II El ME WALI~P4IIU I W'SiiY. A 'SN • • Nt ' gee .107;!**4 St.; ne$010; 4 • . , • -1, ... ______.) . -•, ' 1178 A RE NOW TO EXHIBIT:A, Tv Imo isanterz PAPEß EIANOINOS, rerere r ININVIOONS.,IOe; Dwellings, Churches, lai ite_4mtklelborai, di a large aeaurtilleat or WINDOW vf,i t i rifirievaelprepared to dispose of at Ma lowest paCCIPOir CASH . Call wham •• L " ' "z."l-4013. It. LtUoulis &BRO. . jp . 2Blllallaf : i.r.?: - -, . • _ .. , . !4mini; 'an Carbon,:., L'IPO4,IIIIITH & .CO., Iltanulketurers and•Wholesale' pealorii .1 , / • 4r Znspo, • Cbandelleril, ' " ' Olassur -, are, : - Carbon, • • Labrleall g • • ; • and nrd 011 s. ..1117)1 ARE PREPARE pi e sOIII AT. lin. TV tall or toll's trade s i t f good l ons Due, w hi c h roe qual e Z Old DliCo defy competition. .OUP m No. 1 Clewe warrant to be pure and,at least it d degrees ingest. We hare also on tuuidsahe Row piliWt SUN and 8014.11 burners and cbinineys, • • iJ.. 4 6313111.4 CO.' •- • . . .•; 'Liberty St., , head of .1001 h, . 1 BRIDGEWATER MARBLE WORKS. . . , - .. ~ • : . , , Dvui - WOODAWF, MANUFACTURED AND DEALER IN • -• -'' - • ' • • , . Italian and American Marble. , bienniumla, Brad Stones, ke., made ter order. • Mane give me a call before durchasing eluewherer , SlirStiop opposite Dr. Smith's Drug Store, tirtdge street, Bridgewater. 3r25 . 6 41Y . • DAVID WOODRUFF: Shallenberger Bros. etionageolts TO STILES & SHALLENSERGER; Bridgotwater, Penn' a. DIALEX9 In FIUME GROCERIES' Qneensware,• Hardware, WAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW IYABE, BACON,' FISH, GRAM Country Produce OP VARIOUS KINDO, SNITGER , & CO., '(At the old stand, 3rd street 'Beiver, Penn./I.J DEALERS IN -, dear . LL OF OCERIES, COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SYR UPS, BIOTA A.SSES t SORG HU*, 'RICW PEPPERS; SPiOES . ,. SOAPS, N ES, RAI ' .SINS, ENGLISH. CURRANTS, I.IGS; . FLOC* FEED, FISH,. GRAIN; tic., do Thiyire. cemetimtly . Otectstving frerh assortment of theuerielekmud teriblic nuarely. upon getting trot% t em ae good as the market ufforde.. • All mode delivered if required. Janls:lv. • • THE CHEAPEST' -GROCER' f IL 0 IF.. IS IN THE CITY.; J. KoHrti & BROTHERS EII.FRONT GROCERY and TEA HOUSE, O. 69 FEDERAL STREET, WO*, P 40111:. &C. R. R. Depot, ALLEGLI - ENY CITY, PA. • • 1 '; • • OUNTRY DEALERS AND OTHERSJNTEREST7 C ed in the purchase of TEAS SUGARS AND COFFEES, • Will study their own Interest by calling owns before purchasing elsewhere, a, tut- motto is, quick s:des and smalclll profits. J. BROTHERS. de'67Mm. EVERYBODY LOOK AT THIS . . Reasoni*hy you Should Buiyour woo Tis &. suoEs RED ,FRONT SHOE STORE Nl3. 63. 63. 63. 63; 61 FIFTH • ' Theyeelf ss good Oomes as there ts made. . ' • od.• They warrant every- Pale they sell. • Ott. They guarantee their floods to do raxiservice. 4th. They repair, any Wag they sell. • 6th. They rivit all tbel work, making it moat dn. h. Tbele work Is 441 t spas) ap!l gintoel in • Meaty. , • kl;', 7th. Their work is theynoei durable and perfect in - the, City. , _ • . . Yon Cal buy lowa than at soy other piece. 9th: They-are*, best, Goods sad yet ~the /lowest 10th. Goods custom; made., d soid ices frum trash clrewhere. • 11 tit. The Ingest' moths - • tto Wed from in.tbe o trouble sb . . If to ohsitiossis, Retnember the best Goodsvg4heiput money, are • to tel htld sit • • ' • • O 3 • • 63, NO• -• • - FIFTH' ST. . PITTSBURGH, RA t.crattt 14'. x.au, xr..~ cr47-'-11V1 / . 1,, xx' AND. 'NEM ~' N AND n n "k. LOOK HERE ! *--P • • • t L • I M E . . MBE UNDERSIGNED IS ENGAGED MAN U .l. facturt s rlene at I/lipped, Borer Mutt)+, Pa Ills Kilns khown ayMUS "Power's Kilns." Fresh Lime, and free of atones, can always bol ad. on short notice. I will sell as cheap as the cheapest All order lett at the Kilns, or letters addressed to me at pisevet, Will reeetse proppt and careful attention. Illlltoooo4l% t i,vered i r 4elle‘"42 " . P 1 .; ••' Aff4o9-DOIITT. I. • , G.' W. PUSE Y,, • Wholesale and Retail Dealer - •41 . CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES .—and,TEA, ••••• s, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS, ickles, Acs • I All kinds of Country Produce sold on commission. and prompt Wanes made. /464 '49 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny CIO', Pennln. novl3'67llY. MOORE'S DRUG STORE, IN May be •tei . piet tho - !met asit i :irtinent of DRUGS, M. e al'o 12a TT RID IJMNIMS, WINES And Brandies, Pitints, AND DYE fiTUFFg: TOILET ARTICLEts, SOAPS 13 It II S BE E S . PATENT fitEDICINES n groat variety, all of the hest quality, and wild cr than can be honght,nt any other Drug Store in 'the county. • rionco's Female Pills, 75 cents por box; Cheese• 1, $1; Clark's, $l. .. , ... . ~ •„ The Largest Stock of IPS & LAMP TRIMMING_ LANTERNS STA TIONERY. WINDOW. MASSA PUITT; offered mashie of the etty,at Tddoore't Dreg Sirre, ld cheaper than can be bought anywhere else. t those who doubt this call 114 fee, and they will, doTibt no more. ' J: MOORS. DM . . , . • WA'S! 'MIXON nnisa. HIRSIT&BROTHERS.. wnousea.r. •XD 4treu, rigauuts IN C L 0 TII:IN.Vi ';':; . : :AP - I) '! .) , Gentlemen's urnishing Goods, NO. 29 -ST. CLAIR STREET (Opposlte Iron City College.) , PITTSBURGH, PA. • Clothlng'madet to - order on short notice. El ti0r17157:4, ii.k*:.',E46i . iii.i AND , PROVISION STORM for. Riffrond Crowing and New York St. .0 i w r 4• • •••• *U_''••, e. EMI By COE & D*RRAGH CI 717 WIIERE, MAY AL FOUND Family Groceries and Pro... Went, Fiat, Flow, Cheese, Batter, Lard,Baeon, 04, Forceider Vinegar. Syr ups, Molasses, Batt, Tea*, Colfeei, • ' Crackers, TpseetVelgars, IbureMare. , i'-; Wooden-ware. and r crything in their line. and they by strict attention to Minim to merit a nets) share of ' the patronage. • • . kd N. B. All kinds ConniriProduee taken at the mar. , B COE & DARRAdU Audio/air. Oct. 1it.166?—0ct7614r = New Goods I re fit:Cr FRESH ARRIVAL js ,. / , is) MEM 1 ta l S' J. J Cross & Co'4: 4 ~.1 t.l t()C.IIg§TER.,,PA.,; „e, timal - • TAT ititCSIVRD FROM Tfill EAST,_ ,A L an totd better mond Stook of general Aterchanoo than ever before In our house, conalstlng of , p! NEW PRINTS, ".; NEW DELAINES, GINGHAMB, CHECKS,. c' - . - FLANNELS, all colors, 1 - ' 511.Alatii • A t. 4.11, 4. • • • fi - c -7t: • :1 .:kt Lit NwrioNs ; irt Litoi Vim . s,: A .:,:.!• '...,,:„1.) ...I—U 1100 P and i • v; BPQT B 4 ,nd §,ICIOES, 'Cut. 41.10 v est siisit aml sONStUerTAIMOU 16011ce,,. .4M"I` A complete Stock jut purchased In New York sad Philadelphia, ot• . MECHANICS. TOOLS, CUTLERY, STRAP HINGES, BM Locicti,ri 4:IREATNAIUETY. All Om, skied and dinible strength, at rittebugh pdees. ants - & p _ Nor CELEBRATED,'AUCIt .5' AIA COL,O'RED PAINTS GROUND, DRY AND 1N "OIL. APlptitiL PAINTS, LINSEED OIL - ,-, cr c.,' . r. - 79.4t1R80R 011. h• •_. t ...-- A; ,-,' ', i ''' i .."...404 -, .4 „I .. , -: CATOR Pit,' . r.•,t • . ,-,, :. , i ft - 1 4 ' . ::::: i'•'''' , • .. k 4 ' .TqDPE/VTINg__BENZINE and-COADE'S' . .;:i. .: .f ;: 1:f : DRYER. 1 . . PATNNT GROCERY "1:1 1 fi.:t • Books alit Stitionary C- 1* Co Cie r`l.o BACON,HAM.I3,I3IDES.Suouunti*,XESSYO4II, LARD, &C., &C. , Io ISSCkIi Sad Bane* Ifei , A,gretntd. dim& ri:on3 , olfi" . ton City /l 1 Ohio. 1 , • , 1111 kinds AU kinds couutry produce taken hi exclariielhr I 4_' ',..5, ,4 • ~, , .''.. o - I ~!.'l ' - ' All heavy deli veil* Ilui ot charge. I !AND =MIMS, colni !STOCK.. ...._ • ._ BE RB. uLLI:iiT •.•c .,- ,.-4 '::-1 f t T 93 611'1' 81 * j• c OROSS* C O: NEAR. RA ;L It 0 o' Gusllalz EiMM;II2 • '-, (7:i .`. 7 :1117 7.. 7, 'r.',7;.;;;:.•:"..? r„t;.,t I , ;:i iiir I, 7-` (t ME pkp I Diva t ft) kg! CAPS, Egil ~a~e~t:~",~,~a,,~ TABLE Sr POCKET - BUTTS smr TER. HINGES, NAILS AT MANUFACTURING PRICES wrxDow GL4&7 HICUAIID & .0016. ' t 1 I .1 Ili MEI I = A v.(INIV;rF Fl4olllt NEW YORE' STREET, A f3';;;l,,‘ - .2 -• XlB 6 ° , el'; Ptie _ t- , ; 4461ittompqffirookiljarr. reeftza Br! deal oTer Big 19 . 11i ffireg I:tolaaglaj •"••1 WM: =l4ik law :7 i 1 / 4 4 1 -114 : 1 thirt)M, At ?tWit,odstro rimmi...4vgatirE, !A i z • 1 retsztit ,W 3 Al 4 l l'4 , q l AA t . f- , f n owitriglcifiaced Rid" , 9 11 01 0 1 " 41051 , 11 - A ' C-flf`irP' ME • If.,t'! L•••• r.Ll' .'"••^• ••• '- • NOW • Of f EW • . L L i. l. Y 17144)4gra I pmer= 4- P ro c K .• ' Unt anted to lkti t Y rut t #!. /7 0,". 114' . I.' '! ± ; .0;i,4°V.14:6411"1!L- f: And Wrfus lf., MARO.OIIIO TO 8 Itt SH°3l49o:ll4olViAtteliblinerggt DECOILFTIVE BORDERS, 31 Orrin 2 G 6 'it ' Ein agiiii6 " ll Maul XID I rafEsCCI COLORS PLAIN cawOmmi i for PATardi TO ANY SHADE OF COLOR, Stile and.Pnel Oahe CePliri, Iliders &Tlffinge, Flock and Gold Papers., op ALL )itscanniorre , J. Shi e . 11r. Son, LD IT., Mini'll* f6IMM3IIL. ROCKESTER FOUNDRY,,. , A#DEBSOIIi, iinsimprz•& CO.' . . Inn OKI IIfANUFACTITHERS op - MACHINE CASTINGS , al. Railway Track, aad.Car (listings. Agriculture Implements, Engine and all other Castings made at a Ant class Fotindry. I, Also, Stoves t -Grate Fronts. Grata Hare, Liners Sash Weights, Hollow• Ware, Iroft Fence, and all other Castings called for, on short notice Rad of tkeivery best metaL Also J. J. Andersok's justly celebmtedNow Coot Sins ix Cooled Wood. which took lAs z • • •first Premium.. 7,./ . , , ,, - • . , . . , . , At Hi State Yak Teetretly held at Pittashmkh. Thie Stove emisblnes many new and important principles, which pbee it Am In advance of all others now; Mete. Some o_f_the_merits defined for it b_y the Inventor, • ' 7 4 Heavy Metal, Well ?Honed, Heatity,ot tityi • . • • Finish, Ease of Draft, Kept Clese,ltequires btit HUM Feel. and the . BEST BAKER EXTANT. *Amu= olinr i red7olond ?PIT), Call Attentleil to iinlonowing Statement* : While tiling in the East I tied several of the most Celebrated Cooking .tovrets made in that part of the country, and on my ardval bore., I was recommended to purchase , the Crystal, Palace Store, (also Wont ed by Mr. Anderson) ai being Urebest. I did so, and need. It with good satisfaction. When /*We Mr. An dcrson'e new Stove,l was attracted by its neat appear ance, and on examining Its Oven and Interior arrange ments, !bend Itronwessed many advantages over all I had seen. I purchased, and have.oue now In use: We Consider It superior to any we have ever used. It Is all the inventor claims, and les think, ail that could be desired In a Cooking Stove. CUT. Gnawer rmixturrow. Rocimmai.Npr. Baying one of Mr. Anderson's new Stoves In sae, IMEn fully =dome Capt. Pendleton's statement.. Joan 11. Waramtn. - Bering tree Andejlonly ; new S_ tote bivanj antelly the above recommendation. J.Woolossmv. iikln Lone nt Mr. Anderson's new AO . to kW. undfied nth 1(1 good quallfto in all ni ne:4ls. , Joules Inv= JAW Wl= • Rommel. Noir. Stk. ' Having kept house f a loan time. and used a great number of Cook Stares of different patterns and style*, I consider 3. J. Anderson's new Stott: in point of economy in fuel, - readycool i ami faits Oa, superior to any tee have and commend*lll a or Wks . tion. • r . aim Limier: , •" - - We,have one of Mr. J. J., Anderson's net' gioier, manalbctured at the Hocbester- Foundiy, and having given'it a fete trial, we 'find it tomes fully opium!! that has been claimed for it, It heats very qapidty, takes but little fael, and la a eat excellent baker.' Jun An daman may aangraatthita himself on' baying achieved quite a riumpli In theline= usu fildn Tel , 4 • - Besseit. Nov. i54,,W." . B. ihweveit. A. S., Hal MUM=S EteiretWarei; , i I • ...._ iiievulc c i .d 2N liii;E! A Lanais AND' WICIL , P I Teas, Coftee, , - Burr, • " '..,, Boa . k ~, ~ • ' Byrupo, ' , - Fish. - • ' . . . : ,... r -:,- , .• : r ~- .r. y. •.:- .;-: 'TI . .7 ;;;l ii i:ln S trAltsAkto. -- . .:- TO . • - ..—pw,.A.W - . .;, _ .... .--;, .....r:, E.,„ . ,... i ,.,.. . Pine Churn.%.. :. - .• ,-;-.. Teck.ifessnreni•v. .. Qakelinrns: : .; r. - -..,::::: - g:Buiobro; 3 " Willeif,Thitt4C,::. • I i';•'13011,11.41461,in.i IBM I= . . , , , ..,. ..• :-. lALSCV:,..: -.,. , ...,.. '.',.*:- - - • •-•- q.'..-- : ~ • - • 1 : ? 7 , ' -.- ' '- . - -, CHOICE • FAIIIILT PIL . OVI. 13i the Bawd or hi . .eeeetentl7lll . gl7tlcce_Tery to ' fad sea._ -.-- • , - - ix4IMIT•• •- ': - • ''`" • '' 'lki4gcloatar i'L' =I ISE EI =Moot Hobert Mime* late . Of-Der 5...the.... 4 :kw deed..2l3lllWlL OP the all menu indebted to lice saltedale, lAk ineke bnmedists osymenti zed Clods baying claim) or demands sobs& Um frame , ot.; the -said daseilma i will maw lusown ilkiksma wltbmitr. Ur, Jsm.ft SH&IRT JOHN C. DILWO TH. f vz ' n,. telAdl'adt. . Darlington ip. EVE - 22 "T'-',7,fir ALES m & PBOVISIONS, AN - ' Pius' 1:14ilei&-initegits),;: . e " -Ing " - " E ft Ter - iz i rl "111 " ti nVi Ikaidpallitnaii Memi ;818;888:81018110.4:1./; that IF 0/0 80103“11S919traii V A I MEk. pttiMEgift et v i ntlariu - - ' Mass CA 816888IrsikeeW IN els, - batio 04 0107 -tint' t thoosinsim drivlogewaY all Aimat,= o, W.E; M . I ~ now 1A.1 12 1 47T into P e R " - -rtaikaat4 wise , 1 lI .L s * 4' NRSOWIIVC44 I A Liiiatli '804 : r birvf . . 4.Y 1 , 1 74 18 ' . ?.. 3:4• : I I -.- :.-.. .3C 74 f,.;,, MID SNODGift I WIIOTATJ pYtTcGIS lileilerir Ind Itieiiek hereety: Debi. iierta PAINTS: 'OLE, Y • DIWBZW,PS, DRUM?, CDE PROPETETARY MEDICINE: EWE; awl DOMBSI7O PE NEVE& - SOAPE, TOM ARTICLES, FANCY GOODE, 41e., _ DAViSON & liICHAR: a 4;A it x •• • - • •vINO aityr o . rz7ED LSOE STOCK rite NOTIONS, BOOTS & 8110 V . BAEBWARE. 'GLASSWARE, QUEENS WARE; TINWARE, NAILS,. ; DRUGS, &C. EC! /HIE - • aWledair Glom Steins end &saki strewth. Spa , gni iftedtkat ped to M i lder. Stys Inge • 012 LINEEBD. OIL,. , • • CRUDE BUBSYnO,OIL,' •: ' • BBNZINE; • COALBT PATENT, DRYER, mat; or iai ctiloii, dround. Da and in (4 Purchasers 'will do well to all and examine oat stock of Paints before purchasing elsewhere. • Atin Choice Brands of Plow in Basel and in sacks. All kinds of 'poentry.pro4one taken inexcbangelot Remember :Meth% frit door above the Cattily, pLostto side of street& • . • AGRICULTURAL iWORKS, ROCHESTEIL, PE#IIA., A. 11.01MITH & CO., MANUFACTURE MOW E SO4SILE ‘... R . ../ 13 'ado= R e ig l stre es lndlifta,.are, , Tana MI; Oder Mille, Cane Mille and tun Dvaperatorai Corn Sheller!, Dog Powers for Churning, and all other Agricultural ATnAdnery. ' ItKPMMTO Ail 7) JOBBING Of all kinds does an 'abort notice. Nadlizai of any kind built tor parties. Having had an experience of Sheen Team in Patents and Patent Busmen, we are wmffed to make 'Models, Appikattloas, &c.. tor mr- desiring tv take. oat Patents. . . llaving fitted'up our Factory with :. =I AND IMPROVED MACIUNERT, Sole, ted from the best Eaiteni makes, - id tidtkoti4-ind employthi., , mono bat the bast Xechanice, we aro pro. pared to do work in thq . beegetade and manner. Hering secured the ;millet* of A FIRST' CLASS PATII MAKER,' were also prepared to Make an kind a or style of Pattertm_ • ar attention,pald to &wiring blowing and Bmtng Machine., and machinery In 'general. Woolsack. aid boas . * attention and . taro to merit, Pabutilite Ofittottall within _work done. Orders lann irdieinnas to. ALL WORK • - Mame* • • A: Id. MUM it CO wrinkly - • • Reebeetai. Pa. • svEigats Port Grape Wine, Vied by Ilusdrimbrot Commegallleimlbe ChurehorCommunloirmarposes• *psi Lang - illy' wi4lis itstioit VlNth"bB,-thAtiTtimsg..n*4 Speer's Port Grape Wine, FOUR YEARS OLD. I,Malitstly celebrated natjee Wine la made from 'thence of the Oportir Grape, raised In this country. „Tca44/9) limo:cm:R*o P.m, ,___ . ave unsurpassed bl .eny otber native Wine: Being an PVC iblro volc on pe; 'psalmist ,tin i =r. artem* wig and - obese guarante ' The s e gest ehtlktnay per. take ants geasross quittld the Ireanak lons. lid may use it to advanhtge.• 441 1 1utienin bow tidal to the - atted and debilitated, and gai ted• to the :vartatinilinottlEtilarantlet the rater I= - Ins to erg toTtlek `-; 5 1312 M ON. Ise Sea's. Port CtriiieWltra. • • - 7 :' .IPeruokolltooSpoteo Port Gsspe Wino. - liftsoct• . , • .: • - ; b 7 DtujttlMa and Groeent. • 7 A *WV vine_yardi New Annoy. -Olden; Ito, St 3 linbadana - .7lerwToric •.• lA= - The tried by inhosos. olloatara. Cqw den,and It/thud. & ta elphli, and by GOO.. 9Leny, and Tabneatoekb Pinsbur,l, I, and other eadeßeaten. . • EMff= nil ,ellthenro CORM ,-03, • 11. CALA FOR . rr, 1:TITI Elle= f , 1 UNlerf ratifiirross. drso~l IBM t rogf. 11041131501M* , „ 4 , 101 g o 0 54 *to • '" Weald ammo' the dilates was, kw, B ki7a ridgewater. ir si tra Jeaded, • . - emit Mig_eclitorht on 10e ' estaxt iftkt i tanteMr e alge of Ohio Beam' coontY pefoons i' Wbted "O l d ed to the estate are reqn temikeinonngliote payment end those having etalmaNainett.tWialoall9Zr,c,t tlenn properly antnentlatteu • 114 / 11 /41c,1r nunlll3&6!, : .4 .4.; • lump:=:,:y..'gß., : "':'!,'!'aillfers:;_.,) Diuwmatx GoNrxtmcsw Bomm, Corner 4th l *lO, Wood Street!, PITIVWXWEL PA. IMO onzwr NARKED RAM , PAID FOR 00W OMM,IPA Hong and polsr. 7410, converted into Ortiz percent, per au= pold on deposits. For a** % 10 1 0 4 111 e AN. 11 4 1 1 14 31(itry loaned on Govern-. manna& Amalie , priarlraltzn. FAlliz.'•&= - NVINTEFL - : , '''.itiit . .kAii .nAvs' ion REclavEn A zany STOCK or GOODS, of the LATEIS* STtilith FOR PA & =MR WEAL Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods etiRsTANTIN ONTHAND. CLOTIIINO RADE TO ORDER • Inlaiest and unlittaiblonible styles, and at short notice idai Cll,Oll ..t• - ,...101111114 !MUM CRO7 &IHILLIPS, Reel Wain and Insurance Brokers; 139 'FOURTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA Inqa itpulagor EzAt; i.f..irig Arca . T V Air Ins ili a fall description OT position, price and of the properties entrusted to our ears the • news eanald - or Farm Grist Mills, tiOnsak_Lois, Stores, Cdal Lend, Cool Works, Coal In tersskWestern rands, Hotels, Tanneries, city and litubm'hon Property. This 'Register we, print three times a year, on Ant of May, September and Jan. Parties wibing to buy or sell Real Estate. no mat ter where t e location, should not gin to consult our Register, a .y of which can be had by sending ua your addres January number now ready. Janls'67: . . PMM 1, Kraft oirE wrgivE_ W9BKS Car Factory Buildings! NEW BitIGHTON, PA A lEM IMME I . NFRRICK & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE AM. R T4LL vz.Atitis zx COOKING STOVES, lizATEma binTE.FRiINTI and Ruby Cooking E;tove Nos.'l,B & r THIS STOVE TOOK TES FIRST PREMIUM Al I: the State Fats as s'ead Cooking Stove, and lave at tbelatorCounly Fair. We use no scrap iron In their ma4thciare, but make them exclusively of No. I ri • I T I MA them In every respect. The buses% ores in Use ,market And consumes . " tidbit Wang; °Wog to to ourim proved Orate: ' ' ' ' • CRATE tiadiffEi AND. FENDERS. . • • We ere lan am engsg eb ta timemidatii — % of Grle Frosts and WO enamel to sa wee cam mos, second quality and Ine fnd'. The mama! re. tens Its lestree's Nog WM, wilt pet off, and makes a Mods seseelor data to that of Cowl Tar. • BUNKER PILES. hydraulic peen.. They ars much lighter than - eut Iron, insiAnneit cheaper.. • RPO.TINIS : " STOVES. Wareham tbettatifst betting Stem. ht. the market tot the dm, sad use MebeaktitOck iILARIY construe- Our *UM= are twit yet atendeiPtife it to oar b eadiest/I keep ipumaamortmemthwtHue. We also took the Ansel= sa. the °Maly lai r bp ? generally,and we have instated by bilUeW: nesswith the determinationto use the.best oftim Anti spike good mod& z.. A i l " , • • • J. W mrpecUalbrrequeet Me l i mAt tmtoindvronid be please to see,thase anything in onr Itee atom Wok*. ^ - rrys . lp,UMr .11r!Illmes! zraitBti4dil 'A co. EM rme lgAiwrAurtatzwor, AND truzix IN. LU, kinds of Maim' TOSACCOIS, Seasse. de. - age. Pricca moderate, Motto: Quick Saks ends:nail polls; Shop on Its corner, nearly opposite WON* Olikee. li Bearer, Pi. 4tairVree Mai;!Mt!!!E MEMEZIE = ME Y & , p. a. xenzitex, J: A. DUCALLY. IMI niIiDERS, /ice., Ozer MERE quots ANKH . . AdayE.btiwrCl&OP Agitzur b vr .3,,manksiou artVIA Vatt:lthinit , eip!. u Atbitra, hon. Gist . • Wilkl4**4l';WindOW Shade ; • fig Cillnresn NortaPe °PM -DE-67011E & 00: No. Rood Street Near Corner 011114, PATTentraGii;CtiA, DWELLING , 42111 STI3 RE ERAS &AD E , TR IILIILYI4 OIL CLOW, E% de.: EVERY VARIETY or STYLE An rinft Y. viLiitlar WILLRiou & gARTroRD Have now °Pelted the Finest Mete I t of FALL TaitiVtE,Rl BOOTS & sl-10tgi Which they are relling at GRE4T BARGAriSrg ASD noW"PmicEst IND sad examine our Stock NO. 100 MARKET STREET, Corndr of 11th, Pittsburgh, Pi. LocITG7:I7. WATCHES FOR. EvEßYii6im b STOCK OF.FINE GOLD AND RlLYkra WATC,EIES, ALL WARRANTED ra RUN,AND THOROUG ELYRET = ULATED, AT THE LOW PRICE OF $l.O RANI, . AND RATISFACTIO_Y GU,ARANTEED. 100 Solid Gold limiting Watches ere to 100 )(Ante Cased Gold Watches tyl to to) 103 Ladles' Watches. enameled 103 to El SlOHold Hunting Chronometer Watches gin to sip VM Gold Hunting English Levers hp to thM Gold Hunting Duplex Watches lie) to .s.p . 5011 Gold Hunting Aluvrlcau Watches ICU to ifid WA Silver Hunting Levers ...50 to ) BOn a liver Hunting Duplexes to 0; 1100 Gold Ladies' Watches to .14 1000 Gold Hunting Lenin( f.O to -4 iOOO Miscellaneous tillyer Watches 5.9 to lop 2:LiOO Hunting Slicer Watches ri to ViDO Assorted Watches. all kinds It to The above stock will be disposed or on the poptile one prici..iplan, giving every 'patron a tine Gold vr id Sil 4 er Watch for $lO without regard to rains. W h ibt; Bro.& Co., MI Broadway. New Tork, wish tded lately dleptsaeof the abort magnificte.t Writ. Certificates naming' the articled' are placed in envelopes and well mixed. Holders ore efultledta the . articles named In their cert lOcste, mum payment onett Gollars, whether i; be a watch uot:h sl.lto . 9r nix i worth less. The, seturn of any of our certificates rail. We you to 1b.,. articles itfiryilhereun. upon payment. , Irrespective of Its worth, and MR no article valued fen titan $lO Is named on any certificate, it will at onche leen, that this Is no lottery: but a straight forward kn. trausacthm, which tony be particlpatyd la even by the most fastiltibus: • ~ A single certificate will berent by mail. past paid. upon-recelp; of 2.5 - centri, tiro for $l, eleven for $l. tq ty-three ono elegant premium tor $5, - olstyeit t,.d more iahlablepremlum for AlA,oue hundred and WA superb watch for $l5. To agents or those wishinc ens• ployment, this lin rare opportunity. It ,isti ly conducted butdness. authorized by the OA crnment and open to the moat careful scrutiny. Watches seat by Express, with Mil for eidk , ction on dellrery PO that no dissatisfaction can poosiblv occur. Try ro. Ad dress, 1111IGIIT; 1241014:&.. (YI., lints , tisii, • 161 Broadwaf, New lurk. rosrlB,6B:3mos. T. E. BATEMA & S(1 Druggists. THEABOVENAMED FIRM HAVE RECENTLY .opeoed a Drug Store, on Muni lace. Fora ` .FALLS, FL. where there Inny conetantly be bud. 'good Itesotterent et DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDI- CM'S, LIQUORS, PERFU3IEB:,TOILET SOAPS; BRUSHES of all dads, FANCY ArricLEs, GLASS, PUTTY, LAMM., OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES; DCE TOBACCOES. CI STUFFS, GARS, STATIONERY, &CI, And all other articles belonging to ttre trng but lath • Phyliiciand Prescri r,: ptions • e Wilt be eteetalty eempoOnded at all bolreAnd dl b S P lnese hi their line Weeded to promptlY. Bever Palls, Ps.. Nov. 18. Y,T.—noc3VPlY. . TINWA.RE. WHOLESALE M ftrrAit DEALER IN ALL RINDS OF Tin, Ceppi43f• Sr. Sheet - X.ron Ware. 14 T PROPOSE KEZPLNIO CONSTANTLY ON 00 .L .171 kinds of TIN. :COPPER AND SITEETZION. WAKE, whic.h I will sell AT. rim: LO WEST PRICE Tin Rodin%Spouting & Jots ti t' 4, Dom to Wei, In Otis! posamHe manner. a .• .•• r: sliorteit notice. WM woe bat the be 4 of material, and turf . „ bot the bat of workman. • WAERii.:NT 1 . ALL IVOR =II ; , "4- , • ',•,• VIE LOWER END OF a atr 0 ei BEAVMf, PA. Oise to a all I, aid Examine our Nock OPelinedillke kept constantly on'halg 0•.11. A s zlierZ• =CZ!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers