~sl II Mff "GONEENIMILD /SHE . undersigned would reepectfhlly in fer* his friends and the public generally he "still lives;" and keeps cnietnntly on t bend a large and well.aeleoted stook of . ' LADIES', , - . _ . GENTLESIEN'S A CHILDREN'S Boots and Shoes; F ALL 'KIN vS; WlOchirewill sell at the lotrest possible prices. lii .ndilition to his Eastern made stock of Boots and Rhoes, he also keeps , on hand a bole issortment, of! his own manufacture, , 4( land Is prepared to do job work or repturing on Fthe shortest notice, and , as well as can be done at any iother shit); in the county. thankful to the public for past favors in my businetis ' I respectfully ask that they may be •centittued. All Eastern work thal. ripe- will `be repafred free of charge.. - bpr24'67:3m - R. TALLON. PIOT. STEW/MT. • i A. W 11.1021. I AND • SUMM ER I'. • BOOTS. & SHOES• • - • ' ..WILSON' '&' • STEWART, V1T017141 respectfully inform the public, :that they have just received direct from -the manufacturers, the largest and best selected - SPRING AND SUMMED. STOCK OF Gent's, Boy's and- children's .1 . 13oots , and Shoes. 1. O..A.tIERS . AND SLIPPE.RI3 A , ll cif:Ahe latest etyles,:that. traie ever been 'breught.to this county, and which they are ,preptd to sell as • Cie:4 p , • If not' Ch Wipe . r' • Than lt:hey. can- V& bought in the City of •Eittsbitig, • Thanhf . ul for 'Kat patronage,. we solicit a continuance of the same, and invite purchas era fn Call and examine our goods and prices before purcliesing elsewhere. . 1 1: We have a ehoveontiected to dwell re pairing. . AU Goods Warrcisdid. - WII.BON - 1‘ .t3TEWART, • In the Diamond, air24'67. I •Roctizsrsit, PA. • I M. 71-1 ar t o n, DENTIST! , 'CiFtEPS ERVIOES TO THE CM kfi , ZENSOF BEAVER AND VICINIDY. Artificial Teeth perfectly . fitted, • Articula led; Shaped, Sized and Colored, to snit every ndividual, mounted on, fine Gold, Silver, English and American Vulcanite. Teeth ex tracted without pain by an entirely - new pro .eesd; 'no. Ether, Chloroform, Nitrous-oxide . nr any other anaithetic ti . sed in connection with 'iherapparatus. • , • la,„Office on Third street,2(l door east ef 11. E. Anderson's - store. ' feb2o'67. = 6m. = MILLZIL Ir. DOLBY. difAll. LIIKINII. M. MILLER -&• CO I •. Rochester Plaining,Saeliand tipor . . ' 1 Rochester, Ben-eer oounty, Pa (Xear l A A U ar i,`; (l C L T u tft b .E ar ßS Er o e f s , s . in a g sid no taa . le g ra si r • nig; -Shelving, briars, Sash, Shutters, &c. Contractors and Builders ! Also proprietors ,of Clarke & Rhinesmith's Patent Weather-Boarding, Patented May let, 1866, for the extMor of houses, &c. This aiding consists in 'forming fhe various strips • of hoards of a level or taOring shape across its entire width. with lower or thicker edge. mad l e• with a suitable moulding to impart a finished; and neat appearance. 'Shop rights .for the manufactirre and use of -this siding in • Beaver county, will ba sold reasonable. }laving bad 'Much experience in building, Luiii6er business generally added to our oe * facijities for .its •manufacture, we feel 1 ! confidence in inviting our old frimids and patrons to call and examine - for 9sertiselves, before contracting elsewheire. • apr 10'67—tf. NEW GROCERY STORE -it , ' • undOsigned takes pleasure in inform iing has of Bever and yielnity,. at le has openeda IG R 0C ERl' S' .T,'Go RE the.building in which hie Feed Store le now kepto:o THIRD. STREET, BEAVER, PA.;- where will be found an ex4lent assortment of cOP I FEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SYR UPS, MOLASSES, SORGHUM, • 'RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES, _ SOAPS, CANpIES:RAI SIgS, ENGLI,SIi CURRANTS, Eztl. • redeords, Waslitnbs, heelers; Tinware, and in feet every article usually kept in a Well reguliited Grocery Store. In cortnection with his Grocery, he stIIT con.. tinul to keep bis - Flonr and Peed Store, where the b at articles in this line are constantly' kept, and offered cheap for Cash or Produce: ja.nif67:ly .IMON N 11GEB.- I Pc! .1.1 1 L. BEDIPON. WINTER • AND BEDION, , Suoeessors to C.F. inter,) DJ F f , ivtvEEt.',l,. 1 1.7,EART,cAliNE117t . PLAT ED C WARES, 31US'OIAL INTR UMENTS, NO TIONS, &c., &t.. En:Special attention given to the repair ing of•lWatehey - Clocks and Jewelry. Cor.'Broadway & Apple eta, - NEW -k BRIOLITON, PA.jjan9'6T. figos*p SonpfT, Soap Ill' LEGAL TENDER SOAP.• BUP your _ soap of, OLIVER & WATREY, iro ,fiufaoturers; .you will find it the best soap 'Oho market . ; try it. Water street. Re ehestee; Ps.,.opposite tits iteashost Isadiag. suire67.—ftos. • I INEEffil MOORE'S DRUG STORE, -, DRUGS ''.'";:-.*''' ' • . I' • 3W-eld.l oi-I*.cl!_*, CI X# trtd,..a.:t.`.. LIitUORS; And Dint:idles* , - DYY STUFFS: • • - 33 EL LTI6 €ll . • PATEN').' MEDICINES in greai, variety, all of the best quality, and sold, cheapei than can be bought at any other Drug Store in tba - county.. - Raponeo's Pei:ails Pills 75 eon' ta per 'box; Chasm:mares, $1: Clark's, $l. Lamps and Lamp Trimmings, Lanterns, Stationery,. Windail Glow and - Putt.o.l ever offered outside of the oily. at Moore's Drug Store, and sold chestier than can be boned anywhere One. Let those yho dotibt this call and see, and they will doubt nomore Dec 18 , 166. J. MOORE. rx THZ DIANOID; ROCHESTER, PA. • . (One dear from Fortune's Dry Goods ?tore; Can found n .10 al:toriment of PURE - DlR.; , trizsl-p, MEDICINES, - - Also, a full Assortinent of WINDOW .GLASS, PURE AND ECOND QUALITY WISE i4EIAJD.: Aiso, FINE TOILET :SOAPS.' ALL yAnlEuzs s.Rusikw, THE BEST BEEF Ind EBY FANCY &TOILET ARTICLI§, AND POPULAR PREPARATIONS - FOR THE HAIR, - All kinds of Patent Medicines eii►ays od hand. Aiso, CIGARS it TOBACCO, . My entire stock has been purcbased for CASH and is offered at the very • LOWEST PRICES. agi..Ai r i am s thoroughly educated Apoth cary Ind 'Chemist. pqaioittie and .atheia can rely upon having preacriptione ace:i rately filled with Penn Medicines oily. LOUIS BREHM & Aug. 29th, 1866—iy. ' PERNITIFRE AND PUS I . - 4 AT REDUCED PRICES 17 —• Of oar' own manufacture and warranted. PARLOR, . . LIBRARY, . DINING ROOM, and CHAMBER SUITS, In every- variety and style. • kit - 00LS, HOTELS, . - STRAMBOAT, •. and PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Furnished on most reasonable terms. T. B. YOUNG. tlk. 00: ye m tr2.o' 67. 