- - TOE BEAVER.-....ARGUS. b,). lit, 1867. y.and - , „ r w % . Bisoiatt, hi; 64 filth et., PIM i t i ff s, is tbel authorised - eieat Are' tha AZOV. '' it thlCl '__..'"'''''''''''.._ _. . - 1 N.EII;ADVERTIONMENTB- .-,- 1 -.2. 4 al i o n e - dteetiott of the laddie is directedr t i !: 1 1:: 140 g new advertitatuseitts srldeb' i '' )ril t i llli e 6 A tb! A!J a 40-day: , : .1 peopaabiat—i..ll.:Wssuit. .., ; 1 1), "mesa Palle Idilla-T 1 Agent , sirTio ware-I-0. 8.. Anal . • jorOil Clotha , 44—j. &. L' Phillips.. o rtegsi NOUOIII-4. 8. Littall, MIL , 1 i ni;i•ontreraloo giff 8-10*--.laisam-'l% Brady a Ca ! . , i . _ lir/idlers Notice-Bml Toads. sehaiagraphs—A. Taylor. . *Dowdy Act--Indostry tp. - i n o liecial l'hileos—Watt - Gealy. .! 10 .8pectil Notices-71. B. Abodes. . owl Wanted-IEL T. Taylor.. OX. 6 Assessees Notice--7: B. Sepia.' ;Beare *meet. B. Watabough, travel ing companion of Bishop Morris. • Pomo lesortrans.—dt is aireidi?taori- to many of oar readers that.* Mr. Great, • stem bet of, kbet Casten brick= BgePoi!4l44 rs. lasn9l' dabrotia polisteit:i.)* • "Theilniverseidlaeraar' - ,TWeI deeture is said to bars a good deal of literary . merit, aid is the result'of. many years itady and research on i the part - 4 its sathar.; - Wo iambs:l4ookm Dr.D. L. Dempeey of this piacs 6w 'been. requested see astern** thomaimaaript of Mr orant, and reply tit it.at an. earlvday. We, doubt not the Garb aill i al; and the friends of orthodoxy wilt,theid'that I their cause has lost nothing in beirtgieitualt irmrtme. is directed Witte advertisement , ted to such able hands. Werarainfonatathat et hlrj R.4nisbuti of this place, in another felt I°n, 1 Mr. Dempsey wee will k deliver his lemur. in . Missil 7 Beaver and vicinity has long this . n . r next. the nee d et . a firm class Wieners ioem o and it • i e te be hoped that the 'enterprise of Mr. A. Dtatatastr.--On Monday night Boise person Rill teceiee- - all the encouragement that, our • • r - ,or persons unknown, bloke Into the Store of claws can it. . / I Mr. dime!' Snitgec:of this ptspe, by terealihir 'ot ter , OrgaAricrie. 7 —The maunfactories at ;open the window , shutter, and raising the Fangs bete all seen idle since the late fresh- ! window. The money drawer *an then broken et ;j u ' eowl eeitience of about silty feet of race into, and it and the contents carried away; to being broken.; It is 'however being • rapidly gather.. Ti 4 drawer contained some if:relay . -repaired, and ins few dayei they will again or twenty .five' dollars, meetly in script: A be in,opersti4n. pocket book containing some papers, valuable Colf lo * , l 6o -WOlllllO6 scot kr An county onstneneis tts sesaten on t - - morrow,' Isbo 24.) We unitessintuttbst•spaite at neennt ei tinniness wilt be briingta bane ;1:k H,Tpaptare--,--Beitlio card oi'tb ieflcm In our Paper this The. k 3 an este n tir stook and proodso r good worse at low pri- r3l war to Mr Snit ger , , was alai') carried off, but Ml:ems° of Co. Coltaitrrsa.--Aon Saturday 1 "7 last, the county Union Committee met in this f o und the ne * t l n4rni. ff "es Ida house and piece for the transaction iminess c("nnocted the Court House. Snitger and fam4 slept in the' rooa aboia the store, but strange with the coming campaign., The committee, as at present constituted, is quite a large one, to say, heard no noiselmade by the burglar or burglars, while they were helping ; ind most of ita membera were, present at the'. them meeting referred td . , , • 'r ' ; selves'to his earnings. i ENTERTAINMENT , —The citizens of. Fallstoq have been .enjoyings hpme entertainment or exh'ibniau, given by the literary association under; the auspices of Mr. B. tranklin, for the laudable purpose of purcbaaing ! . new fire en gine. Many ,pieces were acted that i would have been oieditable femora experienced ier suus. 1 . • t . At , Omit:L—On Thursday of laat week, lstr.%tiliew - Thomas of Franklin. tOwnahip, this tcoutity, while in the field of hie neighbor Mr.lWlfiient Stemm, l •took an apoplantie . fit and CO dr:tid, He Was s man of about sixty fisit ye;re of age, and wee highly isterutetirt the ne)ghhi -- nlhoud in which-1m fred„ • Pam.—On 1i ednesday evening Mr. Rice's family Bearer Falls discovered an ont house to be cut are, about eleven It was the work flan incendiary. But it was extinguish• vl before witch -injury was A9se. A man by 1 the ' i nsole of-Swain was arrested and lodged in 'tearer on inispioion of having caused the fire, to await his triil at the next term of ' court. I , COCNTY SABBATH SCHOOL ' Costvitsrioa.—We trust the people of our immediate vicinity will. not forgot that the Sabbath School convention for this county,announced 'lune time ago, con venes to-morrow; '(the 2d inst..) in this' place Oorpitizens should give the delegates froth the country a cordial greeting, ant entertain them as hospit.ibly as possible while the convention , session, The sessions of 'the convention he held in 4.he Piesbyterian Church of Beaver. Istintiorr - ttacir'.,---Sturte villain' re moved the bolts from the switith oa the Cleve land and Pittsburgh Railroad, at East pool, Ohio; on Tuesday night last, : by wbich thej engine of the night freight. train was Aliftiwt! from the track and badly damaged, and tilt road was obstratOted during the great er part of Wednesday. This is the third , time, a, few weeks, that attempts' have been me4e to throw. trains from the track within the limits of that village. July Conststuossas.—Oar friends of both politicalpartiel in. this county-will remember that the Jury Bill, which provides for,the elec. tiiis or two 'Jtiey Comniissioners in'each coun ty, , „ parsed the Legikeiiure and is now a law 5. 4 tike State ; They are to be elected, as Inspec tors "( election are noir choiest,.. that is, each elector voteiint but' one commisidoner. • Nom inations rot - perms as candidates fcir the posi .6" will then he in order at the coming county bOtit to should exercise one judgement as to w.'em these should be. li's tiaent ton, it thus early so,that-the subject will, eeeive the atientiOnit merits. .TAKE CARE OF THE Swiisx.—The ordinance WILK-Town Cpuncil, requiring the owners of !trine to keep thOroenclosed, within the lim- I its of ..the borough of Beaver, went into effect on Monday last. We are assured by the town' inuhnritie s 'that tliis ordinance will be strictli cafort.e4, and it is to be hoped that the owners will•give these authorities as lit tte troltble as possible in the enforcement of it it not be said in Beaver that any of its_ !itizetifs are law-defying, or disposed to array t htetnttertot against an •ordinance' that com mendi,itself io the taste and judgment of near our 'Whole Populat • ' tis,tsr. Tstes.—lre !kitties within the last frqvlaye that quit's• a number of the owners of POperty io Deaver. bare been planting Ibit ": l rreß—mest of themldaple, in front of tbett dwellings and out-lots, Some of these, itteilbeing planted, have been dilly cared for in thi tray of protection by boxes, posts. & 43 ., but a great many others are simply pet in the emettd:. and thus left; t o t ake care of themselves. ;tiles! latter are a t.btanding invitation" to : c ots to "rub against," and not one in five will "° tie destruction from theta before the BUM - 41 Pr is over. Without pram:akin from cattle; t'uteide shade tre'es f ,,a,re a poor investment: with tr)?!.it irn they amply :repay all they cost. . - main . or Iftess9ol7 , - 4 c 1 v " 94 11 4 01 kr i gg ki ;i ."() p ii4ttrasui-18017. • ---• • ;lac • . • . 111 m t. e poe t ortion of *a) w !" - I T ° tirtF 4 7= , !seek at piusborgh. Thai* ilia" tittle* tai followe Morris. halm. &Mk mem !itrams.achendis,7424l. tom Thoeigia'tiibfiliSedie 3l6l4 / 111111 . 11? Alul regagur ► asuti4ictsaw - 44#iiir - eng Baker were' elient. The object of the Mast- A h ri k et. ,tho a s i try . as' gis thus stated by the Pittsburgh t 7 " • • .:700..arymiss t Ch attliiiir ate'DD il irtioCeieji t ' the general public, but we learn the etain'oh-. Joe. of their westing in to arrange_ nee sat tern pettaining to t k ith that het-work of doines kie and foreign infa*e. 04w1k4umis ,ott adininietrative acts le the wordage of the lijde koPotf• tioll to perfect thoklaso 41 0E* visitation anal the swet.wieethigsf the BONA The Niel to-day." - Tbe Bishops adjourned an, Saturday: amain the Sabbath following they pteathed in; the lko MOTU ".ittlettrottroltliz , N.chnnilw Bishop Warm; Christ Church, Btokodi Janes r' Anne M. B. Chapel. Bishop-Th*BM . , Sr nom A o %M. -. Beautiful : spring - ;has come again.' Tdie birds:re' beginning to en liven us with their joyful notes, the trees are bursting out in buds, and the ground is again becoming covered with a_ coat of beautiful greengr i ass. 'All indications tend tii, rhow, too, thst \ise are going qt have an tutusually large stip ly of luscious fruit, apples,. peach ei4 pea e. . The people alio are ap With the times, an are industriously engaged in clean ing !it:, i heir yards, the rubbish, and r making their . gard;s. Bowe, indeed, :have plants up alieady, d are doing line. -IBeaver is unusually prosperous in every respect' about this time. ...., ... - - , ;, • • 4er Ilimmr:44l24sert Mapreeryt - 'Wire; a gentleman, well and favarabiy known, as a store-keeper , in this place, formerly, left the townsome time ago to try his fortune tat West: A few days ago we Raw him again in Heaver, on a visit. He is in good health and molat cheerful spiritsi 'and highly praisesthe peoplit and prospects of the western country. He says the people are industrious. energetic and Ithrivinghand .we do much injustice to them in holding snob opinion's as we do. of them. Says It l e is flourishing finely in the dry go ‘ ods business. Still," we netice Ae-Acsn't forgotten "old Beiteer." -t • t ' 4l " .- • • • Tus n w , 111.tere,W.—The greatl rowing' Tomah which is to tike plane at Pittsburgh be tween James Hamill .of that. p:ace and Walte r Brown of Portland. Maine. is just now fruitful theme 2f excitement, fiantte fact that Hammitt is at present.in trainin for the race at Pittsburgh and .Brown at Ellenwoed, on the 'Monongahela river in this State. Hamill has trained down t 0,1711 poundsandleroWn to 168 pounds. Thousands of dollars has been stak ed on the roe*, with the odds 'largely . in Ha mill's favor. The day' for the trial has, we believe, not jit iuten axed. , Quite a number of the good 'people hereabouts are also becoMing excited over the rice. ' Tag examination . or Lewis K. McCoy, for the murder . of McDonald, .was cloeedlast week- Esq. Oliver commuted him to jail on ilk charge of murder in the first degree, at the close -AI the examination. - , We are informed that his decision gave general satisfaction. We undenstand that his attorneys "hive ma& an application to the Probate; et . Judge t adthit young McCoy and Mrs. Muhruith to bail, and that several days have heen spent in. hearing testimony on the applicapcin. What. the object is in keePiag th e fuss stirred up in this manner, we eanitot say, Steubenville is tired of the matter . , and nobody is any the wi ser, as the whole giotuid has been'gone over before.— Wellerille Uniors. En. Attous:l noticedthe - folloWing :n last Week's Local, in reference to a mistake the editor of that sheet said you • made When; not knowing the degree whMliwas,tottferred on ascertain, physician heivelxinte by &Philadel phia medical society, you said the "degree of —.---" was conferred: '•One of ita apprentices know batter, and in .setting up' the original notice, inserted the *M. D.,' but in the proof reading theeditOr marked them out and inserted a dash."' I am the apprentice referred to.- II will' not say that Mr. Odell wrote the above for_ the purpose • of causing a quarrel between my em ployer and myself, (for ha knew the former would suepect me; and only me, of giving the information to him (01.114, If each. was his object, he will not be succetssful. The above extract is untrue ; I did nal te}L ' him or any Other man that I corrected your article in say way ; ind no other person told Wei I se_ cor rected it, nor will be say so. It is sot nom& sary, nor do I "Irish. to say anytkint more on this, extract. ' "Ardennes." LIMBS* ON TWO )1/WYO.—During the past week an immense quantity of lumber has•pss sed down the river. The oil business is WA consuming lumber this spring . the Al legheny es; it har for some years , pp, by, and it now seeks a market further soutik. sisetet - tes pifirtlool.4. la ths'aes* - . 1 10 41-11 **1'* 064 ,1 16 .• 111 , 11 ! Wessefikriralia-POWW* 01 :1 - #0 1 aw far ovkAimoor.l4 - !ikiiclniitili ea• tiii*4 44lll6ll . ilmoibeHle****Y se; - .tsidllS:4ll , ', L ,,e/47, t Casette illiditassilee'lretil peee . Now Allesir vs Mil* maim 1.01,4 1 47 1 , !nityliq it 'f ah 4iiiiiiiiillp , ,04 * .th wr IV I ; k1 = .11411411 4 1 0 1 .1.1 1 11 .1 1 ,0 4 4 1 , 4 7.0 .4 :k i f 1 ,* 41 40 000 [istaibaiumissio . c..Mo44:, Vs, or , 'ssadidstesi .'r • ' , - ,- - -1 .- ,7 -- 4'. I 0:=1 Ur: tstressee tie*lrecia!; l 4S i lilie , 1 Es tie liesee" di Trip —iriOslstre4*. „ is twielif,4o.4"s_ltimrfisraildult ~, thirtyLnintb C. - 0. sky i ,4111,t- bliiiii :ongress.- -.-- - I have been importuned apn:*idle Wai l'!" - 4 11 . 4411 , f r r4111/41004114-5 0 1 4:10_1 I VO* II / 4 1 , auy eoiwootod with so high aad hotan:ago "a truly I have consested to 'become a ofatikhistst--. Hoping far a - continuation or some nosiiiismi awd vi n ° 447; l l 4 9l te fer__..._ "it" patios. • Very espeessuffy, ' • B. B. WW3OII. • • 1 1 1 0 11 b!, .: ''. 140 041P 1 1/ 4 '/elk _(+ 4 .4 ''''-.:.... 111114 1 1111 1 11 4 4 1 1 1 114 ! ° 4. o =4. . / r l a i • • Whitens: t • , rules the destinies o f man oar Ilettyway Path-! er Wiesen fit to remove from eanoig as, our .1 worthy antLestemeed brother George +Ulmer. Thseejiii; te it `Aiseleitt Thar re tali,' to 'humble submission to the decrees of: tho, All. . wise Creatoi who Vieth and who take& away: I but at' the same thiitt w e deeply feel and de-+ ' pint!. the loss of our , beloved brother who was so suddenly .called from our "midst.; r I , Refolvtd, That we deeply and sincerely sympathize with the mother and friehds - of deSeased in this their day of trial and afflic tion. Resolved. That notwithstanding we are call led upon to mourn his lose, we do not mourn as those having no hope, for our beloved broth. er is not 'dead, but sleepeth,• and Will' rile again. Retolva. That as a tam) ,of respect,ourlodge ; roma be draped in mourning.aad that thimem hers wear the. usual hedge cf mourning for thirty days. ' •' Resolved. That it copy of these Resolutions belsent to the mother 'of deceased brother and also a'copy to the County paper Tor pub lication. ' . Fraternally , submitted in F. H. and et - • H. Is. .REIREL, . A. Ir.-WOODRUFF, T. HARRY DOUGLAS: Ccuttutuee on Resolutions. __t_i' • • torments, PA:, April 29. • S'cittor Argus: I em not intimately acquaint ed with very manY mentbereof the DBllloCiiir le ' party of this county, bit If the morals and social standing of the •editor of the /Awl ass.l hie three chief companions are a - fair, temple of:whatthe whole is, it must be the moot de graded and debauched organisation that can be found any Where. I saw- the four Wit. Fri. n4skhorinii.rtrnes... and I blush to think that they are inhititanliot (nt: county. More anon. . • flsauven: ODD Fzukvis,--The Odd Fellows of the Unit ed States observed Friday last. (April26th,)as a day of thinkegiving. The members orthe fraternity in this vicinity - had a parade, after wbioh they repaired to the Bridgewater M. E. Church, where ileiotional exercises were eon ducted by thel Rev: Alexander Clark orritts. burgh and Prig R. T. Taylor of this Pilsce... The programme was well arranged, and. the affair passed of very pleasautly.to all interest ed. • I, _ Obituary. LiO'es written on the death of Gertrude!. ' &Non and &attic, children of Jae, A. Fortune They faded—oh'! bow soon' they , died. Ere summer bloomed upon life's way, Those little spring buds, side by Bide, I Were culledas in one single .day. Yes, 0140 so early by that hand, • C• Whose chilling touch abi witheringbreath Net e'en the hoary Wads will stand.; ,' Bo they; dear ,onen, were stilled in death. _pear Gertle--fond and loving child— - Ws; first to close her bright dark eyes; Her rosy line so recent smiled. . Were leafed-4he tilt nor heard our cries: 'Twas noonday—oh I that bitter hour ; And tbeisktite bright May sun was high; Hisimeas were shut front that sweet.tiower ; iwbaantiful- 1 -yet she must. die.. J.O . W whisperings tended ''round another, While still the solemn hush was felt— ' Was next •tilt infent 'gland brother, ' • 'Round Whoni to save, in tears they knelt. • 'Twat; vain; the shadows hovered low ; With dimpled hands upon his biting, A • • Su calmy,lently„ seemed to go, -• • And Seldint, too, was hushed to reg. Then sorrow's darkness draped the day, And found hearts broken, weephtg o'er Two treasu r es hidden in the day; ' . Unconitiotis, death still Maims one more; And oh ! but two short wets wer&ereu To linger !Imre the weary roam, When two sweet angels, back from heaven Were Bent' to bear dear Callie home. Nowlthose tielitied ones, low are laid, - Beneath tie early flowers of spring. • As side by sile` , titeiii graves are made, • ; I can but Memory!, offering .bring— . With sympathy for those, that day, . • A said bereavement tailed to mourn, Who stood beside thelifeless play - And' saw *hiss to the dasi7gravti bartta':. Oh! then liv t ;ard to-bear I know— But think, 's one Mae strong t *save, Who-took thew thats this.world of-woe, Lap:sena trtntiiife's dolly wave. 'Twits snob our savior kindly took, " Aid prftssed thenz i gently to his breast, And promised ;Otis holy book, • All sneh in bias , should and vest.. • - • Nor thhdr. the cold; solsidiess greys haat rear ' • lost - Fan o gems we're . 'Twas not to Oath elotte we gave. Ant untocank - who cousin the 'Tie here the remnant only Iles, ..Whilerwa•in.jg lout' up to heaven._ . • • - IgamortaOs shined ?satirist' . .Sack to ita god, orwhOnt- :mu ci )7 '.72x4c,-,,. e ' fl ft ~i '&46 4 i lf ‘li i. - ---$. . ' I 4—: • . ' , . , • - r ' Cei - 4 • . , ...... , _ , .. . / 1111 0".".... .... 1 . 111 HIPV l I I V I Vr irls.. 7.- ;•.' '''':-.1". t. . - ; ‘ 44 - 111,146+ ... -- kI 4'.4 • 1: 1 1 'l. kisliktv,ifi.4Mlty; 'Xt.% •,:`- 0 - : Tr I- —l' r — •' r ..' ' • > ,F: i i iii . • - :propitiation 'Man ---1. _ • '•- • *lra,. :ggia1." 1 4, 4 41 4 07'‘' wri4 4 l Aiiiii ;:irse7 Itime• _- ::-. - 1_ -- '. ----,:•-•:-.1,---" • • - . -1/Piat Mum, ; ; - - -• • -1 ilarill6 C 446 . WOW ?kg . 4 .1 • 118 1. 111 t v .3 1 ! ° !.. -iN tf°o ll l 814 '1146-'' it Itheile ;`Druilltaa.,A4MWOOtri* It It' • i ; 1 ,000101 Wlt e llfltrtli , 11 147Yefits4 for itrapepsis. rim of iipplitte, • • , or Oil Iliad. • tti ; 1 :1 0 0#91: 0 " - icor "4)14 a•••• Mak i 10114446 - I "WA Illacantsifil)er Tabiumo, naultsad 4Y~es s 1 . 1 4- 41 # 8 1 1 M1 1 #0 1 r* Bea Ten MiErSoda Ault 410"11114 ataktag at Rhodes' Drag Store, near Oki Pi,Q, Beaver Pa. . . On the.i6th of A 1861, in At. Mar bor ough, this 4 / ' , .llanre flnz, a=id about da min. : • 3; - 1 Fridiy norning; - .10141 119th," Georg; W. • Lamm, son of Wl* inn flateentlf.Lehisor. igen s 8 yeort ani - On! ihei se - AWin North — ffewiehly township, Bowies oossij, of Paralysis, lifrs. Email", KIM. in the 10th your of her Sie. WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. t.) I 1 - 4 IE4I Clklr EL IN , • Lowest Poiiiitiie Reties, AT .. , • ; ' Mrs.. M:Ponley ' s BOOK 4. STATIONERY STORE, - • In the Viampzia, Rocittir6, PA. s ,;.- Also &shod slid otan; „ 8d0 . k5. , .. litsSioneny. *astern men' aid., wane* - promptly liltr - A4"• , :, • - WANTED 1., .:WAIWTEti . . 11 - 11VER'iBODYtO call on WISTVR IEtEDISOW- - 01c , sea - and Apple am, New antigen. Pa:, and- examine their splendid new magi large stock of goods just received frouitivissat, which we sat now offering at and-below c t itypEices. • I, • WATC fIES!.-WATCIISBIf • Fine Silver Hunting American Levers, and the splendid new lime !mei', this Is iumetbing, entirely new, cheap'. sell reliable; also, a fine selection of Swiss Levers, both mild and sit. ver,large and small, *ltalie for ladles; gen tlemen and boys. 11 . • C LO C11131..t L OC In: abendeaoe, ait.the lsteld •stjles; Patterns and various prices, which we can recommend and warrant reliable time-keepers. . , • . . JEWELRY! JEWELRY!! , . • We do not pretend le! say what we, have in this . line, .but -Nuns And see, far yourself; if you are in need of *pair of speetaeles, - we can show you the best Ind largest lot ever of fered la Ibis County. LOOSING'II2IABBBB I I These we east sell You frost zo cents and up- . wards: ale, a large stook of notions, sash as Portniosies, Batehels,Travling Basks, eistar Cases, Portfolios, Ladies fancy streetandeswr ing Basks* Brushes, fancy Dusters„ 119 t a: Door Matta, Children'i Folding Ciudre, sad betides a ins assertnte4 pf hous•-faredsblng pods. • -IIIIBIC! IMITSIC2I In addition to the "Jewelry and Notion busi ness...a hannadd , d a line assortm ent of Mu sical buttrnments; such an Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Tambourines, I'reneb and German Ac eordiaus, Pile% Mouth Organs, Tuning Forks, &e. • . . an W d e ez w l ll it b ie e p il u i t i stoo ° Wh i te ° it, 7c6 : csl ikedi l "r and . - new Rertinsb er the Mee: - tor. Broadway and Applo4ate,.-New 141$11 lid, Pa.. .WANREB, & BIBIBON , 'Apr11_24,4867:: SSA 1, iiROPOSALS Wll.l. be received by the Commissioners 'of Beaver comity up to noon of May Hl,' 1867, for furnishing the materials and • build ing the stone work including abutthents and wing -walls by the wel, and covered wooden or iron bridge struotdre, thereon, by the foot linear, across Itacwoon!ereek. in'lndependenee township, at a point were the llooksttiwn and. Clinton road Greens soOnrtfek- ordeTlf the Staid. 391114 0.&170 HEY, Apr19,87,_ •• •_ - , Clerk. (Lime . :14101174, XtBaUTCIIO 1I QT WBkaLll3 Letitia tostamedary of tie estate /4xse Jete Lteasat,, 80. ehistei et bore:. 445T1V",.41104 111.11111 F bow' granted tasks 'Mammon, all perisemimsw lag theamsdessindebikd teamd,mkatii ere re quested to' make immediate payees, and these basins - elapse- aisiast. threw. will remelt' thee! rstiatist t iatbeatieitted Ar„set, tear. mai - rs Amis. apr24'6T. r - Noitilst ton. SUM 0)111PIITTSE firth Elea I ate meet la Harrlsballig On Miindoe, 116 Y _ , proz., - -ot two 0'01045 P. M.,-to hold • 1 3Mision for the . Woodpiles :of the inado ;Oast 111111 PAW Companies for god e ge tttonal obiwvio aeon finish' and. ea- Tattles latotrooted aro nodded to • •L. 1.0. intozwips. -_ • * C7iiirotin Co/Ws:tee. - • od• -- ,- , :r 1 t ir Iff ig and Corner otlthunond & Third' 41t., s `.l • " 0134' N'4111".. HS DRUG STORK PORSMRLY °CCU -11:-.714111pf ilimmerciftiatvreal t, llltnsaio~ MI B: 1:Z3EC0320311t, I skit sa elMildiete *Wk. „ . ME DRUM 111111110 Z IL CrECEEMEICAMEk. . . . 11: 10 .43 - irg1 xn.-43 so 43i. i• - soiips,.ipILET*ARTIOLISE. And Brindles of 411 Janda. .PROPRIETARY GOODS . IND • DYE-STUFFS. • I Dia- We see prepared to cell PURE A SECOND . QUALITY *41V: 1 : LEAD, A*l) OILS of all Muds, taligieurgirriet • Vt IN VO VP, GLASS. OF ALL SIZE§ ' • Our stock., of Alcohols, Wines, tea, Whiskeys, end other Liquors,' will be found complete, and, being selected with greit cure, can be relied upon an being Pens as can be obtained; and will be void tor. 11.6•01. r... chanical. fab porn/nada patiioseit • • 41 Pr seriptioniv FanTY : • • iptiii Accurately Filled it All Hours. • • :Oen •Pielieriliiion and Medieine meat being nadir the peenessi eupervisio Mr. L. M. Linn:roe, . 'an' espeelen gives yaw,' we Batter 'cnuneltes task Ire give' full enilsfsetion. say beanie ; of buldneed. ' ; 11111J0touttiniber the pilee-he* the • set Case, corner . Third street sad the DiSsi4nd, Beaver. ' • I All an ierpectfally invited io will and ez plains our loodc.ad prices before purodiaidni eloslVAns.!- • • - 2 • Buscessore to C. F. WINTER, MI DINGS - h, • •' AXii T ••• WHO sow orms agialitati 'Call and be Coevineedit;' regi I . l4* . iefi, Ayr!'o67:ly _RHODE ,—_-449M180WS Sweet Potato Plati IMI vista.° w NANstisiciN 174 Bing Kited/or lila Moults -I• - HERB Phmts are raised at Marietta, Shio; 'tied in bunches of 100,,paoked to go saf T h ly undreds of miles. - , 1 Orders left with DR. DMITIOIT or J. L. FRA- Ms. up tallith May, ,willreeeivelprolopeat , ten lion, and the plants *ill cost letn - than thou mind here or at. Pittsburg- Apr. 24, '67. J. H. 13E1C.F.4;:i SD SIEET, (1 DOOR BELOW SEIIINA ,) Eg 1 eaVero I :4 a• .if qffers.to his Fronds . bud Customers a alileot Stock of the . I 1 - Latest Stlyl;# , . , in rr r i in ni 1n go sc, l , i ' EMBR OIDERY, . ' ' ' HANDKERCHIEFS, ' LACES. RUFFLES, .' RIBBONS, • • T • • BUTTONS, •• ' . H OSIERY, • . . 1 CORSETS, • . , . .!, .. GLOVES; ' •' . TIDIES. BAL. SKIRTS. The new style Invisible Empress Trail Hoop Skirt, Yeil Stuffs, Grenadines, Sun Urn •,. breltaa, Zephyr's, Ladies - and (lento • Paper Cuffs and Collars, &o.' - I • MILLINERY.... Of every' description. Hata and Bonnets, very °heal ) * Plowersli every variety, cheap. Hats and. Ben. nets altered. and cleanad,ekesp. ALSO, .I:4oonuakini,slosli and flack. Cut . lila& Pinking., &1 . , ' lie. Madame Domorest's West Paris and Net York Maimed Pattern, constantly on band. - PAt TY 11 8 As • our itook - las been pa:4lmnd at low prices, it is offered at corresponding low eat's. idles us a oalLandeatkifY loorresit Don't forget tbP iplies—ess Sloss below tlie 15emblari. ffOriela. Besvae, -Ps: J, ;• • , 3,111/1111O1121;10±Le I', Z piftlielhthip Ade4ore stinting ' be tween the tuldersivaed, in the prsolice o medicine, wss dissolved by mutual eassent on the 18t h of Merck 1867; Those indebted to the late linamill plasm oallliid Settle their socatuti st atiorty date. ' ' • '..: l ' -1). SlolElliNEy. B. FEICHT.; i; , 5pe24117.-3t ,i :-,,,-,, • ~, , .:1 r i 4,.. _ ~ I I 1 ! Las ES3 ,` • ~_~)) r l+~ltl ~r El MEM biAMOND • RocilleSTEß. -.I NEW DIUMEItiCiuDI3; " - NEW PEIN,RS,- 1)*A1111M . , • - O4ItE*IIIIBIANS. Mr . ,1 ''. l 1 NEI4 MILLINERY WOOS ! sting immured the Agency Or ~~ liE v • ••. • • , . . • • fallr *Mail an eiaininstion of the by, as public. !ME ble improvements, hauls; been examin I 7 the most prOfonnd experts, and pro • to be simplicity and perfection coma ed n a mecical point. of view, the &dyes ! ne c laimfor. the "iItsPIRS Mscntsx," i• -- . i . • :.•.. ist.—The ethod of t driving , the Needle Bair by a. co pound crank, which produces , the same &Wien as heretofore obtained by means of a Cam; .but in a more durable and noiseless manner. +2d.—We uses rotating shsft.• above Mie ta ble, and thus are enabled'. to give all the ooin required under the arm; without detri- Meat to the durability of Machines; having a bearing directly over the Needle Bar. f.—Our Feed 'Wheel is a !delis feedyand snstrnoted l i thst there is but one joint in t• tting t • motion from the reek 'shaft te whoa, and unlike all others, , cannot bfected by oil or dust. ~ th.—The Boo k . Sh ift that ,works the Feed m ion also drives the Shuttle._the bearings of this Shaft Sad Centres are ardened steel and adjustable, re that we can take up the lost motion'at, will. • . p i e following are the principal objeotitsm ur against Sewing Machines: . . Excessive fatiguela the operator., 1 .Liability, to get out of ofilsr. Expente,l tremble-, and loss of time in reiniri J ir --- '4. In ca paci ty I to new every deioription of '6ll D a l l icagriniable noise While in operation.. '1 e Empire Sewing Miehino is . Exempt MO sit these . • ~. . . , Objeitions• , . . , Ow a Arai ght need* Perodiewhw &a do% makes We Lenz or entretu soma, which will swans tzr tier "Aims, and is alske on , both' aides ; ovine perfect sewing on every description of nesteriaL from Leather to the Anew, Sanaa* Noel* with cotton, lima.. or silk thread, front the cowslip to thp *test • 1 FELLS, BlNDs,sigre, • TUCKS, I,QUILTS. PLAIT* and I GATHERS., - • Etivinineither OAX not 000 warn. end the • possible Motion, it nnis as smooth :as .rndis atiatiy a Aroesetessif me hiss • `,l • rouirni s - , • -AT 7 OEM Fort/11We •! REM =IQ `'TIE'--_ ~...eT ~~ reati* JELedticed. PRICES: TS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, &o, MI ~' iiirelliwing Machine! is construoted en a sew prim possessing many rare and . A. Fortune's, RED. FRONTS RY GOODS *TOR Et, tiOC Its TER,ric tM twain tbs eaderpr . ,, style oiDierNi r r11011111.• 44by Asia ine, Akbir, „i v Stilt • • • t wipp, . Reelineer, P ll 4 s Cir4tte',,, • '."11 =EI =I t f a mi l li a ttiete d• thd sabseelia;6.3lade thit..ilaraadet . V V isto4lindted Tartaeadd* Seasidif:. bly to the' prodigious ,et - Abe ortaigNO of .the Ccamolawaldtb of reseed the brat, day ot.liaa6 l l 4l l4 ll = , "An Act velativa Se sio hereby cerlttjt . thlitAbt=';,, ME aPdl - Akl the iWstotel itt - whieWitaktpestainhipe' memo. is • the first ali", or:. . -- r 'a .0 ! t ' and thit it • wilt tennisstil esti. BM et -1 A - pill,' A 711 V. 1t3717 1:17 A.- -T7 r r: : l.. -.. q . ! *2ess iieseia• - ' • 1 / 4 ' . 1 -H tr at 3 4 1? -ii Le o nardci 8: • Jel 0 411: * insi' . i VO' Rik •:,! . .1• . ! . 4 tiL . H ! :'.. I tASONLAIIIION, ,• ~. :, I , : , •;- • L.TDITAILD liltirlilf. : 2.1.5 1 i , „.. . . .....,...- ~..,.. ~.,,, *fitness present, . lit. L.. SAIMII,• ! '!ltiii : 1 ! IV.. WeigpetnST. . ;49,PIVillilleli !.! (seta $'L : Biker . ; .... . 1:- ~ --I. ' ,; ! & Jacob Henriei . .) , • E- ~ -••• -, 2 '..-: - ' - 1 ' 'ORPHANS' otnnti. SALL . .. :, . .„._ B' virtue of an order Of the o!plLat* e boal A • of Beaver county the UnalVell lk \1 _ !Wit" OP*lt;:st:PAPAitetit 4 ll4 400,114 , -1 1 tees, on ' ' - - -.,. -.' i: i- 1 ~, 1 1 1 . Monday M ay 20tti ark .-- 1 at 11 o'clock, A. M. of said day,i, ell 0041 Z ing deieribed rest estate _0 Pallid ! ; late of Big Beavertownshili,'ln said minty, ..: ... deceased - , situate iniaidlosteuthitt et Bid - i; , '. wer; viz': &certain/ pa:ranter' Mil thredl. i'o bounded' on the: . North . by. Mat: Or moat . Bent' Ay, at the fatal. by Bic itsimi4iir Climb; c , 1 'South by land of Vieerge Bake, atitille land of William Jimes, containing about tests Acres, on Which is Urected-s leg Him% cukeauttia'lialralyrltax , No;, - kik. 4 4 , 4 ".etrt ; premGote.,4 1 _-' ` • - .i m i ria ll i ll . 0 " • TERAIS.Ctite-thirtraf the Wilt& i •- . , in hand tat on the confirmation - of alibi by the curt, the balance Interco 4041 ittatilil l i notiol. twer r zetee Meats from !haute, Withlnte s titat , time, and swatted by bead and , • u i 11 , the premises.. The parithasere tlirve " , :, of Preparing title ( bond and sikoteipm* - aist!sdl 1- , retrisite- stamps... For further tnfOrmid. Mt, .- ' inqui4 of the undereignett at ileumeoell,,Ben- ~ Ter coot": PIL -,'- - t T ' •'.. I- ! ' ' ' " Viiillikii 0; to ER, ,.._ • _ .. .trit.ro-g GRAHA. _,..• , 1 - - --01- - -b, ( Ehdias,. 4.6.4 , ' 1 _ , iiPe? 4 : 67 . r ORPHANS' COURT By _virtue of 14 ( - order of the . o4 8 of Beaver county", the usiderawn , trator of Aaron tioxid„,dee'd., WM, , I . by pUblio vendee, on the rebid": - .MONDAY, Mak 40, ; !Wirr at I o'clock, P. M., *lithe ujiMMfisitaie;am '- emits of all that. trent of lantileßuels(in ' township, Beaver eoz4 Pa, hommistkilettli i ! lands of Andtew & William iiiiiitimpitee4 -, ' • other lands of the said Aaron Moini South by lands 0f,..10hn M'Cejsb Anne* • 1 and West by lands of James 440214111 Witherow, eimtnining nboull ~ , PIPIFTER4 . i ACRES, a f bowt 40 acres eicesmpimsti ins i. state of cultivatitin. haprOveseata are 111 - NI house andlog,bern. Said ]tail Iliddlet tip itql. ' dower of Mrs —flood, mother of 010C111441111141* and widow of Williabi limid,,. deal:. • INERMS-One-third of. tha isweitnee ;401411, iti' hand on confirmationl)4We biibet ii), the belittles in two , equal anuM ipmelMeielin • from that date, with interest from saw *ft: and secured by bond mid olOril l d i Z chaser to pay :expittsco of iikilkWlM aati mortgage. and an MI • fi viempik..l.:, further Informattoo, inquirtkottbitio.. ed, rpekho' elaGreteattensablp.aforireahl,, j; -' -.. GIBSON 1110fflk ,- , , Adair. ef-Aissen-Meed4 laroli- - -! 4 ` - ' April 20, 1567, - .. ,' . - --, L -. `i ''! ..S . 'I . • NOT YIN "0111101 I. undersigned weeid: perf • fern histriendsuad he , Nstiliveur ix* WO bend a largpiandwell Wass, etoilivair : • LADIES', • ' - ' tiEN -• _ --AmPPlil litoifEtts • - I Boots aild l B ll 2 4 :Tilc 'OT AL .1i I N - Which be wall sell at the lowUat In -addition to Enateirelltailli.l2 lll 4% Beets and Sh6es, be alio: lee* . large salortnieni Me and to prepared toad job oce theftborteet *gear, Irlitatlf*Ole ala al" st say other abet In thettlotnite Thankful to the public fir so _hneinese, I respeetibllrsek , continual: kit Easters 'mirk be repaired free of dm*. apr24437:801- • - • Eiscirtoles. HEREAp tette*, teirtenia* . 4ll( th ilf Vestate , or Do,trolk Lehi coon •Ewp., le*yet county. Ps.; doo't s been gritutekto indebted to seikeadatio au Villipeelholkellial immedistet , paymen6. thiSee Wile Mlle sjeinst the , note wiltereeeikb authenticated for tottleirp s ; ot. .t • zem o t • THOMAS 14:114)i j • • • - • spryt',67-4t. —'• • - Moon tw1064 INSURANCt , AGENCA,-1 . Tilt undesiped - has bias aiteintelhopd_ I - for the ' Akan Insuranoe. &w or d, cons., andlibewisa*th* PAM_ Intioranee%Conipany EnterpthielnsursnedComput •b* - Of lbestreompaelor etst-buildingi.Sioies; liissiirties6l4.6l4 . ° against. loss. by Amon favorable tusk alit* •yearn or kilt.. Lobes equitably adjusted and iprossir rid triton the insurana ^L tillreeted.;cialibt mess connected with either of . Winans.* slew attended to with dinolbech sad Waft- JOS, MTLIJILL 41011/1.-- • aug22-'66--ii. • • Beaver..'ps:l MI EMI= TINA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers