•TirM=MF , - JLZ k srm', Universes! . , • vr" g 4r., p • 111, Ise: great labar' Inventioirnotelt 7 .. in froch.cen v , verywkvre. A fair teal cony, nee wort .c.epticti. no.wttrh boar.:l ;11 nvincy. time. sad Ift'oor saved by ils dee.- I.l'not Injitre fabrics or any and toc ,, tr a.lvant fel: In household A. NV la ron - .;,•,•e print. rer.‘a Or d.' hula. chapbce, linzb.. 4 ...ftortenA and ber.utilo. the 'lt can be ra.ily find eZreariT made. far F :, :hem nose. and la sap'ellorr' tili! beet o roan. It tatoting with the - grelitertfivot wherever Larnduc d, 'um, will he , :upplted who: Family for mak. and tuing it:: by the Agent. J. Kirkland.. .1114rofn ,. will be left for rule a 4 stores 41f S. fairtan..Writer Tentlse4ert- L. F. Krginer. Norfb. .11;b'cdtveb* . !r. alti ft. If. ,taderroh; Beaterf- 44T.I.cra4„f ifightrt tni:r be lift at the h . :a:ding Ilott-e of Anft.r.os,a,ear the print, rtochcrter, or sent be enclosing Sl,OO to J. K.1.1, - .;ana, ho charter, P. , . . . NM F..',hallenberger Bros. Precnos ft. tv STILES & SHALLENBER9EII, z•idgewater I-)e nti' a. r , VALEVII rk ‘l l .l FAMILY tiROCERIEd Queeneware, Hardware, rri r trzviio Tr GLAsgt.wook.tavo _WILL° it .Arisll .A.9p , Country Irocitico or o li . . ..r„,, „..r. 41„, FIRST PREMIUM ' • . Or a Silver Mcdnl J r Art, WAS ARA1111:117 . .:: 1 • BARRETT'S RAIkRESTPRATIVE V o l 4111Ilie fie N. 11. State .Apiculttual Society, at ts Yar, holden In Pinshun, Sept...lo, /014. 11.1.1 L Z: E T.T..ti . , . Tegetable , ilairaestotative • Restores Grey Hair to Its Natural color* tem • • motes the growth of the Heir t 'changes the Nip Aroots lo their original oroarie agEop t eradl— • extra Dandruff and Hunwaii lt Pian'ada4 Hair falling out i is a superior Dressing. It contains no Injurtoyngredient!.. • , . and Is the most- popu and reli-i i t able artirle throu gho ut the . . 44.1 - East, Wastetiorth. and . . + South. Tiff 011' J. BARRETT ,!1 'CO., Proprietor% NARCEBOTER, I== f: 1-1,131:s. NVl,oleEale r. • .?.F.00;IN. Hester. SICIZGAN 4.ston.. Liunes'67:qm (4 1 .I. , 111 ETIZEZEI GEOtTaiES and PR0V1,31.0 gliOarb ;Vie of '.l • •iii , ' :NENT 131tIGhl'ON; 111032. MEE! NEW GROCERIES. Tint I7N I)l.:lt.tilflN "K PIM TO' Jilt: , rientla,and Ctn , toto..n..tor t11(t g,•iik , roo;=Stain na_C h...:4!etore exteluleti to .Lint. :takr:. , WA - 1 . 4141re lit ittfortil 111:' :!1..e1111a1 la. rilcently 41:etle lirge ;.:Itlititats to h41 . ,131443; awl That to t . ..r4 . 1.u0tr d , ll ' •. Cif t}c ver3bt-.1 quality, tri lOW Ai i•hrtAcan hr pi; Lit of T'iii,bur4. IE6 4foultf Faibrfwe6 the b , 4RS, , - SYR. , • so - OR,II, ;c7 P.h..l'lqlll§, SQA.I'S . , CAN _DI ES:, SINS, w ENG LiSh.• CURRANTS, S, etrrrythltez in ukyline tin),t tb.usuaily kept rvgithitetl Grovory Store. `, 1:KV.1) of all Moat , kepi on 'Wool: atalAlte hest brand,. Y.`.7IIILY I , 4.ol7lVcan.ulwayt uo obtah.ed .at to r A.l goods delivered if_re.w.:tired. . sntox sA7 4 llFat.,: -• • Pl-.l"_ . FURNITURE AND CHAIRS pluegsl - Ong OWN • MAXi7.IMM= AND WAhltrItTED I' A Rt i Oß, - - I BRARY; ' 1)1.:;:l.N•1.4 ROOM, d CITA M SUrtrSi •„; 1.1:1 Variety:! , and Style I .•,' ' HOTELS, . • ' . • • ST EA M BOAT, 1. and I'GBLIC B LT I LI)IN'GS, rvviispEl) o:si . MOST ItiAsoNADLE o mitafs T.B. youq, G & .co, . .54 Smithilelcl -I" 4 , 1 .1.57:314 I Plit,ltrgit, Pa. lIMIVEY 1H 3 ---‘l7-- STORE, - NEW FIRM IMI New Groceries, '':ILSON &I BROWN , . 1 . .. , t - ` PF,C7I.. - LS.Y ANNOUNCE TO TTI R 1.. r , 1 . nierotir friends and file pnrdie rtenernlly,.that they r.:, f./. 1 oprninz a New grocery Store, on T. illli.E STREETi BRIDGEWATER„. ' t adX" - Inr the ry Goods Store of A.. G. llnrst, on the, Lt" or rch. - their in litlon of haring on band, at all time,, a trio: Inioqotirhe: : l i • BEST i'AMILY GROCERIES, •• 412a1103 . 7.1)1X tire .n ptAt Ont they We determine f . ',lle with all other detlevs ltriggicji Or • t (La. - their Steel: of.(4ooda'airldun.bew. it 'he late great redurtiun. l and ' , fleeted with , great- . YES fare by Mr. HattveY BROWN. whose kbowledge of the 1 - , , z , iness cannot .be questioned, havink been with . Mr. Srthur lirarvey for many years. . . . . .. .. The, - rail Tiartienlar attention to their stork of Teas sorl riareerts they flatter ilaemacket they ha - ve some thief! r.stra to-offer as-to priceana quality. . Tf ~ te.N•t' brands of }nay Floor always on ban& I': '.7., -, tali' nat all times at fall market prices. All gevi,,: ..I.,:irered. . • • . I . . .. WILSON & 'BROWN: I ~ ,, Ttrg, i vater.eb.or,, ! 7:lS6l-;.1y.; ' t, • IST . A... 11.9 SE, • *". D.; _ f ~.:. .T;#`Cl, SrIIGEON & Ateciuctizetl;:. ' .„. rvz flag-ist. euently . loettied• In the TORN OF ROCHF.B TERi fetht,t attentioh • glvett 'to all eel* 'ex.deptlng . whet' ' fe.t4anallv engegedi, • 1, • ' - •+:. ffrcbt , Atlienelue the ••Mension Home In the of CRirelend .and Plthiburgh . Raßroad Depot. Roar ,ste:'PL ' ;1 , • -• •••- .. tuirWettf. 01[SS<_/.1;13. r 1 4 1 4 0,1T4' r E El$1111; ; betv:ecu:tbo.padoNfg,ne4,ln . .thOtillartnebAtlooeii In Mir via dtgattived by mutual cotiliettt; Con the E• tlblay,of ,st4pe.r. , . All, persona Indebted to itaa JO= otbnAlug. aglp..ust them,u - . ll!,pleaue , call attic wlthdut Up" j.--. - zostprt 13RAnt, • VA.1;1,11i1, ._ . Win "---- ' • .rfli..;' tailoring It_ CF.S, will in the future . - be eon. dm tttal.by Mi. - VA. Mee; Whohtifi taken the biithltitg ad•z jr il4t the title, rottnerly bceoped htthettbove lltut•and wh,. still w te.herletunire in retaining the Ratrongp,hate thro' extentle to Bianh .t 31111er.- ' . • • _ . . . ,, ~. , .. . ~. c . .TTilierin ' - : • ''' ' '' w' t it;tw hino. . s , .• .. E. • „.. INTER:AND BEDISON I • , .(SUCCESSOIIOTO C. F. WrtiTErt,) rig.! , ..mtlis` ATCIIES, C1.60.1i5; JEViTIAIY ; Stledr and Pilled Wares, Musical . Insvaments, Notions, &c. &e. rAr'SpeScial attention giveutntlie' Yept&ttig.otWatch es4 ctleks nud.lewers. • titure:' Cor. BnosnwAY Aiimn Sruarrs; ' • NEITBRIGIITO,N, . Diadra, LtriglE-11;. L ITMB rPRE BEST, .CHEA P EST AND. HOST. CONVE- X nicatplace to buy Lumber is at she • SAW AND PLAN:WO' Mal af.IVM. DAVIDSON, on the BigltetirMi, a. half mild above the Bridgewater and Rochester bridge, lIT'NOR77I PRIDGEWATER, . Beaver Cortrity,,Pennvlani,ia.' Constantly on hand—a large lot of sawed lumber; tiinherand logs lath and shingles. All kinds of lam her planed. A Ulu for the drying of lumber attached. Parroimof this yard- are.guanuiteeduatisfactiou.' Notlee., to the linhabit4nts : Brighton and Elsewhere.- • • : T dare thlo day associated with MC. In' the practicemedicine. my WS'.'(. Stewart.otlice on Bridge street. oppothipuhlic square, where we mat lie con-' fated at all hours. ' 'fllo6. tfrEWART. , - — JuLt...) Ist, iStl. • Dr. Theo. '§tewart having had au experience of ten years! in the investigation anal treatment of Female cat-es. and -weakness, has italie requptt of roam of hie friefids, consented to spend s at his office. on Jefiertun street, opposite the .llethadht Churth. Nett' ,Castle, and Tharaday. Friday anti tattirilay nf each week: at. his dace,' in NeW , Drholutm. w hew he will • alamst. .exclusively devute,hhi attention to •the treat meat of diseases peculiar to females.. Fermi& %%Uhl= to vibe the Doctor, for con•-ultatin or treatment, will dud him at hit °Meet as above stated. from 9 a..tn.• to 101... m., where he will wait on them with pleasure.: Those requesting mill be fural;hed with the 11:1111C.4 of many who hare been , treated by him. CorrespoutleaLt will', address the Dbctor !dew Bidxhtoct,.Fa.,l'. O. Dox 128, whereallectitiMlP/10ilooS will receive prompt attention. •••.t , • • julyMilmoe. • . CARPET STORE R • • • -•:, IroALLum BRA 1114 AP • • , Will remove on .31arch Ist, 1567.: from ] . • 8 1 7 Yourik street, to their -• •'-- .:,Here' 'and :clejatitl . • IVeyeliouse, • • —: ...• . _. • ••. • . • *NO. 51 - rirrizt STREET.' -•.; , . . .„ . PIT TS 1:1ITRG- 1 , Itnift.by zhein-cipre."Fly for.tho li..ta,:nprtupatlmi of their Juno, and incrou:•iug voUrfsoluctior l , fac.ll:ies they v.•;11. keep., c.:llo , tahtlY,pun baud n hir:re :u.:mortint , :nt of nil moth portNintqo Carpet butinei,c which they :der nt Whole-ie or lie tail,to the tritdo - unfl po1 , 11:: at toite.:t mark rated. • litir6 . 67:l}l i.McCALLI73I TILEItS.,• NY4W, kRatVA.L I%iulheym's mature; I\ kRIDgEW.kTE4,O.I3A 2a,600 : 113 - 14 C. *at: Miei! i Of the Latest Styles, and Patterns Just received from I '7' , NRyt r r -- - The subscritior again thanks his numerous friend; for their former patronage. Anticipating their v ants and taste. , . I visited Sew York and closely select •d one of the largest ttoch of -. , • 1 VARIETY GOODS,',. &C.l, Eder brought to this county - , consisting of r Trai , eling _Sacki, I,odies' Satchels, Fancy Goods, . Children's carriages Books, Stationery, Carpeting, 04;Ci0t,4. i 4v.i"; • All of whlchl will ;ell Omni:KT — Wan tfiev eriti r ire pphr chased for In the city. Give me a call before perches lug elsewhere. B. MULITEI.II, • . - Bridge Street. - Bridaowater Pa: _ , , DWAIIE SINE! NEW r 1381G47011', PA., 'I)ZZLEIL 11E1 i-T'D, w 4 ,T 3,.., GLASS, ANI) AGMCI.TVtt_HAL I.IfPLLrM S, C.AMPENTERS', TOOLS, BLACKS.MITII,S' MASONS! TOQt.S, SIIOE . AAKEI§ TOOL S , , • .• SAISDLERS' TOOLS, PLASTERERS' TOOLS, MINERS' .TOOLS • SADDLERY HARDWIRE RENT zEtLpwrs,t'SHAFTS ; • - I t0,4f.5,:i361,1 4 5;44; '&-N-Gt§; PICKS,MATTOCKS & ROES, COUNTE PLA Tzoka. sc4J4s, POUKEi i OunuaYs, • HORSE SHOES &NAILS, • r TIRE. & CARRIAGE CORN SHELLERi, .STiAW _Lgci, - PAINTS;'3 I.L , VARNISHES, AND AQENT FOR • EXCELSIOR DIOWEW AND HEVER, AND :NEW BRIGHTON FIFE-BRICKWORKS. C L WENDT, , M. D., • • H HIAPH Pl.l - 11 I 13• T • t NE* idittiurN, URN= COUNTY, PA. . . DiFFICE AND RESIDENCE , ON • LtiCOST. N../ between Railroad and Bridge efs.•:. R. SPE At, M. D., ABDA.-11: SPEER:aI/ D. aPz IDltitiguptgoehsteg tkiemsegyre together ibidttio ptactice of Modicine , and Suntory,/ gespectfany :offer fheir crvlckis-to thepublievtlie , ltzneteir id the 1 'wart— . eta branches of the tirotesitton t 'the - Jatter , ,arg poi tlCularlj 111 tho restlment of • ••• , ilszaar4 417:2 4 ra xIT Dr. A. ,111..'SrBEE havir4givalled&hint ,the lout fifteen years of the advantage:ll agOittel r the hest hospitals Jib& teachers in Jet" 'cortni4 - d 'in Europe. , tor olnaltilato a thoreldg_b, knovel • - the structure and tllgeases those lttipbrtant grill heceaner devote ppecial attention to their , . ,cal and turgicatirridthebt. • ,_ • • ' oince l 4 11X1 TENN ST, ,two doors, rum St. C re lair stet:l°lttiburgh. - • .'1 a :el: • °Sloe bairn,* 4. litt. 40 it 31.., an& &op %to 6 ' ar a a.pe Viriegi"" , EL1.7014 SONS OFFSltaiftiN very low; this coming autumn: 800,600 Concord, .h Ives` Seedling Vines. Theed Store ere 'grown freer Marie e,eo , of 'welt Tipened wood. in 'broad; Oita borders. where. hating perfect freedom; - they make snhstanttal woody roots fbll of fibre. • For several years our stock of vines have , been exhausted in the autumn.' Those therefore, who want them should order earty.:•-• We also offer a large stock lf Peach.• Apple, Pear and Cherry , Trees ; 'also Strawberries. and in other email fruits and mere : a few thousand also of the following Vines: Hartford. Prollffe, Crettileney Rebecca. Hybrid,and Isabella. Orders addressed tons will receive prordpt attention. and - ire will send Phints. Vines and Trees •in the: veal hist condition: Fend , ler Price List. ' - "" • Orrice AND Skit) Brans 100 Market Street; Maxim Wh s . Priv. • . J.. W. ELLIOT & SONS,. • . angly67:3lt9 - • 'Proprietors.. • Notice. NT GTICE ITEREET GIVEN 'TIIAT TILE rx deystrmed eitizeui.of Denver county will aPPIT- to the next animal session of thePenesylettala ware 1 fur the creation of a corporate hody.with banking aridl di,conuting privilege. a under the name anti, Style of the ver County Rankin , . and Safe ; Dimoslt non, ' to ho located In Mover. ftetive? count?. Pa. - Xibr , aknectfled objeetof ' said AssOcrallon to be,the we! arl of deposits In mone,y end yalitables. 'AVM ritdc bt the Asifeclatlon4 for wltt et!r renionable be made. to be regulated by latt,:mcelving dapokl. te and dtAcount ing. in accordance Uith the customs of other. banking *associatrons, The imonntof matt] to'betlfty thonsand dollmic with - the privilege of increasing to one hundred thotnetnd defiers. .Joirtr BARCLAY, u. 8. QtAY, W. W. IRWIN,. D. L. IXBRIE. 401114 cArollET„ J."B. RYTAX, X. WRTAND, , 7 n. titer, J. C.XILSOY, oßp. W. TIAXWD A. $. 11-AirArgY,4 , i PEALER IN , GB,OCERI# & PROVISIONS, • . ' ILLIS jrlll. RECEIVED JIL•PHESH SCIT.LY or. . • •: ' Critoberrie3. ' = Hominy. . .. ' CoginetlPeac.hot; .;!•: . Turkel' Promi, .. •do . Tomateet, ,•2 : Layeritaisins. to .Green Corn, ... Seedieva Raisins; . , 410 ' Pinola, . - 'En.tttsh Currants., Drietitoin. . , Goshen Cheese, • do . Peaches, : .. - ... Sweet Potatoes, Pickles, : .No. 1 Mackerel. ' - a! . . , . Also. primo assortment of Teas, Sugar and Coffee. ~, fg.rTerms, strictly CAB'll. 1 . . . . . nov2SU ,' J. & Vii. P lI.LI P • Si .26 & 28 ST. CLAIR ST., . rzl. - ttStb - uung, 1=w4. 7 1 Manufacturers and Dvaleiei FLOO OIL'CLOTH.S. PUIZN arizE OIL .CLOT EIS, • ENAMELEb OLL TAIILIi OIL CLOTHS, , STAIR OIL CLOTHS,' I,TranopOrent 'Green Oil Cloth, •1 fur window shades. • 'Traniparant Window Shodos " , BUF-F•II,O.LLANDS, • SHADE FIXTURES, . TASSELS, C'ORDS, its°, liAtEes IN I Inmaßubber Machine.Eviting. Hose.' Strani;raektug, Casket,;(2 . gzj i o(.d Cement. sn C e 1 r ng , and. , I Oak ;ran ititt i ft i . ?Tti fe a:ln in g g a -ace ern I L rlitfae . ;11 11°°11. '" 1 Agents for the - Universal Cloenci' Irringo. A geneial assortment Of.thebove named goods al -1 ways on b and. P 1.-f` Orders respeetrully`solicited and proramli I tilled. LuiVl37:6m- , DM Z. PENT STEWATIT..;' ' it...1..., WILSOM..• 1 . •••' , - • tr, S P.IIItG AND; Suitimg.kul, .. . • ~ : • • ..i. • bIiOTS AND . i SIIOES.• .• ' 1 .. .. . • • . . . . . . , WILSON & :STEWART' . . . . • . . . Wor LD DESPECTiPLLT INPROU TEE MB- Sc. that i they hate Just received at i t liTt e from the 1 SPREW AND SUMMER STOCK OF r ' I Ladies'i Gent's; Boys' and uhildren't I. • - Boots and Shoes. , '.. • , . 1 . •lALTE„RS AND SLIPPERS. ~., 2 ; All •of litte latest styles, that have ever been brovih s t to this etimty, and which they arc prepared to sell . SAS elitA r, IF ' WT CIPATER. - - '.. •... .'' - . • ' ..:. Than they can hebonght in thecity of Pittaincg. •j. Thankfni ftreprest patronage, we solicit a continuance of the same, and inviteces t zn re rchaAers tr ri call and examine• g elsewhere. . .• 0n .4 7 . hav B e an a at P o ri p•donnected P to do all 1 All Good* Warren/4d: . • • .. - • WILSON& STEWART, . _ln the Diamond. apr'24 4 67. ' Rotsa- ran, Pa. DAWSON & RICHARDSON Bet:ye; Palls, pa. IIVE Trnr.hC E2f Ep .ta3l:;Aitl•pcs - NOTIONS; • 13 . 03 TS & - SHOES, lIARDWARE, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE; ••,' NAILS, , • - ' • DRUGS, &O Window Glue an eizei and doable attangth.. -ape; dal attention paid to tilling cadent, in large . size window eau, &c AP: LIZ:SEED .'CRUDE BURNING .."11P,NZINE, ' COALE'S PATEICT DREEtt;-` ; • - ,„peglitspripi et; Gronatt,lla sad 4 , 2:011; do ay.ll tQ eitt and CONnatzte* Dui stock or Paint, beltrre purcbastag elsewhere: Ell Ala°, 6601 its of Maur In. Barrel and la Sacks. All Hada' of taunt& produce lake* th extbangit for Goode. • Remember the place, fret door Ogre MI °unary, oppotdte Ate of meet. ' 31101rhtt. • WZ ORR: • . 11 .020 s W. npris.ini. I. N.'simrss, ZORN MOORE, JON!: R. 'relax. . D. B.Axinnsox,. D. N'EtNnvrx, J;FETAxn. , J. R. nittatia. A. 8. HARVEY, Bridge street, Bridgewater. 11=1 'SJFXROSS: - /St'CO. ' DECOED DOOR ABOVE TUE R11.41' z .r9A t ' ITV! gltr IMI * -frol " •••••••'..'••ii i.! • ROCItEST1111; 1 'PA " i ." ..$ 7 " ••• ;REFFB YONBT Olt rwit, Foyt-seLst. ' • 11. ~J, =I IMINI AT LOWEST MAILKET PRICES, ,%i pgg" COMPLETE „WELL . j . ..,Hirrocx.op ..; ; i t :!,.. , ;• . • : Dry (406145' I= • •ibitirliiiiop*. BROWN & BLEACB 'r q'BINTS, AsinklNE,7 '•.: • ALPACC4%. • - •••: 7 r :v -t 6001:11$68: • FR,KNOHIME/4KOB I • , .• FLANNELS, • Flail/ and Barred, • WOOL DsLAINFS, all Colon; . • r•BLACK SILK/1; TIKING, • TABLING, , TOWELING, • CHECKS,. ••-- --JEANT, • • TOWEEDS, • • ,SATINETS..- CASUIERES, • • BROABGLOTII, , CLOAKLNG, • -•!, • • - BabAoral and .goop • Eftf#•!;, : • Ni a 9 Pi 6 7 4 :;*." 110SIE . RY, 13111CilyEffr&e: ' -- NATS,',ANp" CAPS; llen's and Boys'-'-ei jarge;lttek of the latest style* • • r • • : • Boom •&,:titors . wowcri•4and_C4llAien'it Own Shd9g.9lrPet shoci, dc., at. ea dy dr° th SC . 11061: BOOKS :1 . • imskrafUtitra - rei:. large , an4 w7 , ll,asiport!x . i ISt9ek„Cocuilating, pirt„, of OTITT;gII27I' . . . 4 Varpenters': Tools of all - ifatpwAitH i BUTT, FT.3A ELINI3E, - :SCREW, HUTTEB 1 - 11.11112113, B01.:T: • ' LOCKS, - N 4IL; 4. • Of. all slzeth l Strangtii, SPECIAL'ATTBN i rION- Paid to 1111Ineor . dcre elittietr, Coattsc.to • 13hilders, tor • IiARD WARE, _ • 16 LASS AND NAILS, MOS LINSEp . , BENZINE, COAT'SPILTENTIDYEIIi, *4- pkilrs' 6fil -FA P 010.10..; ‘;' " WHITE LEAD, MEM GHQ I1I'b; DRY „LAT 'll+T Thantereitire.-*au to examine out: Stack. amt. Pri emN i yntriEnrclisaing Fisewyere. 44 t 4 , Cgrx•Cocervi.eis.,„: A Ereah and Fail eupplj'y erfluard at very lowest pricee.i • -, , • • ' jCIQICB BRAIIDS..o ;''c : ' .IN BAIZHALII-AND 11.401(&'. CWIti3ON'OIL o LARD` M, _ • '• • • . 13 i rtritifll .40 Clll4l Or" De.", P o l. l , l ,d!Pvnsld,frosotel . • MI kinds int! 'iountz go ienee-JAIM In el . ' duu2 Pi fc'r 11=1 •,.gl7 B , Jr,PROBtk collTePPFerand A g a° . " tam ', nel Slum and th e Reciiester 1.04 ComPanr..r TReiivimber the Place . 7 6iitCOSS'S" STO szcini) iiiimaso 4661 Ting lurtaoLD. • , -NEtf r i gc hest zr, Pa. . -..:.: ..#iiii*Otittk.4 . -, MARBLE WOLII..KS: DAWD WOODRUFF.DANTIPACTURIaI AND. i nalthg; and: American Marble.. Mead Btoties*t„ . mile to Osier. `llPleare - beibte ftrdbasing elisprbigre' s to. Dr. StAltD's Drug SWre,Briclge imt, Bei • DAVID WOODNUD•.. ..iida • 3 6 , EALSIRK.: cSAINIIXE.E.SI6. r, •-..12.1-)7, , r,••• • „ :4-17 ' . 01:1 1 ,; ra Rochester Platointsah end Door Will.- , .• • •• • • • Rqggiester,Asetver Co',, • Pa • • , BAILROAD-DEIPOT4. - • MAMITFACKIMM OF, At iD DEALERS IN,. ePhined isitobeik, Shut Shehing, Doors, Ssish.taiutters, 4t. • . , , • . ' t soN - filieTtata *AN/Pill:llama& • . Aloe - 'pswe _then • ;of Plinfer /1 - .lthhfeerdt's Wolf Weather Boardinl4 Patented May ist, MS, the .theltf- Os'hestion l / 4 *.4 delngeotutisiribenting 41:er varWns snips .o.of a lerel or ng shape' across its , entire width. with lower o thi cker edge, mate siMible ,Incidding , to tin tide a neat sad finished appearance. Shop rights for the intnneacture and Atsonf ie ,fkr„ lii . „l3enver-coung will- be sold ,lhaing touch' expeitenee ' hi Intildtrig, and the Lnnaber boAnoss generally Added to our new facilities for its Inallphlrtfre. TreSed conAdence in inviting oar old friendswnd patrons to atUiWd examine fbr them eels* heibreliwitraetingelserrbere. 1•11 =I MN= .FLA L,.1 Iti , FOUND I , • x - o,* i .4. , REPAIR. Ib,:f 118tdii . iteaver •cooly 1 AT refitted sad enlarged my stock of Machin. 1L erkaad folhi,,and'haehlg'tecured the. services of the beat of meetutale4 I am , prepared fei warrant all work dbne to give entire satisfaction. I hire on hand differeat. and steles of Engines, Fire • Clay, andinn:yllo 'make or repair tiontrof tatiebt.oci masers* tented . • . • . . „ . . haie theteetVinet pelternis that aulithismatitet; tantinewhieek Is the,*•Grrat .Weateen,” which haw been TIM view of the county for the last fifteen years. There are five Awe or this Now, ell of :Which I manufacture end kosii. for "sale; ~Ivorratent Lever"--right and left— "•aidnitain • tchig, k—rr i ad s and left,L"Sine HUI," and nMMe aft theilifferent kinds - • -900ELNO,_4..S.7 1 1IEdTEcO STOVES: ' Made eeriest) -Important Indwoveinerate on the. "altuax,l , by _which curd or wood can. he reapplied without lifting Ude, and . having two placer Sot pipe. either or both - of which Can be used at the game time, with a ventilation to the even, thair having the advan tage, of,acooking _Move. Bake oven and Frnaktin Stove tom d._ 'This Stove bas•been constant use for' twenty l*. and many of there after bting_used forthla'perlod of Ilnie. are now.in trawl , Prdee• Them Is hut a email portion of this stove that eyes burner out. and this is easily and cheaply replaced . ' To' make them still more biting, we are `now putting in tile or Are brick lining; Our-other) patterns are the Enterprise; Keystone and Premium. Parlor Stover.: large and Anal' heating Storee. Pmrtkii* - Stores, Jenny Lind'r. d:c. Grate and Grate.Frontg, Fenders. Iron Hailing of redrew Illytee. Wtiaonllceres. two..lrois,Vtre Bendel; Corn )hello.. Force end Oaten* Pumps. gad Iron.. Metal Sinks for kitchen. Sheet • !min and Tinware, al ways on hand and made to order. An'fact, I' manufac, turn ami keep for sale; almost everything warded In the machinery or hardware ti ne , , . In addition to our other Stoves. We are now making we new patter". So.!: of the Great Rennblie , which are taking' moire, the hest cooks and--house wives in the country. ! . Second luatal'atiivert always for patio cheap: Tiro 1 good new eakideg, miltolo for 4aw-adlr whopiwir j poses now ou handliad will fie rblA th 1.1111.11140. • j • r mar1,1117,--2s: JOHN qifORNILEY.:. =a=M . . NOW % 1111 -0 1 4 111 ft "TIME. FOR' 53straistax:kies GitAk i D I;,)'SIN-11 0114' Boots and Shoes 43EA.vAit. WM" V l ll7 "V .- 2,;rtEiricr7wif. cios. ,orn uw.g ... v. .. m,„) ,.. zau r_ a t zl en izater is and Shoes; top . rerra far - a ppilnir - Stock; eon. alating . of • ~ " • Lstateil, BoYI 'ant Chitdren's Shoes, Gititeroi lIE . • 7, • t Wh wilt ha *la at cost, ot below me t, are hound !oleo up the Ludo; antl that - to the entire. eat- Isketton of oar customers. AllOoode warnanted 7 . DICKEY .t WILSON,. 11 - 21kidre — raw - TrarEf. D: Anaeiackfra Steavf, -- f jan9'6l. -; • Deaver, Pa. • • SViRE; • . MEI JDRI.T . GS, As. a 1 . ,3a.43, psi > dEcanlsatt ic , . LRAITURS? II7 / 7 4 TES., , ,„, = Pain.;~-oil~~ .. TOILET ART:i s OM:gm, s, 3EL U ra - E"k • imit DIV 1 N - E . S . In greet vertety, all of _the best quality, and aohl f n/an• er than atm be bbgetitatite* other Drng .- • Store in Mc count/. • Dupont:es Female Ms. 75 tiesla • •Chetam mana, el; Clarlea, $l. '7. , • I j . _ .... ~ .. ...:.:., 1.. " •Alar Lamest Bloc' k of LAIRS A LA) P' LANTERNS •STA• nosEßY.Aspuow puss a purr/. - , ... 017 l ye , awed , tbs. dWAt -X am's Drug Spore, and !old cbodivoit Guile 0n..0t anywhere olaiL w,bn L e t those Edis call and Dee. and th ey will adapt no mom , • . julylEr - ' 4 tr ' ' .1. MOORE. I • '' t . , , . ' i. ;5 ME mows A= • PLOW cAsrtsot. slit. A. WILSON OF , *„ 1..~,;_ /121 lay be faxed' the beetissortceint et Xiii) •D'YR'`'BTUFFS: • Ztl33i.e oo BEST milt IN T,FIE MARKer AT TEE Ivan= LIMO Sine. ' ' • • . aewiss,ciamApasan. rdan to W. J. Minn Bi.ovOr Poit OfEco, Or Salmon 1 1 1oe Kilns...inport. l oUtened minim no ~e DUNN. lii2 Bend * the I Mink 111941 V rAM PBX: LAS. Nir • pAiipiturriroks rat realm'. been ro ved, and art now for dellvag to those en the sad a.' •; • , ILIVICTAICD. .117:11w , , Prothono Local copy I Maas c • • harge eating.)tarr. c' ilt A.. W. de .. .11880 . , • , BEA*it E; PENN'A. Ti, eet Utleta t, 1)&14 et 014 - n Mbdertiov ad or tie coo Roust.. an '.""" 1 " , „ . , . REE BM mp, LADine snafu& • ii:ArETEEIN COMMENCES ON THE WS - of September. ti is an advantage to pupa to be present II tholdirtnithur of the samion. . With room freshly painted, papered,. and fundslutd. we ma promise imitable accommodations to blanks', and dames: I , . A corps of esparhmoed teachers has .been Prof. Ambuhl has charge of Um, Musical department. Dellestrur from long experience ( that we can give • Cillisol•Aron. we requastalkinterested to'apply tembw.with the assurance that wo will .resin it in elm , ' particular. I 1 I taagrgin D:R. A. rIZAN. "`f i rd_PEAf . ig.'l l .ll.l ITOREI W flUtreN r & II ER W 0 0 wirtousgdrixn-arrin. DIMILEIIS 121 I I I T El AS , AVD CHOICE. FAXELTGROCMES, . NO. 15, pOUTII WENT DIAMOND, • •:. • (Adiotuingißeoir noteti) I .4Lll.7e,ghen,:* city, Mx. • I r One, of: the cheaki4 and'hoot 'WholeAle end Retell Storesin the two chine. Cull and esindne out Stock inid Prices.. ' • ims*.rallm • ,SPAING FASHION&.! • .11867. • r BRIDGE STREET BRIDGEWAT ER, •• . 'WSW 'ASSORTMENT MILLINERY WILL BE ../.1-opened'at my old stand, lately occupied by Mr. OcalY, on Thursday, March.l4th. I wish toinform my old friends, end ad many new nnes as will plea,* pa tronize me. that I Mu now receiving an entire new tuck of , ,Millinery, of the latestSpring - Stybas, and will e pleaded with an early call. b mar 13 . 67:1y. • . • MRS. 8. REES. Aiam RILL P. oitin . , oirpt - spun. - 7.. GR & BYRNE, IFltshionabl.a. ' , l-I.atite'rs,. • No.-'-52 St., Oaii, Street, Between Lit;eity and Penn Sts.; opp. St. glair MAO. PITTSBURGH, PA. RATS; C APS ' and STRAW' GOODS, Of every style and quality., at the eery lowest prices. maytTWT:lyi, - , 'ligin and HChitot!y :of, the Books of the . . .Bible. •i : . BY PROF. CALVIN E. STOWE. D. D. • I - A worm OF REAL VALDE.4,-AND AN ALMOST 11 indt*pen*able companion the *bowing what thellibicin not; what it i , c.and bow to nee it ; an owering ell the objection* to Its anthenticity urged by modern infidels. and tracing pie authority_ of each • book up tar italremired anthom'eleing a vat amount of information heretofore locked np in rery rare and costly volume*, making one of thk mostpopulat booki ever published.. . 1600 AGENTS WANTED.. • . , Expprieneed agents, clergymen, tactics. tichtiol Witch ery aniftithera should send , at once fur circular! givtug further Inforruation.l Address, • ; CO., • 5e25117.4m05. 5111.CheotnntStreet, Phll'a„ I'a. LUIVIBERI . LUMBER! I rriRE" UNDERBIGNEiI WOULI) RESPECTFULLY 1. inform their friends and the public in; general, ' that from tide date they will eelLiumber at thefolinw :ing rate,. viz: • 'Hemlock Joists and Studding • $l3 per m. " • fmnie timheraoy length or ftLae., 116 per mu: Pine , CH to ' .53,er in• " Johns and Studding; , ,12ii`per m. NO. 1, Common plank, • • 1 $lO per in. Good! ' ! , & 22 perm. 1, Clear plank. • 1 : $5O pe r ' 2 m. Panel stuff, faced, ' $lO per, m m. ', • ViOper in. A No. 1, faced boards, • .I $4O per nt. ! PL.tnperm.' common Boards, faced. ' ; $-21 per m.l , A'No. 1, lot common board{ ; s22,per M. Good common boards • :•110,=, 25 per nr. Flooring, a Zits. I, : ; . r.. 35 per m: 64 2, . dr .2n so per m. A No. -1. Shingles, $G per m. 2,, - ' • $.l per m. LathJ. . . !• perm. jyyrriok • (Loral!eorty and send J. Ha, rton, . AVERAIYDVIGINITY. -Ariaticird Tw.th. perfectly Stied. Artienlated,'Shaped, Sized and. Colored, to 'omit every !milk-Edna!, mounted ma' fine Eitgilah and American Vulcanite. Teeth extracted without pain by an entirely uelY Wm. caw no Edw. ChlorofOrm,lNitrenuozide or any other anted:mile used in connection with tne 'epparatus. IgOffice 'du` Third street, 2.1 door eirt of IL B. nOn's now. ' fetal - 67:4u. • ET N.Y . -. • - AGRICULTURAL WORKS, OE •' ROCHESTER, PENN 44 I 4 . A. .ag 'co. * 1 .• • IPBOPZIIITCVM. • It.rANUFACTURE MOWERS. RiARBRS Railway or Endless Chan. and Lever Power al various sixes; Threshers and Seperatore,Perm Mille t Cider Milks, 'Cate Mills. and k orgl l um. E.:lmperatore, Corn Shelters, Dog rowc T s for tuning, and all oth r Agricultural klachlner7. . REPATRING•.kND JOBBING Of all kinds doneecm abort notice. /11achlnes or y, kind hr,ilt fervor/Joe, • , .. • I / Having bad an experience of fifteen years' 'Patents and Patent Business 'we are. prepared to make Models, Applications; ast.4 far parties desiring •to take out Pateets. Raving' fitted up our Venturi , Stith • • ' 'NEW 11111PROVND MACHINERY, &laded from tlinbest Eastern makes, in person, d employing none but the _best Mechanics, we are pie• pared to do work in the lentatyle and manner. Moine Waned Me - setileea of .A. •FIRST CLASS LUERN MAKER, we - -are 'also prepared to make kind or atyle of Patterna. - =ler attention- paid to Repairing Mowing and Reaping *whines, and machinery In general. I Wa solicit, and hope by, attention and care to Merit, the patronage of parties irieldng'work done. Ordeis Marta distance prwsOy attended to. • ALL WORK WARRANTED, Adpess A. K. S. 6 CO. • syn. dltly • Kocher:am Is TIEP. : - RPHANS` COtitT . CP EPACPB, Cotty TT. PM the matter of tint .ttWe et Cashed ' * =belga, deeeased. •; is te Ni t a Now tQ wit' September irth; ,au Motto` or v..u : Diughey, Esq., the Court Utipiltit Wm I: 1 ' - u - -• .. En., an' Auditor to make d i rt Hiroo* w ai l -. .,... 0 48A, remaining In the 'hands or 40,n Re ev e. , E s . 'allots =r i g raall . dedn, as' ewn by 1,6 , :t 'Lr_c! True extract from the rtrool' ICIE.A4) . Attest . _____ A . .• . t 4°IIN - rit . , , The Auditor appointed u,stiote *Atter vill roam forth` Map oil of his a luttnent. at his al - NirW. Brighton boroexh o 'the 22d d ay,. ut & i lk 18$7, at 9 o'clock, A. M., at bleb time, Ma piac t ?„.,.."` r • ties m Interest may attend • thstsee prop er. . ••••4 - , 1 •i • • :' W. S .NUALAN, septeeintlL ' - i i . Auditor. STOVES, . N Jas. Marshall & Co; I . - . . , lANUFATURERS OF, THE C EL E BRATED. n ;111IAWATIIA COM:Cook Store. 'Aldo h ag tho inkterit oven, heaviest plateu and hi the lieid hakin stove ever oil - mei:fin the mailiet, .. g • ;Alen the Viola Cook. Store for wooa.and a'iif ntiaoittneut of Heating Store*. Grate , Vrent., Fend er , Sad Iron, Sugar Kettlei, Wagon-Hoie,,.. Hollow War; AncLilieitiiiiiii. Dealers introducing our moves harei foil control of the market us we sell to nuly one Patty in the mine flare. ' • f To I iersons &airing to maim° theAgeney we dim liberal ilducemerda. • ' sep2s: It ' , 14 Dress Good's,' Muslin, ,C asimeres, Tweeds, 'Jeans, Notions, CHEAPER THAN EVER TO EE HAD. AT • ORR & DAWSON'S' .IVAI - !•21: t CITICAdO.FLAITLIVAI. ,On and after April 19. IS, . Tralns.wilf hears Stadand daily. (Sundays Yzespte:dlas follows. ' I [Va. lesdrj C4fi•arn at 4:5(1. lerave.3 1 Pittsbuitzh.., Rochm , ter Salem . . • Alliance l'eanton • Maas' °milk Wooster )(anodeid , • Crestlino ; BumMs Upper Sandusky Forind Lima' Van Wert j, Fort. Wane Columbia Warsaw :-,Plymouth 1 Valparaiso ' Chicago Chicago Valparaiso - Plynniniti Warsaw Columbia - Fort Warm Van Wert' Ikon Forest tipper Santineky Bucyru. Crestlinc -.. Mrint.field Wooster °mine. Massillon Canton Alliance Salem - Rochester Pittsburgh , Youngsto'n - n. New Castle and Erie Empress lesre Yotna.town at 3:00 p. nu New Castle, -to* p.m; arrivtA At Pitishurgh,'6:43 p. ra. , Returning. leaves l'ittilln.qh 6:00 a. in; arr. at N. Castle, et:6s a. in: 'tionntrinewn. 9 : 3o .. Young,stown. New Castle and Pittstinrgh ACCOIIITII.. dation leaves 'Youngstown, 5:15a. An New Captie. ;n0 a. in; atriVes at Allitheny, 10:00 a. in. .111.taniipg, leaves Allegheny, • trAll p. in; arrives New Castle, tea) p, m; Yonniatown; 7:10 p. m. F. R. 31.1 - E.R.S, 'General -tad Agent:, • CLi3~` LAND & PITTSIWRGU TiAILIiOAD. On and af*r April VA istrz. trains •will! leare'PtatloOs daily (Sundays race tedl as follows. • ON Cleveland ' Euclid Street. • }lndium • Ravenna Alliance' Bayard Wellsville Affiance Ravenna Hudson Ruelie Street Cleveland " 1.... -.. . GOING. Ir..k3T, ' . : l ii e dd lair gepe it . * . 1: 1 14. 44 4313 0 1:31 1 5---5 0: r : 6.. Ir.r---- C ‘ A rIATIL.B. I ..7-. H rii:l7• 7 . Steubenville - ~ii mit 123 1153 ,-••- Wellsville ....... -.•. . 'i^2o £Ol I 140rit! 810 v Smith's Ferry •• ' • '742' 012 ' • - 912 -I :512 0 I _ et r 45 , Beae • 019 4r 31 . Rochester • 1 $2O 2.-N) 2-40 ,t 4 r ) Pittshorzh , -• I 930 - 1025 MO vl ..---,----- -:---r. , . .. . ' ' °emu WEST. • ' '_-:—....----- - - " • ' - . . v . • 1, 11 MAIL. EX? S. Exe'lVl, Ace° li-.....--1..-..._____ --..-.- i _ _ Pittsburgh . L • i 815.tx 20Orst 4:lsen Firo Rochester •-, - I .725 305 5 45 r, , Beaver I 'n3 315 - 525 8 M 4 Smith's Ferry ' ' 1 812 343 - 6 • g:0 Wellsville 7.0 1 ,. ii ,845 4..•31 • - I Stettbeuville....,L ..... i 'fee 5,X1 MA ,•••• Bridgeport L I 1112 - 630 222 1 : :• , .. Benalr ' i 111123 .64c4 ins • - --; . • Tustitruwas mut.Nci Leaves A r t" . 111 N. 1111adeipPia. o rr: p. "12-7•11132•MX.M. b a r - rat-Th:kve A:7% RATE ONTS , • i , IN HOLLOW ivi'AßE,&e. 17t Wood and 230 Librty Ail., Pittsburgh, Pennaia. NEW Q-0.01b.S JUST ,ARRIVED I Third Street, Beaver Penn'a. ';CASII PAID FOR. WOOL, aug2l'67:ty RAILROADS. I=9 ISM r 15.441 Fl 5 114.3 1140 11.31).54 12.55 1.14 . 219 444 145 - 000.434 4135 :10 -753 915 103.1 19.91.1rx 110 ' 200 430 700 • = Fir's:!EXT . n.I 4 . ,772,47i - 1•; , .' 7 .5.71 - 1 -- ' I l- 641:7 . P A: rl , 2. iv:7 EMI il9rx f=4 1.16 MI ' say: liii ; . 6Rl i iIBS. OP 5* i213r1 .344 M 1 o 310 5.16 • 623 : tt03;31, - 4014.1 el; ; 7%10318 [636 .:RIO 405 516 i:615 . 907 430 ' 40 913 5 0 1 6 :4 13. • MI. . 1004 • 521, 1 6t r z" V.PI . 1 145 i.17:0 4 113 i • 4131 ! 657 1 739 149' ..1,1e5A 31' 615 , I 010 tusrs . tut . 90) MO_ T --- MAtL. Ext's. l Met & f Accos EE!!3 831 2:56 1 . 935 • 350 1010 1 425 11110 510 1144 • 543 1.9.0 rt 700 O li 0 RTII I:= ium! 850.1 x 1 11)22 1115 1934rx 1•Z16 1.97 150 . MB E EX 7 .. Exr's. 9394m' 213nt. 200,1 tato x 155 ; 310 r.:22r.91 i 438 1110'• 1 rem ; 5531 1M 7141 '1 216 11 7311' 640' 253 . , r 8S ! 712 32'2 F4l 745 :SCI -0014 911 531.1 . 19143 .: 230 619 1100 %On 1140 111141 1&13 712 ,12.9141 g 1100 755 '11255 4122 911 210 - •12:301.11 1020 1 V/ 9 -1,311 7 ,1115 r - 12.3049' , 0 04 .. 121 • 534 431 • 229 j 751 51q. P . 357 - 927 1 715 330 i . 1120 . 91;) IMIEJ 43C.ul 637 toto 4'30. I '9ol - 944 ;no IRlo su sea tIS 345 pi 556 510 610 650 WM _ lAccos MC 412 ,. ... cos . 115 .., • 815 • • • MO 1001 :1015
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