'Gums, 4 49 w Ci-eo. • C.: Sp€l,yerer s r Corner of Water and • Jane's Street • . . _ • . Rooer v enne; • - nrcATING returned from the east, I am janow opening it large and well Attlected ~ • STOCK OF GOODS • Which were bought at panic prices; and which *ill be sold at the lowest possible :Stu. My stock consists etDrr Goods, Grooeriei, Hardware, Queelvare, " Hats, Caps, Soo*. Shoes, Notions, dm.; &c..mid all artielos usual ly kept in a first class store. -- aprB'67—Ehnos, TO. THE 1.,413.1F.54 . 7. IHE undersigned take pleasure • in Informs ing the ,Ladies of Beaver Falb,. ,New ghten and vicinity, that,ihay. opont ,on the lst-of 188.7, *large and irWasseitt ed steak , of new lIILLINERT,.' TILI.SIIIUNG and F &NCT 'I3OOIMY whiehlttolp idler to Lim . public at prices lower then tha kiWest; Their room will be milts earner of ,Ts;nt and Mound streets, (in thebundint 3iielk:.4 be oceuifle4,44 ,illr9carratore; in Beaver Falls, Beaver co. ; : pa. - . :_--- ; MMINKONEIM ' • ' T • ;, , nusßAirim. - Ifay be found the*issortnient of It DE Oil-is% AND TOILET ARTICLItim,;. SOAPS, The Lergeit deck of SAVE YOUR HEALTH BY BUYING Pure Nle4dlicinels-. LOUIS BREHM 'KO, pErEMICALS, And FINE LIQUORS; PA LINTS; LINSEED OIL, NEAT'S FOOT OIL, SPER3f. LARD OIL, .• CARBON. OIL, _...,-.." ,- , AND Mrs. Want, stax4,l?—amog. Mr, B. J. mrs• B.:J. HOWL r-_Jz_._, c* -.%LT D $ -:- is .) ..-.,. • 4. , : .., . 11 .r:ls7'. ..ts; 4 • I _ . And ‘psounine Gut large Stook of Winter Ooodr, to be closed out , leetoplobleig CHIAIN. - . .. , t-:• ' 1 - • r - ; i - •S . - 1 ;.,: •:. • ~ . ~ Will be 'of great sdrautop to the petglo of Beev4riminty in parasites- GOOD GOODS st a GD.!AVRIDUOTION. . • : I. • [ . , ' . Oil CONSIDER r ' .. - 'l' •• . , • ... . . 1 1 In' 2 • . . •'. . 1, '• . • ... '. • • That ire hail bonedt our stook efiacuitthe . late dengue; the same cooo3Oti zig of , .. i .Proi+Ttlerini, - , - Prints, : 1 4 . Cob ---. PlandeL, , Paris lads, [. - - Ticking*, - ' Pop 8, ---- ), . . - ' Table Linen, , Pop Etri poi, '' Mane, . . Em 'Cloth; Shawls ' ' All golDelainns,. ' ' Blank e ts, g o DelaiMes, I - • ... Clltri Ginghros, I , • Hood ed, Roark Together within endless varlet/ of Foreign -and Denude floods, all of which will pod, tivsily 'sold reruvlksr to eon, in osier to does on onisokid o Stook: In giving us a call, you willtid Os dingys in readhmes to -andir our goods ith pleasure, and then leave it to , . I . . ••• • .1' 1 . 1 judgm 4. Finally, we would say that w guara4 I ,e e full satisfaction regarding the qualit .Of GOods, and paiticularly the az treme y row prices of the same, both of these facts w V i be to your own ; leil NTERES'T. MEI We shal by happy to attend to all wishing to favor us t with their patronage. - ' Vtry respectfully, • • ,NELSON at RozsEamit, In the Diamond, Rochester, Pa r gI I DGEWATEk JFlrir ble - Wo:ik4d:: Ll>,, 007DIZITHIF, 11 IMPACTION= AND DIALS". 111 I I t • and American Marble. itiu r 140,1136ENT5, BEAD STONES, _ ite.: ma4e to order. N ease !give me a eall before purchasing elsewhere: • - Shop op i odteDr. - 13mithis Brig Btore,Bridge, street, -B Orate. . -. July 28, 'Olkly -: D. WOODRUFF. P . R.. MERTZ, -116 WOOD STREET, ' PlTT'sErtrizec:+ll; BANNER BeI3IIOKER, • , ~ . . . , _ Dip.... v .. IN ALI. SINUS OW GOVEZI,III4T, SECURITIES, ~ ~' FORk ION'.EXCHANG,E6 Itc , • GOLD, 4 431:0731, & COUPONS. r - sar Highest 'price laid for COMPoHND INTEREST BOTES. Caugl'66;l4 A..' a. Harvey ; • • MAUR, IN •• GROCERXES. & PROVISIONS; .• Has eccieed a fresh supply of Crs.nberriest Hominy Canned Posphes; Turk!ly Prunes, Tomatoes, • Layer Raisins. , " " _ Gni:Vora, Seedless Raisins, ' U '•-• T Pin I English _Currants Dried Corn, Goshen Cheese, . • Peachoi, Sweet Potatoes, Pickles, • !! No. 1 Mackerel. Also, a:prime assortment os Teas, Sugar, Suit Coffee. 1, ',Spa erm 1, sir l oin CASH. •, , •.• • ;tA. HAZY ST: 'mem) Bridge:street, Hridgewatei. .YEW "VrEt.A.lt, AT, PRIIBY IT LANr. Tin AC T IC J ING IN THE SEVERAL C(UBT PP' BEATER COUNTY, trill promptly' atteMi . to all idndituf legal baldness in this or eonnOes adjoining. Collections Will be expeditimisly mad* in all amounts %Token sorts of - claims , either in this county and State or in more distatit malt Les. t In Conveyancing, immediate attention will be giren to the . drawing .of bonds, deeds, 'asset; articles id" amstnent; to the furnishing of abstracts of 'title, -pd to the careful prepa ration of all foils of legal inetruments. MurtSuguNVOginsats and - otier securities' in all sunieblnght-orlsohL ,• EirOfilim of los. .0 nearly oppolit .biams"t, Priig Store. Third *Rivet, Beaver*Ta. [aug 15,'66 . . LIME I "Lnszr-ID I ! T_.,.!,' .- _, . • - ' 7" - -- - !^! -- ", r s - iinaersignta hating purehesed the • - I.II.IILVAIiON PROVE W4T.". s,t Vsnport, esm, nonntiAtkei,lllll' Emus of .10'4r:sing tie Pullin, ,thst he? intends. tnankrsititifig And Volans conotintly on Unit tlte'voliitiolit article of MIS to be tonnd iitorbens Piii• I som flesirino,:nas here it doliverid by :Punks 1 sitlan)4o . 4. . 14_ftsliV,41'.:0Csky , Wail) is the. TES& of oonnp•., "MU sad 14 - - le mac- ' • aprlr67 pi. - W. Z. DUNN. • sal I r 101 V 1 11 5 W B MON TA., 4A.lzt D ArieLitgi A r, }l ' 4 6r.ip AGRIGITIL'OAL , • . CARPIINTEREP : TOO LS, BLAClEtOtriliEr TOOLS, - ' MASONS' TOOLS, SHOEUIMIS 'TOOLS,' ti • SiDDER I S' TOOLS, MINERS! TOOLS. I SADDLERY DT, ARE, - BENT FELLOWS & SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS a aufm, • PICKS,MATTOCKS & ROES, COUNTER do PLATFORM. SCAL TABLE* POCKET CUTLERY, ROM 8110110 & NAILS. TIRE CAROLOAROLTE &NUT, COE? annuntf4, 'ETRAW CIITTBRE. Auio, PAItTS, OILS, vanNilitES, - miD PUTTY. =1 - • AGIN!' FOS RECILIOR ,mowge, AND BRAME, AND NEW, BRIGHTON ?IRE-BRICKWORK/3i iszkV67. all ap IHAVE just tee - GaAs, of pm Fos FALL & II centieseilY CLOTHING M :DE TO ORDER 1 In all the latest Styles sad i st shortest notice. • - ‘Ol - 1 W 231. ItEICEII,. Stewart's Itow,l Brfdge Street, oatlo'66 CMTI 4. DICW E. A. Waskri i i.) . NOW IS, Tam Tub= FOR • • li t, Maws liags I • GA A ND4L 111 Boots IN BE -1 ; • . • n,som & DICKEY 410IILD RICSIiECT. V V ftrilji inform the public is gains!' o f their intention to. close ; out their extensive glen' 61 Fall and Winter 00 ots and Shoes, to Prepare for.'/ Spring Stoeic, consisting of - • Ladies', G en t 's , Boy's and Children's !those, Gaiters, Bllners, , . • • • • which will be sold at cost, or below emit, as we are bound to keep up4he trade, and that to the entire satisfactions of our custaders.— All food* warranted. • v • jan9,67 PE RIM ..... . HARTZOND IbtOWN. P. Brown & Son. Rooasent, Pa, (Near M t Oro es' Store.) • HOLEEIALE sod Bola rasnufseturers of Tin Copper, sad Sheet lion ware, sad deshrs, in Japansd, Planished, ad Pressed wars, and house tuisishing estieles geierslly, also Stoves sad Illard . ware.. Altorders prom pi ed siteadod • ( 13 =0; 6 7-Btil [tit . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. W n IU/11418 biums at emanurtimtton on the estate oryons 'Ammon, late of Dar gten tp., Deaver connty,l Penna.. de cease' , having been dilly granted to the an dtmligned• all persons indebted lto said estate are nodded to soaks hemediste peplum, and thom having claims against the same will pro sent them properly authenticated for settle ment witiuMt delay. . - 111113ECCA ALLITIOD, Admix, sprlo 0 Darlington tp. EXECUTOR'S ,NOTICE. TIVIIERRAS letters testamentary on the VT estate of Janis - Ltvzszi, late of Ro chester boro', Beaver co. deo'd bavinglteen granted tothe undersign ed, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate. are re. quested to make immediate payment, and these *wing' clanks tbe same :rill present thins prsiterly anthentiCatad for Set tlement. • , • • ' ISAAC RILEY, ALEX. B. SMITH, , Ex'rs., a pr24'67. • • Nei Brighton. • B A ER FALLS MILL. • • rrall BEAVER PALLS MILL COMPANY JI: frtove thpir NEW Nab completed, sad la siumeirigliperatioa.i. 'lnadditiot to. Ar chon Work thegare prepared to ido-al kinds °f- 6 ‘ 4101 * Wm% In .tbs best maim, and , oa ebortfkotiae. The highest market Dries' win b. Peid is Cult to? Alt aithr. stihto4 l iveeed m the 11,01. . , 7 vaszreftlis ' PLenTBREBS' TOOLS, -7 . - aired $ 'sew 'eclat :of LATES i STYLES, ( WINTER WE.114.R 1111 raibleg Geods E!M on [ hand BRIDGEWATER SING GUT &Shoes ' all. VEIEL inOICETIL WILSON; Doois East _ of H; .IL Anderson's Store. . 'Beaver. Pa L 4 - NEW AT Sto-re . . • 11l BRID01114111), PA- 25,000.11°6 of WALL PAPEN Citaski•st• Sat t.An WTO 1- • ettbeeriber splo thahka atmaitotur frieadifor their tomer petreasse., tier their wants inetteenet, I VINUOIE POW TwAAaii closely ieliatig cue of Ate leaps t stook of VARIETY 7 ' GOODS ' firer breighttithe cociltft counting of • •• nevamittesks, &Paw sat** , I Peaty Geock ailArat's Corriegee, , Boob, Ste s low r Ckartiov, Oa Mkt. 1 Wiesoolitiods, : /thy; Brodie., 4;44, All of wltleh-I wasell cheaper then they out purehesed for in the city. Gin .me eall - before buyingelsewhere. •• • . ' • B.I4MHSI I II, Bridge. Street, star6,'67. • 'Bridgewater, Pa. CARPET STORE ReMoval.. M'CALLUM BRfflUg . Will remote on. :March lst,l.Bo7,froni 87 .Fourth street, to their • new.-• and *Opal. Warehouse • , NM NO. 81- FIFTH - STREET', ABOVII WOOD iln., F'ITTSBITRGI • Built by them expresaly for the the= aeoommo ,dation of their liege and inorepsing kindness'. Hanug very 'superior faoilties for business, they will keep constantly 'on hind, a large as sortment of all goods '.Pertaining to the. CAR_ PET BUSINESS. whiok they offer et WHOLE - L SALE ,or RETAIL to the Credo and public at lowest market rates. BroOALLUB! BROTHERS. ;• mareql7ly, • SP.I - ZINGI- TRADE.: 1867. Zd'ELROY.° DICKSON .& ..CO. ° 100 ' . -S4 • WOOL, SlatEßi r ri PITTSBURGH.' HOMALE. DRY GOODS, Haifetheir open for trad e .; OOD co on w; AT: , • jteasonairie Prioet. S. B. M'ELROP • JAMES DICKSON. . JOHN T. SHANE.- , am 13' 67 E - Diii r ieRD'POERSTER, IN we P.WER, VARDITIES, \ FANCY GOODS AND TOYS; Gold, Glaied & Common wall Pa pers, Piper, Oil and Transpar ent Window Shades and • Fixtiares, TABLE OIL CLOT•II,S Lc. . WHOLESALE • RE:TAIL, • .164 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh. J. L'iTioursos.r F t .S. ILticwrox: TElloBlpBOlit & 114M1LT014t, . .. , Shsticinitfeaver county, Pa. ,: ~ - .- (41* Door. Sorb. - of DARRAGH'S •STOR4) ANCFACTUREILS of 'Fancy and 'Cam= mon Brooms, and dealers in Handles,' V Ytre, Twine, Sm. ; Bto. An work warranted. Having purchase d an excellent lot of Corn; . and provided onrielyea with all needed facili ties, we tatter ourselvei that all broomi manufactured by us will be found as good as the best, and cheap as the cheapest. Cal: at wee us before purchasing elsewhere. ;;. ' - ADDRESS-06x 17, Beaver, Pa. ~ .• 1%14'67—5t001. • . , WILLIAM • JONES 1. Noun, • Sign 'it ,Ornamentat •, P.ll ER. c. Lettering if ells 'Kinds Eneouted Promptly.. Carriage & lingo Painting, ife. Main St., New Brighton, Pa. • , sprB'67--Bmoa. SPRING PASS HIONS!' 1 861. 9 • • • • Bridge St. - Bridgewater EW assortment of Utiliser) will be open ed at my , old Stand, lately occupied / 5 Mr. • Good.Tl on ILIIIIRSDAY, MAIICHII,I47II. wish to Inform my filen an alimony, new; ones as Will plestse 'patronise me, that I am now receiving an entire new stock of Millinery;; of the lat. est. ear ly Spring. Styles, and will lurplesSed with an MR MR& A. BEES. - !LX:ECUTOICI3 NOTICR. lEREAS letters' tetasawatary on the imam of. Ana DOUDS, late of Moon t o wnship, Denver County, Ps., de'e'd.; having been granted to the. =damped; all persons ladebted to said Mata aro reqriested to snake hninediato payment, and thous hating claims kraal* the same will presant than properly sithaittleated tor settlement. I WIL M. SOUL - z n i . • THOMAS TODD ; ", . • _ siwl7'67-43t. Xoon twit. I= OM ISE EN ' i I 4:, • •, 97,R , - ,;- -ii 1 • , Soseed dosoisbove ?NO Railroad, P - 111‘r l'lro IV- I TEE T, '-1100 :0 UM:PA UEPB coit4stiF o' .11erit• FOB Seta AT LOWBAT 3[ARKETI PRICES, ' , - • • ' 'A Complete i wel 11 ssiirted Stock of Dry. Goodf, 41 17NSIATINO - - I ' 1 ; BROWN 411, IfLEACHiB MUSLIN, PRINTS I • OINGHAMS, THILAINES, ALPACCAB, _ COBURGS, ,:`• FRENCH MERINOS, FLANNELS, Plain and barred WOOL DiILAINFS; at Colors, BLACK SILK, • TICKING, TABLING, , TOWELING , - CHECKS, JEANt r I TWEEDS, j • • SATINETS, .CASI3IIIE.E; •BROAMCLOTH, . CLOAKING, • • -1 Balmoraland Hoop : Skirts, c• c, s , _ HOSIERY, • SLOVES, _ HATS AND CAPS, Men's and Boya'4i-a large stock of tue laces styles BOOTS . dr SHO 3.: MeL 4 e, Women's •'and Cbildiens Oum Sboee, Carpet, Shoes, &ca.: &c o f Ready-3111'11e Clothing. 1, '!! • CIIOOL 141)(nli & ISTATIONERT A large and Carpmtert • , BUILDING HARDWARE, BUTT, STRAP HINGES, SCREW, SHUTTER HINGES, BOLTS, 1"3/18,. ! - NAILS, fie. Window erlass. elf rises, *tee and docile strength SPECIAL ATTENTION _ listd to filling orders• of Corpentero,!Contrae t ri and Buildersifor - . •• I ! , if i ARDWatiA, .. • - '.l‘ • • "- k GLASS`ATD NAILS, LINIEpp , oIL, ;BENZINE,. - COA'L'S;' PATENT .. I WHITE* • -.1 • liF . AD ,; , PUTTY," I. ' • ' , : 1 - PAIN rs Oki ALL COLORS, ' -1 . I !? 0U.,1 7 .1) * . .D;11-' Ay . .a 2 IN 0.11, 1 , 1 : : ‘e-_.' 1 sinters will do Wel •to ekamine our Stock') na rriees before prim sing elsewhere. ' '1 • - rCOCkerleilis A heath and fnlreinPitly constantly , on hand t 4,ery lowest - prioes,, ! • . elsidest'preads of •1 . • FLOCS.. i • ritr,BARRELS LVD SACKS. • ON Olt; LARD OIL,' _ Qu,II3I9FARE, STONE ',WARE, An bears goods tlelirered tree of charge: di of grain and 'country produce taken !it eacbsnge for goods. • • ' .104.,5. d. CROSS is Conveyancer—Agent of &nicer filmes sad the Rochester Lend Co.— Also tAgentof•, Matithaatie 17nion•Expreis uompany. ' • - Remembet_the_place : - eIt , OIIII3?'STORE, - • 1 szcotn. struanto itt)va - 11=140.11D, 'NEW - YORK STRREIT, .114 c. lif;ster' jae:l3777lyr. GETTYSBURG FOR INVALID to Nconiza.twmiy, jictk ft 67. r The Boaid of Supervisors above Corporation to carry the wit of incorporation, respect to the pnblio that - the l e g al ,, Tanis hoe authorizedLthe rail the erection, establiihment, bf an Asylum for Inyilid Se War.' to be built on the Batt burg, and as an ipdhgenreent hens to contribute to!this hire empowered the torpoi asionpt the subscribers sm and interest, from schoenen leer, or any Moneys, eff ec t tate, real or peisciniil, what or elsewhere, al Stich time ' and ininicb way it'd manni them shalt seem 8t.,.e0, l a , wealth to the contrary notes! The enterprise is Cordial! therkiltewing named welt-ke o „,. ',Major General ,Getirge Meade, Ex-Governor Andrew . U. Curtin, Major General Galusha Pentypeeke, ee F. 31. Gregory, • 46 44 John K. ltriel te , " - Charles H.l' Colli .1 . it je 11'Y J. !Judi') s, , ee - Jas. L. Selfrid g ,,r. Brigadier General Ja - nees ee floratiu G. Si, ee Joseph F.- Knipe, . J:- &At on," Saud, M. Zuliek, Murphy, John F 'tallier, p* . T. F. McCoy, ee It. F. Ititislow, ➢ ee _ Henry I'll,leacen," S. et M. Catipbell, " TbUs. M. Walker, " ee - Cooper Tilly, P t ; _ " 11. M..SI. S. I Gre ggh , • 1 Colonel F: - S, \The site for the institat•ioh- (thirty.sch has already been purchased, and it is l al a that the gdod work may commence t aht niideummer. . SubseriPtions will be received vet the ss a of the Association. No.l:l:VhesinstAla Philadelphia, on and aft er Monday, the Ctitu of May, 1867., 4 - l• For each subscription: f tectelollari t es• tfftearee'sued,- jell will entitle tie holde. os,uele article of %aloe as- ma y ivrarded to its "number. • The first- ilittibution -of ntranir will tuovicintediately upon the receipt of 1,),(3,7} subs6riptions, of $ exci .. ' -The distribution will be public, and !le a n the direct superri,hui _ ,Persons at a Ili:quire ore icquested to te mit their subceripnons (wheu p practiothlef hp Post o.ffice moliey order. or rtgistered hut; to insure prompt Direct, all letters io . . , lIOFFMAN, , t ‘__? .. Box 1 ht , P. Philadelphia: The following is a prliedule' of -uhetrarit to beJnade under the' tirgt Tit items ofDiamnntts :ad 111 her :"preeltris \ow were purellased.;t2l 6%itelli oi during the nar.' - !anti their genninebe.g lifted to by )ler.m.n.i. Ilenle 'the, t:. extensive dAunantj importer . , in end b...? . tlerruann, dlantand setter, l York .. 1 : . • -. P. • sisieting cf GETTYSIUJItG A'SlitX • Incorpanite.lls3 . Act oftltt nhatwealth of P- , ..nnsylTaitiA...lnrch Office 1125 CHESTNUT Streft, 11,0.144141'm FIRST• Kinds, Eighty Tliotv4,;:i24 Slii:Cribee; :n:1 Fire,i , ollvi . 1 / 4 ,, . , • 1 - - Erich i— , . I•Diamott , l Neelila cr, -ta . ltri'liani., \I 1 Dia l m3lltlCiwt rr..1,;r", , .qt, cr, 1013 . 1111 1311tIl Eirgings . ... • I Awed 16.41) iums ~1 W . 1.711611.1 Crosz ;7.11a 1 Diamond Cin-:,d• ............... .0—• • 1 Award 1(1-40 . 0,0 7 _A Dilunond Ain):le Ste Ili A-- 1 Diamond Vlnto,--1•11r5r,1t•i.... 4,f0 1 Diamond ol' Sel' f - Pin - ' • • 4,0:1 1 1 Diamond Clumsr 4.4 u 1 Diamond Citif 42tt9 1 Pair Single. St ,, :te Pinto lnd • .Ear Rings ..... 3,54 1:1 1 Dianiontl' Cloy.. ; . 3,04 14— 1 Award 10:40Go'v't 13— .1 DiamOnd Single Stone. Pia.... 3.0 41 I Diamond Singli...!4r - iinu - Sptd ] 17— 1- Diairiond.Cluver 18—, .1 Diamond. Single Sto . no Ring.. '2,5N 19— 1 DiainoMiand Vner4llllrunch. 2.0 20— •1 - Diannend Single 2.aV 21— 1 Diamoiid ..... 22 1 Long India Camel's -Shawl r •A: ...... .. ...... 23 1 Cboiqe Enteral Stun .... ...... 2 4 - - 1 Single Stone Ddsmond Riug -25 to 1 0- I 1 - 1-2- 34 , 10 AwarilS' of i 0 4 , i 11*0....:. • Ponds, naelt ,• ~ .... 1 Three. Stone Di.:an,Ql ' Ruby. hitlf.hooi,flittlf...;..... 30— 1. Diamond single. stone far . . , t.'&4 Knobs :17 . 1 Pr. Dian and Clii•Avr Sizt.l,F.... 1 Diamond sing.Fe.tioneAAtiie , ,• titer - setting ....... :. , ......... - P9r— 1 Diamond singte-sterie•Pia..... '541) 40— 1 Diamond Cluster. 13 rseelet ...... 7511 . 1) 'llO-- 10' Aliraids of 10:10 Geve.runent Benda, el:ch ... ... .. ... . .... ... 501) ot—. . 1 Lady's' Diamond-set 52- LI Diamond eingte 'tone Ring... eta—: 1 Diaged'and 'Opal cluster Ring, ~,y) 54-- .1 Diamond single-stone Ring.— . 1.01 55 1 Pair Nmerald Scarf -Pols ... ... 56-••• I Diamond single-ston.e. Sto.r.".. •Pi 57—. 1 Diamond Cluster. .. .. ; .... . ) 0) ER—, 1 Cameo and Pearl Bi•ooelt and Ear Rings...... ..... ... .. . • 1(4 59 to 159 100 Awaids JO 40 Go'v't - Bonds each ..... ... :.. ... ...... :.. 100 159 to • • • • • ZS-100 AvOirtla,.!Goc't each ...... .... .......... 3,000 Awards, Gov't Legal TeOilett, • •, : ........ .. .. „ . . .. :.. .. The distribution . of the above 'rewards be in as soon as the stibilcripion:; is fall, •of .which due notice will .he.P T L ea through tbalKapers. - On andrifter llayfitli tht. - Diamonds will be ow exhibition at the otEctsoi,: the. Association. - ThapOliaoan confidently rely on WT.; thing being etinductt ci in the most ho n ors-_ and fair manner. All-the awniZi . willbe dal to certificate holders, ely inneediat after the disposition, free of all .cost. nt the idricl Of the Oorepany, No. 11:'.6 813161 Philadelphia. ' : o.i& ' 0- W _„, We hereby certify , that weihare eltanise. the Di t amond Goo4s, Pearls, Emeralds, Rubite,, and °Clow precious Stohes, as descithed ip ike above list, and find them all . Genuine. , •HENLV: BROS. Diamond Importer., • - . ' 2 i Maiden Lane, New J. HERMANN. Diamond 'Setter , 3 • 894 1 Broome Steeet, Newil ork; • - Books can be bad containing Twenty Cet • lificates, ONE .HUNDRED .DOLE.IIRg. • AU ordeis_for'Certificates must be a ddrew ed to . J. IX BOFFMAY, Seeretar7, , 101, Pot Office, PbilaJerphis. fi ISM = Mil ~1, I 13(,AR1; or.SiTk:icl•'.isßi CERTIFICATE AQE . I.3TS WANTEP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers