Myer. The Myer. : ... , .. nic"})B3.•• lotist---------;-04 ell A .. ,e1 ..------ M 1 - r - 111 - 8111111 1nao larger etre oil! r i , s py paper &Mao* In the county . " - .. ve rgetero oat Pe'•p utetle, po cr litter. # iw w e torwilintlillf: 1 ' ' 4 T an 1;7 ........ I° t 1 4...:. , 3I 50 ........... 300 6 ifit A 0310...14.. ..:.. h' i It Ai Cagan. .1. ~ . , _ cOltiEln ..... 2: . , 21 ...... 2 15 IR Il l"" I. and 814%01114 NOUNS . 11 1 00 OM IpetiAll4Otite* Per line. i , lO trivinents to be madeQuartilly,except Transient wattling, which must he,pidd in Mow*. lOW 0 4 dm .rherrolp,r rt?r,t!t? . Week i t og 0. 0 . 10 rtk or Ope l Kepi, •., :-, •-;..,•3 " ,-•-lz. f. 7: At it - .1. 'Ps' ili‘ ft r: it. 'los 11, io deg. '6o deg . es d a ...• -• i 2. fl deg .. , .07 deg.._ ee Q. ' I - 'BO 5 .: -1 "Tilleg./ 411.4* • 1011% - MI og. , • 45, Ge . tt tog. _ l n eg . .26, 62 deg. go dog. es ..__. •' " 27 ' 67 ' Ill ! , .. . .i! l b•l ~ in_ reit SATEiI OF ADVERTISING. . 31111 r 3111. rim • rem, ir.. 0/ w are—l° lincs.l. l 000 10140 $5 moli 7) .7 0 7 0 8 we... / 5 1 5 0 g IS O 0 .7 00 10 00 16 00 e tcusi tg • ........ iqatitlll .......... 9 00 11 0018 00 roegthutres. ...... , l6 -8 00 10 0016 VI 00 whims. ..... I 1:0 a t m vs sus t i t t =;:' l utrin• . , ie OO as 110 () TT 00 warn on' 2_____---- ,10 00.0 nom oo Bingbiud, 70 Fifth ottett, Mont. ; bi d*. Plttebultriii KO, VII* I 4 egtat ler " pave In that ettf. r - ,4(filr AD' , Stelllll.olluti of th e public Is directed ta OA bl ow urn , adverthieneats, which appeer'fiee • the (meet re fas - Asain tothiy. , _ ~ Eaur Down-S. J. Croes ' Ai'Co. ./ ' - ' Bil A t ty -p=reletia ;,,: ' ,l , ~ :, • Nodes-PM:Nit. .• • -, : , 7 ''' • j .. 1, „ pedal NoU4Ses-J. Macaw.. _ ~ _,_- , ,;•• I 4 aloe In Partition-Jobs B. Littell..l - L:', ,: , .•-• • _ • NeirmaliSeitool-4, A:. Oxigref,-Pettreipril, .. • thersliett - itp it is the'„Veljuttr ittea tli tee St. ettett ler the E mma!, VO Witr - . - tlOlll Butia-114 End' Hite, tebalrttli4l4746.* galton, A. It. Tiltfottl. . . _ •IlmoorrAmt solitrell Mpollittittlf.' !,,,:- , ) . Roo IoL. J. - 11 . , ..; . townie ee-C. W MI .;- - - ... , ~i'', , t .l Ito Bunn rp-S - .ll_. Fader ! . : . , RAIONTON re-W. A. Lehlr '" .. . j .. .• L ). CIUMNA TP-401111 WWI .' '- • ... RANLINGTON TP-41111thalVin• - ...., ..: el RCOniNT IT-Samuellift abitmy, ' ' . • feurtox-Samtet . S. Mc•Ferres. , • .. '.. TIONFIN TP-John 1.1. Woad. -,' -.- fume sono-Pbtllp Bend. terteou erse-jligfill Parker'" 7 •t 7 1r , Ostuta sr-J. 11 Trimble. =-• -' •I. (. .. : i i Gomm roint Imm c ' o-- Curtin. If : himerose eite--Jamee Reel:loam Neale' vlaT-Bobert flush'.. , • ... Borzeru. 'CP-Robert C, Scott. I 0000?%% TP-SamnetOortakti.. • • . .• _: herreeerteser-Devid Reed. •lamp er--Shdrioek Rene.. L ~. , I ,-.7.1: -, ilooe le-Robeet Cooper.. • k C - : "- line aunrrow-0: 8, Barker, 3. C. itajle, 'ICI '3. V,. Wilde, C, Merrick.. _. L . ir . EWICKLZY Tr-tteury_ sioellehlg. ' RR ALILICI BOACI-Wm. D . Eakin. 1 Nom Seem:luxe *-.4ateee Wenice,k,:• , ,r . c - ',.' V Otto, TP-Dr. J. BCTOg,.. , . . , . - hritesox IT-Charnbuthi White. '" " Pon.urtseso soso-Jetsli. Olinda". • Mani Tr-011ear Hulett. locaserse none-tB..l:;Croweißee. - eiyetee , .. :',,T •Roinnersa tel-4.4. Fader: - ; - '." f".. .-".. •-• RACCOON erTaukee Emile& _ .. ....I Ems Blum tr...4l.J..XeConelek., .. , , It CLun Nono-jteket Skid: - - • . , ' llietlng of Ilapitidilean County Conimltt• w.—The tiemablicon Committee for Eleavei - .conoty Vele prase& year,loll bold Ito lint Mectilttit ti Bei le. on listateiy 1191., at t r.'w. hiU ottan i= la oarnestiy reittA , ted,-lii Quoin* 4 . impart. amain bi broadht ImOore It. • •,• . . Chairman. Odd Yellows Picrode.--,Nai!or ;Bch Miedtp; R. Et of Hosier Falid; IS L ) ,' »iIC g%Te a grand itte tk to the gore at the I.upm cod of sald—town, on Ord uly. All pleder° toying people are In dio nena. • Thenowervatlversaldlere who raised the flag over. ,Bord's hotel, on,tbe 16th lust., reversed lt, so we to: Eire It up.ide down. It may have been done by onell utrty who wain Ili 'the %Ott ?tstddi/Ithr loyete Blue." Ilthd It been the 'Stare sad the inlatake would not have beer made.—riimber4rrg Reporitory. ;AI ! LAMM German and French are taagln at the NORMAL S(11u0t, Ira Edinboro... Camas begin; Ineetutllee In the Fall. ! Phleyologyin4 Uyglene are j Yacht by en experteneeti rhyeleitm. 2! . . . _ Steam Ferry nt Fnopurt.. l ,—On last Thursday to diem Ferry, boat onmed #69 Nesara., Barnes and Joker, commenced making Its regular trips across 'fhe lmlo deer at llnport. 7he boat 1 e said Wile a good, ind costing between $2.500, and $3.000. *e hOPe, M proprietors sill find their project a remunerative, Kt. , fandnattona for .tlko, LegladatltUfer W,. 9 1111 r Itepublitui Mends hi Waahlugton cOttspf held Weir, nonkiting convention on MOndai oC. last hey telWted IL J. Vankirk and A. J..Bolligton as i tkir noliiinates for the Legislation. The Legislative tattier the j nlittlet Is now formed., an tkwa,kaaa!so. ?oda kit tbat It will be trlentpbantli-eleitedAn- GO-, Ker. .-, • Moonlight FestlvaLer l Mate ,•of 'cute coders alio receive the [Annus on Tuesday afternoon (the a frfroon before regular publicatioii da),'WHI: bast In figao that th e Indtes of the 111.1 E. Church irilt glee a ftil"trri. fee Cream and Floral Festival' in Migrant is front of the residence of Thompson 3(. Zohnet9o, Isl., OD this (Tuesday evehing):Jane IDt4 1868. Weeds of the sales will be used for tha benefit o f S. Sabbath sehrl. , Change of *au csuirters: , -ft to-da.T. J. 14 1, limas McKinley, Esq., of ads pine takes ebwre of he work of carrying the mails between Beaver and latester. He succeeds Win. P.. Alcorn, Erri.— lir McKinley Intends running a baggy or •tatele be item thc . polnta named, making two triria per firma degree" of taking the loans, or of teeing Legge conveyed either way, win alrrays: find film midl:te accommodate on removable terms.- - - The hilhattain'adven at The NORMALSeIIOOL3 I llaborn, is' 6 7.temittc, eoggcaUte and accurate.-.• tangle term at salt a school la often of great **as. Republican Ticks, t N 4 + 1 4 11 0 0 1. "lai 11.—The RepabliainifilMaabliall Conti. et Wit anal convention on last Monday one week ago, ea , intd the following tfeltet For flongresi—Onnge V., Lawrence. ?or 4nanify Mr. J. Nrinkltt and A . • • For -D4. Allo?n4ip—Joba W.,ponnan. , POP C0vri 14 48140447 2 -Itoes Sivini. ?or Directory Pcar—SaMtlel & lig' ' la awilor—Darld Bart - r• . ' - • r . . Heavy 71 ortmegeo.-,We premed a efflap - le o f ago, to a Rtyr . Vore &el, - AMRtplattittir le Allegheny 'reeky. by the littahnrgh - Clnelnna" 1 and st. Lola/ payout may.. to. 'lt UP; T tlngseu and Grote -W. *Wet& far fhb tom of i i minim of dollars. We have Once 'owned t hat ! tple of heavy morigni, IPire'.'llieitOrttirt . Pi t:tried In %I/ minty. They lilt as follow:,) Yaw b* r CleYeltnil and Pltt4lngts TrallooliartaX; mo d end eod T t Co., N. 1 1', ....L 4of "I' toed Pollare. The ibioNrlti Nord coept., lith..l.titi,er was gi lt br be „tie ank nib miuowleslPlPY, %Id Doer or ken/ 'VIA, ly."ltor the. sant of in i hit loft million. of doVais,.end moo entered Apr ft In tidal olheaerlie • ciditireii are idol' fieclA4 "1 10 f.the Tender through which these road . _ 4: '- 1 -' Ni 1 14)14 Ittik4er cfm.:*Aift! Ifi 6 y. L'r 1 5, :Platy% reached ttli4lo4l4* . 02 " 111 ' b i l l .."! tintitted ecar •-• by /upfront 'mold 'elline7ins'-` %Ye vas the rtett • 'At rt:11"44".11i4*1; Shia f;' , 14111. gate tonpty, th e " 1.0 . . eowooseab.. teL 1 ,..... t '1N reetem that,diraneiiddi itectuid37 er`•_, Z i liod i een i en In the jaittti pie penuttFitt'i'grel,lfa 7 !Mr* wait e mitten.".' '' gli t * . li ' ikAP: e cntw'm ' Itt i f e belle ". i AVILA** idattirksiiad P ago that t feeling Iriegil'eibotte r Cairo' Was t) rtmeg aping, the prleonet lid liiiiilltirot Vicki "er e roely hlOnlyed In by the thins* of the ~,..4 " tr• .1111 atom** beltiotitX%ibalW w" 1 n t t ZOh trial in that nowt, applied Air pod o " ,„_-'"" 4 +4 ge of realm; .nd th us bed-tbe IMO re . - m to another- county.' In' poteegitetteit •erth le ~tit the trial will not take pistil ilim Ottlllo9o° ..!fraipt cemrt. 's•- ' . i , . Army iii=l:4% VI =. to do rtoe _ ,i. , ,AA settedidoiorlo l llol4o444ooololol !AIX id? asik4ill 1111 _ 4 411q it 1 i,1 41r 41 141 4 6 7ff moat : inss hantro-yWiliwi ili ~litkir W. who 'W ti m llialaitil S ellbelgl*,,lilletb* " ' " iiiio l .oo4s l 4 6 ool ll o ll k . ' Alllit 41141411110/4440iflOVAMetV441*. ~' , ta , .. -.. OnliVire: 4 ~ 5 . 1 a t me soli 1. . 114 Miaiw . h th e t yptit s ki; ilitivoltritoirsikts*ft: Pandrifik movalqat I,t 0 4 .04:0: 1i) NO iii 41 (4 0 04****etmi siowasas,,basi. toiNtitiihdriddiviratisie6bi oda lbaltrelAllM*o l - 11hinitOltelwaidielter,;..sil bitselielCiihdWhe ismiiiiitiit tikih" . I° idd 445 ts#Attoi.r_erp-read: # ipfe4_itii ?kiri!,l«.asiesWoleibmlMiiii AM -Tbilieciiame men laskiimallicisestlilitiattifeeeldeitbt tlistOreetilitib O* dlikliiikili*mtalgii VAI! * lt that the Y bel°n ti l 9 llll !M an's pait7. 'We 0 1 00 1 / 1 4 1 f Pfr .12( 41..W 120 ,Wii4104 13 % Of Na—bli , Th ile si lf,_ 44 4_ W4 Mo oll o , ,..4o ti ttl ed. . warliltri 16 the araiyaistwoo down Oireme•!thilln *ogee osi Wino traltO: t .Yrel illoo l 4o lll l l. bie fhwild:ih ti . 46l l l.tiiina***__ _ , iliti***4 mit company thiitiMM Ilindllerla a ”habeeliold*ordlte . .toiiald . Mohftw*let***o4 l lodrl o o ll obWiii.' only: i bilitibint AO iii:i9iPlitilW:;9 ll oititt ;iiii ithit,myonitteesetiedthileitssedimiitsoesesieme, IfOr Maisie' 'iloilhaehdititti ft,iilbdeMi.'. he Wii ber ThijaillobleSkistiondi:Olitibi i rill/ SSP . 1.. . . . . . . , i s time did not meth ,and we felt him la dbgest‘ wine , . fled thettiiima animpOstor,,and like too many oth :eis Who idu4Sibe"Piriftear****44:4ltak; ingial4listi4ir de* MMiess 'or loot ideii and disgracing those with whose habiliments be was , `elotlieddior alawiramemas char in every Mr i inuid i r. •-. ' .oh ,LI., 4 i 7 , ; LL..I %.:il b... N..""'.. it. 't TAYLOII. . Too ••Qultseloist *heti lid woo l o t e .6aite ire kilifivor of - piu m W ihu. hoods In tolgtley.wiliftile e Whit gewriboute AM they to be :baby wetting Gar . fotindlit Wed tainted*. 14" tia;tthinfilitliit4o o nbttYt liftfintitt ih Cie_thella i * 4.ll;: MOT mefer Is olitainedlloadd bit it be ibilowed by ohothew"Bon i thi kreinlatene to be"ft denied?" 'T he insist:wirer will be like that of tie Indian who was intiwegated en the; tiniewrstand bn OP 01 1 04 of htiPhllitell had ihritel °audition after visiting a certain grocery. t It wai hi winteen item • fdritZ,Whore ono° tiod "Islf ritotittMzili the 'solo of ktior to /041162 on. el° "T 4 '. e l e 'l l°d am off, and the and nwnber , orlndiazia yeti yo I town - drank. The friends of law'Mid Ante( *ere U ntwisted. Theytesolved to make;ihrexample atom tif prhApal grogeriep. Wapiti the,' lithPoine hd onh di die -Meet uMM'ul ofthli redskins and bilitight him before the magistrate. lie examination fitoheedell u_ follorty • tavryet--Wete yon in town on elocUoday t bath -I:Tgli t . trr e . 2 1 3k ien ° P ier ...14 t 1 1 . 1 3 11 .! ' Wryer—Did yml go into Yr. Smith's gfoeery 1 Indian—Ugh! Lawyer—Did yon get any Nadi' them, Indian—Tbo much leissiiiinv SEM New Netball of Barbed Mtg. —A genleilif dressed Mai, apparently Any yews old, has been is-. Ported by . several pawl!, „IN the AreetaTn-Pll.O, bt the State tolie milked li MANI btebeWlfitY. llis Mmeaner operating b in this wise : lis iesses a house and store, say for live yews, then has the store 4 Wed up regardless of expense, fitter which he ver tisccfpc fs buiale attaadmet, oue to occupy, .the dril ling, reqtArYing, however, one Itimdre.4 dotaii to he paid to himAs security , bribe faithfurpe Of, her part of the ,contract. The Information ived , shows that fi ve women have been swindled ey ,In In Pittsburgh. atom'. One (Catena, a widufwjfpald ton dollars, ptomains to raise the balimce when she toot' poesieslon of the house. A second widow paid on ', bnaZr, ,T ini —thethrklen, wjnekVl:tir at tip the a are de named idea; imitiiiiii Mid material. Pin...eidninef•lfhp,lule, Arm the 9$J3 or charle4for- • tim;itia - this far chided the pirsait 'of tiiii-'offieeri4f the law. • ' . taConeervatOrb -:- The Pirlabarittil Leader, excellent adtberity in inch triattiWe; an !can day contained'the renewing Item ; '• ' :'; 4 ,.. '' "Three or toakonservadveicoldlers and =tilers beldt a mass meeting t night at the Bt. Charles Rotel. —1 They linens eirof OtecalegreAtftotitanP , that 1 they adJounied town eight by ten room up stairs. andi artercarefully excluding reporters. parsed a long] string of resoluthins.. and got up a list or delegates which trill appear = the :Ccluscriatlyie papers. bered: lit,. ' Iniluitrlixis hi qn tiles tilled to II eintelte' liable" or any itnowtreoldiers,ptesent r mid we are Inclined to think tile' , meeting , :• mirttLi -hat for an nu* lha preiete'.lltige iti; ll:appear duly 'cocked up.'" . . • . rutheir ; fita prises rough th e ,Streeinri There ere. .Pertons* homike a' pliqtioe 4 em hair icitina ana rirriamie through the toad. St Tut speed, to the tenor of all good citizens, frightening; women and children out of their wits. This hie most 1 vicious practice, and will end in the killing or maim ing,of some qt people. When. is usual ihe'siscii caskrns,e stop will be put to it. We cut Upon airmn nicipalintbothico to sos Ow means at their command, to break op the Prptitice bction acrithhii to sad hap-1 pens to bring — about the inue h needed remedy: Let heavy fine be promptly Inflicted "von the guilty per 4 'maid ih inert elk* lime both "then it lid' beast'l will blese those who mate and ezeente the law, . _ Thelii,. • • 2 , iiiraffitviii" hi Ike & A . of G. Ti —The Tee val given by the Good Templar of Thu Gte i. plebe la r Hall to the Wynn'lntlldlng, on last Fri• day and Sat y evenings war well attendeil and quite a sang rim o f money was realized from the riles. If Wm won endliet,n.laillo ..cake Ar 0 .11 14; bt *it" t O . dm Pastor hill th e largest number of votes on his "good Oelce."' 1 Tem cents watt:tote paid tor each vote. kiiphited tontiatlbetitdok - Plactebetrieen lb. Mende ape !seal pastors. The Mende , of.,Hr t HO. lIIMAMtb 'dually ` mine oft victorious.' The linui -of a!ghty dollanfirtnerealLted Ilvan,tbleltuterprja i e sire. , , In& Sense of lionorw—John ,DabseN!lteetor i • man in ftlettmoskVa. Porebeeed 'Ws freedom doot Yrs. Dejartette oY naikivei, jot beforstbe ear. 13r *OOO. Weald to PaZibeeloottattlYtootont=_ Duster the peisistier or th e Om& be . Pad ton**, cooashattectrireilti.'ildehlWia I bat so depreeima to 4idne that Ids late ; winos* re. guestid bin ate dietoslldoeiliepkymests until the . Itapi the debt was of course no longer ,duet but, tiotall standing be was &bind against midi a eoune, Da "key lately transmitted to Ids old mbtress, now in digest elysinstances, Mil In greenbacks, befog t hoboes of the $.OOO betierosdneited to Pe7 l • I Saddlers , Orphans% FM Aldifor Argus : The Phlllipelnugh Soldiers' . S y tt4ll, l ,74L.oraftir by t. 7 oar t w: °f irhich.was sung while the orpimens were bed seated. They . were then addressed by the pas ; Rev. R. )(arrow. In en eppropriate and Impresid seim'ort. every ore' was glad to sec them, apd manyla -tear atilieed lies gni 49We 44.414 1 14, - MA*" as they thought of, the sad &camshafts Utat ensue them orphans ; but' every on was liggiesed with conviction Chit God bad east their lot into the handl of a good, kind, and competent teacher and when they wens committed to the care of Rev 13 * USK .490 111 )viS Im p = ful, and were contrortably dressed. Rev. W. 0. Taylor Is well qualified tithe R 0 is a man whose heart is In tie iluttplace, sed who takes a deep Interest in the work hi which be to autt Zte ilmli== snort • J. 311711/4T.! lit Letter Lbd.—The tolkang Is s Net of letters' re. Steleing to the Bearer P. 0. helms month, and =hi eilkd for Louisiana Baker, Edward Blaat. Estella &m#. George Bartle7. I ~ .,.;0 14 1 0 10 1, r,.... ~'....‘ • r ~ i )-,,,,•.:. • • :.• -Al • -, ..1:r ".. '..,.., 1 •.i. 41. Ji K Amorksind, . . J o. '. .: 1 ..fu 1 1 ..:10 , 1 almairtpilinOter, •PCY niiirothees "maw: Yuri Homo* 1. :`/.".?•. - " r7 ' ! or';' , '":" 1 . • 1 4;! 1 '' ' - I niiiit 104. -f . ,`• , 1- *.• ;:"•:, • ;If `• ''. •••,;::!:.;" • _ . . Same, awseidkiWi :P.) i r ' , 19/ !if, l 1 Apia 31004,110K3bid*"eir. mewl II Berkey Pffitiei. '" .. .. -1 :' • I Ataidl4ll4lllll.u.Lol'i Xrig. Nay A. Stotts. . , r. ILI MUM MM MEM °01; ;:V 77t+nia ~ • . .. _ hole, Was far mars P . for arrowded.. hap the excessively hot ireether of te a. tifeeedhat • • would have been. Of the eiruntiOnni wtim/ . 8 , • , t "peek, ••Ar i , -. I' akt`MV: The Conceit given by the itlial..- •tatii" prodded overby Prot Titykr wit a,ary - de: - . ••• imam. ,The music was of a, task, otter. ass.vrell "nested,- Ilmiyoang =mei *rho OW ad "Zeinpte '—a Deed Willipro pianos and tali pro. ,1 ibrtnerii at each-,-kept mast paha time and played ' th rank spirit and iinimagion.• `liamitediltreast," ti lii, • . Doke, mid "Through - Meadows ,Orem . k" by . ed. The Vocal Doe% by Vries Clarke and Stokes.— ; "Ticsi . 4t tl say that lidivai bat a aphelia win- so lament 1 Istalsibition. • The gnitltuitkin .0, *oaf } care -ladles • (Music at the close. addressed by RCM EL: knit : WY a ,plessarit teirenistlim of a very sgrerable evenings an . . itertalnment itlawtthatendlng the rain, . the hones iris own Ailed. - I 'Mt aff(OglibYitta= t - trim' Ode, ilotaset 1 as _ono or well and livarabkr ktiodri as the Rev. Mr. Lowery for thliphice. The Maher lizerchiessof Dr:Mimes ,Seminary took place-En the stare aiendirg as the ad , trtrl ..l!lisl i . eee P4 43 C V *.en e : ilaidsollitta. **IA ta, itel. !wasted htuDelflatervi-liti: talber;c•drillitet ill it in that Inalitutlen. The 'deadens was very , large and the tetie Waste ha Overcrowded *Mon' all the " eilii4 ' .- ' ZT 4. s al yQ:4 The event of 'Thursday inn in Slags) bafore the Trusteek piitrOid ins Meads of WI I T _ Wilie:Presbyteilan Chinch. ' , This address was &toed' Co by a wiry ,landllgreit and appreidatlve aitil te = s t a ßis== lag hills manners, ware "tally as he said, and not an elaborate addrein, but i termites's') altd ONcible aiedkitilf .(41. I. i IX I I 'nt Cftut Xxerchies oriThinfTarryn were "Meng the very,liectiwiipiala: ed of any We have ever attevideer anywhidsi Tic Xtl• ale on the dalitsidn, was all ttot: maild t hajdesiredt.- - . The shigtariat lire. thig Mid plAlpyllUner were very highly appreciated addlopftwearpd.. The Ibl lowtoponag lad*, **CO linialitme, received the Diploma Oaheinidtatlordjeplita read. to a clear, Ohitlact - 00.d411#00,014lier. eery creditable Name lessee &off, Preneb, Finder sad Whisks, of this A da:rasa Wm Wilier of Mt. Pleasant; O. Xlm ; Wel. ket of- Wasliltigtli.l). C.. M 1 of II 0., ifitildisitlapfiythr 110= fy addresses by the last named lady were very appro. palate. • The Re d e l e hei im e t 4l - i i k lt-e i h u t A l l s ! ' Magee, th P Sii h h 4 orum T wif: - lle• sou In behalf of her pupils. wea a very pleasant eal led" moo Vet the printed programme. i • I Thigeiheilsti VAL Taylor's In hotter Of the Bed aloe class and the Atlanta or tbittigrigtai a Ti pleasant 'Mr. 'Us the _lna. is ~.. Wharves& we think this embeseat l oar port" t. here Mon toponerstalate . baba: illeeb , eriten.tilessard, • . fbr - the favorable Inspressios made -argiersingets litt:iminyof, whom were present daring the week. I i EMI • GrualllPr irrallltelits I • Red: radiant stns above as, the spirits:live that love we, By the groom raves at oar met, By the shout and eoug and thorns, By_the battle batmer o'er us, We pledgetbis traitors sure deilmt. trity:4: :=1:1 4 4 1 431 4414 .e. , By the blood we reely shed, By tho Valor of our brothers. By the love we bear our mothe , foikvirwupi ti :.: By the dear ones at - By the faith that nevet falters, • By the hopes beyond the sty. B B ytrhur (p- B itt querarM rAkv- "t t 1 , , e con * t alb. By WbfeLaht the battles h l g t~ti>bers wan: and rry, the souls that we inherit, • We will win and wear licaMeritt: - . - *wale* dropped at itesltiri•Pt.... By the truth of song and sensory Bite march:we made with Sherman, , ! • ' th e bullets - Siegel sot, . •14 e and touta old rally Shalom alaeg.the alley.; Grant sttalLlM our P rteldent • . r GI. W.. Bittriii";.".. • I'="` al - ' lll7 — Bev . Wm. 4: z..i' ir,....., . eirfpjlt lel .ipilLstellvor a - tare in the Bearer Presbyterian Church, on Frida evening next, at7li o'cicroli P. N. Subject, "Scenes in the Holy Land." . lie. 'will also *tidbit Panoraltibi Views taken from nathyr in - this " part of t 1 Old World. , 'Naives has been 'traveling in the Nast for w length of time, past and the rips's; were , taken ondet his perslmal inPervisibn. beineiliiilifol to , nature and described by one who has witnessed them ills Intl cdre. cannot Int prose interesting. ; • .::- ; Henry Clay Dean, the lowa apostle of moctscyi Inv% his appearanco In Ottronwajestweek The. Cos rew'baithis tlikty cithit Is In this clty ; was here last night, and In front o one of the saloons near a, comer on ]fait street, w spontm ireaseb lc; • i knot of his pittectlves— faidd JDemo n CI.• seas ,orechsard to lay that these'one arced poldleis'Whir are thttiit.under one noses , as objects of cha r B ts 'refit eareassesjor (Agra. tows.' g ' lt - n (11W Flour pea bbl $1?, 10 Dried Apples per base „11„110 Dried Peaches per bit. f 4, • Wheat per bus • 9.2514, Per, tui• po i a ir . 4 eaBW. : 7D I 2 Beans per . 1,00 Potatoes 1,00 Onions 8,00 Corn Neal . 1,10 PITTSBURGH. MARKE r; Orr or me Perresonau me's' It;k the *7lllllO. June !!, me, D 41 4 the jiati,neete tha',.inadene ruled very dune pescesotnamenneclesofprodn have to a certain extent been merely nominal- It nor Qsite evident that there will be no mend reri • be bnYness until the new serest crops begin to 1• Flour has bon modefitelyletive, but the hequity cod.. dned toenail lots. Old urban is in fair supply and during the , incoming. week several cars •of new are looked arr. The provision market Is quiet and ent• I'Mrei Set Merr7OZAl rna =§ l 4 . . ei ne rfte rillur e , a g n ‘ sit r es Ti% reVi l a rf t, since the 110th inst.. foot up 6,806 bbls, consigned two or three houses._ , • t The following are the current whonsale'prices: Beens—Underlncreased reaVts pr e r ie 4 rather weak a= the market dell. wits a ,iower rates. We continue to nots.'howerver. to Mriied to dos, with on a moderate lrYst r "i 4gti li tcoelann -tnVtepilibek the ket has beenV , et end emclumged. We vote re, and mess pm {lire rion " Rser—The supply hits ks_e_ei_m_lldr. and with • a small loes* =led dull. • . wagons wail l =af.r.., to% lie ie q - 0414106 38 4 )14 014117 0 4eaneat tist demand. Wequele, V lit.g4 fal bush. • New . • tutees are coping in quite freely and sell atefe6 • • Wiz& .41 t 11 , 1.!1 tl . n! iu ow4g—ihee. astieseik onicht" 6wo. , ag - nt demand for wheat. but the market he devoid at ""11116 =32 4118t irr il" Mnita enough t deb. , l o i n e %Mt • aLlt kw tal and the hulleatien=trorstile for a large We quote red whiter at td Mete , bash ; spying at g 8 109 btu& Rye le diall at al Mei 00 bosh. Oats are in m larlig aL dulland lower... a quote from came e and for choice ear.= cannot q uote= le el=r di fit i . I over al Diet 05 busk A : Ftnatene been dealers. Recgpte + one house. Thie on the way. Ula ___ business at present r = h- Boa l the market, which ell ber by ty T.street C. Jee PlL_r Li. Dayton floow PUN MIV. A 4II, Jenkins's seuy ant Forts a Cemeette_ dascablan &Cameo, ClUton Vierence lURe itritir."o4 EINEM Ef MWM N=7l mialt#llol::;''';', - _,lhria • • • . • • pid ' • >,• Tbego WPM 01:4 1 040&14. LOW. e back at Benenalltbs , Pubnwth' in,"? 11 0, 14-. 4tho*** uoitoteepordet • • MAiusuukh—T. AUMIIIO II O6 A. MO.: fah R. J . White, a i t - Maya OrComsßence at 9 eidogr,A..K: sur "05 , 0 40 Buys Bowl th .. L Tel D 1 ^fi T y :trditi4:3s,:ar New 14 31eLokilkitts ekterfi ~kr old style, at tea; m(11:' .7: %TOM' ~. ,41",40 4 Bee-Mves! eelike! Q TY vrasir, fords% by OstgAilke ns Mon. tie to Denote . l44mulee totgoode atilt week, for ilietidn. Ali karst lies p bt tree Best* flaunty. Po 1110.1autve edepired..wM be renewed on spOW4I/1 toad, atikethes ter, Pa. • ' 41: 1 .8*. (.r. 9t, ".4PrOO-114rJ11-1 amiinuy''fitxgbf wiLlllllolllist tepee/ Bett7Pliri4fl ;: . e. , : r..'4`; WALT , ... , , . . . .. . Witinfiorrield.Phali 'at Shallenbeiger 8r0f.,. e Pa. t •-• li.V.. ulfra. - ... - 7 - J ti:o ~,,,-,+ (~. 17., if ILI. •j. till WM.i..4llllin n..-antoredpioNß.ll4o ~limo_ eullinergApxelaDOeenttarreiM liiMs-rf4 91.!,: 1 / 1 , 4; 113 ,77; , :l i s r . j::::, , lagt •;-. • I I (r t If; f j , WOODitn . ll DOWNISViii dhectedAttedoulleesee lIiM idle! r pie of thr week's , paper. To Ablet. to -whom a knowledge of the cotnlng_ittqat Iri s - I m -. messel valets, theme *w .01108 hied, *lll be . , , ~, ti , k- ,-‘ le eoet is heti:4l4g 4 ,1 ' . % ,_ 4 1 thettL . ' ofkiddifir .., -f, , re. 41- 4 4. - - ,1,.. it.f.s.!; i - •* — T- r- .1 ' The, V 11.40 tulis If arivßEh . -, ' The, chief difficulty with , e ' hag been theirawareitrandesxobitnat , '.- • 'bit this has been removed bythe In , .. ...- . . if irka tire native wine, preparld 'from. i,:•,. extensiveitl dultiVeldbrlir.' 0 -t cis Jaw. We cmdesitaldhe m his !wise to. the tes4,4 owl cele *tad ;•hysiclans. and AU concur , i t ri 7 .: . !Ira. '' t • • nit t , t ~ appreciation. (ll fec lofts o the kidneys, and chranle pp ti rlinirinfa a tcnics awbeilic °r i d! I . 14 i rtggh4S ea . Li e -A) , , .. • :,, :, . t r 4 1 hi not 'probable that A - biakn wain* el i nee any hair prepataties to force i to gruw , to such an elate= 'length as it, it Id to hitt:attained. f. , . . day. 1114reV• i er ple ciplielirietipeu: ~ .• •f. It ne.lo, et t II schifitlllelkill to 1 , 7 - •',. in thkre t. : Ruch will find their tirWsupplied " 'lett a • Vegetable Hair tniatil l r i • per! (Iowa), Democrat. •.! ' . 1 ) . • !,- ~. . 46 - '4 . 30 . e . . . . . ~. . ~ Pant Liscrtnis.—Mr.-11.40118,1ohistatt a young cotored man of this county will leo., torelitHanovecr nakayseasgAicla i reth._ t', the subject' or IPriptilit young man, as many readers of the A*tta T in an aware. is a' native of our county, and nu tek-I en a thorough classiqtl,ooll%l", #ll Watmlnis teicollege. or Mini tifile wile bps ,• • traveling as a public lecturer over • of the Western Ellates,,nnd the carmine*, cisn dor and ability with-whtch , be pre:sots the claims of his race•dehisnds.fur•him %Napier. , ' ilil and aup/vjudi,..4 hearing - if those who chdm that.tbutddied.raoel have:JAIL - , Id camaty t 5 , ....r, ci s ,..„ , a , . conV v r . , . --, a, !k all '• :I '• , 4 Only tie V't c , "./7 ',-- • • : ~ . 1 " , - may:hawk gooaiasectxtbuiltbit,",..• :,' of their position. - .DAN tbe , ollotv lay sit . • onr amunitsilittitittilih.--. :-liihrfisten-lot pleadings ofs rupresenhutvetuanotthela hue. ilemember,Jiily !thief. iircecteck-P.l - } lkkp jk.e-'. i- I .ftir itte - hta tfirra ;n 4l744 Port* - 14 1616- ' l6 . It is the best grape' trine ever produced hi this country, t he s standird wine for.cancragrt = fon purposes,aud - the &est beneficial for fe, males and iiieidak Peisdnii.:l.' . ,;•,."1:: , i *.ltly:f.) NEN 411}A. 1 G.KERE • rEWMACKERAII. (1868):' ,44itkir bbis ; also No.i. in Kitts - and:by the pound at ,v_l:..Shallenberget Fancy Cittekerti of PreservO. Peaches in HeatySyr- Imperial Prunes ht boieEt,. a ;> applio - Os) English Piciles in.,jar% • French . ! A'- L _:3_ril C. .1 Shallenbergei Bros: .11 , Jmo. Beeson's Atydrauliir Cement . • • T r 1 4 1..Feft1144 ., .ant :11 citninaNSVATUL 6=14;11.0Q-7 i i i rt ic i lloNc ;; est cash ratewi tt fori - Nale - at Family t • -.• I .;!). :bilikii4o44. **O. zuc 0,101,1, 1 ; . , r efrali rg. *7 I V kik; il b le c e l. !t Beaver contr, Pc, bolfig•*asa *•* tc ; , . , I 4 -1. .. t er o r inirst.thein= de q at ;WC _ ALB Aa l = t ' oet 2w ie eitatebt • • fai l ln i s / 111 ° 14 • 4..4 •-• 't": •; ••'• 1 • • -" * • 17 • clang, *wink • 'gift " 41:4,4 A,id."fo, • , .3tcaut, • r 47 c • 'AI await. • • ay the ado Wm!. lo LitlaMV- .• • • . • • • A , AlliCET . ' S t WI:BILLY:1 ilmakiii,_ ;Itly I. •ma 1 ruiper, dos 28 terper_lb ..,..,... _ 2$ ' Short a ers All er..384';•.1,:. : 3 Sides per lb 18 Tallow pee lb per lb ' 124 Lewd Candles per lb. ..... .. 20 Crude 011 It/ lin M== IMEI I=Ml MMIGMM 4.4itzEß • • 74:4x. .x . • AIM/WM* lizciumienii, `altstow •tivijahi tusitrraysx slow. (Mkiesedludisam ' - lobos • the of M. al lni re e let of Plow elewiddxr tp., Bo oreceeuty PaOpologi _hop Cr•to the ithdenepelliell hooshois il i d estate ate regnestetkitl tar A faa getrrit s • • hrthig, mouvr, ire. • •.. . olietter. Ekmaripir, Dry end . Preartnit UuibintiaorsD HAS TAKEN OU PAT narm &variant. .and W e dl.7•4:*• 4. , or d er Want ."'"" k place of- bestows , 'all Wm, and ems. tad within; _ tams owner. ' • lan OM Ow MOS K:swam ch ava grctr Tialtiasmas • OS •• - • LAUGHING Coill ‘ ALL TALL HAMS •• • Mirka me ittibU ex. toletZ s a A na L ll2ll O %Mr* `liErhi • Stabs, Raelsoster,l* Z • T. J,. OBANDLitirit CO., . .. . ' 15 . a WASMI . 1 •• O Ji .... j What lbw Flosses of Berner- sad be b ee ett abodes be Heaven even Pa., be tbe— prietted of .Bs . bad me 14e endows In di I yeellerekee. sad 7, • litmett to be Wet* give gest: r III : ': . •..r- ..1" , '. li van . 4 ~, • o • ,"., ' ' • .• • •••: - Irj . 1 ; • -, , - - '. 1.,,1f.'0ri,r4:',.:;, (flit : 1.,,nr,..,i ~ ~_ , ~,, ~,,,.• e 4 g t •.”1,11'... 777.7 ist grig nm -., • ' -7 11 fam e . Ballek t igvinir been granted to • • N,an paw Naomi theaname Indebted to • Man ara rapteeted to taste hateediate pa t • those pm ; charm . ardent the rune w 1 present Ulna Ohio Ithltreft. !, its .liPr7,l !op• 'Hi ;• . f-• It! et !it '2.;:cr! ,e,'1..)711 - 0!. :4 r Bl. ito'brody,LithY‘AN-; f ~~.J c:.:.. Y - , 'SPRING AND SUMMER DOODO • 0: .T.l • Width she oaks Was very knrest Prices. • wield:or any of the kGowhiji Goods moot do • bad by adft: • • 11E1 .). ' •..: ,'• ~ ,01 —i i-; :-.: .:. : ...,.:: ..%.; :.... 7 .;.:, ~., :• . 71 EitillFQll4Eß . „ !.',' 1. 4 ..'-", ~; * 1 .C..,/ ; • ..1 ' l'i . I f '. ~ '..;-7,—.. VEZZ4StilVigil .HiumX•semuingsg, • , ~,...1 . :I. ‘,.-:,• ~:, 1. q '. - -•.' :- i '.- .--- • ' DRAW TREKKINGII, - .* • ..'.' I •• . :.• a r n - row; ~..: ~, ~41 'l,_, - 2:2 c - ,••.) • ...•%:.10..... T 0p......1 ."' 44.408 00 LAIZE; *gota.., --, , t . . ...04, If IL, :4.1. , •L's ''.l:', G{ ; y u.i:l' , . - ,.,. ! st• 'CAW; ainsai m eitia did Ad Ma i sp3Tdr T tr i r ri MBE ! a logistkr i , -.VeCtiP aiTAINCTILL It To= r111 §1 134164111441 1111 BTA ONARVI A iv r . itt riv weleome -1 41 eaL sad etcassinct Inft M i li tr i MU sag giagaethelitli_tL cle-tii::::-; - Oteirqi MI =II Bas -jiiitilftiiifrom. the 'East gnadissatw, reeeiv jig.* Large and Well -, I tgeleeleit Aimige4 " ='•l-i r Bript and Sam i. na* Girds,. - ~, IT r l yr . ;,, :- Y ,;- ‘4.- , - di Lf 'ii.. 1 ... k., er i WOO - init ‘4_ ' =II ocubsler, I+ , . • I:'‘ G ' , - Efilakii DIALER -sit BENI •r . • I par:. ar.:oto!,# onotti;-.; 5111 xiALITAPer•-••..: r• ! . „ ranagitoinatinVal.- ; :: G. 00. 01 1421 • • fiviia - i:a 14.17; CARPEIatNVERIOOLOO":I' M ' r . .. 4 r.. 7. .717 If:felio:140m iC ci (, uP• n Af t tfige!'t s .?.n': •.. vit.ll• • .P4l , l.:ltiiitniibattf Olt ikoc:llKi : • • - • PLODS, 'LOUR. IPlAltia, taa4WAtillEtigliktluh ~ ..-..i.i tOr li e 6.. i • _t7P:iiAftE enat PttrompsyMm64 M . 1 . 4,t, feels tbesei— . .4;o_ h‘tx+ I Abo.t. MON* Otir tacalhkkfacale • ; • Ben =Pot, Itatrieg w .lta affiefleibig. • 4 r Vigi tt_ bgigre' 11 . gbitot L smear fidt breireisetuteg on be bsee &Wiwi Me 4 docket Made. yo adz 1: t •O Ca TAM M 90:KIT qiien AtittimillyttialyounabAts 4, AGAtti A:1111.4 I , :rP 13,0,1,,,.$ t . j tiftrigettithb, !I * c f. ' 4 ,t( it 4 4 •.1 ! ;$ , .141.7V1.1 af , il• 11 ~,,, 1 MUTMITIDI MS MI =I M= • ."1 I= : ISE ‘,. • • • BEM r 1 : ut i ; Pi , ••11 , • =a=ml=;mucer; ' - II lOwtiiiingOoodtil 4 10118 xe,g' rto- t Arnremon . . , J.PVAPTINO 1.. •{l . ‹ 71, r In !.J.4 • • r • .n 1 ri4 It I 0• 1 4. , ••.t . )4; 4.• •,;;, 4. MIS iins . - ._ . .. ylDtlitrli": rt:;rt , t.l,llll-4rn.tp7 - u - ) fr• 1f.....4 ,7' 7 7 ti t.r , : tf P atvi tr..; ~ ..,-. ",t,...j.-.1/. .0.--," •”11 t.: * ki.t ',. , ....r , 44 otit. .--it• 1 . ....1.1 I ...! ,:' 1 , . II, I .1 !. '1 .!!' :'-r! id!!f !I ::I ! ....E) !../ %!-.1: G; r. 4.1 2., Inf.. bovrf :. , i'• :US 17.4!011-1 . . . • .AT ;" G'slC is teriLfata .1:1 ;7; be 2..1 I ;;litt uFortime"E;c, .•:•1 ..4.11fr I , rlo, • .1 . 7. 1'7,:15.1 , 1 R . 1.1 'II , ' 1 4 11.t1.• ~arms -4. ;o.'l rx - 1•12:f. lir i U''•••.,„l 11 e,-.11-“Or ;..;, - 1,2; J. r ,s 1,1„; p.„:4,..1.0,,e1,t 1 : 11t1.1.1tigi• - leWlf/ •le 1: 1 14 , -; i f ; 11'4 ,„• . 00141 1 ,1 , 44•11 • ...1) (11 ' • ,m' .I i :• -•••••• •,"• w .-•.V.; 1,„:••44::•• . 4 • . - r •.: .oaf ' ••!' •," ME EEO •. v:%. i :~71::i NEW' 'R ~ . , ',.• f • ;:,. : , .. • ' t :: .: .1' :• . : ! .. NE w!l t resuNict,:,•7.,%-: ,..- :; ' 1 , .. - ..,,., ~.., , . 7. , - , . 1" . ..". , t 14 1 ~ 1 .- 1 * •,,),... ii ,Ri.:.; s ?. ,i'! . :.' : 7 : . e NEVC : OIXG . , 2 • 1 , •:' . : . .: 1 1 r SI. 41,, • i 1...1. i: .1 . •i 7 je.AW IB _ ELAMES-7..,:i%,..zr.. 3FlOlBNlVORtitnegilv, -.7 t a It!. :,!sna..P,LAIDS tttALso Tablqi)biner, Crash i _ . 4. ( nuatels * 2. Yellow Illinnels ) , ,f 1, 410, , ' .-." ( ..i7f ~; cpsopmgh,_-, NAv Drilling, Hattr.aniteals, Hbop . ski*t , Skirts ) .; '''Notibiis rand Vaiteit 'Articles, 114141. 1 ' Bonnet Ribbon;', • Millinery 41tp.; =EC e E The abcms anaphase them ut eetitplete offered to the ettalks of rower *Ky. and we tainti ". those wb y aver ne etnti a eall, M ali.. _ • iI T • If! *dee2.l :. .4 Is t ~4i.i. ii .. 1' ; 2.1:g ,:.: , :t . !-T •••.' . l •.,,,,.•, . „lc.. ..-.,..x. - • --A - '' - attune - 4s .fl.r.Wi. :::1:-'..t.-.) i'lln I , ;',l.P . l ' '?' ) '..."!'n. ...'I .• • ..- • - i d • • • ..• .I•JittaK V. 71.: 4: :: .b11.;:e.,:: ..:44...1,' y :11 - 130 . :11 aux ar DRY 000Dssitozei Ditn IN THEI4IIIIONI7, iSILTDOgij - Y.II/4AT au.tom • I) AOCRESTER, 11.181 .011 - 83MOCI hnia i 1 :02F101 • :xi', e a-11A WI ‘, 84.INGLIN, paro7,, . • • J.A/13.aa.7 ez, .age CONE EVERYBODY AND • anArt • .uf simet AMBOIMM64O!.i. . . . t•%; •Ty , 'tr!o• 0 1.1,1A , .. , 0.1:4. -,,,,,,,, c.r a ! i f . ; ' , ...., 2 .7, ;,.•.- •;!..i.!..;),A, Liz. 171teka /. . 1 1 ,i1aigii44144. 1. -.4 1 1P ~ ,,ir :. ft attat , 4l)Eo 6.44 f : 1, 7 1 ifi n,l 1;1-X, ~ 7., 1.1., - io :40, ae. c iatZti.qty -vb , . - ' -' ' ' "tr . ;,.., i 'gra ,:. 1 :2116r : " ...' ,7,:) , ,) , 7,iiL t if/ /••...•J.' , , :• .' • ' ..t. I llaik r lkile f . --- T4/114 —, •Larilii ,11 , 41.4 L, .W4711111.119;111 ... . .. 1.1 pit == .851* 04i f4ii.*PMfti 111 . 4 ., .0.;091 - . 7 '.42' .. !„.;:',:e:-..$:..e, ••• 9 4 :u. __. 1 io3Di Gijda lai n gli Wittlek 1r 16 , • dur Ta": bleweit:* no , -4-< • r Ar '--• 7, 1 - •^: 4 , wma d .:,-,rAinga t , - Air litA W ( , ; v-ApAplialil „;:-,,; :::;,.;.,-, 0, g_ , - .:4 I.'"l'lW ;WWI 1.111 . i. I 1,71 . , • .... . tviis - ).•/ , •ei.1..i.•.•-) --... , • i , . , ,„ • 1 , •.- -. • 4/. ' i' W: 1 1 % 14113,6 . 1 . .• . .. . - jg ,O.A.ialClP"ltilltdia -- ciaL3EL Eking. a is.,:,.gavxmit 0 I ei I .01 .t .a e,;•• a . EV= iscintiedtebale idol •&" • ; tom b. Bei 013 mall '6611,1 • ffEJ 0' 1 . • .‘ C . , SE OPENING'AT . - J. BEN Crin-A 1.• 11111 Iffl : I. Entirely New,St** c;.. ,: troy: ~. "00 I.lll 4lfigil l i 9 690 0 . 1)§4 111 ; • ! •7, MP : • hp*: inching a fine stank of TitiCinfifrii3B air ii gerkindi. Dram 711ainiftiga; Gilaips, Lamb • Itatillin- Wags, &a. 1 il)baye gaolt poleetiOn' swear; cot • 'FANCY umaintawars 42minovia.• I Of all kinds. Clap and Sollars, ladles'. French Vann stn., dc. . • Eitiblioldetsr; - ; :,.• • - 4410=0,vmaizitimorallati 'r VE I HATS AND ) BOSM O 4~O II, M! • • :.L) . i:Val Saecopt Cut All5O l Dreiied " - ' .. ibidltta;le . to order. ; ' 4, / t 4 t 4 t . devete Hy . :,l , : ll 4.::44 iro , " 4irn -4,4 • '..110/18 lO•Oraert Thep int mks a 40010164,1ta i . • tint . ateersa fa asa.tilaast cask! oar Ib i o a krid e l e • ae a noon u radastaf falba ' • are Vitgairegland 4 * . ;" .l - ne7 " 0 . 14 % e n% ' Va s ti 411 atbsi. ' ot tit =NM' `• 'ti " • :!T. t MIS EOM aginleta • ; /AV ,Forr • 'Tim Vfrir, ROthEEISTER, BSA . • Deraballitratm - ~ftbßotiptiodr. •- • . ItatarekaW "lktt •l 31011 AL AND 00 11 . HOSIERYI I2 VT -924 4:1.,: :FANCY 4300 Dee , • .-; , 1 • Tbeee topiarist twitowtivittnibtAni IpetV ask date the tate &else. it (POI likkLent Attlini "VOW ha we ere bcP!riid to' *oll4' 1 • ittrriggglianPßiCss " :1.. a ::roa ~ == MIN MEI .4r7varl..4an Thng l :fgagETJ:olo4o; .-4a i‘tsi t i ,x; •;n~'l n'~lf ;,! 2 .. : *4° . .;77-110NiffiTtli :,Tit ," • fif t ta H. Bence... 1,1 0 it . gttll4l 4 §, r: 14, t : Of eitafieselfptloo. Grett'Li:lntirgainis DItYI AT THE NEW STORE O 81 " 1 ,,S.Cit a ajg d aliM. I a g: 210LETZ4X. 61 Nobitto • • IN • : 4 1 4$ 4 44 2e4v, .6 it. , • WAIL "' JARS. -A. FORTUNE:. 0.4 1 ,1701AVZ* 1.4 " - iftl "69tVt' :AI J 14,4 OE 40 4. 1- EISO
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