The Seserw-gi • IL *STOW Merin makfaumureow 'I; I .PRESIDENT; , • rY: ..FOR • '•:•' t•• L'Ulyss • R vicELPRES ...• i:• u o y • • • Se • ' .. P iteut Eregto*r:, ' i ' .;;;. • . . ity Lawn. •, . , ,t.., : G. Ilavisoit Canis& of 0 iiiilptibi. , ' ' Twos. M. MAssnata., of Pitllbilrit..' ' " ~' . . 'District. • , Dlstiiet.' - • - •i.‘ W. H.'llkroee. 'lll. &untie, .Btovit' 2. IY, I ..P olinck. , , ' lt. RP,Wsgotiieller, ii ' 'B. Richsid Wild j, 15..4:1401: Miller. '' 4. GE W. Hill. le. Cromvillr. El%/T, e. W. P. Heel . 17. .lOltti,Siewarl, IL 1:11, Brhlgh Mt: _lB. A'..o:olmsteod, 7. Prank C. H 04 18, /antis SDI:' , 8. Ism Bac 82. H. C: Johns** , o. — Horris Hoe . I',. 31. /IL Evi,___,4 l B, , 10. David M. , 22. Wm. Frew, ' it: WM. Dsvis,, • $B. A.. W. Crawfarl, ,If. W, W. Be .harp. 24. , ..1. 41. Hutan.,, ltepnli a u AUDI It GENERAL. du. zoinuivin nunraipirr, Or 11101g100711ERY COUNTY. . I• BURVEYOR GENERAL. M.MACIOD nt. cABIPIBMIII4 . " or CAMBRIA ,COUNTY.. t. ' • roil MICHAEL WEYAND. .• , deduct to dectston DLtUict Cottforeito.) : tOR ABSEMBI t T. •; I • THOMAS NICHOLSON. ' : YAN EMIL • • ' A.J.' FFINOTON. flitgl i or:;l ß dgebbes of D G lstiOct. Conficeis,.,) „ f ' J. It. HARRAH. 108 CONaiIBBIONICR. " DA fat W. SCOTT. ' ' ' ro* coystr SUEVITOB. DICKEY. Fob `tOb ROOS DlTtge'roit, JOHN sLErrrz. TOR AuDrroit. ' ' WILLIAM THOMAS. 1011 '6OiZONIS, WILLIAM . Yon Irm.isTars OF ACADENT. SAMUEL MACIAW. • „_ RICHEY-EAKIN. Tempetarcik i of the Democracy for . tittplgpo4l4ehas been not inaiitly -AlloftpllWltof brains ander difficulties:, .4•1.-+••••••••••••••11. W.rrn Pendleton as the Dentocrid o small date foi • the . Preskl6(7, the•motto of that par ' ty tor,themunpalgn should be rendered thus: Greenbacks (or bonds and mullen leaves ton IbleitITAST SzWAND, It is now said, will support Grant mid (kitten for President and Vice President, no mutter whom the Demo- Oats nominate niNew York on tho ' etli of flPosamsden, , Trambull, Van Winkle, Hendee . - so:n stnd Origami, (five of the, iteven "recusant illaiatorsh all, intend.veting tho Republican ticket at the November election. Fowler and Roil hair(' not decbirixl their purposuat • - - - - Tux President amused himself on Tuesday of last yreek by Bend' riz to Congireis his I vetO of the "Omnibus - Bill," 'admitting the Stat il 1 7 4 . North and FOuth Carolina, Louis% Georgia, iklabtula and Florida. Both house's promptly mad the bill over the veto; so that , dlisi,e4mMire admitted, end , Andy once moreibiled in his' attempt to reconstruct the Union on his basis. • ( Wnit.w Gelll..Gralli WWI acung as Becretely of War, Andrew Johnson, in s message to Oongreas, deolarsd that "peat reductions of exPoom,t 4 hl4 been effected under edmln• istrattOn of the . War DiPirtment, to the &Wo g V:millions to the Treasury". Yet now the Zohnson party pretend that Grant has no ea • parity for civil affairs. Unnsn the Pendialonian system of finance, It IA been figured out by i skillful arithmeti cian, timid barrel of floor hill oast VIM a yard of cejlco $2,711, yani of muslin $B, a, pair of Wits .$175, a ipair. of shoes SOP, a bound of coftee,s6, a pound of sugar 114, and everything else fn exact proportion. • One dollar in rufthin wilLbo worth about V 45 In greeabackA. • Mechanic* and laborers will have* "goodtime" limaklngboth ends meet if the people are foollSh enough to elect. Pen. dieton, or.*ay other man entertaining ,his views, for Preskient,ln November. , Evan ,the Democratic. patty moves, We must qualify that statement, howerer l by say - mg it to the Democratic party Booth. Down • in Port quo°, Miseissippt, aearthe old home of Jefferson the ''cullid folks" are ad= taittetto be mettlnad brethrin, to have clan and,political rights, and are mourted old pet 7 eso—it they promise io vote thi Detnonratic ticket, ,Their hair does not kink, their tiColi, du net *IA qut behind, and Unpin' redolent or podSrs riTaliaff I'vect krtteg, !Hve . trOwt 1141.101/ 4!0 Allot"L"iflhelibel°ng to s Dementia club. , a 149 0E4 Joao day the aristocratic , white' gentilmen ,or Mii aiaaippt, who don't. vote, , will 'talk . to , their xacired isientir'who' do vt*, Ind be talked to ty eplOridonitiet — Who s influertes "Mei, wilt, shake hands and pat shOnkkey 'With 00. I WOI eh down , to dinnerwith thee , Nors iht at+9 l s'wel !deep with theli if occasion abodld arhit• IVO 110 1 *melon of title hat audeleily Iliad etagere/de nigget," a cbauel returned In the einaimes•Hat with mulmand rows, se Natokwed citizen" Battered and 60.0- .4 eity: hisionnerownei. Rem is an diice shibihdiad it's) , ortholcm . iyrec a tigg Democratic B tiattiAtoff'dftflkbi°. , The Colored Desiocratbi Club of Port Gib son, assisted by that,whlte frlondstiFM give a grand batbecue at the Gibson. ,on i3al.- ixrday Jens 18. The Other adored Democrat is Club, and the white citizen of the enmity. as t ell as oar Meade Ie Itiferenn and Cop/di, white and colored, aml°Tlt°ll to attend. There will bespeaking 'daring the •day. Dinner will be Medd at two o'clodt. A.'programtne will bk 'daubed in the next ism /4110 ftionaard: • Gila Ittrian, , livaddent of the colored DeMocreibi Club. Jdimpa Dn.coa . Secretary. • • 1 ' ''' 17 Simi= of New "fork* Pendleton otl Ohio are just sow the ceOral figura or the Democratic party. — Mead to a caulk nominal! ""s,by the New York this iv I v the easte 1 nr bank Pend speaks IV log bmui of that of these t mat a 'of the pariy. which :dail•qaestas,. are widatyl, are igoix4q. r ***4l,o44olAnd will likely be • nominated, eaa as t be I :aliiiiiiirittair^ nit& that I s unit; Corr end platform'? we, will now note/ theli4llrereirt *skier bind 11 ) *?i ,fi r tn Pn ,143cer4 rn; ton, as is affect o, hedieVe-,410 the Government bonds areinearly•all held try; the rich' men bribe entintry. proper* t 4 isk q t [ at bonds with' Atpr oto 91e4040;11101i.require OF‘ll4 depreciated value ofthe pepertracip,lfecarei 'O fig !o ot a ho this O' Will lulure i ltrir how It lll:affect' the birdman di carbonic* lerests of ; the WOW/. ',EMIR °Wirt o.n i ether band, adduces figura, to show :Vat 1, ? mom *none are' Interested In Ckweintrieut bona. Who are not., caPitnliati,!' and - chitin. Grit these:irotild "biCrlPPier . ; Or inibild It the bonds ere not Oka' if titer aro paid , in de based piper." But tilielfreftri:yrnoin't viorde her . artdrese Ore' — tbc447. it the Cooper Institute fastireei he 'tirade nee or' thislingiage : ,1 ' sr r;• • , HAlntmg other things' labials bail ceased anxiety hr the disor&red mate of but Union; is the fact Abet our' Goverinnent trim:RU* are mainly held in one section)Of Our ''t• trantry.-J-. The labor Of the West pulsits - earnirtge in p large deem inta lands...which are tai-burden ed.. • The labor 'Of the gist: puts its earnings Into savings banla, Sib insirrance:tir in other to moneyed inireitment: " Thus thereto deeply rnterested in Goverrinient bonds • The amount lesavlrobanitsie thla State done Is $140;000,000: , shOwelthat theirr mud he at taut :500,000,000 ofineney thus ' &Posited In all the: Stites. The Overige of the devil. ' its, in 1867, hi the State Of NeW The number Of depoidtore in the State of Ow , York is about five hundred thousand, (4188.479)' and in this they number niOre than one third of the population.: This will make the number of depositors re the Union more than 1,800,000. In the State ht Connecticut, in 1865, one quarter of its populationled,rlePorr its in sayings banks: It la now. turned for Men dwell property to failure their lived. ' The numberof policies given out by all the life in surance companies are about 480,000, and the amount of insurance about - $1,250,000.000. The money Invested is held tar a sacred trupt,, silt is a fund laid arida for their Wiles when the Insurers die. All the Sinai of divulge banks and life insurance companies are not put in Government bonds, but ~they hold an amount which would cripple or ruin them if the bonds are not paid, br if they are paid in debaied paper. If we add the trusts for wid- 1 owe and orphans we'find that 00000 per ions are interested in Governme4 bonds Who are not capitalists, and who are compulsory owners it present prices under'the operation of ,3nr laws. • t tBLe TJ7 kas~• = Pendieton'and his admirers insist that their' flooding the country withireenbackswill net debase our piperttioney.; iSeymour replies to that itothinsical say-so as follows: There are two ways of making.our paper money as good as coin. One is to contract , its volume by calling in the legal-tenders. This will make them scarce and will force a specie standard, but it carrY• ruin and bank ruptcy into every Partof oprcountry. -It will • bear down the pricesi t ifirert3r and of labor. It h a policy which he carried. through for the matey will not (inmate it. There is another way of lifting up our greenback" to par *ltch will not hair any, but will help all, whicit Will bring back confidence. Will F e. vive business and enterprise, will lighten tax ation. will; give to labor honest money, and will do juitice,to the public creditor. And that way is to give to all the world full , faith in the honor and wisdom of the American. Government. Our paper mow is not itepar in coin, because the national credit is dishon ored.• Atm ,can the notes of our Govern; meet. which pay no interest, be worth their face in gold or silver, when.the •bonds of Gov einnsent, which pay 01 per cent interest, are Worth only 80 cents on the dollar? You can not make the notes put out by banks, wort& more tnan the bonds Which secure these notes: Itis a sad thing to.say that our credit is dishonored inelbemarkets of the wo_rld. but it igtrue,. and malt be said, if we are to find a reniedy. hut humiliating to find- that When Great - Britain borrows 'thousand dollars for twenty years it pays the lender but $1,700,, when, if we make the same loan, we,ltave to pay $2,700 to the lender. ' llf we wish help the taxpayer', U wish to get at the ,cause et debased currency in the betide of the labor- . er, we must first dad out• why our creela is dishonored, for it is a tainted credit, that "Ms alike the value of bond 4 of greenbacks, and bank.litotes. Make tite.oredit of the United State" as good as that of Great' Britain, or of a merchant in geed standing* ofa mortgage on iltirm, and our troubles • would disappear.. If we make our paper money good by a torah system of•contragfion, we Mud! ctipple the Cu. ere/o'er the country, and Make,' bankruptcy aid ruin. It nn the tither hand, we debase the currency by unwas lionekwe shall equal ly perplex Wetness end destroy sober, indus try and utakeall prices merwmatters ofgam bling, tricks, and chances. This will end ask did in the Southern Confederacy:. At (the outset thecitizeras of Rich:tend went-to mar ket with their money :In ::their vest pockets and brought back their dinners in their has-. kets, In: the endshey took lb it money in t4eir bakets and took' home their dinners In. their vest pockets. • Make out money good by an hottest and wise course, and when this Is done it will be worth; twenty•five" per cent more than his now; which will be equal Ito an in- Creme of ono-quieter in the ludotint•Of cqr , moor Business will be strengthened, *chow try will be encouraged, prices Wlllbe regular and, men will then dare to goon with weettil. • . ' • , ~ , • , , . • • General Grant Is thenato ral eid leigitltnata suceossor of !aikido In the execution of the wil of the Athericau people: ; aow lb4eonffilih' lib. p o lici es arab 16116011 4teir Mill he i ie est words best 0.3 U: : We counts, front ila menage. and official mare of thesetwortdp resentatlr Anietlian. a few, salted, Old l ain: Pluitlc ecotone°s wiume elfin/$.11.0.. ttei4hii The language is more than coineldenc e,"11.. apathetic, and reicalshew trill! and. sin oiielitlin hairs of mir'ill* 1 9E 8 .. Wit 1 ii,lf InlO,i7fialyidirvgpi4, , ot4:4 3 4;Pak pie:, ' T. ; rii!lf•••:. -• . , ' , I r :: ; ••• i,, ,!,, • •, ! I ti:Lper a r lon soon or me. and , wheia!! effsest , rn Lai as losmesoce--a Abalaea 41. We n. st ,_. • I have sot eoatrolled rote . . Th ai have eoatiolie4 agrai n eolitteet hisitie,' Moak eeisteittle , Abe titer et the palette 'ow else we 'seer h. PP* othiltort olio* thoold Wino ee mu free to exude 'the ma or the tkosio WirwrespecOod that etwV• i rna Home ofilePtabeatatiinaoniaii MOn-. day pawed Wresohdtois by 9$ yeas to 54 nays. 11 , narnetlnit tho 'Nap itat Mtn* terninltteato 'sport AI bill !mini a' tan per and trik intareat of all clano - of Government bond's. The ROOM*, wernality for and dfty•foor against it. I Iris gettorallY bettered that i law garrYmettlisinV 3ll " ii* 4ll ea *lO4 l Vis:: ,astat saintly nar . . • 'Limbolst and denial Timle no doubt or dental that If Sdr„► Johnson had been trae to Ida own pledies, base been 'mshy ;said by'dia. Into 'the true onto of: the fit- Forty:ltrit r= tl ilk Another conflict , r • • . , P t ~- oak the peoples' : ' •4 4. " Re,,P_ fillt =eh u that will , has cost them so nch 1(7 ,- ` •.:.1(`• -, ; -: : . - 71 , ; - ... iii, - ty - c'tl .'.: 1)1 olineesKeliebleemLineparibleitisiudenti4-, -No counirra*d+bant uPientlerluebmbillE den; ishdoustindisistaindMiteatindteliterf prises .of all kinds woald:itwobibbodimgabak 'Tr even unto -ikatiOinder—ths-prossure. • - Toed itoxpesus nedgmlippsittiviashabilb mi.' . Eleel'ATiqik,fPAcid444:l4'. the trei. ~ S W? T )II 9T , Flrt ,001#,.... t.e Anta L ,4047.0 3 .04.0004**0.44.tti1k eTelit monnentetion will.limeo earaplota AS * 4 1 .requite little iiiarelegisistion.; i:Tlie' people, who were reedy . o submit t o Ulf 'yews moil,. when it :wasp urged: by TAnd , kamicip.xcaNitct esser.i***soki Ga.. Giant. , Oteignest miuld _limn litsbaitemi don to the'derehipMeiit 'l4` thel;;Miliineriio, i l l ei MOP' l o l StOOYiY_ 0 1.6 .1 3 0 11 k; ', Al* .1010411 ..:*44PireleMoea'lbe thee** ottewrapinils,.the.elstring out of Iharbwe !iiilT*:.- $41 , 40e:0 parriiii.cii***loo4; *ld be Inetentbr :begun : end tpeedily i , eintipletet I :Bet elect s - Detiocndkißreeldent, rind re 11iy. 6 40/fliMm 3 ooo. l. !*- 1 1eth*site 4 1 , 4 000 Ola ' 0** 41 .040 1 4 ll*l , 4-1 :forma-X*9f theoinnpt ofileisdnwho. We flittenetupini the - Truism= at: sui.ltirdtdes *4O b 3 *FachiejOid," 4 o 4 l l , l .oo*ft ' li, t# ikiskivpo4 .:*4,iiii44l3r.ibeiiiiiiriAiroidittilbi'viied . 4ifliti ,deeds of ;Tiolen ire and dsstk iires;:ths ..linion ISkForilie* ... 0 1*.!** 0 :orm,ttgi: .0 4 1 0iti *4O Pgo#AW4o, 0-, ern/Wel sad the only title to oonsidendian would be hate et. loyal . principles ilud. hate of ~. _ ~...:' , '' '' • tbee.**;Thefel . 61 .41 be ; Pis 4. : , cbeeee therefore s hetweeri Grant and Peace and Pros peritt'endn,rebel-Binnottniqreskrkeifind: 'sectional pilaster ; add" rkiiiiiii.ii(qt,a' Rms., , , , • . i‘OlieisieL;Gaccrei letter te.tleigeint..lll. vid Young, 131hli Peaniyhrerde Volun. *re, is worth reinxideeing, not may • to cogriltloi(ef the Initeary of the minh. mid but u a apeelmen of the way The Grestl34 tale honored them. • ICU se follows t , 'Vienne !mnor intmerhirrintherulient to GoaEiranivfnini frithP4 ll * iThdilvid* ll ) different motions ec.tbeseuitry, to:. be. &nit as a reward to thelnit 'terra* In Abe tutliters eiriinent ihe trnitnd . fitatee irlitietinnid plant the' eters ind. ever the; ctfy Itieh• mond, he made this.dispositlon dike finds sit forth in the following:order i ..,!. • •'` 414 Id ' AMMill OT .M 1 trintip OCIT IC , • • .17 W rripa sly IS JIM! 2lr Brrtmaist NNW • W. room IX" illoutlemusicre * faster •Vohmkgre: ,; •• • • , I The elm olden kindred sod sixty dollars ass seat tome b7ric ciliates , tobt prssesited as s natant for glilisn to the soldier who should fi rst tabs oar hat over baton& A. likbaload was not Was sinsulul base cosoluded 12nd , Ilt,destols' abbe' be bad (*Tied out by distant limb addlobs meet altablatbasi nalandUseamaral Talton iar ha been WNW 14 *ice etensesi male ensaillair the ma Aral lakcatigal t or on Jr.ot that•eanasad,_and . I herbal wow_ st to you One hobertidlnaldlty-tonlettltilarbraid thins crab, Am ailitldrd I MAW edging sess. , 2 lbs... estblaetka to recedes Ima m = inanding cutnerst - steh Utequidthed - tee c r llantry sig 3 l her:Al i n: b attle. Mala n ' be wow* ces lo deferusitlosrcomme ••••tri• • f t e • S. OBAN , 74 LtiAteant • much *Ore , hett o flihlC such a letter Is t than th e title confect% abierelo eacceeifill soldier wholighte for, monarchy ! ' ifergmitit, Young Ii? s Penn li sylverdin, and is - dmibtless presider 44'18,M . ..- for able Great Captain that'll:lt conferied a patent Of nobility.. Xnd enchlndecal It lel— for be ideiollyerchirei to be referred to - years attar b4as kprip IQ* long home as the evidence that, •he,flught bravely in the great !votifilitiftir free - institU• yiggs " , 1 : the ;r9II O U 4 M - DMM4 ecldicn! M!;5 114 4 1 41ii‘ Ilse letters, and the same amount of -money: Eltitant . Thoinacifilethia,.. 'Dempsey. 11,2841 indierieVoltkiikeers seleated' tiy Major Omer el;Jolin Gibbon ' , for the 24 Army** ; ituAt Corporal Jacob it. Tucker, Company 0, :4th Maryland Volunteers, spilled by 14:0 GO , eral Charles tifillln,Or the 6th t( l ,ii6tt ShiciAlieitelribniee viere Old Am °B - o er• snlOtirrig: Geti;ii 7 " l4. bs4' F ai 4 ee c IP : final accptint. 'He died - or $Ol, :113 i er p ' t 'et Galveston, itt the summer_Of 1007:, 4. dm- Dtisixa tha War the retie; . GOviiiniliEdlii sped gigney , ind %el* *MAC Stint: result of this financial policy hiLthe ; hukgnigq of Ihrvarnor • Berm - sur, (Demoitrit,..at3iti.Yo '!at to , buira the eittions Val leildnold Walt lOine'rEret . vest pockets and tiongE4 p4ck their dinners in their' bask T atiri - theinid"lhei' l inaelheir money in their baskets, and took bole WA dinners lir thidrvestpockele.' f 11. 1 '• The Pendleton 4toneyilsiolswee tW Ehinisand millions al liollart IS addEtioll to what paper money we sheadylami in air; eulationj •The result of :this Ae.• ottr enrrener Would. beootab soi worthless) that it would taint a . basket! ME %aft to vowel a lornEty min a pialasi- tabeilinewil at oaa of our well appointed hotels. r' i; _ Ai 131411111“ polkkateplit 'his ~ eztealthi Si t etiO l l e4b P art i' in 367 Z 14 1 1 ? i • -glie r ellagt — itr l 4 l **, ". I .P# i t partyi that nititi*glerii_ ~' thiementigiteutteeieseilkilatios.TA ultimata 166:11tiltlinethOlii2911 . i* ,f usipmeuvii, tifitivio**cireviOr " , 04100 4 beelomNpa: pia, e *rey - weewt, f e a or n a i n nin lir4g o gF# :, *-.7 4 H r b 47. iiffk: ,ix:e44412 *am „ i o ta? e i r i t t* ofihe all Ara the. 13ailoystariention to New- Ireeipse the thei the .hiiiidi iirthreOneeeNtii%Malitilthiii and cithloi'whe'risystetthWV . 'dedgpia:but 4 the hail* et Ihe iirh the': erase; anal ; besih7,:' atteizto Om* men for the dos - ensidighicatientaxiiii.irAdW °ribose whCee 11 :111 3 , 11 To with ihilikitkarata: Fa= our abstract oil Ilion, of LieuCD. 7. Mee; toildad plaeFbailk • Moth beiPial , o4 l ke,*ii i ghijt liat:AntfMailapal andolits Ihl l l4Teoeglit oat qie 4 1 31. at goilkogtaYMPll”Phlt.o6,44,Tll6l34 aiaaketek; raID , r!IPSILTI s triPt ealuml_h LA* ol 4 l oo'o ll oraosuawni 7 t.,mcwocm9a editors : who wetend ,to &Obi ; ho'c • iistapco:.of Prltablistictl'a ita4 l lo4 8"1111,2*. &riblkea mint = that board, • • it beat* i. itylinsiloMilnirtiMok. ratCrti=orzfaiqgi ._numazg4bioNbbodips„ _ nt W tlrehliatiriltrizre,olethem .w•riival4 4 ,4tAkilt-_-170,1 3 / 44ntau ___TV a g arthetn at a'aberueripr met was tokkittiD .11011,10in6Friki I -01 1441041dr : ieriantbet&rktrit: W• limaid isinien f ig ne t im al m " llll44l4lls* ;beireasivetta;notinviiiation paper from one of thepentoendiewimatorkeratbat be am er wastsdnalisslv4 finally.tbat be "votei Diminero*N" as its was fold to do. licrirmark what boddietbialittarznalintnnitte :devil who _, to dionksse Ike .trutb 1 -I titeiir= bli i teithnintriM ints litnitl'ota - liiiihriky; netWeleaniehUhns. tallyintuniensk- V* tile atest-Demoeitstie entigiefisAlhsWeed Om , i*w:otLVoilel7. rria gervii.itilitibeiy,trinib tow. jam frons mitre to , murder 1' ' ' ',WM who Nall l lll4llll tea gilts tato tbe- einteles oil thei I Amarawatie : State Claw Orel I,how. be Indulges hint; IV i the ~at telling th e 'troth, Mini when St iip '" tO be" midei oath..- TA =l;l4itholatemd to negotiate • with - the "aided this , NIL Issaabet the fate aloha Calm . ~- ~: , ', Of ammo , trowarir. in lie - bilk ru n litiVilb• dt" lifihdlY . riisionma - limn *a' 1.800 of thesinwesally•imenalitation papsta diitilba -144 AP e*Dillifersio in Inaeantetnntlycli imuld-hipillybe Wet° knock im * 4 tßdisolotclicretetwe whO ?flied' noon* i .-. alit ho ffids Motif wad OfwbOlei alklllllllllllnloo wild& wen the DellMerat is Natkillk Cleansittee . :Wit ; alitfoAn ISO ,Wiii**milloo o otie liw thomr 70 1 9,5; esietr: loin cloy wu Mal fli wffeßionsai theit,oo dislictithins all taotaisirshigliiid Iwo Wend lair *ay tilked of tbs baseusei loi.wldoli ther , Insni_PoL I folooP -otikeilt sa g a 'coasentsd to , .jdowne or pieni Wok taint - tionte'of them - diss pearl edmoder ' eirettaitattevitietbJ erintteriersd we nOt is unktiowse i • The Gust' ,remains(itowmr, s that Casey mu. aanwisboak Wan - cedar ie ham Siontarein his - 1 W in *biehawan balms. 'MO knitiery dol et aaet :00-titts will not present the P „ 473exaserooy film trying* ix minutia *aid the a to ne; eirn ow can tor a vepetiijon OM hold iniquity. lenierprislocroters Who think' to(. tinn an holiest osonnAn, the Tesmsylvgais,. Mute& tbis Pidi will, do wall to remember the „hie c. 4awkoftlie other voters of the XTht SenateLtelst wile "We. disapneared from atbe eyesof tiniaimiltelitar niordarid (waft" Timms *holey them like cattle to•daywill 1100 1 1 0 00491littsin4 thew hke est& to mol7r.oWtTrfl• .-.T.1 116 L ' " ' 2 . 41 . 151114 ' ' 1, 'A; 10'ffisraspeithally cartiarbliir, ire all ant egad t•taA the traraowiamidadt46(sMokaleageli r igli , we. s#Pterigs ,l o l 7: - TherAls eqOal in onigiii4., ourree - iff sot alLese noir? Us" net •i A l ! . 11 emoted ilkooN. &IL% F , !:God bilb r ide of Mood in matt of men tioduallet ihelasatibaantL"--81. Pact. 7 .aar : grkhdliarj u i t f . 'Me . Ines M segla Agin iiineft•ttl A . ag i O ir e po,aceastr4. =aWediWt.know.tatthe• World Will sm.:, Oder ithe 4 testintecy thus indirtse4 AVM "quasi-. sensible; but rt clut i hardly deny.its relevancy nor its sufficiency; prettied it Mel not dud :lenge thilt:Ompetm-,efor the credibility dour Witnesses: ' 1 p " .". • Lstigarcludir,loisTU by still anther eeei on : . • ''• 1. Men are &pia Men them nAtireet tight/etre affirnied - and cnneeded. - • . They arethusequal In thaeye of Eternal. Jpstko, which 'should be the bads of Si' lte resingoveninierits: They are equal not inittatnen, in beatity, iiireagth„ In wit: in -knowledge, in, Winne in Virtue, in efficiency, but in _their rights as A. may' be Wbite, learned; rich, powerful, Wiseyrirtitons and' enifteentorliili B. is Black, ignorankt wesksimple; vicious and Insignifi- Cale ;. yet the , , lawb rigblablly regards _them .witheqttal,eye.! t eend will bring A. Into court andmikelum reipandto B.'s action fofgoods, money or labor, alleged to have been furnish.; Mby him tei A.; and require the latter to meet the effidavit ankthe testimony of !" cnurter-pilldavitaud by tsinter 4 e4ilmssYl ohbtiiit to`a judgment,:which the latv will , thereupon enter* preebely thoughll tire* as 'Willbeci lesineed, deh, peererdal,' Mee; trir.4 luaus and eminent, ae 14 , ,This la "when, whets' vid bolv." all men sra the department' 7olltles or sisisreighti A., becaktew of his sifter-nature 'or fkirtnne.l bay mfluence tweilay.priturty. votes in favor: orate party he dingo xighttpwhikt ; 8.. lack these tiMi,matiztfinpadeno YOU) but ,bis, dine. ' That YoKNuwever, ISO *credit_ y_his detioned lib hill lewitbiding chasm—toast it in theAlteetton dictated by wrgß eent,..e that nattlit ; Plough he Mere tr: ti'OL Ora? . A-.. /( 4 1,63 111' IllfrilidUnelafteD~Otle7 =wet , be wheilplLAntoe AAtirsrbium:Wend tudeelle, slow-witted cetetipqrary, , „WA haye set forth these elementaff.trutha so'freqgy an so plairtilthat we ad *ddljr'supp ' eeed•thetn ere thisiltudilartetead feempnthessildby . theien• tire community-tend we 1 160 /4 1 1 b 0 P 41 4 1 0 $ l/ P W o r nltrZi ar,4l4 .:l4# ll 7;' ex - 6Mma.ii•is lauaalesis: • Plapatitituariageigniesitnadly rat lank 0410* biagetis Calla and . Colliglintiospd i bejelf gellillol who were in prima ad ot . pOits giiiir iiEniethnesi reinenti, On 'One Occialkeir ailtiln Imposed' salliiiii lae& lieseldsald ftele :Thom'pregir Metheatt lk all 4 , t ei j it o r T int onr. .4EOPIO iiosety, WM,' unite' tistustlaiiiiiitrai# commenced to - I whin,: WAWA qtfili first re bel•—' --fiegaiiGrant. ."that !CUA ATO I TA I TiV a • -b i 15,11411, 7* Olt . A telo i t a t t r e a C t 0. i , , _ •! . - I I e t, r , 4 # IfPi i e ti ' in good: Vaiiiir. 17 i twi 4: l it rd ainatitilliifigVia,iViiiimitldifigi 3 to't l undnik-Gen. arniasibo..- 1: JII: J • AftstiMaiir liaili IgiririGellitral :COM Al t . 11 7 _ W:114 et4t==erV gorses, length trittkintaptuoijr to' teat, N oe 7 . •' " iildtb Imilitoin ogoiandvito. POPO 41 . . At apop. , .gba a zillkd aistrAK nu sr,,pd. "V!II, 1 tightimidt. ;11, disc ed, a ini gen gallitidrited tdat i and *id ' badly; drinkintleaddid, "gtiltenad , blaelkj'aM itisl ``imtl n lWirp; (metal: [ - tal i gel PolkVarktivB6 asicg• • insipTbassit and . I • Ow Vaned Is IAI II - 440 . V e t - I =l= W: etedssii i die at Novalibierignd i WA get iirsinditi wbollsentigniecikildetigalbr Via par.4o .1 15 2 1 0. ~• . ~_ ~ . .., ~ , , 'Me 0414 0511i144. lititarai redieir vrilkslll. . .- ,Stlt' d ' • ".' -. " ' 8u&'11 masogauielarggigaietu-Okia .Saissfeti nttif 0:2•:: ~ ..:tl,--I.;:fq .q..r , see 732"— peaceeslablished, I ;world i a ,theretere. be Natillertanttarrettinans, I', , . .. rAn t3 12 • 119 4 1 =g 4 ate - ill; f * * 4 l4l. 8 '." . 41%0= .i la 0 . deilbctett SW ban'. fond , te=ftbetebelllnn.rl .' ( In bls'ilitanitilletterlii Mt ' -, . :tlibll43 .e ms ' Di' .'-rbi :1 1 1 8 a_r! satetqf _ .. .. bon . mr., a . . 7 w*M*o'. - •oaefor not, nn - .a by the PlPOVROW4rmikikielVintalNC. IA 49eitt stand by. . .IhcAliliillifFaihe im ... . ... , t gorniatt*, he says 1- 1 1-bare alwa been - with l44- Ig tenth* tikrayr .4n!teihttka•rnnt Pled ) nog 4 • Wtkitt lo th er Ocklik elk .: Pid: again, _wet was bi later of a general aui*ity anti the time stionlidwea it tronld bend' .04 1 *.e IV . :t;:;;.' '- ''' ' . _ 111. ble. 'zirreeponilance c . *tat ”riiiift‘t 7obtalan _W In.yefferenee to the removal hat pealtlinpiellthfrentthedtatriet.orlonsh be akirsi gThis 143asitepabltexerbiersthet * a of the people is the .law of the land I thattbeit voles may be tompl."(.. ask -_'''' ' •tin tlngpeeblLSO th e , bommitteillypilited to tiewin hbeathlinenatnation. he said ilgt chaietp.Proadsol, I Ask. live-no= my nent to malbrpiagalniCtire *DI p •In hlilen . er the Republican nom• illation, ha stye: rely administrative al :Prim" anra ? b e k i t 0 - 4 9 :umut4 tbewill n fteplei. e have always teapot:tad that TO ..1 1 4P1 0 •014. is f —I4L. ./iii) 1 are. sly ianifiles,ar 4 -*mem orant'a nu; tint of dais resift great - walla', ttdled a; am froin.43n_. ,r ;lee; but tbel are itipplea of gold In plftlet of allver,w and show to the people the manner; of man Twig. • .'t '-' . , .., i Liii*iiiik Apa:gilkr•erent. m When the "pewt r al the inirendet.ef Wks- m bu, Gaye Genel ' James fit. Nilson, lath , thirty thou:Sind pirkioneis end nesutstwo bun- died guns, , Asched Washington, ; Great mai Immediately made i Major general lit the reg; nisi army, i s position which in the' second er:uf the War he. : fonvard • to as the •hdght of earthly imlbitioir: Halleck, -them Gleneral-upchief, in his annual repoli, in allu•- ding to the - ceinpeigu, thus speaks of Grant When** libashke, Mb Minch" of ,the koantri In which the army ;awaited, the formidable obstacles ko. be evercomi th e number of forces, _aid the menet of the mem s wo, -- we cannot SW to admits the courage an endurance of the troops, sad eatetlif and arlegeftbsircommostikr. Mo molt %prod esplrdt mei befotialle militia!, Idsiory. . . ~ 1 , ' .—II Wiethill great victory • that' drew froM thelProsident ,the following- gemvf i letter, whkh deserves" to be printed 2 in letters of 1 gold, In which:" he makes the asknewledg. meat to Grant...loo WM /VAS aluirwaswronfC The natiocid gain iratr the 'knit of the fruits of the success ; for atilt capture of Fort Don ehriu repelleij tiutrebel forma kora Kentucky and-thepart rester of Tennessee; an the cap ture of Vicksburg reopened the great Father of.lirsilers to trade and navigation, amt drove the; enemy from a Oat portion of the State lof Idimustippj„ . [, • _ • The - Moult amoinplished by the sudcemful campaign and siege are thus briefly stated in Grant's racial report : , The result of this eauspelgu.bei MeenCle , defeat of the enemy,Milve batty otVicksburg, the 0r.,:, n cliacksoCtil tea eV Mississippi, and , the of Vlchaburg_ and Its 'garrison and munl: dem liver ; a , Msis to the enemy of VAN prisoners meted whom teM 10 gerscal Olsen ; -at Mist 1 000 killed and wounded, and among the killed . gy.fneftwa, sod mil* ; MA hen mom led etragienr, wisedin 'Misr be ilt ablid otectet Tod imeitifirms end =mittens of mw imam army of ' lll 1121511 = h i n bil , pe r .aSO. betide a large , nt of rpu 11c property, conga of rail tvad4,l 1 " 9312911 MP1 1 :11==li' I'' . ; . . VVOnaliolol.4trir /7:1/31a 4 ,Mallii: ' .oeilfiiiiiit 1 ' , MT Dame Gramm.: I do not remember that you tad; I_ ever met pareatiar.- -I- write stir sow e.g graMMI aclmowledgment,Mr the almost Inestimable serrko you bate dont the • cornary. I wish to say a word ;„-Wheayor(itrat reached' the vicinity of vido; tboogirtyou. should dwithation tinallri ~,, did! the troops acme the seek/ rum Me batteries with tranaports,nd thus eotelowlsaitt never bad Silt tb. Mont ageneral-hope Mat yon brew . better Mini, that the Ygeo , Pass expedlUos Tithe like glign col : ll Grand . balfs f at vkin i t rii=tioushLorl go down the river and join General a lta , and ,bared reins a in d b i glt r t I no ward , r wb f b to m a ke B la ck . the persoual addsowledgmnast were right, and t was _. ~ .‘ .. .-• , e. IslicOmi• =I Wheat llistrvult ' - Our. coM•reports continue tcrltiof i*char. oder Mote Utisikmory thin have been noted at this period for severalyearit.:` Thretighou tho Bouth,"the condition of thejegreat stapl cotton, is, ftwokably . spoken .of, , while the &mewl eere;Antiutmaitteadth,exhibits unequalled ldiuratce and'thrift.: What, bY tithe:most:important of all grains, has been already harvested, and not only In those xe gions„ but also in the Border Stlites, as thel ripenin of cianies ,Notthwni, the harv e st - is reported as of the treated 'abund ance and Apm_pleted under the most Amore& coons. ••'''reJtA evelyzpiit of the Btalteiras•well as'frotp‘thr remoter' West„ we hay . ° such !tittering 'acconnts of the character of thisAcoitnoir topidly;*ittutitiz, OS' to tifithe *ibid . that the what hitrifeit of '6B will be unparalleled' fOr'seven yenta,- in yield and quiltym -14114111 the legie-Per sP c 'l Len l 4 tidily out of - danger , e xcept such as ' may ' Weston it in the stack, and four weeks more will see the bulk ofthe crop south of the . par-i all of the liike Sale shore; J41.'7114110 pr tkei{of the inthindliten. If the wbcilleat of the Moths,* shall* u the rUi. will be aligkl4Mona -tratiapiecedeniect,plinty, and, rera s, rkkutletiots - of AbaiOliead fort the Airill,rethify. ther :thy, of the fr-ileitts. •. - , 4.1 1 1410 1 Mi1e istliterser. written by JudgeWiorJ ter; of thiiiiCritnc#l)*lney °°l A° 111i5ii0 1 401 4 i4 411 4-fitth) — writ .l 1 9 431 W° 101 1 0 Sl 11 .48flacIA oalwestisgore 4,,,sunteetlis ters'pws . 10*. kiiit - - 11 1 10 44A 1 )* . ea r 'ifikilitan1 ship is . Idiathml,Otillk jai* . ]CoSsaira anse e Iniirai****lllll4l‘4r Than in! the attars iltit•eale*id *A km*. _ trihialiidnaljWilWeerastandOol-', ass sifsuporKtiveticitefot construction undajbeC,eustiMilsin and law& of the Drawl Bmtai ere elcbadlince itirlr hOt i f thy Mow t-. 1. r p in. a It Um he bertha:K . 6We. Providencetcrolodeg.The 'aura revolution Fitik .1 1 A 1 P-ht ll'As ; b PP3 l .2 3ll °Pd Po." 1 50n5144140, Aliteo44thiell "Ino , ltp hall ilia as he sll6Ol to deposit his sword ministration QberleiwitlMAlVlPoThslOoke, sanninistration will obliterate. me Mason min Alien uniat discoid;' and. imey remiiix;the. spirit a Oiseadonand 'of supremacy. Which is. esittidg , "MAK Myhre - no count Wawa " me:• • mink . his 'sears; hi the Soutlrar elsewhere. need SWAM in this Intelligent canny, and in this Ohrittlinsey, intellectual andante' power:will ,- not reach tbe apex 6( ale lentple of liberty sad. hold ( it It is the slava at revointionwincivbiinspi Mrfukee pa e°740 0 , = t rim= Whines _ peace de" " tope law. they sink to obscurity,: and cow 04* liellegendestinr= Civil spraliV isnot pasoust 'pi Social ,degradation.. . eat ttir:t4 your Obedient servant: • ' 43 /04A 3 1 0 ,P1 , .... . - • ME er a Poi :, log sic k ream r dike /*lkea even , w t I try 'betame iintthat tta. asuon,- . sau t hat L es .ttre d be a ll=tltAr t rlte l lst ,;4 1 4/6 8- 14 11 W-I t it im itt. 1 DeiasZalwa llig" ' ar=litigrn a nst iced ca Hot* nap or*olob bank - the* `CMS!, Mt* tiliSaPPMPttatet *tient: - litoClaim It through out Upper , Georgia safe :7701unr, , iff54401,04J . • P_Oiril Umpbantr—Afeter •titutk_43, wog fl,• t , have a word for oar colored clam, whwirecanikais Gkriirtioir at the easalag.. election. Your prollmal ._frippde have'nominated a ma dale - cam of Bab& for that cillee,lurdij,la-rigbt,that nil should Mow' Words,* what - sort' or man he is who s,iltcitipouf ituffrao7-41aameak. ark Oweorratie,) Apra. ;888.. - -- ' chtillee ',Yo r pays yew uzorte:faadyog ta L ltps rcpt, n I - • .W#l4l3,adipiekase t Plll4o g1,14:04W ir., limbthe . eloquent North , Carolina 0 ;44414P0 4 utin Fuzleuil Hall !speech, : We are ;Old that lithe Demoi 'Oratinpartymamiiktnedititintindidatentitura li fear among inant,thit they divide tha colqred vokt4_, Itir..frienist let M ,sttfeycni,ht tbe tattneUVlOnelikddred tutor! alsotas' ware In thaname Or4bi vuo,unulOyal.liaoh irptenati UM South, no name tbat Detno cretin party" light ; teach - up AO 4ati downs no Man, who bielthat : the free l attcaphere,of biMven,WlM Would accept, , the Muulnatldtt at the, hands cif the Denti:le'rittk Pa' no such Min could `Obtain the support tithe black ,pe_ople the South. [Loud tipplauselAil add bafoo . :l, on another ocadon, If the' Dew &mild' pint* were' to, ,nimintite an 'angel we ire:od **Vote for Mt; in that the very fact of his' iteeepting a nomination of the Demo. Matte ',party would be evidenee of his being I fallen angel. [Laughter.] And, in my , opin ion, he world have fallen very low when he shall Ilmt . reat on a Copperhead • platform. lltinnense applanes.l. • • • • ,•-• Tlie following brief exhibitlif, the condi tion of the State finances c derived from oftt-' cial documents, is from the Harrisburg Biagi fhAani. The figures show Abet. in a very few days, the abureemettts of the treasury will ha very large. The momt at overdue gm aapald ea _ t • *MfJ of November. 1817. was., • -.4l l M 7 Mia 011 wpdab them tub Dem nal4 to Ws data tieken Lewin' steam, and payable on won t ,* - doe Of the ken due July 1,1889, there was out standing on , War 30.1861'51,131111,434 118 The trairssny Wield on this loan J.. -700.68 e 41 Baleen of loan dos July 1. 1E418.........,.51,155,1148 41 , . Xiikink due .I'nly. I ' .•--- . $1581.11i1.70 oflnland dne on the 1.24, July sad lit • ' - of August Is about . .49 40,400 DI • *Usti Treasurer Irwin is now entirety in gaged p erfecting, his arrangements, to make these peinneat4 &Mb, thelitat of./illy will heAlly ready to meet - the demands growing ont'of thime Walvis on- the treasury, • Here Is what one of the preset t.Chase or = guns said three years ag.),. when the Chief Justice was • dragglag his' judiela ermine thro the dirt binider to secure negro fa, vor -support. We quote from the Hart fbtu ma of May 29,1665: • - Is it not is:narked& that the Chief Sustice of the Supreme Court of the United States, robed in his -judicial erminelihould step down from the bench, and go round the coun try•making dectsoneering elfreediss ? Is it not siogukr that hi !should write letters to organ ize a portirto support 'himseiffor the:Presiden-; ey. and then travel from State to State ma king up Imes against the President? giving opinions before negrcictowds and other audi ences upon questions that may come- before hlicourt for Bug settlement? Sued tyre heninte conduct serer before disgraced the bench of the Supreme f7ourt,'and cannot Lc .to.iscerdy rebtskod: The nomination of Gen. Grant - rot Presi dent reminded ono Of his old soldiers, ,yester day, ofarelioof the old Vicksburg_ca_mpaign. which he brought to this office. It Isla copy tee last edition of the Vicksburg Dsslg ,, Ceti-' • run Wherere the. WI of that stronghold The following is•one of its items : . "On Dit.—That the gteat Uly saes, the . Tan kee.Generalissinio, surnamed Grant—has ex pressed his intention of dining in Vicksburg on'Saturdsy next, and•celebrating the Fourth . of iTuivaby a grand Amer, and. so---fortb. When asked if he would invite Gen. ,ToJohn snp to join, he laid, "No !for Year there will be • row at the table." , Tilyskes must get info; the-city before- dines in it. The way •to cook a.vabbit ls, Mat catch the rabbltotc." , The ibeetbeargthodate of Jul y 2,1 8 133,041 en the 4th Grant did dine in ' irieksbitrg.--; -flohles bar Joterna • • . . . - Texan Troubles. - ' •.' , Theliw-abiding citizii4, Of Tam ' seek ii ' vi protection. •, They do 'so in ii, manly wa . TheY. Sky that If a Military , force is twor .. , , to preserve orders; they:must take ther , er In their own handt;organiza themselves and furnish those who are thefficse or disorder. They ask to be allowed 'to, form milltkry dr ganizations under the convention that adopt - ed , the resolutions to Congress.,subject to i he command of the military-commanders in the Districts. The request of , the Texans iis a reasonable one. The Nut way to keep the peace. is to command it Congress will not rellaso the/Wit:of Texans to arm in self-de; tense, and we may shortly hear ore mill tart' 'organization of . "thi peaceable Inhabit/Sts of that State that will compel bbedion ea. to tbo , , kW: , • ....... .- -. Ncw NOTICE IN P,A, tints acouwr t, O/sum COHIN 4 .IR. In the natter the wild= ot the rat w 7 tate arJanKw Hofteikey. alfd .TO the beirs and legal refresentallves of said der:L. to sit Job.' HoOlikey, , 111toor_ , latennerded • with Davie is dew deed bat leads, liselei rls: David •014Ntr. hands, tied Lit Whimol3awtenee toontni of llMllear as; otherbtotherot-deeedmit, ;John. -Willion, Alex; Bader and_ Nancy whose reddeste are naknows. Jose it eider latenurrist -Wilt Jobs- Dolasorbokolacti •=l, botlegi lend nindhing Win, tows; Joha. timex Namer,'Hoodink Nary Ann, Swab Merl k. J.1:101as, whoa. redden - were us-: Irstrenc Reran Wore - it deter of dendeaksittolt ohne doelmNllOlllll.llllBRO. J obs.4care itl 7, Jongat Rada dal Noma. Moo* ..sioth dem of decodes bil s t:nntrkid with WSW" dqM star tedat& Hardin. USW Ida at I tad Nam. tater stenial with HealsiOt Indian. Jag. who N. sidearms Illnintfte. Nona teantn Pa.; Parr fa t —Jolotteekef MMatt; Mann, mecasstry. show deed;wltoon reptonsted roe sr eJohs. ,vimanand:Wiftitai NeCultey, vied with wfth Horsed soCrogr is t - wttir -at =paw , wit: • Juba. SeCiiidgq, Attennewied ma % andlf.tatilninniol -with --. Bea* =dfikpis,`Thltilik NO all Gibers rilimists4, , .. ?m netlee that as hos t to maw w nr vibuslon Of Ito red estate odd dered,lolll 'held; as the premises ftl (Wm,. townoldp, Dee ow tow* Pa. on the 111111141.7_01FAssitai 11118.ailthielt time place yonpa soma ifron thtek JOHN 8. LrrrLL. Marti. Bsaiterallrrea, !won Jose Illtit,lol3. • " ' • state FlEraini& ,BWIL and Then. INII #24piOiiinfita' A /14 4 ,0 4PRAillAiii s o w , e ' g w i sakr, ‘ ,. Aft l a r milleimxkidtsamo," l : 7••• STILLY HORMEL Wilts. Mut C 11876. atatMaM, all °wires of wbkit by, matt thou el, an g l = e r " wilailtlirtAnguratimmda Mound " ft* Veen Ilebtindtk *mar alt t as i l i tOm erdiat i Ncri sp h at e rt let tdatilia NIS& Wad wareds/star Nemo at zil cZ 'l"sidir MON a LAM co lOW Ro . 4 ,•f, 11,01J11,-.DOWN . ! TM%L • , Bildt WRITE: WHEAT FLOUR WARRANT 70 EQUAL TO .14iiisiON.Si4oW ?LAE If- • • 25 lbs.' mei, = 1 501 isok,44Potk, 7 S: • V ij, f 100, • ids% B•rbi!rm.s,ll!TO,Lrß: U. O ,DRII?P''S ISM POBT4tBLII BAROMETERS • micrwin g t o 4tantsid . Ml= _.lld,fita i *h. hie . the bort bum. sten*, g in eon be veiled epee oremast/ sod dszeWitY. ko7 set. eon whose Went* depend npoe tun klowledo of the '!- OOKIN4 NOM. - Mould oilt - A ugbe or estr i tir d a=r4llll7 4 ll- p ‘ , • ,; • •,. " GiniAL Dtmo' ik.4llsudette, JEWELERS a OP77CI4NS, . Minna IMCBIT. • - 111 bbalth,Ta WO= AGENTS WANTED. AMAMI:NTH .WHO PROPOSE TO lIKLL. AND parties who propase•to hay a life of Gen. Gnat, should understand; Hod the Mama! history of I",4 ' Va N . • 4:14 - A.NT, Br Attar! D. Dummies, AuthOe \ of Tierd, vngeonA EsoaPe,"BeYjnd the - . was wrltttm wttb the e i metton of the Maculate Geo eral, and Is the only tally authentic and antbori.ed BWgraphy of him, and will tootala a macs of Masot ti* and latereathur midterm other book hr or eta °Maio, fare eindlies of the Unconditionel Bartender. and other Weer. and" documents from President Lin. earl, (Mamas Grata. Buckner, Lee and others, trim internals ens-aged to tbeflotthar anti mottoes of the highest lamortattec. rsath to the civil prrerronent since the• war, nem* made public. And an doom CO Steel Engrarimr, arid Soodeased Mb of SCHUYLER MM: • 15 PULL PAGE rtGRAVECGS The Author Is widely known as one of the aim truthNeasnal. is Whine writers He yowl* sea erul drittogat Opts Wtstene Cast rfetAtn i ght hi: l 4lfeet Ugs Pe r rs sa .. _Be mltri hour personal observe; Ws and ° M i ro Masada gathered from channels opened ,to him by C - I N T an d Ids friends. • Its contentaoillprovelto tepttlerity over al ! others . Dont Fell or boy any interior eat.— Look at this Arm. Complete to let of June. and Will contain engnor. Ingo or dip Lidearo Convention. Menlo% ook and MAW contra lesion Iyyostd. • &Ire's. AMERICAN PUBLISIITNU) Mk. Ilarttora, Cit., or BLISS t Naward, N. J. I oar& CALIFORNIA HERB BITTERS. SOW, comflinffetkur. BEST REMEDY FOR 1.1 the Cure 01 Dyspepsia, Cltilla and Fawn.. Ittar Complaint. Neuralgia, Sick ileadacue and G en eral Debility. One of the ; moot pleasant tonics nos In tbs market. ' • - 13OLDENISEAL WINE BITTE as • made 141:10berpore palm 'of the me. For ladles or the alek i soonkttde Is bne otthe best remedies ever at feted to the penlic t and needs only to be tried to coins, into general use. .11 is perfectly paw and tree from sphitons mtsture. Ilmineactured and Bold by , DIERKER, & . SPECK, Wcp..43:9lettprfE - LD STREET. I. Pittsburgh, Ps. •uw.,? e r rmiglifts Nefeirchere. 111 eta. - "Uplib 1 stery. :%F. !di GEO. NOBLE . . , .Aetnejt.Eitlemilions to Wm. NW*, Br.)' TPUOUITERS. Pirwrizza BIRCITA,via, on %.., iteoderit In Fkltb. U s mad Beddlag Batman of pure curled balk Rusk .'with kafr top, Busk with .cotton Atlna w k and Straw` Beds, ismuire. Mb 011 roam 8044. Bolsters rd Pillows. ref _ .... ......W00i. Goose leatbers la say cpuultltv. war ...anwirog:4",s_allsollilki Bosons. Ifoliands. tassels ^rwi• brae. coverlids; and all strides sauslbi lbw la an ' b r ae . Watebowe. • • fa - * art Warranted as sersesantod, and at we sa• CQr': at Blinol4 SAII,. Third dm, . . ... I' r'”; ' "' ( 11 I' ' P r iI AT 'IP neon,) • sj * S '' PriTailtlloll; Pk aprOlitlas- ... r • ',.. Bait chefs of, rat sal , M l '. gs ta d r ooli t likall 614 71 . 144 Mat WIP se Xs*. • ; be, .Cortlp watt' bomb. ittoomett;' ! A., • Sm. i • _, Dit—WIAIDNIRVII • 4 VAC= ATIP,A1111•5 0, , .Ikto fte moot bottom ratoodyArrer, teme ase bt tte poblte. for all daabeV UM and was a. CA 0 weakentan lb° mr•Boirele. ott tbi to tooit 'thane organs; drill,* on/ Mt Vella % 4 fads naa We and Vligor Into the !totem. I'V . li b /re. ag at riscs "Ad - coantry Martial% 2 ' atm : l iiiteri, wirilieW iii.: Put .180 pa, - Ili 1)1101t1 .41,24 1 011. ,-$ I . ; aosit cum:. • imirturs.: '':C t ROPT &PHILLIPS, Roil••a. , an — d;iiiitiriam Brok've• STREAT. - • r ", - ./MTS/rM 3 I I I PA. VIINII APRIIIVIM UAL ESTATE' REG I 9 TT 1"1110"1131r MI iloadription of locatko o price and Ww of the properties entrusted t o OB f caretitiesiW VINO etimilliof terms. Grist Itlis . "134141=1 land. Cosi Worts. Call In • tere!...A.. H o ots, Tanneries, hy &Oa nom= Prowl*. Is We petit three ViilrliTs 4 Pr' ! ,14144111r,rd J!1/* obtihri toter, ar sell Reid Sitar, no ant. o. lottiA g gcAd wt AU to tomtit oar J o vilga try ( am** sv pour addrese.Thq Dumber isow nod y. in 17a7. 4 • .1 ( 4. PROIS F I ,L.V , 00 1 4 3 Wa01470.47411) saidt AID CUTIiaT. QUIRESW4Ri. LOOEDIG WAS! sad Olamorme. ' M.D. Japea, a p t Wooden el" WUToirmate. Market and Pearl eti, •Br n"' WWI* Setio..aolbee Wdoires. a c . jaw ,Irrlqt APP aid COL' ONlgileaM 4UI Sadist° Or ouelpilaillogne IWA oxilistabostato: k GPI OWN ear • • J!, a metiosAlcom li4b: ISI Tadao !wive.. 200'41: I,y . An rorny cm% J Hi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers