, ' ; , i I U ti r I BE "W 4; I I. ••• i.7•T "," • • J .:, - • witiet .1,,.Dim042,..47.11) I`l/1". P 1.311 '1 i A . c '- February 47th';111,:d ,-,-.1.-..: , . - I.96,totr!daye,Or vird W: kcagu,the 1 .i It rri l eburrg e4rl'.eppq9d!in t,:p oe, gitts ' kl i pigteAgentriergita4tcile..iii.., hat paper, , I t n i deri , :u.isonsfiti(Ml !mail, that the r ibi,iii it ik,, o 4,..-4R.4 . y.dricoeipary3:hud, 1 ),4 , y-..k.e f p r , l '4te, , iiipie 4 i , iiti - pivfejr. n F ig ! - 4 • 0e, -.. ,a,;11, - !li . '4' . ,?.tti r ii r OlMl t, - gai the . LigtelattgP, 4 it!q l l-, l viit rt 10410:( 1 t.C.; diiiedt4)4.-toggiod. - 0;teato)!, Avbr. seers to' l' ' - Atrivldy , , ‘TIV !Atli' I f'w 14 icvet' ..qi, , . ,e i .l 0 . & lif . .y 09, , o.rfci4ilintii;t:ii lie •.t7etikeigr 'cLe./..-e,nd,,,Relliiiihe' , . The 1'i,' , „1.'1.0.r . ip 're. terring:to - it:Finteo .i.4iir, hi eprreFlpen tient loo.! ".uneart hea h IlVii ' berate at ttAr riyib esti,' ai.illli ile4o f 1. - , IMlltiounced 'it Ybitt,lo3' l :4loiikal . k an 1 1 Peiebiltite l in .. ...,:_ . , : Vt.,: !i_, c , ~,, IMI. 1 ' T tro . . 140c0 ; . 0! fto,, ‘yeeK ... .ras 4A . I Us i 11' "... thir ~ ry !- ee et.i)041111 !ilk ' C't;itindlrclitl, Ixoee t hell t. . it A Rd . : I , L Pii aiti i ao ! :: xygnios}' , . lo g th,,,unttettaiof! th, l 'PH"! thew 5.., Q nay,' of; Bt:f! , at." j itooe Aisittiguitihetff i relf ‘ at'oiidb beeches r t `Aiilh•iiiiil wcittld'sUppoS 1: hese: ',ether, tieS :II ad airy like Subject, that the "men [ he'aPpArent to (ivory ityi. ritit. 'the case . ; forlwri knoivi papers in the,St‘ttsaveltl red to, that havi 4ad a . gl , even alluded to his I'sniti( jln fact; re bivii..abont - inif.d that r.eithey the a. leort l ieSpOnden t, rio t r the 'Le , 1 far had• a very pear cot { . 1 - proPortiona theintves; 'f' rielther of -0; on! hai4 mll, Co point out Ulf, "reptile; exactly what the char:tett / . • might be: ,On the coiptts ,nteivial and its correspi maiotaibed a iiignified dr r 1 _ ' _, thun, and, it isinghly prol [ ter reading the "SnakyY,! 1.: they coneludeli that the l y .L. ,• , I 1 10,!.' and. that Ole eastet4 h...-rod or ther."enake" story ~- ' •-t- , : repeat it. The) have het . i ti dO so. 1 .f. t . " - , - :The bill wti.,ch al) righteneil our . iie.ighb'ers is attitled"ilaimet 1.0 repeal i , \ 1 . 'an stet entitleet—A furth r supplen.ent. , to,the net inc 4. Portin'g I the Pennsyl. 1 Verde. Railroad' o 'r .',cor. niao ' y antlforiz ing 'an increase a ,capital • r,tic, and to. . borrow mono 3, approved the. 21 t or March 1866. , }.. - • • The bill em.tains.jtiittl whit its title ititlicatfi—hdthing_34eSs,' and nothing , more---and w 4 read 1.0 plaeo in the Meuse, and a. motion ipde Lo suspend. the rule' and Put it upo .its passage. 1 • T,bil motion -was lost.' ha hin t . then came up in the Senate, : j where:itimraa , ) freely discussed,atid 'no.. a foe • in that b4)dy neesseditof contsealingesnake.'?, ltafriends- r e.ipleined that the Pentisyl- ' vauia UniirolcomplOy.'s.l?usiness had increased lamely withi the year,thatl 'they had riatiny Fepaire to make..that - 'they WCIC inlneed of ad itional rollirg - - stock t anal : ll?at sin lac ease of capital - was vitally decessari t t.eeointnodat ' . the we:ant - 410n, buaiuu d public. Afte +.itg passage is the Sera e it (Janie op i . ) the jloiNe,l when a . r. Myers, e 7. is N'Orth . trAilt4il c0111! . .lar-OSC and oppos 7 ed ass4e Its p net bce l cEe of anything wrockhe Ow in the hill itself, but 01 . 1 the, grtnind , - ,t hat .th ere __ln zght be • .' "snake" in it, as the., bill had not liebili printed . an,tillaiif on - the desks' of th ; peiniherp.s- ? Other it,ep esentatives,ln• 1 1 . flafiticed.byAis roiftikike,' Partook f t* 4:j .:.'.- e. his fees, tid - w hen ,a. vote, wits 'take I 4 :the bill, trai lola. B t why was .th ;:hilt not, prijated, its M Myers allege , "it fihoitld. lifve bcon ? .Simply bee.au ( ~ ; of a want t'yf, flaw. `he Directors I the .I . iteut nleetortee adyear, and on t I „, lof l'i 'f i l i Jay tbo fi!iiii'fied tor. 1:11.81 r ...* is." - . • - ' '.I , I ' . , , , •-• !sgetlt/eu..tee conirany-wisned thp b 1 :_ . , ; -.,, ' passed in t mc for tho_Directors to.n , , 1 :- on it that - flay, -k,nciyr itg that if:'tb r I ri did not; its - subjeet,natter rfpuld I t ?over fora tiother yea . , ThitOiti iwl y (' i , 'baste witiOtnade. toth re tho bill pas - 1 I ••'-otiL , Thatitlic,bill4ta t.coutaina l ot 1 ... f. --.... ~i nglimpriperia Ovitiont from :its! o ii i‘ ;'.. 'reatling,,rind .liknwise from tho ifa .t I .- -'• Oat M.r...ityers, and all- otheral by Jo ...- 4 poppoand.iis .passag,e did an more n I ; ;_•.itecount ottlic man rin which it ,Si [ - '''' -bribUght.licSorn - tlio . J lours, then e lr,,. : • •onsitie..of :iba - :matte • it contained • :- .. Those beilig.the facto it n he; can ' iii ' : • , , • any oric Ray. that: tits nr,-ivaa asked.of 'f , , Ws. the-Pvt.tisyliani Railroad in t ii ir 14 .." ., isarticular? . ..Sire!! it r.,-fm other 'cli t , ~!•-.: Jim en'•retnpaniottlinb inicstrio to n• I...f i rt.ease tb4iir capiittl 4rom alinnst,or rj 1... f , Logialature. that inciits, 2 .4trid., if iu .' ,-i-: , :wrong wits intended zed : none : Igo Ji F•, '--1,....hars follettrod ihti. stiNia.Of . tbc„il 1 : -1 >• pit tnotteni butitttle.. itetheol3l.4ol 1 ', *I: 44104! - lit-BeliFer,:fi I,,ohoW i thbill o i 1,; •,..i• orliegber•f‘YeasiCOU lark lkY, 6 9 11 40 . !ti ,•'• ;-,./., •I'.t.bulat , .-InAbetia.4 arks,,nre .triih i ~.- •,, •-nndtirittOninkhatr.tire? reiint tin ap In j'i... . ' gistolf tille:i.,Pan'nti' tvaniatt.„knui; ni ji • 1 ~‘ :tilt tiontOry,..Witi. ire Xs,ady 1.0 io is fa 1 -• ' ''' •'f se. the, fit*t bast .4pt.', enowicing • ,er r:, .i A •.., attemptlifillakoS•to fatt i en.itli at tb i coot: . of Ow _.pe,o4ile. But we wish -t .- ....1111160 -.- ;. .*Orniooll,: - fiat: in ktuntin; -.' ''' - .."snikearewe' ara - ', n t..sillyt,ient.unh 1. I f • tar k at.littiles that d • not entkai nt I , The Leetkistay'dei 6„aindaccrocl4 just filicni. as mucli °l ,as it ustially dim 1 - itt its barfiing op - erniions. • • . II '- 1 - of . : , ~.rx - tiA 7 ;oliamberOlte g Repository ar 4Te, v. . ; ~ . Abe establiehmeail of a Pardon Bonin 2 lal ha l l - . ; ; - ' ' - -' • 4-. m it eor trib a for' c ap , .po r t or ai , . milt in t is State, to be composed of ade .. - - ign ted number of Lawyers or Jut W- nits ate- .th• . y 4th r, . 4 ,,,, pos ;•a - at '', r en .. l e o r ;•, ei o of - . • _ _es whose duty it. would be to IF • Asill ry ~ the ty ta - .1 tb' a Ici. 1411 tie .ti :nd ••0, ' "-; ..• 'I. • . leo] sit 1 applications. for pardon. an - the' r ap ers pertani:ng thereto. It - military 4. Tha t iilE s parzeso . is oi tm t t h l i i s ina n r t arrest . byvir it . . . . thinks ;that in this way o nl y ra cy the ... 4 snuil be tried _Without unnecessary de:. •- 1 - awe be 1 rade.to iteec . onpliSh. whet, they lay, and no cruel or --unusual,_ punish ' l' Care enacted Tor, 'Vie •. the.• Welfare el nicht, shiny be , inflict ed, . 'and) )6 :ee n• ft, e . peoite - . - .-tencoof-any--military...eornmtssiell. ol _ I' 1. -, --- •. „„ . '.. tribunal hereby antlioriza:A. affecting - - the Moor . liberty r of anY.,o 2 it. . r...e'hit- 4 . 1 be executed 'until. it is of; by, ; officer 'in comaiand of ; thedultriet; • sad the laws and regulations - 3rthei government of the armytballopt l be affonted by, th ts_aet,„, eieciri, ist„ fur 'aft theyraay conflict„ wit . , _lts . i pro ! , stens. ..Provided; That op soipto oco , 'or death . wirier this „tiet ,:elsitl ''be .Carrled , into. execute/0 Wit:beet the . iipprOvat of.thePreeident. -..",..: ;.•• - ..I. • • Q • •••': . • Sec: 5. Whin .the-peo p le 6 'Of any, one Of said Rebel Status! Hhiti)lllo9!Prlled "ft. .constitution. 'il . ,o"tl,:gOvtorpOiegi,t4 iP. I ,ciii i iindmiiy: - it.ft . tho ~E 'Constit ution of the:United States .in I all respects, frainesity a, convention' of deirig i atesll eleCted - by the male I,Citisenii 16f. said State 2I years - lAit,.and ‘ ; upwards, of ivhatever.raoe, color, or previous eon; dition,• wbo" have ...been:. resident, li. Said-State-tor..: one.yen! • pr evious , to. the day Of much • election, except - such. ' as may ho disfranchised tor participa tion. in-the Rebellion' , or I for felony at common law, and , when such Constitme tionloiliallprevide that the elective fran•' chise shall be enjoyed by all olich.pers Sons as Lave tbo.'qualifiisatiOne here in statedler electors of delegates, - and, when such constitution shall be-:rati .fied by'a majority ot the pigeons vot•• irtg.• on the, questioq .of ratification *he are qualified as 'electors ifor did,- egares,- and; when such censtitutien shall beVe• been. enintitted Ito Con, Vrese for examination and approval, and .Congre•'!s shall have appeoved4 s the same, and when said.. State by•a, Vote of its Legislature elected under Said constitution shall , have adopted : the amendment to the Constitu tion of the • •„• United.. §tates , proposed Iby 7 thp X.i.kl.X.th Congress and •kbOW6 is Artizte 14, and WhentS 0 4 ,ar iiele,sl;alt have_ ri become part 'ef the Conatitittion. of thii United States, said States shall be declared entitled to , representation in.Congreiss, and Senators, and Repro sentativerseballiM admitted therefrom 1 . Con‘yress for the last week • or ten on Ahem- talc iii th e oath . prescribed - I lits been busy on thereconstrue ". • by , law, and then and thereafter-..t00 preceding preceding eeetiona of; this :act. Shall .ion question. The Senate first agreed he in o perative in said State.l Provided," tai is , ,k'cio . xv . r.- as 00 Sherman bill That . no - person excluded ;from the; Mie l e its - friaiige by that body it went privilege of holding "effice • by' .said, I to the lionsefor•coneurrence• but Mr . 'Pr °posed amendment, to the Constitn-, ; lion of the-United I Statria shall be .elig.; Steveas.,li fe w o ther radicals, and 'the btu to election . ai.o. ' Mentber :of: the'. .the' hole Democratic strength 4 . oic Conventionto. frani.,a tlenstitution oriss, united to defeakit: T4,l_ ey ac -'• for any ot' said Rebel Stat,os, nor shall ; ... .• . ' - their purpose and tromottor any such 'person votofer membere of: oiu ,fished.. .-. P. , . ! • ~ ~• • : • or a committee of conference was -1 such•G'onvention. ; ... - 1 . . . i , . , , . . 1 1 • • • - Sec. 13. .And Lai at . , furt h er enact ed) ads Emil Carried . .., The Senate reftm-' That until. th e people”, of said Iteleel ed a Conference, and insisted Upon the st a t e s Shalt by. law be rla.itted .to ptrage . 61- the Sherman bill The representation, tn,' tiatscongress of the two initiori- I &Ouse in , return prop os ed United States, all . civ i l} goverronent ~• : • 1. that may t'Srist thareinaliall be deeine ~ tont:amendments to the Senate bill „ Provisional only„and Stall bo in all ret4 ; . the first, effered by Mr. WilsOn•- Prot peets „subject, to; the paramouot' an •; vidnig that all'persons not eligible to thority of the Uniteil Sta!es,•itt any. 1 hold 01E6e:under' the C-)nstitutional 'time to abolish,; modify cent rol, - ,. ind 11 - • - eitper4odo the. same, end In all Clue.. ' Amendment, now • 'pending, , RIM . II :by . pinkitAted from. taking any part in oi l a . tions trrany o ff ice under such proeil,... i reconstruction of a rebeiState.., This eional 0-overonient, all persens shall be 'entitled to rotes, under the. , provision , amendment.wasoarried by it ' , vote lif of the fifth Sectien'iot ,thisl act.. A . lO. 1 9 5 to 46.. Mr Stintlaberger ,bad pre nopereons shall he - eligible .lo aP.Y-Oqied: I 1 .1 vieuslyeffered• a new section to th,e, under . Rilell pto 4 Nisionul gpverpmenis. 1 whom euld.b. i 41544424.111414i11fr0141 1 . 1')I4- 1 ShOrnart bill, by which it .is I- kovided i i ilit.i , (A li ce , t i ,6 1 ,., ikt0 ,.;.,; , 0n ,.. 0 f. th e .on . 4.. . . • . , . 1 that until the rebel States are admitted (third • article of sat - .Quiistieittion'al 1 to representatien in Congress; all civil jAmendineut. . ,1 .I, ;• „... • . .. . _ 1 _ .. , • . . 1 ! Igovernmenie they may . have _shall '.be •••. • . -: — 77; • ' .:.• ;- 1 - •• - ,; - . . .; , . `South -BkaVer..!' , Feli. 25, i.ityii..l Iprortsional - oly; , and:Ati,a at all deo 1 „ 1 1-Lions held wirer prov i s ional authority,. ) ; I hoirea or BeaVelt I Attqus •. ' rlt'aso c,imparti'al euffrage . sliall beillewed,and grant r a. space in yoitr; colanineltn; the. ' 1 likewise, That no norsons shall hold Of- .19 116 W -1 '1g? The. writer I iert l atilaltOY i Gees- ; under .:L lte'lrovisional OV6TI. ia Ppene to per.up.a . .lletiv.e r :oillity I ~ ; 1141/ in which SOn.ei%iriOr is plsi l n meats, ; who are diqnatilec by :the ' a ,ireinendous , lio wl.thout, the " leerding Cenatit i ntional l Amendment. Daninero.ts. no . 4 , ieg. _,./ ./ i tinnil y I -.t a la. V. II el(' i i t p i This section .thellouse , added ...te ths of. holding olliCe iri•Stinitli.lteai..entovt; I ••-* I • 1 :•-••. - • 78 ship ' Well. I Witi.OnrleaVo to. let y6tir , original bill •by atretle of 98 for:to - • - ; t•i i • ,-, :1 • 7 , a . wminst; passed *the-bill, and Sent'it to r°°.4e.r& knots w . Y I t ' c .) 4 'l ° r '" te P c ; -° r,- b - - -• I . -- , A- .. .qr apPointed.to• - office in South BraVer i 1 the Senate for .. coneurrenee . . On .the •.t owns hi t. .`qui•itoivips 114i - 04506k 'fire , i supimediag,'day the,.Senate coneurred-eleeted. , y,a . majorit3 - , 61,, the 'people, l in the amendments by a vote of 35. to. and 4, f,.:happees that the Democrats i I • ' ' ~ ,L. . ... never a majority . . The writer in , 7,' and sent it to the President for sap, ; li , , -„ , i the Local would try Co liave thii pbcp , I prOval. ,Tito fo owing is, t h e bill, ris pie L.• e ,-- • isms; : .. - - ' • 1 • peer •. • - : : i vet p .Vo teat, Q.,W , QA, Rome. .11;11i. .it; passed hothitionses oft - Congiees:., I . management ; bt; - the S • chdol Directors' Cs •- • inirctis, NO legal • a Q .govern- to rho collection and du/berme of.the., 4 • nent. or adequate protection for life -towr.sltip fends. Well . 1 1 1 1 I -- not' D'' 1 . . .; ~. , was 14. 1 e) or . property now exist in . _ rho rebel rector, and do not know ; all about. rt,: ! I IStates ~ ..Of Virginia,. Werth Carolina,. but Ido know Atimo things_ A na.--wb 4 t '0 Georgia, 'Alabama, *Mississippi,Lousi•-, I know ..1., will tell yon., ...• • • 1.-i lane, :Florida; .Texas, and 'Arkeneas•;l_, ..,,Srerip:.years ago, when polities . ldiii ! Illoed tiliereas it. is niseemary that peace - riot run so bigVove elected some Ilm-, ' - and good *order shottO4re,enfer•ced,iii. crats - Tor Sebnel • DirectorS„ :and: they I '• said States anti' , loyal and reAblienri invariably got:thindsin so. crooked a; Feat; geviirnment can. be legally„cs-• !shape that they litidte. resign. - . Ar. : ll I tablisbed ; therefete • agnin, Ido knew that the collection') --- - ik :I enacted, :Sie.i.• Thot said..rebel: spoken .ot, in the Lead, den 3, bY a Deni ;Stott% shall be divided.inte miliiiiry oerat„, Was done when there %via ;but distriet/4 well made, object to the reil,- . . seven : mina levied by the:School Direo- 1 • itar'y riathority of ih United States; tors,„ and.. now. therei s - ,iSI twenty-Ma '-as Lereinatter -,Mootioned; and, for t_nilla levied. ',With .tbia - taka .the friao, • - that - propose Virginia-shalt - constitute. of propertYaiid,yon will 'See the fairs- 7 the First; District. North end SOuth..ey ,of the writer. A gain; '- this . D4ino 7 . : 4 'Carolina' the Second Distinct, Georgia, critic, collector' got in Lye way of Call-,1 'Y sAlahaina and Floride,,thiAbird.Diii-, ing on - some of bus Republican.' friends 13- triet„- .I . Lississipin and Arleen/lea the to paytheir tax the:second time and r•, -Fourth, ,District,, and. Louisiana. 'and amidst` sufficient evidence. to:.eattslY I I t' .Toicari the 15fth District. :, .l . - ' any man i .he Ideigged• :at :thorn for ; a" J -Sem 2 That it absll.,-be the duty of year or - ,two., sue; fox augbil kneW,hes„ '°. t .the:PreSident Aol'assiaa'.to .tha-trein... budegging at4liam i yet.; .„:11:ende I .IY:a 14 . t ra and of each Of sari diatrieta aii, ! olll._. sea ;why there is dieriatisfaCtien la. the. 1 1 . 1 . Octi . -.ofthe army ; not below,therank. of "p • ppojurgt g!t. et a D3m°6 i .sl4 fc i i :4 ;o l o . ":l clr . grigidierrtiefleklll l . and; to:. • detail . &J0t.... Therperiple are err aid, Of Ceiiper• I Or- intricietit -'llllilitiTrf,fol es, , ta. ; ; enable_ ,heade;lfOr they ,still - 'bite:. "..` l Asatit...' I 10 , sect Odell; tfr, perform *adages, andThare. __had ' cip - co . .riSiritithin rWitlit. the 4- enforisel het eoth'OriV . with i 0 i., the . dils! : School ' ;Dtrediers of'- -• gi: - ititli - -13,e)LvStr k': triets to whieh he Istereigned.,.., ~. ' . - 63 : ,-eititl: bet.l.Will t#er it. ti,Pen. .inel IP .--•Sati. S.. That itishall Am. thodsty 4 - At• :to 1 . 14 ,9r.that if; 03 9' it°.•%* ll . o .:lii•°:ti4k.l s os i- ii-. ir- each o ffi cer assign orlAis : aforesaid _to .fied,w;tththe , Pctur B PlSel)o' o 6l.6Calrave I X' , protect all- persona iti .their : rights , ot, parsaed„ii I,poe . ,.,Filif,let :ttitiii.l 4 loov7,, 1 4 person and.ptoperty, to :suppress . -.io-!. ihiV...tiill rosy*. ,Ao4jfifia,lit..,l:knim . it se rreetion.- disorder a nd. , v ioloinee, god ,1141Mr:hOiskitS • eill . rthOW .144:eiiiefeo :g : to rinish 'or maim -.1.0 be i r Hates egris fir • O.Tifkt:Fo ll ;o l 4 l .lirlY in ;Oliectiii.ll 7 4nbd .. '° disturbers of. the ' pubic- Petica. tie,id, thelWriter rei!,4e:44-4,ke0w5 . 14 . 1 iind" I criiiiinabil -and tto.this '-:end, hi ma y" * .it , ... 8 . 5 ine. 1), F r n9 2 r4• 14 ,ii , •!te°.4 - 41 ) -°'! ( " it.futtow.docariiiviltrshuitaltta4take.jur-.., oeUptiter,to Call, on, kli e . ,.. iNoik!Othe , itt.d.; 1 isdietior. Of and try - .O ff enders, ot, one time fOr their tai . ,•rill would ) 1 115"0: when in .his. judgmvot . jt, mac be tie I been right. I. . .. 1 ~oistettvLst.4,. ~ US; MEE l• ~~.~ ~ ~. ,I' :- , -Int&AO* let' Ex-Armroflicerg; ' ''' • 'clxVin ' ,'Of Softie lin perittnci' to: e*: - .. . I - t • ari iy officers is now undergoing,invei• 13' tioti:it Washington. A late deci -sib 'chi the' United• Slates--. Cour t-, of 'CI, i Mai, was r:Clifintb hale, ':whfitla•dei eided was the pay of an efficer'si . Ser n Yi ' rit; Tut th e pay,of a. private. tieldier,l I .TheSecond Comptroller of ,the.'lreatir" nry Imis daNtinined to have this ,deci- I. sina,ovoi-ruled . by an appeal IA? :the, United States Supreine Court, and, hit' is not reversed by - ,that tribut;al, he to• propoaeft carry the Matter before stile FOrtieth COngtelia. In the mein-' t ime, t i tle Chairman of the House ,Mil itary i lCommittee, has,been board to , kifr thtit.it vas the intention of .the , L7o . rnnittee when the hill m -, win" filed, give theo ffi cers this increase of ar i. I( %calico. Before the passage of the, bill referred to,- privates were getting thirteen dollars pet montb, and an 'of.--: fieer. was alloived this sum for 'tier: nt'e hire. After its paatinge,Priratea were paid : a:often:dollars per . -month ' and the Co urt of Claims lin& - aCeideci , . ~ that f+r servant's hire the eo l o ffi cer is e'ntitlea to the inereatio nisei. If this was the intention - .of . the law-makers the decision is a eorreet one, and will orel f than likely •prevail,' notwith l 7and i ng the opposition of the i'resit ry'popartment. In a.cordaneci frith Inllis,l3fficers will be allowed .83 pet onth more for each servant allowed, roin the passage or, the act by. Cop .t.esa,tlian they - were!' paid durinetheir .t ;err ipe. . . iccmenti in aikdice" too, ,vi columns i)i•ocic : that . vOr, katelied our count} ' froei what lady said On m eter" would .. ) bat, such is fmo other ho two refer- pse of, or ship" :,at,all. ado up oar . . nwreid, itA 0/havo Olt ptiou of hiti to this day, an attempt 'nor tell iIA rot ite Ming iy;the,Con indent Mince - niece 'able that af-J I .111 carefully; were "koaxt way to , get' towaA never n careful not thi!s bii4•:w enusetingi,..l" 001 'AtriwtiiaWgfi•A.E& Reoondtruction. • I E JobnAL - l itStratt. Gam' r k.rasploftret)t • WAO • l 4 . 3•PrOltk W ita i pu re roved - -trk:3II6I 4 SITAIAIrka.4 , Oval , - ceefolik this StateillfirslialautiditiOtadAat-ilepti ty i , Distriet t A.:ttorney , Carrington, and the of Police with a Al's DlloPe l epen t armett-4tAir tart:tit rarrhtoS - :-Ut' 4 sWeloclC-' , stud :;er, aulvort-unnautPoion al Radfpr4 i , ttl....orneuartipAlt.tho i) Swa. tarn waiston ( - 11 1 A front wax ~btv• prod and_ J utario . 4. nut/ cppt?' Batch procoedeirto tha liicarno - r and - Surratt Was ! brought.ashore, hanfleuffeds, ;and runtOy aNdi ). 1 . 43 rAti 4 ;i4.-dr•FP P 1,103 - iv. A elir;, .riage and quietly tirictsjuit auAl locked . ;up. There"js. , 4l6, law ?viva& iii , esca l t at 1.1404rii . .. • 'Thp prigorpr. Wab cleanly and neat yc ress. ed in it,Zottave uniform ?of-gray: I trimmed, with red °Li lotokci tart:relies. r:p0tit0,1 6 44 4 .4: rid turban. and' seish ‘ of 'the Paulo color tiud about l ior tus,t;,• 'cotirloted Ilia' 4 )o war4.-4ti roi w Ile *bent .o:reet high, straight. ancif light hair, final w ears. thin mristadimand goatec.i . Ire tea's in health . during the ti.4si' F a - . ,1 ANOTIIEtt CM NlTAsultioiow,. warrant sins tordsjr issuod friont tho 6ourt, bi--Judie Fisher ILO is asIollOws:: ' 1 Dtsitito? of Com:fa:A.—To wit: The Uni ted States, of America to; the • Blarahal of _the. Dist:let ottfoltimbia, greetiag We commsnd you, that you .take John: 11. tirratt, 'late or Washington COnty, if be shall be found with in the County of Washington in your staid Dis trict aptlitirn safely keep so that yen :boxy his body bi r f l ore tho. Criminal Court of -the, Die trict of Columbia, at, the City of Washington immediately, to answer unto the United States lof, and cincerning, n certain feioni by him committed as it it priSented. ',Hereof fail not at your in tiave you then and there Able writ. . , Witness: Hon. Geo.' F.l Fisher, Judge of our said Court at thaCiiy, of Waslaington,l i •thi; • nineteenth day of February. Anne Domini, one thousand eight' hundred and silty-seven. Issued the 19th day-of February, 1867. • ' - ' in . . I. Alksas, Clerk. , On the( bad; pf Which 14 the follow ing ouclorsemenCi , , A. "No. 4 1 731.. United States vs: total IL-Sur ratt —Bench ' 'Wawat --Murder- . . ....1• . This t arternoon hbfween 4 and 5 o t - ilochc, and soon l after notice by the I liityk-Departiner,it of Us - readi naafi to deliver Surratt to 1 the civil anthori titis, Marshal Gooding proceeded to the NavyFYard 'With -the abovo 'war rani, and.- hartng exhibited It to Ad miral Radford, the tatter with a guard 1 of marines, ropairod to, the- Swatitra 1 atid smile returned,' bringing with tllfein itiapriboser, witoinfietlelivered to tii_tp Marshal. guirintt . wfts.dtossid in -Zoti aro ;liiiit'orni sticli„tts he'.wore wlrela- he .was captured l'ilAleFandriti, Egyiit,. and hancicuffinl.il Having firmed aving been .lacedd in a hack'witli`tin firmed guard ho wes driven to_ the nil Which be". reached at ', 5 p. tn., and Was placed in , thectistody l i of, tlittVkarclen , wilt) has lately , fitted up' three ;trim eQ 6ilk. nee on each floord ithich are. used_ for the Cor.finement ormurprera and,,ilesperato characters. fle,Was iddii i i)l' in. one of t'Sese 'cella ront - 'whiellf.,titere is rio posa;ble chance of eseirpe• tiliil,i therefore, thorn -r.o.d bo'nfittouht abOuil his safe keeping.--- XOnn% will 13,e.allowdirto-seti him ex cefitinirli'ili'Entfrisisl and the officers of', Ittoktfgsrin. llhe liriioner, positively: . denics l tlirit be ?e Pthit 1.1 Surratt. , , • Dr le Why The. Jemoom, -The Bee - sniatructipn , • r . Th - qiott(il6 of the entire Pemol 'eratie'tnimorit l y , ol- the Moose follow Inft:the leit+ iliaddeusSte.. tweir : part.torgatis-have`; to execration; nod *tote. tlioj 11iii?e;untruly. represented. as the ! die! utor tittl utoe'rut of 111 . ( 6rtivillilte:l' to'. Ozzie _the rank and fi(ri,t~+lilt haco bean ; teens;.; 'torned to. tied" :trumpetiill4f4 , .Iticii..f.llugete-ziLd rapture 'if; thU :iitellithoes•uteprits.-• of •Iltooki.;'Tot.h.tpft",!we :can - do !Hotite..- tb-i ti.)"%fni.4l tt solution, / of the 'puzzle -and wilt eedenvor t0'.40 it, - 'as. fol 4. loevsi 't • ' • "'T A threughont Our trent- Civil War, it.**ftS" confidently asHertf d by the ,Detioeratie leaders ancl , •hoptieitly believed' byy - -their followers that, the r`7 gion;tionkl never be rest wed: *bile the le4l in • power, s 3 it 'thosel leaders. 10 003 Rave et.l4. tho the' & Co., in or&" Twee II 41 Any ,Rep, alien. • • . want noadeOtt struittion ti.„:none is ort;;lii..4 their. view," ,the 'So'nthoin Siapla aro alFright , now, and. need 06, [thii their feet on the 'r.erk of the loyal BlasTics, arid their ' R&Ainsti'ndtion is operftet: . 1 1fo stover; elf Iteepitstnietion -in ti! give (a flesh_ ehithee 'for; the*" Pueeees of tide 'pro"..pitoromit Horco their oOtioott on theSheirnatt,bni. . ' ' - 1 lit. Tikvfltittifierat9 , :tiontenit*4l the' , :Reptrblitanti;'itreth, martig ' otgi s i to keep tf t hod tktietirtitortitittly . dififtitit- 1 , ett,isid, ivitf 'lvo ere - Oto. tirebittite:her frotiiiiitittg for' 'text 'Preitidelni,. 'I Par.- 14t,triette' thtieftitok Is Afiktilte iti` iii !to; . , kt i * 1 0 1 , ItiOt.etratitiotr.i.,'stio- Detrt Prffi ltil ia -46 . 1 ' °, 4 1id A" 114 `tiV t . flitft' P- 1 , - .4 'tii/(63 It; 441 Walt ~ • *Me. it. -- jolrtiiir talf'a'ttfitall ntiCtority, 4 Lfortifia"RepeibfieftirP or: oti . etrehis arid Ocruitto- the , hit.sjoiliy:. -TheiiinOor. it tibertt,-•tltd tie. nOtitiViLtittit ip`ejtority .M hostile :'ti0,.11., .reotitmellir °fills:Union-1 i I 1 a 4 ',•:4lWl6.ll64:rMitiiiike :1111..he ', l talie! it 6li of tt Itte t i t sei‘ptirin , Ciitigrosi..trictorii*! l i tw i t with thm*idiit !,objiii, , ..iir their ittsirtril - kitilictelOverittrytthir.kod AA Isla-terer.'-eogt: 6 p l thitclaurttry. .. ....F. •Y. Ilkibune. 1... ~- -; f; , '' . • , I . - . ! • • . . . Cori 21detigeb ' • - f..: , . ~ . • 1 ' . ' ..• :-'' EA R .4b. 2 ' 80. rrow us : it in .. ropi i , , :, , . olive a:, t you spar by vo i 'ets i•• ntO I itet ,' w i ich , . i • - the , oral. -1 , - -.• i . regard' to .the way we conduct business In our tOWnship.-, The school pirec. ;.triiil L itr, -bean attaiked- for not Ott/mo t-he l i ting of tat toil:o 4 4ton who ‘41141 1 i a?iivalililiiie 4 - e . years' . , . Egg,_ W a It. e o . 9 . ,p* .. ireVijauph - of having bnainos done "eliqap. -- Viiii, estawis'iltii 3 O Mre 1 aci•Oan wrpicOili ask, but, probably.-4 :night not he so. Cheap after all. • We infer frdtn 'What be says about the! .Clique, that Raid Clique? v,liititillitt.tll2,9Ctice tiliat if they gave the collebtorship to 'a man who would like to, collect the earn° , tax twice, that he would not pay it. • • We think ',Very-- setsible 'man would d'a likewise. I We want business done honestly if Rd, le a preacher, and dO not Want a man to pay his teal : ' twme in ono year.. 1 Tins, . - We think; iit the reason Telly the very: Cheap' ma did not getliatopfilce r! ...4,o anothq -1 thing, be !Weis Ae 'Money has been aPpropriated 'La:the right purpOse,•llo. ,Well:as if he hadbad ilia:linger:in - it.: And, I. think, it. is !better that ha had nothing to do with !LllolllQtley matters. And,-1 thir.k, wo•have a board' of 'Di :rectors who cad 'get:along:as well as if 'imo had some one in their place whoi doel3 . 'not know , half as' Much. It iii rather Ek‘,,Eaktg?,;l.l.l:it .when IPqmf%Cr,ats. I are notlii O ffi ce tliht: no 'One'elini can (14 right. t :aupposo . they .t.hink , the Almighty' has..made them perfect. L be has, thou- don't.' show it in their ac-, ' lions: For if they do'busineso cheap. and honestly they-pan have offices like : ovary man Who des his work right.— , ' Tho person who is making 'a noise about ON thing 1 knoWs_ ho has no . ground for doin . Ou,l butt ho : Wants :to make a fiiSs and noise so: that the peo. pie will give him) an officoy aathi? elec '-' lion is noti far distant. ',. .; ' - Wo hdo, fitnidi,'lion hill - t urn out to the eicetion and: put holiest: men in to office. I.And let Moe() who aro not hotiost'keep their innutkil shut. . All we. have to,..say is , Let Men rt tell' . the trnth and net right; and,i'hafreit, and 'they will have their reward:.' ...: - 1 .. '' 1 • - DEFENDER OF *RAITII. • . • tifißg LEI:gsLA . liAutusnmiC, Feb. 22, 1i67 the following bills were.riamleci : Sullpleinent to:klietiet for the i4O tottiOn ofi ownurs of wharfs immElinir togs at city; j_'•' 'Supplement tolArt incorporating - the borough 'Birmingham StipploMent to set incorporating St: bar ecirietcry, qrecthibur g : 1. • To, incorporate the Odd ! Fellows' AssociatiOn ,ot Waynesburg, • Supplement , to; ,111rtniiig,!•!1 and South Pittsburgh Gas C.lnmparly. • • To.,Pin i 'viiia an nOdi!..ioriel..law -judg w . in• the-tiwtnty- fi ret judicial district: Prrtruitis. • Mv., Landon Tresent&l la petition in favor etiarige in the rate of in.. Lerst tolrieyen per cent. . Mr. Tayloi,lrnin the to di portionS of the .towtothip of llridgenriter into. the . borough... 13rowti,i of Lawrenco, against . the4utte'Of.licithrs and Sunday travel authorize the school directors of theSerciith ward' ;to burrow money tor scho4l.porposq. . , Sjipplement tc, an act to .inc•orporate 'tile' Birth . ; am Jiridgo -- Company. ;. The . gencral.jury.:bill was iaken tip and- disOlß!4od.. 41 . was opposed Meiers..Lowry - - .11Ousit. ' • Mr. Wa(l4cllealicdne the., act rola ti.leif to State agency Waihington: The bill was .umended, closing the nger.ey in June. and pnetvoned. The pitlilie.bilf,l refitting to Lloe. law. of.!evidence arid huplitinds deserting wjz,ea. ; ,- Was-,diecusaosi:Aupng , th e , sezSion,,.and" pagWd. ' - . ts 0 , Ni4W I. *ADYKitirtSEMENT Ki."l ...,..".?,---. - - - kr,„---- - --!..7-t- .4.%' • l FOR - ISALEI A. Muse , and Lot, , House coats init.g tivo rooms and a Storeltoom, eligibly lotatirt in the Village of Indu ;try, this county, posses'- siothiven immediatly, Apply to ih • ' liibli . Vti7-ir2t..` : . _ .IY. C. GUNN. ,- • 1 ri'or . Sztile.' ~ • • .r • _• • 1 'rm.rmdersigned, offers for sale a liialua j j ble lotjaf ,gcound lin the river bank, ,j4l. %So - re - alio' Beavbf 'St:Mint:ore 'Om (.;& I'. Roilioatlii The lot. coi.tains something over six: acre?; 'and is-onelo§ed by , a bo . itni ferkee. .(atilt '.:-.•..6a.: , I Dlitvn, X tlitVlS.`, iotiowors tbitt rectimitructea rule. - Propti ivi tc • verify If posisible; , and 'rasa vote `wi4h 'VA 91 IIT ttldcrr gned . offers for Salo his house 1- and lot situated in the sown of Beaver, Pc The, house, a taiga brick, is located on lot n, 0 the corner of Bt Palo and Main Vroale aall wntnfita7 rooms ani a Macaroons inks nrid.fruit on clte, lot; • Inquire of - I feb2V67-61, 1 13. &.1. it. PURVIS: ' - • SAWMILL AND BOAT TAM) • MBE undereignod . offe.rs for sile :bill Saw 'AL ; Mill owl Boat_Terli.„ inlidtktry,Beatsr ..isiiiiiity;(l l l;.;• Tie ors d'ail and' the .Beit 'ISA is sufficiently largo. • fer the building of chase% of boats..; If nkit .W*111 116 34 144104 i IkCfba prep arty will be for. rent. n0r4416; •• • :24 2" VI:MUM*4 1 ,32SY - if A:TAM. (It 7.7 C kii ttrag 4 diairsigaia ty, .-Jra4 situated near the Ferry', -- Lending. the tolli felt , al; iiltieNieleisetid. 1107[sihnifortat4 iAtk '4" i ctiresi; e trials:alibi's:tied eaten, ent-Isionses.. The_gsrden is filled - with soince-elisitiefinit: titittifs;ll3feiblgo, sad- limb :it pr e iiiii.V;sooi.lnatrlisabe 'sold ii a. baigsdn Lit spitl i iid OusedisteV,to7 Off r,• tittiet,?Pit t 'totem- or, - - 67. loeitestliffeaver county; ES II WI EZE ViCBLVAIOUSE 'Vox- FORS ALE Mr Notic e .in ' OrP '• ' a au."-'• I the ' . g ippraiseMen a of personal 1 p it . O into:int of $3O O . elected t'..o tax - • . Widows anu Orpittins,.agratia ,to , . e . " ided,• hare been , filed in the I e ','' of the kft3hatie' Court, and 1 t r ,Persenel property to amount at $3OO. re ,tamed by widow of 'Milo Baines, deed '. , Joint 1. . 'O.Fl4 l l,Aiits,(r- _ ' -, ' • . ,r, 1 1 c P ta ti i i n s i o a n , l 3 l p w ro ld p o e;-' ,.i tf rAire to cirr amount wio o l f ace b:2o o LlP:' `Robert t'lllacel;;Adltn'lt - -• .; :12 - . 4. 4 .., '.," - Personal Prolaulti to, ;amount of $3OO, re. isin - M - By - Witravirtifrl, alaes•Bfedetir dec•d;c1;1:: - iuntilirstdy.,A.dottro i,, i 1'..2,.1 :: Personal ty . :proper( t amount of $3OO, re.:. litheittirodq* Ott-,,A; B.Aolly#Aeft,ti.,,i4. l , 4, I .l44. 4 KlunirC. ; :1.: ti 1-..fi f.. :.-... at: f.' -. i : Pere 'nal property, to amount of $297 40, ,netstrtsd,• by - ,n wido* 'of.: Montgomery., tweed.; Sohn Steve*on.Adner. ...._I , P•ol4•Mifr4: to: *mount:of , $ 26, ,70,I retaine by widow , celru f gh Wa's, 'deed.. ißerliilthiti NoWLen,yiutr.i .. ' 1" Pereanal jirefeete to Aojnt ot $275 Ott, ,retained by"widow' of tectrge Engle, deed., ' w a si k kageirkmglei..A.dmZri ni .: 1 ., , ,,..,„ ~ . 4 ....; chair plreitiefty , ell etlit.tr:4s72-4r • ' retained ,by ,widow• of li. 0 4 NYdicefield. dee' .1 'Johnliitlel. Asluti,„; 24. 47....; '...J .2 ,'„.:_„_.' Periods' property to amount ofo, rti tabled by , witittcl- - af:M.stttott 0 orden, deed., J. C. Feettuson';"'Et*: - .1 -- .--- - , 1. . Retil- , istitta to *moms!. of $301). ea apart 1 grid retalnhd'hy willow'of Jasepli Veen; qlectd.; I.J. C. Wien, Adni' . r. ' I, . • • Persomolotliper4 (tt Omani of $4OO, re z, lamed by- widow of " Ralph ..W. -Russell, deed,: Itbltntidulte,•;Wilstio. 41ra'r. --,. ' ,- Persona" property to amoitnt'..of $3OO, ' re tained by , widow lof P. j. Campton. ~ire'd.,, Hannah Campthn and 0. C. Minnie, Aitru'r. ' •Perstmal properly temount of $:l9, re tiined by - yriglow of 'Jim 'lallfileis„,....•deed., t ,s William Whoa; :Aditir.l , ; Portugal •prop'erty o• amount 'of S3N. re - tained by' !tidos'? of Jcihn Londia, delft'', 1 Robt Temple, Min'r. , 1 I.Persantil phiperty-td, i:nonntitif $207 S 7, retained' by widow'f .John D. Stokes, dec'd.; Eliiabeth'll-: Stokes, Adati'r. ..1 .: ,', .1 Prifkbittal property to abiount of lt 30); re.- isctitedby 'widow bf Jatimi Davis,..dectd.-, W. ii. and l'f' J. Davis, Admtr. • - '' • Personal property to aninnitt of 5t11.64 . ; re tained bp . widow of dohd•Neely, dec'd, James Ndely, , Adratk 1 •I . 1 ~ "} • - • - Personal property t* ainottnt: of $399, rotatn : ed, by widow of Idiehael. Keller, dec'd. F. Le Gouteur. Adner. , -. • • _ • Real :estate and personal.' .property to a- mount of s3oo, l retainedi by. widow ilf S. - 11. Bowls, •deo'd.. Pnchel Douds,- Adnir; . -- Personal iproperty to famount of $lB9 PO, retained by widow I of. Ira Blanchard,. deo'd., C. .B.: Hurst!. and S. 11. Darragh, Aduira4 l • o l' ' .. ''' .•li ''Notice iw hereby Orem to creditors, hare, legatees, distributees, wind all othets inter-' ested, to appear at the neat term of said Court; AA Ant later than 'the third day„. being the 21.1thtof 'March next,i . tst.sltew cause if any they 'have, egainit the final confirmation of the above..ppra • tint 41N- 02 ''''' ,l: ' • -'''' 1 . AMI A. FRAZIEII„ felit27'67-11e. . a t • ' Clrit. I --1- • • 1 - .- - . 4 - 1 1 N ' - - 11.alcefis -, .otice. IAI'AT of Applicanie for License at March 1 . Term, 18(37. • i •Il - ` 1 . : itirreut t , &c. . Allen Itufei l .. I hrhillipsburg lit.°. -, - gabenCri:Allibaatt....4l.karlhigtiin ~.,"'' . C. 11. itelirater.i. 'l , l rinnipCbtirit . . Francis Brount2. - i...... 1 1.New Prighton " W' V. Alcorn .1 'l:Bridgewater -•-• - W. Wenn .. J. : .... ~..-, 4 liarer, Falls City. Jienry - Ank, l .tney . . r II go'hester bong . . John Greatting..i...A,Dig Boaver.top ; -saris 191,mes, ac,. • , . '• , ', - • - . C. lialTer...l: ..... 4....Srectform boro .J. 8., Clark • J 'Beaver' - " John ii..Stieed - I IF i reedcm ' • 4. • Henry Kinsey:.. .... .eorgetosra" L /Tin Pitireli........ Sew -Sew ick)y- top :Willittia. gogers.,....•.4lnliustry Jonathan 1. Dada_. Big Beaver " Jacob goes... nilustry(village)•• -.- ' Wm.V. Jobneto n.... Rochester born ChriathinEmmet.— .1s:eo• Brigliton biro T 9 AtLI• - LIQUORS IN .Cat.N.TITiIK3 NOT LISNS 'MAN ' ONL - QV4T, x.)GaTaau. WITU KENCIAAN DO3N, fi.C. , . , Mary Alexander Rocheit ezi born - • E .1011 1 / 4 A. FRAZIEII, - ,. erk. fee.27'67— to. _ 1 i .• • • .• 7 • Sale. NITILT: he offered -at public sale, at the VI" re-sidence of JAMES COOK,Sr.; dealt, near Darlington, 6. I . • . 1- Y • • Ttl , I llarch 14th, 1567: • I the following, property : ITr:rses. 1 Mitch llead. of Sheep, 2. Spititiil Ducks, ll_Two'florap •Wagoti'(near), 1 10 Spring, Wairin, t S4 . lk,y; 2 Setts Double lioirnes , 1 . Mower ' & Reap. 'er, tnelteye Mower & ;"heeled Horse - take; Itecolvizig.doi Cider Mill, I'lows; 'Harrow; Cultivator;/ .Corn Planter, ~(;rain Drill, ;Hay.' Corn and Oa- s by: the, bushiel; • llonseliold and . Kitfhbn Furniture, and a diiv 4 t.i a .riptpqr oth a a r ticles r:Vottrit rei spectfully call the .attention aCtlie:inibife - to the:tboYo_aale, :tttne4rly , all the - articles of; fered are good 'as now ; acid - of - tits best. se feetion.. Sale to eminence at 2,,i'clock, A: M.; Rhea - a-dite,attenda4e and reasonable- credit will be gifen-by - _ • feb27'67-4t.. . d-..-COOK:' N QTICp Or FIigsOLITTIOIi: , 10TiCE iill - eieh7 kiven; that the partner= ship • lately eTasing between'. PERRY ittiiilil and' ErttfAN" VA - TTERSON, ;of Ro— chestiir, l'o., tinder; tho firm of ! BROWN! & ATTERSON, - was • kiissolyed on, , ther Tine= teenth day of Fisbrtiery - , A.D. IStri, by 'ri,n ual consent. All debts owing to the said ,- , trartneralaiii,,are to; be. received .by . PERE Y. DEOWNzaakt tinda;uandi.preserteed. to hint for: pa went, he being authoriiecl to s ett lo the saint.„ _ . r.: :.- - , r PIIRRY.BROWN. ' .' 1 RFI.IIIq'tTERSON. - 4 ,Tis bushaes. s t o . be.continued as heretofore, -, "'-` '1 '' -' - t 'PERRY BROWN & 801 i. • Roeheater Pa. Feb. 1 4 .),.'67. • . - U. S. COLT CTOR'S SALE., ---, By Nirtie- of it. warrant , under thi'hand and. .of Robinson, collector of --Internal Rovanuo forthe 21th District of Pennsylvania, I 21 Orilleaposerto tt/e,-on Y Eriturday,bitich 9,1867 ,='' at 2, o'clock; P. 111.,:ouist Ito., 44, on• the lgtio oWnitt by the .Webs cr oil cos:lli:my, and leased front-Rawson'ttle - . ,ott Islankittra, - in Ohio ti4 - Wnt4bils; , Beaver - (4 0 wing ; property, to wit: 101 l ho right; title, inter :usff snalchilift of said Wdbitcr oil-aonipsay ! Dodge fici:lAXistuntirk Arm y togethete with two oil-wells down au a with 2 inch tub- - j Dig (abet eltitE 'Oben e in good)I or derCiUneh c liuder with Id feet boiler,}tools TaaE Ittrlciftirwellopro pinks and about:thirty barrels ofoil, derrick.; and REM- be4ows,an.vit.44 d tool anditir Ifictittell tielei'itginetemidellwells. l To qbmipticA.. i t kibe ipekt,y,...cf_fmili contrnx foe r 4 ies be Sfttiii, 'for ',current lac! of .1866. I ALSO," • Alpine Mme p ( ot>f at 3 a'alagk~ P. of 1111"1-NO.1 C+4 : Jobles Ow id, lets ou 121wa 14..5 1,0` d'ium fu'Ohio'tisetahlp. Beaver conn ty`-Ps?„ coaleatn. • • '5" - • Pfißeiscli and taken in. execution , si the prop erii of 'the :Knight ITemplatoit compaiy. :for ltdClltle due front -said company to the Uatted Stateius retail dealCre, for the Current rear of .1866. • i JOSEPH MI:MITRE, Dep., cot. . feb27,'.61-2t: I!!! _ , ~ _ _ 3„IM--,g s a.-ie.. „ •, . 1, . I At( - --r—• 5.... • "•• • -• Bi lkl i:aiiiiVor•SollC.S 4••.'lts'oM' Ve•iari ir cis's, perat-Flitamand. vAn uilicat , es 1. ~r,5..., high:ea' o'ttt 'of elth'Cdtter bf C rna te d p,?:' 1 of the CznAtrpc.tfterf,-Inl,tc• nt.. 4p. c .,: : II will expose' •to pulill:. srue' a• • ,e Slier . . t. g .: ; i' otolt ixttier Ackeetk Sr :_DeOrdre ia Cto c e/ aforesaid, on i ) Saturdajr, Mare' lOth, 1861 . 1 at ropert6 10.' to y cisistes. wiin: reuo the far, 11, the f...11:nr10 p, t • An the right, title. intereat and &aim of. fendant, . of, in 'dn.), to the f o n er i ez lot 0 grounlsitstnte fti -the - bnyongh of. Ihrli.toe, _Beam. count,X.—Prz..._benntded nlrth b y u ,: alley / east by Afnekot Fitt:eel. south tip p e t t f" 8, 1 - 4 3 ,0; .....agiest. - by hit 4 :OClrgi oak !C• which ilkey'retet e large fr ame btliblieg ft: rail a, dWelling liPtve and cellar , tand em ..., :at ere roonxfurnighed with courem, „b a i;7 l 4 ., ,10, 0 Also, one othes‘ 1:0 of ens/a,' .it tntue f" t h e te.,tradAlt lafeiredaid.,lantrolpdrtorh by k_ tt ' lie snit, east by - Shitket atrent. south h y 1/ P ,'; - al , George Orleer, 'rest t•y pnblis alley. on whic4 is ereetpd 1 n trid story from° siwellirg it • with. celldi undiniesilr, frame. stahle *e t -- P. a . • buildings! lot enclosed and plants! with f trees, groPe°. &e. ' • --", ' Azad; All right, title, interest, andel* / at d e g et o a nt, of, in and to fl certain tro t ad . land lituato in. South Tle aver toweiyi p.ou. e i r eeisaty, Pd.. bounded as followßE,.;* pg 4 M 1a p u,o autl white oak , thence. b 4i - tormeKly of The P l anners k Mechanics Ba l k ftfro..of the . John Plate wlrrant . , n, rt h cme e , are ar east 1211 perches,, to a pod. th ence ; f a - a d of ' the -anne x being part .or the '14 7 1 l'hilliph's 'warrant, cast.11:1•; perche° tsarist thence biland oT the same'rirl of she , we. I, t i ,e it n r a t r :e w r o ci id r ° ; t 7l i t t , ' 46 w t7 a t i r li r h e- it n n ' o 'n t ,e7 l , : , - e d : r f ln r i r ..:. : i i•Z eigl o t 1 0: 4 ", perettem to 1 4lie p1..e0 of - beginning, containin g %-,,, a/ more or less.' about 75 ,acres created aid 1 0 , ' der fence, on wbieh sfsern is erected slat !'two story frame Illvelling house, franc, ha rt an d eatlsuiltling,l Cs' nod orchlr.l o f f ruit trees on !the prentises., Tho at•.,r e (I,„„ ibed Itract of Jinn.' is underlaid ,with a vein of bituminous coal. , A Lao, ,AU right, title, interest and chin oN I defendant, ot, in nod .9 the folloatuz pic as , laud situate in Smith lltlacer. tonnshi Heave county, pa., boun.led az follow,': Begintsga the Sentb West corneritheteof :it a pod, th eca by l a ud formerly of the Pomo:" e, Me e h tu 4, Dank ,part of the !warrant of Jqhn Phile, wont one degree, ea .t GS perches and lire tenth. to a post, thence by the same part of the Jolla 'Phillip's wa li rl'a s llt, ea r t th n ;• l2i; n r c tre d li e e:t :. 3 ze st , th . , nee by i o at, i e s (19.1-10 perches to s post, thlace by thoraitt first above mentioned, trod 124 percher to tin t place of beginning, poi - twining fifty threeter e s more or lesS, about 17.1 acr es cleared tad mi der f en ce, on ntlaich itlivre is ererte.l a log dwelling !louse, 'or -Chard OP the„ prcoess: the form underlaid with coal. _ 1 Seized and talon in, execution as the prop. arty of Jacob Mark.) at the sait or Golleih Mi. era. .19 2, - A - • - At the same time and place, all right tide. interest anti _chi ins of defendant, of. in audio, - the followingllots of !ground * situated in tlie‘• +silage ` of Industirv. Beaver county. l'a.. being lots Nos. .6 and 7..Conyoyed.hy Jacob Rola • and wife to John W:4;ngle. by deed dated hve • ly ;ift, lEt57; and•by J. ti. Edgle and wifeta . J. the defendint.lD. F r;y . erea. by deed dated* A ug , 31; 18(i!: ,whicb are erirteTkit large two story frame d+elling bnitse:a frail Stabile and ont-bullding , s, lots enclosed •and Iplanted with firuit t ress, l gropes. At-s). tAt the same .2 ir3t . and plate, all i r .ithlit title: iat erest . and claim defendant of,.in awl to iheae other lnjr of undl•e i tnateinthe ;il. ite lage -of induetr3. Beaver county. 1'4., hciag . N03,,,23. 21 and , 2.;;, bounded north by relit?. alley, a 3 _l,et by W;lbash sireet: synth by lane street, and west Ihy Plum alley. lotientleted and, planted with fruit treel. Beingthe jest lots of ground eetleyed tJ. Boss and sit to John W. Engle. by dOed dateelinn.ls.lpGl and by:aairl.Y,ngle and• Wife Cour'eyed ta Il'Cre4y. the defendaur :by deed dated if 31, 17441.-. 1,„ - , • Seized r and taken lin. essoutioa Is tie' propertY of J. ' the tolid Henry Hies. • • , = IS.IO 3,. • ALSO, .`i • At the dame time anti place!, all right, tit ..interest and claim - of defendant, of. In ante therfollowing. farm or tract, of land, iallerlin ton t air nab ip, ilearer ir*.uttiY.l'l... ) boundek4 the north by , public roio . Mitt laud- of Jos Carson: cast. h* land of JiteneSCarenneislirir er land of defendant. tiottth 'l4 - tittle tr:.itc oreek, and west by publicitettbaid the b,lutti on, coot ng 11:211' acres. note . rtf. Bess—the entire lama.- tindWr, fence. aket acres, Cleared; on which is ,iarce4fl. dTo• ling bourse with cellar underneath, 3 (mita blo.and sheep home, itlargeit,oycleurd sbcl.o frult * trees on the farm_ At q, A let of giottnel heral:l l 4. Darting!On' Deaver crionty., l'a.,bnuctlvirstt. bp .t publ:c square and' Third st reef: Patter's alley: south by ga gg erty's west: by .11.arket.street.; being .c a ns and half of ttuotber.: on ';Which is erreAl larg — e two stony fratue l ,dert:lling tr u est litn seven rooms . 361 one other frame bitiltlln . t.%,useis e toroi• with.celbtr nntier it; hits eivlb - s'ed.aa I with fruit-trees.,l. 4 - - eiseci and taken in xeMit ion as the SHi tv of It. A. Cochran. j at Ln , Maloney and Emeline his Wife. for t i: . ee:V Emellue. - J. S. LITTELL, . . Sitsittres Cirri CE, • . Deaner, Feb. I E. A. Wit.sos... Beaten and they.beg leave to state 4 hat they ate. 6 ' termined to coin-into With all other detle" in the:6am or neighhOrtiood, a , . choirs" ' Pr Goals era all neW,` and bought at ti p great reduetion, - autl yelociel with tat .'r,' est eare by .14r. Harvey Brorn. mbar 100 edge irap, 1400-8. ectiniot.feriustinnef,.ht in g ° Veen with . 314. Arthur _Harvey for,i.':: . ..._ years. , , , i ,__lll6.* ''call liartiettlar attention' to '. 6. tooll:Teas - Sr. 'Coffee, as they flatter Wit' vos . ey have something extra to t l f es.., le price and quality. 1 : The .beat *ands of Polity Fleur 01;1 on Produce taken of all dares ot ,i''' tuttr!cel prices. All „goods delirertd. .' I [ 'l Wil -WS - - •i 1 .......itriarre. 50N....t),----,,,z ,& 67— 8R0 1.1 . . , ,_:,.... i • I S — g6l.'W Iv HRS: _testamentary -on 01.2.)4 L: RAit. Aitt AtAxklsosa. of "t Eor s . , Itp., , Bowyer ca. dowl.-, having Wog led to the cudersigned. ill Po''" n ! iil.l .Ldli said *state ate. reqUeged UP 7011,111. 1,...,'. i t pyntentand those hwving cialltt" ii„ . „;,. ' ' o at eyr ill present.-th e m to ;tte iu"'" . ,, ' FrOperly ,anthenlicat ed.for settlezer.t. ?, 1- I , TH OS Hitio.l:secaort Valaaki 'P. r • ir, '. %. ' .. . i MI mi,. L:e` NEW STORE I NEW rout 1 1 1- & , i Neji Ciro c wi L go N . TatESPECTPUDIT atintunte tht meront triiend.s and the public 100111. t t they intend opening 3 New thverl: 4.ll BRIDGE ST • BRIDGEWA t • c `a outing t e Dry Gaud ,Store of • on_ the stll day. of 'D. is their intention of. 113ciog .1/11 times, a full assOrtateut of _ • ISO BEST FAXELY GROG a NMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers