d - BEANER;I* „ARGUS. • • BYAND,, - 11,Ii j 1 TR • 7' 111 fetinuiry 2pth;:1861., The Ciiemellaville R. R. Bill, 1 j . ., Thp'eetieellevills Railroad bill;whicti -,!...fme recently- occupied So much of - thO ~public iiCentielk wa:hrought up in' i libe 7 Eltite s Sentit i e or:Friday last, and. ! ; ( defeatedby a.vpte :ofd._l3 for, and 1.7 1 agelept into passage. A motion tore-, it jiconsider was Olen cariied, and a .l ent N. Wards the bill ' as postponed inaefi.i •'bitely, which ‘ irtua4 kills it. - • ' f '' " . 1' A foiv'wOrds in brief as to'the Con ,c !, - nellsville Toad - ' tic&i 1 - May not be olit.ofi,,- , . . ;:;?lace :' • The ‘onnsysvrile Railroad .l l' coMpany',was:-eharterudi some years i ~.f. , ago:by the, Stale Legislature, and for several years` afterwards it was the re. ciphiat of awn rota ifavors from the Same body, In the lay of legislative ,' actiomods.tionsi :_ln 1864, heiwever,the 1' legislation bee Mei adverse to 'the, in. r i tereeta . . of ,the rommlitmiy, arid': during that year thei; charter was revoked, because of all ed "abase and misuse' of - - itielir 'priitliege3:: The company then appealcd to the Courts for, 3. re- I dress, and in suit tried by a JU'rj'i . before.whop. all;' - the .fact:3 were , brought, it Was declded that ti,i, e corn pany had rot '',iitirti l led nor toisuseil" , their piivileges, and that dip taking ' .'aviay-of - theiii charter liY the Legisla - tare was invalid.. Knowing, now,tbat while-the ,quistion,was in shis :equiv. oval shape, th i ezoorild get no :capital. lite to inveatl, - lieir,funds in the corn; ' :pletion „pc ,itie road, the e . omprin3 ., atught on F4day last to have the sett ' . annnling the r ,charter repealed, but with what secess we hakee -stated .at 1 --the bead ofhis iirtiele. ," t t, : 1 The Fennia, lvania Central hi 1864,, ro 'doubt re alized th at the Oonnelle. bills - enterpri e coMPleted, wouPd be a •F _ .. 4 ; ' ~, M thel • 1 41r:4 . omum94(l. To prevent _li4loVoil , f i ts inOidtition, Unfriendly hitaiii ; rai c i tile- Conneilsville i 1 ii) :began, tid wad` continued until #.oilitiiPter was,t4ept away. Having accomplished: this Much, 'the Pennsyls Irani:* Central.atauda now id the Leg. . . _ islitnre ,witb the: power_ at hand; to a -- prevent rs'newal of, - the Charter: of ' the Connellsvilio"; company, aid like- Wise to strize!icitvn a General .13i.il road.law, os any other measure iiiiro -diiced that Would be likely to affect its iaterests, 45tand, oven remotely i ir. its way. .I`bat the public may 'ape who voted' r tlie ; menopily, ,nd *he i ) .- did not,we erew:lib'apperld the names , of the Sena t or's, and the, way they cot ,i_... ea on this,t‘iiiteat, question. The vote was. for the' renewal of the COTIOCIII3. . Ville charter: ~+, , i im ,i a--43. .. . . Vt h &M rAle Ilillingfelt;L)incastOr; Searight, Fayette; Brown, Lawrence; 'f I Btinzinan, Somerset; . 'Brown, Marr; I Taylor, Beaver; Colinnati,Bai phin; f.l Wallace, Clearfiel4 le Davin Berk o • :I White, Indiana. Graiu4D, AlWgiienTi' • ' 1 BAYS-17. rr . , Bin:Lett, of Carbon;' Randall, Selinyliztll; i Connell, l'hi,iiidalpltia; Ridgeway,Philad'at . .4..! , Bonaten, Philad'a; Royer, Cheater,'.'• ••1' Grata, Yorlq,• I : Schutt; Lehigh, 'llsizeis, Blair; ; t3hoemaker,Luzerne; , Jaekan, litinteur;i liralls,, LioosamS:, James, Buoa; . : ' 'Worthington , Cheer , Landon,' lir dfOrd; Speaker Ball, Blair; ' - 3lcCo.ndlce , Philad'a; ' ,:' he Senate Vpte. . As the Iveteta the State Senate„pill - , Friday listoathe Connellsville Rail .,road bill,l in Nantes the defeat of -a General!Railraad law thia , wmter,t we ",wish to +ll ait,o,ion to a.'fact or two is eoneetton with it, -The Senate, pa - - liticalfy, tituda, 21 Unionists to 12 Demoet443.l Ihree of the f9rmer _were abtil on 'Friday last, Of the 13 meictlrre who voted , in, favor of the i s. ContieOpille pin, and indirectly in fa vor of dijeneal railioad laW, 10 Nere Unionis and but 3 were DOmocrats. I Of tho 1 members who 'cited agair,st,l, 1 ;1 the . COitelliiville bill, h . indirettly against; geuersVrailroa law, 9 were j Demciertts 'and 8 were pianists. I To pu i t tha:qTietion in nether form i and _ditspensittg with , ,f aetions, the j : 'Upton qtreugth of the senate, is 83 per isent. ata that of the Democrats 36.- - It • , f 5 per pent.! pt the Unionists voted .t.agairistitbe Ponasylvanie, Central me tiopolyland 45 per cent. in favor of it. '. 25 per bent: Of the:domoeratie strebgth of thel t enata voted against the mo- ' nopoly i hd 7 per cent: - in favor of it. - Mega' figitras aced but - little coin- 1 'me'a't:, They ahow that the. Demo,. ' crat e rty.faremost in the , tine and cry ag lust , the Pennsylvania , Rail road eimpaPy, is the first to give it suppo t %glen 'assistance is needed.-= Tbefiiguiriiiat that the UnionistS are .IA 6::_rfralitority in th e , Senate, and there foro,ritspoii? . ible.fer its Legislation .has 1)0 little: force; ' while it is Woe__ shown ;that ifthei,r opponents tonistituted a maj.)qti ini Oat, .hody, the; P.ohnsylva• /I :..Cantr ; Wild r. either ask fOt - hor wi h ..a mot stipple tool , than that majori. -,t. , . - -ty w Id be. ~ . , , . j ..,. 'extensive outbreak is `:remied and ; The . Fenians in tbat,part woritare on the - wove, v alid a on bet e'er thew and. the brit. ' I loops _is' tieurly • expected. ri he nit are eertapanded Cot b'- er, and have their head,tillirtera is illar,gPp, ' • 1 - la - tb collis nal t Toni Con ear RECONSTRUCTION. The Day Dawns. The eastern papers have been jttbt; hint this week on the ieconatructtion question. They :re - Port that the dif . feienc - ea heretofore existing between Congress and the-President are on the eve of adjustment, and that the !attar will consent to, and approve a bill us lablialaing martial law in the ten ,re -hellions States—making the: civil courts there subbrdinate to the' . mili• Lary--requiring impartial or universal suffrage and the adoption of the Con. stitutionul Amendments proptised ;at the last session.of Congress. If this be true, then ~.indeed, light :dawps ti tm us, and btt . .` , ,U few weeks more w l be reqnired the - country t • ' ' I E4eurity ur.d - repose which it so m needs. P. T. BARNIIM,of Counciotiont,- known in exhibition circles,' was Thursday last nominated ,by the Re publicans of the Fourth District of that State for Congress. Barnum !; al though denominated a "humbug,i al man of much respectability-, and ihas Withal a good 'deal of native and ao— quired ability;and the studpus•attempt of the copperheads of- the country to make Os nomination an otf-s(4 to Morrissey's election to the same posi 'tion,is simply absurd. hartium is a man ,of unexceptionable habits; al ways law—abiding, and has served his . state for some tune past in its . Log— Morrisey is a gambler by ocemiation, a "bruiser?'fc om taste, and withoutrability or -experiense Sad - cleat to enable him to take part in any business brotiglat before the_ bony of whieh be unfortunately will- Boon be a. mon II Not A Union Paper The Eric Dispatch, has forthe • last month or six weeks been making its self conspcious, acd saying some very naughty things of Gov.. Geary, Gen— eral Cameron, and quite a number of other prominent- membeis of the ;Un ion party. , The copperhead papers of the State have been copying these sayings of the Dispatch quite freely, and always prefaae . thetn,Lby stating that, the Dispatch is th'eleading Ro publican paper in North western Pennsylvania. This is not true in Wholo or in Part, •and we have the nithority of Senator Lowry, of the smile town' in which . the .Dispatch ;is published, for . saying that it is not a Union paper at all; and that' it the last couuty convention of *thto Union party in Erie county, held neartlyi4 oar ago, it was unanimously resolved - that the Dispatch was not In laesord; with the Union organizatioli, I l and that it in no sense reflected the sentiments of the party of that, c.ounty. E'This be.' ing true, its malignant railings Will neither ittect Om-Unionarty in gen i) 'oral, nor i,njure Govern . 3 r Geary , o? Geneati-, Cameron in particular. - - Its poltipal standing at home disarms, and renders it powerles for either i , good or evil; and if the ,c pperheade of theStato arc relying up en its - influ -. 1 -: once to assist them in - n eiticat way, 1 1414 will sooner or later realize that they were 'leaning upbn a broken - recd. .: ••- SHOOTING AFFAIR.—On Monday the ;7th inst., says the Lau)i•ence Joyrnal l Saniuel..Robinson, ofAjniou towuShip _.l-• was shot by John Beniiett, of itielio- ry t township. It is stated tlat Robin- 1 on had been getting his- washing-' Ldone at Boonett's and, as Bennett I I thought become to soecial with his I wife, and determining to stop his vis ' i its, ho loaded a double b rrel sliott.gun, ,• and when he came tow rd the house I -1 oil that. morning shot m in( the legs.. I nnett made a seccu)d", attempt •to I elloot'bu! failed, -when fßobinsorq, re treated souse distance and became exhausted and being isnablo 'to pro-- ceed further - lay in the raih L and cold 'or some time, when B nuatt's son Lin formed Mr. Frew's farnly, at •• Frew's mill, of the condition et Robinsor..--• Re was ' cared fbr by . Mr. Frew, at whose residence-- e received medical aid. His kirtbs are fi 10l with . shot and be is considered - 12:a dangerous condition. f' .. ! : • • Fox neWr.—The Fo nouneed in last week'f Walton, Esq.,' of Ind; yesterday, and, day. Quite a nubiberl joined in Of() ohase oi many othepi patil We have not heqd terday's hunt, bat hau l that. piite a number of suffered in the flesh, As. we go to press = arrival of-t. 30 , assassin Surrat is hour! expected ,Washington. The United Suites - 5:4r Steamer, Swatara - 4as- on_ Moiiday last hailed in Chasitpealte Bay, and by this haa more than •likely brought in her bad freight,and handed him over to the civil authorities of the District 'of Columbia. - Call fcir ?tate J ezape.i.afloo C oreati - Oa; : 7 • intemperance t ruainataway the nation.....ltie i earns that4i#Hy Ihoireanit die* aritinally, one Ituisdro thoiesand go tOpriOnonie hilindrof#6l; sand -to the: alnishoshier*e hind , murders and four hundred inielgee are committed every year, through tbis fell appetite' for strong drink. What a fearfull record of lecitne and death?? What untold ruiserY, dieorder.and4is cord, woe and weeping i atteitdarkt upon. such , a record! .' Birth has nmajubi t iciff that ' is' not by sit, nb'ebtipe thit -13 *at blasted; no tie that is not -broken; no sanctunry that is hot *invaded;,no friend, kinsman, brother, sift orehild that is not fingetten; and no , - fibre of hnan agony which. • riot' Vilting. GO - D7lJus 'created 'no' tituid .tbat - Can safely; challenge combat 'with . the ap petite. • How would he be esteemoda ben- Matter who woutit'deliver af' sinking nation form famine - pestiten or the sword But bore is an evil that 'eur-1 . passes °Ube', the comprebeniive ness of its• devastattensileitroye more lives, _ . produees more misery, , , consameg;more .substance, and ruins • soul as well as body—an' evil that is- ' , constantly at Work, while they are but oecasionat viintots; and instead of Wearing itself out as they do, or of growing weak with age, this giant of Intemperance but grows tbe stronger and more' active, spreading every.:. where in•his track, wounds and tears death and perdition. To suppresa anti an evil reust:..be tho highest philanthropy. If Peter thit Hermit was. fired witl indigna tion because of the desecrations Which thq infidel ;had brought upon Jerusa lem, and marshaled and -led. on amigh. ty host for the 'rescue of the Holy Land, shall hot we arm for the iescue, &es cause of the desolations wrought by this greatest- foe of humanity ?. Bvery bone of the mountain , pile of human skeletons around the , fountalUs. c I King AlcoLot call to the living. "Arm! !Arm! for the rescue . • ' And to devise.. measures, for the • dethronement of, this demon monster, to drive away the destrityer,•shut down the flood-glita , ,, and remove from our surviving kindriiii and fullow.:rouittry* 111 men the sources of temptation, • we. the undersigned, hereby cull upon all friends of, Teipperance, throughout the State, to • meet in Convention -in the Court I.l.ouSe at llarrisherg . : on Tuesday, the 26th day of February, 1861, at 2 - o'clock, , P. ai.• ' ' John W. Geary, Gov. of-Penn!a. - Franeislorden; Secretary of State •L: nail, Speaker of `Senate. sENATnits.ANn•sErstr.siNvArivits Rohr. A. 13roVvne, -C. R. Biltingfolt, B.►rry White„. •! W. Worthilzoii, George.. Connell,- G. D.' Calenian, Wm. McCandless, Kirk. Baines, •0. P. James, • -L. D: ShciOn - aker, G. W. • Fisher, Wall Oil Cowles, T. J :Bighata, G. Landon; JOhn ,. .S. Mann, J: L. Grabam;- ..,J. T. Chase. A: W. Taylor,, •George John Walls; : ' A. Stutzman, W. S Humphrey, G.'Br.pwn, : C. Harbison Wm. 1 3- : James A.,LeePhr B. 'McCreary, 'W. - Peter, Day,. . • G. W. - Kinney, J. N. 3. Sharpies's,. J. Kenna - ay; 'Leo, John 11. Barton J. T. camel on; A. W.: Kimmel, W. L: Vliann W. C. Gordon: J. N. l - T. F. Gellajher,.. S. - MeCarnant J. H. Webb, J: F. illeebling; T. Riehaile, U. ' - 1M1101i; - B. Helfey, • a 1 • .0, * W.00d7, - ard. - I. A PLAN to issue to ail honorably diseharged volunteer soldiers of the wrir fitting 'certificate of their sorvi ee5,'11. 1 9.3 bcon referred to ono of the military coininittees in , Congress.— The current / issue of the Army and Net. vy Journa I - probably expresses public opinion; in advocating this project: , "Something more significant than the ordinnry' pitiful'paper of mustert , onvjind discharge, signed by the mug• tering officer, ouglit to attest the re. lease of our. gallons officers of our chi> zen.soldieryi from their patriotic , ser7 vices. Sentiment apart, and es a Mat ' ter of selfiio policy, a goieiniriont never luaus anything by distributing. tokens, of appreciation of its fhithfiil; campaigning among its, soldiery 7 Such; has always been thq practice in Franco and 'othet"Europohn countries. On ibis idea rests i the vvholo-,policy of providing badges and medals of bon , or, stirs, crosses, and insignia of rar.k. It is not the sign, but the thing, sig— nified, to be sure, emblem is 'What keeps the honoiable career.. which it ' betokens fresh in tkie remembranee of others: Th. 6 hot(Orribleambition,niso, to transmit, some intik, memorial of devotiontii the country to one's terity.is always to be encoman.e4 '4- `3. • Co A'STIC ErlBtoLot or TIM W. Goneral Sheridan sent; kfinv daYs:inte; to Misi-Rehoc,ta.Wright', of Winelo6 - an - 'elegaut gold' watai; ab exqii sitly wrought chain. bromih, and charms. % r ho obch is of gcicl, beautifully wrought .into a gauntlet, and sot with pearls. One of the charms. :ten uorrespondeui informs us, is a sword'set with very valuable dia monds". Accompanying this magnifi cent gift was an autitraph letter ,from General t Sheridan, acknoivliulaing Miss Wright's services, , which led . ' to . the. Geliera.re sueee;,B " at Winchester, in the'biitle of the 49th, Vepteniher, 1861. Dims ' lffighE Watt wiyoangQ,ua kereso, well k`novrs for herisith in a united,nationslity,.si,nd - ttnderstned to be witting, to aid tlie.eansint any sac rifico. When GitneraL,Sheridan - •';is an great iinubt tow. to aot he sent a' scout to the lady, who, writing, upon a slip Of paperi j i-whioh she enclosed, in tin-toil, directed the seoukto pkaie' it in his mouth, Ithat it might Ocup - e the peenoes search, and thus furnish. ed the itaiirmation _that enabled,,, - the Gen6ral to atinace bia victory. ' xllunt, as tua. :Argus by R. stry, came off continued to. of oar aititone Tuesday, and i - ' Iticipate -to-day: result of yes, • . 'a GO dOUGt, • bUt . the ‘i'vartntotat cor,E - kijmOs- , Wisaist:49x,' , l49,4 l3 lW - i-6,11867. t x - . 4:.,;,,i,., 2 -- t • ---. 5 1:a344.iiii,...7 ',„ ' , ~ - , ' artPotyr -Or sjolintriTslts, - s . , .. #4.. • . . orted from the Coma Aketceittle tieg fees of the -, 016i14 of mittoe in,,Zi t ig c o ffi Ab s i - till tv. reg d.; Co,iirtit of crawfordcounty, tilt-tide latO:the selactieoldrereted -dad-, Petit' meat ilitk.an.act incorporating : the bor of lii.wieneeville allowing them jercikeie s titsh,lirith__4lo -amendment subetantiallfthe bill '..amendatory . . to ' es , , t. 6 borrow•meney foi buildingpurpos le'the form ef At substitute, being Mr. Stualbaugh . , from . the epecual • .tbo._ael;providinv* temporary wr y., committee to, examine the- charges of eminent forMontins. 31r. c onn on o Corruption in the election .of •United ikitrOuced it-bill atlthorizinithe Past- States Senator, reported: that tbey renster :General to invite proposals fOr had invited persona havirig any kuOOP :a . ifeainal . i i i - - mo i l e cl ,-.,,,, ge m oo t hi y - edge 'Of such corruption to aPpeisr;dnd trim between . San, Fransiseo end Honolulu', I from what te,stin.ony they , had- given 0-1,i4 exceeding on o ;h u11 ...! there •were no grcunds tor (such eharg-; dreattitioriatd &glare to be' onsidered ,1 , ee• i r - h° i'c' lll :"' in 0 public bills were Irtferii*Cd: ide.'llerrill infriidiiced 4tc) passed t Act relating 'to roreign Inm' ief4thendittoryior the net Of last 13es- I suranee Companies: 'Act, to 'provide sitri; forthe repair t. &e:;, of e n mi n pu b, f ; for the sale of nosettled ; lands for non.. lie 'crofts, ivhich 'authdrize's the .usel.pire9o/1”:40 . of; 114.368' To = o:tend 'the ti.9" - the See'retity..;Ofwar of appropii:Oe 2w tionethe're :nide !tor other giving railroad 'companies one thini-lor exiiiiiinatierlii itild -- ::surv&vii ptl itt v it4 'vote. per share of stock to bridge com panies. Act relating to Agricultural wlienirequired:blipnblio. , ;;Tht ere k . i i t ,l College of Nr.ns3-Ivania, appropPla plitthed twit Ise:toed' reedift;- ."I'liell'orig l ting interest of money appropriated dedtialstof .mr.,. Tido ; ;s ena t o r f rom - by the .United Sfates. The combut-: 114.attli for:Mr.tado's unexpired 'teem, werepreerttevilirldr. PoineroY• tee appointed py - the mceting in f?itts wer Iffr. • burgh on Wo4nesdaY ,night for the Resi,whe has up to-this t.. - held the } purpose ottice by appoinlmeneof urpose of i Li - glancing, the. interest of e G over n or , I the bill 19 restore the charter of the r wee Sworn . in. Mr'. Ross Resented the Connelsville railroad, waitedopon the credentials of Mr. 4omeroy, Senator ; Governor tb-day, twho assure)l ., thern electfrom - Kansas for six 3-ears Ordered ;if the bill was passed he would sign it, filed Allpriar orders wore postponed, on , ir.otion • of Mr.: Grimes, , and the League Island .bill considered: ' After debate, d4;stiug-41Phie* a motion by Mr. Wide lc postpone, _and take ur;ihe Louisiana bill,was rejected,l7 against 36. Mr. Stininer's-amendment, tar the appointment of a commission to Select a site, wtrir,iost.„ ,-15 against 25.- Bill passed. i The Clerk of the House tan nounerd its rsfitgal to recede from' its amen:hilt:A to the tenure of o'ff'ice bill. A Corr.littee of -Conference was, ap pointed. Mr. Sherman made an inof fectual effort to get up his componrd interest funding bill. The Louisiana bill was taken up, at Mr. Wade'S mo tion, and reitd a .second time. Mit. Trumbull alluded to several airiend meets neceseary to perfect the ,bill. . 'muss Mr_ .-Kassort, from the Commit:tee'. on A iiproptitionA,,ipported back Sen a-non,ltoept.: to Po4t4.iffiee coneurred.in. tan motion of Mr. Schenck . , Senate bill .to regulate the tenare"of certain oirmeLs was talten from tbo-Speak er's table., 34 Salute bad refuSed tor concur in'llousi'•amendment makin.z te s Cabinet officers," VI the House insistel on its amendthent;ll;• 1 And asked a::Coruinitt cc ofOonfertmee. On,rrintion :of Mr Lawrence, .Seniite a mendments 'to to 116;:pe, :tnd certain• itieti, were taken from the SileakerTs t;tl le and 'llon..cooeurned in, .and qinmittee_ot-t.lenferenee asked.l The fsetiate joint resoliitiorrin reference to Oeear. Mail aor.t. b . iee between SattiV ms ran , eiseo.and Portlatil, °radon %vas p , ' ed: The 'louse too! up itho bdi ported Janufiry - 15. front. the ~* .4. e ct.:. poininaLeo - On` - War- debts ; D.1'11133-0.1 States to roiratiu tut .thb 3tattti tkat fur , ntshed trocips,in the am i ty. :for o%:%nce - JI made_ and o,.... D enF,esirteurred n raisWg 1.141.441.7.0.4,.thyi. ct be,tipn toe l in g on aln,otitnt_toreponsid(4,Che rote by, rlikh:the :011 was reeemmitted Mr. ,Maine what N - Vas the4 , gret'ate,isum c watild to too indebteditss of tht Govern-. relent.' -'1.1r...1.111ti i:ald the bill; ded !Or the isam% ct fire percent, bonds not negot;.:ble.• ha . twent3ilyears,.•to the antouet of one hundredand fifteen tnitlson .dollars, After .debate Fair. Wilson moved to table the rote: -Lust l 7:3 1 against 75: The vote of 'recom- mittal Brae recorsidOred,•ltgd ~the came before . the• Blouse. Mr- 13talite l withdrow.the motiOn to 'refo . miiiii.- 77 Mr Itand4ll,. a Pennsylvu,m,Amored to lay I,hotbili On'the table. Yeas 04 , ', nays ST: - .1 - M.T. Thayer moved•to refer the bill to the Committee of Ways:ana Means. A'reed l to, 81 to 44.. pnrrN'A LEGISLATUIt 11.Aimamma, Feb. 16, 1867 SINA.TI - Mr. Bight:in read in place an act for generali.lacv. to pave McKeesport.. Al. so, agiet t ion - from- the managers . 0 . St. Pail's Orphali` - - Asylncn. in relation. to 'soldie - iii"orphans. The Connellt,. Ville - Railroad:Bill being. again before the Senate, ,Mr. Seawright made ar, ar giiment in *favor of the .restoration of the charter. ;;The Clark-road the pro• eqedings ot the meeting of the . 60- 'zees of Pittsburgh relative to this hill. The dieciussioa, on ,thebill .ocenpied - both semiotic. 'The friondsof. 'the bill wished to • adjourn:l but the filenate grould ital. agree. Mt. Bigliata is still speaking on the bill. A test' vote in. dieates•-that the bill will not Pass. - nous& J , Thi-following WU. were paso3d : Act incorporating the Allegheny and Sawmill, Paesenger . Act incorporating the •Meadvad Say. lisiege and Loan -Association.: Act r e _ Ilitting to :hawking and meddling l: Westmoreland eciont3-. , PETITIONS. Mr. tieltee—ln favor of the passa,c of a law for insper.iiire refined an -i'd carbon oil.• Mr. •Wilqon--F,rom 66 7 ' Zeus of •AcKeesix)rt, fora' general paving laid tOr said- borough,. Also, a l remonstrance against the removal of Aced bodies , in Sewickley, Mr. Chad-I wick—Frain. the School ,Direettos 2 of; iltirrisonitownallip, to hot rciw money for eeho-4 •purposes. Mr. 31.cieltling-- Jo favor et. the repeal . `.of the. Leech-: burg license Jaw. Mg.7Quay-:-The pe : tition of; W. Q. -Gray for t s divoree. Also of eitizons.Of Brighton to divide said ; borough ;into., three elective' dis Viet& McCarnant--A: petition fr-Ora citizens of Blair coentY,-tO abol; , ish ~,,Qounty SuPerintendents. me. Kirasnell--4-Frout citizens . of Indiana- 1 i wtiether, liquor should be bold or uot,, Mr. Colville ofrered a resolution that' there boa committee of-five applornt... erto inquire whether the vaoia gailloaii-Oompany has discrim •t • Tested in o carry icg ot freight t konist, I.liiroitizgoo of Pit tsbu Ad4)pt-Oti: . • ; • 'Tits Express War. From the Chicago Tiibune Feb. DthlS67. • • i 'The SLe l rchant,'s - Union ' Express Company hive called in additional ass s'esstr.ents. amounting to eigb t per cent on IliSoir capital stock,..which,i' with for mer lisievisnients amounts to a total of twat ty4ive, per cent called fur sincel the.orgapization_of the Company,. Byi the..present assessmen the- company Icir will realize the sum of • 1 .3 - bre.:hundred thousand dollars; - and t Os i.,' incend, ed to be' kept as a fund, in the nature of a _r.,ataratitee to the bankers . 'and business men of the country that the I.4.erehrint,'sUnion Express . is al per. manent and fixed, fact., _capa,ble of ptanding up against all . Icombinal.ions'; l . and - of prOtnptly ' paying. all less-4s -H 7 1 - The 61.-ganiziAtion ofthjs econpafki. eras a ,great public benefit and ittA• failure, • would be a ,calatnity to tho buidireSs - . .; 1 of the country. The express Itunitnass Ilhad grown . up into a powerfal , :v . we.althyjmorxpoly: A .corn.Wnatien ,of all 'the stAcci34.4lll companies' seetard to defy , -contetttion; and Tarious at, tempts . t r a tit at t opposition •companies had•falled. The -t3ombination seetn.d to hold 'the . wiblic attheir `mercy, and they have not been ;dull backward in. Making' the most of their advantages Their high elierges.- resulted in the 'formation ,of. the . Uerohant's i'1..7M001 E;rpreSs (. l ompatry, the mc..s.t. pow.erfia,l and deto.inined of 4 1 11l.the corpciratiOn4 i - that • have attempted .to . stand lup. a gainst.,' the old monhpelists..i_lts smlts cess has equalled the - e'xpeotatlicas'„of its lotinders.aed. its lines . now ,extend Force nearly the'role 1. country. .. Of . r.,ours,l the old companies have .spa'iqld 'no effort to break it (1...wn; , hat to this they have signally.. i fail ed. It i• the dtttyot the business:soon of the Ohno .trytO see " that they Continuo to - -fait . .--- - Should they ' Ettenod . 4 in breaking. d4lten thuine , .v Orgliilization, it ~is•l'not. probable that this '.generatiOn would AVitne_ss another attempt to. entabli,kh .a eompetilig. e4ress e:uni)any, andl he obi - inouopOiim'S•wouhl 'Timediatly a3:- 4eSIS upon-their etworiors.t6 Bost, of the war t _to make.: "r , ood theit exlien mitture in hrealtiat d. c.:ln their co,lopo-: 11.1 tor ,: . • 1 The plan ofklie Merchants trilior., l '1,3 ess pr IS to 4..hargo ' fair and lir; n;z . c' i'ate4, for the transpot :Minn of freight Neither more not - les:4 1 : 1 - If ths other' companies carry at less 'rates they . do 1 at a Fiaerifiee, fir the soh) . ptirpTe of breaking; this one dawn. it dog ACt require a verr sigueinue busineqs: man fetti- that in sucti.a'esie hi 6 in forests ,;'demand that ha should. snlktnin the I I company . that chart„ es thei living rates; for ho may rest 'assured.' that, if the other coripannis'sheuld.stieiteed! destroying competitions, they tax mitt to make good 'their sae o riftees, and iMpose heavier bnrdens than eyer on . hint witti Of course the old companies aro tco (strong to - be broken down by ttio, new I. one. tis -not 'desirable ' -that (bey . I shetild A . roonopoty-in the ttands of the Merchant's Union .be. iii the end, as bad as any other monop4 : bat th,t4ntbli e' wan t isl fair eona !' petition' In tEb express -business, anti thisihey wilt iltvre.iftho . Morchantf:',' liniOn is Itts:tazned daring.. the nez.l tAt'elve.reoplths. • Enrrett BeAvett,Aftons: „notice in th Local . disparagati4 remarks in re 'Ord to the action of Mr. Quay, rin L bringing np :the bill ..pror.ibiting the ! granting of license ft - o. the i tgabS ...' toxicatinLlquore in -our county.-- I New, I fro not agree' with Mr,..!Quay in many think :that nre_ ry right, raindecV!•tuan ought to, favor any : measureo.intentled to • abate the Cause of inte:rtperanco in Our • cbtin ty . whensoever . brought .fqlrvzar:l;! believe the f)ttwAnee of the aet propos . - e.ll. wanla resulion•great benefit to the people of Llearcr county; and' 'should . Mr. Quay, fAteeeed in having it passed,. he will be entitled the " thanks of the • frteuds of chrhitiattity and, morality, everywhere, as a public bunefactor.—' , acquainted with some - . licensed hipuseS in our citifty; and".l know•:Chey wield an immenfte influence 1,?r,. 'evil, . blighting the • pr?epects Of- 'natty our moat pro raising young mew; and ,bringing untold misery upon innoeont families. The man WV) would not be in faior of, suppreSsing these nurser ies,for thepreparation or candidates fOr 'guy.. Almshouse, or :Jails and Peni `t9atiaries, is an enemy to lininanity. \ - - A DEMOCRAT. • Tim' common 'people of Hanover BlEinkrk'.s.. - photograph; and motbgr Inw South Germany leach Their childreCteliate him epd nnrsoa frighten them to quiet by_ ling them about' thck . horns be wears on his head; the small boys he has caten-..:•. Niktieet. l ALL' Ito:miens interested •in the following Administration and Il4arditin accounts; ;Winch have been passed anctifileti in the Reg- ilster's_tiffice'Of Beaver county, Pa., will take', notice that the seine be presented to the 9rphaite. GP t, to be bold, at Beaver, WEDNISDAY, the 20th of Mareb,A. D. 1867, for odarmation and alb:mance , -(• ' First'amittual account. an John P. Brtintoit. and Irugh Moore, executorslof the last Will of John Brunton, deed. • I First, aeetivat .111Mbe 'Morr!son: executor of the last Will of Joanna Dtingan, decd. • •Theueount of John W.. Bierce, adrainietra. tan of the estate of rsnap. Fieree, deed.', Final account of Wm. Ketine3y, guardian. of Ellis Baxter,minor sun of 3ani'l Bast er,dec'd. Partial account of F. W..i Williams and R. I 'Mallard, Adm're of the estate-of Samuel Kel ly. deed. 1 - - The real estate Recount of ,F.ltYi r . - Williams and' It: Mebard, Adtninistritors of the ,estate of Samuel Kelly, dec'd. • • ' , First and ffnal account ot Andrew Stratton, Administrator ofthe estate of Jciel B. Gould, ldO' oi - • ,•.Firet and final account df Gilbert Trumpe ter, Atha': ef the estate Of Martin 3letseham, dee, d. * Allis, The account of Samuel . oat —. Ti - ebigiana,Allison; minor j,i.iaugliter of _ Geo. W. Allison, dee.M. ' Final accdunt of .ihrtittiu Hunter, Guar. ,diart of Clark Ranter, minor son of Rebecca' tnnter, cnt:th I . ‘ , . First and-nnal ac:countr,o,f.Jobia Fliater. -Rx eoutor of the laat,will.of Robert N'erin . ;.ifec'd.. First and final account of S'' Lcinple Idm'r of the.estate of John Doinils ' ' , t First anti final account! of Isaac -Morgan; Executor of the last will of Jacob Corman,. dec'd. First and•final account of Jobn May, Ad-- •minbitrator of the estate! of John ;lay, Final account of Thoa. of .the last will of John Cl First end final account! • ministrator of the estate dec'tl.l Guardian account of „. dian'a Matilda T. Stnwal C. NI Stearti deo'd. First•tind final ticnoinot , ministrator curate:mailer Wakefield, doc'd.• ,' • . 'First ...1.61.1 fi "a cc George II. Krude.'Execu... of Christian Zeifio,, deed. , • Toe accounts (real and personal) of John Slentz, Administrator of the estate of; Andrew ptSs, dec'd. . ' First- and 'final accourit of James aniliJohn g:lllsott. Executors of thc estate of 3anies Al lison, deed, • : • Account of J. ii Pyle Guardian of .11ory Sizeiver, luittiJr ; da.uglitur of d,ohn• libeiver di - c'd. ;. • • •' Aceou t vu-S of Iloberl Cooper, Gualtlian:2c_the mind: child; in of Abr4sot Bruce, tiec'cl. -. 1 ltcal e.etate account. of David outtatestaturnto annex° of "the es sillc of .iteinntier Gibbs deed. • 1 instfitincriti icqoutit of Sohn' Slentz nod] Otikt4sl i ,..knderson, Executors of the 'lasi of Thiernard Anderson, 4oe'd. - • First and final acoonltt . of Jos. Ledlie. Trus.- ee t h c - cstate of Eitg, deed: Dania] scoot:lnt of 11.: Grab In, Executor of j tlielsst trill of Frapcie Final account bf San Guardlar, of David N. .Nit.)lo raiar swi, t of Alexander Niblo • :I- First and, final accr/t4 of Dr. 'FAT...Lawrence , John E4.eciitors of the last thd test anent of"-John Cram, deed.•. Fir - st.ttt~4kal ac i cOuht of J. D. :It el, ,Adatin i. ist rat of the eSt t ' !, Acccivat of '3 os. 1 1 ,111,-7.7;a, AA Ord:orator of the - esf7..te of Witlifirri dec . (l. . 'Account of Jellnitt flung, Adrliiiiilitrit . trix.of t Wtn. Young:. dee'tl '1.v11.:5'.0 as the kthrduistra -1 tor. of liugn'Young, feb2o - 67. eINGLETON; Reg. J. •• • :. r - --- -:.-- Are"- Il• 3' At ---., d ttid:-Shaped,-:;',3ized•sf,nd Colored, to stilt every (. indivirlual;• in tinted on line . Gold; :silver, 1 '.English s.. A ,eritiaril.'uletill,it.o. ` Teeth ex tra ctad,wiihou paid-by . an entirely' ter pro triesq- no Etbe...Chiorstoriti. Niti - ous-oxide or ' ,- • i 1 any , other 'basal eticl used in connection Tit I.she apparatui. i• - i I:tgi.Oftice pit Third ' street,l i lld door east , of 'll.ll. Anderson's st4re..• •• 1, - 711 AL . LIST' LIU :CH TERM, 1867. 1 • . , liar NiEmis4.l-1) Isi)m)Ay. . Al i vah Nye • ' -::.• - •tis James Wood, ?Wirl }dirges . , vs liug,h. Anierson ' : Daniel Eissubraun vs Williarii Porter. f Pattereotift: Davidson vs 314.1 , h0• Souders i Coryri•n, of Pena.. i vs G.{•\ 't Shrouds et al r , James Collins , i vs Wit M. Shirty • • 10. IT, Prieo ..St„Co. } vs St lilt St'llerto' Saints ' !" -, .- 1 v ,, . J -It Williams 5; Lo - '•-• - t -J. i 'St.t...4:jiND 7. WEETC. . , . J.B.Ste - atk,Teted,."§te vs-34 4. .It.Blackmore et al John Tintsman .• I vs AiMmt Bond •.. L. Rawden's heirs i V 8 John T. Holmes . Sit: anal Uselton li - 'vs Wilton Uselton: • . H. liinzeySr, Wife I. ,T.. 3 Tthos. Poc4,..Wife 0. 1 Alesaneer's hrls vs 4 . ,i Chambqs,et '111„ Hauntel Mo;nt ko -1.• ,"vs' ' hoists Gicenlee , ' Salop. 'Mkrkkir's his,. its C. 'P.' K. It. 'it Co' • W. 13. Clarke 1 Vs Jo. Iktrling • , Milton Jenkins , vs Da+id Reed • . Michael iMain ' "' ,vs Abrabain 'Bunter; N. C.& B. \''.R.R.Co. vs John.teetVS..Eer Samel - .. , -• tvs William Jones' - Henry tarr' .. ' vs Geo. IV :Torch) , feblrd'67.lt. • - M. rtyANb, Pro. ilLocaL please copy.] : ~ . • DARLINGTON- 'ACADEMY; HElDarlingtoii Acailon4 will open April Ist; uuanr tho count , ' :of ,Itev. A. 1/11- - vrortli iitul:llr. J. T. Duulap. , both experienced fey.cher4. First, firm of ih cc months comraeilce Moncitiy, April 10.; soOota terns, of four' irry,utbs,.-will r bouituenco August Ist. F-or tprinsooppi to eitlihr of tho porsous rlftr.lcll..t.a barlinvon, or to Dr. S. Al. sitriel place l feb20.'67,-3t.. U 1 131.-iIC witel Elizh Porter„ left roy bed and .j board witi.oht cause 'or proOcation on the ilki .22f Novenaber,.lB!it3.l . This to notity all persons not to to'-trust h'er on Jny - account, as I will pay no 4ebts of her contracting • ROBERT PORTER, New Sfwicklay3p., Ileas'pr co:, Pe. feb2o'o7. ' , - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. - , ttgitEMil lette're testamentary 'on the of Jamas W. - Iciutu, lati of RaCooon tr.,Bealiar counti, Pa.,deed s itaring 3 .ein granted to undetsigned,l all parsons indebted to saidastate 'are requested to make iminediate paymsint, and those•hairing 'olairns &planet the ismel will present them proper authenticated for settlement. ' I JAMES, Mi 1 Ex ecutors. KERR, ' • , BEAVEIt COgiiNltils a: . - . , )The . ComMonwealth 0! Per e , aybranta, to the, Sheriff of said County, Greeting : - . *-... .. We command you, that you attae4 Joseph Ady, . Oscar lenkirte, 'A . B. Jenkins: Jack Brice, Andrei? IF Raley and Jekin_Orafton, partners undir the name and style et th e , vl.. aye further enna Oil Company,, lath of your couut y , b y an and singuiar .the goods: and chatte!s, l e g, arid. te ne ment; i 1 whole hands•or posse soe3ier th e saine irtnottbe, so that they ha w appear before our Clourtto,f Common Plate, t o be holden at Beaver, in and :for said Tau tly. on the thir4.,liinday-of Nlareh, nezt., there to answer Kettuetlilliaiidaon of a •alas i n „ tie in foreign-attaclnent. , And, ypu commanded th e you enmmon as geuh44 es all pertiOna!iti whose huttilt or possession s 4 4 said be ett gs.elted, oetie sad eo 'that t chattels, or any of:theta ma * ' t hey and every of tbesi I•be and appe*r before the 'a:kid 'Coup at th e day elld'Plifcetiabhve tool:aim:led, to,answer what shall be . objeoted against them, lad i bi d e t heti udgment of the Cour,ttthkrein. A: 1 41 4T ; you tlidn and tthere this writ 1 Witness the Hon. AlCal W* Aeltetioa, N e i . dent] ofl our I said Court at. Bearer, th e 2.1, , day of llantiary, A. - D: one th e , Tott.. ,z ., 1 hundeedialad.aiztY seven. , 1 " g i ll 1 i IC wri t . W, I.: YAND:, Prothy. • A true eopv ot Attest: ' J. S, LITT!L . L, sfi. . n,G unrdian of • IVI'FARLATsID & COLLINs's WHOLESALE and -4 . • .I re, Executor ark, deo'd. CAR ' E of. A. Ralston; Ad of Wm. A. Reed, Phb D: Glenn,'Gtitr minor daughteicf of A. Abdell; Ad te ateezo..of.l2,). C. A p er; socli, of eacArro pgrierny rnigeticianr:4 be eicelletl in. ext ent uncivario •-1 bi Henry Grosti,and tws of the last will WINDOW- ADE . In Green, C6Eur.. Buff, Lavender, •D*. anti Fancv eolprs, with plain, neat and rich - Gilt and: Veltisi -Eorder:s; oi . or 200 difLerett loitt erns. "• - I ,! X 11, the I,..tst, I - titter:ls the. ettaket..llith bit ee If' 4,, 6, 74; 12, 13,aa,i 24 feet . . Buff; Gredn,.Blile • - ENG Lisli WV---JLEN DitUtiGETS, .'. • • ' 1 2. •:.$ atm 7 _. . I ; . W6bien tin.] . Lin . : - ..n ' c rumb Clouts:raigligt H • 1 - 3, - ilt,m, au t - ,:-. vt Rug, SN:6.a •• 'i 1 i 'Lace, .an.l Ar.pticOon • i:urtaills; c In patteras that :S,ZI.! ',lilt t.../ IT 1 Jun, e:gen era E4g!id: and F - ..r.;:1, f . ..i..,,1., I:Jr if eay•y Curti.ilm, f Carpct - - I 11•••01:1 ! ,;.iy;. L.l t; It . tt Will rein ulb;.l.4ttrs to Ftr; iT4t . laias.;:ii}44.l::::,4C.. :1 M'I'ARL4ND -• COLLtNifi "t 0 ii, . , Nest -Duildirtz to 13.' S. ensb r an Home .14 V cist [feh:2o . 67-441E N TILIV;01511Y ;5i t;t/N1 ittN TISAY,,II:COUNTY. No .1;1. In *le liiatter vi tlie LtenaeJ of Jan Feo- wagon. heretl given that 111. Ae'Ount at Edward U.O 4. Es.i.."Cont•p:tree nf'sil Ea antic, tiled itt the I'rttho . nooiry's :Pee. and ttwv the eanie WM be c.mf,rinett el the tlrst dmy of me'".ii.jerir.,ufliess'er.4 l o:tht eentrare then . =I 1, orrr.a AT • 11,0oR 611;:cLoills 5C0T1.313 WIN L;OIT HOLLAND 101:TINGILOI. CCITAINS; 1 NEWPATT IIN Co!LWES; 71 AND 73 . s • FIFTH STREEr. Pm: N.TII 1: ;COU ra OF CON:HOS - 1'LE. 1 1.3 UP March;T..lF.l. 1 1ri !lte:niattet-of the Ltinacy Notion is iieroby gfcxa that V. -3 Esq., has ,tiled his Ace - tnt'as• unninitlet the itforesahl Hannah Bush, aud 17.:11 . be confirmed on 'the -finq.'dts! of rit' Torn, unless .eau se to the q.)atrtryi be ta. shown.. : WEY ANo. Pro.. • • VOR SALE. •.T s..)od.brick I.uuses . on the Sn'H l iu the, t it of .13,1nyer—tne une••• 3 . 4V6 ten and the otherAstl .rooms P;4. cheap ii applied joi sang. • - „ Alm: f 3.'74 of seventy-fir° . eies:. el , 2 ') DusC proved, situated in indit:itr'y enmity, Pa. Encitlire of widi'esi 1e1320 . 67—£4.. • . P. Kr.F.N. • • -• [Pittsburgh' Chronicle please-, copy ]1il:' 1/6 a,nd , sentl this oitck.l • . , . rumiVra E mierSioni%l .woul4. royektfully t. ihe iliat aft er th0:1. 1 . 4 . 43. tv‘ry i 1.867;, b wili he prepared to gice p ontt 11 0" I's in Music to all' %iiho may Poor hi* with thoir.patronage', Ersicils given ?t residences of .pupils, or Ist- tic root of snbScriher. Charifts Moderate. • •AWO L ' All'orders left et 'Mr. goures l4.4 ,„Ctr receiveN ill e prompt attentiti:c..'. VALUABLE j° • riIJTE 111 - DEIISI_{.INE D effers.silpeiveieV: i his houses nu.,l lot in `fiesr(r. re- '':` Property i s Itiown as thl; ;. , ,11iigb A n3e D ts ' . property,'.' eon ..i.i: Ph;g °cone 1.,t,05a Elre.l,l:" ling lionse,one yra,nte 1.0 welling Ilottee e 4" Large St ore-ro:om ina.Warehotoe.. TO br.t: contains eight; and ihe frsmie t4elve re','„l, Th., whole property ii in go,id. rersir,teliVi; Recessary.out.-buildiaus are - 31. 03 0_1a 1 '-. at the - (War. The property v,11.1 be ; gethni, or;separately, as parilisilen., ie 3 :/ • sire. If nostsoldlefore 4e 2.oth so' i , the brick wi Ibe for rent. , .t Vlos• - febG'67.— f.. • W. &W. 11. 3 01-''' - cr cocla 1 - 3E - c5 t BEAVER, PC - , , J. fr. C:.1..A.101, Prolliatz. stt,c)sed '' . " - I r LOT tr:l fsmitt Tior iTca and: tor Fmte .aelbt . A CITOICE just rec stack, at - -„ llARVEl;s,,. l3 ri a g ewattr _ Waier LIPP It'S Improved V: if f El . : ::; N jolt-t: l y tit ti p,.,,,,t1; 3 StiAr3 II ,i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers