n The .-Pea-Or--.6. 1111,11.Vint, APRIL I. 18111 V; I,ocal and Bilieellatkeinlin oe OWL'S hol now a lan* , in y paper Published bri= idceri TM alllptpwoteiLeb own Inter; ew by sling th ' BATES Or 'ADVXMITIMINGI TINE. '! alf• , •1 6w VOL i r ara• . 17. , 01•1•••••• o,...•••••• *M.N. . •••••••••.. ore epare-- 10 lines—, {ss 00* fa ix tra °Art ig to T 9 Mir" 3 601 AOO .700 10 t i ,io 09 wet squi" 600 11 00 9 ft 00j111 00 four KIISTeII a oo 1 00130 00 15 00.43 00 ocfrolifot colnmn. ..7 00 10 00113 50 'AVM 00 oattoltleolumn. 10 1 00 14 IXli 17 001211 00140 00 (rot tolartm• • Ito, oo oo 0080 00..40 oo:a oo adettntstratore and tieenterir Ifklee4 spsctsit'otlces, per itne, , . • . 10 OrPsyteents to ktensadis-quititartititzeent Transient AsTertioing, ableNtrult be paid in. Advance. . Mote or the Thermometer for the wee endititon 0 , 1 gi . I 7. A. X ..---------- I ------... % Xirch . ~ ZS deg. , • " 23, 35 deg. I ~ .. 1, LO-deg. •• -*II, i dcg. . .. 27. I 4G 'deg. .. s q , 42.4eg. - _ jr., '7O Fifth street, Chit rlr buPdhig, Pittsburgh, l 0 tho authorized agent ibr To, ArArm In that city. • • -• e The attention of the public Is di . . th e /ht. atheitleethente which appear ,e ,• mei time inyns notnl4-dati, , prilottnty .tecounti-Thirloazttart Tp. rtirtiry Goods, ,le4;x-Geo. C.'SPeyiest t - ' ' ' ilerdware—B. Wolff. Jr. 4 co. rrNew Hardware Store—N. Stripy. • ' trWanted—Brlcksosizers. • - Witch Worki-Geo.l O. co. garMilitnery Goods--J. H. -Bence. , • , • trridiolstery—Wm. F. lb Gop. Noble. grmtillakt Instruments—ROM3* Mew & Co. T. S. Revenuer-Jas. B. Ruple. - CirSpeclel Notices—Chas Corde. rerSpeclal Notices-4. U. Bence. tr'Orptians' Court,Sslo—Hogit Baines Adin'e. Etantlnatlon.—The pupils of the Beaver Fe gale Seminary and Institute, pawed through an ex sminsdun on test Thursday. We were not present doting the exerelees, but learn that the classes per formed very creditably. Mosintr Day.—This le the let or Apra. • Quite a number of resllent4 of the Tillages hereabouts are douhtlros changing their habitittona today. If any ef theAttots P4ectibers are among tutee they will pine notify our carrier* of their future wiaitAbonta. Seiko! closed.-The select school taught In thts place foe .50MC time past by Prof. Lakin and Miss Tuck elneed 011 last Friday. The latter now becomes - an lealttont teacher In the Public School In Rochester, Wu county. comioltdated.--By an ac: of the Legislature, re• natty pared, Bridgewater, Sharon, and a •`rmall Aloe" Brighton lownehip, have been conrolidateCand. iztollltted" Into one borough, to be called Bridgewat ' rr. jan election for Boron& olliceiti, under the .new reitiOlidation war bold on last Monday. Irootal.--Tlin New Poatottl, Directory of the ratter, States; wbielthaa reeently made appearance; chon • Hutt .tilere are 2.r,,7 roe:loin+ ' the 'United in actual uperption, hearties °Yet. , i 3 OOO in the Whet% Staten that bore not yet been opened rinse the nr. ,The whole number or money -order offices is I,itri. and aboht two locncired toore wilt g lain ope . ra• 'teem :Ito tirmt of .lane next. 11:1T1 New rmato,t 111‘ 4 ,(1r1u rose, now set , Piv fie the dotter" per preitid.. Vic if:f claL~te Is FN i to s ir iionderbil afticle of food, end en it tbonfit be re Nide 3 prli-o. -In thia,fonutry everrldrig good is Itriilei INV speermanon. - "- - trrr•lrfornorir trffii•rrltssedr ‘rr ii made in st.irpcse, or a good thing-Bend In na•. tare: tkere utire to , be i. dime 'lc/v45410kt band who , most drain th'e effixt of nit ki . botledie idibelhape of b.nriinste prices for iteibei yr .constiaiption.l- Wad - I,oin Reporter. . • • A Golden Wedding.'— Robs. Wallace, Esq., Fad site Mehra led. th.dr golden wedding at their rest. Srlo:. nt tral:44,e's Run, three or blur wiles west or- F.w thla cou6ti, dArtitql,!tad beingline4 in witted eight Sena r.th.,ttn s%ritul children were present on the owls cold, filver.And other,prcatnts were given the I ,Irtrhe UR trout .our Prlendo4 99 —Since the mast of 3t laid of - - the inane eataillinhqtent:4lloWni I airt, or. hav, been literally overnn with friendly V S ok Tbk is grolitying; in one sense, but he soother It la not. if no hod tithe to .pare we would Hie to leo: sod talk l t aloy?Ceveryhotly with whom we are ae-; coutinta hot as ot: Mice no Hutt to lone, we beg out mends to ruakefihen ftlEnnly yintta as short as ,poell4 P autlog bush - Tao hotire. If we are the "tip-top" fell low nhlrh atone calk tend as to Helierve you think we! Measo come t qffer /be day!' Ityrk ie orcr, And wd 1, thm axt;lp shout ever: thing that tukits place !ft fbd town or,omnatty.or engage - mlth you the dinentalott cr all qtiegrote, from tl4lood qualideS or a Shai kcirc • up to ihe .twohnble'f6alt of the impcanhinent trial of .t. J.. 1=!MI Vlcto ry yic to ry f 4 lfter a most unpret (Wend. , •ed struggle in this Borough and throughout the coon: to to the Democrats, we have come Off Vietorlonn.-1 ; fut,e made large gains in nearly all the towneldpsi Tarrying many that have been heretofore against na.--; WPII Bethlehem hag ;sheeted into our line, and ;Ili haq a gene& Ih aft. Home* torah*, In thie Borough the iits.test!‘vaa well fought. i)..moeracy were conplent of ounce's. We ha em them heeetertit:ave was the election to take ye, dnv , weuld - trlt 11,otr majority. Thii Boron til three or four pitiA tmo woe:overwhelmingly tratii% Erlnce then sc \- e - hitvedeitnjed their pow ar..ableeti) future teikevtiosseasicaf f of the 'et Weak:wogs Reportar- The Legiolainre.--innf Vith lift ., 11 ate paiscd ihe•fullowing bills finally: . • • ' • An act ancorpopitfor cho Boultioncitoftl companies. . l An at I incorporating the borehih Of Baden, Bearesi. An AC: c.hanzinis the hitt Olectiene in Spdfighareilithitkoetity. At net axing the etfluber 'and L'ay of, jtitere ,upetti Ingo ^eta ~ n real estate In Beaver county, redic 'g the tataber to ebc. Licenses G rastirte 3 . - jAtlttiOderchlttranir Cond e 1:44 'n thl3 cottnt.l%* tot:Toning pennins were zi tutor. tad lo keep hotels! Jetsph Anc i e raon , poillngtork--;tobn Grsebln,T, Ne . iv Galikr-Amel Sonibeck, New Hrigltion- -David Mat Sir'. Ne. Brighton—W. P. Alcorn Bridgewater—John N. Stroad, PhllllptittrglS-44At P; SboPlt;r tritite .- water. ~_ i - ~_ , „ I . „ I, r t ,t The tollom log persons *eft AO SO rise to kesii Attention I/directed tem exi st atithmfitth fia Sot I/to 'A ' estteg Innu es : , ~.,1 , „,„, , , .. , 1 biller coluMn 'of Capt.. 9eorge acret. Or Boi liJacob l'.olie, Pariingtoti—ilttlea 'Ahdetedtt, Pattell I cheater. Copt S. has merchant In Ws imunlit so l i Ina n ,, hip—,l .W. 11118111, Reldgewster—John for igreat many rests, IS known everywhere 1 0 ras fhtfitesburt—lietthft ' titterer falls: l on honest. utiriClit , )1111tfmaithin. 'Us IA sid4 to have a large and well eideeted assortment of ell An Organ "estaLletlibite 'ibitit:JValtetrv-IA i kinds of Dry • Goode. breaths. nardwani s ,Irlouti i imat renmrkable piece of multidl nieebantsm, In the Feed, de.. which we are a*dre6 be litil 'en at a veri itaPe. of an omen, representing the rcee Atderthi3, Om ; situtit edema/waft:H s is di t yiwt 'b r o w aw e 4 au, voice, ,to ertfelsift, or ratite gigtopiag.tatitpab• braid "Cote* (HIV' IMO tottik'A.l.thAirlsti:Ai lit layer. It Is known es the ( 46611 Oriagri , ,t'whesi la P e ArtkictlAlkold SAY ~. . . 41 • 1110110 ..• Ii . 1 1% It *S41 1 1" . tOne., nq net tones merely or abstractly considers's! tit CO agile Amon denim allinnnillg Mt ull - azeozu atil Mk but whose ittleianeriaie itiiiiititiiilta *Wet I s a.gi!a*ti, - -"It atto l 7 l _,* 44 !ilt. ' an! emotion of the human bout , *hither of .kOr * or - 4 - '' 4 -7 : - : '' :f - -.- ' • Ii r " ....____- sew, at the will or thilpeivnoer , anteligioa,the ni l ' ' ill• P"",, .!'t . "'"llrliiiii i.....ll,-.4 'turf to , wonder howl* hires addled ethinatene &Mkt , ' ' '" '' ' Atikill i tlhointraCi l mas,sarnanu, . . 41 .. 1 11 • • • 1 4 like :h a tru a ti l i tti .%ga,. ~Al , C l/ tis ihant ;leant Palk. Xneit laikiksyi k ; ; 4 4 .... 4 .1.,:,; . ben. IL l a her it . .ittillrdil ki " it for te. Alld srouht ter iii ~ ) - clOal -Handal i hossyn'a" erica Wii , c• et ,-, is- tens. Traissee ir l ,Wrg It3=l if la tO s i OlPteity It posse/40 to in "7" ligito i lk ' " 011 ; 11 ‘ ... 4 1 . . kn atUrVON:=Eri T rurtltutlen,7aild tain s , a., lf luAnW6 41)4 Ala *limped. belt serve the_ganeral Interens tailaltillantjtsrairtli t th 't". 4 • ' ''-:‘, Li: - c.ni , -e,-.st. ft. Is nth that ant I° ths Place tletrt - ianenri.,.B/4•4114,74,14r.1= Its . !ec's z : e': , tiel•ter Ca ertr4;ziag loporizeoiaust bar Temp, canhla ; d las. Teller. i very Mt: tr.i.-ttion, fur the second . HAW. solar !besot hin* ounthendabla ' is ,theta lib. - t 1 *tow is aw,rad on denosits•aositan .1 7 1 d i ri 8 ha ' r 4141 Y - sidrusept--lipootrir So' Itch I tieltara; to ittleerthia ' el"::„. 7 64rei 7 r;s ze il p e o p.... .4 7fir : t ,s . 1 ' .. , t ~ ~ .1 - ~... ._, air ' ‘. , , h. e.eggrawP : '.' fd EMI • • • Aseuist asheeineseotidlle . - - Cluireb.