. J, IL O. 'has 'paid leSt taxes,:and dope more groaninribout.l4vy taxation than almost any cater man In the county. - . His sympathy for - 114 taxpayert is readily, seen in tha.fol loWin'g statement. Dist !year: the ,county . 'coltmissionera ordered the:Tocelpti and ex - - -penditnres te ' be published in the Argua and In the Leek. , The two papirs,eharge4 the county as fellows: _. . LOCAL for neeelyta aT.xpetriltnits • ~.: $l5O 00 . . 1--- --. Ott fibril -Kiln JCMGE, - - - 1 V ißaug " ' " . Ll 5 00 . . , LOCAL more-than Anoult. 2 -r- ...... , o'r,. •• __ _.. 01 RON. HENRY.W. WILLIAMS, I riTot r .7. 9 ). ll ' t eal a hther.nn_ce !!'rr•• LI . 1 LoeAt Diem than Aeons, - • - , .• - • - --14, 50 OF. 'AILEGII.ENY COV.* , ..TTY: ' T . A.0 0 ,1 . ,50r ystat;itt . tctesitteir tuna. .. .so 00_ .--,. sa..---, --,, • -,. ,----- 1-4.411-o-3,--T,- "••••- :. , • locate-more than Asada; - `'. • , Si - 50 .. ; •-, • f. ma, for Poor Directors report, ' 4500 - . LllllOll Cputity Itidmltiatiotta.. , , A ..1 GCS • '• .. . . • Si 50 . ..., ~ ....-. :• • - ! LO CAL more than. Aimee "-: . t i--' -- ' -47 50 " . Making a total of.. - • . - - 1 1.' 15 b 0: which the brat charged more thaw the Arra or the same am-rUnt of work,perfSrnaed at the same tine. — ; , . , .. . . Taigayers l am you have any maiden - 6e in a man whoseAtiona , thus belie his profis The Beaver Argos. , Creil % ,1 " , 1; WETATID, Enrron AND PROPNINTOL Le- 'oDAfer, Pa., October 2, 1867. Sufic . . .. AOIcillblk• - : - :THOMAS NICt,I.S s O.N. 'Beaver Co. : • :JPNATIIAN It. AY, Washington Co. - ; ,J . PTIN EWING; • • - ." ' ~, . '' i • Associp.ic Judge. -1411,TON104;WRENCE, Greene tp,;; .. ': . . . . 1: 1 ._ .'' • . Prothonotary • •.' -.1. :31911N - CAUGHEY; Beaver liciro.; • • Tremurer. BIA.IIII BA.TiNtB,.ilaiough tp.; . - • - Con4nigsioner.. W-M. EWING, Racoon tp. Jury Commisaoner. JOSEPII C. WILSON, lutver bor(s.;. • Auditor. - • ic-Sl-14NNON, Hopewell tp• ; l'oor itiOnt‘c Dirtetor.' , • • 8.&31t . EL MtMANAMY,.Edtnotity tp.; Trustees . of Academy. .-;Ya .8 JAMOSS, Rochester - .TWIN BARCLAY, Beai.Cr boro JUDGE 'SIIAIRSWOOD aY LE.i GAL TENDERS: - Extracts from Ills Opininis In tho • Case of Boric. vs. Trott, .- 41 12 in the whole, then, I am of opinion- that the provisi*of tlief act of Congress of Feb rusty 21t ISA declaring _the notes issued ia pursuance of that aet to be lawful money, ttied frivier, Ir.NCONSTITT:TIOSAT" . , 9.14 reatleys it unnecessary that I should Can.dder the other questi:m which. has been made, as to the effect of the ~pecial agreement -to pay In lawful silver -Money or the' United States. • 1: am In Urn! of entering judgment tor the plaintiff, bur as-a majority of the :court are' of a different; opinion, judgment for the defendant".L-Clai-q . fr9lli the. Plii,vielphia Atm , of 2:14 Qr. PAbruary,.lB6 Published in fell. ' Mai also be fonni iri the 1;71 , , liitegigen 'of March 1,1. - Stit, , pae:c .• . In the vine copy of the ,a carefully Prepared atilogy of the judge and this Orkin *, inWhich' is the folloWiq Strom:woof, migo-Oppon- and de: 61'6' the-caga as if he were 4imte lofty spirit sitting Itrzhove and out of the contentions and strifes of the world." , ; .Will not titre lhders of greMdmeits , and Gbycrnment bonds- consider the judge as finite too elevated, and ctherial for such earth 1-honors as a,seat 6n the Supreme Bench? - Flag ror the Banner. County: 1.1 7 51C14 j'EPT:7III.ICAN STATE ConNirrtEE Ilooits 1413:) . Chestnut street; S4t4ntbei 11, I.B67.—This Contnittee iviN prei4tirit their. nen- anti eiegant Canlpaign 30';:liy.'20 :feet in size, to the ,county Ithi'elt, 3'l the ensuing election, shall show th6. l ,beit rettirn fOr lion. • lIENIty W lt . zr, e ittparctl with the vote of last 'year ••• • ; ' , "r.'4' •• • ; order of the committee. _ -7.- • • • F. JORDAN,'Cliairman, • Gr.b...W. ILOtEnst,v, 1 • :Uri ni.EV r NOLISON, j .7)C.CTO.ariCS. .1.7K10N MEN ! be at the bead of the Column curly cin2 . l'ne.sday morning !. Get to the pens at once Vote as early as possible. See that our 'tickets are-at convenient mints,and guard Against the fraudulent ballots "distributed by Anderson, Odell . & Co. . ru4. , , , :\ '. Till.: EfeetiO r ti • lTieltet;i are printeirin one 1 .slijibut in tWo I / 4 sections—the first Jwaded 1 'ZkfudiciaryTipket" with the name of .The can ;didate . for Judge of the Simiremecniirt, only, -- 2 The lOwersection is headed "Cotir4 - Ticket," with the names'Nf the cat dhlattls foi State; • Assembly and (!minty . Offieers to h¢ vOted for. 71w Tieketris mit apart befiire vot!ri g4nd de posited. in boxes labelled "J 1 v • •'. and ‘County Ticket, respectively. \ r . ' ' LOtiT CAUSE • argunients arg i lnlernutt things As an evidence. cf this sifrast week's Local. It is - filled, with start ti tut nes• such as "White MCn,"' , 7•11 e, I)enicerney" "Tax- ..11:4cra.: "Head . the Nonopoly," "impudence" kc. If argtupents like the e. carry any po9r with them, we Can only pliy the people Influenced. They are entitled to, ,Ito conupis,seration of the public genet.- , - ItnectiLic.k.xs I. Worixl! . Hon% be intimi dated by the bragging 'boasts of your oppo nerits.., Remember all the Copperheads can Ido is to boast of their strength and prove their power by abusing the nigger. We are con i tending for principle. Every vote we cast is ia force for-good added to the life and usefulness lof the Republic. • There la no-reason why we I should not poll a full Republican vote. In I i 1865 we carried. the * State by a splendid Re- 1 !publican inapt ity. The -result was to infuse jadditional strength to the loyal sentiment of i the country.. 'A full Republican vote in 0e- IT laritOW remlerj - tl — alt — unst certain that An---i.tober ss'illfrstra . te all the evil .plani of An- Ilitew .Tolitis4n 'meditates resistance, to Con- i drew Johnson. The tenor of adviees from all greys snd , tts acts incase the. app roachi ug elec. i parts of the State leads us to anticipate the . ttons seem to endorse his policy. Whether i election of Mr. Williams by 'a handsome ma ;Abut resistance will develope - itself in an :it jority. The larger that Majority Shall be, the ee''ln / pt to - :prevent Congress from a s semblin g; more beneficent - benelicent will the,awitd of' the ballot :v ,i qr 7 When the H box pouse of-Representatives passes , , sttieles of impeachment; (if it ever does so) oril -' - - iiiibe in the shape of -forcing tie. Scaithern - .;"-rit, iatora and Representatives to scats in Con ' •t , SteKS, is at:lprespitt,itnown only - to. the desper , t :44 peliticitl•adventurers who gurrimitig him : ~ , ,hid:force-heir baneful counsels into his ears., fit.resistinice from hiuiwill conic, if enceur .. - 1 (!cl br the voiel.of,,llle',.people on the Bth . 1 -inst. -TM gathering of the rebels in 31iry. ,f.land, intik form pf militia organizations, un . —dor: the stliwrvlsiork of Governor Swann, indi- Icaies`Phis beyond - the .possibility of, a doubt. fr VbiOrt men t, if you are then in favOr'o6:oll - parr, quiet and a just reemistruption . .-. , .-... flint Gm ernment by c,ongres.s_Vote t lei whole .;', , Viiion ticket , : if on the. contrAry, you desire *other war-With a Vast expenditure of blood -4 and tretsure," if it is your will that the-Piss ' !tent andr , ntit, the COng'ilitit 'of your min . ooliii'g'isboll Make row-Jews and prescribe !e' the %wither, ofearrying them out; it is your • .: ,desirgUat /,lie men who waged a 'erne! and reletits wlritgaingt the Government shall .how-findrK.lairs in its higlie.l places, theti:vote * - - it3ii• Lost,Cirinso.t.teker, for its admen will bring, theseysilantities . as sues one,day inet.teds anotper. . . . STILL another hatch of bogus tickets have • been. forwarded •to us,. th rongh the Post-office. ,The new-46t have the name of "A. J. Jolly" . fi4 County : COmmissioner upon them. -.Look : 1 ut for•theseoci:Well as for( those- already ex ••'l owl in the ~ .4rOvt. Party .managers, that tini;i undertalte to swindle honest men Mit of t'pef.; N•tes, deserve the execrations of: all T -honest people: The way to rebuke them, is i ti vote sctuaiely agaittst their whole ticket.. • 'voters see - tria. this rebuke is properly ad .- nustered.. it' • ~ OE liE awns. t - • Tim county Union Conventloa which met at the Courehouse in , this place . on the 8d of June nominated Capt. Elijah Barnes for Tress tirer, and Wm:Ewing Esq., tor' *may Com liiisiloner. Both. of these gentle Man bad ser yea:long-Mid frathiblly in the arMy and both returned to their horses bearing the scars of hattfeupon•theif persiins. The Republicans of the County apprileiated their patriotism and acknowledgedtlwir services by giving them the positions oritthe ticket theyasked for, and will undoubtedly see that they are duly elect- , e(.IN ' • • • - Tho Lost Cause county &Invention which met at the Court house in this place on the tat of July had tile:names of two soldiers before •it for places on the ticket. One M' there, 7i(r. Shannon received 8 votes_for county . treasur er, while his opponent, R. B. Anderson, who had done no "soldiering." received 89 votes- The Alter one. Mr.: Hall, was deliberately swindled-mat of the - nomination for Prothon otary, by Odell it Co., and the position given to R. D. Cooper, a gentleman who did not de sire to be a candidate. • • • • . Biers!So which of the two . partles — rin this county has shown by its acts, an appretlatinn of your services and a . disposition to reward you for the sacrifices you made. Let your answer .be given on Tuesday next at the polls.. • -Carr a few days now remain until the elec tion is held. We entreat - Our friends to be ac tive and diligent.. Our opponents are busy, ungcrupulout atid • determined. ' Their hope titlinceesslies'in our apparent apathy, and . the menus they haye res?rted to to cheat out people' 1" n this county, We should Allis y&tr have a clear majority 'of -Moe hundred, "and nothing but a criminal indifference on the part of ourselVes cangeduce h below that figure. There is everything to encourage us andmake .us zealous in the good work. A defeat in the State now wotild embolden our adversaries and'rive Olem new life. Let us postpone their resurrection indefinitely. Let us each give the remaining few days - to Our &Minty, by making every effort inout pOwer, to get its friends to the polls on Tuesday next. 'the hour for argument has passed, and .the too milt for faithful, active and untiring work , has come. Loon out for vile and . groundlessl 'charges , against,our candidates on the eve of i the elec tion.- Our opponents . in-this oclonty . feel that the tide is against them. This has made them desperate, and they are just now in afit mood to tell any,fie, or make any charge that they think would benefit their lost cause. Let no Repubilelm, therefore, be dt . . l ncerted or swerved froni t,he 'Slain path o il,uty, by any story put in circulation by "th enemy" just before voting time. That ls an. old "dodge," and the tricks•of J. IL 0. & C 0.,. of the past few weeks lend us to believe that -lies innu lIM microbic will.be told in the next Lpord, against in general, and in detail, when he made them, Caughey and Berber in particular, knowing but he believed they would Serve his pi) rpo that the Argus will not be out in time to con. I sea, It now remains for. the . people to teach trodiet them. Be on the lookout then, and him a salutary lesson ,oh Thbada . y next, by nail them to the counter its false and malicious' , r oting for tAeoljeet of his nix alfarks, and elee as soon as seen or heityl.l Ong him by a handsome majority to the of flee for which he Is a candidate. If °atm is a 'Republican 'whoever ()maraca of voting for Judge Sliarswood, anti against our pure and upright candidate for Supreme Judge, Ucnry W.'WilliaMs, let him read the Copperhead -papers, offenSive with abuse, not only of Judge Williams, but of every states: man that assisted the country in its hours of. trial, and remember' that Sharswood's elec tion is the triumph of Andrew Johnson, -Jer emiah S. Black and James Buchanan: WM- Hams is as sourirtii lawyer as Sharswood, and at least as good n citizen: but unlike Stws wood, he never sympathized with the stew ' ed enemies of the 'Republic. TTlutt during ihel.ast year the first of Goy. 1 ' G eary . a term, the State debt ha& been reduc reo=ol,4„ MiLLION SEVEN lii7DRED' AND wrsz ' TT-FOURriot's t sIS HURICRED PORTqt • 1 FOll, DOLLAR:4,AM) . 171 , "TT CFNTg ! , 1 , 644,50!) Further remember, that 'since the I.Statehas been under Republi6m ride, em ibiaeing the period and great cost ot , the war, pc State Debt has 'seen redUced nearly or quite ten millions of dollars. 1. Also remember, that while the State was lin the hands of the Copperheads, the State Dela was each year steadily increased, until , ran up to over forty millions of dollars.— iThm are facts which - cannot be eontrovett- It you &tire to make treason odious, re. ward._ thocia i►o rieked fife ia4 Binh to keep it front restFyingthecountry, NIL Puna. .waa one °Mama *toga tiiia - If your sympathies alevilih Ulnae Who led limba in defence of the flovernMiatc prince that slyzapathy by giving Elijah Darnel, a one-armed soldier, •our ballot, - •. , • 'r . Voters Remember! Tifs Deanocricfireoppbeed to thedoctrines of the Repuhllean -party viz: Gold foi- the bondholder, and rags for the people.-Loeg Let us origsSilds bß•of unmitnpitel ras entity, and .demegog A fair years ago the countrYwentotterimg; and its fall seemed nhnost inevitable. Itsteardians believed it eimld be eivedihrougliTlie 1 patriotism and 7)4=0 ofihe- people lend :the use of their money. riff, theretore, made an appeal to' strong-armed men for their services in the field, aitd Obtlined—thent:: - Ilef nexcasked thole who had fun 4 to spare to forniah_thetri with money to put , doirn. - theiebellkiti Which sfrodY exiStek The times were critical—, Nearly one honor the 'whole ;people belie;red that the rebellion trould siitected and the dov eminent go down.' Under these-.cireumstan ces the risk of loaning money to it was very great. • The people's Representatives knew this and saw that , the holders of money, were Tearful. But memo they ituathees, and it only retrained for them to offer such inducements for Its use as would be commensurate with the risks run by those who would lend. These in ducements were that a Government bond bearing a fair rate of interest and ele.mpt from , tax, should be giren the lender. It was truth er proposed because it Wig then known that the vicivsitudes of tbewar wnuld depr relate -oar cnt rency,that these bonds should .beSt;fild I publicly, the interest on them met in gold, and •the -bends themselv:cancelled In like money when they came to maturity. AU knew if . the rebellion succeeded these bonds would be worth no ,more thin the paper on , . which they were printed, and hence a favora ble offer like this became absolutelyineeessary . to induce peraonaLtolake the risks. After it was made and realizing the critical condition of the country, the blinker, the merchant, the farmer, the mechanic, the prefeasional man, the widow and the orphan, all iispited with the loftiest patrietisdi,eame foriwiiid with their means, whether in large or ticdtill . amounts, and' loaned there - to the Goveninient that its life might be saved." The result is kinufe.— And now after these risks were run, and the country carried safely through the storm of war, such men as Anderson and Ode% em bittered, ire suppose, because the rebels did riot succeed, favor repudiation, and boldly de- Clare that they are opposed to "Gold for . the bondholder and rags for the people." ' Their plaitbrui then means that the. contract made by the Government with the people during the war shall now be dishonored, and tip Ist ter swindled out of a portion of the money promised them. A highly honorable !trans action this would be indeed ! But ive do not wonder mucirthat it bipropesed Men who !lid all they could covertly to thwart a vigori-. ous Omit:cadre:Lel the war, and filially became bold enough to publicly declare it to be alait iire (iei - the part of the Government; would very likely after It proved a successin gate of them, seek to m4e the contracts odious which ertabledithe Government to carry it on.' Shame on the men who make sr) :lislionomble a prop osition ! Be tivier county has a great many Union men who are not bondholders, but none of these, we take it,. are oppdsed to carrying otir bargains honestly made; and this one be. tWeeii the Gosrethinent and its ea-editors is un cittestionabbr_ one of that Character. Tau campaign in this State will soon close. In this county itams been conducted by our opponents'solely upon personal grounds, and with a • recklessness of conduct und speech, rarely, it iyer witnessed. The Unionists sought to discuss public measures with them, such for instance as the! the free•rsdlroid ques.. tions, but all to no purpose:- Prrpcmalities was their stock- m trade, sail -am personal: at tacks Their organ; the Local, would not I:st di verted,. It cared nothing-about political. is sues, nor did- it take any pains to con ceal the• faCt that the: election of H. B. .6‘.n derson, its editor's • father-in-law, watt the be , ginning.and the end of its desires. To bring this result about, it charged his opponent with drunkenness,debauchery.lewdnetts,theit,and in fact, almost ad the crimes known among mcn. Its ediCor:knw thr4 tins° charges were false, 3. It o.`it. Co., are busily engaged Just iiow in trying to make the "goslings" of their par. ty believe that by "hard work &c., they will be able to elect H. B. A., treasurer, and R. D. Cooper, Prothonotary. If the aforesaid "gos lings" will turn to the, files of the Local of one year ago, they will see that J. H. 9. then de clarei in the most positive manner that Cly- mer, 31ontgomerY, Ruth, and the whole Lost Cause county ticket, would surely .he elected. They were all defeated by an , average majori ty of 850 valtel. As the electiori resulted Mot, so will it result on next Tuesday. J, was the poorest kind ofauthority, at that time ; lie has grown no more reliable since. ' - Wkll tiie war right? This Is the whole is sue of the campaign we are fighting, and it cannot be cvad. d. A vote for Sharsw oo d is a vote against the policy and - conduct of the war A vote for Williams is a vote for it. If Sharswood, in his Calhoun - ideas, ti l right, the war" was unconstitutional ,; If Williams is right the war-was constitutional, and our aid; diershiive not died in taln. This one great fact—this one gest issue—cannot 4 kept too constantly in view. It, will dissolte all the sophistries of the disunion politicians. COMPARF the ticket you vote ; next Tuesday with the one found, at the head of our edit& rial eslumns. Do this toavoid being imposed upon, to , the spuxioni tickets sown broadcast over Om's, County by H. B. A., & Co. They , sup they were doingiObig thing" When they printed amfdistributetrthese bcigns tick ets ; shovi them by your votes on the Bth inst., that-you look upon as the imaged kind 'pia project, and one which is only engaged in by . d • perate political adver4nrem. . • - WN)lave gas ticket swindlers of this entinti have meas urably come to grief. The more honest - and conscienhoue leaders of the party, as well as one or. two Persons *he are on the Lost Canoe ticket disavoir all - connection with the spuri ous tieket 'swindle, and express hearty con tempt for its projectors. them spin.' say we, and show them in every way 'possible that i hey have but few friends among -bonest , HIIIIIIIi. ASDIUMOX of liatrer is a 'candi date foreounty _ treasurer. He is jual now “ba l lennea km - Republicans .of this place to support him. If any of these have ayen - a re le mote idea doing so, It would be ` well for them to re new that if, Jeff Darla is nom-. lasted ne year for the Priglieney, Mi. An derson 'KU hi all probability; be hi l i,m os t- sc . titre supporter in this county. Ills past twilit. kW. oondutt Indicates this y0ude0y..,...:,.. f _i - As thetßeople of this county are called up on to *loon the qaestimi of prohibition on: TuesodaYbe4 weherewith upend all the lewlistotiching tiOn the subject. ThOPotteti ecsuP.l3' es,#, itwill be seen iiiixtendedw ' this equilY, and goes irttO effect on the 10th day ontikrim7 As Ts? aellhaln- the people clothe questionerenema ' log the aforesaid act, is . the purpose of the vote-on neit Turiday, An Act to prohibit the grantingg of license Ito. 1 1,1nt 41106 . 04 0 1 cm, r;Pin , The county fixerics Be. it . enacted by " the Smite and Home - Bepreientallves` Orthii riumwardtb.ol.PennsYlirenhh 'ln - General A* ; sembly met, and it is.hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage. of this act, no license ,shall be granted toany person to sell vinous. spiritu ous, malt or brewed liquors withli the limits of the county of Potter. . SECTION 2. That if any person or persorii, within the said limits, shall sell, trade or bar ter away any vinonsopirituous or any kind of inundating liquors,. or: intoxicating tonic ' or other bitters, to be used as alreverrige, 'he, or she, upon conviction thereK in the court of quartet 'eosin= of said county, shall be fined in a ism of not less than far dollars nor moralhart two huudrakfor the drat of fence, and, upon a second amvictirm, the fine shall not be leastbsur one hundred nor more than three hundred; and, in addition to the fine, the person so convicted a second time. shall undergo iinprisimment 'in the' county jail for a period not lees than thirty days nor more than six months: Provided however, That mentrers Of domestic wines and of malt and brewed liquorsihall not be proldb. ted from selling their awn Vmducte,ln qua- titles of net left than one gallon : And prO *vided nuttier. That this act shall not apply to drbggists who sell unmixe d alcohol, or wine, or brandy ; on the writtenprescription of a regular practicing physician. j - JAMES B. KELLEY. Speaker the HOW* of Rqpresentatives. DAVID FLEMING, Speaker of the Serrate. Approved the elventh day of April. . An no Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. • A. G. CijitTLlc. An Act to extend Hie provisions of the act to prohibit . tbe_ irritating of license to Sell in-, toxicating drinks within the county of Pot ter, approved April eleventh, Anne) Do. mini one thousand eight - hundred and six ty:six, to the county of Beaver. • Szariox L Be it enacted ..by the Senate and House of Represena►tives of the. Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, in General As- , sembly met,..and 4t is hereby enacted by. the authority of the same„.That the provisions of an act, entitled "An Act to prohibit the grant ing of license 'to sell intoxicatlng drinks within the county of Potter," appr7ived April eleventh, Anno Domini raid thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, shall be and the same is `hereby • extended to thecounty of Beaver: Provided: That this act shall not take -effect ,until one year after the date of-its passage. JOHNI P. GLASS, Speaker of the - House of Representatives. - : LOUIS W. HALL, Speaker Of the Senate Approved the twentieth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixtyiseven. ' J\ O. W. GEARY. . All Act to , take the sense of the people ,of Beaver county, upon the, question or a pro hibitory liquor law. • SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Heine. of Representatives. of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, in General As- Seenbly met t ind it is herebrenacted by the authority of the same, That for the purpose of ascertaining the sentiment of the people of Beaver - conntY. upon the question of a pro hibitory liquor law, it shall be lawful for the qualifiediroters of said county, at the twit general_gle4lottberealter, to -express their preteren W i ty ballot: the" ballots shall be la- belled, niklts the outside, "Prohibitory , law," and on the inside shallcontain the words, "For a prohibitory law," or" Against a pro hibitory law," and said ballots shall; be 'T r ceived and counted and entered upon the re turns'of election, aa - .pmvided for - by law In thecase of election of county officers; and a• certificate of the result of said election shall be filed by the board of Maura judges In' the office cif the prothonotary of the court of common pleas of Beaver county.; and the 1 election officers shall be subject to the- same i penalties, as to the reception of illeg a)- votes or other misbehavior ill ()We ' ll!' other to the I 1 voting hereby proVided for, as a rovided for by the general election 1 lairs of he .Conv nionwealth in case of Similar! ffenea ate n eral elections. JOH . WASS. Speaker of the House of presentative/. LOUDialf. HALL, • . , Speaker of the Senate. Approved-the eighth day of April, Anna Domini one thousand eight hundred and six ty-seven. . , 1111). W. GEARY. Tint Democracy hive been boasting huge ly over a success in Montana, and some enthu • static writers count this new,est of territories as another State gone for ;lel wrong aide.— Everybody who cares to remember knows that Montana elected a red-hot Democratic delegate two years ago, Nit, that she should have held her hold upon the Copperheads so -long remains to be accounted for. This is et Gist done' by some explorers at the bead Waters of the Yellow Stone, who say: For eight days they traveled through a vol canic country, emitting a blue flame and liv ing streams of molton - brimstone.. The country was smooth and roil*, with long level plains intervening. On the summits of these rolling mounds were craters from four to eight feet in diameter, and everywhere on the level . plains were smaller craters . tram four to sue,inches, from which streamed a blaze and constant whistling pound: The hollow ground resounded-beneath their feet as they traveled, and every moment seemed' about to break through. Nola living thing was seen in that vicinity. The explorers gave it the signifleont •appellation of "Hell." The "curse of nelghborhixxl" was never more sit-kingly illustrated, and we are free-to confess that the Democracy will always carry Montana while it reinains in such suspicious promixity to the infernal regions.—N. Tri- - uvte., - AT this time last year the democrits were full in the faith that they would defeat Gen. Geary and elect Mr., Clymer. This expecte= don was hosed on the calculativnis of Mr. Wal lace,: Chnirmanpf their StateC mattes, Who Stated he had caused every . w borough and f d township to be closely can and could not be mistaken. The result roved how lit , Ile his engineering was wOrth. I, This year the Democrat' prtifeas ' the same ;m .predicted on , sisurt io nces from the same 'WM. The prophet!) w m they tiust is a false cnne.•' " 1 - It seem probable - thet-the itggiegate vote will be lighter_than it was last iyear.: Neither loarty will bring out all its members. The falling off 'will divide *boat equally .betwen theM.—.Pults. (watt'. - Toz jaunt sensation. truly,speaking, is the produCtion of a' Metter from Gov - . Orr wholly and insirtily Indorsing Gen. Sickles: Be de dares that General Order No. 10 was, so far as South Carolina Is concerned, an absolute necestity, and that he deeply regrets the course taken by thiPresident and his advisers, lie believes that hirff not lien. - Sicideirissued this Order mere troops wciirld ,have beim called for to preserve - the pnblie tenor& Ind protect sheriffs in executing processat the order . ornherightlesi or hatilless credltern." It ap pears that tali so-calleo tyranniad order was, accardinsto dre Govirnor's own' showing, an 114 of ennlng* diaritY. *Welt Mr. Johnson his uselessly overbee:al - and undone. What hal the rredienttovar—N, Y. nom!, ••• • I • Stadia,. We have already sulfielently shown that the Democratic Is anAnti-soldier party. It lane* attempting,. through the• courts, to. cadtstrus sway the war, isnol to stop that, we want ibis indloyelledgei Such a judge we have in Rem IL W. — Williams, 'and be deserves the 'relent al/pry soldkr. Ile never decided the draft tote nneOnstitutionaL Ile never wilL .11e.Siever decided the national currency to be tmconotitutionil; Ms never wilL Bat beyond the p l rsonal question oca can didate, we wish, to give in as few words as possible some simple- "reasons why no true soldier shoula ever under any circumstances vote ii.Zetribtratic ticket. Firstly, and most righteously bit:tense the Democracy wereop- Lposed to our *Wog any ticket at ail The record every election I tin the " - soldier.' out , f. , e question shoWiethat in black end white.. ll4tl they had their way, 6u . when in front of them on the field. would here boen eligible for taxation but not for :voting. In :other words,your r pelltical condition would bare been exactly that negrcies. - Every soldier kill bad his own life repeat, edly exposed by the direct action of the rn ocratic party. Everybody knows that the running of on ..a surrender plat form prolonged the war just one year. Every soldier who has heird - chmrs for "McClellan , and Pendleton" ring oat from rebel trenches or who has taken or guarded rebel prisoners, knows this, and come be talked-out of it now. And thisis only one instance of Democratic aid and comfort to the enemy. Rebel arms were strengthened: rebel hearts were made brim.% rebel CAMINO ivas supported during all the war, by Deinocreic speeches, Democrat ic newspapers;.Democmtic conventions. It is not imagination to say that Demociatic mon ey pointed rebel bayonets at your breasts and sped rebel bullets to your hearts. This is a consideration for the voting fathers arid broth ers of the dead ! boys in blue. - The Democracy bas formally repudiated .you..ln solemn convention assembled, they have declared the war to he a , thilure—all your time, suffering,and wounds to be worth less.. After its happy and 'auspicious termin ation they have declared its result to be "(WA, elassAter;aaditivrace." Your commander-ln chief they stigmatized as an ape and buffoon; your generate as butchers. -beasts and brutes; Nourselveb as "hirelinge,"' "tools," "simile" o abuse I baitheen too low, no language' too insulting, for the private soldiers of the army of the Union. Repudiate them. The Democracy has deserted you in every I bear of Wei and danger. They. have oppos- - "ed,everY draft, and thus impeded. and delay eti'your teinforcemenbs in the fiibe of death, They have syitematiodly labored lb depreti ate the national currency and the pUblic cred it, thus lowering your wages and raising the prices at home on your wives and children.— They have magnified rebel victories, and de preciated yourexploits. You cannot consist ently with your past record, if it' is a clear one. vote for them or with them now. Trust to ne professions of friendship now. They bad none for you when you were fall ing before rebel steeL They want you now— need you—hut de not love you. any more to- - day than whenln the heat of the conflict they denntinced.tife draft and left you unsupported in the trenches. 'Thep, yes even they, will demise you fcir being deceived at tide hour, and will respect your comrades who staid by the flag no* es - in 1881—whom neither! fear nor flattery, nor - cajoling can . mislead. '1 The struggle,now is the stuns as that which won its weary length from Sumpter to the Appomattox. The issues of 'this fall's cam paign, are inseperable from those ,for which you fought so long and well. You cannot disjoin them. You cannot 'act now as you would not have acted there,- You cannot shoot one way and vote another.—Phffadelphia Fres.. c e ' Judge Shirswood In Sympathy With the Rebel Congress. The IbuTisiburg Telegraph unearths the fol lowings It is 1 new campaign document for the Eternocrata ‘ •Will the Age print it? (From tbrEiclinsond Examiner. Ja'. lB6O • The following bill, to be entitled "An act to prohibit dealing in the paper currency of the enemy,", has passed ,botli houses of Zon=e gres& It origiOatol in the House of Repre, sentatives, and was amended. in the Senate, by the insertion.of the words italieieed in the first section. The amendment will, of couise,ll be concurred in by the House. The act will, doubtless, recervelhe approval of the President, and the country will then be re lieved of the pernicious 'effects of a traffic whichit is surprising any person professing to beindentified with the South should. ever have engaged 16: 1. The Con2rees o f the emtfederrde Siam of! America do mail, Thatno broker, banker, or I dealer in . exchange, orj person' • concernd in trade as , a merchant, dr vender of mmphan- • disc of any description, or any other person, e.reckt toitkiathelines of the enemy; shall buy, sell, take; circulate, or in any, manner trade in any paper currency of the United 'States;; provided, that the purchaseofpcsZstamps shall not be considered a viol of this act. • 2. That'any petabd violating' the provi sions of this act shall he subject to indictment and prosecutidn in . the Confederate • court holden for the district within which the of was vominitted, and shall; upon con viction, forfeit the so bought, sold, circulated, or used, or a sum equal thereto ; and shall be moreover subject to.a fine of not more than twenty thousand dollars, nor less than five hundred, and be imprisoned not less than three months,* nor more - than three years, at the discrctior ()timid court; and it shall be the duty of the judge of the several , Confederate courts tolive this act specially in charge to the grand jury. 8. T ` Ira q this set - shal not be construed to apply fanny person 'eking in behalf of the ; GoVernMeht of the Confederate States, by- Special authority of the President, or , any of the headi of departments. - • Judge Sharswixsi decided tie circulation ".,of Governmint bonds .and money unconstitu tional. He therefore stands on the same plat form withltls Southern brethern. Voters, re member this. • Spirit oF.the Opposition. • . • • Goverr Geary and his worthy' lady, on the first Sabbath of the present ponth, form ally connected themselves with the New School Presbyterian Church, and at the same time their four children were publicly hap died. AU• persons who have any regard for the Christian religion, or any true respect for ,the State, could not but be gratified' that the , Chief Exectitive of the Commonwealth should thui recognize .and discharge hia duty to the church and his Maker, as he had heretofore to his country and his fellow-men. The Gov ernor bad not been, absent from tome for a .ntetbber: of 'k J's; and— yet the Harrisburgh Patriot and Union, In its partisan malignity and'bliadnesa, the following Wednesday, 'sees proper to notice the ' interesting occur rence as follows: - - ' "We ate inhumed : that Governor Geary attended the colored camp meeting, near Mid dleton, on Sun4y last,• and, upon his return, joined the Ne*School Preibyterian Church." , • We cannot- but believe; this Democratic organ has greatly underrated the character alb' readers, and outraged . their sense of re ritFor the ieties and decencies of life. Tim Di.locit.vM talk about a reaction In Penasylvanbi to' he disclosed at the October election. The matter will get .no farther than talk. - There has been no re-action. There will be •nOfia.? The people have not changed their judgmenta of public affairs.— Them areattipast.two radicals' now . where there was only one last year ;d - not et Re publican less. , Whatever doubt there was a , month ago about getting out all the votes, there is no longer any uncertainty. The Re- Obligati *eters Will be on band, and renew their condemnation of the President and his G4evr. tee. • • . . f , -- 'A Itiaonrrr tile TRZ Psorixt lots lirkti.:l v l e amvartta. are loyal . Would it be l right and proper that the majority should represent ed on. he ,Beneh of the Suprem 'Conn by, a manwhg,is disloyal? We ch ,in Sh swer to' this question, that Shars ood is dls- i loyal. Disloyalty does not only , m e a rt arni- ing for the purpose of fighting , he Govern- f moat. Th ose who give ski and mfort.' Govern the enendea of the Government re equally _dhdo3ral With those who en lin armed ! fight against ' 1- that Governmen Lee and i Davis engaged In armed fight to (de stroy the Ckiverntnent: Stutrswooil reso ed to legal i quibbles to give Lee and Davis d and cam- i fort. I ',chile Lee and DSOs hari,the Govet-n -m ent by the throat to choke it to letith. Bhsi ra- wood pm rn claimedfmthe bene that the ,ef- I forts! or the Government to tear Lee's fingers t from Its throat were unconstitutional and il- I legal-4hat the money issued bi i the. Govern- I ment to pay those who periled their lives in 1 its defense.; nits worthless, and that those who ' received thati money would be cheated. The record, personal and legal, of qur . candidate 3 : for the Supreme Bench—Ho i r , Henry W. Williams—mil; most favorably compare with ' that : of hi/ opponent--Judgeßharswoodj— and bearing in memory the ,red Scott and Pas snore Williamson * case!. end the repeat-. ed efforts, during the rebellioh .of "Demo erode" Judgesot . our Buprett4iench. by ad verse rulings, to retard thersecution Of the war, we re-affirm the clec ration of otti, State Convention. that "the Supreme Cocirty of this State should be in harniony with the political opinions.of a majorityl_Of the peOple, ," and hereby declare that no Judge ithotild ,be elected thereto, whose deeisior like those cif Bbarawood, are tainted with a doubtful lop . , aity.—Har. Mti. 1 . I i- , I • Cauvouxu. Fit.serrox.—rie Democratic rooster got awake and emwedjust atter dark. mistaking a bonfire for clap light. The Re publicans lutie two of imajOiltv in the Gal ifornia Legislature, on jointlkallot; add t his secures a Republican Unite:lj States Senator. There were two Republica n candidatt for rn Goveor, and the c o pper h ead , Haigh is elected by 5,655 majority. The decrease in the total vote, ;since last elton, is 14.056. Then the Democracy polhil .584. This year they, polled but 24.622, a debrense of 962. Last year the Republicans R611E41 34,063:1thia year 20.9.57. The Copperheada will hear from the - stay-at-home Unionists at the next lec tion.—Pitte. I I r Tug Democrat,s find it convenient to short memorim ="Professinkyo be fl ledl alarm at the increaseof taxation in t is ( try, they altogether ignorei,the fact t at! own conduct led %Oahe wa j and all the 'ens it imposes. ',/ t he I I Every State that went i nto h Relit WllBll Democratic State. In so going! yielded to the natural tend ency of the ocratic party. • . 7 .e 'All the men at the North who sn tili sympathized with-the Rebellion .w ere crate, crats, inspired thereto by the doctr nes' party. • ! I I n If there had been no R Hellion there il be no taxation, If there bad been no t i on the Rebellion would ot have ).- down. Ne wonder the Democ the subject of taxation.— What Do the De °crate Wean They mean, when they *combine In their ,partisan, representatly 3:eglslatlye, lExecu tire and Judicial power, To repudiate the nati nal debt To restore the institut on of slavery ; To make good the coninacts of inutors by compelling loyal men tO i Arrty the debts in curred in the effort to diasolve the Union ; To make pensioners dt the wives and or phans 'of those who perished In rebelliOn ; To abolish the pensio •of the wises and orphans of Union Soldi ; To restore all rebels JIG retired from "the I=l . U. S. artily and navy 4i engue in 'war on the Ooverninrnt, to th It original Milliery and naval grades, or to .iich positions as they would have been entitl .' had they remained in the I.T. S. sertice'up to this itime. , IThese are The primer. ,i objects of the Cop perhead party. They re consistent with the Copperhead positicin i !politiOi, that the re beln. of the slavehok ers was right. j holy and ought to have su led . 16 its obleCts.i Those Who desire to : accomplished what we hive herein enunc ilted, need only vote the. Copperhead ticket. : ; A Copperlsead bal lot will do the fallen toe of treason more good than a dozen trai ' r bullets.—Har. Tel. N EW ADVETISE MENT- $lO RE &RD I • LOST, WHILE RIDING DOWN TURNARROWS, on Saturday. Sept. it f between Brighton and !Pelham Bridge, a Lady's gold hunting cue Watch, with gotta percha and gold chains attached—valued as as a relic: The above reward will be phid by leaving it at .I.• Webster Wilson's, Nev Dnghton. ort3'67:lt. jl• GNEWS FOE ALL i FIFIOSE WHO %A suffer from disease o ,Jiver and Stomach. such as Biliousness. Sick He . • • • 'Constipation. Water-, brash; Sour,Stomach, HYsPepebt; at. - . , DR. HOLM:MEWS ITRAD I ACHE AND ANTI-BIL IOUS' PILLS , . I • . Are the moat p reolc erfect y. ever, Wought bet the 4. public, for all ftises.of the Liver and Womack. I They act as a CATHARTIC without weakening the Stomach or Bowels, but on; the contrary give to itone those organs, driving away; all Helancloly,,Peelings, Infusing new Life and VlOr into the System.. • I : For sale by all Druggists and Country Merchants, throughout the Country. I , • I i. HRNDERSOIi I B • I 'S., SE Liberty St., 11U/- burgh. Pa., Wholesale . sta. • m'. .Iy. • 4 . s. I ,CMS EC EM ING ON HAN looted Stock of 11)1WAV Al 01 Teas, Coff Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Har NAILS AND ~. . • , _,- . !. • tsTO,NEWARE... , ..! ....•,.;• ~ . Pin: Chti' rug, - i I. .• i Peek :Measures, . Oak Churns , . 3.i 'Bush: Measure, .... 1 4111on - lhisketa; , Splii. Baskets Pure Cider Vineg,ex. CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR Bret& Barrel or: In Sacks, constantly on hand.: girPtteits yeti low, can and , sec.''' . - 1 -• • !..k. S. naItVEY. Bridgewater, ! • oell'67:ly. Ell . lIVC with un itheir urd- lion. I they Dem- ed or omo of tho ;would taxa put in on VI are Vt 4. arye y „ 2159 DX . . 1 • PRO,VD3TO la ware. SA : LARGE AND WELL Rice. , Cheese.." Soaps,. _i• Fish 1 1717/%2•0. i NO W GL &S$ ALSO SHERIFF'S SALE , . ___,, SHERIFF'S roy Tfirruz OP A WRIT OF FIERA l'Act,v D. tined out of tee Court of common Pt x•. 11. of Beaver , and to toe directed, 1 win .. ....4. public aide. at tha MAW, ° t , t o o x I ,was igi ftiver, in the county arorreald, .d i .. , '` 1 441 THURSIMr, October 17th, laG7. [ - at I O'clock, p. in., the %Biretta.- p ror ,„ . . All right. title. Intereet and:,min t of etefetl°:e4, t o a to the following' lot',or piece of ernapit•`'. In Ohio lown‘hip. Beaver connty. p a. •:han.- 81 in igen of lota moseyed by A. IVra a t t Z 1 ,+ • etanse of Thome Dawson, a uun d,. 4 „.; c h . ...6 fling at north-west Millet at a etake no. t h; • 1 % fcla n No. 10 and corner of :Co. al : theme nont i i" I grey east and on a line 'or tot Noll. is 4. 10 . D06. de. to the eorner ol lota Noe and 'i: thert,..... alone the line of said lot N ogg, 17 Ticirt„,. in to t 1 and land, of said Thomas Datrpont thenceti. degreeswest, 15440 nerchee. to. t an , t , 0f . ,; 04?it i .. 4 so p t o past in line of thole, lot No. tt: i,„ 4l i the line of lob. ;line- a 7 and W.. 17.nerchev ttil..".: o f begioninr. containlnz one and 0n . e..t 0 i t ..-' , At. or lees. on which there i. g Mean g . 0., 651 7 Is b. 1 etitck, derrick. shanty, bonne ton! . m v ... ::"Ital'i? , ...seized and taken in ell:anion a , th.. tifV. ti , m , I, ' Sturgeon Oil Company,zt the milt of the ti Iron %Volta. . : eit. S. LITTELL -- ' 1 Sunny's Orrren, ; 1 . ' Sept. SS, Isln. t ,sh • XectitorreNottce.—Letters tostanteaso.'-----n,K, E estate of Capt. Citantes Srosts.lak 011,4 -4 water borough. Deaver county. Pa., d e e d .4 . to. granted to the undersigned:sil persoe;- end_ said estate are requested to make tagriedi r .,_‘m h and those having claims azunst•the Name ;Clii,'",...__! them properly authenticated for settlers et t t' • ~, D. 11.*STO!CE, Ere -Igor. .Bearer burnt& r --- ----., - Orphans' Court $ al 0 .._ d - By VIRTUE OP AS ORDER OP THE oßpn AS4 court of Beaver county. the under.igor4 n i •- pose to sale by_Beaver üblic vendue, on ti*pt, t a,,,. -I. • Ut . TITA'SDA Z Odder. fi9,lh, 1867, -.- . a t t o•elock, P. M. the followitur described 1,11,,..„ . .. late of Dr. Geo. W. Alihon. deed; siteatela Itsr - F,,: ' township. in said county, rtz.: the undichW. .'"Z' Tllifths of party of Ont•lots 24, .2.5. ?n. and 31, I.r:rs.l„ Ifollows :. Op-ginning. on. the Tescartoras net. ,- - illths Somers. it the. line between loth Nts.l3, t ;i l ; thence N. &U deg. W. 20 ladles. thence N. t1 , .... - 6 1 ,` I w . . 30 perches. thence N. 7:l l ,kdett W. Z,:s p, r ,f,„ : i alley , thence by said alley ls. luii deg. Y., 4; v ,,...64 ' thence SISIti deg. E. $1 perrhes.the S. nti 4„, E. , . 15,9, thence S. 16 deg. E. 26;7 per Ches disco. "fi..l-:. d eg. W. 1 - 1,6 perches to the road aforesaid tattze' by said Woad - N. b a s deg. W 10.3 pleb's. Is b...r.r, rang. contain -11 acres and 140perehe, • Al*o the ivided tbreelllhs of arena* IV. \'.3 Vt. In Borough tP. , adjelning lands of hirs,..F.os . ., , Joseph Anderson, Georgetown Lane. ,t,c, E„, ; : th .".; 1 6 acres and IT- perches—both raid 6:4 enact? and Beave both well watered , within 7 ,e ndlee t h e b om , .. of r. TKR,lo3—One.third of the purritui nr ) ,, t ., - h Ipaid on ;confirmation of sale by the Cour,. tizi ) . In tiro equal .ann4tal payments from that act. ait Interest from Same time and to he';'•etare..l by b...,1 and mortgage. The purchaser to pay ail crpec,l preparing and stareping dses... or b mt , , et SAMI . EL ALLIF.ON. Guardian of minor . Chdidnin bt lir:Geo. ii',.t-ti e ,..; t; deed i : , • • . , , ,ocenrut . . . • At the Pim(); time and plaeel air he othicri di the other nntihrded two•tifths •of the' 1319.! H. erty. on the name terms at abot;e mentioned, iioit4 the party purchatlng may obtai' the itith , pmehei. EI r 'SCTA J. and Gicoalutitt .1u.0.15. • W;Z.L.S O N AND. Ei yr E. liTi7 Diamond, Rochester; Pc (WITHIN A PEW DOORS !OF F. A. FO • : DRY GOOD. STURICI H AVE JUST RECEIVED. AND 01'115ED inspectiim,their larze and well pflettod Fall and Winter BOOTS,SHOES & RUBBE Direct from the Mannincturer.aad of orr .1 facture, which we offer Vow. hdrin , .: boa 7t t: the i tti decline: and will be Auld to suit purcA,:u.. tr Stock fa large 'iu every department. ant ve petition. To be cotivlnced Is to try n pair. firiaktcort warrreited and nunrfed . • • WILSON t STEtVART, lh the 1)irall!, • • flof -'7 7th GRAND oPE.Nti Fall Goo Ods AT NEW '[ Millinery,,Trimmmg SP 0 R ' . TWO DOOJIS , BIiLOW STIL.ES'..t• STIAALENS.. ' GER . 'S .WATEIi n ST.. si.m of_the RED Pt.a7 j . . • e . - - 81U.1)6.:EN. ATER. .N . • Bef-.1.r.`,T,R,. nCr "l,l-!?,7.171T',i 311 R ater a., There 1 Vail b.l gi;.l,l•l:4we ig : - 1 • customers, and all oilier , . reveriw: me 'wig' s (sr : . . i - ; em now receiving ti lard 'find Feimet •linest, Spring StYIPA of Nlilliner3, _width will be sold very cheep. A MILIANERY,I or *my description—Silk and-StrawßonneNl4`4, and4isses Lints, Ribbons; Flowers, Rocco. ac.. • • TRi3I,ISIING • Ox all kinds. for Dresses and Sargok dis l 7 . t t ULM, Chet:lollN .tiugehe Ruffles. Itottoro,,i.:. • .1 . • BALMORAL AND ROOF .SKITITS.OO ..:- - SETS, HAIR NETS, 11t.1.T. • 1 • - I3LT L 4KLESr&c. - _ . 4 " Gentlemen's ,Tirrnloffing , Fo od ; ... Gut's At, 9 Ladles Paper Conan. . . . • MSS AND BOYS' BATS AND•CAps.NEgr;" , SCEPENDERS„ UNDERSIIIRT.4 ANL' DRAWERS,' WHITE SHIRTS, ' • ' - PAPER COLLARS, se. .IE-Tookiei-y avid Grlocesi i. /ADISfe CLOTRS, XLISOLORS. __ SPRING AND SL-MYIRR DMISS (101°5 SHAWLS, -VERY CREAP. • I iRO•ES, 1• a 1114, 154, verf 'cheap. 00.01 M111.4,1161NE 81G- B°o24crs evrE AND CLE. kNEP.,-001 6,t'llirPing, Pinking .aniiCloakOin r , , .• and Making -onnhort.nopcs. 6 mrs sulnTs MADE nE • cm', AND EE, TROUBLE TO snow ti. 001)?: • • . inatrunin ,fiRE rcac Two doors, belciw Stiles kShallen t!tore, el o of the BED POST Waterstrt'et.'`'7l • Kates. IV ATT. iii:E.llocf MEE Ell D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers