r .. ... ... _ v „cii t sm 4#1?,-,9POrill'i:rMlft ltbHii - 11040pria . * ~. 0. pe iiglif f .S . hi* p, 0 ieCtii*, ijiii,:.CliglitY;:eakit J.l'lia tat l'oe . '- i g eg ,l327 .. iir Aliotkal(44 F .l •.. • - * if . ... , ... 4,41. .- :U. , - . „.. . . , dW ' Pi4e4lloollr ,1111&18, 'Le Goullon's store. um • -- 04044, • lee.lOcefg 16116 `1. liasmosy--. .. -- de -16..Etora_. .2- Itoubestcsboro..#lll,l6., qinkoarsbotel. `;` d o ...-for- -Id i . 1124dperiteri• - ,- 20, •Alcorit's hotel: -',-- Pulaida . ..,.. •• 4 21..8 Wallace's. ) --..) 1: Eallitaal. , _ i....f. • e 22, Toll House. • • NONcleriplitet '46'18, 'Huron nottfit t44,16'..: dos,' Lao? 24; s. do - do Paatimisti q...:rr. 1 SAO -, 27, /Berlin's. store. :. - - fisdrigetoun , 11 , 40' , 28,• eilhowes store. • eppurgewaftw!Ocr 2E, Jesse Smith's., ' 1 166tostref4- 0,, t -do 1.110. •Abet'ig..• • . • • i i- - - - )4410-411; itiokey-lakbes. • . eft lie / 10alli,aktpomuuth's store. ..). 1i...04.7. - i , slibrlti,r)Oect liks.. : . .riffs .19.)N., Hasea's., o)llindeklir i 4 ilk Gso. Raualier'e.: 2000111‘p:.(-1 -de 21,' • 800. &idyls& Reavvellaileede ,24,. Iliziabblee aday.;. ,41FpUiiiewoodt 26, Johnston's Hotels c berliazi4a bete a- 26,..41a45c50a1t Bowl. -; irxifP - -: , ftp:".!` de. 24 .I.4'.4lElwiirtb.• Chippewa- :. Ido4/14 lira Ounillagliam'a., &oh Beaver , July 1, JomplOrawreamr. , - '.,, •do &Old° Ito B. Soneeletors. , iThi 0 ...,, , .. s e I,, ! die , c # lllL.ll:::Deriage'L• Boultitowle ''.:...- Aio ').) 8, . Birearinpea's Betel. .e..-alt Gessair..,,liik' Mk :ff do - - '-; ,-• do lloWntse alb -,--, do . 10, liweatinipoCaß.B.ehp asiikkoth , : i . , Ato ,n. B. awmpondes:. 01 r..0.. - , -6v:12,1-Adam* mo m = 7 • ',lt( , tidy 16; D. 8. , Endue's. Ledepentleiwe • - 00. 16, JOllll /10113146% .dollOtopeirell do !IL •Johnston's store. Hippewell ,• do 18, B. Scott's. litooti).u.), . • do 19,Wm. Elliott's. ..ie plia.Paysieit can be made in the, adjoin ' lag Distebt... , All _peewee must tripoli i be- Isaithaist rof July. ,• • , NFtvr A.RRIVAL ME - AT / - I I Mitiii'eiiii's ::St.o. re IN BILIIiGEWATER, : 215,400 Bolts at WALL PAPER, tholsteat ono 'Mid patterns just from The subscriber again Minks friends fur their former patronagi r Ling their wants sad tastes, I York and closely imitated one of stook of - vARIErt GOODS , bMal • le*Ov hvetigbito the county, Ilene - lag of ikeeiso '44WCAltir, 'kitty Goode, .; Chadren 4'avrtagss, • 1 1, 904 8 1 460 0 1 4. asrPo6:9, Oil Clothe. WA* tvelittinde, ;* Ipois,Brui es, to., _ • tlll of wi l d u cli chea7 than • they east be pure for the city. Give me a eall before buy . iitg elsewhere. B. MIILHEINI, Bridge] Street, BridgeWiter, Pa. mr.r6,'67. Orphaalo,- Court Sale. • , , Y . virtue Of 'an order. of, ' the Orphans' Court of Braver corinty, thelundersigned eiPose, to ;sale at public out -cry, at the preiniaes, on . Moildayi May 20th, ' 1867, at 11-o'elook, s.l us. of said day, all thefollo*- int described real estate of Henry 'Heckman, (late of Allegheny county) deceased, situate bflibehester, hero" Beaver county, Viz: ' • 'Let No. 22, hi Gs;rtld's third sub-division of lota % said borough: bounded north by Monroe street, east by lut No. 28, south' by lot No. 81, and west "by : lot No. '2l; said] lot having a front of 40 feet;on Monroe street' and extend ing back - therefrom 126 feetto 14 No. 81, on which is erected a small house of one rooin, • • Traxs..-=Onst-third of the purphaise money In hand upon'the confirmation oT, slide by the Coart, the :balance in two beas t, annual in-• stalments frobi that date, with interest from same time, and 'secured ,by bond and mort gage upon the premises. The 'purchaser to pay expenses :of preparing title, bond and mOrtgage, andfisll requisite stamps: iVer farther. figormatioit inquire of H—Hice, Eisq., Beaver, Beaver county, Ps. 1 - ' JACOB'VALE, NTINE, - - ~ . vr . 1 Guardian. CZI PRO.IPOS.stkILAS. • rordiE conunigidoners of, Beaver - county will eciiiire , stittlell_proposals _up to neon: of ,mth It h riB,-,lBa. for the ereationof erered woode6 , or iron Bridge, aoross Bra.: dy's run, at a point about fonr miles from Its mouth" end convenient to 'the grist milt Oit a brAbo heiri of David Kettnedy, Brighton townibip, and 'upon 'the cbutmenta span which the - presentl bridge at said point rests. By, order of the Board. ' JOHN CAUGHEY, aprl7'67. ' •; Clerk. j. • 'I, • Until further inotice, the commissioners of Beater county,!-will be'in session i . only Jon Fri aay'Of each week. I By order of •Board, .(L 0441 please °AM ., ' . :Notice of Mist°lotion o Par tnership. NoT w t.i. 4ereby. given that. the partner ', 43iFlatibly; 'blasting bet Ween F. W.. Wil Ulna and B. ID Alexander, under the Atm of Williaini & Alexander. was dissoPrea on the 9th day,,of .1867, by mutual consent. ' 1.31,7j12 is authorised to settle IC debta.Lane tient. by the . company. Persons • linSwizig themselves to be indebted to • the company will Seise call up - on E. 11. Alexander within thirty.day, and settle their accounts, thirty . aa at the ' one f that time all unsettled iymounts w •beplined injthe hands of a !us /fetus° on. • I ~ , ...-', . .. `,„ 7 i, . i . - • F. W. Wtxuans. ,t,.,-... ;. , • • ,: ~• E. R . ALIXAXDII.• ,I.NWP , Brighten, Pi., April 17th, 1867. , 7 7_1 , :fw n r is i l , , ' - w. I. DEMON. IirINTER : AND. BEDION it "i' - ' . f l eft • 10'4 to C. f. WOO •-' j) 'tliiiiß i 3N WATCRE,, • ' CLOCK, unil!Paalro ILVER AND - PLATED AllES;' 1111EICAL INSTBUMENTB, NO. TIONS, ho., 'ail • . - . WNlL.Einielattittention given to .the re pair . log or-Ada* ,Clocke and Jewelry. - • ' )Itar i CcirAitatiheay &Ail& its, .! • . r... 1V210;8RI0EITON. PA.Eian9'67. Soap .Isllaup:2 LEGAL TENDER SOAP= 11)1011' you soap of OLIVES & WATHEY, J) , atontifactairers; youkwill find it the beet Fospia the inarket; ti 7 fc. Water street, Ito.: cheotor..Ps., opposite'the steamboat landing. izuK6.67-."-8111011. TT' TAT . MOORE'S rDRUG STORE; IY BpivEtt • ‘- -DItTG-S; 3iinfei-euvkit , iT. - misircAmis • -prtritgm tiquorts . , • WINES And prandies, Jr 4 Paints, Oils, • TOILET • ARTICLES; SOAPS„, )13 ,ri T iN11: in great variety, tho best quality, and sold cheaper than can be bought at any other Drug Store in the' county. Duponeo's Female Pills 75 cents per box; Chef:semen's, $1: Clark's, _sl. • The Largest stock of Lamps and Lamp Triminings, Lanterns; 07 Stationery, Window. Glass • „,‘ and. POty. . ever offered otitidde of the' City; at MOore'li Drug Store, and sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere 'else. Let those who doubt this call rind see, and they will doubt no more DeclB,'6s. , 4. MOORE. M. R. ADAMS,. l'reasurar SAVE YOUR HEALTH BY BUYING Pure Medicines. (One door from Fortune's Dry doOds &ore, Vein be found a full 'assortment of PURE - 1D 8., 'TT Cl= MEDICINES, °. numerous Antioips ited New the jargeot, Also, a full Assortment o INDOW GLASS, &C., PURE AND SECOND QUALITY WHITE LLE.A.EIs - ALSO, FINE TOILET bOAPS, ALL VARIETIES BRUSHES, ' THE BEST PERFUMERY FANCY &TO4ET ARTICLES, AND POPULAR PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, All kinds of Patent Medieines always on hand. ALSO, CIGARS . & TOBACCO, My entire stook has been purchased for ' • can't, and is offered at the very . , I LOWEST PEICES. ~As I am a thoroughly educated Apoth. cary and ChCmist. physicians and others can rely upon having their prescriptions accu rately filled with Pure Medicines only., LOUIS BREHM& CO. • • Aug. 29th, ,1866-17. NEW DRY GOODS STORE. • . CO- ,8 1 7 Marls -et ISt." (Weat,Side, near Market Home PITTSBURGH, PA. M. 16IIIICHFIELD& CO.. J e . having,opened an entire new Week of Goods, Aought for . CASH, are able to offer inducements that cannot be found in an old stock. . . CALICOES for . .12} et:. and upward. BLEACHED MUSLIN, 12} et:. and apwaid. 2 ABLE LINENS, . 50 Cu. and CLEAN BLANKETS, • p,.00 IRISH LINENS, CLOTHS, CASBIMERES, FLANNELS, MERINOS, ALPACAS, 4%. The Adak will , be found complete4Goods Wholesale at Ea:tarn Prices. I febla—Sm. Corner of Water and Jane's Street ROCHZB2I74 liff -- AVING rat-tutted from.ilia-anal, lam ill _I now operAing slat-Ike' and well selected . 1 • - v . . 1 , Which were bought at ..pinto prices ' and which will be sold at the lowest potsibln ntee My stock consists of Dry Goode, GroOriei, Mardwaie, Queensware, Rats, Caps, Boots, Bhises,Notions, &0., 4c.,and all - articles ly kept in * first.. clam store.-- MureTL--A*010.• May be found the best-ariorttoent of, AND DY STUFFS: AT LOUIS BREHM &. CO, IN TIM -Di&ICDED ROCHESTER, CHEMICALS, and FINE .LIQUORS PAINTS; EILEEN LINSEED OIL, SEAT'S FOOT OIL, SPERM OIL, LARD OIL: CARBON OIL AND Geo. C. Speyerer, STOCK OF GOODS i iAI L• Sri ii T~f ? iiir~ aft 14 .7 3:111 -mod examine oar large Stook of Winter Goods, to be closed out ,makonialring ¢I EAP. - Inier tOrttea- Tii.44l/IkixTINS: • 7. , ', Tn. Will be et. inst. ~ sidriatage Airtis peoplabi Beaver county in purchasing .110301)..e0M at s 911,EAT VBDVATION. c.:.."- AtiVICUBIDEI .E;a1TIlti'"Ill 4 F.3ll.ffia That we have bought our stook since the late deoltith3,thijik4 obirektWAt 7 1. French Merinos Prits, Paw< Pans plaidr Ticking., POPlins, "": .. : Table 'Linea,a. - Poplin tripes,Muslims, -I EmpresaCloth Shawls, t. - All Wooi.Delaisies, Blatikets, •• ` Delainek• Gloves, Gingham; - Hoods',' Stith, Together with an:aidless variety of Foreign and Domestic Geode, all of which. willi posi tively be sold regardless to cost, is orchr . io dose out our stook Stock. In giving us a call, you : Will find us always IR...readiness to show our goods with pleasure, and then leave it to . YOUR OWN udgment. Finally, we , would say that we guarantee full tsatisfaetiOn' regarding the quality of Goods, ind particularly Ithe ex tremely low prices of the seine, both of these facts will be to your own INTEREST. ' _.:~ ~;~ We . shall be happy taattend to all wishing to favor us with their patrotage. Very respectfully,- NELSON & ROESSLER, In the Diamond, Rochester, Pa. BRIDGEWATER •Tiai - A4e forks. wOODB, u lIANITIACT*I2, AM) DZALMA IN : . Italian and ikilndaut • Marble . . • 1117.0NUarENT: - ....f 1 334,' &c., metliSiti order. Plesefilite ate • 'eall Seforelturehasing elsewhere. sr—v • Shop oppclOte Dr. 8 4tItksprugtfttire,Bridge street, Bridiettatei: 7( ' ,- - . July 25, . 1 - D.-WOODRUFF. PH.IL: MERTZ. • 118 WOOD. STREET, ' PITTS3E3 I ;7*.,C3—.II, BANKER - & BROKEit t DEAL= IN ALL RINDS 01 . ' • 130VERNAKENT SECURITIES, FOREIGN EXGRANGE4 s . GOLD,' SILV£B & •OCOTPONS. I. • • sir Highest price paid for .COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. • • 'f • [segl'66:ly A. S. Harvey, DR&LER lii EKE efBOM=3 & PROIMgONB, • • Has received a fresh supply of Cranberries, lioniiny Canned Peaches, Turkey ; Prunes, Tomatoes, Layer ißaisins. " Green Jorn, • , Beedlesa Rais ins, " '1 • Plums,. English Currants, Dried Corn, - Goshe'n Cheese ' " Peaches, Sweet -Potatoes; Pickles,. No. 1; Mackerel.' Also, 'a_ prime assortment . os Teas, Sugar, and Coffee. - .Terml4 strictly CASH., A. Z. - HARVEY, nov2B '•' Bridge street, Bridgewater. ANDREW WRAP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PRACTICING IN` THE SEVERAL COURTS OF BEAVER COIIIITY, will prolnptly attend to all kinds of legal businhis in this or counties adjoining. Collections will be expeditiously made in all amounts upon al sorts of claims, either in this codnty end atahe er in ,mere distant_ I-- codifies. In ceoveyancing, immediate attention Will be given to the drawing of bonds, deeds, leases, articles otagreement, to the furnishing of abstracts mf title, and to the careful prepa ration of all sorts of legal Instruments. Mortgages, judgments and other securities in all sums bought or sold. 10.,411fiese in bnildiltg of Joa. .0 Wilson,Esq.. nearly opposite lionre's Drat Store. Third Streat, Beaver, Pa. Ding 15,'66 Catawfis and Concord. Vines.. 26 1 iititi ' PAM vTNVkIt 800 two year Catabaw .Fbteit. 800 two year Concord Vince. 1l Na.l.- atadsuarsoteed.. - . F. A. MIEFO3CH.I-40%., N 0.42 Bt. Clair street. • Pittsburg, • Viney.trd at ladustiy, Bearer comity,' Pa. • 1 . I - i IRON, 11.4Lta, ', 'j D;4' '` *WO 1 0 4 , 11:147 10 I 11- ii 3 V 8 ' ' 1a T-. CARPSN T Ratrlitocittig ` fi r- e 1 J •TI , &tient:mar. 1;6014 i - us „.. ~,i. e,s4 I .+lt*se^ IW,II lii4IGNEI iti.)olaBk- 1 .. , ::.--L , -I ~0--vi eAl.;.•:'' 1.41* . '.; 4 f.5..1.., q.,74 , BHOSMAir I ISQSII4, ts w,-,71' ,-7 t- ,PADigeltg4 'grco l .46-c44 1 1 • 1 - Pli Astlgarts, " lick% '1 miiii: Bik t tir.;s7 2r. SADDLER io HABDIV - - -It-- Ali : 111IN'll FELIJOiIig i - fitillture; •- '-., . 0, - r--'' ~ . B Oi ~Jt i:- ..I'..r, N.,GE , N .. , • - WOKS IiWAHLt§ ' , '1 z . 1• - ' 3 ' ` PICKELMATTOCKS do tibics, COUNTER &PIA TiNtoity. SCALA -:. TABLE/POCKET OU LERY, It Li HOE& NA& , ~ TIRE & c&siudualikoi.& NUT, CORN' SEELLEREL STRAW CIItTERE. ALSO, PAINTS; 118; VA ' ISIIES; illi . , AND PUTTY. I _ , Aonz Mk . EiCELIOR biOWER AND REAPER. AND NEW BRIGHTONI_,IINE-BIIIOEWORK. jsaV67.4 , , -., I • •- :L. Fail : •" ; j, . ! L AlT:ju i r e. ;s r stook of j LATEBT, EITTLE I , , 1 , Foz Sc, WINTER WEAR 1 CLOTHING IN IDE TO ORDER, Ia all tke Ltptl style& andnt, stortest notice. Wm. Sicicarti. ROW , Bridgj e•Stred, BRID,GEWATER. FOR I. ' sa►raines i.• _ • I I I GRAND CLOSING_ OUT • ,' 1 1 ' IXTIL ON I& DICKEY !gut') RESPBCT‘ V V fully inform the publi in general of their • intention to' clone _ t ont !their extensive stock of Fall , and Winter B o oii *ad Shoes, to &cc co , :, prepare for , al Sprint consisting of ' • , Ladies' Bent's,i Boy and ,Children's ShOss; Gaiters Slippers, &a., I whieh will be sold , st cost, or below cost, as we are bound to-keep up Ole trade, and , that to the entire satisfaction of our customers.— All /coda warranted: i L • • ' - I DICKEY & WI L SON, . . It Dolma Bast of B. B. A derion'i Store, j • ' !Bearer, .Pa. IX/ HO •• V of dealers is ware,- sad b also Stores ed attended W BEM w ~intet- - - •1 =1 , r Gesilesn'i Fornisidif-,Gends gonitangi on hand i I 0ct10 . 66 CEULTR ♦. Di I NOW THE ()F Boots shoes IN jan9,67 HAlnoia Baowt - - Pzinv , :Etro,ivri 41r: , Scin. ; r•l,Cross Store.) (N e a SALE and Retail manufacturers 'Copier, and Sheet; Iron ware,-and Spine& Planished and Prowled use furnishing articles generally; L , 'd Iliad ware.. Al:larders pnanpt onstiv67-8,4 tv? Pitintr _ Banos mu s, Pa. ' • ' • TS lOrepsted to to in kinds of Sip, HOtiAO AL , lad Otnamontak pointl2. He . also roadi all,thoes. l ,l* Sint Wear earns. gm : in A 44 4 &oil it , and on 11": "rable tit• pi e sad Tar. fished.- r4ptid67—lia. ar 'w i mp - traoted Rie oai. psin;by tur,ssairidrseir , WA! Ploorsbfort ki4,..4:35700(1 . 4 usii Third 2d ilefornil n:.#44 0 1 17 -.•-• ..r' 4 . ^ . CA MEE - ~t@~ ~ ~739t:q rernoval. HMI 1111' ' Mil lz, P -41.44.1 4! Will remove on March let, 1867, (87 iiimirth street. I to their - new. mkt elegant • Warehouse .• • NO. 1 51 FatTE STREET PITTSBURG, Built by them expressly for the accommo dation or their large and increasing blisineis. Haring yery superior facilties for lusiness i , they will keep constantly on hand, a large as sort:tient of allgoods pertaining to the CAR PET BIT . 119-, which they Offer 'et WHOLE SALE Or RETAIL to the trade and public 'at lowest market rates. ,1, ' Xi/CALLUM BROTHERS.; mar 6'671y, ' SPRINO- TRADE:' IT 1867.: M'ELROY. DICKSON & CO I\T cx. E 5 7'OOlP Sr 7 4 1 .1-LEET, PITTS'BURGH. .1110LESALE - 011,T - GOODS. .. Have .their slocit -open for trade.' • - ' Gr OD Cr- 0 0.1) IS AT ~ .11J Wnsoi. EY PAPER, .VARIETTF, f .`ANCY GOODS TOYS, Goa, GIPZA & , COMMOn all J O. "pars, Paper, Oil and Transpar eat Window Shades and Fixtures, TABLE 0 4:.C . 10 TR..% &c • PUINITERE AND' CHAS AT 'REDUCED PRICES Of; , our own inanufactrire and warranted. . • • pAirLon.• , LIBRARY, ' I ' DINING noox,„ and CHAMBERSMTS, • • In every variety and- style. SCHOOLS, • HOTELS, STEAMBOAT, • • and PUBLIC BUILDINGS, i Furnished on most relaonable terms) • T. B. YOUNG do CO, ;88 & 40 Smithfield at., I ar mon 6. ' `• Pittsburg, Pa. WILLIAM JONES . Asse t Sign . & Ormunental ,• PALIPTER. LL, SI Main Bt., Neva► Brighton, Pa. 67-ate,: .': PETSTOR MI , : . . 1 * II ABOlrlt S. - B MEEROY.. JAMES DICKSON. JOHN T. S.HANE. 'l3 ' 671 m WARD POERST DEALER INS WHOLESALE RETAIL, 164 Smithflield St., Pittsburgh.., of all Kincii Eceput e CPU►• I= amittit4Bug4Ul4l.void:: , .„ 41. _~f'..~ ~'; , ~z, irtaßar ,, w, lt4J. 41.4.04 *al va, 0,.-1 -, .-t.i: . Pl. ..iv.r z: i -R " ~:~'= ~ 3 .... ... IM7MEM T44 l lkc • MEE • - 14 , ,,;k1" 111ZIE d Cuapiete ME ~, • -; NM r ' BROWN' . 1 PRINTS; ; COBURG • PLAN WOOL SILAGE 8 , TABLIN CHECK, • TWEED, C. 111183: 41tdmoral UNE ' nos' Men's and Bo EE WomeCa, ' Mil Ready SCHOOL • arraWitre. A. large and ell aNsorted stock. consisting of ,• (-; U TIMR,72" Catom' Tools, Of all Kinds, BUILDING HARDWARE, BUTT. ',STRAP HINSIR 8, SCREW, • C RUTTER' BINGES, BOLT, LOCKS,, - NAIL, to.. • IM3 I. Or: all .size • e ,SPg.CIAL ATTENT I ON Paid to tilling orders of "Csrpeuters,',Contrse tors and Bui ders for ' ' HARDW E,- LE GLA i PIIT PAIN r GROUN Taintere . and Prices b . ca. A fresh toil at. very Chcsice B t FL O ' U CARBON OIL, • ftEl OAL, - - - h eri mod. • 1/Er 13amuel131 Also Apia company. iscoxp .ItOC j,areT - 1,-, - • a . • 'inirtr 1,0v4+1.1 !to svirt4l.l 4 I.Tdiff irtotaff' .4110-114,11.9 - ; ei .0138 t wo r-Zuort. .P3ltji :4-1. , . 1 P . 1 7. .... i . . Jim Railresd,-.:: , i 1._.,..i.c, :..,;:t• 1.... t. !... ,, , ,, , , ,::17,,, ,, , tp......V. , . •,;:'..; „..,,-, z.. 1.1,. .. - ,41 , . 1 -: ~1 A I .- . ' . olti ,s,'ir,-Rz:Fi'..,'. , r. : "1,1,14.4- I . • 1.1-',. 144 . : ~.: $ k-i . vr-ii: It 0 - C iI.II b . .t .tl 7 Pt ,,, , A.,.: -„,:,; -,„! „i;.5.„, :....4.,.4.,„:,,,,:, MEMO I( WWI), PA . 4 . ' • ; I:- KAMM' PIIICES'' • 'i r Rim : . . d well/coated Stock of • • '1 : IQI S, Cuxsvriiiia' Of 'BLEACHED 'MHLINK, , ' • GINGHAM 8, ' h= ALPACCAB," FRENCH MERINOS, LS, Plain and Barred, DsLAINFS, all Colors, LK, TICKING, . TOWELING, • JEANT, * • SATINETS; - BROADCLOTH:. 'CLOAKING, r and Hoop Skirts, prows, RY, 'MOVES, &c. S AND CAS, a'—a large stock at tne - fates 1 . styles.. IMO TS & SHO S. 'a and ohildrens Guni,hoes, t Shins, &e:. ;&o. Made''Clotking BOOKS & STATIONERY. X !' IIdONV /3‘i; • single and doable strength SAND NAILS, INNEED OIL, BENZINE, GAT's PATENT DYER, ITE LEAD, =I OP ALL OOLORS, , DRY.- AND IN 011. L ill do well to examine our Stock afore purchasing eblewhcre. aerie 11 futUupply constintly on 'bind -.t prices. di of • IN BARRELS AND SA C%s` i I a11=221 TONE WARE, &o ivy goods delivered tree of charge. grain end country prodice taken in exchange for goods! • ,CROSS is - Conveyaneer—A gent of es ape the Ittichester Laud of the Meryhaute triton Express member the place I" 08,Si—STORE, iptrumnco Aso TR& RAILROAD, .'BW YORK STREET; . - ' I • hester, • Pa. - • ' i i Or 2 utaitaNs:t ....if ._ ...., ___ ...7...., i. 'SALE - ' ' ' s - . li; t ~ ifriver- ,an er - ot• O l e • Court of.ll.l.,ierieduotyithe 'mitt-14,4r tiliewill expts, to•nale, at public . out -e t tinil on ~.. • ~, r 7. tit . 4 111 4 "'" irrltitY ibtil;ifiep, - ei.j(tAtileels;--A.. , IL of entilday,• •th e k nee !: elliedionit-balf Part of the following d4 n 472,. Ilesl Eitatelof AUSTIN LOONII9 1 ' --- s ~ 1 . ~ _ate et t l_ , City of Pittatittrg. lit tbe'County of li t . g h ' and State , of Pennsylvania; dec e. . 01. in Industry township: Beaver cou nty, pes'i`, •ist. A Lot iofittining'4 scree:incl. oil 'adjoining land :of , Robert o,ington,.,,z, owthi . North by..Clevelaad and Pinsk.-- V R. Oath by,Ohio. river.. . •,., 7 • 2d:A Lot conditning 1 acre and dram perches, ntifet Mearure, bounded a n d . , -/. ed u follow*: :beginning at skPlute i e 'S . 44 . tholvillr•idge of the County !lied, utak,: line .of the C..& P. IL R.. sou th b y 4 11 .2., thence bY bid .now or late" of. Ctisrliß l' Shtiner;lbintie north forty fire 4,,, g h m, w I twelve penitent° a stone, thence . by 4 5 4 1 - 1. .. ( Wis e of f Charles li. -§hrpter, north fo ny. degrees, east fifteen perches : to ii f a , tr z . 1 theca south' forty- flee- degrees east t , 1 7 , perches to'the place'of beginning; Bd. !A Lot. oentaining 2. acr es ,- being tw I eame,' l more or less,,bpunded and deseritei ts ' follows:. beginning at. a,peint thirty fe n f,,,,., -the centre of the C. &P. R.,8.., it t ! ett il l , land of Itoliprt- 'oiington, south to' hilesed • 1 mark on the Ohio ylveri thence ah nig .., 1 tew.ersitermarki, of, sidd Ohio river, m t l l , ty-four degrees: west twenty-one perehis . tri g 'I stone, th ence north, forty-two degrees, gu t t i i .. n:Paint within-thirty feet of the, centre oy, t ii.. ~ O.."& - P.- R. R., and ;by land now o ßned , Messrs—Commings and .Smitii, e'iiien 144 t i t '. ; • teen one -hand - re - al perches, thence north fat ty-One degrees, east.forty one tlegre,, lnk. of 11-onebe gilint and one tenth perches to•;th e pls 4 . nE. .. . . TERMS—One-third of the purchase money in hand Upon the eonfirtnitien of the cue by ' t h e couit, the balance in' two equ a l ta , , !mar instssllineritu , front t liar. da t e,, with interest from same time, and secured.lby born' 14 ,1 • mortgage upon the premises.. The parch* i era to pay expenses of piepirnig, title, .b e i and Mortgage, and all requi,,il.o gimps.. ' , I.IIOI IAS-ft. SILL JOIIS B. SUTL ER, . ...! duardisas of minor children 'of .4 .s vi n . ja.prlTC. EIS • • ,LADIES• SEMINARY. • %MIR Seminary ,on Main street, will -4 I opened ftir young ladies on next. Tuesday: 23d inst. have made atrangeinents..aitli Miss Maggie-J. Anderson to take charge aftbitb PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Little boy, girls will e admitted into this ilepirtment.' Tuition t s will be the sania fortthe inte nt as in t other Seminary. I expeeithe tun• tan of Miss Thompsen A Miss •Babcoek, tci well and favorably known, and . wilt incrust the corps of Teachers against the next term. I. will betirepared to accommodate any boar dets who may be present at' theopening, orally ti me during the term. .A . .si• I did, not deaint Many boarders. I thought it:best not to ralver= . . tin sooner, but to be prepared fora full school ' at cpening of Fall Term. I will howoer, commodate any who may viioh to attend with us.during tliefirst session. . A full course, including Musk.. Painting,' Drawing, dtc., will he taught.. will Eire tie lama My' My personal superrilion. , • D. R. A MIEM Aprills 1867:.L4w • REMOVAL G,x,,,AuN has rem wedhis . CLOTH• INC & FURNISIIING estalishwenrto the. new. building on Main street., nearly op: , pnsite tpi the • Cnion Vo.Opirative • Store In New Brighton, Pa. I . • • Ile itt,sa takes this opportunity of informing. his friends and the publie generally, (hula hart'. just received from the cast, a large aril well selected 'steck of Spring ~Goods, which he proposeirto ;tell at prices. that cannot. fail to suit purchiSers.. • Clothing nisdcAo order on the shorteg'llo7 6 tice. All work warrantata tit. . apr3'67-3tuos. • -.. ' • NEW (iROURY STORE . , . PI HE ttndelgned take' , 3 plpleasure in itiforin." ing. the people of Beaver anlvidniti, that he has opened -a , • ,• • - 0, R: Y. ,S' 7'.0 R • in the building in whichhis Feetkre is new on .Tll,lO STREET, I EAVERJA„ where will be fOund an excellent assoriment of , • E E - § TEAS SU P.S. •SI R . MOLASSES, SORG 1115. M, . RICE. P.EPI4`, RS, SKI'S,' . ' SOA PS, CAIN,PI ES. - RAI •S . . 7 SINS, f • • FIGS S:„C - • .. . 1 Bedeords, Washtubs, heaters, [ Tinware; ei en -fact every article usually kept in s ir - iu . regulstsd Grocery Store. .' i . " In connection with his Gregery , he still eat- , tinues to keep his Flour and FeollSt l orT,Vileta the best articled, in this lius, are; conetay kept, and offered cheap. or Cash or froduce. jeti9'67:ly . SINION &NITA& •_,.• , . , _— TO. 'TAIL. i-iiiitS ! . ____..... , . HE undersigned take pleasure in inform. ing the' Ladies of Deaver. Falls, New Brighton and vicinity, that they will open, it the ISt of April,' 1867, a large and well assort ed stock otinew DIILLINERY . TRINIMINti and FANCY GOODS, whip they will offer la. the public" at prices lower than .the lowest. Their room w,,i11-be on the corner of Tot_ and )found streets, (in the building soon lobe occupied as a grocery store, by; Mfr. Ramer,[. in Beaver Falls, Beaver 614 rii. ' Mrs. E.. J sjiAllEii, mare,*67 = Saios. - ' Mrs. S. J• Wl"' SPRINT(` FAS HION,S .... 1$ /-- '. •.. -.-- 6 t- 9 . 0 ..) . ..: - . .Bridge St! 811.4 e wapn • IVEiirassortment of Milhnerl'ivil) be 40- _0 edl at my old stand. Intik occupied by Mr.. tlealy, on .„ H ofs DAY. MAtQ 14TH. 1 wish. my of filen B;and as ninny new ivei l as s icill please patronize toe, that I am new, receiring an. entire new stock of .Millinery, or the est Spring Styles; and will - be plesied 'early call. , I marlB'67.—Llf: . IIRS. S. A-. RF.F.S. - -- ADM LNIsT4 . 2I: 3 11'S NU rick. . . 1 I ETTERB of administration on the estate Li ,ots Sutra MILLER,. late of South' 13ever township, Bearer ceputy, decd. havingbeett granted - to the undersigned, all persotv in debtad Act thesaid estate,are r egtictited:toen sie immediate payment, and those having claio O. 4;ptis against the estate of said decedent will ke knoWn the-same without delay,o • 1 , '.. , J. H. VEO:i, ExesuPT , m 'r20'67.-46t. • •• , . Enon Valle}_: fl`~` -" - 1 1:1 Dar .. . , BEBEAS letters of isquttntitratton on • of • thp estate of :Jolts ALLin.tim, late Dar * gton tp., Beaver county. Penns., de• oeased, having • been. duli ranted g to t lie tin.: ,dersigned, allpersons indebtel-to said esla ul , are notified to make immedialo-payment, !sal those hating claims against same ail-Ir ma them properly authenticated for settle sneutwithoutdelay. . . ; 1 • ''' - REBECCA ALLIBAND, Adinfx, aprlol', 'V 1- . I --,_A t. - .. 'p a ca n e rn rp. I._, • • .' . NI 111 El ;01
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