-.4th the albeakeabilthem. MC* . nr.jy . ,•4114a: ,Opeimsburg, VlTApstmothleadeacia, ,101411. , • • • owing eppotateettewerd node** tie Aliesheny I f t-*Wooditellyeatistifinipelle. . . u str i et ; ; j "Fmk, Rthickauift golguiesilte. I/ 'Omit EMI ' . .a i liri - ait rovp 4lllhM i r ii; i i r ; . . X: . • .„ , North Avtous-1. B. So , ' . • - Oahe tbareb—J.4.- NeWyar yda. . _ = l .norg ict t 2 4"k 01111111 0a -33 )* 1 • . CI W• 40 1 1:40 1 ., ..• ''" SOW — *-iltoeser. ...011447 .., _........ • i i preidaar. 3 4;..4 .l :lsinti t . • ttadoraWe and uororaT. Z. Mom: Beaver-lu. Boutwitiesd. . Bridgewater:. 2iottoW. _.__ New prighiam=j. , R. " - Enosi Valley—A. Easton, G. A. Sheet'. tialem—J. Most. columbium:4;J. Jaeltson. D. Idotoier. .r.• A. swaitefiVorreiwpcmdteg eeman's Friend Saaietzr._ • 7 - 7 — e PIT s . Nesbit, Editor Prrrantrnon Miasmic An. ;wean. I R. T. Taylokrraeldeat Delver Senial , e %Wiry. Pt ' 211"im$7.ffoubk as. bru i n J: ngeDt for young Xen's Bitite,society Mid member of Deaver Anattegyliniterence. The ccinferenee tipid ewes New Philadelphia. Ohio,' as the Ate for hokiiii*Jitd.kriliiii. Delegates to the Czeneral Conference at' Chicago in 1 May,Wertialtro eWirA -Tivsy.arip aa-Editort: , 8, E..' Nesbit', Enda* To: It Vdtaisley, b. A. - takits: born, I. C. Pe:Wag:4. J. Xndslk. 4Q H. Miller.— J. Williams Dein* iii' Ma -reserve dole 9 r. II S. P.M 891 d deg. 53eg. 48 deg. 59 deg. 40 deir.. 47 45 deg. deg. 46 deg. 66 deg. 64 deg. 43 deg. 49 deg. 44 deg 32 deg. Literary and /azalea, gittertianalefitkr The pupils connected witatbelSeetet Faunae nery.and Institute, , ghee a public entertaltenentln the It. E. Church orthls phioe, on list Thursday *evinthig. The entertainment la old to have been quite Interest ht, " ..... Th L tb4"l2ll sl l o 2 o l "P m garrm? rift t e *Ten' 8 : t • ratc — lnatanaent#X4lo4a-4.Lea zkat4tDll Rhine, * is !doom. itratc—"Kukuk, Wie Aft," • MIS. Mx° ECRAT—' 4 Ullltable as Water, thou shalt trot excel," Econ.. 'Aiva^;`:/ilitaired." /:!irt / dra Lupe m rnaticu. betlp' Harp Rotten, • Vase= Rres. Leaves," Agleam Um*. C CERT IIECITATICIN—"Lameat Icor Abialum," . Votal Ditett—"Wild Mho Deer,'! 1 Mum Roinnsos. EssavlnOilite,nt.ihe Ilible." • MAST Wuuu.an. ItscerAWpa—"Jile! as It no Chrfat had - I Mustc—"LaDosslll. NaBSLL. Calkatie De Roses," .; h rn.r. PAPER— "Seminary , efferlcer," •Itosa Mune. bleeic—"Le "Itive.l • • t.. ICLLA Rees—" Rip van,winkie." Many A. Berm eloono—Drout- 4 uti Beautiful liiinetedn litene," Meets Rontesou. Parati—"Muyncarer " Part II Faliarn. usic—"o, Lnce De(pi i tt A rata" :: • . Mae. Kies. RECITATION—"At Fred astrturl. , ELLA CLARICE. Essay—" Ten Years"' llicsic—Duett—"The czAane AND R. T. TAYLOR. EstiAT—..Unwrlttea ask," 'slone—"lmpromptu Polka," Next session opens larch 31 1 The Board of Managers ofthe Beaver Conn. 14Agricultural Bonlety, will meet et the Sheriff's of— fice Iu the Borough of Beaver, on the 11th day of Aprij VIA at 1 o'dock, P. IL Pottle purpose of insulting, and transacting . important business. It' IC specially deatred.tbat all the members and °Mem* be present: At the Jame Uniel the *titre of the fair , ground will' Itt for the coming year, Theory Ws. iiiraCilee.—We have frequently tiferrett to the fait that thet Uatcrd hist:Heated by the cope toward `tanitio" was More kaititkit than real.— Here is suother 'evidelfetlit the yntliniisbuit we have been Ming wah the clips of I:l64isrste.r tiela a primary meeting to nenkissate candidates fortheelen• hon. in that !mien& on Mist 3londay. Nciiv where do you think they.beht this primary meeting? flit one of the churches? No. 11l tfoi pribitt School Bettie f Not a bit of it. At the reabibiitO bi ode of their num ber? Nary time. • Where then? Why it the barber shop or a regular full-grown, ftill4ikifuled Aifferkun citireu of African descent!' 44vri days bbfdla the meeting was bold, a prominent cop of thsjl ace, wrote arid posted up 'a lot of bills of which MI itiliwing to an exact copy.: Democrats are rc (melted to meet "Draln's Dar- . nes StiVerrybutylsy cute re tritst,Det* -at 7 4,4,..A5. • f Bid cops of Wilkey's* no4r "ri leek" on Bruin at*.'iht Idh his Aouse 'heir beedonart and proba te!, pertskimeof tDa hoitithtfltialtet ittijt meaner set of knee's than we have ever heretofore charged them .with beirolL there is any doubt um to the ruthentlelty of, the atiporeitotit4 ee,stirroudrediott esliseraptogorove 114 hiindiviiiing; add step that tbdsuftettr hWtelftstit. ed it op In Bridgewater. Be Is a finder of the Dam o- , crittic party In thle county. I . an e Thir G. .3.111. 9 arA11' X - 11**40/1: AI lettion bold byl i oattoacellriSairlbdratcra, ora it? Tbnrrday evenini tire falkiwthe olden were ee; Jliii;;;i4i it y..,:i4.o,r,rx P..C. I f '..f.- • L . '' t " • . 4 1 ,, . _ "OctkV,- . . e. " Mph Covert, .. "t. , F. A. Xelrick,• ' trtrg: 1 David Stanton. , - • David Log. • 0u:, i C. R. Townronii.•B' M. i l . I: M. Dolrinnoi,- ' ' .' ' Q. X. S: , ,Alone. Army window I am sitting. • O'er my mind rail Ropes that cheered. me once are gone, Mitt I'm fluttsiniflagibtkri. aLI • Alone,-alerte3And.ern if; boo thitilt of nief J 9y all thoworld i amporgott Vvlii mine 8h },Ye itatOw one ifldB t t Is there no friend to acre tisy sight , None to mat, Wee Mittens light? - Nana ittocaltja,friesupr , tote?, , _ • t— le AM . I,iml 01 atohiST • ""ki, ." , [nd the ,e beat. Alone—thero's sadness in that word; The Inmost soot is often slimed fly the ad In Itielt it speab that worti—atormiA ,, ,; ,.. ••Q D 707477? tine • h an. • , mid ;. -, - 061414.'ilitiv io itkoftc , re - oiy , a and hiCe reinVanliali'flAC A 6 144,4 - .,t104)4a; unclaimed, for onemcrath i I i IWm. Alexander; Req. ' ~ - Rev. A. J. Brown, Ifitt7 E% tillekeilkive, iti Beitilliilti - r:..i.".1. (C;f - ,- - A ;--. I e -- "F; .i, - -:ITP:i0 Dr. J. Conrad.:'_:. Joseph Daymond. 1 Alexander M. Gilkey; Esq.. John A. Gansbeer, Dull 1 7414:" B.• P4lnitter;Cl, t•,rflokgr" v..7.T . ..s I •.: !tk ;CAI i 1 jniin rfiti l llctilnilyro,jf , ;%s• - •• , -: ,, pn-... ! trv. sr,;.••„Af4 ) George Yeta , Seam . dames McLean. .• : 4 ~, i i, T.:;;..:..,..ii it.MMi r. ', , ,..:41F.k: 1 Nathaniel 'Nye. Esq.'. Mks Arniol.l4lol4:. ! • " ' -- , B. Pool. Misr B. Parker. r 7.;-'• .'• - 1 Abraham Rea...FAA... .., ~......-;'.'...., • ''' ' . ' Benjamin Bea& tatl.:Aximis'inivage.-Edwazd Sposi Cm'. 13;11 Charlotte Tobias A. E. William% Atkal lat. MI . NEELY. Mlttls WALZII. La& Mooils: By order of the &ord. J. R. BARIMII, Secrete s ty. (Loeal copy.) • TAZiI NOTICE' 'l l • .-; • get4ifitit tdisiviasold.agilepaedoiet ._ .7 t i Ztenuestaiiinw..w.isisio ittordizio , riati„ co•-dimati nu o s tidide Thwi is. 'Alm P,lder—Fm• A[R pt ittPrithi.llool-10. - • Baseatoe. itiO. 4 - a. , ir.A.l l : Ca-swm. ta. Aannek-cuuid 11 3 "1 000 4 "wax Ito . best Worm vs. Hugh Aidericnictipaiclik it 4t 22 41 1 G -- - - vezdiee forilart tow $11545?, Gee. Vf4 iMeozmier's Mfg, ve. Jackson tiiiiiiiiii; ,d i a l. -- ValtimPilliennent4rieitkiliiariiidt. Jane Maus vs. Fergus Johnetq&-eummons Can for Slander-verdict for pnr. prederP , lt^ Bock nes , • 3._ it_ , ''s-Administrattte r Appeal by defendint-Jurae ' vs; ask deibadd• B ra ant confesses Judgment Ste PIS,: ,! H. Tt Fa** Co. TB. Galli** GITO-431"'?"?" in &isumpsti-verdict for defendants. ' • - ' • IL T. Price t Co. is: J. Ir; 'Maid a Co.-Sum. I Mona in Assumpsi n V it rit takes snowsuit. Dell9ta Git .04.. Para nurselk In et-. 11 , - suVciPs VecY o li4 - 4ad8 122 etilitig Bo2 foe Sorab diSerft 'wl Witt% to be relaseti on , peymeat of tax% In Una ntontl*': . ' -....:, . , •,' * - , - no.. U.' iseiioarft Vf. G. 7 i0rb0t..4.' 101 --4 3 1 n0. soon Meauleat4-rerdict far pi*. '• ' ',- - W. Cable "et. at vs. Thai.' heed - Summons I. et. smuts -Juror withdratin, and defend- Judgment ftw gllt,6d. pin4,Pleressi si. Thos. Neil-Samispas 3; ..ftt • * .-Wirtt, lid io be pat dein Gan trait oitilioeftoc, brat week of Jane Term. . The Court decreed a dims and Separation from the bondsotssustrtmagitifinto .lltral, t.• IL Icloole i libebuit and *midi iti iiiit a napoident. Wal6 gram a deafer of incorporatton id the Wander Mull& 133 g association, No. I. -, • In the matter of the appliestin ,of the members . of the Methodist r rs al 'Church' at poftei and al so that of the ' embe rs of the United P resbyterian 'Congregation' - Tearer fbr charters of Iscorpone lion, petitions were Sled and pubdioation ordered ac cording to law. " ' • B. ' - • .... 2 — . ',. ,* • iggi On motion of Hon. 88. Chamtmertisui. r... ' Esq., was admitted to practice h 3 the cen t , of this county. - ", ' 1., Y a': 1 The Odell !Libel Canemr4f ilie lietiOn for libel in the cases of Gen. W. W. kola ni. J. 41. Odell, the defendant seined to; sad liklakkOilis lorjowthil re traction in open Cmirt : .:. -t i "The charges of offidal rdiatilduct on the part of g o Gen. W. Warain, complilined in the pros ecatlon lbr libel commenced by him t me (Od ell), as having been published in the mlit Curers Loop ! were based on nunors 1 _PM h _fad at , thatiVl ri!` U:z i kl, 4 ,ll t a le g l i i = t l e m i .tac i l it the ry w z fintm h L,,anWlnce I take pleasttre in correcting them. lal ve..llqTivr..la.tbe mblicatioxt of my paper done ter usl Minty Or initistice to any men.' .. , , . Was In the CadifieY Calle Oils declaimer Was : • _ , _. "ibinever dld =egad to imy tbatldr. Caughey had any a In' tbe = of the county Mow i gg o ir i ttud. eniber tumor t e boun ty ted& filament timed on an article publish i V i gurr . After these retractions itt e Mide ;noilli, plosequi's were entorid to all of i li a I risk; Ilit) tan:dent paying off all the ttex. . • .. •• .. • - The d. A. n.. 4. RociesaiN;T"-f? , .4 try , 113 of the Grand Army of the RepubUewei tirstatitted In leehestdr; this emmty. on last. Mendip event** , The Post elertedth.v P4lowloli oaken G. Averill Pendleton. James Hays ... 1 - icitu DanlelBtetner,.. Ju. 11. Wring, John Anderson, William Beahler vir t lageL r esures Sordpirropes4 ori . 41*oetaf ?arch 915111;Arlth a larrreimumbee pupil* Um is any previous term. The session promises to be unu sually pleasant and profitable. A limited number of boys atlyouT \ men retolvoi 1i. 7 110 Prlne r iparo room. All who luten o attend the preajorA , session. olio old apply ' ' ' ", •.• k • -7/1. A Grant Malty—We sae pleased to leant that • Grant Club Is in peoeesi of forming In New Brighton. this candy. A preliminary meting Car that pufpose was held lack Saltiiday *letting. Capt. George Bar ker was Presidelit, and frot, , Fields was §eerebtry.. ThirteenAtka *as d trportYaterdg e eventuft 4T r; M. at The ~et IV. ran la ,We•batti not said the tier ciao ben •,' i A Norma*lniO st Illdlewas WW2! Saar sties, N. Y, the . otber day, froth 4E114 the tanner lurk of a i locus ! tree. ;It Is an amigos! Comes few solmals will , wit the bark dine IdOst, which'' sail it, be 9,4 pelsoisonsln thi iirlii;:-/ticknegit: , , _ ' Wembllsh Old ibtfti din wandag to those lAD arli loth° hat* of itliddreii, theft ,itmas. to the idenst 1 tress on our strcelii..:4 *did fd list ertsati ironclent" .7 ' .-.' 111 ---1-1 1:- AA, uthi. I. Amoy s. witlY• ata er, r g. iibstibly can the %veldt.' don't Oink I!l,iiik tit" It Is I aiiipAsnatentiorlll, 'MIMS Hl ' . ' iv luny,: al v il drteithoz, worja Mi. : aza 1 ' N 1214114 poi ! ' , Mei t 1 knew w ~.14 ' my Wade; I Id* rn dlit lo''Sits ivory we' . Went: - Illtsirabldi dee wish/00 1 1 b,istileit ." thew kn.: aid then sit &Ow: ~Tat_Laolit. *pit 'rnhaw': mid &Om , Poor& Vitistri as the loader rn yen. Tuti l 4. ilmis'Oilliliff 0 0 9 4 A le oarnektlt :di nottek lee; res 7 Woristiii#:4 l4ll Col o - - tedlet *di* herself all the wh il e. ithaspinad Awe In lt last detkihttristaStknueznibuieunded_inp x ..— : - list comes of beltqi tWoilionld.bahy. Xerer soled when rills man ni pay . her %111 Ettd. - Theresa l idis; Wain Inms..mw, did If I ray a orddiont It JZllle Imit ig t r atA /*WI' Rthill : rn. telr AA.. ttiiibitentediar;. , t ' its : say. "Mosb,lloif't wake tip Smmeltite's titre! and! dreaWttatildWilimdithatanimell mils ;. 0 dii ti N.' 2.Q. 1.V.1 rI ‘. ..- "P-1. d., - .l.r:ri -- 4 No, I was rdatilkati,,thr ;duo Was In herajiiii idle* hd wanted to siniolCitittp. and looked at ma, nor sillkl.Nrls i ationay4lllkt kW Anil - 490ed'imt_tliqi 11010 fitt slieliiiiiitiat4l4l rth not tottia Iliad. I wonder who eke I belong to. Yes, there's anothq me—that's "v- - 7 , ,Aspnlelie_ ii . told '-' i sg dir 8re 2 46--.4 Wig* ilbßOPOltleneVi"'" danelseir IL* ifesf.4lns##ld. • .R*WOO , :- - *A S IEPOO.4II,__L#4 1 4 1 144 **Mt atter a new A A Illness. Mx seam man. $B O O, -1 V l *4 l , loll4 ikkikAia*** .. tee vitheni meglkut clrial<irwit4e3iiit 1:11 f;ft ; ;I i . 4 8 410 9 1 1 1 ; s1 -• • • P. C. 8 V. C. J. V. c: S . . 1 MEM 0. C. AtrA lasspunirra.—Our readers , t+days - ipsing the advertisement= of hiegli_w. EIMER& Hoebe , & t0 4 .5a PIM Bt, liiitsbnrgh; dealers la/lusted Instruments of all kW Thatagentltanea am agents for beglriadittifiiititlranit Mittaner Pianos, are. TeThilrhir reVoOlMemied by the, iferyhesijodgeolfia alto. foitha Shoningr ortlib*Vfistitiriktitit Of therkbid beam the public. Call - ad att thbtii itheni You PIO the dty , - - I !.,will* F 4vip never eeesetilisibYttnifinv eft en otibe ntinicnui vibe eanisievitit use 4 Birretri Vggetable Itestomtlie. l . •Opekbo.ttits.itill Ofinvinpe the. jail:4 l o*d* dt Itia*uyins 'steel ,up?" the human !istr; =ME -11 AgoOtitk4Ocifikili.o Ater*to he eskt of itelr, lEhu• 11 PT ,loB ,lherrfollizah;VM_PiArn 41. 1 m1 °Watt stole itil4l3lltb.W fltrEt:f; - Pittsi thug% ivhere hdliat ed*:olk.hatel; and will . • , .)49. ~ ..mostinsivpme asso,ry •:„Itembie. Cseeryiltse;-,0%. and Thimestie ltantiftittire, toietlig -with large misortinent of Hay and 1660 kiiikA Hoc; Mists, Eioritegi,&c, , and as btr Eitupyi motto is that of quick sales and saran protits,lwe would aided our friends when the city to give him a call. , 13.1MTANNAtAltliRTS • llama; April 1, 1868. ' elgoltil i •Pa ttr r Pb:Ja ...•:.:- 11 Parches pet bo. ' HMIs toWl't . .... 7 . * per ba5..... - 41 - Shoulders i ' I Per b1a...,, A ,.. # 51 Ai Sides per lb - •1$ Oats [ 10 Tallow pot lb, ; , IS% per Flat t3eed petbas. a. 2,15 Lard per lb:, ..' ',' ~•.' :.. 111 Bens porkul :.1 . ... 2, ericllairplalb.'' : • Potatoes ..i.,a.i, • 90 Nclaillotpc gai••• •- 1 ,i Oadozio ' 8,05 Refined IA " •—.. OM ticlyi . i. .7 1,10 ctubocou - 1. ii , t t :AAW I R*T,r : t. R .! E ...IFt.,FA: I4 # 1 Mora or ?is Plitisttion Comonow., v t 1 , ' 2 4Zio li t= ilt t ri= 6164 osZoted lord 7 pplghW 4 • • 1 140 1110 * SOCILie Pallipje. int kit e is - 1.47 rj wi ne. up Aar exeopliart Int 1 14 a 141, . 0 :4. fb. 11494—Wei oleo at 4 al 9 doicill gli • at, IEII mean ..,I*.pa We V dome. _ • • t Ilectece acc. - - I .WW- shonlikei at 11e; rib stdetet la e • QM Si c; ccacc•collol -e; 3 , .i. ;5 1 21 1 ' 4l lll i r lf 9 l We • Poilo:-vr A '. - woo ow ibbl. • 1 * . 4bbi-pdakraim it • „4 4 .• ;• . • i 4f. , ')` sO 7 , . ' t.1143•1 - ea"°l3l ...,,,_ "Siri L l.l ..; t6 . L , . ,_ _,- ~•- -. ', .-- • c - wso sm.,. _ w , poserillf.... i= 411 ' 751morstoolliA2 ort, at 1 0 1 1- 11CThIlAiii 111"4"0 4 1 74 141.14 42141rrif t ioilf sist *S umo firS l .4f"dCf Whaled* 11:021221. aLi W ri cciCkl. pot =1:.7 Bali, I 1. It e i ! 411 Wrtil t t . l2 le ~ , i -. ;- r ~.. 1 - :1•7‘f1".." .:,.::,J,.') -'vt..., = ; Aotr -- .44*-4 1 .9pzifiA*9.77F t . at. 'I.; - :-- ..' - .'.-,--: 1. - .;.':;',.,;=- ! , t. - : '.• '.!,...-:. 11 1 , * , .._;*t" ;....:::, .. ear - l t ra " 3 1--T 4 FAtili: I • ~.. ._ll.tkir_ - ... bit . 101 4 1 . 1 0 02 0 K. : ... ...Ift llll L s -. , -- ‘ - i i bli _tides tutd: jietrts,,...'., - ,.. -.- ' :Di' .AltiitiltiiipliiirAior#l . l - ciaden-see4 . jest received tltrep tu ts itrm - erk . and for ,ale at R L.Kitire'D Stare'.''- ($l. I . .4%.) '3 I ~ - . ._,1T . Get your:Hatt 6r ' maims &l b ` ` over, - * *neoWßurier. :5. ?:'•.',, t;-' ' ' -:, kit. . , T weliitiVE* .!:R' riglalteiv: mapi , pe 6 ite;:iiiiiFetalk li Oes:o4olidiS4 66 iendicoolikyear . drgerterid" weahiieis ind debility:-.*te itee of, Speer's Port. Grape . 11 4 1 4, 4 .M* 1 040- ' . .niiwineA 00.tOblItTo. 4 iddat weruhlituteffect, lit giving *Strength; viiiitiukt*lii the wijohit littera t tt ia cc , tenateeliii hulks tritrahlg or - nibt‘tl'io . uNrael4 +- t . a - •i don „ D M - , .. P, ii • i ( .6rB . i. 4.. it VPMC.4 l lll4o o3( l".Pggnek - * WineL,Ag.ist taut to be unsurpassed for lainteeicoMpitinie and for wealtly. persona, :. f)..g/liti have Obtained tome dmeet - front - lin' Bpeer ~* The . .. . .. rt.MP II ..I III ? , I T, -, T i Nulty shou ave a Boit erl - h I . I ,--PhiliihipbutliPit... : ::c „'. . ',' : ..:t 'GI"- - I V . ' ~. Getitatkr OW or petals diene,eirrA at Bence% &foie " 4 ‘ J '', C- 11 - 40 tit. , 1-Pißst'' r6 o l s 4 ttelni' iti 'tbinZ teen aollaro4l Or iwzgred, 4... to, . Paint kind Oil etiwe (ACM's. Coale, New 'Brighton. } • •;* : '; ...'. - . 1_4_4........... 4 -' ..,, • i :` , , , f i• 7 . • :Vlndow cllasi; French g Imp,. Putty, &wilt- Glue, Saud ilper, Poi' late , * C: Coale. ' 1 Vandab, van, NaKttipg,,.. Mallet. WV niiii) tiiieed 011:11011id 41t,l,f40.1iiiiieitilak I Wm, very low, for sale *Oils. COalep;•Natir Itikt«l paints of ali ttoioN ttAge ; , coop ! 1q1q25. cants ,per .pound. 17rrIcit, tt i ainar Vaiiiisitl at Casle'i paintderati"- 2 Window all sizes, lowest rates MR L. ICenah's,l Drug MO N* -" [B%. , . • , • irmotarsmi Fitatrent—As YOU Mike "Yee bed so you must He, an.Pld adage , be t if You pitocuro • your -.bidding =Aerial from 3fAtraW.,l". sea Roble , Of Smithfield aild Third St., ;Pittagenlh, whoa tudeeM‘. meat aPpeara in to-day paper; you can lie with comfOrt and sleep soundly. Lie with cordiart theibed 7111 be of the best 44erlik-Ohar ileiliglonndly Weenie - of the reasonable price ycwill . pay. These gen tletheii iferred to arc soniollfr. Wm. ,No 61e' ndo b!teTt saakmgth-the Upholstery business; and iilticebll.thelr father at the old stand. WM ITATIDITATIE do -ADBICULTVRAL IMPIX - Itracrt•=4.llo44l4:4lp.dipcK,t9 t _thec. tisemehi citlttiWtr *OM • otrg, Ittrotttotitt , e i - row prices litida94ll3ll44ll*surPeased wham Give nails callavhen yob, go to OA' PUY. Get yoOrllatlik or .sonnets do4e ifinaos, Bawer./ ' Rt.,- EMI • -Pahn .•• • A i . eetaik liasibtt As, Schwartee Pees White Lead to; ealeAt yeaufactniere prit6 - 4 ILIA. &mak New Brighton; Pa. [Bt.:-' g PEI WALL P .. - I . . , ..,,,,........;._ AL L ~, P APER I • ' ' AI L . : PAPER' . IIiV. • 1 .-, : -:, i 0i1, - ;',. . • : e_ 1 - • Oil Odle I •b.a6m.302-ivis $3 2 muires,l a AL PUP NI 90'1191 ißtgaiVE NiritfgOL2llLvnLT stveitoi3Oerb an be purchased eiewbe4 E kAirC r rivaa;ECPSo .7 • Bilageiiiitexci r a; l. : Threct nein Alse-Win En 8 Setehigr e kl i learin efs g th=g e giMes. dow Views of an places of tercet in the datantryaudewao, th continent. , ) , I respeethilly give notice to all to - call and see the Me: and well Wetted Stock of general VARIETY Included hi shoe.: we have Leask:leg Glaeseis, pets...RN& Oil Cloths; de.. of beautiful design and bittlMEnif: runll'6B:l7 - 1868, 2 CARPETS ! rehatilli BROS. VELVETS; BRUSSELLS, Three - Ply,. COMMON CARPETS, pitietonsts, .• ' Cl►ert arragesi.'s. IVEMOM BROS. 51 Path liitreet;. THE LATEST AND BEST ' • SiOger's. Improved Fondly LI tlftka Ti 41 1 0 Z INGER* NSW NOBBLES/3 FAMILY SEWINi aed pq t- I TTS ll l l s ret t its t, The . Itesittlaid the -Cheapest And the oxur Ilachine,illit ill) do au kinds of WAXILY sinrnteVites the: Loot army. the only stith • • or Mat aU adapted least wen O . "; • kin& of ntatetial with kind. •sn•it a as stow-, ,Laish et Zaration an an; • • - • - • • Machine& II la •• • •• • get a s Otte der. and ' a ch1.d c°13 1724 1 ••1 IL it has an to Witi *4 Ileasit tbri t Snit ' , ' Rip:Ocireit Mut itatittit that din be et. ed to ademitte In Tatting. It also base simple sad CriaTACl/Xtlir. and Is the only Machine malt ro WWI that does embroider pamoleally. l ille- 611 ebrPted Maier, Manufko • tijklefittO49ks. • For Taft Boot sad Shoe ilakeis, Harness, sod Cu. ease Una wM be supplied on Me, !tortes( some. BMii *": All Machines Witrranteal Poi/ Three Years. 4 - • PsistleVe' tbor introdbas toptitsbase a Sean. latrNatddoe` ed.*" respettfultreoltefted to call an examize Uwe Novel Sewing kvalses, sad sea therata gnltto at tbe Milllnery Store of Yrs. 4U'" N. 1100Kilf. on tt St., one door above tb , Dlerboad, Noche titer Beaver county, Va., where 1 Ageltiv lair& r StogeraferlettofsF 9Verant• •• I • . . a • • Oil, t i p I .‘ a i f k. (Lite *limn iitiOrditta DEALiIi IN " 00tS Shops, • 44" C.,'t.!lti:ll, &41 .L'4,,ii, 4.: ~ i nuD s 1 1 er 1 OLD STAND, D I A Akejir _ , TiocuEsTEn, 1 • •1 , , SPRINGS ± ,:: J 186.5. :4=4 Fifth Bireet, Are now opening a very LARGE STOCK by . Two Ply. •AND wrriboir 1 • , - RUG& 4iiiry f A/dit bolooglog to Um ' PITTSBURGH. I--I lemisi - w .4ta , ': 1 ' , :-• ; - .1. -- - it sai...-1 N w spiring GO a d .§. I I=3 r . - 3 , ; 1 - ; T X. NO A.1317'11141011: ;b i :. ~ . , FIRST OPENING -- BE 60 SPRING WON FOR 1868 . . . . • • - - . - 0 ee- -4 . • :' r k - , •- • ~ , r • ••;• At' I ( F. A. Foitiine's ~:i a 'lf i..Ar!.. 7 :_-, cazatriiiiliVoits"rro• IWFIL'r. 7 IN THE DIAMO i/OPIITATATI ISM :„{: i • 1. 1= ,'? , :i.,4" NEW PRINTS,. NEW MUSLINS; NSW CHECKS, NEW; 1311sTerkLAISi, • 'NEW. DELaNifi3 l . •' NEW CO)3IIRGS, ' ' Aiso, Table Diiincer .Crash, Red Red Flann.els, . . FlAnnela; Yellow Flannels ; Jeans, Camixneree, Tweeds, Drilling; Hats and Caps, Ykx?rf Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, ivotions inta_Finicitatic4s, Trimminge, Bonliee ' hod; ." ' .1; c r : i SEW= -_ :'~ Lj~ w•n PiIN • 'ma 'bows compriees the non tospicat stair siel: offend to the citizens of Beaver counter, old us tatoe I _ Pireuz, l ll solll43llcOor euitoere red the,e who eaaj tlWea;s4 , atick iflieasP - • • (' .! y # •'; REMEMBER' THE PLACE, • . F. A, Fortune' s -• • • eittAtiliiti j bdipli WORE ; I L IN 'TEE DIAMOND; kocirsim, . • . . , gict.', SIGN piivrnent: lin lE= CO.VE EVERYBODY ad ND 1 8 ECCIRB . 13,44AG4JAS. , w~.: L y:..... .. • Mercantile Appraiautent. L1.51.111161M GOODSOVATOrtt AND walimotaty ormorolfrobr year . intAetelillokol44 , • IPVISMI 11101164 ' R Analogs n • Us n 4 L&on piducii!ams , . • ' _ r: r 1, 4 , 14 Wynn boson *(Co I 14 tradin e ltliet t " ' & Deimosi, I Jarne&Mocilt • .14 ', 11 k r lf.•4 •' • 4141 ' t tit It Pa • ' % • • m 1 l Me e k tt ell , • • Asdasoo J leave- - - 300MowerAIMM , Solly4., 'fames M Baliteln ' James Porter Id 11 Multwins , , Dreben . , 1 DanieDJJller„, Jolitrßerft I.lr Weinman 1 Wilton & Brown • I C Rant 11 Willia Am m Reich' . is non ._TITIOB4ge 11 William Darnels Peter Angel 1 Downing & Penn ' 1 J Dickey Jt sham:Lk/sm4 A S Harvey . kociptenit BORO, =lfil ME 7 A74 - nikne R A Wilson Horny W Con S way Joke W D Johnston ' JameslcotoloLCi4ll4i, 1 J omon • 11111logarJs Co 3 R C ampbell P Brown r • • Win 31 Void • Den} Pfeifer. fl3Porasei M DarobOt ' brosar i der R L lifglnir • 1; Jobn Ranker, U', de' Deg J Lineobrink L Stelaleld 14 W W Jo im ktioloo 14 Coo D& 8 J Cross D ,o 6 1 1 ••e XIII 3111.10.11T0N. AD na 011111anff &Co ' ' 1 1 Ja Elosrpff„. , • ' 0 Drama • - - ' Jit nersoff. I-Jh J A B d eatirlet •.1 John Cortuts 1 J L Bladunors 14 Winter! &dhoti 14 A BestF urls iviejs , f . ' 14 Erin ! : i:, ,' 1 rt 21= 1 "'-' C 5.1 11 Covert . - t i /Dram Reed . ' - 1 Duff & Thompson . 11 Ma it i t estMely ' ' . , James 11 Stokes 1 Danalloolhabult • 'rtlleagnieti ... Nc . 1 p evsyno . . . 11 Roberts J V Pries i 1 , . , • 1 KW Bards 1 , , ',. .14, X F' AMor elugan 'I . .14 C Lanni L L Ripper ! lha 13 : 14 , ngb _ 14 Weddela ng Co ' ': 14 4 R Mitchell& Bra 11 Boots &Buick , 131 BGeorge F Village 14 Daemon 14., G J W bit:Masa ' 1 3 . CIIIITZiWA TP. ' 1 Fitts paper Man Co. 14, . . ' t COUPOITRD IiItDICMCD.I4 Ha Mao. 11 _ nsrao arantarrotr. ', John Moore - '3lflfforian Eta; . 3 Thomas AnLerson 3 81 11, B Noble &co a DRIDOZWATIM &ono. M 8 Benah 3 R smith ' 'J M Dash:rosy 3 Levis & Barnes ti .i. sass= ?AL a. -no =ills soma: , M/Mti=ll ' 4 Fainual C Ilnansr 3 . 3l/1 Battling& Brclhm 3 , ,W F Ball .. 's A T tihaffenberger , $ ,l find PLAIDS. FM I - • 611114EIWATIS. Conrad Weisgarber 11/.112141Ar. Uennel I Lents • Jo~a P roao.. :.~ - - - .•. The appeal will be held in the CoattOttifooms caul Bearer, on the 10th day of April out, DOA IP o'clock Altto t o'clock P B. W. Ni ON. • 4 " 4 • ' 4 , 1 "":4,, • ,Y • „ MARBLE , t I'ALEIMILIALVLIM :' • , MANUFACTURER OF 1 .1 (. 4 .114 v NORUNIN HUM STON RIX' MAN t• • t" • oft . NM =I Pherii= ` Byd~ttuti s ' ntl: .. a. .-21'1 Audead. PE/ISONS DESISIMI KOXVIIiiNTiII Olt heroin. porehmeng -7164te i g i a t : lave esaa~les "l. it aoait hand's large and :invert , or stock or anioliod wort. which.wearr spiting mow than can board-tut thirdly. or am be booth= stream; agents thrall* dm. MM. 107.• r•do.botruo fit agentaf call and inooltoo for Owe* 'ewes Vlore parchming.• .4 • ' " .-feb 0317:1hn. .1 , :. • .! • • A ___- ;BLANKS BLW( DEEDS, AiiTIOLISOi Sananena'.Ba Venemitmenio. des...te w 'can. aiww.leilak-aealmt Arra office, a* cbean u (hey can be COaght ebeeters. Give no hitetsteril lioll - '4„.Lefie ' , tettiltientiiiiint; .tio the estate or- OM gm ect , to • WrPtherti - Eaftd to ligtM eftwe ars req make Immediate payment zed. ihosll ha ma the lame erlll present these Pub a traklge.gio., 4 / . .. A WV WATTEl6O7.f.'Zi'r• .. aid:nit:it. -.-- =MI /lOW 41Liiew...., scums Vl'.. • re? Ai • • • 14 a , , : 14 Ir li a lte li elowi4',... 2 ' -n-- .-...r. f ' T ib li fi;1 1 : 71 I N :.,14 I din : .ll ~. It ' Mae. Dunlap .:-. v., ' n ` final . 341)AK . . 1 a ' .. " TT 14 ohn Meet .. 14 RdeWi•Oir I i'. , -,, : : -',...4. , BJohnstosi 14 II Bodies ' • n Neter A Adonis IS dam , ft to tr! "AMYSII Ir. ij 4leserkit 01110 TV, 14 S. wamorfl •••• • " walnut •,, • 1 w prt ed WI/IL 7, 7 ICAMIIMY4a. „ o s &Boridiz • is' N: 4 l4mp i Waliot * 11 .1 Jekte -411 2 m"r AFC Cl* c Jolts 4bes , 14 - .4 ).1 1 1 AWL it D.114(11'1141 sa Trhabie • Bolder! Mr : osepkNellinisr E Diablo Iko •• i • "W WI - 111 Leech 1 oPI AnbizaMmOWITALI4 irebic% . ruckgam..- . p - is - uat -2 4 .01:01111.4:.. 11 SIGH& Bre Ustai Ewing, 14 II Springer- . 7• if - ' '11 " 11. ,t ,r4L' . U 1 ii)itrail ' " . 11 9 g iggil 13 1 Bag Road - 7 1 140ritTWIP, 14 41,000 -- II 4z!mtukw , " — tilet ::rl• 6 ; IF :, , 4111411 ciT inairtirli*. - Coliqk - Ir. !Mr!. ts ''' n bn i ir cluT. . 1 ca . to 1 Mr• 11, natit io l 7 l 11, 1 it : /J w arelteastois 14 X }Nahum 14 .70133CXX43110:. • r 5 , 42 Rot • 14 •,maiumirr 71.. t Usnricl & Leak • 14 ' I IrreCULTE 'OOllO. ,ipardel 11M 11 BREWER& : . . isocumenta. 9 e itGottiot. Elea 101 l • •. DISTILLER. ti • MLA • - 1` DIZALIa IN ) .r. rind 'Tito nett I ' • 4 • ..," Of a etipetior quality Oa bar . li AtilD • A.GE4T FOR THE IBM lIEN ;- 'jsi.' i. : i 'l`) .:i - 132:23 Ell MIN _ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers