~~ ,th e publiskbd Evetiy Wednesdey, , 2,-pz,D4Rcruslirirt,D, ACAN/CR, PA.-0 ' ,-! o 0 p` er annum — in Advance. 1 tirosnit oont/butio In, :by 0141 prompt attentioi. Wlllb EMI Pg fti Oil) be J. ',:s DIIK,,;'-gO4; moo iN' EFAViIn .c fti4pd ~he . hest • as~ori~rntof - -r RU I DGS to*. - zp • ' * PZlR. i t 7 Ak7.;.. . • • CIE la C. El tt 1" 11 ry rant xes,.. , • i ts , 0„1 I. is =1 AND liMil TOI . L AittICI;Es, A.PS, E 5... ... • PAR'E.:I 7 I: MEDICINES .- • , t „ is-grett itrii.ity r , all of the best quality, and ~0 1 ,1 leaperthan can . bo bought at any . i . . in er I)liAg Store In the -county. ---- -7 ,:•.,..- , , p i pe ' e's FOinalo Pills 75 couts'Ver I box; ni i Chown. o's, $1: Clark's, $l. ~ ,% . , The Largest stock of Ifizmpsr' nd Eft' mp Trimmings,Eoliterns, ktationerv, Wtridow Glasst, *d Putty.. e'er e'er offa'red outside of the city. at l'iltiore's Prue St re, and sold cheaper than can be mit t li l nywhire else. Let those who doubt tali; calljand see , " and they will doubt nomote Decl .'65.,a; J. 'MOORE. • S. EWAsr. B. A. arnatia. 1 * 1 11 & 11 7 1'N'TIT:11. •-•' • ' 0 SHOES TS fRa; '' WI ON & STEWART. W(iIS•LD respectfully inform the public,' thht thCi have just received direct float th manufacturers, the largest and best KALL'AND WINTER STOCK OF • Itadiee, Cent's, Boy's and I.Mildren's BOOts and Shoes. - ERS, 61,IPPERS and OVERSHOES, . t) , ni V liten brought to this county, particularly call', attention to oar rt••,cl. t.. 1 • ,liewey kip, tap awl doable sole - steel 4er'4 , 1` Bunt. ri u (" s alt'. double; • , , &Am- safe douole upprir sewed . I, scoleb h•ittoni Bolas. : • , F•;' children's heavy !tip; tap doulde: sole copper tiped and • stn:.l heeled Boots. Fr.-nch it id and '!loroneo polish Hoot ,morels and Gaiters of the lat ee. styles. i taAri( I , fillreh's pc.rg^'l LLino's and •Balutorults. t tes:: and— teat variety of :1, ads (11 S copper tip. ,sito..a. tie will /tell tr/io/e.eate ahd ip, it not,' cheaper, than they can be in the city of Pittsburg.. . tegpactfully incite pnrcbasers to I 11 exam:al put compare onr pri -11 (Alter dealers, and ant isfy tlitrnselves 1,,,1re; ,o•tri t t.,(sa's It'orra,terf. - ‘$ 1 LSOS & ST EWART, _- in the Diamond, ROCatIsTI:R. P . A. " Lip F. EN Me t,u,iJ r C :1. 1. L•:. 14, 1 ei iiF - LGri:l4 - 4 1 0 •i ' l C A.. • r! YALTA IN 4: :5,14 7•47 I'l► swls.s wA.Tenrs, .412 1 1.4 M ONDS rtNr. JENVELY, SlLyra, SPOONS AND FORKS, I FINE i'ABLE KNIVES, Si PLATED, * TI'AR:E, CLOCKS & BRONZES, ...xEnidAlq. CLOCKS, ney, Cx ood,R, &-c., , e::le.` 4}!pt,tinn g icen to the . repair. l in W ;itches, lc( 0. FIFTIT STTIZET, • I Pittsburg 1, 'Pa iiitri T. It AlERrilz. 118 WOOD•STILT:T.IT, -kINKER & 13110 KER, DEALtr: Tx. Ati rc&Ds 07 ERNMENT SECURIT4ES, • I PEIG.II EiCIIANGr Es • S I VER & coupon. ieue.sf price. pail for COlirOtritD N(Jj'ES. raugl.66:4 4 Ilti 1 I_l A. It It A'. 1-1 9 kTTORNEY AT LAW. TDDTS and other business will:re nrcsaiA attention. Also legally a on gent for._ the collection of back s, Unlit y and all soldiers' clai ;4. District Attorney's office, ,Ciur ms. e l ave•••••„i lc• • , - p." -- -5 , jr. 'it', --, a.•. r '''` ! , 4 ).• 3:`; ,41 Fall & "Winter , t;, rip as ' ••••••••-m•-•• ; ;- ;1, : T 11.&VB. just. Ttoeired a new stook of I .° M u tS*Ch* .;+ ' • . LATEST STYLES, Fort rAg.A. & iviNTALn:: wain. Geuilemen's firniktisg Gopis . eolistantly.on „hand . • CLOTHING 1113DEITO ORDER In all - the latest styles.and at shortest notice,' WM. • , • I" • I • Stewait's Row, Brido Street, 00.10'66 . ~f3RIDpKWATETL. HAIIDIVARE H STORE! ! 0 - .. s. NEW BRIGHTON, PA., DEALER IN ARD WARE, .IRON, NAILS, GLASS, AND 'I AGRICULTURAL . • - CAR4NTERS' BL ACES. ITILS' TOOLS,.. MASONS' TOOLS, .SII.OEIfAkERS TOOLS, g r A.DDLERS' TOOLS, .• PLASTERERS' TOOLS, . • ]MINERS' TOOLS. - .4 . • SADDLERY I : IARD . - BENT . rI:.LLON'Sk SITAFTI3, LOCKS, BOLTS S.. RING /2,! PICKS.IIAT . TOcIIS & COUNTER STL 'f FORA. C,CAT,i TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY. • R(1 SE SHOES & NAILS, , TIRE k e rA RRIAGE BOLTS & NUN,— .„ CORN BHELLERS, STRAW CUTTER ' S: ALso, PAINTS, OILS, VARNIS.HILS, AND PUTTY EXCELSIOR MOWER AND'REAPER, A f tiD • NEW BRIOUTON FIRE-BRICE WORK 4: jan2,'67. APPLICATIONS FOR THE Mil =I NEW. - 13oLTNrriy . . One - H4tid'red .13011ars DUE 60LDIERS OF - 1861-82 & 63, SHOULD .BE FILED BEFORE APRIL IST, 1867. APPLY: AT 'OS TO 4rthurs Riddle, U. S. CLAIM AGENTS, 1133 3F'cruirrtia '1- .PI•14-114131311,GrEE. We . will, If desired, attend personal," in st; localities as etay.be requested for the purp aof recalling these applications. [deb Am WINTER. AND BEDISON, (Successors to C. F. Whiter,) - . , BALER* ' WATCHES,. CLOCKS, •I JJEWELRY, SILVER - AND PLATED WARES, •24DEICAL - INSTEUMINTS, NO. TIONS, &c., 4e. • -• • pe),,,Spectal attentiOn - glyeri to the repair, ins of Witches, Clocks Aid •1611010.. Eitom.,Cer.Brolaway - & Apple its, vßyr imrorirov, PA. Delergt I . [ . I ; I 4 _ ... i': ' '' s C . : " •„` ... j r ; - 7,:i, . f..':: . 7 ; 7 , ... 7..-- ... -- --- :i l.- : 1 7:11.4.0 '. .k. , :,.....,:: , „" - " ', : .-s r -, ' ,• • ' r ,'''' -'—'%.'. — l ' ' . - j , ' '-'-' '—' ''''-'''';-' . ' '' ll ' - . '. I. ' 4 •„. ',. ‘.. . . :11 , ' . ..7,,r,, ,', ' I `4Pof irts.•*- ..1.4- .„-4- . E,`,' f:-,:7 ! ;,•-•!':. '•., . '•s ---' • " 1:- • '., -'- '. •,... . •, , :.! - .:.• 's , t 11. „ -„,, ~..„,„. 1 --- '3.7.1" 7 : -; "t' '', ' - "i -`' .. t'r`` 4 r- ; , -....-?.. ' - 11 C '''' '- " , 1 , „:-:s4 •-i 1. ,.,;: , '1 - • * t i r „ - = `' . :4!•: .. l•-.> •.A .4.,. ~....,-, ;-, i1i...114.:, . 1; .,..., L, •... :... if , - , l'. 4 , 1 , .; :v , r 1,.., , ,.., . 1 ~, ~.-, ~., 1,.: , ..!1i “, • ...;• . 4 4.:7, - .. ) -.•.• A I . •1 f ° t i rS2' -•' - 4 la q.l . ::: ..i :: ~ -'-' 4` , r, '.! • - '.. ~.T.4,t .e: ~ '..- 4. ' 1 4 ' , .. : l ' cf —., - u ';• i ''..;- '.' -:' _ ... .". , . . !..,..,-, a.„ , ' ,.'z ~.i. " .!.1- . ) ..,g• _.4. I+ , t-t •,. , ?I'lrli. ''' ~„,.. ' , s.-4 1r ,--,-,-, b v......... _. „........._..., ~.„.......„.....„...5. .;,.,,,,,, , - - , "--.-.---.1., , ,,,7; "' :):7 ' . ' *-- N'''' . . l- '-' - ! :' -.1 , :1,--': ' 1 1 ,::.t . 9 - 4) -:)!"1.:,= 1" . ff -- •', l ; 1-) i-,, , ..--••.,) - : 1 4 t . , - - ~..- ~..' !-,::, .3 . :3 . ;',' .., 7 ~.:• . --- , '•'—':—. - 1 •I'' . :''' ,- VI "Tr,. 1- 1 . ". ..r. 1 1 k• -• 4 .`: - . - ‘7lO, Iso7. Es s, - ;- Ilteivir,:ers __Vi fr esallesatt3 o , 1, .., ft.___._.______ :; ___,. i. ___. ~: - L t_ _,.,,_,..,,_,...,,‘ .._ ________„,,,; H , . ' .-r•— , ' ~..k . _.• _,.,, .. . • ~.--,:., ...-,,. _., r., - ~ e b:t- MBE ;4, ?} a El ME ' .-• ' ---- t 1 AGENT FOR . /rciit Tiut :t; IT,ivi*ece 1806 7 ' AT ' F. A. „:,Fortiirte,s - R Y 0 D SHS,T 0 ft,E, =I THE I • DIAMOND. Roe . Onr tickets will aKtoniah T all who favor as„wii. I a call. • .•• :fft, • - Goods of every desctiPtion sold 'Cheaper -than ever. : i ~ • 7 • ii Brown Muslius at. I 10. Cts. Blvachdd do , . _ Good, Printgy - I Pants Stuffs, Ticking's, Checks, Ginghams, Pripts, Canton Flannels, Rud & Yellow 'Flannels, Barred & Striped ':,dO Balmoral Skirts, !loop do, ; .Blobsand . shoes; Hatstand Caps, . Trimmings, , Ribbons, Millinery Coods,i Etc., etc., etc. !.- . The. price's of- the hove Giods we Warrant . less than the 'same class col GOeds can -be- bOught for west, of the mountains.. . DreSS Goals - in endless - _ variety, French. 'Merinos ! Coburg., . Delaines, Poplins, -Plaids, - Cashmeres, ; Etc., ,ote„, etc., - Cheaper than. ever Blankets and Blankrt Sharma, • - • At great bargains. ' Rentembe! lltiplace: FORTUNE'S' MEW' stroa.v, IN THE • . I Co©e everybody, jild see for yoarselvots before purohieing. NO 78017.14 a to' SRO* Gi NOW IS Tif i imp to pit.' toori:ik:4* asei isoloisaiwor*, .11*• =IZS EMI i ~. f~ ._ ~:: ebta! 11140 , 21 ,7' 1 44i Aimpigatio3o7. COlNtookkot itotits to %list sae:Mk* Au- ,1 kiltittodXott! - I fsi.7* , • . - Until a dzpdtil.nyght A full eolipOo ; i dart- . • ',-Nystto:iouoNerreittuoit il - bs, , That I DOI Stipa' lite *lit see 1 I The world ikulti4tioir; . No Mud to' ankle, 90 4otoolookise. i . . ~, , I ' 1 • , mt. .Nnsby renders 41,0.w:twit of -Ms • Stewardaihijo—taitt,s of Jim i corner , stone oil the colloge:44 ; flotp--an ow* ? ward . denouement, • 1 1:, POST OTFIS, CONFAMUT X: ROAD S I (with W I . in the State of Kentucky ) • January 8, 1867., • ' = 1 On my return- from my trip to North liarltny ther sirtil an 1 1111 nejit mid irreprestible desire on, the part, uv the Trustees uv tbe les i titoOt , to hey a osteir.iiti from me . nv the , rifinli of the • trip. ~Ail, hed... bin - ex:. pouted horn. the venehor, and tyl OXI pectashnitS nv the Trustees war. ria.tti a pitch, ite'm wich .1 felt it 4evuz Crood to hurl; era. Therefore t i dil,ged em, until finally, bells boitexp,d, thort I wood nd; it. "- fiXiiix,„;ftepared the docky ents,l named thit - Post.(Ntis ei ,r ) the pla e, land the mcituta "tkv tb lst , instant ea-ibt: time to Make at. eichih; i_. I it, nv the - rebeets and. expandttoe uv the trip. ilneekir. rograta, Col. Mc—' Pelterr - and Elder,. Slathers wee promptly on hand, atxl +hi wax 1, withll the statemant, with 1 red to em kill followei: I l ' I I li ' 1 ' N b 'II "f Petroleum, V. as Ir. ro ems Bibliklel Politic.km,•i* impost, the Southern Clwivle via Mill Institoot Fund: '' l I - - To 'cash ti l t. -- Ka - vneirir 4t ithal;n;' ' 4. Pudgera, fir self. . ,'- " . ••, 121 To cash dv iKorneA ..,4halai•' Podgera;Air wife ' " ' • 14 To cash uy Squire Dilvte,imro• ceedertiv the- sale ay tone nigger - hoy; Jim, eoxvietad uv.atelin a red herrih,gen. erously !donated'- i To cash ut? :Major' Galbreth, 4 bein 4111 he bed left' after I- MEI I=l=l guttin pardon : train t he President through Mrs. Cobb To Cub ny John Kisickowho • ureoursges the institoot,, intendin to come bare to stunA arocery. oz 110012 ear. it gits fairly agoin ~ • TO cash - n, divers and su ndry • persons • • • By raleiode &re. the cooduo• - tore •ntistsintonsly:tefoosto to ded bed me` either in, my eleqiele,.Otiistiat or besovo 7 knt.ebe:rieter • By t4freeiviienta , By meal aAer refreebton.olll - more • refreallinents By bottle nv refrestpnents to us# on tail Byrofreettokent st station, By- Ttheidunent ,eg various - PlaPPs • - By :hard at Rslirisy4 - By roNshiAerits wiclh comes Mgt!, be* 25 - C 1.44. _‘t---1. _ Oh help Ins,' Pig* 041 WPRitigsaleaventi To use the means whit& Thist• bast- Siloutto pool to aistic gefil,sf,, ' Where orTples•leep..sjhrsirosea the Wu/ 1 ~... o f__ i Then homeward bousstitsteutssd *Mi r Where tempests roar subiliststy grad; , 1 Slloaut's Pool it must bi -SA ' I' If I should search this.** trutsaL ' 'Twu in Venn's lovelyll } Where I swrived with Tco Will's lutrutary was Where ettletlilio akn lui psi t Days, wc ks and driiiislatuatis healed, Night's sable curtsinstik-Whespread, No inornisg.dawn, so tuN!elt-Stday, ' To chase I the dismal glocustriy, `'.. f . All human efforts provs4R ma, To give relief. or easesillititki In God atone my trast,l4ll4 In dange7 great, to Bliktll fee. , • 4 -- --1 0 teach sae, Than Setst"sifm cif. light,' riany. Grand totle rilverY - i#Wi,a 4.l 4Viati4r.: 90•_06 : Ex-y(oWMitivls fur Ail( apd. sitti-'efeb F isiesbi" Ulf, and iiristr)-!'- #Y4are back. home,- wich. oost 'nor° °win to nly, !ekg4t,.% , • In s ititind *about, tiny 000 Attie: I " - 4890 . 70 - 1 Leavitt . balance in., niy „tavor $9 70 1 The brethren was somsynidl,oP" rinteit' z the • result; `acne -: = nd-- moon", ;al:anted 'that he blessed it' Si:lndio; bit I, w itherelf him ' siv,b a iriinite: 010 SW tbsvit was 'noto only rigiar,..bot tbst it bedAbit *imp • us the Yost alio on to-,:it, which, eibinced &Loa:sit I siooretlein dist iiiieds•rtronble dui not, Intend to miseounent -onto -'stittr:but thst tri 14001 wait tantil the tressusy was is: - .• --13.4 e . and Bascom, " when iben: lei - will the treasury ever be in foods, ef - liit the clipe,disimus e n osalt .tbis one?"'...• • • (• i { ~ *~F.~ t'li =~j~~ y~,~ BE = cm DEE I 'explained to the. obtoose luau that,it wiz all - rite; that 'in moat , .uv sich enterprises, the expenses eat up theeellekshuns,but that it° *tic seed sown; '"We tfiest," sex I - "raise the wind from tlie,North, and- to do it, let Ate show that suthon WIZ bin* due!' 41 W4t kin w do ?" Sed BILBCOIA,, .c; , y the corner stun nv, the 'esti .tes I. "On the square' fotniet ` he `corner stun uv the • nigger eltsireh .we bnrnt a ineath or so ago; geqtry to our hand. Let us 6'rganise t pereeaßion and do it to-day,lbit we may publish ,to . the- World that the Cemmer.eed,. that our'friends ttif glut libreller than thery. hey." • Tilt?' vcnz considered 'good and fortkusiib it wuz notig s upon - 7 The stofirA4 conveyed to the Igeld' ()eau ivhiolOPlnetitoet is to be, Wilt, and &cavity wuz hollered out into it. = " At 4-1). at. (which , is -in the .after— nopcy pereession wart formed head. ed by the Trustees, sad we . Marched out to the feeld . Into the cavity in the stun wus deposited, with prit eeremoniets, the folios% ing artieles: A copy nv the Constooshen Qv the Cooled rit 'States. try Aineri . A oopy of the. inessagaTuv Androo Johnson ve toin the Freedmen's Buro - A copy uv the 22d nv , rebrooary . trpeeeb. , Portratas Dv till, Trim Law. A copy or Ilia - Veto av i,iver Civil , Rites •• • - pair In , luitataaff_s. zoblisch glad Secretary Selrerttr - A nigger whip. • ' 85 greeskmok coritribbited for the purpose by Wee Pennibacker. A Piot bot.tle of whisky,, reeled, contribbitted by Bascom. - • Mil Then the stun was placed in posit hen:; a nigger wns tied to it and flog ged, his blood bednoslin it, and atter a few feeling , remarks by myself; in which I stateed that this wuz a grate day for the Corners, and that poster ity would bless us for the work we bed that day done, the crowd diSpersed, 1 the Trustees goin back to My offis to draw mp a statement uv the ceremo nies, and an appele to the northern Demomigy foraid. . % . 1 The iliggerwich .we whipt- at, the 'corner stun was shot in a* ,dispciot by Capt., M'Pelter, wich circumstance I greatly. antfayed Deakin Pogram; ez iit wits a nigger wich wnz formerly 1 hissetri. He, remonstrated •with the, 1 Captain ar.g'rily, and ashoored him , i that ez soon es the iSoopreme Court had declared the Amendment abolish fin slavery nneonstoOshuel,, he ahood i sue him for his value. With this tn. I fin -exeeilshun, the affair passed off les plesantly ez enocf be wished, ! I. ' remonstrate / withi' bath of em for quarell'n, on sicb an occasion, over So ,small a matter es the shootin nv a 1 nigger,, and ihey flintily settled- it, IWithe hard feeling. How sweet is peacnand :friendliness- atween man 1 and i lmae l Hcii , bleasid is the Was uv a peace maker ! The . Captain', ac- I knowledged he_ wuz wrong, and stood the,drinks for the crowd. , • That nice about 9p. 3i" 1 wuz a sitting in My ollii a marlin onto the evence uy tbe day and 10.-conderin whether' .the Dirnocrisy ' wood giie down, it okkured ,to me . that there Wins a piat.bettle hi' first class 'corn whisky, tsta,Bs in, curreney agoin, to waste in that stun. UV itary, 10'00 "What'll posteritylever khow uv ne," thot Ito myself. - ‘ , Ef‘ posterity does ever overturn the_ t stile, Won't she git jest . ezgood an idea try' who' we *az from the other rirtleles?Ef posterity ever , reads the tipeewhis ay His Eggsleney, and the messages wirier .we hey pureed ihere, isTot.t the whiskz.be inferredt . ',.Bf it _aint, poe iterity ts a coneumate. sae," and- thus t e (teti my way.; o :t itbir.. ward, detirinined to'reskco these 'two articles from oblivicin anybew.l It Win pitch darkl, brit I knew the .Crespin eautionAly,_ up to Abe stun, 1. reached out and borrorl titer wuzanother bend onto it I &liking a Mateb Anieklyi there stood rerealed nfore me doll:Irmo uv Deekin Pogrom, IliktneOrll and.Blder Slathers, t 3 'whom 'the same thct had occurred =which 'moved me. Bat my presence av mind did 'not forsake me. Striking Another motioh,T resoomad a look nv' virehu.s thdiktaelrun, wiehl.hey all stow- afore it went out; and reproaeht crater tber worldly :r4indednis. -.How 'coed. they expect the4militoot ta' prosper when those OE: tq . . xfbilio bards" its !...,tfir*stti 1:40 0 00 $3Bl 00 - Ca. 00 15 75 15 $BO ..* 60.00 (kti 00 * 4 l CO MI El , : 4 . '4 4, • i. i IF. .T-.•'; - , , '• .' , '.5,*,:. , 7 . :. :, e _Z , ' 1 , - - -; - -1.,-,;:.:1, :10 :, , , f..! , : i. , =:-.7. :!..-':J . • ? =NE 1 , -. 7 ! : r 'wui 990540 . 1 00 V 434 MeCtreSh.t;.l4!., the oz:terit uirsteelin ;the nibiniin tOetPlrateb enoictiba`- -, = , "Go: hodie?"lied- !"L.Torgivir -you thin time: 0 14 ./4 .uot exposeyno s ts-y.ic t del l erVe, I Mted Top., tu rru - Abi way you eyek the ; bottle *nit, Ike. greenback, aid - kastated • bast' 7 to protect- ere. Gor- ' • • And they went; ' * after.witicke peg over t the prise;4e. Maul, 440 1.14c4M'0 itexinitien!ti tkey all reprcched ilia With'betite stolen. the ' articles, fa privit; wick addled me'' that, nit tun hod gone ;LstuitAitur ' the Plunder aftet ..they tbot ,I'd gone, but they didn't maks' tut fuss' .V.bente it. - They are till good-inn* bnicalas! itieh iu: the depravity nv buitiati minder ibit bear watdon. • p • wilit Anxiety the 'result uT our'lltilakiAbe Northern Denwori— ay. AKE tbeY alt us as . ebainefully. es ilia t did ei th War . , is is all tip t ?, Pinion* Kam', 11t,„ (Wicti is , koetra ter,) and likewise Profeceor Ode Polituse in the - Southern - ti In. etitoot.-.-Toledb Blade. " 5 25:00 8:00 - . • .• • •- • m Taale . 801,11. a.';Ball-Koom. • • • 4 .!* A *try charming aid accomplished yourrg .lady, the ':Earliest; von 'Teschornberg,thei4itxii.of t . 6**3 Wiener Zeitung, was. supper room With her hnibeidiintentling to return home. csiiing the ball = room, where ; a brilliant waltz was being ptiyed, a 'friend asked - tier to .take single, turn.. round the room. The tomptatiOn was too great to be. resist ed, so donsigrlog her burdens 'to, her husband, she joined the dancers' and. was. whirled off -with great. rapidity by _ her . partu.. She, - . had - seaTeely, got half .soun d ` the - huge-circle When she fell frOni hill ariiii,as though struck by a thrinderhSlt,,dirad.- They raised her froni, the ground gently, and car ried her into another v r . oom.. A doken doctors were in attentlanee, and every expedient that science could su . ‘ ggest was tried to restore conseiouSness to the. fair young fOrm lying so strangely still in its '.or toilette.. All •waii . in I vain; -She was dead.; A smile ppon her lips, !leviers io lieri hair. . " • - Of the scene I cannot convey,. the idea ;- such agony as that 1 witnessed on Sunday morning in the'robirig•rpoin . . the .G-artcnbangsSe,llsifisaft is ti" . n (dreadful The ±,ecall--toe,sucred de 'scribe. The gay groups melted away ' br4athless, horror Stricken - hurry; within a few minutes the spaclona•ball • Me.'me - mbera and their guests, node., tit aiiiingut- ofli mourners • re- I mair.ed behind ,to:irtitch over that which 'Selena iheur before had *been a• happy:wile and mother: - I.; have . now witnessed throe sudden -deaths inrhall rooinsitlie flint two.Were,if . mere terrible- than . the last. In:the first rilaec,a lovely girl was'shot tho' the heart: by' tbe man elle Was.engag-• ed to; in 'the ilecond, the belle of ,the bull was burnt:to death before her gar, menu', which had etualit fire vrb she War beingt.whiskecl psat4lie -upon firesplace, could be tern off. .Bnt the tragical episodo of yesOrciays Morning •i&rendered more melancholy than ei ther by the remerribrinee _that two little children ' .the eldest :not .three• years old, are left 'motherless by .th • consequences Oil a Walti ! • The . . 1 Washington Star; relate : s following singullar coincidence : "W. Leonard tirover, formerly marager of ti rover's theatre in. this city; and' now of the Olympia theatre, New York, while looking over 'a mass of: cld pars recently came upon a letter from J. Wilkes-Booth soliciting an engage. ment; and, on opening it, was startled ; Co find slipped within it a note •fromi President Lincoln, accepting the prof 4 fersd courtesy. of alma for some e'en. Imes performance, and ;saying that, if possible, the box would be occupied by Tad antl, himself.. . ' • . . rwr Alia crpß OItCROSS, of Brnitini, 'hag retired. from-;mereantile life, after hiving been: - in °he. store . forty-one . years. The firm be Was . connected' with dates back to 1816, .and - he bet.' mike, a - member Of.the - I sanitt in 1833. I - A LADY. bound . to Dubuque. had her 'pocket picked at itocbettter, N. Y., en Satarday,of p#,ssage li4kOts, baggage cheeks and, tbirty-twoldollars in mo-, oey. A purse was mace up by rail road employees'at Buffate,and she was forwarded to her def•titiation. Tux President hue reeteved of ;Tames Lyon, of Richmond. a 6at.,e made of a piece ot the iddfrigate Constitution The inaoripuon on the h i etui of the cane is; . "Compliments to . I:Andrew 'oho son as the restorer oftholConatitu Lion." GIN.. Bums repoils a „pas& hi Which the two , murderers ofa freed inan aat on the corogr's Jury and united in the verdict that "the decent-s -ad Name to hte death front causes -un known. 1 • Cater Jusriths CHASi se bald. to be of tbe.opinion that, when two thirds of the loyal Sts!ies have ratified. the amendment it ill be e , part 'elf the COnetitation. • •• Es-Goys:two", qaassT, thedefeated candidata.fur §anator from, Kansas, baa retired from politico apd olitiens to hairs - 1444 k!...14 414.' t h i o 'F(4pl l .l l ,isltt . psry" 1 , , . ;r: i ::," -:•‘ , .'.1...x . .- - t ., srf ,';.-si ,. .' 'l , -; -t MOMMII NEB MEE ME ME 1 1 1 F MEMElaiMfffl - ',AOIICI : • Ad7eiailt.lW 'tic -prim.; - -Q-4164r- GO oats.' •{A,;_lpsna - .4009u4 :111140011e a•aaar..4.4*.biliaa. , -,1,:.;7_th. - E - .6. - -y - ', , .. ,:;.;,.. - 0 4046 4 . ._."100.,:witaiiCiiitiduioN . toOlit "",':, i t iii. i4 - atititi Wol3eia-.ol;ii'jiidilititi**liiii.f' - .- . . . • . . •„,i, '.... ! ~ . .- "•••• i -1.-...4 , . :.- 4 1 ,- ;.;;; .: ". -' , ..1..,..4 . ." 4.t.,i,"...-41. „Ckrtroafium Go! AVIA' • - I.toveraor rteturaiSattf,Qaffilli his . "fires' rierdPk-'440: o*, Oiling thze Weber, one . ibl,43.11011: 1 /0 1 ibidirrg.ej4 146 ‘0 - fdivir4sp elsioietJridgerif 7 , IA Elpring, slut on 413agoilios In individual- iankett erteoffered;at Gate. tr.TIPIPAII*4OI4-. loyfrAf the State in regard. from the' army: The loth eninlinity CI; Eliiii4y-foittri'Pedoetj vanis"Colutneass- wtoritroalittair4io prey*: that he'etee t lid .6° v I 7 , 1 - 4 11 4 unqUTAC9/0 01 ":4 4 60' 4 6 1 4 - ' - - '&11611 thia . point,' nor wits u rtbit .iti hleidid. - Mr. ' fbift efn g+ r i ehaing the Irstit , by lavriegeired to nor irokewiek W 4 and tried- tatirte Berko jurifftbr, miedenteseor, .otoefe** onlFirlday evening. iletitence: it di. ferred'until to.day,.butaarly..littAlistte urdaprnoinitig it etatotheit-ofttWeemer we.* hasiity "prepared, sigitlfd rat influential eittune, :- the liandifcif Mr.. B. -H. itataki; immediately prooeadi4 to illOriliptite • ands%.after:= laying , before tbit Governor:iibtaibeda pardon for Itif.r. Beiber,- wh:hir• • ,veyy,eheerfnlly granted brthatiav • nor, who also7reanitated Mr.,-Baaoli - tender Mi. Bieber bit, pereens4 tom i. me nte. This, ire ' • pardon ever granted .:by a Crvertrar of Pennsylvania befori sentence:. ._ when we remember the abus4B Nl* of the common .laws. - of the icon " 947 wr bjt jurymen ect hol their )iolitmak prejudices Above , the, 6114nm:trot Lice, wo.bold that,the pardotling . pp.W: of should of right be exeroisid.': rejoice to find this-unmettalialga`.4Vl- , sience that governor GearyMAO!, 1 9 0-- act promptly and” without neo n( ceremonies.,, This . doit't look much lihe Johneeniem---thauh Gael: "Health of !eff Da4" I Sallie Months ago onnof the itfficsrit lin the department commanded hy - Ilit I jor Genet - 4.IXE Sickles gave a par. ty in Chat lestou, S. C , to" jairtaia of . the ..Confederate" gentry,4f-a which one of the rebel ea - gem3rals-worPd tii the health ofJe ff Davis—;a aeltionl Pit , " , that was drunk by the host, bat're tiv led and denounced by his ibee or I Union officers, who broke up Itieww,t• - tn • ty in a row They demanded* -60 - Orts !the Charge arraigned the' heat -ti' 10 4 1 !the Charge of uondunt ttnb , egniutna 4.. offieer„saii a :gentleman , tit drinhn ; "", '' = r• - , - -- - -e---4-r--- cat-- .po l io d- ~ , eft he wat4 not guilty br - Atterren -, but when.titeir 'finding . was i iteiii to 'Gen.,Siekh:S he revokedit ‘ 'iiiiiteih; I missed the .ilfficer from the serriNifee the offense, subject to the approval or , ; the President of the United Stati34, In . this order General Sickles ittita,it. teratii.c to i his own feelings wlttt eh**. I actenstie ;vendor, The rase wits (fitly , i forwarded to Washington, and ,bernit y created a very fine fury . amo ng *Alia. military fit the who . lia Fog snob' 0, , , , .., . respect t gentleman of the rsoutly ' and such a horror of '"politics,`;' which 'is the ‘i•oril they apply to -all j learneit ',Union feeling: The President mei at camel beSet, and it required little effitirt 46, , wake his slumbering' loye tarleff l IGenirerSickles's rerbeatien was . - ii,ti-- -- ;ntilled, and the of fi cer retrtrned io- i tirt • J ' confirmed his r i ghts, ully cond that ' hi, I 1 bettor than Sickles, knew how wee" I towards the virtuous' ..heroekinf of . . the 1 rebellion. VI pon which SouthCiu"o- - i lina 'took Ohuge drink, and riteeted Andy to a hther seat t in her tcart-, to)' . , ~, -.A. Great Villain to be 'PartlOnetC , , Solomon Kohnatamm, who was Mt n • , fenced to Sing Sing for the. twin of ; ten years, for defrauding the Govern- . Inent in IsTew . York. ctiy, Is: about to I be pardoaed by Mr.: Johnson.l Her . in very rich, 'but a greater villain never visited the State prition.• Tini Tribune says: It .was: conceded by all who ~ i know the taws in the cue that f . Cohn • tetumm bad been surpassed I by . few !other ctiminals on our - rewrds ins , the 'magnitude, baseness, ur.d, boldness of ttis- offenses; and.: this opinion.: . ..lnill -,, ln n looened in by the'pablic: generally, ;Arid yet be had hardly bean: ,safely lodged in - Sing ging Prison- before influences were set to , work Ito pro 4 (dire his release. Money-WasilaviSbly expended to-this end, and graidens Lincoln and'his ' successor We're - .i 9 turn . bssought for pardon: • The tears of woman backed up_the: intportents, ties of paid Counsel and itigents, sod , iit one way or another three members M qr. the anblutit wereinduticdtoAtan, the !petition. • The Opposition of Mr. Sten, • Iton prevented. 'the eimseni9ltleo of ' the plot ; and hag kept this criminal in 1 I prison until the present , time } at*, is alleged tlit the money at,-,ble diar potial has finallyitrevallsci ovo - a 1 oiai position, 'and that the terms. ef=OD 'have been agreed upon-in deft -of the requlremanteofjfistfee sad' *tie lie morale.. It lc even ' staled tbStti within the next fortnight the Mon . 10 ' to be revered' to - hie liberty and the 'enjoyment of Ens fort - pne Ou,some pak... try ilea of threatened ineanttYl WO .' the excuse OM his Sensitive - n*lms* . as been.' as much . ptinisbed,l by. two yearsimprisonment as' noinmen 1100 . 11* J drela would. la by a inn tells' of tin yenta! We commend . I'm cailikyi $lO, attention of the Senate Tudiebitiyees., 1 mittee, and 'shall be glad if ati ttbres lose be done to pioteet_. the -' OM 'from the IneTrlai sl,use of i the r0.,- ,1,,,1,,; ESE Q i 1 , 1. 1, EH J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers