. IS , red Every Wednesday, =lli - wilatir P.O.i iRGeS TAE Cll. T., BEAVER, TIIIILD , .0:152,q9 Pe I I I ~Lottekil 110 contributiona, b.* Mail, h iv e iceetpy attention. . WEYAND i? Edibm. Fropn*etor annum in Advance. BALE OF VALUABLE • TE AT 'ORPHANS' . .URT khOURNED }TEAL ES I i , gy . virtue o ,an order. of.,the Orphism' Court of B ,deer county,the undersighei. Ix:li:tees 3ppoint •4'by said court t,o maketuile rile real gotta Ipf,ltebe.catuNulvarten,dee'd, proceediago in partition of .said. Teal . cu~~er iestato; Avid eip se to hole by publio.ventNe 4j ii,ut-ory, ht th 'gout Houtie in .Beiier,. oil 1/0 VD, Y.: Mareh.l.Bth . I 867: ' : I if i 2 o'eloel:, M., : all the folloiring deserlbed I estate, sit u: t 9 in said county ef: Beaver, i • :iijite of Pennttyl!anin, viz:, , No. 11 Acadenty lot No. 2£4,iti Borough tp., ~ - .lla 'ning 4 tboti .41 acres, bound e d by the lin'a ( c filfieltes . erve r 'rict, lot go., 20, 'Teorget6fra ile.fe., all c Oared. and under fence, on 416 are erect d i the mansion house of de celico : a I:trge vro.stery _brick d.Welliag,with Tooltl.S and hal T, frame kitehenfattaehediJ a g in.l et!llar,nnti yileath the waste house; a utl. eitif rn un Oneatii the kitchen Also a titheltveliling o#l3e (two otiaries)attriched,• o t h f d :i o ikiponts i'i a large trope batik barn, ~ ,',,,, e hm'cnient rio bje 40 'feet, with stabling ;41,1.1nefttli—n11 well finished; a brick timbke 4 ,, iv e,Lcuallious 'ant baggy house ; also;' a i•so s tory-n - 46 leitantli)user a stable, sheep I.p. I,e, and 01 1 4 et. 'at U111111'47. The buildings 41 hnproveme4 Ili in good order. Al good ,i c ilaril on the p poises ; said premises being c ieign de,' as pu part "A" in the plot aecom.. ' w n: p ing , the relit ti .of the inquest making par , • -, - .t , o ~ a aforesait ,i i , ; No. 2 A'tracit t of land in •Brighten 'town.: 44, bounded soath 'by the Ohio river, . tread • ) 11 • . u l. lof Heidi Anderson; north east, ity the, t, ..i rAc t or parcel lie.- 3, next hereinafter, de I, ;t il t ed, coatalung - 179 acres ,and 75 13evhei. 7 ,:. : 9) ~:res tared and in a . good allite of ?111 iv..l i .11, balan i. ",i welt' tioiliered- 7 ptem lses t . i.:11 `model; deigna.ted - as purpAl "B"' in 1 the return of the nquest aforesaid. ! . I NJ. ..:.). A tr: at . of • land in the township'. '4.`,....41,1, ti,iitud '1 north by land of 'II. M'- gc.izie, and tract. NO.. 4, hereinafter.doseribed, 4. 1 by Aetvleults, &e:, south' by •itand of 4.,,yer awl 'othe,• ,, and we't by pareet'No. 2, ~4J i. ( . . ibil.ctibedi i ;containutg; 124 acres and 22 prrulles. ; .111 put i iro acres cleared 'and in a r :ir, t : s:att- of ',Cul' vttion 1.; balance well tim i 110.1, well trat emi, a good hearing.apple or `•.,:r 1 on the pretOtea, li.n4 on which is erect. el a C , aine, hay Iprnot i denigilatedtslutrOTt• t"' in the plot !and ,return of the inquest i sforesatd. 1 ", Art. .•, . , H, .J i -...;,• j .The aboveltinhirtbes owl excellent proper tilt) goodkindiiion, lying tvithini 2 tulleti,of 'I . :Ln y.: null will he Sold separat ay as atiove thvrii / r (1,.0r tWo or inore , parcels together. ,i:,ilm'q—tano.liirtl of the 'ltrehaeemeney t 0 .1, ,, pail .upon •J'• mnt iiratiori oft iale by I the r.init otie.-i 1114 It 01115 year, and he ba Once in k - : •iti4 yit a rs, fro, in Il It e date 'of MOtli fi rtli44oll, di. iai crest. 'NIA' same lime, the defirred'in snti oimi ts to he sj.eured by bond and mortgage. . 1•:ii• further tar; 'rotation inquire of the , un -14-tiigueil. 1 , ' • "- . - . 1(.1 ' 1 . 01 "LS° ll ' '. •• ). i T . Aistees' ~ . ..T(1:1'.!1,4 .11NST0N. j , 11%4 ' 1 6'7. _ 'l, aver, Iteaver-connty, kii. ~ NOTle. ! IN PAR - I - MON • ;I i , • : ~. , •ity.,stlci'VAlZti, - - l' ; ' :f . - T .' the brpl.:4 ' 'the lion. le, • i , jil i k;vl),e, , f 1:: oi.s: county;fittforts Presid?til,6litl ;,: .4:114, Court.' ruittir! .. finn Of! . .Atie÷ftcol 4440 of , .a. . The emiunenn4Slth"qt N.iney tirthum, t`iiiiiiivr,) formerly- Mnry. 1'.... 41riihsin ; ie4l,uril 14 Thus: tr. Cooper, In the Imrauth & Freeduru,• t' Badly, intermarried with ' Fidinfr, in Grundy nativity, 1 ::Levi, residing . in Paducah; T (.1f*:: if am, of Freedom'.hor ill, of whom are sons: '1- ,ni 'lenedetit; also . grand einiti of Adam arahain; dec'd, testntev, and ,died, hefore ze tI a" ti rn it am, ff el len - Al. I is-. b raham ' and, William I.nm . reside• in Heaver county hiee being mint:in and, hav -1 t• bf . New Brighton, in.'naid ardlau,—anciall othera in- You and each of you i l i ave nd appear before the on. . tat; at an OrpLan's Court. q.. on the third Shinday •of !o accept or refuse to !.akc aid intestate at the - yaluft.. and fotin4 to 'contain as. the 'borough • of Preedora 'tirpt t rt r.A,"house and .let rpart 1 611," beini recant lot hlic 'road, or •atreet, val rt: "C" being lot of ground 4 one-fourth acres , lying valued al $•11G; and hi the I,ancei l to .shotv • cause iity 't be skid A Arun 'copy of X. 8; LITTELL,I .L 7 :•.: - Ati,lifft • ... `:*7 "-Dtlri44l riut-liVit ham ire' reinti) I ..I.t.ay It, Aro „iiiit; )liitorrt, iatPratii , ..11 of x,!,,r, reflo.l it'•:•.‘Tr'r'uttity, 'Pa 1 1 0, Ter.ilr 11111 - Uni; Atial ft .lipalacky: The du, ongil afirreFail; 'fintiloters:of •willa•au sairal titiloccaFte: lirnf a,, .I.atitt 11 • Uforiun tlie iig M; 19110 coutftt fort herr , t ereped,' greet here N• cited toibo udge.; . of our stitl held at fli)Ur. MarCi peat, INN, 12'2 i - t tI rotate ylf . thu!rf . f,;'.!oirs,' sit nat cfuthui;l, yu'a4kl at sl•2lA''pt uorth of" t!CI M S 115; NOT, n?u,tlialag., and . ' ut of. V,irlutf.'Nt. ell:tit of uoti-age ;.:e Amu: slioulit IN ' ARTJTION. •• 1 ke.s . I ' • No.:ppE, sttiria Couxir, $ the Orpharts'.. ourt - eflikutver countyi Va . 6re the tioner ble .rudgds of ' Court. I , i (lie matter he - petition for partition of •iie it al e),tate eorge Smith; d'ee'd. '!And ilotr,rto trit Ndie - her 14iht itilii4o4o Court Piskruleen:t U holm andligal repfestiuta stun G erg% Smith, deetd:•, teEwlt: 1i Smith,i pet tioncr, residing in Wash: horons'u T lW, shnigton county, l'a.; IJas. whose po •t c olftee addi-ess is Liheary, illegbeny t Mry Edwards,is sister!, re 11'114k Sotith • carer township, Beaver tststy atfoTesaid; arah 'AUCaskey,• (wife' of .4 4' 0 1`eriekpy residing, whoa-Last bard fniini is Itrolii;i3d Ourity; Mfo • Ntilicy ;Cul ' raison, a sister;nl , ose reeldeneids.unknOwn; ;Pe Link, a si4.cr„ nevi . Miarittall ''''' 4l Y.) West Virginia-, =Ellin Parker; mater, vita jot Jaintii` P rker, - when! last e4,rtt [raid, vicinit - Cat*, Ohio - ‘tkitli others tate stet!, to show cause, if any 14 74 ve; ithy lin ilia:a( (o'paltetinliticin 41 ' Yiluation , of the real estate etsaid inteitate , livoitt not be ew ed at, an Orphinta'Court i 'bOteld Bear r, in &lid for the coutify of Betv'p, on the Apo shard :Attn . : lib:Ll:of' March, I wit • A true cop - retfAille; • • , • Adak LI'L'TEL4 Sheriff. I SEL g. ' .1.-Cf/01-)L.'l''''' 4 fill . r,..s l , r i ns e--t of .i.ba ;446,3cptoyrn..8'electl -I. ischbot, wrap n. gelii4:4 'PM ' The 1 7 11 rii,lhe-und r the eti,erge of 'cOmielent i taeslets, who ;1011 s pare rte . labor to pieta it ,gr eets. duit imii i tal :on, - ..:4.11.bi1nib es imi,t!y. t in,tuoh's oh; will,ireeeire etteektelt;, l' i llver . focilit!y, ill be offered thetßditleitt 7r49i,anis g 4-4 ledge AA' Efithetitiqii,l ciL t 4 iiitir4s nroi'Lsimie's: - • - -i ' s.. , n li NSitil4)`o4tosTikill. 'be - _fninliji_rt for 1 ,•"•4 le 4.1.01 oriti s et.inoist reis3nable riles.; , - -.rf , ...seittiou klieg can be - ;obtairsed if ~, T rd.. ', • . 1., 1, ,, I ' '- '1 el.L "ell ifittiiion iir term offeerteei tree 1 0 1 :•1 I .Znes with4bi ' er . :Matherestie4 rSIO 00;:. ;17:!.-thejlita aiweill :Scienea, l SS 00 r ,eir trait:lles, sib 00 ,:t .^ri . -. # - :.,..,- 4 i , ,: 1 ''A._. 411 G. INKILT, ': M.14,1' TTEF"tri, Atq't • i j-' 1 f. ' 141411 1-4,1;;:: -... ..„. , • . , MIME CM ,V o 1: iVBORE'S' .i4IUG•:-TORE; Way be, facio 04144 OwiTtaietit qf *DRUGS = 10 1 "Lie my I;(54, 1.,e;::: 12)1 : 1 ,.. 1 4:,•,! : ; : _• - :7:: t'.1.4.1T:0.1i30 ,:- .*i*E r S:; ; :: - .A.cl:-.l3r*rid?iili.ii',.,..":!:-; frk t i I pi ,- DYE STUF,FS: , TOILET • AIiTICL SOA PS, . - 13 Om S LI S PATENT M.EDIOI.IiES in great variety, mil of tie hest quality; and sold cheaper titanmi be boc!ght at any . "other Drag Store In the county.. . . . • Duponco Penis! Pills 75 cents ,per ,box; Choesemsie'i, $1: I.,:prk's, $l. -„ The Liirieit stock. of . Lamps and .I:m4 - Trimmings, Lanterns, ,Stationery, lfinden r Glass ' and Rutty. ;' ever offered outside of the city. at •Moore's Drug Sitore, and mold oheeper l than. eart be bought snytrhtire else. Let those who doubt this call and mei, and they will doubt no more - -RE ;J. MOO. . . E. PY.XT: mTECTABI. ;11 WILSON. • h •. :!. 1 FA L 7 4. 4 4:.• • WIIST'rEIL • ~., , :,. , poI4.SHO E S, - -: I o WILSON 7, 'B'4' :'SiEWPifiT. V9UI.D respe4tr;ull l . inform 2tre .public, ~ thut they haNie just' received Airect flora \the manufacturers, the largest and beet selectral•i'ALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Ladies', Gent's, Boy's and uhildren's Boots Old Shoes., ' GAITERS, SLIPPERS and OVERSIIOER, . that•bove ever been brought toluis county, ' We wettld initiettlarly cali•attention kg oar stocker '• ~,.i 1 ''- • - • Mewl' tkeavy , kip: inn' and 'double sole steel heeled llama. trenchlf. double sole al -double upper sewed • • osacb - to*, Rays' Vattlis'•and ffndren'n heir, kip, tap and. double sole, copper tipedi ant Steel heeled Boots.' . • • Ladies' Fiettich kid and lloroceet polish Bemis, Balmer:de and Gaiters of the !at eel styles. • • • Misses and Children ' s pegged and sewed I;tol ish loots and lialmorals,'of theist- • est styles:,andi great rariety of Children's copper tip. Owes. • - Which we will -sell Wltaiestde and .Retait, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they - can be bottg4in the city of. Pittsburg. - - ".Pie would respectfully Invite purchasers to call and examine our stook, compari our pri ces with other dealers', and satisfythcmielres before•purchasidg elsewhere. All- Goods Warranted. • . • • • WILSON & STEWART, • In this Diamond, OetlPGii.-Iy. • ,Ro9!IICSTICA, PA. C.. Alf -4,0 - 1-10 p DEALER IN • x AND gWISS WATCHEA,- °NM'S - • i •- AND FINE JEWELY, SILVER firoolis'Aimr9Rics, FINE TABLE KNIVES: • , I'LATEL! FRENCH CLOCKS & 4 -AittEitivAN skno . Y . - '-, - -,.,7 4- ~, - I,ll,Bpeeial attention glyit to Ike rota big effalndidit'etiFitahete '21 . . , :: . ..:,. . . • 4 .:':Nii. - 22., FIFTH. ST itElavi - I miiil4 l 66c-ly --- - 'Fickurgs Ta• • ' its - ifirbbD-STABWr . PIT-M 833 s . BAN 4,6: !,K I ' ll 4 4 : • 1 3 11 00 1 l; • . ; • Al Fr) Gat r ießi t irStEMSECtrilrni43 3 43 ;votiv i tioHitt ,Explrpreek:.x., vioutp,,- • ' n ar4 TH' • Ario, paa tor COIIiqU A LII INTEREST NOTES."' • 11,[aniel'61U1 JVCCORNIOr flOLLECTlONitasitotbit. tiigUiesjp4i,4l„ , k . "-oreret:prtnapt..stteskionliugA)44;4olra4 staid:heti; lip* dot tii*:ooPer4teL 4 4 1 . fs t On iciomritennt k:sattallt'paiierie 'alai ma. rid. , " AitootserN Act, 4:4110 r 4 2; ;:,, ~ . ~~. Ell • -,. 5- , --.•••• •-- , r-z,:,,c7i,: . ; -,- - ,', - . i; .4%.,'„ .."-- : , :. ._ ~ i ..,- • ~ . :. ~ _ ~..., ~,,.:::,,,,, , . ---.7 - -;-.14-vvi4 fr:..., - ..,. -r - -' '-, : 4 - •.,. - tid":, - --- r - 22 - . . - ' ' 1 7-; -- ' ..,90..):4..,,)<7.eTC/ ,l, .. , \. l ..,. 1 - ' . - 7t -: ,,- -4 •- • Pt i '`' 4,1%1:• ' .? fl ''' - " . 440,,. - ~ ~.1, • . i 1% ' , ' l / 4 ) '-' . 4..... - r--;,,-_,, f r ; ; ' ' ';'-‘ : i. k° . ' t ' icri r - ,1 ~ .., , WI --', .7 7, ,, . - - ...., 1, . ,1 - . ', , ...z . , 1 " .1. "1 .:,..` . 1 - ,,,‘ _2 , . '' 1, 1 -' - . • ' * : : -,..,., I- .11 -1 , ....... f. .. "1 F R , . ~ J,..,:..:,„ • • , . 1 .1-1: .......4..t. S PI , •, ikt 3 `, i : ;* , : ;I ; : .% . •C ' t : S ' ' 1 li' . t',l i 1•,, ~,.. Pr ' --- ‘4•• •-• 7.; , - Wet,- '.. ~ l' . :-.;.."'t ''''' I ...i c s . z . ::, '' ' _ '' l ' -tz ,- §., ... , i§. 1:,......•., r‘• , ••o§§. ~.:,• r . . ,'' • ..- • y - . e- : / ....- L. ,: ' -,!..... .- , ~..--, •1. ' 1 ''' ... 1 - 1 •., - ‘r.:l7l' -.. "•- • - 11, ....---1:- ";fit,` -17 45:1:,.. 5-7 44 ~ t *' ' - .• ' ' ,- - .7. ...•. - - - ' ..'I;'•;''• ' , •= , . - 't .!_li 7 1%Ma t...ir• ,!. • '''' ,• t '.' ~;-,i t - - , "*: -I. 7: ;' - :..... -- 4- -' • . • " -- .i• ,-. _••,._ . • '.. - 4 i. z 4 -, - .. ,, ....,... - _A -..•,.., . - .1 . ., -: -; • . - .'.- ....- 0: . 9. teiv 4r ,,, . I .wednes ay •Fe• 9 ~ ..1 ,'67 . £rt a , MEMI 1 1S' BEAVER =gm AND . ..... -;': ~ „t~ litillij 4§ l Z -, r l';Winteil ::- ~, ..,- .! Fs,- ;:-:: ~: i_ , ' ,.. 1 , ., ,'' '. •• ' I ..- - ‘ •...:'...; 4 - ,' .l'. : r ' - 'q . •- • : . i i ' ;I . ': t • '':•. • 1 . • ' il. : '' ' ';:ir. .: • t•ii) • " 11 .,: :1 S ,) '., 7 : ••:% ~ i,; • F ., l'-' .. 1 '''. :.4 0 16 4 C:k r C) .• l7 O- 66 - 1 ' - i i' P . ' ' , l I ~, • t 0. . •,; '. V :, '1 .. 13 4: '• f::'•_ •, ..1:.! il ! • :',.i ' .."' :•.. i ...: 1 ' , 1 •• t ! .1 ':• 1 . 4 ,1 ' MENNE rittirel Just ;Sr!: Z lllO O , 14 41 1. 9 41.: 4 1t.theiL. • : ell! , a if . . • !, 1 3 AV, itTtlt: - .*AAR • • 1 ;:! '.17 t• *T - • =lll MIMI =IN I - aenOtirn't laraishti Cod onstantly-ott.huld • =EI CLOTHING . MADE TO' ORDER In'sral 04,144 ••• : st. styles and at shortcst notice Ell NST -I * . U.F III -Clif j;, Stewart's Roth, Arttigf Street,•'' octlo'66 HARARE STORM! - SL WINAMTS_ ' NEW BRIGHTON, " PA:, • .iimairt. IM 1-IAR7D W7.11,V.44 1 IRON, .NAILS; GLA:SS, AND AGItJCUIiTURAL IMPLEILEN TS, CAP.VNTER§YTOQLS, • 2 • • BILACILSMTIES"TOOS, . • MASONS'T(..iO,I) 4 3, ' '- • _ • sitagmAKwToop, SADDLERT . TOO.IZ, • ; PL' ASTARE R§' 'TOOLS, 31.111FRS' !Agu( BEST F4.140111$ F TS, , •• • ••• .•f r • • •• ,•11.,OCKS BOLTS*, RINGNik PICKB.IIATTOCKS I TFI.)1 1 ' 1 couN TE It P_A SCALKS, BL C 'I ; I4E kIY, ,; • HORSE S I DOES a 'NAILS, ;I' i • I TINT& CARRIAOR sours & NOTE, CORN' EHELLERS, r STRAW • MITERS. A 69, SIN T;3. VARNISIIES: -- 1 Aazt4T- r rot r.xcitsion l iktowza; AND REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON FILE-BRICK ;;. • APPralditi l tolit . POR THE Eli NEW /3 , 0 1 ,• • One Hundred - 113Q1laiFfrt DmIE. - '3131.1:;1ER13 • •. . • - ....: 1: ~. : : '-: • SHOULD ' Y` B 4 F1L101) -, BE_Hi : FORN ..,-- -'-: r, ~‘VP,fills lift, 41117. - 4 ,' ,1,. .. r t..... ..... 1.,.: :-, ~:,,, fl. •••...., ..: . 's• t -;,..--. ' , 1 %. , ...r_ ~ . • :. ' ' .• .• '' I ArrLy .....iiT, cop. To: , • . ' *. ... • - , .1,.,- • H,!•:, ,r: • :17 • '.'" ' . . 4 00: 40? !if !' ,. .0 - r..ri."-• . ` • ' i:. k „•••• 1 ra .1 •..it , a Y TAO 4 ..1.....1.XtrA 4 • " U. S. 4 pAril AA:4EIITO, 11. 1 r • 7 , 1•1 r ,1„,„„.„ .t, ; f k•f r - p lq AA- Ir.; La I I "iI PIP I TTIEn33IELISHEIP - • - 11 If Ver th, l #, * T i f f de l aired, iannaa.a r. itil64ll 4-lelvt" .111: - ix=x"Pkilig .1 P ; erann il ik * . "5t.. 1 f71 . iiii°4l li ll3 IWlNcjk . .., . 1„IFT -- . : . ,r . . iv i0t,....••. ~,., • . D EA is. :in ortaim .p • B E II,-, ZdV4Wokisi/4844!„Vg... .7 NR hdifitt ;: ,. ;111Ilai li riai. 44 111 494:1001440..L'u1#=4.1Pai0ri -Ott or Stgliel‘igheiy4..: l l4.44, l o*-:,,. ' 7 i-q -tura. _ o ra v ra ti il , r . iiitreArfjoatiiiioG. ' 1°- 7 . 4-* -- krk """' l '' ' 51-.T07,- •t 4 • • 1 ,4 7. I • • • - lil -tla f =I Mil lEEE Mill - • ' • =I Ell • . B !Jibe EWATE a. MEE IMI N. ; m: • • UNTY" ; UM MEI .z. OF 1861-82' do 63, I It t . - , 1 A Chfilitatpt:Of tite • ;. ~,0f,,::, ' .'-' :,, :•.' ', 7=--- "' ' '4f.tN - A:i. • InflirTitli iirilstitp?iiit-., itlii4ii , ' , ll Icia.,Giblarelinite i' - INTry •, , jad ,stildier. in: the Whide Brigade i",li ,tairil end diltinetkirrecolretit 4 . "I' cos t w* „a rich apecimenlit the 4 o r iid,iiiilitiii . tialy Scie . might:• - • :•: - '*it deao;infttittect rare i frit,: . Tn . ' - .- i ii ii perlanpi 'prjilieitorbtlTy, a t •'. 7 ..itlo ct • stall, emp i ruitiqallY_ a over: jtifkl# ea * f o g not reaq a, hadtonal eel; 'l.l-:-Ibif %fag — tilt, idotfenli, eitthitr4tak ye; ry„M a tiali:...trii** . blit ',ii - :bilk it niOgaii‘o4,.nnil l e f rei"tesl 2 fa“ - %laid Was . ihe jrcylteWletighin - ', , d 0° onlIM, niikade; - . '49* !,t. 'I t lie ietek„Matiineali,. ar . ittnftern,:t. : I v wee a pretty OW Olt!eor ' f ',l i' Teat* for camp deli. , tee Bri t o for .: ~ ~ ;pi; rade, or POiellig lilt 1R.1t 4 41.61 1 for cookingin'-the name; but' Jixo.was an arqint,'pttiniaiiiiolnetirrigibre*triird ! .T.G'e eptirtinq help ,itfi- _' Jrle 'wattauft the legiti ale toberitnr in ,%from , thoisatand ances Ors of ns all,of a supenthillidanair .--cii. , ern: .a raoiety.—of , thii •virtuftt yelep rcierage; oe - the otheriiiarni Jell 1 we.F, by initinht; by birth, 'lr,iiditos-i, tion, by' all the - insignia of this enter hman , a : • :harmless, belpleei.„ . 7 o ti e t a i a 1 eowtirdl ,:At.d Joe couldn't pit I 1 And ',to , AIM }ion that , re are men born co :Winds.. educated iliwartle; exhibititig rank, Rhainelasi johierardiee when downright bravery is iiaaded and indiepenanble, _who_ .oan : biltl4 eipeit finesse of impirior officers, be,niade, to igntirtg . tii . white 'feather, Rea became brunet bi.a?',6 as lions, is the I Ajept . of this narettv,o; - which I eSiinrC,yoll, ',. in "an ower true . tale!" . .4.nd - aiiifa. It. will show yon that the veriest . coir.. aid„ and . 4hotightlesi sinner,ray ,he converte, pet, e only into a FOWL sal d i'or, _but . % prayerful, 'religion/lin an, ' Joe:, we repent, was the vrely, anti.- thesis of cmiraae: The-zip of* win . - hie - Would giveJeo the borrors- r wetkld make. him • ittvidpntarily 4,4ite, his head, - like a dock in ,n haitAtitwin;,iiint with's ,preeiftion 'a nd intilitiokrrths the'lnoet• adept ,bagkwoodsaltin,:ho maid forthefith see the 14artcait 'oak iif the forest, behind 'w hose imendlyt *hid toil ha trunk he :iould znsectOie him aelfyineker- thaillir• - 3430d37 ttiqi4lilierct t by !ionic .peculiar. Phyla's' aiyilpt.alien to the occasion, hi Cpurtt compr4pii lila iall,lanic4 doublejoinled hotiswite,a clam - able =EI Ariek big 41 a los% hear,/ ,I 0 i t l'i round him ,with indescribable, be. accehirig , earnostn OES : i Ofriel !•:4 11 11, pii— oonAticsa+bis knees would relakfik and kiiciek , together At:Tic mannett not set down. in any p ogramrho ofpratnur or profess ional gymnasurriti ten to one that Joe dropped,bia*iket,,,tind dsrted -011',. - a4 kt ;men ‘4 4 79 1 0 ' ir i %There A violent spoiltirthe'efilio l 'Or ' shut() tither uncomfortablekilmont,"to 14 Toll:11 o A lii lieir."Wcitill 'Occupy hig . ni‘ltivideklatiention, mill bivoitie order f t tho Iday" for the next- three or four reopen taw. hours—or, -St Wan; ur.til the di and danger: . of battle swero ovor 1 !, , - ~... ' ; 'Now Joe had boon in tbe-serTico , about Sixteen montho.. And although' ' Ina coMpatriots in arms had . been , led on to several; hotly-contested fields ;I had manfully, nobly born thenisolves l and thew 'rep mentmlijOloia thiougbout thednY, each savoralc.timo, JOB liad never yst beeli able 'to ge into Mel fight 1 .Joe appeared to know, by a prescience. seemingly. And peculiarly his ow f ti, exactly - . when, the struggle . would' take place! All the rest of the pregiment—officers vid lama—might ;remain in grosii,ntter. igoorsijio of 4be A:tot; but to. Joe's acute ,pereeptioh„. there rail no Mistaking thet,:. 4 . signs of the litnea"-.:there wia-mo'posilbility of [ miscalculating the "day iir t fll.ho hour" *ben .the saoguieary Uses -*pill& be joined ; and, eatra — bits &Wog 4tie was to be AmtnciAtitivill when "RielOalrwas beat that! morning, before : tbe early. and rapiii,marph sommenetd'i or **A 1 auddontiond unmeeifullY.semad with ' a-wonderiul,"mieert" antanarikere,or.a ' mar V 411048 4 faintneiss"somovkieye , eiso while Oo.the march; or if, perchanaat'4 he ,cont;iired to. "drag hiallq7 . length] IllagetktlatlOV of ortillOn. or the l rattle 'QC anmil wine' Odd, Jiia. 'distill gisiebed diatressingly ow *46 !Knit, Jft'a - Oil' s it ! riods • truaLT cojaPtiintX • tbe 1 ' ‘ieoliorl , sirbieli tux'. isulling., threat: ,ningly d_oggad hilt:hcavylloot steps for the pesCrtwo or three dart allat,onee i minced upon its victim it4kla precip- Agway: 4114.: , virulenco,; flatapehiag,' alaeoung,.extOrtir g . the,,mcmi 004'1401 A*l 2l 4loll* of. egorPoiooft ' al, -.WO doitbliing him up,.4 ;to, k ' • -,• T ' . , Arith Mtlitoitdfdii*lWNlVKaPe ~. . illilell piled , Mt A 9 1a04 111 ,110.41q- '''. . - Pfog° j 1.6000j: I of: 4* l 4riErl 7l ol ,i, ~p01 , t,.,, 1 1)0414.4nptogw rile ardeic.. . 1 . 10 0 0 Hw4*-410404t1PaDait*bctiVe -4 for l del ; 014 ,thi) ~ Etergiiirl beet„ ti: , to, the 11 X 141,Fh _liMMil.:4 4 % . 7ql°0 1 90 4)1 Y tw00d491 1 ,44.-4•11K4-,444 41#, 0 PK Oli''' . 0 4 1. 4 0 10 9 11 Atwir:t Mirof 4 l 0t a . 1 7 1140 a 11 1011 1 .191AnPrOnci4 *AR - , , • • - I '' 4ri tv i'*l-- 416149 P14)6 MIR) !.,A 1N44 _ _ . t -, s4 ' U 2 EWE N , . .• , g-ood ,Joe; rirstliii*f bit ,ope' • I.Yhttert_that;. .. frOr " ! hi p ! t an a t . ,61 men d th cl 3 y Irmo Ct rsw on the sick' at tbe titip ()fib en4igitient..;.- lieliv,,,ldo, it I, I cii•;t9',3 i.co pat ToittPdrive O'six`mtdiii,' do, .ton: •coultl stand ti a hard ,TiVork.',and know hP* t0,,, 11.1 4 6 45 1 ° ' "'On` naiibt of' it,'.Cari'n • ' - at' • vct''get.diiik , viii ''more, : r . . . , iiro Itaubtlof lc eaten?'' • '.- • ' - •.0 Vol; . aci L rit not make tea stet al foit: '"tv,xi'lr' f ) otag to gol l bit ii < ,4)34(tfilhalic&any'lliShii la 'lti. 'iin t y prVoarn,4bif,iind ' rout' p4cittliii.ha i riiikii. '/Wheit'wd iniii:phi' you' - Will tiiiiiCli. When we figlit,'.yet will not: .4.tiint 'oat ! ,Touqj atit b, liT:' . 4 . ihrit:finiip'r, - Jcie! I tiiii ,eii.' ' The Rut; ir t eolkisys iso:i. 'We mein it. ilo 'don't' aftetiiiiCit,...ren. I Fltekniss is - pl4ed oil; Joe ! 'lt won't do any , niere,mind' Xhiltri ''' - 1 ' ' ' : S'aCh a loot; as Soo" took back 'with . hiin ,to! his tent'! .21t Wai commingled disinay,territiii, 13(44111 Many "long, ,lingering4oOlfe,"#ce:'liestti owed On the adjap l int .. grecrt Woods, arid 'the' •fir' stretching valley,; and tho . hille that I walledlin, pn, Cither nide, the earn)) - of I the right Wing 0 4 y General 'Popo's• nr. ;nay, centignobs_ too' Culpepper Court 11/Ousel Many grave,thOuglitfol glan cois,.JOO bent tiptia the inen.husily en-- gafeiliVerywheri„ in camp burnish ing.sinil hrightening up their, inaelsets, an(' 'fillir,g !hair 't at and 1 loOkini, th' the iisirfoetwvi: and the capacity 'Of the - r baveisacksl How he sOliioqniaotl, and 'groaned . - in.iiiiiiit at Ole prevailing levity of the: men! at the m t ietilievuns, tricks—the ,gleiful . spurts;.—the bandied jeet 7 --the_ bolster. , leas laugh; arid' the roaring shout of 'these thint 13 tiessi reckless, sinful !nor tali, treiribtinit, nit it, were, on the, vory - Verge of the - gravel' Joe never saw thins in the 4 4 apie light - tieforelil "A ehi.iiga had Cfirile over the spirit of, his dream!" Those accommotliting,l r cbnveilient paroxygiris of ..."colle."-- , 'these i sinister spells' of' " misery"— ; 1 7 th ose Semi : perioiliiial ittaeke of "faint. nesa" were all ~ t "gone, klinimethig through' the draarn of things ,thas was , ,ro ..g it ? tni Was lig: as a 'tleact man now: , YAtiel then to 4 ;dtto %ad go—he 'knew not *horn! ; hurn,ed headlong into the trench, ; rot, thrust foully in the earth to 'he fiirgotr was very grave, i very tontomplativa,ritcry solemn! In every light he looked at. the firovoct, it' whs fraught with gloom, and darkness, and datab!-- Jot wait positively unmanned . 'Joe even contottiplated desertion!, NO, no ; not exactly ; desertion either 1--l-not'so bad—Joe wouldn't do that!- 'But, then ho go out foraging for previsions,. for • the; mess this after noon-and who know-who timid tell? •so_et fortu•tots might' transpire to[preclude the phssibility Of his re turn o camp fin; several days! . This ;might licitesibly 'bell But, see tittre!--' r I th l e regiment might; in the meaUtime, ;be ordered o move, and might! oven !have to gain o thatlifght the ,Captain 1 10ka of, before ,he could. get, 'bck ' again! Wed, 'what then! When . a nien can't come, liC,c•an't, you know! ; Atid if ho is so, circumstanced, ar.d 'shackled, and crossed by adventitious autioundings, "over which he 'has no chaired " and all cOnfidoratad to in-. terforu with his lois] parformilice of Idtity, that, for mice,lhe shohld ba'Vreilly and absent from ,hiscommand Whet 'a ;battle 'comes oir 'whose fault is it I'd like to kaowl; ' A. man can onlydo I bis - beat, arid thatKAl! ho can (to, and sauy Man is unreaSeitiabte,"inti ,unjust, ad tyranicali who ' , would ail: more, sure! Me taint conquer ; he? • Aastirerino that? 1,, But Joe l pope fellow. had "yeekoned lwethottt ins ',test.-1 , ?rho Captain Ind. Surgeon 'bad deliberately ; and with tr,malicelprepeese," eortipired to compel Jae to . •;•.ficie the music" 'for onee,ein the anticipated coming' flold! Aad' the Thini Lieutenant had but ex iinmiatakeble, imperative orders beep watch *over Toe with a father. FFy carefiAnd. 44 ; titilot o lottecsight of hindsy7 or nigh t^-to Soc . bit that be arai'cletained 'camp in haY and every! . eVent--and - ahould battle 'take plate, and `that old' thhse ofd 's conipilairi tit - be why, tho' careen '3s as 4fikto,- promptuets, ' I" ' ••, •"/ •• -I",..kiill'Jeo • bad' falleit' Into tighter face tio bithiarto ban:, gaule,d fei! ; applicaticinit foilloitve Lt,!:' , 4gai s ibt ASO iqtY pretence, ier," mattoilio* 11,811Mtibft1313'11 ci4l-:Lelr4iffirhinit 'Afiod; *6t, frit; Avit i relUintil • •i "' ? it'enticitrritie t 134 one, '*.. hilidAveiro in t - ofTbati te &TO! dfc l hatileill hid pri)hipily .2 -11Citqfeatiq 4140-4 t o r ' kaleoll'4 tat; ;'trail • Zzii4 -1 .;• • . • 1 - ! ... H •-• . = - 1 . 1 - s - ' 'l'x --- , I .. ....,.................,-,..,-..,....... ' 1 :. 1 . ,: •-; ~ . 4.: , - .W,- -A.- - ,•,, .1 1 .... , i ,i.„„:„ ~ F 1M quite refreal•ng I to any „One___but 'thee pattent:filaiselt i merely r_qilet),.op and travf . i,t. to 1;54_0 take ?. It-iiilipniien blue p . ifl, and told him be 7 siontil‘ be 'Well' enotimb=-Oli!'' Titter- "wellt=in- a few Morn' °Tits and to -entry back 'and -g'et ready let °see to fall! into. line, for .' ! we •we.re,going i .to havelhot work of it- r going ; ,to have a .rrilightY 'Moody time, of it' to da'y i :-; • -. '" r. 1 ..Too ' waidespetaie,"noWl'' 'The last link wits severed;:the3aet." hope , war gone! :The lasi feather., had broken thifeamere batik l , What .was ho to du?: Thadernier 'res'ort r had fittled--., utiertY; totilly,T undeniably ,gorie'oeit i h'' intoltei—eultiVitiated 3n • inglorious defeat! -:Joe •iiiit '-that ibis •end was night He koe*. that be ) . woold loco! a ben inatiunal Vrikrin soldier —* pile of ''lifeletoi' eli -LA lcinid, ' mifigled COrpeio,"thereed and: picked off by Reb:-. el :bullet', or- se,mi toyed into ; -.iv Abous god fragmeote:by , those deathly Rebel shells!, /I.*. thought ,r, ! lorn o ,they. would -never heiii ocpi In i mord t They would'all be linki y, rill' through life, and-he 'Would be-I;•4lerid,'deed, deadt-r --.lle thoaght rif d the Biblri his sister ha! given him on tea ving. iheir.e! Why, whore WAS it.? : Wherd,eriblil it he— Oh, - yes, he recollectd`movi he. bad `traded it . oftlitil ' Srif• to lder for two ft ;dozen eggs t lid th . tight ,rif.Xicid!--' And now rams Ithe forig-filiog troupe of old assoeiations of childhood,-of Sunday School linernoiies . —of pious ex' ainpies-of . religious precepts'-'-and they came ' on, and- galloped...arid crowded,. and i rni - i - h - ed , through tlie chamber ir of his . braini with* . pat i ntel ; flees and velocity that Set him well nigh distracted, and almost Made- him cry out in ,his acute m i entarrigony ! •. Joe was more thin deeporate, nowt The artillery could be beard bellow indent' illunderingii)l front. Tile oc casional Shot f-om ' t o skirmish line b could be ind titinctly heard from where hi l s regi,thene, had hritted to a wait fil rill& 'eiders. The- While of . I Cedar Mountain was now inaugueat• "Ed, and was tol be .ehronieloil this day.' ,The weather was warm—the Air was enitry,opprossive—the sun shone down with intense heat, and .'the'profuse perepiiatiot • literally streathed- froth every pore in .loe'ti .body'."Tho f ie lds and-woods ,w ere radiant in purest , green; butiJoe a lace was a - sad coin mentary .on i ,its once ' roay,‘ ru e colorit l'was ashy paloi r --pale as death! ',- 1 , •• •- ....,_ . Just bore the line was.orderlii&iii to batAo ' i ~ Am I aaked, permissi'on, • litid the Cisida'A gave it,' for:hiiiiiiitterided 'by , a'atir T i rittlie, ' r etire a i-epace lied legal! ", looireitilds*en.i . „11 ) O,,ite-le i guri-ditritlirOtWirritplitflor"-Mte to, it. 'pia* pike, . little secluded noO,k, I hidden ti . si, 11101eg, a, few steps 'fl'om the line; Joe, Whide the Corpc , rat atothl Istill 'in' et tiffid ]ainar.unient, , tinit„g him -1 seitop, his , kn?es ; before liiaititid—and In ever wentup t ?o heaven; ,_liciore ,or [since, a more p nible,, ainaele, earliest, I appropriate inv4eation than that fide: 1 prayer of . JnA,......'e '• Lime, L I Ile proyed• i andible, a consideru bleiinplortng—for . ininseit—for for „ . ,•!viinettir..-lor • peace : f?r licaveo ! i --).- I•4' , i i • When Yoe ca me back to hisiplace— the dumb dorindol 'Coiporal couldn't tell whether he lves on Ibis head or his heel—it moss ohE ervea that be I vies not, near set ashy • pale as beftireH-that he Was not quite,s6 tremulous as before +that ho did hot, look quite so Straight 'down, andito-lbegone, on' the' ground aribeforti-i-th i t lie replied I pleasantly, nay, ,revn cheerfully to the . sallies . 0f.4, hie , merry .comrades-and )o wonderet'wndets ! it is .confidently asserted "beyond the fear .'of success ful contradiction." that Joe •was seen to smile`several times, quite compla cently, riktivithere, on the evc•of that' slaughter - X . , i l i . '' . ' Now I SO hid diiipassion i ately, riatio-i lutely rtii4e Up his mind for some tro mendousMnshing easuality. lle.waa lust' as Co in of "shuffling off this mortal . ,,', at,. that • conflict, as he was that ; . was about to, paxtieipate I u in I it. „. VI, that gigentic ' calrimity l which heilld at first so hopeltittisly steed Eight - at at, and whiell he appear., ed now ratlier'to court than shun did notibetal for' - after the first round or' two—in„ antipodean contrast of that. famous Acr •whose mirage alLeked '.out litchis dnget-inds---Joe's whil 7 SOMA Courage rather took a like digi-. ttil' "'Hegira - 'and= ho grbw ~ hourly, throughall• ' the stubborn and, bloody engagement of Cedar itouotairs, the hightened and highteninkvonder and, admiration Of officers and men.; •-ex-' , liibitin,' a 'stolid' intrepidity, and die plitYi*g*lorone nonohaltmee, to ex. eke em•riltii °a mid envy.. there WAS nio.'neefi of the inexorable ,• Captain, Vii and..the- surly' Third Liegtonant,t nd the getiff'dtd ..irgee'n:to keep him to -ratike,Yto . • trill him what! to • do; .‘atict' • *him to do..andbow!tcrdo it,! , With } the ateaditima and ; self-potrisessiott of ti fr -ain ganning for,aqiirrolsi:Jon took' ...out his ehrtrklge t ehie off the- - ,endy rammed teqow rt . the birtel °flits Ohl; reigirliect hi* rawirod.pot on :Abe ' per= eirtleioii cap j. and then • quititly,',slowlYil • mech. initally took deliberate Min i m& 'ofteliesti teemis, • resk-too. When he goolchfindritme - Jeondimieut •!•'- - ;And all -thienaflif&,l,'bullets! whistled ..isroutid , liintiliko!hail,4l:4l • abaft/ill - risked and sere:tined al !'::about l'arid: , above: /flint,: ' arid * eiiplotteit- • [dasigeriCitae y ; arose, to hitve,",!alid tbe,.*ctioded telt , andi.--wort; linkried off. , l'-ainti-Xtliovd ead ; '-frightt 0 I -- withliklll444edi go: y- With- ' hhirid' were `before httit! Witfiqbeir ..sligfititiiis balls, sad 'their gbitstty, .ccintorted. fa' obil-'',L-- -- -"i 'lj -' - - i-• .c.-: ~ i , -:, •'-'-' • ` .1;1;3(0.14d -.1460' trnaeteredi. , I joie-) had noieforrktllasiielf !--.'11113_-after , tivrliyi, , , In ME lill q - Mil ... F •~ Y:! .t 1 blLshed-1818' WI 1112 NOTICE TO ADVERT'S FRS: 10014414 i et ' Pir cs_ Asit , esitc ; A 14,0 . f . illiouldiPailt,tiralt, _ 101 Tertiefrir; 1 ?4 1 !"!00 1 "ttle!!: A 'IIItILCA evil ' , • 1 ;;;;TiT I T . 1 ,4104 3194* 24 Pir-jmet last '; ; 111 4 siattli cent, e; Var yew • Marriage( `N -s and of r Not et , -a pa iara- tit ES * '• • F . 11;•:;.- :"? 11121 ready. - , 1 ~ ~,,, • ~,, ‘ and, lrittilig. sheneetarwarstn ~,-,- , and:fOrevet7cisthilit the,Avat laiitati s frin. l. , Wet positJoa- ta , the ilti t tltest.oftt ii tt #10 4 i. 1.,14 ~ and need.tolangli .iramodefut y;Wills • - . hi; fellovi soldiers, aerated 'the eittrififl 4- -, ,11 ' 6 rit over the dayti iiiirie by; flirt:ea 1ie,41 ,skulked - 'mid . ''shirked and :=llattkedi every battle with,st earning lidodtr„ i - nes+ worthy, A brtf9lt,aqie• . 1 i . . 4 I - ^,"W ,i l)y, .19e. s; id t he . CriPtieri,rif• -• • 'him, soot'. after Cedar Mriantkint !leek" , ; sgeWed'yolittelf a perfect •herillin , thset lateii:ght'l ,-: . - :'LI -•-• i, , l'r.f : : F I o', kw I •.. I tried.i.o.do,ray, linty , o*ii,'' l • i ,,,[1 1 , 1 - ,'Altti:3'64, 4 4 ~.- it W en t- 4 6 , 4 t ; 1( 0 ''' ni toll me; truly , an:l' fiankly, werfrftii," ; not tie outrager;its ehward'befbire I' ) kf ; : 1 ' , ` 'l was that;'eti'douht tifit%Cp4l4 l- iii: .4. 1.411-:Ored of flint' now. :. And, let- a nts :. tell, ytiti „. )‘cep l i.li i tkPifPvitAlt.;#l l ,; ta apross,',fttly i tithrr , soldier, it,ce „me, It inaltitaertno--thftei' , irtit i thel - ikiiibr". .k , calls it•LjtiaCtreat ' hie Liesse :sti.• ysiii' , 1 , didrnittelind hell ggewell too .'! :.ti - • .', "Never fear. ,I'll adopt 11ro ,name,,. .- -- 1- 7 romedy,vzhoneTser. I have, to deil witli the same, disease ." • ' - . .. 'I '''. ' , '' • - Ide served in the irtaY tilt thereto:4! Of the war." Etrentnally lie rose lathe r ~ position' of i• to weri ng Orderly Se l'"-.1 . • gerint—mall in tunn y of , the _coati/tart, .i, ,C. -- -reeived, - ,:- two . _ honorable' stotindc ., il one ~at, or neat; . Warreriton, and , the 1 °the! near Petersharg ' — T has ihe:deep ,, - marked scars to tilio'inffor them now;-,, brit, soon ' g ot • well •,. and .throngliont; - all the trying; porilaini,,:tinies Lof • the rehogion, - from tCedar Mountain in j ' • - J 862, till the titiair, o l4ribjugatior ~ e‘f "-:the ' ralmts in f866,h0t- itQainiained. iionsiti.:! : : tently the h, ieh chain ales of a - ate:tidy- 4 - , - ready,' braVoi soldier- and ' didn't. have, 'ei.ottier single reel' rrcileo of ki iittOn., • 'dam ~friend, the inkYitable - "c ol ic !" . Ile in new ind'il+lrion4ty,persiiiiig his. . _ trade • i.f . carpenter in- 7 --eanr.ty; . Pktinsylviiiiia„ is an exemidaryl - prom intuit member of aPi otegtant ehty 4th. • - And I .4.liereby hai,gs _a tale . . 4 Itaif : . yeti FOCI' lain qiiito remit:lly, at.kinie•et the ofticia‘ry of fetid' church, etinduel . : in'! certain religion+ serVieep, •aust hear •liis - vehem 4 Otit awl powerful. ora'i, torisal s-etforte,iaud hail.. pop , seen, with -what physical yarnestuess 'he • thri:w liiinself into,the-Wark ki 'he s ' . I 1 . swayed to and fro, mill !tow :be. vie:- lently Ignatierilided :a••)tli:his ripper , memliers;_andst.imped fiiriputtly ro,w,, --.; and then with his pedal extremit`iet, • t. , - yoe Might, tor the,ritiace have •tiii,ii,elv . ennaidered on the se' inaiiifeittilinits - A , remoirly ding-noiitig an • elesnerhatiar. of iilittritxpitnli i'oolii,” or "trosery l4 7 Or - • 1 -4 Yfailitness,'' ,or `!4 pas pi5.. 7 .: li i re :'cramps:' - - --,,: :-, • - -\,: , f,2. ,. = ; t i.l4loe4t9pq WA , h i i:o , soli I OI IH .0 1 It a 6- 4,1 : ),. Ai4F115.11Jr.4 ..4t 4 ,0X11,,,A , 044 y. wii*ti -- :4 ,- --.... fir inade . iiii4 tfr4 - t: itPiirlaeli tit 1 --,bf+VlL, !!zer,--` when . lie entsfilontly ii:trprop4 1 tlett.th, miff death- • :did i't• vi)n4tk A .11A . heturned a teveleait in his life's. lila.' 1 .. t 1 ir,,y -- iy l k e II . - tig, , it! .teti i x.4iit ?, .lons 1 !u 'm I be:ahlies i':f 'llr's 'tit:aillie:9,' 'kir Atig behind all hivietvi hid ' habit's - and . - notiOns, 'and ' ides,. 'rind ' .espeililir ' aat roi thee( eat:ram- h sitiaini ties;',' y i a ingot.; he po'iitively„does, that': 1 1 . - .1 ilia not. bad a twatg ..,‘.4lhent sirt4!, : ' - 1 1 , . Joe will pardon' HA for tilting; like I name and ; hist9ryi with tineh . l nir-per-L Lniitted• freedom ; it, he should ever tier ..; thiii • and will :doubtless reeeihrst, I the writer asAn old fri.ftuid, dualities's' disguised with ern _ithprettiiiilfi- vett; de plume ! . • , A SlBulirtAi•Vir*T.:-The of that - late Imes Safg,estit, •of - - Englafid,containei the fullowilikela nsmi: "As my noplievr ii are fond oh it l ui,gl. ing in bnd Morning.'aud w them to iiriprovO the time, silktis the 3 :, are yonag, I 'dirckit that they. she!! . e prevate the intisfeetpii of •my tore that, they have got, •ont t , of bed the ihorning and,.•clither CtsviOyed themselves in - birOat;sti, or ereise in the Open hir, front n:ciank every morning•fremi'April,6th itelDr,- • toher- tOth,beiti, three, hoeraisleli day, and frou? se'veic• 'o'clock - !morning Oont Oetteher ; I,oth =.tel A tirit being•tWo hoirii„ 'every Moisrinit : • for two whole yeersi thb, t to bi tlopo for two ye are daring the 'fir et_ Seven, - Years i to- the •satisfection:ot•:fpF•A*re--, •'• ntors,whs'i,jrnity excuse,therri gale . ' of •iliness, but. the tasty must be blade - •,•, - irp when . they are and ,`ir they will 'not- this - the); ,eltall 'not remvu ' any share of iny, - propetty."'.l • • r )"! • I : GEH. GIiANTIS Cll3lTied. !VW* 4335 aff • • being in - ffultsy'mpatiry• witivithaiktee•- • -'Thenext'',dar it denied that he•approvie Johnson" reconetruction.' - 18oldsitrs who7.ltie a 'righttesjiiiatletier their'ehtete deelare thakiGeni Grant is in, favor'af popisn of restoration which deieti net, read:Pig ilitym*lttaiilaatitasoii end Iprepare •-••' tolutritsh it :lathe Cotittitution! ;Ind the inwelirevide:: Grant's • - eontrollinw s deilie of all - loyal - • • . . _ '''lltientAmt Botittri•Dr.oistOc--.The -- Sictvtary , of- 'Watt tat; (loud* 'that I.tit'bott eity` . elist tit all t 14h sit-lio:regard • ed asitavlng sift ied ,t,othe'sfalligl. tha .. tio 44,1istd 'far , ' troll. Y,ailoratisl - ; watt latistered-atat , wat.l1 7 his , "Orgariaza. 110 - 1:1;130(.an so - Alla Issil-io' Ss of *se Ist ter 144* ao:ionOri aNitiktd; sfack iii` du ro faCiai'tilitit 4,tt'so- th*:attditionill liganty ithileetiaairioto -..futp-2.8, ..18601T1 Thid - Jitqvislik, siAra t y ',lniyatiVtaitivAliicisioi, as , it- ad mitialtiOl cf 'ion; .9f NO lkiiitij'as4 6l l -: '-olcgcliei tala , fl,l7 - taiPtiltritialsrail -tait Wiry, Nik•f*:- iirciaißilcOtliarAlsOlisa -3'dkbatied 'fi.orn - i.holitliittigoirml, that Akt;t4 ,' '‘.. 1..-' '-% -'o'-• ,' T f`:ii '.l ...., :' ' , t 'htt• A lreiki tei rept* t bob . w 110 b or-Wotiutsit 117,.14: not g OC i t tii3 '4 W. h . 14040tiftli Lib at itherrilimasirl isittoth in' • hitt tiod hit iglu* MO 1152M113 a 9 ME Ell V. `^
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