The 136averiliri U FAk' E It, OCTO B Ett 2, - 5117.1 31 . Soceilaneous:. %Tx . nr,olua;;Tn., 54 Filltt- won, Pit.pibtfrgh, the othorized RiTent for 'nit Armco to thlit thy. _ ' ' Iwo 'lle attention of the,,nubly In alreetea t o. ti i i r , i o - 1 2 l o ck new advertlxernente, I.4dch the A trd time In 'Fur Im - ;t e to-day. 4 , .. . , ?: ;"-El'etC:ll.o.P Nc.tiee-,8. 11. Sliann.i. .., .__ _ _ . WAVateb lord-J. W. Wilson.: . . I . .__ „., _ , Boot 9 and .f.itoe.' Mil.on k:Btelrttri.' '''2-4 v6"-tilltf,n, Prit‘e.-J. S. Littell. -. ix'Artt-Blllide4 Pllle—Dr. Bolinger. • 44770. C. Sa-Sain*l. -Allison. 1: tr6rowrie ,t l i.k. il,sowarn--A. B..l.fiteirel. - orsiwclal Nntirc.—Witabn & gt*art.' ' ,r -special Notices—B. Talton. - 1 . ' • ig7soecial.-Noticeo—Wileon & Brown!. . * vrtilie/314zotices—B. Mr albeim; • , ; ...,... • :•.r..•peclr.ll:NeticFA,A. S. ,I,l4i.s.fiy. ..-.., r r;3 1 ,, , ial •Nutieve.—J. 11. 4 1P.MCC. , rtrSpe' ii:li : , pt4,— :40tleWatt Genly. . . „ .• s o mq of th i l o Coppei - hotql op:An§ t . t!IF fOr.t4e , reriefk of Vie rec..t.itruclion taws. Why not 'repeit "Five ofkiand Appotnatto% Court House:. • iranted.7-Noartivedoteiiigeot or-16 or 17 ran WAl,tn/i at this °Mee, to learn the print. • !eine of th,.! Lot Cense organs arc boa,:tingr of the ti.irob,.r or ;I)tilocrat. trio) entered the Linton armies fot:zbf'agaio,t the . Aaveholdera' rebellion. Bat ti'orzre trrgot to mention - that the..roeu never re• aimed to thi" l M. , nice:mite varty, and that they are still engag...4 eght iug agalle4 traitors.. _ . liiiiii Election of Trustecia.---The annual Election tor Fift , .th Tr 1 tee Pt: “I leaver Seminary and Insti. !CR.: Will beheld at the r..bnuivaii building, on Satin.' d,y otit, O.:tuber at'! P. 31. • _-_ _ _ • • Our Cotiii,ty Vulr..—Our agricultural and me clainical- &tenth , -throughout the' county ehonld bear ia iuiutbatiour county rah' hikes place on Wednes tsy. Thilnutai iUI4 Fridsy.(2d, 7 d suit •Itti) of Octo ber. Ey, ry iu•refiu iri the county rhould be'preoeut th 4 ucc.ion. rulTersal ,ttirrage.- - --13 n of thC Nebths- L' arc, passed June 9.1, tea, women oc szedre allowed to vote at the' dist t school mietiugs. Tat under ,tila law will be held fu Oc oinuha Repubgain 6llgaect6 "the enter: ag, Wed;'-i . drAyp tur lanlyreal suffrage in _ . Frost.—On last Friday; inomingoke undcrstiisid. 33 , sonic free' in differcOlporticiis of the coon l'fas flits the case . on high' points of . IntPads:Moving. Avi-ny, Wtn. Mont gomery of wt!.tiinctOnionoty aolFertiseA for este all of proi;ezty, real ,and perK . Mul, 6t the p:Tefe',of that c,,nuty. , " nil% t , ,scret•mtl3 come to our iztiowldo.e, knits to the be it,fthat Itiui elfar4 fa nay -Intend riiiitovinu from thin part of-the country,lMt whither \VC- have no in forogt •• • Palnfui Acel.dent.—OnTße , ulay last Win. Thom Ze , :erely ihr.sunnines away or a colt. which he-W2IS to'.,:S n7ngon. inlurio:i %very, quite painful nt t!“.- daie„Lot Rtt pr4,ser,l hu it almost • es.--A. B. \Val r. Esq., left a flue ar •rc.,ameat of penehe.. Pgttc , ! on his farm, atithin few day ak:o. We pr t ,mi.•ed n conple of Months ago Ince hi. fruit nu exr..:,,C.Mition, dad now after doing Tror.ounce- it '•first c1.14."-+"4.nniy, may he. Thlgr 0pp9.0 reb4llion. fratricidal war. car sad general rni,ery. keep thellemo CTst"..:',ll:,re onto! power, as. whcnlthese dangerous I , =el, .1,111 p7;•.rer, the country Is .never i peace. The Buree-, treason and 111 g their origih In the 'chile cause, and , roe no.::ced he the tvlikil now conga.: iht 1,•..t I of dern D ocritcy . sia c Int.. progrese and proeperily, will Coto roa aucl.trt , tvou by'roting - pplar,!razie heram-e the Democratic party \ iZr,l one instilled the-other. and until rebel • ditmition nre cond . -toned ot - tli s e ballot-boi Is the,- score ....feated on the. bottle -field. the. Union will r.ini the Government will not bo tifo. The repnblie eon only the Iti the trlnmpjt of Repahliran ptirty. Those ~ evr. ,F ,:d in a rei.tvy of the tax on real estate, :11wrys ;46;1 by . the met:hank and -working rn,titthaelit, aill Mx a 11Cpublicau ticket In order to ... . . _flohluron. . i i •. . Frankfort diet3'ri-4SM. Criitheri, Caleb MeCiting Win. M. Clitly. ' l • If Guirea diitrirt-John L. Moore, ,Robertsfarrhe, • John C. Cteeka. . • - , , 1 Greene tp.-Cbarlea Calhoun, Aelx, 'McCoy, Joseph t•'SlTerrin. 1,n% . . i - North Srtrtekley . fp.;-4as. .7.'Efszen. Jaa..K. Thump ' .„4" -- . son, Jae. 'Warrick. • • lions - Stolen.-Ithhect• Dunk, of Franatort i . . . . . skt tp.-flaury Phlllts. Ephraim Smith, E. B. F;,tkir.... ',Scaler cc linty, l'a., 41:id a horse, saddle, and ) ' Pula . . . . • ••71.5; .t , t;..L. at th‘t lainc..w.t: county Falun the Inith : DonghertY. • l '..:-: Z,11. , ! 50'.:0.A11-.. Is the de.eiliXon : Tack .mare. ~.., .. .Varioli tp.-.J. W. Boots, Sheilosr: Stone, TbCtiTP •I'vr' ,- ;' 2 l d. wh!0. , inforeher.d. 15 band s high ; 0 11 .1illig•-: 14,,:ki ~:: .na.nlid:e. r.‘d reicHed bridle and halter : . Yew 'Brighton-North Ward-Thos. Millei. ::. Clt... 1:11.:flii Ibl 111rirC 10:1•11 -'io!eu: . 'lle ottnrs :in reward, ',- MyerP, S. KilieirY. , r h'T trt:J;;.r.. . ' I - 4; I - d--J ilieli;e ' Xi 4 f or nappli Wilson; II 111._,. l, Jmk . ' Mitchel. . • rem a lie0:18 a:i teajerity In the Leeislitture.: The•a It& tti.k. The Dernoetitie 10,1' , 11`q it. if only to t•bovr, their Cr Republican reform arta retrench- - .._,_.__ ' , ,FI rmiTll.- 4'o - n1'4.1,u, (Ohin) .Ti.trinl.l.l ~ ~ - •DreaneflLl.:(: Prator elitifotattde ' ll. I • -,- _ 1 I ti ere Irforriv-I . that a vliht , e In nne.of the "bock. 1 lone" llemoor.ifle cant ti..s ve1.. 2 1110 sc, , ,no of a fnnr! tl i t , ,ritipilt n.flrr o•vlnincE ,Innn. winereby a Detain tic 1 ..ra:Pt ~ ..n, nttc....l . - f . or.fOnntlocl not In . onght to of f l'•:11,1, f.l hi e , ovryi pney : The ciretitu, , tances n oas I fol , nwe : fic Itstt phi theta . !e.w the. rich bondholder had re- tti-ra to 9!avery In ,itite of the Worts of the.l 4 .e..ddep% of Libcrt 411(1sevkrtit q , ther personages, both !+'lrntin ar.d ce; , ••titti. ti:! ..then tinittloAti to the mull- Puce. lie' quoted eXtPll4l‘'ely front George Frttheis Traln'...denttwt,g,te - I,peech; and among other things fo'.r.t I.lg .Work: work' work' ) Fowl the dawn to the dusk of day, Y ,, r your hops are crushedivith a weight of debt, That the toil of year life won't pay!" rnllght rp hta }numr alutoet to mutiny. hd iartitit t.: his ',object, and promwed to ehow '' , ..l7:tt of the Repoblican leaders, beginning with Ts, Wade. "V;Ily. f , ;11 , 1w-eitizi.tis," sand he. -there, li lien Wade:a re ,, Olar agrarian, who wants all the. e ja)perty divided ,o that every thsin have:an equal tTliintldssltiq applrai:;e, And cries of "Bully for him:" ''That's the ticket “I.le's -the man for • _ mcri • ‘V h 2. fellow-chisetni," said lIC. 7•Ber? Wade ~, 4 Itateal -and .711 aizrarian :. he"—Lbeafening tip :4%440.nel yellt of ••Good for the Radicals:" 'Tully iiirthe *grariarie :".1 r ' • ‘ . • The Flanker was thunderstruck. Evidently,' idei l l E'r'as hue:eel:et. heard of lien Wade and the 'Bildt- I. roar. They•lied 1••••ni•wid1 stirred up against the rich. iand 1 - I lei' !II ' , lett that rai l lciiliem tens a sped& of de- i suarsac.F._of ‘alch 13,a wade was the cluimplom i - G , aulcra• 0-- fellow rat Izelly." continued the rpeaketi-i 9 don't think 3 . onexactly undeietand me. Ben Wade 1 -` the Vice Polidctit, elected by the Radical's, and he tii himself a lintimd. and 'an agnirian land pirate to boot. Why.iulist do you think?' .• ileproppsea to take th t riel man'S r iirlapi•rtv. for which Ito -toiled-In early hi,r. sail. riv e it to iho;e who have no property, even l'l. l bire so, 120 ili he work. What do von•---" ?, riitee. ••Tliree4iirers forikin Wade!" •i, Sul la spite.of all t i two or three village leaders. "ntl!datte fi.s, constable acid samervisor. could do, the (rota env, three dint &ring cheers for Ben Wade a4- dtbt• " • grariiiin. - 7 e orator. finding That he had Z.: qll P. 1.. wrtni;.,, , traek. eh:until; brought his remarks l '''• dam: 1 lie. is 111 1 hist:ince. 111M16 Ben Wade ,Xl:tist invade. yci wr scarcely feel like conk:fatale h/.1 4 --e' Mai on the nultaisl intl. • • • . -• - ' I Letter from lion F lb. Wash"write v.pd Chainuan °taw Coglinlttee • Ways. It is in favoiot United States rhaits for the benefit of the "one people" of the nation; ae' against State Nis. ' • ' • PAitz..i. July 10,1667. ). tights for the benefit, of the Democratlearty. . s . Thr.`" , i-N - --- ii.or Sir: Permit me i . avall my_ . It insists upon prompt acquiescence in th e decision *lto -. . .. . asion to congratulate' you 'ipon your of the peep to at the hallot-hox. .1 '''l ails occasion 'tz -tit .ir , rcesii in obtaining the First of the Gold i It Oemeude the minten"Ctrinvi°llhte P f " !-414-I°l2- ' idal'. ."- ' • "kiled to PLz: l os a l th e I n tr erna thi na l E x po. !al faith as pledged to the nation's creditora.. i `tima io this env.- ' • ,":: f = ' - It it tr;ore . • • . , _,, stratifying to tri - cry. Amelican citizen, as ''. • 'll' ' burdens may fall upon property smaa y. . „ . • f t ,' 7 ::: ‘, to I . , ,mulers told that Irr vow news ystem . of I And It loststs upon eoromy s in the administmtlee '14., quaking,. }mil:aye placed' the 'United. States, at ; 0. nil o l 7 jec b : l t ic h r i , rs t.Nth3 ' .. ..„,.,41 1e . . D enucratic . :: '' Ireto ' Mints sae ' hail at this industry for ills entire world. i , : 1 ' 11 '' , , . 11 4 ,, fir j . , ,• c , , f. .4 . L18 . w As „„„, :to laaintaliti . . wo Union . Its objectnoar is to !restore 'llf. at it. iT i ' eb Toriti'ay Pimina ran tic found In. Hifi , '4..H.d. re-estahlish. lt.emottench solid fonnamlons Mat 1n„.1,.e...01,:, I P ,t i t i t :,! , t7gh.ltlio!l•e °'' tal; aa 2 tr.w ' hore; alrtli ‘ e l n ''"l at ...I:'' Democratic party cannot 'gall. endanger its cila . . 11,,,,,,,,r,h Fi l i, er. ~... .. •• . :-", 4 !I I 4 ' . . N The Dab*. TThe girl ciiimict Mau Tag bread;7 - Shull make edjheb .. ll?iazi. fqtter, tiPI) , 4P get that daisy 1 / 1 43.1 . • To make ids breadSind butter. 't 113' • ' Abe may ot r lart Fam! _ ' . Fren6h.and.Geriniristritter; • !77 I • writ ihe kn2ows the curd: 'And makes sweet bread and butter." I In regal prMinia aba7a:albolrieep, • And cannot alep ' lldt saYillr ' /in biemi and 'The datri amid; ald ftsmetawilai „, ' Shall I'4 the toast we niter; - - Alone, man leada a ernatilitai • .• . f. • Nlttsbdt Yard andlonnet.„ . • , =I . , - • . l, - The ituth 'Rita e - -t- Cassi.Tite use of • • Ruth and Little, the Washington coantproglefAnw yeni, was decide& onAte*JarTC: - / 11 1, honor and 'Aeheisintrlt:ll‘red en able tipinhilion thakletti:lrle* we will publish in fall next, ,week.„ The isoneinding, portion of it lass follows.: "it is therefore ordered - and adjatiOi ,that the re spondentEAL W. Little. he anspendedfromthe prae. - tire of the 'law as an 'attorney of .this Coact for the petrol of two years from this date, and that there-. apondent. James R. 'Ruth'. be enspended. from the practice dtthe law as an attorney of ttritrCourt for.the Periodic& one year from this date. We make this tits tincttoit because the latter appears to have been less active ntt minable in-this disgraeetal transaetlanthaw his • • -. . : . • The Orterkal IrreitTh 1 1 14 .4"f i L ed * —"Je ccrtiflc tine In premiere medals eai or poor lea planet , Amcrleelne a ete doonee's_ runaniralte* Mr. Strinwo s isir lo Juq sl}. l'Esscs:s!.ftloa ;116iNigoirle. Clue 10, piemlere mini& Hite. (leorcell lCiudrier, Ed. Hulick. _ L. Scheidmayv. I certify that the First Gold Medal for American Philipp has_ been mituditoosly - Awarded. to 'Moen: Steinway by the Jury of i.he International Eiposidint. 1 First on the list In Class X. . - • , , -. Nelinet,. President Of International Jury. • • • . George Stunner, y Ifolllwors ......... . . ••• A mbroise Thomas, 1 of the .., Ed. Basile, - F. A. Gerard, i' International Jury. L. Scheidmayer, 1 . The original certificate, together with the "original catalogue of awards," in which the name of, STEIN WAY a §O>IS is recorded first =on the .114, min' tie seen at•theSteinuays' WISteCoIiMP. INco--Votit And JOC simile conies of the same at U. &Bro.'s, the . sole agents, wareoomal".2 Vtrood street, Pittsburgh. ~ The above document settles the question finally and conclusively as to which are the best pianos of the • world, and which, as purl. receive the first prize over ' all others at the Paris ExpOsltion. l In vier/ of this de- . cisiOn.which is a fund blow. to the asrplradons and' pretentious of the contending Boston house-(Chicker .ing• & sons), the attempt of the leiter • to cover up their defeat and divert public attention from the .only recognlred authorities by ostentatfonaly parading a . mbnarChial toy conferred outside of the Exposition, ri , appen as puerile ex.!! le ineftemnal. Although the great p pubtrity and fame of the Steinways is not the result ( 1 m'edille (or honOrableoftlislunnoreble "croe . . . PP .. )tir of the acknowleded superiority of their Piano °rtes. ter Li iii g rattryiii g to .knoiir thaLiiiii , hlglie , l musical onthorliteeof Europe nntte with no. ,". in nee( dine to them tt L he jfrit and highest place on the lint ofl he piano ran tictraers otAhe world N. „ 7 ge. . . . • . . , Aligiutzo for Antletwok, - •• 1 ' ' rlmpron:lptul Antietates sacred by the blood, of patriot hearts in crimson flood. 1 Poured forth with 'dahlias; flow, Antietam's deaCcrated now r When Jbtmeon makes hie traitor bow, • And Swann hie poppet-ahow, Sept. 17, 1E47, 'Temperance. Vlgitairtee - Comvallttrefs.—The following nanyd pf.rt•on. arc requoatud.,to act aiyigt-, lout commi t t cc'q in re'apective elect ton ,diatitcta; /frarcr borough--D: Sing,letcin, Thos. • McCrecry, ldoara Scott. . • .Bridtictralfr—ttios. Cadvbell, nr., 4.l4'red C. nitrffit riavid Woodruff. • <- •, Piiillipaburgh—W. G. Tiylori-N. P.„K,err, Car- 11d10a twer...hip—i-Joseph Nevin; Dr. Jam ' llobert Connor. • Hipetrell tp —Robert Senti, J. C7,Riebia, W. Calvert. ' - • 4. • Indopyil , nee tp.—Arthar Shields, Zan. Sterling, David Reed. Reze'roon fp.—San. Smith,Satni Kennedy, Geo. L. MEI Sou - th Ward--Jorepb Alesender,,ties Alexander, John Mod g,klneon ' • - flccheiterip.--JohnWhialer;Atlas Betio, .. R.Le cock. • - Raeltester SMltN• . :ohn Carter, Dr. Shallenberger. • : • Fr , edont Kerr,iteorge Mct'askey.- • • --•• 21 - e . zr Servicarylp.—Di. MObinson, E. girder, John Brown. . frelearry - 01strief-1. M. Knight, W iteEenzie i Dr. Cummingi. • . ' Erroltoolf Neely, Basal. Mclitantiznyl John 3farks. St. Clair boio.—Jas. Reed, Jon: Paul, Davtd - ,line. . Witl, our friends, In *each eleeticrn district, see to it that the the temperance tickets arc at Mewl's, in good time and that at least one good trusty person from each of the political parties have charge of them sepa rate from Party tickets—lf the Vigilant 'oomutittee Is composed entire of on e4tertysubstitute a good man from the other side. Limited acquaintance with the people of the .ditibrent . districts may have enabled u* In a' Instances to make a fair divide as we wished to do. r'e sincerely trust that the friends of temperance Will c active on the day of election. Bawer, Sept. 2.3. '67 —• i . What- Does the Republican Party Do? • Our opponents have no other attack to make upon the Republicanparty.but Poch as charge it with being exclitsively devoted to ,the Interests of the! negrb.— When pitch as these maire,,this Charge, let all Republi rime reply that the Republican party his for lts . 9bject and its prlncipleS4nchaseassures aa follows: , • It matntntis the inalienable rights.of alfinen to life, liberty, and the pursuit of:happiness. It is opposed to ,discrlmitustipncsit the ballot-box founded onproperty, birth-plaee, creed or color. It insists upon 'liberty of speech and of the press, la the best guarantee* for, the, security of Republican in- atitutlons. - ' . It is the friend of .free aehooli, and'eariestly urges the diffnelcm of inteliftgenee among'aii. classes of peo ple' It reqnlres the jest subordlnittcra of State and toed nothorities to the authorities and inteiesti of the na Preedent Ambrolse 'ThanFits, F. A. Geriteß" rnkiiixrrox R. S. 31,6.inzwa Jogs' F. DRAT° - CVn..Ez. Winn triamptutut in War,. It will te teraperaltAti litateCaldsulnieteffnAtilto Geyer:mem' !MitOgress:do- I termination to,proutom. thejuicretsi or lift greatest fl numbeFand i:requid rEgaidlati of con dition, but eepocially regardful of lite interests of the -*tor, :arta atadd tkit_ protecalort , o law. • . i It condemns the policy of Andrew Johnson andahe ltiernocratic party, becauseirreiiiiieitly tends. to - the restoration of the doctrine* which animated the rebel- It ;tal o ns the Congress of theitMl oti,begalaills man trrintealded to establbile thh ÜbtleetlitaMes Pn A% it ►twit 21:11 74x! IF.titeil°tegarl,4l to , ;color or p lu anweoaditiolt ofserntams,ritioracir in all the political righta that aret„ fikloyad to . men became thatliera tottnasepareira and in Chrhdianity.-- 1 / a ritebsovh • . -,-;:• ; ' ' • . L Alleged Home Thief *treated.—A IMn WI- Ing blond! ' Gainer 'Hoover; "woe aiteatest , Valley on last Friday, on raeplclon of being entered tirthe horse atealrliebilitTi-' inieUmullttad to Lil In Lawrezice bounty. e *ye litoltdongs Itißeet berty, Allegheny county, Ara?. -.7) - Mechanics and Leboterst—if yOu want sten .* of wortF.,st fair asses, vote the Iteppill!np_tia_ket r - Tr you Wile and yreneralinuddeid Sherwood is your man. • • Temperance. rtempenineemeetingiivilliiiiiehinifOUntvti -the coming Niiek t -. - " Hoobtotoo-nWeiluesdny i); • goorpetweigT—W,odPesdsty: Act 7:Vcleck Arito-Rtigthiott 7 Thuitolif44. l 6 tit 7 - o'ci4li P.M, ' . Sttaiiiiet4esoolglouse—Priday Ock 4:•st o'clock P: X. - • ' The election is at hand, ire cannot rem' h all points, will not Minister* of. the 'Gosnel, as , friend. of Order, Humanity and Morals pre- sent the Acts inthe'esse to their people and urgethem :o the discharge of fluty. vote of Beaver - mrtntv [sophist Prohibition. on the 2d Tuesday of October, that tote will be made the grounds : of apnea to. the .ne Legislature for the - repeal of the..Prolibiforr law which goes into effect next „Febyttrulr.-- , The peoPleWill vote right if we can - get the facet before them. — Let all help to do this. JOHN P..DRAVO; . . Beaver Bent. 30, 1867, Ch'n. Ex. Com. Change OrThne—To the - Friends of Sabbath Schools in Beaver Co. In consultation with prominent•frieids of the Sabbath School cause, 4 Ilea_ been deem - 3 ed adviiiible in view of the temperance clam now inactive progress anil,for other reasons. to postpone the annual meeting of the 13 . ca• ver county Sunday Eichciol Juirochttion,' to. I the 17th of October. The Association will, Itheiefore, meet 'ln New Brighton Oct. 17th at ip o'clock A: M. It is hoped that e 7 cry bath School in Beaver county, will be repro sented atthe annual meeting. . Will the mem; bens of the different denominations iiterik4 themselves in this important county, move i merit. We had a good time in Beavei, 'last :w year, e are expecting abetter time this y.ear in New Brighton. , - • dclux F. DstaVo; Ch'n.. of Association. The Impeitatiee of The Coming - Election. There never was an election held for State offibers in Pennsylvania whose results will so di rectly.bear on national issues and purposes as.the one to be held on the second TuesdaY of October ensuing. The netion.risked all it *as worth to con quer treason. It won ii , irictory over traitors, and as we were about together the fruits of that victory an emergency .occurred which enabled Copperheads to interfere to thwart that gathering. The'election in Pennsylva nia must - now'not2oply deckle whether treas on was unjustifiable, -but whether we have conquered rebellion. Andrew Johnson has declared if the Copperheads carry the State he will take it as an indication that the re bellion vial irottiMPriet-thatis no crime, and that trainers tit‘' entitled to inn privileges'tinder the Federal - Governm- .t than th&nidn who.risked their lives that it •might live.l It:the Copperheads succeed in 'electing theirticket treason is at once made respectable. What man is - milling to contribute to sUcli'a re u1t . . 0 . 11/12 • he credit of tlie nation is staked on the resu of the election in Pennsylvania: Slaars wood d ared during .the war to crush re, 'whoa, that c act authorizing the issue of bills of credit vk unconstitutional, that such bills of credit are •ortidess, that our curren cy system is a fraud, d that consequently the national debt is so m - If money procured under -false pretenses. The Is.. no - ffeillpe from these issues. The. Copperheads have made them. Andrew Johnson has endorsed Them... Loyal men must accept them. ; and the life of the nation •dependsApon their decis. At the ballot-box the Copperheads hope to accomplish for treason - What they t ouhl not do for it on the battle-field.l No man can vote mistakenly in sash a contest. The issue • in volved is a question—of principle for and against the country. Union men vote to make the victories of our soldiers of benefit: Ccipperhe.ada vote:to break the force of, -rebel defeats: , s. MARRItP . RI mrut(i iI MAJZIALL—On• WetortAcr VT= the 4th'lliit.silt"Atiguihi, fte6.Mlll: Hobo* C 4l - • 1 0) 1 0 1 4w 1 141 44 .Wiledriewli 4 46, P),! Marshall. NU! Liz zie, daughter of Hon: W.m. MERRICK—DUNCAN—On Tnesday morning. the itth inst., at New Brighton, Pa.. by the Rev. B. C. Critchlow, Frank A, Merrick to Lam. only dizightm ofJameathotese. EN. Ty.Qict- z on Saturday. Sept. Ills; lIMM J. H. Veen, En:. of DarliVon. age•kabcnii yesre. icHITI3ELL—In Centerville; Sunday. • September ltd, 1867. Mrs. 3latllda WWII; wife Of Laurence Masa aged 33 years. . , Mrs. Whitsell was prostrated with severe and dis tressing" sickness. abort two weeks, all of which she bore with remarkable palate,' and fortitude. She was a niember of the tutted Pmsbyterian church, and all who knew, her' will' bbar'tviiittit tottluidny that her daily walit•was that (lid dawned Chriatilb., As a wife 'she was a lovlpg helpmeet and her lins• band. Ass mother she was tender and watchful over the‘eifatenf Pr Children: , As a Vrallallale had an; domed - herseirtoaftwliCanew ber by amiable and ever kind deportment. Shetas left a famiy tni.OSidi ao , l l Ternaga ct Ar i ; Snetai will _ -for.a-latir -time lbel a TOI 4.1 a r eettXlc LOW iiaJ SP_EIAL NOTTVES. . „ . . , Pwnsdis coming td the Fair would' 'do well to give., Taoa.gaU, is be haft. , just re. "ceiveddop Oy of Boots, Shoes, -Gaiters, Balmorals, &e., from the manufactures. A large lot of ble (Or Farmers, just received, at A. B. liar vet's, Bridgewater. Pa. Go to Wagon it ..stewazys,:forkargains in Boots and Shoes'. .' 7.- W4t.s6lC l & Smvattir' have received their large mod/cot' Fall and Winter Boots and 81"7",PigIatkir - Tug best and eheapest Sfignisin the mar ket,_at,!A. S.. liarvey's, liridgewate,r, Pa.; • • • • • • a • If you want a cbesp pair of Stops, go to Talibbrs• Wneon &•Priviriariniend their own work free_ of tbargq. :.•:• .. . - - . LAnns wanting' atsiee- nest 'Shoe; 4111-do well to call it Wilgotut . titegliates,Diantond, ltoCheatir.PtL: ;• - .• - • get:thei worth of 'your anonsiogo to A. S. -Rarefy's Store; Bri o dgextiter rft. - - MIN=EI DIED. ; , • TALLON'S is the pia* 10 buy nice women The electors of Freedom boroug h and district will m ice s- a rth e _l a t os t„ayteg,„ 4 .„., meet at the ech of ool s ho inr use jsindelay in F reed om ,. tairm . I p will meet] ! • s. hottaiiiirdehnFear.eL to salincorraelde. , I Tweetoeth'eloolkote r atteni siolaubleeeStore The electors of Industry dietziet will 'meet arthe of WllartnafsStentralttAtilD.khellimuorksa,; "school home In lesinstry„, Chester, Pae - "- The dectors,of Ltiolnony township:lll meet at the I hotel in' Economy. • I The electors of Womomy-lownabip ill meet at the house of George C.lThde, in MB towilablo; The electors of the bolo agh of Benet:will meet in the Sheriff's .o.m beemmit. , The electors of St. Clair borouWwill meat at the School Ronenin said between. MAt which A b l inte mad. ohm the qoatified clothiers*. I eialidid wel elect y ballot— ••_ One per for J,ge of the Stereo* COurt.L• —Tema resew as mambas of the Room of ,Repre- Airetatives of Pennsylvania: _ One person tor Antedate Judge of. BMW' mffintr. One person Rwyrothonelary of Bearer county. • Onetime on for Treasurer qf Beaver county. One person for Casale/loner of Beaver county. - Oempersonfor,Jury Commissiouer of Beaver County. Otte proem for Auditor of Bearer County. Bearer "bounty. person for Peer. Rouse Director of Dome "bounty. • . ee Tw perms for Trustees of the Beaver AeadMltY. e • , Ringlets Is Hereby Given ' ',.l That emery pence eznigaJtrittera of &tented! Who shall bold any office or appointment of profit or tenet soder the Government of the Lilted States, or of this, State, or Ulf city or Incorporated district, whether a conmelaskmbipilleer or w res t, . 9 4 60 Is i T z sbuii la v e hee l ployed under the Lmudative, ecutivelor Ju &Main:sent 'of this. State or the United • Sta ,of any city orincorpotuted district: and al e that every member of Congress, and. of the State Taluilatato, and of theiielect or common Council of any :city, or commissions of any incorporated .die -1 Met, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the-once or. appointment of Inspec tor. Judge, or Clerk of tiny election of the , Common wealth. and that no Jedire,,lnspec_ . ,tor ' or any other officer of such election, shall be eligible to any to be then voted for. • . . 'Alan in and by the fourth, section of an act Ate *eyed the lath of, April, 1841 X ., is enacted that the 11th menus of the act Mimed Jetty 2t1.4839, entitled an .act relating Ao . the elections, of this Common 'wealth, shall not be construed so as to prevent any Minteryy emcee" or borough Officer from service ii Judge ,Issrpector. or Clerk' at. any general-or special election in this Commonwealth. And the said act of Assembly, entitled A l et eguhiting to the elections of Vile Commonwealthel passedJttly Rd, 1839, provided as. follows I 1 I That the, Judge and Inspectorschosen as aformaid, pled' meet at . their, respective 'places appointed 'for I , holding the election in the districts to which they respectiveirbe„ long. before 9 o'clock on the morning of the second Tuesday of October, 1887, and each of said Inspectors shall. appoint one clerk, who shall 'be a qualified voter of said district. • In ewe the person who shall have pecelved the see and highest number of votes for Inspector shall net attend on the; dayof an. election, then the Veneto who shall have ratable! the second hilar number of votes for Judge at the next preeee g-eleeticin shall act is Inspector In his place ; and in sae the person who shall have received the Weiss; number of votes f'or Inspector shall not attend, the 'tweet elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in hplace; and In CM) tbe person elected Judge ettelinot attend, then the Inspector Who received the highest number of were , elan, Appoint a Judge In hie place: - and Ifs any vacancy shall continue in the' Board for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the (Mee t sing of the election; the qualified voters of the town• ship, ward, Of district for which such officers shall Dave been' elected, present at the place of election; I shall electfone of their number to fill such vacancy. I It shall be the duty of Asemeore respectively to at. I tend at the place of holding every. ;generaeleetcial or township eleettion, daring the time such rmation ! kept open lee ' the purpose of giving Wein rion to the Inepectore and Jndges when called on. Melation to the right, of anypersonejesessed by thet to vote I. at such electiane, or Such other 'metiers in Tenon to the assessments of Voters as the said Inspectors or • Judge, or .ether of them shall trim time to time reT I mitre. t . . No person shall be permitted to vote at any - election, as aforesaldoither than a white freemen of the age of I twenty-one years or. More; who shall have resided in this State at least on year . ti year. and in the election district ! where be offer"! to v . te, at least ten .;:s Immediately preceding such eke on, and. within two ;rears paid a State or County Tax, which shall have been eoleesed 'at least ten day, before the election. 'But a citizen of i the United Suttee, who has previomly been a qualitlet: voter of this State; .and removed; therefrom and re- I turned; and who shall have resided I,n The election die. tect and paid tame as aforesaid; Shall be entitled oil a vote after residing in the State six months: Provided,e :hat the white freemen citizens of the United Swum t eet,veen the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years. I and hieing resided In the State one year and In the! election dLetrict tea day', as aforesaid, than be entitled to vote although they bare not paid taxes: N o t,,, t em Abell be_permitted to vote whom maim is n ot co ntains: In the list of taxable inbabitanerfurnieh- Veld, by the . C o rcedseionereunkes,Aret, he produce 'a ereceipt for the paynzene within two years, of a Sate' r to the Conatitution, County tax, assessed Aereeehlf ' and gives satisfactory eii..erice either on his own oath': or affirmation or of another; that he has paid such tax. ! ,or on failing to propane a reempt. shall make. oath 'of I the payment thereat cir amour:it 'et claims exited to vote by tieing an elector betneen then pe+ of twenty-one shim depose on oath al r afiirm.:slon. that he I hasresided in the State at lewd one year ben' re his plication, and makes ench _proof of the resin:nue in I the district as is required in this act ; and that he :toes verily believe, from the acme= given him• that be ' of the age aforesaid, and gives such other evidence se is required by this act!: whefeettem the names of the persons so admitted' to,vote shall be inserted Into the alphabetical list by the lospectors, and a note made I opposite theren) by writing the word etax,'; Rho shall be admitted to vote by 'reason of heving paid a biz. or the word "age ," if he shall he admitted on account Of his Aim =CM' either aimi, the reasons of such votes ehallhe called out by the elerks.who shall make the like notes !lithe Hit of voters kept by them. In all cases where the name of person claiming to t! vote is not found on the list furnished by the Commis , donee; and Assessor, or his right to vote, whether jsund there or not. is objected to by any qualified • , zen; it shall be the duty of the Inspector to examine • such persons on !whew to gnaliAmOonandif he claims to Save resided within the State one year or more, hie oath elan- be eellicient proof thereof, but he shall II makeproof by at lesst one compe tent witness. whit, I) shall be 'qualified cleeeter. that be has resided within I the distzict :or more than, day's immediately Pre. ceding said Cit.:dem. and shall also , himself swear hie bouafide reeidence. in pursuance of, hie lawful 'calling. Is within the district for thepurpme of voting therein. If say person shall preeent oratueopt to , prevent any officer of an- elation, or use ee threaten any violence to any such officer. or shall InterCept or Improperly in terfere with him in the exemition pf his auty, or shall block up Or ettemptto block up the i,indow or avenue to any window where the same may be holden, or shall riotously disturb the peace of such election, or shall use or practice any intimidation, threat's force or violence, with depige to in fl uence midair, or ors:Von cr elector, to prevent hint - from voting,Or to Ts - . strain the freedom of his choice ; such person on con-' viction shall be fined in any rum nee exceeding five hundred duller", and be imprisoned for any time not less than twelve'mon'ths: ind Kit shall be shownbefore . Court where the trial of such offence shill be bad thatahe person offending -was not a ident of the I city,` eird,'district or township where the said offen ces was committed and not entitled to vote therein. t then, on convictioh he shell he sentenced to pay.a fine or not less than one handled nor more than one thous- ; and dollare s and be tamesened not lees than six months nor more Man;two years. j. • . If any person or persons shall makeany bet or wa ger upon the result-of any election within this Com monwealth, or shall offer to make an,Y such bet or wa ger either by verbal proclamation , thereof , or by any written or printed advertisement, challenge or - Invite any peanut or weeny to make such bet or wager.upon conviction thereof, be or they shall forfeit and pep three times the amount so bet or offeredlo be bit. I If any person not' by law qualified, shall fraudulently vote at any election within this Commonweelth, or be- I otherwise qualified shall vote , out of his proper district, or if any person knowing" the want of each qualifications, than aid or procure such to tote the ,person or pere.Ons. offending all, on' con viction. be fined in any sum not exceeding two hun dred dollars, and be imprisoned for any term not lees I than three' months. - • . •,-; elf any persons hill vote rd. more than one 'election dhi.. l fritter otherwise fraudulently fold and delirer to the ins tipector tiro tickets together .with the intention to Vote illegally, or shall vote the same, or if arty perms shall ade or procure another to do so, ho or they so of fending shall, on conviction, be fined in any sum not less than My nor more than Ave hundred dotter., and be imprisoned for any term not les* than three nor More than twelve menthe. ! If any person not - qualified to Tote in this Common wealth agreeably to law, (except the lots of qualified citizens) . shall appear at any . place of lelection for the purposeof issuing tickets, or of influencing the cliff zees-qualified to vote, he. shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any sum tot exceeding one hundred dbllars for' every each offence, and be Imprisoned foe any term not exceeding three months. The Return Judges of the r tive districts in this county, are required to meet at the Court Houle: in the ' borough of Illeaverkon the first. Friday after the eke doe, being the ether-October, 1867, at 10 o'clock,then and there to perform the duties enjoined upon them by law. , . is the place to buy your cheap Boots andßoot j. : „ c AIL klndgior Rubbers. Mendlc-Arctic, and Ant-Arctic, at WiLson.a,Stewarea 4 -13EVIVilinHIrrigAsyroxiviwtioe• meitentsetilti of Shoed and Robbent. Vtarrona To Tn Fun, anould bear In mind that J. 11„ Bence, 11.1 Street, Waver; has. all the Fall Style! out, In slllinery.9ondiAtdrery a c , w pricea l • -) 4 Jtarr received at Chatty's, stall line of Pall and Winter Millinery Goods, at the Sign of the Red Post, Water St., Bridgewater. . _ • • and biatt selected stock of Boots, Shoes Rubbers, is st WilsouitEtteiyart's. TALLOW'S 111 the place to buy your •muitom made work, as he employs notldng but cora lbtent workmen; I"; :•F3; 1, ,r, -; Curt - Paid tir Oats, at:*lliion & Brown's ISARmxas i Leave your produce stall limas at I fillopti,&.prpmesaroC9j7,,' DitioP in and: see 14ow r larileoi & Brown 'do btudoess, CALL at Wilson &Brown's, for bargains in Groceries:?_ • 14 . ; Gealy's Goods; Tiim rnings, Shoes, • R osiery and ,Gloves, Zephyr, Knit Goods, Ladies Cloths, Gents Furnishing Good, &e.,very cheap, Sign of the Red Post, Water St., Brid,gewater. 6 W meow & Broyles ii the place to 'buy or trade for cheap Groceries. • S6IARS ! SCOAAI !! SVGA= ! ! ! Vert best and dbetipest, ntWilsost Brown'n,Ehldgewa- WILSON itßnown have the 'best Coffee in Market. • &mammas' art-Towle, u well--as citizens, wishing to supply them-vire:fly - elves Millinery Goods, Trimmin ur Fancy Goods, should gs call at J. 11 Bence's.Establishment, 3d Street, Beaver, .they tigiU .be able to do an _without risk; either pto quality or cost. • A SPLIM4DID. assortment of Fall Styles o f Flowers, at J. H. Henee's Millinery Establish !neat, pd Street,-Beaver. • • TEA TEA ! ! TEA II IT, he very beet. Try it once, a`4 yon will nin. 1 _ SpicEA Spicsql. Sficris ! ! • -Go to Wilson &Browns for them,' oe3r haTe the pure. Wmgwys' i st BRolvit have wore of the beat No. 1 Pure Cider Vinegar. TRY Wilson A Brown's for Ar e ,veries, th‘t.t have the best snd anapest. . , Go lLGrealw's for Zephyr Knit Sisawiii; Sontaga, 'Breakfast Capes, &e.., at the Sign of the Red Post, Water St, Bridgewater. GEALY can be found at the Sign of the Red..Pcisk Water St., Bridgewater. - . • Tits place to buy Groceries cheap and good, is at Wilson & Browns's ' Fattwzns FARM/Se! FARMERS !! ! Take your produce trade to Wilson & -Brown's Grocery, Bridgewater, Pa. , — _ CALL and see an' excellent assortment of Carpets, at B.*Mnyteim's, in:Bridgewater. CHEAPEST Beaver conic ty, at age, Sign of the Red Post; Water , Fiewater: ' • ' "•• Sitos cheaper than' ever at Gettly_ls. • Sir.vEßDittia, for sale by A. S. Harvey, B ridgewatek, Pa. , • ' Ix you want Oil Cloths, go, to B. Mut helm's, in Bridgewater, Pa. THE best of. Carpets can be bad cheap at 13. Muthrall's, Midilg.:water, Pat: • STEREOSoOrBS, and litereoseoplC Vim's, for sale, cheap, at B. Mulbeinis, in Bridgewater, 'Pa. . - yoti,ltattei ati old style slinnet . or Hat, you want altered to new, go to Glitly's, sign of 'lied Wate St., Brldgevyall:r. Goon Mot.Asanstr 73 cts. t .i:ocr gallon, at A. S. Etarcey'siritlr, Pa. - VISrII3IIB TO THEI FAIR, in ',ivant of Willa cry Goods, should tall at, J. 11 Bence's Es tablishment, 3d•Sttiet, Basses, all the ldiffer cut styles on hand at prices to suit all. Ilit.r.usEnv Goons at alithliishing loyr pri ces, at J. H. Deuces, 3d .Eqreet, Beaver, all styles on hand. • , :-S - • . GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION 1. VHEHEAS,BYVIRTUE OF. WE ACTSOF THE General Assembly of thtqCommonirealth of. Pennsylvania, endtred ••an act to regulate the Gener al laections witido the Commonwealth," It to eidolned upon me to give, notice of such elections and to enu merate In eald notice what officers are to be elected: 1, JOSH 111. LITTELI4 • , Sheriff of the Candy of Beaver, dd hereby. mate known and gtve thla public notice to the electors of the county ig Beaver, that . " Blectioo ir . SU IN held in Bald county on the --.- SetondTneedty of October nett, at the, several Election Districts me follows': • The electors of Borough township will meet at the Criurti House in the Borough of Beaver. • The eleetorke( Beidgetrates„lmmitglk.will Meet at the TowtcHaltin Bridgewster. - • • , _.-„. - .. , The electors of Phillipsburg district will meet atthe public brick School house in said borough. The electors of 'Moon township. will meet at the house formerly oat:pled by dromish Hendrickson, now by John D. Elliott. The electors of-Hopewell township will meet at the' school house In the village of Scottsville, In said township. • , The elects* of Independence township will meet at the house of Alexander Thompson, deed., In said township. I. The electors of Raccoon township will meet: at the, house of David Ewing, in said township, The ahrMda* of Prankfott district , will meet at the, house of George Dungan. turn/1110r'. nteeleetors of leGuire's district wilt meet at the ' house of John Potter ipJhc tillage of Hanover. , • The electors of Greene township will meet, at the house of Elijah Nbwarmer. in ilookstOwn: ', '- The electors of Ohio townihip will meet Othello*. now occupied by Jsmieon EllottOn said township. , The elector* of Brighton teruppdlipturst embraced r, in Industry district)wilimeetat Die PdlObt hbolo.llear Richey Eakin's In said township. The electors - baraue,P,IIL'I P BOM I I riII meet rs alb at the Academy lit Paibiton: , • , ' The electors of Patterson township will meet at the echoed hopse lathe village a t ;The electors:of Chippeds :wi l l mee t at the ' bpuse of Azarish limut, in said townatt will al me -the ; l oose of oJfoLf.°l6l- Bean Rowe, in esti to h hip meet The electoca of J n hirlitigon-towneldp will meet at the Atademrin.Dar aver The electors of BiTeitiernehin will meet at the honing; widow Miller, in said township. 1 The eleitors of Franklin township will meet at the house of Engkhart Anteortitb In midtretritship, The electors of 'North Seretickly township will meet M the house of Nithaliateen, on land itormerly of _ e electors of Pulaski tem:6MP Skill Meet - _at Daugherty's school house, Ito 4, to said triernsktp. The electors of Marion township will meet at the house of George Hartwell, Jr., 4n said township. The s o lniz of This thrtritovinp.pe4r4tiontserarlow is the bo roughteP of Thas:Miller; Maid orongit.' • *.. • • 4 •. eleeteeeMfmiddle ward of the borough of Itqw tOB, *Di metro the *hoed ouse. beraldwroC O electors orlow'rt ut kWh _lrlelf the %Woo^ . of New UttFtUtrelttlkatrat at the .4.g2ctoti. hi said wat The electors of Rochester tosrasnirdWill meet at the /301esvilley4OidisinitOrt Old township: . • The electors of-the meet at the sch ool house IM-Rocimerter. .. . .. The Reprelentativi Return''Judges will meet.% ae. cordance with an act approved Nay sth;lB6lr at the Court. House, in in the borough oti Beaver. on the seventh' day after the election, behtgil TiteedhY. Oct. 1 16th, 1867. • And by "An -Act retniing to the Eleetions-. aJ this Climmonwertith,"passed the 24 . day of July, 1839, it is provided and (United ba foams : Sec. 81. When two or nom conittlee shall .:canpose a district the the choice of a- member or Members of the fienate of this Commonwealth, of of the Rouse of Representatives of the Ended States,or of this Com monwealth, dirJaclges of die election in each Monty, having met as lafareeskl. the Claim isWI Mike out a tali statement pf all the toter *Dick Ann bate been given at such election, within the' cbtfoty. for every person voted for. as such member or membersm& ild shall be signed by paid Judges and attested by Clerks, and one of the said Judges shall take charge of such 'certificate, and shall "reduce the same at a meeting of one Judge from each county, at such places, in anch.dbdricU,su is or may be appointed by law for • the purpose ': which meeting sha ll be held on the Seventh day after the election. - Sac:-BS. The Judi of the several mantle' her tug met, as aforesaid shall cast up theieveral county returns and make duplicate returns of all the votes given for such office in said district, and of the names. of the person or persons elected, and ode of said = re . turns, for each office. shall be depotho in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common -Pleas of the Monty in wh ic h they shall meet, and '.the other shall by . vaid li tt k les be deposited in the nearest ipost -Moe and. directed am in parts two - and three the Arteenth secdon old& act. Sac. 83.; t shall also be the duty of the Return .•Judges In every lzue, et transmit to each of the, per sons elected to serve in Congress, or in the Roues of -Refiralientadeee of this Commonwealth, • • 1 of his election, within tine days after, the day of 12 * - Ing op such return. • - - ' A FURTUNIt eVYTILEMENT TO THE ELECTIO* LAWB "OM. 0031310.1WEALTU. Offi r I also ve cial notice of the felng prints- 1 1 fowl • tons of an act approved June tth, 1.0/, entitled ••.li further inpidement to the election Lies of tide COM. monwealth.r. _ • Vinzazzn, By the act of the Congress of th e Uniti ell States, entitled, •'an act to untend the neVerai heti harefollere passed tb Merida for the enrolling and calling out the National 'forces. and for'other purposes.". and approved March third: use thousand. • nigh hundred and - eizty-five. nil .Pentott* Who ave desertedthe military or naval serrvWe 1,1 States, and who hare not been disc or yz - ed from the .osdal4. or Mobility -Ss . in d, are deemed, - and taken,- to hare. VokilltaH . washed, and forfeited, their rights sic_ hip, 'and their rights to become !citizen,: smiarestSprived t of axereising , ally rights of citizen* thereefinr -- Arm WISICILSMI, Persons; not citizen* of the United. States.' am not, ander the Constitution and laws 'of Pennsylvania, quailed electors of this Common- I wealth:. •• , flotorton .1. " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representattves of the Connaostiresith of PlinnnylvanM in General Assembbr met, :tbd it' in hereby enacted by the authority of the • Milne, That 'in all election* hereafter to be held In thir Common- , wealth, it !shall he unborn:direr the Judge Of_ Lropee , ton of any each election to fee-aims any Wet or L ballots. from any person: or persons.enabradent in the provisiOns, and subject to the disability. I led Wilma act of Congress, approved MarchllCE onetimuland eight "hundred and sisty-five, and It, Shall be unlawfUl for , aif: such person to o ff er to vote any Leila. or ball Szemez I. That OSA • such ju dge and inspectors of election, or anion of them awl receive, or et:a nent to receire,any.such anlawftti bailot, or ballots; front any.such disqualified person, be or they, so .of- - ending, shall he guilty of a/ Misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereot , In any court of quarter .sen alone of this contrnontrealth. he shall, for each j offense, be sentenced tapay 'a fine of not loin than one hundred dollars, find to undergo en Imprison. meat, in thejail of the proper county, for not•I less Ithan sixty days. • . I Slimes 3. That if any person detnived of citizen. t ship, 'and disqualified us. aforesaid, shall. at any election, hereafter to be held in this commonwealth, vote, ortender tothe °Biters themot and offer tovote , a ballot, ortallots, any petson, so offending, shall be deemed guilty of a mitidemeanor; and on'-ctraviction therecd•in any court of miarter sessions of this.,Com monwealth„nhall, for each offenne,, be punished M ine manner as in provided in the preceding section of this act, In the ease df officers of election ; receiving such unlawful ballot, or ballots. ; - Sacliox 4. That if any person shall hereafter per suade,' or advise, any person, or persons, deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid: to-offer any ballot,' or ballots. to the officers of any election, here after to be held in t his Commonwealth, or shill per sande, olj advise, any such officers to receive any , bal. lotow ballots, from any person 1. deprived of citizen ship, and dinmudilled as aforesaid, such person, so -offending, shall be guilty Ora misdemeanor, and tip.„ on conviction thereof, in any court of quarter' ear Mons of this Commonwealth, shall - be punished in like manner as LI provided in the second section iat this act, in the, case ofotlicers of such election re ceiving such unlawful ballot, or . ballots.. AN ACT REGULATING THE MODE OP VOTING AT ALL ELEtTioNs, IN THE SEVERAL COUNTIES IOF THIS COMMONWEALTH; . I also give official notice of the following provis ions of an act approved Mantra% 1%13, entitled "An Act re,rolating , ,the Mode Of voting at all election. In the several emirates of the Commonwealth.;,' SECTION I.Se It enacted-by the Senate and House of Representatives Of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl. Tanta in OCIICE7II Aisembly met, and it is hereby en acted by themitthority of the same. That the quillfied voters of the 'several counties of title CornutonWealth s to all gcmeral.townehip,borough cnd.sperial sieeilette arc hereby hereafter, authorized and rectilifed 'td vote, by tirekets.jeinted. or written, or mirth'Mint ed and partly written, severally classified rut fellows : One ticket shall embrace the names, of all. Judges of courts voted for.,and to be labelled, ontaide, "judi ciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all ' , tato officer's voted for, and be labelled, "state," one ticket shall embrace the names of all comity ;Officers voted for. including office of senator, member and ' members of assembly, and members of c o rsid a ff voted for, and, be labelled. "cenrify ;" shall embrace the names of all township. vd , ted for, and be labelled, "township ;1 one ti cket shall embrace the names of all borough o ffi ce voted for, and be labelled i"borough ; and each class shall be depoirked in seperate ballot-boxes. • - r • • To Tithe the Sense of the PeOple of aver Count upon the Qiiestion of a Pro. _ _ • [ Itbltary Liquor Law. [ Socrifni I. Be Uiltaded by the Senate • and Howse of /tqweseatreires of the CotentoneveaUA of .4tunsyl modeler &weal Assembly mee. and if is hereby en, acted ba Me authorii,r ofte 101110. That for I e pur pose or ascertaining the sentiment' of the ple of Beaver county,. upon the question of - a pro ibitory liquor law, it shalt be lawful for the qualified ' tent of aMd county. at the next general election he cr. to express their preference by ballot - the ballots ball be labelled. upon the , bnUdde, ••yrohibitary law," and on the inside, shall contain the words, " For a p hihtto ry law." or "Against a prohibitory law ;" and, d bal l' lots shall be received and counted. and enter' d upon the returns of election. as provided for. by,la ~ in the rase of election of county officers; and a certificate of 'the result Ofgerid election &mil 'be tied, by the board I of return jades in the !office of the prothonotary of the court of _common plate of Beaver county; end the election officers shall be subject to the same penalties i as to the reception of illegal Twee. or' other m ghetto. vior in office s , in relation to theivoting berebY provided ' for, as are provided for the general election laws ;of 1 ;:e commonwealth, in Mee of similar offence* 1 gm:i -n-Ai cleetions.. _ •• I . , -[ , . Given muter my hand at Bear r, The 1 1 ' '60.461), ?raid o o f n B e. C m t)e n r d I CI A l ; h rg4.l . . - and siate-seven and In the nt ty-see ond year of the independerow of the United, States. 1.101D , ;.5. 1.1.7/714., h rift (.7, !'Beaver, Orencr. Sep. 10 It . ' I ' ' • sepll' :et.' L---. • Je H .H, II ENC * ' THIRD STARE 4, ' BEAVER, : !smut reeelvii;g a fine stock S . THE LATEST STII. • IK I . i 1-1 - X?' I ier. *...w - Of Every Dmot*Aiow Also full lines of 111.h.lhals sery Goi .:. . I • HATS, •TUEBANS, BONNETS; It t FLOWER S , FRA.dES, " I • t 1 , In And everything In Millinery Line. f Wa w q., . thing the renson ail the " LATEST STYLES Of HATS, TURBANS, BONNSII9 soori ao thoy an Out. Hats and Bonnets Altered,b ed,Doneo Tje .:hea l 'Y . A R,N S - Of Every Kind, Shade and ME ' I , ts Benicirii and Hoot Skirts, all kinds oi Glo v es. French Corn , ~ tfandkerchlefs,'Bug mlngs; all kinds of 13 . ttons, Paper Collard' al Laces, French Fgruts, Zephyrs, Infants W fonts' Cloaks, 14apkins, Tidies, Table Mari Linings, Grenadines ; Baines and other V Cotton Batting, Men . n Shirts, linspenders,' IV ~ • • . Age l ateeptment at , EMBROIDER' Arrays on bad. nking and Stamping a Order . Etierything dostratie >n ass line is add! stock as soon as Introduced In the marker} I my friends and the public hr past palm respectfully ash a continuance of the same. aim to please (* mistime's. Onfoods ore ble and carehally selected, and sold as Cheap this nalikbpsbood or Pittattruh- . or i zTe 4 po • eat andsatiaty yourself. j Thirtf street,otidgor below the S reptis - frit3no.- • ' =I I I A ; ' I 1; .R tr 1 P 1 1 1. • 1 h -I r. itt The'Citeap l eJt ' . L r it ed Stock fiver o erk, zens of Be4verii - , COI DEPARTMENT ! rreneh 34erinos, Cobergs, W ' 01 Delaines, Poyjing, 1% 00l Plaids, • -. Arninres , COMllloll.ooll4nes, - • Baratlims , - 1111 1111/4'A., 6. 1 s ME HIM t Sl' BONS, ay. de - 7. ,1 eari- :qatory, 1 r 4 Trim , d Cab. eta, In- Dress one to d SO OUP king would It it on { as ary n BEY :ins'', 2C3 ~~ El= =I DRY G 00D8 I ME IS 1120 Ortuixe"4 - DlAmoivp Ro ' i't ';. :f_ 1~ ~i tt I i DRESS •GOODS Ilir DOMESTIC -kp DEPAR AlEf. li Brown and Bleached Mullins. froin 10 to 20 Cants., • Printols • s 11 4 , -4 and cents, , Crash Toweling 124 and 15 cents. Tickings Hi to 40 cents. Barred Flannels, a;large assort ment, cheap. Caisimeres, Tweeds, ". Jeans, . White, Red and Yelloii-,, Tatle Diapers, Blanket's White fold Colored,: &amoral Skirts, Batting, &c.,Ste.,all,\ • 'GREAT tIARG AINS I I . ' ~OSI~~,~~' f.~ I I I . DEPAIITMENT ► lied; Itieritio,' White. and Ribbed all . Wool White ; and Cnlored. • . . ',Plain Merinos White an4 l ,Col , ored. Ribbed Cotton WO. Mena'' ,Colored and •Wliite Hose.. , . . . and Caps -to rlf en and Custom . made 'Shii,e4 anti for die's' and Cl-4144in: Hat Boys. Gaite every body and see for yes ityou are iot yet cone lit. • - t Call; yours winced 11111 Fortune' F. ItED'ERONT 1 ' Dry 'Goods Store PA -I . _ • . ~1I111Jp+." It 1 ON - - EMI ■ ;ESTER; MN lIMI OM best 'Select d. io the nty: t. MI IMMI MEI - 1 r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers