=I MEE II 000 OBALY,En. MO" , • itINOSILE ;SVElT—Wiiiinto nosy* %Via* unlit?' 'tine.° • D ouatitS 7811 -!,!LII/11!!,1:13YANcs,,7,-‘ c os of the poiber ; 1 1 21- 14 4Opioi 4 is Pr .itiotcatio , e a c c idono on on** ree eduity onticited• d o kind MAU. rsitiblkfill•eacopug4 — _ ot th e author, not Ibr sinteentkk.Alt 'An 01 1 7 4 ,ead 'lll 0 00 vo dilualcitk" . ab ." IO ' II S 449II,I AP ;.ifEYAND. IorAcTV: OP, dIID Detaioiob tar,fte.. 30. to 3 tekcooz....d=rl4-„. on the ogler 0144011P0 thefoot rg6 4oblrer.et. . • i Ir m J I'OA-tg 5AL4F4,,,, g rSDIOGNED HASS. 1410ite. ttiebllP ~ ''. .-- tic Wine manaticia,ro by himself,' .. r."'" 14 % d . "r a astrr, Beaver Constr.:Pa., ' -, ?;;Ait •ell Sit modende Met , . ' Mb Wine k - from➢ she (Word ad ,OilawbONpetomawm ''' poi IT the bote gallon or low_ .:, ; -, - „ a d piultis ooe ma old, fbr ig*my "-VW.* afA111.M.4111., • qgi e- 5------7-----'' ' '” ' ' RANK WILSON,. • , • ,i1_,.,..'„, 4: 1, ~ ' t a TTORNEY AM- -*14 4 0.. es os an fi'VRNNT, IN Nowi,..zont gapic.4 tq lodge &Eta= ika a don) mant. , .. ~ flot 1 11 J. A ACTICIN G R Ate oro doors riot of Aiskooy's, Mite rc'dontion given to DU LAVA. , • 40//la):* r , b EBE,RELAItT,i -0111, ENGlNEagivitve 1014 NEW. Bitzialittet, Pb.. ; . SiAPS AND ' PROMO' NADI; 'ON rtnotite: 1 ,M! I-1 a 6 r fE B MS PROFESSIONAL 813.11,11/0 litc citizens of Sensor and vicinity. Odic o m's Drug Stbre, Third Strout, Uese . er, V IiARKERt WALLACE* ,pathic iohystaians & Surgeons. IDY.It TIMM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES the people of Rochester end trlclAlty: OM* in is black, canter of Diamond, •Wiwmter.. •• • Special atteot!ork given to Burgin end mood, F. conottailons on be bad et any time. . • . , Law- . -.Paartnershili • COMUNGIfAIIf. E. r. KIUUN., I .iCUArNlNgitilitd• KUMN. 1/ extioxlinr, TMRD ST., • , P .SAVX.I4 PA. ' 1: 4 4011010T0N, (sUCCESBOD D ; W. A. 1108 D,) li% avid ISURGEOIf, forf; the • Unlyersity of Peanntnuaa,) ent l 7. 4 • 17 130 uRtYs Pa. ' "144444 4 4 • hafi pure expmeeseetnan torstachekot cica of .fii :moitkil i Atz oflr m areffitr o w W . ite l letir=deties r j: W : • fii - Wsstot 11e} Pit ar itti , scum.; ",", "V . T bat. , - 1- / " • X-."; BE p JEUNET, 'wait& maker and Jrertu . er,.. Third Street, ' Beaver, Pekin's', (In mom adjoining J. C. Wihtenee office.) coM wetchea and elironemetere repaired and pa[ mod Engraving done to or der. • • • , er - The patronage or the outdid le eolfetted. and !. Itthm giamszteca. Give ws A ilia. sptIVIVI3II:4, .13 ,. .11: Ia I . I r• The Beaver Falls Salt Works I TIRYA woligs Agif NOW 1N SUCCIII3B1 1 111, Item end ,takingnn excellent COMMIS for coring Neale, fie. And alao teak rig FINK SALT of good finality. The attention of x. 11,11101. 11P:11(11A NTS lb 1PAR3111118: In‘ lied to, ree and examine for therneelvon. priers rill le pro pdy !troll P fie, April 11, latiB—arpillrfflant. Henry Lapp, 1r LER Ix•AIL:IEI2M OF • _ Funavx°ll4:llELM Bri9hlo4 street, above eAd Plow Aidorz :ROCHEfeIrEEV PA. pm: LARliEwr STOCK IN. IsEAVIN I COUNTY' meanly on Wad, and editing at thievery lowest Ives, ltlisott•Sre Jobns DIiA.WING:& PAINTING. ECHAN (CAI. DRAWINGS. MAPS. ORAN I3I4I II tar Twilit., lti.etcbt% of , Bkratletl Stock. funi• VIM* accented to onirr. LAtitlKApcA and portrait% on roam nr Ctayun, Miniature* roping to noy at=e: 6 0;,7 , 91%. tom lied in India ink or In tc'blor%. Water or I , olltt received in painting And and tnecharlital nt'n.irand drawing Odice and /audio, In Winnis Funittn-,. heaver , Pa., weal of national betel mond toot, front, nrTerros moderate, ' Chwg., 13. liunst, Notary Public, Conveyancer and Inluranee Agent. , nERDS AND lAt3itRIDIENTpS WRITTEN AND mtnowledgeMents taken, been drily arrow ' , atoned to Agent for LTTCI , dim clin,l4 insurance Comp:mice, representing the Fite, Life, Accident, and Lim Stock Deptutmentat. Merril to take Mu, and write pelletal on the most Metal tenni+. few j• Also, Agent for the "Anchor Mc" of lint clue hrearl Stonn , ra. Tickets Bold to and from nilpotent in Zarland, Ireland. neotienti, Germany and ?tante. Ofirc In Laura brick row, Diamond, Rochester. Pa. SPRING AND SIMMER, GOODS! • • Ilia IN DERBIONED iiNGS LSAVN nivoint M B (rim & and the public goner/WY that he 111.1 recelre4 n Derr stork4d goods of the latest *tics for ppring and summer wear. which ha oilers at very moderate rates. _ *O t I iTLE,IIE,.N& FUR.NlFilififfil.GOODS, - CoNSTANTLY ON NAN% theldng made to order on ttie:Shortep possible emir, ;nasal's) to the public for past tarots, I hope by attetaios lobeemeacto merits coothillatiCa of Ws leak DANIEL mILLEit, BRIDGE HT., .11.111DGXW4TICA sanOs & Iteinewani zio. 80 Pin* Spei, Pdt tabor h, DEALERS IN ROUSE Fußmatinia worts, .. . . . SnxRIIANut krentn WAtts,tturrArtiA , pinned, Wooden and Willow Wom. . Amfrili . 111 4 hench (leeks. Th ey hare ildw l 3 ll ° l4 "'"'" lt .."" k4 wing : - • Table Spoone, - TeN sot* , *Watts Coal% Tts B P"one, ' floblete, ' ' Wainattrackete TablePorkg, Rea Trays, Iron Tabled., ru,,,,lrstt lea,, Mesta load, ''' tiss Ch ap, Vat ON: IY ES `V.g ,:jrrol4't.akiirsir } it3e£+itn~ Y`+S -.. ~''~~ - 44: 1 k'fi, %;:.' 4 , 4 "i • ; tit) •r:'s*/ * •m:1441; :1!. i f ~. •- li-oljs • 1- ;-';;,.:" ,ftylg .k4, tf i . 1. 1t,,H1 '''. • 1" . ' 'b 0 % :. .1. ,),t4 , / •fp , • ' 4 1 -, , , „H • ' ---", ' •• , - 4 , A: , :..4D" ;NN:44:4 . lt*l.J!k/I'la:‘,s ''' 1 't. ' :I,4;on't ferPOO F AI 11:04.) , asatlV. 41.14 A • • A.Flak . - 11 V.Ar AvailfrAortmem* idowtiatlitc*fteviebous4 , R~l4o M l P lttl ia l xg,r o Mg l 7 l . l2l l!CrsAlrrTh xiibee , tiv P1101114, s i:/:1A i i k lls r-A,tja 4,1 Voting Xittaira . —tt Sim ~.MUlitiviypo-, sobir_s* 41144 et R.'4it e'l,v i ; i :4 • - 741, -- ptio:l,o2'- Third Strociiti'-!. • • ,- . -• ;t:1 1 1 41 Naar WOCAL • , asyan.srotz NO: -Streatt -1- 4i i. • . - wog Iltox .11 00,0"M . ;:::•.OLATgil TWINMYSLATEMJNING . • • z,..liareitarv. • --.B4Priasalot• -- 11•04ifievadblithmwtiOttaribuysi4tif4,‘ tt is'betterred that the thoeloceotee la Omtiaitgrese of Atomic's attidtgetard, when the: gustiest twiti. ao beset be.. aidtedirmWhat 'hall we riot •f•x , roitflogn last "Willi We wit oite ant sew assfr , ttarilre.rr- Oldefitseatthis bare tong "loos' obtahltsbed the , Esti Mit. :to roatesieffativiel adopted, and State foi sere:hie balkllette. Taal obstiehao .to' lti general tistrht-this eesistry We existed berititiito grit; the' toollitotettouseter _of latiety, which la tietessartly`oppos 4 tOta" arehlteehtte• and ism:lest the getatitaindutot tad leer prioiefletto her; The drat *o4llo:die rapidly iteldlethl teae and riper ideas on the subject of band*. told iiiiiottt. er mist semi stye area to the sanitised adraatiteg prima( 'famtecanttahlo for roottnit;tt*sok • • We !dealt a tor isedlog eitrasehtgas of a State root It Is aoperiorte overt paivir It la esalty 1 1 0 Oak . it.pa , n), El It, la are gran& IS is The Twin City alai+, Companta aloe* Are In aorth ampton t County, Penn's. The Slate is a tointilit dark blue, unetuingeablo ado', split's perfectly smooth plates of any size reqnhed, and , hardens stead ily by exposure to the atmosphere. . . Ito Slate the United that% la impala le it.in all the +Pall flog caeca tint to igood raid, raid are think but little - equad to It 'lt is tarniabol at the Yard in Pittsburgh, at the ride of Sala* Soon (one hundred , squire teet), which , with expense of laying, will add about ffi percent. to the, test of a shingle root at present prime. • • • Bataan, of State maybe von, and online lett it the °Moe of A. T addientkrger t Co.. Roc4raer. Its. Parties at a distattea. elm miiheas J. S. awitaier. !(o.& Seventh street. Plaelwirith. - • • . 1t 4 t1,,,R043):5 , ,, - ., ; - :. 6/1,2%4 1"X. Nana at 0110.64 X/ feAU 4Y. 4,4*.ittsitainis %sir laioneWtt-ITtrat -- • Chicago at tic ..leaves daft.] Mita iCIY. 15. Plttabutzti at 1.46 X., leaves ' . , . 1 . • itatee. Eices.ll43.i l a : , !nos -4L1L.....-.—:.--... ----, Plttaborgh. - .; .'. .. ...,.... - 100011 2 114501 Masi '3141434 Rochcsier,..i .. ;„ ... .„, 38/ ~, 815, - 104 0 . ,- . 50 0 halm 451 1031 1255 ma, 44'1 ) 1 Alliance ~ 50 I,r t. , 1,8 m Canton — - - " '' ' ll - •1a . " i '153 Maritg1an.... 1 ...,. ? . r ..... GM ~ ISA . ' 218 .. 60 Orrvillo ; 717".::139 • 'An ' '7lB Won& ' ' ''L 740 ' 107. : . 329 745' I,llausllol , . 916 de , 500, , 918 Creatilna ,/ ' 915. ' 1 4 0 00 .10110 -. , 4000 OA! 'MO • • 1015 - /Worm `ton "• 620 610 1041 Uppertiandnaky ' 111125 718 • 719, 1114 Foirat .., 1117 719 151 3141 Uma " 101 rs 1101 ihr , Mau Van Watt. 128. 1015.. 10111 ". Port Wayne 800 100244 11.50.;, Colombia 337 - 'lOO 1237.a0 • MIMIC .1 419 143 2n . . us nymooth ' " 510 . 300 . 181, am -. Vaipanno l 435 ^' 447. - 4.15„. 771 Ctslago OOl - 700'• no 910 • , . , , mama Ohimisaar. .. 'Enos. Ate& Prio4l. .•11.3" --,--. Chicago • 40 *ll 810ar 910 ma 61011e1a Vaipandao , 067 . no 120 a • 710 , Pi 11%'ymoath .0:0 . 1.137 ax 900 i Wahlaw '• 1090 „ 11011 ma 121 In I Columbia ' 1115 100 1117 .100. • , Port Warm lttOrm 100 816 - 1115 Van Won 105 NS, 480 -11115 am LIMA., 819 400 105 115 Y0re5t......, 441 660 653 118 - , Upper nodality 514 'NM 718 0 : 9 Bucynia 557 -: 816 RIO MIS 10D 340 • CreaUhm I • , 63Dam 015 '' On 855 Maarfteld ' ' 619„ • 793 90 04 Wooator - 854 853 flat , 100 ' - ') Orritllle 1 515 telli 110 _ 615 map4,looc, ' , lON 014 tar 877 4001 - 11000' - Minn Ins 1046 • 1050 11121 • 1 vas 1 1114 1110,40 01 .. 831 -, 1156A0l 1011,341 001 1098 150 ' 1 910' 410 lllO . Canton . hilltancer Salem Itocbester Plttaburgh ' Yortn n, New emitio and L itriti axioms - lemon Toon at p. New east)°, 4:00p.m; animas at burgh, &GO p. at: Mousing, lams Pittsbuntit T:l5 a. =arr. of .roungstown,llo:44. N. Cast. M4l) a. m; Youngstown. NewX.eatle and Pittsburgh /Monttno. dation [eaves Yontt i vF o . ale a. in; New Castle, VIO a. to; arrives at .!A 7. IMO, a. m. • ileturttiog. loam ..Alloghotty, p. nn, arilvooow Casa, 1:441 p. !Inlrprzigatovno: so m. , P. =LIS. thwerdi Mad 4Den.. fdprt9'dB:3nt. CLIPIRLARD a PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. On and titer law now, Dens Roo Rath= dally (Ru2days excepted) as • • cols? soirm. • . Italtaites. NAM Acens Cleveland. 855* 1S . Mulld ..... 7161 ••- • 19.1 Sadiron 1991 1914 ,- 51111" Novenae .. • .. '.141. • • 547 A Mance - 1139 ••iP.I .6so. Beyard 1154 • Welleillle • - 24.4. isorn , lls : • txr 4 a.' ..... 15151% - %yard „. yea .4Aa . e e l a nte 11W 4. 17111 - liOrtat 547' • • tat • Hudson • • - 910 Stand Street: • ' VII 159 Cleveland ' • 160 710 1030 • • . —1,59 a Man.,Acicat Ilelletr-...-.......... 11.. Wast Man 159134 Iltidgetwel Steubenville.. 119 V • '9115 .... 11Mrs 74111 4517 • ...• 309 • - A .445. ' Wes.% tbidtlee Into ' 3911 ' • • 607. 559 .. . ver .... NOI 'Ill) Hoetientisi 115 150 - 'WO -• -1110 Fittsbargts• 425 1055 . 810 CRAIG "trzez);:2 ' • - NAM 11.12 0 1. *cco i I/ Pittsburgh 050 as 150nt 4153434 E Roebester 7 710' 'WO • -41 if Waver - • • 710 ' an. WO ' 4131 thultlt's Peva 505 591 MS • Weltavltle 841 sp. .115 .615 !L - 935 445 815'• • Be z .mrt s so". 9960 • ' Leaves_ - Arrives N. Philaaelphis,j2l) a. sa. -1 Baynill; OA set baysedi,Ltikes. 1 N. Phlisdelphbi Mora T. X. MEYERS. Gams! Ildiet r:4 ~' goriofwur.". FIMW.V I , I r73TIP 4 4 ,!.: -• P,'4:•041,.i5.1 ,F, ' T V 71 :71' i H s i! - PR :17 , %,T t. _"' Z. Al ,le 4 , " .. r.T. rswt , l'e •-r c'tr, 1-. Direol,3o Viripi - 0121:17 11 4=14 .1,,._..,. i lereerwtflelkst tillo7raiMriaTeele - • e. - .get maim e Nomad Bege"Pevieetifeelllpeek: 4 41keiMith e t tr i or h . ,ikotaft li S - -reijae*catfliiiit . -1 / 4 6111)10Mitall" f UM .. ~~~ ~TM~"~i IRON ern , ' BAT . : il, 1 4 ---er , -,‘ l' • • ' ' I Geo '0 taltitkw& , : `409 Liberty 44 ,...), 1 • - , , = torro , sit , ii t iimo , ihurf:44 , , = = i ' P111131301(4P3:.` limy/tutu/yrs flf met aretata, Garwatat iv i Rh** • r , Oak-Tanned Luther •ilkfthnis £llO. *am son PATIIIIRIe•um, ratinum Li,. . . . .' 6 ,' A , 1 a j. ." • - T. Perkin% Age. rids. LaEo and OirW'caliat •A, French. bask. Pita. Cot Stael'Opriag Ow, • et, R. Porter, Sept F "awl.Uol_oo4 * 4 Xmas. Martin, Wicket" &Com • • •I• • • , Xiamoo. Lindraz & lieenteb, MU& . ft. A. Bolter, raq., XbenaboM Pa.. .1. XaMlater,l3ol., - liidlaiut . pa . ; . Nears. W. X. Faber A , Pfttett% • • ';•. J. U. I.ledea7. Re„ FitbßAlrgb,•: "Oett. J. Rodgere„ Ebeerabarg.FlL • Orders Respectfu ll y _ • sorrow" , • : Is6B. SPRING. 1806 CARPETS • .„ • :F.441.• striet; -.. • Are now ope4lag ray ' LARGE STOP.'; , • VELVETS ; . SELLS f . Thrie,Ply, . • ; Iwo Ply.: • ,C4)311110w OLT., CL9Tati: .:„ 1 WCA` • 5t1.-,F. we eiii iv •lll „ t ;',l 4;60 Phti, tit s , ifr 41k foe tnr , *am 11111107111AlnaliiiiVe* tM it r a kaae ll Vegetable Thdr. Itestorittre • t • Ikk bib ItatminiColkurt r5a.,.." 4+ ' i ' !...0,11e: ~.........„ . • ot tb• Ilaiszair t r ee r mile , ma ,„ , , indirriatiwt:r4p . ... 20 4 3111 1 7r 6 11 * barMaitaii .. ' ' ' L 161 6%k er a ralb.- yr ~,0,4. Aiov- IL.: W . ; - - . . . ,_,__ :;2:...1 • IL 4. lIARIIIrcr.6 IXL, Proptio,i • „ Sola by 3. Itonsur, Heave; Pa., and "all Druggists and dwlora 13 ]l! inarltrattly. . .. • WOODRUFrB BAROD~~7T2CSS flu Uto tbUotorliqg wood lit. Accuracy., :" Pertaibliity, • 3d. Simplicity, 4tb. nimbi litj • ,Lt undenbledl .the beet Hatont.• (*meow In eon be relied upon for acearacy end durablliti• Ani.Per et t u be d Am wham tedetest dessesd upon mom kninfiedge • .... 4:0311/NG ,111' 0 Bbmil4 b*" ••• 'eon a it *Mbe of Isiz (likeable vaidelnthein Is time. /lead bit beiceirtom 4 GE*RAL MUMS% minsistia• nivaetio, Annt.rBBB & OPTiVi4" ae mut, jelittilou AGENTS WANTED. kiLL WN6 VROPOISivo f BILL, AND . 2,Clisaitin=eurXo l l drltory no,u,upn t im, 4 uttior of - 'Field;, .stigion pli Esospefyond ttie • ''Pelississipp: • • • ' via of thO Ilhtstrt''ovto MI; tour Is the: only thilfeelhentie loot sothoti..ool Blegraphrptlsho.. wends! a ow& of lover- Int Ind 4ftraUng matter ao ottiestmoit . hoe or can °bide., flio'etinthes of the iloooatillienel.Burtooder etel'otha , Settees documents texporProddeot Orsot, Beekner; toe Vol: whim hoot eutmated to the oathokatetmatteno o( the titairMoportlare,rlaisog to tote chit govornoserst., dote the we, hover 'maile pattUe - And an ittestagotteette and: eosidenttot ot INMUYLIPIR CUL 7 4X. --‘ -•• • • - ,016, VAGSAIZAWIAIMIOS. . Author iiistdely:kwawn mkesetat the - Moot trulbtol se men iu btilbsnt 'atter& He wiewtet Pew Orol•Orsot durbig moot °Ws Wet. tOns Clat u atignsMl__ oa • Jooroalim wlttitsg•ltomi nroldit uim -711•34., mst. moor Ida eslikesogionbralh ates ' is e2= AVM personal observation. and from , mullnw from chamois opened to blot by 331 mats Ittssels. Its caskets well leavens saperftNaT met sti ()then, , post or Its' lay Woe wires.—, La* At flits first. ' trots to Wet 45ve,.1011 &slats -sifter- - ; IMP itCtbergbkvo Cetstrollim - -,tiregkrs semi sad Wheat creamtsslos We. Address. AXSIIIVAN 2fs ma rd m . 2f. J. a CO., &Word, Ct., 0/ alssB aMC wa • i., 11211 511 .4 • ,44.. : - mighty Jeca4. 'tl) •-inthedia - user • . • -Oa %obey eUplowe „, Proo• • trZtti t 'Wbfle bionfal l ambda Ibteep flearatsd ; - Wad esit alnattee ' • -A =bele keep bob .Aod SAO iteteyoltillfil -• ' VOW d on ons the • 4poltk '1 • straw sad hm sij poigi j oad T ,t • , , No OAK' • „ ? idled dl4 bkni;Sio 1/I•!iietd. So lwatte**47, west.' .• - • Tbst day apneas . amid • . • That t• wee ibbly . • *hen basweke the_ vs: of light woe sum • Sosidtbsar•ats noels opt Waldo c 4 , Amato tits plaitiow eas dts, ••• ' I Then; to the door_,teed do. ' Wen to Ore ran in d_ • , Width band niesees omoasala „yin; mono life be wa r vin e° II M a . uattt half "AM fan to estb avoliale - • - t • • dad shrieked, for bolo. • ' ' bstebsteltod 'WOO:k t '•* ' Tbsa best tbe inu * su end the kw* And la ids totted.' , • - 4 .llliettes of teed eipeet. I • • • • __bad Ode tbe pad of Wm not • voice outsidpicri t . , _, lon commend lea • -PM MIL ""A boannte work sad stseffer, ;' The Noe ale takenlived doer: i; • % - iccetbed the beep& , once mote.' . ,• • • And lints It lei im webraisbowno •" • -•VOW* love Ids two. • , , ' • And ttnur be basal sroseNt bear. ... • Somebody for to oven the door. • ttasseaseety biWiolOmmeed that bristb. , With Ado tare sepals WI dostbi% , ' • • tratlibb destr. est Uinta Wee/ ' n't , • , T ' PoarAßLa; rtttb6rall;ra, • j Ina G. .I,:zetßitAnt r *Wl 4 r• , • . . . 1-040 wr i For ALL commutivrions roams , ,op Tilli PAVER, -strirr ax AM ' ITO G. L. XaIiSKART. NR'W s lIROUrt" I 1 li. , - • firtunitltioa to Toon" "fdr igi • ' r • • - 84 In thelchuoroorn, Teacheyeshould not amble the attention of the putillsweettalve tAi wlq4 found to the *its- 4 B901 11 " but beips, 4 ; and' thAt which Is con&inW, In them shield , isr judi ciously need and' thoroughly undenneol,3lo; so far as time will permit, thVrtiiteherl can, • to Min - intim , introduce such matiera; ei . ere not only valuable in themselves, but a l t is will lend to impress Use anbleotof the leseedwifire aeon. tbonOsd. - 31 Be Judicious. tied sparing % "wring credit or disctaltt MAO% to be Wish, t Would render theta nhtsp rfid ooasp►iitttie>,Y. vales- 86. Wore reproving delinquents% %am, tint inquire - whether or not they havO l ed, and if, so, what effort has been ;mak.— &me pupils may demote much time and labor ns to the acquirement of their lesso, and yet In the ela)rmoin be nnalt'injeCitaninn and sO denounce'sicliwould , latid to moctrixios rather than arivmset.' 87. *4 ll linardnn. / 1 , 1 the Molt of ; the elk sent?) pr Inatkedion of the Teltillerle Plapil should not be reproved in TROpotti to the amount of willow. oeounittest A pepl shOpld 11011 1.° "Ow! tuAln, I Pot o e4Tesub' ulWahould 11 °0 0 4'w/on: nannati nom*, leave the elma-roomtr, and at the dose of the day e not until - the pop& have biien dis• andAhe mans and.turtiltire *ruing e4 In ProPul' 4l ier- • 88. Whether, or not punishment Is to be resorted to in. nealatilning order is 'a class delOnan; In nine cases. out,_ •-*. *ion the mode.of discipline end .Intsreat ex. cited by the Teacher; hen* it isenreasena• ble,to ; punish or. censure' a spit -tot that 'arise:arm a defect In the illusio n:tent by tke Teacher. ; : • 32. !foie/ exhibit a Welt *per or fret. fill t,140111,4 1 4. by no means way to 'ocouttita. any pommy rebibe be ad inknistored i ithilotomination„ coolness, aunt becomingdignitycr, - •). oteini‘ unreemonable-norporeal 40 Su Iva cr I rmi, 111114 ; 1 4 to lriitlY to be cooloaroa; but abif sire 'rflliitoe'ifii l 4. l * rroorfF4Ao by some Teachers, WU: worst AU eueit Pordith , towns 1111 in dark Isocinwittiking with the band, stallothoh . or egalal"la ba entirely al*iisbea. '• _ 41. , Itocionragn nten, end ,riprotent as urns as possibje: • not be interfered .42 1 A. Twine _ within tluig • oirrient of hinny hiclus, while in einninrid, min by', the Principal 4 i nn Teacher, ocidatisint grade. %Maki; toiiinestination of the purl% be grin 'din! Air 10 ber f nwn gnaw lions oinkrice finniAlto hrimipal shank! in all mei, be lied fftelveblleriedieb. of theif4Rid as/ {4t7 ~F ~ ?~:,. . +-~=_. tnrn.t -4•Tai il. 14,..'1 , 4. .•••• . 4 .1 , , a tX07.1i41i;..!.e."4t. it.n.f 411.4 ; Piv,3t.44 *44-4. Art. &I' w-. 1•11: Vz *Art,' -V 2".4 .1,3' r s'4) L, r rOffi l l'ar o l 44 : 141 *l* • •4. NA 4 . y:AV, t 1, .AfTy• iltl •-4 • .n - ; , , , , it •,„ ~; ,V p - ,P ' r .7; ", „ 40v7a 2/1„!t., :7"7: 44: t r.. , • • - l i rt ltiL 11 WW 4, 0 - a .;,r4: , ,... ::,.:.:- p:." ,- t -:,:V" - f -. - 3-44.4. , 1 .. iI . .: ' V. 0.!: , .... ,', .„1,!4.;."3,4„,,. ..• . lij , 7• 6 , , t , "1447******Iiid,10 4 014'• - ; _: ... ,t111*'07111;4111:k,, ,f • 64.41614- 4141ii *Mt z,„ =i,. ; _ ittl, ..,, 1 ,..i 1 - , : ,•- 10. 14, - 6 dot , t c. -4 1 7:.. 4 1 ,: ~1 iotitit:lo?'"'" ' irttli :OW tditibit , , 11, Toootoo , tj '. _ ''''.- -- .- - ;"or ho . iro* 1, 1.406, 3 a a..1 , ...'' , ,, ii ... k ih Fes: 1 11 1 ' t f ' . 4-9 • . "" I ,I**iii** „ • - ioliii**4*. 4,0054-041140:-;AuTOliar ,initottir*tpapergwod4:4na 414)..e*Aitile:404i - obiiiitoot re *4=o '?;sll4r4n44 4. ..tePtto.et ,imPe-*PlTeee* A'istonia;44 . o - ape,' iv.**iii4Ajr_e# .ittit C4Fonati tether rVjal--ddozPt ooaitiri • boiVll#lo3 l ),Mbo1 ,11 1400 gt j - , ;.-77'.4)„ - Er tcr ; ' I . ; )ri . rillebilem ll 4-i : MC 1 0414 3 Matti1444- : l6' ' . ite *TO it iiikleist WA: fotteg: Out vita telt.,`sinoOnta to Oln"101011 tOtttuie of mai,' 1 4 ;4; bob* mOO% &Pak 4beit:ttrii , Aroil,':thiy -tad ois4 3 tinemit on tileti awl. tol. What Wile each °he s e 1 ra t e ir./11 to WO *GT"' ". 410;11.';..:Atigtitholta.poet 4 o'clock, her tots IV tie befbrO the oitonteptiod' wW to - Optinolti,thobnorhon4 .. 2 140 - A •If VotlolOeoloOney mid* vbsoplend 's'ectits onO'half •54 - To* amonsts• to ' $5.561,.# vat tateniest Or 4 joss at 7 per oat" haw" meth , keich oiui PM 5.:4114. Irtie -N'of tattoos% win imis Wore - mere' thus be hied itOw bat* a give A. 460; A. will lump 110 per &nth:Snore thaw he now hat what lama has cad; if lys is 8 time /LI; Eginepie&entmillik. , • N s.per .ea'at.:, per : senate tot 7a0124 4 th erebeipel, equals : t tlie.lntereak e.fBloo :Is fifths of the piiincipidtend the plied* .Is, thereto% b times Mel set= .0 ptivet.s2lloo. • ,This, secordlng the .aoriditkont of the miestkon; Is % .11.4 and % ota's money.— But 54 B.'S money squids 8 times ,si-...44bat is 1 4.thinle--A.'s money, Evidently then gof aqua . f_lL'a; and IL's plus ti the arse as 114 of B.'sofhloti mOtity, then is 4 thus the 3i' nymkllooo. It" got We inoney--, 4100 , 7•40t00 4 :dolt& nt'AN mom j 'o.llities the ICal 41000 4414 flithteentlia ' But B. seeheed 148 Pie* thin A:teat ; hence, stue6 A. lost %, and gahted pinata equal 11 tiftetedha, $4B eimettiqual the differeace between tffineimthe and 3,1 equal 8. fifteenths of what A. pad for the horse; aad it $481.16 fifteenth the amt, it cost IS times the 1.6 of VA ;190. • if A: paid $l2O for the horst and add him ta B. at a him of 141 the end, B. paid 180 fork. If B. sold him for 7 fifths 4hat. A.: paid for'him, he • sold Mei for 7 three 141 of $lllO equal gleti ; hence he gained $166 mined sBo.equip whick to $ ;metes than A. lost. ~_ - No. 8. The side of a scram piece of land riontamblg 20 acres is KS rah long hence 'at $2 per rod it' wonld' ro o 48 ' to Noce it. Tim area of a Circle is found by multiply ing the' emiare of its alanieter by the dadaist .1854.; or by multiplying' the square or Rs ra dius by 8.14181 brace if div,lde thdares by MK we get for OJT iinotfeatholionde ,of its &meta f and If we divide by 8.1418, we get the 'aipilre of its vadius. If then we di. vide 8240 rods---that Is 200 sorel- - ': 1 :7- 781 ti we obtain the square of the dhuneter of 'A circle whose area le 20 acres. . If then we extract the square root of this quotient, we Uwe the, diameter; and, this root mUltiplied by 8,1418 &reit the Tann femme afar length of fence in rods necessity to inclose a circle contslning emi r Ishich is ~201% feet nearly. This at $24 per rod VI oUfd Wit $4Ol, or 1R1,48 heathen to term sviga containing AO acne. No. 4. Similar solids ire to each Ahern the cubes of their like dimensions; henaiiikei disuenshmsofsindisr solids ore' is nacho ee SS 40 cube snot of their validities. • This lits truth eitablished by Geometry. .Theeolidity , of slitihembis tot* by multiplying the cubq ones Ailamonr by Mai . , • • Togas% bownemy ballets h et= Inch in diameter are :cowed to make Clan 1 inch in diameter, we can either compare *Main- Men* the mantles. ' - The cube Of Wisin decimele .01664 and the cub:furl b 1; Weiben saj? ;>u the cube of lite totie cubed 1 sots Itor,whicbwe and to be 64; heft it Rill require 64 bullet 4 ,4 ohm Inch bfauseter to makel ball I lush in cdanieter. • Nat. The area of a c_ircio is found by multiplying.tio squarer of the &stricter* the decimal:lW. The area of a circle whose diauseteriio Kati is - 28g144; A circle of 40 timeless much area embraces 1180.070 knew: *et. „This Sum divided by Uei .7854 slims theiquare of , the. diameter , ` . pf a circle whose area 1a 1180.01.8; i ts 1446: the miens root of 1440 is icuti as ; thistaultspited by 8,1418 gives 118.003 ;bet, which is the tircumtbrtruce of al elude that contains 40 Slitssel'air much *raj)", a circle whose diameter Wiled. ' . A ;room um sen t his dither n the mut' uJ Otioteilii l o4 tol poor and requited Mow; Vie tabor 'i t ellksed, stating that Ike could kikt be TO , Imm, wee firing surrounded by marble yeses, rosekqood furaltiun and choice - lowers, as itiiiptioto. Rapp fllese4l44 tilatto b4l EMI .. n. , . , - ..., ' +."!, 4 , ~. .4 7,,,,, , .•41 4, 4 .Z,4I.:SP, , ?E. , f, , ~„ .4..; ...;,., k . .!..f . .4./ i .. . r. .. 4 .• - , e". A4ilAk te ' ' Ur i blibeti , , 8 „. ,4 E ~„........,......,,.444 , :-„,,,,,,.. 0.1,10. y . ._t_....,,..,,,.._-..-,_ , _ ...-,_ ...._.., ~.; ,-, IPoSutton& IL: bought theltetaW %mak - A.106W What be paid for it,: tt fot7.llftha *hack eott.A. the dWerenee between 7 Mb, and ME sz; - gift° .IPO - • aar care:•, ,• •• ; • OERii3i;iEZOI .:,, ..: , ..,9Wr T.47. 0 1.7 11 1,: ; :',i 7 tftnitAtittordrirbot"Y" , ;-• ;.1 .• • goes ktibelleme,of John . Abele. Ike gym SA ON W street. , tows d anm , Mika there: AI AN e k about 45 years • obi lie b wonted' tobekbittilltoo,o o o, bore or km, and la known Weyer* 9111 f, S7IMOO. tie *A Ore l) of them being =m•ope.ann and the other', a Balitfat-4nuffireported to barroom* been 4 vataktirof Um Gospel hltanelt. He b lumen ronnerlY,4b44rkbeen*Aborkieacherv 4l l o apts. ofeduattlop and fine natural poweri• was OriltinsnY a good Than, - and la ybt a . • Mow in many regatta. 'Weteltnot Swlbla good 'untlitbaltenetor Could - have attaiMd nein' eke brid tenhiehes of being the` Wle..ked est Man inaVelforke ;; Th• best bid lialwaya the wont.. _ , .Takei ;an 'in• sit inn Wickedest . Man lan pherimin. - nada 'the Bible to' Ms dance-ha gne" gbh', and his papetWare the Neil Tot* Oberon. and thiandimidast:— iskenthem tettaarly and raids tbem. have, repeatedly seen ,thern lying oitthcaclan tar ist bit bar, room, amid" demote nod &Wet 'Meg with the dally -Herald ariel.l74 Stn. We have also seen a dozen.coples 'of ,the Lit& Wandwers" /Wad at a time matter ed. about Lis -,place, for he takes an In. twat lit minion , mirk and "goes in" genet laity progwasstor other people. • , Thia Wickedest Man Is the eelp entity, *p i pertaililitgr to. :the :shady', lido of New York 11th Web:live been unable to Whom, ,analiaiiand account for. lint he is tort catch at.. 'Why a human being of his edema tion,watural testis, Giros of character.and ealth, shoiski • continue to lira in a "Wider street da.-11ouse, and bring up his children in -a. soul-destroying .:atmosphere of sin and., degradation, IS more than we can comp.). hoz& e , • . For , this .Wickedest Kan loves his children. His little die-year-old is the apple of his eye, the Como( hia lustrt. and , the :thief object of his worshipr. He never minims as opportu- - nity to bound the child's praises and to show off dale easomplishments. And, all things considered, the little fallow is truly a wonder. He is, crowned fail of inforussUon on all manner of topics, 'and. is ever ready to re alsand to his doting lathe 's; to make buranuertness viable to naked eye. • We have never visikd Wickedest Man's dance-house without having our attention cal led afresh to his little ' eon s, ability, except' once, and, then be took an round to the school Web the child attends.'to let us see' that he ranks with he best, and is a favorite with his teacher. .• This on the 28th day of May last; at about a: quarter :to 12 in the, daptiene., when we went to SU Waters' streetloW Mr. Alien that the fated trine bad seise for nett ing him up In a magazine article; j For; belt known tel the ,reader we have had oar pen pouched at John Allen Fir near ly' two years. In the year 1885, the. Sabbath after President Lincoln was amminaied, began*" artplenkintt sad .subsollingfiar New yorkcity,as to its ensue,perverty,wantAwase, va'nthee and degradation, *latch WoUre *Wed' eine Sidi* ss other Mikageintat weakilomMit. i.Oirceabse,it irminot-long . ivon =r l4l 4llo.l: kgrilinea..- Wit IA once rPs. ,014 made him an aituar. „Beton weinvis said, be .. baldes We told hint 'so, snit have frequently asked him to :he 1p ;as eta of our dilemma, but be always comes short,of the complete Wang.. We Wok we know Why this Wickedest Han persists in living in his Water street den --that we hive, in fact, penetrated his' secret; but as we are not abiolutely certain as to' the matter, we will. not set our suspicion down in print loot we should do him injustice. ' We have mid that our Wickedest Man is a phenomenon. We mein this ut its applica tion to the deepest springs of his character: but it liaise, and pedals, equally applicable to the external manifestations of those deep sPrings- Has the reader any notion of a Water street dance-house t Concretely stated,- it is a breathing bole of bell—a trapdoor of the bottomless - pit. You sigp from the street in n)* bat-room, whereiff lousy loafers lurk, and which is in Nome oases on a level with the atdevialk, and in others far below it ; and then you are in thegmeral midst of things, if it happens to ben ft-latmse of the very Icons" a But usually there its "saloon ' in the rear of, the bar room. . . Passing , out of the barroom, by . a 'door . opening in a partition across its raw,yen en ter the dancing saloon, *bleb varfeai in Axe i froin fifteen feat smiarei to a Min twenty-fie by fifty feet in extent. Along the wall of this room a bench extends, usually 'on three aides- ' In the farther end of the room is an orchestra, proportioned in numbers and skill to the pros perity of the establishment The number of musicians is sometimes as high as six, bathe aversg.i is hot more than , three. In one of the rear ceiners,of the saloon there is a =all Liar, where the girls can drink with their vie timawithout exposing their fscmattons to the untlarittful gaze of a non-paying and censori ous outside_ public. • ~ Sitting' o n, the 'benches, or grouped 'upon the near; or ;Whirling is the dance, are the giOsoraryutg in number from four to twenty, but averaging about ten. Theeezirhi are not often comely to tie fas 'ldiom eye. Butto a sailor, just from a-long tsetse, where nothing lovelier than hisweath• er-beaten shipmates has for years been seen, tiF t are, not without attractions. , So, toodo be in landsmen, of a degraded type, pay ho r'm ge to their strenuous charms. But a decent I min, lar the full possession and equipoise of 1! faculties, can only regard them with stir w unspeakable, and pitytoodeep for tears. The only girl we ever saw in adan-ft house whom we could detect the slightest vestige of copielinesi or refinement, . bad been there but a few hours, and was reputed, to be the daughter ore former Lieutenant Governor, of A New Nngland State. ... . The first time we entered John Alien's dance house, we loud it, in full Mast. The hour was. eleven in the evening. There . were thirteen girls In the saloon, three musieums to • the or chestra, and seven eustOrnem submitting to the blandishments elan equal number of the ballet ,dressed limns who pervaded the room. Our:luirty consisted of the policeman who ao cemented us, three clergymen oft the look ont - tbr the "elephant," Mr. Albert C. Arnold, of the Howard Mission, and the writer. The Wickedest Men was in his glory.— Things were moving briskly. He gave us welcome, ordered the orchestra to do their beet. and told she girls to "break our heartat' A vigorous dance follawed? 1' tor winch the proprietor called out:_ • "Hartford, go up slats and 1iet 131 ,9, bOY.-" Hartford turned to one ol the WA* Immediately disaPpoared, and soon returned bearing In her arms art npdressed, rio child,.wispped in &shawl This was m in J rald's prodigy.. His father took hint . his annawith a glow of pride and affeillen upon tds bee, and said: " ' «Now gentlemen, mare writers ,,, • philes • sphere, and preach:nu ; but 111 show you that saaayy hefty , knows Sumach as (gym. fleis heli p ort resAthg, writing. praying, and fight; int ') ston t ad without more ado, he therskepy NM! 13 1 )04 the Pot' lad bean to cat" . • • .7.11i.„.0,02r , !..,,,,W.:7 aka •• e ,A):4.111111M . . . . , '."' '' • A - •- ' • lip _., „. • ..a. ' ; . Nit ' iwirteillat . , 3 1ar.004, , "";17-111Plee: n,„- 7rf-/ ti Vr; , -. , r , . - , T.,:•• ..: ' 4 ' ' ' 3 4, 1. , %.* .a• , 'k •-• 411 - I Sgrit. 1 T. ...-...........,,... , 4 .. . .. .._ . , . 1= 4 ........"'".„.a0ticria' =to! . bad siatedsact profane. end thentowledera i ldetz= phy; the poildeal history of, ..17 ate:, with in all. ,13uddenty fie ,uounmem -reheeter, give Infti - L And Chester , rat ,thsA num. pile use . song- '• ' , ior • ot e - "Now Chestier gyro us ,sx,„ wa. The' ,or;hestelt plod f end Chester dibeed li ik • g with prectsiortUid his Motr lookl pu With dsgt.,' l "Now he Chester give us lafp•ger.7 • ' And the child melted s 1 thaLsporeir i z • er' apkthen ethers stccessiOtt. * t ar Welk ware 1001 , xibtddrJ . andtPlr*sili on titillation/ put as to canto the heart 4 44 hera it ersitliat ire got a ere* of the pre• iiielrearites of Onrittint=aletteditenzi to idra.lualrattweti and all fps,ze* Naomi of hit unconsciousness of, Is wiekedneei which Is leadlitgblin to tralouP.thet idolized E lw i n IA way arid an atmris, kith • wilt yet faiikelifra an Object of WAWA , • oriltl to bleat - _ For that deice-house child there seems to be no •iPtltudl hope. •; The sacred and the mew used hilmtbmilalta„hischildish na &Mending that he Nrill never be' able to tell which - is aceo and whie.h4 ptc4o. ; antlble nature being dole ocenbatlve. he will grow rip _into t highest posuble type of wide:dna*. if hegrows up at all Of the thou sands, of patnßtl awes wherewith we met in this city; that oflittler CheliOf Allen gtroa us about the keenpicleing.". Mei the induct Optimum had been sent back to bed, his father *AS our PAY Ifye wouldn't "mix and have adance wi th Wit girls. )' ' 1_ "It'll do yen good," said he, "to.trip it a lit tle on the light Tangent°, • Beef I like to do the fair thing by distinguished visitors., I'm fond of -literary ma p le, _end especially of clergy Men, :trirelltres Metiers myself who adorn the mend ailing.; and grit and grace run through our Dimity, like the Tigris sad the Jordan through the Holy Land. Go in, gentionieu ; the girls , shan't hurt you. • watch overyou like a hen over her chickens, and - you sha ll leave my premises u as syu one. fa /, Ha, hal - Cone. what shod/ it be ?" , On being assured that we would noi°trip _ It ou the light fantaille," he asked us . if we (that is our party,) wonki not favor the girls with a song; whereupon Sr. Arnold that we should all sing together. s• the girls whit they would like best. Several of them inoturiiately. responded in flIT4f ,"There Is Rest for the Weary," "Do you know that?" one of__ asked. • • "Yest,"- answered at lust half-admen of the girls. . -1 • , • _ "Where di d you learn it?". szikZ4 of the dualism. a "At Sabbatitschoor was the reply. 'Weal!, look • . at, et tp another..! Yore was a revelation...girls had been brought np to attend,bla .• a UAW ; Perhaps they wen the daughters o meets! Bat we hed"not time to piipmethispeinftdrosi9stios dm the girls beipottetig-- • • - "In the Ohristhberi haute tallU*o 7 :•c.. Thjersispilaatif rein;. r : befarft plea = -Tc44011 way itinitstetries‘-•-• ‘---• • • -,q-„,...,-"ill•-4‘..a-ti f i t imi t 4; • - . , 'A; 71 0 1 4 1 01 1214r7 7.1 0 1:the ;Ater ioroat WhheiWeet fielded Mee ere the Tree of Life is I t ikion*4 • There is rest for you. And oh, with what fervor and teatime SO labllecb•li3 r the thorns—wig* I A the eon of eacieverle, they sang three times oven scene of them, at last, weeping as they' sane. What 'Wish memories those sweet, simple strains evoked.,.Memories ,perhaps of once happy bonus. and affectionate Sabbath School teachers:and belOved convenient, so Jointly Contrasting with their dancelmese Antler/ those solti, -Weary Mauro liose„ rod foully upon, and repeated over anti spin, the lines: • . -• en the other aide of Jordan, , In the sweet fields of Eden,. Wliertt the Tree of ige is Wallin, T here is rest for your,' Since that occasion we havere=atirtne• Bed the abode of the Wickedest in New_ York, fe l the purpose of "studying hint up," and of trying to hittmon some means of tit acing him to abandon librarian, Of life, and okaying hisboy . . For in truth, we not only feel an interest in, butj also ra th er like him, wicked , as he u Andso doer nearly every body whom we have Sahen to see him; and ,we have taken scorns-doost of them dolly. men. But all our efforts to get any vital !Alum*. him have been In vain, He Is always Cork; always ready td let the girls, "have a spiritu al singe' will even penult a little exhortation to them in his dancing saloon; and as the with his Observer and/But he keeps ba his WaYirtiliertizind' tr. Oa Coe occasion a party of as suggested that he should let as inAd a payerpray lading In his saloon. Mier *Mile .retlaxiori he re , plied 1: "Well, no. gentlemen ; I can't go that. You knowlthatirrety man mast have regard to his profention and the opinion of bis neighbors. What With my Otiterter, and ischpeadost, and ydu fellows coming here and gauging cam meeting hymns„ I pm already looted npon i n tbeneighborhood pa Wag_ rather loose and unsound ; 4,4 ff a top Vail *MS, I shenid let goy hold a prayor-oneting /*vitt km. 144 little +Amulet tie Steg Tun Lourms.—The most miserable and • hopeless scrap of litimardty, Is an Idle man—.' a man whose chief alto Is to loaf; to waste In !Waite lounging and physical inactlon, the best years of his life. There are numbers of such beings here, anal Ii every other town, miserable loafers whose solo occupstkm Is 10 avoid employment of any kind, whose Ilven can scarcely be called lies, who die one after another, and leave behind Wm.—what? A TeenSg? to ho mourned? No, for they itso tbenreivaa vatattohai t not tue!t, bletori of the world's progreas Ignores their names, their,,extstence, end being dead, the grave eon' ulna no more Inert worthless earth than it • did before. They hive no'kiad habitation of narneleo ras regards worth °rubs°, and (whis t to day, In the tondo of busy men, they; pall as uncnnent fonds., at so much at discount thst'they cannot eysp t4ol=l, yen 1 The onlrapparentetertlati they mchth It Is that which enables them Id hi etetually in somieboby's.bsdness. They never do any ve. dal harm and never 'IWI They. die only when thby get the lazy nod In dolent louse their respiratory 'copal Thep never get! the consumption', beams thek haven't energy enoh to cough. They glee employmout so-nob ody, for they have none for themselves; From those. 'and seen M time, may fortune ?MIMIC 4 41 along" •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers