E he Beaver Argus, J. vrs:Asp, Asp lolonutfax, er, Pa., A 11, NSW Beav Start!)Watt State Ticket. AUDITOR GENERAL. talticaonN F. m urictivrr, OF 110NTG1312.1.1 COUNTY. • -WLVEYGR GENERAL. COLT: sAcon mr. cniTesELL , •• . t dr clutau. 9ourczY. i , Tim Demoeracy igrOtpl because Wre wito• has an apparent persona interest In the re- Suit of the Impeachment rial, was permitted to act thereon. They do not t.tll their readers however, that he offered to pair oft during the trial with Senator Patterson, the Presl dent's son-in-law;and that Patterson refused. Let them give Patterson a turn.. • .. 1 • i• . 'W nits the, Demociatle leaders and journals offer their nomination for the Presidency te Chief Justice Chase, Admiral Farragut, and others not Infeeted*lth the leprosy of Demo cracy, they prove that they are as bedly in neetlef a candidate as Itlr. Johnson is of some one to bievci ' MIMI • CABSILTIS'II. CIAT, 'cm! Minister to ;Russia at the reque.st of the State Department, tendered his resignation. Several Charges, tt is announced,• have bee pieferreditiminst bins by the RUSStan author ties, among these that o!unfair dealing in titsale of certain. tele - graph CompanY stoc to Russian capitalists. As there are alwayi tyro sides to . a question ire jpdge the public tiny safely suspend Judi. matt on this one until:Mr. Clay himself is beard.' • .. enpperhea party of , .ho present day ; has but. two political Ideas One: is.to oppose Liielegislation pfour Republican Congress in ita:ClTlhti tn. recoinatruct tho SOuthernStates. The other is (o enfranchise the rebels who recently attempted to destroy the country by an appeal to arms. How any intelligent citi zen Can remarn connected with an erganlza flan ea aimless, useless ,and characterless is one of thosa "tough problems" that s but , few persons can explain. • • Tug State election it Connecticut, on Mon ' day, April 6.• will be the next in prder. The candidates for Governer are Marshall Jewell. Republican, and James E. English, the prop en , incumbent, Denv;cmlle. The vote wil be t very close. In 1866 the Republinii car 'led the State by a majority' of 531. whsle in 1867 the Democrats ele'eted English by a ma jority of 987. If true, as reported; Trot the copperheads have colonized a largillot of voters, and have .'scattered fraudulent naturalization papers all over the State, we have but little hope of our friends carrying the electim4on the 6th. If they succeed we shall ho greatly but agreeably 'cairn:iced _ • al appears from the record .of the clerk of the district court, there have been found 187 in dictments, including-83 for Murder. now many were returried ignored we are . not,_ tn • formed. How many crimes were committec for which no one dare lay eotriplainti we can form no conception. The registered vote of that county is 112, white and 8 colored. bo" then Is manifestly not the .despetado in c- o euntir' It he has had anything to do / with•these crimes whatever, he his been the victim not the perpetrator. - • finritkawra4lvs. Van Wyck's, report on the whisky (muds contains some appalling statements: For instance : The internal reve nue tax on whisky Is $2 per gallon. The rer elm from this source amounteoast year to $25,000,000. Now it is known that the pro duction of the article could not lialto been less 'than 100,000,090 gallons, and the revenue from .this if Properly collected, and honestly paid into the treasury, would have bee Nit $240,000,- 000. Deduetingthe $25,000,000 actually paid from the awn. the Government was legally entitled to, and we find the national treasury short just $175,000,000 on the single article ,of whisky alone MI . . . Wyck's report also shosis that the collectors-and assessors of .New York were Asst year nailed upon to contribute sums equal to their, legal salaries for election purposes.— They contributed jhe amount called for. !Tow bow ,would they do this and live besides? The question can be answered in only one way riifr believed they were allowed to,..and they did steal a.sum sufficient to make it an object foi Ahem to continue In the revenge service. You that complain of high taxes think these ,statements own, and reflect that the payment of thie $175,000,0001nt0 the public treasury 'would have lessened your load to that extent, but Instead of ,being made to do this it was stolen,and used by Andy Johnson and thp Democratic party to carry the New York election list fall. Qtrrrn a number or . communications have already reached this office in behalfof !several ' gentlemen whose friends are pressing their claims for the Congrmsional iniamnation of the ll4th diet: We hit+e declined thens all because of our detire'S trot each aspirant fairly, and to give , every candidate an *opportunity 'of going before the kple on the record !he has already made, and the merit which is' known' •td attach" to him. "Writing opt' candtdatesiat the !"eleventh hour" tends mlre . to confuse I. the !ten i or than to enlighten im ai to the ci *holed he !hall make. In this anti the pros • . peictiva candidates an:. alt wel known ; they .-.hieve been prominen tly before he people for . A number of riark - *Rd.nothing that is not , itigrorn now could binaid in. tbe Argus that • irottld materiellAisetiefit stir of them , Judge %! them as you have imam them; not frOm what i. their ardent friends Illig!!, say in their behalf .` , .tiow. But whilo.wo doss rule out communi EMI calorie In favor of candidates for the 'vote of this county for , Cows* we shall also take , care that. not is slitle: titian a the county nixiso name is now lueutiuued in connection with that ale% Melee "any detriment" at the airasi. haitdst• we. said:sorne time tiro, Lim Argils stentrai.- between our owseandidates for the ivote of ,thle county, bat% no sense does it adopt the idea that Iteare,r-gounty is not entitled to the candidate at the prebent time. ) . - lux withdrawal of Jzsmstas Buser. as ceansel in the President's case; isilkytolueve a simple explanation.. That* copildesed. ll sound and tamest k not doubted, but the reason lit gaTe 111* ting part of the preeedini. Alboutihree Aer yea a rs egos guano islaisd, knots as'AltaVola, a-as discovered or taken! possession of some where on the coast of Dominica, by some Baltimore parties, who laid claim to the own ership and engaged )10StAmr. to!assist foicing hal/11404d, the' forms of acceptable, but subsequently the Dominicans expelled the claimants., who' were digging and shiping off the guano, and took possession themselves. Mr. BlatCiee bur inewiwas to induce Mr. Jonxson to drive off the Dominicans with a national vessel eh the' President refused to do; and it was con ceived by Mr BLACK that the case of his cll. cuts Might be' promoted before Congress by quarreling with the President, and so he guar reled and vilthdrew.—Pitts. Com. ..-----------"""'" Tun Democracy of New Hampshire are represonted as being terribly demoralized since the last electiOn in that State. A few days before ill° contest came' off the leaders of the party piplislied a statement that they had . .t t polled th e S— with great care , and that un der no moms cos could the Democratic majority fall bele three thousand. On these assurances many of the Democrat's bet with on the result; they Were sure to win: they haethe figure's, WV alas! the actual count told a different tdie. They now feel that they were deceived, and by men who knew they were deceiving them at the time... A largo number of those who were thus cheated de. clarethat hiving been treated In this manner they will never cast another Democratic Vote in New Hampshire dispi rited, es they live. A More down-hearted, demoralized host than the Democracy of New Hampshire is to day, cannot be found anywhere. A !dander on liVebeter. The following paragraph has been publish ed in and 'dolefully commented npon by nine out of every ten editors of Democratic news-, papers in Pennsylvania. They use the sup posed language of Webster to condemn those who are now carrying out the great expound ers idea of free government. Here lathe par agraph.' , • • • . "Pnoeuncir Fr larn,LED.—lf the infernal fanatics and Abolitionists ever get power ,in their hands. they will override the Constitu tion and set the Supreme Court at 'defiance, change and make laws to suit themselves, lay violent hands on those who Ore; with them in their , opinions or dare question their in fitilibility, and fin ily bankrupt the country ebster, and deluge it wit i blood."—Daniet W, March 7th, 1859; In reference to the above, the editor or the , Greensburg Her hi says : "We have taken I •the painsio read , that speech, as we • find it authentically published in the Congressional 1 Globe for that session, and we now, and here positively assert that no such paragraph, as is quoted above Occurs in it Anywhere; nor is there anything similar to it, either in word or sentiment, to be found in it, from' its begin lin:lbold, bare-faced, wilful and deliberate forgery, h . iii pa . pemii l_l-1.._L.....1 'mann a falllyOnflaPr ave either manufactured or uttered it, to re -1:4:2-11leannutuPealsnnfloartahve.fieee:;:ut°PhiriteincaaPeref(Phi:hiree: d gra P fo r° r ees ed g n e : ry tti n:3l e 7 n wit e t h i h n so e . f. . o m ry eAn o t f o t f h t c h p e a p tr a i t o ri ti o c t li c ead nvi to nfir misimd the judg d 'tun evidence in th — e — ease of &wearer irk :Ronson, in the 21st Senatorial District of Pennsylvania, has brought to light the most stupendous frauds, systematically perpetra yid Which have yet disgraced the history of Ibis or any other country. These frauds iierpctrated seemingly—we might 1, - y libsolutely—undci the direction' of the State Comniitiee,ot which Senator WALLAxer. is the Chairman, gave Judge SIIABSWOOD the certificate which 'otherwise would have been given and which`belongs to ledge Wri.inata the Ropubliaan nominee. This has been made as clear as sunlight, and all men will be con vinceilmben the testimony Its. published. It bas been.inade clear that Mr. Snuomer, Dem ocrat, the sitting Senator, has no right to the seat, and that it belongs to Mr. Roinson.— Aware of this, the Demcicrats have, It to said miserra:large sum with which'to corrupt Rep. Senators, and retain Mr, Shugart in his seat; and we may add that rumor is busy, not to say emphatic, as Leib° members of that bcidy of whom they entertain ,great aspectations• The freedom with which the names of Sena tors—two of them members of the commit,- tet—are used in this connection, either does them great injustice, or is the natural result of confidence which can spring only from a. bargain fully entered into. The vote, when it comes to be taken, will decide this, and substitute fact for rumor, or prove that it was all rumor without a grain of fact. For that reason, If for no other, tbo vote will be awaited with interest.—Pitta. Coin. Tmd Impeachment trial began on last Mon day. General Butler made the opening apeecb, and a powerful argument it is repre sented to have been. _ ftwarabie was the Haase of Represents- Oyes hopOssed with it, that the pintlag of 40,000 eapies was imetediately ordered. SENDING brINTIN, telegrams concerning elec• tion results use very common occurrence With the Coin; at the present time. Here is the la test instance: After the election officers in Washington Pa, bad commenced counting the ballots on last . Friday night one week ago a prominent Democrat of that placeoucheethe wire and told the country that the Demecrats had carried the borough and made large gains throughout the county. This Information of course brought out all the Democratic "rims. tens" of the country. It now turns out that It was the Republicans that carried Washington —by the way a 'very close town—and made the heavlogains throughout that county.. The Democratic papers however will never give their readers tins corrected information. , ) _ 0.70., A NIOT at the coat mines of John O'Neill & Bon, at' ine Run, on the Rouen• gahela river; three miles above Pittsburgh on last Monday. , One man was killed and die wounded. Three hundred wake were en. gaged In the ot. The.trouble grew out of strike en thil rt of the miners, • GIN. RAIWOCK bat been relieved of the command of the Fifth Military District. and' has-been ordered. to, take corimand of the Military Diebdon of the Atisatio, created by order of the Pieddent, Feleillth, 1888. Con. Buchanan has been placed in temporary cow mend of the Fifth District. • . ' EM=M=l Tale Elei Prude. The Ihistisbing cortfiwpoodent of thePitAs• burgh . Onesset* ot *rah my* this. ref tithe Robin* :te- Bhagat 'electi o n ioise•lnd I #e MA, liMltteli to Luzefwe and ,Cetillife !impairs: g - The cenuallbile. oeithwAnnitested case of Robison vs. Eihngart is drawing Its in= coati scan t to a close. The commit" the contestant are offering rebutting _testimony this week. They_are hotiadio•dese thit.to [ morrow night. Yuttr rodeo Well remessiber ' that at the commeemnfltthey produCe4 O'Mara whd latlfied Um he had been paid five hundred dollars by . a priest, named Father Tracy, for going out ofthe State said to staying out until after the Uhl of thisvcare as net testify as to what, he knew about the fraud that had been oreetieed atPhillipsburg. Mr.Shuge.ree council and all the Copperhead leaders said that &Mars had sworn tti what was not true. They impeached hie charatter for truth and veracity. They summoned wit misses to prove that hews* not to be believed upon oath; but they never produced Father Tracy to dieptore Mi. O'Nera's evidence: Father Tracrthey talk' eare to _ keep:out of mach daring the whole trial. Robison's coun sel could net find him until last. night. But as the ease was known to beabont closed, Father Tracy concluded it was safe for him to return to Clettraild end Elk counties. One of Robison's counsel happened' to be on the train from Philadelphia Westward last I and he soon discovered Father Tracy (inboard the cars and entered into conversation with him, and found out. that all Mr. o*ml - had testified to was true. However as the counsel had no sublime' with himhe could not com pel Father . Tracy to stop off as a witneet flowerer, !nehmen as H. B.! Swope and John Cessna are trot to' be baffled if energy. and le gel talent will prevent it. It is not necessary to say how they dill it; : but ;they had a man et Tyrone with a sublet" when ' Father Tracy arrived there who whinnied him and brought him back here today. and.when the commit tee met this afternoon and two or three wit nesses had been examined, Mr. Cessna called Rev. Thomas Tracy I It was rather laughable to see the long faces of Mr. OMB and Mr. 3111 ler, Mr. Shngart's comma; when the name was called, and when ,the 'whet came forward to be sworn. That was the first hint they had he was on hand. They demitided at once to know what was proposed to be proved by the witness. - Mr. Swope wrote down what he prce posed to prove by Father Tracy. Mr. Orvls noted down his objecuons. Thir were both read to the conunithe andthe op ections over Mixt, and the testimony admitt it wasof fered.to prove the-chrrectness of 011ara's tes timony, and to rein" the , 'testimony of thole who, swore that they:wen:id' not believe him on Oath. The following," substantially Tra eye testimony as taken down by your eorres pendent et be time About two or three weeks before the meeting oftheLegislature— the first of last Jannary-4 pa hi Mr.O.Mam five hundred dollars in his own house in Clear field it was in the evening I paid him. The agreement was he was to leave the State and stay out of it for three months., Mr. Gorman —a boss of Mr. Collins's—gave me the mow ev r to nav d,...-0-tnoftonollimaitrdaitittewaarras at n the itilltstaulltche '4! M Mara. =Thad corropendenee with Mr. W. A. Wallace on the subject. The intention was to keep Mr. O'Mara out of the , State until this contested election case was decided." _ The foregoing was on gramination In chief. Mr. Orris cross-examined him and elicited the Mowing: "Mr. Gorman was the only man that?. was aware knew all about my arangement With Mr. O'Mara; be Mai the only person who gave me any Money; the only person who author ized me to make this arrangement with O'Ma ra. had some correspondence with WA WALLAce, he never gave me any monerbe sald be would not give any of me own atorritY • . Ins evidence in befb ru ,-.. 1i i ;; 00 -vrwwr rnmen trer pity this witness bad notheen allowed to give before Mr. Wallace and his ends had time nd to have an interview with him. He evidently was disposed to tell the truth. It will be seat how much influence these desperate leaders I will have on him by hie testimony before the .committee to-night. Comment on this is en tirely unnecessary. Just to think eta Catholic priest being employed to bribe one of his own followers to leave the State, so that the frauds practised by the party claiming to have sueb reverence for the Constitution as the leaders of the Copperhead party have the effrontery to claim. Junco - Soldiers' and Sailors' -Na!Nina A Soldiers' and Sailors' National Conven eon will be held In Chicago on the 19th of I May neat, the day before the sitting of the 1 National Republican Convention in the fume city, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for President and Vice president of thetrdted States. At the Soldiers' State Convention, lield In Philadelphia, on the Bth of Janualy, General James 8. Beaver, its President - , WAS directld to appoint. the dele gates from. this State, and they were Instruct ed to Vote for. Griot and Curtin. The follow ing is a list of the delegates selected by Geis. DELEGAIMS AT LAZOL Gen J F Hartrank Gen Chillll T Col. He; Gen A L Pearson, Gen Harry. te, Gen Lemuel Todd, and Gen Harrison Alien. • 1. Colonel H C- Meinan, 'Cblonel - Myer Arch and Lieutenant Samuel C Perkins IL General Hector Tyndale, .Colonel lota Parker and Major Richard Ms. 111. Colonel Wmß Hann, Lieutenant Na• than Spering and Benjamin Thomas. IV.. General 8 Irvin Given, Captain Harry Coner and Captain W J Mackey. / V. Gen Chula, M.Prevost, Gen Joshua T Owen and Captain Alfred . - VI. Gen WM Minteer,linjor, W HYMNS 'and Colonel W H Hamtneraley. VII. Ccd N A.Pennypacker, Col George F Smith and Hiram. Bite& VIII: CS'S C D ENiott, Capt Wm A Sias& and Capt George W Darrell. IX. OftJ W Fisher, Col W L Baer and Dr. A M Barr. ' X. Col D B Mathews, Col J G Frick and n J G thegneld. XL Gen Charles Albright; Col Wil'Aitn rong and Gen Selfridge. X/L. Col Henry Hoyt, Col F 8 Hiltehdoelt Col Lewis Burnett. XIII. Gen H J Madill, Col A J Frick and lent HR Durham. XIV. Col HJ Sheatier, Col John McCleary I and Scott Clingan. XV. Col F B Konfftnan, Capt W H Lam ricks and Lima Samuel Foster. I XVI: ChM W D Mason. Capt Sidney Rus• sell and'CaPtaln Edward McPherson. EVIL Gen J P Taylor, WI R A McCoy and Capt Joseph A Green. , • XVlH.llajor Jesse Meant ols and Capt C H Half XIX. Gen H L Bromic, Col- E • Irvin and Dent A B McClain. XX. Col S B Dick. Col A p. Dunimis sad Capt. George W Westlake. • =ol. Gen JF Gallagher, Cavil!' C Owl* and Capt Amain Fuller. ' ' • XXIL Coln Biddle RobOrts,, 'Major l E. A Montooth and Capt John McConnell. XXM. Gen Charles Barnes; Gen S Week- SOD and G W Black. S V. cag M R Adami, Hon lit KO* and Cap& W W qtbson. Amin* Jbatnton appealed directly. fiutla 'emirate to the people ofNewliatnpatireoll the greet , isioe of Impeachment, and razhiiiiiite edallintitcarm patonsgs'ami-P1:::2. Tally the Tberhave pronft and allegations, and the . flashad4heir verdict front sea to sea atitiftent continent to continent, pronouncing him twit. TY 1 Me!IN=E ...,,, Thi!... gfaairakdi4adlisg al the a. • thole ' , • ' . 1 . . • res. .: . . ... - • ..' 1.-- - ' ii. ll OP l7 . 'I Is hoped tint ib,lellylosi t eWnt-oehhfrai,ct ht bhk.ff .. I '! l .- i l e r p 4 • au f ltbi4tltii-ec i . .th — l a itiial ainla giapiloi- ft M Pe a k c ; ethe * ::00 1 4 41917 - 1°1! " * 1 then at Preadat . tsadbr 17 _, . = t!nu Wed repreetiolt.etthe litillireews eiftlia - pastr hail Um bean•Obtab l e4i Oa Seed to *M e ..b.gen ielectediailliialids,W ` ___,,,— . Rehnbttaahasititkbog of . tlie Crawiorii Systentit lisiMmOr .conaty, where it has Pairphrao4l*Pags 09afi: the , Ma • "OUP ' eh • this morning from Lancaster. COWSty, giving the malt of the delegate Ideetions held time' en daturdart beam reieuit tostimpay to the - practice' working of what Is popidkrly known' as the Ctswford eentd3i systen3. tinder thb mks of that masa the election was. adducted, and wa hare a settim of 6,0138 Totes .esisterianawt I s even thoinind. Ia 1867 this Repahileati vote of Lane eiteteountimst at ' the genital Mee- Lion for Judge Wilibms waste:lle ; In 1866 for GOvernortiertY,l4.s99: i1i1865 for Gene ml Bartraeft. 11,4 N; in 18114. for Piesident Linioln, 14,461, Miring thelast font. Yea* embracing a Presidential, pnbetnatorial 30- dicta% and general State election, the.aTersite Republican vote cf the county P 3 Ura a t a =l ay . elation has amounted to 18,802. On more than half that number of votes were brain out al a primary election. This sneaks a.i for the •system that elicited them , Those familiar with the -ordinary woridtig oatilke machinery of the government know *furry rarely a primary or delegate vpte appfoaches. fifty or . even twenty_ per cent. Of the.full strength of the party. , Most generally, Ander the' okl .systern„.twenty-tive or thirty beak in the back room of a tavern redolent With the fumes of had whisky and worse %ohm)°, determine the whole mister for a ward otyminshlps of from three to *re hundred totem. i • i The kW* Chianti, says _ The 'result of' this illectiaLaneatter county, Commends Itself 'Se t ate attention of the mama of the Republican party everywhere. Every man's vote in this election was felt as as expression of his 'preference for vandidates whom the desired te sea nominated. No Aim or moire manly system fbr nominadag 'Candidates than that Juat sdopteLd by the ReplgiOns of Lan caster county ' rid rangy !he catabilsh . Convention. DISTRICT nsizoATEs. .. ....w. Vl r refter4 Grida PlNispeets. The Chicago aura, of ' , tate:day, makes the follosting report as to theigrowlng Wheat crop! - qr., "We hear favorable sets of coming crops from every part of the-country. A-gen tleman who has been over a good portion of Wisconsin says that-he was surprised to find that so much plowing was done last fall, the weather having been very dry, t but the ground was never better forthe wheat crop than this spring. If the prnt , weather. continuo farmers will commence sow ing_in. a few days. March wore whast alwisys yields the best crop Theßellevillei (111;idt Adrocege Ls informed, by s gentleman of judgment and retie o..f Bt. Cla reepettettztad4iongg=titletstir ro t th r e . Esbly good!-.seldom, if ato p of better, Ii the prospect contiauto es godid a few weeks longer the price of Wheat mute come down. There mein aids:alone ay the Belleville Adm. eak.large quantities - of oki wheat held far higher pricetred If the cooling crop bids fair,', gretecoars.ols. must see a decline in I, Witty. whose business calls him into all -parts oXe g reSsouablyWenW i tlattlif :j log as ever *lire et - Oda sewn. The drought In - the hal cut down the acres plan- The New Albany tad, but this will be more than undo good by the sowing-of spring wheat." Commercial i says that t _ "the prospect ofa fair wheat crop is brighten kyr. There is much improvement in its ap pearance within a week or Mo."- i , ' "kr''tfie ftettblicaii State Convention last - week a delega from Luserna Co. exhibited a large number be printed naturalization (=O rates, in blank with the elputtuneapf the Dem ocrotic ProthaiiPtig and the smUf the court - affixed. • He - elle that : not late than. Jive Liouneskof them mudnient pawn had been made and distributed by the Democratic man agers of that region, thereby 'enabling them to dent a • member of Congress and several mirbbers of the Legislature, not to speak of the election efJulige Sharsvrood last fall.- It is by such frauds as these that the Democratic par ty wins man yl of its triumphs. The Convert impelled by tins diseionre, adopted a resolu tion in favor of a law requiring all legal' vo ters to be registered before the election, a pm cautionary measure which we hope to see en. acted and enforced.—ChanitersOunr Reposi tory. .. Wt3tia .1 drew Johanna was swinging I :frontal the Me be dew:Amoco' .Congress M I retridution ry, tytanicatfiticonititutkutat body that was, liartging On UV:verge, Of the goverment." Now be_ reapOoda • tor -a Born- mous to answer the obarge7 ofhlich: crimes and misdemeanors; by n - letter . ltadOilawito bonontble court, siting'. ken court of butwabbment," to try articles welded by "the Ibotiwable, the .House of 11qm:quietly's of lb. Unittici Stases." . A. J. is getting kwld 1 New lttrucrtisttitnito. u. s. nitioniala , BEVLNvn 1868: • VOTICS GPM To ALL PIIBIIONB .LN getout that tie annul User of @megawatts for Menial Bet/nee taste for the year 18% have been retuning toile by the several .11Mot Asseesere of the Nth Cottonton District of Penn's., and that *el win be oponitir inspection at the '..L1313218130R'S OFFICE, Wactibinfoli. from the 3d to the 75th day el Awn wert, during which time ;persons aggrieved may n o tr i =iis from old they consider erroneous ea' Appeals must be in writtegimeWM particularly the matter of compl a int, nay *Ea declaim le requested. RUM, Assesoot, nth Dist., madelkalt. - • ;r1 1 1 • •. . . i I s . • CCANST Or RECEIPTS AND DIEBIIRS :-• A wilts byl School Dimetesi Mr Da' ~ , ship and Idorough, for bounty purposar dfi Ving the years MR, 1246 and HMS. DR. Tolondd Yank. • inn, av • - • , CR. . DI botlnly Ifi'ifkiroluttteas and 11 vet- ' crass, : 4 ' • ' ' DM 66 - By shoed:id Mutt • 41 °ZakidEfw J. irw c=rtail • 21 °.°' • . ~ ,i4 SO 60 :;----cosuin i Rer..IIIIMITILL PATTERSON. 'Treasurer. DR. 1 1 T B: Imseeten t o „ on tenasi • DIM XI pail • 1 i r lost and aiwillineld ' e("2lllllk4l4 exeeerations .l it am4 Bl4l" l " :_. '' '1 Saar Tmas`ts. head list.l., Ilk DM4II, - , - • 1 _-: We mutt?, that we have Min 'canuaised the . weed* Sad Sad it Correct as it' stands stated - ' • , • .• 4 i.,. .3gx. MARACA 1 Auditor:. • .'llarelatls; 1818. , • ‘' •• • •1 •• I , •41•Oce! e 0074- • : ... ,• ' • • - • . 1 r.. - abd - liheregili rtuftell or ' our ildiali end Doled etfelt w ilra tol Is4bsbe 1.110111 - say *s elthejersrdAsa andake fuliten ...,-.... ' ' *- Allentei 1-, .•• ~ -- • ••• .• • • i., A; -”ipaggerf 11 0 01=1=Wee lito 4lifilifkiA, ..,5 I . MI ~. , 1w.,, ~ , Elms* 7 a .. 1m : :-., •- " - , 41.418 -1-to •.. .-::,-'•":•7: -, .: . 1...::,,.,-onn 't7, ' 'llje goomi Sores adssir Sot tbeTresnuer *don; 111 tbe Side he teecired; add ableentiellaniandsix-' ty daallitherr not scat:vies even hiagsm commission me TteAn4Er. , - Fs: 311: R 0513.• OEM migons_mw__-___. ---- - t o t eto ulai our BELT WOIX S. vio . .._ ..: . . . , ): .vo. 4 - . r ~' ": ', ith i l i ,• ,, , t'_ i 0 1 1: 40 ety bt., . 4i i • OW STAND - ?.1: _ . torm i p i e mow viroz) -infiniiriff:lol4lr and James de., If ' - LIM nochester, Pael 'GENERAL DEALER IN ME DRY GOOD!, NOTIONS, 'RATS,. , ROOl'S •nd oßoczass, - I'ROVISIONS , ARS, IRON, NAILS and CAB:RENTER TOOLS, ROPIIS and OCD/it, . PACKING TARS, OILS, ' • Met AIID OIL, QUOODSWare 'and Waoir-_vnue laiO r Tilt, FLOUR, FlaoMit. WHOLESALE and RETAIL gild* the SOW WOO/ or the Celebtated • CARTON CITY. .mtpii, For b eater stettiltyore ofkr Soar to deal ers iit Pltb igstefolitthg freight fro= there. — Alto. • 3,1,21.311 g WHOLES/ILE /IND SET ,IL • Alio. haring the wag. for Bulb* Seale . CH 4 I6 BCaIAN we offer to therFe r . Sales at, naranfaetnrers mien: cough ling of Counter, Ray. Cattle. Thirmont, Rolling XIII an Itallroad Sale& Also. Agents tor Eureka Bono 1301tatate and Miter Paris for WWI. • Rams Salt 3tandantniing Co •. Sin SWATS en hand we bus always a WU Mochas hands, OUR MOTTO: 'CALL 024 CE AND YOU WILL CALL AGAIN aprl'6B:l . 7 NEW HARDWARE- STORE• ALUGO% 3}W AND. costisrn ASSORT maIt of HARDWARE, CUMULI, aCk My sad ilasinrs Falls, Hoe*. libovels and Seithta, with every eitstade etesmalty toyed In a HABOWAItg:; orals. rail sod eitOne , • ,N. , .STLIPY. apTIVOIS. HOFFMAN. HOENE tr. CO., 58 FIFTH, =l3Tit EET, PITTSBMIGH PA. .•. • . tit Arlan. FOR TOZ MARSHALL. •pf ll W recommended O recommend by Gotta- Maretrik, Grebe, mid all otber nutsital ptborittra as eatery boat Mapes sow mans Ala=ta hit the - Shoulager, Chnrchrl i t and 1 ' , • , ORGANS AND NIELODOINSt ' Ybeseinstimentibare nett' patent serer failing •Tremolo, new putout I sad Octave couple. and a speciality of two lately tweeted stops, repreaent tog the celestial and Inman aka. which arenot band t h t =other 300 e. °Batelle rutelicd with Brass and Blltret ftUnments, t leas Bald New York i We imPori tnstremseta. amt, tie., direct from Mannlictoriss In Brims. we are prepared to All allerderspromptly. Oar meets are warranted. and told lower t hin any her berms In the city.— Betatty daskmt are req to multi, their orders. Hcisita&N OENE & aprrOkly. Ghia Opening EMI or MALINERY'GOODS W. IL 1133EINCMEINS Eatablishmentr. Beaver. on 'THURSDAY, April 2d, 1868. ALL THE tATRSr SPRING STTLIS OP RON RIMS BATS POR LADIES' AND CHILDREN. WILL DE • RUIZ LOT or MESONS. IFLOWIRS, MILKS. COLORZD CRAPSB, L1WE5,4c.,40. Our Mends and cuetaumire and the public rawally,arerespectl ly invited to call. altree:ft, WOMM-111010` AKAKEREI. aiiiap 110111**Aleinu, stinicarrzto to. IL Petals' sad .lieVij VassOuskliaebotshrh X4394.a. April lewd rieMalf N., At mak tog ießowiepamoonstl brick.:, *acid aitd Cla hi -1144: thipiiablo Asliver int* iripiktiklatick at the sown of Rocheatar, tapnlißelt. sofachtrere ql. Agate Blretated.,Ceanded and • ' r- r,ipf!• ol • - • • Leather . Belting, == lIII=EI • au10,..645zr, Vox rierxxs..Luxia Perbinh, Agt. Pus. Lam. and Car ,orke. A. Preoebi bine. Me& Cot Meet Wig; Cu Wm. E. Porter, I SPOI6. Purge mid not Co., Kean. n a Co. , Pittebergh. News. `ittehdon; Pittsburg* A. A. Barker. .. Ebensburg. Pa. J. 1... P. Kalister, Beg.. ham. MI Berm W. /IL reeve AO'. rim. FIL • J. R. Lindsay. Eel.. Pittsbargb. _Pa. Moo. J. Badgers, Ng" aIuDaTE, Pa. , . Orders ItrxofUll7 Sidlcited. • antr67:ly - • . , "Uphols - tersr . . - WM - :C . &: GEO. . NOBLE, (Sons a Succerqrsto Wm. Noble., Or.) 1 OLISTITTUT;IFEATEDIR lIEUCTIANTS. AND irdsaisra In Fortner. Beds and Dintsaltl. Nativism , of nun culled bah . . Bask with hat top. lairsk with •Oa a.Doskt:ssrd IltraLlM rig Chib p and Mtn, Goan Foams Id any (ensign:l I:. ranted • g 1 Daosierigtoreeds. Hollands, l'as w oels ott and Colds(' Hess el _ ear and all articles usually akin In Ma obolststy V 7 se. AU work warranted as reprosiluted, and at one nn'- form price.' . Cor. of Smithitoid dtid Third ste. r (Taos,Dona At ?us Dtiort.)'• - PITTSBI7II9H, PA.. sprl'6l3:6m. • .it‘• Rl7 17CT A. E I HARDW ARE & CUTLERY , $4 , Cornet of Lticrtiand St. Clair. street, IerIC,BAVI. NOW ON 111 AND • A VERT LAO TT' and tapplAte si:ltment of Hardware a n d AA cti. eultund Intpkinentis Which we are selling at NEW Yor k prices. Elp!Winces:write Neared to Courtly Nerd:llmb. bftll in and examine off Stock. aorracluti. PTITSBURGIII PA. iliEl RI PIiTEIBIIRdII, PA. alinfe i NM B. OR JR IL, CO., IMPORTER* AIinpEALERS sN PITTSBURGH, PAI , ORPELAUTB' COURT BA*Bll. IllY NIETO.: OF A'S warm OF THE w ill LP Court Of Beerer conntt the undersitroild will ex= pose to sale, at public oet.dfy. on the prevalscs, on WEDNESPKTLApriI 29th, 1869, at i o'cloct, P. icor sat&-da_7. sal the folloiring de. seabed rail ands of Joshih mccorrani late of Eicever county, decessed, s . thia .r_ te .... lo Dar ... lin a gion township lees' per ;Port s h. PIL lsn , viado:eadj4fJoh:nlnghtccalsndugjhtryau thNeadtenbliziouthtehts.3l:ll: eigtitY acme of is are exarea. and the bilanteiven timbered. Om Is are erected auto= noose. one afar, with basement. kitchen end teller. Also, a story and thelfinintithestee.ANN* 1.,_.111.114 Wet. Orchard of food mouir Ure Ilfinnisea. 'FirAt leell. watered. awl lb egood state et cultivation: .1 four feet.ven of good :coal underlies about seventy4lre serer of said land.— Pm:lilacs **Will% mlle of Roan Station,oh 1.: Ft. W. L C, 11.11. TERMS. -- One-third of purchase miy Id hand opal ftruirmstlmi of side by the Court. e balance In two coital annual installments from the date Kith In terest from same time, and secured b 5 bond uha wort gage on the mottoes. The purelisser to pay expenses of preparing title; bond and snortgage,and all tequieite stamp,: For father Informellou inquire of , bhp' un dfrsferted, Princeton P. O. Lawrence couut;ll., or iee TWIN aTYSLATE MINING AI REAUFACTUBING ttimr.u.4 V. • 1. P. ?Er ItarrEn., s. Lb ANDERSON, itN. sit A Et.rs DEr.oth President. &a vary. sup. ri dindt nt. OFFICE, No. 43 Lieventh Street. rittAttlfss Va. 1i believed that die time has came in the pfOgirss of Mamie= architecture, when the qtfie , tion will no longer be asked. • What shall tte use tot roofing but. "Aarm cmc OISTAIN TUC DES? 5 1 • Are . countries have ling ;Since established the Pict. that no matertil is so well adapted, nod PO dorificiC„ as Slate for covering buildings, T*6 (+Merles fel lit geberel vise In this country have existed tieteiofore tjst, the transition character Of society,. which is lileeessarily opposed to permanence in architecture : imd semid, the great Sbandauce and law price of him , , her. The MA Impediment is rapidly yltdding to tyro and riper ideas on the subject of !funding, and the otb er must soern . give away to the starchy and advancing price of timber suitable for rooting purposes. We submit it few leading advantages of a Slate roof: It Is superior to every other In appeariusee. It Is twiny as on. Is saves . ,.' insurance. is Are proof. IS Is ilisperillible. • • The Twhi. City Slit Company's Mince are In Newth• Sefton Connti; RIM'S. The Slate Is d beaStifol 1 alit blew, nechangeabie in color, splits In perfectly islitioth pleas pearly elm required, and Martians stead ily fly 'existertPre to the attnospbere. Igo Slate In the United Sides is snperior to it.in all the qualities essCO tW to •Itttad Soot and we think Bet. little equal to it. It M furnished at the, putt in Pittehunth, at the rati , of $l2-iXi• strafe (erne bettared square feet). which with expense of laying, wffl stld about 25 per Cent. to the cost of a shingle roof at present prices. Samples of Slate may be seen, and orders left at the Wilco of A. T Staallenbargef & Co., Rochester. Pa. Parties at a distance, can address J. Sr: Neilloyet, No. 43 Seconthatrect, Pittsburgh, pi. 4 Tilensartisini. ar.a. •': • 6 0 16 1 )9 4 1, -Moon& Bea ver. Pa., and all Druzglsto inerdellersink idedichx,. . soss1815&I1. E I =e? Arrfilllllllll AND Mut , of ezablalag aD. pliable. Mb be Z u e=l b boleti eir an at rate NSW, ibutwtbe %Wag am. 1 Aw 11775 , Viarned&setioothousa; X etti. . . orthytkaft Otb. trainerMe Neer sovie ' 10b, Baden Imm,t " Setb.llll4ll, lath, Mart " Boob O l i ve . 4 Ms, Tabotew , " • • MA I gut, waver. ' • ~ " " fbellietd , • finewell Veit Ilookstolt. • Tp " Matte' ' " Leaman To, 11106.1111Thete % ' " weaver Ta lexisataatbo win asiamenee at the hoar of* Wok* A. M. Directors and Wats are..resbilted to atteptl. - ' litTuAll. matiSeilt t A - RE NOW ACKNOWLEDGED - ET ALL Ink? we them, Co be the best In are ; ‘lll - *A m grader range of motit Own any other machine, auk, Oise or howl merging; nom a straight short 11 2 4 6; make• a mitt aH dbe both Mei. Please call at the agency and pie theta at * w k . _ J. BOGGS, • MVPS' MOCK. • • New Emmy, Agent for Deaver, Comity. vairbspite ItaMsr4 leak* •-• . WAR THUM, COPYING ,PCIMODS, to FAIRBOKS ? MORSE & co.; Corner Wood & fraccond .sVcarotid to bay only thn Jeanine. kiln le eprenoptly. . Itostat4n. lIENTtY DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF r 1 111 171 461 Vr i rrn.E Br4litori gre, atom the nog Fodor' , • . The LOVA stock in Beaver moat* moan! al hand. and ',ening at the very )(meat pdeea mar2slB:lt.: One of the Lirgest & Most Successful WHOUINII MT IN tlit (44 extengVe and reliable noun of Wm. Flemming, TV Wood Street, PAI rk Koons Witt sotn ATE ASTVIN Oter: opt will be W COmpare to twit r satiety ittth first chain hods& In Nell koool ra. ' stock illtslats of lien and Boys Far and W Milk luta rasslmere Bats; Min and Ikm Cap Bois Old Children' , Shirr goods, Nur Ind FY ker lipodaSnndostas. LadlereandMltals eat, and ahtrtmtned. Country Merchants are ran and esdnlitle mt. Stock. tnavrir. DAY 60018110! James A. Fort T ifif3II,OI)ESPECTIVEIN tNNOrME TO citivfts of ki.trer coanty, that I hits jade a nsw and Splendid stork of,,Sprlntt Dry fel Nottons, - fn the room foroolly ocrupial by Nelson tk Itta'slcr: let the Distd.ntd, Roche Sr. 'feting fei wind Dress 'Goods of dvdry Desch -. . . Loiters, Cokireii and Illicit Atom: kart Ahidret. th De Latuee, Whtte CI eide..te. rait egheme. Cheeks, Mathe& Tick,. Jean.. Tweeds. Ceiel mere. a k c.. listen and Gimes. painniffiaA )ton, g" czltT, Drees Trwletinv. We eat vs Hatt. alardo cock, trey cheep. titanipinz, rink len in" nryi NI main. Stiteirr: 3a * Shirts m tde to ntd•r. rime tali and emanlue tut we are bound vt sal PITTSBURGH PRICES, NO TROUBLE TO S [IOW GOOD .4. Remrmher the place, room formerly Oa* Achim' & Ildese'wr, IN TIIEIDIA.VOND, JAMES. A FORTUNE P. S. I have secured the Kokos ur Tt itn tt ir7 l .; l. o. it eretrkPy ofarldgewater. • FRE" lASLt ALWAYS OS HOU AI 10U ANON IDEA' Tb 3 best and cheapen LIME in Mt Send arderm In W. J. ntINN, seven rt. Kilns. at Vinport. Lime delivered at theft notice marl Mir --------____ _---_-. FARMFOR o tu, Pa. O aist al in ar S g A o dlo L b ; : D.ISI37IDECODFEiRSI WAB Aalarod. tire mile lftTß a e o ,i .tßrOCkelearTbe attt2t 2 acne; al . With a good frame Barn. Thetail P PdrilligOrblelt will make it a g. roo f, with a well of good water at the deer. I% sever Bilis, water on the feat It , " ea U. contitstleg of Appls. Pesch ,. 1 " 11 ' Movies and o th er .mall trail. TO Win ea a public road, and to so Tor 'scare tie , and coevesient U. School. farther qutre of the ,eadersigee d . laar23ll2;it. —_ ._, DISSOLUTION ?ll,' VOTIoII3 TIBREBY GIVEN; THAT IA netabip heretofore *stating tiatuueVi t rte ter and Joint Adman nr gair r G i f A lcoa. , illal«f=tZ of u, . the s.. 'jc t . Ind Mier paw" la al °wed to us Au dem falba liquidation Of all dabui t T T o) utariblilt3t. TWO . JOON, ACP Co, kit Or •LL ItIADIL LUG BAGGAGEBARROWs, PITTSBCRGII. PA ROCIIESTEII.I'I PITTSBURGH, P&. I 1 Tim DIAMCSP, , Li V t" PAPE 12 COI, I, RS, ROCHESTER , PA M E anport„ Pa. NEA.RICV,T: IMEril
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers