptsh bran party. and intend rupportinc their ticket at the hll riretiong. Allow me fb bay that allthla la thine. I an a. thomnch a Republican - now as I err wan In MY nniil never had and have ndt now the enabled .Int.ntion of ever ennportinsi a Party that is menaced and controlled by thole who either Arleta modest the moons openly or- secretly during .W. ‘ V W". I null therefore veto ItAir•Year aa al*ll Y s. 4. ‘ k rotofore—ror "lhe whole IlepnbllMin ticket... Polo rre.ident down to Trustee of the Achdeui,. Editor of The Beaver 4171 u. At a Seymour and, Blair nteetlag• held not 5 milas, ham the Court ironic; on Satnetilig after Mr. craelord bad finished Shit speech the !nimble Pre/4• dm) wore andpurposed three cheerio ibr &roma & rent. A few plekly, wink them went agar Rent the elteep.eleteell. and lellitellleD anti few D o t a. but the cheers for Grant &On tha hard toted :no. " mett, were oyen with a will. an 4 were use: so wade the welkin ring. TM 9emoornarkilkyerfV 7 er, " dumdum to ilenk G. venentbki Chimaimp. ha" '.turd The Kamm ef M Pe t al: 804 ' ' l " 4l ' tr " tr, the faith. aboni Amy net peassror his &lire se e no Vent Capt d ain °leeteQlPe.tiof the Mitt th; le Great AniertitO:DilrWeit . 4 l 6l 6-o°lll4 k home and abroad, a real Hair Reeteeei 'dr Dreseinv (14 one beetle.) A plat trfmnpb of stienal. ...X d• 8. Kilt. P A. ♦Ltax's (notta'sfy ( f.) "'WY =lige" eet, irae Dollar. . l ier2ll%B: t. == ==== r ... % 4 1 A ' go —;... 1 . t 44 We • ryran almost not ; torso Mends may shout. and and pout, at avietary can't be woo. . 1 . ~ Gant will win the day. • • - r poop aolitrousta lesm Wlratow itlatietai .. I Oh boys.. Mrry melons e. ' 1 • ' I'm spurned "by the boys to blue," • . Whey are Joined in a band tor Granby the man, i . . And our pet nigger bowl meet dd: Dui country Is sadly wrong... 'Ms united for Grant rd. In every ptsce both small UU great .. , alley are hound to dekat me too 1 ' 'The Soldiers are - And they csn't to: Ferdbryeiles, . • Tboy are up to inn and will handle me rough, So mart It Is no use to try. C 8041711. • . t - !•:".! 4.0 - In it t'l Wait; • An our pet nigger bow won't do. . In every thing we've bile& The people don't seem to be green, The Gisenbaclr plan . is all a sham, And we have swallowed the scheme. 'Our shrieks don't *Demi° take. • :The masses don't mind theme bit, 'And our nigger howl and traitorous scowl Are but •ta dead cock /gibe pit'n. r 4 • • • szar iZ *WI • - I'm , spurned 'by the boyW blue,-. They are joined in a band for Grant's the man, And our pet nigger howl wont do. !I am sick and sorry Ind sore. My heart is blueing with pain. And the great Grant.throng. with shout and song, Will Imndle me rowdily swain.; • : '' Ohenik7 P. 10441011 do . l• ,‘• • - Oh Blair I twit hi SO( . 6 • t • • With all our lies and Shrietialiel signs, • • I td Washington never can gm • _ _ IMENIZEI B. T. TAYLOR. , . - itoelhatar li l ubllei t ShloseS.ultsS'aildltloll yid the Public School; buildlnela It&ebeSiet' is' Minty complete. It consists of tour rooms. The entire 'litif4l,4lll) fejitaln eight beautiful - school rooms, Sour of which will be 14x44 and four IttroSS teat in Mae, and a baiLptmigh t the, homier V , *et ! The enlargeineefi aid iiiiiiiowesilehts will 64 About four thousand (4,000) dollars, and when com- Plate will Ile': the beat public school ihdlding th* cointy, and the largest but one.. Tho-opattselors. Messrs. Miller, Dohs" 3 Tra:;:re entitled Aoi !Such credit for their enemy and prOmptnesti 41.Idteliths the. work to completion in time ftw , :Ow 'tend, which Will commence on Monday, 7th. With Prot J. J• Rockwell principal. and Misses React Tucker, Gray, Moorhead and Decker. aealstants: It Is very de/treble that - all silmexpect to attend the School should be.gre lint proultdirat- the commence mentor the term,. -Parente and guardians cancot (111 ,to se it theiMportadee 0/this request. . Deaver,,—That the Republicans . of Beaver county are !Tinily-nitse tiothe great, itiSer of Ilse jiour;',lfis amply evidenced by one of the largest politlail"galb, eying. that ever assembled within Its limits, on Fri day evening. .In the town of Beaver . The people turned out ea flume and tiii!zaitittinit grew to each massive proportions that the commodious Court florae was found 'entire,' tobsmall for the occasion, and an adjournment to the public gronnda surrounding it, was rendered necessary. Messrs.; Ikkotey .en 4 Thee. X.; Marshall addressed the, meeting. The latter made one of the most powerful alpald,ises of the. campaign, and tboughltis remarktiglied two bonus and. a - half and cxtbnded beyond midnight, the meeting cried. "go on I" "go on !" as he concluded hies peed'. the Be. on of Beaver county will do their full duty at }the approaChlng elect lon.--Pittsburgh Gazette. Dolbnnatlon Wanted.—We have received the (dllbwing from Hookstown, Pa.: On the 19th day of Irv, 1889, my husband, Daniel I. Crider, left home on business ytigi lheAndinkhtalLg :Hug he woold„genun in oneeieel` ;10824-laiirstere lbeird Mr. Crider'e business w as peddling notions Sad jewel ry. , He is thhtyidx,yeari of age, five **Veen ; inehes high.llllM, Earnestly formed, sawn hitt, M O eyes, fair complexion Ind large waSkers. Throe 'of MI t teeth are ont, and.whee he lift home he wore a light gra snit. He is a fluent...taker. • Any person seeing this notice tod ourplio a%7 !Profligacy% ga 111 " OM to my Ito/brat Will v. onkr a:great beer on one that is left very_dertituts /swarm CIUDICR. „Hookatowa, Delver, Augnat 24, 1868. , . Letter LlM—The following letiiirs.bisre rifilaht ed In the Bearer Post °Mee for one;tteuel s , uncalled for: Mntt A. lan, C. 8. Buckler, Mr. James Buff (eassiot J. Lenherst). L M. Nom. Esq. Mtp.;Mary A. Coon. Mr..Pretely Dunlap, qtr. A. A. - Daildson llimitta Teener, • .. . Marion 'Hall. William Jordan. Mts. 0.11. ILnee 2. Mr. 1 H.:lanqd on. 11..11othroek. Esq:,Mancy Reed. Mr., Alien Taylor 2. • Her. Dr. William." at M. A. Mc9arri, P. 31 September lat. WM. . • • • Idepublleas Rally at ifredona.,—The Re. publicans of Freedom Boro.,met on Tuesdiy evening, Aug. 25th, and, were organized. by calling Mr. W. W. Kerr to the chair, who intioduced S. F. Dravo, Esq., of Beaver. Mr. D. spoke for hi of an hour in a clear, concise, And vigorous . manner. Compared the Chin; go with the Tammany platform, and Grant and Colfax' with Seymonzand Blair, The Democrats whq--were present gave him credit, for jit leap ti; hapeet.— Mr. D. is a very argumentative speaker. Prof. G. I. Eborhart of Thiw Brighton Mill nestintroduced, who spoke for 50 :minutee, scathing cops—many of them went away_ sire, and didn't:like the ?tot • After a vote of thanks to GM speakers, the meeting adjourned with cheers for Grt4t and Colfax. The only interruption, was some copperhead boys with fife and drums from Rochester. who no doubt were sent heftily older ,cobs, Weinet again Ott Friday evening Aug. ttith in / the School Hall. and organized a Grid Club by_the elec: tiort of thd-following Aileen : President. T. U. Herr, Esq. ; Vlce‘Presidente, Jaw. Pant, Esq.; JIM Reed 4 Esq.. David Jenkins and Capt. Jas. Bevington„- Sao: retary, Chas. R. Boatel Corresponding Seel...W. W. Kerr; Treasercf, . P. ,Bentel-,• ExecitUit.tormiltitle, Thompson. Capt. A. McDorraid. Alf. McCaskety, S. S. Morrison and Pl. Reed. 'For officers of the censpanj : Capt., Alfred McCaskey ; Llent.; Ckw. Mc. Caskey ; Orderly &Argent, las.B. ; Ensign, Jno. Aim. It was then resolved that we hold meat. logs on Friday evenings of every wreek_.,. After the transaction of other business the etch stirtittiad with three rousing cheers for the ticket. Eipect a good as count film _Freedom and St. Clair when election days. roilarbtilid., FRZZOON. Editor of . The Picker Arm,: , 'The Grant and Colfax chili Of RigßiaverTp.; meets every Saturday evening at 7 o'cicick, at Homewoo4,— Tberiffeers am 'ai IbUoWs Prealdent, C. P. Wal lace Vice!Presiffefuhr, A. Hinter, i ft.43. Foster and Ft F. Smith ; Recording Secretary, J. W. Clabaugh ; Cor frosPoilding Secretary, J. H. Wetheispdati ; Treasurer, :Frederick Graham; Vigilant Couimittie, J. C. Chap. man, W. H. Wails& and Samuel C. Graham ; Com mittee on arrangements tp 'Rend the Mortiffeettri& la 117eriietl„ 1161osit:Iliali s IL IL Ahdttitvit datletebap• man, James Patterson, 11..1. Marshall quil t- John Alei. I think that we have the honor of raising the Ant Grant and Cobh.: Pole In the County, if not in thb State. • Our Tp. has had the Hero. of New Galilee struck off since our last election, but we will still have 40 of A mejority fol eur-State °minty tiekelomid.sl9 bt Grant ktol az hi November: Otulioldmrs are near. ly all Republicans. Nine out of every ten will vote for (rant and Colfax. We have widows and orphans in mir.Tpillat ire loOking to the. loyal pcopl!“) Sae whether their over to Forest the flUteher or Wade ffermpton. idr.-ifittoe theft We soiemiii pledge given by the people whin 1 our isOldlivii famllieu that if they, in battle that their widows and children elmull t he, aired :Air the question h shall we, as ato aI people, remain 'trim to our prom ise by electing Grant and Whiz or Fe Gnu the reins of Government over to Fared; lifirMnten, landlgbam and the pirate flemmlus, lb these Rebel gen tlemen hare bleu named ge afteymour cabinet. There le ethAtely tan muell pefriethan tuner lbelored cbgrail anger such a dreadful calamity to befall our Mitten. •••• :.•• • • • . • . . . Big Beaver township Was among the flWitto raise a Company for the (bred years service, Co. K. 10th Re. 1 werves, with llia brave Capt. Miler at their head:. who fell at the head of his company in the seven days Ogilt before Richmond, where tro•day his bones lay Mach in on that memorable battle-Held. I could mention* score df Incidents that would tiling tears from many A di do stirn our loWnsh but one more and lam . the ,Vt,- j ibs S e was for, nine en II Vottool li oai t Wieffri, lar:l l22""M iNie too young to be mustered into the secyloe without the consent of his parents. I. faze/Until of. that noble young men pleading with his mother fisi• her to inter cede with his egod frther to let him go ;.end when the heed! .obit ~• gf lib ftlinfcg boy mild then &this ~•••„4. Ji,eure egniso , ei the battle of F• ~ ! Y . : . , ' be: Via . . SO right Wit and returned wi . his company la e follow Rai. Oh I how these aged went* *plod Rol deer boy had ['stunted to cheer them In their toll de*. Bet when the nert call came a* 'am" pe Main said to ids day parents, "I must leiVi lista ¶* sandrt dig gramma .4:1010 sto sod e dit ,mor go.. but Mete WIRle dfCoal MOM* MI asoth wotuitl ad_,_and to•N ri llis a soadfariAms. Wham I of ths Rebel that shot t hat y. . map, who to is a wan"! supports, of. %war t east scarcely rea hie that any one claiming to be a lovri_of oft' limit Soldiertr Ovoid • vote' foe Be I moat awl hoar.. • , . • - , -, r- ,-, • ' ' - • .; ' ~." .....- : :. . IsklAiMoira*. Mil / I NW -II 41 4 1 . 71 r 011 4, .144101 • • laiiixagi * l / 2 1/not au** Firiginar , 61‘ 1 1"411A0 flop r i b° VP1 1 0 4 % /PC Ilgteantit97l4 , 4oldd a gra , . PaUlla I , et 4:L . qv maid*. areminaostiltednigeoest bottoottol ounlOkii 141ilicaa ; man mashy at Two Thui*dhik.; - voilli6 .Inn vitt visitabet, , tr,e;.. ' moiiionnieroftes4bnegitotooootonas • Co4F PO° °"! 360 PAW" 316 " 1111 4 nar dam Ckatitli kid, °Oki . ilith .114 Also bon Raj 4lska 4 aYineaktoso B l l4 ; • ;. ,ittiritirOto., woo Otto it* own 4O1 • kW.lllloleo,tolui.idruett spoke* as be sad win Mowed 11.4 k. •Norma chteieoln ikekopkat 316 potierietlipeck. • E A . 42.9a, , Bapubtleit usitiag - yaw Yen at iikciisingsicNer.; on tholOtb inst.' the lion..i/aniss, s4ilie;apsenaor Creinet.Old., la* gelii of and tho Elm Lot X: mere Oho spedien. A Lotion aim/ enthselutte ttepnbiletm meeting was held it Janentde,Min.i . on thb 91st hot Addition were nitlnAiy Mellon. COI Willhims, and Cot Mr? Henry. The campaign In Wisconsin is opened sign- - • Te,titepublo", of Neer-Albaer. Md., had 'ati'old. Otakoned "'Tippecanoe" rat/ to the 20th Lust. Col. Wilson and odour addbiiied Ird biithease crowill -7beNTOßOalchlgi !Turf stintuilltid. o2 d resc'u'e the ety triiti'Denioeratte Wanda. • irelt , ; llo2.' , Cearge4. WO:Award etas id Stevie hinTatvegetj, this cittiii the*i. 13c*. tat 11144!.wis tiatiii;resOtbi IRAS; kr.ioP4 ..e0 for btrpobar. ,7 Judge FOtehrititt rta pot utlaled. 1 0 1 :1 21 Sal* oig,i4Vatid 4 ,! 0 "grace? . Tat Taouers of Grubs; Neb., wry the old battle lag Of the ript . Nebraska cavalry. .baas the following *marl: ,4 plemeasen - ,""tadlob," "Cgrilig . olpil ,C 11, 041 10 ,7. 4 .T4 11 tP,_ , 1 4" 443 P/ 11-- mare:! "Iledbank,` .l "Jaeksorport," mid "Clareadnair t ddled wl fb ballet•hoiess. ' 1 4 ,avir thousand freemen glmionc Republican intlib;atlon meeting :34t the bluffs at Memphis, Tenn:, on the 2 041ai11. i f ie- WP .el kal lelas i 4-* " = led. The 'inbred v4ters wens preset fa rfoite.• bee were made by Gen. W. J. Smith, Col. W. H. Wood, Col. H. B. Hudson, ifdd the Hal. 'Barbour Lewis. _ Ax imntense itepublidan mus Meeting was held at , gat - 110 ,1 *, ls. jtihn WV. Forney and limes Worrell gave The Copperheads a lively turning, to the intense de light of loyal thousands. The whole population ;teem. ed to be mit, men, women and children. It Is arced ed that no mote effective meeting nas ever held In Al. lentown. t • Ms lion. John A. Nassau:hes iii)Osented to take the stamp for the campaign hv lowa, and a list of ap pointmettM has been.MknosSiosd,fOr hich.hveinign at Momitflemist '46 Ste OW All'arMilberehe will -work ,'toward Northern lowa, speaking at Dubuque. Nashua, -MCGregor, Cedar Falls, and other points. Mr. Kama has no superior as a speaker in the State;*Mad will do 'brilliant service kw Dm purot, „ TAs Piinkientie Prii, airy : -Air of Ncirton,lfass., wid hi i6l Airs old in the mooch of September next. Be aWI does work on hia:liiie.'and List July mowakvas a wager agalust a gen timpin'of 8 7 7eBre of age;bastieg hlin about a rod. He his voted for every Preshiint of the United States, and intends to vote ibr Grint and Cola': at the coming election.— vißdallreintl4ll4WlUNnthho second This of oface,initimenthers tio - iiiiited with ""1. 1 11, 111 1 1 "% f "" n_ 1.7 SATURDAY, the 10th . wels $ isla - daile the Repub licans of _Brownstown. Inds TV whole mann, Oen' about, was drier' sefolialLTUeSi. nubs' -and Will. Combat walked into the Mel Democracy in a styie• that erteitedo the aided erilluesissut:- eirrArds led bp' 'LW young ladies tiadlentler, o bPreeL white; Not; Wit d. and 'lb flaw: Lartieres theme:al krounitimpiiiionlionstramirhei Z" 6 " ll3l "t u li ni AIM ONIAIRP I O I I,I I IIII I aiIIr nett Stink; song aid elouting.ainsul the Una. Thor Demperate looked as it.they had lost their moth er,/. . Cfr . 7't% . `7. `TITS: A triwri,maaw-who went over .the la* Road 4t; New York ifew days sfnee'relates the futldithe smoking car a political discussion arose. Among those present were some It Or Ib. Jewish msvebabti heti Chiehitiatl: An of tbesibtit a single out! 'pro ntmituttiti thetaselves strongly for. Grant, aid one pro:, posed taktag smote In the arc, which was duo e, .rtilo l l ol . thirty for Grant and. 'mien . for.'Eleynio_ Er ii Seymour mesh, wltti a mita to see fldiplay on both sides, then proceeded through the entire train ' and polled Mb passengers.' The vote stood t 7 for Sey mour against Id for Grant. The Republican Jews were innneusly delleited enthashisde 'over the re' • rule. Ay the pluncstriftc Conventlott at La mate, Ken. tacky anct welt& sPeectes, on attempting the 4SI . 'pulsation. the-Confederates were pre:piste:it' In at: tempting to exclude certain Yediral officers from`tak lug part in the prOceedinge: (km. Walter Whittaker, late of the Piton army, madeasigorous-protest, and on his elaimi being treated-with contempt, made Mei following energetic speech: "/ here and now dentin:tee and desert yolir party.— / OMnot dolustione to myself and the country and stay wl.tb such i - Corrupt party as you have become here to day. Too en Who have %right in the Southern army come-back hero ty witkihe blood boiling in. your e4tiwto 1110 /Our comteis; me, who relight. and have the character of some bravery, to protect denr,homecand aresides..suutwho exerted himself in efense of, the' fatallite of those who had left their homes. 'I ant hero and inlaid - tit b 6 beard. GEM Carl Sebum has iintsbed bjl tout in ind The :Missouri Lionoirat says : "He gives a very en oodiging acconninf thing. Uwe. IA the ciosalititi Distinkilitic Counties and Disiricts, out; Mends 'are thoroughly alive and bud at work, Ma are; very wbsre gaining. The strong Republican Counties and Mshiets minis fully amused, and, assured alumna in their local tickets, not yet lbel snout jot swelling the majority for the Stain ticket as kw at pcMaible, bit he believes that this over-etnilidenci Will be saPplimind by thorough and determined; ',zeal u thb last month of the CRUMB opens. The large P 4 4, Prig AkiorelAi tip iffc!hif ittoithit rePtellef that the State can be carried by faithful effort. - Terinn the liidiana papers we have learned that Gen. Baum has been very wands received, that the Genomebave gathered in great numbers to hear him, and thathis speeches have given very glint aid to the cause." A Ulna to Lasiten.—lt is ri distinguished chars siteristic of a cultivated woman to adorn and baud. fy leg per's'. ; ill prepodkon ant she become; reined or (*hued, eiir PIP Incet oil* iilltard' td per Pei tonal itspelmilee. , rthe:lmott lidperillse tri, as it ought to be; strong In every woman's : nature, and hence it is that the decoration of her person Is always regarded as of paramount importance. TR three 1 1,1 moe beantifol things on earth are women. children 1 ski , k Itetql.r..Ackgrialli, ;b74 2 4PP.P.4*. .1 6 11 11 .14r1ic the. Woman knows she Is beautiful, she loves to be ad *zed by man ; endeavors to render befeeN as at tractive as possible to man's eyes, and therefore it Is iliat be avails herself of all the benefits of dress and ornaments; ' Woman is gifted by nature with great natural rdliraittone s , Ng; cenmAintnii is, It not robed by paint - and ponder. fide ma defitiat.lier hair abun dant and lustrous, and her form the very Of grace and loveliness. Woman's chief ornament la Ur hair. No matter bow regular the contour of the An tares may be—bow lustrous the eye—bow sweet the ;Wills gratieftll the prin, IteroluditbeknotsokllN*l. 1 sy and banditti, the chief attraction is wanting. A. lady remarkable fiir distantly of her hair. remarked in our beide& the other do, that she owed to aka moderate and constant use of •`lll's Flak Nestor* the" a deep obligation, Ibr by tithe bad become local -17 fadeout fie the idutirinc, and •lutte, of her hair.— Using It constantly otireeliei we airi add our Wenn% ny that as a drawing and lestorattie . combined Bar- NY, 11l Maio! to p" Ant Prepigiqoa nor tiara ,1 4 - 461.1111;___k•-/tia .V". A .:910 3 1i. WY one WIWI lift o„. lll3tat MI id as alidnen—Cirs. eirinnetNandei I .'•'2,.'"`L' •"' ' - ' • ..... : • • • LiMoatCeletifor :•JlSOlhi l / 4 ,411"Ol are requotod to stole dab* cattier tilicitoi,iftt bes‘oo Hal Lotbets it. Panne Ctinik, of Roebootar, soul% irill . bir 1114 al the - 10* olfirptextber: at f Y. IL All bloods of eiriottiosity are reepeCtlniliiniited to, -,• " lE= s if:11'11 1' IS , Pq. 1 . 1•71 . 1.- •±uJuf . - , 11..1.;•,!i • r - ; ; ffiroz 4l , 4 , . — ofklifficiniv;#xeMs. • • ctikipiriilmiliiirlAdAti.ifi`Vit.isicor.* wge " risa• g#OlA , I;ool4o ll .r.aNitikt*kif Dr. D, ind r.. . r '1 • • ijAd. . c if •Opinalt - 'item 'Ws lipas ,t. ,` I . . . •• A trornoiti rj, .A special witlOWo9 • 14141 : 1111,9. A:. IP be Veld' OrNifng eapt - *. All the'•inembets arerektutitist-to: attend, L ther els taportivatuto trunseto• ordetr°ot > y'i'~iAtlTON H' y,, oQofnc • _ ' '-`; 1, 4 . 1- ; 111 . IliiiEPElitt :4 . - - beAtnATE r- ; •coß9ltra. • . rye in""7 CI 7, 14 " '•"/ 00Vii‘i Tjuirtn mamtterarViii office of Coroner, -Who esiiiitg Weber elec tlqii.lftf ttlellleelors of the coun ty, firespeetirc of mrty, is asked for. • • 4 BURRED, *Aver 'Bum septik• , • • ••• i • Thd next Ann - • air °l i the Beav:er count) -ligticultWVohlistylwiW he hold likthetr* Ground near. Beaver, on Wedrutati4, Thnrr y• and Felda:l; the• Both, day 'or, fienterubet and the letand4d,daykotGetilbernat pkIEL HALL; PHILLIPSBURG, BBA. • •-• •--STBACOUZITYipAL.' ' . • - fiehottsiaiiiitof tAlK'Clasidg School will cesapelreqlk morp ing at 9 oleitiefrAeptelaber W. ifiet, 'Amt. and,Ouenlieltsitellieg Mills to seed. are re• quested*, send theta Filleted* tit the thee indicated. The rates of WWl' its : Fos the if Igker lOgliett end Mathematical ban* es, hteMing-the' Latin, Greek aid Gannett Languages tor. the seasion s of 10, wieksslo,so4 for the ordlhary. Wish brideltes l , $7,00 ,beisgil l lttee*slar*AdnAct 4- fI - The . rilt 4 W for, Nearging,. tuldein,fte; eon be ascertained by applimUnn to tb Principal attbe . . FLA.Was L i sso i ct' d ge4 wit aia aCiiettbes, ter . St. BEE BMW or - h ts • • • ti.tuauurik • . bigaiy mended ' ' t7ilkoth4oti ac count 010 UMW - les, its jinni*, and lavni.r.•:f • • • '37. . . •silo* xcitar :cowitsi • _ Tbwetips*llsi fn %Wm= ezu'rylvnr eft any foirad fleno4,Bilftt: 311.•,/ V: • f it' ; :r LOWAPINtMitt4 44 .. .ti. Everje Omitnow eitihelrnl4ll ll 1% lusOfixte indAie4 • Staili "Bt.* Olro 3 1 11141.:Atu.. ;film., ltimate • of tke I gtape : In'• Its. ProPe es, mildlf Yore- Abu etiiintrate . the pity*tistoto di tile smile, dm* 0146 PM* T l ertrvitmaark, Chnnintille—FloweriCiikiake Hoot, - callitins, Wild Cherry Bait *I.:Z . ::: • Sold .by• Dryitgligsk _;. • .1 • . Theie Will be alneiting of - the Ord nt 31e wagers of the Bittir County; Agricultural Society on the eith:il‘r of Septelnber next. at one .o'cleek. P. X. ht.the Sheriff's Office In the BorOugh of Belrtreries there is' butane's of importance to transact a full attendance Is lornestly-dedrefl. 3 • • . 7. It. Seep PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 186S— HEADQUARTEE FOR FLAGS. MED, - ALS. BADGES, -PINS. LANTERNS. TOUCHES. CAPSCAFES. PORTILUTS OF CANDIDATES,SONG BOORS,- fte.; The Janiteillgned, buippfacturer of bam paign" Goods, keeps comitantiy on hand Printed Muslin Flags. from 8 inches to Z feet in lezigth; Bunting Flags from 6 inches to 88 feet in length—suitable-fcr poles; • dwellings,' processions, &c.; also Silk F fbrp_reseir tatmns and compani es ; Paraai Equipments, Caps,and Capes,- al colors; also Torches, Chinese iLasterns, With names of ciiiididateli One htindidd varieties of Pins, Medals and Badges, with portraits' of the Presidential Candidates—sam p les ofap_c sent on receipt of 20 cents. Agents Wan ted. Send for.Pxlce . Address, ' JOHN W. PrrrOtt. Dealer in_cempaign Good4p QpPosite Post.. OffiePlitaburgb, Pa. r [2l Tanner Clubs, Wide-Awakes ,Boys Boys in B ne and other organizations . supplied with Caps; Capes and Torches. Send for lainples. Ad dress, 'I ' ! . JOHN W. PWTOCH,: Dealer in Cm ;align Goods, Opposite Post- Oteei Bliblburg - h, Pa. . [2t. • aPEFI4 71:t Banners/ Otriamari, &c. ornamentediknd lettered in Mt beia. Call nn or address Allison &Johnson Eltu in Wynsi r 's Pa. Chariot erahi. BEAVER MARKETS/ (.00#11 / 102./yytio.eLy.) - • Baiting, Sept 1, us& Floor pet bbl MOO Tip pit dos ........ Wed Apples per bps. 11,10 Batter per lb 40 'Mad Mans Orbit.* 4,16 8 0 -.4 What per Dm-. •• 14 Corn per Mac .. . . Is) =perch.;..,lB Oats . 10 Taßow per 1b..0 • Plax'Seed per bus— • 1.98 lore par ..... Beans per boa Omdbs perlb. _ • Potatoes llnkssio . • . 1,00 Wow., soy ossisst i r.: 4 • • • I 9 1 m 1 ; MisOL•4l;•:... ... . . ..; • • - PITTSBURGH I •1 , „ ..........-.-- ...''' - : .- ' r •-• 1 pia .... • I '' i , CIAMPhiGIi . GOODS! - • •,-• - . •.,.k------•i • •., . ..- `-- sitt i amme,manaramivagr , iik _20 411 0 1 .2 .. . .' sit ' At • lesillitis Oktearialist ~Ises talk ifihasAl . ll o l o. poem Amoriit ,; 1-: 1 tar i ni%= . • ' - it ill It*, la .i.OSIA 4 / 1 0.00 1 451.1. - Li. ...,.. Ailisies - - ' MOM W. PIITOOK, , Mitlidoilifillksingsaler. .r 'i I•44IIIW.MTINIIIMILII4'' ....13 • 9 1 1044 05111 WN 1 10 0 01 16 sca Wm. 1 .' Gnat Tamer Cabs suppited wflb tar, apes Mid tole;„,, ae ri l i a ,,,, h 1 - 1 1 11 - r rt e , r ...* • ' • I '........ 7 4....,..:. . ~• - - -1.; :•r-tft,ro,. - ~ 1 -. __ 4 EM=R;Z= juniummitramputr , . 1 _ 5, 201139141, ,t 6 ( ' , MET INF-Vini. N .'l -7 { ,ttitteisA - • r'.. . 1 .t . -. 220, * l oot lo w , *paw • •= R..riIiT,s't,SELLERS':"4I:‘ , "CO • ~ .)- „ ITO - 45 Wooa 411104" - ~ Alopot.Bo,, eattises 110.1004 A 2 .1 T • . • 1 00 1 esnle Ageutifor the West. MDT NOOR 8, Beam Pa. • • ri -T. il) L ORGAN , • ~..-_,,..•„._:. ._....• _ • I ir 1117COESIKIII TO 1 Siii.LIMBERGER BROS. ..1; ~....' (4 t.i:: i i...i t ~....r.T— a rqte. t.RJi.t.i..•.t I.: PINS L.l .1 tRIOCER I, , , .. ~_,...,,,,., L..,..,!...,.,.. ,-Aufl, ,uaz.„.6* otAsg'WOON AND ',- -WILLOW.,W4RE,' RAOI, _ ,01, 'A I 'FLOM RAZZ: •rfarK "I . ' !COUNTRY -PRODUCE taken In Ex 1 I oha'nge t : "-- fiw ' Goods .. 'pecmts Dis k'ro Pne of -Chair is : 414 'the -fl • 'fib" ' Bilissiimiss4 ;I'L. Avg. IS. INS . A, t an =1 :N".4I4NOMPIEIPLOW t . ! .T;1 tAdt: inm• , , IT PI COICPOO9IIIIIO7ThT 01 TUB Cll.:, War ,J. Gloated . . ' 'A L I 7 NM A. , . 1 - .•. . I. : 'ant of --- - , •";.,!....: 4 1 . 4 I •.•: '. ....".. i: . 1 1 ,7 - •A . - ... 's OWL& - 1 8 . ": - ' 4.' I ", Ire . , AN stole iwatriiii to i itrom lv ilt4 dtm bl d e ark) to LM vegetats . _. - "'31!.. 7 .1' '.. .' 41 .*: ' • .. , ''' ." i 1 4 un i tr 4 llo ', 4...44 4 V4.:. • , r . 7... r II" ',l• m iL •-••-• IL. elie. .•-•; _... : ,••• --. • i • • . . .1 • , • ... • ••...i., , , ~ _ g . _ , 44 et I ._,,,.. t ,Addrow-ige /LW, r • .„.,..)-ra. IliVkYvtra%,... 4 OtLefiA;lLle : • • :(;:. • rvf.. diC;C.;..2 - • 1451 i RATII) ."I.#7oni!) ,3. J. - 1 . - . IfaVOS I ThiXti ,Streei,-.Beaver;Ta: • Prices- Very . 1.44 . ! - • - - .• • Stock acisiheottuat 7ALLS4 'Owed: . K ' pri_cee-ID TOOni .41.°L MILLINERY GOODS, RlBlitittekLgy)WEßS, - -; s : % ITAT_SABONNF I TSi Iti COLORZS)HAADOM::4O-MCRAPES, explioentary • • • • A fkinatalpittrding i f tutealik4l. - - JrAIiCY KERMIT:EFS. t s f l- 1 11 A 3 • H T;A:1080LS AND • -- S 'i)1...:5.1.,%-:.'d-,'.64, • . trußatritAs, AND cola:ABB, &C. ,E .m, .: .:!...: PIKAY,g, VEILI-:4I.STUFFS • 014110 1 illatP . tkilk 17, L, 4664 • / be.; r, p&ri : 41 S iT t i fit i" W "1 14 1 ~ t • 1, -; tvegt 0 , 414444 d betkir, - . El ~•i :._ .:1~'~'..~; ... MEMO/ MEI .. Thild t Beiiei FEE broideries, All iftAik :7 MEM OPENtga !"- !.) HUE : sraiq MS FOR 1868 r • • . AT • . =I r'r - A• ,- Fortunet , a i...• ,;: . 1 1. • CHEAP DRY ,:41100Da. , 13TO MEE Mnil , 'tk • •-• • inlttn • : " itt PA. Ifrir PRIM" NEW 'MUSLINS, •.; NEW .CHECKS, NEW GINGIiAM§, • I ; • S4 ` F NIVAfitiAII 4 EB " p 4 NEW COBURGS, 1/. ILLse• . Tabie:Dinner‘ CraBll4 , • - • Red Flannels, White, Flannels, Yelrow FlannelS; FM I= 1= Jeans, Cassimereei Tweeds, PAhitigst- Hats . and Capf; Hoop Skirts, ;Bahnoral Sk4.t4, Notions and Fancy Articles, Bonnet Ribbons, Millinery GoOds, &c., Thy more comprises the moat Cdthpthte Stock an ()tiered tOAre . teteds oriciater. eCAthy, and we aka pleasant / 1n assuring ode enstoniers and those who may timotwo with a all; that the libti4 stock Is as cheap as ercei: Eli =I - r' • F.*•;A.4 =Zinn IBM CKEAPD .•:: BIG SIGN rt -.11. Oka sv lEEE ::• lin , . LEI Wt.! Jti I It.• ,!;. • '.~~. r' " :litl'Sf • . ' • M. 7 IN • • T lIE DIAMOND- =MI :' um ME and r,LAips. ME ••, •• • J. ; C si~r~as rt:cs: asi Voihirke;o; I T,. GOODS '':ffOßS t ; D~A~tOlisl, IN CHESTER, rAy ; Mtitt„the WOW YJODY=. - . 1 41 10 1C: OV 9114t ocli Int l . fo ) relicati. l ""rialbej ir1 9 141. ' !'"' 1; ) is All a in o rr a =rt i ral Xiib , . . • , 14. Ream Z,y, natal. '• e) Te fad. SW , SO twi t% . • ..,- . 4. ''-' .1 with cella unii : •• .# • - , Seized somil . # ,' a mimes Tpe,„ 8$ t i* ztio. it f.i 2, • , , , • Ai . tint sania., #lll4 44 2/100 ila !,,, • • anti glais tos 4 eFo liti x t 4 rl Er ..,` FriatWea i• .n i Tet ecomity..l% .beimidledi - We .• . 4 ' try lend of Thos. Ds eat k 4 4:2 kr the a. as. CM it 4. • Is hit &bane- tatale-nteMp fhar s „ . asia pfl, well titled, ems oil MO and amrrim , ''' ...0 : Seised askagatii la aniatka is , y1, 4 4,1t r : *shoeing vs copaug,et the swit • , .. . , NO. •s,-- , - . • ALO:,• •q , , ...- ''. At the wine Meant- all 111 41 11111111114. r_ olefin el sad to the pace i a i nv isel trr hip, bounded area Sheek. an re be , hod et sae* af 4 u magel 14 4 1 71. o 2 ilegirMiltiet lament. ef, la mid to the following fri , North Swain township, Dearer emulate, -, ulna at a post t p firma Creek.l a the late Dr. oath WI del io se*4 i th b‘l btilm a post, thence ilsg. mat se —litobissat t ill 0 1 1 iii4 V :ea deg. 4- lag i - and. • metes; tber a I. other OO 't- . s . , 11. Seised and taken hi easeintia , .3. • Robert Robb, at the suit of 0, , NO. 4, ALBO. I ‘ , (•. ; 1 At the name time and Oaf ail riot, due, ba.Al and dam of clekodimtkolr In. and totha =as SW:, scribed lot of ground In Ohio t.Owlatifyi X.' metalga:l is the Pau o t kres s ~...., . A.• PeAmoris. ___ OWN —, I mes( Dorset of la Pa OM No. CO, thence south 10 deg. sea thence eat .1 0100 perches to a **. 12 5-10 pa&es to a stake. ammo Ina 'paha to Oa piece of beirinnincamtainin one Ma sissetwa; exults , one, IMAM - . • melt.. Selsederrridk.,_?7 w 44 ai Golden, on al ...- . . f ,tosts , No. 5, ALSO. 1 ' .I. 'An the right title intermit and della of • . in and to this -l—i---.Sigkemlbhatl.rkbii.ilaA. of A.. r .1,. stdp, beendwimset ,B• -' r a :. . , r , kenehaad-1-_ re , ' • or leas, aboalli wunta.... at Ilt . • v frame dwelling bouse.and stable, • - OR . plea% la. I • Selma sal: iskim .141 4371:#100 II ,410 . 0 i '-‘l--.' ME= Mil RE WE James flouston,at the al mo st Jam . re , .., , .1,. r. . NO. 6, - Ellie - same thee and Me. Bs* to of devotes to .. ' lik, gioredt=t, ' ' ' ' 7 7: ' . a:4 l Pa., (on the waters sous Dry er rtn i 4 io = • '; d as folio* : lledig Pt thew by bin of R. Prilid sputa 111% awe 5 to Sycamore. thence by bud Ibis sea m of e*4o=2.4•Miefit -to siVklia tbesm 4 • - 4 IQ pima , i Amid • 4._ 5 do. 8:11-10=1 to a atom thence CI M TheipTh il I west a = sae IL aortbrema 114111117 „ to en& 11. ems sere apt 151 perilitel. dove =R. Ms mushind l k Itte idiots waFisil Po. 8 slow to* s . sod an tbdtreeetory two for wells. , _• • Seised mid taken to examtloo t el James Raotaeat tild'anted abbe NO. 7, ALSO. I• . . yet :., • At tbe mnse Pop and. plsill,ofkikt:ll limit sad cantos N o neduht t hid plow we parcel of bad tn N flowichley twit alp. Draw cosotY. Ph.. bonded sat deerelbed ie rows, to wit: liesrtssiU m a Chestnut. theme lands of the biroh of A Pantheism, seta r. west c -perches to a port, anti I dig: west Li le 640 - ow. to Olt. bath oli sr • !Vets' 0- . I,.ut =. tVe so by2,4l2..prmdftow =Jr Oak. no rt h 08 deor.=lllll CZ Dona arat dee. went 10 91.100 . et ova Qalt,morthd7fil de* emit 4- tip.its atilt el aft 1011 h 3 .4 4e16 Waderto ln ie n boa. naellrllX deg. west 11 i s as I r s W f deg, . west • • 16 15- per. to a Poet, 101( .4. tostilior in 6. white oak, math 10 deg., east 06 -10 per. to • north MI deg, wro i ll:0 4 1 •:E:sb north 1% deg, wat t I per. a deg, east 805-10 per. o a 1,,,, wa t t! lunkhouser 1% deg„ wee 10 per. td e pad in' vie mad. thence along We Faill by lauds of floe, south 47 deg., sect I 9-141 pe t . to a pe rt , molt I n 10 min.; east 25 540 per. o :: i c ini theeee by • mug John Showalter, south 70% .. west 64 /WO pit , tir the place of beginning. ?4il a cr es sad le per. stmt meestue, on which there gauge, bodee.ose an*” ileititaties — fW•7Blir frame note home- • tad Other' oubliattdiaggs. There is about 80 acres dared lad . wider, fame, premises underlaid with a thtee foot vetoed oak apple orchard of about 76 trees on the Orm.l • • • pf Ward and taken in eteentioo es the papaw of Josiah Kb& at the suit of William Tankhooter. •At Ihe thoe aid " . . iftlii gams* dad Pa= : , . of groom!, bug al t In to ' . , 1. , . ',4. ? 4". . 1 • 0 ? I Itir county, Pe., to Nunn : Be a 'on Bi g barer erect , at corner of hinds of Tan Robinson and Abm. Rdtassrtt, Make north 6t34 deg. vest SO 04 part by' add Janda to a attha, tbeeeoe , sow Ursa north 11 deg., west Wpm; to a white oak themes by lima Of islid•Roliftses end hid of =V= .7 walswas east 0 II- per. to a wldte dth r , sad others, wed 150 8-10 par. WM, Base ter ereek, - thence down said creek Iby awar snail commend dbeettom le..thlort mat G a m deg., auto 640 l'er.; thence earths dram i m r,, south 11% deg., mot PI IWO per. lsouttrle deg.; east 16 4-10 per. torto Owe of beginn - containing nacres and 188 per, beteg the earns premises convey ed by Jr.. FallklloolPer, =MUM iso Josiah Lug. mortgagor. About 00 saes cleared and ander bee% premises underlaid with a three foot "sib of tea 8 esed and taken In execution, as the property of !O h King at the stilt of.lroeeph Tuakhostrer. • ALSO. - , , .. , . , At the time and Place ; :ti t o ti ilittest • sad dem of deleadost. °Cote man , .. ot lend in North t hanniedimd dd b r el atone by lead °I A** Itothatecir.lwent 'Si 1 west 10 6.10 per • to slyest, thence doelblingiest., 1 13-100 per. to t theme oath 1111 deg.. PI 4-10 pl e M hence Mr. lestioniktheromallr Co. sou 87% o de . .g. weet 85 11-10 .J to Big t he creek, t um by _the sim% , eas IO Par tb bl WI 01 t 40 V . Alex.. Robinson and Mop Whiele , north 08% dor eat DI 1.10-per. to avoid. thealmhy Malliledaiskiikleo rrapath sst i m i ll 86106501 pet. to ?Med lim &Mud. 71 ot sx 4 l. ootl maw about tajtara mad glee, . "1/ 14 th-theA le ere.o a bone dwelling ear 4 rooms and a httc.ben, a log and frame banal and other out building. Also. At the wee time aid plaa4 all right. nth% tenet and claim of defendant of. in and to the 1 1 4ing piece or omelet Mod ta f o rgessieso2. Beginning at a stake , three" e l Alf tte It - battier north 16% deg. wed per. a w a, thenee'by o th er bald* ce the nth t tl i rbtOrhr. neZ. P 8 deg., eat 41 par. to .s deism Aar. • south uttA, deg.; east 80 per. to s. • I niece by Ida of the NM Alexander and , , • Ma 1 .. 47 per. to the . • L, ..- I. , , ' „_• 116 Prao4 1• 4 „ •_. ~ MVO. Tim a VI tietl:2 = " • • - • • .t,,____ 3 110 tf 01 1 tas at a ili ' • 6°F. the 111 609 - ' lit tbs il issia q - unl:e -• iattpubm aindiu k tit hoorai: and claim of defendant of. is, to tit thilkerlag piece or mewl orlowldirYorta , go* Weißiter c 'R .. ..B. : po t t ,76= 6% d l5 7- t ebar: GP p l ib l e r e ist reetl i p it ei. to a dime ma th MI eg.:Cas Imr. to the Place of begmair .40ustala^ loglo urea sad 10D per., be the aseloisme:or tees, upon width doss ie erected cabin booth• wed stable, . about 15 aria dewed sad wider Sewer butt Ores ow therreadesaorbidt are underlaid with a laps hot I rota of co il, '..1--I' s I• tabloid .execinkla air lhe . IPOPPIS 01 Jae ild tba:ealt &Jobe Illebteama. NO. 11.':;,• _ ' ALSO. ,p- . • li. ... ...,... .. At the esme di rlAp i iseo. all tight: - liti , f u ntsrltsr.• mod of of. to sad 10 She Whig o w e or , or i V ia bidustay 104. BMW! 00111M7, Wanda Ss :On the e art hy ladrot.= tat. sortb 14 O.'; P. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers